Among the Muri(closed, AotR only) - Page 3
Nova Nippon
27-05-2008, 22:24
A devious woman would just show up with child in tow and claim it was her intended's-that gives sixteen years or so to get to know each other, though it is considered reprehensible here."
Indigo nodded at that last. "Yes that would be considered entrapment by us, and thoroughly dishonorable." Then she sobered and looked Gemilla "But just demanding sex, that seems terribly cold and what if the male doesn't desire you. That would be embarrassing to you and humiliating to the man. I have seen women so foul natured and foul featured that I have no idea how a man could ah... be aroused enough to have intercourse, no matter what sort of honor or prize it might bring...Is it allowed for a Muri male to honorablly refuse a female who is demanding sex or must he some how try to perform?"
However she did not voice the thought that demanding sex and being required to provide it sounded very close to rape. Female to males and male to female. And Rape ws one of the absolute taboo's amon Novans. There had been a time when she might have ended up as a concubine to one of the Divine One's Court, but that had had really very little chance of happening - and she had always had the right of refusal.
Ordo Drakul
27-05-2008, 23:01
"But just demanding sex, that seems terribly cold and what if the male doesn't desire you. That would be embarrassing to you and humiliating to the man. I have seen women so foul natured and foul featured that I have no idea how a man could ah... be aroused enough to have intercourse, no matter what sort of honor or prize it might bring...Is it allowed for a Muri male to honorablly refuse a female who is demanding sex or must he some how try to perform?"
Gemilla stared-the long cold stare of one being asked if the sun gives light or if air is breathable. "Well, if one's wife, or mother, or sisters would object, he certainly may. Why do you feel you are so untouchable? True, you are small and scrawny, but even you may demand and receive your due."
Nova Nippon
29-05-2008, 01:46
True, you are small and scrawny, but even you may demand and receive your due."
Mentally Indigo threw up her hands. They were definitely in apples and oranges now, an intrinsic cultural difference that might never be bridged. She had seen men look at her what what she was certain was lust, but those instances had naught but raised her hackles.. And she didn't care how magnificent a mans looks, if his personality and mental capacity were ...challenged... she knew she would never be able to be physucally attracted to himAs isolated as she had been from Novan life she did know that long friendships preceeding marriage was the norm rather than the exception.
She laughed as she let her doubts and questions go. "Oh definitely compared to your glory I am but small and scrawny.but youy still have not explained 'closing your eyes and wiggling your ears' think if you do so Humbaba will come and whisper sweet nothings in them?..while thoroughly spanking your butt to prove he can do it" Indigo had to bite her lip to keep from giggling at the image of Humbaba with Gemilla over one knee. She didn't think that the Priestess would appreciate such an image, possibly taking it as disrespectful.
Ordo Drakul
29-05-2008, 16:41
Gemilla demonstrated, closing her eyes and tucking her ears back-the troll ear being independently maneuverable and flexible-as she explained:--If a troll considers you a threat, they will watch you carefully, with eye and Darksense. This expression is one of unconcern, that you are not considered a threat and may approach safely. It emboldens the males should we require soothing them. They are fragile creatures, after all, with their hearts on their sleeves, for a female must be strong and terrible in her ways.
--As far as him paddling me, I'd like to see him try--her expression became truly feral--He'll need all the spirits he can master then--
Nova Nippon
30-05-2008, 00:59
OOC: Gemilla's song... ( ?
--As far as him paddling me, I'd like to see him try He'll need all the spirits he can master then--
Indigo's eyebrows went up at the expression on Gemillia's face, and she shivered slightly. But she protested "Gemillia, I don't think that all males are 'fragile' creatures with their hears on their sleeves. But even ancient poets admited that the female of the species is more deadly than the male."
Ordo Drakul
30-05-2008, 21:14
OOC:I originally heard that song done by the Spiders, a British glam/punk band-they have an untitled track at the end of their album that fits her better, but "Female of the Species" is also good.
IC: Gemilla laughed and splashed a bit of water at Indigo--They're all fragile, dear-a true woman can destroy one with a glance. Of course, as that writer from the Heart of Chaos said, "With great power comes great responsibility."
--I'm sure the Vanadict would agree. How do the kitsune keep their men in line?--
30-05-2008, 23:56
Vanadict chuckled from her place at the edge of the bath, lifting one long, white leg out of the water into the air, letting the droplets roll of it. "Dominance is not something we traditionally have a problem with, but if it is necessary, well, one may have to take a male down a few notches, as it were. Swelled heads and the like are dangerous. Sometimes a man must be reminded that he is not much without a women beside him, and to do that it might take anything. Generally, all one has to do is point out a few flaws...maybe a insecurity here or there...who says words don't hurt? But," she smiled, "a women should be careful never to let her mate or lover forget how much he really needs her. The bonds of partnership should be sacred."
Ordo Drakul
31-05-2008, 18:11
--Bonds of Partnership ARE sacred, the Vanadict--Gemilla poured another glass of the thick wine.--It is only Man who can profane the sacred and reduce them to simple flesh experiences-I shall only mate in the Spirit Plane, to keep our relationship sacred--
01-06-2008, 00:25
"Mate in the Spirit Plane?" Vanadict raised her cup to her mouth again, gazing at Gemilla over the rim of her glass. "What does that constitute?"
Ordo Drakul
01-06-2008, 02:18
--One mates in the Spirit Plane.--Gemilla stated again.--One allows the sheath of the soul to slide into those realms of Spirit, leaving the fetch to guard the body, and one mates there with the Spirit of one's beloved, or the Spirits of the land, or whatever Spirit one wishes. If a trollcouple mates there, their spirits couple, and a child is born only if there is a bond between them, a child conceived of pure emotion.
--In Wonderhome, a female could produce young by willing it, and Kiger Lytor herself got with child with no help but that of Korasting, the Mother of Many. This ability was lost in the Great Exodus, but mating in the Spirit Plane rekindles its long dead spark, and the females yet conceive-it is a sacred act she underetakes, and these children thrice-blessed. Mating only in the Spirit Plane forces a bond if the trolls would have females and raise clans..."
Nova Nippon
01-06-2008, 03:40
OOC: I had a post ready to go yesterday and though I posted it, but apparently jolt ate it sigh...
Indigo listened to Gemilla's explaination quietly, sipping carefully of the potent wine. Well some day when I get up the guff to just walk up... that is once I've figured out if Gerrak feels as I do...that sounds so beautiful. He'd be such a wonderful father. She mused her eyes starting to droop in the delicious wamth of the water and the doings of the day catching up with her all of a sudden. Maybe I'll see Gerrak in my meditations, and I can tell him all I've learned today and thank him for his gift. The cloak and headress are so beautiful[i]She giggled inwardly as her next thoughts [i]Maybe Vanadicts mystery suitor will show up in hers. She deserves better than just a life so dryly dedicated to being 'the emperor's representative.' I wonder if he even realises how much she gives up for him?
Indigo found herself yawning behind her hand and sat up a little straighter, blinking "I think the excitements are catching up with me.
01-06-2008, 04:20
Vanadict listened with interest to Gemilla's explanation. Surely nothing like that existed anywhere else! Ah, to be able to make a bond so pure that physical contact was entirely unnecessary, to have one born of love everlasting, rather than a mix of chemicals and animistic desires and attractions. Still, as lovely as it sounded, she had to admit, even "animistic desires" had their strong points.
