Alcatraz Island Colonisation RP [IC Thread]
17-10-2007, 22:50
The natives of Pyy'guchi and Kyrg'mar lived in peace for generations. However, with the discovery of precious materials on the island by the Stoklomolvi government, and with the odd turn of weather, it was all about to change.
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OOC Thread (
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 00:42
Official Telegram
To the Stoklomolvi Authority on Alcatraz Island,
This is the BFS Deity, we are inquiring if there is a port on the island where we can land and off load the colonists? Just wanted to ask before we start inflating the rubber rafts.
Ken Walden,
Captain BFS Deity
18-10-2007, 00:45
Stoklomolvi Port Authority, Fort Vladistov
We apologise, but there are no ports on the island from which you may dock. The only port on the island is located at Kyrg'mar, but that is a native dock which you may not use. Inflate your rafts if you wish to do so.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 01:44
After hearing the reply from the Stoklomolvi Port Authority, the captain weighed his options. Finally he decided that the easiest option would be to "accidentally" beach the ship. "Its theses Stoklomolvi charts, I can barely understand them," yeah that's what he'd tell them. It would still be easier than shipping 1000 people and they're stuff, plus supplies from the ship to the mainland, using 5 10 passenger inflatable life boats. It was night, these were treacherous waters, it would be very easy to accidentally beach yourself, never mind if you were doing it intentionally. So he continued on the current course, even when he should have turned south. His first officer warned him, and he ordered full right rudder, but it was too late. The ships bottom scrapped the ocean floor. The ship less than a mile off coast. The Deity was a flat bottom cargo ship so there was little to no damage to the ship.
The INS West India, a cargo carrier/cruiser, and the INS Eperopolis, a colony transport, cut through the tropical waters off of the island.
The Eperopolis's prow made a soft schuffling sound as it hut the sand. A Kiravian colonist, in full Imperial uniform led his followers onto the beach.
"Comrades! God has led us to this providential land, which we shall rule and tranform for its betterment and ours! I hereby found, by the grace of God, the City of Saar-Tropicplain!"
With this, he thrust the silver and green Imperial Star flag into the sand.
After th official ceremony, work began. Trucks and jeeps were unloaded from the ship, and were loaded with food, medicine, building materials, capital goods, tea, water jugs, fuel, batteries, equipment, information technology, personal belongings, and tools.
They were driven to the colony site, where construction of the city's walls began. Cement was poured into molds, and the blocks were piled atop one another until the 10 foot high wall was complete.
Tents were set up by the individual colonists, and prefabricated storage shelters were put up to contain all the boxes, barrels, tanks, bags, and cases of cargo that the colonists had brought. Its mission complete, the Eperopolis moved out to sea.
The West India, however, moved closer. It carried electrical cables, pipe conduits, and specialized personnel who would make the colony function as a normal Kiravian town.
THe Kiravian settlement of Alacatra Isliauv, as it was called in Coscivian, had begun.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 02:04
The massive ramp of the cargo ship folded down allowing most of the equipment to be driven off to the colony site. The whole process took only 2 hours for the entire ship to be unloaded. Then the captain sent out his message, "This is the BFS Deity we have run ashore and require assistaince. We do not appear to be damaged, but are unable to dislodge our selves form the island. Assistance would be greatly welcomed."
The ships silently went ahead. The people above were grim as wails were heard. The news had arrived and one unlucky person had lost her husband in the War. It was a somber atmosphere. The ships was designed for a lack of ports and there were several large inflatable rafts. Most of the people aboard the ship were escaping the war. They were glad to do their duty in a non-threatening way and there had been a run on tickets for the ship as it was considered military service. Thus no fear of getting drafted. The men all had FBAR-01's and an idea of how to camp. It was the best Fordock could do for its first colony. There was a war going on after all.
The Fordockians back home were overjoyed to know their close ally Kirav was also establishing a presence. It would allow them to quickly establish a block of power in the North. This would be good for then resources would flow.
The men brought with them molds and other useful supplies. They were to make some sort of city and expand from there trying to benefit the locals and secure resources for Fordock.
The men went onto the rafts silently their guns tarting out at the Island. There was a sense of foreboding in the air. No one knew what would happen. So the sat there on the raft tense waiting.
Finally the raft landed. It reached a northern point. The colonists set up camp as they awaited the rest of the colony with supplies. Until then they were to carve out lean-tos and wait for a day. There was a lot of supplies. The men went to bed uneasily.
The next day the supplies arrived. The pouring and mixing of concrete began and the City was named in a grand ceremony. It was named Oiuv. It was the name of the husband of the crying women on the ship. Nobody would remember but it was a nice gesture and a rare name. Now construction continued as the men waited.
18-10-2007, 02:09
Fort Vladistov
An armoured car left the gates in the middle of the night and patrolled the beaches. It spotted the ship owned by the Theocracy of The Beatus of the shore, and continued to drive along the sand. It drove onto lush grass and around the incredibly thick jungle to the city of Kyrg'mar. After spotting the natives doing their annual rain dance, it continued driving until it spotted the Kiravian settlement. It sped up, and once it reached the walls-in-progress the Port Authority officer popped out.
