13-10-2007, 16:02
Four hundred years, four hundred summer, four hundred winters and four hundred springs, all bathed in red, from the red snow to the ruby red waters, there was nothing to hide the cruel reality. For it was a now accepted fact that Aleos was never going to know peace on this land, a land of strife and conflict, a land they protected with great cost against their enemies, enemies that knew no reprieve, no rest, no peace in their quest of making the others kneel in face of their power. But all that was about to change…
Imperial Palace.
For fifteen years now emperor Nikolaus led the country with an iron fist, finally quenching the bloody rebellions of the west and forging the structure that was to support the state for hundreds of years to come. A great man, one that few can call as an equal, but all greatness comes at a cost and Nikolaus was no exception. The years had not been kind to the man and although he still retained his brilliant mind, something was wrong with him, very wrong.
“Yes, poison it all! Those traitors deserve to die!” he was whispering to one of his trusted men in his personal chamber, looking around as if watching out for someone. “I don’t want any of them to get away!” he pressed the point, making it clear that he would admit no disobedience.
“As you wish my lord,” the royal guard bowed to the king and quickly went to fulfill his orders. It did not take long for him to arrange what was needed, and in a few moments, the fate of the Imperial Nobles was sealed by the hand of the emperor.
“My lord, it has been done,” he reported as he returned to the chambers of his liege, “I have planted the poison in the food and wine that is to be served tonight at your meeting with the nobles. They will die a slow painful death for their treachery.”
“Excellent!” answered as he moved closer to his loyal subject. Placing his hand on his shoulder he moved his lips, soft, sweet words leaving his mouth, “You will be richly rewarded for this,” he said, so much promise in his voice, so trustfully in the faith of the other man, so much different from his treacherous hand that jabbed a small stiletto in the body of his servant. “You will be richly rewarded, in death,” the emperor continued serenely, ignoring the look of betrayal on his trusted acolyte face. The man only managed one final word before he died, “Why?” a question that will hold no answer for him, but one that was answered nonetheless, “Because it is my right.”
With his hands stained by the blood of his faithful follower, the emperor quickly moved to other things, almost as if he totally forgot about what he just did, or maybe, in his insanity, he actually did. Another man was called and after disposing of the body, another order was given.
“Invite the royal family to the dinner I will have tonight with the nobles. It is time for my humble subjects to know who their future monarch is going to be,” he ordered casually as if nothing was wrong.
“Yes sir.”
“And make sure that they’re all there. It would not do to offend my esteemed guests.”
“Yes, my lord.”
The hours went by and the preparations for the great dinner continued. Chosen foods, wines and sweets were prepared for the feast, and, unknowingly something else along those treats.
As the table was set, the emperor had in front of him the most chosen people of his Empire, from the governors of the far west, always facing rebellions, to those of the east, fighting for their rightfully owned land. He uttered just a few words of welcome and encouraged them to eat well.
“My friends, it is good to have you here. I am glad to see you in good health and serving the Empire without rest,” he said, even though a few of them had lards of fat and triple chins. “As you know, I am a man of few words, so please, enjoy yourselves in my company and that of my family. Now feast and enjoy the fine foods coming from my kitchens.”
And with that, the nobles and his family started eating not noticing that the emperor was watching contemplatively at his wine glass, almost as if he was waiting for something. But the emperor was not waiting, he was just not in the mood for a banquet, he was worried, he knew he was forgetting something important and the fact that his right hand man was not here made him frown. Something was not right.
“Aughhh,” his youngest grabbed his stomach all of a sudden doubling over in pain. Almost instantly the emperor was at his side, worriedly looking at his infant.
“My child what is wrong?” the emperor asked, but, before he received an answer, similar cries were heard all across the room as nobles and royal family alike started yelling in pain while clawing at their stomachs.
“What’s happening!” the emperor asked in panic.
