The Hall of the Rangers Opens (FT: Attn GFFA)
The Humankind Abh
17-10-2007, 04:31
In the days of Emperor Dusanyu, the foundations of the Rangers had been laid an infancy. During that time Richard Rahl took control of the affairs of the Rangers. He trained them each individually and built up the code that everyone of them would take as their creed. In total, there was less than fifty Rangers habitting the planet of D'Hara and patrolling the borders of space for any potential threat. Together they handled some first contact situations as well as an early warning system and intelligence gathering unit effectively making them an all in one unit.
Part of their traning consisted of combat practice, but the other important aspect was that of diplomacy and the way of the constant changing realm of politics. Unlike what most had come to assume from the Abh Empire, the Rangers were slow to anger prefering to let their minds prevail than let emotions take control. It's what made them so useful to the Abh in the first place where they could be thrusted into a hostile situation and bring about a solution peacefully whereas the Abh would have preferred to shoot first and ask questions later.
Now after all those years, much had changed with the Rangers. Their benefactor, Richard Rahl, had been captured during a battle in the ongoing war between the GFFA and the ESUS. Leadership fell to another who some thought was less than savory. The dark knight, Lord Ashram, quickly took command and put the Rangers back out on mission.
However, the Rangers were about to undergo one more great change. Under instructions from the Mother Confessor, Kahlan Amnell, the Rangers were going to be opened up to members within the Galactic Federation. Anyone willing to join would be accepted and trained. Their skills would be put to use among the Rangers and in the galaxy abroad. Ashram simply hoped that whoever came, would be worthy. He did not have the patience to train up a bunch of green recruits.
So much like when the invitations went out for the melee tournament, a Ranger travelled to the distant systems of every member within the Galactic Federation and to the allies of the Abh Empire. There they sought out the heads of government that could better understand what was before them. Every man or woman that travelled carried with them an metal tube and was left with whoever they could contact. Once delivered, the Ranger simply walked away to head back home.
Greetings to all allies among the stars~
You may or may not be aware of an organization called the Rangers that have operated for years within the Abh Empire's borders. Their mission has been one strictly of maintaining peace between borders and acting as an early warning system. Besides being keepers of peace, they are also highly trained warriors that specialize in any number of combat skills for their own defense as well as is part of their mandate. They go only where they are welcomed or asked to come. It has been decided to open the applications to the Ranger programs open to those of other nations and races. Anyone may join but it is understood that they will be placed under the leadership of the head Ranger which is separate from the Abh Empire and any government from which a Ranger hails.
Come to D'Hara if you seek more.
The coordinants were enclosed and all that was left was to wait and see if anyone would make the journey to the planet. It was a momentarily lapse in security but most were confident that the lack of FTLi would not leave the planet vulnerable.
The Swan shuttle decended through the atmosphere to the surface of D'Hara. Flames licked its hull as it passed out of the upper atmosphere and circled high above to burn off velocity before coming in for a landing.
Inside a group of ex-soldiers, officers of the law looking for something more, and others from various walks of life waited to exit the craft. As the ship settled onto the platform and came to rest the exit ramp lowered to touch the ground. The passengers left the ship and hurried off to discover their new found destiny here with the rangers. Behind them though was one more occupant, he waited around until the others had walked on well ahead before walking to the bottom of the ramp. Unlike them, he was not human.
Miletus ( took a moment to look around before stepping onto the foreign soil. The air here smelled different, on top of Ti things smelled so fresh and new, here the air was old and ancient like Kharik had been before they had been forced to leave. The Arderian stretched his wings after the long journey, the dry air tugging at each feather. He had once been a Captain in Tidan's elite Red Talon company. That force no longer existed and since then Miletus had gone from one job to another. When news of this oppertunity came along it perked his ears. Perhaps here he could find purpose as he once had known.
The others were now far ahead, but that didn't bother him. He started to follow them at a slow and steady pace.
Nova Bazalonia
18-10-2007, 05:49
Despite the standard and obvious majority of Novaens in life partnerships, with human and Sauron Sauron sharing the same identity, there are obviously occasions when something happens and when one of them dies while the other one lives.
This indeed happened to Drt'rck Henderson an accident with a weapon caused his human life partner to receive major injuries while the natural defenses of the Sauron hide reduced the injuries that he would receive. They were both transported to hostpital and it was there that Drt'rck the human died while the sauron recovered from his minor injuries.
