NationStates Jolt Archive

New Study Shows 25% are scared of Thunder and Lighting

07-11-2007, 01:31

SONOMI-The Kuronan Psychologist Association published a report of common phobias among Kuronanas. While most chose the general and typical phobias such as heights and spiders a reported 25% of girls ages 13-19 have astraphobia (The fear of thunder and lighting) out of this 25% 3/5 are farmers. As with all phobias no one really knows the unusual trend or the mentality of this phobia and why it seems so predominate among girls in Kurona, as other studies have shown less than 1% of boys actually have this phobia.

"There's no rime or reason for it," said Psychologist Julie Hanks "But we can treat it by easy desensitations"

One noted person with this Phobia is the Princess her self Tomoyo Weaver who has noted it since her childhood. "I feel it makes me who I am." Tomoyo said Some of her children have also shown signs of having this. "It's nice when my girls and I can cuddle up for safety at night, or my husband can hold me."

However admist the phobia very few seek treatment. "I just learn to live with it." Says local girl Kiyuki Manasato. "It makes it hard to be a farmer but oh well."

Some guys have found this to be a turn on. "It's great when a girl will jump into your arms at the slightest rumble." Said Cyrus Bills.

Treatable or not looks like this phobia will be one more of Kurona's unique culture quirks.
07-11-2007, 04:02
I know this isn't anything of great importance. I'm just bored. You can say what ever you like
07-11-2007, 04:11
Thunder and Lightning stood up in front of a crowd of people, wearing radical punk clothing. For the first time, she decided to talk out about it:

"Damnit people, stop being afraid of me! I just a normal human being! I was just born with a really bad name, so I hope that you guys can understand living with my name is such a bad thing. And I don't know who didn't give me an equally bad nickname. I mean, 'astra' - what's up with that? I mean people are sometimes really dumb. Just because I knock up on people's doors doesn't mean I going to rough them up or something like that."

Thunder and Lightning, having said that, was asked about the recent polls showing that "astraphobia" was the hottest fad in Kurona.

"Damnit people. Just stop it! Just stop it!" She stormed off the stage, wrecking a few camera and lights. And the broadcast ended.
The Beatus
07-11-2007, 04:17

SONOMI-The Kuronan Psychologist Association published a report of common phobias among Kuronanas. While most chose the general and typical phobias such as heights and spiders a reported 25% of girls ages 13-19 have astraphobia (The fear of thunder and lighting) out of this 25% 3/5 are farmers. As with all phobias no one really knows the unusual trend or the mentality of this phobia and why it seems so predominate among girls in Kurona, as other studies have shown less than 1% of boys actually have this phobia.

"There's no rime or reason for it," said Psychologist Julie Hanks "But we can treat it by easy desensitations"

One noted person with this Phobia is the Princess her self Tomoyo Weaver who has noted it since her childhood. "I feel it makes me who I am." Tomoyo said Some of her children have also shown signs of having this. "It's nice when my girls and I can cuddle up for safety at night, or my husband can hold me."

However admist the phobia very few seek treatment. "I just learn to live with it." Says local girl Kiyuki Manasato. "It makes it hard to be a farmer but oh well."

Some guys have found this to be a turn on. "It's great when a girl will jump into your arms at the slightest rumble." Said Cyrus Bills.

Treatable or not looks like this phobia will be one more of Kurona's unique culture quirks.

Official Press Conference

Reporter One,
"What do you think of the recent study concerning astraphobia in Kuronan?"

His Holiness, Edwardo Listless,
"This fear of lightening is unnatural and wrong. It is obviously a punishment form the Great Bob."

Reporter Two,
"What actions do you plan to take to resolve this situation?"

His Holiness, Edwardo Listless,
"I shall attempt to make these heathens see the light, and if not will have to resort to more drastic action."

Reporter Three,
"What do you mean by, "more drastic action?"

His Holiness, Edwardo Listless,
"No comment, thank you all for being here, but I must be going, no more questions."