NationStates Jolt Archive

The Beginning - Page 2

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26-11-2007, 06:37
Joshua's face went pale. "How did you know I was thinking of my arm? And surely you don't mean physically reach in, right?" He felt something at the fringes of his mind and realized it wasn't his own thoughts. Oh no you don't he thought. You WILL listen to me, got it?
Ordo Drakul
26-11-2007, 06:56
"You have too many tells-body language, glances. We of the Ordo Annilla are trained in such matters, as we are the Keepers of Secrets and Knowers of Mysteries." Muritan observed him, his expression unreadable. "I was referring to mental actions, but the physical description helps novices. It's swimming on the fringe, playing with you, now. Lure it in, trap it. Use it's natural curiousity and bring it in, leash it and make it your slave."
26-11-2007, 07:44
Joshua brought a thoughtful look to his face, "I'll have to work on my poker face then." he remarked before closing his eyes and attempting to control the spirit within the Bolongo. I know what you're after. He tempted it with memories he hoped he wouldn't have to bring up again until he felt as if it would speak. Don't even think about it. He commanded. You WILL listen to me, you WILL do as I command, and above all, you WILL NOT speak anything I don't command you to. "You're right." Joshua finally spoke. "He is slippery like an eel."
Ordo Drakul
26-11-2007, 08:23
"Members of my Order are not allowed off the Blue Moon Plateau until they can make the bolongo lie believably." Muritan explained. "I do not think this will be necessary for you, only making it remain quiet and telepathically translate for you should be enough.
"However, if you should make yours lie, rest assured I will happily sponsor you in the Ordo Annilla. Unlike most Orders, we happily accept non-trolls, and an assassin can use our powers of illusion and divination to good effect.
"Now, your cover will be a diplomat, so be very careful. Normally, the Voivode simply tells the Ordo Argan Argari who may be traded with and leaves it at that, with the stipulation a tariff on imports will be levied equal to any such tariff placed on our goods. This is inviolate, so do not offer to waive the tariff at all-the Silentium would never accept such an agreement, so the treaty would die in debates and never be ratified. If this King should waive any tariff on our goods, of course, we would offer the same courtesy. Bear in mind any agreement you reach will have to be ratified by the Silentium, and use this as a bargaining chip if he tries to pin you into some unsavory arrangement.
"Much of the time you are discussing these matters with him, I shall be out observing the condition and morale of his troops, as well as general readiness, or setting up what is needed to organize the non-humans of Orbath. Do not bring up his current policy if you can avoid it, nor should you criticize it. Our purpose here is espionage, and we cannot afford to be ejected prematurely. If you can hammer out a good trade agreement, we may take the opportunity of our last night to winnow through their officers, but that's not likely, so don't get too hopped up on the prospect of a murder spree. We are largely here to observe and take their measure."
26-11-2007, 08:41
Joshua nodded. "So long as he speaks one of my 4 languages, I won't need the Bolongo, but you never know when it may hear something I missed. I don't generally enjoy killing sprees, but with the way things have been going here, I may just need one after this whole thing is over. The diplomat cover though, isn't really that much of a cover, I really am here to try to work out a trade deal before we serve the Vodivode his head on a silver platter!"
Ordo Drakul
27-11-2007, 10:06
Fighting with the aldryami and mostali is fun enough, but any troll general has to worry about the toughest foe of all -- hoomans. If only because of their sheer ability to spawn, humans are the toughest and most deadly foe trolls face. They are everywhere, and in great numbers, and the vast majority hate trolls and seek to destroy us. Troll generals have to be prepared to fight on humans' own ground.

Tactics vary depending on the specific human culture; they all have their own special powers and abilities that must be taken into account. However, these general points serve against all of them.

Keep the operational initiative. The greatest troll strength against humans is the fact that trolls are not tied to supply. Although a troll force is not much faster than a human army (and is slower than a cavalry force), troll bands can travel over territory humans cannot, and can travel faster in a day since trolls are not tied to supply lines, wagons or depots. This is a crucial advantage, since most of the time a troll band should be able to decided when and where to commit to combat, as long as the troll commander is capable and wary.

Scout. This is rarely necessary against mostali or aldryami, since it is rarely useful and too dangerous to scouts. Always make full use of scouts. Flying insect patrols can track human movements, and humans can rarely combat them. Also use your scouts to full advantage -- Zong hunters are the best scouts, and can travel through even human lands almost unseen. Remember that humans enjoy the same advantage, and will know where your force is -- so use your scouts to hinder and attack enemy scouts where useful, to keep the enemy unaware of your movements.

Choose your battles -- and why fight at all? Most troll armies do not necessarily need to seek combat when fighting humans -- human lands are easy to invade. Unlike tough troll lands, where a human army will have great difficulty merely in traveling, a troll force can move rapidly and quickly until local forces are built up. This means that a troll force can aggressively raid, destroying fields, overrunning small villages, taking loot, and retreating home. In many cases, humans can be defeated by this alone -- they are fickle creatures, and have weak stomachs, and destroying or devouring enough crops or herd animals will sometimes bring them to a surrender. Often, such raids will provoke humans into chasing you, so never assault humans in a fortified position except in great need -- they will either remain fortified (and cannot resist your raid), or will march out, losing the advantage of the fort.

Guard against cavalry. Hoomans love their horses (and other steeds). This is always a problem for trolls, since troll "cavalry" is always much fewer -- a tarantula and mahout is far superior to any human cavalryman (even a rhino rider), but few troll forces will have them present. And even the largest troll armies would never have more than 50 or 100 giant riding insects in a force. This means that trolls need to be careful about flanking attacks and frontal charges which may overrun your units, or threaten your infantry. Use terrain to guard against horses, and scatter traps and obstacles on the battlefield to hinder them. Use spirits, insects and magics to terrify or slow horses (an easy task, since they are stupid and fearful beasts). Many an inexperienced or unlucky troll commander has been greeted with the hideous sight of cavalry charging his rear -- never allow it to happen.

Smash through the wall. Humans are not, in face-to-face melee combat, the equal of trolls -- and most are, in their hearts, terrified of us, and even more so of great trolls and cave trolls. The charge is one of the most useful troll tactics against humans, especially when it comes from an unexpected direction, or after the humans are weary from fighting. A charge at the right time can break an entire human unit, sending them into a rout and allowing your troll troops to overwhelm them when they're panicked and confused.

Sucker them in. Humans are aggressive, and it is likely that a raid will draw human forces in to the attack. This can be turned to your advantage, using pinprick raids to lure human forces either into your troll land where you can shatter them on your home ground, or to lure them in to a battle of your choosing.

Cheese it in the face of superior numbers. Trolls are, naturally, adept at stealth and secrecy. Use this to your advantage; in the face of superior numbers and when on suitable ground, a troll force can quickly scatter and disperse, to retreat to the homeland. Pursuing humans will have to find the trolls, and are likely to spend their time pursuing levy who are of little value while infantry and elite troops are able to sneak away in the confusion. Never be ashamed to refuse to give battle -- troll lives are valuable, and even if you kill many times your number, humans will simply spawn forth a new set of soldiers. The best fight is to fight only when you cannot lose -- or to not fight at all. There is always another day, and another battle.
(OOC:Got this up earlier than I thought, but feel free to TG me with commentary)
27-11-2007, 13:24
OOC: Nice work with the troll's strategy, but we SO need to get an OOC thread...
27-11-2007, 21:41
ooc: Yes interesting tactics. As for the OOC thread, I''l create one now and post a link.
Ordo Drakul
27-11-2007, 23:21
OOC:Why not just use the sign up thread? It's still there(I think)
27-11-2007, 23:36
ooc: Good point but it came too late,
Ordo Drakul
28-11-2007, 08:15
Joshua noted that the ship seemed manipulated by strange elemental spirits, and thought that he and Muritan were the only ones aboard. On the day the docks appeared, Muritan spoke with him briefly. "I think it best I remain mute, or perhaps weave an illusory shell about myself to appear as a human-they do enjoy using freaks as servants to display their own superiority, don't they? Playing to their prejudices may enhance relations."
28-11-2007, 14:38
Joshua thought about this for a moment. "Some enjoy the sight of a non-human as a slave or at least under control, but others do not. Maybe you should ask someone from Orbath, they would know better."
Ordo Drakul
28-11-2007, 23:35
"Shall I yell at the coast or just homeward?" Muritan asked blandly.
30-11-2007, 06:58
Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Do as you wish, I'm just the diplomat. Just remember we're leaving soon."
Ordo Drakul
30-11-2007, 07:45
OOC:Check out post 261-Muritan started your bolongo lessons when you launched for Orbath, way back in post 246
01-12-2007, 02:47
OOC: This is why we now have an OOC thread. Also, I meant leaving from the ship to see the king. I could have made it clearer, but didn't.
Ordo Drakul
01-12-2007, 05:56
My bad-ready when you are.
03-12-2007, 22:30
Joshua lead the way off the ship and turned to Muritan. "Ready for this?"
Ordo Drakul
04-12-2007, 06:08
"I am at Your beck and call, Milord." Muritan bowed with a flourish. "Should I remain three steps behind you, or shall we load everything in the rickshaw for the trot to the palace?"
04-12-2007, 06:17
Joshua considered the options. "Well, I wish we didn't have to call it a rickshaw, but that's what it is, so we may as well. Since we're going this route, be on the lookout for thieves, and don't be afraid to flash them a very wide smile should they get too close."
Ordo Drakul
04-12-2007, 06:29
"True I'd have preferred a carriage, but the giant insects might cause too much of a stir. Besides, this way I will appear even more of a beast, and possibly taken as non-intelligent." Muritan snickered. "Just remember to crack the whip over my head, not actually strike me with it, and I'll pick up the pace. Hop aboard, and I'll convey us to the Palace Orbath."
04-12-2007, 06:38
Joshua climbed aboard the rickshaw. "I doubt we'd really need to go more than a fair pace, it's more to carry the trading weapons anyway. I hate making you do this, but if the plan is to succeed, we don't have much choice. And as far as the whip goes, don't worry about it, I probably won't use it much. Off we go then." He cracked the whip for anyone nearby that may be watching, the actual end never getting closer than 8 inches to Muritan's head.
Ordo Drakul
08-12-2007, 06:50
Muritan jogged down the gangplank, pulling the rickshaw bearing Joshua and the Voivode's gifts with him. He looked through the streets as he moved, his expression dire. Joshua's bolongo whispered,"The streets are swarming with disease spirits-touch nothing here I do not hand you. These people need healers badly, though they are probably too stiff-necked to accept our help."
09-12-2007, 01:05
The people looked upon the rickshaw and the brute pulling it. It wasn't uncommon to see a troll in chains, utilized as a war machine or slave performing heavy labor, however, trolls pulling carts and wagons for civilians was less common, used only by very rich lords.
Ordo Drakul
09-12-2007, 05:17
Joshua's bolongo whispered again:"I believe we've struck the right note-perhaps we should have brought some coins to toss to the crowd. Do you want to ask for directions, or should I just head for the big honking castle overlooking the town?"
09-12-2007, 05:49
Muritan's bolongo gave Joshua's reply. "They need a lot more help than that, though coins or something of the sort would have been nice. As for the castle, I'll wager that it's simply the regional lord. It's large, but this is a port town, not the capitol unless I'm mistaken. However, that gives me an idea. We have enough here that gaining the support of a lord would make things even easier."
Ordo Drakul
09-12-2007, 07:05
"Castle it is, then." Muritan adjusted his grip and hauled the rickshaw to the castle.
09-12-2007, 07:10
They would first encounter a large wall, hundreds of feet from the castle. A soldier there allowed them to enter, with a bribe of course. Inside the walls, a vast expanse of unnaturally green grass grew, kept trimmed quite short. A large bricked path lead to another gate. The soldiers at this gate were more reluctant. Several of them stood, swords at the ready.

