Drvarska Embassy Center
15-10-2007, 04:55
The Republic of Drvarska Embassy Center
The Republic of Drvarska is opening doors to international affairs and invites nations to establish an embassy in our nation's capital of Drvar.
Nations have a choice of either establishing an embassy in a pre-built building under guard of Drvarskan Guards or construct their own embassy in the near our Presidential palace. Nations must follow Drvarskan construction guidelines or else the Nation's embassy shall be asked to change their embassy details before they can be accepted.
The embassy compound is a large open compound surrounded by large walls topped with barbedwire. Drvarskan Guards are stationed throughout the compound at posts and towers, they also patrol the streets 24/7 as well as being stationed at the main gate.
Requirements to have an embassy:
1. Name of Government:
2. Name of Ambassador:
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers):
4. Security Personnel (Max 7):
5. Number of Weapons (including type):
6. Number of Vehicles (including type):
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with:
8. Other requirements, country specified:
9. Location of Embassy:
Currant relations key:
{A} Allied to/Excellent Nations
{G} Good relations/same government type
{N} Default relations/No overly positive/negative interactions
{B} Tense relations
{E} Enemy/Ejection imminent
{D} Drvarskan government structure
Current Embassies:
North-Western Section:
(Sokolovsky Avenue)
Building 100 - {D} Drvarskan Government Building
Building 101 - {G} The Communist Dominion of Stoklomolvi (Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov)
Building 102 - {N} Imperial Dictatorship of Greal (Mark Calls)
Building 103 - {A} The People's Republic of Alfegos (Io J'soin)
Building 104 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Building 105 - {N} Feudal Democracy, Pinguinum (Patrick Keelsea)
Building 106 - {N} The United Socialist States of Yanitaria (Pierre Badeau)
Building 107 - {A} The Holy Empire of The New True Cross, Dept. of Foreign Learning and Technological Advancement
Building 108 - {G} The Collective Government of NeoAztec, Percy Lovecraft
Building 109 - {G} The United Federal Republic of Antigr, Marcus Kiltein
Building 110 - {N} The Empire of Belkaros, Remus Provosal
Building 111 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Building 112 - {N} The Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands, Max Erz
Building 113 - {N} The People's Republic of Southeastern Greenland, Arvid Jacobsen
Building 114 - {D} Helicopter Pads
Building 115 - {D} Helicopter Pads
North-Eastern Section:
(Tolbukhin Avenue)
Building 200 - {N} The Grand Duchy of Great Majorca, Lord Charles Banaugh
Building 201 - {N} The Kingdom of SaintB, Lord James Shield
Building 202 - {N} The Kingdom of Orzio, Gary Sachs
Building 203 - {N} The Principality of Damirez, Vanda Arde
Building 204 - {N} The Blouman Empire, Countess Natasha Lippotun (Countess of Holdgau)
Building 205 - {N} The United States of Philimbesi, Rufus Falker
Building 206 - {G}The Freewilled State and Workers National Socialist Order of Nilpnt, Chad Brenahalth
Building 207 -
Building 208 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Building 209 - {D} Public Parking
Building 210 - {A} The Holy Empire of The New True Cross, (Elect John Smyth)
Building 211 -
Building 212 - {N} The Principality of Northern Rangeria, Housing Exhibitions and Garden
Building 213 - {N} The Principality of Northern Rangeria, Lord Jaako Loyto
Building 214 - {D} Helicopter Pads
Building 215 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Main Gate:
Building 000 - {D} Bunker
Building 001 - {D} Guard Post
South-Western Section:
(Ivanov Avenue)
Building 300 - {N} Great Council of United People's Republics of Punckeds, Mikhail Salinin
Building 301 - {N} The Empire of Imadistan, Sheryar Khan
Building 302 - {N} The Empire of Imadistan Cultral Center
Building 303 - {N} The United Communist States of Bulgoria, Lardo Dimitrievich
Building 304 - {N} The Kozatska Respublika of Solyhniya, Radoslav Rusjec
Building 305 -
Building 306 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Building 307 -
Building 308 -
Building 309 -
Building 310 - {N} The Republic of Royal Marines Commando, Frederick Moore
Building 311 -
Building 312 -
Building 313 - {D} Helicopter Pads
Building 314 - {D} Military Barracks
Building 315 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
South-Eastern Section:
(Rokossovsky Avenue)
Building 400 -
Building 401 -
Building 402 -
Building 403 -
Building 404 -
Building 405 -
Building 406 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Building 407 -
Building 408 -
Building 409 -
Building 410 -
Building 411 - {N} The Commonwealth of Kortelan, Galan
Building 412 - {D} Helicopter Pads
Building 413 - {D} Helicopter Pads
Building 414 - {D} Military Parking
Building 415 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Seaside (Krajina)
Building 115 - {N} The Constitutional Sultanate of the Indonesian States, Arista Sumantri
Building 116 - {D} Guard Post/Tower
Trade Agreements:
FTA - The People's Republic of Alfegos
FTA - The Communist Dominion of Stokomolvi
FTA - The United Socialist States of Yanitaria
FTA - The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
FTA - The Kingdom of Orzio
FTA - The Grand Duchy of Great Majorca
FTA - The United Federal Republic of Antigr
FTA - The Collective Government of NeoAztec
FTA - The United States of Philimbesi
FTA - The Imperial Dictatorship of Greal
FTA - The Freewilled State and Workers National Socialist Order of Nilpnt
The People's Republic of Alfegos
The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
Other Nations:
NAP - The United Federal Republic of Antigr
NAP - The Freewilled State and Workers National Socialist Order of Nilpnt
MPP - The Collective Government of NeoAztec
OOPP - The Freewilled State and Workers National Socialist Order of Nilpnt
FTA: Free Trade Agreement
TA: Trade Agreement (Regulated)
MPP: Mutual Protection Pact
MOPP: Mutual Offensive & Protection Pact
MOP: Mutual Offensive Pact
OPP: Optional Protection Pact
OOPP: Optional Offensive & Protection Pact
NAP: Non-aggression Pact
Military Units stationed overseas:
12th Infantry Regiment (5,000 Strength) - The New True Cross
500th SS Paratrooper Battalion (1,000 Strength) - The New True Cross
Drvarskan Embassies elsewhere:
{A} The People's Republic of Alfegos, 106 Glory Avenue
{G} The Communist Dominion of Stoklomolvi, North-Eastern Section (Building 204)
{N} The Kingdom of Pinguinum, 8 Ocean Drive
{N} Imperial Dictatorship of Greal, 011 Embassy Drive
{G} The United Socialist States of Yanitaria, 427 Tolstoy Ave, Centreville
{A} The Holy Emprie of The New True Cross, Willow Wisp (Waterford Avenue, Ocean View Embassy section)
{N} The Kingdom of Orzio, 3 Embassy Row
{G} The Collective Government of NeoAztec, Building 107 (North-Western Section)
{N} The United States of Philimbesi, New Philadelphia
15-10-2007, 05:28
To the Foregn Minister of the Republic of Drvarska
The Communist Dominion Stoklomolvi wishes to establish an embassy in Drvarska. We will be sending Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov on a permanent diplomatic mssion to Drvarska along with sixteen civilian personnel. Six armed SMPF guards were to go guard the embassy using AK-2130 Assault Rifles. Seven M10 Pistols were to be brought as well, both as side-arms and with one for the ambassador's personal use. The transport will be four unarmed Type 151 Armoured Personnel Carriers. Stoklomolvi is currently not involved with any alliances, and a special request would be for Drvarska to sign a free trade agreement with Stoklomolvi. Nikolay would like to work and live in Building 101, North-Western Section.
