Basi bans the Catholic Church from Hyperboria
The Steppe Empire
12-10-2007, 22:10
By Edict of Queen Basi of The Steppe Empire.
The Catholic Church is hear by Banned in all Parts of Hyperboria for all time. I am Sicken by the sight of The Catholics, who enslave Peoples and force them into joining The Catholics. It was this Dictatorship known as the Catholic Church that called on The Crusades, Sacked The City of Constantinople, and killed millions of Women by calling them "Witches".
The Nation of Doomingland is also at fault with it's Fallowing of The Catholic Dictatorship. Killing Billions in it's mad Quest to rule the world.
That is why The Catholics will be banned, and all Catholics in Hyperboria will be sent into Exile or Killed.
Not even The Ruler of Doomingland will ever sit foot on Hyperboria.
Signed: Queen Basi of The Steppe Empire
12-10-2007, 22:13
Official Diplomatic Communication
We are disgusted by this action, that you would seek to persecute members of a church that is harmless. Basi, we suspect that you don't like Christians in general, what's next, banning the Anglican Church from Hyperboria? I am dissipointed with you and I hope you will come to your senses soon,
Sincerely with regret,
President John R.Arnold
12-10-2007, 22:20
We feel you are over reacting to the situation, you can't blame the children of today for the sins of yesterday. Please we ask you reconsider this hateful decree.
Yours in Christ,
His Eminence
David Cardinal Disatto
The Imperial Regency hereby condemns the genocidal ideas and actions of the Steppe Empire and it's demented queen. Such actions cannot be condoned, and the Otagian government will not fail to act to defend these innocent civilians. Therefore, the Imperial Throne of Otagia hereby orders the so-called Steppe Empire to be placed under complete naval blockade by the 6th Fleet immediately. This blockade will remain in place until the Steppe Empire ceases it's actions and makes full reparations to those souls it has harmed with it's decree.
In the Emperor's Name,
Daniel Quetzal
Regent-Elect of Otagia
The Steppe Empire
12-10-2007, 22:39
The Imperial Regency hereby condemns the genocidal ideas and actions of the Steppe Empire and it's demented queen. Such actions cannot be condoned, and the Otagian government will not fail to act to defend these innocent civilians. Therefore, the Imperial Throne of Otagia hereby orders the so-called Steppe Empire to be placed under complete naval blockade by the 6th Fleet immediately. This blockade will remain in place until the Steppe Empire ceases it's actions and makes full reparations to those souls it has harmed with it's decree.
In the Emperor's Name,
Daniel Quetzal
Regent-Elect of Otagia
The Otagians had forgot that Hyperboria's Southern Border was near Magic Sorcery. So the Blockade was useless.
The Otagians had forgot that Hyperboria's Southern Border was near Magic Sorcery. So the Blockade was useless.
OOC: Not useless, really. Still cuts off any sort of trade with countries besides MS. And unless you only have one trade partner... Another post coming later tonight, assuming nothing in the situation changes.
OOC: should I annex the Steppe Empire or not? If I do There will be a Catholic Governer just to spite your Queen.
Lord Sumguy
12-10-2007, 22:52
Open Declaration:
The Abrahamic League denounces this blatant breach of religious rights on the part of the Steppe Empire. To blame people for the crimes of ages past is idiocy, to blame a religion for these crimes is lunacy.
-The Right Reverend George Claxton
Archbishop, Episcopal church of the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy
To: Otagian 6th fleet
From: George Claxton
I applaud your action against this genocide that the Steppe Empire is set upon commiting, and seek permission for Abrahamic League craft to pass through your blockade in order to evacuate the Catholic citizens of Hyperboria.
OOC: sorry for the crap post, influenza makes it hard to think.
The Steppe Empire
12-10-2007, 22:53
The Hyperborians weer soon starting to send the Catholics (Which were Humans) into Camps. This was to make sure that No one would try to start a Rebellion against Basi.
and this threat was real.
Hyperborian Warriors doing a raid on a house found plans to destroy The Palace Tent and relese Poison Gas against the Hyperborians by a "Humans First" group, who were in fact Spies from Fordock and Wanderjar.
This was the cuase for the Catholics to be sent to Camps.
To: Otagian 6th fleet
From: George Claxton
I applaud your action against this genocide that the Steppe Empire is set upon commiting, and seek permission for Abrahamic League craft to pass through your blockade in order to evacuate the Catholic citizens of Hyperboria.
OOC: sorry for the crap post, influenza makes it hard to think.
Mr. Claxton,
Your request has been approved, providing that you are willing to allow Otagian military observers to accompany AL personnel in order to ensure your intentions. Failure to meet this demand will result in the Otagian Royal Navy firing upon your vessels.
Admiral Kanata Joichiro
ORN 6th Fleet
Open Communique
While the Empress shares your disgust for the Catholic faith, she feels that your ways of dealing with the problem are uncalled for. You condemn others for senseless killing, and then senselessly kill yourself? Two wrongs do not make a right. We suggest a milder program of secular education to destroy the ignorance and intolerance that caused such violence in the past.
Fara Townsend
Foreign Minister on Behalf of
HRH Mei Mian
Empress of Mephras
Imperial isa
12-10-2007, 23:06
The Hyperborians weer soon starting to send the Catholics (Which were Humans) into Camps. This was to make sure that No one would try to start a Rebellion against Basi.
and this threat was real.
Hyperborian Warriors doing a raid on a house found plans to destroy The Palace Tent and relese Poison Gas against the Hyperborians by a "Humans First" group, who were in fact Spies from Fordock and Wanderjar.
This was the cuase for the Catholics to be sent to Camps.
OOC ok you over step the mark here by saying Spies from Fordock and Wanderjar how do you know they have spies or give a dam to have them there
only person watching you is me and i can just blow you up with one Capital Battleship station in space
Lord Sumguy
12-10-2007, 23:09
Mr. Claxton,
Your request has been approved, providing that you are willing to allow Otagian military observers to accompany AL personnel in order to ensure your intentions. Failure to meet this demand will result in the Otagian Royal Navy firing upon your vessels.
Admiral Kanata Joichiro
ORN 6th Fleet
To: Otagian 6th fleet
From: George Claxton
This will be acceptable. We shall beign arriving within two weeks.
OOC: the AL is a paramilitary religious organization led by Christian, Muslim, and Jewish clerics and based in the Holy Empire. It currently numbers at around 3 million members.
The Steppe Empire
12-10-2007, 23:33
The Steppe Empire was soon make sure that no trace of Catholics were left. Tearing down Churches and replaceing them with Shrines and Temples to Amaterasu, Kaminokaze, Susanoo-no-mikoto, Hachiman and Izanagi.
Basi's Temple Building was helping in showing that Shintoism would rule Hyperboria.
Also along with these temples, There weer other buildings being built. Mosques, synagogues, Zoroastrian Fire Temples and other non Catholic Places of worship were soon everywhere.
The end of The Catholics had come.
Imperial isa
12-10-2007, 23:41
The Otagians had forgot that Hyperboria's Southern Border was near Magic Sorcery. So the Blockade was useless.
OOC and your people can't enter Magic Sorcery ever again so trade be MS moving between the two
"This situation is playing out well, Proconsul. We may have the justification necessary to launch an all-out assault on their economy, seizing control of it for our own ends."
"Yes, but it may be risky. We cannot risk a prolonged war over their territory, and despite the potential economic resources of their territory these ...barbarians...are like so many grains of shifting sand. It would be exceptionally difficult to pacify their territory, at least initially."
"Obviously, we'd assimilate it. I'm certain the Chamber could find enough willing emigrants to populate...Vetalian Hyperborea."
"Nonetheless, the cost may be exceptionally high. This venture must be profitable if we plan to undertake it..."
"No one understands profit better than the Chamber of Commerce, Proconsul."
"Of course not. That is why I consulted you first...Viceroy Chaikov."
"Y-you want me to govern Hyperborea? T-that would be an incredible honor, sir..."
"If you succeed, Pyotr, you will be rewarded. Now we must get to work to ensure the situation develops the way we want it to."
Ministry of State
Your government's ruthless treatment of Catholics is a reprehensible breach of human rights and cannot be tolerated. Our government will impose immediate sanctions on your nation and they will not be lifted until this Holocaust has been brought to an end. We will be watching the situation closely, and will act if the situation necessitates it.
If necessary, we will aid the Otagians in their blockade to ensure your country feels the full brunt of the course it has chosen. We will not spare the possibility of invasion if you do not cease and desist.
Proconsul Eveginy Alabayev
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 00:53
The ban on Catholicism will Continue and we discredit the LIES of Genocide in Hyperboria. It is the right of a Nation to ban Organizeations for bein Subvisive agains The True Rulership of an nation.
The Catholics will stay in the camps.
Queen Basi
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 01:18
Queen Basi soon decided to get rid of the Catholics, by sending then into Exlie in Kurona. Basi wanted the Catholics gone from her Nation and to stay out.
The Lies of the other Nations would soon be shown as lies.
Basi sent a Messege to Kurona's Princess Tomoyo stateing "You can have the Catholics, just make sure they never come back to Hyperboria ever again."
Catholicism in Hyperboria was dead.
Officla Response from Allanean Arms
It appears that your nation is generating a lot of controversy in the world. Perhaps this is the time to buy a new GigaCarrier ( to boost your national defense?
While we oppose your terrible actions against Catholics, we still want to make money – by providing you with quality Allanean Arms products.
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 05:28
OOC: I'm anexxing you, and I will be sending a catholic Governor.
To:Queen Basi, Hyperboria
From: Binarian Office of Imperialist Expanssionism
Subject: Annexation.
Due to your horrid treatment of your people most of which did not chose to be Catholic, but were born into it. As such we believe that we would make better rulers than your current ones. We have announced our annexation of your territory, people and resources. You have 48 hours to step down and accept Binarian rule or be forcefuly removed for the goo of your people and people everywhere. Have a nice day.
Magic Sorcery
13-10-2007, 06:19
The Empire of Magic Sorcery
In light of the actions of the Steppe Empire Magic Sorcery hereby suspends all trade and privileges of Basi within the Empire. While we are infact a magic nation we don't hold the actions of old to the people of new. We have no ill will nor malice towards the Catholic faith and shall give refuge to those that are persecuted for their faith. As such if the actions result into genocide MS grants the privilege of other nations from launching forces from MS. MS shall also take up force to stop the massacres.
Decree signed and dated the Twelfth of of October Two Thousand and Seven
Sakura Kinimoto
13-10-2007, 06:22
TO: Queen Basi of The Steppe Empire
FROM: The Honorable Dr. Michael J. Castlen, Chancellor of State, Imperial Republic of Hollanden
On behalf of the Emperor of Hollanden and the people of Hollanden, I would like to express my shock and outrage at the actions you are taking to limit religious freedom and to oppress a people for an expression of faith. It is also my duty as Chancellor of State to inform you that by a unanimous vote of Parliament, and on the recommendation of the Imperial Security Council, The Steppe Empire has been declared a rogue nation and thus the Imperial Republic will not trade in any goods from The Steppe Empire, nor will any citizen of The Steppe Empire be allowed to enter Hollanden without a special dispensation from myself (Catholics fleeing from your persecution would be a good example of those who might receive such a dispensation).
As a Roman Catholic myself, I must note how utterly disheartening it is to see peoples’ homes, rights, and very lives taken away for little more than their desire to worship their God and live according to His moral law. You make large claims of murders and forced conversions by the Catholic Church, so look in the mirror!
You believe you are subverting the Catholic Church, but nothing could be further from the truth. Already, in my country and in others, you have strengthened the resolve of people of faith, and you have increased support for the Church that, claiming oppression, you oppress. And while you may take away the freedom and even the lives of the Catholics of your country, but you can never take away their sacred faith.
Michael Jonas Castlen
Chancellor of State
Emperor Elliot Alexander
TO: Daniel Quetzal
Regent-Elect of Otagia
The Right Reverend George Claxton
Archbishop, Episcopal church of the Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy
FROM: The Honorable Dr. Michael Castlen, Chancellor of State, Imperial Republic of Hollanden
The Imperial Republic of Hollanden shares your disgust and concern over the situation in The Steppe Empire and have expressed such to Queen Basi.
If possible, Hollanden would like to participate in the naval blockade of the Steppe Empire and the relief efforts for its Catholic citizens that your nations have begun.
A carrier group is in the immediate area and may be diverted to help maintain the blockade, if your countries have no objection. In addition, we will be able to divert resources to aid relief efforts and our Parliament has passed a resolution to allow for the safe housing in Hollanden of Catholic refugees. As Hollanden has a sixty percent Roman Catholic population, we believe we would be well-suited to this in particular. Please wire back your response promptly.
Michael Jonas Castlen
Emperor Elliot Alexander
The Imperial Regency hereby thanks Empress Kinimoto for her commitment to a world free of religious persecution. With her pronouncement, the Otagian 6th Army has begun securing the border between the Steppe Empire and Magic Sorcery in order to more fully enforce this blockade. This blockade will continue until the Steppe Empire either allows complete religious freedom within it's borders, or more extreme measures become necessary.
As for the Steppe Empire's own denial of the brutal massacres going on within their own borders, one must only listen to the words of their own little Pol Pot, Queen Basi:
That is why The Catholics will be banned, and all Catholics in Hyperboria will be sent into Exile or Killed.
Even now, satellites can observe internment camps, where these innocent civilians are forced into slavery or worse for no fault of their own. Even now, our fellow human beings are being herded into a new Dachaus, a new Treblinka, a new Auschwitz. Never again should humans be persecuted for their beliefs, their heritage. Never again will the world stand by and watch. Never again will Otagia stand by and watch.
For the Emperor,
Daniel Quetzal
Regent-Elect of Otagia
Blouman Empire
13-10-2007, 07:07
From the Emperor of the Blouman Empire.
On behalf of the entire population of Bloumany, we are disgusted by your malvolent and hypocritical stance on Catholics, Your perception first is based on misinformation and anti-chatolic propoganda which are merely lies. The Catholic church never has enslaved anyone as you claim while they may establish branches of the church within other borders the members of those nations are free to join or leave as they please, while most of the crusades were called on by the church (some were called on by other institutions) this was a matter of defence after all within the middle east a new religion had formed and was now killing non believers as they travelled through the middle east as well as deposing the current rulers of the land which asked the catholic church for help. Thirdly you say that "they killed women because they were withces" you would find that these were not sanctioned by the church with a majority not commited by members of the Roman Catholic faith, indeed the ones in America were all killed by Puritans who had said that the Catholic Church was wrong and had split off them through another church who had split from the Catholic Church.
Once again we are horrified (but not surprised) that you will now do excatly the same thing that you condemed the chruch for i.e killing them and forcing the rest of your population to and I quote from your post "The Steppe Empire was soon make sure that no trace of Catholics were left. Tearing down Churches and replaceing them with Shrines and Temples to Amaterasu, Kaminokaze, Susanoo-no-mikoto, Hachiman and Izanagi. Basi's Temple Building was helping in showing that Shintoism would rule Hyperboria" you are now enforcing your faith and enslaving your population on this.
We support all trade embargoes, blockades and military action against you due to this issue and urge that you change your mind on this issue. Any Catholics who are facing their death sentence from this deranged and fanatical dictator are welcome to seek political refuge within the empire.
13-10-2007, 12:06
His Imperial Majasty would like to announce that the Empire fully supports The Steppe Empire's actions and has now exiled all Catholics from the Empire to show support.
If you need military support we are prepared to offer 500 of our new Z-12 fighters
The Odius Wombats
13-10-2007, 12:42
The Grand Duchy of the Odius Wombats wishes to extend support to The Steppe Empire, we have long ago removed the bane of religion from our borders.
This nation is also willing to enter into trade, but in light of the blockade this will have to be conducted by air.
Hopefully this ridiculous oppression of your country's right to do what it wants with its own religion will soon be ended
13-10-2007, 13:05
Official Communiqué
The Department for Immigration and Citizenship
Gama-Cola will be opening our borders to all Steppeian Catholic Refugees as of today. Through further process they will be reassigned places to live and be given official role numbers and the right to vote. Any persons will and able to relocate from The Steppe Empire, will be allowed to do so.
Roy G. Biv
Minister of Immigration and Citizenship
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 13:11
OOC: I'm anexxing you, and I will be sending a catholic Governor.
To:Queen Basi, Hyperboria
From: Binarian Office of Imperialist Expanssionism
Subject: Annexation.
Due to your horrid treatment of your people most of which did not chose to be Catholic, but were born into it. As such we believe that we would make better rulers than your current ones. We have announced our annexation of your territory, people and resources. You have 48 hours to step down and accept Binarian rule or be forcefuly removed for the goo of your people and people everywhere. Have a nice day.
New Brittonia
13-10-2007, 13:22
The United Socialist States of New Brittonia wishes to establish diplomatic relations with the Steppe Empire.
Deputy Foreign Minister of the United Socialst States of New Brittonia
Kimiho Saibara
13-10-2007, 13:22
On behalf of Widerbergs government; I condamn the action of this government!:eek: I hope this action will be discussed in the UN.
Our government has opened the borders for these refugees.
None should be banned from their homes because of their beliefs.
In Widerberg there are full Religious freedom:fluffle:. But the Christian-Evangelical church is withouth comparisson the largest.
87 % are Ev.Christians.
5% are Catholics.
3% are Muslims.
3 % are Non-believers.
2 % are Other religions.
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 13:24
OOC: Just to let you know, The Hyperborians are not humans, and I am Fantasy/MT Tech.
oh and the Reason I Ignored 1010102'as Post is that He has been already under a Perm-ignore.
Official Message from the Holy Empire of Stevid
This government is disusted by the heritical actions by this pathetic country and hereby declare the Steppe Empire an open enemy of the Holy Empire, any trade or international dicussions we have with you are terminated. A naval task force will be sent to supervise the removal of Catholics from your 'nation'. While we appauld Kurona for taking on these exiles as well as other nations assisting too, Stevid will take any Catholics in seeing as we are officially Catholic.
The Catholic Church in Stevid may well decide to declare war on the Steppe Empire and if they do then we may too decide to attack. This move by your government disgusts us so much it is a miracke you are not already under attack by Imperial forces.
Cease these actions immediately or the Holy Imperial warth of Stevid will fall upon you.
Official Message from the Holy Catholic Church in Stevid
While we look to the Pope for guideness when this sort of thing happens but this is one such case where we have the means to act without direction. the Holy Catholic Church in Stevid hereby declares war on the Steppe Empire and incourages Catholic and/or sympathetic nations to join this crusade to rid the Earth of this flith that is the Steppe Empire.
Queen Basi herself will be arrested and killed as an example on how not to fool around with Catholicism.
We now also have a different opinion on Shintoism, we have always seen this religion has a peaceful but are information leads us to believe that the majority of your population practise this religion along with Queen Basi. Your country does not do your religion justice and you are an appauling example to the rest of the world.
Catholicism is been pushed around an aweful lot in it's history, Emperor Nero of Rome, the Islamic leaders of North Africa and Syria in the 1000-1400s, Hitler, now even North Korea and China. You are very much like these people and should be dealt with accordingly.
The Steppe Empire treads a fine line and has already made an enemy of the Church... pray to whatever "God" YOU believe in that the Holy Empire does not become an enemy of you. However the way you are heading now, the Steppe Empire may be flying a Stevidian flag in the near future.
OOC: Why am I being perm-Ignored?
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 16:46
With all this anti-Steppe settament, Basi's Sister was fearful that what was happening with The Steppe Empire was another Prussian Invasion.
the same as what Destroyed Hataria.
Sarmaria, being a first class Shaman and could cause a Storm that would blow the Otagian Navy into the Rocks that made up Hyperboria's Northern and only Coast. But against Magic Sorcery's Ruler, she doubt she could stop her.
Sarmaria looked out the window of the Large Castle that was part of the Fortress City of Baknishu. It was Bullt ontop of Active Volcano. The Large Spikes on the walls of the City were in fact their to spray Magma at High Pressure at any enemy besigieing The City.
But Sarmaria knew the war that would start might end her kind.
Basi was planning on takeing action no doubt, and if she want to war, The Target might be Magic Sorcery, the posable base for any Invasion of Hyperboria.
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 16:50
OOC: Why am I being perm-Ignored?
I could name a few things, but I don't have all day.
St. Malleus Cathedral- Stevid- Knights Templar Chapter House
There had already been an emergency meeting in one of the deep underground vaults of the Cathedral held by the Grand Master with several Brother-Captains and Justicars on the issue with Queen Basi exiling Catholics from Stevid, the meeting lasted five minutes and the conclusion was finalised in two- The Church was at war, whether other Catholic states around the world would follow the example set by Stevid’s Catholic sects was open to debate, but the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Stevid was at war with the Knights Templar forming its hammer and the Stevidian military would no doubt be participating, maybe even a member of the Empire other than Stevid would be fighting but one thing was certain, the Knights Templar would be going to the Steppe Empire and they would be ousting the monarchy there and reinstating a government that was pro-Catholic. That was the idea anyway.
It was several hours after the meeting when things really began to heat up, thousands of Templars standing in square ranks on the giant landing platform on the North side of the Cathedral with the Grand Master standing before them on a huge solid gold lectern with a cardinal standing by his side. He raised both his arms to the heavens while the Knights and the cardinal looked up to the Grand Master in awe and admiration. He spoke as his arms were fully raised.
“Lord almighty God the Father, who sent your Son down to earth to save our souls from sin and Abaddon, I ask you on behalf of all those who are Holy and believe in your name to look over and protect these glorious souls that stand before me who will soon do battle to save your faith from annihilation. The heathen leader of the heretical Steppe Empire is deporting and sometimes killing your people because they believe in you, Lord the most holy. Never again will your faith be threatened with persecution, to be a Catholic is to commit ones self to persecution and sacrifice which your servants in the Steppe Empire are doing. But not even you, the most holy of the entire universe, would allow servants of the faith to be killed in such a way. We shall do your bidding oh Lord of Hosts! We shall defend your mortal followers under attack in the Steppe Empire and shall bring those responsible to justice. Protect the brave Knights of this order when they fight for you, protect your followers in the Steppe Empire from further harm. Forgive the sinners of that foreign country, for when they too are killed grant them mercy when they stand before the gates of heaven. While they do not deserve your pity oh Lord, you have the almighty power to forgive all sins. All praise to you almighty God the Father! Amen!”
The Grand Master finished his prayer and a deafening amen sounded from every man standing before him. The Grand Master tightened his grip on the lectern and began to yell his proclamation to the ‘congregation’ about the tasks at hand.
“Brothers! Oh my dear Brothers of the Order of the Knights Templar and the most holy Inquisition! Today is a sad yet glorious day for the Holy Roman Catholic Church, those heathen bastards in The Steppe Empire have begun the verbal and physical desecration of Catholicism in their country, and they are expelling Catholics and killing and/or imprisoning those who refuse to leave. God have eternal mercy on the killed and imprisoned souls whose self sacrifice will not be forgotten. Divine intervention is unlikely although we constantly pray for Christ to return but things will be far more efficient when we and the Holy Inquisition are in the picture. The Church is at war, many of our religious leaders are calling for a crusade against those fools in the Steppe Empire, a call we a willing to take up. Other nations may rally to our cause but if not then we can just as easily win by ourselves and with Stevid. We are to go to the Steppe Empire and oust Queen Basi from the throne, take her back to Stevid and kill her in the defence of our great and most powerful religion. Our faith protects us! There false God can do nothing more than make them arrogant in the face of us! There is a conflict of interest here as well, the Steppe Empire is partly the remains of the Hatarian Empire and so the Ryou Black Islands may want to support either side- it is relatively open. If it were up to me I would kick Ryou out of the Empire and take them both out, but I am a military man and also a man of God, not a politician. We are defenders of the faith, and defend it we shall!”
There was an almighty cheer and a thunderous applause that lasted several minutes, the Grand Master raised a hand to silence it before continuing.
“We believe, although it is not confirmed, that Queen Basi is a Shinto follower and we know she ordered the expulsions and is authorising killings and arrests. Shinto is a religion we frown on and we encountered it with Kanami, Kurona, Aqua Anu and Truce Island which is now united. We have been led to believe it is a peaceful religion like Christianity on a whole, in its defence the majority of followers are good, upstanding and peace people- but now our stance has changed some what after this anti-Catholic act has been committed. May I remind you that it is only Catholicism that has been targeted not Christianity on a whole, when you go there it will not be difficult to win hearts and minds of other Christians, Jews, Muslims and Hindus who will almost certainly rally to our cause. This is a war the Church will win! We shall win! The glorious Holy Empire will win and the Steppe Empire will be converted by force! Death to the Steppe infidel!”
“Death!” Everyone chanted back.
“All glory to God!”
“Glory to the Lord and peace to His people on Earth!”
The Grand Master left the lectern and his position was replaced by the cardinal who raised his hands up to the sky before saying and making the sign of the cross, everyone else did the same and bowed their heads waiting for the cardinal to speak.
“Heavenly Father, Lord of Hosts and bringer of life, protect these souls in their darkest hour of need. Yet them bring your wrath to those who have enslaved and murdered your kin, let us proclaim your word across the world! We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen!”
The cardinal then led them through the Lord’s prayer before the Knights fell out and embarked on their helicopters that were destined for the Task Force 777 (The holy fleet of Stevid) that would make its way to the former lands of Hataria and attack the people of the Steppe Empire with the raw might of the Knights Templar. Stevid also asked the Holy Empire whether it could bring any military force to bear seeing as the recovery from the War of Golden Succession had taken longer than anticipated. The Royal navy was still under the strength it was before the war (if not more deadly and up to date than it was then) but the numbers were short. The Holy Empire was primarily a political and economical gathering of parties rather than a military alliance, but defence and offence was part of the Empire and nations had to be willing.
The message was sent out to all Imperial nations:
To the esteemed and well founded nations of Adaptus Astrates, Ryou Black Islands and Kurona, the Holy Empire asks for support against the Steppe Empire. They have begun a policy of forcibly removing Catholics from their state and imprisoning or killing those who remain. Stevid once did something like this but we have seen the error of our ways and are no longer hypocrites but the Steppe Empire is a state on the loose with no morals or commonsense. Catholicism is one of the world’s biggest religions, if not the biggest, and should be defended against aggressors of another faith.
We understand that the Ryou Black Islands have a conflict of interest and are exempt from assisting. Kurona is officially a Shinto country but are not exempt from this call, we can not believe that the Shinto religion would collectively act in this disgusting way and should actively condemn the actions of the Steppe Empire at the very least. But our call primarily goes out to Adaptus Astrates who, we openly admit, are more devout than we are (you have more churches and more people that are part of Christianity). You have done much for the Empire and we hope you can assist Stevid again but on a military front, Stevid can not properly coordinate a well constructed war at this time as we are still reeling from tactical defeat in the last war. Adaptus Astrates is strong both in military and in faith, you will not be alone - both for the Knights Templar will be fighting on behalf of the Church and the Inquisition too will be out rescuing those Catholics in hiding. The Holy Task Force 777 will be Stevid’s presence in the war, the Royal Navy will utterly crush the coastal defence force of the Steppe Empire and will completely destroy any coast guard or river patrol force in operation. The Steppe Empire WILL fall but only in collective unison and under the banner of Christ can this be achieved with minimal losses.
Please, answer the Empire’s call!
Basi was planning on takeing action no doubt, and if she want to war, The Target might be Magic Sorcery, the posable base for any Invasion of Hyperboria.
OOC: Any chance you have a map?
Aurum Domus
13-10-2007, 17:55
OOC: I'm only postign here to warn you guys. First of all, you can't do a Fantasy vs MT war. It just won't work. Second of all Hat is the biggest godmoder known to NS and this war will ultimately end with him declaring victory like an idiot. I'm not gonna but in, I just simply can't take RPing with this guy anymore. So you've been warned, that is all.
13-10-2007, 18:02
It has come to the attention of the Imperium Doomanum that the pagan filth of Hyperboria have recently taken to oppressing the followers of Christ. This shall not stand so long as mighty Caesar commands the loyalty of this Imperium, for he is a man of Christ, and of the Lord's justice! However, Caesar is a man of mercy and of kindness. He has seen fit to command that Exterminatus not commence until the heathen queen of Hyperboria be given the oppurtunity to make amends for her sins and save her people from annihilation. Exterminatus shall not be initiated should the queen choose to immediately cease her barbaric assault on the Catholic religion and on God's children and apologize for her blasphemous ways.
Should she instead choose to continue to bring her hordes of unbelievers to attack the Christian people, Caesar has commanded that Exterminatus be initiated upon Hyperboria, and all elements of their pagan filth be erradicated from Terra Sancta with fire.
-Magister Nuntiorum G. Quintus Livius
13-10-2007, 18:10
Official Statement from The Empire of Katislov
To: The Holy Empire of Stevid
Your actions have been declared reason for war as they are clearly an oppression of The Queen Basi's right to rule the country as she wishes and the 5th Imperial Attack Fleet as been diverted towards The Steppe Empire to intercept The Holy Task Force 777.
General Tilis
OOC: I'm only postign here to warn you guys. First of all, you can't do a Fantasy vs MT war. It just won't work. Second of all Hat is the biggest godmoder known to NS and this war will ultimately end with him declaring victory like an idiot. I'm not gonna but in, I just simply can't take RPing with this guy anymore. So you've been warned, that is all.
OOC: I'm all for giving people chances. Understandble Hat's maybe had one too many but patience is rewarded. In this case I hope i'm rewarded with his Queen and several politicians.
Official Statement from The Empire of Katislov
To: The Holy Empire of Stevid
Your actions have been declared reason for war as they are clearly an oppression of The Queen Basi's right to rule the country as she wishes and the 5th Imperial Attack Fleet as been diverted towards The Steppe Empire to intercept The Holy Task Force 777.
General Tilis
OOC: Good luck mate ;) you'll need it. I don't mind lossing wars but this is one of those rare occasions where I want to win and will do anything to win.
IC: The Holy Empire wishes to try and convince the esteemed leaders of Katislov not to declare war on the Holy Empire, it will the begining of the end for both your county and the Steppe Empire. We ask only for thei Queen and their highest politicians in power, not all out open war. If Katislov wants war then it will get it but we wish to emphasise we did not wish it. We ask you again to reconsider this act before it destroys you.
Lord Sumguy
13-10-2007, 18:34
Official Statement from The Empire of Katislov
To: The Holy Empire of Stevid
Your actions have been declared reason for war as they are clearly an oppression of The Queen Basi's right to rule the country as she wishes and the 5th Imperial Attack Fleet as been diverted towards The Steppe Empire to intercept The Holy Task Force 777.
General Tilis
OOC: his Holy Task Force could probably take your entire navy....if you havent noticed his population is several hundred times yours and his military budget is probably equally disproportionally large.
13-10-2007, 18:34
IC: The Holy Empire wishes to try and convince the esteemed leaders of Katislov not to declare war on the Holy Empire, it will the begining of the end for both your county and the Steppe Empire. We ask only for thei Queen and their highest politicians in power, not all out open war. If Katislov wants war then it will get it but we wish to emphasise we did not wish it. We ask you again to reconsider this act before it destroys you.
The Empire has decided that for the moment it will not declare war but will watch the situation carefully as there is a more pressing situation elseware which requires The 5th Imperial Attack Fleet and is more important to the Empire.
General Tilis
OOC: I'm only postign here to warn you guys. First of all, you can't do a Fantasy vs MT war.
OOC: Sure you can. Just means I get to add elements of fantasy to my nation. I've always liked Shadowrun. Now where did I put Lofwyr...
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 18:41
IC Post later.
The Principality detests the actions of The Steppe Empire and will gladly take all Catholic refugees. As such we must answer the call of our ally in the Empire. In the meantime Shinto shrines will be giving out special charms for blessings to be brought upon the faithful of all holy sects. Catholic churches and cathedrals will give special prayer offers and christenings for those that may suffer. Kurona will not turn away the religious in times of need.