''What is your business with Lord Donovair, he is very busy you know.''
09-12-2007, 07:22
Joshua kept his composure for the first actual application of his diplomatic skills. "We are here to meet with him about the possibility of opening trade and peaceful relations." Simply put he thought. but maybe it'll be just enough to gain an audience. And don't you dare breathe a word of this. He directed the last thought at the bolongo spirit.
09-12-2007, 07:32
''Where do you hail from, and who is this awful brute,'' he inquired .
09-12-2007, 07:37
Joshua smiled as he ansered. "We hail for Ordo Drakul and this 'brute' as you so put it, is my servant, Muritan. He is here to assist me, and no more. And to answer the question I know you're going to ask, he's harmless unless someone attacks me."
09-12-2007, 07:41
''Very well, I'll allow you entry but you will be escorted by several guards, do not leave their sight.''
Ordo Drakul
09-12-2007, 08:03
Muritan played the part of the dumb brute, and hauled the rickshaw as directed. Had the guards a troll's hearing, they would notice he was scanning them with his Darksense, locating metal on their bodies, as well as weak spots in their armor and weapons. He idly wondered if he should stay to guard the cargo or accompany Joshua to guard him, and stood silently, waiting for an order either way.
09-12-2007, 08:13
Joshua looked to the guards. "Well, I'd like to see the lord, so would at least one of you show the way? If you don't feel comfortable leaving Muritan with the cart, you're free to stay here, but he won't do anything."
09-12-2007, 08:16
One guard stepped forward, without speaking pointing up a road. The other, pulled a horn from his belt and blew. For now, he stood alone and slightly afraid but in a few minutes, several guards would arrive to support him if need be.
09-12-2007, 08:29
Joshua winced as his ears rang at the sound of the horn. Loud noises never did sit well with one that could hear a pin drop across a crowded room. "Thank you." He said as politely as possible. He started towards where he would meet the lord of the region. Once he was sure the guards wouldn't see him, he broke out in a sprint unbefitting of a diplomat, it would be much faster than walking.
"Muritan," Joshua whispered through the bolongo, "I'll probably need you to bring a small sampling of what we have for the lord to gain his favor. Would you mind preparing something so it's ready when I call?"
Ordo Drakul
09-12-2007, 08:35
Muritan squatted by the rickshaw and eyed the guard watching him. Slowly, he reached down and picked up a rock the size of the guard's head from the roadside. As the guard stared, he sniffed the rock, still eying the guard, then bit into it, chewing the chunk and biting off another after swallowing. Rock had little nutritional value, but the chunks going into his rock gizzard would aid digestion, and the expression on the guard's face alone was worth it. When he had but a small piece remaining, he held it out, offering the guard what was left.
When Joshua's request transmitted, he unloaded a few bars of silver and gold and a bolt of spider silk-gauging the guard's reaction to determine what would be adequate but not insulting. The King would not know, but he didn't want this lord skimming too much off the gifts.
09-12-2007, 08:41
The guard eyed him, a questioned look upon his face. He was at a loss for words but managed to stutter..

''W...ww..w...why did you eat that rock.''

He had never heard of rock eating trolls, except cave trolls. Muritan didn't exactly appear as a cave troll but then again it was possible.
09-12-2007, 08:43
Joshua spotted the guards at the castle and almost imediately slowed to a brisk walk once he knew he was barely outside their range of sight. Once he reached them he stated plainly and honestly "I am here to see the lord of this castle."
Ordo Drakul
09-12-2007, 08:59
Muritan sized up the parcel for the lord, and, satisfied, began packing it in the traditional red box with gold trim. When finished, he answered the guard. "Hun-gree. Rokk gud-me zhayr wid yu, be frenzz."
(OOC:"Hungry. Rock good-me share with you, be friends.")
10-12-2007, 18:29
The guards knew anyone who had made it this far was supposed to be here. Two guards would flank him as the big iron doors opened.

The guard was shocked. However, the arrival of his companions gave him confidence. He began showing off, taunting the troll, then throwing small rocks at him.
Ordo Drakul
10-12-2007, 19:47
Muritan amused himself by catching the rocks thrown in his mouth and chomping down hard, crushing them to powder. To his Darksense, it was like the pebbles were in slow motion, and it was good practice. The three guards wouldn't be a match for him if worst came to worst, and he had the pose of a trained beast to perform. He casually scanned them, observing their weapons and the quality of them, their armor and weak points, all the while entertaining them like a circus bear being taunted by children.
And like children, they were woefully unprepared should he break role-not that he would, knowing far too little of these people.
10-12-2007, 22:44
The guard made a game out of it, throwing many rocks at once, trying to hit the troll while he went after a couple.
11-12-2007, 00:58
Joshua meanwhile swiftly approached the lord of the region. "Sir," he said while bowing, "I am here on behalf of Ordo Drakul to present you with a proposition we hope you will find beneficial to both your region and your status as the noble ruler of this land."
11-12-2007, 04:39
The lord steeped off his throne, a large flowing red cape swirled around him.

''The Ordo Drakul, I have never heard of them. What makes them decide to send you to travel all this way?''
11-12-2007, 05:14
Joshua lifted his gaze, but did not stand from his bow to show his respect. "I have been sent to offer trade and an olive branch in opening peaceful relations. We feel it would be beneficial to us, I will not deny that, but we wish also to learn and trade with others. We have much to offer if you are kind enough to listen."
11-12-2007, 05:53
''I am first to to announce that we cannot accept this olive branch. It is not my right to do this. If you wish for peace, you must talk to the King. I am, however, very able to discuss trade. Please rise, and follow me.''

The Lord motioned to a curtain, behind which was a door.
11-12-2007, 05:57
Joshua smiled and rose as indicated to follow the king. Muritan's bolongo simultaneously sprang to life and whispered "Muritan, trade is looking good, though peace is still going to have to be the king. It would be nice if you could come with the small bundle we prepared for the lord."

Joshua meanwhile spoke directly to the lord. "I thank you sir, for allowing this meeting, and on such short notice none the less. I have a servant who should arrive shortly with but a token of what Ordo Drakul has to offer."
11-12-2007, 06:17
The Lord smiled. It looked like a sincere, welcoming smile but under that smile was one of greed. Money and power were his two most favorite things.

The Lord led Joshua into a very elegant looking room. The room was perfectly square. At about shoulder height, painting of former lords hung, all the way around the room, like a border. A few feet above those, on two walls hung paintings of former kings. The two would step onto a red carpet. The Lord motioned to a chair, himself sitting in another. Upon clapping, several servants rushed in.