Grigor Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich
Civilian Management
Minister of Foreign Affairs
1. Name of Government: The Communist Dominion of Stoklomolvi
2. Name of Ambassador: Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 16
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 6
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 6x AK-2130 Assault Rifles, 7x M10 Pistols
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 4x Unarmed Type 151 APCs
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None
8. Other requirements, country specified: FTA
9. Location of Embassy: Building 101
[OOC: I see that your embassy centre is based off mine, eh?]
1. Name of Government: The People's Republic of Alfegos
2. Name of Ambassador: Io J'soin
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 26
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 7 AF-07Ds
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 5 Cars, 1 UH-60 Blackhawk
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: Free World Alliance, Hegemony, Confederate nations, Sapphire Alliance
8. Other requirements, country specified: Helipad
9. Location of Embassy: Not Bothered
1. Name of Government: Imperial Dictaorship of Greal
2. Name of Ambassador: Mark Calls
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 30
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 5 marines
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 5 Glocks
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 1 limo, 1 humvee, 1 UH-60 Blackhawk
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: Hegemony, CN, Sons of Lenin, etc
8. Other requirements, country specified: Helipad for helicopters
9. Location of Embassy: Building 102
Please establish a embassy in Greal (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=539069)
15-10-2007, 07:48
To: Grigor Aleksandrovich Stuyonovich (Stoklomolvi Minister of Foreign Affairs)
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Your request has been accepted and we welcome you into our nation. We accept to sign your free trade agreement and that may both of nations be successful. Nikolay Aleksandrovich Romanov shall be posted at 101 Sokolovsky Avenue.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister of Foreign Affairs
OOC: Yes you have a good layout, I hope you do not mind.
To: Ambassador Io J'soin
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept you into our nation as a noble ally of Drvarska. May both of our nations continue to improve our diplomatic relationships. We shall be posting you at 103 Sokolvsky Avenue, if you wish to change to another location just send a message. You may also use one of the helipads at 114 Sokolovsky Avenue for your UH-60.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: Ambassador Mark Calls
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Greetings, we are happy to accept you into our nation, your embassy shall be set up at 102 Sokolvsky Avenue. You may use a helipad on 114 Sokolovsky Avenue for your UH-60. We shall be willing to build a embassy in your nation as well and we hope that our nations can improve relationships.
Ivan Vasilevsky
revtag, to be replaced soon.
15-10-2007, 19:57
[You may want to replace the {S} with {D}, since the "S" stands for Stoklomolvi.]
15-10-2007, 20:49
From the Kingdom of Pinguinum
1. Name of Government: Feudal Democracy
2. Name of Ambassador: Patrick Keelsea
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 10
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 7 semis
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 3 limos
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: FWA, possibly GOOD allied with Kirav
8. Other requirements, country specified: maybea little pool please
9. Location of Embassy: not bothered somewhere cool
We would absolutely love you to establish an embassy in our nation.
See LINK below.
16-10-2007, 12:00
[You may want to replace the {S} with {D}, since the "S" stands for Stoklomolvi.]
OOC: Ah I see, I thought it stood for "Structure" (D might be better though). Thanks again for letting me use your layout.
To: The Kingdom of Pinguinum
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are glad to accept you into our nation and we hope that our nations can soon open up good relations. Your request for a pool is fine with us and shall be built for your needs. We will also post your embassy at 105 Sokolovsky street.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
The Thingz
16-10-2007, 12:46
1. Name of Government: The Thingz
2. Name of Ambassador: Greenfor Heildelburg
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 18
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 4
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 6 of The Thingz Pattented G4x Long Nosed Hammer Rifle, or G4LNHR for short (pronounsed Galnher)
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 2 Black PT Cruisers, and 1 Modified Cormornt.
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None.
8. Other requirements, country specified: None.
9. Location of Embassy: Prefferable somewhere small, and in a corner in the back. Since the guards will be carrying the G4LNHR it is imperative that civilians be kept from them.
16-10-2007, 14:03
Enabling provision for equal rights, both for human and other animals.
Allowing such to retain dignities and to ensure a workable environment.
Coordinating with GOOD to provide with defensive issues that may compromise these morals.
To coexist in the capacity as a ruling body on equality with FWA.
To allow Free trade and protect agricultural land and its owners.
To harmonise with nature in an appropriate way.
Chief Executive
Johnathan G. Martin
Acting Chief Executive
Deputy Chief Executive (Operations)
Deputy Chief Executive (Policy)
Deputy Chief Executive (Support)
Directorate of Field Operations
Directorate of Legal Advice
Directorate of Welfare
Directorate of Emploment
Directorate of Equality
Directorate of Humanity
Directorate of Corporate Policy
Directorate of Public Service
Directorate of Health and Safety
Directorate of Communications
Directorate of Care
State Liason Officers
Operations Managers
Policy Managers
Support Managers
19-10-2007, 15:24
To: The Thingz
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Greetings! We are happy to accept you into our nation but we have a concern about your security personnel. We do not wish to have any danger to civillians if your guards carry Class R weaponry (Restricted weapons), we allow assault rifles of various kinds but heavy weaponry is not accepted.
Request is denied for now.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
19-10-2007, 16:50
20-10-2007, 04:17
20-10-2007, 04:34
We, the people of the United Socialist States of Yanitaria would like to exchange embassies with your great nation.