We applaud Magic Sorcery our neighbor to the east for taking a firm stance against Basi as well as all those that stand against the barbaric actions.
Yours in Faith,
Tomoyo Weaver
Reigning Princess
Charles Weaver
Reigning Prince (
Alfegos Foreign Ministry
Fego'rai'toi Nea'fego'aut
We wish to inform the nation of Steppe empire, if it is not alreay aware, that many nations have condemmed the banning of a religion that causes no harm.
While we do not wish to take this as an excuse to declare war or trade sanctions, we wish for a 5 point explanation to this reaction. We will then be content whether you have made a poor or good decision.
To: The Holy Empire of Stevid
From: Siriusa; Siriusan Military Arm
Recently it has come to light that the Steppe "Empire" has once again overstepped its boundaries (please pardon the unintentional pun). Like the Stevid government, the Siriusan Prince and Parliament has found the treatment of the people of the Steppe Empire horrendous. As such, the Siriusan Military Arm is offering assistance in removing what persecuted beings remain. However, it should be known that Siriusa is a firmly non-religious state. If there exist any reservations about the intervention that Siriusa and her military offer, please let it be know.
Jacob L. Sirius
Royal Prince
Chang Hu
First High Advisor to the Prince
Head of Military Arm
The Ryou Black Islands
13-10-2007, 19:35
The Ryou will stay out of these war.
To the Knights Templar of Stevid
bend Basi over your Kee and Spank her.
13-10-2007, 19:45
Official Statement of the Provisional Government of Kahanistan
The Hatarians have been our allies since the end of the last great coalition to destroy the Hatarian people, though owing to our own wars we have been unable to assist them in their more recent troubles.
We have suffered immensely at the hands of the Doomani; the majority of our military defeats have been at their hands or those of their allies. However, the actions of the Doomani do not represent those of all Catholics. In fact, despite anti-Catholic rioting and a move by the military to exploit a state of emergency to deport them, many Catholics fought and died for our nation. This is the position of our government and always has been, though now and again a bigoted politician will stir up hatred.
We therefore ask our Hatarian allies to allow their Catholic population to emigrate if they so desire, or allow them to remain in their homes enjoying the same rights as any other subject of Queen Basi.
Dr. Khalid bin Abdullah al-Omari,
President of the Provisional Government
OOC: I don't know how up-to-date you are about this, but Hataria was retconned. It never existed.
OOC: I don't know how up-to-date you are about this, but Hataria was retconned. It never existed.
OOC: And those who say otherwise tend to get warnings and temp-bans.... >.>
I could name a few things, but I don't have all day.
OOC: If you can name two Good reasons then I will never RP with you and our puppets again.
OOC: If you can name two Good reasons then I will never RP with you and our puppets again.
OOC: Isn't that the point of what he's doing?
To: The Holy Empire of Stevid
From: Siriusa; Siriusan Military Arm
Recently it has come to light that the Steppe "Empire" has once again overstepped its boundaries (please pardon the unintentional pun). Like the Stevid government, the Siriusan Prince and Parliament has found the treatment of the people of the Steppe Empire horrendous. As such, the Siriusan Military Arm is offering assistance in removing what persecuted beings remain. However, it should be known that Siriusa is a firmly non-religious state. If there exist any reservations about the intervention that Siriusa and her military offer, please let it be know.
Jacob L. Sirius
Royal Prince
Chang Hu
First High Advisor to the Prince
Head of Military Arm
Official Reply:
We have no objection however we are hoping another member of the Holy Empire will be attacking the Steppe Empire en mass, the Knights Templar and Royal Navy Task Force 777 are being sent by Stevid and the Holy Catholic Church to capture and then eliminate Queen Basi and any politicians they come across.
We urge caution, Doomingsland is a Catholic state but it's own Catholicism is arrogant to other sects other than its own and will fire nukes on other Catholics participating in the attack. i.e: Stevidian and Imperial forces. Your own military may be caught in any nuclear blasts.
If you feel inclined to fight alongside us then we most welcome it. To ensure the Knights Templar succeed in killing Basi your nation may need to draw out the armies in the Steppe Empire, you may be more than a match and you will have air support from the carriers in Task Force 777 (OOC: I'll post the fleet manifest in my next propper IC post)
Your help is much needed and we hope this colaboration between our nations will extend far into the future after the conflict as ended.
New Brittonia
13-10-2007, 20:17
OOC: I don't know how up-to-date you are about this, but Hataria was retconned. It never existed.
OOC: What exactly was Hataria? BTW, Steppe, I technically do have all day to wait for your next IC post but the sooner would be the better for a reply.
OOC: Isn't that the point of what he's doing?
OOC: no ya think.:rolleyes: I'm just trying to get reasons, not just "I don't like you so IGNORE". He's proabably ignoring me because I was part of the NPE forces that destroyed Hataria's old nation, which caused his overreaction and threatened to sue jolt resulting in his deletion.
The Steppe Empire
13-10-2007, 21:09
The Hyperborians soon started massing a Army to start a attack on the Otagian Army at the Borader. since the Steppe Empire had no Navy or Air Force, The Hyperborians had a Large Army of over 100,000,000.
The Force thet was being massed had over 60,000 Swordsmen, 40,000 Asakura Hoplies, 70,000 Machine Gunners, 30,000 Artillery men with 3,000 18mm Field Guns, 50,000 Gunmen, 30,000 Horsemen, 4,000 War Hatarphants, 50,000 Wooly Rhino Chariots, 10,000 Tiger riders, 5,000 Allosaur Riders and 30,000 Dragon Riders.
This Army was marching for the Borader.
Lord Sumguy
13-10-2007, 21:27
The Hyperborians soon started massing a Army to start a attack on the Otagian Army at the Borader. since the Steppe Empire had no Navy or Air Force, The Hyperborians had a Large Army of over 100,000,000.
The Force thet was being massed had over 60,000 Swordsmen, 40,000 Asakura Hoplies, 70,000 Machine Gunners, 30,000 Artillery men with 3,000 18mm Field Guns, 50,000 Gunmen, 30,000 Horsemen, 4,000 War Hatarphants, 50,000 Wooly Rhino Chariots, 10,000 Tiger riders, 5,000 Allosaur Riders and 30,000 Dragon Riders.
This Army was marching for the Borader.
OOC: you dont have the population for an army that size.... its about a sixth of your entire nation...
also, the Otagians have deployed a anval force, not an army.
13-10-2007, 21:37
[OOC: *Cough* Guns *Cough* Also, I would consider that massive army in a short period to be an example of pure godmodding.]
Skamania and Duloc
13-10-2007, 21:40
A representative of the government of Skamania and Duloc has expressed his nation's shock at the scope of the persecution of Catholics directed by Queen Basi's government and says that there is not really any support for the pogroms, because of his nation's use of Jefferson's "Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom" as a legally binding document over the entire nation. However, Skamania and Duloc will not intervene militarily due to its recently enforced doctrine of non-intervention, which is known as the "Thenardier Doctrine".
Any Catholics evacuated from the Steppe EMpire will be openly accepted in the EMpire's Catholic colony of St. Francis Xavier.
13-10-2007, 23:14
Stoklomolvi vows to accept all fugitives escaping from Hyberboria, and will use military force if the Steppe "Empire" attempts to kill them.
13-10-2007, 23:29
The Free Land of Revanati condems the violent use of force against the Catholic or any other religious or minority Sect. Our country extends a welcoming hand to any Catholic or minority group who wishes temporary sanctuary within our nation, however those who apply must understand that while our open minded nation allows your belief in your faith, it condems the use of that belief as a political agenda or tool of violence against other groups. We urge Hyperboria and its most benevelent ruler to cease hostility against its own people.
14-10-2007, 01:35
The Constitutional Monarchy of Daufuskie
By decree of the Duke, the Constitutional Monarchy of Daufuskie is sending a contingent of our navy to blockade major port cities on the coast of Katislov. We find their banning of Catholicism extremely offensive. Similarly, the Steppe Empire is equally offensive, however, we believe that our allies in this conflict have this front under control.
72% of this nation is Catholic, as is the Duke, therefore we take this as a cause for war. Any refugees fleeing this terrible conflict are welcome in Daufuskie and its colonies.
With Utmost Contempt for you sorry excuse for an empire,
Duke Hadrian II
OOC: Can I get a map of your nation? If you need one of mine see my NSwiki.
We request any forces blackading the barbaric Steppe Empire to let our transports and escort ships past, as we are transporting Catholics to the St. Francis Colony.
The Hyperborians soon started massing a Army to start a attack on the Otagian Army at the Borader. since the Steppe Empire had no Navy or Air Force, The Hyperborians had a Large Army of over 100,000,000.
The Force thet was being massed had over 60,000 Swordsmen, 40,000 Asakura Hoplies, 70,000 Machine Gunners, 30,000 Artillery men with 3,000 18mm Field Guns, 50,000 Gunmen, 30,000 Horsemen, 4,000 War Hatarphants, 50,000 Wooly Rhino Chariots, 10,000 Tiger riders, 5,000 Allosaur Riders and 30,000 Dragon Riders.
This Army was marching for the Borader.
OOC: That's ridiculous godmoddery.
OOC: What exactly was Hataria? BTW, Steppe, I technically do have all day to wait for your next IC post but the sooner would be the better for a reply.
OOC2: Hataria was an old nation that was deleted for a large number of reasons, but I won't start beating that dead horse again. The guy behind Hataria now RPs as The Ryou Black Islands and The Steppe Empire. There are probably a couple more, but those two are the ones that realy stand out.
To: The Steppe Empire
From: Siriusa; Siriusan Military Arm
Queen Basi,
Siriusa feels that the government of the Steppe Empire has once again gone over its boundaries. Your nation is taking frightening steps towards a fascist, nazi-like state. Thus, the Siriusan Parliament has unanimously voted to aid those persecuted in the Steppe Empire. As of now, a large fleet is en route to the Steppe Empire to rescue the Catholics and whatever other minorities are being prosecuted by your tyrranical rule.
We should infor you that we will be met with no resistance.
Jacob L. Sirius
Royal Prince
Chang Hu
First High Advisor to the Prince
Head of Military Arm
~Official Imperial Democracy Message~
The Imperial Democracy condemns this heinous act of genocide and murder. Cease and decist immediatley or face the avenging fury of the 501st Airborne Division and the 89th Armoured Brigade.
James Hogart
also, the Otagians have deployed a anval force, not an army.
OOC: Actually, I did deploy the 6th along the border to complete the blockade, so I do have something for said army to go after. Oh, and SE, might want to adjust those numbers slightly. I don't mind the size of the attacking force much, but the overall number is a wee bit obscene... Oh, and still waiting to know if you have a map.
We request any forces blackading the barbaric Steppe Empire to let our transports and escort ships past, as we are transporting Catholics to the St. Francis Colony.
As with previous applicants, safe passage through the blockade will be guaranteed provided your acceptance of military observers aboard your ships. Failure to accept this measure will result in the destruction of your vessels.
Admiral Kanata Joichiro
ORN 6th Fleet
OOC: I'll have an IC response to your troop movements in the morning, SE. Too tired right now to type anything else. Also, any one else requesting permission to pass through the blockade (or join it, for that matter), SSDD. Observers required on all vessels for security's sake. Joichiro's getting a wee bit tired of having to send messages to everyone. ;)
14-10-2007, 09:02
Manul Rogsfort, High Partriarch of Free Church of Urmania
Steppe Empire
Our people are very dissapointed of your acts, so we are adopting 20.000 catholics from your country.
Ministry of State
The government of Vetalia wishes to announce our forces are still available for blockade duty if they are needed, and that we will support the Otagians against the Steppe Empire if a conflict erupts. Again, we urge the Steppe Empire to halt this madness and allow innocent people to remain in their homes without harassment or fear.
OOC: A bit of fluid time here, it just removes pointless text from posts about the ships leaving port. This RP could go on for months if we had to do that.
Task Force 777
It was the oldest task force designation in the modern Royal Navy’s history, Task Force 777 was first set up by the pro-Catholic communist government in Stevid after the former democratic government had been over thrown. It was a Task Force to be used in times when Stevid was involved with in a Holy War or the religious military groups like the Knights Templar require additional aid when on campaigns. 666 (or 616 in Hebrew) was the number of Abaddon or more commonly known as the Number of the Beast- the devil while 777 was associated with good and known as the Angelic Number or the Number of Heaven, and so with Stevid’s Catholic heritage in mind, Task Force 777 was supposed to be the religious naval hammer on Catholicism in Stevid and was to be assembled in times of religious war. Now that time had arrived once more. Stevid had openly condemned the acts of the Steppe Empire and in particular the heresy and infidelity of Queen Basi of this particular nation had risen from the ashes of Hataria. In contrast to this rather diplomatic approach by the Stevidian government, the Catholic Church in Stevid had declared a state of war (more so the Knights Templar and the Inquisition speaking on behalf of the Church) and had assembled as many Knights and Inquisitors they could and taken off for Task Force 777 which was already well on its way to the Steppe Empire. The Stevidian government had responded with a call for help to the Holy Empire with Kurona and Adaptus Astrates heavily in mind. If the Empire could topple the Steppe Empire then the world would probably be a safer place.
The Knights had a goal that differed from the Empire’s (and any other nation that was actually going to act against the Steppe Empire), they were going into the Steppe Empire en mass but with a goal to capture Queen Basi of the Steppe people and return her to Stevid where she would be killed, any politicians found in the country would e killed on sight. It was a coup d’etat in every sense but liberation seemed to be a better word, Stevid and other nations would be invading and ousting this violent and oppressive government. A new government, sympathetic to Catholicism would be installed and many thanks would also be given to Kurona. Without Kurona stating that this move was not one supported by the Shinto religion then believers in the Shinto sects would be in grave danger of the wrath of the Knights Templar, especially in Kurona where the Inquisition made no secret of their presence. Catholicism and Shinto stood side by side as friends in the face of intolerance and radicalism in the Shinto church. If the Queen and the most important politicians were killed then the monarchy ruled nation would crumble and would require the international support of the invaders.
Doomingsland was doing little to help the Stevidian cause and although their hearts were in the right place and they were standing up for Catholicism, their views on other sects that only verge slightly from their teaching were seen as heretical and thus the Catholic Church in Stevid did not get alone with that in Doomingsland. Both had openly declared their dislike for one another but only Doomingsland had declared the Church in Stevid as heretical. This arrogant Catholic sect meant they cared little for the cause Stevid and other nations stood for in this conflict and had vowed to pulverise the Steppe Empire unless Queen Basi hanged her ways. This only complicated matters and no reasoning Stevid offered would ever change the minds of those in Doomingsland. There was little point in bickering, both hated each other and neither side would give into the other and it was best if they kept well apart. Doomingsland had their mission and their agenda of Armageddon while Stevid decided that poetic justice for the Queen and her subordinates would be good enough punishment as well as replacing the official religion and declaring the country under the protection of the Holy Empire until the new government could stand on its own feet. However the way things were going it looked like the Steppe Empire was going to fight which would mean Doomingsland launching nuclear weapons and making the aftermath of Basi death even harder to shape properly (although it would mean many of the Steppe defences would be destroyed by the nuclear blast- it was almost in Stevid’s interests for Doom to press the magic red button).
But moves had to be quickly, the massive fleet moved quickly along and the V-22 Osprey ‘helicopters’ where on board the Lustria LCPs and were well on their way to the Steppe Empire where the Knights Templar would infiltrate the enemy’s homeland and move to kill the Queen of the Steppe Empire. In each of the Lustria amphibious Assault carriers were eight hundred Knights and around twenty Inquisitors and all had gathered in the main cargo holds of their ships to listen to a live broadcast from St. Malleus Cathedral where the Grand Master of the Templars and several Brother Captains would give the Knights and the Justicars the plan of action. The giant LCD screens displayed the Order’s leader and co-leaders seated in a row behind a long desk somewhere deep inside the underground vaults of the massive cathedral. They made the Sign of the Cross and the pre-war briefing plan began.
“Brothers of the Knights Templar and the most Holy Inquisition! Today is a glorious day for it is the day the Roman Catholic Church fights back against its oppressors who will, by our hands, not live to regret their actions! We shall be a brief as possible so you may be able to leave and meditate properly for the coming war in that barren country known as the Steppe Empire!
“We shall invade on two fronts, North and South but both will be by air. When the holy Task Force 777 reaches Steppe waters 1600 Knights will disembark from the LCPs via aircraft and will fly into the Steppe Empire via their Northern coastline. It is mostly cliffs apart from ten miles of beach is most probably heavily defended which is why we are flying you in. From there the aircraft will split into squadrons of three and separate and then infiltrate their contingent of Knights into the Steppe Empire where they will move on the fortress city where we believe Queen Basi is holed up.
“The remaining Knights will be airlifted over towards Magic Sorcery and will be infiltrating the Steppe Empire from the land border. We haven had permission from Magic Sorcery yet to do this, in fact we haven’t asked but now is not the time to be asking for favours. Judging by MS’s recent statement to the Steppe Empire I’m sure they won’t mind us infiltrating from their border. The transports will then split into groups of three again and ship the Knights to different parts of the Steppe Empire and search from Basi.
“Any local government workers such as mayors, civil servants and politicians are to be killed on sight. Police officers in the Steppe Empire are to be killed on sight and the same goes for any member of the military, any prisons found are to be searched for Catholics being held by the government and released. If any of you feel that anyone you see is pro-government and anti-Catholic then they must be killed on sight, it doesn’t matter whether or not they are children or traffic wardens, supporters of this government are to be killed. Churches of the Catholic faith that have been raided and sacked must be noted down so that rebuilding can commence later. Always question those you are going to kill first to try and find out where exactly Basi is hiding. We are sure she is hiding in her own palace in the fortress capital city, if this is the case then we shall assemble all infiltrated Knights together and the Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm will begin to lay siege to the city, missiles from the Navy itself will aid the FAA in breaking down the walls.
“The enemy has no air force or navy so the only problems you will face will be on the ground. The FAA will provide support for you whenever you request it. Once we are sure that resistance will be minimal around the fortress city, one hundred Knights will be air lifted, with heavy escort, to the palace where we believe Basi is in hiding. The raid should be fast and swift and if all goes to plan then there should be little or no casualties. You are to capture Queen Basi not kill her, while she is being captured you are to sweep the palace for other politicians or possible heirs to the throne- kill on sight, no pity, mercy or respite. Once you have retrieved her we will air lift you all out of the country and back to Task Force 777 where the Queen will be transported back to Stevid. She will be executed there- not publicly and not by the government, but by the Church. Methods of killing are still being discussed.
“Brothers, those are your orders. The aftermath is a government matter, good luck and God be with you in this troubled time. Your Justicars’ will be constantly kept up-to-date with the developing situation with Doomingsland, if they decide to launch nuclear weapons then you’ll know about it before they land. Try to avoid major population centres whenever possible.
“Glory to God!”
* * *
The North coastline of the Steppe Empire, it was imposing and a natural barrier against foreign aggression and cliffs had always been effective deterrents to invaders throughout history. The Steppe Empire’s cliffs were huge grey monstrosities that stretched almost the entire length of the Northern coastline bar a 10 mile beach somewhere along the coast, however cliffs were no longer a problem to a modern day military which could simply fly over them, and fly over the Knights did. It must have been terrifying for an onlooker from the Steppe Empire to behold, a relatively small but immensely dangerous Task Force was sitting out at sea directly threatening the relatively new Steppe Empire; and what was more terrifying was the huge grey spotty cloud that was moving from the fleet towards the coastline, hundreds upon hundreds of V-22s each carrying a full complement of Knights Templar where buzzing into the Steppe Empire, further V-22s where heading for the Magic Sorcery-Steppe Empire land border where the rest of the Knights would fly in from. It was incredible to see so many aircraft unmolested, the Steppe Empire had no air force and any ground based SAMs were quickly removed by the FAAs XF-24 Scorpion attack aircraft armed with anti-radiation missiles, the Knights would be free to land and move around without opposition. It would be a few hours before resistance would finally be met. Organised units of soldiers would attack maybe even armies would be deployed to counter the threat, but the Knights were elite special forces and were probably better than most special forces around the world. One cannot counter special forces with armies, but if the Knights did come up against enemies too strong even for them, then the FAA would attack and neutralise the threat as soon as possible.
The hundreds of V-22s landed and delivered their deadly cargo as they began their mission to find and eventually kill Queen Basi of the Steppe Empire.
The Inquisition was transported with small squads of Royal Marines to known positions and sites of Catholic churches and cathedrals. They will have already been ransacked and desecrated but the Inquisition would be on hand to see if any had been missed, any Catholics had fled their and to then question (and in all probability purge) the local population in response.
The Knights Templar spread out across the Steppe Empire will full support from Stevid and several other nations, the Inquisition too spread across the nation delivering the message of Christ to all and killing those who did not repent their sins against Catholicism. All began their mission to reassert Catholicism in the Steppe Empire as the official religion and all yelled the same chant every time the enemy fought them: “Let the purgation begin!”
Blood would be spilt, blood was being spilt in the name of Catholicism. It may have been radical in the eyes of many but Catholics had been persecuted for too long for the Inquisition and the Knights Templar to ignore it anymore. The Church would fight back and purge any and every heretic they came across before delivering the final and literal blow against Queen Basi. Her reign of terror and heresy grew shorter every second a Knight and Inquisitor stood in the Steppe Empire.
Royal Navy Task Force 777 Fleet Manifest
1x Sanguinious Class SDN
2x Inquisition Class DNs
5x Havenic Class BBCNs
3x Sanctus Mare Class CVNs
4x Lustria Class LCPs
1x Defiler Class Command Cruiser
1x Hanover Class C-EW
10x Gazelle Class FFGs
15x Lemartes Class DDGs
14-10-2007, 13:27
From The Empire of Katislov
All our naval forces have been deployed with orders to sink your ships should they enter The Empire's territory.
OOC: The link to the map of Katislov is
14-10-2007, 13:50
Official Statement from the PMO
Good day Your Majesty,
The nation of Kryozerkia would like to offer you assistance to eradicate religion from your lands in a way that would result in little or no bloodshed. We have been free of religion in the public eye for a great length of our existence. We had outlawed religion when we were a dictatorship. We are now a democracy. No one longs for the days of religion and there are few problems.
With no religion our nation has been able to advance in all fields of science and all our people have the freedoms that many dream of. Our ancestors freed us from the shackles of religion and allowed for us to live without evangelicals preaching their hypocritical message.
The original law was passed in order to ensure the safety of our Catholic population. Over time secularism took over and after a referendum religion was completely banned, though our law permits private prayer and for its citizens to study theological philosophy.
In our primary and secondary schools our students are indoctrinated to believe in the secular ways. We allow for open discussion of the existence of 'God'. Our population is made up of Atheists, Agnostics, Deist, Theists, Gnostics and Nihilists.
We hope you would like to discuss this. We may have a solution for you that would prevent bloodshed, while allowing for you to rid your nation of the sinful filth that is religion. Re-education and exile policies are non-violent ways of cleaning house.
S. Kane
Right Honourable Prime Minister
The Unholy Godless Republic of Kryozerkia
<!---- ---->
Open Communique
To all other nations
We request that you hold out until Queen Basi replies to us to tell us if she accepts our offer. Our offer would ensure that her objectives are met while the practitioners of religion would be protected from any possible death as a result of their beliefs.
S. Kane
Right Honourable Prime Minister
The Unholy Godless Republic of Kryozerkia
Aqua Anu
14-10-2007, 20:30
The Queendom of Aqua Anu
We most strongly CONDEMN the actions of the Steppe Empire, and any nation that supports it using the mask of "democracy." Freedom of religion is just as vital to a democracy as speech, and press. While The Queendom isn't and probably never will be a true democratic state, we always maintain a friendly relationship with democratic countries.
We won't stand for quote unquote "Re-education", a fancy term for brainwashing and deprogramming someone against the path they have chosen. That would be the same is if I forced my own beloved daughter to abandon her faith. I don't share her faith but I do admire her for it.
We won't stand for execution nor persecution of the Catholic faith. Nor slavery, nor any other means of wrongful treatment that would not befit ANY race.
Queen Mikaux Akoowa
The Kiravian vessels, with the required military observers aboard, moved slowly through the blockade.
The crewmen on the transports were Catholic laymen, and their cause was called the "Steppe Crusades". Onboard each ship was enough food and accomodation for 900 refugees.
Lord Sumguy
14-10-2007, 21:59
Rev. Jacob Booker looked out at the Otagian blockade from the deck of the cargo ship the AL had converted into a transport. In this ship were 280 AL fighters (men, not planes) and an Otagian observer. The Abrahamic League had assembled a small armada of civilian ships. There were 350,000 AL fighters within the makeshift fleet, and enough space to evacuate more than two million catholic refugees.
A Templar* emerged from belowdecks, where a radar system had been set up to monitor nearby movements. "Sir, the Kiravians are passing through the blockade."
"Good, let us join them. Tell the men to prepare for combat, should the Steppe Empire's army attack us."
"Yes sir. What if they attempt to attack refugees as we load them onto the ships?"
"If that should happen, we will disembark all personell and try to hold them off until the ships are outside the blockade or the Otagians act in our aid. This is a strange land, the Steppe Empire. Miracles are commonplace, and the laws of physics defied constantly. Our faith may do more than provide us with mere resolve in a place such as this."**
*OOC: The elite shock troops of the AL, made up of former Royal Guardsmen and decorated war heroes.
**OOC2: This is my way of introducing the occurence of miracles that will happen within the AL army if a battle should take place.
14-10-2007, 22:53
The First Royal Fleet set sail out of Daufuskie, heading towards the cities of New Katinisia and Jekitla. They had orders to blockade the cities and sink anyone that tried to attack them. The massive fleet would have been quite an imposing sight coming over the horizon. They were ready to fight if needed. It was some time by sea between the two nations, but the flotilla moved at a steady pace. And soon enough, it stood 0.2 km outside of Katislovic waters. The Full Admiral commanding the fleet issued this message:
To the opposing fleet from the worthless Empire of Katislov:
This is but your one and only chance to surrender. Surrender unconditionally and we will not be forced to pummel your fleet until your ships dead hulls sit on the bottom of the ocean serving no purpose but as coral reefs for fishes, nor will we have to burn your cities until they are but charred patches of earth. You are vastly outnumbered and outgunned. Save your people now, give us your surrender!
With Mercy,
Ian Caesar, Admiral of the 1st Royal Fleet
Designation “HDS” shorthand for His Duke’s Ship
1st Royal Fleet:
Montana Class:
BBM001 – HDS Gabriel
BBM002 – HDS Carolina
BBM003 – HDS Cross
BBM004 – HDS Klondike
BBM005 – HDS England
BBM006 – HDS Germany
BBM007 – HDS Transocenic
DDG-32 Type 45 Class:
DDG32T45001 – HDS Incineration
DDG32T45002 – HDS Destruction
DDG32T45003 – HDS Wrath
DDG32T45004 – HDS Liberation
Oliver Hazard Perry Class:
FFG-7-001 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-002 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-003 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-004 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-005 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-006 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-007 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-008 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-009 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-010 – HDS [Unnamed]
CG-47 Ticonderoga Class
CG-47-001 – HDS York
CG-47-002 – HDS Bostonia
CG-47-003 – HDS Christoville
CG-47-004 – HDS Augustonia
CG-47-005 – HDS Julia
Landing Craft:
LHD-1 Wasp Class:
LHD-1-006 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-007 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-008 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-009 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-010 – HDS [Unnamed]
Aircraft Carriers:
Nimitz Class
CVN-68N001 – HDS Duchy
CVN-68N002 – HDS Council
Los Angeles Class
SSN-688LA001 – HDS Panther
SSN-688LA002 – HDS Freedom
SSN-688LA003 – HDS Malta
SSN-688LA004 – HDS Sparta
SSN-688LA005 – HDS Athens
Hospital Ships:
Emma Ferns Class:
EFHS001 – HDS Red Cross
EFHS002 – HDS Life
EFHS003 – HDS Aid
EFHS003 – HDS Welfare
EFHS004 – HDS Hope
EFHS005 – HDS Youth
Lord Sumguy
14-10-2007, 22:56
The First Royal Fleet set sail out of Daufuskie, heading towards the cities of New Katinisia and Jekitla. They had orders to blockade the cities and sink anyone that tried to attack them. The massive fleet would have been quite an imposing sight coming over the horizon. They were ready to fight if needed. It was some time by sea between the two nations, but the flotilla moved at a steady pace. And soon enough, it stood 0.2 km outside of Katislovic waters. The Full Admiral commanding the fleet issued this message:
To the opposing fleet from the worthless Empire of Katislov:
This is but your one and only chance to surrender. Surrender unconditionally and we will not be forced to pummel your fleet until your ships dead hulls sit on the bottom of the ocean serving no purpose but as coral reefs for fishes, nor will we have to burn your cities until they are but charred patches of earth. You are vastly outnumbered and outgunned. Save your people now, give us your surrender!
With Mercy,
Ian Caesar, Admiral of the 1st Royal Fleet
Designation “HDS” shorthand for His Duke’s Ship
1st Royal Fleet:
Montana Class:
BBM001 – HDS Gabriel
BBM002 – HDS Carolina
BBM003 – HDS Cross
BBM004 – HDS Klondike
BBM005 – HDS England
BBM006 – HDS Germany
BBM007 – HDS Transocenic
DDG-32 Type 45 Class:
DDG32T45001 – HDS Incineration
DDG32T45002 – HDS Destruction
DDG32T45003 – HDS Wrath
DDG32T45004 – HDS Liberation
Oliver Hazard Perry Class:
FFG-7-001 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-002 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-003 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-004 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-005 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-006 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-007 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-008 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-009 – HDS [Unnamed]
FFG-7-010 – HDS [Unnamed]
CG-47 Ticonderoga Class
CG-47-001 – HDS York
CG-47-002 – HDS Bostonia
CG-47-003 – HDS Christoville
CG-47-004 – HDS Augustonia
CG-47-005 – HDS Julia
Landing Craft:
LHD-1 Wasp Class:
LHD-1-006 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-007 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-008 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-009 – HDS [Unnamed]
LHD-1-010 – HDS [Unnamed]
Aircraft Carriers:
Nimitz Class
CVN-68N001 – HDS Duchy
CVN-68N002 – HDS Council
Los Angeles Class
SSN-688LA001 – HDS Panther
SSN-688LA002 – HDS Freedom
SSN-688LA003 – HDS Malta
SSN-688LA004 – HDS Sparta
SSN-688LA005 – HDS Athens
Hospital Ships:
Emma Ferns Class:
EFHS001 – HDS Red Cross
EFHS002 – HDS Life
EFHS003 – HDS Aid
EFHS003 – HDS Welfare
EFHS004 – HDS Hope
EFHS005 – HDS Youth
OOC: perhaps you should start a different thread for that...
Operation: Wildcard-Stage 1
400,000 Cazelian Marines and paratroopers were preparing for a major assault upon Hyperboria if negotiations went awry. The force was led by Commisar Daniel Thorpe, a seasoned veteran who served in both the Cyconut war and the Caz'e-Londinian wars. The men were highly motivated, and some of them were filled with vengeance because of the 44th's destruction some years ago.
Force Specifications
200,000x Marines
100,000x Paratroopers
200x 155mm Howitzers
300x 130mm Mountain guns
1000x Humvees
900x A-1X Skyraiders (Upgraded with Guided missiles, Laser guided bombs, Rocket pods and four 63 cal. machine guns)
400x A-4 Skyhawks (Upgraded with Guided missiles, JDAMs and a Vulcan Minigun)
14-10-2007, 23:07
Official Letter to All Powers currently opposed to the Steppe Empire (Stevidian Empire, Abrahamic League et cetera)
I, Archmage Isak Varaiyan, late of the Grand Intergalatic Council of Sorcerors, have looked with great displeasure upon the actions of so-called 'Queen' Basi and her 'Steppe Empire'. I wish to ally myself with your cause. It is said that 'Queen' Basi has employed the use of a base magician, capable of a few petty tricks; nonetheless, such tricks can be effective against those unwary of them. Therefore, I wish to attach myself to any expeditionary force as Eldritch Advisor, as well as provide suitable sorcery to counter any such moves used by 'Queen' Basi and her coterie.
