Coup in Thestan Leads to Civil War (Open, MT)
If not from the heat coming off the smoldering ruins of a nearby apartment complex, one could almost have mistaken the white ash falling over the capital of Stanchi for an early mountain snow. The same heat caused a young officer of the 7th corps of General Muqtar Abd Al-Raqm’s Glorious Army of Restoration to remove his helmet and wipe the sweat from his eyes. As he finished tying a checkered cloth around his forehead and replaced his helmet, he was nearly thrown from his feet by the nearby explosion of an artillery shell. He took cover behind an upturned car along with the rest of his squad as a burst of machine gun fire peppered the street.
The gunner let them have it for a minute or so before packing his weapon and moving on through the burning neighborhood. The officer’s radio crackled as he got back to his feet.
“Units have reached and surrounded General Aziz’s mansion. The old parliament building has been captured. All squads report in.”
The officer spoke into the radio:
“Squad B moving through the tenement districts. 4 Blocks south of Aziz Avenue. Light Resistance.”
He looked up, his face smothered with grime but his eyes alight with the fire of revolution. Shouldering his rifle, he shouted to the rest of his charge.
As the sun rose on the 2nd day of November, Stanchi burned. The first pink rays glinted on the bayonets of the 11th Army as it slugged through the broad avenues and narrow alleys of the capital it had once defended, and which its commander, General Al-Raqm claimed still to defend. It was a mere 2 weeks after the first hopeful notes in the city following the end of student riots and President General Aziz’s promise to meet with the leaders of the pro-democracy movement in an effort to change the policies of his military junta, in power now for two decades.
This morning found the rebellious general in high spirits as he stood peering through his binoculars on the ridges overlooking downtown Stanchi.
“General, our forces report the seizure of the Presidential mansion with little resistance.”
“Is Aziz in custody?”
“Yes, sir,” replied the smiling officer.
“Well done.”
Al-Raqm handed him the binoculars and walked off towards a waiting helicopter.
President Aziz’s face was one of grim resignation as the soldiers moved him at gunpoint into the living room of his house that had become his prison. The same men he had spent so much time training, arming, and praising over the years now threw him harshly into a stuffed armchair. They snapped to attention suddenly as the great double doors to the room were thrown roughly open.
The tall, slender figure of the bearded General Al-Raqm appeared. The man removed his sunglasses and dropped his cigarette onto his former superior’s carpet, crushing it in with the heel of his black boot. There was a hint of a satisfied smile on his typically stern visage. Aziz remained quiet, watching him with disinterest.
“Mr. President, the people have spoken. Your term is up.”
Aziz tried to restrain a chuckle.
“The people?”
“Yes, the Thestanis whom you have betrayed by treating with the communist pigs you should have crushed.”
“The same pigs you butchered?” said the president, a note of disgust in his voice.
“They betrayed this country. Betrayed its army, its people. They betrayed you, but you were too weak to stop them, and so you betrayed us too.”
“There’s only room for one traitor in this room, Muqtar,” said Aziz, smiling.
Al-Raqm lit another cigarette and contemplated his captive.
“Are you afraid, Mr. President?” he said, spite dripping from his lips.
“I have no reason to be. My time is over. Now it’s my country’s turn to be afraid.”
He looked straight into Al-Raqm’s eyes as the General drew a revolver and put a bullet into Aziz’s skull.
Proclamation from the Government of General Muqtar Abd Al-Raqm
The traitor, Former President Aziz, has been executed, as the people of Thestan have demanded. Along with him die the communist dogs of the pro-democracy movement, executed at dawn yesterday by the Glorious Army of Restoration. The Military Government of Thestan has been reestablished today under the leadership of His Excellency, President General Al-Raqm. It is our promise to rid this nation of the cancer of dissent that the old president allowed to fester. No rebel or communist will find a safe place to lay his head from this point on.
Proclamation from the Proper Government of Thestan, in Exile
General Mushakur al-Anbar, former commander of the President’s Special Police Initiative, has taken the rightful government of Thestan into exile in the southwestern mountains of Thestan. He begs the nations of the world and the people of Thestan not to recognize this illegal usurpation of authority and to condemn the murderer of President General Aziz, the rebel General Al-Raqm. We pledge to fight this injustice with every bit of our existing strength, and restore the traditional government of Thestan, as is the will of God and the Thestani people.
29-10-2007, 00:56
If there is one thing our nation despises, its Communists.
If you need any help against Communists, don't hesitate to call us.
HOWEVER, the crushing of Democracy is not very favorable to us, Also.
We just warn you.
Your best solution now, is to install Democracy, and crush Communists.
Terre Nationale
29-10-2007, 00:56
[OOC: Map Please? And Tag.]
29-10-2007, 01:21
The government of fighter4u offer the hand of friendship to the new government of Thestan. We offer whatever support is needed.
Message from the forgien office of fighter4u
P.S I may be new. But I read all the threads and have a idea of what I doing.
The Kingdom of SaintB condemns the actions taken by the illegal regime that claims to rule the nation of Theston. We refuse to recognize the current GOP.
The Beatus
29-10-2007, 02:24
To General Mushakur al-Anbar,
We have decided to support you because democracy is always better than military dictatorship. We are willing to supply you with 400 "advisers" to help train your troops. Also we will send with them 100,000 R12 Assault Rifles. We await your reply on where to deliver the men and weapons.
His Holiness,
Edwardo Listless
The Theocracy of the Beatus
Official Orbathian Message:
We have always been against violent rebel uprising except in the case of unjustifiable by the government. I believe this uprising was not needed. As a government, you are free to make choices about who you choose to interact with. Furthermore, replacing a proper government with a military general does not seem right. Therefore we must ask;
Does the population really support the new government?
I would think not. This is why, at this time. We are prepared to begin bombing campaigns against rebel positions. It will be up to the ''loyalists'' inside of the nation to provide information on the rebel movements. Orbath is very skilled in urban warfare and pledges to prevent losses of your people. Furthermore, we are prepared to mount an operation to rescue major diplomatic officials and take them to Orbath, until it is safe to remain in your home nation.
East Lithuania
29-10-2007, 03:28
Dictator Scharfetter was sitting at his desk reviewing the rise of education before General Katilus walked in with urgent news. It had to be urgent, or else someone else besides Katilus would have walked in.
"Sir, a totalitarian government has just taken control of the nation of Thestan. They executed the president and a military general has now taken control." Katilus swiftly reported. Scharfetter sighed and rested his had on his knuckles as he thought.
"What are the plans of this new government?"
"They want to outlaw political freedoms and eliminate communism from their soil. They are creating a new Fascist power."
"Are there any nations willing to fight back? You know that unless personally threatning I will not-"
"An exiled general has sent a national telegram reporting a cry for help. There seems to be more people supporting the old government than we thought."
The dictator sighed and closed his eyes. His mind said "diplomacy" while his heart shouted "war." He couldn't control the urge to attack, yet he didn't want to go in immediatly.
"Telegram the new government saying to bring back the political freedoms. Report to me with a response."
"Yes sir!" The general saluted and left to run to the communications department.
To: General Abd Al-Raqm of Thestan
From: Dictator Scharfetter of East Lithuania.
Stop this madness and bring back the political freedom to vote back to your nation. Are you but too yellow to face the minds of your own people? Sickening. If you do not comply, we will take force. This is your first and final warning.
Dictator Scharfetter
East Lithuania.
29-10-2007, 17:08
In a dark dimly lighted room of a government building. One of the many that litter the captial city of sunlight. A men sat bunker down reading information coming in from hotspots around the world. Sunddenly a top one message flashed. The man rip it out of the fax machine and rush it upstairs. It soon made it way to the leader of fighter4u. Ruler fighter4u. Who after reading the hostile intents of other countrys. Order the F4U air carrier group to be delvop to Thestan.
A message was then broadcasted around the world. With fighter4u proimses to protect the nation of Thestan. As it go through internal issuses. And stop other imperialism nations from overthrowing the new and rightful government of Thestan.
Then a private message was sent to General Muqtar Abd Al-Raqm. Asking if he wanted troops to support him.
29-10-2007, 17:48
People's Republic
Official Message
To: General Al-Raqm
We condemn the unlawful and unjust coup of your military and warn you that we will not tolerate a right wing dictator in power against the wishes of the people. From this moment on, all Alversian staff and citizens (OOC: I assume there are some citizens there) will be evacuated and your country embargoed by our nation
Prime Minister
Adrian Harte
Unofficial Message to Government in exile
We are completely sympathetic to your plight and will donate a unit of 'volunteers' along with weapons and guerilla combat specialists should you desire it
Adrian Hart
Etoile Arcture
29-10-2007, 17:50
Official Diplomatic Communiqué
The Technocracy strongly condemns the coup d’état that has occurred in Thestan. We are shocked and appalled at the extra-judicial execution of the former Head of State, General Aziz, and the massacre of unarmed and innocent civilians who were members of the Popular Movement for the Democratisation of Thestania by the Thestanian security forces.
It had been our hope and ambition that the junta may dismantle itself and restore democracy to your nation to give a true voice to every Thestani citizen. The use of lethal force to commit gross acts of violence and repression against the population of Thestania are viewed by the Technocracy as constituting a crime against humanity, and we hold both General Al-Raqm and all members of the junta personally responsible and legally culpable for all acts performed under their name.
