NationStates Jolt Archive

Ariddia proposes creation of democratic Communist International

18-10-2007, 18:15
Secretariat for External Affairs
Ariddian Isles
Official statement

The Federation of the Ariddian Isles ( ) proposes the establishing of a Communist International, as a cooperative institutional structure for democratic nations aiming towards pure communism or democratic State socialism.

Members of the Communist International will implement a multi-lateral Fair Trade Agreement. All members of the Communist International will abide by the stipulations of the existing International Fair Trade Agreement ( in all trade dealings with other Communist International members. This shall not be construed as restricting their prerogative to trade with non-members. Communist International members are nonetheless encouraged (but not mandated) to become signatories of the IFTA.

Members of the Communist International will open access to their education system to citizens and children of fellow members. Specifically, members of the Communist International are asked and required to facilitate by any means movement of school children and students of any age between member nations, so that a person from one member country may study at a school or university in any other member country.

Members of the Communist International will work towards abolishing migration restrictions between members. Ultimately, the aim of the Communist International will be free movement of individuals between all member countries. Citizens of any member country should be able to settle freely and permanently in any other member country, and enjoy all the rights pertaining to citizenship in his or her new country of residence.

Members of the Communist International are encouraged to contact other members for bilateral or multi-lateral meetings in order to discuss specific problems they encounter in the implementation of socialism or communism, or conversely to present their achievements to fellow members, and make recommendations to fellow members in this area.

The Communist International is not designed to be a military alliance. It is designed as a step towards the achievement of international democratic communism.

Members will be encouraged to seek and discuss, through multilateral conferences and meetings, further steps towards the achievement of consensual, peaceful international communism.


To be granted membership of the Communist International, a country must meet the following criteria:

1) The government of the prospective member country must define itself as socialist, OR the country must have achieved pure democratic communism;

2) The country must have recognised and implemented common ownership of the means of production and exchange;

3) The country’s government must be founded at least partially on meaningful and functional democratic institutions; there must be free, fair and open democratic elections at least at a local level, even if on the national level authority is constitutionally vested in a vanguard socialist party;

4) The country must be fully and actively committed to ensuring respect for human rights on its sovereign territory;

5) The country must demonstrate active measures towards achieving pure democratic communism, or towards achieving a stable and sustainable socialist democracy, if it has not yet been achieved.

Compliance with these criteria will be assessed by the government of the Federation of the Ariddian Isles.

Sébastien Chaussée,
Federal Secretary for External Affairs
19-10-2007, 08:10
OOC: BUMP for interest.
19-10-2007, 11:42

Hi guys.

You're listening to Freedom Radio with Harlan Griffith. Those of you with computers – which is basically all of you – can also watch me on high-definition IPTV, or lower definition stream. Anyway, an issue that's been worrying a lot of people recently is Ariddian imperialism.

Yes, yes, I said imperialism. The kind of thing where you have, you know, an empire.

Because what did the Ariddians do? First, they pulled off an anschluss with North-West Ariddia, creating the Federation of Ariddian Isles. Now they've taken over West Ariddia proper, endorsing Comrade - I mean, President Banita Sho – as the woman in charge. Glorious Comrade President and People's Chairperson Banita Sho has of course tried to pull off another anschluss. She failed. She lost the referendum.

You would think that'd be the end of it, but not in West Ariddia, which is steaming ahead to become another Ariddian colony. Oh no. They've already started bringing in Ariddian medteams and other officials, having Ariddians assist in the building in the creation of a new welfare state. They already are establishing socialist health care and socialist schools – what's next, a forty-hour mandated work week?
But best of all, there'll be another referendum in two years. I guess Parteigenosse Sho will be introducing referendum after referendum until she gets her way – and when she does, it's no more referenda for you, Ariddians. Nobody's running any referenda in North-West Ariddia, are they?

This new Federation is not leaving anybody any real sovereignty. It's like the Old European Union or the USR all over again, except with even more communism in it.