''I'm sure our friend is hungry and thirsty, get him what he wishes.''
11-12-2007, 06:32
Joshua, his senses being near infinitely better than that of a normal human's, smelled that the lord was almost literally oozing greed. "I thank you for the offer of food and drink, but I feel I will settle for water, for the ocean is full of the stuff, but none fit to drink. But we have more important things to discuss than food and drink. Ordo Drakul is a land where we have much. Brilliant gold, astounding jewels, and fine silks. This being a region with a port city means that it is easiest to get these here than anywhere else and that you in turn can make a profit selling them to others. Of course, selling our gold means that we don't ask for the metal in return, but there is much here I'm sure that we don't have that those back home would find interesting and more than fair trade."
11-12-2007, 06:56
''We are excellent fisherman, skilled in the ability of capturing the Elkenfish, a delectable treat here in Orbath. I can have some made, if you wish to see for yourself? I've also come across some very magical artifacts, examples of which I can show.''
Ordo Drakul
11-12-2007, 07:11
Muritan ceased his game of pebble-catching and scooped up the box as his bolongo relayed Joshua's instructions. Muttering a prayer to Dehore, he invoked a shade to guard the cargo compartment as discretely as he could-unless the guards were mages, they would never know without opening the compartment, when it would be too late.
Holding the box in a properly submissive stance, he allowed the guards to escort the dangerous troll slave to his master's presence with gifts for the lord.
11-12-2007, 07:37
Joshua smiled politely. "Elkenfish, it seems familiar for some reason, though I cannot place my finger on why. I wouldn't argue with having some prepared, though it's not necessary. And would it be rude if I were to inquire about these artifacts?"
11-12-2007, 21:07
''By all means no, I was waiting for that question.''

The Lord paused for a second, waving his finger at one of his servant who disappeared behind the curtain.

''I posses thousands of artifacts. Most were made by the Water Elves and the Light Elves, but I do keep several Dark artifacts locked up if you are interested. Since I can't really be specific, I'l show you an example.''

The Lord reached into a pocket, revealing a green strand of seaweed.

''Watch this.''

The Lord took the seaweed and placed it on the table. He pulled a knife from his sheath and stabbed at it. He wasn't fast enough though, because the seaweed bent, dodging it.

''This here is magical seaweed, enchanted by the Water Elves. They've somehow enchanted it with their protection, so it will never be harmed. I've seen it used as armor. When an arrow streaks towards a Water Elf wearing this stuff, it literally pulls the Elf through the water and out of the way,
12-12-2007, 06:02
Muritan's Bolongo nearly exploded with Joshua's next message. "Muritan, he's got enchanted objets, a lot of them. Do we have a way to contact Selina and Eldar?"

Joshua took all this in stride and acted as if he didn't plan to return every single object to it's rightful people. His eyes bulged, his mouth dropped and his voice cracked a bit. "That's AMAZING! I've never seen anything like that. Even Sylvonia's magicians and alchemists couldn't make anything like this. Of course, I've severed all ties with them by now, but still, we never managed to do anything like that!"
Ordo Drakul
12-12-2007, 06:43
I can dispatch a raven once out of view. Joshua thought in Muritan's voice,Where do you want these gifts brought?
12-12-2007, 14:43
That works for me. And we're in a small room off the, I guess you'd call it a throne room even though he's not a king. It's behind a curtain and a door on the left side of his throne. Should I assume you're in the castle now? Joshua was growing rather fond of this kind of communication.
Ordo Drakul
12-12-2007, 19:53
I believe it's called a courtroom, as the local lord is also chief legislator and magistrate in human lands. Muritan replied mentally. I've three guards who are rather nervous around me in escort-doubtless to "protect" me-HA! If it weren't for our mission, I should take great pleasure in disappearing and playing "Johnnie Stalk".
As the bolongo is telepathic, Joshua also received the impression of a game played by troll imps where one is given a fifteen minute headstart in a safe cave complex before the others are allowed to hunt him down-the object being to stalk and ambush each other in tickle fights until either "it" is brought down or has tickled all others into submission. An undercurrent of thought also revealed the effects of trollish "tickling" on creatures not so well-armored.
I shall have to allow them to lead me to you, so this may take a while. These fools barely know the layout of the place. Human "security" measures.
13-12-2007, 03:01
The Lord could see Joshua's face light up. To further increase his interest, he put the seaweed back into his pocket and pulled out a vial of golden liquid.

''This stuff is powerful. Its enchanted water, likely from one of their many magical springs. It likely took a couple of alchemists a few days to enchant this stuff.''

He uncorked the vial, sending a fruity odor swirling around the room. He poured the liquid onto his knife.It coated it but had n effect, other than turning it a golden color. He undid his cape, throwing it over him. In seconds, Joshua would see a glow emitting from under the cape.
13-12-2007, 04:32
Joshua chuckled on the inside Muritan, feel free to tell them you can sense my presence and tell them they're going the wrong way. Humans are stupid creatures and will probably believe you. Just whatever you do, don't ever try tickling me. He noticed the lord and when he saw the gold, began to worry. Muritan, he had a vial of gold liquid that he poured on his knife. He then put his cape over himself and then there was a golden flash, should I be worried?
Ordo Drakul
13-12-2007, 06:00
If you think he's turned invisible to attack you, throw some flour about-it'll either stick to him or at least outline his footprints-and let me know so I can kill these idiots and slaughter my way to you. Otherwise, he's playing a parlor game, and wants you to be properly frightened-it the cape still there? If it was transformative, he'd be waving a golden dagger before you to "ooh" and "aah" over.
13-12-2007, 07:13
Flour would be a good idea, but he hasn't left the cape unless he can suddenly make his heartbeat come from somewhere else. I don't scare easily, so I'll settle for intense curiosity. Still though, don't be afraid to say that you can sense me or something to get here faster. I can defend myself for the most part, but it'd be nice if I wasn't the only one to put up with him.
13-12-2007, 08:37
The Lord emerged from under the cape, looking rather proud of himself. In his hand he held a dagger, now made of what Joshua would likely think was real gold.

''I know what our thinking and your wrong. This isn't real gold and dropping it into a tub of water would prove that. During the war of the gods, the god of darkness attempted to transform metal into gold so he could fund his forces. The Light Elves came up with this. When darkness or dark magic is present and this liquid is poured onto the object, it turn into what most think would be gold. It was hoped that someone would discover they were being fake gold and come down upon the dark forces. This never happened and so most of this stuff is lost. It still turns up every know and then and is worth quite a bit.''

His gaze focused upwards as he noticed a servant come in holding a platter.

''Ah, the Elkenfish. Take a look.''

The servant set the platter in front of Joshua. On it sat a large rectangular strip of fish, white in color. The fish was smeared in a redish black paste, made of crushed berries. The servant also sat down a goblet containing a dark liquid.

''Its covered in Brunkleberry paste, made from a berry native to these parts. Your drink is Brunkleberry juice.''
13-12-2007, 08:48
Ah, well, nothing to worry about. It just turns things to gold when darkness or dark magic is around. That explains why the damn dagger he poured the liquid on is shining like the sun. Wind may be neutral, but being demonic automatically puts me in the darkness column. Oh crap. I hope he doesn't get me in a bright room with that stuff on something, he'll notice something suspicious instantly. Joshua's message was more of annoyance than anything.
His attitude however betrayed nothing. "Fascinating stuff that is, and this fish looks amazing too." He focused momentarily on the fish, namely the fumes coming from it. No poisons, a little high on the salt, but no poisons he noted. He bowed a quick prayer before sampling a bite of the elkenfish. "Outstanding!" He exclaimed. In reality it was nothing like what he was used to and he was dead on with the salt. "A little salty, but amazing."
Ordo Drakul
13-12-2007, 09:14
Muritan entered, holding an ornate red box trimmed in gold before him. Deferentially, he set it before Joshua and stepped back, bowing as he did. Best to hope he's got some dark magic laying about or we're in trouble.he sent through the bolongo. If it's a test, we've just reinforced his prejudices.
13-12-2007, 09:22
You're right. Though from his pheromones, he might have turned it gold too. Greed and pride are just as dark as simply being a creature of darkness. On a side note, I sorely wish I could get you this fish somehow. It's not exactly pleasing my palate with all that salt. That, and I'm used to grilled fish. "Ah, my servant, Muritan, has arrived it seems." He lifted the box in front of him and heard the contents shift slightly. Nice variety. He should like this. "What we have here is a small gift to you, a token of what Ordo Drakul has to offer for trade."
Ordo Drakul
13-12-2007, 21:49
Perhaps he stashed it under his cape to keep it closer to his heart, Muritan observed ironically. Has his demeanor changed? Perhaps he'll strut his dark stuff next. Should I wet myself and cry,"Oh Lawzy, Lawzy"? I can never tell when I'm over the top on supernatural dread.
The troll stood silently, watching the room, his eyes on Joshua, but his Darksense registering the locations of any and all threats.
14-12-2007, 03:15
No, if he stashed it next to his heart it would have frozen. If he does try the dark items next, feel free to look inquisitive, but please restrain from lubricating the floor. His demeanor hasn't changed much, if at all. His pheromone levels are betraying his greed and self importance, but they also tell me that he thinks he's going to get the better end of the bargain. Fat chance. Joshua politely took a sip of the drink trying to wash down the salt from the fish. Hmm, kinda like lingonberries from back home. They make a nice wine too come to think of it.
14-12-2007, 04:24
The Lord looked, very interested. He flashed a smile, which looked sincere but had just a hint of greed. He was trying to hide his excitement. He took the box and opened it, looking inside.

ooc: What is in the box?
14-12-2007, 04:30
Joshua walked him through the box. "The gold you see is the purest you will ever find. The jewels are of the highest quality and troll mined and cut to make them as beautiful as possible. Silks, also spun by trolls, are what you see on the bottom and are softer than any human spun worm silk. Muritan, did I miss anything?" Seriously, did I miss anything? Also, scents are spiking. He's just been shown the door to the jackpot.
14-12-2007, 04:42
The Lord's eyes lit up with greed. The gold and jewels sparkled in the light and so did his eyes. He ran his fingers across the silk. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. He'd almost become distracted when he realized something.

