Workers' Union in Stoklomolvi [Open]
26-10-2007, 02:33
Global News
Today, a massive worker strike has taken place in Vladistov, Stoklomolvi. The strike was started by the Stoklomolvi Equality and Proletariat Union, which was recently formed after the Commissar legalised a single union. The SMPF, who had been fighting the angry mob for more than an hour with Special Weapons and Tactics teams, but to no avail. The relentless mob demands a pay raise of 20% from their average pay of over ยง300 per day. The mob is armed with stolen AK-2130 Assault Rifles, and are not affected by tear gas due to the use of stolen gas masks.
More on this as information feed comes in.
Do you reqire armed assistance from the Kontorian millitary?
26-10-2007, 04:14
Official Response
Currently, the situation is still developing, but we will provide you with more details as the information feed comes in.
Two hours later
Global News
Workers everywhere have begun strikes against the arms manufacturing industry. They have shut down all factories, private or government owned. They have seized the city of Petrolgrad, and these strikers demand better wages. The government is refusing to comply, and now the strikers have taken the city of Sankt-Pyotrburg.
The Stoklomolvi Civil War has begun.
As the minister of international affairs Mr Smith was looking at his reports he came across something interesting. "Workers in Stoklomolvi strike to reseave better wages". "The government does not comply". "These workers have now started a civil war by commandering weapon factories and have also seized a city".
In responce Mr. Smith telegraphs this to the leaders of the official goverment. "We of the Empire of Kontor belive that as a new govenment would destabilize the region therefor we offer our full suport in crushing these rebel scum."
26-10-2007, 06:52
Needless to say, Igovian interest in the Stoklomolvi situation is immediate.
Attempts to contact rebellious workers are undertaken as the Final Soviet votes to approve an interdiction on their behalf. If it is possible and the workers agreeable, Indian Soviet liason officers will be dispatched aboard Dwrgi-T Wing-In-Groundeffect vehicles where upon distribution of Graeme Igo's recent work, On Communism [link] ( will be a priority.
Should Stoklomolvi be found fertile ground for Igovian ideas Soviet aid is likely to come thick and fast.
(OOC: Except that I have to go, and will try to come back tomorrow!)
26-10-2007, 18:10
Global News
Uprisings have occurred all across Stoklomolvi, and the mere 60 million police officers cannot handle the huge number of strikers. A pamphlet, named, On Communism, was distributed throughout the strikers by a number of people. It did not fare well in book stores, selling a total of 20 copies nationwide after the initial reviews.
Currently, bombing runs have been initiated over the countryside, flushing out thousands of strikers. The Imperial Guard has opened fire on all striking civilians, whether it is peaceful or militant.
More on this as the information feed comes in.
Our minister of international affairs Mr. smith Again offers any and all help that you need, will you accept?
26-10-2007, 18:57
Global Message
All aid and support is welcomed by Stoklomolvi. The rebels must be exterminated at all costs.
We of The Empire of Kontor are prepaired to start unloading over 500,000 soldiers to help squash the rebel scum. However we leave the dropoff point and cordination of those troops up to you.
26-10-2007, 21:08
We will send observation forces.
20000 soldiers on deck of battleship "Commrade Lenin" and criuser "Red Star".
They only observ coasts and waiting for situation progress.
In name of Revolution
First Secretary of Great Socialistic Council of The United Socialist States of Punckeds
Gustav Havrov
26-10-2007, 22:53
The United Socialist States of Yanitaria wishes to offer support. However, if a police force of 60,000,000 can not contain the rioters, the paltry military of 4,000,000 would probably be useless. Acknowledging our current commitment to The Holy Empire of The New Cross, 2 million Yanitarians could be sent to aid the government of Stoklomolvi.
Alternatively, if the Stoklomolvian government deems it not worth a bother, the USSY would like to donate $1Billion USD to the government cause, and half the Yanitarian Airforce to fly sorties.
26-10-2007, 23:48
Encrypted Message to Yanitaria
Currently, we are in more need of propaganda leaflets and supply airdrops for the conquered cities than infantry and military support. The rebels have closed off the cities of Moskuvy, Petrolgrad, Petrovavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Sankt-Pyotrburg, and Port Stoklomolvi. The government has decreed an order for all security forces to open fire on any rebels, who are primarily armed with either stolen assault rifles or home-made weaponry, such as picks and hatchets.
More on this as the information feed comes in.
27-10-2007, 00:08
Lyov Bacherikov, informed of the situation whilst he was enjoying a sunset over Maykop, theatrically checked his watch.
27-10-2007, 00:18
Encrypted Communique to Stoklomolvi:
The USSY would be happy to allocate 10 Billion in military funds to print out leaflets, and will put 30 B-52's and 100 C-130's under the command of your generals.