Perhaps you fear that, as an Archmage -- with the power to meld mind and matter to my own ends -- I shall use my powers for ill, to gain greater power or take control of your warships and warriors. But do not fear; for I am in the service of the Immortal Ahk'aghew, and should I misuse my powers, the Maker of the Universe will cast my soul into eternal torment. Simply say the word and I shall appear in a flash of fire wherever you think I might be best served.
Isak Varaiyan
Archmage of Kfherigerg
Regent of She'eio
Prince of Gzhr'age'geuotpy
Chief Sorceror of the Ajerig'keuf Foerig an Hleyitlofpe'fieogpejcitactl
High Alef'fyg Pfirkgyrativiolin and Zhoooooockefe'fkleya of the Nor'w'a people
14-10-2007, 23:58
OOC: perhaps you should start a different thread for that...
OOC: I have
New Vatican, St. Francis Xavier
Outside the Cathedral of St. Thomas Aquinas, several hundred Kiravian Catholics were gathered as Archbishop Patrick Stonepeak adressed them in a political sermon.
"My friends, a great affront has come upon our brothers and siters in the Church in the Steppe Empire. THey are being rounded up, presecuted, and killed. The EMpire is transporting refugees from the horrid country tou our most holy colony, where they will be met with open arms and cheers.
But we have not gone far enough. We must petition the EMpire to help overthrow this heretical and sinful regime. We must save our fellow Catholics! In the name of the Fater, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!"
The Steppe Empire
15-10-2007, 01:36
Kimbakazu Forest
This was a Large Forest beyond the Clifs of the North Coast. A Cool rainforest that went for 500 miles. Large Redwoods were all over the forest. More Wrath Vines, deadly Carnavore Plants thet could eat a human, climbed up the Trees like Snakes. Ferns grew on the Ground.
This Forest was hard to get though if you did not know the way.
rid your nation of the sinful filth that is religion.
Without religion, the concept of sin is menignless, no?
15-10-2007, 03:53
Donation to the Glorious Cause
The Constitutional Monarchy Daufuskie will donate 5000 Napalm based bombs, 10,000 gallons of raw napalm, and 2500 flamethrowers to the Stevid Empire so that they may burn their way through the treacherous forest of the Steppe Empire. If they are not needed for that purpose, please use them to burn the Steppe heretics.
War Minister Caligula Boyardee
Operation: Wildcard-Stage 2
The A-1X Skyraiders had begun taking off, loaded with tons of napalm, incendiary rounds and ATGMs for burning the forests of the Steppe Empire. The reason for the use of outdated aircraft was because they were too slow to be intercepted by modern fighters, and very hard to be shot down by SAM installations. The downside was that small arms fire and handheld AAMs could destroy them.
On the other side of the FOB, the A-4 Skyhawks were being loaded with Rocket pods, Tesla coils ( and Flash blinders, which were going to be used to support the landing Marines and Paratroopers.
OOC: did Queen Basi actually have any Catholics killed, or did she just exile all of them? I know she interned them. I'm a bit confused, and it would affect my response.
1100 Hours, Hill Alpha-16
The mages were restless.
Sighing, Colonel Alter stood, pushing away the logistical report he was writing. His Legion's mages were huddled together, whispering frantically. That was never a good sign... As he walked towards them, their chatter ceased, the Awakened snapping to attention. Alter shook his head.
"At ease, specialists. Something up?"
"Yes Colonel, sir. Astral patrols might have found something. Still trying to get my Watcher to dump the sensory feed, but- Ah."
The caster speaking, a Shaman by the name of Pend, froze in place, eyes glowing as his Mask took over. His lips moved quickly, head twitching at unseen stimuli. Alter wasn't surprised, the spirit's at the man's command tended to be more forceful than most. The colonel waited patiently for the man's convulsions to cease.
As they did, the caster promptly vomited on the Colonel's boots.
"And I just shined these... Better have something good, specialist."
Wiping his mouth, Pend winced. "Apologies, sir. The Watcher did find something though. Large concentration of enemy forces, moving in this direction. Primarily infantry, mix of primitive and contemporary armament. Estimated twenty five percent cavalry, including a large detachment of dracoforms, unknown genotype. Watcher estimates total enemy strength of approximately four hundred thousand, about two days out, with the cavalry here within six hours if they leave the infantry behind."
The colonel raised an eyebrow. "Quite a lot of soldiers for a scouting party. Assume that their intentions are hostile. I want increased Astral security, an eye out for ritual magic. Lend a hand with the fortifications if you've the spirits to spare."
The casters saluted, then departed to carry out their orders. Keying his comm bead, Alter began barking orders over the command channel.
"HQ, this is Colonel Zachary Alter of Legion Alpha Sixteen. Enemy attack inbound on our position, quad hundred kilo strength. Request deployment of reserves to our position, and tactical air support. Unit commanders at position, dig in and prepare for attack. Kinezumi, lay defensive fields at two hundred meters, fifty meters deep, standard gating pattern. Engineers, fortify existing strong points. I say again..."
After hearing his officers report their affirmatives, Alter sat back and looked over the map. The enemy forces outnumbered his Legion by a good amount, but reinforcements were easily within a day's travel, and would arrive a short time after the Steppe Empire's forces in vastly superior numbers. He had artillery, armor, air support, and a superior position. All he had to do was hold out until his reinforcements arrived...
OOC: Legion strength is 5000 men, not including attached armor and artillery batteries. Overall forces are as follows:
Mechanized Legion Alpha-16 (5000 men, 500 Nezumi Oni IFVs, 50 Kinezumi Minelayers, 50 Horinezumi Mortar Carriers)
2 Tribunes (144 each) of Nakil 1A1GU MBTs
1 Tribune of TXI.76 Andre Recoilless Howitzers
1 Tribune of TXI.14 Carposis AAA
Other strongpoints will have pretty much identical garrisons, so please stick with Legion Alpha-16 so I don't have to come up with a new cast of characters. ;) Overall ORA presence is in the 10 million range, with most of these being reserves to reinforce frontline positions if they come under attack. Will detail air support once it comes into play.
Free United States
15-10-2007, 05:57
OOC: i assume anyone can join, no? if not, please let me know. I have a great deal of respect for RPers, as I'm my regions' RP mod.
Meridian City, CFUS (Commonwealth of Free United States)
Premier Galindo read the report with growing interest. For one, it was the report of a major military conflict about to take place, and for another, it would mean that victory for the Steppe Empire would prove disastrous for the ideals of democracy. He thought back on his teachings, Lenin and Marx saying how religion was the 'opium of the masses,' and used to keep the powerful in power and powerless without. But he couldn't forget what his preist has said, either, "There is never just one way."
"So, should we ignore it?" NSA Samantha Lexi asked. "It's not really our fight, right?"
"She's right, Comrade-Premier," General Petrov of the Ground Defense Army concurred.
"But, there are several trade routes close to the areas of conflict...if our economy should be affected by the war, it would become our business, " Air Defense Force commander General Vitrin interjected. There was a murmur of assent in the room.
"At this time," the Premier said carefully, "We are to assume a neutral posture. There is no doubt that there are crime against humanity taking place, but only through a multi-national, unilateral front can such progress be achieved. The leaders of the Steppe Empire must be brought before an *ICC. But let's keep an eye on things; Admiral Padorin, redirect the Mjollnir's Blow Battle Group to monitor the trade routes, but keep it in international waters. Let's also redirect the Spacy forces...Halberton, get the AEsir in orbit to get us topographic data. For now, we'll do like the other nations and condemn these acts."
CBC Broadcast, 14 October 2007, 11:20 CMT (Commonwealth Mean Time)
"My fellow citizens, and to those watching around the world," Premier Galindo begins, "It has become the attention of our nation that the country of the Steppe Empire has begun an attrocious and insufferable act of religious persecution with its borders. The Commonwealth has agreed with other nations that this act cannot be tolerated by those who love democracy and liberty. Therfore, invoking my powers as President of the Supreme Soviet, I have asked for a roll call vote condemning these heinous acts. At 8:56 pm, CMT, the Supreme Soviet voted to declare these acts as crimes against humanity. NGO personnel are urged in exercising extreme caution, as at this time, no military forces have been committed to the country. Our plan is to broker a multinational force of Peacekeepers to restore civility to the nation. Let us all find our own way to bring solace to those in need...God bless and good night."
FSS Mjollnirs Blow, CVNA-34
The Gibraltar-class supercarrier cut through the waves of the open sea. In command of the flagship for the Maritime Forces 3rd Fleet was Captain Richard Jameson. A thirty-year veteran of the MDF, he a tried and seasoned officer. To his side was the CAG, Lt. Commander David Vryees. They had been going over the last landing results in the CIC when they recieved the message.
"FLASH message coming in!" the comm officer announced. "Authenticated."
The officers read the message together.
FR: 3rd Fleet Command, ADM James Grigori, Commanding
TO: Mjollnirs' Blow Battle Group (FSS Mjollnirs' Blow CVNA-34, FSS Fog of War LAC-07, FSS Concordia Ultima BBN-62, FSS Aurock Warrior, LCMN-91, FSS House of Grief CMD-94, FSS Might of Polyphemus DDN-160, FSS Dido's Wrath DDN-202)
This is a FLASH Command Order sent through 3rd Fleet CMD by Admiral Evgenni Padorin, CNO, CMDF. Mjollnir Battle Group to head to coordinates indicated 34-F, 46-A, 97-G on Grid Omega. Patrol civilian shipping lanes. Set conditions to repel attacks on civilian shipping and/or refugee vessels. Standard ROE applies. Any military vehicles within range of attack are to be deemed HOSTILE.
***End Message***
OOC: Like I said, if this isn't open, just let me know. No offense taken/implied. Sorry it got wordy, but I've been aching for a really good RP. IN fact,this is the first NS Forums RP I've ever posted on...
*ICC=Inter'l Criminal Court (ie. Like the one in the Hague)
15-10-2007, 15:27
Official Open Communique from PMO of Kryozerkia
-- This is an open letter to all nations --
We have yet to receive a reply from Her Majesty in response to our offer. We look to minimise bloodshed on both sides. We recognise the need to advance a nation and free it from the clutches of religion. We also acknowledge that there are non-violent ways of accomplishing it and that the people should not be killed; they should be given the option to shun the shackles that are holding them back.
As we have previously stated, it was the choice of the people to make the state secular, with all remaining cathedrals and ancient places of worships converted into places of learning, as well as homes for those without. When the referendum had occurred, religion was still lawful, except for Protestantism. The people had chosen to make religion a thing of the past.
We would like to make this possible for Hyperboria. Our progressive policies ensured the safety of those who didn't want to accept the new laws.
If the nation Hyperboria is not executing the people, instead of going to war, offer amnesty to those seeking it.
We cannot as our laws would only punish those seeking asylum.
S. Kane
Right Honourable Prime Minister
The Unholy Godless Republic of Kryozerkia
Free United States
15-10-2007, 16:39
OOC: yay, no one's objected. pardon...
High above the clouds, two F/A-18E Super Hornets patrolled the skies in a slow arc. These fighters were part of the Mjollnirs' Air Wing, the VFA-13 "Lynx" squadron. Ever since arriving on station, there had been a CAP (Combat Air Patrol) around the carrier nad her escorts. To the south, another pair of fighters was also patrolling, and together, they formed a wheel of ptrotection around the battle group. The flight lead for this pair was Lt. Gregory 'Squiggy' Manus, and he looked away from the map on his leg as the radar chirped. It was picking up a small vessel to his 3 o'clock, and he switched to laser induction to be sure. Choppy waves sometimes made identification on water unreliable. Confirming the vessel, nothing more than a small fishing trawler, he sent the data over to the carriers' CIC.
"Home Plate/Runner," came the ships' response, "Hit the eck and see if you can ID friend or foe."
"This is Runner," he answered, "Roger that Home Plate. Diving for the deck."
He led his wingman, Ens. James 'Mackerel' Mckenzie into a roll that became a dive. They passed through the low-hanging clouds and headed further down, leveling out about twenty feet over the surface of the water. At their speed of over 350 knots, the flight had already caught up with the slow-moving trawler. Manus thumbed over his reconnaissance equipment and began to roll digital film as they flew by.
The pictures were sent immediately to the onboard computers of the Mjollnir. Even as he made for another pass, the first set was being enhanced and displayed in the CIC. The TAO (Tactical Action Officer) reviewed it before sending it up to the Captain. Within minutes, the situation was clear; it was a ship carrying refugees. Follow-up orders after the FLASH message had made it clear that onyl if the refugees asked for assistance could it be granted, unless their lives were in direct and immediate danger.
"Mark them as R-Zero," the TAO said to the radar officer. "Plot their course and keep tracking them."
sorry, i'm working long, late hours now and it is coming up to xmas so time is scarce. Should have post up between friday and sunday.
Independent Hitmen
19-10-2007, 00:02
OOC: near xmas!!! its only October mate :P. For some reason this came to me and I thought I'd post it :)
A broadcast shown on the 7 o’clock news section of IHNN, viewing figures average 4.5billion daily
The camera pans from a moving view of the ocean into the passenger bay of a large KH-66 helicopter, the reporter sits near the open door with his shoulder length brown hair fluttering in the wind from the hundred mile an hour speed of the helicopter. Visible on the seats next to him are armed IH Marines, all sporting warlike faces as they clasp assault rifles to their chests. As soon as the camera pans to him the reporter starts speaking.
“I’m here with Marines from the aircraft carrier David Conroy who have just been on a mission to search a ship suspected of carrying arms to separatist insurgents within the former Guffingford state. Whilst todays exercise was a drill, the Marine section onboard the David Conroy and those on all the other vessels of Task Force 12 are prepared to do it for real should the time come. The whole purpose of Task Force 12 is to show the IH flag near the Stevidian coast and in the many ports that elements visit throughout the year. But the whole issue of the nature of the alliance has been questioned in recent days with the deployment of Stevidian armed forces towards the Steppe Empire.”
The picture flicks to library pictures of combat during the War of the Golden Succession, starting with Hitmen naval aircraft taking off from carriers and then flicking to images of Stevidian battleships firing their guns and missiles before finally moving to senior Stevidian and Hitmen commanders touring forward units on the ground in SafeHaven2.
“Whilst the politicians stand firm on the alliance with Stevid, rightly regarded as the closets ally that currently possess, pubic opinion has been sharply divided over the handling of their campaign in the Steppe Empire. A recent independent poll conducted by IHNN’s research department put a staggering fifty five percent of IH voters at a level of unhappiness by the perceived religious interference within foreign affairs that has been indicative of this crisis. Conversely, a majority of voters also agree that Stevid has a moral obligation to defend the Christians of the Steppe Empire and other minorities who find themselves unfairly persecuted. The key argument appears to be in the lack of secular authority being demonstrated by the Stevidians. President Anderson has moved quickly to quash rumours of Hitmen government dissatisfaction with the movements of Stevidian forces.”
Again the picture changes but this time to a picture of President Anderson visiting an IH Air Force Base in Gillen and answering a question hurled at him by a reporter as he walks towards the main control tower.
“The Stevidians have our full political backing as always. I know David Conroy very well and there is no doubt in my mind or that of the cabinet that the Christians of Hyperboria are being unfairly prosecuted for their beliefs. At this time the Stevidians have the situation completely under control.”
The picture then changes to the Presidential Press Secretary giving a briefing in a much more formal environment. To begin with the reporters voice is dubbed over the tape.
“Press Secretary Julia McMahon also responded to questions on the matter during her briefing just after the visit.”
“The existence of Stevidian military action against those who oppress Christians and other minorities is present yes. It is the policy of the Independent Hitmen to support all forms of democracy and where necessary to protect persecuted minorities who should enjoy political will and freedom from persecution in their native lands. The monarchy of Hyperboria has no reason for this action and as such it is against international law and the Stevidian and Doomani’s, amongst others, are acting for the oppressed. The Independent Hitmen government has received no request from either of those states for military support and will not act unless it does receive such a request. With respect the hostility that does exist between those two states, we will be monitoring the situation closely to ensure that if any difficulties arise we are in a position to help diffuse them as quickly and easily as is humanly possible.”
The camera returns to the reporter, now walking slowly from the control tower of an aircraft carrier across the deck to a point where he stops and addresses the camera. The camera continues to zoom out, a wire visible across the deck just to the right of the reporter.
“So it seems that yet another incident is handled without more than a token use of diplomacy. Senior figures within the State Department have made it known that they suspect the effort would have been wasted in this case, the monarchy in Hyperboria being suspected of harbouring Hatarian fugitives and senior officials who were responsible for a string of wars involving that former nation.”
With that the camera zooms back as a grey F-30 Shinden II Interceptor touches down behind the reporter, the sleek grey body and the black IHN and Navy stickers clearly visible on the enlarged shot. As are the missiles hanging from the hardpoints on the wings.
“However the denials by the Defence Department that no IH force is required for the operations seems rather stretched here. Today I’ve witnessed countless aircraft training for operations ranging from ground support to anti-shipping, all carried out with live ordinance onboard. Whilst that is standard operating procedure for IH Navy Vessels such as this, the tempo has been visibly raised since the crisis began. This is Jon Burgess for IHNN onboard the IHS David Conroy, somewhere in the Otium Aqua.
Free United States
19-10-2007, 06:36
FSS Mjollnir's Blow
Two Rafale-M multirole fighters were being prepared on the waist catapults. At the bow catapults, two F/A-18E Super Hornets were also being prepped for launch. Unlike the smaller Nimitz-class carriers, the Gibraltar-class Mjollnir was wide enough and long enough (more than 150 feet longer) to launch from all four catapults simultaneously. The usual haze on deck was also spared due to the innovation of electro-magnetic catapults. With a signal from the Catapult Offficer, the fighters were launched off the deck.
For almost a week, the Carrier Battle Group had been on station, monitoring the situation on the ground and seething that they were still bound by neutral status. What's more, the increased military activity of other countries had made the situation even more complicated. There were several instances already of near-fire mishaps involving IH aircraft. But nothing major had happened, and some pilots had even developed a friendly reportoire with their counterparts.
It had been increasingly more difficult since taking on the refugees. Among the strike fighters and attack helicopters of the Amphibious Assault Ship FSS Fog of War, the starving and haranged men and women were slowly being rehabilitated. Though, there was a joke going around that the Marine food served aboard the Fog of War would deal them in just as well as their genocidal government.
Adaptus Astrates
19-10-2007, 09:34
"This is genocide, simple as that." Cardinal Tolian told the government officials. The Imperium had been paying attention to home affairs for too long to remember the horrors that other countries could commit. All present in the Crisis Room had been summoned by the Emperor and Cardinal Tolian a matter of hours before, after Stevid's announcement calling for support in the persecution of Catholics in Hyperboria. The room was a small chamber within the Imperial Palace, an aside from the Throne Room it was the strongest part of Palace. The semi-circular table faced towards a thin plasma screen display, showing a map of the now hostile nation. At the table was the Emperor, the Cardinal, the chiefs of the armed forces, three High Lords, three Lower Lords and the head of Imperial Intelligence.
Cardinal Tolian had only just begun to explain to all of them why the Imperium should become involved.
"Would you have your fellow Catholics be persecuted in such blatant fashion, by such intolerant souls, only to sit back and watch..."
"Do you question our position toward this situation?" Alexander Manning, the intellingence chief snapped. Manning never was keen on Tolian, as they had clashed over the issue of a shooting by Imperial Intellingence of a thought to be Catholic extremist. The intelligence was wrong, and Manning barely escaped with his job, Tolian leading the protest against him. But this was a different crisis, and after that outburst, both of them thought best to cooperate.
"No, Mr Manning, but I question the indecisiveness of the governement to intervene. it has taken a request from Stevid to even call a meeting like this, a meeting that took time to even start, I might add." Everybody in the chamber knew he was right, especially the Emperor. Now was the time to put things right though, as the Emperor began to speak.
"Dear friends, Cardinal Tolian has made an understandable point. I have been indecisive, and i believe that things can be put right now. Admiral Wallace, how effectively can the navy respond to this crisis?"
Kyle Wallace, Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, pressed a few buttons on his part of the table. The large screen showed the long distance between Adaptus Astrates and Hyperboria.
"The Second Fleet has been excercising of Gravelines Island. Four large aircraft carriers with a full air group accompanied by twelve heavy destroyers, ten cruisers, twenty frigates, seven submarines, six landing ships plus around eight hundred Imperial Marines per LPD, and ten auxillaries. Overall, it would take two weeks at best to reach Hyperboria. But we need to draw up plans for what to do with the Second once in the danger zone and extra warships for a fleet train."
The Emperor responded. "Begin to draw up a plan of action. Air Marshall Sears, begin to draw up plans for airforce patrols in support of Stevid. Deploy the Grand Eagle if need be." Grand Eagle was a giant flying aircraft carrier in developement by the Imperial Astratesite Airforce. She was nearing completion, but in times of crisis, military maunufacturing would be increased to meet any needs.
"I would like your permission, Emperor, to send Paratrooper scouts ahead of any force that may land in the target area, plans permitting of course."
The Emperor nodded in acknowledgement of his Airforce chief's request. He then turned to the head of the Army, Field Marshall Vorenus Solidus.
"General Solidus, begin making preparations for ground troopsto back up the Marines and Paras should they go in."
The old General bowed his head, responded "Yes, my Lord", and kept his cold silence. Finally it was Manning's turn to be asked to draw up plans, but Manning spoke first.
"My Lord Emperor, I must tell you that there are over a dozen Astratesites in the hostile area. The majority have been expelled, but six are unacconted for. One of them is an Imperial agent. Another is a relative of one of our highest officials, whom I wil not identify for his sake."
No one new of any intellingence operations in Hyperboria or anywhere near it. But everyone knew why there was one now. Before the Stevid broadcast, at the start of the crisis, Imperial Intelligence must have acted on its own to secure the Astratesites. Nobody spoke up about it, it was obvious the moment Manning began the sentence. The Emperor had a stern look on his face, for not being informed, but he knew it was too late to be angry about it.
“Have you heard anything from your agent?” the Emperor asked.
“A few days ago, while we listened to his latest report, we lost all communication with him. We heard gunshots. We can only guess what happened, but not be sure.”
The Emperor turned to the screen showing the map of Hypreboria, looking at it for a few moments. Our people, and their people, both Catholics and both suffering, He thought. An Imperial Agent, presumed missing with five other Astratesites. He then turned to all present and began to talk.
“Gentlemen, it appears that some of our own countrymen suffer with the Catholics in Hyperboria. In light of this and Stevid’s request for support, I deem it necessary to intervene. Commanders of my Forces, set up a joint operational command, begin planning while our forces are en route. Deploy the Second Fleet and send elements of the Third Fleet to support them. Have our air forces begin CAPs over the area, and the army shall prepare to back up initially deployed forces. Alexander, I’m sure you know what to do.” The Emperor then turned to the High and Lower Lords present. “My friends, I would like you to brief your colleagues on the situation. I will call a cabinet meeting shortly. After that, I will speak to the nation. That is all.”
And with that command, the subjects of the Emperor rose, bowed slightly, and left the room, the Emperor still in his seat, looking at the map of the place where fellow Catholics were being persecuted on the actions of long ago.
The wrath of the Imperium would be upon them should they continue.
Task Force 777 was the symbol of the Empire around the waters lapping up against the cliffs of Hyperboria but word of an Independent Hitmen presence got around quickly although the officers would neither confirm nor deny the rumours. Morale was understandably high and would be the easiest war Stevid would probably fight in its entire history. The task force continued to perform ASW and AAW roles despite the fact that the Steppe Empire possessed no air force or navy, however tensions between the United States of America and Stevid had reached a point where there would be more sparks flying in the future, the row over nuclear weapons in Ryou had brought the two together on very unfriendly terms and the anti-American tone most Stevidians carry did nothing to improve matters, morning, afternoon and evening papers mocked the USA for their arrogant and pro-war, pro-democracy stance. While Stevid was democratic it certainly was nothing to boast about, it was a luxury everyone should enjoy but not take for granted. So noting Stevid’s new “friend”, Task Force 777 had been ordered by the Admiralty to maintain Condition Yellow at all times and sent contact reports every half an hour, the USA was not expected to attack the task force via covert means particular when Stevid was fighting for freedom, but chances weren’t not to be taken.
The response from the Holy Empire had been most prompt and successful; The Ryou Black Islands had thrown away their allegiance to the Steppe Empire and stated they cared little for Queen Basi’s future, The Principality of Kurona had vowed complete support for the Empire and had pledge to take all of the refugees from the Steppe Empire thus relieving the pressure off the Stevidian government to a degree, military support was pledged also but was low on Kurona’s list which was acceptable considering Kurona was generally neutral in most disputes. The reaction from Adaptus Astrates was deemed the most admirable; they had assembled their own task force of several carriers and little under fifty warships to the Steppe Empire simply because they were to be the next occupying force in the Steppe Empire acting on behalf of the Holy Empire. Adaptus Astrates had maintained silence on the international stage for nearly a decade and much to the benefit of their staggering economy. They were a great asset to the Holy Empire, an asset not often used, much to Stevid’s disgrace but this time was very different indeed. Stevid was stretched and quite unwilling to occupy the Steppe Empire simply because after three simultaneous wars- the military was exhausted and unable to perform the task at hand. Task Force 777 was the only thing Stevid had sent.
The Knights Templar were running rampant, they were being constantly shuttled around the country meeting little resistance as they went. The Steppe Empire’s armies were just that- armies. Huge masses of troops and war elephants and accompanied by rhinos, these things were no match for the Templars by themselves but together they managed to keep the Knights away from key areas of the country including the capital. The Knights were sacking villages and towns, crucifying or killing on the spot those who opposed them. The liberated Catholics from prisons and slave pits, Catholic corpses were gathered and cremated with a full Mass to see them off. Churches that had been sacked by the Hyperborians were recorded and placed on maps that were then forwarded to the Holy Inquisition that set about repairing the churches and converting the local population. But the Knights Templar had a greater goal- Queen Basi.
The aircraft carriers in the task force had constantly sent out sortie after sortie out to the capital city in a bid to crush what resistance there was left to oppose the Knights. Losses were slight but not negligible; the city was in flames as Scorpion attack fighters made sort work of building with guided bunk buster bombs, 4000lb bombs and air-to-ground missiles. Fire licked up into the air and black smoke literally poured out of the city, thousands probably lay dead in the streets as the authorities tried to get a grip on the situation. The Queen’s royal palace, the place where Stevid and Adaptus Astrates intelligence had confirmed the Queen almost certainly was, was bombed very little. The Queen was wanted alive and so the palace was attacked just enough to give Basi a taste of what was yet to come. The Knights Templar wasted no time, like Stevid they also wanted to be out of there as quickly as possible. Policing the nation was Adaptus Astrates job, converting the population (while it was a Templar interest) was the Inquisition’s job. The Templars were there to grab the Queen and get out which was precisely what they were going to do.
Twenty V-22 Osprey VTOL aircraft took a full contingent of Knights towards the burning city and directly to the palace while under heavy AA escort from Royal Navy Nightwalkers and Hawkers. Infiltration into city was no longer an option and so the Knights were taken deep into the city, the escorts turned back for their carriers when the V-22s reached the palace. The Scorpions had been ordered to bomb one part of the palace in particular, and bomb it heavily- just enough to create giant opening in the side of the palace where the Knights could land and begin their operation. The whole procedure took half an hour and attack helicopters buzzed around the exterior of the palace attacking any enemy forces that tried to counter the Knights but to also make sure the Queen Basi could not escape. Soon seventy Knights were inside the Queen’s royal palace in the capital city of the Steppe Empire once the Hatarian Empire… oh how the mighty had fallen. Fighting broke out almost immediately with the palace guards showing no mercy, close quarter combat quickly ensued after a brief fire fight in which no Templar was killed. The Knights found it slightly more difficult in hand-to-hand with several Knights fallen injured and even two being killed. After twenty minutes of fighting they set about searching for the Queen, five Justicars headed for the throne room and the Queen’s personal quarters while combat squads of eight Templars began to fight their way through the palace to see if she was hiding elsewhere.
Only time would tell if the Queen was located within the palace.
Free United States
21-10-2007, 07:43
Supreme Soviet Chambers, Meridian City, CFUS
The Commonwealth's main political body had been in special session for several days, and it was still undecided whether or not to commit troops to the country of Hyperboria. Sitting at his seat, Premier Galindo pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stave off another headache. There were times he wished he'd stayed in the Maritime Forces. From an adjacent antechamber, his aide brought in a manila envelope sealed with a thick red tape. The words TOP SECRET were clearly visible. He cut the tape as it was handed to him and read it quickly before passing in on to the other members of the Politburo. Once he was sure they'd all read the report, he banged the gavel on his podium to bring the caucus to order.
"If I may have your attention," he told the assembled congressmen and ministers. "This report I'e just been handed is from the commander of our Mjollnir Battle Group. He reports a large military incursion into Hyperboria by forces of another nation. The forces of this nation, however, are ignoring the basics of human rights that must be observed in wartime. I believe now is the time to show our resolve towards a democratic solution. I propose we send a message to the parties in question by deploying Peacekeepers to the region to restore order to the nation."
FSS Mjollnirs' Blow, 1900 Zulu
The klaxons sounded throughout the ship. Even as some sailors and airmen were roused from their sleep, fighters were being ferried to the launch deck. The fighters were going up fully loaded, their hardpoints bolstering air-to-air missiles, bombs and air-to-ground missiles. Those inside the cockpits knew that it was real this time. They were going to war.
In the CIC, the Captain looked at the threat board with a stern contenance. His orders were clear; CFUS forces were to commit the 5th Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) aboard the Fog of War and commence Peacekeeping duties. The force of 2000+ Marines would soon be supported by the 3rd Infantry Division (ID) being flown in from the Commonwealth. Once established, the forces were to only intercede in direct abuses of war powers and crimes against civilian populaces.
Elsewhere, the other ships were also preparing. The Fog of War's deck was loaded out with F-35 VSTOL aircraft and an array of attack and transport helicopters, along with two V-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. Adjacent to her, the battleship Concordia Ultima was traversing its massive linear cannon turrets, and the large-bore Gauss guns of its secondary batteries were also tracking. The caps of its missile pods were open, and the cannons were being elevated. The missile cruisers and destroyers were similarly engaged.
Lagrange Point 3, Earth Orbit
From its observation point, the FSS Flame of the AEsir had a view of the battlefield commanders had only dreamed of half a century ago. She had been joined by the battleship Volsungasaga. The smaller AEsir was dwarfed by the 3000 foot long capital ship. Now, however, casemates had opened. Their weapons were training on the ground below. Their involvement would be minimal, as the projectile weapons on their main batteries would prove insignificant as the slugs tried to pass through the atmosphere. Instead, the ships had split along their long axis, revealing the barrels of their true weapons, the Cherry Blossom particle cannon. With an output of 1.5 x 10^12 joules, the Volsugasaga was a weapon to be feared. Even though the idea was support of the ground and naval forces, it would be a sight to see the weapons work in an atmospheric setting.
The Steppe Empire
22-10-2007, 23:52
The Steppe Empire was falling apart.
The Northern Armies were being Defeated as the enemy was heading for the Capital City while the capital was being blasted by air attacks.
Sarmaria had ran away from the attacks while Basi had the South, leading the Grand Army against The Otagian Army it self. Marching for a Hill that The Hyperborians called "Hagsidhs" Meening "Hill" in Hyperborian Hatarian.