"I think the excitements are catching up with me."
"Aye," Vanadict nodded in agreement. The day, while not particularly strenuous, had left her with memories to explore and experiences to analyze. It was only her first day here, and she had already learned and seen so much. "We should get out now, while we still can, least we be tempted to stay forever and shrivel up like old prunes..." On reflection, looking at Gemilla, Vanadict doubted even centuries immersed in any water would cause a Muri to look like that, but her point was made.
Ordo Drakul
02-06-2008, 17:21
Gemilla nodded. --Yes, it is late-I shall be keeping you in guest alcoves in my chamber-small side niches where a wife's unneeded husbands await her summons. It is an old tradition, but it will keep us in the same room-if Tomasuza tries anything...--
Gemilla's chambers were opulent by troll standards, filled with rich furs that covered every surface not laid out with foods, washing basins with soaps and perfumes, or the altar of fetishes that seemed de rigeur. Indigo recognized some of the figures, though some were strange to her...
The Vanadict sprawled out on the thick furs, and soon fell asleep. A world, sultry and hot, cradled her in her dreams. She could smell rich loam and feel soft earth all about her as she slept...
Nova Nippon
03-06-2008, 03:01
Indigo meditated lightly for a time, gently melding all she had learned since arriving into her understanding, and growing ever richer for it. Then once she felt refreshed in spirit, she awoke, and spent a few minutes stretching, limbering her body for sleep. Then once more she curled up on the thick cloud soft furs and passed gently into a deep sleep that took her quickly into the realms of dreams.
Ordo Drakul
04-06-2008, 12:14
Meanwhile, the men were retiring from the stable.
"Those beetles require a lot of maintenance." Kai observed.
--Not really--Humbaba corrected--There are many spirits in this compound, however, and animals are sensitive to such things. We can bathe now, and perhaps a game or two before bedding down, hmmm?--
After their baths, which included trays of sweetmeats and alcohol, they retired to Humbaba's cell.
It was severe and austere, cluttered with the paraphernalia of a sorceror, including an ornate orrery. --You'll have to forgive the place. I conduct much outside work here, private studies and all. This--he removed a box from the shelves lining his study, small and of dark mahogany--may interest you, Revered One. It is a game from the old Empire of Unity, and this set has been preserved. It is the only three man game I possess, other than a few so esoteric as to require extensive coaching. The pieces represent three sides-one the Unity gods, another the Tribe of Night, and the third, the Forces of Chaos. The board consists of five levels, and the moves of the pieces are fairly simple. Most copies of the game extant possess generic figures colored white, red, and black, but these pieces were carved to represent specific individuals...--
Nova Nippon
05-06-2008, 01:46
sides-one the Unity gods, another the Tribe of Night, and the third, the Forces of Chaos. The board consists of five levels, and the moves of the pieces are fairly simple. Most copies of the game extant possess generic figures colored white, red, and black, but these pieces were carved to represent specific individuals...--
"Hmmm, thats not one I am familiar with. It sounds fascinating though." Kai looked at Kyroto with an asking expression.
The baths had refreshed him, and for him 'sleep' was merely an interesting exercise, not really needed. But he didn't want to over tire Humbaba either, it wasn't courteous to ask ones host provide entertainment beyond the reasonable. And Humbaba's rooms looked simply comfortably cluttered to him, and thoroughly Humbaba like.
Part of Kai soared forth to keep watch over Indigo in her dreams. He trusted Gemilla to keep her body safe, but with Indigo's powers awakening so suddenly he wanted to make certain nothing and no one tried any thing where she might be the most vulnerable.
Ordo Drakul
05-06-2008, 15:44
The game itself was fairly simple-though it required three-dimensional thought to move forward, and the lowest pieces of each side required a more powerful piece to move them to different levels.
Kai found he and Humbaba were fairly well matched, while Kyroto encountered difficulties in anticipating attacks from different levels.
--Do not feel bad, young hunter-this is used to accustom our fighter pilots to space combat--Humbaba encouraged the young man--I doubt the Revered One will mind overmuch if I coach you a bit-perhaps we should rule that a move is not complete until the piece is no longer touched by the player and warn him of danger with each proposed move.--
--That would be good--Kyroto agreed.--But I'm rather tired now--
--Of course, of course--Humbaba set the pieces aside and removed a thick deck of tiny cards.--Perhaps the revered one would be amused by this game, from the Heart of Chaos itself. It's called Illuminati..."
Nova Nippon
05-06-2008, 21:23
OOC: Yeah we seem to have lost the ability to anticipate DBA a long time ago and that’s a real shame and handicap. And OD...interesting...that you bring that game up - tg headed your way.
Kai's eyes went wide at the sight of the deck "I thought those had all been destroyed centuries ago! Is that a full fnord deck?"
If so it had the ability to be a powerful gate way should the players so choose it to be. To have the true words visible, unfnorded out...dangerous to be so casually held. But then again the Muri were far more trust worthy than the ones that had dared to put the keys to the kingdom in a deck of cards. Yet Chaos had made such mistakes time and again, underestimating those from the Heart of Chaos indeed.
He looked at the size of the deck estimating how many cars were there - 110 for the original, add on another 110 forY2K...he looked to see if Humbaba had the board for the IB variant, and did he have the BFD? that's make another 110...and the all important thirteen Fnords...
Ordo Drakul
06-06-2008, 14:32
(The version Humbaba has is the original three sets, including the Propaganda Wheel which disappeared from later editions of the game)
--Would you like hidden Illuminatis or should we assume we're well-informed enough to know who's on the board?--Humbaba asked politely
Nova Nippon
06-06-2008, 18:56
OOC: Long slow grin. I'm listening to Clannad right now and wanting to spar so bad.The Last of the Mohicans - The Kiss ( Wonderful music to kata too!
Kai's eyes lit even more at the sight for the long lost wheel that Humbaba nexzt lifted from a shelf. "Oh you are prepared.." And his look grew serious and not without a hint of challenge, as he bagan shifting, changing " I don't suppose you'd like to have a True Deck would you? Willing to take it up, young Master, walk the path, see it through,... an Elder Deck, Keyed to you?" His claws wove arcan patterens in the air, and any semblance of human seeming fell away from the Kami.
Blazing eyes watched the young Muri carefully, intently, but with not inten to harm at all evident. What he was offering was dangerous, but he would never have offered it without firm belief that Humbaba was able to control it.
"And which board should we play on, how deep are you willing to go?"
Ordo Drakul
07-06-2008, 02:04
--I am Ordo Arkati, Revered One--Humbaba smiled--We have played on the field of the God Plane since our inception, always adhering to the dictum "Never venture without respect and reverence". Please, let us enjoy a game or two-it would be best to get a feel for my style before making such regal gifts...--
Humbaba carefully shuffled, first one deck, then a smaller he laid out in a circular pattern, face down.--Please, choose your piece...--
Nova Nippon
08-06-2008, 03:37
Kai laughed then fell into Shadow speach --"Regal? Hardly. Gift? even less likely. Power and Prize in One, but as likely to bite the weilder as to aid, unless one knows the ways...Did I forget to mention Pain in the Posterior?" --
He tapped a card and turned it over before him, laying it in the proper postion. He smiled, it was his favorite piece...The Bermuda Triangle, or as he liked to call it BLT...--" Chaos in the Heart of Chaos"-- he grinned fangedly.
andf with that he let the offer ride and contectrated on the game, for in the end this was never a game.
