The Scandinvans
31-10-2007, 03:41
The Order of Thule had long been a highly secretive group composed of nobility and powerful individuals that had been responsible for the formation of the Norse First party in the Scandinvan Empire, during which time they had come to their most powerful point and had come of the shadows. Yet, after the failed rebellion the Order of Thule saw many of its most important members faded away from the group and lost most of their power as a direct response to the losing many of its most key members and also due to the fact that they lost most of their political clot in the process,
Though they faded during the time after the civil war and were continuing to decline because of the machinations of Emperor Olaf IV the Order of Thule resurged to power once the Crown Prince, Olaf V, accepted the leadership of the group. This was a result of them no longer being persecuted and many hundreds of the most important people of the generation joining the order following the lead of the Crown Prince.
With Prince Olaf V at the helm of the Order the growth it continued for many years as it became more and more mainstream as the ranks of the group were opened to the common man of the Scandinvan Empire. As well, the Order grew to include many of the highest ranking military officers in the Empire, though not the government directly under the supervision of the Emperor Olaf IV because the Emperor had prevented the expansion of its ranks into his administration.
Any limitations on the group ended with the rise of the Crown Prince to the throne, and with him came the Order of Thule whose members, being loyal to Olaf V, the group immediately took over a number of key spots, at least the ones not held by them already, were the power of the Order, though not as direct as it had once been, now came to a new height in terms of sheer power. With these positions, and the support of the Imperial throne being the key factor, allowed them to implement the programs which had begun the purification of the Scandinvan Empire of non Whites and of mixed persons.
Now the Order seeks to expand it ranks abroad, provided they swear loyalty to the Order of Thule. This is being done in order to increase the strength of the Order and in the hopes of seeding the beginning of similiar racial policies in other countries.
1. Institute the racial purification of the Empire.
2. Establish a pure Nordic state in the Scandinan Empire.
3. Bring the expansion of the racial purification of all nations globally.
4. Bring about the racial purity of the White race as a whole.
To Become a Member:
1. Must be able to prove racial purity back at least eight generations.
2. Be willing to hold the secrets of the Order of Thule on pain of death.
3. Provide an oath of loyalty and service to the Order of Thule and swear to defend the purity and pride of the White race.
Member Templates:
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OOC: By the semi open I mean no one may inflitrate, unless you ask:p, the Order of Thule and learn of secret plans. As well, people from any nation may join if they are racially 'pure'.
Though they faded during the time after the civil war and were continuing to decline because of the machinations of Emperor Olaf IV the Order of Thule resurged to power once the Crown Prince, Olaf V, accepted the leadership of the group. This was a result of them no longer being persecuted and many hundreds of the most important people of the generation joining the order following the lead of the Crown Prince.
With Prince Olaf V at the helm of the Order the growth it continued for many years as it became more and more mainstream as the ranks of the group were opened to the common man of the Scandinvan Empire. As well, the Order grew to include many of the highest ranking military officers in the Empire, though not the government directly under the supervision of the Emperor Olaf IV because the Emperor had prevented the expansion of its ranks into his administration.
Any limitations on the group ended with the rise of the Crown Prince to the throne, and with him came the Order of Thule whose members, being loyal to Olaf V, the group immediately took over a number of key spots, at least the ones not held by them already, were the power of the Order, though not as direct as it had once been, now came to a new height in terms of sheer power. With these positions, and the support of the Imperial throne being the key factor, allowed them to implement the programs which had begun the purification of the Scandinvan Empire of non Whites and of mixed persons.
Now the Order seeks to expand it ranks abroad, provided they swear loyalty to the Order of Thule. This is being done in order to increase the strength of the Order and in the hopes of seeding the beginning of similiar racial policies in other countries.
1. Institute the racial purification of the Empire.
2. Establish a pure Nordic state in the Scandinan Empire.
3. Bring the expansion of the racial purification of all nations globally.
4. Bring about the racial purity of the White race as a whole.
To Become a Member:
1. Must be able to prove racial purity back at least eight generations.
2. Be willing to hold the secrets of the Order of Thule on pain of death.
3. Provide an oath of loyalty and service to the Order of Thule and swear to defend the purity and pride of the White race.
Member Templates:
Home Country:
Ethnic Background:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Skin Tone:
OOC: By the semi open I mean no one may inflitrate, unless you ask:p, the Order of Thule and learn of secret plans. As well, people from any nation may join if they are racially 'pure'.