NationStates Jolt Archive

Ten Thousand Strong(FT, Intro)

The Andermani
09-11-2007, 21:08
A shimmering portal stands alone in an open field, a gateway to somewhere. The Setians learned many things when they destroyed the human invaders, but nothing could have prepared them for this. 9 of the 11 foot tall suits of armor that had won them the war, dubbed Wyverns by their creators, now approached the gate. The first squad of Wyverns to step through the gate was an interesting mix. A massive bull form carrying the heavy particle cannon went first, its thicker armor and heavy weapons making it the natural choice for point. The second to pass through was lithe,and catlike, but in many ways unlike any cat ever seen by man, with too many limbs, and a head that was just...wrong, it was the scout, lightly armed and agile, with deadly weapons for melee and close combat near to hand. Something that might have been canine went next, the squad leader, carrying his signature shotgun, and boasting a brace of pistols as well. A porcine suit with massive tusks followed close behind, bearing a mauler, and malice aforethought. Finally, the last five passed through, a bearlike creature with something that bore a semblance to a Terran ram beside it, a hulking reptile, and a pair of what might have almost been rodents, had it not been for the wicked fangs they sported, the anthropomorphic suits traversed the wormhole one at a time, and emerged in a strange landscape.

The Ice Planet

<Do you see this barren land here laid to waste. Ravaged, scorched yet frozen...>

<Strange isn't it, the ash whips on this icy breeze, but nothing else stirs. These bones are surely charred, yet the crystals of ice I see belie the fire that must have formed them.>

<It doesn't matter. We're only here to look. This is a blasted wasteland, so there should be nothing to find. Fan out anyway, look for signs of recent life, or civilization.>

The suits move apart, leaving behind the shimmering doorway, and the shattered body of the long dead humans that once inhabited this world.

OOC: Feel free to join, perhaps as the former owner of the planet, or as holdouts, or even as explorers. I'm not picky about who I play with, as long as everyone plays nice.
The Andermani
12-11-2007, 23:36
The shattered remains of the fortress loomed before them, its once mighty walls reduced to ruin, melted straight to the ground in some places. The ground speaks of men and beasts that fought and died over this barren earth. Skeletons, both human and otherwise, litter the battlefield, while the frozen wind whips a sodden gray ash through the air, as if warning of the fate of those that once lived here.

700 years past:

The Setian scouts stand mute, in awe of what they behold, for the earth shows them what it remembers of the war. Ranks of men and tanks stand strong within the fortress, watching the approach of their foes. The first shots from their devastating artillery ring out, and the first wave of onrushing monsters is destroyed, and the second, and the third. Beasts of leather and sinew swoop from the sky, and the guns fall silent asthe men manning them are slaughtered, flesh sloughing from their bodies as the acid destroys all that they once were. For hours the battle lasts, a constant surge between the defenders and the seemingly endless hordes that seek to destroy them. The first beast is almost surprised as its body bursts into flame, and for a moment the humans rejoice at their salvation as one after another the beasts are immolated, until the beams begin to sweep over them, and they too are reduced to nothing more than charred bones on a blackened landscape. The last of them makes it nearly to the portal before the beam catches him, and his wrecked and ruined armor falls apart as his skin bubbles and melts, leaving his blackened remains to lie not a dozen meters from the point where 700 years later a race with no god will towards man will finally emerge from seclusion.

The Present

<Humans. Are they everywhere? Has their lust for power no ending, that they would war upon all things with no consideration of the harm they cause to all, including themselves...>

<Humans are less than dirt Lieutenant, they care not for each other, so why should they care what they do to those that are unlike them? They are more beasts than those which warred upon them here.>

The massive canine paused before responding, considering his words carefully. <Can we afford to think in such a manner? Truly they nearly destroyed us, but it was not so long ago in thereckoning of things that we were like them, warring one tribe upon another, and despising all who were not our blood-kin. Consider how like them you become when you pour your soul into hating them Corporal. Blackness need not spread by touch alone.>

<You were young during the time of the war, you did not see our families destroyed, our temples wracked with fire, and our streets soaked with blood. We are very much alike, us and humanity in but one regard. We fight to live, and they fight to end life. We are defenders, and nothing will change our charge from the Elder to guard the twelve tribes with our lives.>

<I escaped from Malek-namshur before the great sack. My father and brothers stayed behind to buy us a few precious moments to escape. Of the family of Aket-Ten the Healer, only I remain. One of 16 born to my father in the height of our power, and only I remain. Speak not of loss to me Corporal, for I am of Malek, and we are the fewest in number of all the tribes.>

Any ship nearby would have detected the second massive signature as the second squad emerged onto the icy plain. Any empath, force-wielder, or psychic within a hundred light years would have sensed the raw power of the man that just emerged from the portal, and of the suit in which he was now permanently confined. Wyverns, the first creation of the Metal-Empaths used to battle the human threat years ago had changed little with time, except in a very few rare instances. Those born with both halves of the gift, the empathy of life, and the empathy of metal, were rare enough, those that entered into the military were rarer still. Currently the rolls counted ten Blood Dragons in the military. Only those so deeply scarred by the human assault as to have been rendered nearly insane joined the ranks. Melding fully with their armor, none ever left it again, or died apart from it. This one was special, even for one of the revered Dragons. Chien-Lhou Anderman had fought the humans for years, now his wrecked body breathed life in to a new being, Joram, Dragon of Blood, first of the Order, Bane of Man. His appearance meant two things. The Emperor had a personal stake in this, and that things could quite possibly go incredibly wrong.

<Here me all, for I am the Dragon of Blood, first of the Order, and Chosen of the Emperor. This is our land now, held in the name of the Order and the Thirteen, this planet shall live again by the grace of God and the 12 that council, and let no man trespass upon this ground but he come in peace and return the same, for I am the Dragon of Blood, the Voice of the Emperor, and the bane of Man, come as friends or come not at all. Those with ears to hear are welcome, those with deaf hearts turn away, or be destroyed.>

The voice was like iron, and spread out across the void, reaching to anyone with a receptive mind. Anyone who came would be welcomed, wether with open arms or with gunfire, it was their choice, and not that of the Setian soldiers standing on the frozen plains.
The Fedral Union
13-11-2007, 00:29
Enter the Federation:
Just inside the system, about half an hour later. The UFS Trenton floated with its battle group towards the planet, the massive Lexington class cruiser dwarfed all but its sister ship the UFS Saint john, the two massive cruisers floated ahead of the five other ships in their group, their engines pushed out a stream of white and blue particles a short distance as they moved forward, cutting through the dark lifeless void of space like swords of massive metal.

The commander of the scout group was Commander first class Jack Kennedy. Recently promoted to task force commander , he sat on the blue lit bridge his head with neutron wiring running in to a small unit behind his head on the chair. His arms were resting on his lap as he looked at the 3D map of the entire system it was right in front of him, various blips represented federation ships, other blips other ships or unknown objects.

Kennedy looked up to his tactical officer who was ready to launch a probe towards the planet; he nodded and sent a signal from his brain instantly to the tactical officer’s networked brain as well. Suddenly a small tube at the front of the cruiser opened up and a medium sized drone was launched from it, a small stream of blue particle matter ran across space as it barreled towards the planet.
The drone maneuvered gently burst of white gaseous matter emitting from various thrusters along its metal body, its main sensory systems began making scans of the planet, as it went in to geo sync orbit the drone took holographic pictures sub space and Dimensional space scans.

It focused however intensely on a dimensional disruption on the planet, after taking Temperature readings air readings and other life important readings; it sent back streams of information including the major dimensional disruption on the planet.
The tactical officer looked over to Kennedy, the commander already got the message and jack said with a sigh putting his hand on his chin and laying back his eyes peering towards the planet.

“Prep two marine detachments on our Dolphins, have them escorted by Thunderbolt vipers, send them down to the planet to investigate what the hell is going on.”

Jack always had a knack for being a forceful explorer; this is why he was chosen to lead this taskforce to scout out new resources for the federation, ever since he was an ensign he had an exploratory spirit, though that was tempered by wars throughout his long career, he has since become more careful. He was a middle aged man with smooth brown skin blue eyes and black hair, an odd mix his parents wanted him to look unique of course for the time that was all the rage.

Launch bay several moments later, a line of black uniformed marine stood there, the marine task force commander assigned to the ship walked back and forth through his ranks, grinning ever so slightly his own body armor slightly jingling ever so slightly as he marched . He started to speak in a harsh commanding voice.

“All right people, I hope you guys took a piss in the latrine, or called you mommies, or did whatever the fuck you had to do because we are going in, we are going in to an unknown situation on to an unknown planet, you were trained for this day, let’s hope you did not forget your basic combat training, I don’t want to be burring my men six feet under. We have possible Opfor down there but until we meet them we won’t be sure, ladies make sure you have your rifles loaded. Energy sections and projectiles will go in mixed, that’s all now let’s move hoooraa!”

Marines marched column by column in to the SA-106 super dolphins, several moments passed until all the troops were aboard, the large craft gently lifted off the metal planning in the bay, their thrust nacelles streaming out white hot particles as they went off bursting through the open door, they blasted in to space with a stream of energy behind them. The craft were soon joined by SF-16 thunderbolt vipers; they escorted the dolphins towards the planet at high speed. As the group entered the atmosphere they could be seen over head, shrieking in to the planet like needles of fire As the dolphins descended the sides of the craft Read Federation Marines in bold letters.

Dolphin commander one:
"This is Delta Nonmember one we are descending in to planet request vipers cover vector one niner gamma."

Dolphin commander two:
“Roger than one eagle three relaying message to space com viper, wait a moment, we’re detecting some sort of message on the D frequencies“

Dolphin commander one:
"patch it in Eagle three we’ll relay it to ship."

The message was patched in just as the dolphins landed streams of hot white particles blue dust in to a fantastic cloud around them as they came to a stop; the message flew in Jacks ship like a blazing rocket.
Jack heard the message so did the bridge crew there was no way to respond back until the marines met up with the unknown beings. The marines disembarked, troops rallied in between the two landed dolphins, over fifty marines, in detachments of 25 each, the commander stood In the middle, he started to speak.

“All right ladies, we just got a message from an unknown force down here, I want you to lock and load people! But don’t shoot, so help me god you shoot and your still alive after the shit storm you cause I will have you eating off of a sith toilet Is that clear!”
“Hoora!!” the men replied they stood at attention rifles loaded and ready for combat, the commander grinned , he said all right men I will take company alpha, shepard”
he pointed to a young captain in the ranks of the second company, he was twenty five, fleshly promoted.
“You will take company bravo do you understand?”
Shepherd nodded, his rifle raised up he stepped out of formation ceremonially, looking at his men as he turned around.
The commander continued to speak, “right let move out! Bravo covers vector five, alpha you’re with me.”
The teams split going opposite directions, their huds displaying all sorts of information wind, direction speed of travel, base, objects in front of them , the marines were well equipped.
Adrian held his black rifle in both hands pointed down, its barrel held a grenade launcher, and a sensor just above the zoom sights. They traveled marching in tactical wedge formation forward crunching along the ground, their black uniforms rough and unrelentingly blocking light from shining off of them. For now it was a waiting game, Until they were discovered or until they discovered someone else.

( OOC: Federation marine teams usually consist of three types of personel:
Assault: usually have rail assault rifles or neutron blaster, grenade launchers attached. They also tend to have the most fragmentation grenades , and plasma bomblets they are equipped with the RA-18, Gyro jet rail assault rifle .

Support: The marine support tend to have the heaviest gun, a gauss rifle with attached stun and EMP grenade launchers, they are more accurate when in their HMG mode. Meaning extended stunts and positioning. They are equipped with the RA-100 HGRMG (Heavy gauss rifle machine gun)

Recon: the deadliest marine of all, these guys have a high powered Sniper rifle, they are sheathed from the head down, with a cloaking device , optical disruption , Sensors absorbent material from their armor.

They are equipped with the M-111 Ram rifle able to hit targets two miles away.
13-11-2007, 02:11
The disruption of the planets space-time continuum by the Setian inter-dimensional gate did not go unnoticed by the planet’s current inhabitants. After the Realm presence, which had been minimal, was annihilated by the Makermind and then the insane A.I. followed them into destruction, another forced arrived to take control of the planet…somewhat. The Xel’athi, a strong, nanonic-using warrior race of genetically engineered insects had arrived, rather quickly, and set up shop. They were there in a single dreadnaught, which had become their base of operations and their outpost. Mostly everyone who had scanned the planet had missed the ship as it had dampening fields, which made it look to be an empty ship, and with its scarred, ice-covered surface, it looked the part.

Xel’kar, the commander of the outpost on this planet gazed at the data coming in from the instruments as various forces came to arrive on the planet. The United Terran Federation, as was usual of them, came and deployed forces after the massive message of the Setians had blasted across the planet. They didn’t know it was psychic as they were immune to psionics, the Force, the Warp and other extraordinary powers. The commander leaned forward and closed his eyes, seeking the constant hivemind of his race.

”It would appear we have many visitors, with a couple looking to take this planet as their own. What will we do?”

The myriad voices that was the entirety of his race responded to him, sounding all the world like a heavenly choir.

"The Ascended Ones have known of their existence and have decreed that we merely stay out of their affairs for the moment. We will watch and wait. If they cannot find the Ascended Ones, and only find us, that is the desired goal. If they wish to contest our claim, we can easily win them over with documentation or with force. The Ascended Ones have approved both. We must be careful and watchful."

He bowed his head in assent and turned back to studying the data.
13-11-2007, 02:44
"Gods damn it!"
Kartosh cursed from the tiny engine room aboard his ship, swearing against his engines, custom officials, hyperdrives, and the Universe in general. Grease and grime coated his face as his hydrospanner sparked against the exposed coolent system, trying to mend a damaged tube. Kartosh's raven black hair fell across his face, obscuring his yellow eyes as he worked. The Star Snake was holding precious cargo, which would mean the loss of thousands of valuable credits if it was captured. Kartosh and his smuggler partner, Skyler, had desperetly outran Alversian pursuit as they burned out of the Alversian system, carrying illegal spice. The series of hyperspace jumps, randomized to confuse those who might follow, had a point. The engines, in need of a good cleaning and repair for a while now, had quit and nearly overheated, leaving them stranded above this ice world. Upon entering sublight and discovering he could not jump, Kartosh had ordered Skyler, his partner in crime, loyal friend, and lover, to activate the cloaking device. At the moment Skyler was keeping the ship in orbit herself, given that the Star Snake had an autopilot intelligence of a retarded ant. "Any luck on those engines?" called back Skyler from the cockpit. "None so far, but things are looking alright." Kartosh replied back, setting down the hydrospanner. There was a few moments of silence, then suddenly Skyler shouted. "We've got ships in-system, running scans." A few more moments of tense silence followed. "They're Federation, sending a probe. It hasn't seen us...drop ships incoming!" The first drop ship was on a direct trajectory with the Star Snake. "Activate engines, as little juice as you can, get us the hell out of the way!" yelled Kartosh, running to the cockpit. Kartosh's concerns were two-fold: Excess engine power would be detected by the ships, giving them away, and too much power could blow the engines, leaving them drifting. Skyler carefully manuvered the ship, using 7% engine power, to slowly get out of the way of the incoming Federation drop ship. The pilot would likely never know the close call, and the drop ships and escort fighters continued on their way. There was an ominous sparking sound. "Oh shit-" said Kartosh, and number two engine blew in a flash of fire and sparks and smoke. "We've lost engine two!" Shouted Skyler, struggling to keep control of the ship. There was a second thud and then a third. The Star Snake spiriled out of control down towards the icy planet.
Dynamic Revolution
13-11-2007, 02:56
Michael herd the booming voice over the wind and sound of machinery. He was 17 and of the third generation of those that remained. History class had taught them that their home was what was left of a military bunker complex, but had failed to explain why they lived in a former military installation. Pinching himself Michael ran to his sleeping father. Shoving him gently, Mike's father stirred and finally awoke.

"What is it Mike, is there something wrong with the reactor?" said Mike's father, jumping out of bed

"No, I herd something. It sounded like a voice it said something about "thirteen" and "deaf hearts" or something."

"It's obvious your bored and your mind is playing tricks on you, I mean how could you hear anything in the reactor room? Go into the VR chamber if your bored. Remember, what do we say about boredom?" chastised Mike's father

"Boredom is the enemy and leads to dead minds" repeated Mike automatically "But....well....I....I wasn't in the reactor room, I was top side, in the green house."

"WHAT!!!! Why were you there? What the hell is wrong with you? If the reactor goes down we all die. Do you understand me? I'm a nuclear engineer, your grandfather was a nuclear engineer, your a nuclear engineer. I mean God Mike! In less than a year you will take over the management of the reactor! What will happen then? Are you going to wander about? God! Just, just go check the reactor will you?"

And with that Mike left to go check on the fusion reactor that kept them alive.
The Andermani
13-11-2007, 15:42

<I see them Corporal. Let them come. I am not fool enough to argue with Joram. Are you?>

<Not in the least. He knows they're coming by now I'm sure. This will be interesting to watch...>

25 marines walked the surface of the planet. None of them saw the dragon coming. None of them saw it move. In truth, it hadn't, not really. It had always been there, motionless, hidden from sight by the very terrain upon which it stood. Now it was revealed, a 20 foot tall Dragon of dull metal, neither ash nor frost would cling to its hide, and even light seemed to avoid contact with it.

<You will stow your weapons. Comply, and then we will speak. I directed that all should come peacefully. You come with weapons to my doorstep, in defiance of my decree, lay them down, or leave as you came.>
The Fedral Union
13-11-2007, 16:53
Shepherds party was caught in the open, they stood on the frosted plain looking up at what had just appeared, dimensional interference had sensors on the fritz they could not detect what was really there it was barely advisable to push forward under such conditions.