1. Name of Government: The United Socialist States of Yanitaria
2. Name of Ambassador: Pierre Badeau
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 20
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 7 FN2000s, 27 Five-seveNs
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 1 Armoured Limo, 1 Blackhawk, Assorted civilian cars
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None
8. Other requirements, country specified: An underground parking garage and helipad
9. Location of Embassy: Where ever you can build an underground parking garage.
20-10-2007, 06:05
To: The United Socialist states of Yanitaria
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Greetings! Your request has been accepted and we welcome you into our nation. Your embassy shall be put at 106 Sokolovsky Avenue with your request of a underground parking garage and a helipad for your UH-60.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
20-10-2007, 10:48
The New True Cross
20-10-2007, 18:01
1. Name of Government: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
2. Name of Ambassador: Elect John Smyth
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 10
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 2 Gate Security
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 3 TDI KRISS Super V (Gate Security)
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 2 Bushmaster IMV, 1 M35A1
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: N/A
8. Other requirements, country specified: Building 107 for our Dept. of Foreign Learning and Technological Advancement, manned by 7 civilians, no military presence, FTA, NAP
9. Location of Embassy: Building 210
21-10-2007, 01:33
To: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept you into our nation and that we upgrade your status to {G} (Good Relations). Your request to build your department of foreign learning and technological advancement has been granted and we will also send some of our staff to work there. Your request for FTA and NAP has been granted and we are most happy to have you in our nation. Upon the arrival of Elect John Smyth there will be a ceremony including our Red army choir and a military sulute. Your embassy shall be located at Building 210.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
The New True Cross
21-10-2007, 04:04
To: The Republic of Drvarska
To the Ministries and Departments to whom it may concern,
The Holy Empire of The New True Cross humbly and meekly beseeches military trade rights from your vast and powerful nation. The free people of The Holy Empire of The New True Cross have elected to select your nation as our purveyor of military goods and training. Our active force of 2 million servicemen and women requires the skills that your ruthless military processes. Our reserves of 1 million require equipment but training is not necessary as our active duty men can pass on their knowledge. From the depths of our weak hearts we thank you for your consideration and hope to continue to do business with you.
In God's Name,
Elect John Endicott
Department of Divine Defense
Section of Military Spending and Advancement
21-10-2007, 04:05
Official Bump
The New True Cross
21-10-2007, 04:34
To the great nation of Drvarska,
The Dept. of Foreign Learning and Technological Advancement, will provide a wonderful opportunity for our nations to share ideas. My staff is very excited to ship off and meet their Drvarskian counterparts. Let this be an age of mutual prosperity.
In God's Name,
Elect John Smyth
21-10-2007, 04:58
To: The New True Cross
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We appreciate your warm appreciation and if there is anything you require just telegram us. We are also willing to discuss your military trade agreements that you have told us about before. May our nations thrive!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
The New True Cross
21-10-2007, 06:52
To Ivan Vasilevsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs, of the grand nation of Drvarska,
We wish to extend to you an invitation to establish an embassy in Fort Boston, our capital. We were so impressed by your embassy system that we flatter you by mimicking your system in Fort Boston. Our personnel in Drvar cannot cease in their praise of your nation. Please grant us the honor of christening our new complex with your presence.
In God's Name,
Elect Jefferson Halliger
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
The New True Cross
21-10-2007, 09:49
To Ivan Vasilevsky, Minister of Foreign Affairs, of our brother nation of Drvarska,
As a sign of good will and thanks to our dear Lord and friends in the nation of Drvarska we open up a trade route with discounts on all of our beef, cheese, and restored furniture. Our merchants will pour into the streets of Drvar practically giving away their wares and we pledge that these prices shall stay low and that your people will be awash in cheese, beef, and old furniture for all time.
In God's Name,
Elect Jefferson Halliger
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
21-10-2007, 10:00
To: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are most thankful for your kind words and in return we will hold a military parade down Sokolvsky and Tolbukhin Avenue in your honor. Among our parade will be the Red army choir performing some of the nations favourite songs in front of your embassy. We also wish to send in our trade to your country a large discount on Trout which will be supplied from one of our large trout farming industries. We would like to offer you Uranium but this can only be done so under a strong alliance which we offer to you to make.
We find the the nations of Drvarska and The New True Cross will be more successful under a strong alliance and that will upgrade your status to ally.
Long live our nations!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
The New True Cross
23-10-2007, 07:52
To: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are most thankful for your kind words and in return we will hold a military parade down Sokolvsky and Tolbukhin Avenue in your honor. Among our parade will be the Red army choir performing some of the nations favourite songs in front of your embassy. We also wish to send in our trade to your country a large discount on Trout which will be supplied from one of our large trout farming industries. We would like to offer you Uranium but this can only be done so under a strong alliance which we offer to you to make.
We find the the nations of Drvarska and The New True Cross will be more successful under a strong alliance and that will upgrade your status to ally.
Long live our nations!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: Ivan Vasilevsky Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs,
We are wild with joy at the mention of a strong alliance with you. Our citizens are feasting on your trout as we speak and they cannot stop raving about the prices. As far as the Uranium is concerned we would like not only Uranium but also to employ a number of engineers to help us construct a nuclear power plant on Turtle Island in the Fort Boston Harbor. Please consider this offer and let us know if any of your engineers are interested and what it will cost to employ them.
In God's Name,
Elect Jefferson Halliger
Department of Foreign Affairs
Elect William Hollowell
Department of Economy and Finance
The Empire of New Talia is very interested in this academy and would like to help in any way we can, unfortunately we cannot send soldiers at this time as we are in a massive build up right now. However, we will be sending a monetary donation of 500,000 ITD which in USD is about 1.5 million. Once our military is at its full potential, expect vast shipments of troops.
To: The Drvarskan Arms Inc.,
We wish to invest this gifted money into your company so that you can produce vehicles, aircraft, and ships for The Myles Standish Military Academy. We understand that this process is ongoing and do not expect immediate results. However we hope that this investment will expedite that process. We would like to put in a request for the on going production of the TDI KRISS Super V at your plant in Fort Boston. If we could switch the XM-8 for the H&K G36 that would be fantastic. We would be happy to cover the expenses of this switch, please just let us know how much it will cost. Finally we are looking to employ some of your workers to set up out own plant to create prototype tanks for our nation. Please reply with the cost of this labor. N.B. any tank model we create we will give you production rights free of charge, if you so desire.
