NationStates Jolt Archive

Drugs illegal/legal thread

16-10-2007, 20:44
the thread is pretty much to identify the drug market of NS, please state what drugs your nation has, a brief description of them and what is legal and what is illegal. AKA some nations cocaine is illegal and others would bomb other nations with producers in it.

Here is Mokastana

Cocaine: china white, white, lady, snow, blow, Grade A Colombian, la pura, whatever you call it, while it is frown upon in Mokastana over 900 kilos of pure are produced daily, mainly for export....

Marijuana: Pot, weed, mary jane, whatever. Legal for medicinal purposes only, underground market is very good business though, no official records on consumption.

Mushrooms: illegal and highly controlled, hard to get a hold off.

LSD: none existent

Herion: illegal and highly controlled, impossible to find

Opium: illegal and available if you know where to look, hard to get a hold off.

Vida: new street drug, unknown chemical mixture, effects include extreme happiness, and willing to do anything to please others, ANYTHING, sometimes used as a aphrodisiac. Illegal but not well controlled
16-10-2007, 20:49
Kahanistan - pretty much everything is legal, you can go to the local chemist and buy a kilo of cocaine or heroin without even showing an ID.
The Beatus
16-10-2007, 20:49
All drugs are legal within church. Anyone caught outside of church with any non medicinal drugs are executed on the spot unless they work for the church, and have written approval to have what they have form the local Bishop.
16-10-2007, 20:49
665- super powered depressant. causes people to fall into a deep sense of self hatred
16-10-2007, 22:15
In The National Sozialist Reich of Lyncanthropia, drugs are illegal, anyone selling them will be arrested and in cases of death by drug the dealers will face the same faith (death).

Altought the government uses some drugs for the research and production of some pharmacs, and new medicine.

For example:
Marijuana & Cannabis: To create pills for cancer cure, and other deceases.
Some type of Mushrooms: To create pills for people that suffers from depression and other psychic deceases.
Opium: To create a substance similiar to Morphine, called the Staglomine.

Pavla InĂªs,
Minister of Health
16-10-2007, 22:52
It varies, depending on the subnational entity. In general, however, the south-east has less legislation than the north-west, which means that in places like Abajtikau (the very farthest from the Coast one can get), you have basically nothing restricting you from snorting all the coke you want, but on the other hand Novorossiysk, Adygea's main port city, has some pretty tough anti-drug laws, both because it needs to be reputable to foreign investors and because the inhabitants just don't want addicts causing [even more] massive traffic jams—and because it pisses them off in even more general terms. Sochi, which is farther south, is the exception, because it has a big tourism industry, and drug use usually isn't the most popular thing with tourists.
16-10-2007, 23:03
Vetalia buys and sells any drug you could possibly conceive of. However, addictive drug use is generally frowned upon culturally because it reduces the ability of the person to think strategically and make decisions. We have no problem with selling them, since it's quite profitable, but users are seen as foolish people who squander their wealth rather than invest it properly to build more of it.

Like many things, we sell but do not buy...unlike some other nations that use their wealth solely for their own pleasure, we build it bigger and bigger to expand influence and status.
16-10-2007, 23:08
All non-medicinal drugs are illegal in Stoklomolvi, and dealers and those who are buying will be shot on sight. Use of certain drugs in hospitals is legal, but all who use them must register the drugs with the Stoklomolvi Department of Health and Medicine.
16-10-2007, 23:20
Drugs are illegal in Detayla, and possession for personal use amounts to a minimum of 5 years inprisonment. Dealing or manufacturing is minimum 10 years, but in cases of "drug pushing", there is unlimited sentence imposed, as with invovement in deportation/importation of drugs. There are no particulars, as all illegal drugs are classified as one class, Cocaine, Heroin, Cannabis, Mushrooms, LSD and so on all face the same restrictions.

Police in Detayla have a highly funded anti-drugs unit, which is highly efficient at drug control. It is recorded that only 1% of the nation frequently uses drugs, and only 3% ever try them.

