TPF Claims Great Britain [ATTN: Nova Europa, MT]
The PeoplesFreedom
22-10-2007, 03:37
Open State Department Communication
We, The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom, hereby claim the islands of Great Britain, to be Prussian territory. These new lands will be settled immediately by our people. Special Economic Zones will be set up to foreign investments, especially port areas, but the remainder of the island will be closed off for the time being. This is by no means a hostile action, but we will not tolerate any interference by any nations with our rightful colonization. Thank you.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-10-2007, 04:24
Cafe Imagine
My hat was crooked, so I straightened it. I looked at my hands, shivering due to the snow, my gloves were rotten and there were many holes in them. Many families sat by barrels of trash, the horrible stench eroded from them as they burnt, but it was the only way to stay warm. Many of them had simple wooden lean-to's, the wood itself infected by termites and maggots. A boy ran up to me, his hair dirty and greasy, he was as think as rails, and his head was swollen.
" Mister, may I have some money?"
" I have no money to spare." I said. It was the truth. I had literally none, not even enough to buy food this night or tomorrow. It was part of the reason I was involved with this. While the aristocrats bathed in money and the cities bathed in money, and the upper-class bathed in money, we bathed in mud and soot. We could not let this go on.
I finally arrived at my destination, a small cafe in the ghetto. The lights were barely on, and a small pink neon gas sign of a women danced up and down a pole. A man with a M-29 stood guard, he was very large, and on his shirt there was a pin of a yellow rose, with red as if it were bleeding...
I walked inside, many men were sitting, face down, staring into there beers or nothingness. Such was the depression, such was the desperation. All of the men were in perfect physical condition, most packed weapons of some sort. They were all military officers or former military officers. They were the Rose Society.
A man now stood up on the bar, he was talking into a microphone. " My brothers, part one is complete. TPF is now moving to seize Great Britain, hopefully now the NEA will dispatch forces to disallow this. We will respond... and then is our chance! And even tonight, our first strike is at hand! Two brave martyrs will begin the Consurgo and then, after we it is complete, Nova Europa will be ripe for the taking! No longer will we starve! No longer will we be poor! For our military will grow so large that we will shall have it! So it begins!"
Presidential Residence
Every night, the president took his dogs out for a walk along the busy streets of The Peoples Freedom City. It was dangerous for him, and the Marines that guarded him regarded this as the hardest time to protect him. Rooftops were everywhere, snipers had a ripe shot. A man with an assault rifle could gun him down a block away. This was perhaps why the Marines also stayed a block ahead of him, in a square shape. Marine squads in full battle gear jogged around the president, and plainclothes Federal Police agents were everywhere that a large amount of people were. This protection was daunting to overcome, but not impossible, especially considering they had an inside man.
Two men pulled up to the curb a few blocks down the road. Voices constantly spoke, but it was not their own. A scanner was on the dashboard, Marine and Federal Police voices coming across. Yes, the president and his dogs were headed this way. The president took different paths normally but it was fairly easy to intercept him. The two men grabbed a duffel bag and exited the white van, locking it. A plainclothes officer observed them from across the street, he thought it suspicious, especially considering how the men were composed. Some cars passed by, and the officer had been too distracted by them to notice that the men had crossed the street to his position. They nodded at him, and before he could say anything, one had grabbed him and put two bullets in his stomach.
Dragging the body, the men moved it into an alley, whereupon they put it into an empty dumpster. They then returned to the sidewalk, and opened the duffel bag, retrieving two M-25 Carbines. They hid, waiting.
" So anyway, this broad at these fucking huge tits, and-"
" Shut the fuck up, Mason. Keep a goddamn eye out. There could be a sniper anywhere!" Growled Sergeant Hamson. The Marines kept walking, they were a block ahead of the president now. Hamson looked around, but spotted nothing but a parked van, which was common, if illegal. They moved on. Now, the main entourage came in. The two men had retreated a few alleys down. As they saw the president, they dialed a number into a cell phone. A huge orange and red and yellow explosion covered the street, blood and limbs flew everywhere, windows blew out, and women screamed. " Fuck! Get the president! Call for back-up!" The president was on the ground, coughing up blood. That was suppose to happen, the men were to kill him personally. As surviving Marines, shocked, tumbled about, deadly headshots downed them one by one. The men then moved up, killing the rest with deadly three-round bursts. They could hear the sirens in the background, back-up was coming. Grinning, they moved up to the president, who was gasping heavily, blood coming from his ears and nose.
One of the men went down to his knees, "The Rose Society send you its regards." The man stood up, pointed the weapon at the president's face, and watched it turn into an inside-out rose itself.
And then it began.
Open State Department Communication
We, The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom, hereby claim the islands of Great Britain, to be Prussian territory. These new lands will be settled immediately by our people. Special Economic Zones will be set up to foreign investments, especially port areas, but the remainder of the island will be closed off for the time being. This is by no means a hostile action, but we will not tolerate any interference by any nations with our rightful colonization. Thank you.
Diplomatic Communique
We call for the immediate withdrawal of the Prussian people from the British Isles. As with Wanderjar's annexation of Nova Belarus, we feel that this action is completely unacceptable and indeed, is deliberately detrimental to the stability of the region.
If the People's Freedom does not cease all actions related to the annexation of Great Britain immediately then we will be forced to take any action we deem necessary to prevent this travesty from occuring.
Furthermore, we call on our allies in the NEA and yours in the Eastern Powers to prevent this injustice from occuring.
22-10-2007, 15:31
Selected headlines:
Trivalviapolis Star
Trivalvia Condemns Nova Britain Annexation
Trivalviapolis: In a 672-103 vote, the Trivalvian Federal Legislature voted in favour of a resolution condemning The PeoplesFreedom's actions in the Nova British Isles. The resolution listed the action as "deliberately provoking the nations of the Nova Europa Alliance," and called upon both the NEA and the Eastern Powers to censure TPF for its actions.
Earlier this month, The PeoplesFreedom had gained weapons from Doomingsland, essentially thumbing its nose at the NEA.
"The resolution this Legislature has passed," President William MacKenzie said to reporters just after today's session, "is not a condemnation of the EP, as some Opposition members would have preferred. We feel that, all things being equal, the NEA and the EP can get along, and even work together to insure peace for this continent.
"However, the recent alliance between Doomingsland and The PeoplesFreedom has upset the balance of power in this continent, and we believe TPF's government is acting against the interests of peace and stability. We hope for, and will work towards, a diplomatic solution, but we are also prepared to take action if and only if it is absolutely necessary..."
Bivalviaton Herald
Trivalvian Navy Conducts Live Fire Exercise
Vale, Quadrivalve Archipelago: The new generation cruiser TNS Defiant joined a group of eight frigates and destroyers to conduct live-fire exercises north of the Archipelago today, at the very edge of Trivalvian waters.
Commodore Styles, who was the commander for the exercise, told the Herald that both ships and crew performed admirabily today, and he expected a similar if not better performance tomorrow. "We are building a navy for the twenty-first century," he was quoted as saying, "and we are making great strides."
Admiral Everett, current commander-in-chief of the Trivalvian Navy, and second-in-command for the Trivalvian Armed Forces, denied rumours that the live fire exercise was prompted by the recent decision by The PeoplesFreedom to annex Nova Britain...
The World Soviet Party
22-10-2007, 16:38
OOC: I will make an IC post when I get back from school, but for the moment all I can say is that the TPF'ian Navy only has one way to exit the Baltic, and that is through my territorial waters.
And I, of course, wont allow that.
The World Soviet Party
22-10-2007, 22:01
Soviet Embassy,
The Soviet embassy had been flooded with papework since the announcement of annexation the TPF'ians had made earlier today, not content with that, the embassy was about to be named the official NEA-EP Nexus, and this crisis didnt help at all.
Kaiser's Palace
The Soviet consul had been waiting at the door of the palace since the early morning, in his hands was a copy of the TPF'ian communique, his intentions were clear, he would be in charge of handling the situation and getting the Wanderjarians to control their lap-dog.
If anything, he would try.
Armed Forces HQ,
Red City,
The World Soviet Party
"This situation is difficult, the Doomanis have already broken through our blockade once, and we do not know if we will be capable of stopping the TPF'ians"
"Of course, but we can always try"
"That is madness, no one would be crazy enough to do that!"
"We have to, at least, we'll die knowing we did something instead of slowly fading into darkness"
"You watch too many movies"
"Indeed, now, rebuild the minefield, the navy is still deployed there, have them ready themselves to greet our new playmates. This time however, they must not get through."
"Permission to open fire after first warning?"
"Yes, now go!"
Red Tide2
23-10-2007, 00:28
OOC: You better be letting civilian and trade ships through, TWSP, or your gonna piss-off a whole lot of people.
IC: Top Secret Message to TPF Government
From: TSRT Government
"We have a offer...
We are completely willing too militarily secure the Islands of Nova Britain for you until your settlers have properly set-up shop. In exchange, we request a sliver of land(say, five kilometers deep and ten long) from any coastal province with a decent harbor be given too us. We would prefer it be somewhere in Wales, although we are not picky."
End Message
The World Soviet Party
23-10-2007, 00:35
OOC: You better be letting civilian and trade ships through, TWSP, or your gonna piss-off a whole lot of people.
IC: Top Secret Message to TPF Government
From: TSRT Government
"We have a offer...
We are completely willing too militarily secure the Islands of Nova Britain for you until your settlers have properly set-up shop. In exchange, we request a sliver of land(say, five kilometers deep and ten long) from any coastal province with a decent harbor be given too us. We would prefer it be somewhere in Wales, although we are not picky."
End Message
OOC: The blockade only applies to Tigerlani, Wanderjarian and TPF'ian military vessels as of the moment.
The PeoplesFreedom
23-10-2007, 02:51
OOC: You better be letting civilian and trade ships through, TWSP, or your gonna piss-off a whole lot of people.
IC: Top Secret Message to TPF Government
From: TSRT Government
"We have a offer...
We are completely willing too militarily secure the Islands of Nova Britain for you until your settlers have properly set-up shop. In exchange, we request a sliver of land(say, five kilometers deep and ten long) from any coastal province with a decent harbor be given too us. We would prefer it be somewhere in Wales, although we are not picky."
End Message
State Department Communication
This is most acceptable and we thank you. If things get hot, our military will be prepared you accordingly. At this time we are reviewing options for the blockade.
The PeoplesFreedom
23-10-2007, 03:38
Open State Department Communication
The Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom is doing no harm to any nations in Nova Europa by claiming and annexing Nova Britain. We have even offered to allow your nations to invest in the special economic zones, giving your people and your nation new economic fortune. The NEA and others have no right to blockade us for a legitimate action. In one week our armada will be leaving port with the first settlers to settle Nova Britain. In one week we ask that the blockade be lifted. We are open to negotiation, but if no agreement is reach in one week and the blockade is not lifted, we will not be afraid to force our way through.
23-10-2007, 03:59
Circum Graecia Colony
"Status report, General Boros?"
"The defenses have been established on supplies, land, walls, pill boxes, mines, explosives on crossroads and bridges, SAM sites, a large garrison, everything we could need. No Panzie will invade our territory. The chance of them seizing any of the Circum Graecian isles is minute at best." Boros replied curtly, toying with the pommel of his sword nervously.
"Admiral Jarlse?"
"Excellent. The Mediterranean fleet is docked at the ports, sea forts have been set up in front of prominent harbours, mines along the shores and territorial waters, civilian ships rigged with explosives, and the sailors are all ready for combat should it arise." Admiral Jarlse replied, toying with his moustache nervously.
"Aeromaster Petus?"
"The air fields are set up. The aerofleet has arrived, ships, planes, copters, et cetera. The aeromarines are prepared to deploy at a moments notice, and we can hit them anytime. There is no more we can do now without showing bais." Aerimaster Petus replied, toying with his hair nervously.
"Excellent. Tucker has requested we forward a message to the TPF'ians, and I'd be more then willing to oblige."
Official Corporate Telegram:
To: The PeoplesFreedom
From: The Buy & Sell Corporation; Tucker E. Boot
As the inevitability of war nears, your industrial economy will have to be in tip-top shape. We will do what we can to help, if you permit us, by setting up factories that we can maintain in your nation. Accept, so that people will have work, and war supplies will be in ready supple should they be needed.
-Tucker Evah Boot; Duke of Medepolis, Representative of Media, Colonial Governor of Gateway, Chief Executive Officer of Buy & Sell Incorporated, Richest Man in Great Vantania
Official Statement Of The Holy Empire Of Dentara
The peoples & government of the Holy Empire condemn the actions of The Holy Reich Of The People's Freedom. This aggressive, power-hungry grab for power, which threatens to bring this glorious region to the brink of war, shall not be tolerated.
Furthermore, the Holy Empire of Dentara stands alongside the Nova Europan Alliance, and we shall work - and fight, if necessary - alongside them, to free the innocent peoples of Nova Brittania from your attempt to bring them under your regime.
Though we shall refrain from any permanent declarations concerning our official status concerning your Reich, I make this clear to you: our nations are not on friendly terms.
Encrypted Burst Communique
TO: World Soviet Party High Command; Nova Europan Alliance Signatory Nations
FROM: Emperor Aramius 1st, Dentara
SUBJECT: Assistance
A mere minute before the 2nd Air Force was to deploy, a short burst communique appeared on the screens of every fighter & bomber of the 2nd Air Force. It said, quite simply:
Each and every pilot quickly typed the Authentication Code into their console, and just as quickly re-read the orders the moment the green light showed on their screens. In moments, the Lead Wing Commander issued new orders.
'2nd Air Force, listen up! New orders have come in; validity confirmed. 1st & 2nd Fighter Wings & 1st Bomber Wing, launch & enter an orbital pattern over the TWSP blockade force. 2nd Bomber Wing, you're on alert; if they are engaged, you're their backup. 3rd, 4th & 5th Fighter Wings, & 3rd Bomber Wing, you're on standby. If hostilities are declared, we'll scramble. Remember people, we've just had SpecWep Authorization; make use of your AMRAAMs, ECCM & RADAR Screechers. Bombers, you might have to use LLOST systems. Alright, lets do this!'
In minutes, the 1st & 2nd Fighter Wings had formed up, and, with the 2nd Bomber Wing in tow, screamed out to rejoin the Blockade.
The Imperial 1st Battlefleet had been provisioning for a sortie for several frantic days; finally, their ships were ready to set sail. The Admiral, following his own tradition, began his speech, aboard the HIDMS Lordship, the flagship & most powerful Battleship of the Imperial Navy. 'My fellow Dentarans... today, we go forth as one. We go forth, to, through our own sacrifices, ensure a peaceful tomorrow. We go forth, to support our sworn allies in their time of need. We go forth, for the good of Nova Europa. We go forth, in the name of our Holy Emperor! We Go Forth, To Bring Peace Through Power!' By the end of the speech, his voice was a shout, and all through the 1st BattleFleet & the Port, the wild battlecries of the Dentarans echoed.
Turning from the radio station, the Admiral addressed his Helmsman. 'Helm, flank speed. Plot our course for the Baltic Sea Blockade Point.' With a deep rumble, the Lordship began it's long journey for the TWSP blockade, with the full force of the 1st BattleFleet in tow.
The Dentaran Imperial Palace
The Silver Throne Room
'Generals... prepare the 1st Holy Guard Regiment for deployment.' This single sentence caused the entire War Room to freeze. General Korus broke the silence, with a hesitant, 'Sir... the 1st Regiment has never deployed without... without you at it's head...'
The Emperor replied with, 'I know that. I'm going with them.'
The entire War Room all but broke into cacophony.
'But sir-'
'You're too important-'
The Emperor silenced them all with a single hand. 'I have spent too much time on the sidelines. The Naashan Civil War was the last time I actually got involved in anything. No more. Deploy... the 1st... Regiment...' With these words, he left the room.
23-10-2007, 14:01
The Kaiser, presently still in the WSP Presidential Building, recieved news of this renewed crisis by way of a WSP courier who sprinted into the room where the Kaiser and President were sitting. The Kaiser's response was simple, and concise.
"God damnit," He swore, "it never bloody ends. Well Comrade Alex, what are we going to do about this situation?"
The World Soviet Party
23-10-2007, 16:44
Alejandro sighed, things always had to be so complicated around these Prussians... still, he had but one choice.
"Then it's clear, we fight.
Of course, that leaves us a number of options, for the moment, it would be appreciated if Wanderjar and Tigerlan closed their borders to TPF'ian shipping and citizens, economic warfare to start with. Then, if it's deemed necessary, we will need to go on a more... aggressive course of action."
The PeoplesFreedom
23-10-2007, 18:26
High Command
"So, do we have an agreement, then?" asked the man.
" Yes, I believe we do." replied Lord Warmaster Molkte.
" Good. Then we will begin soon. Remember, we really don't care who's toes you step on or what methods you use. The End justifys the Means. We do not care who's toes you step on, what nations will face the might of our force. The future of the nation depends on your success. We have been denied what is rightfully ours. We are running out of space, out of resources, out of options. The NEA or our supposed allies do not care of our problems. And so if they will not help us than we will take what is rightfully ours."
" I understand. The Officer Corps feels the same way. The reserves were mobilized when Doom stationed those weapons here. We are prepared to fight into the death."
" Excellent. So be it. Issue the orders. We will strike first. Order the troops to cross into Wanderjar's border. If they turn hostile to us, destroy them. Play it off as training in the meantime, even if it is millions of men and thousands of tanks. Order the troops to move into defensive position on the Tigerlani border.
" Yes, sir."
" Oh, and Molkte, make sure that you decimate them. This first strike has to count."
" Yes sir, it will be done."
" Ensign, give me the football."
" But sir-"
" It was their choice to go against us, Lord Warmaster. Not ours. They will not get away with it."
The Denmark Straits
Soaring high above the ground, a flight of Sariel Stealth Bombers were on their way to deliver a deadly payload. Each carried numerous variable-yield tactical nuclear weapons. Each was set to deliver thirty tons of tnt equivalent, the multiple missiles would easily be enough to annihilate the Soviet forces in the straits. And best of all, the enemy wouldn't realize it was radioactive. Thirty tons was just somewhat higher powered than the largest conventional explosives, the enemy would simply think TPF had one-upped the game yet again. At the same time, the dozens of missiles would annihilate the Soviet Fleet and its allies. They had a mere five minutes left before they were within targeting range, and then the war in Nova Europa would be on.
Red Tide2
23-10-2007, 21:52
"In agreement with the Holy Reich of The Peoples Freedom, the Totalitarian State of Red Tide will be dispatching multiple Dreadnought and Carrier Battlegroups to the Islands of Nova Britian. This is inorder too secure the islands for The Peoples Freedom until their colonists can arrive. Also in deployment will be a unit of the Red Tidean Army."
End Statement
By the time the statement was released, the three Dreadnought Battlegroups and two Carrier Battlegroups had already left the harbor. In addition, a transport convoy carrying a single engineer brigade was also enroute, although it would arrive six or twelve hours after the main body. The statement did not mention, however, the number (about 53) of StoneAger-Class Cruise Missile Submarines also deploying to the region, these were too be stationed well within in international waters near The World Soviet Parties blockade.
Top Secret Message to TPF Government
From TSRT Government
"In the event of combat, we will not engage with the surface forces we are deploying unless somone attacks us or attempts too take your claim. We have, however, deployed a number of our cruise missile submarines to monitor any battle and, in case of war, assist if needed. These subs are armed exclusively with conventional anti-ship missiles.
Simply shoot a message too our Naval High Command in the case you need any assistance from these submarines and how you want us too use them. We will then try too use them in the manner we find best.
Please also note, the Intellegince-Commissarat has been ordered too forward your nation any intel related to the situation if they find any of use too you."
End Message
23-10-2007, 22:36
Satellite Command, Trivalvian Armed Forces HQ
"Whoa..." The Lieutenant at Monitoring Workstation-Sector Five, blinked a bit, and tapped his headset. "Sir? I got an odd reading on the TPF-Wanderjar border."
The watch-commander put down the Karl Schroeder novel he was reading and tapped his own headset. "S5, what do you see?"
"IR picks up several heat signatures - most of them close together to form larger clumps. I'm trying to get visual, but we only have a 5 meter per pixel resolution. Movement is northwest, from TPF to Wanderjar."
"Strange. Could it be a forest fire?"
"I don't think so. Heat signature is too low for a fire. And the contacts are moving at over fifty kph."
"Maybe it's a mass migration; tourists flocking to see the Kaiser or some convention..." A click sounded in the commander's headset. "Hold on, S5. S3, report."
"Sir," said the corporal manning Monitoring Workstation-Sector Three, "I am picking up multiple visual signatures, nothing on IR or radar over the Nova Denmark Strait. High altitude aircraft but the computer is having trouble placing a positive ID."
No surprise there; Trivalvia's civilian and military aircraft ID database was out-of-date, even after several updates after the Nine Day Crisis. "Best guess, S3, military or civilian?"
"Suspect military, but not certain."
Frowning, the watch commander turned to his own computer, and started punching keys. While their systems weren't fully integrated yet, Trivalvia was gradually exchanging intel with its fellow member states in the NEA, mostly covering military deployments and exercises. Sector Three covered most of Nova Denmark - territory belonging to Errikan - and the north coast of The World Soviet Party. Perhaps the Errikans or Soviets were conducting aerial exercises, although both nations' aircraft were in the database...
What he saw on his screen, or rather, what he did not see, worried him. "S3, continue tracking those unknowns, update me on any changes. S5, any luck IDing those contacts?"
"Visual is available. No positive IDs, but best guess says APCs and tanks - no type IDs, but they're definitely TPF military."
"Hell. Continue monitoring, S5. S4, this is Watch."
"S4. Go ahead Watch."
"S4, monitor your border between you and S5, see if there's any large movement. Check for Wanderjarian, TPF, and Soviet IDs."
"Yes sir. Be advised I currently have no satellite coverage over my sector; next satellite pass in two hours."
"Do what you can, S4." The watch commander then punched a few keys on his console. "General Wellington? This is Satellite Command; we have a potential situation to report..."
OOC: Just FYI, what this means is that the Trivalvian satellite network has seen TPF troops moving and those stealth bombers, but they don't yet know *why* the troops are on the march or what those planes are. So what's getting filtered up the chain of command is a "what's this, then?"
Fort Lang, The World Soviet Party
Fortunately for the Trivalvians, someone else was watching the same NEA satellite feed.
"W.O, SAT scan reports multiple high speed contacts. No IR signature as yet and the radar reckons they're smaller than birds."
The Watch Officer strolled over, scowling. Naasha's only base in TWSP had been on alert since the tensions with TPF.
"Enlarge that frame and clean up the resolution," he told one technician, before turning to the man who had reported it. "Good catch, continue tracking the inbounds as best you can on the live feed. Notify our host's navy and air force and see if they can get some brighter radar feeds up there. This might be nothing, but better safe than sorry eh? Today of all days..."
Angela Rowe, the chief analyst at Fort Lang, struggled with the satellite feed for a moment, it was lagging behind her commands.
"Someone else is watching these guys too, by the feel of it," She noted in a bored tone. "There we are, I got one. The rest of the flight are blurred. Running it through our database now."
It was fortunate perhaps, that while the Trivalvian databases had no records of the SB-22 Sariel, the Naashan Air Force had purchased a hundred of them ( from Tyrandis. The contacts were initially flagged as 'allied' in fact, which was quickly overruled by a brief check of the Air Force databases. No Naashan Sariels were in the air at all, nor were any NEA ones that they knew of.
"Database confirms that the contacts are Sariels, or look like them at least. No allied flights are in the air at this time, let alone over the Baltic."
"So, we know there are advanced stealth bombers in the air somewhere? We just don't know whose they are, where they are headed or precisely where they are?"
"Exactly, sir. Although I could give you a good guess as to whose they are..."
The Watch Officer swore loudly.
"Yep, you're probably right. Continue tracking as best you can, designate contacts as Harpy Flight. Notify the TWSP air force and scramble our F-22's from the base. We probably won't even see the bastards until they start firing, but we'll damned well make sure they don't make it home!"
The World Soviet Party
24-10-2007, 00:21
The Denmark Straits
Soaring high above the ground, a flight of Sariel Stealth Bombers were on their way to deliver a deadly payload. Each carried numerous variable-yield tactical nuclear weapons. Each was set to deliver thirty tons of tnt equivalent, the multiple missiles would easily be enough to annihilate the Soviet forces in the straits. And best of all, the enemy wouldn't realize it was radioactive. Thirty tons was just somewhat higher powered than the largest conventional explosives, the enemy would simply think TPF had one-upped the game yet again. At the same time, the dozens of missiles would annihilate the Soviet Fleet and its allies. They had a mere five minutes left before they were within targeting range, and then the war in Nova Europa would be on.
Fortunately for the Soviets, they had a rather good satellite signal, as well as radars and the likes positioned all over the nation. What's more, they had a station in Wanderjar, and to get to The World Soviet Party, the TPF'ians would have to get into Wanderjarian Airspace.
"Yep, you're probably right. Continue tracking as best you can, designate contacts as Harpy Flight. Notify the TWSP air force and scramble our F-22's from the base. We probably won't even see the bastards until they start firing, but we'll damned well make sure they don't make it home!"
High Command, though already aware of the incoming Sariels, saw it fit to thank the Naashans for their help, even if they were but a small force, any help was appreciated.
On the ground near the border, thousands of F-22s and F-28As took off from their bases, their mission was clear, to stop any TPF'ian bomber from completing their mission.
Meanwhile, well inside the heart of the nation, the President was meeting Kaiser Baker but was suddenly interrupted by the latest news. He turned to his friend with a grim face.
"I'm afraid it has started, we are required to evacuate the Manor and get into the shelters."
Back in the Headquarters, the order was given to aim any avaliable satellite weapons, EMP-Tipped ICBMs and missiles at The PeoplesFreedom. On the coast, over 2,500 500mm coastal guns turned slowly to aim at the incoming fleet, the Khan silos got ready to fire at a moment's notice, and thousands of other missiles were readied as well.
Encrypted Burst Communique
TO: World Soviet Party High Command; Nova Europan Alliance Signatory Nations
FROM: Emperor Aramius 1st, Dentara
SUBJECT: Assistance
Official Communique
Acknowledged, the 2nd Air Force will be given clereance to land wherever they wish, your help is appreciated.
The PeoplesFreedom
24-10-2007, 00:37
In The Air, AWACS
" General, seems the Soviets have detected something, maybe our Sariels." The man beckoned him over to his radar screen, where it showed thousands of new contacts appearing over TWSP airspace. " How do you think they managed to detect them?"
" Well, two ways. Either Wanderjar betrayed us, which I doubt, or they have some sats. Otherwise they would have detected them by radar when they were nearly in range. Sats, then. Excuse me for a moment." General Hanson walked over to a communications desk, calling up High Command. " This is General Hanson. Get me Lord Warmaster Molkte."
" Molkte here."
" Sir, it appears that our Sariels have been detected via orbital, we believe."
" Dammit. Bastards are on their toes. General, order those Sariels to turn around and launch another flight, same load-out. We will take care of the orbitals."
" Yes sir, thank you."
High Command, deep below the earth
" The vultures have been fed and the world has seen our might. Now, clear the skies."
At Molkte's command, orders were relayed across TPF. Clusters of NEA orbitals were identified and marked for destruction. Large clusters would be destroyed thanks to the help nuclear ASAT. Small clusters or single orbitals would get a single Kinetic Kill ASAT. Between the nukes and the ASAT, the enemy space capability would be annihilated in a first strike before they had a chance to respond. Even so TPF space assets and ground assets readied themselves against a counter-attack.
Fort Carlyle, TWSP
So it begins.
So thought Colonel Andrew Copperfield, commander of Fort Carlyle, leaning over the shoulder of a young lieutenant. Pale green light bathed their faces as they gazed at the radar screen displaying the positions of Naashan, Soviet, and TPF air forces. "Sir?" another young officer tepped Copperfield on the shoulder and handed him a slip of paper. "Thank you, Simpson," the senior officer replied, quickly scanning the telegram.
"Gladly," Copperfield smirked, placing the paper in his breast pocket and picking up the blue telephone. "Captain. Scramble fighters and link with allied forces to engage the enemy bombers. Good luck."
Within minutes, 18 F/A-501 Blizzards, 18 F-119 Banshees, and 36 F/A-401 Birds of Prey were in the air, supercruising to meet up with the Naashan and Soviet aircraft already en route. While most of the Ezaltian Forward Air Force had upgraded or replaced these old fighters, TWSP was seen as a quiet zone and had least priority for upgrades. They'll have to do, thought Captain Ian Charleston, nestled in the cockpit of the lead Bird of Prey.
So it begins.
Official Statement
Tsar Xavier II, both as ruler of Derscon and acting Emperor of Greater Prussia, urges all parties to stop this needless and senseless violence before it goes beyond a point of no return.
HE requests that all nations undergo a temporary ceasefire, and are invited to the Kremlin for a diplomatic summit to work the situation out peacefully, without more needless bloodshed.
On behalf of the Emperor of Greater Prussia;
Count Franz von Hilstaat
Chief Diplomat of the Greater Prussian Empire
Star Office
Tsar Xavier shook his head, putting the writeup back on the desk. "I can't believe this is happening! Ten dollars says a mushroom cloud goes up in the next forty-eight hours. Field Marshal, please proceed to activate the GPSDN. I fear this may erupt very quickly."
The World Soviet Party
24-10-2007, 02:40
Official Communique
The World Soviet Party will attend the conference, our delegate, Mr. Keating shall be arriving ASAP.
OOC: TWSP, my guys were actually about to go home when the information about the TPF incident got to them. So, basically, I've got several squadrons of fighters with your blockade as we speak.
The Dentaran 2nd Air Force alert squadrons screamed in at high velocity, and the Lead Wing Commander switched his radio to the TWSP Tac-Channel, and quickly barked out, 'Dentaran 2nd Air Force Alert Squadrons On-Station. Requesting Update & Orders. Over.' Then, switching to the 2nd Air Force Tac-Channel momentarily, he barked out, 'All squadrons, Orbital Formation. Radars on, safeties off. If you see something coming in on a hostile vector, call it in.' Finishing this, he switched back to the TWSP Tac-Channel, and listened in for the reply.
With these words, the fighter squadrons entered a vast orbital path over the blockade, their Radars flickering into life, with the bombers 10,000 feet above them.
From The Grand Palace, To The Farthest Corners Of The Empire...
Today, the reason for the wide-spread mobilisation of the Imperial Military was revealed, as the Grand Palace made a short statement: 'As of this moment, the Empire is in a State Of Emergency.'
Further information was released in an Official Document from the Palace, which has been approved for public release. The following information has been confirmed:
The 2nd Imperial Air Force has been deployed overseas, to support the Nova Europan Alliance.
The 1st & 2nd Imperial Armies have been mobilised, and are prepared for a full-scale deployment abroad.
His Most Holy Lordship The Emperor is leading the military forces of the Holy Empire personally, and the elite forces of the 1st Holy Guard Regiment are preparing for deployment.
The 1st Imperial BattleFleet has set sail, to support Nova Europan Alliance Naval Forces.
War Conscription Alpha Protocols have been enacted. Beta or Gamma Protocols may be declared in future.
When more news is given, we will inform your of the state of events of Nova Europa. Until then, remember, remain Vigilant, remain Aware, remain Safe.
Peace Through Power!
High Command, deep below the earth
" The vultures have been fed and the world has seen our might. Now, clear the skies."
At Molkte's command, orders were relayed across TPF. Clusters of NEA orbitals were identified and marked for destruction. Large clusters would be destroyed thanks to the help nuclear ASAT. Small clusters or single orbitals would get a single Kinetic Kill ASAT. Between the nukes and the ASAT, the enemy space capability would be annihilated in a first strike before they had a chance to respond. Even so TPF space assets and ground assets readied themselves against a counter-attack.
Naashan Space Command
"TPF orbitals are repositioning again," the duty technician reported to his senior. "We've been watching them since they redeployed to cover TWSP, as you know the Prime Minister ordered the ASAT missiles on standby."
His superior, Sergeant Claire Falkes, leaned over his shoulder to peer at the screen, which was displaying images from both space and ground radar, as well as pictures from Naashan satellites of the non-deadly kind in high orbit.
"Looks suspicious, but it could be routine, they've been making minor course adjustments for a while, " she pointed out.
"Nothing like this, looks like they're redeploying defensive-evasive, spreading out as if they expect an attack." He glanced back at her, concern on his face. "This doesn't feel routine, y'know?"
She nodded, and was about to reassure him that she'd notify higher authorities when the screen abruptly changed, tinged with red. A series of small shapes appeared on the radar images, the computer quickly tracing dotted lines from them directly toward Naashan and NEA satellites.
"Shit! Bastards have jumped the gun!"
Private Andrew Williams nodded as he refocused his attention on the console. "Tracking multiple inbound KKV's... missiles too. Estimate one minute to impact."
His supervisor froze at the reality of it, the entirety of Naashan space assets were about to be wiped out. "Shit..."
"Sarge! Tell me what to do, I have orbitals positioned to strike TPF before they are destroyed."
She stared at him dumbly, "God-rods? No... We don't want to start a war!"
He sighed, exasperated, "we're in one! And this department is about to lose! Can I at least knock the TPF satellites out of the sky?"
She seemed to freeze, "I..."
Without waiting for an answer, Private Williams began pressing commands. "I'll take that as a yes, mam. Launching our ground based ASAT KKV's now, bastards will regret this!"
24-10-2007, 13:18
Trivalvian Satellite Command
A similar scene was erupting in the satellite monitoring center.
"Watch, this is S3, I've lost contact with satellites over my sector..."
"Watch, S9. Satellites are showing incoming KKVs..."
"Watch, S5. One satellite has stopped transmitting. I'm repositioning nearby ones to find out what happened..."
The watch commander grimaced as he saw each orbital track of his satellites fade from the screen. He contacted General Wellington. "Sir? I regret to report that our satellite network is under attack. We've lost twenty percent of the satellites we had in orbit in the last ten minutes... No sir, countermeasures are not working at all. They didn't even activate... Yes sir, it's not just us. Naashan satellites have also been targetted... Yes, sir... Yes, sir. I'll do that immediately."
He disconnected, then stood to address everyone in the room. "Everyone, as of ten minutes ago, The PeoplesFreedom opened fire on our satellites. General Wellington is briefing the President right now. For now, reposition all our surviving satellites in an attempt to evade TPF orbital strikes, and continue to monitor TPF air, ground, and sea traffic for as long as you are able. We are now at Defense Condition 3."
Satellite Command,
Siriusan Air & Space
"What's this?" one man said to himself, looking at the screen. "Joe, are you picking up what I'm picking up?"
"It appears so," Joe replied. "Could it be a bug in the-" his eyes widened. "Shit!" he exclaimed. "We're under attack! Missiles inbound!"
The watch commander gazed up at the large screen, a look of disgust on his face. The bastards...
"I need ever satellite that is capable to try to evade the orbital strikes, and any satellite that is in position for retaliation to do so. We need to keep our observation satellites up and running as long as possible to monitor the situation. In the mean time we'll launch our own ASAT KKVs."
The watch command picked up his cell phone and buzzed a number.
"Your Highness? It appears we have a problem..."
The PeoplesFreedom
24-10-2007, 17:32
High Command, deep under the earth
" Sir, our strike has been successful. We have created a large hole in their space capability. However, they are launching a counter attack, sir."
" I see. Excellent job so far. Intercept those ASATS with Brilliant Pebbles and ABM missiles."
" Yes sir."
Molkte nodded stiffly, then turned around to face the map of Nova Europa, he could see lots of military movement from inside his country along with inside the NEA nations. With the hole knocked in the NEA space assets, Molkte figured he could launch those Sariels successfully this time. He picked up a phone.
" Hanson here."
" Molkte here. The skies have been cleared. Order that second wave to attack the fleet in the straits as previously planned."
" Yes sir! Hanson out."
TPFS Bunker Hill
Even before hostilities had officially broken out, the Imperial General Staff had decided that a number of ballistic missile submarines would constantly patrol the areas around Nova Europa. There were exactly ninety-six such submarines patrolling the oceans and sea. Most of these were armed with nuclear ballistic missiles. Some, however, were armed with a special chemical payload. The military, foreseeing the next war coming soon enough, had equipped them with these warheads, and they planned to use them against Soviet military targets. Six of these submarines had grouped together off the coast of TWSP. They would also deliver a deadly first strike against the massing Soviet formations, and they would also have another surprise for the commies.
The hull of the submarine was perfectly smooth, like silk, its black hull shining in the light of the half-moon. Only the conn tower broke the smoothness of the hull, much like a whale. It had risen a good twenty miles off the shore of a major TWSP naval base. Many ships were gone, but some remained. The plan was actually very similar to the nuclear strike that was about to be launched against the Soviet fleet. It was expected that after the Soviet fleet was destroyed, the Soviets would launch more ships to replace those lost. The submarines were here to make sure that would not happen. At seven major naval ports across TWSP, submarines were deploying dozens of encapsulated torpedo mines at the entrances to the docks. Once those ships left, they would meet a 1,000mm ultra-heavy weight torpedo to their underbelly's. And if this did not work, the submarines withdrew, but stayed near, ready to destroy the ships with either nuclear tropedos or sub-launched anti-shipping missiles.
Some time later, the chemical submarine group fired their cruise missiles, over 180 in all, into Soviet military formations. Each warhead carried 200 grams of Sarin gas, literally enough to kill hundreds of thousands of humans. However, only 179 actually hit Soviet formations. One cruise missiles' "guidance" failed and it slammed into a civilian city. They would only know what hit them when thousands of commies were already dead.
TPF wasn't dumb, as these missiles were launched, orders were quickly sent to field commanders and civilian officials. Civilians were ordered to don their government-issued gas mask and to be prepared for evacuation. Vaccinations against numerous chemical and biological agents were loaded into aircraft and trucks. Military commanders told their men to have their NBC suits at the ready. While the Soviets would be taken by surprised and destroyed, TPF would be ready for any response.
OOC: I think I speak for everyone here, TPF, when I say that I really, really don't want this to go nuclear except as an absolute last resort. It'll likely make us retaliate, and then there'll be counter-retaliation, and counter-counter-retaliation, and it'll only make the RP dirty and rather unfun.
OOC: I think I speak for everyone here, TPF, when I say that I really, really don't want this to go nuclear except as an absolute last resort. It'll likely make us retaliate, and then there'll be counter-retaliation, and counter-counter-retaliation, and it'll only make the RP dirty and rather unfun.