"Ho! Where is the leader of this fair hamlet? I must speak to him!"
Meanwhile, another armoured car drove out to the supplies unloaded by the BFS Deity. Another PA officer appeared, and radioed the fort, which promptly sent a construction crew to dig out the mess.
New Sasha
35,000 colonists were dropped off by Greal transports, however, no one knew that a group of Greal mafia had just entered the new colony....
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 02:15
The colonists organized on the beach and began the convoy into the mountains. When they arrived at the proposed colony site the first thing they did was set up huge flood lights. They then hooked the flood lights up to the diesel generator. Night instantly became day when the giant flood lights where turned on. The manufactures boasted they were so bright they're light could be see form space. If they didn't all ready, the whole island knew the Beatusain colonist had arrived.
New Sasha
30,000 Greal people went into the colony, but unknown to anyone, The Greal mafia managed to slip into the colony.
18-10-2007, 02:24
Alcatraz Television Network (ATN)
Good morning! Beautiful morning today, and colonists have arrived on the island! Oh, isn't this exciting? *Muttering* Anyway, in other news the native food production has- Wait, what is is John? Oh.
This just in! Massive rainstorm incoming due west. Get prepared, folks, for the largest rain for a decade!
New Brittonia
18-10-2007, 02:36
OOC: too late to join?
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 02:39
BFS Deity
The captain was watching local tv when he saw the weather bulletin. He mediately checked the satellite picture for the area. "This is bad really bad," he said to himself. He ran to the bridge. "Status report!" he demanded.
"Same as it was last time you were here," said the first officer not even noticing the captains tone. "Ships still not moving, and no ones answered our distress call."
"I was afraid you were going to say that," said the captain. "I want you to make an announcement as calmly as you can," said the captain.
"Yes, sir," replied the first officer. "What is it sir, the dinner menu."
"No son, I wish it was," replied the captain. "I need you to order all hands abandon ship and make for the mainland," said the captain.
"Yes, s," the first officers said before he realized what the captain had said. "Did you just say to tell the crew to abandon ship."
"Aye," replied the captain.
"Why?" asked the First officer.
"Because in about 6 hours were going to be in the middle of a category 5 hurricane, thats why," replied the captain.
The first officer finally understood the gravity of the situation. He ran to the PA system and announced to the crew, "Attention all hands, Attention all hands, this is your first officer speaking, by order of the captain, abandon ship immediately. This is not a drill." Then he pressed a red button next to the PA system. Alarms began to sound through out the ship. The first officer was one of the first men off the ship. He knew as well as the captain that when the waves began to hit the ship would be shattered against the beach.
18-10-2007, 02:41
OOC: too late to join?
[OOC: Of course not! Just go to the OOC thread.]
Fort Vladistov
After issuing the news bulletin, an alarm rang out through the island, causing birds and animals to scatter. All of the dispersed armoured cars immediately drove back to the fort, and once everyone was inside, the fort went into lockdown. All gates were locked, and windows were shut with steel gates.
Meanwhile, the native villages stopped their rain dances and began to cheer, and all of them climbed massive ladders to their stilted homes. The hurricane was incoming.
New Sasha
Gunshots suddenly filled the air, Greal colonists ran for their lives, Greal troops arrived to see what happened. 2 people were shot in the chest on the beach. Greal troops began searching tents for any guns. Construction workers continued to work on buildings.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 02:48
Erinomainen Alusmaa
The colonist continued on, oblivious to the impending weather. They had been on the island for 4 hours now and had a good part of the city carved out. Many people were already setting up they're home the way they wanted them. Though at this point that was very hard to do as it was pitch black and all they had were candles and flashlights. All the power was currently going to government operations. As soon as the wireless was operational they telegraphed Fort Vladistov.
Official Telegraph
To Head of the Fort Vladistov garrison,
We have set up our wireless, and will now be receiving telegraphs. We also would like to know if there are any volcanoes on the island, preferably close to our colony and dormant. Thank you and have a nice day.
From the desk of,
Billy Hilbrich,
Erinomainen Alusmaa Colony
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 02:51
Outside Fort Vladistov
There were 300 sailors who had abandoned the BFS Deity. They spotted lights in the distance and decided to head for them. It took them an hour to reach the great gates of Fort Vladistov. When they arrived they banged on the great gates of the fort.
2 colonists wandered off and went to explore the island.
18-10-2007, 03:11
Fort Vladistov Gates
A spotlight shone on the sailors, and a loudspeaker sounded out.
"Attention! Fort Vladistov is under lockdown. Nobody may enter or exit the fort."
Suddenly, however, the massive steel doors opened just a crack, and a PA officer yelled at them.
"Hurry up!"
He pointed at the sky, where a massive eye was forming, and he motioned for them to enter.