We fully refute the claims of General Al-Raqm that the Popular Movement for the Democratisation of Thestania was an insurgent group, or that it was a communist organisation. The Popular Movement for the Democratisation of Thestania was a peaceful, non-violent, movement aimed at restoring civil government and free and fair representation to all members of Thestanian society. The killings of activists and supporters of this movement are an act of cold-blooded murder.
The Technocracy states its intention to support in any way the return of democracy to Thestan and will seek the economic, political and military isolation of Thestan through diplomatic means via the Free World Alliance and other international alliances that respect and defend human rights and political freedoms. The Technocracy will not support in any way those members of the junta that now call themselves a government in exile. We recognise neither the current or former junta as being the rightful government of Thestan, and will support only the people of Thestan to throw off the shackles of dictatorship.
The Technocracy will consult with its partners in the Free World Alliance on what further action may be taken, and warns General Al-Raqm that further acts of violence and gross violations of human rights will be viewed very dimly by us and risk facing grave consequences.
Dr. Helena Smith, Director General of the Diplomatic Directorate
29-10-2007, 18:01
Shesharlie condemns the actions taken by the militant group led by General Al-Raqm. As Shesharlie understands, the people of Thestan did not show any consent of this. We see this as a straight military coup supported only by the military. Shesharlie demands that the people are given their rights back and the original government be restored. Until the democratic government has been restored, Shesharlie will not recognize Thestan as a legitimate nation.
An economic embargo has been placed on Thestan.
Thomas Hirsch
Chancellor of The Confederacy of Shesharlie
Associated Press:
Protests Crushed In Thestan After Coup D’Etat
Demonstrators for the pro-democracy movement in Thestan turned out in force this morning following the overthrow and execution of that nation’s president, Idi Ibn Aziz by rogue General Muqtar Abd Al-Raqm. Undeterred by the self-proclaimed head of state’s harsh rhetoric against dissidence, they shouted the slogans of the past four weeks and waved banners with the images of former President Aziz and several martyred democratic figureheads who perished in yesterday’s violent overthrow…
The street exploded with muzzle flashes and the thunder of a tank cannon. Instantly a wall of smoke and debris obscured the line of marching citizens as their chants transformed into shouts of pain and outrage. Soldiers wearing the patch of Al-Raqm’s 7th Army, the new National Army of Restoration, hammered on the trigger of their assault rifles, dropping whatever shadows moved in the smoke.
General Al-Raqm could see the explosion from the window of the old Parliament building, the seat of his new one-man “transitional Government.” Silently, he watched remorselessly, sipping a cup of coffee as the dissidents, worth less than cattle, died groveling.
“Your Excellency,” came the voice of Al-Raqm’s personal aid, Major Hanawi. Al-Raqm turned.
“Your Excellency, several communique’s have come in from the nations of the world. Few have rejected the legitimacy of our glorious Restoration, and many more have offered you aid and support in the face of that traitor al-Anbar’s proclamation.”
“As is to be expected. We must of course seek their friendship, even if their aid will not be necessary. The traitor will be broken in a matter of days, I’m sure of it. Already, the loyal armies of this nation converge on the bastard, hiding in his cave.”
Al-Raqm’s eyes gleamed with anticipation, pondering the terrible things he would have done to the old Minister of Police when he was captured.
“Still, send them a response in my name. We will accept what they have to offer,” he said, snapping back to his senses.
The mountains of the southwestern border regions, long known for treacherous passes and early, bone-chilling winters, had already tasted the first true snowfall. The men of the 4th Corps of the 9th Army, having declared their loyalty to the new Nationalist government, were now tasked with slugging upwards into the mountains to find and combat the rebellious 11th Army, along with those who had fled Stanchi under General Al-Anbar.
Sergeant Sayed Ibn Ishaq led a group of a dozen men, struggling under heavy coats and full packs. The sun glinted off of the fresh snow, blinding him so that he tripped over stumps and rocks. The men behind him grumbled.
“Shut up, you dogs,” he growled. “The rebels are out there, listening to every word you mutter.”
They quieted down, sensing the large man’s frustration and fearing what damage wounded pride would do compounding a stubbed toe.
They worked forward for another half hour, before Sergeant Ishaq halted them for a breather. Across a gorge, a line of APCs could be seen slowly winding their way along a mountain pass meant for goats, while the shouts of discontented GIs echoed in the canyons.
“Lazy grunts,” muttered Sayed, pulling a cigarette from his coat pocket and placing it between his lips. As he flicked his lighter, he was nearly thrown from his feet.
Across the gorge, the first APC had exploded, hit by a rocket in a concealed nest. The next armored vehicle was also struck. The shock of the two explosions shook the rocks on the side of the mountain, and soon a landslide came storming down, knocking both the group of vehicles and dozens of terrified soldiers off into the abyss.
Sayed struggled to find his rifle, thrown from his hands as he fell. It was as if the gunfire was all around, coming from every gorge and mountaintop, consuming the whole world. Giving up on his rifle, he drew a revolver and struggled to his feet.
“Drop it!”
The shout came from behind him. Cursing his luck, he let the gun slip from his hands and slowly turned around. There, with trained guns, was a group of what looked like fifteen soldiers. The rest of Sergeant Ishaq’s squad was looking at him, kneeling before the rebel contingent. A tall, clean shaven young man approached the sergeant. Looking him up and down, he gestured with his rifle.
Sergeant Ishaq reached into his pocket and offered the man his pack, which the rebel soldier snatched away.
“And your coat.”
Ishaq’s face contorted into a look of insulted shock.
“I’ll freeze.”
The tall soldier laughed, and was joined by the others standing behind him.
“Dumb bastard,” he said, before knocking the sergeant from his feet with the butt of his rifle. Ishaq hit the ground and rolled a few yards, right off the edge of the path and down the steep slope into the canyon below. His head split open like a melon on a sharp rock.
Captain Al-Hamzah, “The Lion”, as the tall officer’s men knew him, turned back from the ridge, smiling.
“Shame. It was a nice coat.”
“Laa Ilaaha Il-allaah,” came the response of a smiling young soldier. Al-Hamzah chuckled. He was drowned out by the whistling of a shell close overhead, and the following explosion on the mountaintop above.
“Come on! The bastards aren’t going to wait around for us to pick the corpses!”
He rushed off up the patch, his men following with the dozen prisoners.
Across the mountains and valleys that constituted this portion of the Imad pass (the only way into the deepest parts of the difficult southern mountains range), the soldiers of General Al-Anbar’s rebellion fled the burning wreckage of the Nationalist’s ill-fated expedition. They left behind the corpses of 1,200 of Al-Raqm’s soldiers and carried with them 3,000 prisoners. It had been the first blow, and a major one.
To His Holiness, Edwardo Listless of The Beatus:
I thank you for your expressions of support. Our forces will accept all the aid you can give, though moving supplies to our current position will not be easy. The safest route we can suggest is over the border of the nation of Stoklomolvi, with whom your nation and our own have long maintained friendly relations. The trek overland through the mountains will be slow, but safe. We await your advisors and supplies.
General Mushakur Al-Anbar
Proclamation From the Transitional Nationalist Government of Thestan:
To all nations who have threatened the sovereignty and wellbeing of the nation of Thestan, we reject your socialist rhetoric. This nation is a great, old, and proud state and will not suffer to be talked down to by left wing dogs and democracies who pretend to understand the hearts and minds of the Thestani people. It is clear that you know Thestan no better than you know the moon. Should the nations who have threatened military action against this free sovereign state, such as East Lithuania and Orbath, decide to go through with their threats, they will be met with equal force, and driven back from this sacred soil.
General Muqtar Abd Al-Raqm, President of Thestan’s Nationalist Transitional Government
To the Nation of Fighter4U:
We will accept your military aid. Your forces and supplies will be welcome in our ports.
The Nationalist Transitional Government of Thestan
((OOC: further responses forthcoming.
Map: ( ))
Official Statement From the Nationalist Transitional Government of Thestan
To the nations of the world who have insulted us with your threats and your embargoes, among them Etoile Arcture, Alversia, and Shesharlie, we, the government and the people of Thestan reject your rhetoric and your lies. To show that the new Nationalist Government of his Excellency General Al-Raqm the Liberator, who rid us of the traitors and the communists, is truly the will of the people, a plebiscite will be held in the capital of Stanchi. We are certain that the results will prove your actions grossly unfair and ill-conceived.
EDIT: Furthermore, all diplomats and citizens from the listed nations are to be expelled immediately. Should they fail to comply, they will be considered guilty of espionage and properly dealt with.
For several years, a movement had been growing in the east, in a province set apart from the rest of Thestan. The province, or more appropriately the region of Jum was composed of an ethnicity that was somewhat different from the majority Thestani population. The Jumi were a darker people who dwelt in the fertile river valleys of eastern Thestan. Many were farmers, though many also had a natural knack for learning, and it was very common for them to have studied at the nation’s universities, or abroad. This was partly the reason for the birth of the underground Jumi Separatist Movement nearly six years ago. The Movement was composed of Jumi intellectuals who had felt the scathing effects of the junta’s humiliating censorship and banned book list.