OOC: I agree. I thought that this would be a no-nukes conflict. If there's nukes, all this is going to turn into is a nuclear penis contest, so we might as well fast forward to the end where Nova Europa is just a big continent of glass.
Dentaran Imperial Palace
Primary War Chambers
'Sir, we just got confirmation from Orbital Satelite Command; Nova Europan orbital assets are under attack.'
His head jerking up, General Korus barked out, 'Have we been targeted?' and walked around to observe the Orbital Tactical Display.
'Negative. TPF assets have only engaged Nova Europa Alliance satelites at this time.'
Briefly considering for a moment, Korus made a split-second decision. 'Our Anti-Satelite capability is not sufficient to warrant us engaging. Switch all Satelite transponders off immediately! Begin observation of all critical locations, and set up Encrypted Datafeeds to the NEA. Even if they lose all their satelites, they'll still be able to see... Oh, and scatter our satelites. No clusters.'
'Sir! Sir!' came another cry, nearby. 'On Satelite Alpha-7, observing the TWSP blockade! I've just IDed unknown contacts approaching the blockade at extreme speed!'
'By the Emperor... TacCom, get on the horn to the 2nd Air Force! Let them know exact details!'
As he pulled his DF-1 Fighter around in a tight orbit, Lead Wing Commander Jerec Mazeen's radio emitted three short beeps. Reaching out, he switched to the Dentaran TacCom, in time to catch part of a transmission:
'...say again, we are reading a flight of unknown, large air contacts approaching your position at heading 293 from centre of blockade! ETA of approximately 3 minutes! Silhouette profiles do not match known NEA aircraft types!'
Switching back to the Squadron frequency & rapidly typing the information into his computer, he set a waypoint, and called out, 'Incoming contacts at Waypoint One! Turn 'em and burn 'em!' before switching over to a blind transmission frequency, and announcing, 'Attention inbound flight approaching on heading 113! This is the Dentaran 2nd Air Force! Declare your intentions immediately, or you will be considered hostile! This is your only warning!'
Finally, he switched to the TacComSat transmission, and was treated to a flight's worth of blips appearing on his NavMap. Switching over to the Laser Line-Of-Sight Targeting system (LLOST), he clicked on a blip, and a powerful IR laser mounted in a recessed niche of the airframe & covered by a one-way toughened glass sheet activated & hunted for a lock, in a fashion similar to LIDAR.
25-10-2007, 15:38
Trivalvian Federal Legislature
"The orbital attack has to be an act of war. There's nothing else it can be." Foreign Minister Robert Norris looked eager at the prospect. "If we move our air assets in for a decisive strike..."
"Mr. Norris, I suggest you stop acting like your namesake and leave war to those of us actually trained in the art," General Wellington said as he entered the room. "Sorry I'm late, Mr. President."
MacKenzie nodded. "Thank you for your opinion, Mr. Norris. You may leave now." He waved a hand in the direction of the door. Norris glared at Wellington, then left.
"If you don't mind my asking, Bill," Wellington said when the door had closed, "Why did you make him foreign minister?"
"Sometimes I wonder about that myself," MacKenzie said dryly. "What is our situation, Mark?"
"We've lost ninety percent of our satellite assets. The remaining ten percent are in new orbits but I don't think it will be long before TPF finds and targets them." Wellington paused. "I have four satellites being loaded for launch now, but they won't be deployed until the shooting stops up there. Naasha and Siriusa have already responded with their own ASAT weapons.
"One more thing. Before we effectively lost satellite coverage we did detect a series of submarine launches off the Soviet coast. I expect some of those missiles will have hit by now."
"Not as far as we can tell."
MacKenzie frowned. "I don't get this. Twenty four hours ago TPF issues a declaration of annexation. Up until two hours ago, everything was political maneuvering; the condemnations, usual sabre-rattling, consultations. Then The PeoplesFreedom jumps straight to a full-on assault. Why?"
Wellington walked over to one wall, where MacKenzie had a map of the continent mounted. "The PeoplesFreedom is landlocked; they have their allies on two sides and nonaligned nations on other sides.
"Annexing Nova Britain gives them sea access, but only if they can maintain a link with the home country - easy enough to do with civilian access, but impossible with military. Unless you create a secure channel for two-way military travel, and with the Soviets practically in the way, that means the Soviets have to be disposed of." Wellington looked back at MacKenzie. "The more I look at this situation, the more I think the annexation declaration was just a pretext. They want the war, with the Soviets as their primary target. Once the shooting is over, and assuming they win, they get the Soviet's land and whatever industrial capacity that survived - getting Nova Britain would be gravy, giving them a hold on the Atlantic and a second platform to launch attacks on us, but it's a secondary goal."
"Was there any sign that other EP nations were supporting them?"
"Nothing. TPF forces were seen moving into Wanderjaran territory, but we lost our ability to track them not long after. I can say that there have not been any other mobilizations, however."
MacKenzie thought for a second. "Mark, if you're right, I don't see how we can resolve this diplomatically. A report that just crossed my desk from TSIS suggests the TPF president may have been assassinated, not long after they announced their intentions for Nova Britain."
"May have been?"
"We have few operatives as it is, and almost no journalists within TPF. And the TPFans themselves are keeping quiet. If it's true, however, and they're still pressing this, than heaven knows who is running things over there.
"I think that we're going to have to help the Soviets; after all they've done for us, I can't see us doing anything else. But I don't want to move unless our allies are ready to commit as well."
Wellington nodded. "If TPF is already launching missiles, then our forces should be ready to respond at once. Bill, I'd recommend we move up to DefCon 2, and have forces amassed to move into Soviet territory once we get the green light. I can probably spare one wing of fighter craft and ten brigade groups."
"All right. Do it. I'll contact the Soviets and let them know we're ready to help."
* * *
Special Communication to the World Soviet Party Goverment - URGENT
Trivalvia is of the opinion that The PeoplesFreedom intends to invade, regardless of how the Nova Britain situation is resolved. The Trivalvian military is ready to assist however it can, and we have forces ready to move in and fight by your side if war is officially declared.
President William MacKenzie.
The World Soviet Party
25-10-2007, 16:40
High Command, deep under the earth
" Sir, our strike has been successful. We have created a large hole in their space capability. However, they are launching a counter attack, sir."
" I see. Excellent job so far. Intercept those ASATS with Brilliant Pebbles and ABM missiles."
" Yes sir."
Molkte nodded stiffly, then turned around to face the map of Nova Europa, he could see lots of military movement from inside his country along with inside the NEA nations. With the hole knocked in the NEA space assets, Molkte figured he could launch those Sariels successfully this time. He picked up a phone.
" Hanson here."
" Molkte here. The skies have been cleared. Order that second wave to attack the fleet in the straits as previously planned."
" Yes sir! Hanson out."
TPFS Bunker Hill
Even before hostilities had officially broken out, the Imperial General Staff had decided that a number of ballistic missile submarines would constantly patrol the areas around Nova Europa. There were exactly ninety-six such submarines patrolling the oceans and sea. Most of these were armed with nuclear ballistic missiles. Some, however, were armed with a special chemical payload. The military, foreseeing the next war coming soon enough, had equipped them with these warheads, and they planned to use them against Soviet military targets. Six of these submarines had grouped together off the coast of TWSP. They would also deliver a deadly first strike against the massing Soviet formations, and they would also have another surprise for the commies.
The hull of the submarine was perfectly smooth, like silk, its black hull shining in the light of the half-moon. Only the conn tower broke the smoothness of the hull, much like a whale. It had risen a good twenty miles off the shore of a major TWSP naval base. Many ships were gone, but some remained. The plan was actually very similar to the nuclear strike that was about to be launched against the Soviet fleet. It was expected that after the Soviet fleet was destroyed, the Soviets would launch more ships to replace those lost. The submarines were here to make sure that would not happen. At seven major naval ports across TWSP, submarines were deploying dozens of encapsulated torpedo mines at the entrances to the docks. Once those ships left, they would meet a 1,000mm ultra-heavy weight torpedo to their underbelly's. And if this did not work, the submarines withdrew, but stayed near, ready to destroy the ships with either nuclear tropedos or sub-launched anti-shipping missiles.
Some time later, the chemical submarine group fired their cruise missiles, over 180 in all, into Soviet military formations. Each warhead carried 200 grams of Sarin gas, literally enough to kill hundreds of thousands of humans. However, only 179 actually hit Soviet formations. One cruise missiles' "guidance" failed and it slammed into a civilian city. They would only know what hit them when thousands of commies were already dead.
TPF wasn't dumb, as these missiles were launched, orders were quickly sent to field commanders and civilian officials. Civilians were ordered to don their government-issued gas mask and to be prepared for evacuation. Vaccinations against numerous chemical and biological agents were loaded into aircraft and trucks. Military commanders told their men to have their NBC suits at the ready. While the Soviets would be taken by surprised and destroyed, TPF would be ready for any response.
The Soviets had lost well over 80 percent of their satellites, but they were not stupid, they had plenty all over the world which would have to be recalled to continue military actions against The PeoplesFreedom.
For starters, it didnt take long for High Command to detect the submarines laying mines in the port, an ASW Force composed of several helicopters and CAS Aircraft was sent to intercept the enemy wolf-pack. If anything, diesel subs had one advantage over nuclear subs, they had deck weapons, and these submarines were nuclear.
The missile launch was detected as well, and with over 10,000 SAM and ABM sites, it didnt take long for the missiles to be intercepted and destroyed before they reached their targets. The goverment decided to use gas masks in case the TPF'ians tried this again, you can never be too certain.
The F-22s and F-28As were still on the air, the Sariels had dissapeared off their radar, back into Wanderjarian airspace, no one knew why they hadnt acted yet, but it was expected that the Wanderjarians would choose to remain neutral in the conflict.
Special Communication to the World Soviet Party Goverment - URGENT
Trivalvia is of the opinion that The PeoplesFreedom intends to invade, regardless of how the Nova Britain situation is resolved. The Trivalvian military is ready to assist however it can, and we have forces ready to move in and fight by your side if war is officially declared.
President William MacKenzie.
Goverment Communique
The World Soviet Party was recently attacked with chemical weapons, we believe the missiles, which were launched by TPF'ian submarines, were aimed at civilians.
It's clear, this is a war, and The PeoplesFreedom has started it. Thus, it's up to us to end it.
The PeoplesFreedom
25-10-2007, 18:27
OOC: Actually, TWSP, there is no way that you would have known those were chemical weapons. Unless your explosives failed to destroy the gas and they are now headed towards some sort of city or population center.
3rd Armada
The same vast group of ships that had deployed to the straits were back once again, but this time reinforced even further with additional vessels. They needed to break that blockade, they needed to destroy that Soviet fleet, and even if that failed, they needed a distraction. The goal however was to destroy the Soviet fleet, and so to that end the armada was moving into engagement range along with the land-based aircraft that would ensure domination over the Soviet fleet. There was one problem, however. The armada needed to move into the straits to engage the enemy fleet, but that was in range of TWSP based missiles and coastal guns. Luckily, those would be taken care of soon enough.
With tensions rising in Nova Europa and The People's Freedom acting as if they may run rampant through the continent doing as they please it has become clear to The Kingdom of SaintB that The People's Freedom is not more than petty tyrants bent on destabilizing the whole region and perhaps the world at large. In response to this aggression we are calling into active duty hundreds of thousands of reservists and raising our overall level of alert. It is not too late to end this peaceably between us all without bloodshed if all parties are willing to come to the bargaining table in Descara.
Message to TWSP, Naasha, Surisia, and Trivalvia
The following messages are hand written communiques handed directly to officials of their respective government by the Ambassador from SaintB addressed for the eyes of the leader's only.
For your eyes only,
Esteemed sir. We are aware of the anti satellite strikes launched on NEA monitors by TPF. Our Monarch would like to inform you that we will donate satellites monitoring Nova Europa upon request by allowing your nations to use our frequencies in a shared satellite uplink able to be used by our respective nations cooperatively.
With the declaration made to Nova Europa both public and private 3 aircraft carriers and escorts rendezvoused somewhere in the Nova Mediterranean and set out toward the Nova Atlantic, destination currently unknown even to the crews of the ships.
Zheleztsolupp Kabanov, the Dersconi Foreign Minister, was the one to greet Mr. Keating at the doors of the Foreign Ministry building in Rekjyavich-Andropov Military City. The TWSP delegate would probably be somewhat confused, as it said that the conference would be in the Kremlin Palace, which, as he could see by the towering walls and majestic towers further into the city, wasn't where he was. But Kabanov brought him up to his office at the top of the building and sat him down anyway, with light food and drink being constantly brought to and fro, as was Dersconi custom -- there was no meeting without food and drink. Ever.
"Mr. Keating, I want to express to you my apologies, and the regrets of Tsar Xavier. Unfortunately, you are the only one who wants peace in this situation, and the only one to have responded to the conference. As such, you seem to be the only one with any sort of sanity left in that area of the world, which troubles us greatly, considering Wanderjar, a very close ally of Derscon, is situated smack in the middle of everything. We still have our hopes, though." Minister Kabanov took a quick drink before handing Mr. Keating a folder, the big red "CLASSIFIED" stamped across it.
"The Defence Ministry and Ministry of State Security has compiled an overview plan to work on the evacuation of TWSP civilians from the war-zone. TWSP is right in the middle of the war-zone, and as we've seen, chemical weapons are already being used. Derscon, thankfully, is a very expansive nation, with a very dedicated civilian populous, and an enormous network of private militias and contractors to do almost anything in any amount of time. We could use old prison camps and army barracks restored and modified to be refugee camps as a sort of holding base until we can start constructing actual skeleton towns for the civilians to live in for the duration of the war." The Minister let Mr. Keating read the briefing and think it over, keeping an eye on the other folder in the drawer in his desk, the one detailing the reconstruction efforts, and subsequent TWSP-Dersconi friendship proposals.
Priority: RTFN
Security: Top Secret
Base Network 0267, location: Wanderjar
Mobilize immediately
26-10-2007, 05:34
The purpose of this message is to tell the mongrel nations opposed to TPF and her allies to take heed. The Tocrowkian Reich will not tolerate her fellow Nordic nations being denied their rightful prizes in the world. Therefore, we are dispatching the Mailed Fist of the 1st fleet and the Venerable 3rd fleet, as well as an expeditionary group to enforce TPF claims in the area, and punish the fools that have opposed Nordic might.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
Immediately after this message had been sent, the Tocrowkian Defense Ministry alerted a force of 2,500 ships already at sea to redirect all of their resources to assisting TPF and expunge the filth from their lands. This, plus several thousand divisions of the air force, army, and marines were dispatched to add to Tocrowkian might in the area.
Naasha hadn't fared so well in trying to evade TPF'ian space attacks, all six of the weapons-carrying orbitals were destroyed within minutes, none of them able to return fire to the ground before being disabled by the ASAT weaponry. 90% of the observation satellites, of which Naasha maintained a much larger network were also destroyed. The surviving satellites were those in high orbit, with time to maneouvre and deploy countermeasures. With just a few satellites left, Naasha was going to be relying on shared intelligence from her allies for a while to come.
With tensions heating up and the Soviet navy already having been bested once by Doomingsland, it was decided that the strongest arm of the Naashan Forces would be deployed to reinforce the situation immediately. While the 2nd and 3rd Carrier Groups remained on patrol in the Mediterranean, keeping a wary eye on Maldorian expansions in the Middle East, three Carrier Groups turned west and headed out through the Strait of Gibraltar, bound for the North Sea.
26-10-2007, 15:27
OOC: Derscon, just a correction: TPF launched chemical weapons, not nuclear.
General Wellington was in the center of the war room, coordinating troop deployments, when his minder activated. "Wellington," he said into the microphone. "... Yes sir... Yes sir, we've mobilized Mechanized Brigade Groups 5 through 10; they're ready to deploy as soon as we have a destination... Admiral Everett is deploying the North Sea Battlegroup; we can coordinate with the Soviets to deal with TPF subs and ships.
"I'd say we're as ready as we're going to be, sir... Yes sir... I understand, sir... Of course. We'll do our best... Thank you sir." He disconnected, then spoke up.
"May I have everyone's attention, please... The President has informed me that, effective immediately, Trivalvia is now in a state of war with The PeoplesFreedom. We will be supporting fellow NEA forces in their effort to repel TPF forces. Our forces are now to move to DEFCON 1."
North Sea Battlegroup:
TNS Yvonne Carter (Carter-class CCN) *flagship
TNS Resolute (Longsword-class BB)
TNS Defiant (Defiant-class CGN)
TNS Valiant (Defiant-class CGN)
6 Guardian-class CGNs
4 Phalanx-class DDHs
9 Asher-class Frigates
5th Mechanized Brigade Group:
21st, 22nd, 23rd, Battalions (Mechanized Infantry)
5th Trivalvian Dragoons (tank regiment)
5th Towed Artillery
5th Combat Engineers
6th Mechanized Brigade Group:
25th, 26th, 27th, Battalions (Mechanized Infantry)
6th Trivalvian Dragoons (tank regiment)
6th Towed Artillery
6th Combat Engineers
7th Mechanized Brigade Group:
29th, 30th, 31st, Battalions (Mechanized Infantry)
7th Trivalvian Dragoons (tank regiment)
7th Towed Artillery
7th Combat Engineers
8th Mechanized Brigade Group:
33rd, 34th, 35th Battalions (Mechanized Infantry)
8th Trivalvian Dragoons (tank regiment)
8th Towed Artillery
8th Combat Engineers
9th Mechanized Brigade Group:
37th, 38th, 39th Battalions (Mechanized Infantry)
9th Trivalvian Dragoons (tank regiment)
9th Towed Artillery
9th Combat Engineers
10th Mechanized Brigade Group:
41st, 42nd, 43rd, Battalions (Mechanized Infantry)
10th Trivalvian Dragoons (tank regiment)
10th Towed Artillery
10th Combat Engineers
2nd Fighter Wing
Hornet Squadrons 5 through 8 (20 F-18s per squadron)
The World Soviet Party
26-10-2007, 16:46
"The Defence Ministry and Ministry of State Security has compiled an overview plan to work on the evacuation of TWSP civilians from the war-zone. TWSP is right in the middle of the war-zone, and as we've seen, nuclear weapons are already being used. Derscon, thankfully, is a very expansive nation, with a very dedicated civilian populous, and an enormous network of private militias and contractors to do almost anything in any amount of time. We could use old prison camps and army barracks restored and modified to be refugee camps as a sort of holding base until we can start constructing actual skeleton towns for the civilians to live in for the duration of the war." The Minister let Mr. Keating read the briefing and think it over, keeping an eye on the other folder in the drawer in his desk, the one detailing the reconstruction efforts, and subsequent TWSP-Dersconi friendship proposals.
Ambassador Keating had expected the TPF'ians not to attend, they were too proud and idiotic to even think about surrendering. Still, it seemed his visit had a second purpose, since The World Soviet Party had long considered starting relations with Derscon, no opportunities had arisen so far, and this, the first one, was as good as any other.
He quickly read the folder, it was a common trait in TWSP, to read fast that is. He put it down, taking a sip of his tea.
"Well, civilians, specially children under the age of 18, elder people and anyone uncapable of working or fighting, are already being evacuated to allied nations, such as Shazbotdom and Wagdog. Both are, of course, trusted allies of The World Soviet Party.
We are always open to new suggestions, and we will let out population know that those wishing to come here, to Derscon, while the war lasts, will be welcomed here.
However, my goverment and I are more interested in other proposals you might have considering the regional... situation we are experiencing."
26-10-2007, 18:10
OOC: Okay, I'm slapping myself upside the head for not offering this sooner, but since we *do* share a land border TWSP, if you need to evacuate civilians from an area on short notice, the eastern areas of Trivalvia would probably be able to set up for an extra few million refugees if need be.
The PeoplesFreedom
26-10-2007, 18:15
Saint Peters Mountain Complex
As it was wartime the command rooms lights were tinged blue, unlike the white that normally was there. Hundreds of men and women, as always, sat at their computers and monitored TPfian and orbitals around the world. Now, they were preparing to use their orbitals once again, this time to destroy TWSP' based missiles and guns. " Moving IE-1290 to Alpha-Zulu. All orbitals are now in place for the assault."
" Prepare ABM systems for counter-attack. Order the strike. Confirmation confirmed by HighCom.
" Yes sir. We confirm that confirmation is authentic. All troopers, send the orbitals."
The orders were relayed to around eighty weapons carrying satellites, around half of TPF's total god-rod arsenal. Using GPS targeting, they quickly targeted the coast-line railguns, SAM sites, as well as the Anti-shipping missiles that were in range of the straits. Each orbital would deliver twenty-five rods to different targets. They were at least a ton each, and the kinetic power from them would be more than enough to destroy whatever target they were given. They would decimate enough so that the ships could get within range without getting completely owned by the land-based defenses. Then it would be easy to destroy the TWSP fleet.
Beta Aurigae VII
26-10-2007, 19:02
Nighttime, Prime Minister's Office
Karlsruhe, Beta Aurigae
Why is TV so bloody horrible at this time of day, Prime Minster Kevin Shackleford thought to himself as he let out a disgusted sigh and pressed the button on his desk that shut off the television. The workday was just ending for the Prime Minister, his coat and briefcase were set neatly on the table by the door and he was just enjoying a nice glass of scotch while he waited for the arrival of his longtime friend and colleague Charles Hagleford, currently the Minister of War for Beta Aurigae.
The Prime Minister checked his watch again tipped the last of the scotch into his mouth, and moved towards the sideboard. The minister grabbed another glass and began to pour two scotches. Then, right on cue as if it was rehearsed, Hagleford knocked softly on the door and then let himself in. He gave a hello nod and a smile to the PM and strode over to the desk and fell into a chair in front of it.
"Tough day Charles," the Prime Minister asked as he offered the drink.
Accepting the drink with a nod of thanks, Charles responded, "Not really Kevin, the day was going just fine up until about five minutes ago when this report came in." He motioned with his hand at a slim yellow folder with 'Eyes Only' stamped on the front.
Kevin picked up the folder and began to flip through the report as Charles laid out the details for him.
"It seems that The Peoples Freedom has launched an attack against our fellow nations in Nova Europa, most notably The World Soviet Party. They are claiming some sort of right to annex Great Britain and since TWSP won't move out of the way and let them through, they attacked. Now I can't see how or why The Peoples Freedom thinks they have any right to Great Britain at all, but that's neither here nor there because they have absolutely no right to use chemical weapons against TWSP when they were not provoked in the slightest. All TWSP did was deploy a couple fleets to keep TPF forces from getting to Great Britain to annex it, certainly that isn't a reason to attack anyone. However, TPF really seems to have an itchy trigger finger about this whole thing and have escalated it to what will probably lead to full scale war.
Ordinarily, I wouldn't suggest we get involved militarily simply because TWSP should have no trouble dealing with TPF on their own but, this however is not an ordinary situation. It seems that in their warmongering, TPF started wiping out NEA orbital satellites including ours. Which means that we now have a cause for war. Those satellites are an extension of our nation and an attack on them is just like an attack on the capital. I suggest that we deploy the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd fleets in and around the Danish Straits to augment the already formidable NEA presence in the area."
Kevin nodded quietly as the Minister of War finished his brief. Contemplating it for a few moments Kevin said, "Very well Charles, but we can't deploy anything without Parliament's consent and I'm afraid that it'll be too hard to get them in hear tonight for a vote. So tell the fleet commanders to keep a sharp eye out and notify all of our military assets to be ready to move at a moment's notice. We are now on alert status. I will bring the war request before Parliament first thing in the morning."
"Thanks Kevin," Charles said as he finished his scotch and walked out of the room. As the door clicked shut, the Prime Minister sighed and shook his head sadly thinking to himself, When will these countries ever learn, that just because they can doesn't mean they have to?"
Meanwhile, all over Beta Aurigae, the call went out as all military assets inside the nation were put on alert as the nation began to prepare itself for the coming storm...
OOC: By the way TWSP, check your TG's please. Thanks
Saint Peters Mountain Complex
As it was wartime the command rooms lights were tinged blue, unlike the white that normally was there. Hundreds of men and women, as always, sat at their computers and monitored TPfian and orbitals around the world. Now, they were preparing to use their orbitals once again, this time to destroy TWSP' based missiles and guns. " Moving IE-1290 to Alpha-Zulu. All orbitals are now in place for the assault."
" Prepare ABM systems for counter-attack. Order the strike. Confirmation confirmed by HighCom.
" Yes sir. We confirm that confirmation is authentic. All troopers, send the orbitals."
The orders were relayed to around eighty weapons carrying satellites, around half of TPF's total god-rod arsenal. Using GPS targeting, they quickly targeted the coast-line railguns, SAM sites, as well as the Anti-shipping missiles that were in range of the straits. Each orbital would deliver twenty-five rods to different targets. They were at least a ton each, and the kinetic power from them would be more than enough to destroy whatever target they were given. They would decimate enough so that the ships could get within range without getting completely owned by the land-based defenses. Then it would be easy to destroy the TWSP fleet.
OOC: Ahhh, TPF, I don't think the NEA nations that have responded were clear enough in their posts. I don't know about them, but I have enough ground launched ASAT's to destroy everything you have over Nova Europa, the intention in my post was that I was simply going to keep firing until I had done unto your satellites what you had to mine.
The PeoplesFreedom
26-10-2007, 21:17
OOC: Ahhh, TPF, I don't think the NEA nations that have responded were clear enough in their posts. I don't know about them, but I have enough ground launched ASAT's to destroy everything you have over Nova Europa, the intention in my post was that I was simply going to keep firing until I had done unto your satellites what you had to mine.
OOC: And I have enough ground-launched ABM's to intercept those. However, I will post casualties when I can later tonight.
The World Soviet Party
26-10-2007, 21:31
OOC: By the way TWSP, check your TG's please. Thanks
OOC: I have, I'm waiting for Wanderjar to get on so I can relay your message.
As of today, October 26th, 2007, a state of war has existed between the United Kingdom of Ezaltia and the Holy Reich of The People's Freedom.
To whom it may concern, Beta Aurigae Navy, Trivalvian Navy and Soviet Navy
From Fleet Admiral Oliver Nelson, Imperial Ezaltian Navy
Greetings. As your intel likely has showed, several TPF battle fleets have taken up positions in the Baltic Sea with the intention of breaking through the Soviet blockade. Ezaltian and Aurigian (?) fleets are also postioned in the Baltic; therefore, when TPF forces attempt to break through the Soviet fleet, Ezaltian and Aurigian forces can come in from the east. As the Soviet fleet as recently taken a heavy blows, it may be necessary for them to be supplemented by Trivalvian vessels. The TPF navy will be caught in a deadly crossfire between four fleets and both Soviet and Aurigian anti-ship emplacements on the coast.
Good luck to you all,
Oliver Nelson
Imperial Ezaltian Navy
Even as he typed this, the first Ezaltian shots of the war had been fired. Anti-satellite missiles from concealed silos all over the countryside opened up as one, a total of six hundred rockets of all sizes flying towards the heavens. These were primarily aimed at godrod-bearing satellites, with other types taking second priority.
Ambassador Keating had expected the TPF'ians not to attend, they were too proud and idiotic to even think about surrendering. Still, it seemed his visit had a second purpose, since The World Soviet Party had long considered starting relations with Derscon, no opportunities had arisen so far, and this, the first one, was as good as any other.
He quickly read the folder, it was a common trait in TWSP, to read fast that is. He put it down, taking a sip of his tea.
"Well, civilians, specially children under the age of 18, elder people and anyone uncapable of working or fighting, are already being evacuated to allied nations, such as Shazbotdom and Wagdog. Both are, of course, trusted allies of The World Soviet Party.
We are always open to new suggestions, and we will let out population know that those wishing to come here, to Derscon, while the war lasts, will be welcomed here.
However, my goverment and I are more interested in other proposals you might have considering the regional... situation we are experiencing."
Minister Kabanov simply nodded at the comment that the civilians have already been evacuated. Xavier will be pleased to hear this.
"Well, unfortunately, Ambassador Keating, right now, the diplomatic situation is very difficult. TPF-Dersconi relations aren't actually poor, albeit said nation's agression is beginning to strain relations. However, Dersconi and Wanderjaran relations are very close, Wanderjar being a state of the Greater Prussian Empire, and as of now, Derscon can commit nothing to TWSP beyond humanitarian aide. This could change if Wanderjar's position on the conflict changes, which is always a possibility..." Minister Kabanov reached into the drawer and pulled out a second folder, also labelled TOP SECRET, but this one sealed with the ministry of defence and the Imperial Crest. This folder detailed plans for military support to TWSP should the conflict become overblown, and Wanderjar choose to stop backing the TPF. In it, Derscon pledged total support to TWSP, under the condition that it would not harm Wanderjar. Really, Wanderjar's participation on TPF's side was the deciding factor to Dersconi -- which could possibly mean Prussian -- support to TWSP in the conflict.
The folder attached to it was a post-war briefing, detailing plans for an embassy exchange, and a memo written by Tsar Xavier II himself detailing possible TWSP-Dersconi military and economic friendship.
Throughout all of the documents, though, it was stressed that any real military aide all rested on Wanderjar removing himself from TPFs side in some manner -- likely declaring neutrality. But neither man expected it to happen.
27-10-2007, 18:46
TNS Yvonne Carter
Flagship, Trivalvian North Sea Battlegroup,
60 km from the Ackistani coastline, near the Ackistan-TWSP naval border
Commodore Jarod van Hyaams turned to his executive officer. "Have the fleet hold here for now." As the 'all stop' order echoed through the fleet, van Hyaams took a second to review fleet readiness.
With the exception of the Battle of the Trivalvian Sea, this was the single largest naval deployment in Trivalvia's history. Jarod was well aware that - without aircraft carriers or dreadnoughts - their battlegroup would be no match for a large fleet action, and he wished that the newly-arrived Court-class fleet carriers had been freed up for his group. But no, those were being held in the event of larger battles that may come.
Still, for their current operation - sub-hunting and enemy containment - they would at least be able to contribute. The Guardian and Defiant class CGNs had all been fitted with LASM and Vertical-launch ASROCs before leaving NFB Trivalviapolis and NFB Esther Island, and, combined with the Asher class frigates, they had more than enough torpedoes and ASW-fitted helicopters to deal with most submarines.
Plus, between the Defiants, Phalanx destroyers, and Jarod's own Carter class command cruiser, the peak of Trivalvia's naval technology was present.
A message from Naval Command arrived, and Jarod read it with a grin. "Looks like we'll be getting more help. The Ezaltians are preparing to move ships to support our allies."
He turned to the officer at the signals workstation. "Please open up a channel with the Soviet naval command, Lieutenant."
"Ready sir."
"Soviet Navy, this is the Trivalvian North Sea Battlegroup, Jarod van Hyaams commanding. I offer greetings on behalf of the Trivalvian government.
"I understand you have a submarine pest problem of the PeoplesFreedom variety. Perhaps we can help you clean up some of the rats."
He waited for the reply. Hopefully it wouldn't be long in coming; he hated the thought of having come all this way for nothing.
The World Soviet Party
28-10-2007, 00:40
Minister Kabanov simply nodded at the comment that the civilians have already been evacuated. Xavier will be pleased to hear this.
"Well, unfortunately, Ambassador Keating, right now, the diplomatic situation is very difficult. TPF-Dersconi relations aren't actually poor, albeit said nation's agression is beginning to strain relations. However, Dersconi and Wanderjaran relations are very close, Wanderjar being a state of the Greater Prussian Empire, and as of now, Derscon can commit nothing to TWSP beyond humanitarian aide. This could change if Wanderjar's position on the conflict changes, which is always a possibility..." Minister Kabanov reached into the drawer and pulled out a second folder, also labelled TOP SECRET, but this one sealed with the ministry of defence and the Imperial Crest. This folder detailed plans for military support to TWSP should the conflict become overblown, and Wanderjar choose to stop backing the TPF. In it, Derscon pledged total support to TWSP, under the condition that it would not harm Wanderjar. Really, Wanderjar's participation on TPF's side was the deciding factor to Dersconi -- which could possibly mean Prussian -- support to TWSP in the conflict.
The folder attached to it was a post-war briefing, detailing plans for an embassy exchange, and a memo written by Tsar Xavier II himself detailing possible TWSP-Dersconi military and economic friendship.
Throughout all of the documents, though, it was stressed that any real military aide all rested on Wanderjar removing himself from TPFs side in some manner -- likely declaring neutrality. But neither man expected it to happen.
"We really doubt Wanderjar will cut relations with The PeoplesFreedom, though the latter has repeteadly violated Wanderjarian Airspace, something which we have not and will not do.
Furthermore, any help you can spare is appreciated, but going back at the topic at hand, you must assume that the Wanderjarians will be neutral in this conflict.
That is, considering that Kaiser Baker is still in the Soviet Capitol, which will probably help avoid attacks from TPF's orbital, nuclear or chemical assets."
"Soviet Navy, this is the Trivalvian North Sea Battlegroup, Jarod van Hyaams commanding. I offer greetings on behalf of the Trivalvian government.
"I understand you have a submarine pest problem of the PeoplesFreedom variety. Perhaps we can help you clean up some of the rats."
He waited for the reply. Hopefully it wouldn't be long in coming; he hated the thought of having come all this way for nothing.
It didnt take long for the Soviets to answer, Admiral Roskovsky himself took the microphone from the hands of his aide.
This is Admiral Roskovsky, Commander in Chief of the Soviet Navy Battlegroup. All and any help you can spare, specially in dealing with those pesky submarines, will be appreciated."
Official Communique
It is expected that the TPF'ians will try to destroy our coastal emplacements, and then breakthrough our combined navies.
However, there are some assets of ours they dont count with, let's expect these are enough to dissuade them.
All and any help you can spare will be appreciated.
28-10-2007, 00:54
Jarod van Hyaams nodded when he recieved the Soviet's response. "Thank you, Admiral Roskovsky, we'll do what we can. If your staff can converse with mine, we can deploy to where we'll do the most good. van Hyaams out."
He turned to the lieutenant at signals. "Get that link with their command staff set up ASAP; I'd like information from their ASW helicopters fed into the Strategos II along with ours." To the helm, he said, "Take us into Soviet waters, 20 knots - let's not leave the Ashers behind, shall we?"
Within moments, the battlegroup was underway. As they crossed into Soviet waters, crews began prepping their own helicopters for submarine sweeps - larger helicopters having sonar booms attached, smaller ones loaded with deployable sonar bouys.
OOC: ORBAT whaaaaaaat
1st Surface Fleet
1x Kraken-class Siege Dreadnought (IES Praecursoris)
10x Duke-class Heavy Battleship
11x Vendetta-class Heavy Cruiser
15x Ticonderoga-class Missile Cruiser
19x Indomitable-class Light Cruiser
22x Daring-class Missile Destroyer
28x Oliver Hazard Perry-Class ASW Frigate
10x Horizon-class AA Frigate
15x Astute-class Attack Submarine
2nd Surface Fleet
1x Kraken-class Siege Dreadnought (IES Imperatorius)
9x Duke-class Heavy Battleship
11x Vendetta-class Heavy Cruiser
15x Ticonderoga-class Missile Cruiser
19x Indomitable-class Light Cruiser
22x Daring-class Missile Destroyer
28x Oliver Hazard Perry-Class ASW Frigate
10x Horizon-class AA Frigate
15x Astute-class Attack Submarine
1st Carrier Strike Group
2x Tempora Heroica-class Aircraft Carrier (182 aircraft)
2x Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier
2x Duke-class Heavy Battleship
11x Horizon-class Air Defese Frigate
13x Daring-class Missile Destroyer
8x Astute-class Attack Submarine
8x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser
2nd Carrier Strike Group
2x Tempora Heroica-class Aircraft Carrier (182 aircraft)
2x Nimitz-class Aircraft Carrier
2x Duke-class Heavy Battleship
11x Horizon-class Air Defese Frigate
13x Daring-class Missile Destroyer
8x Astute-class Attack Submarine
8x Ticonderoga-class Cruiser
The World Soviet Party
28-10-2007, 05:56
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Whoever it may concern; Wanderjar; Tigerlan
From: President Alejandro Aszenmil, The World Soviet Party
As of today, the blockade enacted by The World Soviet Party on the nations of Wanderjar and Tigerlan is lifted due to reasons concerning national and regional security.
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
30-10-2007, 21:09
[OOC: Somebody's got to keep this moving. Besides, I think I need to make my declaration official...]
The Trivalvian Government, on this day of October 26, 200x:
Having suffered an unprovoked attack from The PeoplesFreedom on its satellite assets, and
Having witnessed missiles from ships and subs belonging to The PeoplesFreedom launched at civilian and military targets within the borders of The World Soviet Party, a staunch ally of Trivalvia and fellow member of the Nova Europan Alliance,
Hereby declares a STATE OF WAR between Trivalvia and The PeoplesFreedom.
William MacKenzie,
Democratic Republic of Trivalvia
North Sea:
The Trivalvian battlegroup continued east, commencing its sweep for areas west of Denmark. Ships deployed their towed sonar arrays and began to listen for any sign of TPF submarines.
At the same time, several boom-carrying helicopters lifted off of their pads, and began to skim the seas, their sonar booms contributing to the net van Hyaams was setting up.
Trivalvia-TWSP Border:
For the second time in a year, armed troops were crossing the border.
Last time, it had been a contingent of Soviet troops moving into Trivalvia to help dislodge Harrington's illegal regime. Now, Trivalvian troops were returning the favour, moving to help shore up Soviet defenses against the expected TPF ground attack.
As with the naval force, the Trivalvian ground force mobilized thus far was small: 5 brigade groups - over nine thousand troops, three-hundred seventy-five MBT-25 tanks, and ninety 130mm artillery units, plus assorted reconnaisance and combat engineering vehicles. But more forces were being prepared...
Trivalvian home front:
Trivalvia had roughly five hundred thousand active ground troops - between them and the much larger logistics chain supporting those troops, it was enough for one hundred brigade groups. These troops were well-trained, and - at least for the moment - well-equipped. But they would not last forever, and the Trivalvian Department of National Defense wasn't going to spend them all... at least without beefing up their numbers first.
The morning that Trivalvia's ambassador delivered the formal declaration of war to The PeoplesFreedom government, five million Selective Service summons were sent. At this stage, recruitment was more like jury duty than a draft - those summoned had the right to refuse.