Fort Vladistov Communications Centre
The telegram was received.
Congratulations on your new settlement. No, there are no volcanoes on the island itself, but there is one about three hundred feet off of the coast on the sea floor, which may disrupt trade.
PA Officer Aleksandr Jovanovich
Fort Vladistov Weather Observance Station
"Oh, dear, the storm is approaching mighty fast, isn't it?"
"Yes, but at least we will be safe. Not too sure about the colonists though."
"Oh bother the colonists! We warned them about the storm, and if they didn't heed our warning, then too bad for them!"
"Bloody hell, do you care about anything other than yourself?"
"Нет, почему Вы заботились бы о колонистах?"
"Вы - эгоистичный дурак!"
The two weather officers yelled at each other in Russian for another few minutes, and then worked on their own things.
A Greal transport ran right into the storm along with a destoryer.
"Sir, we sailed into a Hurricane!"yelled the first mate over the waves and rain, the ship was pounded over and over, they couldn't abanden ship though.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 03:29
Fort Vladistov Gates
A spotlight shone on the sailors, and a loudspeaker sounded out.
"Attention! Fort Vladistov is under lockdown. Nobody may enter or exit the fort."
Suddenly, however, the massive steel doors opened just a crack, and a PA officer yelled at them.
"Hurry up!"
He pointed at the sky, where a massive eye was forming, and he motioned for them to enter.
Fort Vladistov Communications Centre
The telegram was received.
Congratulations on your new settlement. No, there are no volcanoes on the island itself, but there is one about three hundred feet off of the coast on the sea floor, which may disrupt trade.
PA Officer Aleksandr Jovanovich
Fort Vladistov Weather Observance Station
"Oh, dear, the storm is approaching mighty fast, isn't it?"
"Yes, but at least we will be safe. Not too sure about the colonists though."
"Oh bother the colonists! We warned them about the storm, and if they didn't heed our warning, then too bad for them!"
"Bloody hell, do you care about anything other than yourself?"
"Нет, почему Вы заботились бы о колонистах?"
"Вы - эгоистичный дурак!"
The two weather officers yelled at each other in Russian for another few minutes, and then worked on their own things.
(ooc:Сколько быть водящий высшая отметка за классную работу эгоистичный дурак?)
Erinomainen Alusmaa
They moved the generator inside as preparation for the storm. The keep it just inside the entrance. Everyone else was also hurried in with all the equipment. It was a tight squeeze as they were still drilling the last of the tunnels but they fit. "Sir we just received a reply from Fort Vladistov. Its not good, we got a no go on the volcano, they say there's one off shore but that would be to expensive were definitely going to need more generators," said the communications officer to Governor Hilbrich.
"Here's the status report sir," said one of the governors aids. "All the equipment and citizens are inside and were are securing the entrances."
New Sasha
30,000 people were now hiding inside some completed buildings in preparations for the storm, construction workers added a stronger roof to hold the building together. It began raining as the outer edge of the storm made a landfall on the island, the winds began to increase fast.
18-10-2007, 04:08
Fort Vladistov
A siren sounded, and massive locks hold the steel gates in place. The courtyard was completely abandoned, and everything not bolted to the steel floor was taken into storage. All windows were shut by small reinforced gates. The hurricane hit the island at around 0700 hours. It was a Category 5 hurricane, and in the distance the little village did not move at all for some odd reason; it just stood there, while the trees were getting blown about. A number of trees close to the fort were uprooted, and with winds exceeding 300 km/h the storm surge slammed into the side of the fort.
The water level around the island increased by 7.5 metres, flooding most of the villages. The villages, however, had houses that were on stilts around 10 metres high. Also, the houses did not move, and smoke coming from the chimneys were in perfectly straight lines for some very odd reason; while trees were uprooting all around them the houses did not move.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 04:23
Erinomainen Alusmaa
At around 0830, they had to start the pumps because water was collecting near the tunnel entrance. It was pure luck that entrance lead upstairs or the whole colony would have flooded. The generators however were right inside the entrance due to the need of ventilation. It was a constant struggle to keep the water form shorting out the generators. In the end they resorted to using buckets in tandem with the pumps to prevent power lossage.
18-10-2007, 04:52
Jumbo Mining Corp.
The situation was getting dire. There were the hurricanes in the past, but nothing ever as strong as this one. The tall skyscraper, which was the cover-up for the open-shaft mine within, was beginning to sway. Glass was shattering, and the mine was already flooded. Soon, the first few floors destabilised, and the whole tower toppled into the water, killing nearly two thousand people.
New Sasha
One of the buildings collapsed killing 1400 people that were in the building, the rest of the Suviors either managed to escape to another building, or get killed by flying debris. Greal troops climbed unto the destoryed building and used the pieces of the building to divert the flooding away from the Greal troops.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 14:07
Erinomainen Alusmaa
Around 1000 hours, the water levels rose too high and with a burst of sparks the generators shorted out, plunging the colony into darkness, and cutting power to the pumps. 3 men died form the burst of sparks. People through out the colony quickly found flashlights or candles even in the pitch black. More men were called to help bail the water out of the entrance.