He said trolls spun this, and cut these jewels. I've heard of them being used for mining sure, and for hard labor but no troll he knew of could ever do something like this.

''A troll did this. A troll did this work. A big ugly brute like him did this,'' he pointed to Muritan and continued,

''I'm sorry, I've never seen a vile creature ever able to produce anything like this. you mus tell me more.''

The greed smile was flashed again as he thought about the uses of an army of slave trolls that could cut the jeweles and mine them.
14-12-2007, 04:47
Muritan, I think I just put us in deep here. Stop me if I start sounding like a sympathizer.

"Yes, they did this. But only a small group on each. When given time and carefully taught, there isn't much they can't do, granted they do eat more than they produce. And a brute could not do such good work. A creature, sure, but a brute, no. If all trolls were brutes, Muritan wouldn't be my servant. He's one of the more civilized ones, like those that made the silk and jewels."
14-12-2007, 04:53
The Lord now became more interested.

''Civilized trolls,'' he laughed.

''Wow, quite amazing really. I'll have to inform the king of this.''

He thought for a moment.

''How about a tour of my lands, we can walk and discuss our business. I mus show you the view of the ocean from the towers, it is simply amazing.''
14-12-2007, 05:02
Joshua rose from his seat, glad to be away form the still half uneaten fish. "Yes, a tour sounds wonderful. I don't know if I can say the same for Muritan. Trolls don't exactly like light."
14-12-2007, 05:02
'' A cave troll he must be and with a name, he must be civilized. I can have him locked up if you wish.''
14-12-2007, 05:17
Joshua replied quickly, but hoped he wasn't offensive. "He's civilized, as you've been saying. There is no need to lock him up because he'll behave himself. He knows what happens if he doesn't."

What happens if we don't behave ourselves is this whole thing goes right down the tubes. Remember, if you need to bash a few guard skulls, hide ALL evidence.
Ordo Drakul
14-12-2007, 06:19
If I bash a guard or two, you'll find all the evidence in my shit. Muritan sat noisily and began grooming himself. Five quatlus says he tries to shove you off the top of the tower.
14-12-2007, 14:37
Joshua had to restrain a laugh. So true, and nice way to act civilized, at least he thinks you'll keep busy now. And you seem to be forgetting that I'm half demon. It'll take more than my skull bashing the rocks at the bottom to kill me.
Ordo Drakul
14-12-2007, 21:56
I believe the idea here is to make him believe I'm an ignorant brute unworthy of notice, not to tweak his greed with wealth and encourage an assassination and kidnapping. Muritan psent through the bolongo. But what would I know? Just a poor, ignorant troll-a pawn in the game of Life that humans mastered ever so long ago. Sigh.
14-12-2007, 22:34
I suppose. But now he may not trust you alone and I was kinda hoping he would. And trust me, if humans had really mastered the game of life, we wouldn't be in this mess, I wouldn't have ever met you, and Eldar and Selina would be happy doing whatever it is that they did before getting thrown out. I do however know that we already got his greed to the point where we must not let his ships come to Ordo Drakul. If there is trading, we will send out ships for their men may take you as slaves.
Ordo Drakul
15-12-2007, 01:47
I think the Ordo Zorak Zoran would welcome the fresh meat should he try. Muritan psent, adding:As for his locks and guards? There's absolutely nothing here I couldn't chew through in short order, and I could hit that door from here as hard as a charging rhinoceros. The man is a leadlover, and that makes him all too predictable and dangerous. Be very careful-he is already entertaining thoughts of enslaving my people to line his pockets. But we should disarm him-why don't you balance that Elkenfish on my nose and signal me when it's acceptable to eat? Best he thinks me a trained pet...
16-12-2007, 07:02
The Lord rose to his feet. With a clapping of his hands, a couple of guards walked into the room.

''Keep an eye on this beast, I must show the diplomat the spectacular view.''

He was actually deep in thought, considering the actions of the diplomat earlier.

He seems to care for the beast, what an awful thing. If it wasn't for the prospect of the wealth, I'd send him on his merry way. I wonder if I can convince him to trade me some slaves.

He motioned to Joshua.

''I hope you don't mind, but it is getting late, I'd love to show you around before it gets dark.''
16-12-2007, 23:32
Sorry, no time. Appearance is everything here, but I suggest your practice your juggling, it may help prove that "trained pet" thing you had going. "Yes, we should before the light is gone and the view is lost." Not that it'd be lost for you or I. He added silently for Muritan.
Ordo Drakul
16-12-2007, 23:49
Call when you need me Muritan raised his head up to watch them leave, then returned to his grooming. The guards were beneath his notice, save they stopped him from exploring, so he decided to wait and see what happened.
17-12-2007, 00:14
The Lord first led Joshua on a journey outside the main castle, allowing him a chance to get a look at how the people lived. They returned to the castle and The Lord led them throughout the castle, finally coming to a flight of stairs. After a long climb, they would find themselves at the very top, in a small room. The Lord pointed out the window.

''Please, look for yourself.''

Outside, Joshua would see the rich grass of the castle, followed by a dense forest and then the large port city Joshua and Muritan had came from. Then the spectacular sparkling ocean, illuminated by the setting sun.

''Normally there are many more boats, coming in from a day of fishing. We've had some problems with a disease, but we've managed to contain it. Found something those god damn elves are good for.''
17-12-2007, 05:58
Will do. And with that, he was off after the lord. Though he hated small spaces, he climbed the stairs to the top where he was rewarded for his patience. After telling his Bolongo to send everything it heard to Muritan, he commented on the view. "Truly a spectacular town you have, but dare I inquire more about the disease? More specifically, the elves?"
17-12-2007, 06:10
''Ah yes. I guess it is something a foreign nation would need to worry about then, though I must assure you, we have it under control.''

He gazed out the window, again, looking off deep into the ocean before returning to his earlier train of thought.

''It was many months earlier, nobody knows the exact date. People began getting sick, very sick, eventually dying. We couldn't figure out what it was at first, or how it spread. It wasn't directly contagious but it did spread, somehow.''

He let this sink in before going on.

''After a few months, we figured out how it spread. Somehow, the rats would become infected, and would spread it. The odd thing was, nobody got infected, except at night. We soon realized that the infected were sickest at night, at only died at night. We decided that it could only be the work of dark magic. This is where the Light Elves were brought in. They fed the infected potions. Chanted, danced around the room. Hung artifacts, lit candles. It stopped the people from getting sicker, though they never fully recovered. Soon after, the disease stopped.''

He stopped, turning to face Joshua.

''As for the elves. They are an odd bunch. Though they helped us and for this I must say I am thankful, they are responsible for much trickery and wrongdoing. They've got themselves holed up somewhere, plotting something. Only a few remain here. I've had to keep a couple locked up actually, they were caught stealing from a local butcher.''

The Lord was trying to decide whether he really wanted to interact with the nation Joshua represented.

He seems very interested in the non humans but why should I care. They haven't done much to me and where will interest get him? Nowhere. Maybe I can trade him some of my less civilized beasts for his more civilized creatures?
17-12-2007, 06:18
"Hmmm, I suppose as long as the infection is controlled, there is no reason to not worry about trade. And it's a tribute to the human species that we have people who can figure out how disease is spread and how to stop it. It's terrible though that such a disease exists, more specifically, that it was sent here." Well Muritan, any ideas on how to sway him to trade with us? He's still hesitant on that it seems.
17-12-2007, 06:46
The Lord decided it would be best to find out a bit more about this nation before making judgment.

