A Young Emperor
03-11-2007, 03:03
Emperor Gnaeus Mundus I is seeking the guidance of more experienced world leaders to help him learn the finer points of interacting with other nations, as friends or foes.
03-11-2007, 03:36
The Gortanian Emperor would be pleased to advise the young emperor and his nation and improve relations between the two Empires.
the Most Holy Empire Of Gortania
03-11-2007, 03:58
We are most grateful. Does your Empire have any experience with warfare? Also, there has been some confusion about appropriate response etiquette and how to join threads in progress. (This is a huge break of RP etiquette, but am i doing the whole RP thing right?)
The Emperor has expressed serious interest in an alliance between our two great nations and looks foreword to meeting in person to discuss our future as allies.
03-11-2007, 04:21
Yes the Empire has won two smaller conflicts and currently has 77,000 soldiers plus support in active combat.
(OOC-Out Of character, this is how you post explanations and such you are doing a fair job and should ask questions out of the game like this. Also to join a thread in progress read up on the entire thing before you enter, this will prevent you from joining large threads but will save you trouble in the long run.
IC (In Character) The Emperor would be glad to hold a meeting and discuss such an alliance.
The Most Holy Empire Of Gortania
03-11-2007, 04:24
Here is an excellent example of a start a coup has failed against the government of Southeastern Greenland and they are requesting assistance for the government. Simply offer a reasonable number of your forces and as this conflict is new you will be involved from the start.
The Most Holy Empire Of Gortania
03-11-2007, 05:04
Emperor Mundus would like to host a meeting between himself and your Emperor at your convienience in the Imperial Palace in Belkar, our nation's capital. We fully understand that the security of your Emperor is the upmost importance to your people, and as such we will accomidate any security requests and agree to garrison as many troops/ security personel as you see fit to escort your nation's most treasured figurhead. He hopes to form or join in an official millitary alliance, share political ideology and discuss potential international trade. We thank you for your guidance thus far and hope you will be patient as our fledgling international relations program spreads its wings.
Emperor Gnaeus Mundus I is seeking the guidance of more experienced world leaders to help him learn the finer points of interacting with other nations, as friends or foes.
Diplomatic Telegram
I as official president of Zoingo, would gladely teach Emperor Mundus I on the finer points of peace diplomacy and interaction with other nations, as diplomacy is not always a one sided and you may never know when someone you trust maybe against you. While we applaud the Gortanian Emperor and his kind actions to teach you a bit on warefare and the fine pointers, we would like for the emperor to see actions of running a effective nation, as well as dealing with others off of the battlefield. Basically, the broader picture.....
Truth to yours,
President Roland J. Massaquine
President of Zoingo
03-11-2007, 13:26
As the Empire quelled all of its Domestic Affairs sometime ago and stabilized its economy it may be better to seek The President Of Zoingos advice in this area but as for Foreign Affairs the Empire has been heavily involved and would like to hold a meeting to discuss these matters and the alliance. The Emepror will travel to your capital and will be protected by a heavily armored car within a convoy of 100 soldiers of the Imperial Guard and 20 SSP Agents (Secret State Police).
The Most Holy Empire Of Gortania
The Isles of Albion
03-11-2007, 16:16
From Her Majesty Queen Morrigan of the Isles of Albion
To Emperor Mundus of Belkaros
I can only offer this small piece of advice
Keep your enemies close to you and your friends closer.
Loyalty can be easily bought, True loyalty must be earnt
Seek out the men who will tell you when you are fool, listen to their advice
Remember the crown you wear is just a heavy hat, it makes you no better than anyone else.
03-11-2007, 19:22
Your words are wise, your Majesty. I will keep them in mind as I tread lightly in the quagmire of international affairs.
Aqua Anu
03-11-2007, 19:26
Princess Subaru offers her services to help you
North Calaveras
03-11-2007, 19:29
The People's Communist state of North Calaveras would help the young emperor, we suggest you get rid of the title of emperor and establish a society for the less fortunate. we can help you become a state, while still keeping you in power, we can make your country a small superpower, nuclear weopons XD.