They had worked for some time with the Movement for Democratization, but many had given up on the nation of Thestan, and spoke in private about the potential for a separate nation of Jum. They were, by and large, less conservative than their Thestani countrymen, and more receptive to the liberal ideas of the west. Among the most famous of their demagogues was a man by the name of Ibrahim Mazin.
It was Friday afternoon, three days since the coup. The room was full of men and women who had read the papers that morning. They were nervous. The tension in the country was getting to the boil-over point. Reports from Stanchi were few and far between.
Some of them had heard this Mazin speak before. Some were members of his Movement. Many, however, were simply concerned and seeking reassurance in a dangerous time. It was strange, though, because as soon as he stepped into the room, a sense of calm came over them. His stride, long and confident, along with the smooth nature of his voice and his handsome features.
“Good morning, friends.”
He was smiling; the only one smiling in the room.
“I’m sure you all know what’s happening in the north.”
There were a few murmurs of ascent.
“These are strange times, indeed. First, we protest for change and they slaughter us. Then, they try to change themselves, and they slaughter each other. I can’t get my mind around it.”
He took a sip of water, and continued.
“This province, Jum, is as of yet untouched by the chaos in Stanchi. So is most of the rest of the country, save for the south where the armies of our oppressors are fighting each other as we speak. Soon enough, however, I can promise you that the chaos is going to spread. I’ve lived long enough to see it happen before. Some of the older men in this room can tell you about the old civil coup, when the military government installed itself. It stated off as a small change of leaders: the corrupt for the brutal. Soon enough, however, there was blood in every home and the chaos only stopped when the soldiers had quenched their bloodthirst. Mark my words, friends, this is only the beginning.”
The noise in the room had grown. Men and women nodded approval. A few applauded.
“Jum is a strange place, set apart from the rest of the country. We are a different people, a different race. It was the Jumi who warned the rest of the nation not to let their leaders grow too strong or carry too much of their hearts and minds away. Often, we have been scorned for such prophesying. As you all are aware, myself and my colleagues, Dr. Nawaf, and Professor Omar, at the university, have been for some time advocating in private for a declaration of autonomy from the rest of the nation. We are not revolutionaries, nor are we eager for a fight. We are too old for that. This is partly the reason we have restrained from pushing forward such a proclamation. Now, however, it seems things are changing. Perhaps it would be best to leave this sinking ship of state, and strike out on our own, as modern thinkers, liberal in our government and united by our race.”
There were murmurs, some of shock, some of approval.
“Yes, this is what I advocate. A free Jumistan. Free from the tyrants and the intellectual darkness of this country. Free to make our own destiny, and prosper. But I will not do this of my own accord. You, the Jumi people, must show me it is your desire as well. Tomorrow, my colleagues and I ask that you come out in force, all across Jum, to demonstrate for your freedom. Should you show us it is what you want, then your momentum will push it into being.”
The room filled with applause. Accounts of the speech were published in major underground newspapers throughout the province.
The next day, the streets were full. No one interrupted these protests and not a single shot was fired.
29-10-2007, 18:40
TO: The Nationalist Transitional Government of Thestan
FROM: The Association of Free People - Sheshan Chapter
Upon hearing the news of this coup, and the response to the Sheshan Government that you have publicly stated, we wish to send you a gift for swiftly consolidating power within Thestan.
This gift will contain for your pleasure:
1,000 rubber dildos
5,000 bottles of lubricating gel
1 condom.
Martha Bourque
President of the Association of Free People - Sheshan Chapter
29-10-2007, 20:21
People's Republic
Official Message
The Alversian People's Democracy expresses complete shock and outrage at the firing of peaceful protesters a few days previously. According to the Alversian constitution and thanks to camera coverage of the entire attack we have decided the time has come to act. The People's Republic requests that General Al-Raqm step down immediately as leader of Thestia and a Provisional Government elected by the people takes his place. We also demand the Army of Restoration be disbanded permenantly and it's officers sent into exile. We also demand that the people of Juma be given the oppurtunity of choosing to remain in your country or to gain their independance.
Only when these demands have been met will we condone the holding of a plebiscite.
Prime Minister
Adrian Harte
Armed Forces Commander in Chief
Field Marshall Alexander Cavourna
Unofficial Message to Exiled Government:
Chances are looking more and more likely that a war with the Thespian Government will be unavoidable. We would dearly like to keep our involvement in this to a minimum and instead allow you, the rightful government to lead the victorious march into the capital
Yours Loyally in Arms
Adrian Harte
The Beatus
29-10-2007, 21:54
To His Holiness, Edwardo Listless of The Beatus:
I thank you for your expressions of support. Our forces will accept all the aid you can give, though moving supplies to our current position will not be easy. The safest route we can suggest is over the border of the nation of Stoklomolvi, with whom your nation and our own have long maintained friendly relations. The trek overland through the mountains will be slow, but safe. We await your advisors and supplies.
General Mushakur Al-Anbar
To General Mushakur Al-Anbar,
Is there a highway, or long road near your base. It needs only to be strait and level for 10,000 feet. If one of these exist we can airlift the supplies in which would be the best option. Other wise just give us a location and we will paradrop the supplies and troops.
His Holiness,
Edwardo Listless
The Theocracy of the Beatus
Official Orbathian Message:
With the recent actions of the unrecognized, so called government of Thestan. We believe that we have no choice but to issue an order preventing all Orbathian citizens from entering the nation. Furthermore, no trade or diplomatic relations will ever exist between us.
The message had been a cover-up. Orbath was not a war mongering nation but the actions of the new ''government'' outraged many. For the past few days, military units within Orbath were put on high alert. Some were even fully prepared and ready to go within a few hours. The first assault however would be secret. Bombers that bore no marking or affiliation to Orabath. Pilots in civilian clothing, specially trained and sworn to secrecy.
Northern Orbath
3 B-73 Stealth Bombers took off into the sky. The sun was beginning to set and in a few hours, when the bombers dropped their payloads, it would be dark.
5 Hours Later
80,000 feet
It the darkness and high in the night sky, the bombers would be almost undetectable. Quickly they soared, seconds away from entering enemy airspace. Soon they would drop their payloads, but for now, they could only wait.
OOC: Any ideas for targets. I was thinking of hitting a rebel base or command center or some SAM sites.
East Lithuania
29-10-2007, 23:39
Proclamation From the Transitional Nationalist Government of Thestan:
To all nations who have threatened the sovereignty and wellbeing of the nation of Thestan, we reject your socialist rhetoric. This nation is a great, old, and proud state and will not suffer to be talked down to by left wing dogs and democracies who pretend to understand the hearts and minds of the Thestani people. It is clear that you know Thestan no better than you know the moon. Should the nations who have threatened military action against this free sovereign state, such as East Lithuania and Orbath, decide to go through with their threats, they will be met with equal force, and driven back from this sacred soil.
General Muqtar Abd Al-Raqm, President of Thestan’s Nationalist Transitional Government.
Dictator Scharfetter was reading the newspaper which had covered the Thestan protests & massacre. He sighed and shook his head as he heard the door open. He looked up from his reading and saw General Katilus come in. he was kind of happy to see him, as this would mean more news. Who knows; maybe they will go to war.
"Sir, telegram from the leader of Thestan. They won't back down and mock u for our liberal view."
The dictator smiled and looked down at the large headline on the paper. He looked up and clasped his hands together. "Well, on the grounds of disobedience and mockary, plus the murder of hundreds of civilians, I now declare a state of war. Prepare the 2nd army for immediate transport and the 3rd armhy to mobilize and prepare to back them up within days."
"Yes, sir!" saluted Katilus. On his way out, Scharfetter noticed Katilus's face looking a little... disappointed. He decided to cheer him up. "Oh, and General?"
Katilus turned around. "Yes, sir?"
"Don't worry. Your boys will be sent in soon enough. I just want to see how strong this nation is before we send in our strongest."
Katilus smiled. "Thank you, sir." He walked out and got in contact with the 2nd army.
Worldwide Transmission coming from the Office of Dictator Mark Scharfetter of East Lithuania:
My fellow leaders;
It is of this day that I declare the Dictatorship of East Lithuania at a state of war between us and the newly founded Imperial Thestan government. Their mockary and trechery have taken us back and has left us no choice but to correct the injustices for which they have commited. We call upon all nations that defend freedom and the will of their people to rise with us as we aim to leave Thestan with a government for which they do not fear.
Dictator Scharfetter.
East Lithuania.
"So what's the big news? Where we headed?" asked a private as he rounded up his gear and checked his ammo and supplies.
"Some hot shot in Thestan took over the government and went crazy. He insulted our leader in the process." a sergeant replied. The private became infuriated and started rounding up his gear faster. "What is up with you?"
"Oh nothing. I just wish that I'm the one who cuts to take out that bastard." he said with a smirk.
((OOC: Thestan, do can you give us an idea about how we could invade? Are you landlocked or what?))
((OOC: Not landlocked. There's a small strip of coastline. See the map on the bottom of the first page.))
