Greal population reaches past 1 billion
Annie Luvi, was the 1 billionth person to be born in Greal yesterday. Her parents were given 100 million and free discounts at all stores.
Oily prata
17-10-2007, 08:39
Oily Prata congratulates Greal on it's One Billionth citizen. As a result, 10 Million NSD have been sent to Anne Luvi's family as a gift.
Anni Luvi's family has thanked you for your gift. The Foreign Minister and the Defense Minister has attended a press conference with Annie Luvi's family.
The Vetalian government congratulates your country and the family of your lucky citizen on this milestone. As a gift, we will send them a set of mint-condition Vetalian ruble coins from the year 1739, the year our own population exceeded 1 billion for the first time. This rare set is a true heirloom, one of a small number still remaining. It has been donated from the collection of the Luvanov family, a distant relation to the Luvi family that wishes to commemorate this event with a worthy gift.
On behalf of the Luvanov family, we wish your country well as it grows in to the future and hope that this marks the beginning of another era of prosperity and growth for the nation of Greal.
Best wishes,
Proconsul Eveginy Alabayev, Ministry of State
The Vetalian government congratulates your country and the family of your lucky citizen on this milestone. As a gift, we will send them a set of mint-condition Vetalian ruble coins from the year 1739, the year our own population exceeded 1 billion for the first time. We wish your country well as it grows in to the future and hope that this marks the beginning of another era of prosperity and growth for the nation of Greal.
Best wishes,
Proconsul Eveginy Alabayev, Ministry of State
Annie Luvi's family thanks you for the gift. They are more rich then they thought they would be in the end now.
OOC: Passed 1 billion in 1739? Wow Vetalia, interesting history you got there.
OOC: Passed 1 billion in 1739? Wow Vetalia, interesting history you got there.
OOC: Our country is's been around as a unified nation since 1514. I've got a lot of work to do on my nation's history, which consists currently of a jumble of text documents and a handful of NSWiki pages.
OOC: Our country is's been around as a unified nation since 1514. I've got a lot of work to do on my nation's history, which consists currently of a jumble of text documents and a handful of NSWiki pages.
OOC: Wow, Greal was founded in 1836, almost 300 years ahead of you. I'm working on my NS wiki history also.