Still, as others have noted through history, though there may be many pacifists before a war, there are relatively few after the war begins. Out of the five million, four million reported to the recruiting stations...
30-10-2007, 22:04
With things heating up in Nova Europa at a rate far quicker than anyone in the Imperial Government could have predicted, it had become painfully apparent that Doomanum had acted too slowly. It was within Imperial interest to see TPF succeed in Europa, and as a result, a military response was in the pipe. A fleet was being assembled for immediate deployment to Nova Europa, and rumor had it that an invasion army was being assembled.
No official communiques were made; the only apparent discrepency with Doomani troop movements was a sudden shift in course by Classis Externalis, Doomanum's primary extra-Havenic surface force projection group. The balance of power in Nova Europa, whether anyone knew it or not, was about to be tipped into the favor of TPF.
Quietly, through diplomatic backchannels, the TPF government was informed of the Imperium's intentions. ACID units based in TPF also went on full alert; all bombers went airborne and SRBMs and ICCMs were prepped for launch from their launch vehicles and silos. As the TWSP Government had previously suspected when the shipment of weapons had first started arriving in TPF, the missiles were equipped with nuclear warheads. Whether or not they would be used remained to be seen; however, one thing was evident: this conflict would be far more devastating than anyone had previously imagined...
The PeoplesFreedom
31-10-2007, 00:43
Near the TWSP Border
It had been hell to say the least. The massive numbers of men and machine that needed to be transported across the vast expanse of Wanderjar was daunting to say the least. Despite this, it had been done, mainly by train, but there were also aircraft, and truck convoys and confiscated civilian vehicles. Millions of men were now preparing to literally smash their combined mass into TWSP, wiping them out in a super-charge within a few weeks. To that end, nearly 700 divisions of infantry alone had been committed to the assault, not including the 32 panzer divisions, the aviation divisions, the air assault divisions, the airborne divisions, the stormtrooper divisions, and all other types of divisions. They were now all arrayed at the Wanderjar-TWSP border, ready to strike across in a massive blitzkrieg and completely destroy the enemy before they had the chance to really organize into an effective fighting force. Engineers had also been busily constructing airfields and supply depots. The airfields weren't done quite yet, the ASF-70's and Sariels and other aircraft still had to fly from TPF to Wanderjar, but luckily the Prussians had bought or rented, or in some cases, forced local private airport owners to lend them the airfields for combat use. So for now, despite not having a 100% airpower, the commanders determined that they did have enough to start the operation.
As the sun set, the silence was shattered at over fifty thousand artillery guns of various types began to fire. Over the course of the next hour, these guns would put hundreds of thousands of artillery shells on TWSP border fortification and positions. At the same time, they used GPS and laser guided rounds to pinpoint and destroy SAM sites and vehicles, while overhead groups of four Sariel bombers, spread out evenly across the sky, prepared to SEAD enemy air defenses and clear the way for heavy Zeus bombers. After an hour of predatory bombardment, Six Army Groups would cross the border, supported by Panzer Armies. Their job was to penetrate 100km into TWSP by the end of the day.
"...and it is with great regret that I am forced to declare that a state of war now exists between Naasha and The Peoples Freedom."
Darren Renner put on his most grim face, fooling nobody. Everybody knew that this war would come, sooner rather than later and it was perhaps fortunate that it was only The Peoples Freedom that was arrayed against them. A war with the Eastern Powers would have been devastating for Naasha.
He took a deep breath and continued. "Mobilisation of Naashan Forces has been, and is, ongoing. I would like to assure the public that every possible action is being taken to ensure a safe and swift conclusion to the conflict, which I feel the Nova Europa Alliance is more than prepared to deal with."
The newly re-elected leader, now with the title of President, had hoped for a slightly lighter topic for his first speech since taking the podium and addressing the nation on the night of the election. But still, he had duties to fulfill and obligations to remember.
"As I speak, the Naashan 1st Army Group along with elements of the Marines are being prepared for deployment to Trivalvia, from where they will push on into The World Soviet Party and aid in blunting the TPF spearhead. As you know, this enemy is unlike the technologically savvy and modern enemies we have fought in the past. This is a foe who will throw masses of troops and tanks into our men, trying to defeat us through numbers alone. He must not succeed, our brave and disciplined soldiers will see that he does not, but I must extend the call to all Forces reserves, and indeed all patriotic young men and women to join up and help us stop The Peoples Freedom from ravaging our allies."
That was as close as Naasha had ever come to a draft, in a nation where freedom was valued above all else noone would ever be forced into soldiery. Still, the response was overwhelming, millions of Naashans, Surdunnis and Islanders streaming to recruitment centres to do their part.
Meanwhile, the real muscle of the Naashan Forces began to stir as the 1st Army Group prepared for deployment to Trivalvia and other regiments underwent finally training, ready to defend the peace and stability of the continent. A total of four of the six carrier battlegroups were now enroute to the North Sea, with one already onsite and the final two carriers on patrol in the mediterranean. At airbases across Naasha, the Air Force was also getting ready for war, while air superiority and interdiction would fall to the aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm it was up to the Air Force bombers to strike back at The Peoples Freedom homeland and show them that they were not immune to attack.
The PeoplesFreedom
31-10-2007, 20:55
OOC: lol, men and numbers alone? You're in for a big suprise.
31-10-2007, 20:57
OOC: TPF, just for clarification, are your subs going to respond to my sub-hunting force, or are they not in that part of the ocean? (My battlegroup is still west of "Denmark").
TWSP: if it's all the same to you, I'll also be sending some engineers and work crews to build a few airfields and supply depots to support my forces in your country. That way, your bases can concentrate on supporting your forces fully. Also, expect another fifteen-twenty brigade groups within the next NS week or two.
EDIT: Naasha, I still have to put up the military base map in my new Factbook (see link in my sig), but your forces can probably land near my eastern-most bases (would be close to Sussex). We can work on setting up bases closer to the border.
OOC: I can move this in to a new thread if you'd like. The basic point is that it's a parallel strike meant to weaken TPF by assassinating his high command and causing epidemics in his cities for the benefit of TWSP et al.
Biopreparat Central Research Facility, Vetalian New Scotland
From its exterior, the Biopreparat facilities appeared little more than a cluster of offices surrounded by a large parking lot, a mundane administrative post of little strategic importance. However, below that mundane exterior lurked something far more dangerous. Past security checkpoints, manned first by armed guards, and then progressively more dangerous automated weapons systems, the huge system of pressurizers that worked to ensure negative air pressure was always maintained in the labs, past the failsafes and measures meant to ensure the systems functions, and past the storage tanks filled with toxic chemicals meant to exterminate all life in the event of a containment breach.
The purpose of Biopreparat was not just to protect against threats from abroad, which it did admirably, with its discoveries known around the world and the name synonymous with dazzling medical technology. It was also designed to apply Vetalian knowledge in order to create a lethal arsenal of biological weaponry that could be used to bring down untold suffering on the nation's enemies. Deep down, this facility truly was a monument to death and suffering, its labs breeding diseases that nature itself could not produce in billions of years of evolutionary change.
The diseases grew progressively worse with each level lower in the complex. First innocuous strains like chicken pox and the common cold, then hepatitis and influenza, then smallpox and tuberculousis, then Marburg, Ebola, and below them diseases unknown with their names only a mysterious strand of numbers and characters. The lower one went, the stricter the containment procedures and fewer the human workers, who appeared utterly alien in their hazmat suits, the rooms silent save for the whispering of airlocks and the eerie glow of ultraviolet light. The lowest level contained the greatest dangers, synthetic diseases produced from genetic engineering, capable of annihilating human life on a massive and untold scale. This last level was completely isolated from human life, airless and constantly saturated with a constantly shifting mix of toxic chemicals that would kill anything not sealed safely in its proper storage.
It was late at night in the staff offices of the facility, the area silent save for the occasional lab technician and the barely audible sound of a security lock opening or closing in the distance. The labs themselves were silent, their demons carefully sealed away in their proper containers for the night. Two individuals sat in an office staring in to the dim blue light of the security monitors, discussing matters unknown to anyone but the uppermost ranks of the Vetalian government. Both were dressed simply in white lab coats, boasting badges marked with the sea green identification markers that gave them clearance to enter the most important levels of the facility.
"We do have the 4361-70746169-6e20-547269-7073 strain available for our use, as well as the 5375-70657266-6c75 group of chimeras that were developed during the Retroviral Engineering Project and have just been confirmed as viable weapons agents..."
"Quite powerful stuff, too. Best part is that they're comparatively'll be dead before you start showing an immune response, all things equal."
"But there's no way in hell we're going to use them. Unless you want to exterminate billions rather than just a few select targets, that is."
"No, the Emperor has made it clear we are meant to target their leadership and perhaps some of the major cities. Enough to cause chaos, but neither enough to implicate us nor to cause a massive epidemic."
"Of course. I take it the delivery systems have been prepared?"
"Yes, pens."
"We've found that pens can be used as an excellent transmission method, both for aerosol and contact weapons. The pens are currently sealed and won't be used until worries about causing an epidemic on a plane flight or something like that."
"Interesting. And the agents?"
"Vaccinated. This stuff won't touch them. It will touch our friends in TPF, know what's even better?"
"No, what?"
"We can sell TPF the vaccines."
Laughing softly, the second officer replied. "Rather suspicious, isn't it?"
"We're well known for medical science. It wouldn't be implausible as long as we avoid any...proprietary...strains."
"And we're not going to do that unless we want to annihilate them and get ourselves nuked. How much would we get from sales?"
"At least a few hundred million, probably more. Of course, we should wait until enough people are dead. Particularly the key targets."
"Great, great. I'm going to stop by Systems to see how ready they are to get our agents going."
A day later, both agents were on an Aeroflot flight en route to The PeoplesFreedom, their toxic payloads safely in tow. Equipped with a wide variety of infiltration devices and weapons, it hopefully be a simple in and out job.
The World Soviet Party
31-10-2007, 22:39
For the record, I'm ignoring TPF's last post until I get personal confirmation from Wanderjar stating that he allowed him to move through his territory.
I would also like to point out that I should have been given some sort of chance to respond before he attacked with his 700 divisions, it's not like moving 700,000 men and vehicles will go unnoticed by my intelligence services...
OOC: My post relies on the outcome of TPF's actions, so I guess I'm waiting like TWSP for Wanderjar.
To: Whom it may concern, Beta Aurigae VII High Command
From: Prime Minister Renee Valencia
Greetings. I apologize for the brevity of this communique, but I must go straight to the point. The Imperial Ezaltian Army humbly requests permission to use your airspace to transport roughly 100,000 soldiers, with their appropriate tanks, artillery, vehicles, munitions, armaments, and all other equpiment necessary, to TWSP to combat TPF. There is simply no other way to transport them safely, for the alternative route over the Baltic Sea passes over contested waters and dangerously close to TPF airspace.
Best wishes,
Renee Valencia
The PeoplesFreedom
01-11-2007, 01:25
OOC: Vet, TG.
OOC: Customary OOC thread
IC: The Novan fleet enshrouded around the increasing mass of the Temeltean Logistics Vessels being worked on to create a massive floating Supply and Production Depot, the once large fleet that had approached the north west edge of Nova Europa had now expanded 4 fold in preparation, the skies were filled with Tokons on patrol for an area that expanded over 3 kilometres, while Tavrams did likewise below the crystal depths, a bracing sea-breeze wafted over the proceedings.
Mechnicians had been frantic at work in their assembly of the facility, dubbed Thrumzivan Harakishoule, a way station between Atlantic and Havenic Novacom to Nova Europa, fortifications had been extensively prepared, and the merging of over 17 of the incredible Temeltean’s was nigh on complete, conference rooms and weapon emplacements bedecked the vast hull, and cavernous hangars filled with swarms upon swarms of craft Ground vehicles and effects were stored elsewhere a vessels docked and offloaded yet more supplies, the steadily growing tide was awesome and soon it would engulf the nearby lands, the Novans stood prepared, their stalwart countenances beheld the sight of the now not so far off lands unaware of the silent storm brewing.
“Excellent, we lack only 2 elements now, the situation escalated just as our,” the Itzerican pauses for a moment to emphasise the word, momentous as it is, “Thoughtful Friends, have assembled quite a dossier for us, the war starts right now as we speak, just as was predicted, the outsiders are so predictable, they yearn for an excuse to kill each other, it is a pity they do not value life, so tragic in a way,” the Itzerican clasped his left first in right hand rising regally from his position, his tunic hanging around him swaying gently, the room filled with a russet aspect from the beatific sunset in the distance alighting upon features young but tempered by immense experience, it was a common thing noted by many that Novan military leaders were in general fairly young compared to their other world counterparts, and this one, felt it all the more as he clasped his hands behind his back striding around the desk to a depression in the chambers floor, placing a hand over the console and an image of the approaching continent shimmered into view.
“You know our target, you know our intention, when you return to me in 5 hours time I expect your contributions to our overall strategy, do not fall, this war is of too great a significance,” came his words, laden with heavy responsibility, and mystique, a hidden glimmer lurked in those deep eyes, understanding what was to come in the future, the future was nigh, and history was on the move once more.
“Ayah, I know Yuri, it’s ready to be deployed on your orders, just make sure you have authorisation and air cover and whatever else you need, this new design of yours will work better than the old Beacons, but it’ll still take time to deploy, and be vulnerable while it does so,” came the reply of Mechnician Halzonovex as he finished examining the interior of the Amplifier, casting a half glance to the subtle figure over but a span away, whom even now eyed up his new creation with an almost ravenous glare.
“Indeed, soon our friends will discover how much quicker the mind is than the eye, soon they shall discover how their own moral fibre is so weak, it will be a simple matter to turn their own strength against them, but enough of this, how goes the assembly of the Itzericans pet project?” the man of mystery himself replied, a stark contrast in the relative bright of the hangar, his hands disappearing within the sleeves of his volumous tunic, his eyes alive as they appraised the frenzy of activity elsewhere within the vast cavern, as Mechnicians continued work on the new craft, in preparation for the fulfilment of the Itzericans Will.
“It goes well Yuri, it goes well, the Quentak looks to be a fine design, what the enemy will make of it will be another matter entirely, they’ll certainly keep your people and their own Kashizrions well protected, the thought is of concern to me, it’s almost overkill by some standards,” returned the Mechnician as he appraised a progress report with a practised eye, tapping away at addendums and other such detail, ever prepared for some unexpected wrinkle to manifest itself.
“We shall see soon enough, we shall see, after all who knows what tomorrow brings,”
02-11-2007, 02:23
Kaiser Baker approached the podium before an amassed crowd of Wanderjarian Citizens. The press had gathered and this statement would be issued across the world on television sets in every nation. It would be brief, for there was little for Baker to say. But he would say what he must.
"To everyone involved in this brewing conflict. To all associated nations, leaders, and their people. I hereby issue my statement of neutrality in this conflict, as well as strongly urge all foreign forces intending on crossing to assault other nations to leave our borders immediately. Thank you. That is all." And with that, he turned and left.
(OOC: I am SOOOO sorry this took so long. But I am so busy this is all I could manage)
Tsar Office
"Insignificant? How dare you tell me that the mere shift in a Doomani Carrier group towards Nova Europa is insignificant! " Tsar Xavier was fuming at this time. Doomingsland was not someone he particularly wanted as a neighbour when he started moving into Nova Europa -- he and Automagfreek have been gaining an unfortunately large amount of power, and he knew that wherever they went, there was subjugation.
"The Doomani would not operate on such a small scale. We're not seeing something," he continued, his Minister of State Security and Minister of Defence still on the edges of their chairs. Tsar Xavier whipped around to the Defence Minister.
"Send whatever you can to TWSP, namely submarines, and keep them as quiet as possible. TPF cannot be allowed to dominate Nova Europa, as TPF has sacrificed its honour and dignity to become nothing but a bitch to the catholic dogs in Doomingsland. To think," he spat, "TPF once called themselves Prussian."
Across the Eastern Seaboard, four schools of submarines were deployed and immediately dove to 850 metres, below the mark where SONAR is effective, and sped as fast as possible to Nova Europa. Some were equipped with mines, some ballistic missiles, some just gobs and gobs of torpedoes. But satellites knew their course and tracked them, and Dersconi weapons and communications platforms were beginning to enter the space above Nova Europa.
It was unfortunate no one decided to take Derscon up on the offer of peace, all of this bloodshed could have been avoided.
Beta Aurigae VII
02-11-2007, 17:01
To: Whom it may concern, Beta Aurigae VII High Command
From: Prime Minister Renee Valencia
Greetings. I apologize for the brevity of this communique, but I must go straight to the point. The Imperial Ezaltian Army humbly requests permission to use your airspace to transport roughly 100,000 soldiers, with their appropriate tanks, artillery, vehicles, munitions, armaments, and all other equpiment necessary, to TWSP to combat TPF. There is simply no other way to transport them safely, for the alternative route over the Baltic Sea passes over contested waters and dangerously close to TPF airspace.
Best wishes,
Renee Valencia
To: Renee Valencia
From: Field Marshall Michael Ogden, Aurigean Air Defense Network Commander
Subject: Airspace
Your nation is hereby granted permission to use our airspace for troop transport. If it is required, we will provide air cover and escort services for the duration of the flight over our country.
Michael Ogden
Michael Ogden
Aurigean Air Defense Network Commander
ANN Special Report
stupid new jingles plays and then the camera cuts to the news reporter
"Greetings and welcome to this special presentation of the Aurigean News Network, I'm Carl Morgan.
Today, the Parliament of Beta Aurigae in a not unexpected move released and official declaration of war between our nation and the nation of The PeoplesFreedom. Tensions had been mounting for sometime now between The PeoplesFreedom and the alliance of nations known as the NEA, and it was really turning into a question of when, not if, war would be declared.
As of right now, speculations are flying about exactly what set off the powder keg, but one thing we know for certain is that The PeoplesFreedom initiated some sort of attack against the NEA nation of The World Soviet Party.
We turn now to our chief military analyst Bill Craig, for more information....
As this report was being broadcast all over the nation, the wheels had already begun to turn. Several fleets had be dispatched to the Danish Straits in order to assist the NEA containment effort there. Several legions of troops had also been dispatched by sea to The World Soviet Party to help out in case of a TPF invasion. Coastal defense batteries had come online and all military elements in the nation had been activated and put on high alert. War had begun and Beta Aurigae was ready.
OOC: First off, TWSP I just assumed that it was OK to land some troops in your country to help against a TPF invasion. If this is the wrong assumption then you can ignore that part of my post. Second, here is the list of stuff I have deployed right now:
The RAN 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd fleets (Each Containing the List Below)
Command and Control Vessels
1 Cernunnos-class BCN
1 Admiral-class CCN
2 Siren-class AGI
2 Sea Lion-class PGC
Aircraft Carriers
1 Union-class CVBN
4 House-class CVAN
5 Hornby-class CVL(N)
1 Europa-class BBCN
3 King Henry V-class BBGN
8 Ocean-class BBGN
2 Consort-class CBGN
9 Regent-class CAGN
10 Alderdom-class CLGN
2 Síanach-class DDGN
27 County-class DDG (AD)
27 City-class DDG (GP)
55 Furtive-class FFH
Amphibious Warfare Craft
2 Lord-class LHD
2 Ungforth-class LPD
2 Valley-class LSD
3 Crocodile-class LCS
3 Haenulf-class SSK
13 Chamberlain-class SSGN
23 Forthar-class SSN
Auxiliaries and Tugs
5 Lem-class AFS
5 Gabin-class AKR
7 General Marsden-class AP
7 Alyesburgh-class AS
24 Guinness-class AOEN
The RAG (the best troops I have next to SpecOps) 5th, 9th, 15th, 19th Legions (Each Containing the List Below)
27,648 Troops
Armored Vehicles
2,000 Nakíl 1A1GU
750 Arca. II Ashurbanipal LBT
500 SOV.17 Ejíard ICV
750 Arica I Shalmanesar APC
50 YU.13 Gargantel Self-Propelled Howitzer
100 Praetorian II Mobile SAM Battery
100 SPAA-1 AA Artillery Vehicle
50 G11/C Artillery Command Vehicle
200 G11/A Armed Reconnaissance Vehicle
200 G11/H Ambulance
100 G11/G Light Tank Hunter
75 G11/F Electronic Warfare Vehicle
Total Manpower (combat/logistics)
It should take a couple of NS days for my ground troops to arrive but all in all, it's just over 168,000 combat troops and a whole shitload of logistics.
02-11-2007, 18:24
South of Red City, The World Soviet Party
The 7th Brigade Group had set up camp, and combat engineers were busy working to establish a command base. Mostly tents for now, but buildings and runways were being laid out, and with the arrival of the first prefab buildings in the morning, the base would soon be a more permanent fixture.
Further west, a second airfield and fuel depot were being built by the combat engineers of the 9th Brigade Group. The depot itself was critical: every Trivalvian ground vehicle, be it native-built or import, had been adapted to use methanol rather than standard petroleum. While cleaner, the lack of a methanol infrastructure was a problem, and a steady supply was crucial to the war effort. However, other, more immediate problems arrived...
* * *
Lieutenant-General Nick Zala looked between the doctor and chief warrant officer that had entered his command tent with the news. "Are you telling me," he said in even tones, "that our entire complement of Shrew reconnaisance vehicles can't be used?"
"It's the fuel cell powering the electronics that's the problem," said the CWO. "The Watson 300k cell used in them isn't completely airtight, and methanol fumes are leaking."
"I've already had to treat several crews for headaches, dizziness, loss of concentration. They'll be fine in a week or two, but I recommend bed rest for them until their bodies recover."
Zala groaned. "Dare I ask why this didn't come up in the testing phase of the vehicle? No, never mind." He sighed. "I suppose we'll have to resort to recon teams on foot for now."
"Yes sir," said the CWO. "However, we might still be able to salvage the Shrews. I've got some engineers looking into replacing the fuel cells with ordinary batteries. It will take time though... say a week before we have a solution, then another week to refit all two hundred Shrews."
"Try to have a solution by this time tomorrow, chief," Zala said. "Now I've got to file a report to General Wellington about this screw-up. Dismissed."
"Jolly good," Prime Minister Renee Valencia smiled, reading the telgram from Marshal Ogden and picking up the red telephone on her desk. "Bertha, get me Field Marshal Bronsworth, please."
A minute passed before Field Marshal Lloyd Bronsworth, a crusty old veteran of both Naasha and Iragia, received the word to begin deploying his troops to TWSP. The massive armada of huge aircraft took off in staggered waves throughout the day, transporting the 1st and 2nd Imperial Field Corps to TWSP.
1st Infantry Division
2nd Infantry Division
3rd Infantry Division
4th Infantry Division
68,800 soldiers, 6,880 M4A5 Spartan APCs
1st Armored Division
2nd Armored Division
18,608 personnel, 4,050 V1A1 Panther MBTs, 872 Behemoth III SHBTs
1st Artillery Division
2nd Artillery Division
22,450 personnel, 1,440 PzH-2000 howitzers, 720 M240 MLRS systems
1st Air Wing
2nd Air Wing
360 TF-70B Shukusei, 180 F-119 Banshee, 180 F/A-501 Blizzard
Various trucks, jeeps, helicopters, etc
...and all the logistics guys
The World Soviet Party
02-11-2007, 22:58
OOC: Now we just need TPF to either EDIT his post, or at least give us the chance to spot his divisions, after all, it's not easy to hide +700,000 soldiers.
The Tsar has announced that humanitarian aid would be delivered to TWSP, due to the unprovoked attacks on TWSP by TPF.
The Tsar would also like to thank Wanderjar for remaining neutral and not involving itself in this needless conflict of TPF aggression.
However, at this time, the Tsar will not be issuing a declaration of war against TPF or his allies, as Derscon still extends the offer of conference and diplomacy to all involved, and all of Derscon prays that the rulers of the nations of Nova Europa are not fools and tyrants, but reasonable people, understanding that bloodshed is not to be taken lightly.
A few hours before the press release, massive fleets of cargo ships were dispatched after having been loaded with crates upon crates of material. They were being escorted by the Third Imperial Fleet (It was a war zone, after all). Also loaded up were overwhelming air fleets of cargo planes and their escorts.
They were all filled with crates and crates of material -- if there were any satellites, which was unlikely, due to the fact that satellites in geosynchronous orbit with all major military installations let out jamming sequences 24/7 so no satellite can ever pick anything up there, that's all they would notice, crates of material, labelled as humanitiarian aid. Which most of it was.
However, packed amongst the crates of goods, loaded into the huge fleets of water and air, was the Imperial Third and Fifth Army, carefully hidden amongst the humanitarian goods and crates. All of the vehicles were packed into mass-produced crates, and even the soldiers themselves, before the crates were closed up and immediately loaded onto the ships, were packed into the crates, loaded, and taken below deck. The cargo ships were not carrying as much as they could because of this -- the soldiers really shouldn't be cramped up in boxes the whole trip -- but they still carried a good enough amount. The Special Forces units were packed onto cargo planes, with all of their equipment, as they would be jumping over TWSP before the planes landed.
It was an expensive venture, but the marshals of old were always planning, and the crates had been sitting in the warehouses of the Subterranean Military Grid, hidden from the eyes of the world, waiting to be moved along the deep underground bullet trains of the SMG to the naval and air bases, to pull off the stunt.
Great lulz were had all around.
Smithys Wine Bar, New Theeb, Vetaka:
Ryan Callahan Jr sat within the Upper Terrace of Smithys Wine Bar looking out across New Theeb gazing a the various goings on. The Vetakan Naval Defence Forces 1st Naval Battlegroup was preparing for combat with the hordes of the Ennusisian War Machine yet thankfully the Winds of War had yet to reach these lands. Ryan was a high ranking official of the weapons company SaintB Integrated Systems a company new to Vetaka. Ryan was almost taken aback when two men sat down at his table wearing rather casual clothing both wearing casual looking sunglasses they smiled and spoke:
"Mr Ryan Callahan Jr, I am Agent Smith, this is Agent Bedford we represent the President. Here is your payment for services undertaken within the VDF's Research Council. I hope you use it to give the Doomani Hell".
Agent Bedford slid a metal normal looking case across the table in actual fact it was an Isolation Designed to remain locked and secure whatever is thrown at it. Agent Smith handed Ryan a small looking grey Tube:
"The Payment is $2 Trillion USD. It is in the form of a cheque. This grey key is one of two. You have one the other has been sent via secured means to your Foreign Secretary. The case will be tracked until arrives in SaintB and it cannot be opened without both keys their is no master key so dont lose it. The case cannot be opened by conventional means it will also self destruct unless opened in 4 days within SaintB. Your flight leaves within 4 hours their is a car downstairs that will take you their and you will be trailed until you arrive back in SaintB. Good Luck and May the War end Swiftly."
With that the Agents stood and left just as quickly as they had arrived as the stood Smith dropped a crisp 50 Credit to the Bar Staff. Bedford dropped an package marked "Ryan" it was an E-57 Service Pistol with license signed by the President to carry the weapon on the plane. Their was also a first class ticket to SaintB and 1,000 USD in cash. Leaving the agents had just made peice of Vetakan Foreign Policy.
Formerly Maldorian Cyprus, in the sky, 03:00 AM
The first aircraft appeared in the early morning, before dawn, in fact. These were tiny Westmoreland Whippet aircraft, five in number. They flew above the black, napalm-scorched soil of Cyprus, and behind them, what resembled giant white flowers began to blossom in the morning sky.
Two of the aircraft had carried paratroopers, and the others had carried their equipment – components for a large, ready-mady runway. It would take the two airborne platoon two hours of work to unroll and link up the segments, but what resulted would be a runway large enough for the implementation of what would be Stage B.
Even as they were doing it, a large 'Archimedes' Lever' cargo aircraft was flying the length of the Suez Canal. It arrived thirty minutes after they were done, and set up for landing. The airborne troopers guided it in with radio signals.
06:45 AM, Landing Zone Alpha
As the plane's belly opened slowly, the first men to step out were Maldorians – twenty men in prison uniforms, their heads covered. On the back of their prison coveralls were stamped the words TERRORIST MURDERER. They looked frightened out of their wits.
They were followed by a single man in a black parade dress uniform, Finally, about two dozen young girls came out of the aircraft. They were wearing beige Girl Scout uniforms and the famous miniskirts that were the mark of Allanean Girl Scouts, carrying ABR-8 with giant ten-inch bayonets.
The man smiled benevolently at the Girl Scouts.
“Greetings all.
As you all know, the island of Cyprus has been turned over to the Allanean Republic by the Maldorians. It is now empty – everything has been burned to the ground by Waldenberg at some point, it seems. But even now, dozens of cargo ships are en route to rebuild the island for Allanean use.
But first – before we fully make use of this land for Allanea – we will commit an act of justice and mercy.”
The prisoners perked up at the word 'mercy.'
“These people have each commited murder of many innocents. Surely by now they repent of what they did. Do you repent, Ahmad bin Jaffar?” - the man asked one of them.
“No, infidel dog! You furfag! You fuck sheep!” - screamed Ahmad. The others nodded assent. They wanted to live, but not at the expense of what they considered their honor. Some screamed insults too. - “Allanean women are whores! Their men have no penises! We killed for our God and for Equality, and we will come back to kill again!”
“See now.” - smiled the man - “I ever intended that kind of mercy. Clearly the only mercy we can entertain is mercy towards the rest of society. I, Lucius Gottlieb, Military Governor of Cyprus, judge you filthy Islamo-Communist scum unfit to live, as you are each guilty of at least ten murders. I hereby order Her Majesty's Girl Scouts to prepare for execution of the Maldorian court rulings on the issue. Let there be justice and mercy. AIM!”
The Girl Scouts aimed. They were a bit queasy about the execution – but that was exactly why Girl Scouts were chosen for it, to desensitize them to the violence involved. The combat drugs they were given previously helped a bit, too.
Then, the Military Governor smiled. “Nah. I forgot.”
The prisoners relaxed. They thought it was a ploy – that a pardon would be delayed until the last possible moment in order to break their souls.
“I forgot we are to practice bayonet drills. Come on, girls! Hit them with the bayonet, smash them with the stock!”
The last thing bin Jaffar saw in his life was an impossibly cute Allanean girl with red pigtails, thick-framed glasses, and even freckles. He felt her bayonet break through his sternum and into his heart, saw his blood splatter across her face in an array of additional, bright-red freckles.
His last thought, deranged as the blood supply to his brain began to falter, was: “As if she isn't enough freckled enough already... infidel girl...”
* * *
“Come on, girls! Show me what you got! Work them! Work them!” - the Governor grinned encouragingly as the Girl Scouts worked themselves up into a kill frenzy, impaling dying and the dead upon their bayonets, crushing their faces with buttstocks, even kicking them around with their heavy shoes.
Then he turned to the digital camera one of the paratroopers was holding. “This island is now Allanean territory. That is all. May God bless Allanea.”
By the time, thirty minutes later, several dozen cargo aircraft began to land on the island, one after another, the video was already on Youtube.
04-11-2007, 23:40
Allanea... um, thread hijack? Maldorian's isn't even involved in this RP...
OOC: My post has direct bearing on this RP, all will soon become clear.
04-11-2007, 23:51
Then, by all means, go over to the OOC thread and explain what that bearing is. The last thing we need is someone coming in and deciding to muscle around with no other intention than playing monkey wrench in the clockworks.
OOC thread is here (
Coded Allanean Message to TPF, Doomingsland, Derscon, and any ACID members in the region.
Dear friends and allies!
While we may decry the internal policies of some of you, and specifically the Doomani, we now believe that it is all-important to preserve peace and understanding in the area of Nova Europa. As such, we would like all of the nations hereby adressed to send their representatives to the Island of Cyprus. We have a wonderful method of stabilizing the situation, and, should you be nice enough as to in fact attend, we are sure you will feel satisfied by our solution.
Your loyal allies,
the Allaneans.
* * *
In the meanwhile, even as Allaneans made the message of peace clear to all their friends on both sides of the conflict, what took place on the island of Cyprus may have seemed contrary to their goals. Fifteen Mark 07 Aviso ships were already making their way through the Suez, and ten giant cargo ships were coming in under escort.
On the island proper, dozens of heavy cargo planes were landing, including two of te famed Ouroboros cargo monsters. From them poured dozens of IFV's and tanks – but also hundreds of trucks and construction vehicles. Air defenses, anti-tank minefields, and other defensive implements were implanted by the thousand every hour. It may have seemed to the casual observer that the Allaneans were headed for war.
But some things did not give with that. First of all, tons and tons of luxuries were brought into Colossi Castle. The Allaneans were truly preparing a kings' welcome to the foreign diplomat as they worked to prepare the island for their purpose – what ever it was, it clearly did involve a huge meeting.
And second, an oil tanker was brought into Cypriot waters. It was old, rusty, dirty, and its purpose wa kept highly secret by the Allaneans. Rumour had it, however, that soon other tankers of the same kind would be en route.
05-11-2007, 23:51
Heavily Encrypted Mandalorian Message
The Tyrannical Mandalorian Empire will be attending conference on our former island. We will be honored to join this convention and we hope for the best.
~The Mandalore.
-Supreme Ruler of the Tryannical Mandalorian Empire.
With the massive shift in power in the Baltic as more NEA nations dispatched fleets to discourage TPF'ian aggression, Naashan attention was suddenly drawn back closer to home by the arrival of the Allaneans...
Administration Bunker, National Congress, Sandya
President Renner paced up and down the large but mostly empty room that he had taken as an office in the bunker beneath the newly built Congress. Following TPF'ian satellite aggression and still no news on how many enemy satellites still functioned above Nova Europa his security staff had deemed it prudent to move the President and his family into the bunker complex beneath the gleaming government building. Beneath and slightly to the left, of course, no point in seeing just how deep a tungsten rod could burrow through concrete.
In the sparsely furnished office with him were General Jonathan Farren, the Secretary for Defence, and Michaela Richards, the President's Nova Europa advisor. Renner listened carefully to the DefSec's briefing on Naashan deployments in Trivalvia, all was proceeding well and the 1st Army Group was about to cross into TWSP, the 2nd was enroute to Sussex now.
He waited until Farren had finished, then nodded and turned to face his other advisor, asking the question on everyones minds.
Miss Richards shook her head slowly, "I know as much as the media do, sir. Landed on Cyprus by aircraft headed from the south, Maldorians hasn't mobilised to stop them, although that could be due to surprise at the situation, we don't know. Seem to be trying to make their intentions look peaceful, too."
General Farren scoffed loudly, "Surveillance vessels report military build up and defensive preparations underway on the island. More aircraft have landed since the claims and our home submarine fleet is tracking a convoy of at least ten military vessels accompanying freighters up the Suez. I took the precaution of putting our remaining carrier group in the med on alert."
President Renner nodded again, "Good, divert two of the four enroute to the Baltic back here again, I don't want to be outmuscled so close to home. Put the Islands Forces on alert again, make sure they are prepared to repel any incursions."
He swung around to face Richards again, "Find out what they want, why they are here. Make it damned sure that they know we aren't going to tolerate a foreign military presence so close to Naashan holdings. Get the Maldorians take on this, they must be as worried as us at least."
Official Statement
The Democratic State of Naasha wishes to express our alarm at the deployment of Allanean personnel in the Mediterranean, which we see as a direct threat to regional stability and indeed to ourselves. If Allanea continues to operate in such a carefree fashion as to not even inform us of their arrival in due time then further vessels and aircraft entering the Mediterranean may find themselves stopped or even fired upon.
We demand an immediate explanation as to what Allanea is doing on Cyprus and we call on them to suspend their activities until such an explanation has been given.
Nova Mediteranian and Suez Canal
The Allaneans were not being interfeared with but they did have watchers. A battlegroup headed by the Oddessues Class Supercarrier KSB Fearless was keeping tabs on Allanean activity in the Suez Canal and near the island of Nova Cyprus. Photo reconisance aircraft passed overhead of Alanean fleets, and ships passing through the Mandalore Canal Zone would find themselves being tailed at a respectable 4 mile distance, at no time did any Aircraft from SaintB violate Alanean Airspace and SaintB's fleets stayed at least 30 miles from the coast of Cyprus at all times.
The space far above Nova Cyprus was far different however, several satelites made curcuits over Nova Cyprus every 2 hours, taking space based arial video and stills. A near constant stream of data was sent back to command centers across the kingdom, X-Ray, Thermographic, Ultrasound, Low Light, and a seaming million other varieties of inteligence were being gathered on Allanean Movements.
“I want everything to be read for the reception. And by everything, I don't just mean the flak cannon arrays, the ABM arrays, and the AA missile batteries. I mean the food. The wine. The drugs. The strippers. Got me?”
“Yes, Sir, but we have an issue.”
“What is it?”
“The plane with the luxury wines is getting delayed for some reason. Weird weather over Grafton had delayed it's takeoff and so...”
“I don't give a shit. I got it. It's not your fault. When do I see the fucking plane on the motherfucking runway?”
“In three hours.”
“Good enough. Now, brief me on the security situation.”
“We are being watched by at least three nation in any way possible, from optical to X-ray.”
“X-ray sucks. Donkey balls. Have some old rusty rails piled on the decks of the tankers, that'll keep them from figuring out what's inside.”
“Yes, Sir. Wouldn't the tankers existing add-on plating help?”
“Just do as I say. And put some observation and orty sattelites in orbit above us.”
“Yes, Sir. By the way, the Avisos are in the Med already.”
“Good. Summon more Avisos.”
“Yes, Sir. What should we respond to the Naashans?”
“Tell them we wish them no harm. We are here for peace and understanding. Inquire if they want to be in on the peace conference.”
“Yes, Sir, but...”
“Do it. And send them a fruit basket.”
“A... what?”
“A fruit basket. Have a guy in a Cessna deliver them a fruit basket.”
“Why? For what human purpose would that...”
“Just deliver the motherfucking fruit basket to the motherfucking Naashans. And tell the Maldorians we're always happy to see them here.”
“Yes, Sir.”
With that, the aide left, thoroughly confused.
06-11-2007, 23:04
Department of National Defense complex,
Defense Minister's Office
Within the span of twenty four hours, Julia LeBlanc, Trivalvia's Minister of Defense, had gone from a quiet day at the office to having more tasks than she knew what to do with. Wellington might have to handle the command of the armed forces, but it was LeBlanc that had to make sure said forces had what they needed to do the job.