Ordo Drakul
08-06-2008, 15:29
Humbaba flipped over the card for Discordia.--This should prove interesting-innate defense vs. careful planning--he smiled--I trust the Revered One will forgive me my stratagems...--
Humbaba bent his attention to the game, and various power groups filled the board.--This game is almost a requirement among the Blue Moon-they claim it aids them in deciphering power structures, but I think they just enjoy the exercise...--
Nova Nippon
09-06-2008, 12:45
.--This game is almost a requirement among the Blue Moon-they claim it aids them in deciphering power structures, but I think they just enjoy the exercise...--
--"It's usefull for both, though I've mostly played a varient where your Illuminati card can change in mid game, or at randomk intervals, thus of course altering your goals immediately. Living decks can be so... wonderfully frustrating"-- the Kami grinned as he collected his money at the beginning of his turn. --"But I think as well that theBlue Moon Likes being mysterious perhaps just a little too much? Some day they may trip themselves with it."--
He watched Humbaba begin his --"So when are you going to go take on Gemilla and prove that you're the best possible husband out there?"--There were ways of playing dirty that weren't really cheating...
Ordo Drakul
09-06-2008, 13:37
--I understand. Here, at the Arkati Compound, we often permit new arrivals to claim the most powerful group on the board and begin play as a smaller Illuminated group, allowing them the new standard victory based on power structure as their "special victory" conditions.--
Humbaba made a bid to absorb the AFLCIO, which Kai noted some wag had inked in the letters M-O-U-S-E beneath the group's name.
--As for the Blue Moon? Their world is one of intrigue and treachery-they have their secrets, but all the Orders do. I do not believe they would be so secretive if their world, and the state of the goddess, did not require it. We ourselves guard well those places in the God Plane where Arkat reveals the mysteries to our people, as various factions attempted to destroy the few remaining Grimoire Arkati to deny us sorcery, and these places are among the few sources left.
--And Gemilla? She knows the best husband already, her pride insists I must take her in combat first. The trick there will be to do so in such a way as not to offend that same pride. I am thinking of competing in the arena of Commerce, and buying her out-the Ordo Vaneekara puts no stock in that field, and as she will obtain all with our marriage, it will not trouble her overmuch. One must adapt to changing times...--
Humbaba passed the dice to Kai, with a casual--And you, Revered One? How shall you deal with the young goddess coming to full bloom here? Pamaltela is second only to the Spirit Plane itself in those energies as feed her nascent godhood, and she will blossom here, with possibly disastrous repercussions.--
Kai involuntarily shuddered-he had begun this not realizing Humbaba knew how the game was played...
Nova Nippon
10-06-2008, 18:18
--And you, Revered One? How shall you deal with the young goddess coming to full bloom here? Pamaltela is second only to the Spirit Plane itself in those energies as feed her nascent godhood, and she will blossom here, with possibly disastrous repercussions.--
Kai cocked a gimlet eye at Humbaba and let forth a growling sigh --"I have one benefit that you don't I can blanket her powers...and she listens to me. I'm willing to pull rank on her, if it comes down to it. And while that may not be possible for much longer, ...she is the daughter I don't have yet, but one can not say that this is not a learning experience."--
He was pleased to note that the game was being played with the complete lack of seriousness seriousness that it deserved. --"Though I'll have to admit that Indigo and Gerrak may have some problems suiting. He may keep waiting for her to give him orders and she for him to work with her. What little she has seen of relationships, through her never ending studies, says that such are supposed to be power sharing, with neither male or female subordinate to the other, though the Divine One's Court is..." He searched for a suitably judicious word "focused... on him...and her exposure there has been limited by her 'lesser' status"--
Ordo Drakul
11-06-2008, 00:16
--That is certainly true for the moment, but she is a moon-goddess--Humbaba idly considered the board--When Annilla fell, bits of her mind scattered across Komor by Chaos, she was yet without child-all the moons to come are borne from the merest sliver of the goddess.
--Rufelza took advantage of this and siphoned off quite a bit of moon energy. You'll feel it when you enter the Lunar Heartlands, but young Indigo will resonate with it. Thank the gods the Sisters gave her that amulet.--Humbaba flipped over a card and divided his actions accordingly, careful in his bidding to leave himself a reserve for Kai's move.--Sadly, Annilla could not appear for her part in Rufelza's vivisection, and a great deal of raw inchoate moon force is there, in the form of the Crimson Bat, and selenes-moon elementals tied to the Red Moon-fill the Heartlands. They will respond to her as well.
--Annilla would be amazingly powerful if she had a mind to focus. Men always have feared and revered the Moon, and this belief sends a great deal of power to it-and thus, to Annilla. The Blue Moon watches Gerrak's family line carefully, and I'd bet you have a few operatives following Indigo even now.
--As far as Gerrak? He is more than you might think-I am his huntbrother and know him better than any. Doraddi paid for my apprenticeship, and Jhor's as well. He will not wait to merely follow orders, Revered One. He will move in discrete ways allowing that to be the appearance, but he has solid beliefs he will not violate, even if following them breaks tradition or law. Had he not risen to power so young, and had he not been elevated to the status of the Voivode's athling, the Blue Moon itself would have enlisted him at his coming of age-he has an instinctive grasp of the Invisible Tide they admire.
--Your Lady Indigo is going to find herself with a strong-willed consort who's been playing the Game of Houses when most of us were occupied with blocks. The Krags have seen to it he's had a thorough grounding in treachery and deception, and the Blue Moon has schooled him as well. The crucible that forged him is harsh, and his standing as one of the richest nobles on Pamaltela is proof of that.
--Why, when the mostali lost the Man rune, his cousin Greblor was at a total loss-Gerrak took perhaps a month to turn that situation to his advantage, in a way even the Ordo Gadbladdi marvels at.--Humbaba pushed the propaganda wheel closer to Straight and Government before handing over the dice...
Nova Nippon
13-06-2008, 21:05
--Your Lady Indigo is going to find herself with a strong-willed consort who's been playing the Game of Houses when most of us were occupied with blocks. The Krags have seen to it he's had a thorough grounding in treachery and deception, and the Blue Moon has schooled him as well. The crucible that forged him is harsh, and his standing as one of the richest nobles on Pamaltela is proof of that.
"That will be to her benefit. She wouldn't want one weak willed, and it is good he has the schooling she does not. She in no way needs or even, I am sure, wants his riches. Indigo wants him for himself and will value him as perhaps no Muri female can, or will. And she no more knows how to be treacherous, or understand such treachery, than Chaos understands altruism."
Kai handed the dice back to Humbaba, for the next turn, having keenly watched the young sorcerer and nodded approvingly "I haven't met Jhor but having now spent time with you and with Gerrak, I know that he is as exceptional as the pair of you are."
"And no that's not to puff your egos, though I doubt it does, but things move young Master Three Oaks, things move and you know who stirs the pot. Things move before their time is" He said broodingly letting his time sense expand, and allowing the Muri to see glimpses of what might come.
Ordo Drakul
16-06-2008, 01:21
--Continual preparedness is the hunter's state--Humbaba stated simply.--We find spending our formative years as Stone Age hunters gives us proper preparations for the world ahead.
