Tremarendakia's Most Eligible Bachelor (Open MT)
03-11-2007, 17:23
[Open Communique to Eligible Women of the World from Prince Nadolm of Tremarendakia]
For over a year now, I have remained the last unmarried member of the line descending from Rudo I, the king of Tremarendakia. Though I am young, this is rather unacceptable to my father, my country, and myself. My bachelorhood is not for lack of suitors, I have been named Tremarendakia's most eligible bachelor two years in a row now, the problem is breeding and tradition. My father expects me, as his second son, to marry a woman of royal or noble birth. Unfortunately due to our relatively new status as a royal family, there are few options available to me in Tremarendakia. Thus, I am sending this message to the Princesses and Noblewomen of the world. If you would, I wish to meet with you in order to discuss a possible marriage.
Prince Nadolm of Tremarendakia
Aqua Anu
03-11-2007, 17:50
Prince Nadolm of Tremarendakia,
My name is Christiana Koppola. I'm 18 years old and I currently reside in the Queendom of Aqua Anu. To clarify my nobility may be challenging. I'm neither Princess nor Duchess, though I could seek the office of it if I so wanted. That's not to say I'm not of any nobility my father is the Royal Defense Minister, my mother Special Advisor to Queen Mikaux her self, my sister is Minority Leader in the Royal Parliament and my brother is an Admiral in the Royal Navy. And the list of my families credential goes on but let me go on to tell more about my self.
I'm a Caunuien (meaning I have white skin) but I'm also more sun sensitive than others, due to a skin condition. To much exposure in the sun can result in very painful burns for me. But I still love to swim and I love to sail. During Hurricane Karen (The deadliest in Aqua Anu's History) I stayed behind to brave the storm and help rescue stranded people afterword, so I'm very brave and tough. I enjoy movies, books and music. From Romance to action every movie can be a good movie for me. I personally play the trumpet my self and am very talented, especially with Jazz.
Well I think I've established all I need about me, I hope you will consider me
Christiana Koppola
03-11-2007, 17:56
Miss Koppola,
Your offer is very well received and will be considered. I hope to meet with you soon.
Prince Nadolm
(OOC: To be honest, I'm not very good at these types of RPs, but I need to get him a wife. I'll be replying like this post to most applications, and then I'll just announce the victor. Sorry if you want to RP.)
Aqua Anu
03-11-2007, 17:58
(You can always RP after the victor is announced it makes it more interesting that way. I've learned RPing very much through trial and error )
The Beatus
03-11-2007, 17:58
To Prince Nadolm of Tremarendakia,
I would love to meet you. I am of royal decent. My father was Kleg Plostos, King of The Kingdom of Plostos. He was murdered by that evil religious zealot Edwardo Listless, who then took the country that was rightfully mine. He even changed the name. I'm starting to ramble, sorry. Anyway I would love to meet.
Princess Samantha Plostos
Bhreatain Mhor
03-11-2007, 18:09
To: Prince Nadolm of Tremarendakia
From: Anna Harris
Greetings. My name is Anna Harris and I admit that I am neither royalty nor nobility but allow me to tell you about myself. My family has been wealthy over the years and we have spawned businessmen, writers and clergymen. My mother is a ballerina while my father is a businessman who runs a successful company. I enjoy traveling along with working for my nation's Tourism Department, recently I was in a tourism promotion video. I enjoy art and music and I am quite skillful in ballet (my mother taught me over the years). I personally play the flute and have been a member of my hometown's local orchestra. If there is anything else you would like to know, I would be glad to tell you. Thank you for your time.
A. Harris
04-11-2007, 16:54
(OOC: Bump for any late offers I might get, I'll be picking tonight.)
05-11-2007, 00:26
[Open Communique to Applicants for Marriage to Prince Nadolm of Tremarendakia From King Rudo I]
Good evening,
After intense cooperative review with my son, we have come to a decision. Miss Christina Koppola of Aqua Anu best suits the needs of my son and Tremarendakia, and so is invited to Dwelmant ah Celestin as soon as possible. Wedding preparations have already begun, and will take place several weeks after her arrival in Tremarendakia.
To those applying but not chosen, our best regards and wishes for the future.
King Rudo the First
Aqua Anu
05-11-2007, 05:15
Your Grace,
Thank you so kindly for choosing me. I shall sail out right away then catch a plane to come.
See you very soon,