Even before any shooting began, she knew that they were in trouble, logistics-wise. Hence her frenzied activity for the past twelve hours.
The Soviets had been generous in allowing land for the Trivalvian forces to set up supply bases and airstrips; combat engineers were busy establishing those now, although they would have little more than tents and a few prefab buildings to work with for the immediate future. Meanwhile, she had her staff going through a list of contractors to establish similar bases on the border, both for Trivalvian forces and for the Naashan troops that had just shown up. The Naashan 1st Army Group had already passed through the bases at Sussex. Sadly this meant essentially draining the supplies already stored there, but it couldn't be helped. The scale and speed at which the war was progressing meant that there was next to no time to properly build up additional supplies; they would have to dip into existing reserves to get this war underway.
Julia had a few people working on ways to improve the supply situation. One good thing was the fact that much of the Trivalvian defense budget essentially sat unspent this year. Several contracts up for tender had not yet been approved, and so she had a surplus of funds to use for now.
On to the Admiralty. Keels for ten ships - two Longsword class battleships, four Defiant class cruisers, one Carter class command ship, and three Phalanx class destroyers - had already been laid before the war began as part of the navy's buildup. Given the situation, Julia decided the Longswords would have to wait a bit - destroyers and frigates were what the navy needed now. Get the shipyards to shift resources and staff to the Phalanxes and get keels for ten new Asher class frigates laid down. Again, a note to her staff; any civilian shipbuilders would have to be screened and contracted for additional vessels.
It was a shame these new ships would not see action for at least a year, but better safe than sorry.
Ah. A query to Silver Mollusc Heavy Industries had hit paydirt. The corporation had been the manufacturer of the "Barracuda" tank destroyer and the "Lance" AT guided missiles. They had been regular producers of the lances, and were happy to grant her increased output of them, but the Barracudas would take longer. Only one factory still existed that was tooled to build them, and it could only turn out twenty per day. For more to be produced, they would need additional funds for more factories and workers... and it would be months before said factories could be online. Julia looked at thier quote and groaned. Two hundred million tridollars for a single factory, and an operating cost of sixty million per day. The annual costs were enough to give her shivers.
Again; it couldn't be helped - they needed the vehicles. She approved funds for two new factories, and an order for an additional 150 Barracudas. Hopefully the two companies worth they already had would survive until the replacements started to arrive.
And so it went. Julia had to send a message to her husband telling him she would not be home at all that day. Then back to working with the Naashans - she was going to have to ask Naashan General Farren about setting up additional bases and shipping additional supplies for that second army group enroute...
If there was any consolation to this madness, at least she was going to earn her pay today.
06-11-2007, 23:37
"General Boros, remember that military reduction we were going to do? Cancel it. Keep your sats on all Nova Mediterranean nations, particularly Allanean Nova Cyprus. There may be war just yet. Which means the Night of the Long Knives could still happen." said Proffesor Doctor General Governor Duke Ulysses Esquire.
Proffesor Doctor General Governor Duke Ulysses Esquire then started typing on his laptop, a simple response to the Allanean Ultimatum.
Official State Telegram:
To: Allanean Nova Cyprus
From: Vantanian Circum Graecia
We will attend your conference. We wish to know whether we can bring security to the conference for out diplomatic team.
-Professor Doctor General Governor Duke Ulysses Esquire
Official Allanean Response
Sure. But don't try anything crazy.
Star Office
Tsar Xavier looked over the message and scowled. "This complicates matters. Herkjyavich, send the chief diplomat and Fourth Fleet to Cyprus for this little conference. Wellesley, I want more Dersconi orbital assets in the heavens over NE ASAP. Meanwhile, tell the ones we have there already to start working."
The Shores of TWSP
In all of his ports, shiploads upon shiploads of crates were unloaded into the shipyards, being taken to various facilities to be divided.
The TWSP workers -- both military and civilian -- were taking the crates of humanitarian goods to various military bases to be eventually distributed that way.
Once the various crates got to the bases -- and they would be arriving throughout the entire week -- they were unpacked in the various bases, and if any satellite looked down upon it, they would clearly see humanitarian goods being brought about. Dersconi MSS agents were already in all of the bases -- having made an arrangement with the government of TWSP -- and were posing as TWSP soldiers unloading some of the crates. Certain crates were divided and shipped out around the base.
The crates containing the two armies were all near the front of the line -- even though crates would be arriving all week, both Armies were on TWSP soil by sundown. And once the last crate was marked to have been distributed to the bases, the MSS agents and TWSP collaborators got to work.
It was all timed perfectly -- the crates were timed to be settled in the bases at a set time, as when that time was reached, the various Dersconi satellites already in the area activated jamming frequencies to blind all of the satellites in the area.
Once that benchmark was reached, the crates were all ripped apart, and the Third And Fifth Imperial Armies rushed out of the crates with their equipment and armoured units, and everything else they came over with, and began to work quickly.
Maps of the various bases where they were located were provided by the TWSP government before they left, so the coordinators knew where to hide them all. The vehicles that couldn't pass off for TWSP vehicles were hidden in pre-dug trenches that had been covered with camouflage netting, or hidden in thick woods, with camouflage netting already prepared.
In a half an hour, the armaments that were "Distinctly Dersconi" were packed up in various emptied storehouses on the military bases, and the soldiers were in TWSP uniforms, having flown over with the Dersconi ones with the rest of their personal gear, packed up with the weapons. Once everything was rechecked, the Shock Troopers disappeared somewhere where they couldn't be seen, and the soldiers mingled with the rest of the TWSP troops, and when the jamming sequences were lifted, no one would know the difference.
"A fruit basket?!"
President Renner looked incredulous, which rather suited him, Michaela Richards mused.
"A fruit basket indeed, sir. A good one too, although the secret service took the liberty of testing it for everything from bombs to anthrax, even HIV infected needles, the thing is clean."
"Maybe some sort of custom?"
More likely they're screwing with you, Richards thought, but elected to dodge the question.
"A guy delivered it to Sandya International by Cessna, nearly got himself shot down too when he told ATC where he was from. He also invited us to a peace conference thing on the island. I checked with our allies and nobody else had got word of it, although we picked up some coded chatter to some of the 'less desirable' members of the region."
"I don't want to go to some conference with that lot, put Bane on it, she can fake smile a hell of a lot better than I can."
The Nova Europa Advisor nodded, Lillian Bane was the Vice-President and often got left with the jobs that Renner thought were beneath him.
"I'll brief her and arrange a transport detail..."
The PeoplesFreedom
07-11-2007, 20:43
High Command
Around twenty-five percent of the orbital's that TPF operated were destroyed in the counter-attack that the NEA had launched. Another five percent has been disabled or were non-operational and non-responding, they had likely been damaged from the debris that now was flying all around space. Indeed, space itself was no dangerous, a small-Kessler syndrome was forming. So far High Command estimated that around ten orbitals would be lost every hour, but this would multiply by even more as more debris was added. Within just a few weeks, the space over NEA would be inhospitable, and it would take billions of dollars to clean up. TPF did have a small advantage, they had twenty-orbitals equipped with whipple shields, but despite this, they could only be in so many locations at one time. However, there were a few weeks left of orbital coverage, and TPF intended to take advantage of it in the meantime
07-11-2007, 21:15
OOC: Kudos on the Kessler Syndrome reference, although it's not just space over NEA that will be affected. Chances are *every* satellite from every nation is going to be affected. One reason why I think RL anti-satellite weapons are stupid.
Trivalvian North Sea Battlegroup
Eight hours into the search, and so far there had been no sign of the enemy submarines. The first wave of helicopters was recalled for refuelling and a second wave launched.
Commodore van Hyaams didn't like it. The "Peefers", as some of the younger officers were calling the enemy, had launched a large scale missile assault and then just vanished. Between the satellite attacks, the missile attack, and rumours of ground troop buildup, it didn't make sense for the enemy to withdraw his naval forces. Something wasn't adding up.
He turned to the Signals officer. "Contact the Soviet naval command again and send this message; We have found no sign of any PeoplesFreedom naval assets in the area. We are continuing our search; request any additional data on general location of enemy submarines or ships. Send that please." The Signals officer nodded and leaned toward his console, punching keys rapidly.
"If we don't get any response from them," van Hyaams added after a moment's thought, "we might have to force the issue. Navigation: I'd like a minimum-time course for the Soviet blockade. Let's see if a few additional ships there will help flush the Peefers out."
The World Soviet Party
07-11-2007, 22:07
He turned to the Signals officer. "Contact the Soviet naval command again and send this message; We have found no sign of any PeoplesFreedom naval assets in the area. We are continuing our search; request any additional data on general location of enemy submarines or ships. Send that please." The Signals officer nodded and leaned toward his console, punching keys rapidly.
The Soviet answer was the verbal version of a shrug, as long as the TPF'ians didnt mess with the blockade, which now would be suicide considering the large numbers of Dersconi "Humanitarian Aid" ships, they didnt have a problem. Indeed, the TPF'ian Navy was stuck in the Baltic, with nothing but hostile nations to all sides.
“Tohkavrius Flight, you are cleared for launch,” echoed over the flight decks, as several Voltekeran Reconaisance fliers and their escort of Tokon ST’s went screaming into the air, over a hundred individual formations took to the skies and went hurtling off into the distance, over skies a blue, breaking off in an elaborate spray, invisible to radar, a rarity in Novan design, yet deemed nessacery for this task, as they arrayed themselves in a wide formation as they headed in the direction of the very near continent, intent on their purpose as a reconnaissance sweep. Flying high above each of the nations of the continent, with seeming little regards for airspace, but then they were non hostile, and the escort of Tokon ST’s would only attack if they themselves were threatened, as they flew through the great vaults of the skies they bounced encrypted data feeds back to their commander elsewhere…
“Mechnician Vontek report,” came the clipped call from the Itzerican, his hands claspe behind his back as he gazed out over the deck of his vessel through the window, his face naturally hidden from view, only a faint reflection, the eyes bathed in shadow could be seen,
“Well Itzerican we’ve made landfall on Nova Ireland and we have begun making initial preparations, we’re focusing on fortifying the southern coasts and setting up infrastructure for the second wave which will be setting up forward air fields and production facilities,” came the reply, the figure was in a pale yellow and black an honest expression upon his features as he held a report in his 2 hands, in digital form, eying up steady updates from the frantic progress having been made over the past few days, having been snuck in at the dead of night and done most of the preamble underground the project had been hidden from watchful eyes that were naturally all too focused on the war breaking out elsewhere.
“Excellent, accelerate your preparations, Thrumzivan Harakishoule will I suspect be targeted quite early on I suspect, so I require something a bit more tangible,” the Itzerican turned round from his vigil at the window, spinning on his feel to face the Mechnician, “From now on Nova Ireland shall be dubbed Vrunzivun Zokirlenaixez, Carry on Mechnician, I want the first airfields operational by the end of the week, and try and keep this under your hat for the moment, they still don’t have a clue where our loyalties lie, keep it that way,” the dismissal was evident as the Itzerican lowered himself into the embrace of his seat and began pouring through data files coming in from the reconnaissance craft.
On Nova Ireland, or as it was now known Vrunzivun Zokirlenaixez, the Mechnicians had indeed been busy, what was once vacant pasture and land was being developed at a hectic pace by the industrious Mechnicians, military standard monrails were quickly being set up underground powered, by tesla Generator Facilities set up like many of the new constructs, deep under ground, while several ports were being dredged and fortified and several squadrons of Tokons kept many a beady eye out for any intruders, Temeltean’s relayed back and forth from the way station to these developing ports offloading supplies and personnel at a frantic pace, all of it quite obviously from a glance civilian, with only a small military contingent of soldiers, on patrol.
"Hurry up with that control station Zovectus, until that’s online we can’t get this section up and connected to the generator relay,” called Tymain, over the not so subtle sounds of Mechnicians at work while he tapped away at his status reports on his personal terminal, eyeing up progress reports, tapping twice on another relay and pressing the earpiece in his ear, “Ohlectan hurry up with the IXION Unit, the Itzerican wants this place ready for operations within the week at the very earliest, and we need that up and running to help run the construction work, and Sohrelzius what’s the status on the comm. Lines, I still can’t contact my counterpart at Port Zorvian,” Tymain strode through the wide corridors as Mechnicians finished slotting panels into the newly finished corridor walls, the light still flickering gently as power from the generators slowly began to feed into this part of the growing facility.
Elsewhere Mechnicians oversaw drilling machines as they began excavating massive caverns in while others oversaw the initial stages of forward production lines that would ensure that even if supplies were somehow cut off from either Mainland Novacom (in the Atlantic) or Havenic Novacom, supplies could be procured far closer to home, as even now Prospectors accompanied by a myriad of devices poured through geographical data gleaned from satellites so harvesting and processing of resources could begin, one thing was clear to all involved, the sheer scale of things was staggering, an island had to be made ready for war, and post was in rapid order, but they were Novans, and industrious and hard working were they, to balk at a challenge and shirk from their duty, was unthinkable, it wasn’t Novan.
07-11-2007, 23:07
North Sea Battlegroup
van Hyaams read the response with mixed feelings. On the one hand, he wasn't too happy over the time spent on the search. He'd hoped for a chance to give his battlegroup some combat experience.
On the other, however, the fact that the Peefer fleet was effectively bottled up and with no friendly ports for resupply suggested that the naval war was effectively over. The missile attack would be TPF's only strike.
There was no particular reason for the Trivalvian fleet to remain at sea then. Except... "Signals, get me a two-way link with Admiral Everett, top encryption please."
"Yes sir. One moment..." The Signals officer tapped in commands. "Link is ready sir."
"Everett here, Commodore. Anything to report?"
van Hyaams relayed the Soviet response and his own theories. "I believe there is no more threat from the PeoplesFreedom fleet at this time, but that doesn't rule out a possible 'blaze of glory' strike.
"Sir, my ships are still in good supply, and their crews have performed admirably thus far. I would like to recommend that we join the allied blockade."
"You do realize it costs a fair bit to keep those ships mobilized."
"Yes sir, I do. Still, we brought these ships out to help with the war. It would be a shame - and a blow to morale - to just turn around and go home."
Silence over the earphone - Everett was no doubt mulling over the consideration. "All right," he said finally. "I'm hereby changing your orders to join the blockade. However, keep your ships ready to head back here at top speed if necessary."
"Yes sir, and thank you sir." Everett cut the connection, and van Hyaams turned to his bridge crew. "Recall the helicopters and marshall the fleet. We're heading to Baltic waters and the allied blockade."
* * *
Secret IC:
Barracks of the 1st Infantry Battalion, GFB Trivalviapolis
Colonel Victor Perry sat at his well-kept desk. The emblem on his uniform was the same as the flag on the wall behind him: a mollusc leaping from the water, tentacles clutching an assault rifle, beak opened in a hunting cry, a gold '1' emblazoned in the background.
This was the emblem of Trivalvia's elite fighting force. The famed 1st Battalion. The Screaming Molluscs.
There was a knock on the door. "Enter." Perry's voice was crisp and precise.
The door opened and General Wellington entered. Perry stood immediately and saluted. "Sir!"
"As you were," Wellington said, returning the salute. Perry offered a seat and Wellington sat down. "So, how are you finding command?" he asked.
"Sir. I have no complaints, sir."
Wellington smiled. "I doubt your troops would say the same; I hear you've been pushing them hard since assuming command of the battalion."
Perry kept his face steady. Some months earlier the 1st Battalion had been handed their first defeat; they had been charged with protecting the last President during the Nine Day Crisis, and keeping the Legislature secure.
They had failed in that objective; a single foreign operative had broken through their security and kidnapped Tony Harrington from under their noses. The former battalion commander and the company commanders had all committed suicide, or at least that was what the official report read. Unofficially it was known that the company commanders had attempted to murder the former commander on the day after the surrender; he had defended himself well, dying only after the last of his attackers had breathed his last.
Perry had been promoted to battalion commander in the aftermath. While he shared their disgrace, he disapproved of the choice the company commanders had made. It was better to live for a chance at redemption than die in dishonour, he felt. With that in mind, he had put the surviving troops and those called in to replace the fallen through the toughest training program he could devise. "Sir," was his only verbal response.
"Colonel - Victor - I want to know your opinion; is the 1st ready to resume operations?"
"Sir. I have reason to believe we are ready, sir."
Wellington nodded. "Within the next day, we expect ground hostilities between TPF and allied forces to begin on Soviet soil. It is possible they may have broken out even as we speak. I've already deployed regular troops to the front line, and more are being prepared. I'll be heading out with the second wave of troops myself."
Perry felt his commander's words slice through him. We weren't called up for the first wave.
"I'll get to the point, Colonel. The enemy will be operating with no secure line of supply to begin with. We expect they may make advances and capture bases and supplies, or set up lines of supply on their own. We need to keep those lines of supply cut; make the enemy waste his ammo, his fuel, his equipment while we conserve and build up our own.
"I want to send your battalion behind the enemy lines once the combat is joined. Your mission will be to conduct guerilla strikes against enemy supply dumps, airfields, and supply convoys, plus any targets of opportunity.
"This will be a joint operation with the Soviets, part of a larger operation to cripple the PeoplesFreedom's war economy. Your forces will likely be operating without resupply or relief for weeks or even months. So I'll ask you again: is the 1st Battalion ready? And will you take this mission?"
Perry nodded. This was the chance he was waiting for. A chance to remove the stain of failure from himself and his battalion. A chance to make their enemies fear the Molluscs once more.
"Sir! We are ready and willing. You need only give the order, sir."
"Consider the order given." Wellington stood. "Prepare your men; you'll leave for the front in two days."
The World Soviet Party
08-11-2007, 03:11
Seven hundred divisions, let me say that again, seven hundred divisions... that's over 700,000 men. A fairly large number indeed, and one prone to being quickly noticed by both the civilian populace and the intelligence services, even if not in full.
That's what happened with the TPF'ian attack, their forces had been spotted soon, as many Soviets lived in or had family and friends in Wanderjar, not to mention the spies operating from the embassy and the moles in TPF's Diplomatic Corps.
Still, the Soviets would not violate Wanderjarian sovereignity, the Peefers, as the Trivalvians had gotten used to call them, had done it, but the Soviets were not traitors and they would not risk killing innocent civilians. In the next few hours, both the Wanderjarian goverment and embassy in TWSP would get truckloads of angry letters and communiques from the Soviet goverment, "congratulating" them on finally picking a side, the language was harsh, but it was war.
Headquarters considered the many possibilities and hypotesis of conflict they had developed over the years, none of them versus the TPF'ians, but several addressing this same situation. Thus, they decided there were to ways a Prussian could wage war, or one if they were smart enough to complement them, either they waged an artillery war, or they went for the Blitzkrieg tactics that they seemed to cherish.
During the battle for Berlin, the Wehrmacht had once tried a fairly effective idea, since they had found out of the Soviet's intent, they moved all their troops and heavy equipment into the secondary defense lines, thus, the Soviets wasted thousands of rounds destroying empty bunkers.
This is what the Soviets had done now, the TPF'ians were now wasting precious ammunition in destroying empty fortifications, when the Panzers moved, they would be in for quite a surprise, after all, the M06 AT Gun had been designed to kill Kravenite tanks, over-armoured beasts, and would have no problem in dealing with whatever the enemy could throw at them.
Now, the Soviets werent the kind of people to let this attack go without punishment, and let's face it, they had always loved artillery, so, when the TPF'ians opened fire and revealed their position, they were met by the concentrated fire of well over sixty thousand (60,000) howitzers, not counting the MRLS which added their rockets and cruise missiles to the volley.
On the skies, the Sariels would have a rude awakening, as they were swarmed by literally hundred of missiles fired by the Soviet Air Force F-22s and F-28As, which had been waiting for them.
That was as far as the Soviets were willing to go for now, they reserved a bigger surprise for the TPF'ians, including thousands of mines, booby-traps, all positioned in the border, as well as bigger "treats" waiting for the enemy to make it's move.
The PeoplesFreedom
08-11-2007, 03:59
Inside TWSP
The forward elements, mainly consisting of 8x8 vehicles and recon helicopters, quickly found out that the forward bunkers had been evacuated. This actually provided some opportunity to the soldiers, as they could take over these bunkers and use them for cover against the incoming artillery, and there was quite a bit of that showering down on the advancing forces.
The Soviets had gave them a nasty surprise when their own artillery had opened fire upon the advancing formations, and many officers were chastised by their commanders for not properly reconning the forward lines prior to artillery bombardment. Luckily, TPF had quickly spotted via radar the incoming Soviet counter-battery fire. Most of the artillery was self-propelled, so it was actually able to move out of the fire zone, while towed artillery's crews jumped into slit trenches to avoid the incoming fire. TPF still took damage, but luckily it wasn't too much. The artillery itself quickly responded, they could put out 10 rounds a minute at 70km away, so they would quickly destroy the enemy artillery. They used a mix of cluster shells and HE to make sure they would be decimated. They also made sure to lodge some mustard gas shells. The enemy wasn't likely prepared, so that would make it hard for the crews to man the artillery pieces.
At the same time, elements were reaching the forward bunker positions, and quickly occupied them. Commanders quickly launched UAV's, so they wouldn't make the same mistake as last time. The UAV's soon reveled several more layers of defenses, which include some monstrous AT guns, as well as trenches bunkers and everything else that was usually included in a line of defense.
Commanders did not wish to move the infantry into the kill zones quiet yet, so they used Sariels with laser-guided bombs, as well as Cardinals and ASF-70's to hit bunkers and other positions. They also dropped cluster bombs and Small diameter bombs. At the same time, Corvus attack helicopters began to target and destroy enemy SAM and regular positions at more than 16km away.
Soon enough, yet another line of defense would be destroyed.
In The Air
While the ground operations were very important, another important element was the air war, indeed, it was perhaps the most important element of the war currently. Thus, it was time for the real operations to begin.
Hundreds of Shuka's, Sariels, and ASF-70's were now moving across the border, along with a healthy doze of AWACS. Their job was fairly simple. The Shuka's were playing a Wild Weasel role, they would get the SAM's attention, and then high-tail it out of there, while Sariels destroyed them with stand-off munitions. The ASF-70's would provide cover against enemy interceptors and fighters. TWSP would have no chance before his air defense would be raped, and then the rapeage of the infrastructures could begin.
"Well, we're late. The shooting has already started, and we don't even have the resources in the area to act on either side.”
"So what do we do?”
"Proceed with the peace conference as planned. Wait for people to come.. Arm Cyprus to hell. Bring more tankers.”
Kynaz Sanin Andropov, the youngest brother of Tsar Xavier (at 17) walked into the conference hall, with two aides and two ceremonial guards (the eight foot red-and gold armoured alien Honour Guards found in the Kremlin. At his side was his sword, Balmung, given to him by the ghost of Siegfried (a story yet to be told), blending in well with the robes he wore, and the jet black cape the fluttered behind him, the golden double-headed eagle embroidered in the centre, seemingly flying as he walked.
He looked around at the conference hall, taking everything to memory, and waited to be met by the Allanean diplomat in charge.
09-11-2007, 23:24
Trivalvian Field Command Base, South of Red City
Lieutenant-General Zala fumed as the reports of the invasion started to come in. It was still too early to tell whether the Soviets were holding back the invasion or whether they would have to fall back, but either way, it looked like the battle would be over before Trivalvian forces arrived to provide help.
Damn the Peefers! Zala's own supply lines were still poor enough that he didn't dare send his forces right to the front, even if they could arrive in time. Fine. Time for plan 'B'.
"Get me a map of eastern TWSP and try to get updated data on friendly and enemy force positions. We'll need to determine where our forces will need to group for the next phase of this war."
OOC: This post may be subject to change depending on how we resolve timeframe issues.
The Long trek was almost at an end, at first it was yet another one of the numerous supply convoys that had stopped over at Vrunzivun Zokirlenaixez, the only difference between the thus far heavily defended ones and this one was the sheer scale, over a hundred Temeltean’s were in the formations, and the tonnage being carried was well into the Petratons, and it’s escort was prodigous, and almost excessive, and the amount of Vaetarkellzion Patrol Cruisers in the mix was alarming, especially due to their usual role, however it was not inconceivable that they had been pressed into escort duty, what the issue was however was the fact that most of the military escorts of the supply convoys thus far had remained as part of the growing military contingent under the Itzericans command.
“Ah Reece, it’s been too long, and you come bearing gifts how thoughtful of you, and the Party isn’t far off starting I suspect,” Purred Srihacul Kitas, from the image hovering above the console, miniscule in standing a mere shadow of the real Srihacul who neared by the minute.
“I noticed Otto, and we can’t get there soon enough, we’ve prepared a warm welcome for you, I trust the previous convoys were off assistance, Srihacul Kenzal steepled his fingers smiling at his counterparts image, reports scattered all around his desk of supply rosters and a myriad of other, this force had been assembled fairly rapidly, it’s original size had been normal, however suspicions based off current reports had spurred him to assemble his command into one convoy and set sail immediately.
“Most Assuredly old friend, and we’ve needed it, construction has continued ahead of schedule, and you’ll find that we’ll be able to accommodate you with ease 60% of the Military facilities are completed, tell me, how many more major convoys are scheduled old friend?” a slight tone of relief colored his tone, yet his posture exuded confidence despite the slight echoes of intense work in the background all seemed well with Otto.
“None at all for the foreseeable future, this convoy was expanded with all the major deployments, a few independent units will be coming in on the regular supply routes but barring anything unforeseen the forces here will complete the preparations, I’ve sent a flier ahead with the force composition, so you can assign them lodgings, it should have arrived a few minutes ago,” Reece tilted his head in concern as he stretched out an arm to tap away at a console, evidently concerned enough to double check that said flier had arrived such data in the wrong hands was of concern.
“Ah yes, the report arrived a few minutes ago, though I didn’t get a chance to look at it until you brought it up, my, my, my, what a deployment, I’ll get onto Chief Mechnican Lorenzal, and have him plow some more manpower into the mainline facilities, as Thrumzivan Harakishoule can handle a fair few of the more esoteric tasks until we can bring our own online,” he smirked, evidently pleased to know he’d managed to predictably aggrevate his old friend, though he was concerned about the other arrivals due soon, no matter, the efforts of the Mechnicians never ceased to amaze him.
“I’ll be able to assist you, that’s part of the reason that I’m onboard this vessel actually, my part to this was the only missing element, to the force, though I do have it on reliable information Yuri and a few of his, “Friends” are on his way to augment existing capabilities there, though I hear that they’ve been relegated to intelligence and security to details, at present, which personally is a waste, but I suspect he has a plan,” they both knew how reserved the Itzerican was with information, he was almost legendary for that as he was for his doctrine of the role of new Technologies deployed en masse on the battlefield.
“Hmm Interesting, but tell me old friend, why send these details via Tokon,” returned Otto, a slight tinge of another expression entering his tone, almost imperceptible, but it was there, even though it couldn’t be properly distinguished.
“This Transmission is secure, however sending large data packets down it, is hardly advisable, they can’t detect it because we aren’t funneling such data through the line, we don’t want to give them anything to work with on cracking our military codes, however since we’re speaking in our own tongue that will certainly inhibit the decryption process, they seem to think proper wording is gibberish, how I pity them, they cannot truly express themselves as we can, anyway I digress,” shrugging as he reclined in his chair, the image shifting slightly on the other end, his office aboard this vessel was hardly suitable, but it would make do for the short time, his flag ship the Kenzal had went ahead with the initial forces as part of a campaign of disinformation.
“I see, its not much of an issue here, all our communications are wired up, they couldn’t intercept them if they tried, security has been a top priority, we don’t want them to know where the Itzerican’s new facilities are located,” Otto let out a small bleat of laughter, security was never a major concern, which was paradoxical given the amount of effort they put into security, then again many outsiders summed up Novans as Paradoxical, curious.
“Hmm interesting, I’ll see you when I make landfall, I have some matters to attend to, we’ll be at Xilovandiarktus within the hour, I’ll see you then,” the image blinked out as Otto rose from his desk, striding out of his recently finished office in search of the Chief Mechnician, engrossed in a status report stating that 90% of the islands facilities would be ready for action by the end of the month…
South Prussian Sea
The Greater Prussian Imperial First Fleet was sailing about, having been mobilized previously, under unknown orders, other than to sail to Nova Europa, where further orders would be relayed. With them in transports was the Soli Deo Gloria Army of the Greater Prussian Imperial Guard, accompanied by the Dersconi Tsar Aleksandr and Tsar Ivan III Grand Armies, but they weren't bound for TWSP.
The Third and Fifth Armies had scrambled the minute the TPF forces came across the border, knowing very well that the bases would be some of the first targets.
They weren't looking to engage the TPF forces, though. They were just waiting and evading for the moment. The anti-air capabilities of a Dersconi Army were stronger than most independent armies, because an Army in Derscon was designed to operate completely independent, and Derscon preferred the enemy to be blind. So if the satellites in the HORUS network picked up enemy recon birds anywhere near the Army, the proper soldiers would be alerted automatically, or, perhaps, the AAD system of that particular army would be activated, and the birds would be taken out. They were just looking to evasion, for the moment. Even when they would get the orders to engage, it would never be head on, and it wouldn't be to push them back -- quite the contrary, it would be to pull them in to TWSP. To help this along, the two Dersconi Army Corps based in Wanderjar had been mobilized some time ago for the purpose of "protecting the neutrality of a Prussian State," and they were en route to the PF crossing zones. Naturally, they had no intention of fighting them on Wanderjaran soil -- and TPF wasn't that stupid as to fire shots on Wanderjaran soil. They were simply there to "encourage" the PF armies to go into TWSP a bit faster.
It also helped, as it was also an air base.
TPF-Wanderjaran Border
It was relatively low-guarded, considering TPF and Wanderjar were very close allies, so clandestine crossings would be feasible.
After careful recon over several weeks of border patrols, four teams were sent across the border -- two under the cover of night, two through the normal methods of border crossing. All teams were completely equipped with Wanderjaran credentials (they also carried several other nations' credentials as back-up) to travel amongst TPF.
But they knew they wouldn't be coming back, once their mission was complete. Or, rather, if they get the go-ahead to complete the mission. Tsar Xavier still had reservations about the entire conflict, and while he was highly irritated with TPF, he was weary of starting a war -- Derscon has typically not been a warmongering state, always preferring diplomacy to solve conflicts. But no one attended this conference. Xavier wanted to hold another, though, to hopefully end the war before more people died. IF the second conference didn't produce any workable solution, though, then a lot of people were going to die.
The PeoplesFreedom
10-11-2007, 17:45
State Department Communication
The Holy Reich wishes to express its wishes for a cease-fire to be called for, pending an official peace negotiations. Our troops will begin to immediately stand-down and return to defensive positions pending the NEA's answer.
Undisclosed Location
" Well, to say the least, this fucking sucks." The man who had spoken it was obviously furious his jet black hair and pale face were flushed with anger, his nostrils expanded viscioulsy, and his eyes were like a bear's.
" I would have to agree, sir. We never thought that the knoots would be this dishonorable. We hadn't planned for it."
" Well that's also a fucking screw-up, Molkte. Goddammit, I told you fools that we would have to be prepared for every contingency. You assured me that we would be prepared for any."
" Sir, you must understand how un-thinkable this is. It is beyond belief that they would dare deploy against us. Especially considering the Soviets have never fought alongside them and we always have."
" I know. Jesus. Okay. So what do we do.
" We order the troops to turn around and head back. Then we begin to deploy the forces we have left, the reserves, and invade Wanderjar."
" Alright. Order it. And Molkte. Listen to me very carefully. I don't fucking like traitors. Prussians, dont fucking like traitors. We are in at the death here. Throw the rules out the book. If the damn knoots think they can have a clean war, they are sorely mistaken. Burn every town and city. Burn and napalm their crop fields. Kill anyone who dares raise an arm against us. Use what our friends gave use."
Shuffling nervously, Molkte simply replied. "Yes sir, it will be done."
10-11-2007, 21:04
State Department Communication
The Holy Reich wishes to express its wishes for a cease-fire to be called for, pending an official peace negotiations. Our troops will begin to immediately stand-down and return to defensive positions pending the NEA's answer.
President's Office, Trivalvian Federal Legislature
"They're asking for a cease-fire?" MacKenzie read the message again, then looked at the people gathered in his office.
"I suppose it makes sense," Julia LeBlanc said. She'd had little sleep over the past week, having spent every spare moment putting the TDND on a war footing. "TPF is operating without support and its allies have forces that are not yet in position. And with Wanderjar's declaration of neutrality, I suspect that what bases TPF established in Wanderjaran territory won't be accessable for much longer.
"In short, TPF's forces are now cut off, and facing a growing opposition with unthreatened lines of supply. Granted, our own supply lines are still being established, but they're so far behind the front-lines that TPF can't even think of attacking them. It's the same for the Naashans and the SaintB forces. And TWSP of course has the largest force and the best supply lines so far."
"Why couldn't we just use Soviet bases to support our forces?" Robert Norris asked.
"Different parts, different fuel for our ground vehicles, and just the sheer added load on Soviet supply our forces would give would mean that much less to support their own forces. I know," she said, raising a hand as Norris started to protest, "our forces are a drop in the bucket compared to everything in place. But remember the old saw about 'for lack of a nail'."
"Getting back to the issue at hand," MacKenzie said, rapping a knuckle on his desk. "I think we can assume that the TPF offer is genuine?"
"Yes, or at least they want to buy time," Norris said. "There is still the issue of the Doomingsland fleet that we've recieved some distressing rumours about." If those arrive and open a second front in the war, TPF might be able to break through defensive lines while allied forces reposition."
"At the very least, negotiations will give us time to solidify our supply lines and get our forces to the front to back up the Soviets," Julia said. The Naashans and SaintB forces will be able to do the same. That way, if negotiations fail, we'll be in a better position to repel a renewed attack."
"And if the negotiations succeed and TPF withdraws its forces, we can just dismantle the bases or leave a couple up in case of renewed trouble... we were looking for some bases for the proposed Continental Defense Force after all," MacKenzie said, thinking.
"Of course, it depends on the Soviets; they're the ones who've been invaded," Norris said.
"It does indeed." MacKenzie nodded. "I'll call up President Azrenmil and let him know we will support a cease-fire. Julia, have our forces continue to build those supply bases and rendevous with the Soviet defensive positions just in case things fall through."
Special Communique
from the Office of the President
To President Azrenmil, The World Soviet Party:
I have reason to believe the PeoplesFreedom's offer of a ceasefire is genuine. Trivalvia will go along with your final decision, but we feel that it is to our mutual benefit to accept their offer of negotiations. This might let us end the war without any further bloodshed.
We'll continue with our existing preparations, however, just in case negotiations fail.
Your friend,
William MacKenzie,
President, Democratic Republic of Trivalvia
The World Soviet Party
10-11-2007, 22:50
State Department Communication
The Holy Reich wishes to express its wishes for a cease-fire to be called for, pending an official peace negotiations. Our troops will begin to immediately stand-down and return to defensive positions pending the NEA's answer.
Presidential Bunker,
Red City,
The World Soviet Party
The President was confused, one minute ago, he had been ready to fight to the end against the TPF'ians, and now, they wanted peace.
Peace, it was good, yes, but the TPF'ians had started this conflict, if anything, he'd make sure they didnt start a second. He contacted his Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Nevskij.
"What do you think about this?"
"It could be a trap..."
"But it could also be true, they might want peace, after all, they are sorrounded by hostiles and on the verge of being overrun if Tigerlan decided to invade."
"I dont know, it's your call."
"Okay, let's go along with this."
Official Communique
The World Soviet Party accepts this ceasefire and will allow TPF'ian troops already in Soviet territory to retreat unmolested, however, they will be ready to continue fighting at a moment's notice should you change your mind.
Just tell us when and where the conference will take place and we will attend.
The PeoplesFreedom
10-11-2007, 23:26
State Department Communication
We suggest Tigerlan or TPF as the site.
The World Soviet Party
11-11-2007, 00:45
State Department Communication
We suggest Tigerlan or TPF as the site.
Official Communique
We would prefer hosting the Conference in Tigerlan, our delegations is getting ready to leave as we speak.
"God Loves the Infantry!" Sargent Workman spat out sarcastically.
SaintB's troops had just begun to arrive in TWSP via CJ-19s less than 8 hours ago, currently only small numbers infantry and artillery elements had arrived in the borders; these men, tired and jet lagged but looking forward to prove the ferocity of their home's soldiers had arrived to the news of a ceasefire, and as if it hadn't been enough new orders had arrived just minutes ago, many of the first landing forces would be once again packing onto CJ-19 for a new, as yet announced posting when the final troops and supplied had arrived within an estimated time frame of 64 hours.
"We have new orders... we are to continue with our current mission until such time as the rest of the troops finish arriving. The our unit, and several others will be shipping out to another location that at this time is classified."
(OOC: In response to something TPF posted)
"... and several of our spy satellites over the continent have gone silent in the last 48 hours, including two of the ones monitoring Crete."
General Garvin rubbed his temples, "So not only have several civilian satellites been damaged by debris but we have lost some of our own... how many?"
"At last count we had lost five orbitals sir."
The General sighed, as if his headache wasn't bad enough already now this. Lately working in Intel had become a nightmare, I'll issue a statement to Lt. General Grant shortly colonel, keep an eye on those satellites and see what can be done about getting some of them out of the way... and I want constant survelience on Crete and and Ireland unless it becomes an issue."
"Yes sir, is that all?"
"Thats all, return to your post."
"They called a ceasefire? Just like that?"
"Just like that." the minister of International Relations almost put his feat up on his long time friend's desk, but stopped himself.
"So they want to hold a peace conference in Tigerlan now? I'll attend myself, " Benard; the Monarch of SaintB decided quickly.
"In Tigerlan there should be nothing for me to fear from TPF, not that I would be afraid to go to a conference there either, but many other people wouldn't like that idea given the current state of things."
"Very true.. I wouldn't let you go to TPF, not without an entire battalion of armed guards."
The Monarch laughed, "Make preparations, and let that General Garvin in, Grant has told me that he is in charge of Nova European Intel. Operations, and I want to be briefed on what is happening at Crete."
The moment it was announced that Tigerlan would be hosting the conference, Sanin, with his entourage, immediately hopped on their jet and took off for Tigerlan.
Derscon felt it was important they were there, considering their own (secret) presence in TWSP, as well as the fact TPF looked like they'd be turning on Wanderjar, which would involve Greater Prussia as a whole.