--Are you ready for the trials ahead, Revered One? You have a ward who has claimed a position worthy of warfare, and a companion who has drawn attention beyond-- Humbaba looked sheepish for a moment--Our culture has no monolithic edge, save the Ordo Drakul, who only determine our interactions with outsiders. You will be interacting with small tribes protective of their rights, and jealously so-and you have not the advantage of being of our species, and cannot slide by on the excuse of adolescence-are you ready?--
Nova Nippon
16-06-2008, 09:43
Our culture has no monolithic edge, save the Ordo Drakul, who only determines our interactions with outsiders. You will be interacting with small tribes protective of their rights, and jealously so-and you have not the advantage of being of our species, and cannot slide by on the excuse of adolescence-are you ready?--
--I can but hope to be. Is any truly prepared for the future? Indigo, despite the immense deficiencies of her upbringing is far more capable of taking care of herself than one might expect and Vanadict? She is a power in her own right to be reckoned with. And I shall be as meek and mild as can be, but if they try me too hard, your people might be short a short sighted clan or two.—Kai grinned fangily.
--And I think the win is yours Master Three Oaks--Kai looked down at the cards with no surprize. He had not let Humbaba win, the young Muri had done that on his own.
Ordo Drakul
16-06-2008, 15:27
Humbaba looked at the board and cackled.--A standard victory! Forgive me, I sometimes get too drawn up to notice such things--He raised up and opened a small cabinet, from which he withdrew two bottles-one a golden amber containing a clear fluid, the other dark green and holding a black liquid substances. The amber he opened and poured two glasses, the green he handed over to Kai.
--Put that away-it is Black Lotus Wine, which separates the spirit from the body. If one of your companions is injured badly, administer it to knit their forms back together painlessly before restoring them fully-just a thimbleful, mind-it is most efficacious. If you need to traverse deep into the Spirit Plane, a glassful will do. Be wary, though-too much can sever the Silver Cord entire, and the spirits will have a new member.
--This--here, he handed a glass over to Kai and raised his own--Is the house blend that paid for your armor. There are advantages to being a humble vintner, and possession of this delight is one. It exhilarates, intensifies-but it does not intoxicate. We call it "Angel's Kiss", and it is good for toasting-to your health!"
Nova Nippon
19-06-2008, 07:36
--Is the house blend that paid for your armor. There are advantages to being a humble vintner, and possession of this delight is one. It exhilarates, intensifies-but it does not intoxicate. We call it "Angel's Kiss", and it is good for toasting-to your health!"
Kai took the black lotus and stored it away, knowing well how potent it could be.
--To yours!-- He chuckled though over Humbaba's judicious use of the word 'humble' --No vintner should be humble, their art is too rare--
And he sipped delicately at the shimmery clear nectar --Oh truely divine. This has to go before the Omikami. He likes doing nice things for people who can create such a bliss. And now, How much do I owe you for the armor-- He tapped it lightly with one claw, please at it's comfort - it wore with a ease that had him forgetting he bore it - and for any armor that is no mean feat.
Ordo Drakul
20-06-2008, 04:01
--Pfeh.--Humbaba waved his foreclaw idly.--All this was paid from Doraddi's exchequer. Get my huntbrother's consort safely to Doraddi, and we'll call it even. Or perhaps you can return in spring, when the mosura are in their mating frenzy and help keep them off the mushrooms, eh?--
He shifted slightly, and peered out the window--The sun is almost over the horizon. I'll see you in the dusk, Revered One--
He indicated the bunks where Kyroto was drowsing.--Until then--
Nova Nippon
20-06-2008, 17:06
--Sleep thee well Humbaba Three Oaks, and may your dreams be pleasant.--Kai replied. --And I will think of some way to gift you in return-- as he moved over to the spare bunk.
His physical body needed a certain amount of rest but the rest of him was busy elsewhere.
Ordo Drakul
20-06-2008, 23:04
The day passed uneventfully, and night found Jade and Indigo waking to an odd singing from a mushroom in their rooms, a lyrical vibration that marked the passing of day....
21-06-2008, 14:41
Vanadict awoke, not abruptly, but gradually and in stages. She stretched out on the furs, yawning widely and arching her back underneath the furs. She whipped her tail about for a moment, then carefully extended it and tapped the mushroom gently with the tip, silencing the song. Then, still curled in the furs, she looked around the room. Vanadict was now hungry, but the room had plates and platters of food everywhere. The kitsune lazily reached out and plucked something she didn't recognize off a plate nearby and ate it, lying on her stomach, propped up by her elbows. Chewing thoughtfully she stood, the thick, soft furs falling away from her nude body. She seemed to remember a dream...or a vision...but it had been so real. She turned, slipping her arms into a light, short robe, more of a shift. Tying the front with a rope she could tell it was night once more, just past dusk into true darkness. Puzzling over what had occurred in her mind during the day while she slept Vanadict sat again, going into a state of meditation while it was quiet and Indigo still slept. She had things to think about.
Ordo Drakul
22-06-2008, 17:02
Gemilla entered fresh from the baths and completely nude, opening a cupboard where various weapons and trinkets were stored. The Vanadict sensed a slight flow of Force as Gemilla looked over her cache. --Oh, you're awake. I trust I'm not disturbing you, but the baths are ready if I am. Humbaba will be hosting us at one of Big Rubble's finer eateries before the game, and I intend to dazzle. Of course, I have no idea what to wear--she began rummaging through the assortment, strapping on various daggers and selecting odd jewelry.--I have a delightful spangalor battlegown in rich quaga purple that sets off my skin nicely, though I prefer my armor with the spangalor padding. I suppose I should wait until I'm ready for clothes, though...--
Gemilla donned and checked several items, revealing them to be weapons of horrific capacity.--I always feel naked just carrying my fan, but propriety should be observed here--
22-06-2008, 18:25
Vanadict cracked open her left eye and smiled as she watched Gemilla. "I wouldn't ask me about clothing. It's always robes or evening dress, and once in a great while I'm provided with something different by my hosts, like here. Tell me," she said, noting the last statement as she rose and untied the shift, putting it back on it's hook in preparation for her bath, "do all trolls dress with enough weaponry to fight a small war? Gerrak did it too, when he was at the Palace. Coming prepared, hm?"
Ordo Drakul
22-06-2008, 18:34
--We spend our youths as hunters, Madame the Vanadict-it teaches preparedness.--Gemilla answered without affront.--One would think with the wars Xiscapia has faced just in your lifetime, you would do the same. It is better to bear arms and not need them than need them and not bear them, after all.
--Do you think perhaps pearls to honor your Moon affinity and the spidersilk sheer? My force field could protect as well as any armor, but I am a Rightful Daughter...--
Nova Nippon
22-06-2008, 18:41
Indigo had spent most of the day in deep meditation, and had only eased out of that and into sleep some three hours ago. Gemilla’s entry woke her and she sat up and began stretching, listening to the other two chat. Once she'd finished limbering up, still wearing the nothing she'd gone to bed in she padded over to admire Gemilla's assortment of weaponry.
"Good Evening Gemilla, Vanadict. And if they looked as lovely and jewelry like as these and Gerrak's do, then I would love having some. Though I can't consider myself as much of a warrior." She shrugged, knowing her own bent was much more scholarly. "Is it customary to dress for battle for viewing a game of Trollball?"
She would wwant to wear just the right attire.