''Please, tell me about your nation. What are the people like? Who are the people?''
17-12-2007, 06:49
Alright Muritan, here's where I need your help. You know your nation better than I do. How do I tell him without spoiling everything!?
Ordo Drakul
17-12-2007, 09:00
Tell him about the climate-hot, wet, and tropical. Tell him of our priesthoods ( and great beasts, our history and whatever else you like-our land had humans up until the Gbaji War, when they devolved into animals by worshiping a Chaos god, so you may want to leave that out. Muritan thought. Hell, tell him about our products and services-our fine silks and gemstones, our ability to cultivate truffles, whatever will tweak the greedy fool's interest. Tell him of the mines of Doraddi, where precious metals and gemstones are sung into growing by the strange rocklike mostali. Tell him of the great insects that roam the land, and the odd creatures that make it so dangerous-I understand you had a run-in with the aldryami, so amuse him by stretching the truth of that encounter beyond recognition.
17-12-2007, 21:13
Joshua, with Muritan's help, began his reply to the lord. "It's a tropical paradise of sorts, but we're not all beach bums. We're a hardworking people with, as you've seen, much to offer. We are not without fault though. The Gbaji War nearly ended humanity in the area. Humans however fought back and we ended up with the system we have today with trolls as laborers and some even as crafters. Not only do we have flawless gemstones, but mines also being out metals perfect for crafting weapons, armor, almost anything you can imagine. The metals and stones in there are sung into growing by the rocklike mostali. They are wonderful little creatures, if not absurdly strange. Did I mention our truffles? Truly beautiful things they are.
"Oh, before I forget, I must tell you a tale that happened on my way to the capitol to prepare for this journey. My protection was a troll, a light elf who decided to nearly blind us, and a weak little, what was she, a wood elf I believe. Anyway, the cart was pulled by giant beetles and all was going well, as well as can be expected in said company at least, when aldryami saw that damn female elf. They thought her to be one of those taken from the forest and attempted to get her back. Well, being as fast as they are, the aldryami chased us to no end, even with our beetles running full out. The troll attempted to hit them with arrows, which proved futile against their armor like skin. The light elf tried to blind them with this potion, but being plant beings, they just loved it and the other elf nearly sent us to our doom by raising a tree root at a very inconvenient time. By now the troll was raving mad at the light elf and storming about the rickety cart. Soon, one of the aldryami priests, for lack of a better term, showed up, but the light elf took off his head with some sort of fireball. This of course stopped the others from going much farther, but not before the lumbering beast smashed up the back end of the cart. The remainder of the journey was less eventful, but it was extremely unpleasant crammed in between a troll and an elf with no bathing habits."
18-12-2007, 04:51
Joshuas' explanation and then story kept The Lord interested. Not wanting to interupt, he forgot many of his questions he was going to ask. However, when Joshua mentioned he had traveled with a Light Elf and an Earth Elf, which he had refered to as a wood elf, he began to wonder about Joshua.

''Do you have large population of elves and did they fight you in this war you speak of?''
18-12-2007, 04:58
Joshua replied with quick grace. "These two in particular are assistants to me, though I should really behead them in favor of human help. They can be reliable and helpful in their own way, but usually they just get in the way. But to answer your question, no, they did not fight for us, though their population is now despairingly small. The elves in fact came after the war, except for the aldryami, though I'm not sure if they are elves or not. To any extent, the population is around 100 I think. Many died from sickness on their voyage. If memory serves, they came from a country in this region of the world too, but the name escapes me as to which one."
18-12-2007, 05:29
The Lord decided to believe him. What purpose would the diplomat have in lying.

''Well sir, I am unaware of your future traveling plans, but I'd like to invite you to stay overnight. We can work out the fine details of our trade tomorow, maybe over breakfast?''
18-12-2007, 05:31
Joshua smiled. "Very well then, I was hoping to head off tonight, but I don't think one night here will hurt anything."
18-12-2007, 05:35
''It is your wish. Should you chose to stay, I can offer fine lodging and a warm breakfast. Should you chose to go, we can work out the details overnight and you can travel by moonlight, though I must warn you this can be dangerous, depending on our expected route.''
18-12-2007, 06:02
Well Muritan, what do you think would be best? You'll probably say we should leave tonight but I want to know what you think.
Ordo Drakul
18-12-2007, 06:48
I shall sleep at the foot of your bed and guard you, as this lord is vital to trade, and his court may yet reveal further insights into this society. All these guards have demonstrated thus far is an arrogant superiority and nothing to back it up. There must be a reason-perhaps if I saw their religious rites...
18-12-2007, 08:20
Works for me. And trust me, their religious rights are bound to be boring compared to yours. "Well sir, I guess we will stay here. I thank you for your hospitality."
Ordo Drakul
18-12-2007, 22:48
Horse brutality, Muritan corrected. Once we've bedded down for the night, I shall do some exploration, I think
19-12-2007, 00:03
Exploration? How? With your shadowsense? Cause I don't think moving about the castle is a good way to do things. And what about Horse brutality? You lost me.
Ordo Drakul
19-12-2007, 00:24
(OOC:Horse Brutaliy=hospitality. Muritan's been having rocks thrown at him while you've gotten a tour and a meal)
Part of this is intelligence gathering, and I somehow doubt His Lordship will show you want he keeps in the gameroom This thought carried with it an image of a torture chamber. I will set up an alogoi for your protection and exercise extreme discretion-I can shroud myself with a SEP field, and trolls are taught to stalk and hide from birth. Unless he's got a pet mage hidden about, my activities will go unnoticed.
19-12-2007, 00:58
OOC: Ah.
IC: Joshua shuddered a bit. Lovely image there Muritan. But I suppose that will work. If I had my magic still I would gladly assist you, but as I don't, I can't. At least not shy of a miracle. I suppose I'll just have to try later, there could be some kind of a block set around Ordo Drakul that blocks my specific brand of magic.
Ordo Drakul
19-12-2007, 01:44
Different dimension, different rules. Circle magic is very demanding here, requiring absolute perfection of technique, rather like Solomanic sorcery. I've run into similar problems in realms where there is no access to the Spirit Plane. One adapts. Muritan replied blandly. I am sorely tempted to use saimenjutsu to get that fish. My bellies are rumbling, and only my rock stomach approaches full.
19-12-2007, 02:52
Circle magic, that's what you call it? Hmm, I suppose it makes sense to call it that. When I get some time later, I'll try it out. I haven't actually tried beyond my standard method, but I guess trying a more basic form might work better. Do you mind if I inuire more about this "solomanic" magic you mentioned? Also, do what you need to do to get some food, just don't get noticed. Joshua replied.
19-12-2007, 03:28
The Lord led Joshua back down the stairs, taking a different path this time, leading to a courtyard. In the courtyard were several barracks and training facilities however on the other side was the lodging the lord spoke of. It was a large stone building, rather plain looking on the outside. On the inside, the building was divided into several rooms.

''Please, make yourself at home. If you need anything, don't hesitate to bother one of the guards or servants, they will be around all night.''
19-12-2007, 03:31
Joshua followed the Lord. "Thank you for your hospitality. I will be sure it does not go unrewarded." And by hospitality I mean greed. And by unrewarded I mean he's not getting slaves from Ordo Drakul if my life depended on it.
19-12-2007, 03:34
''The troll beast, do you require anything for him? Do you want him brought to you.''
19-12-2007, 04:11
Joshua acted to think for a moment. "Yes, I believe he will be famished by now. Pretty much anything would be good, I think. And it would be nice if he could be brought to me."
Ordo Drakul
20-12-2007, 02:48
(OOC:Sorry, but for some reason this thread isn't registering new posts, and I've been skimming past it. I will, when online next, make it a point to post something, just so you know I'm still here.)
20-12-2007, 02:54
The Troll was brought, under a guard of 8 to Joshua. Following the guards were several servants, carrying trays with a variety of foods. One tray contained scraps, including what Elkenfish Joshua had not finished. The other contained regular food, prepared in the kitchens. With it came a large bucket of fresh spring water.