In God's Name,
Elect John Smyth
Drvarskan Ambassador
Elect William Hollowell
Department of Economy and Finance
Elect Peter Underhill
Department of Divine Defense
23-10-2007, 10:41
To: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We smile upon your admiration of our trout and yet we continue to send in more to your holy nation at good prices. The Uranium shall be sent to your nation on board a cargo ship escorted by the SS "Danilov" Kirov class cruiser and SS "Salek" and SS "Yirov" Sovremenny class destroyers. We will be sending you 2 megatons of Enriched Uranium to start with (free of charge) and we will be sending along a team of engineers to start a Nuclear plant in your nation. The "Drvarskan Nuclear Program" may be established near our Arms manufactoring plant if you wish that can also be used to produce RT-2 Topol ICBM/SLBMs. They will be sending Grigor Ivanov to manage this set up.
We hope that your nuclear program will be become successful to generate electricity and protection for you and your Holy nation.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
From: Drvarskan Arms Inc.
Your request for the H&K G36 Assault rifle has been granted and authorized. We thank you for your donation and we are more than happy to expand our plant using it, if you allow us to expand our plant we shall produce the TDI KRISS Super V free of charge for two years.
With your tank development program we would like to send a team of designers and engineers to help you and we appreciate your willing for free production rights. We hope together we make the most powerful tanks to protect our glorious nations!
Yuri Chechev
President of Drvarska Arms Inc.
The Republic of Drvarska
The New True Cross
23-10-2007, 21:04
To: Ivan Vasilevsky Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs,
We would be happy to include the manufacture of these missiles in our agreement with you. We will provide all of the material and labor you need to refit the plant and we would like to ask if a majority of the labor force for the continued function and production from this facility could be NTC citizens. We are facing a slight unemployment problem in Fort Boston.
In God's Name:
Elect Jefferson Halliger
Department of Foreign Affairs
Elect William Hollowell
Department of Economy and Finance
To: Yuri Chechev President of Drvarska Arms Inc.,
We thank you for your compliance, in the G36 matter and would like to start making annual payments for the continued production of the TDI KRISS Super V after the initial two year period, another very generous offer. If you could send us a quote for the yearly cost of continued manufacture would be that would be preferable. Also we could like to set up a secretary in your flagship offices so that we can skip all of this political red-tape. We trust you and there is no need for checks and balances in our dealings with you. This secretary will be salaried by us and the only accommodation we would require is office space.
In God's Name:
Elect Jefferson Halliger
Department of Foreign Affairs
Elect William Hollowell
Department of Economy and Finance
Elect Thomas Johnson
Department of Divine Justice
24-10-2007, 14:19
To: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
From: Grigor Ivanov, Drvarska Nuclear Program
We are happy to establish a nuclear production facility in your nation. Your unemployment problem can be solved but we would require each employee to have a background check for any criminal/terrorist activity. The Nuclear missiles can be built and we all we request is how many your nation requires and we can send you the cost. Our main production at the moment is RT-2 Topol ICBMs with a 550kt warhead of enriched uranium. The currant cost per RT-2 Topol is $48 million. We also produce the RT-39 Topol SLBM (550kt EU) for $96 million each. We can produce custom made weapons upon request.
Once again we are happy to do buissness for you,
Grigor Ivanov
Drvarska Nuclear Program
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
From: Yuri Chechev, President of Drvarskan Arms Inc.
We are pleased that you appreciate our manufactoring. We wish to request the number of weapons you will need and we can calculate the payment over a period of time. We are willing to set up an office for a secretary and more information about that will come soon. The TDI KRISS Super V has been put into production but will not reach full capacity production in a few months as it is still a prototype weapons, our engineers are working hard to solve known issues with the weapon. Below is a payment for a paticular amount of weapons per year:
500,000 G-36 = $450,000,000
250,000 TDI KRISS Super V = $250,000,000
1,000,000 Glock 17 = $450,000,000
50,000 M249 = $212,500,000
20,000 RPG-29 = $36,000,000
5,000 Barett M82 = $36,000,000
All custom orders are welcomed,
Yuri Chechev
President of Drvarskan Arms Inc.
The Republic of Drvarska
(OOC: I will fix up the office thing over the weekend because I am quite busy this week.)
The New True Cross
25-10-2007, 05:25
Official Communique: The Loyal Supporters of the True Supreme Elect Myles Standish
We beseech your assistance in quelling a rebellion in our nation. The Grand Council has taken control of the government and Supreme Elect Standish is in hiding trying to feel the country. Any military aide that can be sent to our nation would be most definitely appreciated.
27-10-2007, 01:48
27-10-2007, 12:50
Royal Marines Commando
27-10-2007, 12:51
1. Name of Government: The Holy Empire of The New True Cross
2. Name of Ambassador: Peter Forsyth
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 28 civillian staff
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 3 Gate Security, 4 personnel bodyguards and a single security adviser
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 10 SA80 assult rifles, 2 minimi SAW's and a number of pyrotechnical weoponary.
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 3 Mercedes bulletproof black C-class saloons. 2 Black Rangerovers. A white ford transit van.
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: N/A
8. Other requirements, country specified: building number 311 for residency of visiting government official's. Building number 410 as as a safehouse for Military personnel and government agents. Manned by a 24 hour guard of 6 Armed staff, unknown number of weapons at any one time. 6 Mercedes C-class vehicles, 3 Rangerovers, Two blue transit Vans.
9. Location of Embassy: Building 310
Great Majorca
27-10-2007, 13:57
His Grand Highness, Duke Marek I of Great Majorca requests the Honor of establishing a embassy within the borders of your nation. Our request is as follows:
1. Name of Government: The Grand Duchy of Great Majorca
2. Name of Ambassador: Lord Charles Banaugh
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 15 Civilian staff
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 4 perimiter guards, 1 body guard
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 8 Beretta 90-2 sidearms, 8 XM8 assault rifles
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 3 Black Armored Lincoln Navigators
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: N/A
8. Other requirements, country specified: building number 200
27-10-2007, 14:03
To: Royal Marines Commando
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We welcome you to our nation but there are a few matters that is needed to be discussed with your application form.
1. Your name of government seems to be invalid as it is already the name of another nation.
2. We shall permit the use of a security adviser exceeding the limit of 7 security personnel but the weapons have been put into concern. We may allow the SA80 assault rifles only to be issued to security personnel (8) and the use of the minimi SAW is restricted due to a Class R (restricted) heavy weaponry law. We apologize for not posting information about this law.