Sarmaria was heading north to the Gasnais Army, also known as The "Hyperborian 7th Army" or "The Great Northern Army" in Hopes of stopping The Invasion.
The Great Northern Army
300,000 Swordsmen
200,000 Riflemen.
300 Artillery Units
700,000 Horsemen
6,000 War Hatarphants
3,000 Dragons
40,000 Woolly Rhino Chariots
4,000 Berserkers
12,800 War Wolfs
Sarmaria was rideing on her War Wolf, a Horse-sized Wolf that was used in war as a Cavlary Mount, to the North.
Free United States
23-10-2007, 05:52
A small town, Northern Hyperboria
The blue armbands didn't seem much to anyone in this country, as the Marines had met with what could only be considered 'hostile' intent. A large farmhouse had been commandeered as a General Headquarters (GHQ), and inside, the Marine commander, Lt. Colonel James Greer, watched the horror unfold. In the past few days, the 3rd ID had arrived, but that still left a force of just under 30,000 to hold back the roaring tides of war. Charging down the corridor, the new ground commander, GDA General Mikhail Vikov called out to him. From the satellite images still coming in from the Spacy ships, it was clear that a group of skirmishers was getting close to their defensive lines.
CFUS Safe Zone Defensive Line
The line consisted mostly of roadblocks, and it was at one of these that the skirmishers were approaching. Two humvees, an APC and the platoon of GDA troops were all that stood in the way of what looked like a small company. What caused them to give pause was that some seemed to be mounted forces, but the pause turned to alarm as they saw the artillery roll over the hill.
"Attention approaching forces," the platoon leader said over a megaphone. "This has been deemed an International Safe Zone. Military units are not permitted within this area. Turn around now!"
There was no response, and the platoon was getting nervous. With a wave of his hand, the turrets of the APC and humvees swung forward, one with a .50 caliber machine gun and the other mounting a TOW missile launcher. The men leveled their weapons, kneeling behind the humvees and the barricades.
"Sir, there's no way we can stop all of 'em," a corporal whispered, his M16A2 leveled on the humvees' hood.
"This is your last warning!" the Lieutenant said. "Turn your vehicles around now!" Seeing no change in movement, he summoned the radio operator.
25 miles SW of North GHQ
The pair of Rafale-M's from the Mjollnir had been patrolling on station when they recieved the call for ground support. From the sound of the guys on the ground, it was liable to get ugly right quick. Over the radio, spoaradic gunfire was already being exchanged. With a gesture of his hand, the flight lead signaled to his wingman. Both fighters rolled into a dive as they hit their afterburners.
"Fighters, be advised that friendly forces are danger-close," the air controller in the nearby E2-C Hawkeye radioed.
"Roger Hawkeye," the flight lead responded. "Rolling in hot."
From the radio, the fighter pilots heard the sound of relief in the soldiers voices. The lead radioed to them, "Movers inbound and hot. Roger friendlies are danger-close."
The fighters skimmed the earth as they rolled in for their attack. Guidance had already locked on, and the blast of the fighters' engines was forgotten as the bombs hit their mark. Both had been fuel-air explosives, creating balls of fire that cut the approaching forces off from the GDA lines. Those that hadn't been caught in the hellfire were blocked by the firestorm. Already the fighters had returned, strafing the lines with blasts from their 20mm cannons. And once again, the fighters were gone as they pulled up into a higher orbit.
The Steppe Empire
23-10-2007, 21:11
"I'm not sure if I see much need to assemble our armed forces. There's already plenty of fire power from Stevid and others. What good could Kurona do?"
"I'm with Tomoyo on this." Her husband Charles agreed
"Well Highnesses, we aren't quite sure our selves. But we think it would be wise to show the might of Kurona's naval forces. Magic Sorcery is already planning their forces to hunt Basi down and march into the country. We could always offer..."
"Oh offer what? Stevid is plenty strong, they already have their nights on the hunt. Which I'm also uneased about. Kanami won't like it. Now I.H. is in."
"Old memories can be hard madam Princess and Sir Prince. But we think Kanami would favor our cause to take the Steppe Empire in the name of religious freedom. And they may also not involve."
"I offered my full support to Stevid. This is the way to show them Kurona is a committed friend to the Empire. Deploy troops."
"As you wish."
The Principality of Kurona
Kurona is now ready to launch ground forces into the Empire. They will bear the flag please be cautious with your fire.
Tomoyo Weaver
A band of Kuronan soliders shored up onto the Southern Shores. Their arsenal was mostly generic weaponry which may or may not be able to stand up to the Magical people of the country. They took a small fishing village but probably not that great of an accomplishment.
Magic Sorcery
24-10-2007, 04:55
Official Open Communique from PMO of Kryozerkia
-- This is an open letter to all nations --
We have yet to receive a reply from Her Majesty in response to our offer. We look to minimise bloodshed on both sides. We recognise the need to advance a nation and free it from the clutches of religion. We also acknowledge that there are non-violent ways of accomplishing it and that the people should not be killed; they should be given the option to shun the shackles that are holding them back.
As we have previously stated, it was the choice of the people to make the state secular, with all remaining cathedrals and ancient places of worships converted into places of learning, as well as homes for those without. When the referendum had occurred, religion was still lawful, except for Protestantism. The people had chosen to make religion a thing of the past.
We would like to make this possible for Hyperboria. Our progressive policies ensured the safety of those who didn't want to accept the new laws.
If the nation Hyperboria is not executing the people, instead of going to war, offer amnesty to those seeking it.
We cannot as our laws would only punish those seeking asylum.
S. Kane
Right Honourable Prime Minister
The Unholy Godless Republic of Kryozerkia
It was never the choice of the people. It was forced upon them. And all you can offer is your sympathy because you chose to be a godless state and opress those that chose to follow as a result. If there's one thing worse than outlawing religion entirely it's beating around the bush to brainwash those to bring about it to be outlawed! MS belives in freedom for all people, and belives it's a human right to chose one's faith. But you don't care do you? You want to violate that right by helping the people abandon their faith. Well we won't stand for it.
Sakura Kinimoto
"Sir, hostile forces within 70 kilometers."
Alter smiled under his helmet as he looked out over the hill. His hill. Dozens of trenches littered it's slopes, red and black forms moving quickly between them, finalizing defenses, the Legion's armor hulled down across the face of the hill. Lines of concertina wire ringed the base, gaps and firebreaks filled by unseen rows of mines. The fortifications could hold back an army. They would have to.
Looking away from his vantage point, the Colonel turned to face the combat mages. "Good. Until further notice, you're assigned to security. I don't want any surprises from Awakened tribals. Engage targets of opportunity when they present themselves, but remember, your first priority is keeping the rest of us safe. Dismissed."
Saluting, the adepts turned, heading down to their trenches. Keying his radio bead, Alter began issuing orders over the command channel.
"Andre, this is Colonel Alter. Kindly hold fire until hostile force is entirely within your killzone. I want a spread of Delta Mikes, standard pattern, for the first three salvos. Follow up with standard loads, and support front lines as needed. Sixteenth, to your trenches. Hostile forces inbound. Alter out." Alter quickly clicked over to Air Control's frequency. "Air Control, this is Alpha Sixteen Actual. Requesting air strike against approaching hostiles, pending artillery bombardment. Be advised, enemy air support is in place, composed primarily of dracoforms. Advise high altitude strike. Alpha Sixteen Actual out."
Sitting in his command trench, Zacharias Alter leaned back and sighed. Now all he had to do was wait...
The squadron of Stormcrow bombers soared high over Hill Alpha Sixteen, their Banshee escorts in loose formation around them. Staring dreamily out of her cockpit, Airman Jane Taelos watched the swift-moving red blips on her HUD as two-forty artillery shells soared across the battlefield. As suddenly as they appeared, the shells disappeared, airbursting seemingly harmlessly behind the Steppe lines.
Jane smiled at the Legion commander's plan. The enemy was boxed in now, even if they didn't know it: Hill Alpha Sixteen ahead of them, with it's formidable fortifications, and an unseen minefield, scattered by the Andre howitzers, growing thicker by the moment behind them. And now it was her turn to help out the Hill.
As one, the squadron accelerated, snapping Jane back against her seat as her bomber smashed through the sound barrier. Counting down slowly along with her HUD, she flicked a switch, and felt more than saw her payload dwindling behind her. Each jet's single massive bomb drifted lazily downwards, rapidly disappearing from sight. As the squadron slingshotted around the battlefield, Taelos saw the massive fireballs spring up along the enemies front lines, a dozen thermobaric firestorms each half a kilometer wide. Smaller explosions dotted the rear of the enemy force, the Legion's artillery now herding the enemy forwards, pushing them into the fiery aftermath of her air strike.
As her squadron, now dozens of miles away, swung around and veered back towards their base, Jane felt a flair of excitement. Her part was done for now, but this was only the beginning.
The battle had begun.
Free United States
24-10-2007, 16:50
To the honorable representatives of the PRincipality of Kurona,
Speaking on behalf of the Congress of the People's Commonwealth, I Premier Steven Vincent Galindo III offer an invitation for Kuronian troops to assist our Peacekeeping forces currently deployed within Hyperboria. It is decidedly difficult to maintain order and law within the area with our limited forces, and any help we could recieve from other countries would be appreciated. Of course, an alliance would mean that the full resources of our military would be available to your deployed forces.
Steven Vincent Galindo III,
President of the Supreme Soviet of the Commonwealth of Free United States
CFUS GHQ, Hyperboria
The level of refugees flooding into the Safe Zone was approaching an unmanagable scale. Naval helicopters were ferrying hundreds back to the ships for medical attention, and the refugee camps were slowly degenerating into lawless areas. General Vikov had already requested more troops from the 34th Medical Battalion and 51st Military Police, but it would still be a day or more until the C-5 Galaxy transports would arrive.
FSS Mollnirs' Blow
Command of the task force had been transfered to Vice Admiral Gregory Putin. the naval presence had risen since the initial start of operations. Now, the FSS Ray of Light, an escort carrier reminiscent of the WWII Essex-class, was assisting in air operations. Two more Marine assault carriers had also arrived, along with a squadron of cruisers, destroyers and two nuclear attack submarines. The ships in the armada now constituted the bulk of the 3rd Fleet.
125 mi. E from FSS Mjollnirs' Blow, 20,000 ft.
The pair F/A-18E's were on a routine CAP when their radar chirped. A quartet of Banshee fighters was inbound, satellite images from the Spacy already filling up their forward viewscreen. They wre coming in at a pretty good pace, about mach 1.5, heading straight for the fleet.
"Aircraft to our east," the flight lead, Lt. (JG) Marko Vilnius radioed. "You are approaching CFUS-controlled airspace. Divert course 180 relative." He pasued to give them a few minutes to think it over.
"Boss, this ain't lookin' good," his wingman, Ens. Marta Stronhelm said as the blips continued to get closer.
"Rapier flight/Starbase, I got four bogeys from the East doing mach 1.5. They are non-responsive, over."
"Starbase/Rapier," the TAO of the Mjollnir responded, "ROE states you can only engage if they violate airspace, over."
"Roger Starbase, requesting support," Vilius answered.
"Alert-5 aircraft have launched. Will be at oyur location in roughly three minutes."
"Skipper," Marta piqued, "They'll reach us in two."
Almost on queue, their warning systems began to go off as the Banshee's radar systems homed in.
"They're painting us!" Vilnius radioed to the carrier. "Committing."
The two Super Hornets pulled up in a steep climb, hitting their afterburners and going supersonic before pulling back and nosing down. If these guys wanted a fight, Marko thought, we'll give them what-for.
Adaptus Astrates
24-10-2007, 18:05
Hyperboria airspace
The transport lanes had been airborne for over ten hours. The journey had been without any problems whatsoever. Forty C-10 Saracen transports, the vanguard of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, would deliver over ten thousand troops via parachute in the first thirty planes, followed by ten Chinooks and ten Predator Mk.IX Main Battle Tanks in the next ten planes, with many more to follow. A landing site had been designated. It was a relatively open area, surrounded by trees. Ideal for a full scale landing.
The Imperial Navy task force had made good speed to reach Hyperboria, and the carrier-borne aircraft were already conducting air patrols over the country. The marines were to begin landing in a few days, until then the paratrooper would be supplied continually by air. The Imperial Army was being organised for a policing role in the conflict, a huge task that would still take time to achieve. For now, it would be the airborne regiments that would begin this operation. Colonel Paul Campbell’s plane led the formation, as he would lead the initial landing force. He was looking at a map of the area, and not a very good one at that. He knew his task was to get his men safely on the ground, fan out and set up base camp for the reinforcements. Five hundred engineers would see to that and tens of thousands would see that the policing job would be done. Each infantryman carried a P90 SMG, eight ammunition clips, four frag grenades, a respirator, thermal and NV goggles and a trench-digging kit, alongside the usual equipment.
An air force officer was yelling out how much time was left until the drop point was reached. At six minutes the rear hatch opened. They were ordered to stand up seconds later. Campbell approached the rear hatch. It was still night time- he could only hope that they were over the right place otherwise it would be a disaster. He checked his watch and his gear, as did everyone else. His watch did show which way to guide himself if he landed in the wrong place all thanks to GPS, but the risk of a disaster was never too far away with paratroopers. A few minutes had passed. The green light turned on.
“Five… Four… Three… Two… One… Go!” Campbell jumped out, followed by his men. The parachutes began to open as they gracefully began their descent toward the ground.
Imperial Navy Second Fleet
Admiral Ross stared out of the window on the rear island of the carrier. He could see another of his attack carriers about a kilometre astern, and the outline of a supply ship and a landing ship could be vaguely seen. It was very early morning, and at this point the paras would be making their landing. The admiral turned away from the window and approached the large display table, showing where his naval aircraft were. So far no aircraft had been lost but it was early days, and the operation would be along one. He then looked at another map display, this one vertical. It showed a large satellite view of Hyperboria, Adaptus Astrates and the distance between. He could see the graphics showing that the Seventh Fleet was beginning to leave port. His eyes widened. The Third fleet had already left to begin support operations, but the Seventh Fleet was finally on its way! Ross turned to one of the Senior Ratings and quickly spoke.
“Turn the television on! Now!” An order neither he nor the rating ever expected to hear. The rating, knowing there was no real TV in the operations room, accessed the military website from his computer station to get a live feed from the news channel. They were live at HIMNB Fenris, behind the reporter he could see a Type 85 cruiser leaving the harbour, further behind on the harbour wall was a large crowd of people, waving flags and singing “Jerusalem”. It was a moving sight for those on the bridge The Seventh Fleets involvement, even in a “support” role, was a morale booster and a force multiplier, not in terms of numbers, but in technological superiority. Even by the general standard of the fleet, the Seventh Fleet had the sharpest set of teeth. An Imperial Marine Brigadier entered the room and approached Admiral Ross.
“Admiral, what’s the situation?”
“Brigadier Green, we’re still a few days away from being within landing range of Hyperboria. The paras are landing as we speak, and the Seventh Fleet as you can see is on its way.”
“What about our aircraft?”
“My aircraft are carrying out CAPs over Hyperboria. They will be ready to support our ground troops at a moments notice.”
“Good. What do we know about our enemy?” Green asked. Ross was quick to give an answer.
“The small paratrooper force is a match for an enemy force three times the paras size, our intelligence tells us. Pray they are right.”
“And what about the army that we will be landing after the initial landing, I’ve heard the Emperor might order PMCs into official service.”
“Brigadier, we must concentrate on the task at hand, the defeat of these genocidal maniacs. Besides, what happens afterwards is not our business. That is all.”
At that, Admiral Ross turned back toward the window, awaiting any developments from the airborne troops and the scout aircraft.
The Steppe Empire
24-10-2007, 18:12
Panbakia Woods, 30 miles south of enemy Territory.
Sarmaria entered the base for the Northern Army and know that the reports were coming in of what was happening north of Panbakia.
The People were being forced into camps while enemy Forces continued to poor into Hyperboria and there were some sort of force known as "Peacekeepers"
The Steppe Empire had to survive.
Hill Alpha
300 Foot Warriors, 2,738 Horsemen and 120 Hatarphants were killed as the Hyperborian Army attacked.
The enemy aircraft would meet a enemy in the skies; Dragons. These Dragons used the cloud cover to hide and attack the planes, Fireing Fire Balls at them. Their Riders also had weapons, Shouder mounted Anti-Aircraft Missile Launchers which they used against The enemy planes.
Back North
in what the enemy called the "Safe Zone" it was anything but safe. Guerrilla fighters attacked the "Peacekeepers" which were nothing more then invaders in the eyes for the Hyperborians.
The Freedom fighters attacked enemy land convoys, kill all who were not Hyperborians. The so called "refugee camps" were freed and the "Peacekeepers" were killed by even Civilians in Rebelions, the Freed Hyperborians soon took to Nomadic ways of life to make sure they would never let the enemy have them again.
This was a war for Freedom from the evil Invaders.
The Steppe Empire
24-10-2007, 18:57
24-10-2007, 19:09
Official Declaration of War on The Steppe Empire
We have determined that a serious breach of human rights has occurred in the Steppe Empire, by the persecution of the Roman Catholic Church. Basi must be overthrown at all costs, and then a fair and just trial. We shall fight on the land, air and sea to remove the serious threat to human rights. We are sending the 5th Task Force of ships to the Steppe Empire. We are allied with those currently fighting the Steppe Empire.
President John R.Arnold
The 5th Task Force left San Diego Harbor for the coast of Hyperboria, and from there to stage the operations against the Steppe Empire. The 125+ strong force would be there in 3 weeks to stage the operations against The Steppe Empire.
The Steppe Empire
24-10-2007, 19:14
Official Declaration of War on The Steppe Empire
We have determined that a serious breach of human rights has occurred in the Steppe Empire, by the persecution of the Roman Catholic Church. Basi must be overthrown at all costs, and then a fair and just trial. We shall fight on the land, air and sea to remove the serious threat to human rights. We are sending the 5th Task Force of ships to the Steppe Empire. We are allied with those currently fighting the Steppe Empire.
President John R.Arnold
The 5th Task Force left San Diego Harbor for the coast of Hyperboria, and from there to stage the operations against the Steppe Empire. The 125+ strong force would be there in 3 weeks to stage the operations against The Steppe Empire.
OOC: Hyperboria has only a North Coast that is made of clifs and has only an 10 mile beach that leads to a pass that goes into a large Cool Rain Forest.
just to let you know.
Oh and The Hyperborians are NOT HUMAN.
24-10-2007, 19:27
OOC: Hyperboria has only a North Coast that is made of clifs and has only an 10 mile beach that leads to a pass that goes into a large Cool Rain Forest.
just to let you know.
Oh and The Hyperborians are NOT HUMAN.
OOC: Ah, thanks...
1,200 miles away from Calizorinstan
R.C.S George Washington Carrier, Captain's Deck
0930 in the morning..
Captain Joe Adolph observed the flight deck activity wearily, wondering how they would get the 3,000+ Marines onto the small beach, and provide adequate CAP cover with the rain forest, one option was to load napalm onto the F-35's and destroy whatever was hidden in the forest, the other was to carpet bomb the forest.
He wasn't the mastermind of Operation:Cobra Wind at all, rather the brainchild of General Roberts, and Adm.Howe, whom together would plan the ground, sea and air portion. Captain Adolph hoped sincerely that all would go according to plan, and that they could successfully defeat the Steppe Empire and bring this wretched war to an end once and for all.
Captain Adolph smiled at a F-35 pilot that got out of his F-35 after a recon mission that did not reveal any enemy presence in the area, he would probably head to the bar, as was custom after any mission that brought back good tidings to the fleet.
However, in the Admiral's Cabin, Adm.Howe wasn't as worried, he had formulated a plan to keep whatever was in the rainforest from blocking a landing on the beachhead. They would bombard the rainforest with Tomahawk Cruise missiles, once they knew where friendlies were in that area. Adm.Howe muttered to himself as he looked at a map of the Steppe Empire, he wasn't planning the Marine's portion, General Roberts would do that. But, he didn't like the narrow path into the rainforest, and the fact there was a rainforest, way too easy to be ambushed he thought.
General Roberts, who was on the R.C.S Mira Mesa Peter the Great class battleship, looked worried as he examined satellite photos of the forest, he thought he had caught a glimpse of something eerie on the road..
The Steppe Empire
24-10-2007, 19:54
OOC: Ah, thanks...
1,200 miles away from Calizorinstan
R.C.S George Washington Carrier, Captain's Deck
0930 in the morning..
Captain Joe Adolph observed the flight deck activity wearily, wondering how they would get the 3,000+ Marines onto the small beach, and provide adequate CAP cover with the rain forest, one option was to load napalm onto the F-35's and destroy whatever was hidden in the forest, the other was to carpet bomb the forest.
He wasn't the mastermind of Operation:Cobra Wind at all, rather the brainchild of General Roberts, and Adm.Howe, whom together would plan the ground, sea and air portion. Captain Adolph hoped sincerely that all would go according to plan, and that they could successfully defeat the Steppe Empire and bring this wretched war to an end once and for all.
Captain Adolph smiled at a F-35 pilot that got out of his F-35 after a recon mission that did not reveal any enemy presence in the area, he would probably head to the bar, as was custom after any mission that brought back good tidings to the fleet.
However, in the Admiral's Cabin, Adm.Howe wasn't as worried, he had formulated a plan to keep whatever was in the rainforest from blocking a landing on the beachhead. They would bombard the rainforest with Tomahawk Cruise missiles, once they knew where friendlies were in that area. Adm.Howe muttered to himself as he looked at a map of the Steppe Empire, he wasn't planning the Marine's portion, General Roberts would do that. But, he didn't like the narrow path into the rainforest, and the fact there was a rainforest, way too easy to be ambushed he thought.
General Roberts, who was on the R.C.S Mira Mesa Peter the Great class battleship, looked worried as he examined satellite photos of the forest, he thought he had caught a glimpse of something eerie on the road..
The thing he saw were pits, holes dug in the road makeing it hard for enemy Armor to make it though the road. The enemy would have to go on foot. there they would face Guerrilla fighters in the forest. The Hyperborians were not going to let the Invaders go easy into the Empire.
24-10-2007, 19:58
The 5th Fleet turned back towards Calizorinstan, deciding that fighting against the Steppe Empire would be wortheless, they would get back to San Diego in 2-3 weeks.
OOC: I am leaving this RP, and ignoring the Steppe Empire..
New Brittonia
24-10-2007, 20:09
OOC: Can i get a reply to my post?
OOC: Best to assume you have opened diplomatic relations with him NB but in the Steppe Empire's current state he wouldn't be able to reply anyway. His Queen is on the run from me and in all likiness will be killed at Stevidian hands, also his nation is being invaded by at least three or four nations. The SE government would find it difficult to reply to you in the first place.
Also Hat, I need a tad of information (OOCly) on the whereabouts of Queen Basi because my involvement in this RP rests on the capture (or searching for) the Queen.
OOC: IIRC, she's part of the army attacking Hill Alpha Sixteen. See below:
Basi had the South, leading the Grand Army against The Otagian Army it self. Marching for a Hill that The Hyperborians called "Hagsidhs" Meening "Hill" in Hyperborian Hatarian.
Imperial isa
24-10-2007, 21:09
OOC: Best to assume you have opened diplomatic relations with him NB but in the Steppe Empire's current state he wouldn't be able to reply anyway. His Queen is on the run from me and in all likiness will be killed at Stevidian hands, also his nation is being invaded by at least three or four nations. The SE government would find it difficult to reply to you in the first place.
Also Hat, I need a tad of information (OOCly) on the whereabouts of Queen Basi because my involvement in this RP rests on the capture (or searching for) the Queen.
the one who going to kill her is me going back to this
24-10-2007, 21:33
Without religion, the concept of sin is menignless, no?
ooc - caught on to the irony did you? ;) I wrote it like that on purpose.
It was never the choice of the people. It was forced upon them. And all you can offer is your sympathy because you chose to be a godless state and opress those that chose to follow as a result. If there's one thing worse than outlawing religion entirely it's beating around the bush to brainwash those to bring about it to be outlawed! MS belives in freedom for all people, and belives it's a human right to chose one's faith. But you don't care do you? You want to violate that right by helping the people abandon their faith. Well we won't stand for it.
Sakura Kinimoto
A referendum to change the status from publicly legal to only in the privacy of one's home is not brain washing. The public was exposed to religion for a great part of its history, with the public being strongly Catholic at our founding. Religion was outlawed in phases as people came around and attendance declined. When it became apparent that religion impeded on our nation's scientific progress, we had to take action.
Outlawing religion is not outlawing philosophy, nor any type of superior entity, even should the majority not believe in god (or the plural) as followers of religions tend to.
As we have previously stated, only one form of religion was outlawed through government legislation as a result of a group of fundamentalists who refused to follow the nation's law. The offending group was sent into exile, with the practice outlawed because of the negative results it yielded. The rest came through public choice.
There is no proof either way of Basi's intentions. Thus we feel she and her nation are in the right to outlaw religion. This does not outlaw the right to believe as one does. It simply outlaws public practice ie: churches and places of worship, as well as street corner preaching. The teaching of theology is permitted as a strictly philosophical practice.
As part of the transition phase, for a number of decades, we had an age of consent for someone to join and practice religion. Parents could not legally take their children to places of worship until they were of age of religious consent.
We only wish to offer a peaceful solution to Basi and her people. This avoids war and allows for a transformation. Our solution uses exile and the choice to keep it private.
Your nation and others fail to respect the ways of Hyperboria. We are only attempting to provide a diplomatic solution while your lot wishes to act like a gaggle of trigger happy cowboys. Well sir, this ain't the wild wild west.
Honey and not vinegar will attract the bees.
S. Kane
Right Honourable Prime Minister
The Unholy Godless Republic of Kryozerkia
Good day Your Majesty.
In the past our leaders have been sought by other nations. We understand the gravity of needed asylum.
Queen Basi the nation of Kryozerkia offers you and your entourage asylum within a protected ethnic region of our nation. We have a wild life sanctuary that has a city within the boundaries as well as two ethnic regions where they are protected through laws that strictly restrict air space in most areas.
Please let us know.
S. Kane
Imperial isa
24-10-2007, 21:41
OOC Kryozerkia it's a she
high above all a Imperial Isan Navy Super Capital Battleship watchs the secne and waits for the order to open fire if it was going to given
the one who going to kill her is me going back to this
Unfortunetly for you, you've acted too late. Int his RP I've thousands of Knights Templar hunting her down, the Inquisition breathing down the necks of anyone who might know where she is, The Royal Navy Task Force blocakding a possible Northern route out of the country, and the Fleet Air Arm achieving almost complete air control.
She'll be found by me, taken back to Stevid and dealt with there. It will only be a matter of time before I find her and take her back. If you wish me to send her back to you in a body bag once I've finished with her, then by all means. The fact stands I'm inches close to getting her and I have unlimited resources at my disposal to capture her. She is within my grasp and a rarely let them go. After the crimes she's commited it's not likely I'll let her get away, and if she does then the Knights will continue to hunt.
Imperial isa
24-10-2007, 22:42
Unfortunetly for you, you've acted too late. Int his RP I've thousands of Knights Templar hunting her down, the Inquisition breathing down the necks of anyone who might know where she is, The Royal Navy Task Force blocakding a possible Northern route out of the country, and the Fleet Air Arm achieving almost complete air control.
She'll be found by me, taken back to Stevid and dealt with there. It will only be a matter of time before I find her and take her back. If you wish me to send her back to you in a body bag once I've finished with her, then by all means. The fact stands I'm inches close to getting her and I have unlimited resources at my disposal to capture her. She is within my grasp and a rarely let them go. After the crimes she's commited it's not likely I'll let her get away, and if she does then the Knights will continue to hunt.
OOC really go back and see i've been watching from the start seeing i've been watching from space all this time seeing she pissed off my FT emperor by kidnapping Magic Sorcery Empress Sakura who is a friend of his and said he be watching them for now on
from another thread
Basi and Sarmaria were still beening watch by unseen eyes and one false move by them and those eyes would report back and Basi would see him again
and seeing troops are now moving for MS do say thats a false move
oh and this from page one
OOC ok you over step the mark here by saying Spies from Fordock and Wanderjar how do you know they have spies or give a dam to have them there
only person watching you is me and i can just blow you up with one Capital Battleship station in space
so a report sent from this world takes time getting to a far off one
Free United States
25-10-2007, 00:59
CFUS GHQ, Hyperboria
The situation had gotten out of hand. Guerilla infiltrators had gotten into the refugee camps, and dozens of GDA troops were now dead or wounded. After extensive talks with the Premier and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it was apparent that a peaceful resolution would be far from achievable. General Vitov stood silently as he watched the Premier's address.
"Good afternoon my fellow citizens and to those watching around the world. For the past week, troops belonging to the Commonwealth's GDA and Marine Corps have been initiating peacekeeping efforts within the country of Hyperboria, trying to put an end to what can only be described as crimes against humanities. Within the past day, however, radical guerrilla elements have attacked several refugee centers where our forces were distributing aid and medical assistance. Since that time, the Central Committee has met with its military advisors, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to determine this countries next course of action. We have decided that we will not be intimidated. I am therefore deploying ground and air elements of the Commonwealth High Guard. These troops are better equipped, better trained, and more committed than any other group in our military. We will restore order, and we will bring these criminals to justice. Thank you, and to those Hyperborians who embrace terror, your time has ended."
"Well, that's it," the General told his aide, "Now the gloves come off."
OOC: The High Guard is basically what I siad it was. It consists of the !st Army's I aand II Corps, as well as the 2nd, 3rd, and 8th Air Divisions. Ground forces would be around 100K, while the Air Force element consists of a division of 4-6 squadrons of twelve aircraft.
The Republic of Kanami
As such we are fully aware of the growing situation regarding the Empire of Steppe. We are aware Kurona is fully involved in the war and being Kurona's ally support them. As such we show our general support to Stevid and her allies however at the present time Kanami can not join the either ally in combat with recovery still continuing from it's previous wars. It pledges full support in intel and supplies however. As such The nation of Kryozerkia will get no support nor sympathy from Kanami.
Karou Kamiah.
New Brittonia
25-10-2007, 01:47
OOC: Best to assume you have opened diplomatic relations with him NB but in the Steppe Empire's current state he wouldn't be able to reply anyway. His Queen is on the run from me and in all likiness will be killed at Stevidian hands, also his nation is being invaded by at least three or four nations. The SE government would find it difficult to reply to you in the first place.
Also Hat, I need a tad of information (OOCly) on the whereabouts of Queen Basi because my involvement in this RP rests on the capture (or searching for) the Queen.
OOC: Okay. . . i'll use my embassy's power tomorrow then
While we honestly do respect our counterparts in Kryozerkia, we must disagree with them on the interfereance of religion with scientific progress.
While it is true that some religious institutions have used dogmatism and such to supress scientific theory, and that modern religious fundamentalists have stood in the way of stem cell research, cloning, and the like, religion and science are not mutually exclusive.
The great scientific society that once existed in the United States is proof of such. Immense scientific and technological breakthroughs were made, even though 70%(probably more at that time) of the population attended church services regularly. Charles Darwin himself was a Christian. As were Marie Curie, Alexander Friedman, and Baruch de Spinoza. The first chemists and true astonomers were Muslim.
Science and religion can coexist peacfully, as long as the socio-religious hierarchy is not the dominant political entity.
Napoleonic Republic IV
25-10-2007, 02:01
The Emperor of Napoleonic Republic IV pledges any support to actions against the Steppe Empire and will send Military forces if a state of war breaks out. In addition to this the Emperor is also considering declaring a crusade on the Steppe Empire in his last speech he remarked "This is not the first time the holy church has been under attack. The Steppe Empire will feel the full force of this right action".
The Steppe Empire
25-10-2007, 05:25
CFUS GHQ, Hyperboria
The situation had gotten out of hand. Guerilla infiltrators had gotten into the refugee camps, and dozens of GDA troops were now dead or wounded. After extensive talks with the Premier and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it was apparent that a peaceful resolution would be far from achievable. General Vitov stood silently as he watched the Premier's address.