Shepherd stepped back gently his rifle pointed down ward, the rest of the marines moved in to a tactical position stepping back slowly their rifles in hand, Adrian used one of his hands to motion for the marines to point their rifles down in a non threatening manner. He said with a loud commanding voice to his men.
“Stand down, let’s not make this any worse than it is.”

The marines complied, they lowered their weapons pointing them down towards the ground, and they looked up to the rather large metallic being.

Shepherd Look up and said in a clam cool voice, “We mean no harm, we have merely come to investigate strange signals, we have discovered on this planet, our people were scouting this system for a mining base and we came across a dimensional disruption so we came down to investigate.”

His brain sent out a communications signal to the dolphin crew and the commander who was on the other side of a ridge by now.

The dolphin crew’s chief warrant officer gritted his teeth instantly somewhat worried about what had happened out there, he rushed in back, the flight crew looking up at him as he stepped down the crowded, metal corridor of the assault ship. He started to speak in a course southern like voice.

“All right men the situation out there just got hairy, anything sort of fucking anti tank weapons won’t dent whatever the hell that is, so we’re going to do two things, prep for combat launch, and ready a drop of crossbow anti tank launchers. The crew nodded they all got up from their R&R, and ran towards the armory in back. The warrant officer went back in front taping a few of the holographic glassy buttons on the cockpits control surfaces.

Mean while the company commander was on a ridge overlooking the entire affair already receiving signals from Shepherd, the commander sighed, he knelt down, hiding somewhat behind a rock, he was several miles away, the rest of his troops formed a defensive line around covering all sections. Mean while the commander looked over to his first sergeant saying in a rough tone.

“This s bad mojo; all right I want recon to gather as much Intel as we can, I already have signals from base that the dolphins are prepping for launch and combat drops of supplies we have to prep for the worse people, so stay frosty and sit tight.

Both Shepherd and the commander were veterans of war; this was not a situation any one wants to be in. They couldn’t just shoot, they had orders by federation law that firs contact situations are not meant to be met with force unless the other unknown party is attacking. He and Shepherd had to keep their men from shooting. Solders get trigger happy when unknown and seemingly threatening things rush in to their path. This was often true for the marine core; they were trained to be the best of the best, the quickest reactionaries.

For now it was another waiting game to see what would happen, hopefully diplomacy would prevail as the situation has gotten more interesting.
The Andermani
13-11-2007, 17:38
<This is Setian ground. Your mining base is not welcome here. I would suggest you look elsewhere for a place to build. I would also suggest that the remainder of your forces stand down. My men are keeping a very close eye on them, and I do not appreciate the number of weapons you bring with you, not at all. How do you justify coming armed to our world?>

9 more armored forms, similar to those first passing through the portal now seemed to appear through the blowing ash behind the remaining 25 troopers of the Federation Marines.

<Gentlemen, I am T'kan Deiter, think of me as equivalent to what you humans call a lieutenant. On behalf of my master Joram, I would ask that you lay down your weapons and proceed into the open. He would like to speak with your high-master, your "captain.">

It was impossible to tell from where the voice originated, but the obvious weaponry and sudden appearance of the 9 Wyverns should be enough to convince the humans to comply.
13-11-2007, 17:59
The Star Snake shot though the frigid air, a smoking streak though the atmosphere. It crashed roughly 1/2 of a mile away from where the Federation Marines and Setians were. On aboard Kartosh and Skyler were jostled by the impact, but not thrown as they had been wise enough to strap themselves in before impact. Now the kitsune stood inside their crippled craft, listening to the wind howl outside. "Get snowsuits, we're heading out." said Kartosh as Skyler rummaged though the disorganized eqipment compartment. "All right, I've got two blaster rifles back here too." Her short, tomboyish blue hair was grimy and slightly singed from the crash. She struggled into a suit and began gathering weapons and supplies as Kartosh read over the damage indicators. "Engines 1, 2, and 4 are down. Life support and weapons are still active, but communications, cloaking, shields, and scanners are all damaged or offline. Sensors still work though, so if anyone's coming we'll hear them."
The Andermani
13-11-2007, 18:25
<Yet more... First Squad, look into it.>

<Yes lord, we are en route.>

The 9 Wyverns of first squad moved out from their locations, converging on the crash site of the damaged ship.
Free United States
13-11-2007, 19:01
Outside the orbit of the frozen planet, space began to morph. Incandescent motes of non-space flashed and died. Flares of energy lit up the imolated space around them before fading out into darkness. There was a bright flash, and a long, stremlined form emerged. The FSS Volsungasaga stood in mute testimony, its engines glowing blue-white as they sprang to life. As one of four capital ships for the Commonwealth Spacy, the 3000 ft. long dreadnought crept its way towards the planet.

Commanding the vessel was Captain Yvgenni Groetz. A veteran of the Maritime Forces, he had transferred to the Spacy when he was offered command of one of its first ships, the ill-fated Gudrun. The Volsungasaga was his next command, and he stood at the bridge in stoic placidity. Radar and sensor images already showed the other ships around the planet, and he ordered the helm to bring them on the far side of the planet, out of the flotilla's line of sight.

The orders of the ship were simple, to explore nearby systems for signs of life. After several regional wars, the Commonwealth of Free United States was eager to use their weapons of war for peaceful means. The FTL spacefold furnaces of the Spacy ships made them ideal for exploring faraway systems, even if special relativity still applied. Those that had signed on into the Spacy knew the risks, but were committed to serving their country.

Inside Hangar Bay 4, one of eight located along the side of the ship, an intelligence-gathering mission was already underway. Four SF-01 Sleipnir fighters were being prepared for launch, their inswept wings folding forward into place. Alongside the fighters, an E-7 Dark Eye electronic warfare craft was being similarly readied. The Fighter's were locked into the catapult tunnels and launched into space, followed les than a minute later by the lumbering Dark Eye.

Their mission called for radio silence, so once they had entered light from the ice planet's star, Ensign Sergei 'iPod' Rothchild signaled to his flight lead, Lt. (jg) Marcus 'McFly' Arelle. His handsignals basically asked, "What'd you think?" To which Arelle answered, "Meh, its not boring." Rolling his eyes, iPod checked his instruments as the flight began its sweep.
The Fedral Union
13-11-2007, 21:41
The commander looked up to the mecha/ power armor and gritted his teeth he looked to his men who were also looking up, he wouldn’t go down without first knowing why and what was going on.

He said in a commanding voice “stand down marines” the marines pointed their rifles in a similar fashion to shepherds marines. He looked up raised an eyebrow and said with a forced diplomatic tone.

“What is the meaning of this? We have don’t nothing to you, if you wish us to leave we will, our government is not In the business of taking what is rightfully others.”
The commander awaited a response; he stood back on the rock he was leaning on before this time in the opposite direction.
Sheppard sighed a bit saying as he stood looking at the dragon, his eyes looking at the HUD in his helmet, which scanned continuously for weak points.
He responded to the questioning.

“We come armed because in this universe you have beings bent on chaos, destruction, genocide and evil, it would be fool hearty not to go on to an unknown planet with unknown beings without weapons. And we will leave but first you must contact my commander.”

Sheppard just stood there, his breathing slow and clam, nothing at this point scared him or his men, since they were downloaded with experiences of older generations, generations from the chronosian, federal cold war, they saw chaos marines brim stone fire death a thousand times, and they did not fear it.

Sheppard himself was in a fight with the chronosians once in his early life, in a few bodies before the one he had now, he was resilient and standing like a stone sentry.
The Andermani
13-11-2007, 22:07
<I already have. 9 of my Wyverns are watching your other detatchment as we speak. There was no need to come armed to this lifeless planet. Can your sensors not tell you that this planet is lifeless? Did you or your commanders not hear my words? You come before me armed for war, and here I stand before you, do you see my weapons, beyond those of my form? Where are my rifles and grenades to kill and maim? You cannot justify those weapons beyond your own fear of the unknown.>

Back with the commander of the Marine Detatchment, the 9 Wyverns address him again.

<You come unanounced and uninvited to our world, bearing weapons of death and war. We have done nothing to you, and yet, here you come upon us armed for war. This is our land, and we would much appreciate your leaving. This is not your place human. It is ours, and so shall it remain.>

OOC: This is getting a tad out of hand. Anyone else wanting to join will have to ask first.
13-11-2007, 22:08
There was a strange vibration came an area of nearby space as three Alversian Dreadnoughts decloaked and moved slowly towards the planet. The ships were all C-1 Class Dreadnoughts, the most advanced Alversia fielded and packed with powerful weaponry. Right now the APS Carrick, APS Crossfire and APS Catamaran were tracking a very valuable nicked cargo across the universe.

The Alversian ships stopped just short of the planet, not wishing to get involved in any action nearby. Aboard the Crossfire, Captain Cavourna stood on the tactical gangway while the rest of the bridge crew scuttled about, completing various tasks needed on a full warship


Cavourna glanced over the railing and saw an Ensign standing near one of the consoles

"What is it, Ensign?"

"We've traced the vessel's signature to this planet so they must have landed here somewhere on that planet"

"Start a scan and begin looking for the cargo. I'll lead a Marine team down when you have located them"

"Very good sir" she walked off to complete the various instructions given to her.

Meanwhile a message was sent to the Federation ships

TO: All Federation Vessels

We are here trying to find a rogue smuggler's vessel that ambushed one
of our convoys and stole some valuable cargo. We shall remain in the area
until we can track them down

Captain Robert Cavourna
APS Crossfire
13-11-2007, 22:23
<I already have. 9 of my Wyverns are watching your other detatchment as we speak. There was no need to come armed to this lifeless planet. Can your sensors not tell you that this planet is lifeless? Did you or your commanders not hear my words? You come before me armed for war, and here I stand before you, do you see my weapons, beyond those of my form? Where are my rifles and grenades to kill and maim? You cannot justify those weapons beyond your own fear of the unknown.>

OOC: Is this addressed to me?
The Andermani
13-11-2007, 22:23
OOC: Is this addressed to me?

OOC: No, that would be addressed at Shephard, TFUs guy. I have no space ability ATM. And you posted after I did.
13-11-2007, 22:27
OOC: No, that would be addressed at Shephard, TFUs guy. I have no space ability ATM. And you posted after I did.

OOC: My bad, sorry
14-11-2007, 01:11
<Yet more... First Squad, look into it.>

<Yes lord, we are en route.>

The 9 Wyverns of first squad moved out from their locations, converging on the crash site of the damaged ship.
Kartosh raised his eyebrows. "We've got trouble. I count 9 signitures, moving in on the ship." "Shall I activate weapons?" "No, let's try diplomacy for once."
A small megaphone popped out of the top of the ship and shouted over the wind:
Approaching signitures, we know you are there. Please identify, we don't want a fight.
14-11-2007, 01:29
"Sir! We have them!" an Ensign cried from beside Cavourna


The Ensign pointed on the screen.

"Keep the beam focused on them, Marines with me to the shuttle bay!" Cavourna shouted as he left the bridge with his first Officer, Ashe.

They were going to get that cargo back
Hyperspatial Travel
14-11-2007, 09:45
"Faster-than-light, el Capitano. One, two, three. Count 'em. Differing methods, all."


"So? We've got multiple FTL readings with differing methods. That means we've either got some sort of meeting here, or, more likely, there's something here someone wants. That, or there's been a diplomatic message sent out, and the Realm hasn't got onto it yet."

The captain raised an eyebrow. "We are, lieutenant, assigned to the patrolling of Route One-One-Nine Delta. In sixteen hours, a freighter carrying a valuable shipment of fusionable helium will be coming through to resupply the scout base we are assigned to."

Jennings swore under his breath. For a moment, he looked defeated. But then he smiled, quickly accessing information from the ship's 'nets with his mind.

"Captain, this is a Realm system?"


Captain Ino interfaced with the ship briefly. "Lieutenant, the Realm has thirty-two systems it lays claim to, one of which is inhabited. The others form a sphere around Hypatia in order to ensure us early warning, and to ensure no other nation can settle too near our territory."

"Yes, I know, Capitan. But this is an old Realm world."

"How old?"

"Chronosia-war era old."

An eyebrow was raised. That would place it over a millenium back, in far more ancient times than now, where the Realm had fought for possession of many worlds with Chronosia - and lost. It was an era most did not remember.

"Interesting, Jennings. Nevertheless, just because it was lost either in the Chronosian war, or the War itself, does not mean we need to investigate it. Files indicate we only claimed it marginally - we had a asteroid base here, as well as a small detachment of corvettes."

"Still. It's our system, isn't it?"

Ino barked out a laugh.

"Lieutenant, since the cessation of the first Realm, we didn't lay claim to a lot of border worlds. And since the Maker-Mind annihilated damn near every one of us, we haven't bothered trying to reclaim what was marginally ours a millenium ago. It's a doubtful claim at best, and no-one would respect it."

Jennings sighed. "I suppose you're right. Should I have relayed all that to command?"

Ino laughed. "It doesn't matter, one way or-"

Gentlemen. I am AI Officer "Duke of Wellington". We have a request for you. It was believed an Old Realm probe was left in the system you are both speaking of. If you could be so kind as to recover it for us? We will dispatch frigates to cover your route. Officer out.

Jennings grinned. "Looks as if we get to investigate, don't we?"

Ino sighed. "Take us out, lieutenant."

The cruiser RWS Kingmaker drifted away from its specified route, and disappeared, soon reappearing insystem, near the multitude of other forces.

"Allright. Ping the probe, find out where it is, and, if it's there, take it. And leave. If we can detect three signals from a system we have minor intelligence in, logic tells us there's going to be one hell of a build up of forces in this system once everyone decides they want to know what's going on."
The Fedral Union
14-11-2007, 17:08
A small sigh came out of Sheppard’s mouth He looked up to the being again, and said in a clam voice.

“Right regardless we’re here now offering to leave and we haven’t shot when we could have, what does that say?”

Diplomatic situations were tough marines were no diplomats, especially in situations like this. These beings were either bent on killing him and his men or had been out of circulation for a long time, whatever the case Sheppard thought in his mind that they should get out of this place ASAP and send down a diplomat.

Sheppard Started to speak with the commander via neural link and from there they started uploading all the information they could to the probe in orbit.

~They seem to want to let us go, I think we should take it~

The commander replied back in a message ~agreed no need unnecessary violence here, especially when we are out manned and have no anti tank weapons~

On the Bridge of the Trenton things were getting hectic, jack looked at the screen and the information sent up by the marines, he slammed his hands on the armrest of the chair.

He looked over to the tactical officer and said in a harsh commanding voice.
“If our boys don’t get out alive I want you to launch an assault, or if they are capture I want you to authorize tact teams to the surface.”

The tactical officer nodded as he worked his hands gently gliding over the glassy holographic panel in front of him. Mean while as the messages came flooding in from several new contacts on sensors jack stood up activating the communications array remotely from his neuron connection to his chair.

He started to speak first to the Alversiain ships.

“This is commander jack Kennedy of the UTS Trenton proceed at your own risk we have unknown forces on surface.”

The next message he said was to the HT ships that arrived, it contained all the information about what was going on planet side, with an accompanying message.

“Greetings allies as you know from the content of what we just sent you the situation down there is rough, either these beings are bent on conflict or this is some strange game. Regardless proceed with caution”
14-11-2007, 19:49
"Hmm, sounds like something is happening on the surface" Cavourna stated

"Indeed, sir"

"Maintain position and sensor lock. They can't go anywhere and that cargo is worth the weight"

The Dreadnoughts started to cloak again, hiding them from any scanner screen unless they moved at FTL, and they weren't going anywhere.
The Andermani
14-11-2007, 21:49
Kartosh raised his eyebrows. "We've got trouble. I count 9 signitures, moving in on the ship." "Shall I activate weapons?" "No, let's try diplomacy for once."
A small megaphone popped out of the top of the ship and shouted over the wind:
Approaching signitures, we know you are there. Please identify, we don't want a fight.

<We do not desire conflict. We are Setians, and this world is ours. You require assistance?>
The Andermani
14-11-2007, 22:09
A small sigh came out of Sheppard’s mouth He looked up to the being again, and said in a clam voice.

“Right regardless we’re here now offering to leave and we haven’t shot when we could have, what does that say?”

Diplomatic situations were tough marines were no diplomats, especially in situations like this. These beings were either bent on killing him and his men or had been out of circulation for a long time, whatever the case Sheppard thought in his mind that they should get out of this place ASAP and send down a diplomat.

Sheppard Started to speak with the commander via neural link and from there they started uploading all the information they could to the probe in orbit.

~They seem to want to let us go, I think we should take it~

The commander replied back in a message ~agreed no need unnecessary violence here, especially when we are out manned and have no anti tank weapons~

On the Bridge of the Trenton things were getting hectic, jack looked at the screen and the information sent up by the marines, he slammed his hands on the armrest of the chair.

He looked over to the tactical officer and said in a harsh commanding voice.
“If our boys don’t get out alive I want you to launch an assault, or if they are capture I want you to authorize tact teams to the surface.”

The tactical officer nodded as he worked his hands gently gliding over the glassy holographic panel in front of him. Mean while as the messages came flooding in from several new contacts on sensors jack stood up activating the communications array remotely from his neuron connection to his chair.

He started to speak first to the Alversiain ships.

“This is commander jack Kennedy of the UTS Trenton proceed at your own risk we have unknown forces on surface.”

The next message he said was to the HT ships that arrived, it contained all the information about what was going on planet side, with an accompanying message.