The Indonesian states
18-10-2007, 14:19
OOC: I won't be able to go on that often...
Palembang Baru
Almost 800 Colonists died after a typhoon hit straight into the ships. Happy to be alive, the survivors drop anchor and start making shelters. Others helped the sick inside the ships. Meanwhile, about 40 colonists go to the nearby tribe and ask for help.
The Kiravian colonists had just completed their permantent shelters when the storm hit. No one was killed, but the construction of the port, defencive tower, and roads were destroyed.
A few hours ago the winds had begun to pick up and the clouds to appear. The gulls still sang but there was tension in their voice as they looked out at the gloomy water the sun barely shining. It grew cold and began to rain. The rain continued growing in fiercenesses until it was heard whipping through the trees. The trees groaned as they bent back letting the wind pass them over their bodies stripped of leaves. Then the crackle of lighting began. It snapped too and through and their were scenes of fire as lean-tos burned. The people ran to shelter but their was little.
Finally it stopped. People came out of their homes to look at the destruction. It seemed like but a few were hit and only some dead. It was more economical damage and damage to morale. Of course that was before it was realized it was but the eye of the storm.
The people were not spared as they were sucked up by spawned tornadoes. They tried to run back but many were killed. Eventually some made it back.
The storm then blew out for real this time. Now they had but to deal with looters and the destruction of most of their work and 20% of their population.
18-10-2007, 21:55
Alcatraz Island
As the waters slowly receded, the natives popped out of their houses in the morning and started growing on the fresh soil. Meanwhile, while other colonists were struggling, the native villages sent out fishing boats and villagers with spades to gather food for their tribes. Most of them were confused when they noticed the destruction in the distance, seeing as to how they were barely affected by the storm.
The jungle, though very wet and barren, was mostly intact. After a number of hours, most of the leaves on the trees regrew, and the animals returned from wherever they were. Fort Vladistov deactivated the lockdown cycle and it returned to normal, and one merchant in an armoured car travelled down to one of the tribal villages to buy food. He carried a bunch of gems, which were sacred to the villagers.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 22:19
Erinomainen Alusmaa
"Status report," demanded governor Hilbrich, as he stood in the candle lit colony control room.
"All powers down. We've got the wireless working on battery backup but it won't last long."
"Telegraph Fort Vladistov of our current condition," replied the governor.
Official Telegraph
To Fort Vladistov,
We have survived hurricane, have 2 seriously wounded, have no power, request helicopter medivac to nearest hospital ASAP. Three dead, is right if we put in ground here? Wireless battery's running low further communications may not be possible. Hurry.
From Erinomainen Alusmaa
18-10-2007, 22:31
Fort Vladistov
The communications officer was at the telegraph station, where he received a distress message from Erinomainen Alusmaa.
"Copy that, Erinomainen Alusmaa. One modified MiG-25R Hind-S heading in your direction. Nearest hospital in Singapore. A fusion reactor will be air dropped at your location by a TU-443 supply plane, over."
The officer put his headset down and rubbed his face.
"I hate hurricanes."
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 22:37
Erinomainen Alusmaa
"Sir, the wireless's battery is dead," reported the communications officer.
"Well did the telegraph go through?" asked Governor Hilbrich.
"I don't know sir, but I hope it did."
18-10-2007, 22:44
Erinomainen Alusmaa
One MiG-25R Hind-S flew over the jungle to the small hole at the entrance of the cave, where a number of ruined pumps and three decaying bodies were. Three paramedic teams rushed into the cave, where they ran up the stairs with their stretchers. The leader called out.
"All right, where are the casualties?"
Airspace, Alcatraz Island
Meanwhile, a single TU-443 supply plane with a fusion reactor in its hold touched down on the sand, spraying a tree with exhaust. One engineer team popped out of the back holding a massive fusion reactor, where they promptly ran to the fort to obtain an armoured car. After they boarded the car, they drove towards the location of Erinomainen Alusmaa to deliver it.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 23:01
Erinomainen Alusmaa
"You got here just in time," said the doctor. "This one," said the doctor pointing to an old man on a stretcher, "is a 81 year old male with contusions to his arms legs and back, we think fell down the stairs after the power went out, we found him lying at the bottom of the stairs in the dark when we did checks to see if everyone was alright. This one," he said pointing to a much younger man, "is a 16 year old male with a stab wound to the chest, was stabbed by a jealous husband who found him in bed with his wife. And finally my personal favorite number three. This one," he said pointing to a young woman, "is a 25 year old female who suffered a severe electric shock, according to here friend she was trying to make the batteries from here flashlight power her toaster, need I say more."
18-10-2007, 23:08
Erinomainen Alusmaa
The leader of the paramedical party chuckled as he heard the last one. After a moment, he thought about the jealous husband.