Proclamation From the Nationalist Transitional Government of Thestan:
The results of the national plebiscite have come in, with unanimous support for the new National government. We throw these results in the face of the nations of Alversia and East Lithuania. His Excellency, General Al-Raqm has reaffirmed his intention to maintain power over the nation of Thestan. The General has hereby authorized declarations of war on these two nations.
Adnan Airforce Base, Outside of Port El-Jadida
“Captain, we’re picking something up,” came the nervous voice of the young officer, sitting at a monitor in the hardened RADAR bunker. His commanding officer, a middle-aged bearded man stalked over and looked at the screen. Though the moonless night made it impossible to see hardly anything in the inky blackness, hundreds of Soviet-era long range RADAR installations modified to operate at extremely low frequency and scattered along Thestan’s coastal planes could see what human eyes and higher tech RADAR could not.
“Bastards! Phone in to General Arif!”
The officer did as he was told, and made his report.
“Three objects moving at extremely high altitude have just entered our airspace.”
He replaced the phone and turned to his commander.
“Sir, he’s authorized us to shoot them down. East Lithuania has just issued a declaration of war.”
“Do it!”
On the plains and hidden in the low foothills, SAM emplacements and mobile batteries opened up on the stealth bombers.
30-10-2007, 00:54
Prime Minister's Officer, Senate Building
"So..." Prime Minister Harte trembled as he read the telegram on his desk. Field Marshall Cavourna stood nervously nearby. The declaration of war had just come through and already the Prime Minister had it in his hand. Thestan had declared war and so they must be made to understand what war meant.
"Sir?" Cavourna enqired, taking a small step forward, "Shall I?"
Harte sighed and slumped back in his chair. If a country wanted it's freedom, it would gain it.
"Order the strike. Mobilise when ready."
Cavourna saluted and strode from the Prime Minister's office. He had a lot of work to do over the coming days and already the Alversian war machine was starting to wake from it's slumber.
APS Equator, Thestan Territorial Waters
"Sir!! Message from NHQ!" an Ensign shouted as he tore the paper from the telegram machine and handed it to his captain. It was night, the Equator was one of a half-dozen cruisers sited off the Thestan coast in case of an attack or the need to evacuate personnel from the coast.
The aging Captain took the telegram and read it out to the rest of his crew on the bridge.
TO: All Alversian Naval Vessels
Advised a state of war now exists between ourselves and Thestan. All ships
are now to treat those in Thestan colours and deal with them accordingly.
Ships of the VII Fleet, commence with 'Operation Phoenix'
May God aid us in our quest against the evil and unjust in the world and
see his blessing carried through until the end
Grand Admiral Patton
The crew looked around in shock, as if trying to figure out what to do. A few even lowered their head in prayers. The Captain sighed and twisted to look out the side window of the bridge as a loud roaring noise could be heard nearby.
A fellow cruiser, the Eclipse had already discharged it's first missile, the comet tail stretching high into the air. The rest of the fleet was also starting to fire the first shots of Alversia's war.
"Fire Missile One," The Captain ordered sadly, "Military Targets only"
The Equator joined the rest of the fleet in firing cruise missiles deep into the Thestan countryside.
8th Armoured Regiment
Illesian Barracks, Alversia
"Right Lads! I want these tanks on the transports by 0800 hours! Now GET A MOVE ON!!" The Captain shouted as his platoon of Nakil Tanks were fired up, spilling black smoke into the night sky.
It was a cold night, the first snow had started to fall and the breath of the various Mechanics and Crewmembers could clearly be seen as they rushed about to get the Regiment's 200 Tanks onto the road in time for the transports arrival in the morning.
Sam watched and grimaced as his tank jlted along the road. The Nakils were acknowledged as one of the finest tanks in the world and Alversian Army had over 10,000 in service at that very moment. Many hundreds would take part in the war and ensure a quick ending.
His tank was next onto the road as the column to his left stopped to let him join the line. He waved his thanks and signalled to his driver. The tank drove into the night sky, headlights blazing as they headed for the airport.
'' Bravo One This is Bravo Three, I'm detecting several SAM missiles, over.''
''At this altitude?''
''Thats right.''
''Begin radar jamming and increase speed.''
With that, the three bomber accelerated to just under Mach 3 and one began jamming radar. If the missiles somehow made it to the altitude and could catch up, the bombers would deploy chaff.
OOC: Your SAM emplacements might reach me but mobile batteries would likely not be able to.
The buliman people are shocked by this action and will continue to keep a close eye on the sitution the new gov. is not recongized
Central Buliman Conucil Chambers:
Richard Wagner senate leader: As the situation in Thestan has reached a critcal point we have diceded it is time to take action I ask for the senates full support in liberating the peoples of Thestan. This could also be a prime time to see how well I military has been built up. I propose econmic sanctions, follwed by the deployment of the 94th armored division, and the 15th avaiton brigade to help assist in any way possible the legemitae gov. of late presdent aziz.
John williams right wing leader: We are all sadden by this turn of events in Thestan but the question is should we even bother gettin involved remember Thestan is far away and our military has not been in a offensive manner in over 100 years so how will the people of bulima respond to this not very good I think.
Senate vote: All that propse econimic sanctions: Nay: 150 Yea:200
All that propose military action: nAy: 149, Yea:151
Well then it is decided we will have econimic sanctions effective immeditly, and will assist our allies in a military role.
Cydonian Province, Bulimia ( home of the 94th armored division)
Telegraph to general vald from minister of defense reads: Vald ensure that your divsion is operation ready by 2100 hours tommrow you will provide flank support for the other armies and assist in keeping order unitl the Thestan police force can come back into order The day after tommrow make sure that your tanks are at the line of departure and ready to go. END MESSAGE
East Lithuania
30-10-2007, 04:29
An East Lithuania fleet containing five cruisers and three battleships came from the northern border. The cruisers all carried infantry from the 2nd and 3rd armies of East Lithuania. The cruisers carrying the 3rd Army held back though, for they were only to go forth if called upon. The battleships lined up at about 25 km and prepared their guns to fire upon the main land. The cruisers loaded the men and women of the 2nd Army onto invasion ships and launched them.
Admiral Johnston stood in his cabin looking over the map. He sighed as he heard his first mate enter and salute him.
"Sir, the men are loaded and the boats are in the water." The admiral nodded his head and picked up the red phone on his desk.
"Permission to fire has been granted. Fire one round onto land and then cease unless requested by our ground troops. We are only testing what the reaction is... we are not yet ready to destroy the city."
With that, the massive guns on each battleship fired a shot onto the mainland, each shell exploding on impact. The Admiral turned to the First Mate and gave another order.
"Tell the dictator we've started. There is no turning back now."
30-10-2007, 04:40
PM's Office, Illesia City
"Get me the Lithuanian Leader!" Harte ordered one of his Secretaries, "If we are to be at war with the same people, it makes sense to work out a unformed startegy instead of throwing everything in and hoping for the best"
Soon, a message was sent to the Lithuanian Leader
TO: The esteemed Leader of Lithuania
It appears that you also bear a unique grudge against those who would mow
down innocent civilians in the streets and put a bullet into their leader's head. It
also appears we have both had war declared upon us. May I recomend that we
stage a meeting and form an alliance to better organise our ground campaigns
and lower casualties to both our nations
Yours Sincernly
Adrian Harte
East Lithuania
30-10-2007, 05:37
Dictator Scharfetter was locking up the last of his files before General Katilus walked into his office. Scharfetter stood up and looked at him with hoping eyes.
"Two messages, sir. One the fleet have begun their invasion. We are offically at war. Second comes from the leader of he nation of Alversia. It appears we have allies that want to work with us. Your reply?"
Scharfetter rubbed his chin and looked back up. "Tell them we'd be glad to form an alliance. And Katilus, I want you to be head of it. You are, in fact, in charge of this department. Send General Santoro with you too."
"Yes, sir!" Katilus saluted and left. He almost ran to the communications office.
To: Adrian Harte of Alversia
From: Dictator Scharfetter of East Lithuania
Mr. Harte;
We are happy to work with you to take down these pigs and their tyrannial rule over the nation. As a response, I shall recommand your generals meet with my two leading generals, Katilus and Santoro, to devise an attack stratagy. May your next message be addressed to them.
Dictator Scharfetter,
East Lithuania.
Bulmian news channel 5:
Press secertary leonard little : It has now been officaly announced that the country of bulima has decided to execute a limited military action against Thestan. While not a declaretion of war this is still a military engagement and we expect everyone in the conscription force to report to thier proper duty stations for units that are not the 94th and the 15th your readiness level is yellow.
more on this breaking development to come.
[B]Port of Al Kamin Line of departure[B]
General Vald: Allright men fire up your tanks ensure that fuel is at 100%, and that ammo is all filled up we expect to see some heavy action the first 2 days in and we aren't exactly sure when we will hit a resupply point.
Sergant Lipscomb: alright load all tanks onto the ships we have to move quickly waves his hand as tanks move on one by one.
By the next day All the equipment had been loaded up and the 3rd Transport fleet set sail for Thestan waters.
