CN Affairs Summit [CN Only. Check List in thread]
The Confederate Nations
By movement of the Confederate Nations, it has been resolved that a summit is to be held to decide the new directions and neccessary affairs of the Alliance.
The Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands
The United Federal Kingdom of St Samuel
The Confederacy of Zepplonicia
The Imperial Democracy of Cazelia
The Kiravian Empire
The Principality of Akronis
The Empire of The Order of America
The Principality of Fordock
The Democratic State of Naasha
The Confederacy of Shesharlie
The Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy
The United States of Zoingo
The Dictatorship of Greal
The Confederacy of Liberal Men and Women
The Dominion of Kleomenes
The Confederacy of DCalhoun
The People's Republic of Alfegos
The United States of Cookesland
[If you wish to apply for membership, you may do so here. Note that you willl undergo an examination to judge your merits for membership.]
Who would like to make an opening statement?
The Far Echo Islands
19-11-2007, 00:58
Does anyone here know the status of the relations between Cazellians and the Londiniums and the status of the Peace Confrence between the two nations and the several others that attended, including Echoese and Sumguyian represenatives?
[ooc: I forgot to subscribe to the thread and cannot find it]
It is unknown to the Kiravian Empire. Perhaps the Sumguians know?
19-11-2007, 01:07
The Secretary of State of the Confederacy of Shesharlie, Walter Thanopolus approached the podium, arranged his papers, cleared his throat and calmly began to recite his opening words:
"The Alliance of Confederate Nations,
I address to you in my opening statements the motives of Shesharlie and what we wish to see advance in this honourable alliance.
Firstly, it is an honor for Shesharlie to be allied and associated with such noble and respectful nations. We are a proud nation who is proud to claim membership of the Confederate Nations. May we prosper.
Secondly, Shesharlie is strongly in favor of the creation of specific military protocol- protocols that will extend the existing set. With an alliance who holds honor and respect at such a high level, we see it fit that protocol be set in order to maintain honor and respect in the face of the international community. We also wish to see the creation of structured guidelines of membership. In order to keep our alliance secure, we must be able to regulate membership to ensure no "bad apples" enter in and place a bad name upon the Confederate Nations.
These are just a couple brief points that I bring to the discussion table, which I will elaborate further in the future. I encourage all members of the Confederate Nations to make your voices heard and discuss matters of concern to you.
May we Prosper."
[ooc: short, and a bit corny...sorry I couldn't quite come up with a better speech. Time is against me.]
THe Kiravian delegate seconded "I second the Sheshan proposal. We have seen numerous cases where a strict criteria for membership would have been of much use."
The Zoingo delegate rose to the table "We also agree with the proposal that is at hand, the nations submited need to be checked and have a relativly good history in treating its citizens and forign countries"
Lord Sumguy
19-11-2007, 03:20
The Sumguaian delegate stood up to answer the Kiravian's question: "No agreement has yet been reached within the peace talks between Cazelia and British Londinium. We hope to remedy that unfortunate situation as soon as possible. As for the proposal of the honourable delegate of Shesharlie, we agree wholeheartedly. However, it is the opinion of the Hegemon that we should first focus on ensuring that nations already within the Confederate Nations meet such requirements."
The Greal delegate abstained the proposal. They weren't interested in deciding.
19-11-2007, 23:43
"...However, it is the opinion of the Hegemon that we should first focus on ensuring that nations already within the Confederate Nations meet such requirements."
But we have no requirements as of yet. We must draft them first. If any existing member of the CN will be removed from the alliance due to these requirements, it may seem unfair to them.
As of introducing any requirements for discussion, I make the suggestions of:
population minimum
Minimum/maximum percentage of Military spending in Budget
minimum political, economic, and social freedoms
exclusion of certain UN Categorized nations
The Sumguaian delegate stood up to answer the Kiravian's question: "No agreement has yet been reached within the peace talks between Cazelia and British Londinium. We hope to remedy that unfortunate situation as soon as possible. As for the proposal of the honourable delegate of Shesharlie, we agree wholeheartedly. However, it is the opinion of the Hegemon that we should first focus on ensuring that nations already within the Confederate Nations meet such requirements."
"Seconded. Whoever's in stays in."
population minimum
Minimum/maximum percentage of Military spending in Budget
minimum political, economic, and social freedoms
exclusion of certain UN Categorized nations
"We fully agree on the minimum freedoms requirement, and partially on the population minimum. It would be unwise to admit unproven nations that will monger war and fall back on us when they are attacked. it creates excess liability. However, the population requirement should not be higher than 300 million."
Lord Sumguy
20-11-2007, 02:28
"The Holy Empire disagees with the proposal for a maximum or minimum percentage of miltary spending, as either very high or very low percentages can be justified depending on other factors. For example, we devote 44% of our national budget to the military, yet this is neccesary to be able to even attempt to defend ourselves in wartime, as we maintain no income, export, or import taxes from which to draw funds."
The Far Echo Islands
20-11-2007, 04:48
"The Confederate States agrees to a review of the nations past diplomatic actions on the international stage and a population requirement of 250 million, however, we disagree that military budget should be of consideration in admission.
Next, yes, whoever's in stays in. These nations form the base of the Alliance.
We would also like to look into the possibility of exclusion of cirtian UN categories, but it would be better if the main focus was on past actions on the international stage."
A young Cazelian in his early twenties stood up "What if the talks fail? Would the CN defend us, or would they wet their pants and run..."