"I'm going to need to talk to that man. You, and you, take these injured people away."
"Yes, sah!"
The paramedics ran out with the three injured people. Outside, the dead bodies were stuffed arranged in a fashion so that the least decomposition was shown. The injured were put in the MiG-25R Hind-S and flown off to Singapore. Meanwhile, the engineers had arrived, and they were lugging the heavy fusion reactor up the stairs.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 23:13
"Where are you going with that?" asked a police officer as he was walking down the stairs. He stared blankly at the engineers.
18-10-2007, 23:21
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
"We heard about a request for electricity over here, so we just brought out one of our spare fusion generators. We hope you do not mind, SIR."
The engineer glared at the police officer, and one of the escort infantry brought his Type 5 Stoklomolvi SMG to his hip. He cocked an eyebrow, then told the others to continue moving.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 23:26
"You can't take that up there," said the police office.
18-10-2007, 23:31
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
"Well," said the engineer with indignity in his voice, "where do you propose for us to take it to then, HM?"
Meanwhile, the leader had returned after a long talk with the jealous husband about safety and cooperation.
"Hey, hey! What's happening here?"
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 23:35
"As I was just telling them they can't take that up there, and I don't care where you take it I just know you can't take it up there. But hey if you want to go ahead," said the police officer as he shook his head and continued walking down the stairs.
Pan-Arab Barronia
18-10-2007, 23:53
The BMS Evanesce - a beaching ship carrying the first of the civilians to Alcatraz Barronii.
Mainly full of Engineers, Technicians, Drivers, Architects and Construction Crews, she would be making back and forth trips for the coming months, shipping in buildings, vehicles, infrastructure, and eventually civilians.
On board this shipment were several thousand tonnes of building materials, tower cranes, and plant equipment with which to begin the construction of Alcatraz Barronii.
Now beached, her flat front hull crushing the sand, the front cargo doors opened. Several helicopters took off from the back pad to scout the area and send a diplomacy party to Fort Vladistok.
Meanwhile, the first of the plant equipment and men were unloading.
The Beatus
18-10-2007, 23:54
When the engineers reached the top they saw what the police officers had been saying. The hall narrowed and the generator would not fit into it. The only choice was to carry it back down the stairs.
19-10-2007, 00:04
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
The engineers carried to to the bottom, where they excavated a hole out of the side of the stairs without permission. After a while of digging, they stuffed the generator into the hole, where it snugly. They activated the fusion reactor, where it began to produce electricity with a humming sound.
Beach near Fort Vladistov
The beached ship had supplies ferried from it to the construction site near Fort Vladistov. Meanwhile, some of the natives had come to plant their crops near Fort Vladistov, as was tradition for that tribe. However, when they saw that other human had come to take their spot, they got quite angry. The leader of the band went to the gates of the fort.
"I tell you not build thing here. Now you build thing. Where will we plant crops and food?"
The officer at the gates looked over to the construction site.
"Oh, dear..."
The natives walked away from the officer and began to attack the engineers with spears and AK-2130 Assault Rifles purchased from the fort to defend themselves against wild animals.
The Beatus
19-10-2007, 00:12
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
A workman walked passed the hole in the wall. Seconds later he doubled back and stared at the hole. "This shouldn't be here," he said out loud to no one in particular. After staring at the hole a little longer he decided to do something about it. He went and got some bricks and bricked up the hole. When he was done he took some dirt and rubbed it on the wall to make the wall blend with the rest. "Perfect!" he said with a tone of satisfaction.
19-10-2007, 00:31
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
A while later, the engineers returned to check on the fusion reactor, only to find their hole bricked up. Angrily, they kicked at the wall, and one of them listened for the humming. After finding the wall in front of the source, he took out a pick and picked off the dirt to reveal bricks. He then picked off the bricks and took them off, where the fusion reactor sat. The team took the reactor out and brushed it off. Afterwards, they installed a steel containment compartment to hold the reactor, where it latched itself onto the wall. They covered the steel with non-conductive material, and attached an electrical wire to the reactor.
They dug out a thin pathway for the wire to travel on, and the gently put the wire inside the small carved out wall. After it was complete, they put the stone back, and they drew the wire into the colony.
The Beatus
19-10-2007, 01:28
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
The workman walked pass the wall again and noticed a wire sticking out of the wall where he bricked up the hole. "That shouldn't be hear either," he said. He grabbed the wire and pulled but it wouldn't come so he took out his wire cutters and cut the wire. Then he followed the wire to where ever it went. Meanwhile deeper in the depths of the colony the Beatusian engineers were busy setting up the Binary Cycle Hydrothermal Power plant.
19-10-2007, 01:32
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
This time, however, the engineers stayed and watched. They saw the workman take out the wire, and, feeling that he was a mole or spy of some sort, drew their weapons.
"Hey! You! Stop sabotaging our electrical power source!"