30-10-2007, 16:27
International Television Broadcast from Shesharlie World News Center
The Chancellor of Shesharlie, Mr. Thomas Hirsch sternly approached the podium in the center of a large amphitheater. As he stepped forward, it was obvious to see in his eyes the defiance, resilience, and compassion he has to be the head of state of Shesharlie. He turned towards the crowd, cleared his throat and began to speak with an assurance that nobody has seen out of him,
"Citizens of Shesharlie, Allied nations, and the world. Recently the nation of Thestan has come into internal conflict. An cruel, unjust, and inhumane military coup has befallen the once peaceful nation. Their former president had been publicly executed without trial. The people's political rights had been stripped from them as the corrupt military leaders strangle the nation to its knees.
It is by no means justified to do such a horrible thing as to remove the god-given political, social, and economic rights of any national population, and to murder those who demand their rights. The Nationalist Transitional Government of Thestan is by no means a government that Shesharlie will formally recognize and by no means will Shesharlie allow this illegitimate government to continue its godforsaken reign of terror.
I formally announce, on behalf of the Congress of Shesharlie, my staff, and the entire Sheshan nation that Shesharlie is determined to help in the restoration of Thestan to its original democratic state. This does not mean full blown war, however. Congress has just recently passed a resolution to not go to war, but to funnel supplied and financial aid to those who are fighting against the Nationalist Transitional Government of Thestan who are determined to restore Thestan's democracy, primarily the forces led by General Al-Anbar.
Unlike the decisions of other nations to occupy Thestan with their own troops with possible intentions of colonizing the area, Shesharlie is determined restore Thestan for the Thestani people, by the Thetsani people. At this time, cargo planes are flying out towards Thestan to begin supply efforts, loaded with equipment and supplies for the forces of General Al-Anbar.
May democracy prevail!"
And with that, the amphitheater roared with wild applause and cheer as the Chancellor calmly collected his papers and exited the stage.
Port Rantsa, Sawney Islands
9th Airlift Wing Central Base
"Boys, we got orders!" said Major Marcus O'Hare as he waved a telegram in the air to his airmen, walking into the brief room. "We're going to Thestan. Resistance is predicted to be minimal. We're gunna fly in, and drop supplies here, here, and here." as he pointed to three spots in the lower left-hand corner of a map of Thestan. "We get in there, get rid of the cargo, and get the hell out. Is that understood?"
"Yes sir." replied the crew of the some 15 C-130 aircraft stationed at Port Rantsa.
"Remember, this is a support mission. If you're met with any AA fire, don't worry. Chancellor Hirsch has dispatched the SN-Plain to help us out and protect us. Alright.. suit up, get your things, and get in the air!"
Aboard the Queen Victoria Class carrier, SN-Plain
A single telegram was handed to Captain Bollinno as he stared into the distance with his binoculars:
Your orders are to head to Thestan.
Escort the 9th airlift wing in their supply efforts in and out of Thestani airspace.
Neutralize any efforts to interrupt this support mission.
After reading the telegram, Captain Bollinno quietly slipped the paper in his pocket and began walking to the bridge to execute his orders.
It would be about 30 hours for the SN-Plain to be in position. Just enough time to begin its escort mission.
An East Lithuania fleet containing five cruisers and three battleships came from the southern border.
((OOC: Thestan doesn't actually have a southern coastline, as the map on the bottom of page 1 shows. I forget who borders me on the south. I'll check the map of the continent. Anyway, just wanted to clarify. Nothin crucial. Responses forthcoming.
EDIT: Map of the continent Thestan is located on: ( ))
30-10-2007, 18:09
Ooc: so you have a small coastline to the north?
30-10-2007, 19:33
As night soon faded away. F4U 1 was near the Thestan coastline. It boost a air carrier,3 battleships,1 AEGIS ship,6 frigates and 2 crusiers along with a destoryer.And troops carrying ships and support ships. When a dispatch went to all F4U ships. Informing the captians to the fact that hostile countrys have delcare war on Thestan and all F4U ships had orders to attack any ships hostile to Thestan. Then a radio report from a base off Thestan reported shelling by hostile ships.
The battle group commander decide on a plan. He order the battle group to help cover the off loading off the troops ships and then attack the shelling ships.
The troops number 210,000.
Mainwhile. Word came from F4U high command to start getting combat planes really for delovpment for the defense of Thestan.
Message to the Nationalist Transitional Government of Thestan
The of fighter4u asks for a alliance with your nation to help wards off these
attacks by imperislism nations.
Message to the rest of the world
The F4U ship is off loading a peace force and carrying supplys to civilians. Any attacks on this peaceful group. Will be dealt with harshy.
OOC:How do you get yourself on a map?
East Lithuania
30-10-2007, 20:02
((OOC: Thestan doesn't actually have a southern coastline, as the map on the bottom of page 1 shows. I forget who borders me on the south. I'll check the map of the continent. Anyway, just wanted to clarify. Nothin crucial. Responses forthcoming.
EDIT: Map of the continent Thestan is located on: ( ))
((OOC: Not to be all bratty, but the map is small and I thought I saw the south having one. My aplogize, I'll get to work on fixing it now.))
30-10-2007, 20:23
In order to protect the 9th airlift and the now possibly vulnerable SN-Plain,Defense Secretary General Sowalskie, had ordered the following vessels to form the 3rd carrier fleet, which will be stationed along side the SN-Plain to protect it from any naval and further aerial threats:
4 modified Al Riyadh Class Frigates (aft main gun and 4 extra missile cells fitted)
2 Sovremenny Class General Purpose Destroyers
2 Ulyanov Class Destroyers
3 Virginia Class Attack Submarines
1 Iowa Class Battleship (1985 refit)
Off the Thestan coast: 3rd Transport fleet
Admril stevenson to 3rd marine recon group: " Ensure that all prepartions are made. We have to ensure this is done as quickly as possible I want a report back in 2 hours on the situtaion on land. Today Men we make history".
Sergent byrant ( 3rd recon group):" Allright men lets get in the helicopters we are going to be flying low under cover of darkness. Radio silence until I give the order to break it. we are doing a simple recon do not fire unless fired upon first this is essintial to our mission there is only 50 of us and we can't afford to get bogged down in combat."
3rd recon boards 5 helicopters and takes off toward the coastline.
3rd transport fleet: onboard the BMS Fredrick's radar room:
Radar captian to Admril Stevenson: " Sir we just got word that there are some ships on our radar the number 13. We belive they are from Fighter4u's naval fleet we won't take action but will watch very closely.
Personal Message to Fighter4U's foreign office
We the people of Bulima implore you to think very seriuously the route that you are about to undertake. In the interest of peace we suggest that you stand down and pull back your forces to thier starting point. As you can see your forces are outnumbered and world opionion is not with you. Save the lives of your men snd spare your cournty the horrors that come with war.
Bulimas office of foregin affairs
30-10-2007, 20:51
*In a Thestan port*
A hundred thousand soldiers.Along with their tanks and helicopters. Were now on Thestan shore and getting really for a possible sea invasion from hostile forces. Mainwhile about a thousand special forces units. Were place along the Thestan seashore. To report on any movement in their repescted area. They had small arms and light wiegh AA guns. Along with radios and a bag of equiment in case they order to go into war mode. They were in place by the middle of the night.
Mainwhile several fighter4u subs sneak into the area under the cover of the surface ships above and lie prone. Waiting for orders.
With this force in place. A battleship and 4 frigates and one cruiser wer eorder to block the movement of any ship hostile to fighter4u or Thestan from coming into Thestan limits.
((OOC: Not to be all bratty, but the map is small and I thought I saw the south having one. My aplogize, I'll get to work on fixing it now.))
It's cool. The map doesn't show up too well on the boards.
F4U: I made mine in paint.
30-10-2007, 20:54
*Message to Bulimas office of foregin affairs*
We will not let a indepence nation be attack and taken over by imperalism nations. Only till all hostile units withdrawn from Thestan. Will F4U forces do the same. If you really care about these people. You stop a war from happening that will kill millions and ruin them forever.
OOC: I know. But where do you go to get other nations to borader with you?
With news of the bombers being fired upon and the news of several nations being moving in, the President decided he had no chose but to move in. He had been given word that he could set up a FOB inside Stoklomolvi. He gave the orders for units and they began piling onto C-5 Galaxy and C-130 cargo planes. A naval fleet still continued preparations. If it was needed, it would be able to deploy within two days.
8 Hours Later
The large group of aircraft flew, in tight formation, over Stoklomovi territory. Below, large cities could be seen as large yellow dots. They had chosen to move in the darkness of night, they did not want their presence known yet. Slowly, several aircraft began their decent while the others circled above, waiting their turns. The aircraft landed, and troops and equipment poured from the bellies of the aircraft. These troops these troops in turn unloaded more aircraft as they replaced the first. By the time the sun had began to rise over the nearby hills, the aircraft were on their way home. Left behind was two Divisions of soldiers, vehicles and equipment. As well as this, helicopters which had been transported, with the rotors off in C-5s were put back together. Within a few hours, F-36s, F-40s, B-73s, B-52s, E-5s, F/A-16 Priests and several C-5 aircraft would arrive, to be based at the forward operations base.
As the hours passed, fortifications and emplacements were built around the airfield. Tents and hard-shacks were also built, to house troops, equipments, ammo, and weapons. A large command post was set up as well as a field hospital. They would soon be set to begin their operations.