It was one of the darkest hours of the dynasty. In just one hour, in great pain, almost the entire royal family died and with them, some of the finest nobles of the land, protectors, heroes and leader. In grief after watching the agonizing death of his loved ones, the emperor decided to avenge them. Who else was there to be blamed but the now bitter enemy in Aleos? The one that so bravely stood for so long against the Empire. A short royal decree was issued.
“Heed my words soldiers of the Empire. Leave no stone unturned as you search for the treacherous Aleosites. Have no mercy on them.
Be it man, woman or childe, they are hereby sentenced to death.”
The news of the decree hit the Aleosites hard. For many years now they had been fighting the Empire and winning many victories while also facing defeat at turns. But now, under the new orders of the emperor, the enemy killed all, there was no mercy, no quarter showed. True, it made them fight harder, but against the vast resources of the empire, against their tireless armies, there was only so much they could do.
At first, they obtained several victories as they entered this new stage of the war, but, as the enemy received more and more reinforcements and able commanders, the tides shifted, slowly at first but clearly later on. And land once lost was land they could never gain back. From cities to humble sheds, there was nothing left standing.
Perhaps the worst hit the Aleosites took was the loss of their capital. Once a budding metropolis it was now reduced to ashes while people that barely managed to escape told horrifying stories of burning stakes filled with young people and children, with women and elders. No mercy, no mercy at all.
It was in this moment that Queen Aeryn came to power. A devastated nation whose land was marred by the blood of its young and old alike. She knew that something had to be done, but it was only after she visited a village the enemy destroyed that she made her choice.
The smell of burned human flesh, the sweet smell of human ashes haunted her sleep for months after the visit and she knew, from the moment she first saw the desperate faces of her people, that time was running short. It was not until the ones from the west started another rebellion that she found the reprieve to fulfill her daring plan. She knew many will oppose it, but she had no other choices left.
With her hearth bumping like never before, she started the speech that will forever change the fate of her nation.
“My beloved subjects, your pleas have not fallen on deaf ears,” she clumsily started, “I have watched, I have worked worked hard for you, but despite all the effort I have committed, all the sacrifices you have made, we find ourselves unable to stop the murderers, the scum of the North, as they pillage and kill, devastating our country.
For what do we fight? For the torched lands? For crops that we will never enjoy again? For the notion of a land of our own? No my friends, we fight for our lives, for the very right to live!
But we are not allowed to live. They show no mercy, no understanding and there is nothing we can do. But there is always a way my people, a way to get rid of this wretched war, of the bloodshed and hatred. It is not without peril, but it is our last hope.
Let us leave this land, let them have it if they so desire for it!”
The words of the empress shocked the nation and, despite heavy opposition from the nobles, her word was law. In just two years, the time bought by the western uprisings, a fleet like none before was assembled. Every resource of the country was poured in this project, but even so it was washed in blood. Blood of those opposing the empress, blood of those cursing her very name. But things moved forward without a stop.
As the Imperial forces switched their focus back to the battered country, the armada, composed out of thousands of ships started its journey.
It was not a pleasant journey. With the winds battering at them, the salty sea claiming any who lost themselves and storms getting their share, many lost their lives in this trip. Soon, even the most staunch believers in the Grand Trip started having doubts, and, as their teeth started falling and their children suffering it was only the presence of spirit of the empress that prevented any rebellion from taking place.
Even so, some chose to make their own paths, they will never be heard from again, while other turned to cannibalize the bodies of the fallen. It was as the last shred of patience left their bodies that a miracle took place.
“Land!” from the lookout of the flagship, a sailor yelled, bringing them back to life. All across what was left of the fleet one word was obsessively repeated.
“Land, land, land.”
It was not to be, as the small island they had found was not enough, but now, with fresh water and food, they had regained hope and continued their journey. It was only much later that they finally encountered an appropriate location for their new homeland, one that would make them feel welcome, one that will feed them all.
No time was wasted and soon, several settlements appeared on the coast of this new land. The people had found a home and, with the empress leading them, a bright new future was waiting for them.