Days latter he was given an honourable discharge from the military, not only did he lose the being that was closest to him but he suffered a complete social disconnect, from their... sorry now his friends in the armed forces and from society as a whole.
Most just life partners just wither away and might as well be dead for all that they do, but not Drt'rck, He focused on what made him individual his fighting abilities, it was with these that he was able to continue at least surviving while he worked through his grief of losing what he had essentially considered a part of himself.
As time passed, he started to feel free, he had always had to consider and deal with the wants and needs of his partner, his partner had been slowing him down physically, but now no more, he was free , which was totally at odds with the Novaen society and he was even taken before the Novaen council, but no charges nor sentences were laid out despite he was instructed "to be more Novaen".
However, when he had heard about the Abh Rangers were now open to other races, he smiled, he left and took his own personnal ship from the death payout of the insurance agencies.
The Humankind Abh
18-10-2007, 20:27
Ashram stood out on the crenulated wall surrounding the Ranger's temple within the city of D'Hara outside of the People's Palace. His black cape flapped in the afternoon breeze as he saw the first of the new recruits touch down outside of the city. Even before the first shuttles touched down, Kahlan as well as Ashram had sent out messages to the guards that the new arrivals are not to be harmed but simply shown the way to the temple.
Casting its shadow over the city proper, the temple's great middle spire shimmered brightly in the sun. The green flag of D'Hara snapped in the wind. Ashram hopped down from the wall making a loud thump in his armored shoes. It would be time to greet the recruits soon and there was no need staying out on the wall for this.
Guards were already pointing the way to the Ranger temple for the new arrivals, allowing them passage through the city. Mulling outside the temple grounds were a number of soldier looking individuals though definantly different than the regular D'Haran soldiers. These were a mish-mash of different armors ranging from medieval styles to the Abh Star Forces battle armors. Their weaponry was just as unique as well.
Greil hefted a large battle-ax onto his shoulders and gave Titania a grin. "Better tell Ashram that the first of our foreign brethren has just arrived."
The fiery red haired woman, clad fully in armor, merely grunted at him. "Likely he already knows. Just try not to scare anyone with your charms. Some people are not as opened to your bubbling personality like the rest of us."
"Aww, well I have to make up the personality quota for two people. Not everyone lacks a sense of humor like you."
Titania just stood staring down Greil as she reached for her retractable force pike secured at her hip. "Oh I have fun alright. Especially when I get the chance to slice pieces of your flesh."
Greil was enjoying where this was going. It was giving him a chance to flex some of his rather large muscles. But before they could get down to sparring, a thump on the head knocked both of them back to reality.
Titania rubbed her head at the welt. "Damn it! What was that for Ike?"
Ike tilted his chin down the paved ramp leading up towards the temple. "Recruits are coming. Try to act professional."
New Dornalia
19-10-2007, 06:13
The bored pilot of the Gagarin II shuttle lazily heading towards D'Hara sipped some of his energy drink, and leaned back in his chair, sighing and stretching himself out. Rock music was playing in the background, with a repeating bluesy guitar riff, and the vocal strains of "Feel the pressure rise, and the whistle blow...."
He looked at his watch. According to his reckoning, it was sometime in the afternoon, GMT. He then spoke to the computer, saying, "Gracie, when are we going to get to D'Hara?"
Gracie replied, "Estimated time of arrival is half an hour."
Nodding, he then closed his eyes and said, "Gracie, assume autopilot. I'm gonna nap."
With that, he dozed off and began snoring. Chris Markham hated these long trips; they could get awfully boring awfully fast....but it was better than nothing. He had had enough of the Los Angeles Police Department. For five years, he worked the beat in some of the city's worst neighborhoods. He had seen enough domestic disputes to make the Lifetime channel rich for eternity.
He had seen murders, robberies, even had to talk a few people out of killing themselves. He had seen a few gentegata honor killings, and broke up a gang fight. But it wasn't the beat that got him to quit. Yeah, it could get pretty disgusting at times.
No, it was the office politics. His boss trying to suck up to his boss, people jealously jockeying for promotions--he wasn't the kind of guy who could make a fuss over who held what title, and he certainly hated cant and cruelty. Not the way he was raised. He preferred the junkies and feuding spouses over the asskissers. And when his boss was replaced with quite possibly the stupidest woman to ever breathe, let alone wear a uniform (rumor has it she only got the job because her dad was mayor).....that was it. He quit.