Ordo Drakul
22-06-2008, 18:44
--We are going to a restaurant first, little one--Gemilla cackled in the troll laugh of light humor.--Battle lurks everywhere, waiting for your indolence. Better to be ready, as it will not announce itself with it's card and an invitation first...--
22-06-2008, 18:57
Vanadict shrugged off Gemilla's comment about Xiscapia and war. It was true they'd been involved in a lot of conflict, both recently and in the past, but Xiscapia never started a war and always finished them. War had essentially been hammered into their society, which is why they took such effort to mantain peace.
--Do you think perhaps pearls to honor your Moon affinity and the spidersilk sheer? My force field could protect as well as any armor, but I am a Rightful Daughter...--
"They would do wounderfully," said Vanadict, nodding. "Oh, good evening Indigo. I meant no offense, Gemilla, it just seems strange to carry so many, rather than one or two, like we do. But, of course, you are not us and we are not you, so..." she shrugged.
Ordo Drakul
22-06-2008, 19:14
--Different situations call for different means--Gemilla replied simply--As a Rightful Daughter, I may claw any lout with impunity, but daggers are for dogs and traitors, but a dagger may not bring down a wall or door swiftly enough. If the fool has a golem protecting him, I shall need a different tool that that I use to dispatch him, and there are times when simple theft and humiliation will serve as well as death-one must be ready for all eventualities--
Nova Nippon
23-06-2008, 02:56
Indigo laughed when Gemilla emphasized dinner "Oh course, war is nost likely to break out there." She teased gently, but understood the desire to be ever prepared "I shall make sure that I am suitably attired. Should I wear my new armor?" She asked.
The armor was absolutely marvelous. It made sure that every one knew she was female, and didn't hinder her agile flashing combat style in the least. It was cunningly designed to protect despite it's scanty appearance. And despite the fact that she barely topped five foot eight inches, it made her legs seem to go on forever - the boots with their broad heels helped -and the tall form fitting boots had hidden weapons carefully scabbarded within.
Ordo Drakul
23-06-2008, 19:51
Gemilla slid into a low-cut gown of quaga purple spidersilk with dark beads that absorbed light in all the right places.--How do I look? ( she asked, spinning. --One hopes for certain impressions...--
Nova Nippon
25-06-2008, 02:09
"Oh my, Humbaba will be flattened, as will every other male who sees you and the women will be pea soup green with envy." Indigo admired as Gemillas turned about so that the other two could get the full effect of it. "I don't know if I could carry off such a lovely purple half so well."
""I wonder what it would be like to make Gerrak just the tiniest bit jealous" She mused inwardly, then chuffed at herself, amused at her silliness. "Oh thats silly I don't even know how he feels about me. ... Though I wonder what Gerrak is doing. I miss him so. She shook herself out of those thoughts I'll watch Gemilla tonigth, this ought to be very instructional
"What are you going to wear Vandict?" Indigo inquired as she accompanied the kitsune to the baths for a quick scrub
25-06-2008, 12:28
"What are you going to wear Vandict?"
"I'm not entirely sure yet," said the Vanadict thoughtfully. "I do have something in mind, but I don't know if the Muri have a version of it here or if I'll have to get the shuttle to come back down with it. It's a sort of lightweight metal, sometimes made out of silver, a series of thin sheets that cover all the right places but leave little to the imagination. It's inlaid with precious stones, and I think the tzin-tzin headdress I received would simply perfect what I have in mind..."
Ordo Drakul
25-06-2008, 12:39
Gemilla laughed, the deep belly laugh of true troll humor. --Oh, we should have taken you shopping with us! Lady Indigo, please enlighten Madame the Vanadict as to our smiths' work...--
Nova Nippon
27-06-2008, 06:36
"It's inlaid with precious stones, and I think the tzin-tzin headdress I received would simply perfect what I have in mind..."
"Oh that sounds like jeweled scalemaille, and I bet it looks just lovely." Indigo grinned, imagining what Vanadict would look like in silver, highlighted with the black and purple of the armoring feathers.
--Oh, we should have taken you shopping with us! Lady Indigo, please enlighten Madame the Vanadict as to our smiths' work...--
"Oh it is lovely work, work with metals so fine they flow like cloth but protect like the finest battle alloys, and the leathers used are specially treated and enchanted water serpent hide, it's scales a rich bronze edged with subtle traceries of emerald." She knew her description would not do it justice, but she would model it soon enough.
She wasn’t going to soak, just have a quick scrubby shower.
Ordo Drakul
27-06-2008, 21:52
--Perhaps, after the game, we'll indulge in a bit of shopping for you, the Vanadict--Gemilla offered.--I know you like robes, so perhaps a spangalor ensemble in the Diplomatic colors...--
28-06-2008, 05:13
--Perhaps, after the game, we'll indulge in a bit of shopping for you, the Vanadict. I know you like robes, so perhaps a spangalor ensemble in the Diplomatic colors...--
"I would like that," said Vanadict, smiling. She would have the outfit transported down by the time she was done in the baths, and then, out and about, no doubt.
Nova Nippon
30-06-2008, 17:14
Indigo stepped under the steaming rush of water and began washing her hair, then moved on to the rest of her. A small amount of depilatory cream, and not a single hair marred the smoothness of her legs or under arms. Once the rest of her was done she stood under the pounding water and let it smooth her hair of all tangles.
Then with experienced hands she began braiding faceted borealis crystals her lustrous hair. She started at her temples, weaving her locks in to a soft, complicated pattern that had the fullness of a French braid but was nine plaits wide. When she finished it was as wide as both her palms put together and fell past her waist to end in a lush, hands length plume. The jewels woven in caught the light, sending sprays rainbow glints over the onyx curtain of her hair. When it dried and she unplaited it her hair would have deep but gentle waves. And the headdress of white tzin-tzin feathers would look wonderful with either style.
30-06-2008, 20:30
Vanadict herself moved into the spray of water that was her shower, letting her scarlet hair and crimson fur wetten and liquid run down her body in tiny streams. Taking great care she stroked along her tail, pulling gently but firmly along the length of the plume with hands frothed by wash, before twitching her top ears and cleaning them with soap. Working up a lather she unraveled the tangles of her hair, saturating it in a weakly scented but nevertheless persistent shampoo of some strange flower. While furred and blessed with a luxurious span of ruby locks, Vanadict was not naturally hairy. Where humans grew hair, Xiscapians grew it too, but it was much softer, thinner and silkier, more reminiscent of their fur than hair. Even so she was careful to easily extract the growths where she found them, and by the time she exited the shower she felt more awake and alive than before.
Ordo Drakul
01-07-2008, 16:41
Kai found Humbaba stirring fairly early-the sorceror was binding spirits to various tasks, always speaking to them in the First Tongue, which lacked the troll accent or grammar one found them using in other languages.
Waiting until his host was no longer addressing his spirits, Kai asked--Humbaba, where did you learn the First Tongue?--
--Here at the Academy--Humbaba replied--One must pass the language requirement to advance to apprenticeship. One must also learn Enochian, Hieratic and Demotic Egyptian, as well as Mabrahoring. Oue requirements are not as strict, but more precise than the Order of Argan Argar, who must master every tongue they encounter--
--That's not what I meant--
--I know, but the question answers itself, really--Humbaba winked--When the forces we know as Maker and Shaper formed Komor, there was a central meeting place, known by many names-the Rock of Eternity, the Mount of Heaven. We called it the Spike. All of us gathered there, curious to see the Font of Creation, and all of us spoke our own language. Maker and Shaper issued a new language, that all may be understood, and this tongue has been carefully preserved by our orders.
