01-11-2007, 22:21
"In today's technology focused world people forget who they really are. If we forget who we are, we are no longer our selves. To be great you must understand yourself, who you are." These words rang through the granite ballroom, echoing of the walls. "We are a mighty nation, here on earth, here to conquer, command, and rule vast lands. Who you were is not important, what is important is who you will be. But, if we forget the past we will repeat it. Let us conquer, command, and rule!"
Краснаяа Армия поднимал. This was painted on all army vehicles. K2 Black Panthers were rolling of production lines like what has never been seen before. The invasion was in it's first stages.
Краснаяа Армия поднимал. This was painted on all army vehicles. K2 Black Panthers were rolling of production lines like what has never been seen before. The invasion was in it's first stages.