The cease-fire with the TWSP conflict sounded good, but it only made Derscon more worried, as they'd have to be even MORE committed to the war, now, since an actual Prussian was being attacked.
More conference work, yay, Sanin thought, dozing off as the plane headed for Tigerlan.
[OOC: Sorry for crappy post guys, just wanted to let you know I'm still following this and my guys are still arriving in theatre. A-levels are kind of catching up to me but I'll endeavour to post as often as I can.]
In TWSP, the Naashan 1st Army was busy at work constructing the several forward bases it would need to sustain operations in the country. Fort Lang, the original Naashan base in TWSP, was almost overwhelmed by transport and logistics aircraft from the arriving 2nd Army once the ceasefire was declared, but at least it solved some of the Trivalvian supply issues.
Official Statement
We accept the ceasefire offered by The Peoples Freedom, for the time being. We will be attending the proposed peace conference and hope that a swift conclusion to this unfortunate war can be brought about.
The World Soviet Party
12-11-2007, 00:59
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Whoever it may concern, Tigerlan.
From: Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Greetings and salutations,
We have been informed by the TPF'ian goverment that they want to discuss a cease-fire and a possible peace treaty. However, their suggestion of said conference taking place in their own territory ws not accepted.
Thus, we turn to Tigerlan, a nation that has so far remained neutral in this conflict and which we deem honourable and trusthworthy, to inquire on the possibility of this conference being hosted in your capital city.
We expect your answer eagerly.
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
"Fuhrer Listehoffe was never contacted about a peace conference in Tigerlan." Benard drummed his fingers from one hand on the top of his desk, "This could be that The People's Freedom has never gotten around to it, or it could be a ruse by TPF to lure NEA into a false sense of security."
The fingers kept drumming, "Ryan, I want you to authorize a message stating that we accept the ceasefire terms, and I will prepare a message to the rest of the NEA informing them of this situation."
"Yes my lord." The Minister of Affairs nodded, already jotting down the start of a message.
"Thank you old friend, send in Grant; I want a situational report on our troop movements."
Official Communique to The People's Freedom
We have found your offer of ceasefire acceptable and await a date and time to be announced for the conference. We believe Tigerlan to be an excellent location for the peace conference and trust that you will have things underway very soon?
Lord Ryan Scope, Foreign Minister of SaintB
Official Communique to all NEA Members
FWD: Ceasefire and Tigerlan Conference
It has come to the attention of myself and my minister of foreign relations that Fuhrer Listehoffe has not received any word of any kind of conference to be held within his borders. As The People's Freedom has announced they already planned on a conference within the borders of Tigerlan it has caused me enough concern to inform my allies in this conflict. Perhaps it was merely an oversite by TPF, or perhaps this may be some kind of ploy by these seemingly insane men?
Nova Britannia
The First of the Aircraft arrived, 4 CJ-19's airdropped a total of 240 GAR (Ground Area Reconnaissance) troops about 2 miles inland of the Southeastern Coast. It was less than 15 minutes later that that company C of the 17th brigade's 4th Construction Battalion made an amphibious landing from the Posieden Class Carrier KSB Pride of the Fleet along with a small infantry force. For the next 48 hours about 375,000 of SaintB's soldiers would land at an airstrip built by the Construction Battallion and began fortifying their position; the mission sounded simple; Prevent Novacom or Doomany forces from gaining the island as a foothold to use on attacks against Nova Europe.
Current Elements
First Fleet - Commanded by Admiral Chaucey Davis
x1 Posieden Class Supercarrier KSB Pride of the Fleet - 200 aircraft
x3 Oddesseus Class Carriers, KSB Vengeance, Paladin, and Dauntless - 270 Aircraft
x6 cruisers (mixed types)
x10 destroyers (mixed)
17th Brigade - Commanded by Brigadier General Thomas Baker
Construction Battalion - 300 men + heavy equipment
3rd Infantry Battallion - 1,000 Infantry (All roles)
The 15th GAR Group - Commander Captain John C. Hicks
240 men + 12 Panther Cars
More arriving by the hour.
The PeoplesFreedom
12-11-2007, 02:31
Day 8, Undisclosed Location, The Peoples Freedom
The vast bulk of the higher echelon of TPF's Officer Corps were now arrayed in one area. This would never be done normally, but the cease-fire had its advantages, and, given the situation, new matters needed to be discusses and contingencies needed to be planned for. Now, around forty of the highest-ranking generals and admirals were here, ready to discuss TPF's next actions given the circumstances.
" For the last day or so, our troops have been withdrawing as per our agreement with the NEA and Wanderjar for the cease fire. Our airbases and such are being dismantled. At the same time we have begun reinforcing the border with Tigerlan." Said General Krugler, Commander of WESTCOM.
" Most excellent. How goes the reserves?"
" The reserves are nearly finished being called up, all active duty troops that weren't with their units are now. We have also begun to initiate the civilian programmes." Explained Sir General North, commander, Army Reserves.
" The Navy, Air Force, and Marines are also all ready, according to my reports." Said Molkte.
The generals and admirals nodded their heads in unison.
" Alright. This is where we stand, and this is where we will be going. Our men will continue to withdraw, it will take around three days for them to arrive within three hundred kilometers of the border. We expect to make peace with the NEA, most likely it will be a white peace, which is what we need."
" Once our troops arrived within three hundred kilometers, and once they peace with the NEA has been secured, our Operation:Rache will begin. This will involve us striking at Wanderjar and defeating them in battle. As you all see, the plan is elaborate, and it also allows us to achieve our goals that we had originally set for ourselves. As you can also see, the war is set to conducted with extreme prejudice..."
" Sir, what about Tigerlan?"
" They present a problem. We are not sure whether or not they will interfere, so infosfar we are preparing for that possibility. Both Lyras and Sumer have promised troops, and if Tigerlan does invade, that is where they will be used first. Any questions?"
By this time, the humanitarian ships had left Nova Europa, and were heading back home. However, the fleet accompanying them was only going to travel half way with them, as they would be linking up with another series of transport ships -- these ones military -- en route to Wanderjar. Before those ships took off, the Defence Ministry released a statement saying that the two Corps based in Wanderjar have completed their tour and would be brought back, and were being swapped out for other troops.
What it failed to mention was that there were in fact two Grand Armies (the Tsar Pytor I and Tsar Andropov II), rather than Corps, being sent in their place.
Also en route was the Sola Fide Army of the Greater Prussian Imperial Guard, albeit that destination, also, was not yet known, and nor was there a press statement about it.
The Soli Deo Gloria Army, along with the Tsar Aleksandr and Tsar Ivan III Grand Armies, the soldiers found out, was actually en route to Tigerlan, and was taking a high north route to get there -- going over Nova Scandinavia to land. Why they were going there, no one knew. They were due in Tigerlan in a short while, anyway.
And all of this was happening because the Kremlin didn't trust the ceasefire -- it was too random, and TPF had the upper hand in the war. Something else was happening, and the Tsar was not about to be caught off-guard.
Offical Diplomatic Communique
The United Kingdom of Ezaltia also accepts a ceasefire with the TPFian Reich, although, regrettably, we will not be sending a diplomat to the peace conference in Tigerlan. We will let the Trivalvian envoy speak for us as fellow members of the NEA.
Beta Aurigae VII
12-11-2007, 17:48
OOC: Sorry it took so long for a post, RL has been absolutely brutal lately.
IC:Official Communique
The Nation of Beta Aurigae VII accepts the proposed ceasefire from ThePeoples Freedom. We will send our Prime Minister to Tigerlan when the conference is ready to receive him. Also note, that our troops stationed in The World Soviet Party will remain there until such time that we are satisfied with TPF's commitment to peace.
13-11-2007, 00:13
"We've finally managed to get some infantry battalions to the front, the voice said over the speakerphone. "We're still processing reports, but I can confirm that the PeoplesFreedom is gradually withdrawing its forces from Soviet territory."
"Withdrawing? Not simply holding ground?" General Wellington frowned as he took this in."
"Yes sir. My subordinates and I are at a total loss to explain why."
"Thank you, Lt. General Zala." Wellington cut the connection and turned to the others around the conference table. "I've placed a hold on deploying our additional forces as well as the 1st Battalion. In the meantime, our forces within Soviet territory are remaining in place. I've also put our military forces back down to DEFCON 2."
President MacKenzie nodded. "Sensible. A lowering of our alert status might help convince TPF to secure a peace.
"Still... TPF has proven to be erratic in the past week and a half. I can't imagine their government being so flighty."
"I agree. It's as if their government has been beheaded... what we're witnessing now could be the spasms of the corpse." Wellington grimaced. "Given how much this has cost us and our allies so far, I'm not entirely sure we can leave TPF alone, at least not without serious checks on their military."
Robert Norris, looking somewhat more subdued than he had at the start of the crisis, spoke up. "That might be difficult to arrange..."
"But you're going to have to arrange it, Norris," MacKenzie said. "I'm sending you as our envoy to the conference."
"Yes, you. You're our foreign minister, and I need to be here to handle other issues, including the political fallout of sending our forces on what amounts to a wild goose chase. And Norris... no mistakes this time. How you perform at this conference will determine if you're still employed when you get back."
Norris, his face ashen, nodded and left the room.
The World Soviet Party
17-11-2007, 17:55
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Whoever it may concern, SaintB, Derscon.
From: Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Well, the Tigerlani seem pretty response-less, thus we turn to you, both your nations have offered themselves to host the peace conference, so we'll take whichever answers to this telegram first.
Official Diplomatic Communique
Our offer to host the peace conference remains on the table, as we have the facilities currently prepared for an immediate start to the negotiation of the cessation of hostilities.
~Kandajar Kazankrov
Deputy Foreign Minister
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
The World Soviet Party
17-11-2007, 20:20
Official Diplomatic Communique
Our offer to host the peace conference remains on the table, as we have the facilities currently prepared for an immediate start to the negotiation of the cessation of hostilities.
~Kandajar Kazankrov
Deputy Foreign Minister
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Official Communique
Then the peace conference shall take place in Derscon, our Delegate is currently in Dersconi territory (from the previous, failed conference), we only need the TPF'ians to attend.
Official Communique
Then the peace conference shall take place in Derscon, our Delegate is currently in Dersconi territory (from the previous, failed conference), we only need the TPF'ians to attend.
Yes, TPFians would need to be in attendance for it to be successful, but, of course, any and all nations participating in the conflict are welcome to attend.
The Most Holy Tsar will be in attendance personally.
Once participants have expressed interest in attending, as well as a list of those in attendance (diplomats, state figures, guards, etc.), then the air traffic lanes will be opened and the runways cleared for arrivals.
~Kandajar Kazankrov
Deputy Foreign Minister
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
17-11-2007, 22:11
The Trivalvian Government will be sending Foreign Minister Robert Norris to the conference.
Trivalvia's position for the conference:
TPF will need to pay reparations for the destruction of several NEA-owned military satellites, plus several civilian satellites (of various nations who shared the orbits of the military satellites destroyed) destroyed by the shrapnel. The exact amount will have to be determined.
TPF must relinquish its claim to all of Nova Britain. Trivalvia is willing to consider a partial claim within Nova Britain by TPF.
TPF must cut its defense budget and reduce its armed forces. Exact amount is negotiable, but Trivalvia believes that TPF must not pose a serious threat to other nations.
TPF must relinquish its membership in ACID, and reduce or sever its alliance with Doomingsland. Trivalvia believes that these alliances were what prompted TPF to launch the attacks it did, disrupting the balance of power on this continent. Trivalvia does recognize TPF's right to defend itself, and will push for a nonaggression pact between TWSP and TPF.
Trivalvia will not seek reprisals, and will encourage other NEA nations to refrain from repisals as well.
(OOC: I'm putting these up so that, if this conference goes forward, these points will be "on the table" without further delays. Bear in mind that many of these points are either negotiable or have negotiable portions, so there should be room for diplomats to maneuver in).
Kynaz Sanin touched down in Tigerlan with little pomp or circumstance -- it was rare for a Dersconi prince to care about such things. a detatchment of Praesillei Dei, two Honour Guards, Marshals Vladimir Groznyevich and Kalinin Boslav, and three staff aides accompanied him on the plane, but as Tigerlan was a Prussian Nation, the Praesillei Dei stayed on, as it was unlikely anything was going to happen.
When they got off, one of his aides handed the Prince a note: "Aleks and Ivan touchdown. Glory to God Alone." Sanin cracked a thin smile and ate the small post-it note to destroy it.
He then got word that the conference was, in fact, going to be held in Derscon, not Tigerlan. When this was found out, the Praesillei Dei were taken off the plane and ordered to accompany him. There were other reasons for being in Tigerlan.
Samuel Denhy, the Naashan Foreign Secretary will also be attendance in Derscon along with various aides from the Foreign and Nova Europan offices. He will be seeking reparations for the destruction of Naashan satellites in addition to any civilian satellites damaged by the resulting debris. In addition he will be calling for the full withdrawal of TPF claims to Nova Britain and demobilisation of TPF'ian forces in a position to strike Wanderjar or TWSP.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-11-2007, 23:56
Day Nine, In The Air
To say the least, Major Krugler wasn't very thrilled about heading to Derscon for the cease fire conference. He would much rather be commanding a company in the field, even if there was little fighting going on currently. And he knew it was a waste of time, to an extent. TPF had interests of peace with the NEA, but not with Wanderjar.
The State Department had also received an initial list of terms from the NEA's diplomats, and, quite frankly, it made the men and women in the department snicker and hoot, and also made their blood boil. The demands were as outlandish as they could possibly get, especially when they required TPF to educe military spending and the size of its armed forces. TPF hadn't lost and it wasn't even loosing. They had just called the cease fire to allow fo the withdrawal of their troops. The task could easily drag on for several days or even weeks, easily enough time for the troops to complete their withdrawal.
After nearly twenty hours of flight time, even Krugler's young body was stiff and tired. As the plane taxied into the terminal, he downed a shot of Vodka to calm his frayed nerves.
He didn't realize that his bodyguards were IIS agents.
OOC: Triv, I'm taking a few liberties, but it's to stop arrival posts and move things along quicker.
The minute the Trivalvian government gave its response to the conference, the Dersconi government dispatched a LEO Executive Aircraft with Schutzhimmel LEO escort fighters to pick up Foreign Minister Robert Norris, Dersconi culture believing that hospitality started even before arrival.
Once the foreign minister was picked up at the appropriate airbase/port in Trivalvia, the LEOEA was rejoined by the LEOEFs at the appropriate altitude and flew back to Derscon in record time, touching down in the RAMC Airbase. Kandajar Kazankrov, ex-Shock Trooper, Juggernaut, and Deputy Foreign Minister for Derscon, greeted him at the terminal, with four of the eight foot alien black, red, and gold battle armour clad, trident-wielding Honour Guards standing behind him. Kazankrov smiled and shook Minister Norris' hand.
"Minister Norris, I'm Deputy Minister Kazankrov, welcome to Derscon. It's a shame you couldn't come during more cheerful circumstances. If you would follow me, please." The four Honour Guards and Kazankrov led Robert to an elevator, and took it down to what could be estimated about six or seven stories underground.
When the doors opened, the Minister found himself at what looked like a terminal for the Dersconi Underground, except it was far too underground, and instead of businessmen running back and forth, it was patrolled by the Dersconi Army.
Minister Norris was brought onto the bullet train at the terminal and given a seat at what he realized was dressed up not as a subway for a city but an executive car on a train, bottle of wine, some cheese and crackers, and fancy carpet and all. The Honour Guards were in a different compartment.
Kandajar engaged in small talk with Robert as the train travelled across the country to the west coast of Derscon, to the Lupin Bay*, where the Tsarhof -- the largest palace complex in Greater Prussia, never-the-less Derscon -- was located, expanding over several square kilometres. It was technically the official residence of the Tsar, but was rarely used for much more than a summer palace, as the Tsar was almost always in the RAMC Kremlin.
When they arrived at the other terminal, the six-member party travelled up the elevator and found themselves in a small, cosy, oak panelled antechamber. The floor itself was marble, so as to ease cleaning.
A servant who was in the room opened the double doors for them, and they walked outside, finding themselves in the Garden of the Setting Sun, which was right along the coast of the Lupin Bay, and stretched out in various patterns and designs in the pathways. It was a beautiful day outside, with a very light breeze, clear sky, and mild sun. Kazankrov took Morris to a covered terrace overlooking the bay. It was an entirely circular structure made of white marble, though red tapestries with gold frills and the Dersconi double-headed Eagle were hung to cover each of the marble columns extending to hold the marble roof up, and they were also hung from the marble waist-height marble banisters along the border of the terrace, connecting the columns (except in one space, obviously, so people can walk in).
At the head of the table was a chair with a somewhat higher back then the others (the chairs clearly were not a part of the arrangement, albeit they fit in well, and were very comfortable), and the double-headed eagle crowning it, was currently empty, but a Greater Prussian flag hung behind it. Left of that chair, perpendicular, sat Ambassador Keating, with a TWSP flag behind it, and across from that chair was the empty chair with a TPF flag behind it. Flanking the head chair were two other chairs with Dersconi flags, the one to the right of the head chair was used by Foreign Minister Kabanov, who was still talking with Ambassador Keating, and to the left, General Karaka Rakhamov.
To the right of Ambassador Keating hung the Trivalvian flag, and Kazankrov pulled the chair out, letting him sit down, and turned to Minister Kabanov.
"Zel, I'm going to head back and pick everyone else up." The Minister smiled and nodded.
"Okay. I think Xavier is still in the main palace." Kandajar smirked.
"He better hurry, it'll probably take an hour for him to run here!" After sharing a laugh at the excessive extravagance of the old Tsars when this palace complex was built, Kandajar disappeared again with the Honour Guards (two were already stationed at the two columns flanking the entrance to the terrace), going to pick the others up.
The terrace was actually built for the purpose they were using it as -- outdoor conferences. The weather in Lupin Bay was some of the most beautiful in Derscon, so past Tsars expanded the complex by constructing the Garden of the Setting Sun, the focus being on the cliff-side terrace that they all sat in now.
Servants were coming back and forth every once in awhile with various cheeses and shrimp and other finger foods. If they looked, they would notice that they were actually going in and out of some of the large shrubberies, and they would realize that the large shrubberies around the terrace actually had staircases to descend into a small kitchen and wine cellar under the gardens. The cellar also contained an underground passage to the main palace itself. The Chief Butler stayed in the terrace, refilling the wine glasses with either Courvoisier Napoleon IV "Le Sacre" X.O., Tsar's Choice Triple Distilled, Napoleon Premier, or Le Garde Burgundienne -- Cognac, Vodka, Champagne, or Cabernet-Sauvignon, depending on the tastes of the guest.
Foreign Minister Kabanov kept Keating and Morris busy with small talk as they waited for the other guests to arrive.
Samuel Denhy was given the same treatment as Robert Norris, and was seated to the left of Ambassador Keating, the Naasha flag behind his chair.
Dersconi security forces and diplomatic personnel were pleased by the fact neither brought guards, as it prevented the hassle often posed by them -- whenever a member of the royal family is present, foreign guards are not allowed on the grounds, as has been the policy of the Kremlin for the four thousand years plus of the existence of the monarchy.
Which is why diplomatic personnel fretted when, after Major Krugler's plane landed in RAMC airbase, his guards came off the plane with him. But, it's been standard procedure for four thousand years, and anyone coming to Derscon should have known about this policy -- its even posted on the Foreign Ministry's website -- then they shouldn't have a problem.
When Krugler reached the terminal for the palace complex, he found ten Praesillei Dei -- the cyborg genetic super-soldiers and private army of the Tsar -- in their full armour suits, waiting for them, as well as the Chief of Palace Security, who, when approaching the Major, was as respectful as possible, as the policies were not meant to snub, but merely to protect all present.
"Major Krugler, sir, thank you for coming and welcome to Derscon. However, I'm sure you know of our policy concerning bodyguards at international functions. They will have to wait here during the meeting. I assure you, we will provide them with accommodations expected of a palace, and they will be treated with utmost respect." Two doors opened up in the terminal, and a hallway that didn't fit in with the black and grey of the terminal -- the hallway was just like one would find in a palace -- with a servant waiting to show them the quarters -- consisting of what one might expect at a barracks, but also consisting of the luxuries of a palace. The elevator doors were not open.
The World Soviet Party
18-11-2007, 01:13
Ambassador Keating got up from his chair to greet the Trivalvian and Naashan delegates, after all, they were all on the same side, and it was common in The World Soviet Party to be as polite as possible.
"Greetings, I understand that you are here for the conference, right?
Well, if you dont mind, would it be possible for both of you to tell me what are your exact goals? I have read the communiques, but it would be much better for it to be explained personally, it would help us present an united front against TPF."
The PeoplesFreedom
18-11-2007, 03:38
Krugler was obvioulsy pissed. He made it show.
" What the fuck? If I can't bring my bodyguards, then how the fuck do I know if you won't abduct me or not! And no, your word is not good enough. Your freaks could kill me! I am willing to leave half my bodyguards behind. Otherwise, I might as well go back to TPF straightaway."
Krugler was obvioulsy pissed. He made it show.
" What the fuck? If I can't bring my bodyguards, then how the fuck do I know if you won't abduct me or not! And no, your word is not good enough. Your freaks could kill me! I am willing to leave half my bodyguards behind. Otherwise, I might as well go back to TPF straightaway."
The Chief of Palace Security maintained a dignified pose throughout the Major's immature and childish outburst, and spoke in an unwavering and calm manner.
"Sir, and how are we to know you will not attempt to use your guards to attack our Most Holy Tsar, or the other delegates? The safety of the group as a whole comes before all other considerations." The Praesillei Dei were not visibly moved, but they were ready to raise their weapons in an instant -- this officer was clearly mentally unstable. Suitable that he come from TPF.
"However, in the interests of international diplomacy, we will allow you to take four body guards with you. If you are paranoid about your own safety, you also may carry a firearm. However, armed TPF soldiers would also be unsettling to the other delegates here, and we must take everyone's interests into account. I assure you, though, the accommodations I am making for you right now are the most liberal I have ever made in all my years as Chief of Palace Security, and that has been longer than you have been alive. Athg cchtenff hao li'hee n'gha." The Chief nodded again, although the major probably didn't believe the Chief, as he looked no older than forty. The Chief also didn't mention the fact that Major Kruger couldn't leave, as the bullet train was no longer there.
SaintB Will be sending a delegate to the conference in Dersconi. Lord Ryan Scope, minister of foreign relations, accompanied by General Logan Brown, commanding officer of our special operations corps will be attending the meeting as soon as possible. Our Monarch Benard I will unfortunatly be unable to attend this meting as he has other pressing matters to attend to.
((OOC: Sorry for the short post, I'll follow up later))
The PeoplesFreedom
18-11-2007, 05:39
Krugler was able to supress the grin. The Dersconis probaly thought that he was insane or spoiled. Really, it had just been a test, and they had failed it rather miserably. This showed that they would give ground, give in. Derscon was weak, an unworthy ally, and if what the reports said was true, they were also traitors. I should have brought a tac-nuke aboard the aircraft.
Krugler said nothing furthur and procedded to the area he was directed to.
OOC: Derscon, I hope we have no problems with this PMT and fantasy shit you're bringing up.
OOC: No Follow-up needed, SaintB. :)
Lord Ryan Scope was treated the same as the delegates from Trivalvia and Naasha, and when Lord Scope got out of the bullet train with Kazankrov, they both saw Major Kruger and his bodyguards staring down the Chief of Palace Security and some Praesillei Dei. Kandajar simply looked back at Lord Scope and shrugged, and led him past everyone to the elevator. The bullet train left empty once more, and the elevator opened, Kandajar and Ryan getting in, the door shutting behind them, leaving the Chief and the Major down in the terminal.
At the terrace, Kandajar showed Lord Scope his seat, which was to the right of Minister Kabanov. General Rakhamov, after getting word on his phone, stood up and took down the Dersconi flag behind his chair. In it's place, he put up an Aumanii one.
Krugler was able to supress the grin. The Dersconis probaly thought that he was insane or spoiled. Really, it had just been a test, and they had failed it rather miserably. This showed that they would give ground, give in. Derscon was weak, an unworthy ally, and if what the reports said was true, they were also traitors. I should have brought a tac-nuke aboard the aircraft.
Krugler said nothing furthur and proceded to the area he was directed to.
The Chief and the Praesillei Dei escorted the Major and his four guards to the elevator and brought them to the palace.
When they stepped into the antechamber, General Rakhamov, who was leaving to return to the Kremlin, stopped cold in his tracks, and was visibly angry.
"Valshiri, what in God's name are you doing?!" The Chief turned to the General.
"General Rakhamov, I am escorting Major Kruger of TPF to---"
"You are NOT taking armed foreigners in front of the Holy Tsar! How dare you insult the Great Emperor like that!" He shoved the Chief of Security to the ground and stared Major Kruger down.
"These guards are staying here. You dress like a soldier, but you act like a woman. Do you have a sword? You may bring that, it is a sign of honour, but from the way you act, you have none." The General sighed angrily. This General, having commanded the Shock Trooper Legions for his entire career, was not one known for tact. Or humanitarian concerns. He was still staring down the Major when he spoke.
"Valshiri, do your job and escort these guards back to the fucking quarters, I will take this 'major' here to the meeting. Another slip-up and I will remove your head myself."
The PeoplesFreedom
18-11-2007, 06:18
" There will be no need for that general." Krugler said, his voice dripping with satire.
" We will be leaving now. It seems Derscon is not interested in peace. Good day." Krugler turned, and along with his bodyguards, began to head back to the bullet train.
" There will be no need for that general." Krugler said, his voice dripping with satire.
" We will be leaving now. It seems Derscon is not interested in peace. Good day." Krugler turned, and along with his bodyguards, began to head back to the bullet train.
"On the contrary, my dear Major," came a different voice from the now open oak doors. Kandajar Kazankrov was standing in the doorway, now walking towards them. "We simply expect that you would be able to accept the fact this is, indeed, a peace conference, and coming with a fairly large entourage of armed personnel is not seen as diplomatic. We're merely protecting your image, as well as the other delegates." HE continued walking towards them, motioning the General to stand aside.
"You'll have to forgive the General, he's not the most tact. However, I don't see how you'll be going anywhere. If you'll notice, those blast doors for the elevator aren't going to open. You see, you misinterpret our mannerisms. We are so adamant about peace that we're not going to let you leave until it happens." Kandajar smiled.
"Now, we're all adults here, I would think, and I would expect we're all reasonable. Surely you don't honestly expect us to attack a guest in our own home? This is a grave sin, and a great dishonour. Now, please, let's be reasonable, and why don't you come to the conference with me? After all, there's nowhere else to go."
A tall man, dressed in black fatigues, sauntered up to Major Krugler. The way he carried himself was entirely foreign. A heavy gait, this man was used to a lighter step. 'Major, I suggest you stay and listen to your friends.' said the tall man, drawing a hand through his thick, black, hair. 'What would it hurt, the drinks are free anyway...' he said, walking away. The patches on his shoulder showed him as an Aumanii Shock Trooper, to those who knew how to read them anyway. Bright silver studs marked his shoulders, starbursts.
Derscon approves of this message. The Aumanii arrived earlier.
Navarrone froze. What the fuck is this?' he thought, while calmly pouring himself a drink at the bar. 'Can everyone just calm down for a minute? Major Krugler, I am the Overlord of the Nation of Auman. A Neutral nation. A nation, if I may be so bold, is rather...strong, militarily. This is no threat, I should add. What I am suggesting, is that you calm down, sit down and have a drink with me...before ending my life.'
Navarrone poured a second glass of iced Amasec before turning around. Sipping his own glass of the strong drink, Sheikh Navarrone, the Overlord of the Martian Stratocracy of Auman, extended his arm, drink in hand, to the Major.
'I can't tell them to stop, I don't know their guards, spies and otherwise...all I know is that I'm here and I don't want to die. Do I have guards, my friend?' Navarrone made a wide, sweeping, gesture with his free arm. Sheikh extended his drink into open air, expecting the Major to reciprocate. 'Let us toast to peace and friendship! And booze. Seriously. Get your guys out of here, they make me fucking nervous, man!'
Navarrone sighed deeply. Finished his drink and looked Krugler in the eye. 'My name is Sheikh. As in Milk Shake. Fuck you, I've heard it since I was two.' Navarrone took the entire bottle of Amasec and just drank heavily. As far as he knew, his body parts were to be spread about this room FUCKING BODY PARTS! So, basically, he was getting as drunk as fuck.
OOC: You don't know the guards have C4 yet. You only know that Krugler pulled his pistol and said he was going to blow it up. But since you think he's unstable already you'll probably think he's full of shit.
OOC: My fault for not posting it, but if you had C4, it would have been picked up by the body scan in the terminal, and we wouldn't have let you up. So I'm letting the possession itself slide, but yes, I would know.
Also, we think he's unstable enough to actually pull it off. If he was stable, we'd think was full of shit.
Navarrone walked up to the recently departed Major Krugler and acquired his pistol. 'Well, that was...what...really?' he said, removing the magazine and/or snapping open the cylinder, either way removing the bullets from the pistol, before putting the empty handgun in his left coat pocket.
'Fuck!' shouted Sheikh, admiring the scene, he'd seen shit like this years ago during the insurgencies, but it has never been a pleasant sight. Ever.
Raising his glass in a toast to the other ambassadors Ryan Scope took a sip of the fine Konyack provided. It smelled like nail polish remover and tasted probably worse, burning pleasantly in his stomach.; just how he liked it. "To a quick and successful ending to this conflict."
Nova Britain
About a million miles away from the conference in Derscon soldiers of the kingdom worked around the clock setting up defensible positions away from the island's inhabited areas. Troops from the GAR units surveyed the land and picked the best locations to place underground bunkers and artillery emplacements; the men on the island were fully expecting an attack from somewhere... anywhere. All of the construction was of a semi permanent nature and could be quickly dismanteld or filled in quickly when the forces currently occupying the island were finished. They would finish when they knew for certain the fighting had ended and that Novacom had no intentions of capturing more Nova European lands.
Defenses included temporary AA emplacements provided mainly by mobile missile and radar trucks. The 4 carriers in the channel patrolling the coast where all they had in the way of combat aircraft assets for now as the building of an airfield capable of supporting fighter assets on Nova Britain was currently forbade by the Saint as he had declared that this was by no means an occupation for territory and that a permanent airfield that played host to fighters was too much of an 'occupation' for his liking. Some temporary coastal instalations had set up 'anti naval' batteries in case of the event a battle did happen... however these consisted of mostly M777 Towed Howitzers hardly suitable to take on battleships.
Troops and supplies were being shipped in via amphibious landing craft and CJ-19s landing at five dirt airstrips. All told less than 200,000 of the planned 375,000 men worth of assets had been landed.
((OOC: I'll list forces if anyone needs me too; and I fixed my first IC post.))
The PeoplesFreedom
18-11-2007, 19:17
OOC: SaintB, after some discussion with Derscon OOCly we decided it would be better if we retconned Krugler's suicide and just continued as planned.
Krugler wasn't happy about leaving his bodyguards behind, he wasn't happy at all. But he had his orders from TPF, and they expected him to carry out his mission here. So, with reluctance, he ordered his bodyguards to stay behind and continued to the conference.
The World Soviet Party
18-11-2007, 19:24
Krugler wasn't happy about leaving his bodyguards behind, he wasn't happy at all. But he had his orders from TPF, and they expected him to carry out his mission here. So, with reluctance, he ordered his bodyguards to stay behind and continued to the conference.
Keating greeted the TPF'ian ambassador with a slight nod, this guy, he was not in good terms with.
"So, the Peefers have finally arrived? Good, maybe we will be able to finally get started with the conference..."
Beta Aurigae VII
18-11-2007, 20:00
OOC: Sorry for the short post, but in the interest of time and getting the conference underway, I figured this was best.
IC: Beta Aurigae will be sending it's Prime Minister Kevin Shackleford to the conference.
OOC: Okay, it seems I, once again, was not clear as to where, exactly, we are.
We're on a cliff-side covered terrace -- effectively, a marble gazebo -- overlooking the Lupin Bay on a beautiful morning etc etc etc. This terrace is in the Garden of the Setting Sun, which covers about five hectares laid out in a pentagon. The tip of this pentagon is the terrace. in the MIDDLE of the pentagon gardens is the small building that connects to the train, where all the stuff was happening. i.e. no one at the terrace had any idea WTF was going on inside said building with TPFs guys, Navarrone, and Kandajar.
Navarrone had access to a bar because...well, bars are everywhere. :)
Also, Beta Aurigae VII, assume you're there already.
Kandajar Kazankrov and Sheikh Navarrone led Major Kruger to the terrace where the meeting was being held, but Kandajar had to go back and pick up Prime Minister Kevin Shackleford, who just arrived.
At the terrace, the chief servant sat Navarrone down at the chair to the left of the head, and sat Major Kruger down where he was to sit. The Beta Aurigae VII flag was to the left of the Naashan one, and Kandajar came back right as Navarrone sat down, showing Prime Minister Shackleford.
Once everyone was seated, four Praetorian Guardsmen, dressed in their elaborate armour made of materials clearly not of this world, wielding their diamond swords, marched in and were posted evenly around the terrace, with Tsar Xavier walking in behind them, taking a seat at the head of the table.
"Thank you all for coming to this conference, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting. We all obviously know why we're here. I believe all of you know each other, so I shall introduce those who I believe you do not. To my right is Zheleztsolupp Kabanov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, representing Derscon as the State. To my left is my very good friend Sheikh Navarrone, Overlord of the Martian Stratocracy of Auman, representing Auman, and I am Tsar Xavier Andropov, Tsar of Derscon, and Emperor of Greater Prussia, and representing the Greater Prussian Empire. I turn the table over to whomever wishes to speak first."
The World Soviet Party
18-11-2007, 22:30
Ambassador Keating cleared his throat and stood up to speak, bowing to the Tsar before doing so.
"Let me be the first to thank you for this recievement, Your Majesty, this is more than we expected, specially since Derscon is a neutral third party here, and has been very generous in hosting this conference.
However, I am also sad that the only reason for all of us to meet in such a beatiful garden is due to the circumstances that have brought our nations to war, namely, the TPF'ian warmongering.
If I'm allowed, I would like to open the talks, that however, is for our host to decide."
The Tsar poured himself a drink of a bottle that was specifically given for his own personal consumption (as it would kill anyone else at the table), and nodded to the Ambassador, allowing him to proceed.
The PeoplesFreedom
19-11-2007, 07:37
Extending a hand, Krugler took a bottle of vodka and poured himself a glass, while also enjoying some water. Warmongering, my ass. They started the war by refusing our annexation, which was rather peaceful. Well, I might as well enjoy my stay, and make an ass of myself at the same time.
" Excuse me. I have two requests. I have had a long flight and I was wondering if I could possibly have a BLT. And secondly, perhaps we should say a prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ before continuing?"
'Lord Jesus Christ?' said Navarrone under his breathe, taking a quick catalogue of the room to see if there were any empty seats, he found none. Ignorant of the local superstitions, Navarrone had thought the Major was talking about another member of the conference.
The World Soviet Party
19-11-2007, 16:00
The Tsar poured himself a drink of a bottle that was specifically given for his own personal consumption (as it would kill anyone else at the table), and nodded to the Ambassador, allowing him to proceed.
Keating bowed again, and turned to Krugler.
"Well then, go ahead and say your prayer, there's no need for us to be rude."
And with that, he sat down, waiting for the TPF'ian to start. Keating was not a religious man, but he respected tohse with different ideas.
19-11-2007, 16:25
Robert Norris frowned, but said nothing. While Trivalvia had a predominantly Christian population, like most Trivalvians Norris considered religion a personal matter. Mixing religion with politics was like bringing a spark to hydrogen; the results were almost always bad.
He marshalled his own thoughts, going back to when Soviet Ambassador Keating had asked for a more "explicit" description of what Trivalvia was bringing to the table.
"Simply put, we don't want The PeoplesFreedom to conduct such an attack again," was his reply. "The immediate goal is reparations for the loss of both military and civilian satellites, and for any losses sustained by Soviet forces and civilians during TPF's missile and ground attacks. I've brought a tally of all Trivalvian satellites destroyed and an estimate in the damage to our economy as a result.
"On a long-term basis, I believe that we need to neutralize TPF's ability to launch another attack. The country itself should reduce its military size and reduce or sever its relations to Doomingsland, who helped to arm TPF, and ACID, a fundamentally warlike alliance in and of itself.
"I think a couple of concessions on our side might help to sway the TPF envoy to agree. A smaller TPF colony in the Nova Britain islands might be acceptable; there are already Novacom and SaintB forces there, and it might be easier to cede those claims and show we don't play favorites than to commit military forces to removing Novacom. And I think a nonaggression pact pending confirmation that TPF is complying with our requests would be in order."
Now, faced with the TPF envoy - a military man, not a diplomat! - Norris began to wonder just how far these negotiations would go. And if I don't come out of this with a peace deal my job might be on the chopping block, he thought. Why didn't I stay with my father's accounting firm?
19-11-2007, 19:20
Classis Strobovicus, Approaching Nova Brittania
Novacom forces had already gained a significant foothold in the area, going so far as to establish fortresses and air bases. The air bases in question were, in fact, Doomani-spec air bases, capable of maintaining every aircraft in the Imperial arsenal courtesy of the pre-positioned supplies and equipment. There was also more than enough room for the Imperial ground troops coming with the fleet to set up in.
Cargo aircraft from mainland Doomanum were already bringing in fighter aircraft and the first of the ground troops. Local Novacom forces were recieving a massive influx of reinforcements from their Doomani allies; it would not be too long before the fleet's cargo ships began disgourging untold numbers of Imperial assets to solidify the DoomBloc's hold on their portion of the island.
No hostile overtures had yet been made towards the SaintB forces; however, Imperial commanders were certainly wary of their presence. War could commence at the drop of a hat, and the Imperium was fully commited to ensuring that her interests in Nova Europa went unmolested by the locals.
The PeoplesFreedom
19-11-2007, 20:37
Krugler nodded. These people were polite to allow the prayer. He began " Our father, we ask of you to give many blessings to all the people in the world, to bring them good health and fortune, we ask you to forgive them of their sins, and we ask that you help us to achieve peace during these coming days. Amen"
After the prayer, Krugler took a bite of his BLT, and feeling refreshed, he was ready to begin in earnest.