In the meanwhile, what does the Reynes government do? Why they quit the Anti-Communist Treaty Organization! Because Doomingsland is in it of all things! Boo-hoo big bad Doomies! In the meanwhile, they ignore the threat of actual Communism. You know, Communists. The guys who want to take away your land and your factories and your cars and your guns and your children. These guys. But no, it's the Doomani we need to worry about.

Look, I realize the Doomani are bad people. They have slavery for god's sake. But in Ariddia, every citizen is a slave. Every. Single. One.

Think of it – if you couldn't own a gun, or homeschool your child, or, say, buy colloidal silver – wouldn't you rebel? If Allanea abolished private education and closed your child's college, wouldn't you be in the streets with a rifle right now, setting things right your own way?

Sure you would be!

But that's because Allanean Freemen are smart. The Allanean governemtn clearly is not. They quit ACTO.

And now Ariddia founded the Communist International – what is it, the sixth one? The seventh? - with the intent to promote Democratic Communism. For those of you unaware of their lingo – that's Ariddian for installing Communism by using the ordinary apparatus of a Democratic Republic, rather then bursting in with guns. It's basically just lingo to hide the basic oppressive nature of it.

They're bringing back IFTA – the International Fair Trade Agreement. Note for those of you unaware:
“fair trade” is a socialist term for their alternative to Free trade. The implication, of course, is that freedom is ineherently unfair.

Of course, it's socialism and communism that are inherently unfair. Look at the numbers – out of the current IFTA signatories, almost half are economies rated “Developing” or lower by the UN. Those of you viewing my video stream can see a nice graphic here:

Isn't having your people live in a poor shithole of a nation inherently unfair? Damn it, look at the Ariddians. They're dirt-poor. Most of them live in appartments for the love of god. They don't have cars. And that, according to them is fail, because their lives are squalid equally.

The Ariddian society is racist. They operate a separate parliament for the Wymgani. It's as if Old America introduced a separate parliament for white people.

So what is IFTA? What is this “trade” that they call “fair” and yet condemns almost half of IFTA signatories to abject poverty?

First of all, it is communist. It destroys economic freedoms. It destroys investment – there's a tax on foreign investments mandated by it. Apparently foreigners financing development in your nation are evil. It controls who your companies buy trade goods from. It controls wages, work hours, work conditions. It prohibits nations trading with non-signatories without permission from the IFTA nations – you actually need a majority of foreign governments to affirm your trade with a non-signatory.

Sovereignity? Ha!

This is notihng more then a new brand of imperialism. Communist imperialism.

Do you think Allaneans would go for that stuff in their country?

Of course not. Allaneans are smart enough to know it's slavery.

Ariddians clearly are not.

And yet they seek to run the world.
19-10-2007, 20:47
~Official Statement of the Grand Imperium~
From the Office of the Emperor

Tyranny. Conformity. Corruption.

This is what the 'Communist International' intends to spread throughout our fragile globe. They wish to corrupt justice, destroy liberty, steal from the individual, and cover all this under the guise that they are actually helping people.

They promote 'common ownership'-- essentially using the idea that no man should be rich instead of that all men should have the opportunity to succeed in life.

They claim that member nation must be free, fair, and democratic, despite the fact that what they intend to do to private property and individual rights can hardly be considered free, fair, and democratic.

They claim to be committed to respecting human rights, but they do not define what human rights are. Life? Men will starve intellectually, morally, and economically in a communist society, so not life. Liberty? Nay, for what liberty is there when the government enforces tyranny and conformity at all levels? Property? Happiness? The communists disdain the idea of property, and I have yet to see a truly happy, ordinary citizen in a communist regime.

And at last they claim that to be a member one must "demonstrate active measures towards achieving pure democratic communism, or towards achieving a stable and sustainable socialist democracy, if it has not yet been achieved." So, member states must actively be pursuing the destruction of liberty and freedom. Grand.

This organization seeks to spread the tyrannical evils of communism across the globe and embolden the dangerous ideology of communism, directly opposing liberty. They want 'peaceful international communism' but I assure you that there is no way for communism to be achieved peacefully. As communism is directly opposed to liberty and the rights of the individual, and so supported of tyrannical conformity, the only way to achieve this 'international communism' is to wipe out those who realize the ultimate evils and failures of the communist regime-- the intellectuals, the entrepenuers, the churches, the hard workers, and the lovers of rights and liberties.