''I am unsure as to what you feed this thing. I have had scraps brought, should this be what you feed. Should he eat in a more civilized way, I have had food prepared for it.''
20-12-2007, 03:15
Joshua replied. "Your guards can leave him now, he won't attack anything while under my watch. As for what he eats, it depends. If company is over, scraps, otherwise I have no problem having a little something prepared. But it generally depends on my mood too. It also doesn't help that I have a soft spot for animals." He said the last part with a fake laugh. I'm getting kinda sick of this guy, you know that? If it wasn't for the fact that I was trying to get in his good graces so dealing with the king would be easier, I would have slaughtered him and taken his throne long ago.
Ordo Drakul
20-12-2007, 15:44
Muritan shrugged. Eh-I would like to find some redeeming grace to these humans. The ones in our homeland were clever and inventive-quite charming except for their constant drive for perfection and safety, and the fate it lead them to. This lot I would happily allow to fall to Chaos, if they haven't already.
20-12-2007, 22:43
Most humans are creative and inventive. And they have to be safe because unlike you, they don't have armor for skin. And unlike me, they can't heal from getting pierced through the heart and lungs and then start running laps the next day. Humans however are an odd species. They follow whoever is strongest and adopt his ideas. And what's wrong with perfection? If I had been perfect a few years ago, I would still have two normal arms instead of one organic and one mechanical. Speaking of which, my mechanical arm was made by a human.
Ordo Drakul
21-12-2007, 01:40
All too often it is not the strongest but the loudest they follow. Muritan began shoveling down the scraps, beginning with the leftover fish. Not once but twice in our history, they created gods to lead them to a better way of life-the first degenerated them into the hideous broos that plague our wilderness for the most part. These sad fragments were all that survived the second attempt. Man will follow the loudest, not the strongest. He will commit horrors in the name of salvation unthinkable in better times, and better times are never good enough to preclude atrocities.
21-12-2007, 04:22
I guess I have nothing to say to that. Joshua admitted.
Ordo Drakul
21-12-2007, 16:02
Eh, it's their way. I rather like humans, and not just with mint jelly. However, you cannot let your fondness blind you to the truth. They are many things, most at that intriguing point where the fallen angel meets the rising ape. However, they are flighty and dangerous, and this cannot be forgotten.
21-12-2007, 20:26
Well then, forgive me for being an optimist. And question. Since I'm half human, half demon, would it be cannibalism if I ever ate human meat? That's something I never really understood. It's also another reason to resent my siblings for being pure blooded demons.
Ordo Drakul
22-12-2007, 00:58
Trolls eat the dead, to keep them from walking, so we don't really understand the stigma attached to cannibalism. I expect you'd be a cannibal if you ate human or demon meat, though. Muritan kept devouring the food brought.Hmmm-some of this stuff is rotten. Piquant. I always like a variety in my palate.
22-12-2007, 01:05
The problem is that human respect the dead and defiling the body by eating it is disrespect. It's also against the conscience of humans. Demons are a bit looser on this though. So long as the demon is not of the same subspecies, they have no problem gobbling the corpse down. And you go ahead and enjoy your variety of food, I'm sure his cooks enjoy cleaning out the trash. Joshua was now pretending to be interested in a nearby garden while he chatted.
Ordo Drakul
22-12-2007, 01:49
For us, it's the opposite. A troll's soul will cleave to the body, and must be sung to Wonderhome and the remains devoured or the soul will walk the earth and become embittered. Muritan wandered over to the window.Something of interest in the garden?
22-12-2007, 07:57
Well, Troll ideas and traditions are different than human ones and demon ones. I'm just glad I take after the human ideas rather than the demon ones. They appal me to be honest. He turned to Muritan. And no, just looking at nothing to pass the time.
Ordo Drakul
22-12-2007, 15:07
While I do not wish to offend, I would like to ask: How demonic are you? Can you be controlled by your true name, for example, or bound to an item or service? You need not answer if it makes you uncomfortable. Muritan looked out the window after slurping down the last of the bucket. There's a guard-mark the time. Knowing their rounds will come in handy. Do you want any of this?
He indicated the rest of the food, not the bucket brought for him.
22-12-2007, 18:43
8:30 PM. And no offense. But I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "true name." You've got to remember I'm from another world so the rules are different for us. There are items however, like rosaries, that can bind us. With a command word, often called a "word of subjugation," we are forced to stop. The person who put the rosary on us then has power because the effects are usually unpleasant and only they can remove it. He walked over to Muritan and scanned what was left. I am kinda hungry, so would you mind splitting the loaf of bread there?
22-12-2007, 20:42
The guard was pacing, up and down the wall of the courtyard. Should Muritan or Joshua look around any more, they would not that on each wall were two guards. In the courtyard, they would note that guards would pass every now and then, sometimes patrolling, sometimes heading to relieve other guards in the castle. The guards switched after every three hours however the original guards had to wait until their relief arrived. This meant that every three hours, twice as many guards would be active in the castle.
Ordo Drakul
23-12-2007, 00:28
Certainly. Muritan carved the bread into slices. Meat and cheese? Here, polytheism has generated different means of dealing with a demon-they can be compelled by use of their true name, and certain materials are pleasant or baneful to them-I'm not an alchemist, but one explained the system of correspondences used once. Certain materials possess intrinsic powers, based on their properties as perceived by sentients-it has a great deal to do with empowerment by belief. Cold-wrought iron is poisonous to otherworldly creatures, for example, and garlic wards off disease. Wild Rose wards off the undead-stuff like that. I believe he phrased it "The attributes without mirror the properties within",but alchemy's very esoteric.
23-12-2007, 07:16
Thanks. Joshua said while taking the bread. And a little meat and cheese sounds nice. I'm guessing Alchemy is different here than it is in my world. I say this cause although I've been calling it magic, because most people in my world do, it's technically Alchemy. It's true though that some things when combined will produce an effect you didn't think possible. I know for a fact that when trying human alchemy, if you try doing anything with a soul you WILL end up at the gate. That's why the creator of the Philosophers Catalyst always ends up dead and the Catalyst gone forever. The gate is the reason I don't have my arm and why I'm here. Speaking of Alchemy... He walked over to the corner, a spot that wouldn't be seen easily, and withdrew a small piece of chalk from his pocket. "I wonder if it'll work here." He drew a simple circle with a delicate, but easy inscription. Once done, he touched both hands to it and focused. The result was exactly what he hoped for and it surprised him to the point where he let out a small yelp of surprise. Before him was a foot long dagger, made of the wood and metal around him. He picked it up and tapped it, making sure it was stable. Muritan, I hope you were watching. That was my magic, my alchemy. It works. I guess I'll have to work at getting back up to my skill level though, it's not as intricate as I was working for.
Ordo Drakul
23-12-2007, 15:11
Be very careful with experimenting-the circles must be precisely inscribed and ritual purification wouldn't hurt. Muritan examined the knife. You are fortunate this was only a topological transformation-the energies you invoke are very unstable. How long should this knife last?
23-12-2007, 17:59
I know. I've been using this circle for ages. and theoretically it will last as long as a real one. There is no difference between this and a real one. Joshua replied.
Ordo Drakul
23-12-2007, 22:59
I see-so the magic was all in the change. Intriguing. What are the limits on this ability?
23-12-2007, 23:30
That's correct. As long as I did this right, this should be completely stable and be identical to one made in this world of normal causes. There's only a few limits though, which makes this so wonderful. First is you can't get out more than what you put in. That's equal exchange. Second is forbidden by man, but other than that, it's alright to do and that would be making gold. Third is banned simply by the laws of nature. No transmutations involving souls because it throws off the balance of the world. Joshua touched the dagger back to the ground on the circle and focused again, returning the materials to their proper location. Oh, and you don't copy what you use to transmute. You transform the materials into something else entirely.
Ordo Drakul
24-12-2007, 02:26
Given our current circumstances, I would suggest you keep to the prohibition on making gold, or we'll both be permanent guests. I think our host would love a gold factory and a charming, handsome servant. Muritan looked out the window again. One wonders what would be overheard in the guard barracks. I doubt they're terribly loyal.
24-12-2007, 03:52
Should either Joshua or Muritan go snooping near the guard barracks soon, they would likely hear the rowdy chatter of officers as they played cards and enjoyed wine and rum. If they waited until later, snoring was all they would hear.

OOC: As for for loyalty, in this particular area, the soldiers are extremely loyal to the Lord. This area is especially highly militaristic, containing both the Lord's soldiers and specially trained soldiers operated by the King. These soldiers sometimes operate like secret police.
Ordo Drakul
24-12-2007, 03:59
OOC:I'll probably wait until the changing of the guard-11:30-then do some exploration until 2:30-the next changing, which means if Muritan gets very lucky, he'll hear some of the last chatter before the guards bed down. The current plan is to set up an illusory Muritan sleeping at the foot of Joshua's bed, then pad around observing. Doubt there's anything to really see, but it's best to keep in practice.
24-12-2007, 04:38
I wasn't planning on breaking it. At least not right now. Gold is one of the most fun transmutations to preform, and the light from the energy it gives off is très beau. Sorry, slipped into French there. Point being, I find creating gold to be something fun to do. I doubt you'd hear much, but I don't know for sure. Joshua replied while checking his watch. Hmm, it's nearly 10:30 already.