“Greetings allies as you know from the content of what we just sent you the situation down there is rough, either these beings are bent on conflict or this is some strange game. Regardless proceed with caution”

<That you do not believe you have sufficient force to defeat me and my Wyverns, and that you prefer to retreat tactfully rather than engage in what you see as a hopeless battle. We have already demonstrated our superior stealth. You cannot be certain of our numbers either. In all respects it is a well considered position, especially since I believe you are considering sending an unarmed party to take your place. All in all I believe I have made a thorough assessment of the tactical situation. You are free to go, and I welcome an unarmed representative of your people.>

The 9 Wyverns surround the commanders complement disappeared back into the swirling ash, and the dull dragon that had halted Sheppard's column faded back into the background, leaving the Marines free to pass.
15-11-2007, 00:17
<We do not desire conflict. We are Setians, and this world is ours. You require assistance?>
"Please. Our ship's engines have failed, along with most of our systems. Any help you can provide would be most welcome. We are willing to pay."
Kartosh stood at the hatch, staring out into the icy, snowy landscape, but even his nocturnal eyes could not penetrate the howling snow which obscured his vision. He glanced back at the barrels of spice, tightly secured with plasma cord to the deck. Spice was in there, sure, but it hid something else. Something infinitly more valuable...
15-11-2007, 00:32
"Right, teleport six to the surface, I've run out of patience" Cavourna snapped, giving up, "Ashe with me, you four as well, get stocked up we're planet-bound"

There was a beam of light as the six disappeared and reappeared on the surface of the planet, despite the blizzard, they were safe in their combat armour and their sensors still worked so they could track the ship down.

Annoyed, the little group set off in search of the Xiscapian transport
Ruthless Slaughter
15-11-2007, 01:20
There was a bright flash as the Dominion Light Frigate Absolution ( shot in system from transwarp. She was burning in space, angry green flames of plasma lapped out from dozens of major hull breaches. On the bridge everyone was either dead or dying save three: the helmsman, tactical officer, and first officer.

Sparks shot from consoles, most of which were offline. That transwarp jump had all but finished off the core. The only sounds came from shorting systems and the moans of the wounded. The ship's Emergency Medical Hologram was moving from crewman to crewman, sedating them and doing his best to calm them. For most, their injuries were too severe for even a fully functioning sickbay; there was nothing he could do.

Grimacing in pain as he shifted in the command chair, the first officer spoke up, "Open a channel. To any vessel that can hear me: This is Commander Ackerson of the Dominion Explorer Vessel Absolution. We're badly damaged and require assistance. Enemy vessels are pursuing us. Someone, please render assistance, we are dead in space!"

Three frigate-sized vessels came out of warp and moved toward the vessel, opening fire with disruptor cannons. Using what little power it had left, she returned fire with one of the focused plasma emitters. The enemy vessel, its shields already weakened from previous combat, exploded in a rainbow of debris. The other maintained pursuit as Absolution drifted toward the planet.

Ackerson checked his instruments-the viewscreen was destroyed- and looked at the helmsman, "Reverse course. Now!"

"Sorry sir, there's nothing I can do. All propulsion's dead," the resignation in his voice pervaded the bridge.

The Commander pushed a button and a ship's whistle sounded, "To all hands, this Commander Ackerson. Brace for impact. I repeat, brace for impact, we are falling into a planet's atmosphere. Evacuate all outer decks and prepare for explosive decompressions."

He reopened the com channel, "This is the DEV Absolution to all nearby vessels. Mayday, I repeat mayday! We are going down!"

The ship shook violently as it hit the atmosphere with massive force and Ackerson was thrown from his seat. The outer hull erupted in orange flame, adding to the green of the plasma. Chunks of metal were sheared off and went whipping out behind it as the main plasma cannons overheated and exploded in four massive fireballs. The ship was jarred from side to side. As decks were compromised, the atmosphere inside burst into flame, melting bulkheads and exposing parts of the vessel’s superstructure.

On the planet, the fireball lit up the surface like a second sun and the explosions could be heard for miles. The two remaining vessels broke off and fled. Through the fire, the Gold Eagle emblazoned on the hull was still visible as Dominion service men and women plummeted from the sky.

Absolution landed in the snow with a loud WHAM, sending snow and rock hundreds of feet into the air. The forward sections disintegrated and bits of charred metal were strewn across the landscape.

Aboard the bridge, Ackerson was nursing a large head wound. The EMH ran over, but he waved it off. He checked the pulse of the helmsman. Dead. The Tactical Officer was in serious condition. The intercom system was still working as was the structural monitoring system. He instructed all crewmen who were capable to head to the armory on deck six.

He looked out of one of the gaping holes in the bridge at the frozen wasteland beyond, “Where the hell are we?”
Free United States
15-11-2007, 01:43
"Well, if this isn't the cluster-flop of all time," Captain Groetz muttered.
The recon force had returned almost an hour ago, and ever since, he'd been pouring over the data they'd retrieved. At his side, the XO of the Volsungasaga, CDR. Richard Modreux, stood with his arms folded, scanning the overhead projec-beam image. Tossing report on the large table in the center of the CIC, the captain let out a final sigh.
"It'd be just plain stupid to get involved," Groetz said, adding as an afterthought, "Although we do have a chance to make diplomatic contact with several new races."
"Sir," the XO said, breaking his usual silence, "It's a frozen ball orbiting an insignificant star," Richard explained. "So far, scans have yet to show anything resembling a resource. I don't see any more reason to stay here."
Before the Captain could respond, a runner entered the room and handed him a display pad. Before the runner had even left, a wry smile crossed Groetz's face.
"What is it?" asked Modreux.
"I think divine fate has spoken to us,” the Captain answered, passing the report to him.
“This much?” the XO exclaimed, incredulous. There is over 50 km^3 in the northern hemisphere alone.”
“Chief of the Watch!” Groetz commanded. “Set Condition Two stations, and bring us into a higher broadcast orbit.”
Meridian City, Commonwealth of Free United States
Though separated by time and space, the image of Captain Groetz was clear to the three members of the Politburo who spoke with them. They were the head of the Main Defense Directorate, and were joined by the Joint Chiefs, the Spacy Commandant, and the Premier, Steven Vincent Galindo III.
“It’s clear that there are literally tons of the mineral on the surface,” the Captain concluded.
“This amount would make us capable of more ships than we thought possible,” one Politburo member mused.
“Over thirty Odin-class ships, like the Volsungasaga,” Admiral Halerton, Spacy Commandant answered.
“Still, if we rush into this, it would be very detrimental to our diplomatic efforts,” another Politburo concluded.
“If we do this right, we can gain a great deal, not just the resources of the mineral,” the Premier said. He’d been the most silent of them all, and all turned to him now. “I think we should grant the Captain broad diplomatic powers, in order to strike an accord with these Wyverns. Perhaps we have a resource they desperately need.”
“And if not?”
“Then we will have failed in what is surely our greatest exploratory venture to date.”
FSS Volsungasaga
There was still a slight delay, and the Captain stood stoic as he waited for the vote to be concluded. Finally given the go-ahead, the image blinked away. He walked over to the communication station and relieved the young tech at the console. Now came the real test.
"Attention Wyvern commander, as a commanding officer of the Commonwealth Spacy Expeditionary Force, I desire an audience to discuss matters of diplomacy with you, or whomever you select as your representative. I am willing to be transported to the surface in an unarmed craft, as well as leaving any form of armed escort behind. We await a favorable response."

Shutting down the system, the Captain moved and let the tech return to her seat. He took another look at her and realized she couldn't be much older than his own daughter, who was sixteen. It always amazed him, the resilience and dedication of his country's youth. With a final word of encouragement, he left her to tend her duties.

"Sir, there's something else," the XO said as he returned to the threat board. "This ship, here," he pointed. A holographic model showed a ship nosing nto the atmosphere. Captain Groetz was sure it would break apart, but she held tough. It impacted hard on the surface, and he thought it was over for the crew.
"Sir, we're still recieving the mayday," the communications officer announced. Her hands flashed about the console, bringing up frequency data and other pertinent information.
"Captain, they did ask for assistance," Modreux said.
"Request the rest of the SEF to join us. Get the CAG in here and inform her. We're going to need every CSAR ship and medic available on the double."

Factbook: The SEF is composed of the Volsungasaga's task force, still in orbit of Earth. The task force includes the cruisers Mimir and Griemhild, as well as the destroyers Hermod and Hela. Also, the mineral in question is how CFUS FTL works. I can go techy on it, but basically, w/o it, we can't build more Spacy ships.
15-11-2007, 01:51
The Xe'athi commander started when the Dominion ship appeared above the planet and began shrieking warnings. He hesitated, wanting to keep himself hidden, but then something occurred that changed all that. Almost as soon as the transmission from the Dominion Light Frigate was received by the Xel'athi on the planet, they detected three inbound ships, which arrived seconds after their detection. The commander of the outpost frantically sent messages out to the Ascended Ones; they were very easy to scare when hostile ships came by and opened fire, even if they weren't aimed at them. However, he soon felt a massive presence and power which calmed him, along with the words.

"It shall be taken care of."

A minute later, near the two remaining hostile ships, two ships ( shimmered into reality, light glinting off their silvery hulls. Almost immediately, they opened fire, an unrelenting storm of energy hammering the weakened ships, with beams slicing across the shields and hulls of the ships, while pulses of the same energy slammed into the ships with immense force. The invaders would soon realize that the energy hammering them came from the sixth dimension, the dimension of the natural energy barrier where all matter that entered it was destroyed, so the beams instantly sliced through matter, annihilating it as they went, while the large pulses would carve great holes and pieces out of the enemy ships. The fire would continue until their ships were vaporized.

The Ascended Ones liked peace on the planets they inhabited and they took steps to ensure it. Once the ships were destroyed, the two ships could be seen swirling into invisibility, and only space remained. Such was the justice of the Ascended. Any sensors trying to scan for the ships would come up with nothing; the Ascended Ones liked their privacy as well.

OOC: I don't mean to godmod here, but you made it clear those ships were weakened, and I am going for the surprise factor and their weapons are rather strong, being what they are. If I did something wrong, let me know.
Ruthless Slaughter
15-11-2007, 02:30
OOC: They've become irrelevant anyway. It's all good as long the 'owner' RP's what happens to them.

The fleeing warships disappeared in a brilliant flash of light, a small debris field emerging where they once were.

Planetside, the remaining crew convened in the armory; it was a cluster of shredded black uniforms, scorched Dominion Defense Force armor, and frantic medical personnel. All in all Ackerson thought they looked like shit. But at least people were still alive. Out of the one hundred fifty crewmen, thirty were intact and ten were in makeshift biobeds scattered throughout the ship. The rest were either dead or missing, presumably blown out when parts of the hull decompressed or burned in the atmosphere.

Ackerson took a deep breath and spoke to what was left of his crew, “Ladies and gentlemen, we made it. Our distress beacon is intact and transmitting and the old girl’s still livable. However, sensors are dead and we have no idea of what’s out there, hence this location for the meeting. Sorry to break it to you, but your standard issue sidearms may not be enough. I want everyone armored and armed to the best of our capabilities and guard shifts set up at all possible entryways. The armor will double as protection from hostiles as well as the environment,” he gave a half-smile, “In case you haven’t noticed, it’s cold out.”

This brought a weak chuckle from the crew. Everyone set about helping each other into DDF armor ( and distributing pulse rifles. Rank and position were denoted either by rank pips for naval personnel, chevrons for DDF troopers, or crosses for medical personnel cut into the armors’ chest plates. Guards were posted and repairs of the structural integrity field and external sensors commenced. Teams were dispatched to gather debris outside and start patching holes in the hull. The ship may not fly again, but it still had crew it needed to house safely.
15-11-2007, 02:49
OOC: Want me to rescue them?
Ruthless Slaughter
15-11-2007, 02:53
OOC: They're going to be my presence on the planet, but you can send guys to make sure they're alright. They'll accept assistance, but won't 'leave the ship open to scavengers'.

If and when my navy comes to get them, they take everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) that was part of the ship for salvage. My people are kind of xenophobic when it comes to technology.
15-11-2007, 03:17
OOC: I can imagine. Well, if they can't secret them away and prevent them from telling their hidden secret, then they would remain watching. Ah well.
Hyperspatial Travel
15-11-2007, 07:47
"Ping it."

"Nothing, sir. Not a damn thing."


A klaxon sounded in their minds. Though speaking was therapeutic, and the humans of the Realm, though vastly different from normal humans, still craved social contact, thoughtspeech was superior when conveying information. Thousands of concepts, mathematical figures, and, more importantly, senses were squirted into their minds.

Lieutenant Jennings swore. "What the fraggin' hell.."

Ino looked up, unable to speak, busily interfacing with the ship.

"Dimensional technology, sir. I'm sending netsquirts back to Hypatia. They'll have this analysed asap."


Jennings waited for a few seconds. "Definitely dimensional technology, sir. Not dissimiliar to some Balroggan things we've seen before."

"Can we follow them?"

Ino knew the question to be redundant, and laughed at his own foolishness.

"I apologize, Lieutenant. The Kingmaker is not equipped for such a journey. Nevertheless, refer this back to Hypatia. Any unknown incidences of dimensional technology could be a potential Enemy sighting. Given the nature of the attack, it seems overly likely. Encrypt it, and tag it Enemy Priority."

There were, in fact, only two people aboard the cruiser. The majority of the functions were automated, and, as the Kingmaker was a ship designed to operate mostly autonomously, as a patrol unit, Ino and Jennings were aboard primarily to make important decisions, not as combat or navigational crew.

"D-wall capacity is at eighty percent and rising. All weapons are armed and hot, and our sensors are running at full capacity. We're going to relay everything we've just seen to the UTS Trenton. The UTF is an ally, and command would want us to do so in this situation."

The message sent, of course, was on a channel few could intercept, and only the Trenton would have the capacity to decrypt.

This is Captain Eliaz Ino, commander of the RWS Kingmaker. We have just witnessed a rather brutal and short combat. We are not sure of the cause, and are, as such, embarking on a recon and salvage mission to discover what we can. We've detected many other ships in-region, though, at present, we have no hostiles. As such, we're requesting support from the Trenton if things get sticky. At present, I think we'll send a unit down to the planet to recover the ship there, and, of course, salvage anything we can of the destroyed ships. I'm not sure what's happening here, but it's too close to Realm territory for us to comfortably ignore it. Captain Ino out.

The Kingmaker jumped again, a risk - for others would be able to identify their faster-than-light technology, but a necessity to make it into orbit in a timeframe that was measured in seconds rather than hours.

Now in orbit, with engines working furiously to adjust the ship so that it would have to expend no more fuel to stay there, two probes were sent out. One to the destroyed ships, and another to the surface, where the ship had been detected landing.

Attention all craft. This is the RWS Kingmaker, a Realm craft. We are here under a Realm mandate, and seek no conflict with any of you. Be advised that if we are fired on, we are authorized to respond with deadly force.
Free United States
15-11-2007, 09:20
Hangar Bay 1, FSS Volsungasaga
"All right, ladies," Captain Marta 'Gigs' Gregov said, smirking at the irony, "Here's the Sit-Rep. We're responding to the distress call of an unidentified ship that crashed onto the planets' surface. All Vogels will be loaded out for casualties, and we'll have a minimum airwing to provide CAP. All pilots not in CAP will be assigned to medical units to provide triage support. Any questions?"
"Why are we going in without weapons or strong air cover?" asked a pilot from the back.
"We don't want to provoke the indigenous race on the surface, so we're going in as a humanitarian gesture. All right, wheels up in ten minutes. Get to your stations!"

iPod and McFly grumbled as they headed towards their fighters. They were one of only three teams assigned to the CAP, and patrolling the ass-end of the ship didn't exactly thrill them. Tapping helmets before climbing into their fighters, the two flashed a peace sign to each other.

The rest of the eight hangar bays were readying to launch the entire compliment of CSAR and transport vessels. Each CV-30 Vogel had four GE thermonuclear engines in two nacelles, each nacelle capable of tilting 90 degrees, giving the transport unrivaled VTOL capabilities. SOP still mandated a catapult launch, however, and each lumbered up for their turn.

From the ship, the launch seemed like a swarm of beetles as the transport craft formed up and headed for the surface. After a short and bumpy ride through the atmosphere, the Vogels nosed forward, heading towards the crash site.

"DEV Absolution, this is FSS Volsungasaga. We are responding to your distress call. Do you read, over?" the Comm Officer repeated. She'd sent the message a dozen or more times, but either their systems were incompatible, or the ship was no longer capable of answering. She turned to the Captain and shook her head again. At only seventeen, Second Petty Officer Miranda Hughes had graduated early for a chance to join the SEF. Now she was anxious and nervous. There were so many disparate forces surrounding this small planet, and there was no telling what types of weapons the others held. As if noticing her mood, her neighboring tech, Weapons Officer First PO Greg Mathers patted her shoulder, telling her to "Buck up." She smiled at the sentiment, and began her next broadcast.

"They're nervous," Mordeux said into the Captain's ear.
"Wouldn't you be?" he asked. "This is damn-near everyone's first deep space assignment. Success or failure here will make policy for all future exploratory missions."

Surface, Near DEV Absolution
Marching forward, a squad of Marines led the way towards the crash site. Instead of standard rounds, the rifles they carried fired 10,000 volt electric darts. They felt that the use of less-than-lethal weapons would still show their commitment to a peaceful solution. Around the wreckage, figures could be seen, armed, guarding the perimeter. Cradling their rifles, the Marines waited for a command from the Chief Medical Officer.
CDR. Curtis Donovan took the lead, holding his hands up and showing the bag in his hands, the distinct red cross emblazoned on the side.

"We are responding to your distress call. Please do not shoot. We've come with medical and humanitarian supplies. I'm a doctor, is there anyone who can tell me the medical condition of the crew?"
Ruthless Slaughter
15-11-2007, 23:06
Fightercraft whined overhead and the now armed crew of the Absolution became nervous. They hadn't detected any other vessels in the immediate area, but then again most of the ship's systems were offline.

A DDF trooper bearing the rank of First Sergeant walked over to the doctor and introduced himself, "I'm Sergeant Xavier, commanding officer of the Dominion Defense Forces assigned to this vessel.

Out of an initial crew of 150, all but forty of us are dead beyond our capabilities to revive them. We elapsed the 72 hour window trying to defend ourselves from the aggressors pursuing us. The thirty of us still walking all have minor injuries of some kind and the remaining ten have been moved to the infirmary. They're in various states of intensive care and our remaining medical crew are treating them under the supervision of the EMH."