And Detayla is a happier place for it.
Aurum Domus
16-10-2007, 23:32
Drugs in Aurum Domus are mainly used for divining ceremonies. The ones used are hallucinogenic, LSD, mushrooms, Salvia Divinorum, and peyote. Marijuana is also available commerically but is pretty regulated and is only available to those 16 and older. THC extracted from marijuana is used in a variety of medicines such as in cancer and ADD drugs. All super addictive drugs like Heroin, Meth, and Cocaine are illegal. Alcohol and tobacco are illegal however because they are seen as useless and only damaging.
Blackhelm Confederacy
17-10-2007, 00:11
We have basically the same stance as the US. Almost all drugs are illegal, alcohol is legal, and the only difference is that Leafanistani Q's are legal.
17-10-2007, 00:24
Hard drugs are outlawed in Lerazi. Cannibus is slighly legal but is bought and sold in very very concentrated ammounts for cancer sufferers. It's issued in a pill. Tobbaco and alcholic products are legal however:

Death of another attributed to alchol or smoke is considered a minmal second degre offense. A drunk driver that kills a person can be charged with second degree murder, the same is if he beats up his family.

Caffine is legal but only in soda/energy products
17-10-2007, 00:46
Marijuana, alcohol and nicotine are all legal, as are certain other 'soft' drugs with similarly minor health effects, although there are certain typical restrictions on the first two (driving under the influence, etc). Psychedelic mushrooms and LSD are legal as well, but can only be sold to individuals in limited quantities, due to fears over their impact on mental health.

All of the above are limited to citizens aged 16 and above.

The other 'typical' drugs are mostly illegal, either to sell or to possess, or both (for example, possession of cocaine is not illegal, but selling it is, whilst both possession of and dealing in heroine are highly illegal). As in other countries, they are classified into three categories (classes 1, 2 and 3) according to their severity, and each class carries different restrictions and punishments.
17-10-2007, 01:12
Marijuana is legal and only aviable to people over the age of 18 and have no criminal Felony on the records but can only be purchased from government owned Drug Locations and person can not purchase over a ounce of Marijuana basically all other Drug our illegal and Cigarettes and Chewing tobacco are illegal if seen using public and people caught using it have to play a 500 dollar fine or 15 days in jail

All other drugs are Highly Illegal and Punishment and Jail Time vary depending on what type of drug and strength
Free Socialist Allies
17-10-2007, 01:20
Drugs being illegal is absolutely ridiculous. Locking people in jail for harming their own bodies is even more insane. Almost anyone who goes into a jail/prison non-violent before will come out violent and anti-social. Putting drug users in jail will only make them worse.

Everyone's body belongs to them, not the state.

All drugs are legal.
17-10-2007, 01:21
Drugs being illegal is absolutely ridiculous. Locking people in jail for harming their own bodies is even more insane. Almost anyone who goes into a jail/prison non-violent before will come out violent and anti-social. Putting drug users in jail will only make them worse.

My fucking body, not the fucking state's.

I take it that means that drugs are not illegal in Free Socialist Allies...?
17-10-2007, 01:35
Most Class B and C drugs - particularly those with medical benefits, though highly regulated, are legal in Isate, Isata and Ifmaka. Class A drugs are rare and not legal.
17-10-2007, 07:00
Nearly every drug, is illegal. Tobacco is illegal, and solvernt sniffing is illegal too.

There are three drugs almost unique to the Nova region:

Foresight - Hallucinogen
Zen - Extremely powerful conciousness supressor
X-14 - Immensly powerul hallucinogen.
New Zealandium
17-10-2007, 07:33
Every drug is legal.

Whilst some within New Zealandium think this is a bad policy, general consensus shows that the citizens are happy with the defenses put in place.

Some occupations employees are allowed to be minorly intoxicated, but only on depressants/mild stimulants (Or small amounts of stronger stimulants). These are mainly menial jobs where it would help the employee.

Any occupation that involves heavy machinery or driving it is an offense to be noticeably under the influence of any drug punishable by fines or instant dismissal.

Any occupation where someone is relying on you strongly (Medical for example) you will be put through the judicial system and treated rather harshly. It's never appropriate.

Any crimes commited whilst under the influences of any drug CAN carry harsher sentences, or similar sentences and a personal ban on using chemicals the government defines as 'drugs' except in licensed premises.