--When the Spike was shattered by the invasion of Chaos, the tongue was lost-you are the first I've encountered outside of the Orders who could speak it--
--And how often have you been offworld?--
Humbaba smiled, and replied--Do you think I would permit my huntbrother to go blindly among those who hate us? Although we seem reclusive, all of us have wandered offworld for months, watching and reporting. It was no mere coincidence that Gerrak was sent to Xiscapia. We have much in common with them-often attacked for no reason other than the attacker's bigotry or greed, always victorious. They seem worthy allies, if short-sighted, but short-lived species often are. Short-sighted, not worthy, Revered One.
--The Stars are approaching Prime, Revered One. The God Plane was hastily woven, and the gaps are stretched now. We will all need allies for what is to come...--Humbaba sighed--Just once, I'd like to live in dull times with nothing but study to occupy me, but such is not my dharma. It seems if Chaos does not threaten, we must create our own menaces.--
He shook his massive head.--The Orb is fairly exclusive, Revered One. May I suggest your panoply of plate? I shall be gearing up as befits a humble apprentice...--
Nova Nippon
04-07-2008, 02:53
.--The Orb is fairly exclusive, Revered One. May I suggest your panoply of plate? I shall be gearing up as befits a humble apprentice...--
"The plate it is then" Kai chuckled as he headed to shower and ready himself for the evening. He was growing to like Humbaba more and more. And he wondered how much longer the young Muri would be just a 'humble apprentice'.
Indigo settled the last bit of her new armor on ( and spun about feeling it settle comfortably about her. She grinned, pleased at how it looked and felt.
"The armorer built- in an energy sheath like Gerraks, the rest is pure distraction. Gemilla convinced me to let my...assets speak for me."
Ordo Drakul
08-07-2008, 17:28
"The armorer built- in an energy sheath like Gerraks, the rest is pure distraction. Gemilla convinced me to let my...assets speak for me."
--Your assets speak for themselves, child--Gemilla responded.--We are all but humble clay bestowed by the gods to be shaped and formed as we will. We who hold the Man Rune have an obligation to forge ourselves in the crucible of Komor, to make of ourselves that which the gods could not envision. We are the shepherds and gardeners, and All That Is is our solemn responsibility.
--To the muri, nobility is an aspect of the soul, not the blood. A true Lady must oversee her realm to the benefit of all. It is a terrible duty, one requiring we tend our resources, exploit them so all benefit, and sometimes, allow failures to wither on the vine.
--Our compassion drives us to desire all should live well, but Komor is Komor. Nothing is eternal save the soul, and whatever we put in place can be torn down by another or fall into irreparable dysfunction. We must allow our descendants to rise up or fall on their own, and hope we have given them enough to carry on. A troll will live so long as there is food-we live as animals as soon as we attain adulthood to continue this ability. It is harsh, it is brutal-but Nature will not tend us, so we must tend ourselves.
--That is the First Lesson, and we learn it young, that it stays with us. To depend upon another is nice, but others fall to Enemies and Blind Stupid Clueless Doo-Dah Luck. Without knowing how to stand on your own, you become helpless and weak and fall with your Matron, be it your family or some other institution. All things fail, falter, and collapse-but you will be with yourself your whole life-best you tend yourself and teach others to do so, lest you fall into the traps of Chaos--Gemilla preened in the mirror, installing weaponry in the unlikeliest of places, as she continued:--The pack animals tend each other, and this ensures survival, but they depend then upon the pack. When the pack fails, they are woefully unprepared.
--A philosopher from the Heart of Chaos once said, "One who sacrifices Freedom for Security deserves neither." Truer words were never spoken, for the pack animals often tell themselves not to fear, the pack will support and sustain them. They ease into the luxury of not providing for themselves, of relying on the pack, then the pack fails, and they are woefully unprepared for what Komor has to offer--
She looked ashamed for a moment, before adding--Forgive me, please. I fear life on Pamaltela has made me somewhat provincial...--
11-07-2008, 03:03
Vanadict, still naked and dabbing at a few stray water droplets here and there, stepped up to the two, looking from Gemilla to Indigo with the slight, warm smile that graced her face when she was comfortable and unworried. "Sorry to butt in," she murmured, tail curling slightly, "but is my shuttle permitted to land here, Gemilla? I will be needing to select my appropriate wardrobe for tonight, and the pilot needs to know if there is a control or similar system of function he should contact to come to the surface."
She'd heard everything, her top ears weren't just for good looks, but despite her outward appearance she examined the Muri's words in her mind. Xiscapians in general, and Vanadict in particular due to her class, would agree with what was said about nobility: Your ancestors determined only what you were, if that, and not who you were. Nobility was something one achieved, not a hereditary gift at birth.
However, what she had heard of the "pack animals" worried her. Xiscapian families were very close-knit, and it was true many depended on each other in a mutual bond. Such things were broken when one entered fields when this was not practical or impended ones work, such the military. Take orders, but in absence of orders use what at your disposal to get what you knew to be your job done. If the families were torn apart or scattered, some would sink to a level where no amount of charity or government welfare would help them. Even the Emperor and Empress depended utterly on the other, so Vanadict had to wonder where how you could define "love" and "dependence" separately. Did not true lovers depend on each other, as all the great tragedies were quick to point out?
Ordo Drakul
11-07-2008, 21:31
--Permitted? HA!--Gemilla cackled--Try and stop them, if they get too close-without the dampening field, your ship's systems would crash, followed by the ship itself. They'll have to land in Big Rubble, and ship by insect caravan. Better we take you out for a bit of shopping--
Gemilla appraised the Vanadict's outfit.--I think we can find a tailor suitable-you're quite a bit smaller than a troll, and I doubt you'd like our childwear, but the ducks are only slightly smaller than you, and they love the Ordo Vaneekara...--
12-07-2008, 16:54
Vanadict waved a hand. "The shuttle is in high orbit, it won't come without my strict permission. Shopping, yes? I noticed the ducks when we were in the market, and I suppose with a little modification it could work quite well."
Nova Nippon
13-07-2008, 02:55
Indigo had listened carefully to what Gemilla had said.
It was one of the prime motivators for the Novan culture, the pull of the many and the one, the dynamic to be a compenent individual; suscessful both within and without the group. But she had never had the chance to be part of the many, even the many of the Court, and deep within wondered what it would be like to have a family, a clan, a pack. All she knew was lone. Does that make me unfit for having a family, what if I'm not suited for She thrust that notion from her. Later, later.
She laughed softly as the conversation turned to shopping "I had no interest in shopping before, but here, it is so utterly fascinating. I'd love to see the ducks fashions too."
Ordo Drakul
14-07-2008, 14:27
--Well, then--Gemilla hefted her purse and gave herself a once-over in the mirror--Let's be off before breaking our fast-doubtless the boys will be distraught over our lateness, and I, for one, intend to milk it for an appropriate inappropriate response. Besides, we'll have to explain pants and skirts to the ducks, since they don't wear any. Interferes with their swimming--she explained.