"Good afternoon my fellow citizens and to those watching around the world. For the past week, troops belonging to the Commonwealth's GDA and Marine Corps have been initiating peacekeeping efforts within the country of Hyperboria, trying to put an end to what can only be described as crimes against humanities. Within the past day, however, radical guerrilla elements have attacked several refugee centers where our forces were distributing aid and medical assistance. Since that time, the Central Committee has met with its military advisors, including the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to determine this countries next course of action. We have decided that we will not be intimidated. I am therefore deploying ground and air elements of the Commonwealth High Guard. These troops are better equipped, better trained, and more committed than any other group in our military. We will restore order, and we will bring these criminals to justice. Thank you, and to those Hyperborians who embrace terror, your time has ended."
"Well, that's it," the General told his aide, "Now the gloves come off."
OOC: The High Guard is basically what I siad it was. It consists of the !st Army's I aand II Corps, as well as the 2nd, 3rd, and 8th Air Divisions. Ground forces would be around 100K, while the Air Force element consists of a division of 4-6 squadrons of twelve aircraft.
the Hyperborians were Continueing the attacks, Civilians were escapeing the "International Zone" known to the Hyperborians as The "Imperialist zone of enslavement" with Guerrilla Forces. Rebelions in the Camps were overthrowing the Invaders. The Camps were abanoned and the Hyperborians that were freed headed for Hyperborian Territory.
Then they started telling of the "Peacekeepers" forceing them to work, rapeing Women and young girls from ages 5 to 18. Murder, whips and death was what the Camps were.
this only made The Guerrillas attack even more deadly, this time no "Peacekeeper" was to be left alive!
The Imperial Zone of Enslavement
10 Guerrilla fighters were hideing in the Steppes of the area, they were targeting Troop Convoys to not only kill the evil "Peacekeepers" but to steal the weapons to use for the war against the Evil Peacekeepers.
They waited, unseen.
The Steppe Empire
25-10-2007, 05:30
Also Hat, I need a tad of information (OOCly) on the whereabouts of Queen Basi because my involvement in this RP rests on the capture (or searching for) the Queen.
OOC: She is leading the Southern Army in attacking Magic Sorcery.
Imperial isa
25-10-2007, 07:33
on the ships bridge of the Super Capital Battleship a Tech hands a note to the Captain
"Captain to ships crew IMISANHQ has ordered the WarHawk to Orbital bombardment along the border of Magic Sorcery and The Steppe Empire,so i want our Weapons Batteries and Lances in five mins"said the Captain
Free United States
25-10-2007, 07:49
OOC: you mean that as propoganda, right? as my country doesn't do those things...
With the specific targetting of lone convoys, the GDA had made their protection a priority. As the guerrilla fighters attacked the armored convoy, they wre surprised at how little resistance there was. In fact, only the drivers seemed visible, relatively protected by the armor plating of their vehicles. Suddenly, the first two guerillas fell to a quick and precise spray of rounds. The others panned the area, trying to find the source of the attack. Four more shots rang out, and the group was down to four. Before the last shots rang out, one noticed a slight ripple in front of him, roughly man-shaped.
The GDA's Spetznaz Kommandos deactivated their thermo-optic camoflauge and stepped out into the open. They were encased in state of the art SWIFT (Special Weapons-Integrated Field Tactical) suits. A full-bodied system, it integrated all the advances of Commonwealth technology. Ablative armor protected the soldiers from everything from small arms to armor-piercing rounds and explosives. A full sensor suite gave thermographic, IR and nightvision capabilities, as well as doppler and tactical radar. With a wave of his hand, the commander ordered the soldiers to press on, their forms once again disappearing from view as they reactivated their camoflauge.
Niflheim Air Base, CFUS
The call had come in only seconds ago, but the pilots and airmen were already rushing onto the tarmac. Within minutes, the first of the B-2 Spirit stealth bombers were lifting off the field.
The airstrikes had gone on unabated since the Premier's speech. Every communications network, every semblance of infrastrucure was being targeted. Another pair of Rafale-M fighters rolled in over the city, dropping their bombs even as they hit mach 2. The eelctric plants targeted went up in plumes of smoke and debris.
CFUS 3rd Fleet
Along with the airstrikes, the missile cruisers had their fill as well. Cruise missiles launched off of the ships in a steady pace, aimed at Hyperborian troop movements and armored placements. Nearby, the Concordia battleship was firing as well, the high-velocity transuranic slugs of its main cannons destroying their targets without the need for explosives.
OOC: ok, the fleet now consists of 1 supercarrier, 1 escort carrier, 1 battleship, 3 heavy cruisers, 4 missile cruisers, 5 frigates and 7 destroyer-corvettes. there are also 2 Alpha-class attack submarines and 1 Typhoon-class ballistic missile submarine, but their whereabouts are unknown.
PS: it might just be me, but why does it seem hyperborian violence is directed towards my forces?
The Steppe Empire
25-10-2007, 17:18
OOC: you mean that as propoganda, right? as my country doesn't do those things...
With the specific targetting of lone convoys, the GDA had made their protection a priority. As the guerrilla fighters attacked the armored convoy, they wre surprised at how little resistance there was. In fact, only the drivers seemed visible, relatively protected by the armor plating of their vehicles. Suddenly, the first two guerillas fell to a quick and precise spray of rounds. The others panned the area, trying to find the source of the attack. Four more shots rang out, and the group was down to four. Before the last shots rang out, one noticed a slight ripple in front of him, roughly man-shaped.
The GDA's Spetznaz Kommandos deactivated their thermo-optic camoflauge and stepped out into the open. They were encased in state of the art SWIFT (Special Weapons-Integrated Field Tactical) suits. A full-bodied system, it integrated all the advances of Commonwealth technology. Ablative armor protected the soldiers from everything from small arms to armor-piercing rounds and explosives. A full sensor suite gave thermographic, IR and nightvision capabilities, as well as doppler and tactical radar. With a wave of his hand, the commander ordered the soldiers to press on, their forms once again disappearing from view as they reactivated their camoflauge.
Niflheim Air Base, CFUS
The call had come in only seconds ago, but the pilots and airmen were already rushing onto the tarmac. Within minutes, the first of the B-2 Spirit stealth bombers were lifting off the field.
The airstrikes had gone on unabated since the Premier's speech. Every communications network, every semblance of infrastrucure was being targeted. Another pair of Rafale-M fighters rolled in over the city, dropping their bombs even as they hit mach 2. The eelctric plants targeted went up in plumes of smoke and debris.
CFUS 3rd Fleet
Along with the airstrikes, the missile cruisers had their fill as well. Cruise missiles launched off of the ships in a steady pace, aimed at Hyperborian troop movements and armored placements. Nearby, the Concordia battleship was firing as well, the high-velocity transuranic slugs of its main cannons destroying their targets without the need for explosives.
OOC: Godmod, Godmod, Godmod!
seems you are all to new to this
One: You post only YOUR loses, not the other guys! that is Godmod and stupid, also thet guy who is attacking you is to post his OWN attack! oh and your "Uber" Armor is also Godmod, with your Commandos.
Two: same as Number one, you don't post the other guy's loses for him
Three: WTF?!?
Four: Read the Stickys.
also The Hyperborians do not have Planes, Ships or Tanks or any other Armor Vechlies. They still use Horse Calvary and Swords and The Dragons are REAL Dragons!
I am MT/Fantasy Tech.
Free United States
25-10-2007, 20:05
OOC: hrm, i've used these technologies in other RP's and no one seemed to mind. all of which are based on current technologies...even the thermo-optic camoflauge. and it seems the other guy is posting my losses as well, what with saying my forces are slaughtered and making them do things that i wouldn't let them do. in the beginning, the hyperborians seemed to have had artillery, which i thought meant armor...guess i was wrong, and i guess i'll stick to other Rp's then. bye all ^_^
The Steppe Empire
25-10-2007, 20:31
OOC: hrm, i've used these technologies in other RP's and no one seemed to mind. all of which are based on current technologies...even the thermo-optic camoflauge. and it seems the other guy is posting my losses as well, what with saying my forces are slaughtered and making them do things that i wouldn't let them do. in the beginning, the hyperborians seemed to have had artillery, which i thought meant armor...guess i was wrong, and i guess i'll stick to other Rp's then. bye all ^_^
OOC: I was just trying to help you RP better, but think I am being Dumb.
FINE! :mad: You can act all N00bish and get Ignored by everyone, I don't care!
New Brittonia
25-10-2007, 20:53
Ambassador Jay Hachée paced around the white hallways of the embassy of the Unoted Socialist States of New Brittonia to the Steppe Empire. Jay Hachée, a tall, imposing, muscular, blond man in his late fourtys who spoke with such a loud roar that one could easily know that he used to be a secondary school basketball coach. Jay said to an intern,
"Distribute this memo to all Catholics still surviving."
He handed out a piece of paper that said:
By Order of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia:
Herby Condemning the Actions of the Steppe Empire as GENOCIDE
Condemning the killing of those adhering to the Roman Catholic faith as GENOCIDE
Condemning any state-sponsored maltreatment of the Roman Catholics residing in the Steppe Empire as CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
The United Socialist States of New Brittonia is morally compelled to aid in the plight of the Catholics.
Therefore, the Embassy of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia is urging ALL Roman Catholics and any other people being persecuted to immediately arrive at the Embassy of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia where they will be temporarily safe from any maltreatment until they can receive permanent residency under refugee status inside of the United Socialist States of New Brittonia.
25-10-2007, 20:58
OOC: I was just trying to help you RP better, but think I am being Dumb.
FINE! :mad: You can act all N00bish and get Ignored by everyone, I don't care!
ooc - your points were fair. While I have no inherent objection to his use of this armour, it doesn't have a place in an MT thread; it's more of an FT armour.
Also... ;) Any reply for us? We're trying to play the diplomat, since most people don't use sci-fi/fantasy FT, and don't like our Mobile Suit force.
OOC: Hat, please calm down- unless something is happening behind the scenes here I think things in the RP are going very well. Let's pipe down and keep RPing.
My IC post should be soon (today or tomoz), just gotta think of a way to nab the Queen without too much loss of life.
One question, which nations are attacking the army that Queen Basi is directly commanding in the South?
OOC: *Raises hand* Although it's not so much attacking as defending against at the moment. Anyway, IC post soon.
Marfusa and its people condemn this baseless act of genocide against humanity.
Free United States
26-10-2007, 02:21
OOC: I was just trying to help you RP better, but think I am being Dumb.
FINE! :mad: You can act all N00bish and get Ignored by everyone, I don't care!
:bows low:
i am sorry if my answer offended you. in trying to explain myself, i failed to address your concern towards my RP skills. i have respect for you as an RPer, and did not means to sound ungrateful. i was simply trying to walk away before it escalated into a shouting match. plus, i did not know that this RP did not use conventional/near-future tech. it is simply the type of country i have made mine.
to all other nations, pleaze forgive my untoward comments. i am in fact NOObish in the sense that i have never played an rp on the NS forums. it seems the rules are different than the ones established by my region. if i participate in another RP in the future, i will be sure to remember your comments. thank you, and good evening.
:bows low:
PS: what's MT and FT btw?
also, for more on my nation, please follow this link.
New Brittonia
26-10-2007, 02:35
:bows low:
i am sorry if my answer offended you. in trying to explain myself, i failed to address your concern towards my RP skills. i have respect for you as an RPer, and did not means to sound ungrateful. i was simply trying to walk away before it escalated into a shouting match. plus, i did not know that this RP did not use conventional/near-future tech. it is simply the type of country i have made mine.
to all other nations, pleaze forgive my untoward comments. i am in fact NOObish in the sense that i have never played an rp on the NS forums. it seems the rules are different than the ones established by my region. if i participate in another RP in the future, i will be sure to remember your comments. thank you, and good evening.
:bows low:
PS: what's MT and FT btw?
also, for more on my nation, please follow this link.
OOC: MT is modern tech and FT is Future Tech :)
FUS: It's not so much your technology (I use a decent amount of PMT stuff, albeit not in this RP) as your tendency to call your opponent's actions. For example, you RP'd my Banshee escorts entering your airspace and acquiring your F-18s. Not only is this bad form, but I A) had my bombers and escort heading back towards their base, and B) have fuck-all reason to bother you anyway. After all, currently I'm only acting in self defense, enforcing a blockade. That, and to have troops in TSE at all, you've got Otagian military observers along with (see post 71 (, meaning I pretty much know everything you're doing already, thus no reason to even do a flyby, much less attack an inoffensive third party.
Also, Isa, you seem to have missed the whole point of this RP being MT. Not FT, not PMT. MT. Please adjust accordingly. Mostly though because it's a right bitch to get ORA observers into orbit.
Imperial isa
26-10-2007, 07:50
Also, Isa, you seem to have missed the whole point of this RP being MT. Not FT, not PMT. MT. Please adjust accordingly. Mostly though because it's a right bitch to get ORA observers into orbit.
did you read the link i'am been here all this time after i saved MS Empress and TOLD The Steppe Empire they can not ever enter MS again so get over it as i yet to enter the one person The Steppe Empire Queen Fears
as i yet to enter the one person The Steppe Empire Queen Fears
OOC: That'll soon change.
It was a minor set back but infuriated the Templars that they hadn’t anticipated Queen Basi’s move. She had fled to the South of the country to directly command the huge army that the Steppe Empire had amassed, it was almost obvious that she wouldn’t have stayed in the capital city’s throne room- the most obvious target, however she wasn’t an obvious or predictable woman for little was known of her other than she ruled the country with an iron fist but hadn’t, until recently, exercised that power. The Inquisition had learn from the local population and via Steppe Empire propaganda that their valiant leader was amassing a grand army to rid the country of the invaders. Stevidian and allied foreign intelligence had picked on this too and collaboration between the countries united under the same cause was coming along nicely.
The Templars set out in force, eighty percent of the Knights sent into the Steppe Empire began the flight to the south of the Steppe Empire to finally get their hands on the elusive Queen Basi who had so far avoided detection and capture. The plan of action wasn’t even finalised yet but it did hinge on the allied invaders working and attacking together to destroy the Steppe Empire’s biggest army. This region of the world was almost revolting in terms of human/animal evolution with suspected cat-to-human procreation spawning strange human-feline subjects that appeared elegant but were unnaturally out of place within the realms of humanity, on top of that abnormality was the fact that it seemed to be a place that time had forgotten- dragons among the strangest of appearances over the Steppe Empire. While they were no match even for an appallingly outdated F4 Phantom, they were still a danger to ground forces. The Fleet Air Arm and allied air forces would mop up these flying beasts with ease as well as taking out hard targets on the ground. The enemy had also recently employed the use of SAMs to fend off allied aircraft and the FAA had already lost several aircraft through complacency and bad luck and likewise with other aircraft from other countries.
Three nations were moving to destroy the Steppe Empire’s last major military resource. This huge army would probably be crushed under the tracks of a technological supreme invasion force but losses might be high. Imperial allies Kurona and Adaptus Astrates were involved with Adaptus Astrates being the most involved sending a huge expeditionary force to remove Queen Basi’s military from these lands. Several armoured divisions and even more infantry divisions were already moving on the massive enemy army, and their Imperial Navy coupled with the allied Royal Navy of Stevid provided almost no stop air support. With Adaptus Astrates attacking on to flanks (North and South- he did say he dropped a lot of resources just North of the Southern borderline with Magic Sorcery) and with other nations attacking from other multiple flanks, Queen Basi was surrounded and this would probably be her last stand. The plan was to allow all participating nations to attack the army and draw out the forces, Queen Basi would be forced to defend from the attack or even counter attack- no matter what she chose to do in any event she would be using military units up in the process and leave herself personally vulnerable. The FAA and allied air forces would provide top cover while the Knights Templar forming the raw elite troops of the ground assault attacked the Queen’s personal retinue. The Knights would than join the combat while a select few would arrest the Queen and take her back to Task Force 777. It was daring and exceptionally risky which could lead to many deaths among the ranks of the Templars, but it was not impossible. The plan was enacted just as the invading nations began their march on Queen Basi’s colossal army.
Imperial isa
26-10-2007, 10:33
OOC Stevid yur i don't need to waste time looking i just face her head to head like i did last time
The Steppe Empire
26-10-2007, 18:54
OOC: That'll soon change.
It was a minor set back but infuriated the Templars that they hadn’t anticipated Queen Basi’s move. She had fled to the South of the country to directly command the huge army that the Steppe Empire had amassed, it was almost obvious that she wouldn’t have stayed in the capital city’s throne room- the most obvious target, however she wasn’t an obvious or predictable woman for little was known of her other than she ruled the country with an iron fist but hadn’t, until recently, exercised that power. The Inquisition had learn from the local population and via Steppe Empire propaganda that their valiant leader was amassing a grand army to rid the country of the invaders. Stevidian and allied foreign intelligence had picked on this too and collaboration between the countries united under the same cause was coming along nicely.
The Templars set out in force, eighty percent of the Knights sent into the Steppe Empire began the flight to the south of the Steppe Empire to finally get their hands on the elusive Queen Basi who had so far avoided detection and capture. The plan of action wasn’t even finalised yet but it did hinge on the allied invaders working and attacking together to destroy the Steppe Empire’s biggest army. This region of the world was almost revolting in terms of human/animal evolution with suspected cat-to-human procreation spawning strange human-feline subjects that appeared elegant but were unnaturally out of place within the realms of humanity, on top of that abnormality was the fact that it seemed to be a place that time had forgotten- dragons among the strangest of appearances over the Steppe Empire. While they were no match even for an appallingly outdated F4 Phantom, they were still a danger to ground forces. The Fleet Air Arm and allied air forces would mop up these flying beasts with ease as well as taking out hard targets on the ground. The enemy had also recently employed the use of SAMs to fend off allied aircraft and the FAA had already lost several aircraft through complacency and bad luck and likewise with other aircraft from other countries.
Three nations were moving to destroy the Steppe Empire’s last major military resource. This huge army would probably be crushed under the tracks of a technological supreme invasion force but losses might be high. Imperial allies Kurona and Adaptus Astrates were involved with Adaptus Astrates being the most involved sending a huge expeditionary force to remove Queen Basi’s military from these lands. Several armoured divisions and even more infantry divisions were already moving on the massive enemy army, and their Imperial Navy coupled with the allied Royal Navy of Stevid provided almost no stop air support. With Adaptus Astrates attacking on to flanks (North and South- he did say he dropped a lot of resources just North of the Southern borderline with Magic Sorcery) and with other nations attacking from other multiple flanks, Queen Basi was surrounded and this would probably be her last stand. The plan was to allow all participating nations to attack the army and draw out the forces, Queen Basi would be forced to defend from the attack or even counter attack- no matter what she chose to do in any event she would be using military units up in the process and leave herself personally vulnerable. The FAA and allied air forces would provide top cover while the Knights Templar forming the raw elite troops of the ground assault attacked the Queen’s personal retinue. The Knights would than join the combat while a select few would arrest the Queen and take her back to Task Force 777. It was daring and exceptionally risky which could lead to many deaths among the ranks of the Templars, but it was not impossible. The plan was enacted just as the invading nations began their march on Queen Basi’s colossal army.
The Northern Army it self was on the move. The Dragonriders were loseing their numbers in the Southern Frount against the Invasion. But the Dragons in the North had yet to attack. and it was coming to it.
Sarmaria was massing more warriors into the Army, all ready, 3,000 Allosaur riders and 40,000 More Warriors were joining this large army. She did noty care for killing Catholics, she thought it was suicideal in the first place, She wanted to save her nation from The Invaders.
In the South, things were going from bad to wrose as the Templers were attacking the Army. Basi soon started an Counter Attack, The Southern Army was loseing Dragons, but They were fight for their Nation and Queen.
The Southern Army Began massing against the Templer Army.
Adaptus Astrates
27-10-2007, 14:04
Imperial Landing Site, Hyperboria
The airborne landing went without any trouble. Colonel Campbell had landed him and his men safely. It had been ten hours since they had left their planes. Scouting parties were dispatched soon afterwards while the rest of the initial assault force had dug in and the engineers had gone about building the base. Campbell was inside his tent, talking to the Joint Command via a satellite uplink.
“We have forward scouting parties heading in the direction of the nearby settlements, and one of our larger formations is heading in the direction of a Stevidian Knights Templar formation that is being advanced upon by a large enemy army.”
One of the generals on the small screen that Campbell was looking at responded.
“Have you made contact with the enemy on the ground yet? We’ve had reports of air engagements with, well, we’ve been told, dragons.”
“If we come across any dragons then we shall send them a message via a high velocity sniper round. But no, we have had no contacts with the enemy so far.”
“How far away is your formation from the Stevidians?”
“Not too far. We have very little idea what force we might encounter from the Steppe Empire. But if intelligence is right, then the forces we might be up against are certainly, unique.”
The reports included a wild array of units, from swordsmen (in this day and age? Campbell thought) to tiger riders (the thought occurred to Campbell again).
An officer approached Campbell and whispered in his ear.
“I see.” He said to the officer, who then left. Turning to the view screen, Campbell excused himself. The officer had brought news. Contact had been made with the enemy army.
539th Airborne Battalion, Imperial Army. 80 miles from base. 30 miles from allied force.
Major Jones was in command of over seven hundred men, and it was the largest “scouting unit” of the landing force. It was really a search and destroy force, and had made good progress after the fast jeeps had been landed almost directly after they had. They were to be followed by several more battalions once their own motorised equipment had arrived. Until then, the 539th was on its own.
The forward motorbike scouts had spotted a huge Steppe force, most likely the main southern flank. The scouts quickly informed Jones of their position. A dusty area, but with a lot of long grass and some woodland, the Astratesites had good cover. So did the enemy, but they were unaware of how close the paratroopers were.
Jones had come up to observe the enemy force on a slight hill. He could see the front of the column, but the rear seemed miles away. He activated his comm. set, speaking while looking through his binoculars.
“Ten thousand plus at the front, many more to follow. Request permission to harass the enemy. Over.” Static interfered slightly, then after a thirty second pause the response came.
“Major, two battalions shall move to support you. Abandon objective to RV with Knights Templar, another group shall do that. You have permission to go ahead with your plan. Green light. Over” the voice of Campbell instructed.
“Roger, over and out. Right, sergeant!” He turned to one of his sergeants. “Alpha to Gamma companies to take up skirmish positions parallel to the enemy. Engage on my command. Delta to Theta companies take up support positions with mortar strikes. Iota and Kappa companies to coordinate air support. Again, engage on my command” Jones’ orders were simple and easily understood. He was going to harass the enemy, and kick them in the balls while he was at it. He could see his men moving around stealthily, keeping low. They could afford to make a little bit of noise. Queen Basi’s army was making more. Jones knew that this would be the bloodiest harassing action he would ever do.
Minutes later, all units had called in. Jones had moved up to Beta Company’s position to Command up close. They were one hundred yards away. Snipers occupied what little high ground or trees they could find. He activated his radio, and whispered.
“Snipers, take aim. Snipers will go loud first, followed by all else. Mortar groups, grid coordinates you should have. Make every round an accurate one. Riflemen, take aim.”
Seconds passed, hearts beat, eyes stared.
“Snipers… Fire!”
Random enemy soldiers dropped to the floor, blood pouring from their heads. Mortar rounds whistled in on their trajectories in quick succession. The sound of dozens of P90 SMGs was near deafening, with dozens of Steppe Empire soldiers dropped in agony. Jones let of a few rounds himself, until he heard the sound of enemy war creatures approaching amid the chaos. He quickly looked down and radioed his reserve companies.
“Bring in air strikes! Prepare to cover us in rearguard action!”
He looked back to his front to see… dragons! He brought his P90 to bear on the tigers, and let off a few rounds. Some of the dragons dropped to the ground, some exploded along with the furious mortar rounds. Then some of them spread their wings and flew, to then launch a terrifying attack on what looked like Alpha Company, trying to retreat in good order yet suffering heavy casualties. Jones then radioed his men.
“Fall back! Regroup to Iota and Kappa companies!”
The air support was coming in now. Four F-35s swept in, two firing missiles and cannons at the dragons, the other two striking at the Steppe ground troops. Paratroopers armed with Javelin and Starstreak missiles made attempts to stop the dragons and tigers that were forcing the paras back.
The intervention of the air support was beginning to pay off. Jones’ men had fallen back several hundred yards, closing in on Iota and Kappa. Minutes later, the counter attack by Basi’s army was over, and began to resume its original course. They knew the purpose of Jones’ attack, and to them it must have been deemed unnecessary to pursue.
Jones called in the engagement. The attack had cost the lives of most of Alpha Company, who bore the brunt of the counter attack. Jones got off the radio. One airborne formation had encountered similar resistance on Basi’s northern flank, while another formation, about a brigade size group, had met up with the Knights Templar, and the marines were beginning their landing. Things, at least, were looking up. The plan now was for a greater assault on the flanks of Queen Basi, and quickly.
The Imperial forces knew of Basi’s military capabilities, and despite the casualties, this knowledge would be vital in the great battle that was to come for the Astratesite force.
The skirmish was over, the battler about to begin.
The battle had started and quickly the Knights Templar ceased whatever advantage they could find and exploit. They had all travelled across the entire length and breadth of the Steppe Empire to meet the Hyperborian army in force, mounted in their V-22 VTOL aircraft the Templars engaged the enemy forces at close quarters by attacking deep behind the enemy lines. The pre-constructed plan had been initiated as two nations attacked the Hyperborians on three fronts, imperial member and ally Adaptus Astrates attacked from the North and the South thus drawing necessary units and reserves from the ranks of the grand army assembled by Queen Basi herself. With the grand army fighting a battle on three fronts, the Knights Templar could attack the core of the army were Queen Basi was commanding from.
The Templar Knights were elite shock troops, the best of the best and unrivalled in close quarter combat and ranged fire. They were quite simply the best and so they fitted the role perfectly, they were dropped right into the heart of the enemy army which was now liberally scattered and redeploying to meet the invaders attacking from the North, South and West. The Templars were expected and so the Queen was formidably protected by her own honour guard as well as the odd ‘dragon’ or two, war elephants that hadn’t yet made it to the frontline and any ground troops labelled as Hyperborian reserves. The Templars had to face all this and then capture the Queen who would probably not go quietly, for the Templars this task was actually possible but the prospect of catching the Queen in the Capital throne room and the war ending with minimal loss of life was now out the window. Many Knights would be killed in the line of duty and faith, a fate they would take in their stride, they were not afraid to die because it was the ultimate sacrifice to their country, and most importantly, their God.
The V-22 Ospreys circled the central core of the army and strafed ground with heavy machine gun fire, XF-24 Scorpions strafed too as well as dropping off a few presents to the Hyperborians in the form of 5,000 lb bombs. Thermobaric bombs were used sparingly as swaths of enemy succumbed to the vacuum effects of the horrific weapons. Twenty minutes of air attacks followed with a few losses to the odd SAM missile launcher dotted in the army, losses that were unacceptable to a nation that should have won the war days ago. The planes continued to attack relentlessly and almost non-stop, the Royal Navy and the Imperial Navy both had huge carriers out at sea sending in sortie after sortie in a controlled manner and in so doing the air control of the battle field was assured. The dragons were grounded but it meant a harder fight for the Templars once they landed. Allied foreign aircraft also join the fray scoring kills in triple figures as the Hyperborian army began to waver in the face of superior forces and technology. When this became apparent, the Knights Templar dropped in and began their own assault on the army.
Hundreds and hundreds of Knights poured out of their transports on to the scorched earth of the battlefield, the Justicars leading their squads straight into battle with swords drawn and pistols primed. Those with enough time brought their assault rifles to bear and laid down withering volleys of fire into the ranks of Hyperborian troops that had rallied to take on the Knights. The covering fire gave other Templars enough time to secure their drop zones long enough for their battle brothers in more transports to land relatively safely but those already on the ground charged forward to meet the enemy. Knights clashed with enemy soldiers, conscripts, ordinary civilians that had been called up to defeat their homeland. These men and women were easy meat for the Templars wasted no time in killing the opposition but it wasn’t long before more battle hardened and professional troops of the Steppe Empire began to clash with the Templars. Soon losses on the Templar’s side were being recorded with an average of three deaths every forty seconds of combat and while the kill ratio favoured the Knights considerably, the Knights were fewer in number that the Hyperborians and so a steady death rate would allow the Steppe Empire to prevail over the Knights… but at a terrible cost.
Brother- Captain Octavian was the C&C of the Templars on the ground, he had he pistol is left hand and his broadsword in the other. He had already killed nearly sixty enemies and still he was losing men, brothers, brethren he had prayed with for decades. The rage built up inside him and he popped off several more shots at a squad of infantrymen charging a local group of Templars, scoring headshots every time he pulled the trigger. He brought his hand up to his right ear and activated his personal communication system that allowed him to contact every Knight in range simultaneously.
“Brethren find the Queen, this is your top priority. All other concerns are secondary, we must capture Basi before all is lost.”
As soon as he lowered his hand he and his squad were knocked violently to the floor by a huge muscular tail. Octavian rolled to avoid that giant tail landing right on top of him and as he found his footing he beheld a huge red dragon attacking his squad. An unusual feeling of shock rifled through him as the dragon attacked a lone Knight from his squad, a short battle ensued between the Templar and the dragon in which the Knight was defeated. He was torn limb from limb and consumed by the creature from hell. Two more Knights from Octavian’s squad rallied and assault the dragon, swords drawn and pistol firing. The dragon killed one immediately as it massive head swiped the ground and devoured one Knight whole while the other dived athletically out of the way. The surviving Knight was then crushed by the trailing front foot of the dragon in a cruel quirk of fate.
Octavian’s blood boil to a point where he could no longer stand and watch his brethren die before his eyes at the hands of the dragon and its mounted tamer. He holstered his pistol and reached for his shield that was mounted on his back, his right hand clutched his silver sword tightly and he strode towards the dragon content that he would kill it and its rider. The dragon noticed him at once and took a deep breath, Octavian reacted at once and crouched low behind his huge shield as the dragon belched a sea of fire from its maw. The sea of flames licked round the shield that protected Octavian and once it subsided he arose unharmed by the fire much to the annoyance of the mounted soldier on the dragon and the dragon itself. With his shield ruined by the searing flames Octavian discarded it and upholstered his pistol once more. The dragon bounded forward clearly intent on killing Octavian as well, the Knight stood almost perfectly still while firing off several rounds at the dragon’s head with a few causing some pain to the creature which was otherwise unaware of being shot at. Octavian counter charged the dragon screaming as did while popping off more shots at the dragon. Seconds before they met, Octavian dived low and forwards just underneath the jaws of the dragon, twisted so he faced upwards and thrust his sword through the throat of the dragon which recoiled in agony and flung its rider off its back. Octavian rolled to his left and bounced on to his feet, the dragon rider fell with a thud next to him to which Octavian fired a single round into the hapless Hyperborian’s head. He turned to see the dragon was still alive but is obvious distress and pain, Octavian waltzed over to the head and smile with glee and disgust.
“I send thee back to the fiery hell from whence thou came, servant of Satan!” He cried and with that plunged his sword through the skull of the dragon and its primitive brain. There was a sickening squeal from the creature and an unnatural shudder through its body before it relaxed as death took it from this moral realm.
Octavian turned around and surveyed the battlegrounds around, already the dusty ground was littered with bodies and the Knights were pushing back most counter attacks flung at them. The squad nearest to him were several metres away and numbered nearly thirty as they had just brought down a small elephant with significant losses to their own number. But to Octavian’s right was the prize- Queen Basi only two or three hundred metres away with only a few enemy infantry squads in their way. He waved at his battle brothers and pressed the communications button on his rights ear as hi rallied the Knights to his position.