One of the engineers spliced the wire together, while the others ran towards the workman with their guns out.
[OOC: Some people are like this in RL, y'know?]
The Beatus
19-10-2007, 01:35
[ooc:yes I do]
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
Police Officer walked up and said, "Whats going on here?" Just as he said that the lights flickered on.
19-10-2007, 01:56
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
One of the engineers, startled, accidentally shot his gun in the direction of the police officer. The others, hearing gunfire but not knowing where it was coming from, either ducked down or shot in random directions. The paramedical leader, who was nearby, also turned around with his pistol and started shooting. After but one moment the hallway turned into a fire fight.
A number of SMPF officers outside heard the shooting, and immediately ran inside. They saw their own engineers firing on the police man and work man, and then promptly shot the engineers.
The Beatus
19-10-2007, 02:04
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
A group of police officers nearby heard the gunfire, thought the natives where attacking, and threw a flash bang into the stairwell, before running in shooting they're pistols wildly killing the SMPF officers.
19-10-2007, 02:17
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
Eventually, after the SMPF were getting hit by gunfire, natives actually did come. The natives, using their AK-2130 Assault Rifles, started shooting blindly into the hallway. Three of the SMPF were down, and two more wounded. The last one tossed an M17 Fragmentation Grenade into the group of policemen before getting capped in the head by a pistol.
After a few more moments of wild shooting, an armoured car owned by the Stoklomolvi PA arrived. The officer stepped out.
"What on earth is going on here?!"
The natives stopped shooting and looked at the officer. Then, they ran off into the jungle.
The Beatus
19-10-2007, 02:25
Two of the police officers, dazed and confused from the grenade blast, continued shooting wildly into the hall. Two of the rounds ricocheted off the armored car, and one of them hit the Stoklomolvi PA in the foot. By this time everyone had emptied they're clips.
19-10-2007, 02:37
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
The PA officer cursed, and waved his hand. The armoured car fired a single warning shell into the side of the hallway. Afterwards, the officer limped towards the policeman who had shot him in the foot and slit his throat with his knife. When the PA officer radioed Fort Vladistov; the reply was not friendly at all.
"So I knifed him. Big deal. He shot me in the foot!"
"Well, um, sir..."
The gunner in the armoured car received the signal, and the cannon promptly turned towards the PA officer. One cannon blast was fired and the PA officer was vaporised. Paramedics arrived from another helicopter and tended to the wounded.
The Beatus
19-10-2007, 02:43
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
A group of men wearing bullet proof vests surrounding another man walked into the hallway. "What is going on here," yelled governor Hilbrich from inside he circle of security guards.
19-10-2007, 02:52
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
The gunner popped his head out of the APC.
"Sir! It appears that incompetent men from both of our sides have killed each other over a fusion reactor! We have reason to believe that one of your workmen continually severed the power line leading from the fusion reactor to your colony, sir!"
The driver then popped his head out of the APC as well.
"I agree with him, sir! I think it is better for both of us that these incompetent fools have died, sir!"
The Beatus
19-10-2007, 02:58
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
"Fusion reactor? What fusion reactor?" shouted Governor Hilbrich.
The workman stood up and brushed some dust of his overalls. "What'd I miss," he asked.
"Oh, good. Now Lucky do we have a fusion reactor?" Governor Hilbrich addressing the workman.
"Nope, Sir."
"I didn't think so. I thought I would have remembered that..." and he continues muttering more saying basically to the same effect.
Pan-Arab Barronia
19-10-2007, 21:13
Beach near Fort Vladistov
The beached ship had supplies ferried from it to the construction site near Fort Vladistov. Meanwhile, some of the natives had come to plant their crops near Fort Vladistov, as was tradition for that tribe. However, when they saw that other human had come to take their spot, they got quite angry. The leader of the band went to the gates of the fort.
"I tell you not build thing here. Now you build thing. Where will we plant crops and food?"
The officer at the gates looked over to the construction site.
"Oh, dear..."
The natives walked away from the officer and began to attack the engineers with spears and AK-2130 Assault Rifles purchased from the fort to defend themselves against wild animals.
OOC: I assume this is me.
The engineers were caught by surprise. The few guards protecting the entrance were killed within seconds - these engineers knew how to fight.
The officer in charge, one Brigadier-Commandant James Wentwhistle, heard the gunfire from the outskirts.
"Officer! Report!"
"Sir, we're...[static]...attack from the...[static]...tives...[gunfire]"
"Repeat message! Do you require assistance?"
"Affirm...[static][gunfire]...natives breaking...[static]...argh!"
"Officer, report! Officer! Damnit. Get me the Evenesce!"
Five minutes later
"Captain Andrew McLellan speaking. What appears to be the problem Commandant?"
"We're under attack from the natives - small arms and spears. We're going to need an armed guard, and cover for now."
"Aye, commandant," sighed McLellan. First he gets sent on a colonisation run, and now he's expected to provide a bodyguard to that pampered landlubber who can't even hold off the natives. Ah well, on to work.