The Far Echo Islands
20-11-2007, 05:29
A young Cazelian in his early twenties stood up "What if the talks fail? Would the CN defend us, or would they wet their pants and run..."
"I suppose, the Londii have had mutiple run ins with mutiple CN nations in the past, and it is a carefully watched nation, but if you whish to talk real military strategy, I suggest we do it else where(CN forum), unless the other members would like to have it otherwise."
A young Cazelian in his early twenties stood up "What if the talks fail? Would the CN defend us, or would they wet their pants and run..."
The Zoingo delegate challenged the Cazelian delegate's question "That would depend on the motive and aggression of the opposing side. If they invade any nation in the CN, every nation is required to come to their aid. However, if one of the nations in the CN attacks another country, the motive and support of the CN nation goes into question and unto vote by the members."
21-11-2007, 00:00
As it stands with the current delegates that have spoken, I have taken the time to tabulate a tentative survey on the matters proposed.
population minimum 2 for
Minimum/maximum percentage of Military spending in Budget 2 against
minimum political, economic, and social freedoms 1 for
exclusion of certain UN Categorized nations 1 for
Might I remind the other delegates that they may propose other requirements beyond these, proposed by myself on behalf of the Sheshan Government.
To add my two cents in- I feel that it is necessary for us to consider a minimum population (or a population floor, if we may call it). As the honorable delegate from Kirav stated, it allows us to examine the applicant and their relative history. Allowing them to grow and fully develop their policy will be beneficial to the CN as it will allow us to make more accurate and clear-cut decisions. Along with the implementation of the population floor, the minimum political, economic, and social freedoms requirements will be able to be applied to the applicant nation more effectively if that nation has had time to grow and develop their policy. The utilization of the population floor will compliment the utilization of minimum political, economic, and social freedoms requirements. The utilization of excluding certain UN categorized nations would also be complimented by the population floor as they are based on the certain freedoms we will consider. I introduced the possible exclusion of certain UN Categorized nations to increase the efficiency of our admissions process, if we were to adopt minimum political, economic, and social freedoms requirements.
Thank you. So, the population floor and history/freedoms check seem to have met a degree of concensus.
Lord Sumguy
27-11-2007, 01:34
OOC: *insert witty bump-related comment here*
So what is next on the agenda?
The Far Echo Islands
27-11-2007, 02:15
"I propose a 'pathway of entry' as well for smaller nations into the CN, in which smaller nations of less than the population requirement of about 250 million can gain a loose protection of the alliance in the even of an offensive unprovoked war. We will review the causes for war and then confirm weather or not CN action is nessessary. If it is the lower member who provoked the war, then we will not be required to act and each CN nation can act on their own volition. Of course, once the nation reaches a population of 250 million they can request full membership and a board will review their actions as a lower member nation." said the Echoese rep.
"I propose a 'pathway of entry' as well for smaller nations into the CN, in which smaller nations of less than the population requirement of about 250 million can gain a loose protection of the alliance in the even of an offensive unprovoked war. We will review the causes for war and then confirm weather or not CN action is nessessary. If it is the lower member who provoked the war, then we will not be required to act and each CN nation can act on their own volition. Of course, once the nation reaches a population of 250 million they can request full membership and a board will review their actions as a lower member nation." said the Echoese rep.
The Greal delegate supports this proposal.
The Greal delegate supports this proposal.
We second that action.
27-11-2007, 02:33
Cookeslandic Delegate Angela Smalls puts on glasses and looks at a list
"Here is our stance on the following issues proposed: *ahem*
population minimum - Against, we feel this august body should be open to nations of all sizes.
Minimum/maximum percentage of Military spending in Budget - Against, we don't feel the CN has the right to collect dues directly out of our budget.
minimum political, economic, and social freedoms - For
exclusion of certain UN Categorized nations - For
30-12-2007, 19:22
"I propose a 'pathway of entry' as well for smaller nations into the CN, in which smaller nations of less than the population requirement of about 250 million can gain a loose protection of the alliance in the even of an offensive unprovoked war. We will review the causes for war and then confirm weather or not CN action is nessessary. If it is the lower member who provoked the war, then we will not be required to act and each CN nation can act on their own volition. Of course, once the nation reaches a population of 250 million they can request full membership and a board will review their actions as a lower member nation." said the Echoese rep.
so if we were to legislate this, we would admit small nations as "protected observer" nations where we would grant them our aid (when applicable) for something in return...?
Seems alright. It seems though that we could simplify the description to " < X million = Protected Observer || > X million = Full Member"
Cookeslandic Delegate Angela Smalls puts on glasses and looks at a list
"Here is our stance on the following issues proposed: *ahem*
population minimum - Against, we feel this august body should be open to nations of all sizes.
If I may explain, the utilization of a population minimum will allow us to weed out those who aren't dedicated enough to stick out the first few days/weeks/months/whatever. If we allowed a fresh 50 million-populated nation and they ended up losing interest after 100 million people, then we would be scrambling around wondering what happened and then we would have to do the whole removal process which takes up time and resources...not an efficient way to run things.
If I may explain, the utilization of a population minimum will allow us to weed out those who aren't dedicated enough to stick out the first few days/weeks/months/whatever. If we allowed a fresh 50 million-populated nation and they ended up losing interest after 100 million people, then we would be scrambling around wondering what happened and then we would have to do the whole removal process which takes up time and resources...not an efficient way to run things.
"Hear, hear." cheered the Kiravian delegate.