New Britannian kingdom
03-11-2007, 19:39
His Sovereign Majesty, Caleb the First, by the Grace of God, of the New Britannian Empire and New Britannia and of His other Realms and Territories, King, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of New Britannian Imperium, and of New Britannian Utopia, and of Fondor, and of Cransley, Head of Parliament, High Judge, and Founder of the New Britannian Monarchic Union wishes to offer Emperor Mundus his aid in learning how to rule an empire.
03-11-2007, 19:43
What can the Princess do for the Emperor?
United States of Zoingo
We have just recieved your telegram of your acceptance of our offer. We would like to inquire as to where the meeting will take place. And as a heads up first lesson:
Be weary of those who suggest government change, for they may turn it against you....
03-11-2007, 21:14
The Emperor would like to hold talks in the Imperial Palace of Belkar. We will gladly accomidate any ambassadors and support and security staff you would like to send.
The Emperor would like to hold talks in the Imperial Palace of Belkar. We will gladly accomidate any ambassadors and support and security staff you would like to send.
That would be nice, and our president should already be on his way....
Somewhere over Belkaros....
The president was currently on his way to meet the emperor of Belkaros to help along with his country. Flying in the national jet with 2 ambassadors and 10 of the Royal Guard, he was secure on his flight over to the Imperial Palace.
"Attention passengers this is your captian speaking, we will be landing in Belkar shortly, please secure your seatbelts and turn your cell phones off. Thank you! And welcome to the nation of Belkaros." The intercome spoke.
"Here we go...." the president said.
03-11-2007, 23:12
The Emperor looked cautiously out the window of his armored car in the center of the convoy. Suspicious of the many people he did not know outside his own country but confident he was safe. Within a few hours the convoy would reach the capital and the talks could begin. "Then i can get back to Gortania." he said to himself.
04-11-2007, 02:46
The President of Zoingo stepped off of the jet and onto the thick purple carpet that ran from his feet to a group of people standing near a limousine of unusual make and model. A young man, seemingly the leader of the group, stepped foreward and advanced towards the President. He carried himself with the authority and grace of an experienced leader, and yet he could have not been older than 28. He was dressed in a simple yet elegant tailored Maoist style suit, and wore his red hair short. He extended his hand to the president and introduced himself as Emperor Gnaeus Mundus I.
The surprise on the President's face was obvious. He had expected a younger man, but the Emperor could have easily been his son. The Emperor detected this and made a small joke, and proceded to escort the President into the waiting limousine.
After a brief tour of Belkar, featuring a tour of the city's most prosperous de-regulated free-market zones, Belkaros' famous Imperial Square, and 8 holes of golf at Gnaeus Greens just outside the city, the duo found themselves and their seperate enterages of security and support staff in the atrium of the Imperial Palace.
The palace was unlike any government building the President had ever seen. Its simple decorations and furnishings created an unintimidating yet unmistakable air of authority. The halls became slightly more ornate as they walked farther into the palace, finally stopping outside a pair of large oak doors, which led into the Emperor's personal study. The Emperor led the President to a large and comfortable chair and the two began the meeting.
04-11-2007, 03:00
The Emperor looked at his watch anxiously remembering to adjust times from Gortania, they had just driven into the capital of Belkaros. He had heard the President Of Zoingo was in the city as well. He would simply have to wait with his guard until the meeting was over...
Southeastern Greenland
04-11-2007, 03:02
The People's Republic of Southeastern Greenland will gladly help our good ally by sending a group of twenty advisors to help the young emperor, if it is permitted by Belkaros.
The Fanboyists
04-11-2007, 04:02
The Federation of Fanboyist States wishes to send an advisor for the young emperor to aid him in military affairs. Rest assured that Retired Commander Iethius Melagius is an expert in both land and naval warfare and also has decent common sense. This will only go through if your majesty accepts. I shall await your reply.
General Grimmeberger, Generalissmo of the Federation of the Fanboyist States, Head of State and Chief of Just About Everything Else
05-11-2007, 15:19
After his meeting with the President of Zoingo, a brief introduction to a new millitary aid from Fanboyists, and a quick overview of the millitary aid efforts in Southeastern Greenland, Emperor Mundus rushed to his meeting with the Emperor of Gortania.