The World Soviet Party
19-11-2007, 21:07
"Good, now we can begin then."
Ambassador Keating cleared his throat again.
"I would like to start the conference by stating what my goverment expects to accomplish with this meeting, if no one objects, I shall begin now:
The TPF'ian goverment will pay for all damages caused to Nova Europan space-assets, be them military or civilian.
The PeoplesFreedom will accept that their claim on Nova Britania is void, and therefore, the planned annexation was unlawful in nature.
The PeoplesFreedom will down-size it's military, not to the point the Trivalvians are demanding, as we deem that excesive, but certainly have a reasonable limit.
The PeoplesFreedom will allow a NEA garrison to be set up in their territory, this will help monitor the development of the measures enacted here.
The PeoplesFreedom will cut ties with the Doomani Empire, since not only are they a bad influence, but will probably bring even more problems into the region. For example, the unlawful occupation of Ireland which is taking place as of now.
That is all I have to say for now, more points might be added or modified later, this is not an ultimatum, but just something my goverment would like to obtain in this conference."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-11-2007, 21:08
" Alright. Let's go through these one by one then. If you want us to pay the NEA back for the damage done to their orbitals, than we demand reparations for damage done to ours. TPF is not a beaten country on the brink of collapse. Our military is not destroyed. Our allies are not destroyed. As such, our military could still cause millions of deaths, on both sides. So forgive us if we think these terms are outlandish, to say the least."
19-11-2007, 21:49
Robert Norris blinked at Krugler's words. Outlandish?
"Major Krugler," he began, "I would respectfully remind you that if your country had not launched what amounts to an unprovoked attack, not only on the World Soviet Party but on other assets belonging to NEA member nations, said nations would not have been compelled to return fire. The consequences of the losses of your orbital weapon platforms rest soley on the fact you decided to use them.
"Now, I do believe the issue of cleanup of the orbits rendered unuseable by the debris from the exchange should be covered by all nations that did employ anti-satellite weaponry, and Trivalvia is willing to aid in the cleanup as well. However, I see no reason why we as an alliance should pay a nation who - and I quote - 'is not a beaten country on the brink of collapse' - end quote, to replenish its weapons." He paused for a moment for his words to sink in.
"Look at it from our perspective," he continued. "A nation that is not an NEA member and possesses a sizeable military first: claims a region of land as big as any one of the NEA member nations itself. Then it moves troops through another nation - violating said nation's sovereignty and neutrality - in order to attack a third. This attack was not preceded by a declaration of war, a breakdown - or even an opening and subsequent breakdown - of diplomatic relations, or an ultimatum.
"Now, if you witnessed these events as we witnessed them and saw an ally of yours attacked in this manner, would you not be concerned? Would you not move to protect yourself and your ally from such an attack, and any future attacks that might occur? And would you willingly aid said nation in rearming itself?"
The PeoplesFreedom
19-11-2007, 22:12
" The annexation of Great Britain was a rightful claim. It was inhabited by nobody, sitting there waiting to be taken. There were resources just sitting there, waiting to be used. We told the NEA that they would be welcome there, that they could invest in Great Britain thus making money and benefiting everyone. our subsequent invasion of TWSP and attacks began after the NEA told us they were prepared to go to war over our claim. We simply did what any other nation would do, declare war. What we did is no different from what you would have done. Oh, and trust me, TPF does not need your money, I was simply making a point." Krugler smirked and took another bite out of his BLT.
The World Soviet Party
19-11-2007, 22:30
" The annexation of Great Britain was a rightful claim. It was inhabited by nobody, sitting there waiting to be taken. There were resources just sitting there, waiting to be used. We told the NEA that they would be welcome there, that they could invest in Great Britain thus making money and benefiting everyone. our subsequent invasion of TWSP and attacks began after the NEA told us they were prepared to go to war over our claim. We simply did what any other nation would do, declare war. What we did is no different from what you would have done. Oh, and trust me, TPF does not need your money, I was simply making a point." Krugler smirked and took another bite out of his BLT.
"Please explain to us how occupying a neutral territory, as you say, just because 'you feel like it', is not an unlawful act.
Certainly, The PeoplesFreedom has no need for Nova Britania, and thu,s why should we stand back while you expand? You cannot expect us to believe that you would have stopped in Britain, am I right?
Not to mention that the fact that those resources, and I quote, 'just sitting there, waiting to be used' does not mean that YOU should be the one to take and use them."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-11-2007, 22:34
" Since no one else claimed them we would. And we DO have a need for those resources. And we would have stopped at Britain, that's all we needed. We have other, more important targets for our military than the nations of the NEA."
19-11-2007, 22:40
"Being prepared for war," Norris said carefully, "is not the same as actually declaring war." He opened his mouth to say more, but stopped as Ambassador Keating spoke. When Krugler's reply was over, Norris said, "Other, more important targets, you say. Very interesting, especially since my government is not entirely convinced that your decision to attack the World Soviet Party was a response to our objections over your claim.
"Before your claim, you had accepted weapons from Doomingsland. This meant running a blockade of Soviet ships. You claimed that you would be sending settlers to Nova Britain. This did not occur. You and Doomingsland, being able to break a blockade for the purpose of moving weapons, were mysteriously unable to do likewise for moving civilian settlers. I am curious about why this did not occur.
"What did occur, however, was a multi-pronged attack against the World Soviet Party. Against ground targets both on the shoreline and within the borders of the World Soviet Party. Bombers, missiles, and ground troops were employed in this attack. The ships actually composing the Soviet blockade were untouched."
"Lastly, it has come to my attention," Norris pulled a document from his attache case, "that prior to the missile attack, Derscon had offered to mediate negotiations, just as they have graciously done now." A nod to Tsar Xavier as he said this.
"The Soviets sent a delegation. At the very least, we could say that the NEA was represented as part of that negotiation attempt, though it is to--" my personal shame "--my government's chagrin that we did not do likewise. May I ask why the PeoplesFreedom, the principal nation on the other side of this conflict, did not send a representative when doing so could have prevented this war, and perhaps allowed you to secure part of your claim without firing a shot?"
The PeoplesFreedom
19-11-2007, 22:56
" Your government can think whatever it wants to think. It does not make it right nor true. The only reason we didn't send settlers is because of TWSP's blockade. Which I might add, is now an illegal one. They have violated Errikland's sovereignty and they have stated they do not want Soviet ships there. I am not at liberty to say why we did a ground attack, its a matter of national security, and if these talks fail you would know our plans. The reason we did not send a delegate at the time was because our military was already moving. TPF was too committed to the war at that time to just stop. It may have been a mistake, but that is the reason."
The World Soviet Party
19-11-2007, 23:12
"Not so, The World Soviet Party has recognized Errikland's sovereignity, and will be pulling the blockade off as soon as the conflict ends, it's sad, but it's true, the blockade is the only thing keeping the Doomingslanis out of the Baltic Sea, and the TPF'ians, who should be worrying now that their ships cannot dock in Wanderjarian ports, out of the North Sea.
As we said before, we reserve the right to open fire on hostile vessels."
The PeoplesFreedom
19-11-2007, 23:14
" Keeping those ships there until the conflict ends is still violating their sovereignty, just until the conflict ends. Same difference."
Samuel Denhy leaned forward out of his chair and spoke for the first time.
"Now you have me confused, Mr Krugler. You strongly object to TWSP's 'violation of Errikan sovereignty' when you commited far worse when you moved your troops through Wanderjar without the government's consent."
The PeoplesFreedom
20-11-2007, 00:58
" Perhaps you should check your sources. We had consent originally, it was only after some political wrangling in the form of TWSP that it was revoked."
Tsar Xavier watched over the proceedings with interest...and amusement. Overzealous diplomats versus a highly arrogant military officer, he thought. Damonagaashi be praised for the guards and my power.
The Tsar stifled a chuckled at the mention of Wanderjar's statement of total neutrality. If only you knew, poor Kruger...
"I would like to remind everyone here," he stated, drawing the attention once more to him. "That this bickering will get us nowhere but back at war. We are here to negotiate a lasting peace. Tossing these quips back and forth will not get us this, and I assure you, to do such at this conference, and deliberately discard the peace process out of stubbornness or arrogance, would be seen as a great insult to Derscon." He poured himself another glass of the bottle brought for him and began drinking once more, the servants ensuring that everyone's glasses were filled at all times.
After all, if everyone was slightly sedated, then peace might come quicker.
Or they break out in a fight, it's recorded, and used as blackmail. Either one worked for Derscon.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-11-2007, 03:36
" I am ready to move on when they are." Said Krugler, finishing his BLT and have a small sip of Vodka. He didn't want too much, after all.
Navarrone had watched the entire debate intently before formulating his opinion. 'Speaking as an entirely neutral observer, I'd like to make a few comments if that's alright.' said Navarrone, waiting to get everyone's attention before speaking.
'Both sides need to shut their fucking mouths for awhile. Like the Tsar just said. Flapping your jaws back and forth is only going to get everyone hot under the collar.' Sheikh sipped his drink. His face pinched slightly as the bitter liquor burned his throat. 'Ambassador Keating, your initial demands are completely unreasonable. I do not believe Krugler's nation should reduce its armaments, nor do I believe it should renounce its claim on the unclaimed islands. Anyone who is remotely familiar with "Settler's rights" can tell you this. Just because you missed out on the opportunity doesn't mean you can cry like a baby and get your way. You were too damn slow. Live with it.'
Navarrone looked at Krugler, who more than likely had a shit-eating grin on his face by this point, and said 'And you, mind your god damn manners you little creep. I agree with your nation's position. But you're acting like a little fucking faggot and if I were the host, you'd be in lock up right now.'
Now addressing all those assembled, 'If TPF can provide proof that Wanderjar had provided permission for them to cross their territory then nothing illegal took place. Furthermore, if Wanderjar had provided signed consent to TPF then, I believe, legal action should be taken in civil court...and I'd be more than happy to allow this process to take place in my nation's legal system. Nova Britain was not the sovereign territory of any nation at the time of settlement and as such is a non-issue. As for space debris? Both sides were involved in action and both should shoulder the financial burden. As for TPF running a foreign blockade, it is not the place of the international community to tell anyone who they can and cannot trade with. If you couldn't physically stop TPF from doing business with them, which I believe to be an illegal action in itself, it's your fault.'
Sheikh finished his drink before turning to the Tsar, 'Pardon my language.'
The PeoplesFreedom
20-11-2007, 07:29
OOC: Just for clarification. OOCly Wanderjar said I could use his railways, airports etc to move my troops. Later, he revoked it. So I cant provide any IC proof, we'd have to talk to Wandy next time hes online.
Well if it wasn't presented ICly then you really shouldn't be mentioning it then. Next time, I suggest you get IC proof of it.
The World Soviet Party
20-11-2007, 14:13
Navarrone had watched the entire debate intently before formulating his opinion. 'Speaking as an entirely neutral observer, I'd like to make a few comments if that's alright.' said Navarrone, waiting to get everyone's attention before speaking.
'Both sides need to shut their fucking mouths for awhile. Like the Tsar just said. Flapping your jaws back and forth is only going to get everyone hot under the collar.' Sheikh sipped his drink. His face pinched slightly as the bitter liquor burned his throat. 'Ambassador Keating, your initial demands are completely unreasonable. I do not believe Krugler's nation should reduce its armaments, nor do I believe it should renounce its claim on the unclaimed islands. Anyone who is remotely familiar with "Settler's rights" can tell you this. Just because you missed out on the opportunity doesn't mean you can cry like a baby and get your way. You were too damn slow. Live with it.'
"Well, thanks for your kind comments, but I'd like to clarify a few points in your statement.
For starters, there are no such things as 'settler's right' in Nova Europa, it was regionally accepted that (before The PeoplesFreedom, among others joined the region and tried to break this rule) unoccupied territories would remain like that. Not to mention that someone was living there, The Fedral Union.
As for missing the opportunity, my dear sir, The World Soviet Party has no interest in taking Nova Britania for itself, nevermind the resources or land, we are merely interested in keeping it free and empty until an appropiate nation takes it as it's homeland.
Ask anyone in the NEA, you'll see that we are getting ready to intervene the Novacom forces settling down, oh, and the Doomani that Krugler and company so stupidly got into this conflict.
Now, having cleared that up, would you care to explain why my initial demands are unreasonable? We are not trying to get a Versailles here, we are just trying to ensure that The PeoplesFreedom will be more careful next time, instead of jumping into war."
20-11-2007, 16:25
Norris took a sip at his tea, thinking. The Tsar was right, this was going nowhere. Perhaps if he tried a different tack... Yes. Norris took a moment to gather his thoughts.
"Perhaps," he began, "we should table the issue of the disputed claim to Nova Britain as well as reparations for a time. We can return to them later.
"For the moment, however, may we all at least agree that we need to restrict the scope of the conflict, however these talks turn out? I suggest an agreement by all parties not to stage any further attacks using ground, sea, air, or space-based forces on home territories; home territories being defined as territory claimed by each nation that is part of the Nova Europan landmass and any islands that are not currently in dispute."
It wasn't quite the nonagression pact Norris hoped to secure, but it might be a good first step, and would restrict any further fighting to Nova Britain itself. He hoped his fellow NEA delegates would be able to meet him halfway.
And he looked at Krugler carefully. Let's see how you respond to this.
Tsar Xavier stifled a chuckle. Normally, he'd be infuriated at someone for using that kind of language, but he knew Navarrone, and he knew the Aumanii. No disrespect was meant, that's just how they are.
He was not going to start stating the position of the Prussian Empire as of yet, as he was still torn, so he let the debates continue unhindered.
20-11-2007, 19:51
Nova Britannia
Classis Strobovicus' transports had begun to dock at the facilties established by Novacom forces, disgouring their vast cargos of Imperial troops. Legionaries marched down the gang planks of the vessels by the thousands into assembly areas before boarding trucks and being ferried to their garrison sights. Tanks rolled off of cargo ramps by the dozens, and millions of tons of supplies were being unloaded.
The Doomani had arrived in force, and completely unopposed. The newly appointed Dux of Britannia, Lucius Arminius Faustus, was especially enthusiastic. An estimated half million Legionaries would be on the ground within a few days, and he would be able to field entire mechanized and armored formations within a week. The lack of response by the Nova Europans was, of course, puzzling to say the least. He'd expected to arrive under heavy fire from the NEA, but at the moment it seemed he'd be able to fight them with all of his forces intact if it came down to it.
That gave him an extra flexibility to his strategy: he would be fighting with far more men then he'd expected to have. When the NEA did attempt to land in Nova Britannia, as he was certain they would, they would be facing an enemy more powerful than they had ever faced.
If they can even manage to land, he laughed to himself as he watched the unloading operations continue ever so smoothely from the bridge of his flagship, the super dreadnaught Pope Urban II. Novacom forces had done a stellar job of establishing a solid defensive hold on the islands; he certainly wasn't worried about an attack right at that moment. Most of his air assets had already arrived on the island; squadrons were already patrolling alongside their allied counterparts.
And the best part was that the planned missile bases needed only for their deadly cargo to be delivered, as was being done at that moment, as they'd been constructed ahead of time. All in all, operations were going very smoothely. The Doomani weren't going to be leaving anytime soon.
The PeoplesFreedom
20-11-2007, 20:08
OOC: Auman, I'm getting annoyed be you telling me what I shouldn't and should do, stop it. Thank you.
" So if I understand this right," Krugler said looking at the Trivilian delegate, " You want all the fighting to center around Nova Britain and not our homelands. That's not a very good way to fight a war."
21-11-2007, 00:42
OOC: spelling is 'Trivalvian'. Yes, I can be a spelling nazi sometimes :D
Norris replied, "I would prefer that the war ended here at this table, but - if worse came to worst - yes, I would prefer the fight to be isolated to Nova Britain. A total war scenario would not go well for anyone."
Elsewhere: Trivalvian Naval Listening Post QI-9, Quadrivalve Archipelago
With the loss of their satellite coverage, the Trivalvians had resorted to an unique solution for short and mid-range surveillance and communications. Small aerostats, essentially little more than high-altitude balloons, floated over a kilometer above various bases, carrying a variant of the remote sensing gear that a military spysat might carry.
Post QI-9 was the last such base to recieve an aerostat, and today it was being sent aloft. Lieutenant Gerry Wilde watched it recede to a dot in the sky, then went inside to check on the techs in the listening post.
"We have restored communications links with bases on Bivalve Island," the technician told him when he asked for a status report. "We're just beginning to bring the cameras online...
"The cameras were deployed in a half-dome setup - it's not one hundred percent, there are some gaps, but given the cameras resolution, we should be able to have a visual resolution for two hundred kilometers horizontal in any direction."
"Can we detect planes?" the Lieutenant asked.
"Not with our current gear; we'll need computer upgrades to pick out anything moving quickly. But we should be able to make out ships easily enough and ID them readily."
Wilde nodded. At least QI-9 still had its ground-based RADAR and LIDAR, so nothing would sneak up on them. "Okay. Bring the cameras up, and let's have a look."
The tech nodded and began tapping in commands at his workstation. Before long windows appeared on the screen in front of him. "South-side cameras are working fine... Looks like nothing but a few civilian transports and a couple of Asher frigates on manuevers. Let's bring up North-side..."
The tech frowned. Wilde looked at the screen, then back at the tech. "Well?"
"Just a second, sir... See this?" The tech pointed to a window showing ocean and what looked like a thin line on the horizon. "That is the southern coast of Nova Britain."
"We can see that far?"
"Barely, sir. It's in line of sight, but resolution is really horrid at that range. However... look at this." He touched a control and small red squares appeared on moving dots.
"Those are ships." Wilde frowned. "How big?"
"At this range, one pixel would be about the same as twenty meters... Some of those ships are hundreds of meters long. And at least one is over a kilometer in length."
"A superdreadnought." Wilde felt a chill run down his spine.
"At this range we can't perform proper IDs," the tech cautioned.
Wilde nodded. "Still, there are damn few ships that would be that big. Pipe everything back to Naval Command. Maybe the brass can shed some light on what's going on over there."
'Ambassador Keating, I'll simply ask you to put yourself in Major Krugler's place. The situation is pretty tense. You offer no reduction in arms yourself. If I were in Krugler's place, I'd assume this would be a plot to disarm TPF as to facilitate an easier invasion. It's just not a reasonable demand to make because it's obvious that no one in their right mind would agree to it.' Navarrone was growing more irritated by the second.
Sheikh bi-passed the part about Settler's Rights and just went silent. The gears in his head started to turn. He'd have to talk to President Miller after the meeting.
'I like your idea, Mr. Norris, but I think a cease fire across the board would be the best option. Let things cool down while you're trying to talk through the problem.' Navarrone's glass was filled as he spoke, though he didn't notice.
'However, as a neutral mediator...these are all just suggestions. Follow them if you will.'
The World Soviet Party
21-11-2007, 16:47
'Ambassador Keating, I'll simply ask you to put yourself in Major Krugler's place. The situation is pretty tense. You offer no reduction in arms yourself. If I were in Krugler's place, I'd assume this would be a plot to disarm TPF as to facilitate an easier invasion. It's just not a reasonable demand to make because it's obvious that no one in their right mind would agree to it.' Navarrone was growing more irritated by the second.
Sheikh bi-passed the part about Settler's Rights and just went silent. The gears in his head started to turn. He'd have to talk to President Miller after the meeting.
'I like your idea, Mr. Norris, but I think a cease fire across the board would be the best option. Let things cool down while you're trying to talk through the problem.' Navarrone's glass was filled as he spoke, though he didn't notice.
'However, as a neutral mediator...these are all just suggestions. Follow them if you will.'
"Trust me, I dont want to fully disarm TPF, but I dont see why we shouldnt push for it, after all, this blatant war-mongering from their part is what started it all.
I dont understand why are you asking US to disarm as well, we have no reason to do so, and we have a pretty clean record concerning the use of our armed forces, unlike TPF.
Concerning the invasion, The World Soviet Party will never invade a fellow Nova Europan nation, heck, we would have to go over Wanderjar to attack The PeoplesFreedom. Some of my allies, on the other side, are not convinced of this, and they would be glad to take The PeoplesFreedom down."
Zheleztsolupp Kabanov turned his head towards Ambassador Keating to respond -- Tsar Xavier was not going to comment on either side unless things got out of hand. Xavier was to mediate, Kabanov was to debate.
"Ambassador Keating, if you would recall correctly, The PeoplesFreedom is poised to run your nation into the ground. If the NEA forces were on the winning side, then you would have much more reason to demand such things from TPF. As it stands, however, TPF called the conference, and TPF currently has the upper hand. Why you think they would consent to such measures is beyond me."
The World Soviet Party
21-11-2007, 20:36
Zheleztsolupp Kabanov turned his head towards Ambassador Keating to respond -- Tsar Xavier was not going to comment on either side unless things got out of hand. Xavier was to mediate, Kabanov was to debate.
"Ambassador Keating, if you would recall correctly, The PeoplesFreedom is poised to run your nation into the ground. If the NEA forces were on the winning side, then you would have much more reason to demand such things from TPF. As it stands, however, TPF called the conference, and TPF currently has the upper hand. Why you think they would consent to such measures is beyond me."
"I do not think they have the upper hand, Mr. Kabanov, if not, why would have they called for this conference?.
We have to be realistic here, neither side will win this war, only foreigners like Doomingsland and Novacom will profit from it. I believe The PeoplesFreedom to be a puppet of those powers, and I would like to concentrate on beating the puppeteer, but as things stands, I have to beat TPF first, and we dont want to, but we will if we must."
Minister Kabanov was about to respond, but Xavier shot him a glare, and he remained silent. MSS was shooting around ideas as to why the conference was being held, but it was speculation -- Classified speculation at that -- so it was not to be brought up at this particular moment.
The World Soviet Party
21-11-2007, 21:19
"The hard truth is that The PeoplesFreedom is in no position to achieve victory here, they are sorrounded by either hostile or neutral states, like the Wanderjarians and the Tigerlani, and I mean truly neutral, none of their allies have come to help them, they have not managed to make significant advances, they have begun retiring their troops, they have not made their way through the blockade and their ships are running out of supplies now that the Wanderjarian docks are closed to them AND the Doomani have taken Nova Britania for themselves.
So yeah, I'd say they are in no position make demands or claim to have the 'upper hand'."
Minister Kabanov nodded. "This may be true, but the question is, why do you feel you are in the position to make demands, and why would TPF be in the position to accept them?"
Tsar Xavier was watching the exchange intently, worried that it would come to an impasse and nothing would happen. But, unlike the 'he started it' argument, this is an important point to establish: who is in the position to make demands? He leaned over to Navarrone.
"I'll bet you five Xelmarks," he whispered. "That the Major gets even more smug."
The PeoplesFreedom
21-11-2007, 22:43
Krugler burst out laughing. After finally regaining control, he said, " If you truly think we do not have the upper hand, then your military is very incompetent."
Tsar Xavier shot the Major a vicious glare -- if one looked closely, one would notice the Tsar's eyes literally glowing with a hint of demonic red -- for his breach of diplomatic protocol, by laughing, but said nothing.
The PeoplesFreedom
21-11-2007, 23:05
Krugler bent his head in some form of shame. " I apologize, Tsar, but I couldn't help myself. Speaking of which, is there a restroom? I must relieve myself quickly."
The Tsar nodded, accepting the apology, and snapped his fingers. A servant and a Praetorian Guardsmen (all twenty of the Praetorian Guards were there at this point, mostly for show -- no one was that stupid as to pull anything) appeared at the entrance to the terrace.
"They will show you to the restroom. For that matter, how about we call a short ten minute recess to take care of anything we may need to? Communication lines are not jammed, so if you need to call back to your governments, you may. If you need to use the facilities, follow the servant and the Praetorian Guardsman. They're in the same building that you came up to the surface from, so it shouldn't be too difficult for you, but I have a guide in case the non-Euclidean geometry throws you off."
21-11-2007, 23:56
Robert Norris nodded. "Thank you, Tsar," he said, hoping he had the protocol right. "A recess would be most welcome at this time." He turned to Keating and Denhy. "Gentlemen, I would a chance to talk with you privately on some other matters."
He smiled when he said it, but inside he was close to panic. For the Tsar was right - neither side really was in a position to make demands. The conference, called after fighting had begun, made no logical sense.
Except, perhaps, to buy time or serve as a distraction. But for what?
Hopefully a private comparing-of-notes might put the larger puzzle together in time.
Samuel Denhy nodded moved aside with Robert Norris, equally confused by the antics of the peefers.
"What do you think they are trying to pull? Krugler was sent here for a peace conference but he talks tough, are they all this arrogant or does he have another motive?"
On a whim, Denhy pulled out his pager and beeped the Naashan Intelligence aide waiting with the guards where they had arrived. The message simply read:
No developments, TPF talking tough. Distraction? Check Novacom, Doomani connections with Allanea. NE landgrab?
The reply was almost instant.
Doomani represented at Allanean election event recently. Good relations. Conspiracy?
Once everyone was gone, either talking, or being shown around the gardens by the head gardener, Tsar Xavier went with Navarrone down into the wine cellar whose stairway was hidden by the large bush, where there was a wall with a portrait of a misty bay. Tsar Xavier merely waved his hand, and the wall disappeared, exposing a passage down further into the earth.
Both Navarrone and Tsar Xavier descended down the stairway and came to a small computer installation. Xavier started the computer and a massive hologram display of the earth came up behind them. After typing a few commands into the computer, Nova Europa came up on the hologram display. The Tsar turned to Navarrone.
"Ever wonder why they called the conference?" Navarrone, when he looked, could see the Prussian and Dersconi armies coming down from North Tigerlan down further south, and the Dersconi fleets and armies coming up to Wanderjar. Also noticeable were TPF troops leaving TWSP, but not Wanderjar. Tsar Xavier raised an eyebrow.
"Interesting...." The possibility was there, of course -- TPF has displayed a massive amount of stupidity on an international level lately. But invade their closest ally....? It was possible, sure -- everything was possible. But unlikely.
"Do you see what I see, Sheikh? From my standpoint, it looks like either TPF is going to invade Wanderjar, or they're...just stopping the war. Neither one makes sense. Any ideas?"
22-11-2007, 02:02
XVI Turma, Legio XVII, Nova Britannia
They'd been driving southwards for what seemed like an entire day by now, stopping only to take on more fuel courtesy of friendly helicopters. They were the absolute tip of the spear: a long range reconnaissance patrol in Nova Britannia for the Seventeenth Mechanized Legion. Their only goal was to scout out the area of the legion's expected advance; they were doing so days ahead of the expected commencement of operations. They had been ordered, quite literally, to drive until they ran into NEA forces.
Decurion Celsus, the commander of the scout vehicle and its four dismounts, sat in the gunner/observer's seat of the VAE armored car, constantly scanning the area through his 23mm cannon's optical sight. The locals were disorganized but mostly harmless; any villages that had electricity generated it locally, and it had been by sheer luck that they'd found a village with a gas station. Celsus wasn't terribly impressed with the local food. This was Britain, after all.
They were working hand in hand with friendly UAVs and helicopters; the aircraft would spot anything they considered needed to be looked at, and the scouts on the ground would head over and take a look. Everything was being meticulously catalogued, ensuring that the mechanized advance would be swift and accurate. According to their friends in the air, it would not be long before they ran into what appeared to be SaintB forces.
What occured when that happened was up in the air at the moment; Celsus was well aware that the chances of his men and he being killed in a scrupple were fairly high, but that did not bother him. They were doing God's work after all, and martyrdom would be glorious. This same sequence of events was occuring throughout Nova Britannia: Doomani scout units advanced southwards from the stronghold in Northern Scotland in order to help plot out the planned advance of the rest of the army.
It was a limited advance for now, but an advance none the less.
'Judging from the behaviour of the Major, I have every impression they are not willing to negotiate. My time spent in the Duma, for example, I was under orders to not take the others seriously. Major Krugler, while not as advanced, is pulling some of the same tricks I did back in the day.'
Navarrone took a moment to examine the projection. 'I think this has to stop before it gets out of hand. Those are my thoughts. I see this turning into a real shit storm unless someone does something about it.' Pulling his cellphone from his pocket, Navarrone said 'I'm going to call President Miller, or who ever the latest Federal President is...'
Sheikh put the phone to his ear and it rang for a moment before Miller picked it up.
'Hello?' said Miller, it could have been only a handful of people...this was his personal number.
'Hey, it's Sheikh Navarrone. I'm in Derscon right now mediating at a peace conference about Nova Europe.'
Miller rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. It was early morning where he was. 'We have some territory out there. Didn't have a chance to do anything with it though...the natives are restless, you know the drill.'
Navarrone nodded and said 'Do I ever. Anyway, since you're not doing anything with it, I was wonder if you could sell it to me as sort of a favour?'
The line was silent for a moment.
'I'm not so sure...' said Miller hesitantly.
Sheikh's face was pinched with anger. 'I'd like to hope you'd think differently.' he said, holding his frustration in check. 'It will be good for everyone in the end. Just trust me. When have I ever let you down?' said Sheikh.
Miller laughed and said 'Let me run down the list...'
'Okay, nevermind. Just do me this favour.' said Sheikh.
'Alright then, I'll have my people run over the details in the morning. Expect word on it in the next two weeks.' said Miller.
'So, it's mine?' said Sheikh, trying to clarify for certain before going back to the meeting.
'Yeah, yeah. I don't really care about that rock anyway. It rains too much. Goodnight.' said Miller.
'Talk to you later.' said Sheikh.
Navarrone turned to Xavier. 'Well, this is kind of funny, Xavier. Turns out Nova Britannia belonged to the Federal Union the entire time. That is, before they sold it to me a few seconds ago.'
The Tsar simply laughed.
Did this with the permission of The Fedral Union. He'll post his consent shortly.
The Fedral Union
22-11-2007, 06:36
(Yep I give Auman total control of NGB, for a sizable sum to later be disclosed)
22-11-2007, 14:23
"I think there is another motive," Norris said to Denhy. He looked at Keating. "You said that the Doomanis have secured all or part of Nova Britain? You have proof?" At Keating's nod, Norris continued. "If that's so, then we've been outmaneuvered. Damn, damn! I should have seen this coming."
He collected his thoughts, then continued. "If the Doomani are securing Nova Britain, they have to be setting up local bases or securing local resources... including docks where TPF ships can restock. That's why they haven't tried to run the blockade - they don't need to! All TPF has to do is wait until the Doomani are ready, then call on their friends to break the 'illegal' blockade. He'd probably use our 'violation of Errikan soveriegnty' as an excuse. TPF ships might get involved, but only as a cleanup operation. The Doomanis would do all of the heavy lifting in this war."
As he went on, Norris felt sick. "Doomingsland isn't represented here, so even if TPF agreed to my proposal about leaving homelands alone, Doomingsland wouldn't be bound by it. He could assault TWSP or Trivalvia with legal impunity... and then hand over part of Nova Britain to TPF as an afterthought! We'd either have to knuckle under and accept it, or brace for a war that could last years... or end in a nuclear strike.
"And that explains why TPF called for a ceasefire. It's a diversion."
The World Soviet Party
22-11-2007, 16:15
Keating pondered over Norris's conclusion, he had known the Doomanis were deep in it, but he hadnt thought about such an eventuality.
"Most likely, the Doomani are worrying, I doubt they are going to attack the mainland any time soon, but still..." he scratched his head before continuing "It's doubtful they will strike at The World Soviet Party, specially seeing the 'friendly' relations we are experiencing with Derscon right now, and though this is a State Secret, the Dersconi have supplied troops, about two armies, which are currently based in our territory.
I'm also worried by the Allanean presence in Nova Cyprus, we have two incredibly violent and imperialistic countries right at our doorstep. We have to do something, my goverment was thinking about a political 'clean-up' in non-NEA nations, if you catch my drift." Keating let the notion sink into Norris "We believe that if we get rid of certain people, the situation could stabilize."
Xavier Andropov and Sheikh Navarrone walked out of the wine cellar and back to the terrace. The sun was high, but the weather still nice.
"Well, if this all works out, I may just have lunch for everyone in the main palace. If not, I'll have lunch for me and whoever I'm supporting in the main palace. Either way, I'm having lunch." The head servant approached him with a note on a silver platter. The Tsar chuckled to himself at the pompous idiocy of the display, but knew the head servant did it simply because of the absurdity of pomp and circumstance.
He picked up the letter and smiled after reading it. "Well, it seems we may have a new arrival soon." The servant took the letter away and disappeared back into the hidden cellar. The twenty Praetorian Guards were now positioned around the inside of the terrace, evenly spaced, and two were positioned at either side of Xavier's chair. Two Honour Guards were now stationed on the inside of the entrance to the terrace, and two more on the outside. As no violence was actually expected, they were basically just decoration.
Xavier and Sheikh sat down, and sent the servants off to go bring the diplomats back to the terrace.
The World Soviet Party
22-11-2007, 21:34
Ambassador Keating interrupted his conversation with Norris when the servants appeared, it was not wise to discuss matters of extreme importance in front of anyone but the destination of these messages.
Reluctantly, he followed them back to the terrace, where he found the Tsar and the Aumanii, he took a seat after having a glancing look at the grin the Aumanii was sporting, something was not quite right here.
22-11-2007, 21:36
Channel Four News
In support of our Doomani allies, the Questarian Royal Navy's Force R deployed several days ago and began travelling to Nova Europa to support Doomani efforts there. According to Government Officials, Nova Europe is a "hotbed of communist activity" and it is solid foreign policy to support Doomingsland in their overseas interventions there. The Defence Minister has given his utmost affirmative that Questarian and Doomani Forces can sweep aside Nova European resistance. Channel Four, as part of our 'Doomingsland?' programme, have interviewed various people on what they think of Questarian foreign policy.
It is a clear daylight, and the camera is set against long, rolling hills, where many people (all seemingly black) are working on some form of arable farm. The man in the foreground is a well spoken, upper middle class farmer, with a build large enough to endure the cold of the wolds in the autumn.
'Well I should say, I know several Doomani chaps, and they're not too bad a people. Why, this very farm here exports grain to Doomingsland; and not at an unreasonable price, I must say. Perhaps ..., well, perhaps its better if we're friends with them.' The farmer grins. In the background a farmhand rides past on a horse with some hunting dogs and a DR83 slung over his shoulder. 'After all, they're Christians too - even if they are Catholics, and we ought to do anything to keep the Reds out of this country again.'
Now it is in a city, though it is still bright and a clear day. Instead of farms and farmhands, high street shops and shoppers walk buy, enjoying their newfound economic prosperity, while the economists in the skyscrapers argue and debate about the boom and bust policies of the Government and whether stability will stay for good. The camera pans around and there are many waving banners with signs such as 'NO TRADING WITH MURDERERS' and 'NO BLOOD FOR OIL', a reference to the sizable Doomani share of the Questarian oil imports. A young woman, mostly a student, is being interviewed. It is fairly windy and the breeze is blustering her untidy brown hair, her sharp features becoming fiercer by the second.
'This is absolutely ridiculous! How can our Government act in such a hypocritical manner? All nations have equal responsibilities and rights to exist, how can our government support MURDERERS and nazi scum like the Doomani? Every single person that buys goods or sells them to the Doomani is guilty of murder! their hands are as bloody as the Doomani genocidal massacres themselves! Our country intervened and bombed Kahanistan, causing millions of deaths in the name of stopping genocide, but we didn't bat an eyelid when the fascists killed hundreds of millions of Kahanistanis! We-'
Now, a fairly elderly housewife in a shawl, stopped outside a local shop. It is cold outside and she looks irritated that she has been disturbed.
"The Doomani? Oh well I don't know. I just have to get by with what I've got, I don't worry myself with none of this politics. Mind you, I think my microwave was made over there..."
Compounding this, our polls are coming in - just text us at 01770-770-450 with Yes, No, or NVM - to see what people are thinking. According to our polls, 52% of the country support Doomingsland, 15% do not, and 33% are not bothered. However, only 31% support military action in Nova Europa, with an astonishing 66% against.
Portsmouth, North Questers
Despite protests from various groups, both economic, political, religious, and even military, the Questarian task force set off and headed south to Nova Europa. While there was no official government declaration, it was obvious what was going to happen; foreign and defence secretaries were giving various easily picked up hints during press conferences and rumous were abound, and even confirmed by some officials secretly and leaked to the press that there would be Questarian military intervention; well received by The Sun, at least. The ten carrier groups would meet up with other groups in South Continentia, before linking up with two carrier groups already on active duty in the seas. All together, the force was a gigantic assembly of aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, and a defended logistical chain that stretched back to the nearest allied or colonial ports.
At sea, submarines popping up for their latest order checks were given orders to reroute to the incoming carrier groups to refresh stocks before heading off to Nova Europa. A large submarine spearhead would be the advanced element of the attack, the vanguard of the invasion fleet. Its job; as amix of SSGN and SSNs - was to attack logistical centres, airfields, and isolated shipping of all kinds. They were still far from NE, but their crews, some veterans, were glad to be getting the extra danger pay, as they'd heard that things back home were getting a little tight as finances go. Nevertheless, duty was duty, and for what they were being paid, they were ready to put their lives on the line for their comrades and their country.
Trivalvian Atlantic
Having been bounced from threat to threat for the past week, the five Naashan carrier groups assigned to the TPF 'problem' in the north were once again being redeployed.
"It seems like everybody wants a piece of Nova Europa these days..." Admiral Sathway remarked to his flag captain aboard the NNS Defiance.
"It's what comes from living in a peaceful and mostly unspoilt area of the world," the man replied, "people get jealous."
"And if they don't get jealous, they just get bored." Sathway remarked glumly. War was not a game to the Naashans, who had endured lifetimes of it in the past, where at least the enemy didn't have the capacity to glass you three times over. These were a mostly peace loving people, concerned more with their own prosperity and that of their neighbours, pressed into war merely to defend what was rightfully theirs.
Kieran Sathway looked up and glanced around the bridge, irritated that several junior officers were watching his private moment of cynicism. He stood and headed over to the watch officer, who was at attention quickly.
"Our assigned station is north of Bivalve Island, Trivalvia. The other carrier groups will be deployed in a line, one west of us and the others further northeast to enable landings on Nova Britannia if the need arises."
The officer nodded, calling out several course changes before he was satisfied they would make their station on time. The screen before him lit up, a message from Admiral Green on the Undaunted.
All Naashan Atlantic Vessels.