3. The use of 1 building block is enough to house your residents and armoured personnel. You have been granted building 310 for your embassy and your forces must stay within the area of your embassy unless given permission not to do so.
4. You may not add more weaponry or vehicles to a seperate building unless given permission by the Drvarskan Government. We require the exact detail and amount of weaponry/vehicles you are sending.
We are thankful for your interest to set up a embassy within our nation but due to security reasons we must delay your request. We wish to also inform you that all embassies are kept under guard by usual Drvarskan Guard patrols as well as nearby watch towers and guard posts.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
27-10-2007, 14:07
To: The Grand Duchy of Great Majorca
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to announce that your request has been accepted and we welcome you into our nation. Your request for building 200 has been approved. Once again welcome to our nation and may both of our nations thrive in the future!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
1. Name of Government: the Kingdom of Orzio
2. Name of Ambassador: Gary Sachs
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 15
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 5
5. Number of Weapons (including type): M16 rifles (emergency useage) and P239 pistols (standard weapon) per security person
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 2 armored limos, 1 armored van for security personnel
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: none
8. Other requirements, country specified: We request the opportunity to open discussions about a free-trade agreement with your nation. And secondly, we would be honored if you opened an embassy in our nation. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=538025)
9. Location of Embassy: Building #202
28-10-2007, 00:40
To: The Kingdom of Orzio
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept you into our nation and your request for building 202 has been granted. The Free trade agreements has been granted and will bring both our nations closer, may our economies thrive! Welcome to Drvarska.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
28-10-2007, 05:35
Blouman Empire
29-10-2007, 02:31
A request to establish an embassy in The Republic of Drvarska, authorised by the Lord Marshal of the Imperial Diplomats King Conrad III King of North Braxon
1. Name of Government: The Blouman Empire (aka Bloumany)
2. Name of Ambassador: Countess Natasha Lippotun Countess of Holdgau
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 32
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 6 Styer F-89 rifles, 10 Glock23, 1 Glock21C and 10 GSM-80 knifes
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 2 limos, 3 motorcycles, 15 medium sized cars, one Bell429 Helicopter and one Boeing Business Jet (to be based at local airport)
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None
8. Other requirements, country specified: Permission to double the amount of sercurity guards
9. Location of Embassy: Building 204
Great Majorca
29-10-2007, 04:01
To: Ivan Vasilevsky
From: Lord Charles Banaugh, Ambasador from Great Majorca
Right Honorable Sir. His Grand Majesty, Duke Marek I, Grand Duke of all Great Majorca, Duke of Wynn, Prince of Helwyth and Talis, Duke of Clenborough, and Supreme Knight of the order of Saint Michael has given me authority to forge a Free Trade Agreement between our two nations. We await your response.
29-10-2007, 09:00
To: The Blouman Empire (aka Bloumany)
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are pleased to accept your application and we welcome you into our nation. Your request for building 204 has been granted and unfortuantly your request for double the amount of guards has been turned down but we may offer you a few Drvarskan guards to be stationed at your embassy. Your Bell429 helicopter is located at your nearby helipad and your jet has been stored at Drvarska International Airport which is only 20min away from your embassy. We welcome you again to our nation.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: Great Majorca
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Greetings to you. We are happy to write out free trade agreements but first in order to do this we would require your presence within our nation. By filling out the application form you may establish an embassy in our nation and then we can establish Free trade agreements.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
Great Majorca
29-10-2007, 11:22
Right Honorable Sir, we are currently located in Building 200. His Grand Majesty is working on arrangments to open the borders of Great Majorca to a diplomatic community of his own.
1. Name of Government: The United Federal Republic of Antigr
2. Name of Ambassador: Marcus Kiltein
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 32
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 5 Sabre Assault Rifles, 1 KGM GPMG, 1 Sabre SSG DMR, 1 Sabre SFR LMG, 1 Ranger Tactica VII Semi-Automatic Shotgun, 1 Miera III ATGM, 33 KKS 45 Pistols, 2 Ranger Nova III Revolver, 4 IGL-125 UnderBarrel grenade launcher, 5 Bayonets, 1 DE3 Sniper Rifle (For details of some of these, visit my armoury page. Link in my sig)
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 1 GPM Army Truck, 1 GPL Army Jeep, 3 Armoured Black VW Phaetons, 1 Armoured McCraw G40d Police Saloon car, 1 DE-97 Multipurpose Transport/Utility Helicopter, One BAe 146 Cargo/Passenger Jet
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: ADAN (Aggresive/Defensive Alliance of Nations)
8. Other requirements, country specified: Hangar at Airport and use of nearby helipad
9. Location of Embassy: Number 109
29-10-2007, 13:45
OOC: Sorry my bad Great Majorica, was half asleep when I typed that reply.
To: The Grand Duchy of Great Majorca
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We apologize for the incorrection we have made and we hope you forgive us. Your request for Free trade rights has been granted and we hope both of our economies run well.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The United Federal Republic of Antigr
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept you into our nation but first we would like to notify you of some restrictions in your form.
1. Your military vehicles must be stored at the military parking area located at 414 Rokossovsky Avenue.
2. The use of grenade launchers are strictly forbidden but due to not notifying in the application form of this you may keep them located at our military barracks in a weapons locker.
We once again welcome you to our nation and that your request for Building 109 has been granted and your plane is located at Drvarska International airport. Your helicopter is located at 115 Sokolovsky Avenue.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
Royal Marines Commando
29-10-2007, 16:53
To: Ivan Vasilevsky
From: Charles Manning, Foreign Minister, Royal Marines Commando.
Dear Sir
Thank you for accepting our request, our recent involvement in past conflict has hopefully given you reasons to trust our intentions and our interests. In response to your Letter we have re-thought our plans and hopefully they will be re-considered.
1. Name of Government: The Republic of Royal Marines Commando
2. Name of Ambassador: Frederick Moore
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 30
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 8 (8th is previously accepted secuirity adviser)
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 18 SA80 assult rifles, 20 SIG P226 sidearms, 2 Benelli M4 super 90 shotguns and 8 Brugger & Thomet MP5 SMGS, 40 M69 hand grenades (FRAG) and 10 MODMK3 smoke grenades
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 6 Mercedes black C-class saloon cars (Bulletproof and Explosive up to B7 rating blast floor) 2 Ford Transit white 325's (Bulletproof) 4 Black RangeRovers Vogues (Same spec as the saloons). 1 Lynx Helicopter, no weapon outfits-apart from a requested 7.62 GPMG to be used in emergencies kept in a secure location at the hangar in a location of your choice and security.
