NationStates Jolt Archive

Declaration of The Holy Empire of Nu-Raveland

20-11-2007, 22:12

General A.J Sanders of the Catholic Peoples Front(CPF) would like to declare martial rule of Nu-Raveland over. As his last act it is hereby declared A.J Sanders has given up his post of General and Chief in the CPF to take up his new position as ruler of the Holy Empire of Nu-Raveland under the title of Lord Emperor.

Under the new ruling title, the Lord Emperor has outlawed elections due to the civil violence and disobedience in the country as well as the extremist cells. He will instead apoint 16 governors for each of the 16 provinces. Under this outlaw all political parties are abolished indefinitely.

The Emperors first act is to purge the Holy Empire of all non nationals who do not offer a benefit to the Empire, as well as the eradication of all non Christian religions in the Empire.

Therefore from this day forth:

All meetings of non Christian denominations are illegal, anyone found in these meetings will be subject to punishment by the Supreme Holy Court Of The Empire.
All buildings of other religions are now properties of the Empire and will be converted for use by the Empire where they cannot be used they will be demolished and the land sold off to pure citizens
All non nationals will require biometric ID cards and a bodily tag inserted into them so that the Immigration and Purity Commission can administer its chartered duties of protecting purebloods.
Any law breaking will be dealt with in the normal courts however the non national should expect to be deported to the nearest nation that will accept them on completion of their punishment as well their processions claimed by the state.
Homosexuality has been outlawed and any will be treated as a non citizen.

Signed By On Behalf Of The Holy Empire Of Nu-Ravelands peoples.

Lord Emperor A.J Sanders.
20-11-2007, 23:24

By Decree of His Imperial Majesty, the Holy Roman Emperor Julius Nero

His Majesty declares the nation of "No-Raveland" enlightened and on his "good side". He wishes to open diplomatic relations with this nation, as he applauds the end of anarchy and the government's position on non-Christians.

His Majesty also offers this; if those small nations who persecute you because of your government stance, do not worry; His Majesty's military will protect you and rain down destruction upon them. They are hypocrites: they ask for all to be treated equally yet they treat Christians as dirt. Do not listen to them.

We shall protect you.
The Isles of Albion
20-11-2007, 23:57
From Her Divine Majesty Queen Morrigan
To Lord Emperor Sanders

We have few Christians abiding within our borders, being by most other countries definition a pagan society. Now the Christians who live within our realm are some of the most peaceloving, hard working and gentle people it has been my pleasure to rule over, at times they put my more savage and hard headed kinsmen to shame. which is why I must ask.

How do these Christians who follow the word of Jesus their Savior the Prince of Peace fit into your catholic christianity which seems to advocate fear, intolorence, hatred and oppression?

I have read the word of Jesus, he brings a message that though too pacifistic for myself is worthy of respect. I cannot however find any message of this intolorence your christianity preaches, why is it that?

I must declare I dislike your version, I find your actions deplorable and against the teachings of your Christ, therefore I must imagine you to be this figure termed Anti-Christ within your religion. I look forward to your downfall, remember dear emperor you reap what you sow.

22-11-2007, 20:03

By Decree of His Imperial Majesty, the Holy Roman Emperor Julius Nero

His Majesty declares the nation of "No-Raveland" enlightened and on his "good side". He wishes to open diplomatic relations with this nation, as he applauds the end of anarchy and the government's position on non-Christians.

His Majesty also offers this; if those small nations who persecute you because of your government stance, do not worry; His Majesty's military will protect you and rain down destruction upon them. They are hypocrites: they ask for all to be treated equally yet they treat Christians as dirt. Do not listen to them.

We shall protect you.

The Holy Empire thanks His Majesty for words and offer of protection and looks forward to working with him in the future

From Her Divine Majesty Queen Morrigan
To Lord Emperor Sanders

We have few Christians abiding within our borders, being by most other countries definition a pagan society. Now the Christians who live within our realm are some of the most peaceloving, hard working and gentle people it has been my pleasure to rule over, at times they put my more savage and hard headed kinsmen to shame. which is why I must ask.

How do these Christians who follow the word of Jesus their Savior the Prince of Peace fit into your catholic christianity which seems to advocate fear, intolorence, hatred and oppression?

I have read the word of Jesus, he brings a message that though too pacifistic for myself is worthy of respect. I cannot however find any message of this intolorence your christianity preaches, why is it that?

I must declare I dislike your version, I find your actions deplorable and against the teachings of your Christ, therefore I must imagine you to be this figure termed Anti-Christ within your religion. I look forward to your downfall, remember dear emperor you reap what you sow.


We believe the only way to have true peace in our nation is to follow the purest form of christianity as the one true religion instead of allowing other races to corupt the values of Christianity
22-11-2007, 21:54
To the Nu-Raveland Government

You may preach of the Lord and his holiness, but you will all still go to hell. Even as Jesus died upon the cross he spoke of forgiveness, thus to be a true christian you must forgiving, even to enemies.
The Isles of Albion
22-11-2007, 23:25
Dearest Emperor

I think I understand your concerns in the manner of christian teachings some of my people have received.
Those that have twisted the word of Jesus have led people astray, they must be taught the purest form of christianity?

I invite you to send missionaries to preach your christianity and bring them back onto the path of righteousness.