“Brothers! Our goal is in sight! Continue the fight and we shall prevail over these infidels, these scumbags of the Earth! Brothers! Strike for the Chapter and the Inquisition! CHARGE!”
Octavian and the thirty Knights to his side charged headlong in the direction of the Queen and her body guards, the infantrymen in the way were dispatched with ease but the Queen’s guards would not be so easy. The numbers were even but the gulf in combat class was unknown, The Knights favoured themselves to win the day but calculated losses were impossible since they had very fought the Queen’s vanguard before. The two sides clashed with Queen Basi watching from a short distance away, Knight fired of rounds before coming up against the bodyguards. Samurai swords clashed with the holy anointed blades of Templars which to the horror of the guards, did not break. The broadswords were some of the best forged weapons in the world and could easily stand up to a samurai sword. The final battle had begun with the Knights, for the first time, having strength in numbers for not only four hundred metres away another wave of twenty Knights were darting for the Queen’s position…
The Steppe Empire
28-10-2007, 19:01
The battle had started and quickly the Knights Templar ceased whatever advantage they could find and exploit. They had all travelled across the entire length and breadth of the Steppe Empire to meet the Hyperborian army in force, mounted in their V-22 VTOL aircraft the Templars engaged the enemy forces at close quarters by attacking deep behind the enemy lines. The pre-constructed plan had been initiated as two nations attacked the Hyperborians on three fronts, imperial member and ally Adaptus Astrates attacked from the North and the South thus drawing necessary units and reserves from the ranks of the grand army assembled by Queen Basi herself. With the grand army fighting a battle on three fronts, the Knights Templar could attack the core of the army were Queen Basi was commanding from.
The Templar Knights were elite shock troops, the best of the best and unrivalled in close quarter combat and ranged fire. They were quite simply the best and so they fitted the role perfectly, they were dropped right into the heart of the enemy army which was now liberally scattered and redeploying to meet the invaders attacking from the North, South and West. The Templars were expected and so the Queen was formidably protected by her own honour guard as well as the odd ‘dragon’ or two, war elephants that hadn’t yet made it to the frontline and any ground troops labelled as Hyperborian reserves. The Templars had to face all this and then capture the Queen who would probably not go quietly, for the Templars this task was actually possible but the prospect of catching the Queen in the Capital throne room and the war ending with minimal loss of life was now out the window. Many Knights would be killed in the line of duty and faith, a fate they would take in their stride, they were not afraid to die because it was the ultimate sacrifice to their country, and most importantly, their God.
The V-22 Ospreys circled the central core of the army and strafed ground with heavy machine gun fire, XF-24 Scorpions strafed too as well as dropping off a few presents to the Hyperborians in the form of 5,000 lb bombs. Thermobaric bombs were used sparingly as swaths of enemy succumbed to the vacuum effects of the horrific weapons. Twenty minutes of air attacks followed with a few losses to the odd SAM missile launcher dotted in the army, losses that were unacceptable to a nation that should have won the war days ago. The planes continued to attack relentlessly and almost non-stop, the Royal Navy and the Imperial Navy both had huge carriers out at sea sending in sortie after sortie in a controlled manner and in so doing the air control of the battle field was assured. The dragons were grounded but it meant a harder fight for the Templars once they landed. Allied foreign aircraft also join the fray scoring kills in triple figures as the Hyperborian army began to waver in the face of superior forces and technology. When this became apparent, the Knights Templar dropped in and began their own assault on the army.
Hundreds and hundreds of Knights poured out of their transports on to the scorched earth of the battlefield, the Justicars leading their squads straight into battle with swords drawn and pistols primed. Those with enough time brought their assault rifles to bear and laid down withering volleys of fire into the ranks of Hyperborian troops that had rallied to take on the Knights. The covering fire gave other Templars enough time to secure their drop zones long enough for their battle brothers in more transports to land relatively safely but those already on the ground charged forward to meet the enemy. Knights clashed with enemy soldiers, conscripts, ordinary civilians that had been called up to defeat their homeland. These men and women were easy meat for the Templars wasted no time in killing the opposition but it wasn’t long before more battle hardened and professional troops of the Steppe Empire began to clash with the Templars. Soon losses on the Templar’s side were being recorded with an average of three deaths every forty seconds of combat and while the kill ratio favoured the Knights considerably, the Knights were fewer in number that the Hyperborians and so a steady death rate would allow the Steppe Empire to prevail over the Knights… but at a terrible cost.
Brother- Captain Octavian was the C&C of the Templars on the ground, he had he pistol is left hand and his broadsword in the other. He had already killed nearly sixty enemies and still he was losing men, brothers, brethren he had prayed with for decades. The rage built up inside him and he popped off several more shots at a squad of infantrymen charging a local group of Templars, scoring headshots every time he pulled the trigger. He brought his hand up to his right ear and activated his personal communication system that allowed him to contact every Knight in range simultaneously.
“Brethren find the Queen, this is your top priority. All other concerns are secondary, we must capture Basi before all is lost.”
As soon as he lowered his hand he and his squad were knocked violently to the floor by a huge muscular tail. Octavian rolled to avoid that giant tail landing right on top of him and as he found his footing he beheld a huge red dragon attacking his squad. An unusual feeling of shock rifled through him as the dragon attacked a lone Knight from his squad, a short battle ensued between the Templar and the dragon in which the Knight was defeated. He was torn limb from limb and consumed by the creature from hell. Two more Knights from Octavian’s squad rallied and assault the dragon, swords drawn and pistol firing. The dragon killed one immediately as it massive head swiped the ground and devoured one Knight whole while the other dived athletically out of the way. The surviving Knight was then crushed by the trailing front foot of the dragon in a cruel quirk of fate.
Octavian’s blood boil to a point where he could no longer stand and watch his brethren die before his eyes at the hands of the dragon and its mounted tamer. He holstered his pistol and reached for his shield that was mounted on his back, his right hand clutched his silver sword tightly and he strode towards the dragon content that he would kill it and its rider. The dragon noticed him at once and took a deep breath, Octavian reacted at once and crouched low behind his huge shield as the dragon belched a sea of fire from its maw. The sea of flames licked round the shield that protected Octavian and once it subsided he arose unharmed by the fire much to the annoyance of the mounted soldier on the dragon and the dragon itself. With his shield ruined by the searing flames Octavian discarded it and upholstered his pistol once more. The dragon bounded forward clearly intent on killing Octavian as well, the Knight stood almost perfectly still while firing off several rounds at the dragon’s head with a few causing some pain to the creature which was otherwise unaware of being shot at. Octavian counter charged the dragon screaming as did while popping off more shots at the dragon. Seconds before they met, Octavian dived low and forwards just underneath the jaws of the dragon, twisted so he faced upwards and thrust his sword through the throat of the dragon which recoiled in agony and flung its rider off its back. Octavian rolled to his left and bounced on to his feet, the dragon rider fell with a thud next to him to which Octavian fired a single round into the hapless Hyperborian’s head. He turned to see the dragon was still alive but is obvious distress and pain, Octavian waltzed over to the head and smile with glee and disgust.
“I send thee back to the fiery hell from whence thou came, servant of Satan!” He cried and with that plunged his sword through the skull of the dragon and its primitive brain. There was a sickening squeal from the creature and an unnatural shudder through its body before it relaxed as death took it from this moral realm.
Octavian turned around and surveyed the battlegrounds around, already the dusty ground was littered with bodies and the Knights were pushing back most counter attacks flung at them. The squad nearest to him were several metres away and numbered nearly thirty as they had just brought down a small elephant with significant losses to their own number. But to Octavian’s right was the prize- Queen Basi only two or three hundred metres away with only a few enemy infantry squads in their way. He waved at his battle brothers and pressed the communications button on his rights ear as hi rallied the Knights to his position.
“Brothers! Our goal is in sight! Continue the fight and we shall prevail over these infidels, these scumbags of the Earth! Brothers! Strike for the Chapter and the Inquisition! CHARGE!”
Octavian and the thirty Knights to his side charged headlong in the direction of the Queen and her body guards, the infantrymen in the way were dispatched with ease but the Queen’s guards would not be so easy. The numbers were even but the gulf in combat class was unknown, The Knights favoured themselves to win the day but calculated losses were impossible since they had very fought the Queen’s vanguard before. The two sides clashed with Queen Basi watching from a short distance away, Knight fired of rounds before coming up against the bodyguards. Samurai swords clashed with the holy anointed blades of Templars which to the horror of the guards, did not break. The broadswords were some of the best forged weapons in the world and could easily stand up to a samurai sword. The final battle had begun with the Knights, for the first time, having strength in numbers for not only four hundred metres away another wave of twenty Knights were darting for the Queen’s position…
The Bodyguards were numbered at 200,000. This was the Elite of The Hyperborian Army, Trained to never back down, to fight to the death. This force was lead by Basi her self, rideing a Spinosaurs. The whole Imperial Bodyguard were on mounts, Camels, Horses, War Wolves, Saber Tooth Tigers, Mastodons, Woolly Rhinos, Mammoths, Hatarphants, Allosaurs and Phorusrhacos (Terror Birds).
This Force soon started Chargeing against the enemy with War Cries and Guns Fireing.
Imperial isa
28-10-2007, 19:22
stepping out of a porthole in front of Basi was one person she meet before
and knew could wipe out her out with a wave of a hand
"mm "said Wolf as he watch the battle
stepping out of a porthole in front of Basi was one person she meet before
and knew could wipe out her out with a wave of a hand
"mm "said Wolf as he watch the battle
OOC: PT, MT, PMT FT in one RP? This is fucked.
IC Post coming tomorrow evening maybe cuz I work longer hours now.
Imperial isa
28-10-2007, 19:49
OOC: PT, MT, PMT FT in one RP? This is fucked.
IC Post coming tomorrow evening maybe cuz I work longer hours now.
porthole as in magic one so other FT and the FT OB is to stop Basi entering MS as MS is too busy to post and i'am keeping MS up to date
Adaptus Astrates
29-10-2007, 19:06
The Southern Flank, Hyperboria frontline
Good news had come through. The Astratesite civilians and the Imperial Intelligence operative had been found by a Para unit. The civilians were on their way home, the spy was staying to give Colonel Campbell what information he could. Queen Basi’s army was vast indeed, tens of thousands of men, hundreds of fantastic creatures of war, lined up against the forces of Adaptus Astrates. From the North, airborne forces alongside regular army units would strike under the command of an Imperial Army General, the Imperial Marine commander. From the centre of the battlefront, the Knights Templar would target the ultimate prize, Queen Basi herself. Finally, under Campbell’s leadership, the Imperial Marines and airborne units would complete the flank attack. Brigadier Green was ill, so the triumph or failure of the battle would lie with Paul Campbell.
Tanks, foot, helicopters, jets, grenadiers and artillery, the vast resources of the Imperial Armed Forces would be thrown at the Steppe Empire. Major Jones engagement days earlier had told Campbell a lot about his foe. Disciplined, organised, brave. But so were the Astratesites, and at that much more than their genocidal enemy. Campbell ordered his men to advance.
“Heli-borne units, begin to advance. Begin quiet landing around the mud-wall village to our north. Inform me when you have made your landing.”
Quite landing meant that the troops would hold fire when they left their Orca Transports. If all went to plan, the troops would be half a mile from the advancing Steppe forces.
“Armoured units, on my command, begin advance to support the infantry. Orca Gun-ships begin to support landing force immediately.”
Jones’ reinforced and refitted 539th Battalion was at the forefront of Campbell’s assault. Accompanied by the marines, this force would give the enemy one hell of a beating. The Orca Transports were escorted by the gun-ships of the same name, two for every one transport. They began their descent. No flak, the enemy were too far out. No dragons either, which had dominated Jones’ fears for the past few days. So many men from Alpha Company, 539th, were still recovering from the shock of seeing their comrades being wiped out by such vicious creatures.
The transport landed with a thud, followed by the side doors opening. The men poured out of the aircraft into the morning light. The 539th and the 33rd Marines attached too them were next to them mud walled village. Jones knew that Basi’s army will have noticed them, so the majority of the men kept low, the enemy would be upon them soon, the mud village was abandoned, but it did command views across the area. Dozens of transports and Attack Orcas filled the sky. The Orcas would defend the ground troops initially, and heavy air support would be provided by the naval aircraft, and aircraft dispatched by the hastily deployed Grand Eagle, the huge airborne aircraft carrier herself would keep her distance. Jones picked up his G36 rifle, which his men had been refitted with, stood up and shouted.
“Every second company to fortify the village. Every first company to advance forward.”
Other units were advancing to close the gap on the enemy, a slight ridge obscuring the view between the two armies. The paras and marines were rushing forward to secure the ridge. The first men reached the ridge, seeing the vast army that opposed them. They hit the dirt, cocked and aimed their weapons, and waited for the order from the officers. The Steppe army was a few hundred yards away, machine gunners to the front also training their weapons in on the Astratesites. The order came. An Imperial Marine officer shouted.
“Front rank fire!”
His bellowing shout was followed by the rattle of automatic weapons fire. Basi responded in kind. The officer who had given the first order to fire dropped to the ground, holding his leg in pain. A communications man began to call in the Attack Orcas. Then, the Imperials spotted the dreaded war creatures. The support Orcas began to engage the dragons, some dragons grabbing the helicopters and throwing them onto the Imperial lines. Starstreak missiles form the ground and Orcas took out some of the dragons, but their riders did well to avoid them. Basi’s swordsmen were begging to flood forward. The paras and marines kept their fire up, as did their enemy, but their ammunition could only sustain them for so long, and with the Steppe army trying to engage at close range, the use of bayonets and short swords was becoming ever more likely. A marine battalion suddenly rose, bayonets fixed and for some swords drawn, and charged the forward midway between the two forces. Fenrisians, the blood hounds of the Imperial forces. They were also equipped with flamers, perhaps explaining their charge. A group of Steppes also began to target the Fenrisians, mostly at range, but some went in for close combat. The fighting was bloody, with no quarter neither taken nor spared. Captain Beij, the unit’s leader, killed five enemies with his short sword alone. The nearest allies supported them as best they could, but moving forward could compromise the line of retreat, especially with Basi’s creatures still at large. Slowly, as Beij’s carried on the brutal fighting, the adjacent companies began to reform the line on them to prevent Beij from being surrounded. Basi’s infantry was closing in on the Astratesite frontline. Mortar shells crashed into both sides generally, but artillery was being poured down on Beij and his men. Beij and a handful of the men around him began make barricades from their own fallen, such was the bloodshed. Machine guns, spears and even swords were being thrown at the marines. Just those marines, as if they deserved more punishment for charging at the Steppe force, let alone being part of an invading army. Beij began to rally his men.
“Stand firm lads! Send these foul bastards into Hell!” A Steppe swordsman broke through toward Beij, quickly dispatched by Beij’s pistol, blowing off the man’s head. The, the sound of armour was heard. The tanks were late, but better late than never. One tank appeared directly behind Beij’s unit on the ridge, over flown by F35K strike fighters for heavy support. Beij, Jones and so many other men smiled at the sight of the back up units delivering cannon shells and free fall bombs onto the enemy.
The smiles were short lived; the dragons were regrouping and began to fly low to cut bloody swaths through the Astratesite lines, moving onto harass Beij’s men, slowly becoming isolated. The sound of elephants, and what some thought was the sound of dinosaurs, could be heard ahead of the Steppe line.
“To the higher ground of the ridge, regroup!” Beij shouted, as the earth began to tremble to the footsteps of even more creatures. Everyone knew that this battle was going to be a long one.
OOC: Time is short, my working hours have increased and I can't stay in this RP much longer so i'm cutting my participation shorter with this monster post. Both Stevid and the Steppe Empire gain something out of this and I hope it is a good read for everyone.
The Templars drove head on into the seemingly innumerable Hyperborians acting as Queen Basi’s bodyguard, hundreds of thousands of troops scattered liberally but densely around the Queen left far from harm but the aircraft buzzing over their heads gave the Templars a distinct advantage, if be it slight, over the Steppe Empire. The ground in front of the Templars was clear and sparsely littered with corpses as they charged towards a wall of counter charging enemies. The Knights placed their combat shield on their forearms to provide additional protection from the bullets whizzing past them, few Knights fell to the bullets and those that did either got up again or stayed down to nurse their wounds, only two or three were actually killed. Likewise with the Templars’ own bullets, the fact that both sides were charging at each other made shooting far less accurate and quite indiscriminate but the Knights were more heavily armoured and well protected than their enemies as Hyperborians took heavier casualties than the Knights. But the advantage and strength in numbers still favoured the Steppe Empire heavily as the two sides finally met in close combat.
The Knights discarded their combat shields and drew their swords seconds before contact; those out of ammunition threw away their pistols and brought about their large shields and swords to bear, and were so blood raged that they charged forward without any regard for their own safety just to kill the forward ranks of the enemy to make the fight for their brothers behind slightly easier. Within the first five minutes twenty Knights had been killed, it went from bad to worse as the Hyperborian ‘cavalry’ rode to the rescue of their broken comrades. Sabre tooth tigers, war elephants, mammoths and even dinosaurs (not uncommon in Stevid after cloning dinosaurs had been mastered) were used against the Knights. The Templars fought on with their leader Octavian leading and killing from the front, the FAA and allied supporting aircraft continued to strafe the enemies of the brave Knights who concentrated on killing only those in their way of the Queen and those directly threatening them. It was truly bloody and barbaric, a throw back to the medieval combat days where boarders were drawn with swords. The V-22’s continued to buzz low over the battlefield using snipers to pick off Champions in the Hyperborian ranks as well as using heavy gatling guns to cut through the ranks of the bodyguards who were proving their worth in combat. They were well trained, if not quite as well or rigorously as the Templars were, and were putting up a very brave fight. The Knights pushed forward and hard and gain precious ground every second they fought but Templar lives were being lost and not in small numbers, about half an hour into the battle and they had lost nearly a quarter of their number while the 200,000 bodyguards had been reduced by a eighth.
Octavian knew that although only a tiny percentage of the Templars were actually fighting in this war it would still be a grave loss to the chapter if they won this conflict without any more death. What was worse was that notion would only get worse as more and more of his brothers fell to the sword and bullet of the enemy. The Queen was maybe only fifty metres away and there was no frontline in he battle either. The Knights were all over the place either individually or in small groups of no more than five, it was truly chaotic and Octavian found it difficult to rally men to his side. While he was perfectly capable of staying alive even in these circumstances, he would prefer it if he could save the lives of some of his battle brethren. In ten minutes he had gathered only four Knights to his side but combined they were nearly unstoppable. All were wounded in some war, Octavian himself had a surface wound on his neck were a stray bullet from one of his own Knights defeated his neck body armour. The armour (or synthetic rubber produced as high quality armour- like a modern chain mail) did its job by protecting the Brother-Captain’s artery from being severed. An enemy blade had crashed down on his shoulder and while his actual metal armour held and was dented, Octavian was sure something was broken. But it was only pain and the Templars had been trained for years through self harm to ignore pain at any level, a broken collar bone was nothing compared to what he had been through back in Stevid. He looked around and swung he bloody blade at the stomach of another enemy bodyguard whose bowl spilled out onto the floor before Octavian finished the hapless man off. Aircraft had reported Queen Basi was mounted on a giant dinosaur known as a Spinosaurus, one of the largest predators to stalk the earth and had been banned in Stevid because of its terrible nature- they simply could not be controlled, at least that was what was previously thought but the Hyperborians had seemed to tame this single one to such a degree that their own Queen was riding and directing it.
“Brothers fight on! The goal is within our sight, within our grasp! We must fight on, no matter the cost! God guides our blades, God guides us in all our ways! We will hold against these foul being and send them back to hell! Show them the judgement of the righteous believers of God! Show them what it means to be enemies of Christ!” Octavian yelled loudly down his communication link in his ear to all the Templars still alive.
He and the four Knights with him fought on, parrying blades, dodging attacks and delivering counter attacks that were now killing tens of enemies every couple of seconds. The enemy would find few answers to the combat techniques of the Templars but numbers were on their side and in many cases Knights dragged to the floor by twenty or so bodyguards before finally giving in to death. The war elephants and mammoths found themselves targets of the aircraft that were buzzing around in the skies above. Three elephants already lay dead on the floor with gaping holes in their sides were missiles had rocked through their bodies, some were riddled with thousands upon thousands of bullet entry wounds where the cannons on the aircraft had punctured through their thick hides. The battle had gone on nearly two hours now and the Steppe Empire were easily on top of the Templars, but that had been the case all along. The Templars had never intended to be the best over the grand army which was way two allied armies were also attacking, only the Queen’s bodyguard were standing up to the Knights and so far they were doing so. The battle raged on with the Knights fighting now with only half of their starting number while Basi’s bodyguard army had lost just over a quarter of their own number. The Knights may have outclassed the enemy but statistical losses would show who would win this battle- unless of course the Queen was captured.
The Queen was the goal and a close eye was kept upon her at all times, it was then when a strange porthole thing opened and out stepped a strange figure right in front of the massive dinosaur Basi was mounted on. A sniper took the chance that the figure was not an ally and fire several rounds at the feet of the figure. The sniper smiled as he made the people below dance, he wasn’t the only one as snipers in V-22’s and helicopters alike popped off heads throughout. The dragons were kept at bay, those stupid enough to fly were cut down by the cannons or missiles of the FAA’s XF-23 Nightwalker fighter jets. Only several transport helos had been lost to ground forces or dragons.
With air cover assured, Octavian readied himself to face Basi. She was no more then thirty metres away and her dinosaur was attacking a large group of Templars numbering nearly thirty who had bravely rallied together to construct a tower of strength. The Spinosaurus was a prehistoric line breaker as it charged through the group of Knights killing several instantly by trampling on them and eating another whole. The Knights counter with their sword swinging, some dug their razor sharp gauntlets into the skin of the dinosaur and clawed their way up the leg before falling down again as creature swiped them off with a crisp movement of its giant arms.
Combat around Octavian and his troop seemed to stop momentarily and he seized the opportunity to survey his surrounding. In the distance he could see more Templars, one holding a massive crucifix bringing down a mammoth and slaughtering those on and around it. In another direction he saw a small squad of three Knights fighting against hopeless odds as bodyguards attacked in all directions and tigers leapt on them from above. Octavian turned away in sadness but looked upon Queen Basi’s Spinosaurus in raw hatred. It was only several metres away but was far more content on killing the few Knights remaining after it had charged them a few minutes ago. He reached for his ear piece again and called to all the Knights in the battle.
“All Knights converge on this transmission, we are to take down the dinosaur and safely recover the Queen. V-22’s A, B, D, H be ready to be called into action to pick the Queen up once we have recovered her. All other transport aircraft be prepared to evacuate all Knights once the mission is complete.”
Octavian and his troop broke forward but as he did so the AWACS gave a report to him telling of how many Knights he had remaining. To his horror he had less than a quarter remaining and the enemy had well over half, the previous casualty report had only been delivered ten minutes ago. In just ten minutes nearly a hundred or so Knights had been killed or evacuated from combat (and were likely to die in hospital later anyway). It was do or die now and the latter seemed the most obvious outcome of this battle but so long as the Queen was taken back to Stevid then the sacrifice would be worth it. Christianity had to be defended to the last man, woman and child and only the Knights Templar could achieve this. Octavian looked up at the Spinosaurus and then his squad, they looked at him in return and nodded. Octavian smiled behind his helmet which totally covered his head. An explosion rocked the battlefield as a 5000 lb bomb from the FAA detonated close by which started the battle up again in furious fashion. Octavian was dazed momentarily and then knew precisely what to say over the comm. channel to all the Knights.
“The Spinosaurus! We destroy that creature and this is all over! CHARGE!”
Screams from Knights in the vicinity echoed through the battlefield as every Templar left who they were fighting to charge the Queen’s Spinosaurus. Sharpshooters killed as many bodyguards as possible to try and help the Knights further and yet still Templars fell to the enemy numbers. Only an estimated sixty Knights Templar remained, whittled down by furious combat. The Knights had killed thousands upon thousands of Basi’s bodyguard army men but it hadn’t been enough to stop the determined will of the Templars. Sixty Knights rushed the dinosaur which still thought itself invincible and it mad a swipe with its tail knocking and then crushing several Knights. The jaws of the creature fell upon another doomed Knight before they all finally reached the massive beast and attacked it with everything they had. The Queen stood out like a sore thumb atop the dinosaur but no one made the attempt to kill her. Her bodyguards rushed to the aid of the dinosaur which now began to show signs of panic. Octavian slashed at several enemy troops and killed them outright before facing the creature, Basi saw him and knew immediately his importance to the Templar organisation and directed the jaws of her dinosaur towards Octavian. He readied himself and then reacted but not fast enough, seconds later he was in the mouth of the Spinosaurus, panic attacked him quickly but he over came and seized a key moment to critically wound the monstrosity. He swung his sword around indiscriminately and in an uncontrolled manner inside the maw of the dinosaur cause mass damage to the creature’s mouth. He stabbed and stabbed in every direction and caused mass haemorrhaging before he was spat out by the Queen’s mounting. He fell several feet and drenched in blood that was not his own, as he landed he rolled to avoid the huge foot of Spinosaurus.
The Templars sensed victory as did the pilots in the sky who had a front row seat of the attack on the Queen’s dinosaur. The creature was in obvious distress and was seriously wounded, it roared in agony as blood flowed from its mouth, it’s tail swung uncontrollably and was now killing more Hyperborians than Knights. The end was night but the Knights were walking on thin ice, the pilots counted only thirty or twenty-five Knights still alive. The sharpshooters took pot shots at the ankles of the dinosaur but the enemy had strapped on metal ‘shin pads’ to prevent bullets from taking out the dinosaur’s crucial asset. I didn’t take long for the Knights to adapt as a single Justicar fired several rounds from his pistol to dislodge the iron bolt hold the pads on before thrusting his sword with malice, raw strength and will. The ankle bone dislocated, before breaking in several places. The Justicar swung at the shin and the sword buried deep into the bone. The Spinosaurus roared with pain but the damage in its mouth enraged it further when it tried to roar and it expelled nothing more than a yelp of agony. Queen Basi tried her best to steady her beloved dinosaur but it crashed to the floor sending her to the ground and at the mercy of the Knights Templar.
It didn’t end there and the Knights knew it wouldn’t, in fact the Hyperborians fought even harder than ever and now the Knights numbered only a handful of a around fifteen or twenty but the centred around the fallen Queen. Several bodyguards rushed to her side but were quickly dispatched but at the cost of yet another Knight. Octavian was on his last legs of life now, even with his near Godlike stamina and strength, his iron will and solid faith, his body was not up for any more. He was exhausted and Brother-Captains are far strong than their subordinates so the handfuls of Knights and Justicars with him were near complete collapse and yet still they fought on. Octavian didn’t need to summon a transport aircraft to the scene, they had been watching the whole time and were hovering next to them in seconds. The heavy machine guns opened up briefly to try and stem the flow of Hyperborian warriors but to no avail, they were charging headlong at the Knights who now numbered only ten… the Templar army in the Steppe Empire which had previously been fighting in their hundreds had been reduced to a mere ten… but their goal had been achieved.
The Queen struggled but was quickly sedated, she herself had killed a Knight with her own combat skills and combat sword and she had kill two gunners onboard the V-22 before finally being restrained and hoisted aboard. The escort fighters buzzed overhead and strafed the grand army converging on the Knights’ position to by time for the transport and the Knights as well as drawing fire from the ground. In a disastrous quirk of fate a Nightwalker was brought down by a dragon that had been grounded the entire time, the pilot flew too low and as a result was grabbed out of the air and brought down to earth by the unnatural creature. But the V-22 Osprey was undeterred by this and soared into the air with its precious cargo onboard, sound asleep and under heavy escort, and made its way towards Task Force 777.
Octavian watched as the V-22 set off towards the coastline, the blood red sky and the setting sun would be the last thing these Knights would see of God’s precious and special Earth. He removed his helmet and looked upon his battle brothers, they were a small percentage of a massive organisation but the represented it on a whole. They were all to die and the death of so many Knights would be a grievous blow to the Chapter, the Catholic Church and the Holy Empire of Stevid- but they had achieved their goal, they had defended Christendom and all it stood for while bringing those who wanted it destroyed to justice with the main culprit in custody. His brethren looked back at him in return, panting with exhaustion both mental and physical but they all knew that they would die honourable deaths and for a successful cause.
“Our faith holds us Brothers.” A Justicar said to them all. “Death is not to be feared but welcomed, it is just a passing phase to a greater glory… to be one with our Lord God, our saviour Jesus Christ the only son of God. Embrace death as a friend, not a foe.”
“Listen to his words of wisdom Brothers!” Said Octavian as the Hyperborians drew metres closer. “We shall give them hell before we meet our divine maker. Make the Chapter, the Inquisition, the country and most importantly, the faith, proud of what we did today! Till death!”
They repeated his final words with cheers and chants to God as the Hyperborians crashed into the Templars. They fought but the Templars were utterly exhausted and hopelessly outnumbered. They may have taken ten or twenty enemy soldiers with them but five minutes later the last Knights Templars in the Steppe Empire were killed, their names to be remember by the many hundreds of thousands of Knights back in Stevid who were not sent to fight. The Hyperborians may have lost their Queen but they had obediently followed her orders to the letter. She had banished the Catholic Church within her boarders and ordered the deaths of many Catholics- what better way to avenge their Queen by killing every last Templar in the Steppe Empire.
It was over for Queen Basi’s army either for they still had to contend with the even bigger army of Adaptus Astrates who formed the hammer of the Imperial presence in the Steppe Empire. Without their Queen to guide them who knows how the army would fare against the raw might of Imperial forces.
The Queen herself was to be transported by supersonic plane to Stevid were she would be imprisoned in St. Malleus Cathedral, home of the Knights Templar, and treated in whatever manner the Church deemed fitting for her punishment. The terrible ordeal for Queen Basi had just begun.
Imperial isa
29-10-2007, 22:58
OOC yur you find Steppe Empire would Ignore and keep fighing
saddly the bullets stop middle air as Time was Stopped by Wolf
" Queen Basi i told you were never to enter The Empire of Magic Sorcery again yet i hear you leading a army towards it as you fight others over some dumb i don't care about, so i'am here to exile you, your sister and your people in a sealed off planet where you can no longer upset other nations again"said Wolf to her
The Steppe Empire
30-10-2007, 00:28
OOC yur you find Steppe Empire would Ignore and keep fighing
saddly the bullets stop middle air as Time was Stopped by Wolf
" Queen Basi i told you were never to enter The Empire of Magic Sorcery again yet i hear you leading a army towards it as you fight others over some dumb i don't care about, so i'am here to exile you, your sister and your people in a sealed off planet where you can no longer upset other nations again"said Wolf to her
Basi laughed. "You think it is over?" she told Wolf, "You should know that I am not going to be captured that easy, let them take me to their "Task Force 777" to show you what I meen."
Imperial isa
30-10-2007, 03:51
Basi laughed. "You think it is over?" she told Wolf, "You should know that I am not going to be captured that easy, let them take me to their "Task Force 777" to show you what I meen."
"Enough Basi it's over,if i must i'll send you to hell it self and let you face the horrors of it for this miss you made with out a second though and you know it"said Wolf with voice as cold as space
OOC: Wow, I take the weekend off and everything goes to shit... Stevid, while not a badly written post (far from it, in fact), there's a horrid amount of godmoding in there. I'd revise it ASAP.
Also, several people seem to have forgotten a few things about the Southern Army. A) It's currently undergoing artillery bombardment from the ORA. B) It's surrounded by it's very own minefield, also courtesy of ORA. While this was meant to cut off it's retreat, it ALSO makes a very handy barrier for the Steppe forces to hide behind.
That, and I really don't care who I accidentally maim with arty. As the saying goes, everyone knows what kings do to queens.
IC: "Shit!"
Jane pulled hard on the stick, sending her bomber into a roll as she tried to avoid a rapidly descending dragon. Her aircraft shuddered, and a constellation of warning lights flashed into existance on her HUD, accompanied by a smooth female voice.