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: N/A
8. Other requirements, country specified: Please Send me a telegram on this as soon as you have read it.
9. Location of Embassy: Number 310
Many Thanks
Charles Manning
29-10-2007, 18:55
To: Drvarska Command
From: Aztec Relations & Alliances
As director of the Aztec R&A, I would like to propose a embassy to the country to Drvasrska. Please accept our sincerest apologizes for your civil war and would like to help relations with both our countries. Here will be out proposition:
1. Name of Government: The Collective Gov. of NeoAztec
2. Name of Ambassador: Percy Lovecraft (Ex. Aztec Marine)
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 10 office workers, 1 janitors
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 3 security guards, 1 security officer
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 15 M1911A1 single-action pistols, 4 MAC-10, 1 Franchi SPAS-12, assortment of non-lethals (i.e. tasers, batons)
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): Variety of personal cars, 1 Cadillac Gage Commando LAV - 150 "Commando" AFV, 4 Humvees (no weapon attachments).
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None
8. Other requirements, country specified: None
9. Location of Embassy: Building 108- North-Western Section
High regards,
Polato Eritio,
Director of Aztec Relations & Alliances
To: The United Federal Republic of Antigr
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept you into our nation but first we would like to notify you of some restrictions in your form.
1. Your military vehicles must be stored at the military parking area located at 414 Rokossovsky Avenue.
2. The use of grenade launchers are strictly forbidden but due to not notifying in the application form of this you may keep them located at our military barracks in a weapons locker.
We once again welcome you to our nation and that your request for Building 109 has been granted and your plane is located at Drvarska International airport. Your helicopter is located at 115 Sokolovsky Avenue.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
The Launcher will be kept in the barracks as you request. The military vehicles will be parked as you say and we thank you for accepting us.
Now that our embassy is up and running we wish to declare the following with Drvarska:
FTA: Free Trade Agreement
NAP: Non-aggression Pact
30-10-2007, 12:07
To: Charles Manning, Foreign Minister, Royal Marines Commando
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept your application form and again we welcome you into our nation. We wish to inform you that your grenades must remain in a weapon locker at all times and only used in times of need. Your request for Building 310 has been granted. Your helicopter has been stored at your nearby helipad.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: Aztec Alliances & Relations
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We thank you for your symphony for our recent conflict and we also thank you for helping our nation during that time of need. We are honored to accept your application and have uprgraded you status to {G} (Good relations). Your request for Building 108 has been granted and welcome to our nation.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The United Federal Republic of Antigr
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept these agreements with your nation and we hope that our nations will thrive!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
31-10-2007, 13:45
01-11-2007, 12:03
03-11-2007, 03:15
03-11-2007, 04:55
1. Name of Government:Empire of Belkaros
2. Name of Ambassador:Remus Provosal
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers):28
4. Security Personnel (Max 7):5
5. Number of Weapons (including type):5 SA80 Assault Rifles, 35 Walther P99 semi-automatic handguns
6. Number of Vehicles (including type):10 armored BMW 1 Series Coup, 1 Belkan type 7 APC with mounted minigun turret (for emergency hostile evacuations) 1 Tiger UHT with 1/2 rockets removed (to be stored in millitary garage)
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with:N/A
8. Other requirements, country specified:
9. Location of Embassy:Wherever avalable
The Indonesian states
03-11-2007, 06:33
1. Name of Government:The Constitutional Sultanate of the Indonesian States
2. Name of Ambassador: Arista Sumantri
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 20
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 5
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 5 AK-74 assault rifles, 26 M19-something pistols, 6 traditional Indonesian Kris, and very leathal hand-to-hand combat.
6. Number of Vehicles (including type):2 armored limousines
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with:none
8. Other requirements, country specified:Private jet in the nearest airport, FTA, Internet connection (of course), an olympic-sized swimming pool, and a yacht, if possible
9. Location of Embassy: not in the Embassy compound, as near as the ocean as possible (If we can have the embassy on a boat, that would be great! Mr. Sumantri loves the sea)
(OOC: yay! my hundreth post!)
03-11-2007, 06:56
To: The Empire of Belkaros
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept your appication and we welcome you to our nation. Your military vehicle and class R weaponry is stored at your nearby military parking area. We once again thank you and welcome to Drvarska.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The Constitutional Sultanate of the Indonesian States
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept your application and welcome you to our nation. Your request for a seaside embassy has been approved but we must limit to having your embassy on land and under military surveillance but we wish to offer you a government Yacht which you can use for recreational needs. Your embassy will be posted at 115 Neva Street. Welcome to Drvarska.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
The Far Echo Islands
03-11-2007, 16:51
1. Name of Government: The Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands
2. Name of Ambassador: Max Erz
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 25
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 3
5. Number of Weapons (including type): MP7A1's, 10mm Tyrone II pistols, flashbang grenades
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 1 Hybrid Armored CJ7 Jeep with .30 caliber 'Rat Patrol' machine gun.
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: Confederate Nations, Hemogomy, New Utopian Commonwealth
8. Other requirements, country specified: Supply of Moutain Dew Game Fuel and King Sized Sinckers Bars
9. Location of Embassy: 113
03-11-2007, 17:10
1. Name of Government: Commonwealth of Kortelan
2. Name of Ambassador: Galan
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers):32
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 0
5. Number of Weapons (including type):
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 2 black limousines and 1 black helocopter
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None
8. Other requirements, country specified: None at the moment
9. Location of Embassy: 411
Southeastern Greenland
03-11-2007, 17:14
1. Name of Government: People's Republic of Southeastern Greenland
2. Name of Ambassador: Arvid Jacobsen
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 32
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 5
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 15 AK47s
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 10 Black Saabs and 1 White Helicopter
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None
8. Other requirements, country specified: None
9. Location of Embassy: Northwestern Section
04-11-2007, 02:26
To: The Confederate states of The Far Echo Islands
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are pleased to accept your application and we welcome you to Drvarska. Your request for building 113 has been granted and your request for a supply of mountain dew and king sized snickers bars has been put in your embassy (further shipments can be put in upon request). Your military vehicle must be held in your nearby military parking centre. Welcome to Drvarska!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The Commonwealth of Kortelan
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Your application has been accepted and we welcome you into our nation. Your helicopter has been stored at your nearby helipad and your request for building 411 has been granted. Welcome to Drvarska!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The People's Republic of Southeastern Greenland
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Your application has been accepted and welcome to our nation. Your request for your embassy to be put in the northwestern section has been granted. Welcome to Drvarska!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