And so, here he was. When he heard about the Ranger job, he figured anything had to be better than the LAPD. So, he got in a shuttle, loaded up some supplies for the journey, a packet of papers including a resume, and his trusty shotgun in the shuttle, and moved out.
But enough reminiscing. For Gracie awoke him with a "Attention--we are now approaching D'Hara."
Markham woke up, and then said, "Take us down for a landing."
Gracie did just that, and before long landed next to the Tidani vessel. He smirked, saying, "Looks like I've got company." He then got up, exited the craft, and walked to the large building in the distance, following the guards that led him to the Ranger Temple.
Nova Bazalonia
19-10-2007, 06:46
As Drt'rck's vessel landed he saw the other 2 ships already landed, "looks like this will be fun." he said to himself. In most cultures talking to yourself would be considered strange but Drt'rck had been doing it for years, and was infact the social norm, though not necesarrily through words, on Nova.
It was a habit that he just couldn't kick perhaps the only remenent of his old self that continued on today.
As his claws came in contact with the ground, the sound of light scraping could be heard, He approached and entered the hall ahead he could see the Dornalian, he had heard about them, their society was basically the anceint soceity known as the United States of America, though he didn't think the Ancient society had catpeople.
Either way, the guards must of been expecting him, and it wasn't long until he entered the hall itself. A side effect of his ability is that he'd honed his general ability to read people, most Noveans ecan read their life partners if they were a book being intune. And yet while he wasn't as generally adept as that at least he could see that 2 of the 3 Rangers there waiting for him and the others had some sort of rivalry... thou it seemed there was little malice, they somehow enjoyed beating each other up.
The Humankind Abh
19-10-2007, 15:56
The three rangers had straightened themselves for the meeting by knocking off the banters. A trio of different colored capes flapped behind them as they waited. Both Ike and Greil wore simple clothing that was common around D'Hara while Titania was the only one that who was covered in full armor. Gold, blue, and red all mingled as the Rangers finally greeted the new arrivals.
"Welcome to D'Hara gentlemen. I am Ranger Titania and these are my friends Ike and Greil. If you'll follow us inside the temple, we will get you all settled in and begin the interview."
Up ahead, the temple rose up like a dome. A peculiar shap for something made of stone. At the pinnacle of the arc, a great spire rose up high into the sky matching four others boxing in the center dome but in less majestic as the greater. Inside, it housed every concievable combat training fascility that the Rangers could come up with. Hopefully if all went well, they could find a place for these new recruits. Though Ashram would have to inspect them for himself.
The Rangers merely guided them up into the compound where other Rangers were going about their daily lives, talking with other companions or doing their daily chores.
"Any questions before you step inside?"
Nova Bazalonia
21-10-2007, 14:54
Drt'rck merely said "No." as he waited, he became a bit fidgety, even as Drt'rck was for all intense purposes an alien it was obvious that he wanted to do something, waiting around was just a waste to him, life was short his was even shorter and he didn't want to spend it waiting around.
A single Hawk-class frigate ripped through the fabric of space-time wall of space, many-colored lights blasting throughout space as a Tanhausser opens for the GDI frigate. Positrons glimmer in the light of the systems star as the GDIS Swift heads for D'hara. Onboard the ship, Commander Jarris sits in his command chair, watching the holo displays with careful precision and skill, as the signatures of the other ships of the GFFA appear on sensors. Tidani, Novans and Dornalians all appear to have answered the call of the Abh Rangers.
The Director had been dubious about what their forces could do against such forces like the Sith, psykers and other forces that went beyond conventional means. However, the director of Intelligence Operations, Kirce James, had revealed two new projects that had been developed during the last conflict with the Brotherhood and were now in need of field-testing. The Rangers could prove to be that testing ground. So it was that a team was transported to the D'haran system. Onboard was one of the new teams of what they called Special Warfare Units, or SpecWar, which was the name of the branch of InOps that was made for these new teams. They took the elite of their soldiers, those who were the most skilled, and most adaptable, and made them into squads that could sent into hostile situations, where large scale military operations were impossible.
One such team, known as Alpha Squad, was being sent right now. The commander turned to the communications officer. "Lieutenant, is Alpha Squad ready to leave for D'hara?"
She nodded. "Yes, sir. They only wait for your order."