"Warning. Flameout in right engine. Warning. Flameout in right engine. Warning..."
She cursed. "I know, you stupid bitch! Just stay in the damn air!"
Flipping a toggle, Taelos extinguished the flames as the dragons and the battle faded into the distance. Glancing at her RADAR, she spotted her squadron ahead, along with another pair of squadrons heading for the Steppe army. Noting her mates were all safe, she keyed her comms, calling air control.
"This is Bravo Four, I've got major damage to my right engine. Still airborne, but I'm gonna be in for a bumpy landing. Prep a crew, because I think this is gonna be ugly..."
Watching more thermobaric firestorms sprout amongst the enemy army, and the telltale blips of dozens of ORA MRAAMs hunting down draconic targets, Jane leaned back in the chair, holding tight to the shaking stick.
This really was going to be ugly...
Eyes closed, Colonel Alter listened to the steady beat of the artillery battery, sounding for all the world like the universe's loudest storm. The gunners had fallen into their individual rhythms now, lobbing shell after shell to fall like rain onto the Steppe army, stopping occasionally to bolster the surrounding minefield, or to let their barrels cool before resuming the bombardment. The sound had become strangely comforting, especially now that the lull before the enemy managed to come close enough to engage his Legion.
Sensing someone standing nearby, Zacharias opened one eye to see his mages standing before him.
Arching an eyebrow, Alter finally spoke. "I thought I had you on Security duty?"
Bowing, the Shaman with control issues responded, somewhat embarrassed. "You did, sir. However, we thought that this might peak your interest. Astral scouting shows high background count at this point. In depth assensing shows high degree temporal casting."
"Hrm... Enemy command post, no doubt. How powerful is 'high degree,' specialist?"
The Shaman... Grim! That was his name... grinned. "Powerful, sir, but one caster is doing it. And he's not all that much more powerful than any one of us. Working together, we can put a pretty big null magic zone around them. Not for long, but long enough to drop a nice big airstrike on 'em. Add in a bit of arty, and I think we might be able to behead the bastards."
"Good plan, Specialist Grim. If this works, expect a promotion. I'm giving you temporary access to the command network. You've got control of the Andre battery, and clearance to requisition an airstrike. You've got a plan? Make it so."
Saluting, the mages stepped out, all but Specialist Grim, who took a seat in the command tent and began speaking hurriedly over the command channel. The plan was set in motion, and soon, very soon, Alter would see just how well this snake managed without a head.
Adaptus Astrates
30-10-2007, 18:37
The allosaurs and elephants charged the Imperial lines with unbelievable ferocity. The Astratesite army, however, had had no choice but advance its firing line forward to prevent the forces rushing forward to crush their own men. Mechanized infantry had spearheaded this advance, men clambering onto the tops of any vehicles they could climb on. The Steppe Army fell back, giving way to the charging allosaurs as they went.
The mechanized infantry quickly dismounted to re-establish the firing line. Orcas hovered above the troops and tanks. The firing began again, shot after shot, missile after missile hammering into the beasts. They roared loudly, both in pain and to terrify their prey. The creatures crashed into the Imperial line, stamping on infantrymen, knocking tanks away like they were children’s toys, using their massive jaws to scoop up men to devour them, while the elephants ploughed through the middle of their foe’s lines. The Steppe infantry charged forward once again to support their comrades, sensing the tide was turning with the arrival of their war creatures. It very nearly was, but the only things keeping the Imperials in the fight were the Orca gun ships and the heavy air support, felling the beast by the number. Support from the Grand Eagle had been diverted to the northern flank, where things were even worse due to the larger number of dragons taking their toll upon the northern army. The southern army had to make do though; they had destroyed most of the dragons, but the arrival of even more deadly thought-to-be-extinct animals. Blood from the allosaurs splattered every where onto the ground, tanks and troops, gallantly fighting gallantly against such impossible odds. Assault rifle fire from the infantry had little effect on them unless firing at the allosaur’s head, but their fire started to be diverted towards the charging Steppe infantry. Beij’s Battalion was at the forefront of the mayhem, and despite the horrific losses suffered earlier had found the will to rally and advance. Beij had started to swear at the Steppe infantry, taunting them and encouraging them to come at them “sword and shield”. The Steppe army obliged, ignoring the tremendous casualties they were taking to honour the taunts Beij was shouting.
“Feel my Emperor’s might through buckshot you evil, filthy scum!” letting of shotgun rounds from his Spas 12. He was overwhelmed, as were his men. More hand to hand combat had broken out, swords drawn and clattering from both sides, some soldiers disarming their opponent with their bear hands to brawl with them. This kind of fighting was ancient history to the Astratesites, but real now. Some combat was ended by the flamethrowers and grenades of the Astratesites, if not that then the allosaurs and elephants of the Steppes. The Orcas were concentrating on the war beasts. The tanks and APCs likewise. Nothing seemed to show who was winning the battle. But the Orcas were starting to pick off the allosaurs and elephants, so some hope was left for the Astratesites. The fighter jets from the Imperial Navy aircraft carriers came again, targeting just behind the Steppe lines to thin their frontline. But that did not stop the enemy from holding back the Astratesites from flooding forward into their thinly stretched front. Steppe artillery began to zero in on the tanks, while the ruins of the tanks started to become makeshift rally points for the Astratesites to dig in around. The ground battle was becoming a war of attrition, one that the Astratesite forces could not win. The Steppe forces, starting to hold back from the min-fortress being set up, had numbers on their side, and the home advantage in terms of supply lines.
Unless the air support, the Knights Templar and or the northern flank provided some sort of miracle, it would be a lost battle.
OOC: Wow, I take the weekend off and everything goes to shit... Stevid, while not a badly written post (far from it, in fact), there's a horrid amount of godmoding in there. I'd revise it ASAP.
Thanks for the compliment and I won't deny that there is some godmoding there. But quite frankly the worst that happened was that I killed a dragon and controlled Basi's actions a bit. Anything would have probably been added by Hat (if not with less detail). But although he lost the Queen he actually wins the battle against the Templars, a tall order in any circumstances. He kills every last Templar in the Steppe Empire. That's a huge victory considering their reputation.
Revision shouldn't necessary. I was aware of the godmoding while writing and before I wrote the post I was gonna write up a mass evacuation of the Templars... but simply put, he deserves the victory and after the godmoding I would've lost a lot of credibilty if the Templars survived.
It should be fine but my involvement in this RP is minor now anyway.
The Steppe Empire
02-11-2007, 05:59
"Enough Basi it's over,if i must i'll send you to hell it self and let you face the horrors of it for this miss you made with out a second though and you know it"said Wolf with voice as cold as space
"well, It is to be over, Your Power will end once The Last of The Hatarian Race starts their own Empire in the stars." Basi said.
This showed that She finaly Lost her mind.
Imperial isa
02-11-2007, 06:53
"well, It is to be over, Your Power will end once The Last of The Hatarian Race starts their own Empire in the stars." Basi said.
This showed that She finaly Lost her mind.
"your going to a world were Technologies will never pass 18th century age ,as well as mass storm that engulf it, that rips apart ships no matter how strong they'er shields "said Wolf as he looks at her
yup she lost the plot Wolf thinks to himself
The Steppe Empire
03-11-2007, 02:02
"your going to a world were Technologies will never pass 18th century age ,as well as mass storm that engulf it, that rips apart ships no matter how strong they'er shields "said Wolf as he looks at her
yup she lost the plot Wolf thinks to himself
OOC: Just to let you know, their is going to be another Thread with the Last parts of the Hyperborian Army fighting the Adaptus Astrates Army to stop then once and for all, or if they do, They will leave the Planet.
So prepare for this thread.
Imperial isa
03-11-2007, 02:13
OOC TG me the link as i be on the phone whole of next week trying to get my line drop out problem fix once and for all ,i hope
03-11-2007, 02:43
A Message Directly from the Hand of His Imperial Majesty Heinrich II:
As a Catholic myself, I am disgusted by your actions, and hereby condemn the actions of Queen Basi. The Achae-Ottonia henceforth is offering refuge for any fleeing persecution at the hands of Hyperboria's tyrant queen. I am also begging, in the name of reason, for Her Majesty Queen Basi of Hyperboria to repeal this edict. I am also authorizing Generals Regulus and Varus as well as Admiral Iethius to use force against any foreign agent who attempts to deny our aid to the persecuted.
With Rightous Disapointment,
Emperor Heinrich Wolff II, King of the Glorious Empire of Achae-Ottonia, Prince of Haspatha, Lord of the Etphallian Borderlands, Duke of Savonica, Duke of Kallevia, Lord of Umberland
Imperial isa
03-11-2007, 02:47
OOC why did you enter now when it about to end
03-11-2007, 03:21
OOC: bad. forgot to read the rest of the I didn't know it was about to end. Rats.
Adaptus Astrates
03-11-2007, 12:53
ooc: lets make this battle a good one. Of course I want to win somewhere, like you, we just need to be wary of accidental god-modding.
The Steppe Empire
03-11-2007, 22:26
ooc: lets make this battle a good one. Of course I want to win somewhere, like you, we just need to be wary of accidental god-modding.
OOC: ok.
Let's that new thread up then.
The Steppe Empire
05-11-2007, 06:05
Adaptus Astrates
07-11-2007, 16:51
The Northern Front
Over a week of bitter fighting had taken its toll on both the Astratesites and the Hyperboreans. The northern battle ground had been substantially more bloodier than anywhere else, due to the scale of the carnage. The Hyperboreans weren’t an easy foe, as their war beasts had shown. Dragons, allosaurs, elephants and rhinos had wreaked havoc among the invading army.
The battle was in a stalemate stage. The Steppe Empire had numbers on their side; the Astratesites had technology and superior air support. The northern army wasn’t going anywhere while the Hyperboreans kept the pressure on them just about every minute of the day somewhere along the frontline, whilst the Imperial Air Force and Naval Air Force had maintained a steady stream of bombs down onto the Steppe Army. The frontline had been pushed back about ten miles by the defenders, the counter attack grinding to a halt by sheer will power on the part of the invaders.
Both sides’ morale had taken a blow when news of Basi’s capture and the annihilation of the Knights Templar had come through. News from the south was patchy, reports contradicting one another. Surely things were going better for the paratroopers and marines, as they had less to contend with in terms of Steppe war beasts.
It seemed that neither sides trump cards- the Hyperborean war beasts and the IAF Grand Eagle- could break the deadlock.
For the Astratesite commander in the north, General Khan, taking over from the original commander killed by a dragon strike, a terrible solution was to be put into action. He had ordered that the remnants of Basi’s army in the north be exterminated, not defeated in the honourable sense. Cyclosarin bombs were being fitted to fighter bomber aircraft for use against the Hyperboreans on the frontline. Once this strike had taken place, the Imperial Army would make a limited advance as a show of force- they would not give their opponents the privilege of halting the advance by fighting. After that, the hope was that the Hyperboreans would be contained. That was the hope. An alternate plan had been drawn up involving indiscriminate use of thermo- baric and cyclosarin bombs against the enemy army to force them to hold back from any more fighting.
The Astratesites would not attack in either plan, but use it as a message that the Imperium had the means to wipe the Hyperborean army off the face of the earth, so the leaflets and radio messages would say.
Whether that assisted the battle in the south or not was not clear. Khan’s hope was that with the Hyperborean army contained, that the Catholics could return to the country without the fear all out oppression from the Hyperborean army. Astratesites would assist in the policing efforts, guiding the local police under the new order.
A long term plan for the fate of the enemy forces had not been thought of.
As Khan finished briefing his subordinates, they watched as the F-32 fighter bombers took off from the makeshift runway, behind the frontline. They were interrupted by a radio message from the southern army. Apparently stalemate had also taken place, but the deadlock was soon to be broken.
The jets took of into the dark grey skies on to their deadly mission.
Adaptus Astrates
07-11-2007, 18:01
The Southern Front
Colonel Campbell had received word of General Khan’s area denial plan via radio, He didn’t agree with it, but knew that his own attack would still have to go ahead on time. He picked up his radio set and had his radioman tune into the appropriate channel.
“Ninth Airborne and Tenth Grenadiers, begin to attack on the left flank. First BiPed Tank Company prepare to lead advance, the Five-Three-Ninth shall accompany you along with the Fifty-Second Mechanised.”
The plan was daring. The 9th Airborne and 10th Grenadier would launch an attack on the far left flank. They would cut inwards from the side and slowly force their way inward, followed by several Marine formations and their vehicle to stop the paras from being cut off. Meanwhile, around twenty Titan bipedal tanks of the hastily assembled 1st BiPed Company would cut in from the centre to meet up with the airborne troops, then, they would annihilate the Hyperborean troops in the designated “Triangle of Death”. A small corridor would be left open to any retreating Hyperboreans, but they would not make it out without being fired upon with fury. The 539th would accompany the walking tanks. Standing about fifteen feet tall, armed with a 120mm cannon, six Javelin missiles and a heavy machine gun, and the best lightweight armour the Imperial forges could produce, this would be their combat debut. The infantry would go along to stop any enemies from placing explosives to the feet of the mechs. The usual air support would assist the advance. The objective was, no matter how long it took, to destroy a significant amount of the enemy army and force the enemy back. It seemed that destroying the Hyperborean army completely might not be beneficial to the region, as the locals would respond more to their own. As long as they could be tamed.
The attack began. Orcas, Lightning 2s and fixed artillery began to rain down fire upon the enemy. The 9th and 10th began its advance, cutting into the side of the Hyperboreans. Resistance was substantial, the Hyperboreans not wishing to lose the flank to the airborne. If there were enough dragons still alive then the attack might have halted there and then, but the southern battle had seen most of them killed. Eventually, the joint force began to slowly force its way through. The Grenadiers were all armed with G36s with under slung grenade launchers, and equipped with the very best body armour. Whilst the Grenadiers took out the focal points of resistance, the paras rushed forward to gain ground, their P90 machine pistols dealing swift deaths to the enemy.
In the centre of the frontline, the Titans, along with the infantry, began to advance into the enemy line. The pilots, using their JTIDS and HUD displays, mowed down the Hyperboreans by the dozen, while the 120mm cannons blew up makeshift strong points, making the infantry’s job a lot easier in gaining ground. The infantry had to strafe enemy troops to their right but the sheer power behind the Astratesite advance was too much. Orcas stuck close the advancing mech column, whilst F35s over flew the battlefield releasing free fall bombs below.
Slowly the two advancing forces were beginning to close the gap. Orcas were dispatched forward to harass the closing gap that Hyperborean soldier were trying to escape through, others valiantly holding on. Some enemy war beasts began to mount a counter charge, but the Titans halted the counter move with Javelin missiles. Jones’ 539th continued to uphold their reputation of going on until the end by leading the way forward.
The fighting went on for hours, the Triangle of death taking form. Campbell’s own Falaise Pocket would isolate thousands of enemy troops, while supporting units were poised to strike outwards from the triangle to deal further blows. F35Bs began to hover over the triangle, let loose a hailstorm of lead and metal. This battle could decide the fate of the region, Campbell at the helm of history.
The Steppe Empire
07-11-2007, 18:24
The Northern Front
Over a week of bitter fighting had taken its toll on both the Astratesites and the Hyperboreans. The northern battle ground had been substantially more bloodier than anywhere else, due to the scale of the carnage. The Hyperboreans weren’t an easy foe, as their war beasts had shown. Dragons, allosaurs, elephants and rhinos had wreaked havoc among the invading army.
The battle was in a stalemate stage. The Steppe Empire had numbers on their side; the Astratesites had technology and superior air support. The northern army wasn’t going anywhere while the Hyperboreans kept the pressure on them just about every minute of the day somewhere along the frontline, whilst the Imperial Air Force and Naval Air Force had maintained a steady stream of bombs down onto the Steppe Army. The frontline had been pushed back about ten miles by the defenders, the counter attack grinding to a halt by sheer will power on the part of the invaders.
Both sides’ morale had taken a blow when news of Basi’s capture and the annihilation of the Knights Templar had come through. News from the south was patchy, reports contradicting one another. Surely things were going better for the paratroopers and marines, as they had less to contend with in terms of Steppe war beasts.
It seemed that neither sides trump cards- the Hyperborean war beasts and the IAF Grand Eagle- could break the deadlock.
For the Astratesite commander in the north, General Khan, taking over from the original commander killed by a dragon strike, a terrible solution was to be put into action. He had ordered that the remnants of Basi’s army in the north be exterminated, not defeated in the honourable sense. Cyclosarin bombs were being fitted to fighter bomber aircraft for use against the Hyperboreans on the frontline. Once this strike had taken place, the Imperial Army would make a limited advance as a show of force- they would not give their opponents the privilege of halting the advance by fighting. After that, the hope was that the Hyperboreans would be contained. That was the hope. An alternate plan had been drawn up involving indiscriminate use of thermo- baric and cyclosarin bombs against the enemy army to force them to hold back from any more fighting.
The Astratesites would not attack in either plan, but use it as a message that the Imperium had the means to wipe the Hyperborean army off the face of the earth, so the leaflets and radio messages would say.
Whether that assisted the battle in the south or not was not clear. Khan’s hope was that with the Hyperborean army contained, that the Catholics could return to the country without the fear all out oppression from the Hyperborean army. Astratesites would assist in the policing efforts, guiding the local police under the new order.
A long term plan for the fate of the enemy forces had not been thought of.
As Khan finished briefing his subordinates, they watched as the F-32 fighter bombers took off from the makeshift runway, behind the frontline. They were interrupted by a radio message from the southern army. Apparently stalemate had also taken place, but the deadlock was soon to be broken.
The jets took of into the dark grey skies on to their deadly mission.
These enemy planes would soon be the target of The Hyperborians own deadly weapon; The Wyvern, a type of Dragon with Two Back legs and two wings, no front legs. It's Tail has a Spear like tip on the end of it, used to Kill other large animals. But It has one thing that make it so deadly, It Spits out Acid that can eat though almost anything (All but Gold) and it can also turn it's own acid into a Poison Gas that would kill any animal or Human, and badly burn plants.
One wing of Wyverns was sent after Freedom Fighters sighted a large group of enemy Planes heading for the front, The Wyverns were lighter and faster then the War Dragons and they weren good for takeing on Fighters.
The War Dragons were busy with attacking Ground Units, Blasting Fire on enemy troops. The Hyperborians were also stageing Guerrilla attacks against enemy Convoys like the Guerrilla fighter near the enemy base. Sarmaria was now the new queen of The Hyperborians and leading 3,000 Horsemen to start a attack against the airfield, with Dragon escourt.
Adaptus Astrates
12-11-2007, 17:16
The Northern Front
Khan had received radio reports from 79 “Grey” Squadron, the aircraft formation tasked with gassing the Hyperboreans into submission. They had taken casualties from some sort of wyvern-like creatures, spitting a kind of acid onto the wings and fuselages. They had been picked up on radar, but because Khan believed they had air superiority, no escort fighters had been allocated. Of the eighteen planes that took off, nine had returned.
Elsewhere, a guerrilla war had developed. The new Hyperborean queen, Samaria, had led a large force against the weakest part of the northern line. They broke through, and were advancing upon the airbase that Khan was present at, Airbase Camelot. The Astratesite troops to the three thousand strong force’s flanks could not turn to counter, as the rest of the front would be vulnerable to enemy attack. Friendly forces where beginning to plug the gap, but the enemy force was past it. Alongside this development the Hyperboreans where staging attacks on friendly convoys. Even though the Steppe Empire had been forced into a deep, large thumb shaped territory in the country’s interior, the small guerrilla forces could not be halted everywhere. Larger groups took priority.
The issue of the convoy attacks was to be seen to with the arrival of Astratesite Private Military Companies, allowing the real fighting force of the Imperium to concentrate on combat duties.
Khan looked toward the sandbag perimeter of the airbase, seeing the airbase defence troops, as well as PMC soldiers, setting up their defences. Five mobile rail-guns were deployed at Airbase Camelot, the latest in the imperial arsenal. These were set up to cover the arcs facing toward where the advancing enemy were coming. The high pitch buzzing sound began, the guns charging up to fire. Soldiers began cocking their weapons. The Orca gunships began to take off to harass and track the enemy. The fighter bomber aircraft were grounded due to refuelling, but faced outward from the base to use their machine gun if need be.
Then Khan and everyone else at the base noticed a line of horses in the distance. Khan could see what they were preparing to do. The enemy was splitting into three, and Khan sensed a Zulu-like “Horns of the Buffalo” plan of attack.
He turned to his Colour Sergeant.
“Colour Sergeant, stand the men to!”
“Stand… to!” The Colour Sergeant yelled, echoing through the base.
The line of horse began to cantor, then run, then a full scale charge. The Orcas began to fly at speed towards the cavalry, firing their machine guns as they went. This did not break the charge, and the enemy began to yell war cries, their banners waving. Missiles and snipers followed, dropping dozens of the cavalrymen. Then the rail guns opened fire, the sound of an electro-magnetically propelled round, followed by bright blue sight of electrical energy “contrails”, being fired in anger for the first time. Assault rifles joined the deafening sounds, but despite the horrific casualties the cavalry were taking, most still charged. Some withdrew, possibly the wiser ones, but battle continued. The sound of dragons was heard, as was the sound of a rally cry. Khan knew that the dragons were going to either make or break the attack. Soldiers began to look up in terror at the sight of dragons. Soldiers were burned, fuel tanks exploded, fighters with them. Swiftly, soldiers armed with missile launchers began to fight them off. But the cavalry were renewing their charge, closing in on the sandbag perimeter. So many had been killed that they concentrated themselves into one large formation, charging at the weakest point created by the dragon raid. Khan knew what must be done. He began to order as many men that could be spared to form two ranks at the weak point. As fire from the sides of the breach rained on the Hyperboreans, Khan prepared for a do or die task. The cavalry were yards from the breach.
“Front rank, fire!” khan yelled. The front rank fired their rifles on burst fire setting. When they finished, the second rank took their turn. The disciplined, consistent and accurate rate of fire kept most of them at bay, those that got through died swiftly after throwing bombs into the tents and at fuel dumps.
The attack ended swiftly, enough damage had been caused by the raid. A few hundred of the attackers escaped. They had killed over a hundred Astratesites, destroyed fuel tanks, fighter jets, and part of the runway, alongside moderate damage to command and control tents. The Orcas had been reduced to two in number, out of six deployed to Camelot, thanks to the dragon strike. Most of the cyclosarin tanks had been put in the hastily made bunkers at the start of the campaign, but three had not been returned to these bunkers, still attached to an F-32. A fire was near it, and the gas attack order was given.
The enemy raid took a heavy toll on Airbase Camelot.
Adaptus Astrates
12-11-2007, 17:36
Colonel Campbell’s HQ, Southern Front
Campbell’s aptly named “Triangle of Death” had achieved more than he hoped for. The two lines of attack went deeper than expected, thus trapping more enemy soldiers. Those who tied their luck and went to retreat via “The Funnel” were fortunate that Campbell decided to hold back extra units for the escape route. Those Hyperboreans that gallantly fought on and died numbered in the thousands, several hundred surrendered. After that, the Astratesites cut deep into the enemy army, but they quickly retreated in good order despite the horrific casualties. As Campbell had found out, they began the transition into guerrilla warfare.
Campbell knew the war was now over in one sense and beginning in another. He was proud of his and his men’s achievements, which he hoped would continue in the guerrilla conflict at hand. Hearts and minds were key to the Astratesite controlled areas, but in the remains of the Steppe Empire that did not matter. Careful tactics were required in friendly areas, all out bombardment in the country’s interior. Naval, land, air and orbital ordnance was at Campbell and Khan’s disposal.
Ultra, the Special Forces units of the military, had been called in to hunt down the small guerrilla units that were beginning to plague the supply convoys. PMC troops would handle the occupation and convoy duties.
Campbell was frustrated that the war would go on despite Basi’s capture. But Samaria would be dealt with in equal vigour. The other option was to pull of something that could end the war on the Imperium’s terms.
The Steppe Empire
12-11-2007, 18:50
Colonel Campbell’s HQ, Southern Front
Campbell’s aptly named “Triangle of Death” had achieved more than he hoped for. The two lines of attack went deeper than expected, thus trapping more enemy soldiers. Those who tied their luck and went to retreat via “The Funnel” were fortunate that Campbell decided to hold back extra units for the escape route. Those Hyperboreans that gallantly fought on and died numbered in the thousands, several hundred surrendered. After that, the Astratesites cut deep into the enemy army, but they quickly retreated in good order despite the horrific casualties. As Campbell had found out, they began the transition into guerrilla warfare.
Campbell knew the war was now over in one sense and beginning in another. He was proud of his and his men’s achievements, which he hoped would continue in the guerrilla conflict at hand. Hearts and minds were key to the Astratesite controlled areas, but in the remains of the Steppe Empire that did not matter. Careful tactics were required in friendly areas, all out bombardment in the country’s interior. Naval, land, air and orbital ordnance was at Campbell and Khan’s disposal.
Ultra, the Special Forces units of the military, had been called in to hunt down the small guerrilla units that were beginning to plague the supply convoys. PMC troops would handle the occupation and convoy duties.
Campbell was frustrated that the war would go on despite Basi’s capture. But Samaria would be dealt with in equal vigour. The other option was to pull of something that could end the war on the Imperium’s terms.
It would take more to stop The Hyperborians, who were now going back to a Nomadic way of life, Cities were a target for the enemy, so going back to the Nomadic way of life would keep them from being attacked or trapped by the enemy.
Sarmaria was busy trying to find a way to get away from the invaders and to make sure the Speices Homo Lupus would live without Humans forceing them out.
The War would end one way or another.
The Steppe Empire
13-11-2007, 17:55
Sarmaria was walking around her Camp in Northern Hyperboria, She was planning a way to get all The Hyperborians out of Northern Xanadou. She was looking up at the stars, Thinking of how Space it self would be a good place for the Hyperborians to go to escape the Humans.
She was looking up at the sky that she failed to see were she was walking and Bumped into someone. The Two fell down, Sarmaria looked up at the Person she bumped into. He was a young Warrior, 19 Winters old, his black hair was in a Warrior's Braid. Sarmaria looked at him, he was hasome.
"I am So Sorry." The Warrior, who was named Risnaoiyu, said. "It- It is ok." Sarmaria said, Blushing.
After this, the two soon started a Courtship between them selves. The two were in love.
Adaptus Astrates
15-11-2007, 18:49
The enemy armies had decided not to fully defend their cities, those that were defended could have been defended by more soldiers, but from intelligence gathered by Special Forces, satellite and UAVs, the majority of the local population along with their armies had retreated deep into the wilderness to live nomadically, and carry on with the guerrilla tactics.
Only one city was truly defended, probably professional soldiers who hailed from the city. The Imperial Army and Marines had met with strong resistance from dragons, wyverns and valiant fighting from the enemy infantry. The city had well placed fortifications that commanded excellent views over the Imperial camps/
This did not stop the Imperial Air Force from harrying enemy troop concentrations. The attacks were limited by comparison of Campbell’s Triangle of Death bombardment, but enough to give the message out on who was winning the war. Ultra Forces were also dealing blows to the Hyperborean forces. Squads of five soldiers would track enemy companies for hours, even days until finding the perfect moment to strike. When they struck, the shooting was over in a matter of moments before the Ultras would melt away into the terrain. If the enemy sent a unit to hunt them down they had little luck finding them. The Ultras had the very best of training. Other troops would set up a line of defence to halt their pursuers. But Ultra tactics were to use camouflage in order to get amongst the enemy to simply hide to give the impression that they were long gone, or once in and amongst the enemy would quickly kill them with quick headshots and carry on with their orders.
Airbase Camelot had barely recovered from Samaria’s brave cavalry raid. The runway was finally repaired after being out of action for five days. The damaged fuel tanks were replaced or repaired, and the command and control facilities were back in business. The worst effect of the raid was the cyclosarin bombs that went off after being left out near an on fire aircraft. The heat of battle had meant that they were forgotten and vulnerable to exploding. They did explode, after the nearby aircraft itself exploded. The bombs were noticed moments before the event, and General Khan gave the gas attack order. For some, they acted swiftly, but for 47 men it was too late. Several had already died, asking that their comrades spare them the painful effects of the gas. The rest were being treated in what way they could, but most were considering the bullet. Although not the largest loss of life in the war by far, it worse amongst the most horrific.
Colonel Campbell had called a video meeting of all major Imperial officials in the war. The Emperor was on a live feed, as was General Khan and Cardinal Tolian alongside other major commanders. Campbell began the meeting.
“My Lord Emperor, my esteemed comrades. We have undoubtedly won a great military victory over the Steppe Empire, our objectives fulfilled with. Retribution has been delivered, our cause fulfilled with the enemy army in almost complete retreat. Casualties have been high on both sides, but ultimately it is we who have prevailed. Therefore, it is my belief that we should aim for a political victory.”
“What kind of political victory? Should we install a puppet government?” Asked the Emperor.
“No, to install a puppet regime is the first step toward a catastrophe. I think the time has come to give the new queen of the Steppe Empire, Samaria, the chance to rule over her nation as a whole…”
“This is not acceptable!” Snapped Cardinal Tolian. “So many subjects of the Emperor lost, complete victory is at hand and you want to give up now!? This is not what we sent our forces out to achieve!”
“Indeed not, Cardinal, but Colonel Campbell has a point.” Khan interrupted. “My old friend, continue.”
“Thank you. My friends, I have drafted proposals for a treaty that will allow all parties involved to come out of the conflict as best as possible. Having said that, I only mean us and the current enemy, but room is left for other countries involved.” Campbell stated calmly, hearing the sound of artillery in the distance. “Firstly, Queen Samaria will be allowed to rule her empire as her empire’s borders were before. Her people can return to their homes. However, part of this agreement concerns the treatment of Christians. I have suggested that the expelled Christians of the Steppe Empire be returned to their homes. They will not be persecuted, as the treaty will include our bases like Camelot, Avalon and Stonehenge to remain active installations to provide those Christians with a security guarantee. If Samaria goes the way of Basi, then the three bases will provide refuge for those people, and a staging point for counter attacks. On that point, the thee bases will be there, as long as Samaria keeps to her word on not persecuting Christians, to provide some for of protection for the Steppe Empire.”
“I beg your pardon?” The Emperor asked.
“We have seen what a military like ours can do to a military like theirs. If we offer them that kind of defence we can avoid bloodshed like this again. I was also considering that Astratesite and/or foreign Private Military Companies provide that task, and also improve trade between our nations.”
Cardinal Tolian cut in again, but less aggressively. “Colonel, I see where you are going with your plan, and you have convinced me that it might be beneficial. But I suggest that you take more time to prepare the proposals. You and General Khan should cooperate on the details, as you will understand what is needed more than anyone else. How do you plan to propose this to Queen Samaria?”
Campbell had that covered. “I plan to have a POW released. I will give him a written statement that proposes the opposing sides meet, and instructions on where and when to meet. I have your permission?” Everyone there nodded. At that, Campbell began to discuss the state of the military forces deployed. Khan and Campbell would meet to finalise the details tof the treaty the next day.
The Steppe Empire
15-11-2007, 19:47
The enemy armies had decided not to fully defend their cities, those that were defended could have been defended by more soldiers, but from intelligence gathered by Special Forces, satellite and UAVs, the majority of the local population along with their armies had retreated deep into the wilderness to live nomadically, and carry on with the guerrilla tactics.