The Grand Imperium of Risban opposes the creation of the communist alliance, and refuses trade with all who dare to further the destruction of liberty by entering this international conspiracy.


R. Antares Scorpius, Emperor of the Grand Imperium of Risban
Alexander Perkins, Imperial High Minister for Foreign Affairs
Lord Justinian Fowl, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Duke Sargas Caecus Lesath, Chiliarches of the Imperial Parliament
Count Richard Pelias, Consul of the Imperial Senate
Paul Gomez, Speaker of the General Assembly
19-10-2007, 21:02
[Official Statement of the Allied Union of Velkyan Republics' Office of the President]

The Allied Union finds it extraordinarily funny that many capitalist and communist nations (with the exception of Velkya and few others) have not recognized the right of self determination in all nations, regardless of their economic and political theories and practices. If a particular ideology had popular sway and support, it is the right of both the populace and government to implement said ideology without international attention and condemnation.

In other words, mind your own damn business.

- President Gerald M. Rossland
19-10-2007, 23:22
The Allied Union finds it extraordinarily funny that many capitalist and communist nations (with the exception of Velkya and few others) have not recognized the right of self determination in all nations, regardless of their economic and political theories and practices. If a particular ideology had popular sway and support, it is the right of both the populace and government to implement said ideology.

We agree entirely. Which is why membership in the Communist International is fully consensual, democratic, and we don't give a hoot about ignorant demagogues who rant and rave about the "evils" of communist democracy.

Sébastien Chaussée,
Federal Secretary for External Affairs,
Ariddian Isles
H-Town Tejas
20-10-2007, 00:07

To: Sébastien Chaussée

I'm sure you're tired of getting nothing more than capitalists spewing lies about your new initiative. Well, know that the People's Republic of H-Town Tejas agrees with you, and believe that this is Communist International is a good idea. In these days, where militant anti-Communist alliances full of bloodthirsty, dictatorial capitalist empires come a dime a dozen, it is good that we can be above them in forming a peaceful and democratic alliance.

Our nation is socialist, and, while we have been a one-party state for nine years, we are moving towards democratic state socialism. Our nation has held free elections on a local level for five years now, and we have also held the first democratic presidential elections that have occurred in our nation in 124 years. Anybody living in Tejas is given a large margin of civil rights, as the UN, or anybody who lives in our country, will tell you.

Please consider our request. Know that we believe in your cause, whether you choose to accept us or not.

Josefa Xuân Phạm Aguilar, President of the People's Republic of H-Town Tejas
20-10-2007, 00:20
Secretariat for External Affairs
Ariddian Isles

To: Josefa Xuân Phạm Aguilar,
President of the People's Republic of H-Town Tejas

Thank you very much indeed. It is encouraging and heart-warming to hear that, amidst the callous dictatorships and nations run by primary-school dropouts venting hatred at a concept of communism they have never understood, there are still educated, progressive peoples and governments within the multiverse.

The Ariddian people wish the People's Republic of H-Town Tejas the very best as you consolidate socialism and your people's essential rights while implementing democracy.

Once your country's compliance with the listed criteria has been verified, the People's Republic of H-Town Tejas will be very welcome indeed to participate in the Communist International. The Ariddian Isles will look forward to new relations of fair trade, and cultural and educational exchanges, between our two countries.

Sébastien Chaussée,
Federal Secretary for External Affairs
23-10-2007, 11:56
OOC: t'is BUMPed.
23-10-2007, 13:19
Zwangzug is interested in opening its educational system and working towards abolishing migration restrictions with the members of this organization.

-Matthew Ashtill, Comparative Economic Advisor
23-10-2007, 14:15
The Ariddian Isles welcome Zwangzug's participation in the Communist International.

Sébastien Chaussée,
Federal Secretary for External Affairs
26-10-2007, 17:08
OOC: Mein Gott! Es ist ein BUMP.
30-10-2007, 13:13
OOC: Another BUMP.