"Understood. Send them on down, Lieutenant. We'll stay here for a while, to make sure they are all set and they won't need anything else, then we'll proceed to our patrol route near Io. High Command is getting word of Chronosian movements along with their allies and they are beefing up defenses."
"Aye, sir."
A flash of fire and smoke billowed from the side of the Swift as a single troop deployment drop pod streaked from the ship and headed for the planet. It quickly reached the atmosphere and fire wreathed the tiny pod, but not a single bit of it was affected overly much, the heat shields of the pods having been meticulously designed seeing as Initiative High Command had agreed that fighter craft, and shuttles, were a bad investment and could only waste lives.
As such, they had designed troop, vehicle and supply deployment by drop pods and devised the Armageddon system, which was an efficient and quick drop pod delivery system.
The pod streaked through the sky, heading for the landing area at high speeds, as if it was going to crash. However, the Armageddon system showed its genius. The pod's hidden thrusters activated and it peeled about, the inertia dampeners inside protecting the occupants from the high gees, bleeding off its speed. Then, maneuvering like a high speed fighter, it made its way to a landing pod and landed, deploying landing gear and a ramp. The door opened and steam drifted out from the hydraulic systems. Alpha Squad began to step out, four warriors in the service of GDI that would now work to safeguard the GFFA in the Ranger.
The first to come out was a commando, wearing the slightly bulky power armor that was given to those in his profession. However, unlike most commando's, this armor was black with silver lines hidden to the naked eye that helped to disperse their sensor signature. In his hand, he held a prototype ion carbine, which shot five hundred blasts of ion energy per second, making it a high speed weapon, perfect for taking out infantry and light vehicles. On his back, you could see a massive sword that glinted brightly, too brightly, in the sunlight to be a normal sword. He had a belt which held various tools: Holo communicator, ion explosive charges, and other vital toosl. His armor was laced with Tiberium as well, to help disperse energy attacks as well.
After him came a soldier wearing a much slimmer and less bulky set of power armor. In her hands, was a long, anti-infantry rail rifle, which shot a high-caliber, high-speed, armor-penetrating rail round at targets. Although not used in this capacity often, it can be used against light vehicles as well. The power armor was a dark green color, but unlike the commando's suit, it had a face mask that was see-through, showing the woman inside. A rail pistol was at her side, as well as knife that appeared to be made of the same material as the sword of the commando, glittering in the sunlight. With her communicator, she can send coordinates to battleships in the sea, orbiting ships, or even the Juggernaut or Ion Mammoth for artillery and fire support.
She was then followed by a Zone Trooper, those elite warriors who could survive in the Red Zones of Earth. His power armor, which is slightly bulkier than the one worn by the commando, has a set of ion jump jets on the back, allowing him to jump around the battlefield, surprising and ambushing enemy forces at will. In his hands, he carries a rifle similar to that of the sniper, but this was the rail cannon, a powerful anti-vehicle weapon capable of tearing the heaviest and densest of tanks apart. And infantry are cut down like paper. They are relatively high firing and can go across long distances. On his back, he carries a sword as well.
Finally, a single soldier comes out, wearing what looks to be a bulkier and older version of the Zone Trooper armor, holding a weapon similar to the commando's but it is a rail repeater carbine, allowing this soldier to fire burst of rail shells at his enemies. On the pouch around his waist, he carries the tools of normal, frontline soldiers, which he used to be. Ion grenades, a knife exactly like the one of the sniper, as well as extra ammo. On his back is a large missile launcher, which is currently using a prototype ammo of ion core rockets, to see if they can be used as anti-vehicle weapons, instead of Tiberium cores.
These four soldiers walked out of the pod and gazed at the other soldiers following the three Abh. The commando turned and nodded slightly, almost imperceptibly to the other three in the squad and setting the carbine on one shoulder, he began walking towards the temple, other three members in tow.
The Humankind Abh
22-10-2007, 17:20
Without further stalling then, the Rangers opened the door into the temple immediatly giving way to a wide open domed room. It appeared to be a simple meeting ground for the various patrons of the temple. The room filled with the different conversations of all types of Rangers chatting idly about the day so far. Some were briefing others on a mission they were heading off to while others were just simply talking about breakfast. There were more than a few glances towards the main door to see who had just arrived.
The three Rangers lead them all away from the crowd and into a separate wing that was far quieter. In fact it was empty save for the stadium type seating around the edges. Greil, Titania, and Ike all pulled out a glass pad which glowed with a small light. Filing through a few keys on the screen, they finally turned their attention back to the recruits.