OOC: Whatever works. Also, I hope you don't mind me skipping ahead a little bit, it helps to get closer to the guard changing cause if you think about it, it's probably about 9:15 PM with their whole conversation.
Ordo Drakul
24-12-2007, 18:31
OOC:Not a problem-I want to wander about anyway, and since the only unknown right now is the Lord, I'm up for it-Merry Christmas, since I'll be off with family for the holiday, but I'll check in now and again-like when Uncle Karrol gets drunk and bores me with stories of his waning libido.
24-12-2007, 18:46
OOC: Joyeux Noël mes amis! I'll be on this morning and some of this afternoon, but aside from maybe an hour or two late tonight, I won't be on till LATE tomorrow night. As for your uncle's stories, try to get him to keep it A) child friendly cause NOBODY wants to hear that from their uncle and B) Holiday related.
24-12-2007, 20:22
OOC: Merry Christmas to the both of you. I too will be busy, likely from 6pm today until sometime late, so I may not post. Christmas Day may see a post or two in the late afternoon. Boxing Day you might hear from me in the late evening. Once again, Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays.
24-12-2007, 20:24
OOC: Question. What the heck is Boxing Day? That's one thing I never quite got.
Ordo Drakul
24-12-2007, 20:28
OOC: Boxing Day is December 26-for more information, Google it
24-12-2007, 20:30
OOC: I did. But all I really got was it was the equivalent of the US Black Friday (at least as far as business goes).
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 03:21
Muritan piled some rags at the foot of the bed. He chanted over it and it shifted, becoming a duplicate of Muritan. --Now, that will follow orders, but it's just an illusion, with no substance--Muritan explained. --Touching it will dissipate it, but I haven't really time and energy for something more substantive. I'll be back in three hours, to avoid the changing of the guard.--
With a chant, he disappeared, then Joshua heard the door open and close, though he saw it had not moved.
26-12-2007, 04:18
Joshua climbed onto the bed, careful notto touch the fake Muritan. Man, this would be a lot more fun if I could get out, you know that? But unlike you, I can't turn invisible. Sure, I'd have no problem creating a dummy to take my place, but people would still see the real me walking around outside.
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 04:46
I'm not invisible, just less interesting than everything else. Muritan replied. It's an alteration of perception-what we call an SEP field. Adequate to wander about, coupled with the hunter's background of a muri. We shall see what secrets this castle holds...
26-12-2007, 04:54
Joshua let loose a heavy sigh. You know something, it was a lot more interesting when you let me think you were invisible. That's something many, MANY people have tried to do for as long as time has been around.
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 05:14
True invisibility is very dangerous-with being unnoticed, people still swerve to avoid you. Muritan laughed as he spoke. I can teach you true invisibility, but you have to pay very close attention to your surroundings-and can still be smelled or heard.
26-12-2007, 05:21
He mulled this over for a moment. Sounds like a deal then. And if I can pull off Alchemy in this world, I can pull off whatever you throw at me. But explain one thing. If you're unnoticeable, do people still swerve to avoid you?
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 05:23
Same as they walk around walls or spiderwebs, with as little thought Muritan provided. They simply don't register an eight foot troll as more than a suit of armor or outcropping of rick, and avoid contact. You'd be amazed at what people can ignore.
26-12-2007, 05:46
This is true. And I suppose that with magic involved in it, people become truly ignorant. Joshua laughed.
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 05:57
I know there are catacombs or a dungeon here-if nothing else, an escape tunnel. The hidden nature of such an access indicates either disuse or shame-let us hope for the former. Muritan replied. Among my people, the torture chamber is held in the front yard-let all see what one is capable of, so stories do not spread. The Sultan of Dorastor keeps a garden of those impaled or crucified for breaking his laws. He dines there exclusively, as not to let his power go to his head.
26-12-2007, 06:33
Joshua shoved off the thoughts of Trolls and their dead. Humans are different though. If they harm other humans, they are shunned by most of society. Killing other humans is the ultimate taboo too.
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 06:49
Taboos mean something different to we of the muri-things we do not do. Muritan's thoughts dripped sarcasm. No sane muri should ever attack a child or breeding female, nor have we in the --wellwell, I seem to have located a secret door in the throneroom. One wonders if it leads to an observation post, or something much more telling...
26-12-2007, 06:59
You know what I mean though. Something you'd never do. And what you pointed out were morals. In other words, something nobody would do simply because it's not right. As for the door, what are you waiting for, investigate! I have an idea of my own... At first his voice was annoyed, but then it changed to simple realization at what he could do.
He began by activating the circle long carved into the metal on the inside of his arm. The bed seemed to get lumpy in spots, but if looked at from the outside or even right above, it would appear as if someone was completely covered up. Then he proceeded to a corner where nobody would see without actually entering the room and looking and again activated the circle. A tunnel formed beneath him and he allowed himself to drop in. Damn, I should have grabbed a lamp. Oh well, there's enough sulfur in the soil he thought and crafted a small lamp from the soil with a light enough for his demonic eyes to see where he was going. He sealed the entrance and began toward the Throne Room where Muritan was.
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 07:19
So humanity routinely violates taboos-the precepts of the gods, as well as their own supposed morals. Such a strange species... Joshua came down in the throneroom, and a strange blue glow crept over him, as it spread over him allowing him to perceive Muritan. While I appreciate the back-up, shouldn't one of us be monitoring the illusions in the event we set off an alarm?
26-12-2007, 07:28
Ya, they are strange. And don't worry so much. Besides, I was bored. And I'm not an idiot, so I designed my illusion with vocal cords. If someone touches it, it'll speak something like "just give me a minute and I'll be out." It's got a couple back-ups built in too, but there's not need to worry. Plus, there's alchemic ways to put alarms on things. If anyone enters the room I'll instantly know, and so will anyone not wearing ear protection within 100 feet of me. More specifically, they'll go deaf. I don't know how this affects trolls though, but since you're more resilient than a human, there's no reason you won't be fine, and there's no reason I can't fix your ear drums should they beak like a human's. And wait, can they see me or am I covered too?
Ordo Drakul
26-12-2007, 08:06
I have extended the SEP field over you. Muritan answered. Otherwise, you could not see me. Are you ready?
26-12-2007, 08:09
Just checking. And I've been ready, so let's go!
Ordo Drakul
27-12-2007, 02:55
Muritan carefully slid the door open, and poked his head in. Seems clear-let's go. He reported, slipping in. Be careful-nitre has made the stone slippery.
27-12-2007, 03:02
Joshua followed quickly. Slippery I can work with. Actually, if there's enough carbon around here, I might be able to do something useful with it. He touched the stone and niter with his right hand and focused. Gunpowder anyone? We can use this later should we need a distraction, but for now I'll just store it in a pocket. The pile of powder solidified into a ball, which Joshua placed in his pocket. I suppose we should see where this leads now. I'll bet it's either an escape tunnel or it leads to the torture chamber.
27-12-2007, 07:08
What the two didn't realize was that they were slowly getting deeper and deeper into the earth. The would eventually come to an intersection. One way leading two the dungeon, which included a torture chamber, the other two leading off to other parts of the castle. The way to the dungeon was lit, the other two ways were black as night.
27-12-2007, 07:13
Joshua held out his lantern as they approached the crossroad. I'll wager the well lit one is a trap. It's the kind of thing they would do. I could toss a couple bags of some modified black powder down there, slow burning of course, so we might get a better look.
27-12-2007, 07:49
The two probably hadn't anticipated guards. The dungeon consisted of a small barracks, prison and torture chamber. The light, and noise had caused one guard on patrol to think something might be up. He ventured down the well lit hallway, sword at the ready, preparing to engage anyone he might see. Behind him, several meters away was another guard, ready to blow a horn should anyone be spotted.
Ordo Drakul
27-12-2007, 16:16
Damnable light betrays us again! Muritan cursed as he prepared a sling bullet of sleep dust. Carefully, he aimed at the sentry with the horn and let fly. The one closer is yours-do not harm him unduly, as it would be rude.
27-12-2007, 21:43
Joshua set down the lantern and moved toward the guard with impressive speed. His left leg knocked the guard off balance to begin his fall and the right fist collided with enough to put him out, but not leave too much of a mark or break anything. The guard fell down one of the dimly lit pathways while Joshua turned around. Damn that felt good.
Ordo Drakul
28-12-2007, 04:37
Stay here-I will scout ahead for more sentries. My sleep dust is much kinder, for all it doesn't fuel sadistic tendancies. Muritan thought, moving further into the dungeon area.
28-12-2007, 04:44
Suit yourself. And I wasn't fueling anything, I was just releasing a little built up tension and stress. I hated putting on those lies to one of the people who probably helped to expel the non-humans. Since I couldn't take it out on him, I had to resort to one of his servants. As for the rest of the tension, I think a little time to meditate is in order. Let me know if you need anything, Alchemy isn't just for use right in front of the user. Joshua sat down on the stairs above Muritan before closing his eyes and sorting through his thoughts.
Ordo Drakul
28-12-2007, 16:06
Muritan extended his Darksense as far as it would go, creeping softly down the litten corridors of the Lord's dungeon. In truth, he didn't want Joshua to see what he expected to find here, nor did he fancy reordering the sentries' memories of their shift to fit his needs. He kept his sleep dust ready, and moved forward...
30-12-2007, 05:56
Muritan would be able to see ahead, fairly far. To the left of the hall ahead, was another, to its left. Down that hallway, led to a small barracks, where the guards on dungeon duty remained. Guarding the dungeon was somewhat of a punishment. A pair of guards would be patrolling and several would be in their barracks sleeping. Past that passage was the torture chamber, empty and further along, the dungeon. Several prisoners were awake in their cells and two pairs of guards patrolled.
Ordo Drakul
31-12-2007, 15:45
Not wishing to engage further guards, but still curious, Muritan crept carefully along, noting the species and treatment of each prisoner. He wanted a full view, then to return to Joshua before the guards rotated shifts again...
31-12-2007, 23:36
Joshua opened one eye, hearing footsteps from above. Muritan, I think it's about time for the changing of these guards. I hear footsteps. He rose and carefully walked back toward the throne room to find the source of the noise.
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 04:26
Quietly as you can, back to the room. I'll meet you there. Muritan pulled back into the shadows, and prepared to creep into their bedroom.
01-01-2008, 04:39
Muritan, stay, keep looking. I'll take care of the noise, with less force that I used before I might add. Besides, I'm still under your unnoticeable spell, or protection, or whatever you'll call it. He hurried up the stairs to search for the source.
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 08:45
Very well. Muritan wandered, seeing a prisoner, a Light Elf chained to the wall. "Yu, dair-wot yu kriym?"
(OOC:"You there, what is your crime?")
01-01-2008, 08:46
Joshua quickly reached the two guards coming to relieve a pair somewhere underground. Just the two of them? This will be easier than I first thought. Before the thought was gone from his mind he grabbed a lock of hair from each of their heads and rammed them together just enough to knock them out. Problem, meet solution. I told you I'd handle it.
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 08:58
Our problem is the number of unconscious guards who lack sufficient mental tweaking to realize they fell asleep on duty. Muritan grumbled. I have a prisoner I wish to speak with-have you any capacity for mental adjustments? If not, try to keep the guards you're knocking about in one place-and check on our room with your bolongo. I'd hate to be thought missing right now.
01-01-2008, 09:01
Come to think of it, I always had help with that. Short of simply taking out chunks of their brains, no, I can't do anything. And removing brain chunks falls under that special category of "human alchemy." I hate that title too, it should really be something like "soul alchemy" but my teacher would never forgive me if I didn't uphold the traditions. Backing up though, human alchemy means I'd end up at the gate again, and since the third time's the charm, I'd probably end up dead at long last. He was going rapid fire once he hit "human alchemy" and hoped Muritan could keep up with the sudden rush of thoughts once he got there. A few of the more gruesome images of such a horror slipped out with his speech and they were the kind of thing that might haunt even Muritan.
But realizing it was too late to take them back, he just dragged the guards back to the crossroads.
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 09:17
You are fortunate I was present at the Curwen Farm and am aware of the "liveliest awfulness" humans are capable of making of themselves. That such a species can claim morality with a straight face... He rapped sharply on the cell door. "Why yu heer, elf? Yu life?"
Guards would be closing in-Muritan readied his sleep dust pellets and waited for a response.
01-01-2008, 09:18
I suppose I should be. But still, the idea of losing half your organs or worse doesn't exactly appeal to me. Also, I long ago lost track of your sounds. I can't tell one passage from another with all this echoing and ringing. What I can tell you is that there's a lot of water dripping somewhere and it's driving me nuts.
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 09:37
This castle is delightful-almost a map to my darksense. Dungeons, especially advanced ones with pumps and disposal facilities-often have such. Muritan observed. You know, I could keep the Lord like an Emperor, totally isolated from all outside experience, and run this region most effectively. A few Ordo Annilla "slaves" to placate him, adequate illusions of wealth and power--this could be quite an outpost...
01-01-2008, 09:40
Alright then, let's let water drip at about 70 decibels in YOUR head and see how you feel. And are you suggesting we take over this region? I suppose it's possible. Humans are perceptive, but only in small, non-influential groups.
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 09:53
Simplicity-enough slaves to placate him and transmit his desires to the outside world. Muritan was dripping servility. It would be accepted, and rolling him in cash would blind him most effectively. We would have a free hand, and our only maintenance keeping him in wealth.
01-01-2008, 09:55
You ARE suggesting we take over the region! I don't know weather to be disgusted or intrigued. I do know however that I can work a bit of magic, no pun intended, to create gold quite effectively. There's the wealth problem solved.
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 10:07
With our mastery of illusion, it would have little do do with the reality of the situation-we would coddle the Lord, keeping him isolated, while we did as we desired.
01-01-2008, 10:12
This is getting seriously tempting. Hang on, you can create illusions right? And I'm guessing so can others, so wouldn't we just need to stick him in a room with very realistic illusions?
Ordo Drakul
01-01-2008, 14:22
A team of Ordo Annilla could keep him in a gilded cage, ruling in his stead easily enough. Muritan replied. We have ruled before, in secret, and will doubtless do so again.
01-01-2008, 22:23
Wait, we're just going to stick him in a cage? Then there's no real need to do anything but feed him. He doesn't need servants if he'll just rot in a cell. Or gold for that matter.
Ordo Drakul
02-01-2008, 01:24
A gilded cage. He'll be needed for public appearances and political maneuvers-at least initially. So long as he is kept in the dark regarding what's really going on and his land prospers, it may even be possible to convince other nobles to accept our administration. Muritan tapped at the cell door again. I do believe this prisoner is dead.
02-01-2008, 01:40
May I suggest another approach? Simply kill him off and whenever he is needed for appearances, use an illusion or a disguise. That way he's out of the way, but we still have his influence. As for the prisoner, hang on a second. He drew a quick circle on the wall and touched both hands to it. He was able to quickly find Muritan and then found the nearest other organic matter, the elf in question. Joshua channeled his magic through the elf which began breathing. "Well, I didn't think I could reanimate anything." It wheezed out. "Don't worry though, there's nobody around you to hear and I'm only making it move, not bring it back to life. The Elf hasn't been dead long so it's not completely stiff. Oh, and I can't hear through this, just talk." Joshua stopped the spell and used the bolongos to communicate again.
Well, at least now I can scare the crap out of people on Halloween. But that takes a lot of energy to do. The best part is that since it had nothing to do with souls, the natural laws of Alchemy didn't need to take effect.
02-01-2008, 06:22
One other prisoner, in the cell across from the Light Elf had been awakened. He couldn't see Muritan, due to his spell but could feel a large dark presence. He knew it couldn't be an human. He brought himself into sort of a living trance, he was still conscious and aware, however his mind was in two places. He focused his thoughts on the dark presence and tried to communicate with his mind.