--Let's walk-I love watching the city wake up as dusk approaches--
Nova Nippon
14-07-2008, 23:24
--Let's walk-I love watching the city wake up as dusk approaches--
"Twilight is my favorite time of the day. I actually am more comfortable at night than during the day." But she also found the serenity of a dawn the perfect time to meditate, the world quiet about her with a hush that dusk never quite held.
But now she was excited to see the city begin to bloom for the night.
15-07-2008, 02:51
"A quick detour may be in order," Vanadict gave the slightest hint of a bow to the two and padded away back to the room, retrieving her katana and the light shift she had originally donned. The bit of cloth was quite open at the top and afforded minimal coverage, barely coming down to mid-thigh, but it was only really intended to be a place for her to hang her sword. She returned as such, blade tucked securely at her side, ready for the excursion into the now deeply-shadowed orange tinted city once more.
Ordo Drakul
15-07-2008, 11:56
The streets of the city were occupied only by a few feral animals and lone merchants heading to their stalls as the market sluggishly opened for the day.
--If the ducks had their way, this would operate around the clock-probably for a day or two at most--Gemilla nodded towards a rather large spider crouched on a building--You'll want to keep an eye out for them. They can leap fifty feet easily, and with such a start, the finish is all-too predictable for smaller peoples like yourself. Fortunately, animals have their own wisdom, and I'm a bit large for them. I think that one's a pet, or very adept. It's well-tended and sizable--
She indicated a large monolith with her jaw, shimmering in the waning light, going from a roseate hue to an oddly brilliant shade of blue. --That bit there is dazzling in full sunlight, giving off a beam that rides straight to the sky. The material's alchemically treated so it projects sunlight just so. The Arkati swear if we'd invest the energy to lift the dampening field on our world, that substance could produce enough power to run everything in this city from Yelm's emanations.
--It was decided against by the Silentium. Of course, electricity is the bounty of the air, and who would want to be dependent upon fickle Orlanth for their energy?
--We are somewhat hamstrung by our traditions, but they make us strong--she puffed up a bit as she spoke--The market-see how the trolls are uncovering their stalls to gentle Xentha as the ducks erect their tents? The ducks wish to hide from us their cooking fires and reading lamps, so they cover them and we oblige by not noticing.
--They will be somewhat more relaxed around me, since the Ordo Vaneekara do not eat them. They are a strange lot, though--
Nova Nippon
16-07-2008, 00:07
Indigo was watchful, but unafraid of the spider, thinking that indeed it looked quite well cared for. She had always wanted a dog or a cat for a companion, but it hadn't been allowed. She'd had her horse and Khat and between the two had made up for that bit of loneliness.
She had to chuckle when Gemillia mentioned the ficklenes of air, but guessed that the Arkait were absolutely correct. Beamed power was the norm back on O'Kuni.
They are a strange lot, though--
"A strange lot? How so?" She asked interestedly.
Ordo Drakul
17-07-2008, 01:26
--The ducks have their own ways, child. They've lived in Delecti's Swamp since before Delecti, and that breeds it's own oddities--Gemilla snorted--They grind grain into paste, then bake it, which is an oddity, to be sure, but then they take the burnt paste and break bits of it into their soup-if they wanted soggy grain paste, why bother with baking? I do not understand them...--
She shook her great head, pondering the follies of the ducks.
Nova Nippon
18-07-2008, 22:18
why bother with baking? I do not understand them...--
That brought a peal of laughter from Indigo 'Though I've never baked anything I've watched Kai. He's a good cook. And those are croutons you're taling about."
She went on to explain. "Baked bread is the best smelling food ever, and when you toast it again, it does changed the flavor of it, something about bringing out the grain's 'sugars' so it's not just soggy grain. It's tasty soggy grain, thats also crunchy as well."
19-07-2008, 03:51
"..And those are croutons you're talking about."
"Croutons?" said Vanadict. "I thought she was speaking of crackers."
"Baked bread is the best smelling food ever, and when you toast it again, it does changed the flavor of it, something about bringing out the grain's 'sugars' so it's not just soggy grain. It's tasty soggy grain, that's also crunchy as well."
"Baked bread has one of the best aromas of them all," Vanadict agreed, "and there are a lot of things you can do with bread. Bake it, toast it, deep fry it, for some of the dessert dishes, make it into discs, wafers, spheres, spice it with powders, chocolate, sugars, vegetables, sauce,'s the ultimate multi-purpose food."
Nova Nippon
19-07-2008, 04:09
"Oh Vanadict stop it you are making me so hungry" Indigo laughed as her stomach grumbled softly. "And yes I hadn't thought of crackers. But you're right all the things that can be done with bread"
"Kai gets so possessive when he bakes. He might let me stir the soup, or chop vegtables, but when he bakes, its definitely a solo endeavor, but oh it is so good when he finally lets me have some." She grinned at the memory of some of the few times he'd had a chance, and a kitchen to bake in.
Ordo Drakul
19-07-2008, 15:20
--GAAH! I am surrounded by ducks!--Gemilla threw up her foreclaws in resignation--And savor that feeling, Lady Indigo. Humbaba is going to pay dearly for his presumption, and I intend to start in his wallet.
--Ah, there is a tailor. Ho, Donalt! My friend, here, has need of a fitting!--Gemilla hailed like a foghorn--Haste would be appreciated-we're due at the Orb. What know you of Xiscapian fashion?--
--Enough, lady, enough--the duck replied. He wore a bright red vest with a pincushion at his wrist, the tools of his craft tucked away in various pockets of his vest.--But should not the wearer decide her wardrobe? Which of you has need of my services, and what should she enjoy?--
20-07-2008, 00:47
--But should not the wearer decide her wardrobe? Which of you has need of my services, and what should she enjoy?--
Vanadict stepped forward, giving a slight bow. "I, Crafter Donalt, who goes by the name of Vanadict. I have not been on Xiscapia at any one time long enough to ascertain the current fashion, at least not until it changes. Can you inform me of what is "in" this season among the sisters of my homeland?"
Ordo Drakul
20-07-2008, 02:51
The duck shrugged. --Xiscapian fashion tends to run on a fifteen year cycle, torn between the humid and chill Xiscapian climate and whatever war they're engaged in at the moment. Fortunately, as they're attacked, the Xiscapians tend to rally around traditional designs,adhering more strictly if the enemy is variable, but allowing individuality when faced with more uniform foes.
--The last few nations to attack them have been rather bland military dictatorships, so wild individual colors adorned with the mineral wealth of the planet is currently the norm, but if the planet isn't currently under attack, the Xiscapians prefer flowers over jewels, with heavier overgarments to compensate for the climate, allowing the wearer to flirt by flashing bright colors of the undergarments to show off individuality to prospective dates. Of course, the young prefer sleek, tight garments to show off their taut young physiques, while older members prefer comfort and looser robes over peacockery.
--I have some rather fetching floral prints, which will be absolutely wasted on the trolls, unless you'd care for the somewhat pricier silks with metal spangalor patterns--The duck leaned closer and explained--Trolls don't rely on sight much, and their Darksense picks out the metal easily, allowing a fashion statement to be made in the blandest of fabrics. I assume that as the Vanadict, you would prefer the diplomatic colors, or perhaps a slinky evening gown in the rich blue Xiscapians associate with peace. I have some rather nice blues, some with silver embroidery of flowers and birds you might like-it would bring out your eyes, though dampen the hair tones down a bit. Of course, black is slimming, as well as favored by the trolls as reminiscent of Darkness. I have a selection of fabrics and fashions we can go over as you are measured by my wife-if you have any personal preferences as far as design or fabric, I can begin by bringing those forth first...--
He produced a rack of various robes and kimonos, in wildly varying patterns and colors as a female duck-presumably his wife-wheeled out a cart of pastries and tea, indicating they were free to partake as she began carefully measuring the Vanadict while he husband held out this garment or that, extolling it's virtues.