Titania being the more serious of the trio, decided to be the spokes woman in this case. "Welcome to the Rangers temple. While you are not officially Rangers as of this moment, you are considered within the recruitment phase. It pleases us all that so many have answered our call to fill the ranks and step up to be something more in this service. While each Ranger here is qualified to fulfill his or her assignment alone, you will find that they all also work as a single unit to achieve a common goal for the good of all. Now unless you have questions I would like to start from your left and going to the right, tell us your name, specialization, and qualifications. Just a quick caption of your life in service is all."
OOC: I don't really care who goes first as long as someone does to move it along.
New Dornalia
30-10-2007, 06:15
Markham stepped forward, saluting then assuming the At Ease position folding his hands behind his back. He then said, "My name's Christopher Spencer Markham. I used to be a Lieutenant in the Los Angeles Police Department."
He then thought for a moment, about how to address his qualifications and his background. Compared to all the supercommandos here, it was obvious that being a cop was pretty mundane, hell, even unusually low-rent compared to them. So, he had to word it well.
"I was assigned to street duty, ma'am, in some of the nastier parts of the city along with command of some other officers. There, I helped keep the peace, and helped arrest robbers, murderers, rapists, and drug dealers. It may not seem like much, but it was some of the toughest duty anybody could ever experience. No offense, but you try ending a botched burglary-turned-hostage situation involving a strung-out junkie or try to prevent a broken family from gutting one another without those situations going sour.
In terms of specializations, I developed good diplomacy skills, in this case, by resolving dangerous situations. I am qualified in the martial art of Shotokan Karate and was the best pistol and shotgun shot of my class, ma'am."
Nova Bazalonia
30-10-2007, 15:22
It was Drt'rck's turn, he took a step forward.
"Drt'rck Henderson, Ex-NAGAT, Novaen Advanced Ground Assault Team."
"As for background, ma'am, me and my now deceased Life Partner, where accepted into NAGAT early into our military career, An accident on a mission resulted in his death. Which I will admit it caused major turmoil at the time, my whole identity was wrapped up in his, but determination and stubborness forged a new identity. As for my strengths, I, like our Leutenaint here, can definitely can read people fairly well, but well to be honest I'm more effective at intimidation than diplomacy, and obviously resistant to damage, in terms of fighting I specialise in close-quarter fighting but am proficient in many weapons."
The Humankind Abh
31-10-2007, 16:46
So far the volunteers were exactly what they were looking for. Varied in backgrounds but both displaying traits that would find a welcoming home among the Rangers.
It may not seem like much, but it was some of the toughest duty anybody could ever experience. No offense, but you try ending a botched burglary-turned-hostage situation involving a strung-out junkie or try to prevent a broken family from gutting one another without those situations going sour.
Titania smiled at the man. "We are not here to judge your performances or your past life and none of us here will minimize the work you have done to help families stay together. When you get to know your fellow Rangers better, you'll find that their backgrounds are quite different. As for the three of us here, we were originally bounty hunters on our home planet."
Greil nodded his agreement. "Aye it's true. We welcome you to these halls Christopher."
"As for background, ma'am, me and my now deceased Life Partner, where accepted into NAGAT early into our military career, An accident on a mission resulted in his death. Which I will admit it caused major turmoil at the time, my whole identity was wrapped up in his, but determination and stubborness forged a new identity. As for my strengths, I, like our Leutenaint here, can definitely can read people fairly well, but well to be honest I'm more effective at intimidation than diplomacy, and obviously resistant to damage, in terms of fighting I specialise in close-quarter fighting but am proficient in many weapons."
The Sauron was an interesting case for the Rangers as special attention would have to be paid to his abilities and perhaps the sensitiveness of being cut off from his human companion. "Our condolensces for your loss."
Ike punched in a few codes on his glass datapad before looking up. "Our weapon stores are vast and varied. We can certainly use another weapons specialist around here. What is your weapon of choice?"
OOC: Just need Tidan and Kaldari to post so we can throw everyone into training and their respecive rolse then get down to the missions. I believe Tidan has one in mind he would like to do. We'll link them here through this thread.