Word was sent to Commander Ackerson via the armor's internal com system: apparently a rescue team had arrived, but they weren't Dominion. They demonstrated no hostile intent and were speaking with the CO of the DDF's. Two troopers were dispatched to escort the medical team to the infirmary, where the patients in need of the most care were.

There was no prior word of their coming, but then again all but internal communications were down and the distress beacon was fluctuating. By the grace of God the integrity field around the microsingularity core was still intact. The entire planet was in trouble if it became compromised.
15-11-2007, 23:51
"Found them Sir!" Ashe shouted over the storm as they closed in around the crashed Xiscapian vessel. As the Marines with Ashe and Cavourna closed in from the outside, a message was relayed through the ship's broken systems.





The message ended. The ball was in their court now.
The Andermani
16-11-2007, 00:21
OOC: God I can barely keep up. I like HT, and RS can be allowed to stay, but from now on NO MORE ENTRIES WITHOUT MY PRIOR APPROVAL, please. I have minimal time to post, and it's really getting hard to keep up.


Skyler and Kartosh Crash Site:

<We will render any assstance we may. We lack spacefaring capability, and therefore cannot likely repair your vehicle beyond a minimum. Do you require anything more than that which we have already mentioned?>

A short distance away from the crash site, near the Alversian Marines:

The ash before the 6 seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light, and once again the dragon of dull metal appeared. <I am the Dragon of Blood, Joram. Why come you to my world enrobed for war? Those who would bring their quarrels here are unwelcome, so tell me. Are you unwelcome?>

Crash Site DEV Absolution:

The 9 Wyverns once in company with Joram now approached the downed vessel, the bright armor now tarnished with soot by their own choice. They approached swiftly, yet with a deceptive silence and fluidity of motion, unless someone were actively watching for them, it was likely that the silent suits of armor would go unnoticed until they were within mere yards of the human vessel.
16-11-2007, 00:28
Cavourna was taken aback by the voice but kept his cool and replied

"We are from the Alversian People's Navy and we only desire that which has been stolen from us. We have no desire for battle and will happily leave once it is returned, but if they insist on keeping it then it may become our only option" he felt like a fool speaking to snow "But it will only be at the uttermost end of need that we will fight" he finished
The Fedral Union
16-11-2007, 02:46
Sheppard and the commander were about to comply with the beings request when they suddenly saw the massive ship shrieking through the atmosphere, he marines looked up both from the ridge and the plains. In that instant they got orders from the Trenton as well.

~this is Kennedy, we just received a request from our allies, you are to proceed to the super dolphins equip your selves with anti tank weapons and prepare for a tactical pod drop on the crash site.~

Sheppard sighed he raised his hands and motioned his marines to fallow him saying as he started to march along the frost covered ground beneath him.
“All right men let’s move forward, we need to get back to the dolphins”
At the same time the commander of the second group began marching at haste as well covering a lot of ground, as soon as the marines reached the site of the landing craft, the marines crowded around, the commander stood in the middle much like before his rifle in hand. He started to speak in a commanding loud voice.

“All right men these beings want us gone, however at this point it’s not an option, the federation cannot afford to lose an ally especially in this galaxy, our orders are to board the dolphins and prepare for a pod deploy we will have anti tank weapons and the dolphins will stay in the area to support us, is that clear?”

The marines began boarding the transports one by one they marched in to the cramp bay, sitting down their rifles resting beside them, the large transports took off, streams of white hot particles melting the frost under the craft. They lifted off with haste, punishing it in to the air, the streams of particles increasing as they moved future up.

Meanwhile jack was infuriated with Alversia’s actions; it was bad enough there was just a crash now there would be Brouhaha
Between them and smugglers on the planet, he vowed it will not happen not on his watch, there was too much at stake. He looked over to the tactical officer and then to his con officer who both instantly received orders via uplink.

The Trenton and its small fleet punched the engines they flew towards the planet at full speed, their hulls shimmering gently with the incandescent glow of the sunlight. As the ships moved in between the planet and the dreadnoughts, their shielding systems activated automatically as a precaution, jack stood up the communications channel automatically opening. He started to speak in a commanding and powerful voice.

“This is the UTS Trenton, you will not perform aggressive actions, the situation is diplomatically unstable any attempt to do so will result in unknown consequences, be warned the Trenton has marines in the area, any attempt to fire on them will result in relation by my government and by our ships.”
The message was cut; he then started to speak towards the HT vessels In the area.
“This is the Trenton; we have marines being redeployed as requested to help you out, expect them to be pod dropped.”
Mean while the dolphins flew overhead cutting the sky like silvery bullets with a streak of blue behind them, they came to a sudden stop starting to hover over the smoking crash site. The commander began walking back and forth in the cramped space talking, the loud engine noise reverberating through the dolphin’s interior.

“All right people we have opfor closing in on the position and they are trigger happy, and possibly other forces in the area, lock and load sissies, we’re going in hard and hot!”
Shepard added to that standing up and looking at his men holding on to rail to stabilize him, cocking and loading his rifle.

“Right guys, make sure you do a standard defensive alpha formation around the affected areas your HUD’s have been updated , bravo squad you are with me anti tank officers from the front of the defensive line, let’s move people!”
The marines piled in to cramped pod looking devices right beside were they were sitting, the doors closed on the pods.

Suddenly over the crash site, in the quiet cold atmosphere, flaming objects busted out of the dolphins, shrieking down with several sonic booms behind them as they moved with flaming trails around them, As they crashed in to the earth bellow, ice and snow and dirt flying all around. Instantly ads they crashed they opened marines jumping out and moving in to a defensive line, around the crashed Ruthless Slaughter As they knelt down pointing their rifles and anti tank weapons, shepherd was thinking, would any one shoot at them, if so why, it was none of their business what happened on that ship but their own .

The dolphins flew overhead their engines pushing out streams of particles as the circled around the crash zone. The gunships main neturon pulse cannons and missile packs were activated, their shielding system and active defense systems online the pilots would await orders or Opfor engagement before doing any thing.
16-11-2007, 03:08
"Found them Sir!" Ashe shouted over the storm as they closed in around the crashed Xiscapian vessel. As the Marines with Ashe and Cavourna closed in from the outside, a message was relayed through the ship's broken systems.





The message ended. The ball was in their court now.
The loudspeaker responded.
"Like hell we will. We payed good money for our valuables, and are not about to hand them over to some stuck-up, envious, bored Alversian Commander. Our "items" are entirely legitimate. Come see for yourselves. Only you, Commander. I will not have a dozen jackbooted thugs messing up my ship any more than it already is."
To the Wyverns:
"We do not require anymore assistance than you have already promised us. Please hurry, as potentially hostile forces are closing in as I speak."
Hyperspatial Travel
16-11-2007, 04:26
OOC: Just a note to Andermani, my people are all, but for a few exceptions, psi-dead. They're more-or-less immune to psionic manipulation as well, but if your signals are still paranormal in nature, we're going to have NO idea that you're there, until someone tells us, or if we stumble upon you by chance.

Also, if I may, I'd like to hazard a estimation of what's happened so far, just so everyone's on the same boat. It might be a little off, as I haven't read every post deeply.

- - -
Essentially, the Setians arrive on the ice-world via some sort of dimensional portal, at which point the UTF sends a team to investigate the dimensional disturbance. (Oh, I alliterated. Tee-hee.)

The Ascended Ones, via the Xel'athi, take notice, but do not act.

Kartosh, a Xiscapian smuggler with something valuable, arrives, being chased by Alversian ships.

Realm forces then enter the system, having noticed a hell of a lot of activity. They are tasked to recover a probe, which seems to have some importance.

Ruthless Slaughter forces are attacked and destroyed, and the attacking forces are promptly countered and annihilated by Xel'athi ships.

Everyone is worried by this development, considering that the Xel'athi disappear immediately after (and if they aren't worried, they should be), and the Realm and UTF begin talking about what the hell they're going to do.

That's more for me than anyone else - it's a rather large thread, and if there's anything I'm wrong about or have missed, correct me.
- - -

IC: "Well, the Trenton seems to have the situation well in hand on the surface."

"Tacsensors show there's a heavy concentration of forces on the surface. Stands out like it's been spotlighted against this ice planet. Some are allied, others aren't. Are we sending down an automated taskforce?"


Ino smiled. His answer was brusque, and for good reason. Jennings was a master of doing the wrong thing, and, for that reason, he had never recieved the transfer he wanted into the combat wing of the fleet. There was, by all accounts, only a bit of combat, and a ship down there.

A screen shimmered into existence in the middle of the small room, and the red eye of the probe winked solemnly at them. Information flooded into the screen, and Ino swore. There was a lot of energy there, and his earlier guess was confirmed.

"We have no D-tech specialist here. Under Mandate 61, I am prepared to fire. If it is Maker-Mind in origin, or something like it, we could have another situation on our hands. Therefore, we will be remaining in position until we receive a specialist ship with a dimensional laboratory, as well as a taskforce. I am Captain Ino, and I hereby request a taskforce to be sent to the former Realm System EDS-19."

There was little else to do. Perhaps the UTF would inform them of what was happening on the surface, but, until then, keeping the analysis of the earlier combat was crucial.

"Give me a scan of everything in the system. Active, at 100%. If they complain, they can exxing well complain to our grasers."

Jennings saluted. "Sir!"

Ino sighed. The Kingmaker was a light cruiser, not built for this sort of thing. Nonetheless, the surface could bear investigating. For the moment, however, this system had been tagged high priority, and a Realm taskforce would be along as soon as they could be.

OOC: Consider my involvement in this thread toned down for a bit. Unless someone complains about being actively scanned, there's not much more for me to do, unless things start getting bloody.
16-11-2007, 04:48
OOC: Sounds accurate to me, HT. I'd just like to point out to everyone that, as far as Kartosh and Skyler are concearned, the only ones here are TFU, Alversia, and the Wyverns. They, because their scanners and long range sensors were knocked out during the crash, are blind and deaf to anything outside the range of their loudspeaker and short range sensors, and the occasional messgae the damaged comm unit might be able to patch though. They will have no idea anyone else is here unless they reveal themselves or they are told about them from someone they already have contact with.
Free United States
16-11-2007, 07:44
DEV Absolution

The commanding officer had been very accomadating, an the medical teams had gotten to work as quickly as possible. A priority patient had been lifted up to the Volsungasaga, where medical facilities were better. The Doctor had gone with him, so that left Captain Gregov to keep up diplomatic relations. She was talking with Commander Ackerson when she recieved a message from the ship.

"Warning ,you have nine inbound bogeys, coming in at 120 degrees relative," the Threat Assesment Officer stated.


"Ground systems," he answered, "Looks like those Wyverns."

"Roger TAO," she signed off, turning back to the Commander, "This could get ugly."

Low Orbit

iPod and Mcfly had been ordered to keep an eye on the ground team. Now, with the approach of those mysterious Wyverns, they'd been ordered to enter the atmosphere. The fighters glowed as they plummeted towards the planet, bellies exposed and glowing hot. Once past the turbulent friction, the fighters winged over hard, pushing mach 2 as they flew towards the crash site.

Near the spot where the Volsungasaga had appeared, the same incandescent motes grew. They morphed and died just as before. Except, when they faded, five ships-of-the-line emerged. The ships were in a defensive battle formation, the destroyers forward and slightly flanking the cruisers in the center. Below all the others was a different ship, shaped like a bringed pitchfork, she was the newest line if ships; the corvette Flame of the AEsir. Locking onto rendesvous coordinates, their engines flared, making for their command ship.

OOC: um, why haven't the wyverns respnded to my communique? and i'm really not here to fight...kinda.
16-11-2007, 12:46
OOC:....Umm, guys, have we forgotten that the Setians said in the game bringing force would not go over well? Bringing in five new ships in addition to a dreadnaught will not go over well with them....Not saying you can't, just want to make sure everyone knows about that, as everyone's gearing up for little reason, except UTF and HT due to my ships obliterating the two frigates.
16-11-2007, 13:10
A message was sent back to the Xiscapians


Meanwhile, outside, Cavourna and Ashe along with their dozen Marines took up positions outside the ship and prepared to enter.
16-11-2007, 13:18
A message was sent back to the Xiscapians


Meanwhile, outside, Cavourna and Ashe along with their dozen Marines took up positions outside the ship and prepared to enter.
"We will consent...wait a second, how the hell do you know what we're saying? Nobody's scanners are that powerful! You already have troops around the ship, don't you? Very well. Search futiley for your precious item and then help us. The natives, or at least who we assume are the natives, are also coming to help us. They are very large, do not be alarmed. As I said before, only you, Commander, and a scanner team if you so wish it."
Aboard the ship Kartosh was, assisted by Skyler, opening the cargo hold, the spice barrels, all the equipment lockers, and anything else which looked like it could conceal anything.
16-11-2007, 13:25
Cavourna entered with Ashe and two other Marines, the other four remained outside to guard the ship

"Ready for inspection, Former Commander Kartosh?" Cavourna asked jovially, taking out a scanner
16-11-2007, 13:28
Kartosh grimiced. "Do what you must, and I really wish you'd stop adding "Former Commander" in front of my name." He waved his hands. "Go for it, you'll find nothing illegal here."
OOC: BTW The Star Snake (
16-11-2007, 13:43
"It was your rank as far as I can remember Kartosh" Cavourna smiled and looked at Skyler while the rest of his crew scanned the ship, "And Skyler was once a Lieutenant, was she not? What as it? Army or Navy?"
Free United States
16-11-2007, 18:17
FSS Volsungasaga

Her battle group had joined up, and the six vessels now held a stable orbit of the planet, holding geosynchronously over the crash site. Meanwhile, the Captain had his own worries.

"Comrade-Captain, you should have consulted me before the Politburo made its decision," demanded Lt. CDR. Vassily Konolov, the ship's Political Officer.

"I was speaking with the Defense Directorate," Groetz stated. "If I need to speak with the Political Directorate, then I will ask for your expertise. I have other things to do, excuse me."

With that, the Cpatain brushed off the zampolit's protestations, heading toward the communications station. He had procrastinated, and now had to answer a strange and insulting request.

"This is Captain Yvgenni Groetz, commanding officer of the Commonwealth Spacy Expeditionary Forces. We must refuse your request to board and search any vessel of the Commonwealth. Each ship belongs to the People of the Commonwealth and is sovereign territory. Please respect our sovereignity and our decision. Our mission is one of exploratin and diplomacy, but our ships were made for war.
16-11-2007, 20:59
OOC: I think he was talking to Xiscapia......
The Andermani
16-11-2007, 22:19
Cavourna was taken aback by the voice but kept his cool and replied

"We are from the Alversian People's Navy and we only desire that which has been stolen from us. We have no desire for battle and will happily leave once it is returned, but if they insist on keeping it then it may become our only option" he felt like a fool speaking to snow "But it will only be at the uttermost end of need that we will fight" he finished

<Your property is of no concern to me. State its nature, and we will expedite its return,and your exodus.>

The dragon stepped more fully into view, 20 feet of metal and menace.

<No matter the circumstances your property is recovered in, you will leave when you have it.>

The loudspeaker responded.
"Like hell we will. We payed good money for our valuables, and are not about to hand them over to some stuck-up, envious, bored Alversian Commander. Our "items" are entirely legitimate. Come see for yourselves. Only you, Commander. I will not have a dozen jackbooted thugs messing up my ship any more than it already is."
To the Wyverns:
"We do not require anymore assistance than you have already promised us. Please hurry, as potentially hostile forces are closing in as I speak."

<Things are well in hand. Hostility will not be tolerated. Another group here makes claim of lost property. Are you aware of it, or its location? If you posess it, we will require its return to the aggreived party.>

The 9 11 foot tall suits of gleaming metal emerge from the ash and snow, closing upon the wrecked ship wth a frightening wiftness. The Alversian complement now faced down a centuries old mind in a form of living metal, and 9 soldiers of a race they had never seen before.

DEV Absolution

The commanding officer had been very accomadating, an the medical teams had gotten to work as quickly as possible. A priority patient had been lifted up to the Volsungasaga, where medical facilities were better. The Doctor had gone with him, so that left Captain Gregov to keep up diplomatic relations. She was talking with Commander Ackerson when she recieved a message from the ship.

"Warning ,you have nine inbound bogeys, coming in at 120 degrees relative," the Threat Assesment Officer stated.


"Ground systems," he answered, "Looks like those Wyverns."

"Roger TAO," she signed off, turning back to the Commander, "This could get ugly."

Low Orbit

iPod and Mcfly had been ordered to keep an eye on the ground team. Now, with the approach of those mysterious Wyverns, they'd been ordered to enter the atmosphere. The fighters glowed as they plummeted towards the planet, bellies exposed and glowing hot. Once past the turbulent friction, the fighters winged over hard, pushing mach 2 as they flew towards the crash site.

Near the spot where the Volsungasaga had appeared, the same incandescent motes grew. They morphed and died just as before. Except, when they faded, five ships-of-the-line emerged. The ships were in a defensive battle formation, the destroyers forward and slightly flanking the cruisers in the center. Below all the others was a different ship, shaped like a bringed pitchfork, she was the newest line if ships; the corvette Flame of the AEsir. Locking onto rendesvous coordinates, their engines flared, making for their command ship.

OOC: um, why haven't the wyverns respnded to my communique? and i'm really not here to fight...kinda.

OOC: No radios. They can only talk to you if they can hear what you're saying, so they can't reply.