1. Name of Government: The Kingdom of SaintB (Monarchy)
2. Name of Ambassador: Lord James Shield
3. Civillian Personnel: 15 (Civillian Staff is hired from the host nation)
4. Security Personnel: We will concede to a lower staff of 7 security staff.
5. Number of Weapons: 7 Argonaut .357 service sidearms, 5 Ares III AR, 2 Ares K7 AR Carbine, 3 Achilles Assault Shotguns
6. Number of Vehicles: 1 Rolls Royce as the vehicle for the ambassador, 2 Cadillac Escalades for Escort Vehicles.
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: Eurasion Defense Initiative,
8. Other requirements, country specified: None
9. Location of Embassy: Self built near capitol building.
The typical SaintB embassy is a 2 story building surrounded by a 2 foot brick wall under a 6 foot iron fence. The main entrance is a 15 foot decorative iron gate with at least two guards in dress uniform manning it. The building has one sub-level that contains emergency communications gear and a self-contained bunker. The cost is usually about $37 million USD. Non-Military personell are generally hired from within the nation itself unless relations go stale. Non-Civilian Personel work on a security basis only with a small armory deamed sufficient for defense by Saint Benard I. Each Embassy can house up to 75 people at once.
13-11-2007, 11:31
To: The Kingdom of SaintB
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are happy to accept your application form and welcome you to Drvarska. We wish to notify you that the embassy center is located a street away from our capital palace. We also wish to state that we can not grant you permission to build any extra security or personnel structures at this time, we apologize but for now we can only grant you the present limit of 7 security personnel and 32 staff. We can also supply you with additional Drvarskan guard if your embassy feels under threat and we can supply you with staff personnel. Welcome to Drvarska.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
From: Andrew Wallenstein, Foreign Affairs Advisor
To: Dvraska Minister of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Embassy request
Greetings from The Principality of Damirez. Our nation would like to establish an embassy in your nation in order to foster better understanding and relations. We are looking forward to cooperating with your nation.
Attached, we send the requested form.
Best Regards,
Andrew Wallenstein
1. Name of Government: The Principality of Damirez (Tehnocratic Meritocratic Democracy)
2. Name of Ambassador: Vanda Arde
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 32
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 7 Standard Legionair Equipments, several light arms.
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): Three armoured transport cars, one helicopter.
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: The Free World Alliance, United Federation of Allied Nation, Global Order of Defence.
8. Other requirements, country specified: We request that a jet fighter , unarmed' is allowed for the use of our staff.
9. Location of Embassy: No preferences.
OOC: Didn't realize I lacked an embassy with a fellow Novan.
15-11-2007, 10:19
To: The Principality of Damirez
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs)
A noble nation in the Nova region is always welcome to our nation! We are pleased to accept your application form and your request for a private jet aircraft has been granted and will be stored at Drvarska International Airport (only 15 minutes away). With your weapons we would like to note if there is any explosive weaponry or class R weaponry (rocket launchers, grenades, RPGs etc.) must be stored in a locker located at the nearby military barracks (you may use them when you feel you are under threat from a foreign nation). Once again welcome to Drvarska!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Drvarska Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
25-11-2007, 06:18
04-01-2008, 03:23
06-01-2008, 10:50
From Ministry of International Affairs of Punckeds
To Ministry of International Affairs of Drvarska
From these days we will join our grate nations in peace and cooperation for future generations.
1.Name of Governament:Great Council of United People's Republics of Punckeds
Name of Nation:United Pepole's Republic's of Punckeds
2.Ambassador:Mikhail Salinin
4.Security:7 officers
5.Weapons:5 Kalashnikovs (in special key-locked cabinet), guns and battons for security
6.Vehicles:6 motocycles, 2 armoured jeeps ,2 limousines "wolga"
8.Special Needs:Special key-locked cabinet in wall of security room.
And kalashnikovs (If you can.Because is better to have originaly producted kalashnikovs than taking it from home)
9.Ivanov Avenue no. 300
06-01-2008, 12:24
To: The Great Council of United People's Republics of Punckeds
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We appreciate your interest in establishing an embassy within our nation and that your application has been accepted. We shall supply you our finest Kalashnikov AK-47s that are fitted with a nice blonde wood and engraved on the butt the flag of your nation. A weapons locker has been fitted into your embassy located in the security office. We wish to welcome you again to our nation and we hope Mikhail Salinin enjoys his stay at 300 Ivanov Ave.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
06-01-2008, 16:16
Name of Government: The United States of Philimbesi
Name of Ambassador: Rufus Falker
Civillian Personnel : 10
Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
Number of Weapons (including type): 15 - MP5
Number of Vehicles (including type): 3 - Humvees
Name of any Alliances currently involved with: Several Embassies no official allys.
Other requirements, country specified: None
Location of Embassy: None
06-01-2008, 16:49
To acting leader of Drvarska:
Hello comrade,an embassy could bring more opportunities to our people ,no?
1. Name of Government:The United Communist States of Bulgoria
2. Name of Ambassador:Lardo Dimitrievich
3. Civillian Personnel: 10 office workers
4. Security Personnel: 7 Heavy Armed soldier from the "Black Flag" unit.
5. Number of Weapons: 7 AK-101 with Grenade launchers, 7 KAL1 pistols,7 KAL233 mini pistols, 14 smoke grenades, 14 cluster grenades
6. Number of Vehicles: 1 BTR Heavy vehicle , 1 MI-8Q helicopter
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: All countries from the former Soviet Union,countries from The Unified Soviet Union, Demonted and some others.