When Drt'rck had finished some of the Tidani took their turns. They were typical Tidani men, tall and strong, physical conditioning being an important pillar of their culture. There were a few soldiers who had left the army for various reasons, officers of the law looking for something more, a couple bodyguards, athletes, and even a stuntman who had taken the oportunity to fulfill his childhood dream to be a hero.
After them Miletus took his turn. The gem on his wrist translated.
"I am Miletus Alaban, an Arderial from Tidan. For much of my life I served as a member of the Red Talon company in the special forces. When the plague came everything changed. I, like others in the special forces, was away at one of our off world training bases and so survived the near extinction of my people. My clan was once among the greatest of Tidan, warriors strong and proud, but few carried the immunity and we are now among the smallest of the survivors. Priorities changed and the Red Talons were disbanded. I have tried to adjust to civilian life but my skills are no longer of use. I desire to put my skills to meaningful use again. I was deployed as a commando and scout in many operations. I am fast, agile, stealthy, and a marksman."
Then he stepped back again.
The Humankind Abh
01-11-2007, 00:28
The Tidani men were quickly put into their respective groups and under senior Rangers that would be in charge of their advanced training. When it came down to the Arderial, the three Rangers knew loosely what they were dealing with. Before the plague, the Abh had had many dealings with their kind and now they were all but extinct.
"The demise of your race is a sadness to us. I believe we have a place for your talents where they'll be put to good use. We welcome you here."
The Humankind Abh
21-12-2007, 18:36
First mission up for those who haven't seen it yet and need the link.
Communistic Govts
16-02-2008, 05:20
Crimson Torry waited at the deportation schedule. "Delay, delay, delay" he mumbled.
He was waiting for a few hours, waiting for the traffic to clear up to allow his shuttle to dock with the station. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice, "Crimson!Crimson!"
It was the voice of Juvi Testarova, his close friend. She hugged him as soon as she came close enough. "Ugh!" he grunted.
"What your chest still hurts?"
"Na you just squeeze to hard."
"Oh!," she let go.
"So you're off to the Senate?"
"Ya but its only temporary until the people can vote on a permanent senator. So i hear you took up on that oppurtunity to join the Rangers."
"Yea...its time to broaden my horizons. The military is just not cutting it for me anymore. I feel like my actions are miniscule and I feel I can do more."
"The shuttle for D'Hara has arrived. The shuttle for D'Hara has arrived."
"Well it looks like its time for me to go."
"Well Crimson you be careful now. I want to see you again."
"Aw now you just ruined my fun." he joked.
"I'm serious. After hearing that you were missing in the Storm, it made me feel dark inside like a hole was burrowing in my heart. Promise me you'll be careful."
He looked into her innocent eyes, "Okay Juvi, I'll promise to see you again."
He left for the shuttle as Juvi watched him, Good luck.
The shuttle came into D'Hara's orbit and sped down towards the coordinates. When the shuttle landed Crimson got out and a stood at the ramp with his bag to the side of his feet waiting.
The Humankind Abh
20-02-2008, 03:59
A number of Rangers were waiting for the new arrival outside of the city of D'Hara. Both tall men wore simple travel cloaks and bowed when Crimson stepped off.
"Greetings. We have been expecting your arrival. If you'll please follow us, we'll escort you to the Hall."
Up ahead, the great Ranger Hall stretched high into the sky with its multiple banners of the nations that were now members of the Rangers. Being a member of the organization brought benefits that had binded the members closely in friendship.
The doors were wide open for the new recruit along with a number of Rangers there that were ready to take on Crimson's training.
Communistic Govts
20-02-2008, 16:16
Upon walking in he stood at attention in front of the group of Rangers, with his bag at his feet. He gave a salute, "Captain Torry, Crimson, Ganoxian Space Force, ready for training. My specialties are piloting fighter craft and Arm Slaves, or mechs. Also I have experience in vetronics, avionics, and mechanics."
The Humankind Abh
21-02-2008, 15:28
The two Rangers that had guided Crimson allowed him some time to take in the Hall. Rangers moved about everywhere either getting new orders, heading out for a mission, or off to one of the wings for more training. It was a constant hum of activity in the main chamber.
Quickly striding over to greet him was a large man dressed in the local clothing of D'Hara along with a yellow cape. "I am Ranger Greil. Welcome to the Hall of the Rangers."
Greil turned to the two Rangers on both sides of Crimson. "Take his belongings to a vacant room."
Both Rangers bowed then scooped up the duffle and headed out. Greil in the mean time bade the new recruit to follow him. "Tell me Crimson, why did you decide to join the Rangers?"