That is not to say that all of them found their way to the new haven. Many remained behind, while other got lost on the open sea, but even so, more and more made their way to the new Aleosite Kingdom.
Finally after so many years of war and pain, there was peace. A new capital was being built and ever so slowly inroads were made in this new land. At long last, peace.
Imperial Palace.
For fifteen years now emperor Nikolaus led the country with an iron fist, finally quenching the bloody rebellions of the west and forging the structure that was to support the state for hundreds of years to come. A great man, one that few can call as an equal, but all greatness comes at a cost and Nikolaus was no exception. The years had not been kind to the man and although he still retained his brilliant mind, something was wrong with him, very wrong.
“Yes, poison it all! Those traitors deserve to die!” he was whispering to one of his trusted men in his personal chamber, looking around as if watching out for someone. “I don’t want any of them to get away!” he pressed the point, making it clear that he would admit no disobedience.
“As you wish my lord,” the royal guard bowed to the king and quickly went to fulfill his orders. It did not take long for him to arrange what was needed, and in a few moments, the fate of the Imperial Nobles was sealed by the hand of the emperor.
“My lord, it has been done,” he reported as he returned to the chambers of his liege, “I have planted the poison in the food and wine that is to be served tonight at your meeting with the nobles. They will die a slow painful death for their treachery.”
“Excellent!” answered as he moved closer to his loyal subject. Placing his hand on his shoulder he moved his lips, soft, sweet words leaving his mouth, “You will be richly rewarded for this,” he said, so much promise in his voice, so trustfully in the faith of the other man, so much different from his treacherous hand that jabbed a small stiletto in the body of his servant. “You will be richly rewarded, in death,” the emperor continued serenely, ignoring the look of betrayal on his trusted acolyte face. The man only managed one final word before he died, “Why?” a question that will hold no answer for him, but one that was answered nonetheless, “Because it is my right.”
With his hands stained by the blood of his faithful follower, the emperor quickly moved to other things, almost as if he totally forgot about what he just did, or maybe, in his insanity, he actually did. Another man was called and after disposing of the body, another order was given.
“Invite the royal family to the dinner I will have tonight with the nobles. It is time for my humble subjects to know who their future monarch is going to be,” he ordered casually as if nothing was wrong.
“Yes sir.”
“And make sure that they’re all there. It would not do to offend my esteemed guests.”
“Yes, my lord.”
The hours went by and the preparations for the great dinner continued. Chosen foods, wines and sweets were prepared for the feast, and, unknowingly something else along those treats.
As the table was set, the emperor had in front of him the most chosen people of his Empire, from the governors of the far west, always facing rebellions, to those of the east, fighting for their rightfully owned land. He uttered just a few words of welcome and encouraged them to eat well.
“My friends, it is good to have you here. I am glad to see you in good health and serving the Empire without rest,” he said, even though a few of them had lards of fat and triple chins. “As you know, I am a man of few words, so please, enjoy yourselves in my company and that of my family. Now feast and enjoy the fine foods coming from my kitchens.”
And with that, the nobles and his family started eating not noticing that the emperor was watching contemplatively at his wine glass, almost as if he was waiting for something. But the emperor was not waiting, he was just not in the mood for a banquet, he was worried, he knew he was forgetting something important and the fact that his right hand man was not here made him frown. Something was not right.
“Aughhh,” his youngest grabbed his stomach all of a sudden doubling over in pain. Almost instantly the emperor was at his side, worriedly looking at his infant.
“My child what is wrong?” the emperor asked, but, before he received an answer, similar cries were heard all across the room as nobles and royal family alike started yelling in pain while clawing at their stomachs.
“What’s happening!” the emperor asked in panic.
It was one of the darkest hours of the dynasty. In just one hour, in great pain, almost the entire royal family died and with them, some of the finest nobles of the land, protectors, heroes and leader. In grief after watching the agonizing death of his loved ones, the emperor decided to avenge them. Who else was there to be blamed but the now bitter enemy in Aleos? The one that so bravely stood for so long against the Empire. A short royal decree was issued.