<Your vessel is damaged. May we render aid?>

The 9 Wyverns approaching the Absolution's crash site entirely ignored the overflying planes, supremely confident that there would be no threat from them today.
16-11-2007, 22:50
"It was your rank as far as I can remember Kartosh" Cavourna smiled and looked at Skyler while the rest of his crew scanned the ship, "And Skyler was once a Lieutenant, was she not? What as it? Army or Navy?"
OOC: Aye, FUS, he was talking to me.
IC: Skyler nodded as she handed him the ship's maifest. "I was a Lieutenant on the Battleship Spector. I heard it recently had a rather nasty accident?"
Ship Manifest:
* = Cargo delivered
1x crate of speeder parts bound for Alversia, the Alversian system*
5x crates of food bound for Himp, the Cholk system
10x boxes of droid parts, bound for Alversia, Alversian system*
30x canisters of Anibet gas, bound for Xiscapia, Xiscapian system
8x power generators, bound for Korrilia, Xiscapian system
3x containers of power suits, Korrilia, Xiscapian system
<Things are well in hand. Hostility will not be tolerated. Another group here makes claim of lost property. Are you aware of it, or its location? If you posess it, we will require its return to the aggreived party.>
Kartosh walked out the door into the snow and saw the suits. He hadn't had an idea of what they were, as they were difficult to discern even realtively close ranfe due to the snow. He took a few steps back, the things towering 7 feet above his head. "Uh...greetings. We don't have the item, this is all a big misunderstanding. I'd invite you inside, but I don't think you'd fit."
Ruthless Slaughter
16-11-2007, 23:14
Ackerson frowned, "Wyverns? Nine of them? What are you- Damn I wish sensors were functioning!"

He received a transmission inside his helmet: it was the Sergeant, "Sir, we've got nine or so armored entities at our inner perimeter. They'd like to know if they can help. We also have Federal troops that have touched down as well."

Ackerson let out a sigh of relief, "No shortage of good samaritans today. Sure, I'll be right out."

As he stood he turned toward Captain Gregov, "Captain, if you would care to join me in welcoming the new guests?"

He gestured for her to take the lead, part of Dominion etiquette as well as how to respond to one of higher rank.
Repairs were going well and the badly wounded were being treated. The ship wasn't going anywhere, but for now power was stable and one by one systems were slowly coming back online. Major hull breaches were being patched to keep the heat in; there was no telling how cold it got at night.

Many of the teams outside were recalled to the unenviable task of processing the dead, who moved to the morgue in the infirmary covered in white sheets. The EMH catalogued them and made notes in his log as to who was still missing, presumably either blown out when the outer decks decompressed or trapped underneath the ship, pinned in currently inaccessable areas.

Two DDF troopers were climbing as far down as they could with handheld biosensors, searching for survivors or even more dead. Regardless of their condition, no one got left behind.

Ackerson strode down a makeshift ramp leading into the ship toward the nine intimidating figures standing near five DDF's. He noted a defensive line had been set up by Federal troops, an ally they hadn't even known was present. The Commander wondered to himself if any other allies were present. Either way, he breathed a little easier.

He nodded and greeted them, "I am Commander Ackerson, commanding officer of this vessel. You'll forgive me if I keep my helmet on, the temperature is rather uncomfortable by human standards. Your offer is much appreciated thyough it shocks me to say the situation may actually be starting to come under control.

There is one thing that you may be able to help me with, however. We were previously in combat with a small fleet group of unknown origin when were forced to retreat. Our jump vector was random and we have no idea where we are. If you could give us some information about what part of the galaxy we are in or even what planet this is, it would be most appreciated."
16-11-2007, 23:43
OOC: Aye, FUS, he was talking to me.
IC: Skyler nodded as she handed him the ship's maifest. "I was a Lieutenant on the Battleship Spector. I heard it recently had a rather nasty accident?"
Ship Manifest:
* = Cargo delivered
1x crate of speeder parts bound for Alversia, the Alversian system*
5x crates of food bound for Himp, the Cholk system
10x boxes of droid parts, bound for Alversia, Alversian system*
30x canisters of Anibet gas, bound for Xiscapia, Xiscapian system
8x power generators, bound for Korrilia, Xiscapian system
3x containers of power suits, Korrilia, Xiscapian system

Cavourna nodded sombrely, "It was involved in a collision with an Alversian Dreadnought, many were killed in both ships" he looked at the younger (OOC: I presume) Xiscapian, "Many you would have known"

Ashe meanwhile, was staring at the ship's manifest and shook her head. Something wasn't right but she couldn't put her finger on it. She adjusted her coat slightly, allowing her green Katana to show a slight bit, she continued to search the ship.

Outside, the four Marines were a bit stumped by the bigger creatures but still found the courage to call out

"You can't enter here, it is part of an investigation into stolen goods. Once it is finished you can enter" one said firmly.
17-11-2007, 00:03
Cavourna nodded sombrely, "It was involved in a collision with an Alversian Dreadnought, many were killed in both ships" he looked at the younger (OOC: I presume) Xiscapian, "Many you would have known"

Ashe meanwhile, was staring at the ship's manifest and shook her head. Something wasn't right but she couldn't put her finger on it. She adjusted her coat slightly, allowing her green Katana to show a slight bit, she continued to search the ship.

Outside, the four Marines were a bit stumped by the bigger creatures but still found the courage to call out

"You can't enter here, it is part of an investigation into stolen goods. Once it is finished you can enter" one said firmly.
OOC: Yes
IC: Skyler nodded gravely. "I would have. Brave Spacers, pilots, and Marines." She noticed Ashe's green katana. "Why do you have a Grunt-sword?"
Outside Kartosh just shook his head and walked back into the ship, shaking the snow off himself. "Be freckin' insane to try and stop those things from doing what they want."
17-11-2007, 00:12
Cavourna nodded sombrely and turned to Ashe grinning
"Do you want to take out your contacts, Commander?"

Ashe looked reluctant at first, but slowly seemed to peel the skin of her eyes away. She revealed a pair of cat eyes!

"My father was born in Illesia, my mother in Rio Casa," she said grudgingly, "I am half Alversian and half Xiscapian. This sword was presented to me as a present from my Mother"

The crew were still searching the ship but so far nothing had been found. Outside, the Marines were nervous of their guests but adament that they couldn't enter yet.
17-11-2007, 00:36
OOC: Ye gods! You've created a monster! :p So this is what you've been planning all this time.
IC: Skyler stared in shock at the Xiscapian-Alversian hybrid. Such a thing was inevitible, but she had never heard of it. She shook her head. "I...what has it been like? Part human, part kitsune, but not really either?" Kartosh now walked in, looking around. "What I miss?" He saw Ashe's eyes. "Funny, nice trick."
OOC: Fox eyes, not cat eyes. I know it SAYS cat eyes, but I was just empathising on the fact that they look like cat eyes. They are fox eyes.
17-11-2007, 00:48
OOC: What's the difference?

Ashe growled at Kartosh as he came in, like a Xiscapian in fact and turned back to face Cavourna almost with a begging look in her eyes. His smile dropped and he nodded his head slowly in reponse to her unspoken request. Ashe put the contacts back on and appeared like a normal Alversian again.

"I have many advantages of both races but have left scars that cannot be healed" she said sadly, all the confident demeanor she had had previously evaporated in an cloud of self-doubt, "I never knew where my allegience lay, not even doesn't matter" she said bluntly turning back to the job of scanning the ship.
17-11-2007, 01:05
OOC: What's the difference?

Ashe growled at Kartosh as he came in, like a Xiscapian in fact and turned back to face Cavourna almost with a begging look in her eyes. His smile dropped and he nodded his head slowly in reponse to her unspoken request. Ashe put the contacts back on and appeared like a normal Alversian again.

"I have many advantages of both races but have left scars that cannot be healed" she said sadly, all the confident demeanor she had had previously evaporated in an cloud of self-doubt, "I never knew where my allegience lay, not even doesn't matter" she said bluntly turning back to the job of scanning the ship.
OOC: Pupil and shade. Also foxs sometimes have orange eyes, and cats do not.
Kartosh raised his eyebrows and twitched his ears at her. Skyler still stared at Ashe. "That explains it." she whispered. "When we were working for Reelo that one time, why we couldn't hit her and she equaled us in sword combat." Kartosh took it all in and quickly understood. He just shook his head. Some things are simply not ment to be. But those were his thoughts. Skyler was busy thinking about Ashe's final sentence. "I never knew where my allegience lay, not even doesn't matter." Not after...what? Skyler thought to herself.
17-11-2007, 01:13
"Commander," it was Cavourna who spoke up, "I want an external scan of this ship to search for hidden compartments, if you don't object and so as to prove it is fair, I want Skyler to accompany you. I have a few questions for Captain Kortosh here"

Ashe simply nodded and waited awkwardly for Skyler to lead. It was as if her greatest humiliation had removed all the confidence she'd had at the start of their investigation
17-11-2007, 01:17
Skyler silently walked out, followed by Ashe. Kartosh took a seat in a battered pilot's chair. 'What's up?" he asked casually, stretching and yawning.
17-11-2007, 01:27

"Easy question first Captain," Cavourna began, "Where was your ship built and what class is it? I've never seen a ship like this so heavily armed before"


The wind had died down and the four Marines who had been standing guard snapped to attention as Ashe exited the ship, she waved her hand and the Marines went back to the boring duty they had been assigned. Ashe scanned the ship for a few seconds

"You continue to stare" she addressed Skyler without turning around "Is it that shocking to you to have someone like me in front of you?"
17-11-2007, 01:42

"Easy question first Captain," Cavourna began, "Where was your ship built and what class is it? I've never seen a ship like this so heavily armed before"


The wind had died down and the four Marines who had been standing guard snapped to attention as Ashe exited the ship, she waved her hand and the Marines went back to the boring duty they had been assigned. Ashe scanned the ship for a few seconds

"You continue to stare" she addressed Skyler without turning around "Is it that shocking to you to have someone like me in front of you?"
"The Star Snake was custom build for me by a group of Cosmopolitan ship builders and scientists at an Xiscapian commercial shipyard on Xiscapia in Tenfour. It was called the Black Hole class, and, as far as I know, the Star Snake is the only one of it's kind ever produced."
"Of course it's shocking. Ever since our species came into contact we've expected this to happen. But it's different to have the real thing right here in front of you." She looked up and down her back. "I bet your butt and the top of your head hurt occasionally, don't they?"
17-11-2007, 01:50

"For what reason was it built? On Alversia, ships with this type GTM ratio are gunrunners or smugglers?" Cavourna raised his eyebrows mockingly


Ashe gave a small snort "Ever sense our two species met, we've expected this to happen...different to have the 'real thing' in front of you" she mimiced mockingly, but in a hurtful voice, "Is that all I am to you? An experiment? A formulic conseqeunce between two peoples?" her voice was controlled but strained. She continued to scan the ship's exterior
17-11-2007, 02:08
"The ship was built and designed to transport cargo though dangerious areas. A lone cargo ship draws less attention than a military cargo ship or a whole fleet. This ship can take on, and win, against up to a corvette." He finished proudly.
"As of right now, you are a "formulic conseqeunce between two peoples." I was not trying to desentiantize you or make you feel lesser. It's a simple fact of life, one you will need to accept. I cannot say I know anything of your plight, but I do know that one in your position would be emotionally scarred and confused." Skyler caught Ashe's shoulder. "Understand me, you are not any less human or kitsune than an Xiscapian or Alversian. You serve as well as any, as you have demonstrated."
17-11-2007, 02:19

"What? An escort not enough? I assume Xiscapia has no equivelent of the Moranx-Hanner Pact? 'All vessels travelling under a merchant flag shall be respectfully ignoreed in return for minimal defense weapons'. And a corvette would include two Alversian A-Class Destroyers? The escort of the Sunrise reported a merchant vessel which matched their manoevers and returned their fire with equal venom" Cavourna raised his eyebrows again, "Only one it's class?" he quoted


"That's what it boils down to" Ashe said, no longer scanning the ship but instead staring at the ground, "No matter what I do in my life, no matter how I act, it'll always be my birth that sets me apart. I'll never be a true Alversian or a true Kitsume. I am NOTHING!!" she screamed the last word, the sound echoeing across the barren wasteland.
17-11-2007, 02:35

"What? An escort not enough? I assume Xiscapia has no equivelent of the Moranx-Hanner Pact? 'All vessels travelling under a merchant flag shall be respectfully ignoreed in return for minimal defense weapons'. And a corvette would include two Alversian A-Class Destroyers? The escort of the Sunrise reported a merchant vessel which matched their manoevers and returned their fire with equal venom" Cavourna raised his eyebrows again, "Only one it's class?" he quoted


"That's what it boils down to" Ashe said, no longer scanning the ship but instead staring at the ground, "No matter what I do in my life, no matter how I act, it'll always be my birth that sets me apart. I'll never be a true Alversian or a true Kitsume. I am NOTHING!!" she screamed the last word, the sound echoeing across the barren wasteland.
Pirates and IoM vessals generally don't care about whatever treatys or pacts you've made, Commander. Yes, I do tend to defend myself if I am fired upon, although I have never fought an Alversian ship. Like I said, the ship is custom made, meaning it was a specially prooduced ship, with no plans for large commercial sales."
"You are only nothing if that is what you choose to be." said Skyler in a moment of quiet wisdom. "You are the best of both worlds; final proof that both our races can exist side-by-side. There will be others like you surely. If anyone is predjudaced against you because of what you are, then they are a fool." Skyler spat this last sentance savagly. She knew what it was like to be treated as an inferior, as dirt, as nothing. She had been a slave once, and still had scars to prove it.
17-11-2007, 02:44

"Really? Never fought an Alversian ship?" Cavourna handed him a infopad with various pictures and pieces of data, "Care to explain how your ship got these scortch marks? They're usually only made by Alversian Ion Cannon. Not very powerful mind, but powerful enough for a small ship. A Destroyer? For instance?"


"I have lived long enough to know that your opinion is shared by a minority on both Alversia and Xiscapia" Ashe said sadly, "What am I? I can't claim I'm a Kitsume because I have Alversian blood and the same applies with Alversia. You are Xiscapian and can stand up and proudly declare it. I can't be Xiscapian or Alversian" Ashe was leaning against the side of the ship, "I'm an outcast, always have been, always will be"
The Fedral Union
17-11-2007, 02:56
(ooc not to be picky but you should try to add more descriptions to your characters as they speak, or actions ,these one line posts are raping my eyes)
17-11-2007, 02:58

"Really? Never fought an Alversian ship?" Cavourna handed him a infopad with various pictures and pieces of data, "Care to explain how your ship got these scortch marks? They're usually only made by Alversian Ion Cannon. Not very powerful mind, but powerful enough for a small ship. A Destroyer? For instance?"


"I have lived long enough to know that your opinion is shared by a minority on both Alversia and Xiscapia" Ashe said sadly, "What am I? I can't claim I'm a Kitsume because I have Alversian blood and the same applies with Alversia. You are Xiscapian and can stand up and proudly declare it. I can't be Xiscapian or Alversian" Ashe was leaning against the side of the ship, "I'm an outcast, always have been, always will be"
"You're not the only ones who employ that type of cannon. So do the Xiscapians, and so did the Korr, once. This "evidence" can only have been faked."
"And I have lived long enough to know that other people's opinions don't matter, only the one's you care about. Even if the PM and Emperor themselves hated you to the core, it wouldn't matter. You can stand and say "I am neither, and I am both, and I am pround of it, goddamn it." You may always be an outcast, but there will be more like you. Besides, from what I saw, you do an excellent imperssion of an Alversian."
17-11-2007, 03:31

"You think it may have been faked?" Cavourna raised his eyebrows in surpise again, "Let me read a report from you, Captain, it's from an Alversian ship, namely the APS Attendant. One of the destroyers that was escorting the Starlight Freighter on it's way to Alversia with our 'valuable' technology.

He looked through the infopad and shook his head at the streams of data running over the screen in his hand. He shook his head at it, his black hair shaking as his head did.

"There's a lot of information in here that wouldn't concern you so I won't bother reading it but instead, I'll give you the parts I find most interesting"

Cavourna looked back at Kartosh and smiled before returning to the pad in front of him

"Blah, blah, blah, blah...aha!...Stardate 171107.3, flucuations in space occured at point 109094 off the bow of the Starlight, APS Amazon moved to cover the point and no more recordings were made"

"Interesting? It should be, scanners showed the flucuations matched your own vessel's engine signature. Why was your ship shadowing the convoy, Kartosh?"

Cavourna waited patiently for an answer from the Captain.


Ashe smiled at the compliment from Skyler but it quickly slipped as painful memories rushed back to her from previous events in her life

"It is easy to say that when you're watching from the outside. But I have lived with this my entire life and will have to do for many years to come. How can I face someone as an equal when I'm not an equal to any of them?"

Ashe turned and walked a few meters away, as if lost in her own thoughts, shaking her head

"As for being an Alversian Commander? I can't understand why Captain Cavourna wanted me as his first officer in the first place. I wasn't qualified, I'd had no prior experience as any kind of officer and I'd never been in action before. And yet now!" she laughed loudly, revealing a pair of canine teeth "I am one of the most promising Officers in the APN! Why is that? It isn't because of my abilities, that's for sure! Being a Hybrid would have nothing to do with it" she turned back to the ship and the scanner.

"This is ridiculous. I'm supposed to be scanning you for stolen property and yet, I'm standing here, pouring my heart out to a potential criminal" She said in a flat tone
Free United States
17-11-2007, 09:37
OOC: oh, my bad. never ye mind then.


The fighters peeled off, realizing the bogeys weren't attacking. Deciding whther or not to go back into orbit, they were called in by Captain Gregov to land a provide logistical support. Both pilots groaned. That probably meant menial labor.

Pulling back on the throttle, iPod flipped a switch on the throttle control. Immediately, the fighter's speed decreased. The twin engine nacelles swung forward, like a hawk lighting onto a branch. It's forward nacelle assmebly swung out and forward to reveal two 'arms,' the Gu-21 gunpod held at ready in the right fist. Now in GERWALK mode, he hovered the fighter aboe the ground before landing on its 'feet.'

"Never seen a fighter do that," Ackerson said to Marta.

"It was a gift," she answered, a smirk at her inside joke, "From some friends from out of town."