Official Message to the nation of Fighter4U:
Assisting the so called rebel government is not a wise decision. If Orbath chooses to take action against the so called government, you will be considered a hostile force. In assisting, you run the risk of feeling our wrath. Be forewarned.
I have Kumbuntu, and I used software called Krita to edit your map to show the position of my base and bombers. I
30-10-2007, 21:41
HMS Elixar, Alversian 9th Fleet
Thestan Territorial Waters
"Fire Exocet Missiles!" The Rear Admiral called to all his ships. They responded by firing three dozen of the big anti-ship missiles directly at the Battleship of the Fighter4U battleship
Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet had been busy. They had already detected and chased off several submarines from the area with the use of depthcharges and other weapons to remove the danger. Already several Alversian Hunter-Killers were deployed in the area with Seaking II Helicopters and these would continue to sweep the areas of the submarines to ensure the safety of the fleet.
Meanwhile, the Frigates of the fleet continued to fire Cruise Missiles at military installations including the newly deployed Fighter4U Bases.
There were few truly good places to land on the Thestani shore. As with the rest of the country, the relative flatlands that existed from the Stanchi foothills to the coastline were based on a solid sheet of rock, which jutted out into the sea at the port city of Al-Jadida, and formed a series of jagged teeth all the way to the bordering coasts of Stoklomolvi and Red Tide. There were places where the rocky beach tapered off entirely into sheer cliff, where the current could smash a small boat to pieces even in the calmest seas. Other areas provided a wider shoreline, but not nearly enough room for any sane commander to risk a large amphibious operation. As it stood, there had always been only one gateway into the mountain state of Thestan: Al-Jadida itself.
The ancient coastal metropolis stood out now along the shore like an oasis, with white seaside apartments and the towering port authority building contrasting sharply with the steel gray of the dockyards and the black barrels of old coastal bombards. The port was a hive of activity the day of the declarations of war. Small, quick Thestani designed and produced T-111 tanks wound through the streets, and rolled into position inside the city’s districts. Light and perfect for urban warfare, these were one of very few varieties of armored vehicles capable of navigating the mountainous country that was the majority of Thestan.
Watching through dusty sunglasses from a temporary headquarters on the top of an apartment building, General Husam al Din idly twisted his long black beard. Handpicked that very day by General Al-Raqm to lead the defensive preparations along the northern coast, the man was a fellow detractor of the old, dead President Aziz, though he had served under the old man for many years. He, like Al-Raqm, had been a Colonel in the first coup d’etat and was rewarded with a generalship. Since then, he had supervised recruitment and training for the old Junta. He was popular in the ranks and generally considered a highly capable officer.
Now, he was approached by a subordinate, who handed him a pair of binoculars.
“As you can see, sir, the final preparations are being taken care of in the harbor. The last mines are being laid as we speak.”
The officer gestured to a group of trawlers at the distant edge of the harbor. They picked around the hulks of vessels recently sunk to make the harbor impossible to navigate.
“Excellent. And the rest of the coastline?”
“The 5th Army has set up in defensive positions throughout. The guns are online, and RADAR is scanning the air. If they show a hair on their ass, we’ll blow it off.”
The General smiled, and patted the man’s shoulder.
He checked his watch.
“Get some sleep. Enjoy what’s left of the calm before the storm.”
“Yes, sir.”
The man saluted and was gone.
Across the short stretch of coastline (a mere 200 miles), the men of the 5th Army were assuming their positions. The massive coastal cannons, installed nearly a decade earlier and modernized since, were trained on the blue horizon. In the bluffs and the ridges, all the weapons of modern warfare waited the coming of the foe. Bloodthirsty Thestanis of the Army of Restoration dug in, while their great leader took his midday meal in the capital of Stanchi.
Far to the north, all was quiet. Operations against General Al-Anbar’s rebels had halted temporarily. For the moment, the old soldier allowed himself a moment of rest in his mountain hideout. Covered in a thick fur coat, he sipped coffee in a makeshift bunker, in reality a simple cave in the mountainside. Outside, a helicopter could be heard taking off, carrying a group of reconnaissance specialists further into the mountain, to probe the border for a good route to bring supplies in.
Al-Anbar picked over a map of the area. A few dispatches were spread out on the card table that served as his desk. He read a few of them, took another sip of coffee, and picked up a pen to draft a new message.
From General Al-Anbar, Thestani Government in Exile:
To the nation of Alversia, East Lithuania,
I have received news of the outbreak of war between General Al-Raqm’s criminal regime and your own states. It seems therefore that we have a common enemy: the worm who seized power illegally, against the will of my people. As such is the case, I hope that we can find reason to work together, and that you will bear in mind that it is not the nation of Thestan that you are at war with, but her corrupt and illegal government. I have met with the remaining leaders of Thestan’s democratic resistance and have been given their support in my quest to recapture my country. When the tyrant falls, I have made a pledge with the people of the democratic movement to work with them in carving out a new constitution for a Republic. I intend to keep this promise. Should you honor this, then I will invite you to join me in this crusade, and lend my arms to your cause.
Sincerely, General Al-Anbar
The first blasts of cruise missile explosions shattered the early morning stillness. Save for the white hot comet tails of incoming missiles and the orange and red of their impacts, all was silent. Aboveground installations, RADAR, and missile platforms were the obvious targets, and the missiles did their job. A great many of the hardened aboveground bunkers were blown clear to pieces before a proper reaction came.
At Adnan airforce base, the sirens were screaming.
“Additional incoming!”
“Fuck! Blow them out of the sky!”
Across the countryside, silo doors opened and countermeasure missiles streaked into the sky, targeting the incoming cruise missiles. A few electronic warfare aircraft began bombarding the coastline with jamming signals to confuse the missile electronics. Combat aircraft across the country scrambled.
It was all the men of the inland installations could do to simply take cover and wait.
OOC: Orbath, did you talk to Stoklomolvi about using his land?
30-10-2007, 22:07
Already, the first fighters from the APS Inflexible were taking off. The strike would consist of over 50 F-22 Stealth Fighters, along with a few pathfinders dropping radar confusing pods. These would scatter the radarbeams and render their SAM's useless. These would be followed by another 100 B-52's escorted by 55 F-22's. Both were aiming for the SAM sites and airfields up and down the country while the Cruise Missiles changed tactics and started to target their tormentors. The anti-missile batteries.
The first strike would come in hard and fast to the north before changing direction and heading south, confusing the fighters scrambled to intercept and also catching the southern airfields unprepared.
They were already in the air and heading to the north with the radar scramblers laid all along the way, including over the northern airfields
TO: General Al-Anbar
It has become rapidly apparent that a normal amphibious landing is out of the
question for this mission and so we request that a few dozen elite Commandos
be parachuted into the mountains in order to carry out hit and run missions
and try to open a second front away from the coast.
Field Marshall Cavourna
TO: Lithuanian Generals Katilus and Santoro
We would be more than happy to meet with you in a neutral location or within
the borders of either nation. The commanders who will attend on our
behalf are myself, Field Marshall Cavourna and Air Marshall Frank of the
APUAFC. We await your response
Field Marshall Cavourna
East Lithuania
30-10-2007, 22:22
Admiral Johnston watched as the explosions from the beaches seemed to have no effect. He couldn't see much, yet from what he witnessed things were going good. He knew the coast would be defended, he just hoped that the struggle would not require the 3rd Army to be deployed. It would be catastrophic. In the meantime he felt like heading for the bridge, yet suddenly a subordinate screamed out.
"Sir! We have incoming ships coming from our nine. It's a Thestan war fleet sir!"
"Send out a dispatch for all cruisers who are done unloading to come back and help take down those ships. Battleship B take on those ships. I want this battleship to continue fire on the shore. We will hold them men! Now Go!"
To: Field Marshall Cavourna and Air Marshall Frank
From: General Katilus of East Lithuania
We will agree to meet in your nation. please send us information as to where to fly and we will arrive as soon as we can.
30-10-2007, 22:30
TO: General Katilus
We suggest the President's Country Retreat deep in the mountains of northern
Alversia. It has it's own airstrip so you have no need to travel by car or any
means other than Plane. It also boasts some spectacular scenary and facilities
so It will a perfect place to discuss stretegy away from prying eyes
Field Marshall Cavourna
OOC: Yes, I did. We participated in a conflict in the past and so have some relations.
12 F-40 aircraft aircraft took off from the Forward Operating Base. They had hardly traveled any distance before they began firing TACTIT RAINBOWS, HARMS and several cruise missiles. These missiles were targeted to hit an area 5o kilometers deep and 25 kilometers long, all along the border. They were fired from well within Stoklomolvi territory and would likely come as a suprise. Not wanting the attacks to be credited to Stoklomolvi, the Orbathian government sent out a statement.
Orbathian Government Message:
As, it stands, a state of war now exists between the nation of Orbath and the ''so called Thestan rebel government.'' May your doom come swiftly.
30-10-2007, 23:25
Captain Bollinno hastily sent out an encrypted telegram to General Al-Anbar:
We hope the 9th Airlift wing is able to supply your men with adequate equpment and supplies. If you request the help of Sheshan commandos, it may take a while for it to be passed through Congress. Please respond.