The axis arrayed against us grows by the day. Public statements and military activity in Questers suggests yet another entrance to this silly standoff. NI think these guys actually intend to go to war, we haven't a clue why, since the Doomani aren't.
Coordinate with local naval forces to maintain maritime sovereignty, all ships are hereby placed on full conventional, strategic and ASW alert.
The PeoplesFreedom
23-11-2007, 02:54
High Command, undisclosed location
" They did what now?"
" Sir, from these UAV recon photos, along with some message interceptions, we have come to believe that Naasha has re-deployed their carrier groups. They aren't in the Soviet blockade anymore."
" And where, then, are they?"
" Sir. It seems that they have re-deployed of of a Triv island, within interception range to persumbly intercept Doomingsland or Questers, or stage a landing."
" This leave the Soviet blockade very underpowered."
" Yes sir, it was under-powered before, but its lacking some ability now."
" We could break this blockade at any time, that conference better hurry up and end."
Krugler had refreshed himself now, and he chatting idly on his cell phone, talking to Cindy, is on-again, off-again girlfriend back home. They would have been married now, if not for Krugler's constant deployments. But such was not the case. After he hung up, he asked the guards to take him back to the conference room, he was ready to begin again. That's when his cell phone buzzed.
The head servant once again appeared with a note, this time from his youngest brother, Prince Sanin, in Tigerlan.
Dear Brother,
I am pleased to inform you that the mass of arms is fully prepared to strike the enemy, should it be needed. Our forces are fully deployed in Tigerlan, and the commanders in the field have told me that our forces are now in Wanderjar as well.
I have heard that the political tides are changing, however, thanks to your efforts. But we shall remain vigilant and prepared to strike -- or, perhaps, redeploy -- at a moments notice. Our forces on the ground and sea, as well as our total space superiority, have put us in a position to shape the very continent, if Your Divine Will desires such.
He smiled once more and thanked the servant for bringing the letter, who took it back to the cellar to be destroyed. Xavier looked around, and waited for everyone else to return.
OOC: Moving right along...
Tsar Xavier stood up once more and called the conference to order.
"I hope everyone is refreshed and recollected. Now, as Ambassador Keating of The World Soviet Party opened the first part, I shall allow Major Krugler open this part, and we may continue the conference."
24-11-2007, 05:25
Kaiser Baker entered into the Conference Hall with his sword at his side and alone, escorted by two Dersconi guardsmen which had been assigned to him. He removed his hat and leather gloves, placing the gloves into his belt and the hat being held at his side. He approached the area where the representatives from each nation were assembled.
"Greetings everyone," He said, giving a thin smile. "I apologise for arriving so late, but it appears that I recieved my invitation a tad belayed."
The PeoplesFreedom
24-11-2007, 05:36
Krugler looked at Baker, he was, until recently, a almost holy figure to the military of TPF, and he struggled to shut his gaping mouth. For the first time, sweat began to run down his forehead and his ears, things got a lot more interesting now. Getting up, he saluted Kaiser Baker in his smartest and cleanest Prussian stance.
Tsar Xavier stood up to greet the Kaiser, as Baker and Xavier had become personal friends over the years, even more so since the Prussian unification. Xavier embraced him warmly and personally led him to his seat, with the Wanderjaran flag behind it. It was where Kabanov was sitting, but Kabanov was no longer there, and the Dersconi flag was now behind Xavier, along with the Prussian one. The symbolism was clear -- Baker was at Xavier's right hand, and Navarrone was at his left. The three would present the dominant neutral bloc -- as well as the strongest bloc -- in the conflict. To offend one was to offend all, to befriend one was to befriend all, and to provoke one was to provoke all.
"Now that all parties are fully represented, I turn the floor to Major Krugler of The PeoplesFreedom to continue the conference."
24-11-2007, 18:52
Norris took his seat, and, like Krugler, had to keep from gaping when he saw the Kaiser. The man represented perhaps the largest military force on the continent. The fact he was standing next to Derscon and Auman was not lost on Norris as well. For all our own might, these three pose the most formidable bloc in the room, he thought.
Norris wished that MacKenzie was here. For all his own nationalist pride, Norris was a fish out of water in this level of politics, while MacKenzie would have been more in his element.
Well, he's not here; I am. I'd better not let him down. Not again.
A plan began to hatch in Norris' mind... something that might bring the Wanderjarans and maybe the entire EP to side with the NEA. But he worried that his fellow NEA delegates might not like it...
OOC: Erm... where is Derscon?
"Ridiculous," the Siriusan diplomat said to herself as she climbed into the limousine that was waiting for her at the airport. Not only had the takeoff been pushed back, but the plane's landing was delayed too. Now, an hour after she was supposed to be at the meeting, she finally had her baggage and was ready to go.
With a surprising buzz, she felt her cell phone vibrate in her coat packet. She picked it up, flipped it open, and looked at the number. It had a government area code. Whenever her father, Chang Hu, called her, he always used his non-government cell phone. This wasn't good.
"Hello?" she said, hitting the end key.
"Miss Hu," a male's voice said. "The Prince wishes to speak with you. It sounds urgent."
There was a small clicking sound on the phone, then Hu heard Prince Jacob's voice. "Cindy? What the hell is going on? I've been trying to reach you for at least half an hour!"
"The flight was late," she grimaced.
"It doesn't matter," Jacob replied quickly. "Do you have any idea what's happening around Nova Brittania? They've spotted a huge fleet." he paused to let this sink in. "Huge."
"How huge?"
"Well," Jacob sighed, "big enough it probably isn't from the NEA. With at least one superdreadnought, perhaps more. So far, we have yet to identify where they're from, but we're keeping our fleet that's near Nova Brittania on standby. At the conference, be sure to find out who, what, how, and why. Call me after the conference."
The line went dead.
Hu sighed to herself. Things were going from bad to worse. First The PeoplesFreedom attacked the Nova Europa satellite network without warning, then they invaded Wanderjar and then The World Soviet Party. She could only hope that the conference would end in the NEA's favor and the fleet parked outside of Nova Brittania would come to the NEA's aid.
Fifteen minutes later, she bustled out onto the terrace and looked about for her seat. Thank God it's not some stuffy room in the capitol, she thought to herself. Thankfully, it did not appear that too many people noticed her arrival. They were too transfixed on an important looking man who had just entered.
"Now let's see what's going on here," she quietly whispered to herself.
OOC: Edited for you, Derscon.
OOC: Erm... where is Derscon?
On the Supercontinent of Greater Prussia. I never gave an approximate location, namely because I never made a map, and it's bloody huge.
Also, just to clarify, albeit I won't make a big IC deal of it, but it's clear you didn't read some of the thread -- bustling in unnoticed would be an impossibility, and there is no door or room -- it's an outdoor conference on a terrace. But whatever, minor details that I won't harp too much for the sake of RP. Just a reminder, no need to edit or anything. I'll just go as if you came via the way prescribed/allowed.
Miss Hu was seated by the guards at the seat with the Siriusan flag, and Xavier saw her entrance out of the corner of his eye, and was irritated, but let it go, understanding that shit happens. One of the servants wrote an outline of all that happened at the meeting so far on a notepad and quietly handed it to the Siriusan delegate to look over while everyone was still infatuated with the arrival of Kaiser Baker, and the revelation the Tsar Xavier had much more interest in Nova Europa (namely through his personal friendship and alliance with Kaiser Baker) than previously thought.
Arcturus VI
25-11-2007, 01:52
WHOOPS! This is Auman, accidentally used my puppet to post.
Navarrone was unfamiliar with the Kaiser, though he could tell that he was a big deal around these parts. Sheikh politely introduced himself to Kaiser Baker before sweeping his eyes across the room. He noticed a change in Mr. Norris' expression from one of excitement, to despair...and then finally to a look of determination. Sheikh smiled at the thought that he was in the presence of a man who inspired such feelings of respect, though he held none of these himself. He started to feel a sense of pride in the fact that no one in this room knew who he was and what he was going to drop on them.
Sheikh decided to wait for the most dramatic point possible to inform then all that this meeting was moot. The Island belonged to the Federal Union in the first place. And that now, Nova Britannia belonged to him.
Both sides have been fighting over who got the inheritance before their relative even died.
The World Soviet Party
25-11-2007, 01:58
Both sides have been fighting over who got the inheritance before their relative even died.
OOC: Why does this Aumani fellow operate under the belief that the war is over who gets to occupy Nova Britannia?
OOC: Why does this Aumani fellow operate under the belief that the war is over who gets to occupy Nova Britannia?
Because this is what I was called in to help with, it is also a major sticking point. Please, use the OOC thread in the future.
Lord Scope shook his head slowly and finally stood. He had listend carefully to all arguments posed at this conference and was becomeing concerned with the disunity of the whole thing. "My freinds in the NEA, Sir Kruger, and all in attendance." he paused a moment to let his voice hover around the room.
"Firstly I would like to address Shiek Navarrone; you sir need to calm yourself. Your actions during the first portion of this meeting were nearly as unbefitting an emmisary as Master Kruger's were. No offense is intended toward either but when making policy one must keep a calm and level head. You accused the World Soviet Party, our regional delegate to the UN and one of the oldest most respectable nations on this continent, of being disatisfied because The People's Freedom claimed Great Britain as thier own before they could. That sir showed to me you seem to have come here without reviewing the situation more clearly. TWSP, and indeed all of the NEA are merely concerned with keeping the peace and integraty of our great land, and further, if you were to want to accuse anyone of wanting to claim Britain as thier own it would be my nation, The Kingdom of SaintB that would be the most likely culperit as it is us, and only us, who have placed troops upon its soil in the defense of Nova Europe, a move we made only after the utmost consideration."
His gaze passed around the room again, "Let me be more brief about this next portion. Nobody currently holds any advantage in this conflict through battle. If TPF wants to call a conference we must remember that we are currently all on equal standing, with no single group holding the strategic high ground we must come to terms that we all can agree too."
He took in a breath and said what was on his mind, "The only terms I can see that would be of any great benefit to both sides are those that would be found in a white peace. The terms are rather simple..."
"The People's Freedom would withdraw troops from Wanderjar. They would renig thier claims to Nova Britain, a land which no nation at this conference has any legitamate claim to on the international scene."
"NEA nations would also demiliterize in a similer manner. The blockade in the North Sea would end and our alliance would turn to face the threats from abroad, if they are indeed threats; through political and hopefully not military means."
(OOC: Firstly Doom, I would like to thank you for waiting so patiently for me and not taking liberties. You have no idea how relived it makes me since I have had this problem in other RPs.)
The first of SaintB's troops to encounter the Doomanies were elements of the GAR Battallion on a mid range reconisance. 4 Panther cars, containing about 12 men were traveling along a dirt road through the countryside on the way toward a hill from which they intended to survey and cordone off for artillery zones in case of combat.
Within moments of being spotted Sargeant Kyle Rodgers attempted to contact the aircraft via shortwave radio, "This is Sgt. Kyle Rodgers of the Kingdom of SaintB Land Services. This is a warning, Nova Europa will not tolerate the presence of Doomany, Novan, or any other foreign troops on land that is under the protection of her nations."
The warning was repeated and the addended with the following, "We are not interested in war, withdraw from this area at once. This conflict is not your own."
The PeoplesFreedom
26-11-2007, 01:08
Second Armada
Several Admirals commanding the various fleets that comprised of Second Armada had been called for a meting aboard the TPFS Epic which was a Freedom Class Command Battleship. The issue at and was how exactly they should go about running the blockade, which High Command had finally authorize them to do. The plan called for the significant carrier fleet to stay behind the main screen of cruisers and battleships, while a picket line advanced. In order to deal with the enemy land-based land fighters as well as guns and missiles, numbers of submarines and Murphy class Stealth Destroyers would move ahead of the main group and engage enemy defenses with cruise missiles strikes. ASF-70's and Sariels would also come from the mainland, while F-25's and Seagull's along with other aircraft would work to take control of the skies.
Tpfs Silent Night
Captain Reinheart stared deeply into the sea, the mother of all sailors and the killer of sailors, Reinheart was not sure who she would side with this night. All the men were ready, that was good, they were ready to die for their nation, but they were nervous, many drinking stale and lukewarm coffee, waiting for the call to battle stations. His XO, Jale Depnier, was at the helm, leading the ships along. Three other destroyers sailed with them, no group got larger than that, though.
“ Sir, we are in range.”
“ Order the men to battle stations.”
As it was done, it was done more quickly and silently then usual, after all, the men had been waiting for some time for the call to come.
“ Alright then. Target the ASM's tubes first.”
“ Sir, we are armed and awaiting final confirmation.”
“ Fire.”
Several plumes of fire spat out of the black, smooth hull as several haycon class stealth cruise missiles fired at the enemy. All around, submarines and other destroyers did the same, until hundreds of missiles were firing towards the enemy positions.
26-11-2007, 02:02
OOC:No problem, man.
Nova Brittania
Tribune Marius Aculeo glanced out the side of the Bellicus' cockpit towards the group of armored cars, the helicopter's 23mm chin gun rotating with his head. He could easily have obliterated all four of them with his personal weapon; his gunner, Tribune Balbus, also looked towards the SaintB troops, priming a few Cornix-IIC anti-tank missiles for launch and locking in a firing solution in case he needed to inflict some casualties.
Without responding to the SaintBian sergeant, Aculeo smartly maneuvered the helicopter so that it directly faced the road. Stafing sideways, parallel to the road, he got on his own encrypted radio,
"Contact has been made with SaintB forces, requesting orders,"
The helo flew several wide, extremely low-altitude circles around the group of cars, at all times pointing its nose towards the group, the cannon training from vehicle to vehicle if only to mess with the heads of these potentially hostile soldiers. A voice crackled in Aculeo's ear, and he haulted the helo in midflight. Snapping the aircraft around, he blazed away at over two hundred miles per hour, disappearing behind a nearby hillside, leaving the SaintB troops wondering as to what had just happened.
Less than half a kilometer away was Celsus' scout turma, comprised of four VAE armored cars and their attached dismounts. The helicopter had been transmitting live video feed to them, and they now knew precisely where their enemy was and what they were armed with. Celcus was willing to bet that his four-wheeled vehicle was not as well armored as the enemy personnel carriers and as a result did not want to risk a direct vehicle engagement that could result in his men being stranded in enemy territory. Instead, he ordered the twelve foot scouts to dismount out of the enemy's line of sight, leaving the scout cars concealed so the infantry could make a quick getaway if things went south.
Creeping through the thick brush, the scouts were excellently camoflaged: their helmet netting had been stuffed with brush as well at parts of their uniforms, allowing for them to blend with the surrounding area very easily. The Doomani were especially adept at camoflage tactics, and began taking up positions with a view to the dirt road upon which the SaintB troops were traveling.
Celsus, though technically supposed to be his vehicle's commander, had dismounted, leaving another to drive his scout car for him. He had out a pair of binoculars, which he was now using to transmit live video feed to friendly forces...
26-11-2007, 02:08
OOC - Whoops! Thanks for the clarification!
The PeoplesFreedom
26-11-2007, 02:09
OOC: Sorry, let me clarify. I a, firing on Soviet Shore defenses, but I am moving towards the blockade, currently. Sorry for not making that clear.
OOC: I only currently have one minor problem with your post.. a Panther Car is not an armored transport. Its a lightly armored all terrain vehicle, crews 3 men, but packs some pretty decent weaponry for its size. Panther Car ( I'm willing to concede you managed to get a small force to Nova Britain without me noticing but anything major would already have been spotted before it got here.
Nova Britain
Under Sergeant's orders the four vehicles began an ordered retreat, heading back to the defensive perimeter less than 15 km away. The crews were alert for any other aircraft, or a return of the one they had seen earlier and were prepared to fire with their .50 caliber machine guns if any appeared. It was likely a meager defense but a lucky strike by a heavy machine gun could take out almost any helicopter. The cars moved quickly, over 100 km/hr southbound.
"GAR Squad Alpha, of Delta company has made contact with hostile Doomanie assets at the following location." Kyle broadcast his position to HQ. "En route to nearest bunker, ETA less than 10 minutes."
Nova English Channel
From the deck of KSB Pride of the Fleet, one of two new supercarriers to just find service in SaintB's navy Lt. Jack Larson sat in the cockpit of his Artemis ground attacker waiting for the all clear for take-off. His primary mission was to ID unfriendly Doomingsland forces and engage any vehicles he encountered. His wingman, Jack Roberts gave him an OK hand signal from his aircraft, waiting to occupy the same catapult as his own craft. Known jokingly as Jack and Jack, they were some of the first to log more than 1,000 hours in the air Interdiction Fighter, however nobody had yet to log any combat hours in this craft; he was filled with pride to be chosen for the initial combat mission of what he considered a superior craft.
Within minutes the two 101s were streaking at 25,000 feet through the skies above Nova Britain at just over the speed of sound.
26-11-2007, 03:23
OOC:Ah, you had me confused before, made it sound like each car was carrying twelve men...
Yeah, right now all my major forces are up in Scotland, the ones you're dealing with are advance scouts.
Nova Brittania
Upon seeing the SaintB vehicles commencing their retreat. Celsus immediately got on the radio,
"They're pulling back. Its either now or never, take the shot," he spoke calmly into the mouthpiece.
With his electronic binoculars watching the enemy vehicles as they retreated, some four kilometers away, behind the same hill the helicopter had retreated behind, four anti-tank guided missiles came streaking from over the hill's crest, breaking the sound barrier. Traveling at a high altitude, their infrared seekers immediately found the targets Celsus was designating and the missiles automatically adjusted course.
"All right, let's get the fuck out of here!" yelled Celsus to his men, who immediately picked up and began dashing to their scout cars as the missiles passed overhead. They would now begin an orderly retreat to a nearby hill they'd picked out as a safe zone.
Utilizing smokeless rocket motors, the SaintB scouts would most likely not know they had inbound missiles until the missiles were literally right overhead (by then they'd be able to hear the missiles breaking the sound barrier), by which time the missiles would have engaged in their terminal dives over their targets, each missile plunging four explosively formed penetrators into the roofs of the scout cars.
Imperial AWACS Cornicen Six
Operating a ways out of SaintB-occupied Britain, the AWACS' RADAR quickly picked up on the two aircraft, immediately pinpointing their course. Knowing full well that friendly ground troops had just made contact with SaintB troops in that area, the AWACS commander was fairly certain that the two aircraft had a hostile intent. Besides: ten minutes ago he'd recieved orders to intercept any enemy aircraft entering his sector, and these two appeared to be heading into his sector.
He immediately vectored a pair of Atratus air superiority fighters to intercept the two aircraft. He would wait a bit to give the order to destroy the two enemy fighters, however. He wanted his pilots to have the oppurtunity to get very close before engaging. Considering the rediculously stealthy nature of the Atratus, the odds of the SaintB aircraft or even any nearby enemy AWACS aircraft of picking up the two fighters were slim to none, and the chances of them getting a firing solution even less.
Data regarding the approach of enemy aircraft were also relayed to Tribune Aculeo in his attack helicopter; he was already equipped to deal with enemy aerial threats, and if worse came to worse, he had the capability to shoot down both enemy fighters. He remained behind his hill, ensuring that it was virtually impossible for enemy sensor systems to see him. In addition, he had a nine-man air mobile squad aboard his aircraft, which he ordered to get out. Hovering at treetop level, all nine men fastroped out. There was a good chance he would be shot down, and there was no need for them to die if that happened.
He also instructed them to be ready to move out soon; there was a very good chance they would be required to hunt down and capture some enemy pilots soon...
A servant slipped onto the terrace and stuck to the back, bringing Tsar Xavier a note, and standing behind him, waiting for a response. Xavier read it to himself -- the note was detailing the events that were transpiring in Nova Europa -- and scribbled a response down on the note and handed it to the servant: Jam all transmissions to and from the conference. Xavier wanted to make sure that the delivery was going to be perfect, and he couldn't let anyone know what was happening. It wouldn't be super-noticeable -- reception in the terrace wasn't that great anyway (it was designed to have poor communications reception), it would just appear as if reception was no longer able to be received -- and it was fading in and out anyway, so it wouldn't be noticed.
But delivery for the one-two knockout that he and Navarrone had needed to be perfect. He glanced at Navarrone, giving him a nod, feeling that now would be the best time to start.
And then the doors opened.
A single Allanean, wearing ceremonial Command Armor, large and muscular, walked in. It was President Scalding himself.
"Greetings, Your Majesty. I apologize for being late. Let it be clear that, as President of Allanea and Fieldmarshal of the Republic, in all capacities vested in me by Congress and the People of Allanea, I support our Dersconi friends and Aumanii comrades in their attempts to establish peace in the region. If money is required, or resources of any sorts, Allanea will happily provide them."
26-11-2007, 16:53
TNS Yvonne Carter,
Five minutes after the TPF cruise missile attack.
Commodore Jarod van Hyaams paced the bridge. "Anything?" he asked the officer at Signals.
"No word from the Soviets. Either there were no casualties or the Soviets are not saying how badly they were hit."
"Tracking, what about the source of those missiles? Can we find it?"
"The missiles themselves didn't show up on our radar... not too surprising since even the sites hit were at the outer edge of our radar range. But what little data we do have suggests cruise missiles, not ballistic. Whoever fired them had to be local."
"Probably the peefers," a crewman grumbled. van Hyaams shot him a glare.
"Just a second, sir..." Tracking bent closer to her screens. "Intermittent radar and sonar contacts. High probability of ships in motion toward us... no ID on size or class. Permission to go active?"
van Hyaams nodded. "Permission granted. Give them a short radar and sonar ping, and see what bounces back."
"Aye, sir. Active ping... now." A pause, then: "Sir, the contacts are still intermittent."
The exec looked up from the main map. "Commodore? The Strategos II has computed the likely origin point for the cruise missile attack."
"Where is it?"
"Here, sir." The exec pointed to a spot on the large table screen. "It's the same location as those contacts Tracking is picking up."
van Hyaams frowned. "Signals, get me Admiral Everett on a secure channel."
# # #
Derscon Conference
Norris heard his minder start to beep - indicating an incoming call. "Excuse me for a second," he said to the others, and pulled out his minder.
The small screen on the minder showed the strength of the transmission -three bars - and the origin - Office of the President. Damn, this must be important.
Norris opened the link, grateful for the increased signal strength... only to be greeted by static. He looked back at the screen. Still three bars... but now the --SIGNAL LOST-- message was prominently displayed. What is going on?
Then the Allanean representative arrived, and Norris focussed his attention back on the conference.
# # #
Office of the President,
Trivalvian Federal Legislature
"What do you mean, we lost him?" MacKenzie looked at Samantha, worried.
"Sorry sir. I'd just gotten the call routed through to him. He did open the link at his end, but then the signal was just... cut off." Samantha began to touch keys on her minder. "I'm going to make a couple of calls to see what is happening with the network."
"Do what you can, but get him back." MacKenzie turned back to the speakerphone. "Admiral Everett, has there been any word from the Soviet navy... or from the TPF ships?"
"Nothing sir."
"And the Soviet ambassador hasn't said anything either." MacKenzie grumbled. The ceasefire may be starting to crumble and I can't get in touch with the conference. "Samantha?"
"Working on it, sir." Samantha tapped in a number, then spoke into her minder. "Get me Steve Gates..."
"Sir, the TPF ships will reach weapons range of our ships within the hour. Your orders?"
MacKenzie paused. "Samantha?"
"One moment, sir..."
"Sir, your orders? Should I tell the commander to withdraw or defend himself?"
"Sir, the minder network is functioning properly. Repeated pings show that the problem lies at the Derscon end. Pings are not being returned at all. Sir... this is consistent, rather than the intermittent reception we've had before."
MacKenzie paled as the implications of that statement sank in.
"Sir, what are your orders?"
MacKenzie slumped into his chair. "Tell the commander... if the enemy fires, he is to defend himself."
Order Chapter House.
It came as a surprise, the fact that the Order was asked to involve itself in the conflict that was threatening to engulf Nova Europa, but true to their name, they could not decline the request for help. Their employers met the strict criteria that the Order asked for its services and as such they were bound by oath to lend their strength.
In order to discuss the plan of action for this campaign many from the higher echelons of the organization were gathered in one of the many Order Houses spread around the world. Many of the participants knew about the purpose of the meeting and as such it did not take them long to delve into the heart of the matter. The briefing was short and dossiers were shared amongst them, detailed information about what was happening in Nova Europa presented to all of them.
”The situation at hand is not good Grand Magister,” Richard, one of the prized knights of the Order and the right hand of the Magister, spoke as he finished looking at the sensitive documents in his hands.
”I know of that, but when are the odds fair to us?,” came the reply of the Magister. He was perhaps, the best informed about the whole affair and as such needed no reminder about the odds the Order faced.
”We never asked for fair odds in the first place,” Richard tried to joke, a small smile making its way on the face of some of his brothers at his words, before adding with a much serious look on his face, ”We just asked for a just cause to fight for.”
”Indeed,” his opinion was approved by Antonius, another important Knight in the Order and the one responsible upon the Naval Affairs of the group. ”But things might stand a bit better here,” he continued, sharing a few documents to the others. ”As you can see, we have received substantial assets for this affair. I will not name our ‘benefactors’ but their aid will do much to ease our cause.”
For those unaware of the affair it was good news indeed, the ships significantly bolstering the Order’s ranks and giving them a fighting chance on the sea.
”We have already started preparations,” the Magister raised his voice once again, ”Only a few matters are left to be solved and we are free to set sail. I have placed Richard and Antonius in charge of the operation.”
Turning around to the two, the Magister paused for a second, before, with a booming voice, he spoke again.
”Make us proud!”
Order Fleet. En route to Nova Britannica.
On the deck of his flagship, Antonius pondered in his mind the parting words of the Magister. He knew that this mission was difficult, even with the number of ships at his disposal. It was clear that no matter how many ships the organization could throw on the table, the enemy will always have more and the latest news did little to ease his worries.
”Still up?” Richard joined him, similarly concerned about the mission.
”Thinking,” he answered, not bothering to look at his fellow Knight.
There was no other word uttered by the other knight as he too started pondering the affair. He did not know how many will perish in this conflict or if they would win or lose, but he knew that each and everyone of his men chose their fate, to serve the Order and its principles to the best of their abilities.
Under the pale moonlight, the ships sailed towards Nova Britannica. Once there, the forces of the Order were to fight under the flag of their employer, however, special provisions were in place, provisions that had their place in avoiding situations that were deemed unpleasant by the Order.
It was only a matter of time now…
Urgent Order Message.
TO: The Kingdom of SaintB.
As a response to your request for aid, the Order has dispatched significant naval assets and several Order divisions. We await for further instructions regarding our deployment once we arrive at the designated location.
Richard, Knight of the Order.
OOC: Troops hired by SaintB, they will act under his banner so they don't represent national forces. A different kind of mercenaries if you will. I hope there are no problems with the post in that regard.
OOC: Correct me if the aide at the conference is also unable to send a message, Derscon, but I presume you only jammed the terrace area?
NNS Undaunted, English Channel
Admiral Green of the Naashan 1st Carrier Group paced the floor of the bridge, just daring any of the officers present to look up from their workstations. None did so, the CO was in a foul mood having not yet heard any news of a suspected TPF attack on the Soviet blocakde.
It was his flag captain who finally broke the silence, a long time friend of the Admiral's family and therefore slightly less likely to incur his wrath.
"Still no response from the Soviets, sir. N.I. are sure that the peefers are going after them, though. The agent with Denhy at the Derscon conference also reports that he can't raise the Foreign Sec's cell phone, could be nothing but the guy is experienced and he is positive he smells a rat."
"You mean we aren't hearing anything from anyone who matters?" Nathaniel Green smiled weakly at his own sarcasm.
"We're fairly sure the Trivalvians are still alive and kicking and the AWACS bird had a fleeting contact over Nova Britain earlier."
The commander of the Naashan Atlantic Taskforce, as it had been named, shook his head slowly. "This is getting silly, we have a massive fleet here and we're helping nobody. Tell you what, if we aren't getting any news here then we'll have to go find it wherever it's happening."
Thomas Enrick, the flag captain, looked slightly nervous at that. "We're leaving our post, sir?"
"No! Instruct the 2nd and 3rd to form up south of Cornwall and get the marines to the shore. Those two groups can hold the channel and the Trivalvian Atlantic while we take the others to aid the Soviet blockade."
(Armoury Thread) (
1st and 2nd Marine Expeditionary Units to land on Nova Cornwall with 2nd and 3rd Carrier Groups deployed in support.
1st, 4th and 5th Carrier Groups to move into the Baltic at combat alert.
Tenarius, Siriusa
"What's this?" Chang Hu demanded, narrowing his eyes at his secretary who came into his office, clutching a note. Hu snatched the note out of the man's hand and read over it. The color drained from his face and he seemed to be fighting for words. "Those bastards! And in the middle of peace negotiations, nonetheless!"
"Inform the Prince," he choked. "Tell him I need to see him in my office as soon as possible."
"Yes, sir," the secretary said, bowing and leaving.
Hu pulled his personal cell phone out of his pocket and dialed his daughter's phone number. He held the phone up to his ear and nervously chewed his lip. Pick up, dammit, he thought, as if trying to communicate with her telepathically.
Four rings in, he was cut off. He swore loudly to himself and redialed. This time he didn't hear the sound of the phone ringing, it cut straight to the answering machine. "Hi, this is Cindy Lou Hu," a recording of his daughter said. "I can't pick up the phone right now, but if you leave me a message I'll get back to you as soon as I can." Beep.
"Cindy, this is your father. Call me back as soon as you get this. Something's going horribly wrong, and I don't think it's safe for you to be at that conference."
He snapped the phone shut and tried to call again. Answering machine.
Hu swore and threw the cell phone across the room, sending it bouncing off a chair and onto the floor where it lay. No response.
There was a knock at the door. "Come in," Hu snapped irritably. He sat back down in his chair as Prince Jacob entered. He didn't bother to bow or salute.
"What's going on?" the prince asked sharply.
Hu sighed. No use keeping secrets.
Peace Conference, Derscon
The Siriusan diplomat jumped at her phone vibrated in her pocket. Luckily, it wasn't loud enough to be heard. He glanced down at it, and saw her father's name appear on the screen. It must be important. He knew she was at a meeting, and he wouldn't interrupt her unless it was of the most dire circumstances.
She made to stand up, but stopped when the phone abruptly stopped vibrating. She looked back down at the screen.
Connection lost. Call dropped.
She closed it and opened it again. No bars. She began to worry. Why would he try to call me unless it were an emergency?
27-11-2007, 15:27
Peace Conference, Derscon
Generalmajor Buyov entered the Conference Hall quickly and summoned Kaiser Baker with a simple glance. Baker seeing this, nodded and asked to be excused while he walked over to his General Staff Officer. The Officer saluted when his Kaiser approached, which was returned sharply, then he took Baker outside the room where they could speak without being heard.
"My Kaiser," The Generalmajor said solemnly, "The TPF vessels have attacked the World Soviet Party forces. It appears theres no avoiding war now."
Kaiser Baker sighed heavily. He nodded, "So thats it, whether this Peace Conference works or not there will at least be some fighting. Damn."
"Quite sir. If it is not too bold to say, we are probably the only force in the region capable of ending this all."
"I realise this," he said, "However I didn't wish to do this. Though the present Government of TPF is far different than the one which was Wanderjar's closest ally oh so long ago, I still hold that old loyalty I suppose."
"Yes sir, I understand this. However, do you not think it wise that perhaps we see what is truly best for the continent, and best for the Wanderjarian as well as TPFian people?"
"What would you suggest, Generalmajor?" Baker inquired, his hand stroking the faint goatee which was formulating after a few days lack of shavng.
"Sir, I serve at your will. However, if given the option, I would say mobilise the Nationale Volksarmee. Invade, unleash us upon the fascists and allow us to replace it with a Government which truly is like the TPF which we once were inseparable and unstoppable allies with. This is what I would do."
"You speak wisdom, this is a good plan. Make it happen. This night, have the Army assault across the border, and crush them. Begin pounding them with cruisemissiles and artillery while attacking and insure that the Tigerlanis attack from the opposite side. I'd like to see the I, VI, and VIII Armee Korps lead the assault, while they are covered by precision bombing and artillery support. Have the Nationale Volksluftwaffe attempt to dismantle the Government with bombings and destroy their chain of command. Give them no quarter!"
"Yes sir. Tonight we shall end this madness."
"Yes, tonight we shall bring the TPFians true freedom." With that Baker returned to his place beside the Dersconi leader, and Generalmajor Buyov returned to their Oberkommando Wehrmacht Headquarters in Warsaw. Baker leaned in closely to Derscon and told him their plan.
With a brief pause, he said, "What say you to this? Will you follow through?"
27-11-2007, 17:01
War Room, Trivalvian Military HQ
General Wellington and Admiral Everett watched as data from the aerostats continued to flood in.
"So much for the cease-fire," Wellington grumbled, after Everett had finished talking to the President. "But at least the fighting isn't on the ground yet."
"Just on the oceans... where we're least prepared," Everett replied. "At least there are Soviet vessels nearby to provide assistance, but all the same."
Wellington turned his attention to the map of Nova Britain. "Meanwhile we've got movement on a new front, and right in our backyard. With Naashan forces arriving to support the SaintB garrison, that will level the playing field some... But..."
He turned to Everett. "How is our capacity to transport troops by ocean right now?"
"Poor," Everett replied. "We have four LPDs, and can transport about three-four battalions of light infantry with them. As for armoured vehicles... the best route for those is by air. But we'll need friendly airbases to recieve them." He thought for a moment. "If you really needed to move troops fast, we can commission some civilian cargo ships to move troops and equipment, but they'll be unarmoured."
"With Naashan presence in the water, we can probably prevent an enemy from sinking the transports. And we'll have a few ships of our own." Wellington made up his mind. "I'll take the brigade groups we were initially going to deploy against the TPF invasion force up to Nova Britain. We can provide some support to our allies there from the Doomani. Get those ships ready."
ORBAT: Nova Britain Front
Escort Group:
3 Guardian-class CGN
6 Asher-class FF
Ground Force:
11th-20th Brigade Groups (infantry only; armour and artillery to arrive later).
27-11-2007, 17:07
[OOC: who has the fleets around Nova Britannia and can I get a rundown on their makeup? will post my orbat asap.]
2,000km West of Nova Britannia
The Questarian fleet, after refueling for the final stretch, was approaching the distance to where long range strikes were possible. However, their primary problem - past the long distances between their last supply base - was the lack of landbased AWACs. This was countered by the capable seabased AWACs and RORSATs of the fleet, but this meant reducing the amount of aircraft that could be put in the air for defensive or offensive missions. Nevertheless, with escort carriers set aside for fleet defence, Admiral Fairfax was confident that his initial carrier strikes would be sufficient to render enemy aerial superiority impossible, with following up strikes entirely denying their ability to control the sea. With his longest range ship to ship missiles topping out at a maximum range of 650 klicks, Fairfax had to rely on aerial power to strike the enemy fleets sufficiently.
He would, unless the enemy attacked first, have the element of surprise however. Certainly the way the operation would work would be highly controversial and in the very least obvious, but he was a military, not a political man and his job was to win this conflict with minimal casualties. Surrounding his core of Ark Royal class carriers and his flagship HMS Ardent, where several pickets of Town Class cruisers, Type 27 and 29 Destroyers, and Type 28 ASW Frigates protected the carriers and the replenishment vessels. Scattered outside of the concentric formation were nuclear submarines and missile submarines, which would be used extensively later on, but for now were a defensive choice. With just under a thousand five hundred escorts, two hundred strike cruisers, a hundred carriers and twice that many support ships, the Royal Navy's Force R was entirely capable of defending itself for sustained periods of time.
The current CAP was being run by twenty squadrons of Blackburn Battle carrier fighters, backed up by forward Town Class cruisers, and groups of AWACs escorted by fighters which where ahead of the fleet, providing decently accurate radar interception a thousand kilometres out from the centre of the task group. Bombers were not yet prepped with missiles or ready, but it would be happening in a matter of hours: soon, the Questarian fleet would be launching long range aerial missile attacks on enemy carrier groups to wear them down before the first hammer blow. Amongst the group, morale was high, although many didn't see the point in fighting the conflict. Nevertheless, the Royal Navy was famed for its motivation and skill, and the thoughts of the crews were with their families and how they could best finish the job and get back home without too many of their friends dying.
The PeoplesFreedom
27-11-2007, 18:17
High Command, Undisclosed Location
The mood in the room was somber and angry. Blood was literally boiling in the bodies, several men had already thrown up and some had been removed do to them striking the sensitive computer equipment. Molkte was breathing furiously, his old and hardened chest beating up and down like a race horse. " Is it confirmed, then?"
" Sir, it is confirmed by our source in the government, and UAV recon supports his information."
" This is absurd, we respected their neutrality, we could have rampaged across their lands, unchecked."
" It seems that they have truly become evil communists, sir."
" Indeed. I suppose we will have to look at the Tigerlani border, there."
" The men are still in position at this time."
" Alright, then, start bringing everything up from storage, tanks, artillery, planes, everything. Start the draft and prepare for the the enemy offensive, blunt it, then counter-attack. If we can push deeply enough into Wanderjar we can probably hope for favorable terms."
" That is if we survive."
" I am confident we will." Said a new voice, Lord Militant General Guderian had entered the room.
" It is a possibility, but a distant one at that."
" Not so. Think of it this way. Instead of England, we could take Wanderjar, it is not an impossible task by any means, provided that we keep the Tigerlani at bay long enough to complete the task."
Molkte turned to Lord Colonel-General Hannam, commander of EASTCOM.
" Sir, it is in the realm of possibility, depending on just how many men they send at us and how competent they are. We could use some additional troops and planes. We also must take into account the Tigerlani navy, now."
" Indeed. We'll have to split the forces after we break through in the Baltic."
" We can bring in more allies, as well. Their navies and ground forces will be of great help."
" Right, now, let us begin our planning. Guderian, take control of WESTCOM. Rape them."
Molkte then turned, becoking an ISS agent to him.
" Arrest the Wanderjarian ambassador. Sever his head and sent to Baker."
The World Soviet Party
27-11-2007, 20:43
Tpfs Silent Night
Captain Reinheart stared deeply into the sea, the mother of all sailors and the killer of sailors, Reinheart was not sure who she would side with this night. All the men were ready, that was good, they were ready to die for their nation, but they were nervous, many drinking stale and lukewarm coffee, waiting for the call to battle stations. His XO, Jale Depnier, was at the helm, leading the ships along. Three other destroyers sailed with them, no group got larger than that, though.