2 hours later
The work was menial. They were setting up the improvised mess tent, complete with portable water systems and food dispensers. The real hard part was they were doing it themselves. Those blasted Marines seemed intent on guarding the perimeter, though it seemed stupid considering the presence of those wyverns. As they hauled in another large container, a female officer from the ruined ship walked by, stopping them both in midstride.

"Who's that?" Mcfly asked, his helmet hiding his slack jaw.

"Dunno," iPod answered, "But I saw her first."

OOC: sorry, thought i'd throw in that last part for kicks.
factbook: GERWALK= Ground Effective Re-inforced Winged Armorment with Locomotive Knee-joint. used it in an rp a way back, and incorporated the tech w/ my country. hope that's okay.
Ruthless Slaughter
17-11-2007, 14:39
OOC: No problem, spices things up a bit.


Leutenant Commander Kayla Smith saw both men out of the corner of her eye. She gave them a brief nod and continued toward Ackerson to deliver the hourly status report. Only after she was facing away from them did she allow a slight smile.

She approached Ackerson and handed him the padd, "Sir, we've got external sensors, main power, life support, and environmental systems back online. Replicators, transporters, communications, and not that they matter anymore but weapons and engines are still offline.

I've taken the liberty of also detailing where our modifications and repairs are for the sake of the salvage team that will be coming for us. I've also redirceted serval of our soldier compliment toward locating the missing crewmen. With allies present and no apparent threat to defend against they're unecessary for guard duty. Total count of people still missing is still about fifty by the way, but we're starting to dig into the parts of the ship that were crushed or buried when the ship impacted."

Ackerson nodded his approval, "Good work Smith, keep me advised."
17-11-2007, 19:35

"You think it may have been faked?" Cavourna raised his eyebrows in surpise again, "Let me read a report from you, Captain, it's from an Alversian ship, namely the APS Attendant. One of the destroyers that was escorting the Starlight Freighter on it's way to Alversia with our 'valuable' technology.

He looked through the infopad and shook his head at the streams of data running over the screen in his hand. He shook his head at it, his black hair shaking as his head did.

"There's a lot of information in here that wouldn't concern you so I won't bother reading it but instead, I'll give you the parts I find most interesting"

Cavourna looked back at Kartosh and smiled before returning to the pad in front of him

"Blah, blah, blah, blah...aha!...Stardate 171107.3, flucuations in space occured at point 109094 off the bow of the Starlight, APS Amazon moved to cover the point and no more recordings were made"

"Interesting? It should be, scanners showed the flucuations matched your own vessel's engine signature. Why was your ship shadowing the convoy, Kartosh?"

Cavourna waited patiently for an answer from the Captain.


Ashe smiled at the compliment from Skyler but it quickly slipped as painful memories rushed back to her from previous events in her life

"It is easy to say that when you're watching from the outside. But I have lived with this my entire life and will have to do for many years to come. How can I face someone as an equal when I'm not an equal to any of them?"

Ashe turned and walked a few meters away, as if lost in her own thoughts, shaking her head

"As for being an Alversian Commander? I can't understand why Captain Cavourna wanted me as his first officer in the first place. I wasn't qualified, I'd had no prior experience as any kind of officer and I'd never been in action before. And yet now!" she laughed loudly, revealing a pair of canine teeth "I am one of the most promising Officers in the APN! Why is that? It isn't because of my abilities, that's for sure! Being a Hybrid would have nothing to do with it" she turned back to the ship and the scanner.

"This is ridiculous. I'm supposed to be scanning you for stolen property and yet, I'm standing here, pouring my heart out to a potential criminal" She said in a flat tone
Kartosh shook his head in disgust. Pushy, nosy. "I was asked, and paid, to shadow the fleet by Xiscapian High Command. You probably don't know, but the Starlight only had a portion of the technology. We have the other portion. It's not listed in the manifest because it, offically, never entered this ship. Unofficially, it's in the spice barrels." He reached in though the glitterstem pile in one barrel and, after fishing around a bit, withdrew a little silver pod, about half a foot wide and two feet in length. "We delivered the technology, and were secretly given this, whatever it is. Our instructions were to transport it back to Xiscapia under the highest secrecy. We couldn't allow ourselves to be detained, even by allies. Obviously they didn't work so well." Kartosh sighed deeply before continuing. "We also have strict orders not to open the pod at all. The transaction from Xiscapia was made by Alversians, and the one on Alversia was made by Xiscapians. There's obviously some secret technology trading that neither government wants anyone to know about." He finished, sweating, having spilt the secret at last.
Skyler shook her head in anger. "For the last bloody time, we're not criminals!" she flared. "Just because we decided that the military wasn't the road for us and took a different route dosen't mean we are no good, or inclined to steal. As to your problem, I can sympthize to a point, but you're just wallowing in self pity if you hide it and push yourself down. I don't know why you were chosen as an officer. Only Cavourna knows. If you want to know, ask him." Skyler retreated into bitter silence, weary and tired of the Xiscapian/Alversian not standing up for herself.
OOC: TG 4 you.
17-11-2007, 20:04
"I see" Cavourna said after a few minutes, "I think we and the Starlight's escorts have been made to look extremely foolish by this. You carry a part of the technology and the Starlight carried the second part? Then what in the hell attacked our convoy?" he burst out loudly, frustrated by the waste of time this misson had been.


Ashe lowered her head even further, the fight going clean out of her. Instead, she continued to scan the ship for a few more minutes than stopped and turned around once more

"I never said you were Criminals and I'm sorry if that's how it came across to you" She sighed and looked up into the sky, "Not once in my life have I been treated as an equal, never mind a superior. Always 'The Hybrid'. Do you know what they call me on Skaversia? (One of Alversia's Protectorates)"

She had tears in her human eyes by this stage and now she turned to hide them from Skyler

"The Athvania. The 'Pointless One' it translates into. None of them will even acknowledge my right to life because of my birth"
The Fedral Union
17-11-2007, 20:20
(ooc: reserved post)
17-11-2007, 20:27
"I see" Cavourna said after a few minutes, "I think we and the Starlight's escorts have been made to look extremely foolish by this. You carry a part of the technology and the Starlight carried the second part? Then what in the hell attacked our convoy?" he burst out loudly, frustrated by the waste of time this misson had been.


Ashe lowered her head even further, the fight going clean out of her. Instead, she continued to scan the ship for a few more minutes than stopped and turned around once more

"I never said you were Criminals and I'm sorry if that's how it came across to you" She sighed and looked up into the sky, "Not once in my life have I been treated as an equal, never mind a superior. Always 'The Hybrid'. Do you know what they call me on Skaversia? (One of Alversia's Protectorates)"

She had tears in her human eyes by this stage and now she turned to hide them from Skyler

"The Athvania. The 'Pointless One' it translates into. None of them will even acknowledge my right to life because of my birth"
Relieved to be off the hook, Kartosh leaned back in his chair. "To be quite frank, Commander, I have no idea. I doubt it was pirates. Perhaps Danaversians, or remainents of the Korr fleet that have been rumored to be floating around?" He inquired og the Alversian.
"I would think your Captain would treat you as an equal, asking you alongside him like that." Skyler raised her eyebrows. "Athvania?" Nothing is pointless. You realize this. I realize this. I am really and truely perplexed by the way people treat you."
17-11-2007, 21:54
Cavourna shook his head again, deep in thought, "No, it wasn't Pirates or a Korr Fleet. The escort specifically reported the reason they were so outmatched was because it was a Merchant ship that attacked them and they let their guard down. Who as the firepower to take on two Destroyers and overhaul a military transport?"

Ashe ( gave a mischevious grin and looked at Skyler again, "Very people know my true nature" she said, "I prefer just to be known as an Alversian rather than 'the hybrid'. I even dye my hair, it's usually silver"

"I decided not to bother with trying to accept it after..." she hesitated, "The scan is complete. I will report to Captain Cavourna that your vessel is clean"

She bustled inside to tell Cavourna, tough and business like again.
18-11-2007, 03:21
"None I know of. Some criminal families are certainly powerful enough to do so, but we are relatively isolated and it was done in utmost secrecy. Even this ship could not take on two Destroyers and the transport at once. What is the Starlight's fate?"
Skyler frowned thoughtfully. Trapped between two worlds, two races, two peoples... She followed Ashe, thinking deeply of the past conversation.
18-11-2007, 03:29
Cavourna shook his head sadly as he recalled the Starlight's fate

"The Starlight itself was relatively undamaged although three crewmen were killed when the attackers boarded the merchant vessel to steal its technology. The Attendant took a hit to her left engine nacelle was badly damaged, thirty were killed aboard her while the Amazon was abdly damaged and her crew forced to abandon ship. she had 102 dead. Total casualties were 135 Alversians killed and one ship destroyed. The Pirates got away with some very valuable technology"

Cavourna turned as Ashe and Skyler reentered the ship "Well?" he asked calmly

"The scans reveal no evidence of our stolen goods, Sir" Ashe said, emphasising the word sir. Cavourna frowned and shot a questioning look at Skyler before turning back to Ashe

"New evidence Commander, it seems we have both been played for fools by our governments and a rather mysterious third party" he turned back to Kartosh "Any way that plans of this ship could have fallen into the wrong hands? Via the shipyard for instance?"
18-11-2007, 03:36
OOC: Alright, guys, enough. We are leaving Andermanni behind. Hold up on the posting and let him get online so he can post.
18-11-2007, 03:38
Cavourna shook his head sadly as he recalled the Starlight's fate

"The Starlight itself was relatively undamaged although three crewmen were killed when the attackers boarded the merchant vessel to steal its technology. The Attendant took a hit to her left engine nacelle was badly damaged, thirty were killed aboard her while the Amazon was abdly damaged and her crew forced to abandon ship. she had 102 dead. Total casualties were 135 Alversians killed and one ship destroyed. The Pirates got away with some very valuable technology"

Cavourna turned as Ashe and Skyler reentered the ship "Well?" he asked calmly

"The scans reveal no evidence of our stolen goods, Sir" Ashe said, emphasising the word sir. Cavourna frowned and shot a questioning look at Skyler before turning back to Ashe

"New evidence Commander, it seems we have both been played for fools by our governments and a rather mysterious third party" he turned back to Kartosh "Any way that plans of this ship could have fallen into the wrong hands? Via the shipyard for instance?"
IC: Skyler shook her head at Cavourna's look as she entered. Kartosh looked back and fourth between Skyler and Ashe but turned back to Cavourna. "It is possible..." he said slowly. "It would be very costly to produce, and hard to get the correct materials to make an exact replica of this ship. Difficult, but not impossible." He was leaning forward now, fully engaged. "If we are to get to the bottom of this, we will need to focus on the closest and most urgent matter: The repair of this ship. If you will let, me, I can, given time, probably locate this ship." Skyler had walked over to the cockpit control panel and was reviewing the system's status. She sighed. Nothing had improved.
18-11-2007, 03:46
"I shall give you all the resources from both the Crossfire and the two Dreadnoughts I have in attendance. However", Cavourna said slowly and carefully "I must insist that one of the Dreadnoughts accompanies you on your investigation. I must be sure to see the evidence for myself before I can accept your complete innocence"

He stood up and stared at Skyler, "I wish to speak to your second in command for a few minutes if I may, Captain and I shall leave you Commander Ashe to get started on repairs" he smiled at her, "She's quite good with mechanics", "She smiled back.

Cavourna stood outside and again, the Marines sentries stood to attention before returning to their prior jobs, Cavourna waited for Skyler while Ashe tore a panel from the ship's main console and started to work
18-11-2007, 03:52
OOC: Al, TG, we'll move out so we can stop highjacking this thread.
18-11-2007, 03:58
OOC: Replied
Free United States
18-11-2007, 05:58
With the mess tent finally up, there was some respite from the cold. Marines and medical personnel not curently on duty had congregated inside, along with the crew of the Absolution. Sitting at a crate by themselves, Ens. Rothchild and Lt. Arelle kicked their feet up, smug smiles on their faces as they downed the juices of an MRE packet.

"Don't you have anything to do?" Marta asked as she walked up to them. They shrugged their shoulders in response, and she sighed, placing her hands on her hips in mock exasperation. Her gaze turned to a crudely written sign above the row of food dispensers. "Sky Kid's Lounge?" she read.

"Well, we are the VF-90 Skykids," Arelle answered.

"The best of the fleet!" iPod chimed in.

Marta opened her mouth to say something, but turned it into a smile instead. Well, they did have that right, glancing at the ribbon patch on their shoulder, similar to the one she wore herself. Noticing two newcomers, Marta waved them towards her.

"Since you guys seem to have done a good job, you could at least meet some of the people you've helped." she explained. "Commanders Ackerson and Smith," Marta said, indicating the officers, "These are two of my pilots, Ens. Sergei Rothchild and Lt. Marcus Arelle."

"Thanks for your help," Ackerson said, extending his hand.

"No problem," Marcus answered, moving quickly to shake Smith's hand as well.

"But please," Sergei beat him to the punch, "Call me iPod."

"iPod?" she asked quizzically.

"Don't take off without it!" he said, pulling it our from his flight vest.

"And I'm Mcfly," Arelle interrupted, "That's 'cause I'm superfly."
18-11-2007, 14:42
OOC: Last time we'll interrupt this thread
IC: The Star Snake lifted into the heavens, in considerably better condition than before. It hovered near the Crossfire and the two Dreadnoughts before jumping into hyperspace.
The Andermani
19-11-2007, 03:41
Ackerson frowned, "Wyverns? Nine of them? What are you- Damn I wish sensors were functioning!"

He received a transmission inside his helmet: it was the Sergeant, "Sir, we've got nine or so armored entities at our inner perimeter. They'd like to know if they can help. We also have Federal troops that have touched down as well."

Ackerson let out a sigh of relief, "No shortage of good samaritans today. Sure, I'll be right out."

As he stood he turned toward Captain Gregov, "Captain, if you would care to join me in welcoming the new guests?"

He gestured for her to take the lead, part of Dominion etiquette as well as how to respond to one of higher rank.
Repairs were going well and the badly wounded were being treated. The ship wasn't going anywhere, but for now power was stable and one by one systems were slowly coming back online. Major hull breaches were being patched to keep the heat in; there was no telling how cold it got at night.

Many of the teams outside were recalled to the unenviable task of processing the dead, who moved to the morgue in the infirmary covered in white sheets. The EMH catalogued them and made notes in his log as to who was still missing, presumably either blown out when the outer decks decompressed or trapped underneath the ship, pinned in currently inaccessable areas.

Two DDF troopers were climbing as far down as they could with handheld biosensors, searching for survivors or even more dead. Regardless of their condition, no one got left behind.

Ackerson strode down a makeshift ramp leading into the ship toward the nine intimidating figures standing near five DDF's. He noted a defensive line had been set up by Federal troops, an ally they hadn't even known was present. The Commander wondered to himself if any other allies were present. Either way, he breathed a little easier.

He nodded and greeted them, "I am Commander Ackerson, commanding officer of this vessel. You'll forgive me if I keep my helmet on, the temperature is rather uncomfortable by human standards. Your offer is much appreciated thyough it shocks me to say the situation may actually be starting to come under control.

There is one thing that you may be able to help me with, however. We were previously in combat with a small fleet group of unknown origin when were forced to retreat. Our jump vector was random and we have no idea where we are. If you could give us some information about what part of the galaxy we are in or even what planet this is, it would be most appreciated."

<We do not know your system of measurement, or your notations, I am afraid that all we can tell you is that this is our world, and that we had thought it well away from any branch of humanity. May we aid you any more?>
Free United States
19-11-2007, 07:49
FSS Volsungasaga

"I guess it's time to meet them in person," Captain Groetz said.

"And I still say that you should exercise more caution," Commander Modreux warned.

"Diplomacy demands a bit of...risk," the Captain answered. "Sometimes, more risk than war."

Taking a seat in the Vogel, the Captain looked at a small pendant given to him by the Premier. It was the Commonwealth hammer and sickle encased in the Spacy starburst. Around its edge, the words 'Ex astris pace,' or, 'from the stars, peace.' Looking at the planet from the nearby port window, Groetz hoped that was true.

DEV Absolution

"You'll finally get a chance to meet the Captain," Marta said to Ackerson as they walked out to the rudementary landing zone.

"I hope your plan works," he answered. She only nodded in agreement.

The plan was for the captain to speak directly to the Wyverns, and the idea had everyone a bit tense. She'd ordered both pilots back to their fighters, as much to protect the Captain as to protect Commander Smith. Their aircraft powered up, the bird-like form literally stnading up as they completed the 'mechamorphosis' to Battloid mode. The fuselage swung down as the wings folded along the 'back,' a head rising from its cowling. A large cord was extended from the gunpod, and the pilots strapped their cannons over the mecha's shoulder, just like infantrymen. As the Vogel came in for a vetical landing, the mecha brought their cannons forward at 'present arms.'

"I hope this works..."

"Pardon?" Asked Ackerson.

"No...nothing," Marta muttered in response.
Free United States
19-11-2007, 18:09
DEV Absolution

The Vogel touched down, its wheels sinking into the packed snow. Before the engines have even died down the Captain stepped away, clothed not in a protective suit, but the seal-skin clothing that was uniform winterwear for the Maritime Forces. When asked by Marta why he did that, the Captain said simply, "I want them to see my face." Walking towards the nine Wyverns, he stepped evenly and calmly, his head held in the manner of a Captain of a Commonwealth vessel.

"Greetings," he said. "As Commanding Officer of the Commonwealth Spacy Expeditionary Forces, I wish to extend an invitation of peace between our peoples. My superiors have also given me broad diplomatic powers, powers to levy peace and trade accords. We speak to you because of our desire to make new friends among the stars and because of a resource we have found on this planet. The mineral is known to us as E-1101, and is vital to our ability to create new ships, both civilian and military. We ask if there is a way to strike a trade accord of mutual benefit."
The Andermani
19-11-2007, 22:49
DEV Absolution

The Vogel touched down, its wheels sinking into the packed snow. Before the engines have even died down the Captain stepped away, clothed not in a protective suit, but the seal-skin clothing that was uniform winterwear for the Maritime Forces. When asked by Marta why he did that, the Captain said simply, "I want them to see my face." Walking towards the nine Wyverns, he stepped evenly and calmly, his head held in the manner of a Captain of a Commonwealth vessel.