8. Other requirements, country specified: 2mbit Internet Connection at all times, 3 giant flags infront of the building - 1 of Drvarska,1 Bulgorian and 1 Classic Soviet
9. Location of Embassy: Building 303
06-01-2008, 18:04
To: The United States of Philimbesi
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are pleased to see that you have applied for a embassy within our nation. We admire your nation greatly and hope we could become allies some day. We are pleased to see such co-operation between you and our Drvarskan Navy. Captain Ramonov was awarded a medal for his actions near your waters, we hope to see more of him some day. Your application has been accepted and we welcome you.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The United Communist States of Bulgoria
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are pleased to see another nation who has our language of (Russian) in theirs. Your application has been accepted and we are pleased that you request the flags of both our nations and the Soviet Union. We have got our best companies to produce flags for your embassy. Once again welcome to our nation and your requirements have been given.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
07-01-2008, 16:01
To: The United States of Philimbesi
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are pleased to see that you have applied for a embassy within our nation. We admire your nation greatly and hope we could become allies some day. We are pleased to see such co-operation between you and our Drvarskan Navy. Captain Ramonov was awarded a medal for his actions near your waters, we hope to see more of him some day. Your application has been accepted and we welcome you.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: Ivan Vasilevsky
From Donatella Mosse
Minister Vasilivsky thank you for your kind words. I took look forward to working with you to bring our people to a peaceful relationship as allies. We would like to invite you to establish an embassy of your own here.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Donatella Mosse
Secretary of International Affairs
The United States of Philimbesi
09-01-2008, 02:56
1. Name of Government: The Empire of Imadistan
2. Name of Ambassador: Sheryar Khan
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 27
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 5 AM201 Assault Rifles
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 2 Rolls Royce, 7 cars, 1 Leopard Helicopter
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: None
8. Other requirements, country specified: Helipad, Place to establish Cultral Centre
9. Location of Embassy: Building 301
The Greal Government would like to sign a FTA agreement with the Republic of Drvarska to help our relationship become better.
The Nilpntian goverment wishes to establish an embassy with in you nation, in the hopes of better international cooperation and unity of people(2nd largest ethnicity in Nilpnt is Russian after Nilpntian), we also wish for you to establish an embassy http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=545163
1. Name of Government: The Freewilled State and Workers National Socialist Order of Nilpnt
2. Name of Ambassador: Chad Brenahalth
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 30
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 7 PMMK-14 battle rifles, 7 .50 Razor handgun, and 15 Incidenary grenades and 15 smoke grenades
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 2 armored TUR's, 1 armored limo
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: Kiravian Commonwealth
8. Other requirements, country specified: A flag of your nation to fly beside ours.
9. Location of Embassy: Tolbukhin Avenue Building 206
Northern Rangeria
09-01-2008, 03:17
Ministry of Foreign Relations
Halsanki, Northern Rangeria
The Principality of Northern Rangeria is interested in sending an ambassador to Drvarska in the spirit of friendship. We would also wish to send our invitation to the Drvarskan government to send their ambassador to Northern Rangeria. You may apply for an embassy here: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=546703
We hope this will mark the beginning of a long period of mutual prosperity for our two nations.
On behalf of Prince Mikhail IV, Dux Maximus, Protector of Northern Rangeria,
Duke Stapani Aalthone,
Minister of the Exterior
1. Name of Government: Principality of Northern Rangeria
2. Name of Ambassador: Lord Jaako Loyto
3. Civillian Personnel (Max 32, office workers): 25
4. Security Personnel (Max 7): 7
5. Number of Weapons (including type): 8x Mark XIX Desert Eagle in .50 Action Express (a semi-automatic pistol), 7x M4 assault rifle
6. Number of Vehicles (including type): 1x armoured limousine, 2x armoured BMW, 2x re-inforced, unarmed transport helicopter
7. Name of any Alliances currently involved with: N/A
8. Other requirements, country specified: Ample space for housing exhibitions, preferably also a garden.
9. Location of Embassy: Preferably a location near a helipad
09-01-2008, 07:28
To: The Empire of Imadistan
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Your application has been accepted and you may establish your cultural centre next to your embassy. We look forward to hear more of you. Welcome to Drvarska.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The Imperial Dictatorship of Greal
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We accept your FTA agreement and that we will upgrade your status to neutral again. Thank you and hope both of our nations see better relation in future.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The Freewilled State and Workers National Socialist Order of Nilpnt
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We are pleased to see more foreign nations establish an embassy within ours and we welcome you greatly. Your request for 206 Tolbukhin Ave. has been granted and we have made an extra flag pole next to yours to raise our flag and we honor you for allowing us. Welcome to Drvarska!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
To: The Principality of Northern Rangeria
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We appreciate you offering us to establish an embassy in your nation and we will send one of our ambassadors over straight away and we look forward to improve our relations. Your request for ample space has been granted and your embassy is located at 213 Tolbukhin Avenue, the ample space requested is located at 212. We welcome you to Drvarska! We hope Ambassador Lord Jaako Loyto enjoys his stay.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
Thank you for the embassy, it is greatly appreciated, now on to the buisness we came here for, we would love to establish between our great nations a FTA, an OOPP, and an NAP, we hope you accept our offers and hope for the best for your nation.
10-01-2008, 04:58
To: The Freewilled State and Workers National Socialist Order of Nilpnt
From: Ivan Vasilevsky (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We humbly accept your agreement for FTA, OOPP and NAP. We hope that together our nations will thrive for the future ahead of us. Long live our nations!
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister fo Foreign Affairs
The Republic of Drvarska
11-07-2008, 14:55
To: Ivan Vasilevsky
From: Prezydent Jasonovyč
Considering the current situation between our two nations, I felt it apt to request an embassy in Drvarska in person, and for us to have some kind of diplomatic standing with each other.
If you would be most generous and allow us an embassy, these should be the arrangements:
(1) Name of Nation: The Kozatska Respublika of Solyhniya
(2) Name of Diplomat: Radoslav Rusjec, aged 24
(3) Transport: 1x Ivano M29 Armoured Sedan; 1x Ivano Tryzub aerodyne, preferably positioned somewhere nearby (we will pay any costs for its upkeep)
(4) Retinue: Slauka Rusjanka (wife of diplomat); four bodyguards; 10 other staff.
(5) Armaments: 5x Spashkov U-10-C machine pistols; 2x Spashkov Automatic Shotguns; 2x Prospekt VR-5 SMGs.
(6) Other requirements: living quarters for all embassy staff
(7) Alliances: the Warszawa Pact (a union of regions); all nations of Eurasia
(8) Protectorates: Kurzhivsko Chornorus
(9) Location of Embassy: building 304, if possible
11-07-2008, 16:24
To: Prezydent Jasonovyč
From: Ivan Vasilevsky, (Minister of Foreign Affairs)
We accept your application and we welcome you and Radoslav Rusjec to our homeland. We are familiar with your language and customs and I hope we may find peace and friendship in the future.
Ivan Vasilevsky
Minister of Foreign Affairs