"Air Control? Launch the SeaLords, marines and vehicle compliment, and I want one of our diplomats on board. And I want that leader brought back here alive."
Within 15 minutes, a fresh compliment of Sealords had left the LPD. Heading toward the new settlement, their marine compliment were gearing up. The diplomat? Praying.
20-10-2007, 01:18
...The few guards protecting the entrance were killed within seconds - these engineers knew how to fight.
[OOC: That part confused me a bit.]
Beach near Fort Vladistov
The natives eliminated most opposition, while suffering a number of casualties. One stubbed his toe on a rock jutting from the sand, while another tripped and fell into a puddle of water and was bitten by a crab. The last one was shot squarely in the forehead by one of the engineers.
The officers at Fort Vladistov were helpless to join; if they sided with the natives, then it would generate hostility between the nation of Pan-Arab Barronia. If they sided with Barronia, then the natives would be hostile. As such, they remained neutral in the conflict.
Meanwhile, a single pirate cruiser had been spotted over the horizon. Apparently, its crew had heard about the island's rich resources and were planning on stealing some from the colonies. Two of the corner naval batteries on the fort started firing at the pirate ship from afar, but it was largely ineffective.
Pan-Arab Barronia
20-10-2007, 01:51
[OOC: That part confused me a bit.]
Beach near Fort Vladistov
The natives eliminated most opposition, while suffering a number of casualties. One stubbed his toe on a rock jutting from the sand, while another tripped and fell into a puddle of water and was bitten by a crab. The last one was shot squarely in the forehead by one of the engineers.
The officers at Fort Vladistov were helpless to join; if they sided with the natives, then it would generate hostility between the nation of Pan-Arab Barronia. If they sided with Barronia, then the natives would be hostile. As such, they remained neutral in the conflict.
Meanwhile, a single pirate cruiser had been spotted over the horizon. Apparently, its crew had heard about the island's rich resources and were planning on stealing some from the colonies. Two of the corner naval batteries on the fort started firing at the pirate ship from afar, but it was largely ineffective.
OOC: My bad, will change.
"Got one!" cried one of the engineers, as one of the natives hit the floor, a decent portion of his cerebellum now splattered on the ground behind him. Several of his comrades were dead, and they were forced to retreat inside the walls.
Once the Sealords had arrived, however, it would be a different story. Now less than 10 minutes away, they would bring men and supplies that would tip the balance in the settlers favour.
Once the natives were dealt with, then the Air Service would be brought in. And the real construction would begin.
The Beatus
20-10-2007, 02:03
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
"Where did you men get this crazy idea we had a fusion reactor?" Governor Hilbrich asked the men in the armored car.
While all this nonsense was commencing, the Kiravian colony prospered.
The plantations of pineapples, papayas, coconuts, sugarcane, breadfruit, and tropicale were beggining to sprout. The defencive emplacements were completed, as was the port. A ship arrived carrying miners, prospectors, scientists, merchants, egnineers, technicians, specialists, new settlers, and labourers.
Although no one in Tropicplain was of school-age, work had begun on a new school building, in expectance of juvenile immigrants. The new deaslination plant was finally at full capacity, and produced enough to provide for air-conditioning. Now, the heat-sensitive Kiravians could ive more comfortably. Internet, TV, and telegraphic netwroks had been set up.
Still, the colony remained little more than an economic outpost. There was not yet a police force, a public works department, or any normal municipal institutions. Such needs were organised by the Council of the city, and then taken care of by the colonists themselves.
21-10-2007, 01:26
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
The men in the armoured cars, now experiencing the same anger that the engineers did, popped out and ripped off the fake stone to reveal a fusion generator. They started yelling at the governor.
"Now listen here, you old coot. This here fusion generator generates enough electricity to power your whole little colony here, understand?! Mighty expensive too, could have costed you over several million stoklomovs, but we're givin' it to you for free, you lucky *mumbling*...."
They stormed back into the armoured car, and drove off, spraying mud everywhere.
Beach near Fort Vladistov
With all of the natives dead, the construction began in peace. However, this would not last long. The angry natives, with their "diplomats" dead, got rather angry and drove a number of lorries and an armoured car over. There, they shoved the building materials aside, and stubbornly farmed the land. The men at Fort Vladistov continued to do nothing; they did not support nor did they retaliate for fear of generating anger.
The Beatus
21-10-2007, 02:46
Official Telegram
To the leader of Fort Vladistov,
Two men in a armored car were just here. I demand they be returned to stand trial. They illegally installed a fusion reactor in our colony. They did so with no approval. They didn't even think of telling someone. They violated so many safety protocols that its to many to list. They even bricked it up into a wall. Then they opened fire on my people. If you fail to return these men to stand trial than I will send this up to my superiors, who will talk to your superiors. You don't want that do you?