"Greetings," he said. "As Commanding Officer of the Commonwealth Spacy Expeditionary Forces, I wish to extend an invitation of peace between our peoples. My superiors have also given me broad diplomatic powers, powers to levy peace and trade accords. We speak to you because of our desire to make new friends among the stars and because of a resource we have found on this planet. The mineral is known to us as E-1101, and is vital to our ability to create new ships, both civilian and military. We ask if there is a way to strike a trade accord of mutual benefit."

<We are not sure what you mean.> The reply came after a short conference between the assembled Setians. <You require a special mineral to achieve transcendence, and commune with the metal of your vessels?> That seemed wrong to them, from what little they had learned by studying human corpses after the War of Armageddon, but it was possible that this was a branch of humanity different from that which they had previously encountered, though their manner ofdress and speech of "trade", whatever that implied to them, was all too reminiscent of the slavers of old.
Free United States
19-11-2007, 23:17
"Let me explain," the Captain said, thankful they hadn't flat-out rejected his offer. "Each ship has a superstructure, a skeleton, if you will, that supports the rest of the vessel. Along these support structures, E-1101 is melded. It is then connected to our Reflex furnaces, our powerplant, and energy is fed from the furnaces into the mineral. A special reaction between Reflex energy and the mineral creates a space inversion field. That is, it collapses normal space-time, and allows us to 'fold' space around us. The process is called a fold maneuver, and for a more technical briefing, I suggest asking a scientist or engineer. The problem is that the mineral cannot be duplicated, and must be refined before we can use it in our ships. Our proposal is to exchange a commodity which we have that you consider valuable for the mineral. From your questions, I must assume you do not value the mineral in the way we do. What type of resource do you consider valuable? Perhaps we can use it in our trade."
The Andermani
19-11-2007, 23:41
"Let me explain," the Captain said, thankful they hadn't flat-out rejected his offer. "Each ship has a superstructure, a skeleton, if you will, that supports the rest of the vessel. Along these support structures, E-1101 is melded. It is then connected to our Reflex furnaces, our powerplant, and energy is fed from the furnaces into the mineral. A special reaction between Reflex energy and the mineral creates a space inversion field. That is, it collapses normal space-time, and allows us to 'fold' space around us. The process is called a fold maneuver, and for a more technical briefing, I suggest asking a scientist or engineer. The problem is that the mineral cannot be duplicated, and must be refined before we can use it in our ships. Our proposal is to exchange a commodity which we have that you consider valuable for the mineral. From your questions, I must assume you do not value the mineral in the way we do. What type of resource do you consider valuable? Perhaps we can use it in our trade."

<Commodities lack any inherent value. Our master asks that you await his coming before we discuss anything more. He already knows, to a degree, what he desires of you, it is more a matter of how much you are willing to give up to obtain your precious mineral.>

Moments later, the dragon of dull iron appeared once more, though mujch smaller than most were used to seeing. No longer 20 feet tall at the shoulders, it now stood eye to eye with the Captain. <We require from you knowledge, both of the universe and in general. We have no shipbuilders, and the knowledge of your vessels and your designers would be our minimum requirement.>
Ruthless Slaughter
20-11-2007, 00:42
Ackerson raised an eyebrow at this, "Well, if that's all you want then maybe it's we who can help you. Our database onboard the Absolution, well, what's still fuctional, has a full archive on blueprints and material lists for Dominion vessels. Naturally we'd have to leave out some of the more advanced weapons systems, but you'd still have some pretty high performance vessels at your disposal. As you can see even heavilydamaged one still survived an uncontrolled reentry."
Free United States
20-11-2007, 08:29
"The engineering team aboard any one of our ships could explain the theories and mechanisms behind our shipbuilding methods," Captain Groetz answered. "We have laws governing the types of technologies we can trade, however, and I would need permission before giving you any knowledge about our propulsion or weapons systems," he concluded. Taking a glance at Commander Ackerson, Groetz amended, "You can take what knowledge you wish from both our cultures."

"Y'know," Ackerson whispered to Marta. "He seems a little secretive."

"Well, its the nature of these Wyverns," she surmised. "It's a little similar to our Robotechnology."


"Our vehicles aren't just controlled by human manipulation of controls," she answered, pulling off her helmet for a moment. She ran a finger along the inner lining, revealing the array of sensor studs. "This is how the complicated movements you see the Battloids performing is accomplished. You don't just fly a Veritech, you live it."
The Andermani
20-11-2007, 21:28
"The engineering team aboard any one of our ships could explain the theories and mechanisms behind our shipbuilding methods," Captain Groetz answered. "We have laws governing the types of technologies we can trade, however, and I would need permission before giving you any knowledge about our propulsion or weapons systems," he concluded. Taking a glance at Commander Ackerson, Groetz amended, "You can take what knowledge you wish from both our cultures."

"Y'know," Ackerson whispered to Marta. "He seems a little secretive."

"Well, its the nature of these Wyverns," she surmised. "It's a little similar to our Robotechnology."


"Our vehicles aren't just controlled by human manipulation of controls," she answered, pulling off her helmet for a moment. She ran a finger along the inner lining, revealing the array of sensor studs. "This is how the complicated movements you see the Battloids performing is accomplished. You don't just fly a Veritech, you live it."

<That would likely be best. Simply allow me access to your data strage devices.> He paused and addressed Marta, <You are proud of your Veritechs? And yet they are but machines, you do not truly live it as I do. Sworn to guard my race for eternity, I am the light in the darkness, I am the shield that stands before the 13 tribes, I am the watcher on the walls, and my watch shall not end for all time. No, you do not live your machines and be glad of it.>
Free United States
20-11-2007, 23:33
"Sounds like a challenge," she muttered. Opening up her communications net, she ordered the pilots to take off.

The Veritechs switched back to GERWALK skimming the planet's surface as they made the transformation back to fighter mode. They split from one another, turning back around and rocketing head-on. A deafening sonic boom crashed as the fighter's passed within centimeters of one another. Immediately after passing one another, the fighter's nosed upward, going into a vertical climb. At about 40,000 ft. they levled off, cutting the engine power back, making passes and dives around one another. The fighters transformed at will; one in GERWALK would suddenly rocket up or change direction, another would be in Battloid mode, doing sumersaults and other acrobatic feats in the air.

"Guys," Marta radioed. "Go hands-free."

"What?" Ackerson asked.

"Just wach."

Inside the fighters, the pilots were calm despite the dangerous maneuvers they had been performing. Lessons from Zen masters had taught them how to clear their minds so as to make a better connection with their Robotech mecha. Now, they let go of the HOTAS (Hands-ON Throttle And Stick) and placed their hands in their laps in meditation poses. The fighter switched over to the new guided mode still in the experimental phase. Rocketing around, the fighters seemed to perform even better than when controlled thorugh hand and foot controls. One fighter began to spin in a horizontal path through the skies.
Hyperspatial Travel
21-11-2007, 03:39
"We have major activity on the surface. Tacnet transmissions from the Trenton indicate that they've met someone down there, and now, they're preparing a major striketeam. I don't know why."

Ino paused. "Jennings, wait a second. Incoming transmission from Fleet."

-Encrypted Message-

This is the taskforce Prophecy of Delphi. In light of the information you have sent us, we are en-route to your position. There, we will secure the system against all aggressors, and attempt to validate the identity of your unknown dimensional travellers. I am Strategos Aeleion, captain of the Dying of the Light. I will be taking command of the situation as soon as I arrive. Prior to our arrival, I expect you to investigate the planet upon which all troops have been landed. A full report will be delivered to me upon my arrival.

-End Message-

"Well. That settles that. Jenkins, we'll need to send down an automated taskforce. We'll need to divert a fair bit of power from shields and sensors to be able to maintain a secure NeuralNet connection with any taskforce that's going down. Send a message to the Trenton."

Hell. The Delphi taskforce was en route. Delphi was a specialised force, designed solely for the combating and destruction of dimensional travellers. They had their own laboratory ships, but Delphi had been integral in the great war with the Maker-Mind, and were not known for their forbearance. It was also a fairly large set of ships, one of the larger taskforces in the nation. Yes, it would be best to make contact now, and make sure this new species was friendly. If not, he had little doubt that Aeleion would try and cauterize it into being so - the man might consider himself a brilliant general, but he certainly was not a diplomat.

-Message to UTF Trenton-
This is the Kingmaker. We are sending an automated light diplomatic-scouting taskforce down to the surface. Be advised that they'll be landing within one klick of your forces, so we're naturally asking that you don't fire on them. With these "Wyverns" we've heard about from your databanks being quite peculiar creatures, and possibly those who instigated the previous attacks, (noting their hatred of weaponry in your records), they will be unarmed, apart from the natural abilities of the taskforce, which are mildly formidable.
-End Message-

Six large metal boxes screamed into the atmosphere, entering at the precise angle needed to send them in without burning up, or bouncing off. Almost immediately, they began breaking up despite this, the outer box dissolving as if it were paper-thin, and large, winged robots descending gently from the remains. Indeed, the only purpose of the box was to shield them from harmful radiation emanating from the ship from the beginning of their descent. Their wings snapped into position behind them, and they plummeted towards the Union forces, wafer-thin wings wisping out behind them at the last minute. They curved up, and then slowly descended the last half a kilometre, landing about sixty metres away from the Union taskforce.

On the way down, however, they had taken readings of the Free United States forces. Enough, at least, to determine that, whilst they were mechanoids, and probably not actual combat craft, and were more likely to be used for entertainment, or scouting, they could still pose a threat to the Realm taskforce.

Hyper-accurate radio signals were sent to each of the Veritechs, all containing the same message. Of course, it would not take much to pick them up from anywhere else on the planet, considering that quite a significant range of frequencies were sent.

-Message to Mecha-craft-
Kindly be advised that we, the Realm, have a diplomatic unit on the surface of this planet, and any hostile act would be ill-advised. With your peculiar maneuvers, we cannot help but assume you are either staging some sort of performance, or preparing for combat. If it is the first, I doubt any here would be intimidated by a few scrappy fighters. If it is the second, any aggression or intimation of aggression against Realm forces will meet with your termination.

Captain Ino, RWS Kingmaker
-End Message-
The Andermani
21-11-2007, 20:19
"Sounds like a challenge," she muttered. Opening up her communications net, she ordered the pilots to take off.

The Veritechs switched back to GERWALK skimming the planet's surface as they made the transformation back to fighter mode. They split from one another, turning back around and rocketing head-on. A deafening sonic boom crashed as the fighter's passed within centimeters of one another. Immediately after passing one another, the fighter's nosed upward, going into a vertical climb. At about 40,000 ft. they levled off, cutting the engine power back, making passes and dives around one another. The fighters transformed at will; one in GERWALK would suddenly rocket up or change direction, another would be in Battloid mode, doing sumersaults and other acrobatic feats in the air.

"Guys," Marta radioed. "Go hands-free."

"What?" Ackerson asked.

"Just wach."

Inside the fighters, the pilots were calm despite the dangerous maneuvers they had been performing. Lessons from Zen masters had taught them how to clear their minds so as to make a better connection with their Robotech mecha. Now, they let go of the HOTAS (Hands-ON Throttle And Stick) and placed their hands in their laps in meditation poses. The fighter switched over to the new guided mode still in the experimental phase. Rocketing around, the fighters seemed to perform even better than when controlled thorugh hand and foot controls. One fighter began to spin in a horizontal path through the skies.

<And yet they are still but Machines, no different from the Wyverns of my suboordinates. You are but humans, you cannot understand what it is to become one with the metal. I am what you see here, andshall be this way for all time. Long after your machines have oxidized into scrap, and all that I know are dead, I will live on, unchanging. Even now you do not understand, I can see it in your mind. I will show you.> The dull metal rippled and pulsed for less than a second, barely seeming to shimmer, before Marta looked upon a perfect replica of one of her own Veritechs, standing at human scale directly in front of her. <Do you understand now human? Be not so hasty to live the metal, it is the greatest curse, I became The Dragon of Blood after being maimed in our war against your kind, yet death would have been a release next to this.>
Free United States
21-11-2007, 21:46
"There is a rumor," she began, "Of an alien race. The one's for which our technology was originally created. They were once peaceful, existing in an egalitarian hive consiousness. But a scientist by the name of Zor took their greatest treasure, the Flower of Life, and used it to create Robotech. The first race was the Invid, and they have waged a war against all who use Protoculture, the power derived from the Flower. From what records we have obtained, they have melded biologic components to their technology, creating a form of living even we find hard to understand."

She was quiet for a while, wondering why she had told the Wyvern so much. Maybe she was trying to comfort him somehow...that somewhere there was a race very similar to his predicament. True the Invid were the scourge of the galaxy, but maybe the Wyvern could learn from the lessons of those that worshipped the Flower of Life...

OOC: placeholder for a longer post
Hyperspatial Travel
30-11-2007, 09:41
The Andermani
30-11-2007, 19:28

I'm still waiting on this mysterious "longer post" before I make an actual reply. I've TGed FUS, but no reply or post has been forthcoming. If we don't see one by monday I suggest simply moving on without him.
Free United States
30-11-2007, 21:10
OOC: OMG!! y'all were waiting all this time for me?! I was waiting for someone to post a little more...and then I'd post my longer one! I was going to work and didn't have the time to make it as long as I wanted. I'm so sorry guys!! [CRASH] owww, i just bowed and hit my head on the desk!!


FSS Flame of the AEsir (LCAS-00)

The corvette had broken from formation on order to take a better lookout position along their orbital path. On the portside, the hangar bay opened, and a fighter was launched. It was an older First Gen. Veritech, more reminiscent of an American F-14 than the foreard-swept Second Gens., but it was still a formidable fighter. Outfitted with large augmentation pods on its dorsal and nacelle structures, it was the equivalent of an entire squadron of Veritechs. Inside was the AEsir's CAG, Lt. Commander Fleige. He'd flat-out refused to upgrade his fighter to the new SF-01s, and valiantly flew in his fighter with the distinctive Black Ace Squadron insignia. As the fighter moved away from the planet's magnetic field, the instrumetns and scopes began to go haywire. There was a huge gravity well forming, and he turned the fighter over on its back to avoid it.

FSS Volsungasaga

The XO saw the data streaming in, but he didn't believe it. He'd seen this type of disturbance before, and last time had almost spelt doom for the human race.

"Sound General Quarters!" he ordered. "Get me the Captain!"

From the non-existant void on non-space, they came. The ones for whom Robotech and Protoculture had so influenced they were called Masters. Their arrival was less violent than that of the Commonwealth ships; centuries of innovation had made their level of technology unrivaled.

<Those ships hold Reflex technology> one Master said.
<Then it means the Zentradi failed> replied another.
<We must secure the Protoculture aboard those ships before we secure Zor's fortress on Earth> concluded another.
All three stood on a raised pedestal, all alike in voice and form; they were, in fact, clones.
<And what of these others>
<They are irrelevant. Only the Protoculture and the Flowers of Life are important>
The Andermani
01-12-2007, 07:01
<Simple prosthesis and augmentation does not impress me. These creatures seem nothing but cyborgs, machine and flesh. You do not understand, and I do not believe you will. Cease your attempts human, you will simply continue to fail to understand, you do not have the proper frame of reference. Show me these databanks, and I will ensure the repair of this vessel.> The form shifted once more, becoming what many might come to recognize as the true form of the Wyvern Pilots, cast in the same dull iron as everything else about the Dragon. It was approximately 5 feet tall, humanoid, with long "hair" that concealed features that many humans would have called felinoform, but they were so faint that it wasn't truly material. The long features of the face and the sharp angles evoked images of elves, but even that was inacurate. He was Setian, and he was like nothing they'd ever seen before.
Free United States
01-12-2007, 08:07
Asgard Artificial Satellite, Lagrange Point 4, Earth Orbit

The home port for the Commonwealth Spacy was built upon a four-mile diameter asteroid taken from the belt outside of Mars' orbit. There, the assembled fleet stood in drydock, the absence of the SEF leaving berthings empty and unused. Inside the command center, Admiral Halerton read the report sent over subspace.

FR: FSS Volsungasaga BSNA-01, Captain Yvgenni Groetz Commanding
TO: Commonwealth Space Defense Force Command, Admiral Charles Halerton
RE: HYperspace fold encountered.

>At 1245 SEF time 30 October (0145 GMT 29 November)* instruments aboard FSS Volsungasaga confirmed hyperspace fold in vicinity of planet NV-234-K. Analysis shows ships to be that of the Robotech Masters. Task Force has gone to Condition One stations and is preparing to engage the enemy. Request additional orders.


"Get me Captain Izen," the Admiral told his aide. Izen was commander of the Seigfried, flagship of the 8th Fleet. A proojec-bema image soon materialized, the Captain staring down at his commanding officer.

"You requested me, sir?"

"I'm ordering the Seigfried Task Force to assist the SEF in combating the Robotech Masters. You will recieve a full briefing before departure, which will be within the hour. For the Motherland."

"For Earth," the Captain corrected.

DEV Absolution

"Goddamit," Marta growled. She opened up the tac-net, "iPod, get yer ass down here and pick me up! We'll get to the Volsungasaga and I'll get my fighter."

"Hey, what's wrong?" Anderson asked.

"Y'know those Invid I was talking about? The Masters are the one's who stole Protoculture from them. From what we know of them, they're a race of clones, and their warriors are genetically designed to mentally pilot their fighters. Way beyond what we can do...they're major baddies, all right?"