Only one city was truly defended, probably professional soldiers who hailed from the city. The Imperial Army and Marines had met with strong resistance from dragons, wyverns and valiant fighting from the enemy infantry. The city had well placed fortifications that commanded excellent views over the Imperial camps/
This did not stop the Imperial Air Force from harrying enemy troop concentrations. The attacks were limited by comparison of Campbell’s Triangle of Death bombardment, but enough to give the message out on who was winning the war. Ultra Forces were also dealing blows to the Hyperborean forces. Squads of five soldiers would track enemy companies for hours, even days until finding the perfect moment to strike. When they struck, the shooting was over in a matter of moments before the Ultras would melt away into the terrain. If the enemy sent a unit to hunt them down they had little luck finding them. The Ultras had the very best of training. Other troops would set up a line of defence to halt their pursuers. But Ultra tactics were to use camouflage in order to get amongst the enemy to simply hide to give the impression that they were long gone, or once in and amongst the enemy would quickly kill them with quick headshots and carry on with their orders.
Airbase Camelot had barely recovered from Samaria’s brave cavalry raid. The runway was finally repaired after being out of action for five days. The damaged fuel tanks were replaced or repaired, and the command and control facilities were back in business. The worst effect of the raid was the cyclosarin bombs that went off after being left out near an on fire aircraft. The heat of battle had meant that they were forgotten and vulnerable to exploding. They did explode, after the nearby aircraft itself exploded. The bombs were noticed moments before the event, and General Khan gave the gas attack order. For some, they acted swiftly, but for 47 men it was too late. Several had already died, asking that their comrades spare them the painful effects of the gas. The rest were being treated in what way they could, but most were considering the bullet. Although not the largest loss of life in the war by far, it worse amongst the most horrific.
Colonel Campbell had called a video meeting of all major Imperial officials in the war. The Emperor was on a live feed, as was General Khan and Cardinal Tolian alongside other major commanders. Campbell began the meeting.
“My Lord Emperor, my esteemed comrades. We have undoubtedly won a great military victory over the Steppe Empire, our objectives fulfilled with. Retribution has been delivered, our cause fulfilled with the enemy army in almost complete retreat. Casualties have been high on both sides, but ultimately it is we who have prevailed. Therefore, it is my belief that we should aim for a political victory.”
“What kind of political victory? Should we install a puppet government?” Asked the Emperor.
“No, to install a puppet regime is the first step toward a catastrophe. I think the time has come to give the new queen of the Steppe Empire, Samaria, the chance to rule over her nation as a whole…”
“This is not acceptable!” Snapped Cardinal Tolian. “So many subjects of the Emperor lost, complete victory is at hand and you want to give up now!? This is not what we sent our forces out to achieve!”
“Indeed not, Cardinal, but Colonel Campbell has a point.” Khan interrupted. “My old friend, continue.”
“Thank you. My friends, I have drafted proposals for a treaty that will allow all parties involved to come out of the conflict as best as possible. Having said that, I only mean us and the current enemy, but room is left for other countries involved.” Campbell stated calmly, hearing the sound of artillery in the distance. “Firstly, Queen Samaria will be allowed to rule her empire as her empire’s borders were before. Her people can return to their homes. However, part of this agreement concerns the treatment of Christians. I have suggested that the expelled Christians of the Steppe Empire be returned to their homes. They will not be persecuted, as the treaty will include our bases like Camelot, Avalon and Stonehenge to remain active installations to provide those Christians with a security guarantee. If Samaria goes the way of Basi, then the three bases will provide refuge for those people, and a staging point for counter attacks. On that point, the thee bases will be there, as long as Samaria keeps to her word on not persecuting Christians, to provide some for of protection for the Steppe Empire.”
“I beg your pardon?” The Emperor asked.
“We have seen what a military like ours can do to a military like theirs. If we offer them that kind of defence we can avoid bloodshed like this again. I was also considering that Astratesite and/or foreign Private Military Companies provide that task, and also improve trade between our nations.”
Cardinal Tolian cut in again, but less aggressively. “Colonel, I see where you are going with your plan, and you have convinced me that it might be beneficial. But I suggest that you take more time to prepare the proposals. You and General Khan should cooperate on the details, as you will understand what is needed more than anyone else. How do you plan to propose this to Queen Samaria?”
Campbell had that covered. “I plan to have a POW released. I will give him a written statement that proposes the opposing sides meet, and instructions on where and when to meet. I have your permission?” Everyone there nodded. At that, Campbell began to discuss the state of the military forces deployed. Khan and Campbell would meet to finalise the details tof the treaty the next day.
The enemy was still in for a fight. since they were Refuseing to leave, The Hyperborians were soon starting to use their Shamans to drive the enemy out.
Out side the Air Base, only one Hyperborian was around, far out of range for any one to shoot him, was chanting a Spell, The Sky started darkening up, Large Dark Storm Clouds gathered and lightning flashed. Out of The Sky, Thousands of Meteors started falling down in a Meteor Storm. The Glow of the Fireballs outlined Wall Clouds, the first sign of Tornadoes.
In the area being gased, the Toxic Gas was suddening riseing up into the sky as another shaman casted his Spell, the Gas took a shape of a Dragon and headed for the enemy lines, Spreading out against the enemy.
All over Hyperboria, Shamans casted spells and caused disasters. Roads were Flooded, Tornadoes touched down, Hills Expolded into Volcanoes, Insects and Birds attacked planes, Winds of over 400 mph Blew high in the sky at enemy planes, Earthquakes started up and fire fell from the sky.
This was the Hyperborians newest plan to force the enemy out.
Adaptus Astrates
17-11-2007, 13:07
Campbell and Khan had made their ultimatum. It was deemed that Queen Samaria should approve of the terms that would hopefully end the war. Violent storms were affecting most of the country, grounding air support and halting major advances. The storms were unnaturally strange, just like their opponents. The two great commanders were sheltered inside a local house. Campbell sat at a table facing the doorway. Between the desk and door was a POW. Khan stood in the corner of the room menacingly. Campbell held the ultimatum in his hand.
“Soldier, you are to be set free.” Campbell said. The prisoner’s face gave away a curious look. “But I want you to perform a great task.”
“What task?” The prisoner replied with a spiteful tone.
“To deliver an ultimatum, if you will, to ask your Queen Samaria to hold talks with us about terms for a proposed peace that she will find in this document. You can help end this war.”
“What if we hate the terms you propose?” The prisoner asked.
“Then still meet with us for negotiation. I can assure you that the terms of the peace give you and your people clemency for the actions that have brought us together this day. At the top of the document inside is a location of where to meet with us, a date and time. We will wait for your delegation. Please go.”
The former prisoner left. Khan went over to Campbell and voiced one final question.
“What if they do not agree to negotiate? Or to any of out terms?” Campbell paused for a moment.
“With these storms we will not be able to use bombers to pound them into negotiation… Khan, I think we may have to use Pegasus. We will put it into orbit over that settlement we are besieging. If we blast it into oblivion maybe that might force talks…”
Pegasus was an orbital “defence” satellite, armed with a particle cannon. It would be a weapon of last resort apart from a nuclear weapon.
Adaptus Astrates
17-11-2007, 13:42
The Terms of Peace in the Steppe Empire
The Imperium of Adaptus Astrates wishes that negotiations begin in earnest with your leadership. Here in this document is what we, the Imperial Government and military, propose. Should you wish to negotiate, then there is a deserted village about thirty miles south of a Steppe Empire stronghold of which we are besieging, the map with the document indicates its location.
The terms of the peace are as follows:
1. The Catholics that were expelled by the Steppe Empire return to their homes.
2. The Queen of the Steppe Empire, Samaria, shall remain as head of state of her people.
3. The presence of foreign military forces will significantly be drawn down, but Point Four will state an exception…
4. The Catholic Hyperboreans shall return with no fear of persecution on the word of the local government. To prevent this word be not usurped, then the three major Astratesite bases of Camelot, Avalon and Stonehenge shall remain to provide a security guarantee to the Catholic population.
4. However, the Imperium proposes that these three bases also be used to provide a security guarantee with the Steppe Empire should it uphold its word of Point Four, Sentence One. As battles between our two militaries have shown, the army of the Steppe Empire can not completely withstand a modern military in open battle. The Astratesite forces at the three bases will assist in fending off further outside aggression.
6. With those points of a new cooperation between our militaries, we propose that the Steppe Empire open up for foreign investment, in order to build up the nation’s economy to upgrade its military to the degree that it need not worry about outside aggression.
7. With that military upgrade then it is proposed that greater cooperation and reconciliation begin between our two countries.
As can be seen, the safe return and well being of the Catholic population is placed above all else. The scaled down military presence will be there to ensure further security for the country, and as long as the Catholic population are not persecuted then no further bloodshed shall occur. The Steppe Empire will not be occupied place for place, as the three Astratesite bases, based out-of-town, provide enough of a presence. Should negotiation begin then the details of all points will be elaborated.
Other countries are open to these negotiations.
We hope that the honourable Steppe Empire will treat with us at the negotiation table. We, Adaptus Astrates, are open to consider any revisions of the terms.
Many great men and women have been killed on both sides, annihilation is not the solution. Negotiation is.
Adaptus Astrates
19-11-2007, 19:25
There had yet to be a response from Queen Samaria. Three days had passed since the prisoner was released with the letter containing the peace proposals, three days closer to Operation Screaming Eagle- the Astratesite plan to destroy Samaria’s armies should she refuse peace. A hit squad was also being put together to, if need be, assassinate the Queen.
Screaming Eagle would comprise of a number of different elements. First, the Pegasus particle cannon satellite would destroy any Hyperborean strongholds, or at least render them indefensible. The Pegasus attack would be the weapon’s first use in anger, like many of the Imperium’s weapons in the war, and would be a sight that no soldier of any side had seen beforehand. Once the orbital attack was over, Imperial forces would begin a series of lightning advances on those positions hit by Pegasus. All manner of technology would be fielded by all manner of units. Grenadiers, Marines, Paratroopers, Mechanized infantry and armoured columns would deliver the killer blow against the defenders. The storms were beginning to lift, the gas attacks over (and thankfully so). Meteors were still falling from the sky, but the Imperial Air Force had the best trained pilots in the Greater Dienstad region, so dodging a few big rocks that had predictable trajectories would be no problem. The giant flying aircraft carrier, the Grand Eagle, would fire cruise missiles at Samaria’s camp. The missiles would not be aimed to kill her, but to remind her that she was losing and would never gain the upper hand again. Unless the message for peace got through. Otherwise, the joint Ultra-Imperial intelligence team was to convince her otherwise. Three Ultras and one intelligence officer, the same officer who at the start of the war had secured the safe passage of Astratesites in the country to friendly forces, would HALO jump into Samaria’s camp, or rather right into Samaria’s private dwelling. The team would be wearing powered exoskeleton battle suits, in order to enhance their combat capabilities. If they needed to escape then the suits would increase their speed to evade Samaria’s soldiers. Their weapons included silenced MP-5 sub-machine guns, Beretta M-9 pistols, flash-bangs, smoke grenades and normal fragmentation grenades. They would also go in with katana long swords and a Fairbairn-Sykes combat knifes. It would weigh a lot normally but the battle suits were designed to allow the human body to carry the extra load.
These four men knew that if the time came, they would probably die in their mission. This mattered not. They were aware of the high casualty rate that Imperial forces were suffering- the twenty thousand mark had been exceeded, and had it not been for their enemy’s even worse casualty rate, largely due to their primitive weapons, the war could have been lost.
No matter the casualty figures, the war was still being fought, and in one week the outcome of the war would be decided. That was how much time that Campbell and Khan had decided. Seven more days, and peace or annihilation would ensue.
The Steppe Empire
19-11-2007, 22:05
There had yet to be a response from Queen Samaria. Three days had passed since the prisoner was released with the letter containing the peace proposals, three days closer to Operation Screaming Eagle- the Astratesite plan to destroy Samaria’s armies should she refuse peace. A hit squad was also being put together to, if need be, assassinate the Queen.
Screaming Eagle would comprise of a number of different elements. First, the Pegasus particle cannon satellite would destroy any Hyperborean strongholds, or at least render them indefensible. The Pegasus attack would be the weapon’s first use in anger, like many of the Imperium’s weapons in the war, and would be a sight that no soldier of any side had seen beforehand. Once the orbital attack was over, Imperial forces would begin a series of lightning advances on those positions hit by Pegasus. All manner of technology would be fielded by all manner of units. Grenadiers, Marines, Paratroopers, Mechanized infantry and armoured columns would deliver the killer blow against the defenders. The storms were beginning to lift, the gas attacks over (and thankfully so). Meteors were still falling from the sky, but the Imperial Air Force had the best trained pilots in the Greater Dienstad region, so dodging a few big rocks that had predictable trajectories would be no problem. The giant flying aircraft carrier, the Grand Eagle, would fire cruise missiles at Samaria’s camp. The missiles would not be aimed to kill her, but to remind her that she was losing and would never gain the upper hand again. Unless the message for peace got through. Otherwise, the joint Ultra-Imperial intelligence team was to convince her otherwise. Three Ultras and one intelligence officer, the same officer who at the start of the war had secured the safe passage of Astratesites in the country to friendly forces, would HALO jump into Samaria’s camp, or rather right into Samaria’s private dwelling. The team would be wearing powered exoskeleton battle suits, in order to enhance their combat capabilities. If they needed to escape then the suits would increase their speed to evade Samaria’s soldiers. Their weapons included silenced MP-5 sub-machine guns, Beretta M-9 pistols, flash-bangs, smoke grenades and normal fragmentation grenades. They would also go in with katana long swords and a Fairbairn-Sykes combat knifes. It would weigh a lot normally but the battle suits were designed to allow the human body to carry the extra load.
These four men knew that if the time came, they would probably die in their mission. This mattered not. They were aware of the high casualty rate that Imperial forces were suffering- the twenty thousand mark had been exceeded, and had it not been for their enemy’s even worse casualty rate, largely due to their primitive weapons, the war could have been lost.
No matter the casualty figures, the war was still being fought, and in one week the outcome of the war would be decided. That was how much time that Campbell and Khan had decided. Seven more days, and peace or annihilation would ensue.
Sarmaria on the other hand was now planning on getting all Hyperborians Off Earth.
Yep, Off The Planet Earth.
while looking at some old papers from The Hatarian Empire, she found something that would help save the Hyperborians, a Map to a Cashe of Ships, spaceships.
Many Years ago, in the Second NationStates War, a Alien Empire known as the Cassiopeians were allied to the Hatarians, but they lost, so they hid some Ships and Starfighters on Earth, namely right were Hyperboria was today. This Cashe also had Battle Droids and Velchies with it.
This was a Chance to fight The Invaders from finding The Ships and to destroy the enemy Satellites for a escape from Earth it self.
She and Risnaoiyu, she boyfriend, soon started rideing off for the Base known as "Casplius"
Adaptus Astrates
19-11-2007, 23:59
ooc: Dear God, you have really flipped your lid. Dragons, Wyverns and shamans and the like- and now an alien race!
Now up until the alien stuff you just said I've decided to go along with it. But honestly, this is turning into something ridiculous!
Had to get that off my chest.
The Steppe Empire
20-11-2007, 01:36
ooc: Dear God, you have really flipped your lid. Dragons, Wyverns and shamans and the like- and now an alien race!
Now up until the alien stuff you just said I've decided to go along with it. But honestly, this is turning into something ridiculous!
Had to get that off my chest.
OOC: This is the start of Me going FT, mainly for the Escape from your forces and the start of The Steppe Empire going into space.
20-11-2007, 01:41
[OOC: If I'm not mistaken, you're under attack by multiple nations, and now you have the time and energy to contribute to space research? Unlikely, says Stoklomolvi!]
OOC: End this now AA, glass his sorry arse. Going FT anyway so they won't miss their little polt of land anyway.
Priority Message from Imperial Military GHQ- Stevid
TO: Adaptus Astrates Forces in Steppe Empire
Adaptus Astrates
20-11-2007, 17:59
Campbell stood in an autopsy room. Alongside him were a number of other commanders, doctors and scientists. In front of them was a table with a covered corpse on it. The Colonel had been informed of strange structures deeps inside enemy territory, unlike any that had ever been seen before. The war’s most prominent commander was going to launch a strike upon these structures to find out their purpose. But he had been interrupted by Doctor Remington, asking for Campbell to observe an “irregularity” with one killed Hyperborean. The strike had been put on hold like Screaming Eagle so Campbell could find out what kind of irregularity it was. Once he arrived, Remington brought Campbell and his staff down to the autopsy room. Remington entered the room.
“Gentlemen, I am sorry to disturb your busy schedules. But I am afraid that this is an interesting development.” Removing the cover, Remington revealed the corpse of the enemy soldier. Remington then cut open the chest, revealing the irregularity. All present in the room were shocked. “As you can see, this cannot possibly be human. Nothing about this is right. What purpose this race has here is unknown, but I fear that we are dealing with something in the wrong way.”
It now dawned upon Campbell what those structures were and maybe their purpose. They would be used to nothing but evil ends. Campbell was interrupted by another officer handing him a communiqué from the Stevid Government. It read:
Campbell realised that a terrible end to the war was about to occur. He also realised that Samaria would not accept a negotiated solution to the conflict, and was walking her people into death. Screaming Eagle would not wait for peace. Campbell reached a momentous decision.
“Brothers, comrades in arms,” he said grimly. “The war e have been waging has been against that of a force that may have very sinister intentions. What they are we do not know for sure, but the destruction that might happen we can prevent with the sword of retribution. What we will do, may be dishonourable. We may be judged and looked down upon by friend and foe within and without our empire. Many of our brothers have fallen in this war. They have fallen in a land that will cease to exist. But that does not mean that their sacrifice has been in vain. As of today, we are pulling out of the population centres and withdrawing to our out-city bases. Screaming Eagle will not involve land attacks but the snatch operation. Once that is over, one way or another, the burning retribution of the Imperium will be delivered upon our foe.” Campbell paused for a moment, before speaking once more. “Nostrum bellum est pro bonus of totus populus quod monastica. Nos mos mereo denique victoria , tamen nullus magis sic quam cado. cado sit procul God's vox manus manus in eternus vita per veneratio , ut optimus hominum operor. Licentio!”
His Latin words were meant as an uplifting speech for the hearts of the men in the room. One man wrote them down word for word. They all left the room, knowing what was afoot.
Time Elapse- 36 hours later
The stronghold that had been besieged for over a week was left to its fate. The light infantry, marines and paras pulled out of the outskirts, taking the dead with them. They were ordered to wear protective sunglasses if they dared to turn back. Pegasus was in orbit above the town. The order to fire was being readied. One final offensive action would take place though. Operation Halo, named after the insertion method, would go ahead. Four men, one of them a spy that could identify Samaria and any other high ranking targets, was about to kick off, as the soldiers said. The chosen men were ready. All that was needed was Samaria’s location. Elsewhere, SSBNs, tactical bombers and the Grand Eagle began preparations for the updated plan of attack.
Adaptus Astrates
23-11-2007, 18:14
Operation Screaming Eagle began with but one change. The Special Forces insertion had to be called of indefinitely. Other than that, the Pegasus orbital attack satellite was in position above the war zone. The Imperial Army had been pulled out of the population centres and back to the main bases in the country and desert. Camelot, Avalon and Stonehenge had become the hubs of friendly activity. Troops were given NBC suits for after the mass nuclear/particle cannon strike, the intention being to systematically kill off any survivors.
Colonel Campbell, soon to become General Campbell due to his “heroic exploits”, and General Khan, of course to become Field Marshall Khan, had received the Pegasus and nuclear strike suitcase. Two targets were identified. The final major bastion that remained in Hyperborean hands, the only since the start of the war and the enemy’s retreat into the wilderness, was the first target and in not too long a ten second or so beam of blue light would hit the centre of the stronghold, wiping out an estimated five thousand strong force that had been difficult to break down conventionally. The second target was the “structures”. This would be a longer strike duration, lasting in minutes rather than seconds. It had been decided to destroy this area outright with a follow up nuclear strike.
The two great commanders had the suitcase opened, showing the computer inside of it. There were two keyholes, Khan and Campbell holding onto them. They approached, taking out the access keys. Placing them in, they looked at each other and nodded, turning the keys. The computer screen changed, asking for the two access codes and fingerprint ID. They pressed down their thumbs on the two pads, and entered the codes. The formality part was over as the suitcase compute screen changed to show a map of the country they were in. At this time, Campbell plugged in a memory stick containing the targets for each ship and aircraft and satellite that was being utilised. They appeared as silver circles with blue centres on the map. Now the final part came. Khan had the honour of firing Pegasus.
“Thy Emperor triumphs.” Khan sad sternly, with an icy glare in his eyes. Pegasus would fire in a matter of moments, and then move on to its next target. Campbell had the honour of ordering the nuclear strikes. Campbell picked up a mobile (cellular) phone, and dialled in the number for the allocated nuclear forces.
“Black King to Black Pawns, authorisation to fire granted. Fire at previously allocated times and places. Black King to Black Rook, hold fire.” He spoke sternly too, but without a glare. The job was now up to the men at the control console now.
At base Camelot, the soldiers left their tents to watch a beam of light come down from the sky. Once it hit the ground, it sent out a shockwave that made the ground tremble. The beam remained, before the soldiers noticed that a new beam of energy was descending down the original. Once the made landfall, a fireball erupted on the target, ripping up the earth around it. It was spectacular, the Astratesites forgetting that the Pegasus strike was killing good, if not stubborn, warriors. The attack was over in ten seconds. The energy beam vanishing. Pegasus began to manoeuvre and angle towards the structures. These structures soon began to rise. They were ships! Impossible, General Khan thought. He moved to the suitcase to have a junior officer change the target to specifically target each vessel with quick bursts. The transmission was sent, and became an action. There were dozens of ships, but Pegasus could handle them, each Ion beam ripping through the hulls of the targeted ships. Campbell also began to act, ordering in Black Rook. Black Rook was the code name of the airborne attack force. This force included newer aircraft for this attack, a combination of Orcas, Lightning 2s, Raptors, T-50s and F-25s. This force was meant to ensure no airborne enemies, ground and air, would not molest the nuclear bombers following behind. The fighter force began to move in to attack the Hyperborean vessels. Dodging the debris and enemy fire, the IAF pilots launched their missiles into the hull breaches of the damaged vessels, and the engines. The results were deadly, hundreds of the enemy, if not thousands, falling to their death. Cannon fire from the fighters began to turn the hulls into Swiss cheese. Pegasus continued to reap carnage. The combined attack was forcing some ships to delay their ascent to take evasive manoeuvres; the better armoured ones heading straight up unimpeded. The heavily damaged ships that crashed created a huge cloud of dust that made visibility poor. The fighters began to retreat, knowing that they would soon be vapourised or disabled from the coming attack. Pegasus would stop once the airborne nuclear missiles were launched. The bomber force approached, and fired. The contrails were in perfect line with each other, but they were only to be overcome by what was coming. The missiles were targeted at both the crashed ships and those still trying to take off or escape the atmosphere. The bombers turned the moment they fired, and would have to view the results later. There was a flash of light, followed by the aircraft shaking. Not one pilot dared to try and look behind from the side window, which gave a narrow view. The nukes hit their targets with pin point accuracy. The first nuclear bombs of the day had been fired. Several mushroom clouds appeared from the light. The first of the final acts had been performed.
The Hyperborean ships had taken horrific loses, half of the original escape force wiped out. The other half had completely fled. Campbell thought to himself; how can anyone refuse peace for this? Fools, he thought, and he hoped that Samaria would burn in hell.
Minutes later, the Grand Eagle launched its payload. Eight cruise missiles took off, with ten UAVs from the Grand Eagle launching their own cruise missiles at their own targets. The Eagle was at a safe distance, and probable had the best view of the attacks if there ever was. The Eagle’s missiles detonated at high altitude, the UAVs at low altitude.
Hundreds of miles away the Imperial and Royal Navies launched the ICBMs. They rose out of the water and ignited the rockets. Hundreds of miles above earth, they completed the separation stage, the MIRVs beginning to plummet back down to earth on the doomed Hyperboreans. They, unlike the Hyperboreans being wiped out with nuclear cruise missiles, would never see what was coming. The nuclear firestorm engulfed the major population centres. Barely anyone would have survived. The minor settlements would be dealt with more conventionally with thermo baric bombs and normal munitions. Darkness began to ascend across the country, not total darkness. The sky, with clear blue skies earlier, had gone dark blue. The fallout would engulf everywhere. The efficient Imperial forces had taken all the measures to prevent any indirect friendly fire.
Samaria and the Hyperboreans had been completely annihilated, those survivors who were in disarray, and would live as outcasts. Victory, it seemed, had been achieved.
TSE isn't glassed yet? I was expecting that 10 pages ago.
Adaptus Astrates
23-11-2007, 22:35
ooc: Kirav, see where you're coming from. But we went in, kicked their teeth out, offered a bit of dental surgery, they refused, so with no further ado- BANG! A post-war post due soon, but there is no chance of a resurgent TSE.
Victory to the Emperor!
Oops. Must've been a warp. I didn't notice......
Adaptus Astrates
24-11-2007, 20:01
The war was well and truly over. The Hyperboreans had been wiped off the map. Operation Screaming Eagle had been a success, as had the whole war, despite the spectacular end of hostilities. Hundreds of nuclear weapons had been used to eradicate the enemy, and the Pegasus weapon had unparalleled success. The fleet of ships that had tried to escape into orbit had suffered terrible losses, with over a dozen being destroyed by the Imperial Air Force and Pegasus, those crashing to the ground and carried survivors did not last much longer. The ships that made it into orbit continued to be fired on by Pegasus, which had manoeuvred its main cannon out into space. The message to Samaria and the Hyperboreans was clear- do not ever return.
The land that was once the step empire was now in a nuclear winter. Dark clouds dominated the skyline, on the ground, the fallout had not spread anywhere near the Imperial bases, thanks to careful timing and calculation by Imperial strategists. The nuclear blasts killed hundreds of thousands outright; the total number would never be known. UAVs and surveillance satellites were using thermal imaging to try to find any survivors, even though fires were still raging in the cities and towns. They would not live long, the radiation poisoning would be killing them off. The satellites and UAVs had identified several thousand survivors, and at least a hundred others who had escaped the blast and the fallout, but they would soon be captured or killed. The town/city that was previously the only enemy stronghold not to fall, that was first hit by Pegasus, had become a ghost town. It was one of the few former targets that was safe to immediately investigate. Major Jones’ 539th was the first unit into the stronghold. They had NBC gear with them, but were not fully covered by it because of the lack of fallout. They entered the outskirts, the scene dead quiet. Most of the troops came in on foot, supported by Rhino APCs. They entered slowly and with caution. They found almost all of the buildings as piles of rubble. Small fires burnt, but nothing serious. The 539th began to spread out. Jones himself led a few platoons to the Hyperborean temple, the only building still standing relatively intact, although parts had sustained damage. The troops of Alpha, Beta and Gamma units climbed some steep stairs to a viewing point. They looked in awe toward the remains of the centre of the city. A huge crater had been formed by the Pegasus strike, hundreds of yards in diameter. Elsewhere in the city the soldiers were struggling to find any survivors. Most must have been vapourised by the ion beam, suffered horrific burns or crushed in the rubble.
Jones got caught out. He had passed a partially intact house without checking it. He had walked a little further from until he heard the door open. He turned to see a few armed Hyperboreans charge at him. They were horrifically burnt, and armed only with close combat weapons. Jones knew it was futile on the enemy’s part. He calming rose his G36 rifle, and fired a few individual shots. They were all dead before they hit the ground. It had been a long journey for the 539th but they would soon be on their way back to the homeland along with most of the army deployed to Hyperborea. Of over three hundred thousand personnel involved in the land campaign, twenty-eight thousand, six hundred and fifteen had been killed or wounded. The number of Hyperboreans killed in the open battles that characterised the first half of the war was in the fifty thousand mark. Campbell’s “Triangle of Death” had claimed twelve thousand of the enemy. Almost all of the enemy’s war beasts had been slain. Of the several hundred men of the Knights Templar, tragically none had survived. The Imperial Air Force and Naval Air Force had suffered with the loss of thirty-two aircraft, twelve of the pilots killed. Six of those pilots were of the Naval Air Force, and all had written in their will that they would like to be buried at sea. The numbers of main battle tanks destroyed was eighty, but none of the precious Titan walking tanks had being damaged beyond repair. PMC losses were two thousand and eighty-one. APCS and other vehicle losses were in the hundreds. Warship losses were at nil, thankfully.
But the advantages were, although few, were brilliant. The Imperium (and Holy Empire) now had (probably) the most battle hardened fighting force in Greater Dienstad. The soldiers and airmen had been well trained; when they joined up they had to endure months of training and realistic battle practices, the pilots of the IAF/NAF getting forty-four hours of flying time a month. The war had highlighted the levels of bravery that previously had not been expected being displayed by the men on the ground. It proved the competence of the commanders. The highlight of the war was the round the clock delivery of men and material from the very start of Astratesite involvement by the logistic forces of the navy and air force. This allowed the expeditionary force to expand to an unstoppable level, heavily and properly armed, and able to sustain a war effort thousands of miles from home. The war was an ideal testing ground for the Imperium’s latest weapons like the Grand Eagle, Pegasus, the Titans and other weapons.
But above all else, vengeance and retribution had been delivered to the people who persecuted the Catholics in their nation. The Catholics were safe, their oppressor’s blood had been drained from their now lifeless corpses. God’s will had been accomplished. Airbases Camelot, Stonehenge and Avalon would remain as hubs for the military presence in the country. A naval base, to be called Port Royal, was under construction to allow for Holy Empire ships to base themselves from. Two new research facilities were also in construction, one for scientists studying the effects of Screaming Eagle, another for the Order of The Eagle, a branch of Imperial Intelligence that dealt with paranormal matters such as those faced in the conflict. They would study the remains of the crashed ships of Samaria, in order to understand what they were and how they could help the Imperium.
The whole action against the space ships was being covered up by The Order, those present would be forbidden to ever talk about it, and if asked what they did on the day of Screaming Eagle, would say they helped wipe out the remains of Samaria’s people on earth just before the nuclear and Pegasus strikes.
The fate of the group of around three hundred un-contaminated Hyperboreans soon became that of capture, torture, and for two hundred of them, death by firing squads. The rest would be sent to the Order of The Eagle, never to see daylight again.
General Campbell would return to the homeland with the bulk of the returning army to a victory parade in Caliban, capital city of Adaptus Astrates, and he would be greeted by the Emperor himself. Field Marshall Khan opted to stay to coordinate the forces staying in the dead nation. He had been treated the same after defeating insurgents south of Adaptus Astrates in a disputed zone, and he preferred to stay away from the limelight. The Imperial Fleet sent to Hyperboria would, for the most part, set sail for home. Major Jones was in line for a promotion and a few ribbons and a medal for his consistent success and bravery. The body of Brother-Captain Octavian of the Knights Templar was found and recovered, and given a special service of remembrance for his part in capturing Basi, and leading his men, in full knowledge that they would not live to see the war end, without wavering in the slightest.
Basi’s fate herself was unknown to just about all Astratesites and other nations, some rumours claimed should be tortured for as long as she lived, that she committed suicide after witnessing Screaming Eagle, that she would spend a life in shame and dishonour in prison- in full knowledge that her action led to the destruction of her people. No matter what her fate was, she had lost, and should Samaria and her people attempt to return, then the Holy Empire would be waiting.
24-11-2007, 20:08
I Doubt that Steppe/Ryou is going to respond to this thread anyways. He's not answering his other thread too. So yeah. Just glass his nation and be done with it.
Official Message to All Nations
Let this be a lesson to all nations across this blessed planet that dare challenge the raw power that is the Holy Stevidian Empire. We do not take threats lightly and nor do we take the persecution of our dominant religion lightly. The Steppe Empire has shown that they were unworthy to remain in this realm and the Holy Empire has acted on behalf of our Lord and sent them back to the depths of Hell from whence they came.
This act should shine like a warning beacon to all enemies of the Empire that we do not gove a second thought to nuclear action where it is necessary. Those who dare to challenge the Empire's power and influence in the world should be aware of the lengths that we shall go to to safeguard the Empire from international harm.
God Save The Empire.