NationStates Jolt Archive

Risban Ends Isolationism... Again. (Open)

19-10-2007, 21:38
The Grand Imperium of Risban, once an active player on the international stage, fell into a severe state of isolationism following the chaos of the War of Golden Succession and a civil war within Risban. The Emperor, who had been regarded as the grandest of emperors in the modern history of the Imperium, was assaulted by his enemies as being weak following Havenite attacks on Retreat Island off the Macabean coast and failed military forays into several small conflicts around the globe. As Risban's many allies joined sides in various conflicts, the Emperor's canny ability to remain neutral in the middle slapped him in the face as his diplomatic networks and popularity in Risban collapsed. An ambitious general led a revolution within the Risbani capital, ousting the Emperor and the parliament. Many Loyalists fled Risban, seeking refuge in Green Sun, Upper Xen, Golencia, Willink, and several other countries friendly to the Imperial regime. Parliamentary and Imperial leaders left behind were held as political prisoners while the military junta seized control.

Legatio Forum, where foreign embassies to Risban were located, was emptied out and their staffs sent back to their homes. Risban withdraw from all alliances, pacts, and treaties it was a part of. Retreat Island, off of the coast of The Macabees, was ceded back to the Golden Throne. Troops were withdrawn from Retributed Island off of the coast of Muru, and Plutonian Shores Island was returned to Shiaze. Risban was isolating itself from the international stage as civil war broke out.

Loyalists led a counter-attack after several months of regrouping. With the support of the majority of the people, the rogue general in charge was eventually ousted and captured. Emperor Scorpius and the Government-in-Exile returned to Risban, the entire navy at his disposal as he mopped up the remaining pockets of resistance.

Instead of returning to the international stage, he maintained an isolationist policy. The continental island had suffered in recent months due to its entanglements abroad and focus on foreign affairs, and was not keen to become involved abroad again. In the interests of its own national security, Risban closed its doors to the world.

But now they have been reopened, and Emperor Scorpius--with assistance from Foreign Minister Alexander Perkins--has started once more to become active and reopen relations with foreign nations. Lord Kenneth Fowl has been appointed as ambassador to the United Nations, bringing the Grand Imperium back into that forum. Risban was back in action....

Legatio Forum
(Outside the Imperial Palace complex)
The Grand Imperium of Risban

Imperial Lictors, the personal bodyguards of the Emperor and other important officials, stood at attention around the reopened and remodeled Legatio Forum, holding the standards of the Grand Imperium. Citizens, most of them in suits or Imperial garb, milled about. Camera crews were stationed throughout the square, focused on the pedastal in the centre of the square. There stood more official-looking individuals-- the Speaker of the General Assembly, Paul Gomez; the Consul of the Imperial Senate, Count Richard Pelias; the Lord High Chancellor of the Imperial Parliament, Duke Sargas Caecus Lesath; the Imperial High Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Perkins; the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Lord Justinian Fowl; the Minister for Trade, Lucius Thrantir; the Minister of Naval Affairs and Commander of the Navy, Grand Admiral Eric Tarda; the Minister of War and Commander of the Armies, Grand General Charles Skops; and the Imperial High Magistrate, Duke Robert Kramer.

They all stood around one man, dressed in more regal clothing and somewhat younger than all the others. The most defining feature about him was the color of his eyes--silver--as they gazed out at the crowd assembled. This was Emperor R. Antares Scorpius.

"...and forever shall we have peace and security. Pax Risbania! Imperium et Libertas! Our oceans and seas, patrolled by our mighty navy, protect us from foreign invasion. Our economy is powerful and continues to grow. Our police and security forces ensure order. It is time for the Grand Imperium to reopen its doors. A new age of diplomacy has begun for our noble empire. May our efforts bring further peace and prosperity to the Grand Imperium and other nations of the world."

Realizing that the Emperor's speech was at last finished, the crowd erupted into applause and the orchestra began to start playing the national anthem of Risban. The Emperor and other officials left the stage and began mingling with the mixture of politicians, diplomats (both foreign and domestic), news reporters, and other interested persons.