Communistic Govts
26-02-2008, 15:02
"I guess my reason for being here is that I felt my actions in the military were miniscule and I felt I could do something more, something more important. I feel I could be a big assistance to this organization."
He walked by a window while following Griel. "This land is familiar. Its sort of like my homeland, Roan, on Ganoxa. I thought I would never see a land like this again, ever since that storm swallowed up my planet whole."
The Humankind Abh
27-02-2008, 05:07
Greil waved quietly at a few Rangers as they walked by as he listened to Crimson's story. "Ah yes, I have heard about what happened to Ganoxa. A tragic event to be certain. After the incident with Asfaltum I believe. Well Captain I can promise you this, you will have a home here among the Rangers and on this planet so long as you complete your training and abide by the rules that bind us all.
Further I can guarantee that you will receive the best training we have to offer and improve any existing talents that you might have. I am not exactly the technical type of the lot so you'll have to take up vetronics up with some of the other Rangers but mechanically and avionic wise, your knowledge will be increased here. You'll be shown different techniques used by all races within the organization.
Now I assume your government is familiar with the Ranger mandate. Correct? Just so there are no confusions or surprises later down the line."
OOC: Belated character entrance:
His name was Isoroku Tamato. His hair was long, colored in bright, nearly fluorescent green, falling straight to his shoulders. He was slightly taller than average, and seemingly thin – his strength came from nanoweave artificial muscle and subdermal implants – and behind his left shoulder showed a personal weapon, a powersword following the katana in looks – of course, with a power weapon, it could have been of almost any shape.
He sported two Allanean Arms Hellpistols, too, and an aged Godwyn-Phyraz bolter was suspended on his chest as he walked through the admittance hall, ready to do work for the Rangers.
He had the relevant skills of course – pilot, driver, investigator, gunfighter – purchased at a variety of schools – and in his professional career, for Tamato had started out as a professional smuggler. He was dressed in leather through and through. His shoes were of a fashionable Allanean kind – tall, looking like combat boots, but bright yellow.
Under his right eye was an animated subdermal tattoo of a butterfly.
"Hello." – said Tamato as he came in.
Communistic Govts
27-02-2008, 16:47
"My government was made quite clear of your operations and will respect it. About the vetronics, its vehicle electronics, we use this term for the operating systems of the Arm Slaves. That reminds me there is something else in the shuttle I forgot to mention, an Arm Slave is in the cargo bay of the ship. My government insisted that I should take this one, as a going away present of sorts. As for my training I can't wait to begin." he said.
The Humankind Abh
03-03-2008, 21:48
"My government was made quite clear of your operations and will respect it. About the vetronics, its vehicle electronics, we use this term for the operating systems of the Arm Slaves. That reminds me there is something else in the shuttle I forgot to mention, an Arm Slave is in the cargo bay of the ship. My government insisted that I should take this one, as a going away present of sorts. As for my training I can't wait to begin." he said.
"As long as your government agrees to it and respects the Ranger's policies, then they shall enjoy all the benefits of being a member of this organization. You are free to have your mech come along with you but we will need a list of parts and resources that are required to upkeep the machine."
Greil squared up on his new recruit. "Your training will consist of both the mind and the body. Both must work in proper harmony and be clear of any doubts if you are to truly become a Ranger. We will start by testing your physical condition as well as schooling you in the different languages of the universe. The Abh have an extensive archive of languages which grows when they meet new races. You will be sent to all parts of the universe and if you are to blend in, you will need to become familiar with their languages and customs."
"Hello." – said Tamato as he came in.
The Allanean was definatly a different breed of recruit that the Rangers were used to receiving. This one appeared to be already decked out for war. Unnerving to most, a tall woman with fiery red hair walked up to the man unphased.
"Isoroku Tamato of Allanea. I am Ranger Titania. Your government has already forwarded what files they have on you. Just so you are aware, the Rangers are just as much about stealth as they are about strength. Tell me Tamato, why do you want to join the Rangers?"
The Humankind Abh
13-05-2009, 01:37
Night of the Reapers (
The newest thread for the Rangers for anyone that has signed up and still interested in participating.
Also, the Rangers are still open and accepting recruits. We are not a selective group so long as you have a grasp of the English language and a bit of grammar structure. Magic/Force/TP/TK are not requirements here like other organizations.