There are special licenses for premises that wish to be 'drug dens'. Upon obtaining the license, your premises can sell any drug, to anyone of age (Different classes have different age restrictions) except for people still in the judicial system (No drugs whilst on parole, cannot visit drug dens). There are requirements for security measures.

On parole, you wear a special ankle bracelet. This does not tell anyone where you are, but sets off an alarm if you enter areas restricted to you (i.e. drug dens). These have strict tamper control and removing one is a serious offence.

Most drugs are also sold by the government directly as well as being taxed, any tax money and proceeds go towards covering the costs associated with medicine and legal costs.

Can anyone think of a problem with this system?

Edit: I'd like to add, that there is 'honest' anti-drug education, warning about the actual danger associated with drugs. And we try to be strict about customs for people going to countries with anti-drug laws. We believe every country has a right to have their laws, and we support those laws by trying to stop illegal smuggling into other bcountries, but in the end, it's their responsibility.
17-10-2007, 07:34
Of course, if you're in Vetalia and you are using drugs rather than selling them, you're more likely to be mocked as a fool for spending money on something with little or no return on investment*. Drug rehabilitation centers do exist and are used to allow addicts to return to the rest of society...however, they are not mandatory as seeking out rehab willingly is commonly seen as a test of the person's commitment.

*With three main exceptions. Alcohol in moderation, marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms are commonly used in our country.
23-10-2007, 20:39

16-01-2008, 04:20
New Manth
16-01-2008, 04:35
Highly addictive and/or dangerous drugs along the lines of crack and cocaine are almost all illegal, and punishments are draconian. There isn't much black market availability of most of these.

Some less addictive/dangerous drugs (marijuana, for example) are still illegal, and punishments are only slightly less draconian. These, however, are more commonly available if you're willing to risk the consequences. Some other things that would fall into this category, such as cigarettes, are legal.

Steroids are mostly legal.

Alcohol is legal but is consumed significantly less commonly than in most countries.

Soy is illegal. :p
16-01-2008, 05:03
Marijuana is legal solely for individual consumption and never for distribution. It must be done in deep isolation (away from mostly everyone), failure to comply one will be shot on the spot. Hard drugs are illegal, including Kaht (which has been known to be a black cash crop) alcohol is generally prohibited but as few consume these products it's not much of a worry for the government.
16-01-2008, 05:34
In Tolvan, marijuana is legal but highly regulated similar to tobacco in the US (must be 18). It can only be cultivated and sold by those with special permits and it is heavily taxed as well. Being caught with unregulated marijuna isn't a particularly serious offense (community service and a fine) but illegal distribution is a severe felony.

Alcohol and nicotine are legal, but also regulated. However, tobacco use is virtually nonexistent (though it is a large export crop) and alcohol is widely used in moderation.

Hard drugs are illegal but distribution is a far more serious crime than mere possession. It isn't really a major issue since hard drugs are seldom used in Tolvan anyway.
16-01-2008, 05:59
I might want to add that the biggest trend in contemporary Vetalia is the use of cognitive enhancers, or nootropics, due to the increased demands that contemporary financial and scientific education is placing on all levels of society. Considerable research has produced various compounds capable of significant increases in long-term cognitive potential, resulting in the need for restrictions on these drugs within a timeframe surrounding the Vetalian standardized exams.

However, their use in non-testing environments is completely legal.
Third Spanish States
16-01-2008, 07:06
As the motto of my nation says:

Absolute Freedom is Absolute Responsibility

Current drugs besides the usual deal(Marijuana, Cocaine, Crack, LSD) include smuggled Zen for Alfegos, The Shift from Yanitaria and of course: Cocaine-Cola, which most infamous ingredient is taken from a transgenic coca plant known as the CL-701 variant.
Francopolis Prime
16-01-2008, 09:06
Within Francopolis only specific drugs such as:

Cocaine (Or novacoke, an incredibly processed variety)
Various hallucinogens
Blue (Stimulant euphoric nanodrug)
Kalma (Relaxant hallucinogen nanodrug)
Morphine/Codine and other processed variants
Quetzalnymphetamine (Powerful euphoric)
Fetramine (Antidepressant/sleep inductor)
Moonshine (Extremely high-proof alchohol sometimes manufactured using hazardous chemicals)

...are legal for public consumption. They are sold in a controlled fashion as most generic alchohol would be. It should be noted that trafficking of large amounts of narcotics is a viable business to the umbra corporatum, and if it's profitable the technocracy will deal in any form of narcotic.
The Realm of The Realm
16-01-2008, 10:04
The Realm of The Realm takes the position that self-administration of substances to affect physical or mental health is the norm. Guidance and/or supervision from health professionals is urged, but not required for any substance.