Before the Commander could ask for more, iPod had landed his fighter nearby, and Marta vaulted into the cockpit, fitting uncomfortably on the junior officer's lap. By the look of the pilot's face, he wasn't too thrilled, either. The canopy lowered and the fighter took off, it's nose pointed towards the stars.

*Special relativity applies, so there's roughly one month's time difference between the Earth and the planet according to the tech. of a fold maneuver.
The Andermani
01-12-2007, 08:19
Asgard Artificial Satellite, Lagrange Point 4, Earth Orbit

The home port for the Commonwealth Spacy was built upon a four-mile diameter asteroid taken from the belt outside of Mars' orbit. There, the assembled fleet stood in drydock, the absence of the SEF leaving berthings empty and unused. Inside the command center, Admiral Halerton read the report sent over subspace.

FR: FSS Volsungasaga BSNA-01, Captain Yvgenni Groetz Commanding
TO: Commonwealth Space Defense Force Command, Admiral Charles Halerton
RE: HYperspace fold encountered.

>At 1245 SEF time 30 October (0145 GMT 29 November)* instruments aboard FSS Volsungasaga confirmed hyperspace fold in vicinity of planet NV-234-K. Analysis shows ships to be that of the Robotech Masters. Task Force has gone to Condition One stations and is preparing to engage the enemy. Request additional orders.


"Get me Captain Izen," the Admiral told his aide. Izen was commander of the Seigfried, flagship of the 8th Fleet. A proojec-bema image soon materialized, the Captain staring down at his commanding officer.

"You requested me, sir?"

"I'm ordering the Seigfried Task Force to assist the SEF in combating the Robotech Masters. You will recieve a full briefing before departure, which will be within the hour. For the Motherland."

"For Earth," the Captain corrected.

DEV Absolution

"Goddamit," Marta growled. She opened up the tac-net, "iPod, get yer ass down here and pick me up! We'll get to the Volsungasaga and I'll get my fighter."

"Hey, what's wrong?" Anderson asked.

"Y'know those Invid I was talking about? The Masters are the one's who stole Protoculture from them. From what we know of them, they're a race of clones, and their warriors are genetically designed to mentally pilot their fighters. Way beyond what we can do...they're major baddies, all right?"

Before the Commander could ask for more, iPod had landed his fighter nearby, and Marta vaulted into the cockpit, fitting uncomfortably on the junior officer's lap. By the look of the pilot's face, he wasn't too thrilled, either. The canopy lowered and the fighter took off, it's nose pointed towards the stars.

*Special relativity applies, so there's roughly one month's time difference between the Earth and the planet according to the tech. of a fold maneuver.

<Let them come. My warriors will thin their ranks. I will crush their pathetic forms. They bring war here to my home, and so they shall die. Let them come.> The form rippled once more and the Dragon stood revealed again, and yet it was changed. Gone were the smooth contours of dull metal that had made up its body. Now nearly a score of particled cannon studded its massive form. Each was technically an infantry weapon, but pumping out nearly 700 megawatts of power, they were for all intents and purposes tank cannon, with the most dangerous mind on the planet to guide their fire.
Hyperspatial Travel
01-12-2007, 08:22
Aeleion stared down at the screen, his face an impassive mask.


His face did not change, nor did he give any sign he had heard the question.
His fingers tapped impatiently on the table next to him, and he continued to stare.

"Strategos, we are preparing the fleet for arrival. What are your orders?"

Still no answer. However, now, as he looked down at the screen, the words there altered, green turning into red, streams of technical words forming into a single, obvious word.


Delphi was a force of picked men, and Aeleion frightened them all. Whereas the majority of Taskforce Prophecy of Delphi were more than willing to annihilate a people for merely looking at the Realm sideways, Aeleion needed no excuse. One of the oldest in the Realm, he was not ruler, or Magnate, because of his close affiliation with Magnius, in the Old Realm. Over a millenium old, his mind had survived many bodies, and he had been reborn with the First Magnate. He had suffered the depredations of the Maker-Mind, and he was one of the few remaining operant psychics in the Realm, though that, too, was hidden from the Realm.

In the old days, he had burnt alien species from existence so that he could have their worlds. He was imprisoned by the League who overthrew the Realm, alongside his ever-present ally, Magnius. When they turned the tables on the League, and re-founded the Realm, it was he who sabotaged the defenses of the League coreworlds so that the Taledonians could overwhelm and glass them.

He had not reformed as Magnius had, and still was known for his cruelty. Yet he was a general beyond measure, and his innovation on the battlefield kept his career afloat.

He smiled, suddenly, and stood up.

"Gentlemen. We are prepared, are we not? Our shields are readied, our weapons more than capable of the destruction of all who stand against them. We will enter this system, and, if we can, discover the source of these mysterious attackers. If not, we will aid Captain Ino in his.. negotiations."

His smile disappeared, and he spoke the same barely-varying calm tone he had spoken in before. "And if, perchance, this is some remnant of the Maker-Mind or its scions, we will scourge it into nothingness. And I will see it burn."
Free United States
02-12-2007, 08:42
<The others seem intent on fighting us>
<Our Protoculture reserves have already been weakened by the journey towards Earth>
<We must let them know we have no interest in them. Our interest is only in the humans who harness the Flower of Life>

The Masters then did something very foreign...very alien to them. A node grew from the wall and snaked its way forward, becoming a communications center.

<Those races who do not possess the Flower of Life, this battle does not concern you. We wish only the return of what is ours. The Protoculture is our technology, stolen from our scientist Zor nearly twelve years ago. This is our battle>

FSS Volsungasaga

"Well, that's not very good," the TAO, Lt. Commander Michael Davits muttered to the XO. With the Captain still o nthe surface, he was pro tempore the Second-in-Command.

"Mmm," Mordeux answered. "How're our boys?"

"All fighters have launched. The rest of the fleet also reports all fighters away and are now standing by in battle formation," Davits answered.

And they had. Each ship's Air Group was arrayed around its mothership, each loaded out in full combat gear; missile pods and phased-array cannon filling their hardpoints. The ships themselves were bristling with cannon, casemates revealing arrays of missile pods.

"Prepare to fire the Cherry Blossoms," Mordeux ordered.

Along the long axis, each ship split, revealing the core of the vessel, a particle cannon based upon the alien technology they had adapted. While each was different, depending on the class of ships, the Volsungasaga's had been rated at 1.55 x 10^12 joules.

FSS Siegried, BSNA-03

The flagship had folded soon after it had been given the orders, its Battle Group in hot pursuit. Sitting in his command seat, Captain Izen sat quietly. It would take at least a day to get to the Volsungasaga's location. He wondered if they would make it in time.

FSS Flame of the AEsir, LCAS-00

Walking towards the bridge, Commander Mariah Ramius had done a thorough 'walk of the decks.' Like all captain's who had taken their ships into battle, she had personally insepcted it, giving the girl a good dose of encouragement. She entered the bridge just as Lt. Commander Natalie Bartlett, the XO, was chewing out the Flight Ops officer, Petty Officer Molly Hughes. Ramius excused the XO and gave the pestered officer an encouraging pat on the shoulder. Taking her station, Ramius belted herself in and brought up the tactical displays while Bartlett took her seat in the lowered CIC structure. The whole ship felt the vibrations as the furnaces chruned, preparing the firing of the main cannon.
02-12-2007, 16:22
The arrival of the Masters and the subsequent message by them did not go over well with the Xel'athi and the Ascendants. Both were committed, one as the cause that their masters fought for and one to ensure that their home was not invaded. The Ascendants moved quickly in order to, once again, make an example of those who dared to disturb the peace in which the Ascendants fought for the most. Sarael, the leader of the task force assigned to patrol this sector sent out orders through her racial mind-link and to her link with the Xel'athi. The Xel'athi were to mobilize their forces, activate the phase shield and prepare for ground combat, if it came to that. Protection of the outpost was top priority, for both their space and ground forces. On her end, she would be taking what ships she had, which in her mind would be enough to handle this invasion. Just to be on the safe side, she called for reinforcements and received the notice they would arrive in five minutes.

"Five minutes. We can easily hold that long." Shifting her mind outward, she ran over the ships she had currently at her disposal. Three frigates (, and two destroyers ( She was on one of the destroyers, the Uureal, from where she commanded this patrol. It might have seemed small, but the strength of the Ascendant ships was not in numbers, and even if they were by themselves, they could have held off these "Masters" until reinforcements arrived. However, with the various other factions in space here, they had plenty of meat shields to take the fire off them while they darted in and out of battle, cutting their enemies to ribbons.

"Alright, all ships prepare to go in phase on my signal and only on my signal. The contact protocol must be observed as they have not fired as of yet." She received a chorus of acceptances and then she activated the phase drive, dropping her ship out of its dimension and appearing, a decent distance, between the Realm and FUS ships, and the Masters. The sudden appearance of this ships again would be shocking, especially as it smoothly coalesced into being. Before anything could be said, a psionic message, disguised as normal ship communications, was sent to the Masters.

We care little for your what was stolen from you, or whom stole from you. You have arrived in our space with hostile intent and we will not allow that. This is your first, last, and only warning: Either attempt diplomatic negotiations, take your battle somewhere else, or leave. Failure to do so will result in countermeasures that will result in your annihilation. We have destroyed all invaders who have shown hostile intent in this sector; adding you to the list does not cause us remorse in the tiniest way.

The frigate hung there, waiting for their reply.
Free United States
03-12-2007, 06:33
FSS Volsungasaga
"We could use the help sir," the TAO said.

"But...this is our battle. We can't allow this war to spread more than it has. Earth, Fatoma, Tirol, how many planets must this war engulf?"

<They are believe their technology is comprable to ours? We who created the great Zentradi race and its millions of ships...>

<This battle may prove disastrous. We lack enough Protoculture for a prolonged battle>

<Perhaps we should concentrate on recovering the Matrix from Zor's battle fortress before continuing our quest?>

<If that is necesary, let us leave a parting gift>

<A Gift>

<A single Flower may germinate on this planet...>

<Use the Invid against them?>

Presidential Residence, Meridian City, CFUS

"What kind of ETA can we expect?" asked the Premier. Ever since word of the Masters folding into orbit, the NSC had been in secret session.

"After recieving word from the SEF, we can expect defold within...weeks. A month at the most," Admiral Halerton answered. "With their sophistication of technology...we just don't know."

"Therefore, sir," prompted Admiral Padorin, "What are your orders?"

"Prepare the military for a massive assault. Alert the missile battalions and call up the Reserves. Set Defense Condition One."

OOC: um, pehaps I should give specs on my ships.

Segfried-class battleship:
length: 3000 ft. width: 800 ft. (z-axis). beam: 900ft.
Defense: tri-bonded titanium/carbonized plating. Phase-shift armor. AA missile system.
Armament: 1 Grade Zero Cherry Blossom particle cannon (7.55x 10^12 joules), 20 Mjollnir linear cannons, 35 Sigrid intermidiate-range Gauss guns, 90 Fenrir missile installations, 30 Ymir torpedo tubes.
Speed: Mach 2.3/fold-capable. Crew: 8320 (not including air wing)
Air Wing consists of two CAW (Carrier Air Wing) each numbering 90+ combat fighters (SF-01)

Gladsheim-class heavy cruiser:
Length: 2000 ft. width:200 ft. beam: 500 ft.
Defense: Same.
Armament: 1 Grade I Cherry Blossom (6.0 x 10^10 joules). 10 Mjollnir. 8 Sigrid. 50 Fenrir. 15 Ymir.
Speed: Mach 2.7/fold-capable. Crew: 2340 (not including air wing)
Air wing consists of 1 CAW

Brynhild-class light cruiser:
length: 900 ft. width: 275 ft. beam: 100 ft.
Defense: Same.
Armament: 1 Grade II Cherry Blossom (5.5x 10^10 joules). 5 Mjollnir. 5 Sigrid. 35 Fenrir. 10 Ymir.
Speed: Mach 3.0/fold-capable. Crew: 810.
Air wing consists of 1 CAW.

Ygdrassil-class destroyer:
length: 450 ft. width: 75 ft. beam: 100 ft.
Defense: Same.
Armament: 1 Grade III Cherry Blossom (5.0x 10^20 joules). 2 Mjollnir. 3 Sigrid. 5 Fenrir. 3 Ymir.
Speed: Mach 3.5/fold-capable. Crew: 300.

Due to its small size, the Ygdrassil-class does not carry a compliment of fighters. It's air compliment consists of two CV-30 Vogels for transport/CSAR operations. The lack of recon vessels is supplemented by the use of advanced radar and electronic-intercept systems as well as th application of Kelpie unmanned Recon Vehicles (URV).

Asgard-class corvette:
length: 600 ft. width: 250 ft. beam: 125 ft.
Defense: Same.
Armament: 1 Grade II Cherry Blossom (6.0x 10^10 joules). 3 Mjollnir. 4 Sigrid. 10 Fenrir. 5 Ymir.
Speed: Mach 4.0/fold-capable. Crew: 420
One air wing consisting of two eight-fighter squadrons.

sorry for getting all techie on you ^_^
Hyperspatial Travel
03-12-2007, 11:34
OOC: Okay. Free United States, could you possibly provide some form of summary regarding your posts? Because I have no idea as to what just happened.
Free United States
04-12-2007, 07:31
OOC: Okay. Free United States, could you possibly provide some form of summary regarding your posts? Because I have no idea as to what just happened.

let me, there is not time, let me sum up:

the big baddies that the spacy fights, ie. the Masters, sensed the Protoculture in the Spacy ships. they diverted their course to intercept. now, they want the Spacy stores of Protoculture, but that would strand the ships. plus, the Masters will then just go to earth and try to take the Matrix from its burial site @ Reflex Point.

but, just 'bout everyone else is going to fight the MAsters because of their hostile intent, and the Masters have a (secret) plan to place a FLower of Life on the planet and hope it germinates. once it (the flower) does, the Invid, an even worse enemy than the Masters, will seek it out....

still confused...?
Hyperspatial Travel
04-12-2007, 11:05
OOC: Dude, I'm going to ask you another question, this time on a little more of a playing-field level. Do you think it's fair to utterly suborn the story of the Andermani with these "Masters" and your war, which then removes the focus from the Andermani, who are, of course, the reason for this thread, and places it on your war, probably depriving the poor guy of any diplomatic contact whatsoever?

Most of us, admittedly have come for different reasons, our primary focus, once we've disposed of our original, minor purpose for arriving, has been on the Andermani. It's not really as fun when it turns into an RP about some enemies none of us know anything about which seem to be stereotypical world-glassing villains, and, in all truth, it's not really what we signed up for, in a first contact sense.

Although I can't actually do anything but point this out, I'd just like to do so. Obviously, I'm not going to ignore you or leave, but I will think you're a tad overbearing.
Free United States
04-12-2007, 20:20
OOC: oh, i'm sorry. i was just trying to move the story along. i can, of course, remove the Masters (i did put in an escape clause @ in the last post). i can understand what you mean...sorry.) [bows]

<Our reserves are too low. We must make Earth and the Matric our priority>
<Yes, regrettably so, we cannot teach these beings the punishment for interfering with us>
<Prepare for spacefold. Resume our course for Earth>

FSS Volsungasaga
"Sir, they're folding!" the helmsman said.

"Instruments confirm sir," the TAO informed the XO, "They've disappeared from our scope."

"Send a FLASH priority message," Mordeux ordered.

FLASH Priority Message
FR: FSS Volsungasaga, BSNA-01, Captain Yvgenni Groetz Commanding
TO: Commonwealth Space Defense Command, Admiral Charles Halerton
RE: Refold of Robotech Masters

>At 0232 hrs, FSS Volsungasaga, currently under command of Commander Mordeux, witnessed the refold of the Master's vessels. Current estimates place them on a course towards Earth. SEF Task Force preparing to pursue. Will await additional orders.<


Meridian City, CFUS

"They've folded?" General Aberov asked incredulously.

"That's it, they're coming here!" Admiral Padorin stated.

"What'll we do...?" muttered someone.

"There's nothing to do but fight," the Premier answered. "Tell the Volsungasaga to remain, and recall the Seigfried. We'll show the Masters that this is our planet."

OOC: hopefully, this'll get things back on track. sorry for wasting everyone's time [bows] please forgive me [bows] just lemme know if i get carried away [bows]
The Andermani
04-12-2007, 21:06
OOC: I believe at this point we would then revert to escorting the huge and very well armed dragon to the crashed ship and letting him fix it/access their data terminals.
Free United States
05-12-2007, 03:39
OOC: [head held down, staring @ feet] yess, that would be best...
The Andermani
05-12-2007, 04:06
OOC: [head held down, staring @ feet] yess, that would be best...

OOC: That would make it your cue to show me inside then. Since we are about the only ones posting ATM.
Free United States
07-12-2007, 23:57
DEV Absolution

"If you will excuse me," Captain Groetz told the Wyvern. He walked over to the communications array and spoke with Commander Mordeux for several minutes. He walked wuickly back to the 'emmissary.'

"Sir, I must apologize, but I must take my leave. In my place I will send a subordinate, Commander Mariah Ramius to act on the behalf of my people. She is young, but a capable officer, and one I trust wholeheartedly."

As they spoke, the Captain's transport landed. Offering a crisp salute, the Captain stepped off of the frozen land and into the Vogel.

FSS Volsungasaga

"Sir, it's worse than we thought," Mordeux said once the Captain had exited the transport. "Two ships have been destroyed, and several more are severely damaged. Our forces are weakening."

"Then it's settled," Groetz answered. "Except for the AEsir,prepare the fleet for a spacefold. Since I am violating our standing orders, I will entertain any objections at this time." The Captain waited for a moment, but no one uttered a word. "Very well. Begin Spacefold!"

FSS Flame of the AEsir

Ramius was anxious as she strapped herself into the seat of the Vogel. There were more able commanders...why not leave thme behind? But, maybe that was why she had been ordered to stay behind. Her ship was of little combat value, and it was true she had never commanded a ship into battle. I'll do my best, Ramius concluded as the transport was launched out the hangar bay.