Off the coast of Thesta (3rd trans. fleet):
Adrmil stevenson to buliman defense ministery telegraph:
" We sent out the 3rd recon group and they have come back with some bad news the amphiobus invasion we were planning isn't going to happen. The coast there just dosn't make a landing by sea possible 3rd trans. is going to head back home to port we suggest activing the 72nd airborne division because at least right now the 3rd armored isn't going to be able to reach Thesta. The attacks against thesta has already begun and I wish we could contribute more".
Sanders air force base, Bulima:
All B-2 piolts get to your bombers you are to hit multiple targets in the capital and also outside the capital. HItting rader sites is your primary mission secondary will be any other targets of oppurtunity.
Planes take off and head toward thier targets ETA is 8 hours.
Cydonia district bulima (72nd airborne division):
5,500 men with thier eqiupment load into the C-5 galaxys that will fly them to thesta. Thier objective is to night drop into "rebel terriorty" and help ensure the front line thier is stable and also to conduct offensive opertaions there.
9 hours later
sergent erics in the first galaxy plane to arrive preparing to jump: "All right men radio silence in, night vision googles on, when that green light shows we will jump out quickly and set up a camp for everyone else also be careful with your shots any people that we meet should be the rebels that we are working with. "
Green light comes on over the Thestan mountions
The men jump out of the planes it is dead of night and all night vision goggles are on. the men get to work immedaitly setting up a FOB with communication system's and also a squad of men with colonel harris set out to find General Al-Anbar to discuss the sitiuation on the ground
01-11-2007, 23:42
Ooc: maybe someone should post something *cough*Thestan!*cough*
OOC: I've been busy. I'll get responses up soon.
To Field Marshall Cavourna:
We will ensure that coordinates of a safe and suitable drop-zone be transmitted to you ASAP. As it stands, General Al-Raqm seems to have halted his offensive in the mountains, leaving open an opportunity to strike at his army, camped a few miles south of our foremost operations base. We recommend that you coordinate your commandos’ strikes with our operations to cause maximum confusion and draw Al-Raqm’s attention from the coast.
General Al-Anbar
To Captain Bollino:
We appreciate the supplies and will put them to good use. We will also accept any other aid you can provide, including the deployment of commandos.
General Al-Anbar
(OOC: Alversia, I don’t know what you mean when you say “to the north,” since the only way to launch from your fleet which is perceivably located off the coast would be to the south. Heading north would take you away from Thestan. I’ll respond as best as I can.)
At Adnan airforce base, the scene was hectic. The first waves of modified Su-30 fighters had been scrambled just as the Alversians began attempts to jam Thestani RADAR.
“Sir, they’ve begun jamming our signals.”
“Initiate countermeasures.”
Thestani RADAR operators began rapidly alternating the RADAR frequency at random, over a spread spectrum, thus making the jamming easier to read through. At the same time, outgoing signals were cloaked with random noise, making it more difficult for jammers to figure out the frequency the RADAR was operating on.
The Su-30’s in the air, numbering about 200, made way for the incoming strike, while SAM sites continued firing on targets as they became visible. Their primary targets were the Pathfinder EW aircraft, followed by the bombers.
Meanwhile, the anti-missile batteries were finding themselves overworked as the cruise missiles began targeting them. Friendly jamming signals were doing a bit to relieve their efforts, but all the same, several coastal sites suffered early direct hits and were left completely inoperative, with heavy casualties. Mobile anti-missile batteries were being deployed to relieve them in the hills around El-Jadida and along the coast. They opened fire on the cruise missiles as soon as they came online; their operators hoping to ride out the attacks in one piece.
Shortly thereafter, it became apparent that a second aerial offensive was beginning in the west, as Orbathian aircraft launched their strike. Caught off guard, the commander at Adnan AFB redirected fighters taking off from the northernmost airbases to move on an intercept course, just as the first missiles hit their targets along the border. Countermeasure missiles were fired from the border installations, and alleviated some of the damage, but the surprise of the attack left an army base and several smaller installations in ruins, again, with severe casualties.
OOC: The missiles were actually launched while my aircraft were still inside Stokmolovi airspace.
Alarms sounded throughout the FOB. Word had come in that enemy fighters had been scrambled and could attempt an attack. Fighters and AWACS craft in the air were doubled. It wasn't likely they'd be attacked anyway. They were inside another nation, protected by their air defenses.
The FOB buzzed with more activities. Virtual maps showed the location the aircraft had taken off from. This was to be attacked later. For now, the air defenses would have to be further weakened.
12 F-40s and 6 F-36 Gladius took off from the base. They headed towards the border, getting close but not crossing. They launched hundreds more TACTIT RAINBOWS and they also launched JASSAM bombs at radar at SAM sites that had been spotted when they attacked the first missile strike.
On the ground, Mammoth Multi Function Missiles Launchers (MMFMLS) and IFVS wheeled out of the base. There were several units, each following different roads. They were headed for different positions along the border, to give them the ability to to launch rocket artillery into Thestan.
Message For the Government in Exhile
If we have your assurances that your people will be ruled by a benevolent and fair government and that no actions will be taken against the province of Junda for their bid on independence the Kingdom of SaintB is prepared to help equip your forces with the new Vrykolakas ( modular assault weapon in your preferred caliber, and the Panzershrek V anti tank missile and the ammunition as well as a detachment of Golden Lions operatives to train your men in the use of these weapons and oversee strategic raids against the nationalists.
Message For the Government in Exhile
If we have your assurances that your people will be ruled by a benevolent and fair government and that no actions will be taken against the province of Junda for their bid on independence the Kingdom of SaintB is prepared to help equip your forces with the new Vrykolakas ( modular assault weapon in your preferred caliber, and the Panzershrek V anti tank missile and the ammunition as well as a detachment of Golden Lions operatives to train your men in the use of these weapons and oversee strategic raids against the nationalists.
As I have made clear, after the rogue government is overthrown, I will work with the leaders of the nation's democratic movement to establish a government as befits the will of the people. As of now, I have no knowledge of a bid for independence by the people of Jum, and as such, it is a non-issue. We will of course accept all the aid that you have offered, and if possible, we would prefer the weapon in the 5.56x45 caliber.
-General Al-Anbar
04-11-2007, 22:14
OOC: My mistake, the map is really VERY small so it is difficult to see what part of it is sea
The Alversian F-22's were quickly intercepted by the SU-30's and despite the fact they were heavily outnumbered, the elite training of the APNAF pilots meant it was a close battle. It was irrelevant as the radar jamming techniques had allowed the craft to get close enough to the airfields to attack.
They came in hard and fast to hit the grounded aircraft with missile and cannon fire, they then dived straight up to engage the fighters swarming around the airfield
Meanwhile, the second strike did not have the element of surprise and was thus intercepted pretty early into it's mission. Despite this, the rapid diversion of aircraft from one spot to another did allow the B-52's a chance to fire their missiles and then depart. Some had long range missiles and others had conventional bombs. The 50 that were armed in this way plowed on while the other 50 turned back, their job done.
06-11-2007, 01:12
With the Congress of Shesharlie finally allowing the mobilization of troops into Thestan, two brigades totaling 10,000 troops began loading into the 9th Airlift's C-130's and prepared to be para dropped into the Rebel Zone to support Al-Anbar's troops. It would take nearly a whole day to load up and drop all 10,000 men into the designated drop zones with just the 15 aircraft from the 9th airlift wing. Instead of risking the whole day, the 15th Airlift Wing and the 4th Airlift Wing had been called in with their 15 C-130's (each) to help in the paradrop mission. It was also decided to save some troops for fighting later on in the campaign. Only 4,000 men were assigned to the front lines in Thestan, the other 6,000 would be stationed with the 9th Airlift Wing, or on the 3rd Carrier Fleet stationed off of the coast of Thestan.
The 10,000 Elite Sheshan Commandos chosen to help the Thestani in their quest for democracy and freedom had been preparing for involvement since the news struck Sheshan headlines that Thestan fell to a military tyranny.
A few days later, Over Rebel Zone airspace
Colonel Timothy Harris led the paratroopers into the mountain area from his assigned C-130. The sky was humming with 45 C-130's in perfect formation dropping paratroopers from their rear gates. It took about an hour for the 4,000 of the 10,000 paratroopers to drop, form up, and orient themselves so that they may meet up with Al-Anbar and his forces.
Colonel Harris sent out a short-range coded message to Al-Anbar,
TO: General Al-Anbar
4,000 Sheshan Elite Commandos have been successfully deployed in the
Rebel Zone which you control and 6,000 are stationed nearby and ready for
front-line deployment. We request that our forces fight directly along
side yours in order to defeat the evil military regime and restore the
Democracy. We are ready to mobilize to your position so that we may begin
High Command has also informed me that the 9th airlift wing will continue to
support both your forces and our forces. We also have naval assets which
may help us in our operations stationed off of the Thestani coast.
For Democracy,
Colonel Harris
Commanding Officer
With the message sent, Harris ordered the 4,000 men to march towards Al-Anbar's last known position according to the 9th Airlift's drop coordinates.