In certain circumstances self-administration is subject to

proof of informed consent
liability assumption and proof of economic responsibility
professional and security-related restrictions
license restrictions / forfeitures
registration to access controlled distribution

Circumventing the law on black-marketing of controlled substances or the sale to minors of controlled substances results in the harshest possible penalties under law: loss of citizenship, deportation, and a guaranteed public bounty if the individual comes back within the national borders.

For most controlled substances, including what would in most places be considered "prescription drugs" authorized to medical doctors only, an individual is normally required, at their own expense, to satisfactorily complete education on the particular substance's risks and dangers, dosages, monitoring and administration. The cost of such education is the individual's responsibility, but many drug companies subsidize or fully-fund the cost of such education.

Once the individual has completed the required education program, they are presumed to be able to give informed consent, and may register to purchase the substance for self-administration.

In addition to education, where there are known likely self-destructive consequences to use of a drug, the individual may also be required to acknowledge that they are assuming all risks associated with such self-administration. They may also be required to pledge a bond, or otherwise show sufficient economic resources to be able to ensure that the public does not bear undue burden for choices that are likely to result in self-destructive consequences, for example:

registered heroin users waive any right to use public health facilities to deal with the direct results of using this substance except for emergency care related to inadvertent overdose
prospective crystal meth users must show they have bonded a sufficient amount of financial resources to pay for ~two~ detoxification regimes of at least six weeks each before being registered to purchase that substance.

Professional and security restrictions, in general, prohibit someone who has been registered to self-administer one of the listed controlled substances from working in circumstances where such self-administration is contrary to the public welfare. Most non-entertainment professionals are restricted to one degree or another in substance self-administration.

License credentials may be impaired or forfeited depending on the nature of the substance self-administered. Marijuana users must learn to compensate for the effects of the substance -- and be successfully road-tested under the influence -- to retain the right to drive while self-administering marijuana. Alcohol users, after completing the substance education program may be exempt from surrendering their driver's licenses if they also participate in the drunk-driver ride-along enforcement program. In contrast, heroin users must unconditionally surrender their driving licenses to register.

Exports, imports, and taxation are all subject to the black-marketing regulations.

The Realm of The Realm is a citizen-owned cooperative nation/enterprise.
16-01-2008, 10:16
Marijuana is not only our #1 cash crop but it is almost our sole export.

All other drugs are decriminalized, although most "hard" drugs are illegal to traffic while still legal to posses as long as said amounts are within federal regulations for personal use.

I wont bore you with the details.
16-01-2008, 18:58
Karshkovia's laws on most common drugs: (since I haven't finished the website yet)

Note: Karshkovian culture views illegal drugs and drug users with disdain, social outcasting, and open contempt. Marijuana, however, has not traditionally been illegal or associated with a social stigma like the other drugs listed below. It is socially acceptable like tobacco, alcohol, or caffeine. Native Karshkovian drug offenders are very very rare because of this. Drugs are normally associated with rebellious youths or foreign nationals as that is where over 95% of arrests and/or convictions are made. Misdemeanor drug offensives by foreigners for use or possession of drugs are usually handled with fines and deportation (with notes added to their permanent files) Repeat offenders receive increasingly long bans from entering the country.

Bringing drugs into the country and being caught by customs is an instant deportation (for minor amounts) and being barred from entering the country again (length of time depends on drug type and amount). Bringing large amounts of drugs into the country and being caught by customs is prison time, fines, forfeiture of all their possessions in the country and on their person, and then deportation with a permanent ban on ever returning.