“ Sir, we are in range.”
“ Order the men to battle stations.”
As it was done, it was done more quickly and silently then usual, after all, the men had been waiting for some time for the call to come.
“ Alright then. Target the ASM's tubes first.”
“ Sir, we are armed and awaiting final confirmation.”
“ Fire.”
Several plumes of fire spat out of the black, smooth hull as several haycon class stealth cruise missiles fired at the enemy. All around, submarines and other destroyers did the same, until hundreds of missiles were firing towards the enemy positions.
In NS modern naval battles, there are always thousands upon thousands of missiles going back and forth, guns are almost never used, and when they are, it's always as a last resource, such as the time the Questarian Hood was sunk by enemy forces.
So yeah, we were talking about missiles, hundreds of them according to the radars (or whatever you call those things) in the Soviet armada.
Hundreds, it seems, it's not enough.
The concentrated fire of the CIWS mounted on the Soviet Fleet was enough, added to some over-zealous sailors firing mounted machine guns, flaks, whatever they had near them, to destroy every single incoming missile.
The retaliation would be hard.
Armed Forces HQ,
Red City,
The World Soviet Party
President Aszenmil turned to his aide, then back at General Andrets, sighing, he considered his options: to kill, or be killed.
To a normal person, this was a hard choice, but to a leader of billions, billions who were counting on one to keep them alive and well, billions spread all over the continent, nay, the world, this was the hardest decision they would have to make in their life.
The first alternative meant letting the TPF'ians go about with their bussiness, possibly nuking The World Soviet Party, and then, after a bloody combat, being annexed or even worse, massacred by the quasi-Prussian hordes. The second, instead, meant the complete and total destruction of The PeoplesFreedom and their people, a small price compared to the welfare of the entire region.
It was clear, some would have to be sacrificed to ensure the Greater Good.
"Do it." he muttered
"Sir, are you sure this is a wise move?" Inquired Minister Nevskij
Aszenmil shot a burning glare at him and asserted "Do it!"
General Andrets nodded in aproval, then opened his briefcase and withdrew a small key, the President and General Smith did the same, placing them in a large control panel overlooking the main conference room inside the bunker/shelter.
"Any last words gentlemen?"
Andrets shrugged, Smith merely moved his hand, as if to say something, but ultimately remained silent, the President imagined the chaos and destruction this decision would impose upon the innocents within The PeoplesFreedom. And then, at the same time, they all twisted their keys.
It was done.
All over the nation, hundreds of silos opened their doors, letting out their cargo, ICBMs (though loaded with EMP warheads, the Soviets just wanted to disable TPF), most of them were aimed at the Capitol of The PeoplesFreedom, the rest were either fired at important cities or military targets, such as bases and airfields.
They were soon joined by a salvo of cruise missiles, also loaded with EMPs.
Eastern Coast
The huge coastal batteries, which had been previously aimed at the TPF'ian fleet in the Baltic, opened fire with their 500mm guns. Fortified positions along the coast opened with their missiles, a mix of Rufous AShMs (, Fenix Class AShMs (, Khans (, R/U/AGM-200 "Typhoons" ( and BGM-172 "Pikes" (
This, of course, was added to the missiles being fired by the Fleet, most of them aimed at the main group of the TPF'ian Armada, the rest at the small raider party which had dared break the cease-fire.
30 Khans
3,000 Rufous (Surface-Launched)
4,000 "Typhoons"
4,000 "Pikes"
2,000 Fenix
Launched from the coast, plus several hundreds more, launched from the fleet.
The total of ICBMs nears 250, plus several hundred cruise missiles (along the lines of 500).
Conference Room,
Ambassador Keating was almost done recieving a transmission from the President (actually a message being sent to his cellphone), when the thing beeped, lowly so as not to be heard not annoy the present diplomats but loud enough to be noticed by it's owned. Keating checked the screen, where a message read "Connection lost".
He quitely pondered what reason might have compelled the president t osend him a message, it appeared to be of utmost importance.
He coughed and stood up, addressing the Tsar.
"Excuse me, Your Majesty, I was, apparently, recieving a very important message from my goverment, but connection appears to be lost, is there any place where I could to get some signal and call President Aszenmil so as to clear this?"
27-11-2007, 21:26
Liberty City, ThePeoples Freedom
As the TPFian authorities broke through the gates with the arrest orders, Wanderjarian Marines stood before them, attempting to buy the GSG-9 team within the Embassy time to clear the Embassy staff. The twelve Marines took cover behind the walls and positioned their rifles along he window-sill.
Their Commanding Officer, a young Leutnant, called out to the TPFian police, "Come get us you fuckers! Just fucking try it!" Then, turning to his eleven Marines, he said, "Alright guys, this is it. Get some! Let’s show these fuckers what Wanderjarian Naval Infantrymen are capable of!" They each gave a blood lusted grunt of approval and returned their AK-74M rifles out the window. Lacking their typical Wanderjarian Combat uniforms and instead dressed in Dress Black Overcoats, they removed the heavy and cumbersome clothing and down into white tee shirts and black dress pants. The TPFian forces would overcome the twelve lonely Marines soon enough, but maybe they could buy enough time....
Down the hall four GSG-9 operators in their Future Force Warrior garb were sprinting through the corridors dragging the Ambassador and his family along with them. They headed deeper into the building, into the large boiler room where a large series of generators and propane tanks were arrayed along the gray stone wall.
“Damn!” The Officer muttered. Where do we go now?” Three of the operators proceeded to hurry about the room, searching for an exit, whilst the other remained fixated on the propane tank. He considered the possibilities of the havoc which he could create with it, and drew his knife. He walked over and grabbed a large hose which took the propane throughout the facility, and made a large cut along its top. Then, he drew a stick of C-4 and inserted it in the pipe flattened so the gas would flow over top of it.
“This place has fifteen minutes then it goes kabloom!” he cackled. “That’ll give those bastards a surprise.” The others laughed, while the ambassador gave them a look of horror.
He then put his hands in the air and shouted, “What do we do? We can’t escape!”
“Maybe we can,” The Team Leader said, he removed his helmet and looked deeper into the room, and there lay a metal disk in the floor. “Bingo,” he said, “a sewage entrance. I hope you don’t mind strong smells,” he added as he led the Ambassador towards the metal opening. “Because unlike you, I have a smell and gas filtering gasmask.
Meanwhile, news of the stand-off reached Wanderjarian Oberkommando Wehrmacht as well as the National News Media. The people of Wanderjar were outraged that their Ambassador would be apprehended by the TPFian Government, and screamed for blood. Air units were scrambled. Bomber squadrons escorted by fighter wings deployed to target TPFian strategic targets, and Interceptor aircraft began flying sorties to ensure than no enemy aircraft broke Wanderjarian airspace. EA-6 Prowler aircraft would be flying alongside their fighter and bomber compatriots, in attempt to jam enemy attempts at detection of their forces. Enemy radars would be at least inhibited, hopefully enough so that they could do serious damage. Some Wanderjarian bombers would be equipped with E-Bombs, not necessarily to destroy military hardware but rather to definitely destroy civilian electronics. This would vastly inhibit the citizenries ability to hamper Wanderjarian and potentially other forces, and even possibly eliminate some TPFian military hardware in the process. The majority, however, would be armed with smart bombs and would be focusing on, initially, destroying the TPF Airforce before it could get off the ground. Those aircraft which were already scrambled would be engaged from beyond visual range initially before dog fighting ensued however this was not a preferable solution.
Nationale Volksarmee Fortress and Static Divisions, garrisoning the TPF-Wanderjar border readied themselves to repel an assault while the Volksarmee, already prepared for a war, began its movements across the border. Supported by thousands of M198 Howitzers, firing in concert against known TPF military positions, they pushed into TPF hard and fast, attempting to break the enemies lines and crash through to their capital. This would not be a war of occupation, but rather one to simply liberate the people from a horrendously oppressive and fascist Government. Once this government was removed, a Libertarian Republic would be established and the damages fixed by the Wanderjarian Pioneer Corps (Wanderjarian Engineer Corps).
SCUD Missiles were fired and their trajectory plotted by a reformatted warhead with an EXCALIBUR type system that would guide the missile to exactly the place targeted by its firerer. The targets were Government buildings, airfields, military installations, and areas of such strategic and tactical importance. It was decided that these would be fired against enemy facilities and positions until it was determined that there was no longer any reason to do so. MRLS Launchers would be following suit as well, however these having much shorter range would be firing at tactical targets when determined by satellites in orbit.
Meanwhile, Baker sat comfortably alongside his Dersconi friend, hoping that he would partake in this endevour as well, and hoping that his Tigerlani friends would too assist. The more power which focused on the enemy, the sooner the entire debacle could be wrapped up and become an unpleasant footnote in history.
27-11-2007, 22:48
War Room
Everyone in the War Room paused in their operations, as the data from the aerostats closest to The World Soviet Party detected the launches. Hundreds of tracks lit up the screens, and the more up-to-date listening posts soon provided ID information, indicating generic missile classes: cruise, ICBM.
"Good lord," one lieutenant said.
Wellington stared at the screens. What the devil were the Soviets thinking? "Any..." he gulped. "Any chance we can determine if those missiles are nuclear?"
"No sir," answered a major.
"General?" A lieutenant bearing naval insignia spoke up, "Commodore van Hyaams reports that Soviet ships in the blockade have opened fire."
If there had been any hope of restoring the cease-fire before, it was gone now. This was total war now.
"Contact Lieutenant General Zala. Inform him that his forces should prepare for a probable retaliatory strike. If they survive the hour, they should render what assistance they can to the local population." There was no way the TPF military could miss seeing the launches.
"Also... contact Admiral Everett. Our planned landing at Nova Britain is suspended until we know what's happening on the Soviet front. And get me the President."
# # #
MacKenzie listened as Wellington briefed him on the latest events. "We still haven't been able to reach Norris, and as far as I can tell, our allies who sent delegates have reported similar disconnects," he told the General. "We can't even tell them that we've got a full-out war here."
"What is going on over there, sir? Why would the Dersconi sever the only diplomatic channel we still have with the PeoplesFreedom?"
"Heaven only knows," MacKenzie replied, keeping his darker theories to himself - Wellington had enough to worry about as it was.
"Everett's given the go-ahead for our ships to engage TPF warships at will. I was going to provide troops to support fellow NEA forces in Nova Britain, but..."
"I understand," MacKenzie said. With this new development, there could be a whole new crisis right on their doorstep.
"Unless and until the Dersconi decide to reopen communications, we have to consider the peace conference no longer relevant. What is the status of our bases in Soviet Territory?"
"Border airfields are operational and can support small groups of planes - I am dispatching two squadrons of planes there immediately. That will at least give us tenous fighter coverage extending to Red City.
"Our command base south of Red City is operational also, but its airfields are taking longer to set up. We're delivering another aerostat to be deployed there... as it is, restored satellite surveillance may be a long time coming. I'm not sending any more forces until we know the shape of the enemy's retaliation."
"Sensible." A bell sounded. "I have to return to the Session in legislature. Keep me informed, General. And God help us all."
# # #
Trivalvian North Sea Battlegroup
Commodore van Hyaams read the orders from HQ again. "Get me fleetwide," he told the officer at Signals.
"Attention all ships, this is the Commodore.
"We have just recieved orders to engage the enemy at will. All crew are to report to battle stations. Begin full active radar and sonar sweeps. Let's teach the... the peefers just who it is they're messing with. Out."
Hardly the most inspiring speech of his career, but it would have to do. Jarod van Hyaams turned to his exec. "Have the Defiant and Reliant target the nearest enemy ships. With multiple radars operating, we should be able to get a fix on them. We'll fire on any ships that survive the Soviet missile barrage.
"Signals, send a brief message to the Soviets to let them know our battle plan... no sense them wasting missiles they could use for bigger targets."
PUBLIC KEY: red-23FF-gold-sigma
We are preparing to engage the enemy; primary targets will be surviving vessels of forward enemy raiding parties. Will engage main enemy battlegroup once raiders are destroyed. Good luck.
Nova Britannia
The beachhead was secure at last, a little rough weather in the channel had made the marine landings hell for those unlucky enough to be deployed by assault boat. The majority of the lighter troops were airlifted in by Seahawk helicopters once the landing ground was judged to be clear. Commander Nielson watched the last of the lucky infantrymen, leaning on his APC for support as he struggled against the overwhelming nausea that always rose during a landing operation.
Around him, a base was being set up along the beach to facilitate any further landings while most of the armour and APC's rolled north along the nearest road to establish a more secure and camouflaged base where they would be less exposed to enemy air power. A further advance guard of mechanised infantry, backed up by Super Cobra helicopters, headed north and east. These men would link up with the SaintB forces in the theatre and present a united front across southern Nova Britannia.
Nova Atlantic, 2000km west of Nova Britannia
NS-04I, one of the six IQ-1 Class ballistic missile submarines purchased by Naasha, had been assigned to patrol the suspected route of the Questarian navy, if it chose to follow through on its threat. The captain had been firmly of the belief that the enemy would not attack Nova Europa and as such had been drilling the crew at the time when the multiple surface contacts became audible on the sonar. Already running deep and well away from the course of the enemy ships, the submarine ran parallel to them for a while, studying their numbers.
It was an incredulous officer who ordered the submarine to the surface once night fell, well behind the enemy fleet. His sonar operators were adamant that there were hundreds of enemy warships, including larger ones that might have been carriers. He wanted to disbelieve them, but such things had to be reported of course.
Encrypted Transmission
TO: Naashan Naval Forces SUBFLEETCOM
VIA: NEA Atlantic Naval Facility, Trivalvia.
NS-04I reports multiple contacts estimated at over one thousand surface vessels. Track is confirmed and headed for Nova Europa.
It was a larger fleet than any ever seen by Naasha, let alone fought against. The ten fleet carriers in the Atlantic would be overwhelmed long before help reached them, leaving the enemy free to strike at Nova Britannia or even mainland Trivalvia. Naashan military doctrine was very clear on a situation like this, avoid a conventional fleet engagement at all costs!
It was thus with great trepidation that President Renner, apprised of the situation by his commanders, began making telephone calls to his counterparts across the NEA. If the Questarian fleet were to engage their own then there would only be one option to defeat it, a strategic nuclear strike.
5 Carrier Groups totalling 10 fleet carriers, 10 battleships and 140 escorts.
20 Seawolf attack subs.
4 IQ-1 Class SSBN's.
2 Victoria Class patrol subs.
28-11-2007, 01:00
Questarian Battlefleet
"Sir, we're in within strike range." The Lieutenant clicked his heels and saluted as Admiral Fairfax spun around in his chair.
"Right. Is Operation Nutcracker planned?"
"Yes sir. The first wave is ready to take off. They're loaded and ready." The Lieutenant nodded and smiled. "The Operation can begin on your command."
"Then go ahead and -" Fairfax leaned back in his chair and took a sip of the brandy he had been pouring when the Lieutenant received a call. Picking up the handsized commset, he walked over to the window and looked out to the deckn nodding and grunting. "Understood. Out." He then looked back at the Admiral. "Sir, they're saying that they have space to put the ECM pods on, ten minutes per plane."
"We can't wait that long. It'll hold up the entire schedule. Their inbuilt ones should be fine anyway. Start the operation."
"Yes sir." The Lieutenant nodded and radioed back to the flight crew commander.
Daniel "Flash" Lorrigan grinned as he waved to his flight crew, who waved back, before looking dead ahead for the carrier launch. Underneath his wings he could see the clunky AS-58 missiles, which while weighing in at 1000 kilograms were still capable of sea skimming at mach 1.5, engaging a target with their 250 kilogram payloads. The first wave would be launching the most dangerous attacks, getting to close range to fire their weapons, but it didn't matter, Lorrigan thought, as he kicked his Cossack Mk.3 off the decks of the carrier. The other flyboys had that covered.
As the first wave of aircraft, thirty electronic warfare planes and five hundred and forty Hawker Cossack S.2 Mk3s, took off, loaded up with their missiles, the action was already beginning high in the sky. Tankered halfway to the destination, the two squadrons of Blackburn Battle fighters, each carrying eight BV-AA-50 missiles stormed into action. The BV-AA-50 was a super long range air to air missile with stealth features, that worked in combination with the other missiles using a datalink that linked to a satellite that was capable of "blanketing" an area - selecting an area where the missiles would be able to cover with their passive/active radars. Covering a concentric area 500 kilometres around the centre of the Naashan fleet, the aircraft launched their missiles at 450 kilometres, quickly turning back.
The six squadrons launched, in total, 576 of the missiles which would inertially guide themselves to the target zone and engage any aircraft there with their passive radars. It was an expensive operation, because the missiles themselves were expensive; fitted with IR detection, stealth technology, and thrust vectoring engines to ensure they reached their targets, but also because it was dangerous. Five minutes later, another six squadrons delivered the same amount of ordnance.
This was done in coordination, which was why a tight schedule had to be kept. Twenty minutes later, the bombers were moving into position for the final stretch. They were still flying low at 30 metres; unless the Naashans had radars a hundred metres tall, they would not be able to detect them with seaborne radar.
Back on the carriers, the prepping of more strike bombers had begun, and they would be ready for launch as soon as the first planes had fired their missiles. These bombers were equipped with the longer range missiles that allowed them to strike beyond CAP range, as the first attack had only tested the ability of the Naashans to defend their airspace against a directly penetrating attack. Even if they responded poorly, Admiral Fairfax would launch no more close range attacks until he was absolutely sure the enemy carriers were sunk - no sense in walking into a trap.
The Questarian Government, at this point, declares a fifty kilometre air and naval exclusion zone around the Nova Britannian Isles. Any vessels passing into this will be sunk.
As news of the declaration was heard, mass anti-war riots in Jesselton and Beaufort sparked violence and several brigades of riot police were called into quell the protestors. Riots are expected to continue throughout the week, with pre-emptive arrests for suspected violence-stirrers likely.
[OOC: Yeah, if you still have fighters or AWACs in the air after I launched 1,000 missiles at them; hell, its still possible, that type of aerial combat is really not suited to a degree of accuracy, I would like you to say so so I can rp my bombers reaction. If you don't, again inform me so before taking more action in this theatre regarding aircraft, so I can roleplay my bombers. I was going to assume that they would get within the strike range, but realised it would be pretty stupid.
Also, if tyou want to nuke my fleet, that's fine. Remember that carriers often carry nuclear tipped missiles, as do SSGNs, so I'm not lacking in retaliation, and that nukes aren't invincible to being shot down. Hopefully later on I will be able to post more interesting material, but there's not much interesting I could find to write about the initial attack.]
The PeoplesFreedom
28-11-2007, 01:40
“ Alpha-nine, report enemy aircraft spotted in airspace zone six, request permission to engage, over.”
“ Romeo-six, what are you seeing, over.”
“ Alpha-nine, enemy bombers escorted by fighters are en route. Heading towards cities and airbases based on projection estimates done at this time, over.”
“ Understood, light 'em up.”
“ Roger, out.”
The Wanderjaraian aircraft hadn't bothered to SEAD the area before clambering in with their aircraft. Now they would have to face a hellstorm of air-defenses and fighters, and needless to say there would not be many left by the time they were done. LY471 SAM's acquired targets, and, aided by AWACS, identified and fired at the enemy EW aircraft first, followed by missiles pounding into the enemy bomber fleet.
Meanwhile, squadrons of ASF-70 fighter aircraft were quickly alerted of this threat, and accelerated to meet it. Enemy fighters and survivors from the SAM's remained, the ASF-70's, around three hundred in all, supported by AWACS, would be able to easily finish the enemy aircraft. They could engage from over ninety kilometers away with their missiles.
TPFian troops had been well-prepared for the attack. There was some surprise at the amount of fire received, thousands of enemy artillery began to pummel some of the camps, even with trenches dug thousands of troopers lost their lives in the first few minutes of the assault. Commanders had of course been waiting for this, quickly identified enemy firing positions and responded with MLRS Systems. Sariel bombers had been flying overhead as well, armed with the CBLU-90, a deadly bomb filled with dozens of sensor-fuzed explosively formed penetrators, they dropped them on enemy artillery, effectively finishing them. As enemy infantry and tanks began to cross the border, they were meet with more MLRS systems and self-propelled artillery and mortar units, thousands of rounds would smash into enemy forces, including HE along with dangerous beehive WP rounds. CAP Patrols had been circling overhead, and while ASF-70's watched, A-12 CAS aircraft dug their 30mm rotary guns and bombs into the advancing troops. Already more support was en route from air bases across the nation. As enemy forces pushed inwards, heavily demoralized, they were met by the TPF counter-offensive. Hundreds of Panther.G tanks, supported by Wolf IFV's and Leopard's, and Lynx' smashed into several sections of the enemies advancing lines, any forces that weren't destroyed or surrendering or running away were meet with infantry dismounts and precise artillery. The Wanderjarians had done exactly what TPF wanted them too. As the armored spearheads rapidly advanced, they were joined by Corvus attack helicopters. Bellicus troop transports dropped platoons of men to clean up enemy pockets while the spearhead rushed for the encirclement.
'Oh...I forgot to mention something in all this excitement.' said Navarrone in an offhanded and truly aloof fashion. 'This Island. Nova Britannia. The focus of attention for a good part of this meeting. I hear about nations occupying it. I hear arguments as to who it belongs to, who has the right to colonize it, etcetera. I believe Mr. Norris was the only person to say through out the entire process that the Island belongs to The Federal Union. Or at least, it used to belong to that nation.'
Navarrone stood up, full glass of vodka in hand, and sauntered to the center of the room. 'That was until I started the process of escrow during the intermission. The Island belongs to me and my government, at least it will when the paper work is finished. So, Major Krugler. I'd like to ask you and your friends to go home and prevent this whole thing from growing out of proportion. I say this in the spirit of peace.'
Sheikh emptied his glass before returning to his seat.
The Tsar smiled at them all, asking them to calm down.
"I'm sure the connection will be re-established soon. However, I have an announcement." The Tsar stood up, ensuring all attention was focused on him.
"I shall make this brief as possible, because it affects how this conference is going to go. As you are well aware, Nova Britannia now belongs to Auman. However, there is more.
"Our wonderful friends in TPF have decided to break the cease-fire and run the blockade. There is once again war in Nova Europa, and this time, there is no question as to who is to blame: TPF." The Tsar took a sip of his drink before continuing.
"Now, TPF has done this while there is a peace conference in Derscon. We Dersconi want nothing more than peace, but we also have a high sense of dignity. What TPF has done is spat at this dignity by declaring war while in a conference hosted by Derscon. They have spat in our faces and insulted the integrity and dignity of Derscon. Therefore, with the clearly illegal war by TPF, as Nova Britannia is now owned by Auman, as well as the most heinous of insults heaved upon us, I no longer have any choice. GUARDS!" Tsar Xavier barely finished the "s" when the two Praetorian Guards standing behind Major Krugler grabbed his shoulders and whipped him out of the chair and against the marble column, cracking it. The Praetorians, not being human and bound by their limitations, drew their diamond swords even before Krugler hit the column and hacked off his arms and legs, letting his screaming stump of a body lay on the ground, the blood spurting on the marble. Tsar Xavier walked up to him, pulling out a wicked, curved blade that looked like it was straight from some sort of sacrificial altar.
"Major Krugler, your nation is blind. You do not deserve these." The Tsar dug out both of the Major's eyes with the sacrificial knife, and then cut a cross into the Major's chest, crushing and twisting his ribcage with his hands to shred the Major's internal organs.
Standing up and cleaning his hands with a towel the head servant gave him (the Tsar managed to keep his clothes entirely blood-free), he nonchalantly walked back to his chair and sat down. He turned to the Head Servant.
"Please ensure that this terrace is cleaned properly, and mail the remains of the Major back to TPF. As for the rest of you," he said, turning to all of them. "Communications should be back on line, and I invite you all to lunch in the main palace, as I believe we now have a war on our hands."
The PeoplesFreedom
28-11-2007, 06:32
OOC: Eh no Derscon. You never let me intercept those men. Also, I can see that this is going to esclate real fast if we start to throw WMD's all around the field. In all honestly, I think we should ban all WMD unless on the battlefield level, otherwise, we'll all end up hit by them.
As the guards cut of Krugler's limbs, he screamed, and then, laughing manically, he bit into his cyanide tablet, ending his life.
Ambassador Hu tried not to stare at the lifeless body that lay on the ground, oozing blood from its many stumps. She felt sick to her stomach and tasted bile. It took all of her willpower not to vomit in front of delegates from Nova Europa and the rest of the world.
She tried to calm herself down, tried to regulate her breathing. "I think," she started, "I need a breath of fresh air." She started to wander towards the door, her hand over her mouth.
"I want permission to declare war on The PeoplesFredom," Chang Hu said flatly.
"What are your reasons?" Prince Jacob asked. He had not expected anything different.
"They attacked a member of the NEA. They are moving to invade a foreign power's territory in Nova Europa." He started pacing, already formulating a plan in his head.
"This will take a while to go through Parliament," the prince replied. "You know as well as I that I'd give my consent for war against them. But there's something else that's bothering you. What is it?"
Hu looked up, his eyeswatering. "They planned this. They requested a conference, and now every important figure from every NEA nation will be there. What an amazing opportunity to leave all your enemies headless, running around like a decapitated chicken. And all of sudden, all communication is shut off and they recommence the war. I can't think of any possible explanation other than..." Tears started to trickle out of his eyes. "I knew we shouldn't have sent her. I should've gone instead. And now she's probably... probably..." he trailed off. "I want a squadron of Siriusan planes sent to Derscon immediately. I'll be damned if The PeoplesFreedom gets away with this! Those lying, warmongering, imperialist, inhuman sons of bitches!"
28-11-2007, 17:05
Robert Norris averted his gaze from Krugler's remains. He took a few breaths, using a nearby chair for support. After a moment, he took out his minder and attempted a call.
To his relief, President MacKenzie answered at once. "Norris? It's about time, what's happening over there? We've got a full-scale war erupting here."
"I know sir. The... the Dersconi have just informed us. Just before they killed Major Krugler, the TPF delegate."
"They did what?"
"Before our eyes, sir. They..." Norris' voice caught and he had to pause for breath. "I'll submit a full report when I return."
"I'm sorry. When will you return?"
"The conference itself is practically a failure, but I think... I think I might be able to salvage something out of the wreckage. I will need to speak to Kaiser Baker from Wanderjar... yes sir, he arrived just before the annoucements were made... and with Ambassador Keating of the World Soviet Party."
"What for?"
"I may have a way to prevent further quarrels like this one, sir. Bear with me, sir, I'll have full details when I return."
"All right then, Norris. I'll wait... Good luck."
"And to you, sir." Norris shut off his minder, then turned to catch Baker and Keating while he still could speak to them.
# # #
Word of the approaching Questerians reached the Trivalvian military, and for the first time since the Second World War, Trivalvia began bracing itself for invasion.
Since the state of war some days earlier, most bases were already on heightened alert. Now, though, a large scale mobilization of Trivalvia's air force was underway. Squadrons now began to probe out six hundred kilometers out from the coastlines, ready to provide an umbrella for Naashan forces in the event of a battle.
Six Asher class frigate began to lay mines around the Quadrivalve Archipelago - a crude defense and one that could be easily overwhelmed, but it would blunt any smaller forces that attempted to storm the islands by sea.
Lastly, Trivalvia mobilized its only complete carrier group. The Atlantic carrier group left Vale NFB and began to travel to meet with the Naashans. Two carriers, four cruisers, five destroyers, and five frigates would hardly be a major obstacle to the Questerians, but it might provide some relief for their allies.
28-11-2007, 17:54
Kaiser Baker would not need to wait for the Trivalvian representative to approach him, for he himself wished to speak with the man. Walking across the floor and casting a casual glance at the now fallen Major Krugler, a sneer and a slight shake of the head was all he warranted, he approached the man.
"Greetings good sir," Baker said with a raise of his right arm in salute. "As I believe you may know I am Christoph Baker, Kaiser of Wanderjar. Apparantly despite my young age, being only twenty six, my reputation which has been built over the years precedes me. I was startled by do you say, awe which cast over most of the room," With that he past a slight laugh. "Now then! I wish to speak to you about a matter of great diplomatic, political, economic, and particularly military importance. Long ago, when the Nova Europa Alliance was much smaller, I built bases all across the continent to ensure Wanderjarian protection for the every nation. I love Nova Europa and hold no ill feelings towards any nation within. The Eastern Powers Alliance, as I may have explained previously, was formed by myself not for Wanderjar really, but for other nations which were excluded from the NEA. Now, I do believe that we have nothing to gain being separated, and everything to gain by reunifying. Allow the Eastern Powers to join the NEA and we shall mold a union which shall be most formidible. I have not spoken to the other Eastern Powers nations about this, however I do believe they shall agree with me on this matter, as most of them are former New Prussian Empire nations themselves and typically, almost always really, have seen things my way. What say you? Shall we discuss this further upon this wars conclusion?" He turned around towards the door where delegates were exiting the room, their eyes still drawn to the bleeding corpse. "On second thought, shall we go dine? We might discuss this amongst the others better in the dining hall, as well as have a good meal while propogating ideas for this newly arisen conflict." He extended his right arm and turned his body, allowing the Trivalvian delegate to lead the way, should he choose to do so.
Western Front, The People's Freedom-Wanderjar Border
The missiles which had already been fired continued to speed on towards their intended targets in the TPF Aircraft, a vast cloud of missiles from the first wave of the Wanderjarian Luftwaffe. It was known that the first wave of the assault would be battered by the TPF anti-air ordinance, however as these batteries opened fire, their coordinates were immediately picked up by sattelites and tracking computers, which were then transferred into the Oberkommando Wehrmacht's tactical computers, and then resent into the coordinates of targets to be destroyed by Artillery and MLRS launchers. EXCALIBUR artillery rounds, computer guided so as to fall within six feet of their intended target, would ensure that there was no enemy anti-air defense system left standing. MLRS would fire vast arrays of missiles at other SAM and AAA sites, in addition to continuing to pound TPF military positions from some hundred miles away. Other aircraft, from afar firing AGM-88 Highspeed Anti-Radiation Missiles would lock onto these positions and further annihilate them. The second wave of aircraft would not have to deal with these pests. So as the first wave, taking casualties from the start pulled away, they did so with smiles, knowing that their comrades died so that the TPF soldiers could come out of hiding, reveal themselves, and subsequently be eradicated.
The Volksarmee advanced harshly on the TPF troops, cutting down all they found. When the armored offensive came at them, they would find a horde of Panzerkampfwagon XIs leading the charge, followed by Behemoth III Super Heavies amongst the Infanterie Divisions for support. Su-47s fired JSOW A Anti-Armor missiles from afar, weapons which dispersed numerous cluster bombs designed for the specific purpose of elminating main battle tanks by the platoon. If not destroyed, innumerable TPF tanks would be disabled or crippled by the hundreds of these munitions being deployed across the front. Artillery not diverted as counter Anti-Air Defense battery fire continued to pound enemy positions ahead of the Volksarmee's advance, using at times horrific weapons such as artillery shells laden with White Phosporous to clear out infantry positions. If the TPFian soldiers wished to continue fighting then they would be granted no quarter.
Sewer System underneath Wanderjarian Embassy- Liberty City, The Peoples Freedom
The team leader, Hauptmann Sokal was in charge of the four man Grenzschutzgruppe-9 team stationed in the Wanderjarian embassy in TPF, and therefore responsible for keeping these men, and the Ambassador, alive. As such, that was the reason he found himself in the dark catacombs of Liberty City’s underworld, the sewer system. His HUD showed him his exact location, and as he led his team deeper into the maze of sewer systems, he knew it would take a very long time to get them out of this hell hole, but it was something he had to do. He had no choice.
“Alright guys, we’ve got almost thirty miles to go before we can get out of this sewer and into the country. From there we gotta lie low and wait until the Army can liberate us.” The others nodded.
The ambassador asked, calmly now, “How long will that be, do you think?” He stared blankly at the black armored soldier.
“Who knows? Days, weeks, months. We’ll stay alive though. Its what the GSG-9 is trained to do.” The ambassador nodded. They continued moving on. The sewers had faint lighting, enough for city workers to make their way around through the side walks along the central streams which carried the putrid water across the country. The soldiers kept their rifles ready, but relaxed somewhat. They didn’t expect to come across any enemy forces down here, or TPFian city workers, but if they did, they would have to be eliminated. Noone could be allowed to survive to tell of their position.
Their trek would be a long one, likely taking two days, but soon enough they would be out of the city and on to temporary freedom of the outside, at which time they would blend into the country and wait.
(OOC: Derscon my man, we do NOT need to use the cordyceps bug right now. Switch it out with standard bombs and hit targets of strategic value, but not the bacteria. I'm not interested in wiping TPF out. I want to keep him around! I just want to get rid of his Government.)
28-11-2007, 19:41
(OOC: I've made numerous changes to my previous post, so if you have already read it, please re-read)
28-11-2007, 20:22
The enemy aircraft's radiation missiles would likely not reach the air defense batteries, as they engaged the enemy forces from nearly 300 kilometers away, so it was well out of artillery range as well. By now, the ASF-70's had alread engaged the enemy aircraft, they had literally zero chance of surving between the fighters and the SAM's.
Meanwhile the enemy was almost completely encircled now, their artillery support having been eradicated. The sheer speed of the assault meant that the Wanderjarans could barely react to the assaults, and indeed now overwhelming numbers were being poured on. The CBLU-90's could decimated entire battalions at once, even the super heavy 300 tonners were not able to withstand it. Indeed, the super heavy tanks were becoming stuck in the soft ground, allowing them to easily be destroyed by Anvil ATGM's among other weapons. Over 15,000 Panther G. tanks had been commited to the assault, and they were well support by attack helicopters as well as SPAAG and infantry. Within the hour, the enemy would be completely surrounded in a pocket or they would be forced to begin to withdraw now. Then it would be time for the counter-offensive to punch Wanderjar.
OOC: could I be completely encircled if I just attacked...that makes absolutely no sense at all...
The PeoplesFreedom
28-11-2007, 20:23
The enemy aircraft's radiation missiles would likely not reach the air defense batteries, as they engaged the enemy forces from nearly 300 kilometers away, so it was well out of artillery range as well. By now, the ASF-70's had already engaged the enemy aircraft, they had literally zero chance of surviving between the fighters and the SAM's.
Meanwhile the enemy was almost completely encircled now, their artillery support having been eradicated. The sheer speed of the assault meant that the Wanderjarans could barely react to the assaults, and indeed now overwhelming numbers were being poured on. The CBLU-90's ( could decimated entire battalions at once, even the super heavy 300 tonners were not able to withstand it. Indeed, the super heavy tanks were becoming stuck in the soft ground, allowing them to easily be destroyed by Anvil ATGM's among other weapons. Over 15,000 Panther G. tanks had been commited to the assault, and they were well support by attack helicopters as well as SPAAG and infantry. Within the hour, the enemy would be completely surrounded in a pocket or they would be forced to begin to withdraw now. Then it would be time for the counter-offensive to punch Wanderjar.
28-11-2007, 20:25
OOC: I'll have to draw up a map to show you. But I'm at school so I cannot do that currently.
OOC: Good because other wise I'll have to call a god mod. Also, you cannot say my tanks are getting stuck in soft ground, you'll have to explain the soil type but I rest the decision of whether is sinks or not.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-11-2007, 20:27
OOC: could I be completely encircled if I just attacked...that makes absolutely no sense at all...
OOC: I'll have to draw up a map to show you. But I'm at school so I cannot do that currently.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-11-2007, 20:31
OOC: Good because other wise I'll have to call a god mod. Also, you cannot say my tanks are getting stuck in soft ground, you'll have to explain the soil type but I rest the decision of whether is sinks or not.
OOC: You do realize just how heavy 300 tons is? Most bridges cannot even support that, much less the soft ground.
28-11-2007, 20:31
OOC: You do realize just how heavy 300 tons is? Most bridges cannot even support that, much less the soft ground.
OOC: I am quite aware, however have you ever been to that region? I have. I can tell you quite certainly that the ground can support it. The ground in Russia-Belarus is anything but soft. Its actually quite firm. A superheavy wouldn't simply sink into the ground there, its not like South East Asia or even Korea, in Europe such weapons are of use because they CAN move.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-11-2007, 20:38
OOC:Alright, I can choose what geography my nation is, all because its Belarus on the map does not mean it resembles the RL one. If it makes you feel better then you can say they wont bog down, but tbh you shouldn't be using such a godmodded piece of equipment. Anyway, let's move any further discussion to the OOC thread.
The World Soviet Party
28-11-2007, 21:13
OOC: Interesting, Wanderjar, interesting.
Ambassador Keating was over-hearing Baker's conversation with Norris, it was indeed a very interesting argument, one the Soviets might be able to exploit (finally) for the benefit of the region.
He glanced but once at Krugler's body, he felt the need to kick it, but it would be an insult to the Tsar, and really, he did not want to end like the... thing bleeding on the floor.
He approached Baker, trying to get his atention.
"Excuse me, Herr Kaiser, I believe we have not met" he extended his hand "My name is Keating, I am, well, was now that Krugler here ended it, the Soviet delegate to this conference.
I believe I might have heard you discussing something of utmost important with Minister Norris here" he nodded at Norris "It's a rude thing to do, yes, but necessary nonentheless."
28-11-2007, 21:15
OOC: Interesting, Wanderjar, interesting.
Ambassador Keating was over-hearing Baker's conversation with Norris, it was indeed a very interesting argument, one the Soviets might be able to exploit (finally) for the benefit of the region.
He glanced but once at Krugler's body, he felt the need to kick it, but it would be an insult to the Tsar, and really, he did not want to end like the... thing bleeding on the floor.
He approached Baker, trying to get his atention.
"Excuse me, Herr Kaiser, I believe we have not met" he extended his hand "My name is Keating, I am, well, was now that Krugler here ended it, the Soviet delegate to this conference.
I believe I might have heard you discussing something of utmost important with Minister Norris here" he nodded at Norris "It's a rude thing to do, yes, but necessary nonentheless."
The Kaiser nodded and put his hands up. "No need for apologies comrade! A person of the World Soviet Party is a friend of mine and a friend of Wanderjar. You may partake in any conversation I hold. Yes, I do believe this would be a wise move on all parts."