20-07-2008, 21:11
Vanadict was undecided between a deep blue kimono adorned with delicate and closely detailed flowers and their pedals in lighter colors to contrast, and shorter, comparatively plainer black dress robes inlaid with metal silver pattern along the sides. She looked from one to the other, feeling the fabric, running it though her hands and appraising it with her sight. "I don't know," she murmured, examining them closely. "I don't have as much experience with this sort of thing as I should...what do you think, Indigo?" She gestured to both sets of clothing helplessly.
Nova Nippon
20-07-2008, 22:50
Indigo looked at both of them and pointed decisively towards the black and silver dress "But shorten it by a good five inches. She has legs that deserved to be shown off, and I'd say lower the neckline, but I don't know how quickly that can be done." The hetiera training did come in handy, though she had little put it to use before. But she did enjoy dressing well.
She had been looking through the offerings herself, consulting the notes she had taken when the armorer had measured her earlier. She had an armfull of "off the rack' that she was intent on buying for herself. Considering the daring nature of all of them there ws little gues for whom they'd be worn for.
Ordo Drakul
21-07-2008, 03:17
The little duck performed his adjustments ( and surveyed his work. "Very safe, yet daring, madame-fashion comes and goes, but style is eternal.
"What do you think, Martha?"
"Competant, Radagast-merely competant." His wife replied. "Plunge the backline to show some cleavage-a young girl needs to advertise."
"Don't embarrass the lady, Martha-sometimes the imagination needs some play as well." he chided her gently. "Seduction is an art form, after all, and each artist has their preferred methods."
21-07-2008, 20:58
OOC: lololololololololololol. Ah, the Rocky Horror Picture Show...
"Imagination can be more inflammatory than the most exposed clothing," replied Vanadict. "But she is right: The dress can stand to come down a little bit." She ran a finger down the back of the finery.
Ordo Drakul
22-07-2008, 06:45
OOC:Actually, that clip is from "Shock Treatment", the third in the trilogy of "The Continuing Adventures of Brad and Janet"-the films were "They Came From Denton", "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", and "Shock Treatment", but thanks for playing...
IC: The duck bowed. --Of course, milady. Do you wish any cleavage showing? Before you answer, let me tell you that trolls often regard back cleavage as target practice, and enjoy dropping pencils or firing fruit into such revelations...--
Gemilla snorted.--She will be in the company of a Priestess of Vaneekara-if any dare, I'll have their guts for garters--
Nova Nippon
22-07-2008, 11:22
OOC: I try to ignore the other two...
Indigo chuckled at that. She had no doubt that any one assaulting their dignity, much less their persons would indeed be brought to task by Gemilla.
But what is life without temptation, or the spice of danger" and that had her wondering just where those thoughts had come from.
22-07-2008, 22:25
OOC: Damn, I was close...
--Of course, milady. Do you wish any cleavage showing? Before you answer, let me tell you that trolls often regard back cleavage as target practice, and enjoy dropping pencils or firing fruit into such revelations...--
"Even so, I'll take my chances," said Vanadict dryly. "Please, make your modifications to allow it to show."
--She will be in the company of a Priestess of Vaneekara-if any dare, I'll have their guts for garters--
"I'm sure none would attempt such tomfoolery with you around, Gemilla."
"But what is life without temptation, or the spice of danger?"
"Safe, bland and dull," answered Vanadict. "But, as they say, all things in moderation." she winked, chuckling mentally at her paradoxical latter statement.
Ordo Drakul
23-07-2008, 10:06
Gemilla watched the duck perform his alterations, then his wife brought out three mirrors so the Vanadict could observe herself from differing angles.
--If this meets Her Ladyship's approval, there is simply the matter of payment--the duck coughed gently, as if embarrassed to bring up such things.--Since Her Ladyship is going to the Orb, perhaps she would not mind delivering our shipment of staff uniforms and towels for us? It would save us quite a bit of trouble, and the consignment is only 400 pounds or so...--
--Done!--Gemilla spat in her palm and extended her foreclaw.--Provided Madame the Vanadict is satisfied, of course. Then we can get to important matters-the shoes--
Gemilla's eyes lit up in a most unusual way.
24-07-2008, 00:11
Vanadict gave a slight bow. "Of course this is acceptable." Shoes. she thought. How in the galaxy will they come up with shoes for me? I'd hardly think Duck footwear would fit, they'll probably have to have some made custom...
Nova Nippon
24-07-2008, 04:39
Indigo paid for her purchases with just enough haggleing to be polite. Nothing needed any fitting save heming and they would have that ready by morning and deliver it to Gemillia's temple.,
She too wondered what shoes could be found to fit their feet, and the odd light in Gemilla's eyes was a bit disturbing. She far prefered being barefoot herself and had only with greatest reluctance mastered heels.
Ordo Drakul
24-07-2008, 06:08
--Come, come. There's a magnificent little cobbler-he's an aldryami, so he's about your size, and he's a rogue, separate from Aldrya. He's got a thing for skinning and leatherworking, and he's an absolute master--Gemilla seemed ecstatic at the thought.--Sensible mocassins for your trek, I think-we have some nasty thorned poisonous vines, and the aldryami like to spread them. But for the Orb-oh, we'll get you some delightful high heels to stress your calves, perhaps a floral wrap for your ankle...oh, goodness, this will be fun--
25-07-2008, 02:00
Vanadict didn't know what to say. While on assignment she wore boots, like most diplomats, and in those rare times she was on Xiscapia in-doors she just wore slippers. Sometimes she would wear heels or the like for the more formal occasions, but not often. The Vanadict disliked high heels: They were extremely hard to run in, and it was difficult to master even walking in them as out of practice as she was. The moccasins sounded nice, and she wondered if she couldn't just dress those up and spare the wobbly-walk of heels.
Ordo Drakul
26-07-2008, 14:56
As apprehensive as the Vanadict was, she was made even moreso by the strange lot to which Gemilla lead them. A massive alien tree, rather like a gigantic Venus flytrap, dominated a patch of land, numerous skinned carcasses hanging on hooks from it's woodier tendrils.
--Follow my lead--Gemilla whispered--He won't talk to you until you feed the tree--
Casually, she plucked a carcass from a hook and tossed it into a gaping leaf, which promptly closed on it like a beartrap.--Ho, Gorm-I would do business with you!--
A wizened figure crouching at a bench stopped hammering the sole to a left shoe, it's head adorned with a circle of broad fern leaves.--I told you, if you want a bandolier from the hides of demons thrice-damned, you must procure me the hides, woman-or are you deaf as well as daft?--
Gemilla laughed, an odd barking neither the Vanadict nor Indigo had heard before.--Ah, Gorm-I should wed you for your honesty alone--
--I should poison my tree to avoid such a fate, Madame--Gorm resumed his solemn hammering.--Now, either challenge my skills with something dramatic or be on your way--
Ordo Drakul
10-09-2008, 09:07
This thread is ended.