Powder Cocaine: Illegal and enforced. Mandatory jail for any amount. Distribution earns life in prison without parole. Nearly impossible to find.

Crack Cocaine: Illegal and enforced. Mandatory jail for any amount. Distribution earns life in prison without parole. Nearly impossible to find.

Marijuana: Completely legal with same stipulations as alcohol in the USA: Can not drive under the influence, can not openly smoke in public (though in taverns, places of business where it is allowed, and your own property it is. Exception given for Marti Gras event in Volograd), can not grow to distribute without a license. Fines are about the same as alcohol related offenses. Growers are responsible to not allow their plants to spread outside of their fields as it is an invasive species. Some Marijuana farms are very well known nationally and internationally and are thought of as the same (in Karshkovia) as fine vineyards. The Karshkovian also produces five types (or brands) for international sales only, to countries where the plant is legal. (The government does not want to compete with citizens that sell the plant inside the country, as for some farms that is their only source of income)

MDMA (ecstasy): Illegal but not enforced except for blant open use in public, (including raves and public parties). Misdemeanor offense for use and holding less than 20 pills. Over 20 pills is a felony as it is thought of as intent to distribute. Easy to obtain in major port cities. Hard in land-locked cities. Impossible in the country-side.

Hashish: Completely legal with same stipulations as alcohol in the USA: Can not drive under the influence, can not openly smoke in public (though in taverns, places of business where it is allowed, and your own property it is. Exception given for Marti Gras event in Volograd), can not grow to distribute without a license. Fines are about the same as alcohol related offenses.

Mushrooms: Illegal for sale and use but enforcement is rare as they are very hard to impossible to get a hold of.

LSD: Illegal but not truly enforced except for blant open use. Misdemeanor offense for use.

Mescaline: legal to use, but illegal to import due to the plant being an invasive species that is hard to control. Less than five plants in controlled, indoor setting is allowed. Misdemeanor offense for growing more or growing plants outside. Felony for intentionally seeding and allowing plant to grow in 'the wild'

PCP and Ketamine: Highly illegal. Mandatory 2 year felony sentence for any amount. Nearly impossible to find anywhere.

Herion: Highly illegal but very hard to find. Mandatory 2 year felony sentence for any amount. Nearly impossible to find dealers outside of port cities.

Opium: illegal and very hard to get a hold off. Mandatory 1 year felony sentence.

Methamphetamine: Extremely illegal. Mandatory 2 year felony sentence for use. Life in prison for distribution. Death sentence for production.


LSD, mushrooms, Salvia Divinorum, and peyote are most commonly used by certain religions in their ceremonies. Use of these drugs by members of that religion when they are participating in those ceremonies is allowed by law. Possession of these drugs is allowed by religious leaders only and the amount they may hold is strictly controlled. They also must allow random inspections to verify bookkeeping/accounting of the amount and use of the drugs, and the physical amounts on hand.
16-01-2008, 20:41
All nautrally occurring drugs are legal under law but, are controlled by government. Meth and other "designer" drugs are illegal and carry penatlies ranging from fines to life in prison depending on the offense.

It's illegal to import or export drugs into Brydog.
Dostanuot Loj
16-01-2008, 20:44
All drugs, including hard alcoholic drinks and tobacco, are illegal in Sumer. And all fall under the three strikes system of legal recourse. That being, first offense, time in a "soft" jail designed to rehabilitate you. Second offense, time in a "hard" jail designed to be so bad that you will not do anything to get there. Third offense is public execution. The three strikes system is also grouped into groupings which share punishment. For example, posession or selling of say cocaine, and grand theft, both count for the same string of strikes. You do both and are caught and charged for both together, you go right to the hard jail. You sell and use, right to the hard jail. You sell, use, and steal someone's car, death.

Certian alcohol is avaible through the temples for religious use. Namely wine and beer. Both of which also have widely, and easily, avalible non-alcoholic counterparts avalible on the open market. Manufacturers have made very very heavy efforts to reduce the difference between the alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions, with the exception of the presence of the intoxicating effect.
Vault 10
16-01-2008, 21:03
V10: Not controlled. Really the only controlled substances are biological/chemical weapons (forbidden) and dangerous fissionables.

