NationStates Jolt Archive

Kalam Ditila Gik: Sumerian Law of Return

Dostanuot Loj
21-11-2007, 07:42
Open Declaration of the Dictorial Republic of Sumer

With great pain recent years have seen the rise and fall, and rise again, of tyrannical foreign regimes. Nations who's sole and misguided existence seems only to wipe out those different from them, to force their ideology upon others regardless of history or culture. It is disgusting to wittiness one group after another proscribe their hate for no reason. Because of this, today, the Civil Senate has passed law for both the protection of Sumerian nationals abroad, and the Luzi Kalamak. Ethnic Sumerians living in foreign lands are also covered, to a lesser extent.

The law, Di-11921-10391, opens up a faster avenue to obtain Sumerian citizenship to foreign born Luzi Kalamak. As well it stipulates force of action to defend both Sumerian nationals abroad, and the Luzi Kalamak in a situation of ethnic or religious crisis, such as what has been recently seen elsewhere in the world. To facilitate and enforce this new law a subsection of the Territorial Guard, to be called the Office of Citizenship, is to be formed by the beginning of the next Akitu. After which all those who fit the criteria may contact the office and apply through the proper, and less restricted channels then normal immigration.

The law thus states that:
- Any Sumerian national kept against their will by a foreign nation without prior authorization from the Sumerian government, will be returned to Sumer through any means necessary.
- Any foreign person able to provide both biological and cultural proof of Sumerian ethnicity to no less then two generations prior, will have the right to apply for Sumerian citizenship through the Office of Citizenship. Criminals and those who otherwise pose a threat to the state itself may be denied such Citizenship without explanation.
- Religious Sumerians who may not be of appropriate ethnic background have the right to apply for Sumerian citizenship through the Office of Citizenship. Religious only applicants must provide documentation and pass a series of tests to prove their faith and that they have been actively practicing it for a minimum of twenty years. Applicants under the religion only clause are subject to all normal Sumerian citizenship and immigration laws, with the Office of Citizenship merely providing a quicker application process.
- Persons of both ethnic and religious Sumerian affiliation from foreign lands may, at any time, apply for Sumerian citizenship through the Office of Citizenship. To apply for citizenship proof of both ethnicity and religious cultural practice must be provided as with other applicants. Such applications must include full name and a detailed family history going back to the point at which that person's family left Sumer, or as far back as otherwise possible. Other documentations will be required on a case by case basis, with a full list available from the Office of Citizenship.

As of now this law goes into effect within the Sumerian government. While the Office of Citizenship will not be set up for several months, applicants may go through the Office of Immigration and Integration with a faster then normal route if so desired.

It is the desire of all the members of the Popular and Civil Senates, as well as the Office of the Dictator, and the Dictator herself, that no more of the faithful fall to foreign tyrants. That once again we can return to living peacefully.

- Commanding Officer of External Affairs,
Palil Panchito Dumumianacaonak Dumuaguanikeyuk Doradak Nameshda

Signed: Panchito Guanikeyu