NationStates Jolt Archive

The Republic's "Bot Friend MK I"

19-11-2007, 00:30
Our government is currently funding and researching a robot, that is able to do everything a human can do, and one day replace jobs, and benefit busineses. The government has only become aware of this 18 hours ago, and no details may be supplied. Once this bot is completed we hope it will be able to walk talk, and have a vocabulary of over 125.000 words.

No details can be supplied at the moment.
19-11-2007, 02:36
The Terracratic Union of Faxanavia will donate 100 Billion dollars annually to this program, in exchange for full production rights and full access to this techonlogy when it becomes available. We may also be interested in sending scientists who specialize in robotics to Shiloba, if you should find it permissable.