With the exception of a few cities, notably Vault City (population 105,300), where even alcohol is somewhat controlled, as well as basically anything.

Pan-Arab Barronia
16-01-2008, 22:09
OOC: Better make a posting run before I get back into my notes on Barronian Government structure. Coming up with areas for the Police Forces to cover, Hospital

In Barronia, Tobacco and Alcohol are legal, but heavily taxed and regulated - stores found to be selling to those under 18 years of age are usually punished harshly, as are people found buying them on behalf of underage.

If a minor is found with controlled substances (which they usually aren't due to the ever-present police force), it's usually a clip round the ear, confiscation of the goods, and a summons to the local station for an ear-bending and a good rollocking from one of the sergeants.

Cannabinoids can sometimes be found in drugs for treating terminal muscular diseases, but these require a licence to be in possession of or to dispense. The penalty for not having a licence is often time served in jail, or heavy fines.

Unless the drug is in a state-sanctioned medication or is tobacco or alcohol, it is most likely illegal. Barronia's "Iron Border" policy means that drugs are usually very hard to find, and users will often find themselves on the wrong end of a Civil Protection forced entry onto their property, and the same treatment is afforded to dealers.

If convicted of dealing, all property is seized, rights to the national health service forfeited bar for emergency treatment - as that market is entirely nationalised, only the desperate deal drugs.
16-01-2008, 22:23
Plant-based drugs [Marajuana, Tobacco, Mushrooms, Hashish, etc.] are legal on the Imperial level. A few colonies have banned Marajuana. Opium not included.

Chemical drugs, even if extracted from plants [Heroin, Cocaine, Morphine, Meth, anything referred to by an acronym, etc.] are illegal, and laws concerning them are strongly enforced by the Imperial Police.

Persons convicted of drug dealing are deported to penal colonies. Persons convicted of illegal drug use are typically sentanced to 1 month-3 years of hard labour. Those under 15 years of age that are convicted of illegal drug use are usually sent to incarceratory rehabilitation centres. Underage dealers go to Level 2 prisons.

Alcohol is legal for consumption by all over the age of 10(de facto), and legal for purchase by all over 15. All forms of alcoholic beverages are legal. Liquor licences are unheard of.
17-01-2008, 00:01
In Weccanfeld, your likely to have more respect for social rules than laws - this, coupled with a infamously half-arsed police force, means that you can get away with a bit more than in other countries.

A young working class man in the city would be expected to start smoking from an early age, in some districts from seventeen (the de facto Weccanfelt coming of age), with seventeen being the law at which tobacco products can be sold as well. You can also smoke pretty much anywhere, even on some internal air travel flights.

It is likely the young man would be regularly drinking as well. Once the man has reached nineteen, he would also be expected to be a regular pub goer.

In the countryside, especially in the temperate areas of the country, that age falls to fourteen - the nation-wide age at which alcoholic products are permitted to be sold in low quantity, with the floodgates being opened at seventeen. However, pubs will rarely enforce the 'low quantity' part of the law.

Women will also smoke, but are expected to keep out of the pubs, as are children. They are also expected to not drink as heavily.

As you can see, Weccanfeldians don't care much for their health. Hell, chances are Weccanfeld ranks high in the world for lung cancer rates, what with the urban pollution adding to the drug habits.

The only other drug (apart from caffeine, which I forgot to mention) that is legal are Magic Mushrooms - which the government gave up trying to enforce, but is looked down upon by society.

Everything else is banned - although it is not rare to find policemen 'letting off' associated smokers of pot - it is only when Heroin and the other hard drugs appear that cause the truncheons to come out. Indeed, if the offender is a teenager, he will have more to fear from his father than from the policeman who caught him.

Users of drugs such as Heroin will find themselves being sent off for compulsory military service or hard labour. As for the dealers of the harder drugs, along with the associated beatings, they are looking at a prison/labour camp sentence, and a large fine (in theory meant to encompass your earnings from the crime, plus 10% 'for the inconvenience'. More often than not, more will be added.). Dealers of the more extreme Alfegian stuff will find all their assets seized and a first class ticket to either the gallows or the firing squad.