(Wew... I didn't realize you were near so many nations that were less than freindly to mine :p, I'm coming in by the only possible approach)
The CJ-19 made its way South, approaching the northern coastline of Theston. The single aircraft was carried 3 teams of Golden Lion Commandos (18 soldiers) and about 15,000 Vrykolakas Assault Weapons. Passengers and crew alike were prepared for the worst possible scenario and alert was high. The following message was sent.
To, Thestan Government in Exhile
We have have inbound via CJ-19 Cargo Aircraft 15,000 weapons and a commando team entering Thestan Airspace shortly. We require coordinates for a secure drop zone for the package and request a rendevous at that drop point.
OOC: I'm not sure if you were planning on making a longer post to add my attack or not. If you were, I'll delete this.
The aircraft returned to base and were replaced by another set. This set flew out to do the same thing. For the next 6 hours this continued, the aircraft attempting to get rid of air defenses over a growing area.
The Mammoth launchers traveled along their respective roads, getting many looks from the Stoklomolvi locals. Eventually they arrived near the border, remaining just inside and out of view of any border unit. They received coordinates and added hundreds of rocket artillery shells to the fray of bombs that continued to pound the air defenses.
By this time, a sizeable portion of the force formerly attributed to the mountain offensive had been diverted to the Stoklomolvi border. With the aid of diverted Su-30 fighters, Thestani air defenses were giving their enemies a run for their money, and were showing no sign of quitting. Thestan’s own artillery batteries now opened up on the Orbathan rocket launchers, shelling across the border. Meanwhile, divisions of T-111 tanks, IFVs, and footsoldiers were being brought along the passes, preparing to strike out and attack the Orbathans.
Over the airfields, the battle continued. Despite losing several fighters, the Thestani squadrons were heartened by a reinforcement of 50 additional Sukhois. They continued to engage the Alversians with extreme tenacity with mid to short range missiles and even cannon fire when the battle came to close quarters.
At his headquarters in the mountains, General Al-Anbar had received the messages from the allied powers, and issued quick confirmations, along with dropzone and rally point coordinates. Quickly thereafter, he ordered that the sizeable contingent stationed at headquarters pack up, and prepare to move out. They were preparing to take the offensive, under cover of the foreign invasion.
The aircraft now pulled back, no longer filling the air with missiles. The artillery quit firing and retreated, those that had been hit were towed back to base for repairs. Stoklomolvi had been attacked and there would be retribution.
08-11-2007, 02:00
The Border Wall, Stoklomolvi
And retribution there shall be...
Shells flew into Stoklomolvi, damaging portions of the massive figurative border wall. Imperial Guardsmen, who previously were on standby, flew into the air and were either splattered or vaporised by the artillery. The Commissar was informed of the emergency situation, and war was declared on the rebels in Thestan. Three million Imperial Guardsmen started marching from nearby military bases, and two thousand aircraft were scrambled. The Stoklomolvi Imperial Air Defence force mobilised instantly and filled the air with missiles, and tanks rolled out of other military bases. A telegram was sent by Grand General of the Armed Forces Elijah Yelstosky to Thestan.
To the leader of Thestan
Rebel forces have invaded us STOP
We will be attacking STOP
Do not be alarmed by our forces STOP
we are aiming for the rebels STOP
If possible send us the coordinates of enemy base locations STOP
Grand General of the Armed Forces Elijah Yelstosky
A copy of the telegram was sent to Orbath, only it was addressed to the leader of Orbath.
Official Government Message:
I am enclosing a map with various targets on it. You will see the location of radar sites, bases, bridges, communications towers, railways, as well as major cities. I have marked locations already hit by my forces. At this time, 90% of forces located within your nation are being readied. They will join your forces in the assault. A Further 3 Divisions are currently being mobilized and will arrive in your nation in a few days.
The soldiers had been somewhat ready to be deployed but had settled in and so required a few hours before they could be deployed. Soon, hundreds of thousands of soldiers took to the roads, joining columns of Stocklomolvi soldiers heading for the border.
Above, a combination of around 100 F-36s, F-40s, F/A 16s and C-78. They shot towards the border firing JASSAM bombs at artillery emplacements, and AIM-54s at enemy aircraft. When they got closer they would begin dropping a variety of munitions.
Just Inside Stocklomolvi
Tanks and IFVs stopped, a few kilometers from the border. They rolled off of the roads and into the wooded areas, hoping to make their attack a bit of surprise. The Mammoth launchers had joined them and began bombarding border emplacements with rockets.
Overhead, hundreds of Blackhawk, UH-47 Highwinds and Black Panther helicopters streaked towards the border. As soon as the first emplacements came into view, the Black Panthers opened up with their rockets and machine guns, peppering bunkers, radar station, troops and anything they could find.
Hundreds of aircraft, mostly bombers were fueled and ready to go. They took off into the night air, awaiting their chance to do damage.
OOC: I'm a little lost. Are you attacking the forces of General Anbar's gov't in exile, who are technically "rebel forces" or the forces of general al-raqm, who took power in the capital? It was General Al-Raqm's "government" forces that attacked the Orbathians.
09-11-2007, 00:14
OOC: I'm a little lost. Are you attacking the forces of General Anbar's gov't in exile, who are technically "rebel forces" or the forces of general al-raqm, who took power in the capital? It was General Al-Raqm's "government" forces that attacked the Orbathians.
OOC: Im lost too...I was under the same impression. Please clarify?
On another note, I updated my post announcing sheshan soldiers entering into combat on post # 61 ( So if you havent noticed the text below the dotted lines, I suggest you read up.
09-11-2007, 00:19
After more fierce air battle's the Alversian aircraft turned and headed back to the protection of the fleet. The pilots had attacked fifteen different airbases, targeting aircraft on the ground as well as those who intercepted. Losses were quite heavy although the attacks on the Anti-SAM batteries were more productive
Alversian Losses:
19 F-22's Shot down
23 F-22's Damaged
23 B-52's Shot down
43 B-52's Damaged
Total Losses
42 Aircraft Shot down
66 Aircraft Damaged
OOC: The Al-Raqm's ''government'' forces. Orbath does not recognize them as a government and they are therefore still known as rebels. If this makes things confusing I can change my wording.
OOC: The Al-Raqm's ''government'' forces. Orbath does not recognize them as a government and they are therefore still known as rebels. If this makes things confusing I can change my wording.
OOC: It's fine, I understand now. The semantics are all a little confusing in general, just based on the situation itself.
Shesharlie: I responded to your post in general, along with everyone else who deployed commandoes, in my latest IC post. I'll go more into depth in the next one.
OOC: Still kinda waiting on a reply from Thestan or anyone else...
11-11-2007, 03:06
OOC:Likewise, I've RPed my losses. what about the Government interceptors and ground losses?
15-11-2007, 01:34
OOC: this war is kind of a drag... Thestan, if you want to play out a civil war (if you wish to call it so) in your country, you need to be on top of things. Yes, I know you may or may not have a life that draws you away from the ol' NationStates (as do most of us)...but it's rather rude if you just don't respond, leaving many of us hanging.
15-11-2007, 01:43
To President General Al-Raqm,
The government of Somiland wish to send aid to any families in need. We await approval to send a few convoys of relief soldiers to pass out any needed supplies to citizens of your country that are in need. There shall be in total ten convoys of soldiers with estimated $5,000,000 dollars worth of supplies that will be sent there will be 50 soldiers per convoy all armed in case of attack.
Sincerely Signed,
Alonzo Wright
President of Somiland
17-11-2007, 01:59
Southwestern Mountains
Al-Anbar's controlled territory
With the Sheshan forces fully organized and assimilated in with Al-Anbar's troops, The democratic restoration was about to begin. The general plan for Colonel Harris was to start of neutralizing the threat of the coup forces in the mountain region. Scouting patrols became regular around the ad hoc base Al-Anbar set up, and small expeditionary scouts became increasingly frequent as they cautiously probed the mountainscape around them.
Just outside of Al-Anbar's controlled territory
An expeditionary probing squad lay quietly in foliage camo along a ridge as the spotters scoped the landscape with their spotter scopes.
"Sarge, come take a look!" whispered a spotter.
"What have ya got?" replied the sergeant in whisper.
As the sergeant peered into the scope, an initially blurry view focused into two coup BMP's and what the spotters counted as 20 supporting infantry in a small valley upon the sergeant's eye.
"Looks like the little game of hide and seek is over, boys!" the sergeant remarked to his team, "Radio in the coordinates to the Colonel. Make sure we keep an eye on them. Ask the Colonel to coordinate with the thestanis to make sure we keep this bundle of friends under watch. Eventually, they'll lead us to their local base, understood?"
Only one voice could be heard above the breeze as a soldier struggled to pull out his radio, "yessir!... Ex Probe-three to HQ, Ex Probe-three to HQ: Two coup BMP's and 20 supporting infantry spotted at our coordinates."
From the small radio squawked a nearly inaudible tone, "~HQ to Ex Probe-three- Roger. Two BMP's and 20 infantry spotted at your coordinates. Maintain surveillance."
"Roger, HQ- Maintaining surveillance. The sarge asks if the Colonel can coordinate with the thestanis to follow the spotted mechanized squad to its FOB."
"~Roger Ex Probe-three. We will relay the request. Continue surveillance until further orders."
"Understood. Ex Probe-three, over and out."
OOC: I'm still involved, just waiting on a reply.