“Heed my words soldiers of the Empire. Leave no stone unturned as you search for the treacherous Aleosites. Have no mercy on them.
Be it man, woman or childe, they are hereby sentenced to death.”
The news of the decree hit the Aleosites hard. For many years now they had been fighting the Empire and winning many victories while also facing defeat at turns. But now, under the new orders of the emperor, the enemy killed all, there was no mercy, no quarter showed. True, it made them fight harder, but against the vast resources of the empire, against their tireless armies, there was only so much they could do.
At first, they obtained several victories as they entered this new stage of the war, but, as the enemy received more and more reinforcements and able commanders, the tides shifted, slowly at first but clearly later on. And land once lost was land they could never gain back. From cities to humble sheds, there was nothing left standing.
Perhaps the worst hit the Aleosites took was the loss of their capital. Once a budding metropolis it was now reduced to ashes while people that barely managed to escape told horrifying stories of burning stakes filled with young people and children, with women and elders. No mercy, no mercy at all.
It was in this moment that Queen Aeryn came to power. A devastated nation whose land was marred by the blood of its young and old alike. She knew that something had to be done, but it was only after she visited a village the enemy destroyed that she made her choice.
The smell of burned human flesh, the sweet smell of human ashes haunted her sleep for months after the visit and she knew, from the moment she first saw the desperate faces of her people, that time was running short. It was not until the ones from the west started another rebellion that she found the reprieve to fulfill her daring plan. She knew many will oppose it, but she had no other choices left.
With her hearth bumping like never before, she started the speech that will forever change the fate of her nation.
“My beloved subjects, your pleas have not fallen on deaf ears,” she clumsily started, “I have watched, I have worked worked hard for you, but despite all the effort I have committed, all the sacrifices you have made, we find ourselves unable to stop the murderers, the scum of the North, as they pillage and kill, devastating our country.
For what do we fight? For the torched lands? For crops that we will never enjoy again? For the notion of a land of our own? No my friends, we fight for our lives, for the very right to live!
But we are not allowed to live. They show no mercy, no understanding and there is nothing we can do. But there is always a way my people, a way to get rid of this wretched war, of the bloodshed and hatred. It is not without peril, but it is our last hope.
Let us leave this land, let them have it if they so desire for it!”
The words of the empress shocked the nation and, despite heavy opposition from the nobles, her word was law. In just two years, the time bought by the western uprisings, a fleet like none before was assembled. Every resource of the country was poured in this project, but even so it was washed in blood. Blood of those opposing the empress, blood of those cursing her very name. But things moved forward without a stop.
As the Imperial forces switched their focus back to the battered country, the armada, composed out of thousands of ships started its journey.
It was not a pleasant journey. With the winds battering at them, the salty sea claiming any who lost themselves and storms getting their share, many lost their lives in this trip. Soon, even the most staunch believers in the Grand Trip started having doubts, and, as their teeth started falling and their children suffering it was only the presence of spirit of the empress that prevented any rebellion from taking place.
Even so, some chose to make their own paths, they will never be heard from again, while other turned to cannibalize the bodies of the fallen. It was as the last shred of patience left their bodies that a miracle took place.
“Land!” from the lookout of the flagship, a sailor yelled, bringing them back to life. All across what was left of the fleet one word was obsessively repeated.
“Land, land, land.”
It was not to be, as the small island they had found was not enough, but now, with fresh water and food, they had regained hope and continued their journey. It was only much later that they finally encountered an appropriate location for their new homeland, one that would make them feel welcome, one that will feed them all.
No time was wasted and soon, several settlements appeared on the coast of this new land. The people had found a home and, with the empress leading them, a bright new future was waiting for them.
That is not to say that all of them found their way to the new haven. Many remained behind, while other got lost on the open sea, but even so, more and more made their way to the new Aleosite Kingdom.
Finally after so many years of war and pain, there was peace. A new capital was being built and ever so slowly inroads were made in this new land. At long last, peace.