19-10-2007, 22:13
Note that no statistical research is being held in Kephatopia. All national stats are available at NSDossier ( database.
No data available.
Type: Tribal Confederacy
The Commonwealth of Kephatopia is a decentralized confederation of tribes. The most notable is meritocratic capital city of Authyre. The leader of Kephatopians – Protector Kephas VI – is regarded as a highest political and religious leader. Most tribes follow his recommendations although some politely refuse to follow few of common policies. According to unwritten laws in troubled times tribal leaders should obey the Protector.
Trading: arts, spices, plants and animals.
Kephatopians don’t understand foreign interest in wealth and outside Authyre there are few merchants. On the other hand, the capital city is flooded with foreign goods. Few resources, exotic spices, plants and animals are the main export products. People of the Commonwealth avoid damaging enviroment, so infrastructure and mining is insignificant. Kephas VI is interested in space exploration so he is actively buying advanced technologies.
Technological Level: Modern Tech / Post-Modern Tech
Most tribes don’t pursue wealth and except some advanced tools and weapons they live in quite poor conditions, according to foreign standards. Despite this fact, social structure, large knowledge about medical plants and large sum of government budged directed to Health & Social sector result in a healthy life of Kephatopian people. Most population has settled down but nomads are still quite common. Settlements don’t grow over few thousand of residents with few exceptions. Cities tend to maintain tribal social structure. Despite this fact, they are quite modern. Archaic social structure and believes coexist with electricity and other modern technologies.
Religions: paganism (dominant)
Kephatopians are pagans. They worship forces of Nature and hold their believes very dear. Those living in the Commonwealth are very tolerant but won’t accept aggressive converting. The most appreciated deity is Gaia – representing the element of earth, motherhood and safety. Residents of this land believe that they are protected by Goddess and most social activities (like clothes, soil cultivation, use of psychotropic plants or rituals) are centered around earthy aspects of Nature.
OOC notes:
*send me a telegram if you want to try spreading any religion in my nation.
*English isn’t my native language so please, send me a polite telegram if you find any misspells or grammar mistakes.
*OOC and IC comments are welcome.
No data available.
Type: Tribal Confederacy
The Commonwealth of Kephatopia is a decentralized confederation of tribes. The most notable is meritocratic capital city of Authyre. The leader of Kephatopians – Protector Kephas VI – is regarded as a highest political and religious leader. Most tribes follow his recommendations although some politely refuse to follow few of common policies. According to unwritten laws in troubled times tribal leaders should obey the Protector.
Trading: arts, spices, plants and animals.
Kephatopians don’t understand foreign interest in wealth and outside Authyre there are few merchants. On the other hand, the capital city is flooded with foreign goods. Few resources, exotic spices, plants and animals are the main export products. People of the Commonwealth avoid damaging enviroment, so infrastructure and mining is insignificant. Kephas VI is interested in space exploration so he is actively buying advanced technologies.
Technological Level: Modern Tech / Post-Modern Tech
Most tribes don’t pursue wealth and except some advanced tools and weapons they live in quite poor conditions, according to foreign standards. Despite this fact, social structure, large knowledge about medical plants and large sum of government budged directed to Health & Social sector result in a healthy life of Kephatopian people. Most population has settled down but nomads are still quite common. Settlements don’t grow over few thousand of residents with few exceptions. Cities tend to maintain tribal social structure. Despite this fact, they are quite modern. Archaic social structure and believes coexist with electricity and other modern technologies.
Religions: paganism (dominant)
Kephatopians are pagans. They worship forces of Nature and hold their believes very dear. Those living in the Commonwealth are very tolerant but won’t accept aggressive converting. The most appreciated deity is Gaia – representing the element of earth, motherhood and safety. Residents of this land believe that they are protected by Goddess and most social activities (like clothes, soil cultivation, use of psychotropic plants or rituals) are centered around earthy aspects of Nature.
OOC notes:
*send me a telegram if you want to try spreading any religion in my nation.
*English isn’t my native language so please, send me a polite telegram if you find any misspells or grammar mistakes.
*OOC and IC comments are welcome.