Billy Hilbrich
Governor of Erinomainen Alusmaa
21-10-2007, 04:00
Telegraph Station, Fort Vladistov
"Sir, incoming message from a Billy Hilbrich, who says he is the governor of Erinomainen Alusmaa."
"Let's see it."
To the leader of Fort Vladistov,
Two men in a armoured car were just -- --. I demand they be returned to stand- --- ---- - in our colony. They did so with -- - - approval. They didn't even think of telling -- - - -- -- safety protocols that its to many to list. They even bricked it up into -- - -- fire on my people. If you fail to return these men to -- --- -- my superiors, who will talk --- ---- you?
Billy Hilbrich
-- --- --mainen Alusmaa
"Damn it, retrieve that message again."
The message comes through, revealing its true meaning.
"Ah, so that's what happened."
The two men in the armoured car appeared a moment later, and they walked up to the gates. They were talking and laughing to each other.
"Ha! Did you see that, those fools believed- Ah."
Two officers, armed with AK-2130s, appeared from the door. The two others stopped, and were about to say something. They were then shot.
The Beatus
21-10-2007, 04:34
Erinomainen Alusmaa, Stairwell
The stairwell was immediately sealed off. Engineers suited up in radiation suits and approached the reactor. They were holding Geiger counters to detect if there was any radiation leak from the reactor. They detected a large amount of radiation originating from the reactor. The engineers determined it happened when the men from the armored car had ripped a hole in the wall, penetrating the reactors containment structure. The engineers couldn't believe the stupidity of the engineers of Stoklomolvi were. Installing a fusion reactor with out wearing proper protection equipment. They were probably already going to die before they were shot. The engineers knew that the only effective fuel for a fusion reactor is a 50/50 Deuterium/Tritium mixture. An autopsy had been preformed on the dead engineers and it had been found that they had received more than lethal doses of Tritium. The engineers carefully removed the reactor form the alcove in the wall. A truck was backed up to the cave entrance and the reactor was carefully loaded on to it. The truck drove down to the gates of Fort Vladistov. They carefully unloaded the reactor and taped a note to it. The note read:
You seam to have left this at our place. We have returned it. Your welcome.
21-10-2007, 04:41
Fort Vladistov
The destroyed fusion reactor arrived at the gates. The gate guards, upon noticing the fusion reactor, ran inside and donned ABC suits. They slowly walked outside, took the reactor and placed it carefully in the sand that jutted out behind the fort. They then ran as fast as they could inside, and one of the shore batteries fired on it, destroying it in a massive explosion that flung contaminated sand everywhere. A number of SMPF officers rushed outside and sprayed everything with a type of liquid which decontaminated the surrounding the area.
The Beatus
21-10-2007, 05:06
Erinomainen Alusmaa
While engineers were decontaminating the stairwell, other engineers were monitoring the Binary Cycle Hydrothermal Power station. All was running smoothly. They were still laughing at the incident that had occurred with they're boss, Lucky, in the stairway. "Those idiots," one said. "I know, a fusion reactor," said the other,"why would you risk a radiation leak using a fusion reactor?" "At least Lucky figured it out, otherwise we might be dieing of radiation poisoning now," the first one finished.
21-10-2007, 05:10
Weather Office, Fort Vladistov
Report, flash flooding imminent. All citizens on the island are encouraged to move to higher ground to escape flooding.
Beach near Fort Vladistov
The natives, in defiance, deliberately ruined prime building ground for their farm. They tore up the construction, and planted seeds. Soon, the rains came again, and water poured out of the sky onto their seeds. However, the storm caused another surge, and the villagers were submerged under the water while continuing to farm.
The Beatus
21-10-2007, 05:27
Official Telegram
To all inhabitants of the Island,
If you seek shelter form the approaching rains, our hotel is open to you for a small fee, price list below. We are located in the lovely Erinomainen Alusmaa caves of the Erinomainen Alusmaa colony. To make reservations please reply, first come first serve.
Price list:
Cheep-o-Room: $15 a night
Econo-Room: $20 a night
Cheep-o-Suit: $75 a night
Executive Suit: $125 a night
Royal Suit: If you have to ask you can't afford it
We accept no major credit cards.
Ima Rippinguoff
Owner The Ripoff Hotel
The Tropicplainers were fervently preparing for the imminant flooding. The digging machines intended for construction were cutting trenches intothe earth around the village. THe men were reinforcing the walls with sandbags. Natives hired from the island were hired to help. The Imperials and the Natives were hunkered down indoors when the rain began to fall.
The trenches held the floodwaters for a few hours, but soon overflowed with mud. The silt and rainwater began to swarm up around the outpost walls.
21-10-2007, 20:22
Alcatraz Island
While the storm battered up the colonies, Fort Vladistov went under lockdown once more. The natives continued to farm under the water (?!) and did not drown even after staying there for many minutes. At the Kiravian colony, the natives promptly got up and left in the rain, albeit without getting wet. They travelled back to their colonies, where people were walking around, bartering, or talking without paying much attention to the water that was up to their chests.