''Who is there?''
02-01-2008, 06:31
Joshua, through the Bolongos, felt an intrusion into the channel they had. Is someone trying to communicate with us? I feel a third party and it worries me.
He again withdrew his chalk and created a simple circle on the wall, one for simply changing the shape of matter, not changing the kind. Touching it, he focused on what circle he needed, and it created itself just above the chalk circle. He touched it with his left hand and felt an immense tug on the nerves as he connected again with the dead elf, this time to see, hear, and speak through.
At first the vision was foggy, the hearing dull, and everything was stiff, but movement brought back moisture which made everything easier and clearer. "Muritan, whoever is trying to communicate is nearby." The elf's voice was wheezy and dry.
02-01-2008, 07:04
The Dark Elf felt another presence, this was not large, but very very strong. Rather powerful dark magic was being used. He changed his mind. It was likely a band of dark elves, here to bust him out. He simply remained quiet and waited.
Ordo Drakul
02-01-2008, 07:12
"Hey, yu-why yu heer?" Muritan asked. "Wot yu du?"
(OOC:"Hey, you-why are you here? What did you do?")
02-01-2008, 07:16
The dark elf replied, through telepathy.

''I'm generally looked upon as evil, so when I was caught outside a stable where several horses were stolen, I was arrested without question.''
02-01-2008, 07:22
The elf possessed by Joshua spoke again. "That sounds like the kind of thing that would happen here." The voice was beginning to grow a bit better, even if Joshua grew weak. "And I think I got this whole puppetry thing down. I'm weak in my natural body until I relinquish the possession, but the one I control works just fine. If only I could move it though."
Ordo Drakul
02-01-2008, 07:22
"I zee." Muritan couldn't smell horses, nor even a whiff of them, and the Elf did not appear well-bathed. "What 'bowt yu fren?"
(OOC:"I see." "What about your friend?")
02-01-2008, 07:29
"Are you referring to me? Hehehe, I've always wanted to say something like that." Joshua had his moment of fun before he heard a guard stirring near his normal form. A swift kick from a free leg ended that problem.
02-01-2008, 07:46
Once again, using telepathy he responded.

''I have no idea, he never spoke.''

The Elf did know that the crime was rather violent. The first day he had been brought in he had attempted to enter his thoughts. The Light Elf was too closed in, and seemed to have mental issues. Mental issues always made it hard to enter a mind because it caused it to think in different ways. It's kinda like cracking a code.
02-01-2008, 07:52
"Well, don't look at me for the answers. When a person dies, their soul AND mind leave so I can't figure anything out. I do know that he died within a couple hours though. I also know that he was very stressed out, there's an unusual amount of tension here, even for the usual stiffness of death."
Ordo Drakul
02-01-2008, 10:23
Necromancy is the province of the Zorak Zorani. Muritan stated. What does a structural analysis tell you? Torture?
02-01-2008, 10:37
Necromancy is bringing something back to life. If I leave, the magic stops and the corpse stops doing anything. That's not necromancy last I checked. Besides, I'm fine with just using it as eyes and ears. It's draining me too much though, I've gotta stop the spell. He pulled his hand from the circle, which had been glowing with violet, almost black, light and realized he'd been in a cold sweat from his effort. After taking a couple deep breaths he created a new circle from the first chalk one and activated it. There are torture devices farther down from you, but you're in a prison section. Shall I let loose the prisoners now or later? Also, there's a lot of insect activity here, spiders are common too, and I'm arachnophobic.
Ordo Drakul
02-01-2008, 10:44
When did this go from simple information gathering to an overthrow? Since there's but two of us, I think it's more incumbent upon us to gather information than begin a takeover. Besides, some of these folk may be here for good reason...
02-01-2008, 10:56
It became an overthrow when you started talking about capturing the lord and using him as a puppet and controlling the region. But you're right, information first. Hang on, I'll see if there's something beyond the torture chamber. Joshua kept pushing on, it was a lot like groping in the dark actually. He could feel where things were, but also where something stood and exactly what everything was made of. But feeling where things were gave problems, the floor was vast and it was hard to create a mental map and look for new things. I don't think there's anything beyond that, but I could be wrong. If I was there I could more easily tell you.
Ordo Drakul
02-01-2008, 22:22
Among our mission parameters is insertion methods for troops, and this Lord makes my hackles rise. Muritan slid up to the cell door. This prisoner has seen enough to make him a danger-should I kill him or release him?
02-01-2008, 23:46
It's up to you I guess, I have no use for him, but if he's dead by being attacked or is released while we're here, it could lead to problems. I'll take care of it. Joshua again touched the circle that animated the dead elf and this time he searched out two forms: the dead elf and the prisoner. The dead elf spoke one last time to the imprisoned dark elf. "I'm sorry it's come to this, but we can't risk them torturing info out of you or releasing you. Besides, it's best if you are no longer confined to a dying body." Before the elf was given time to respond, Joshua stopped his heart and lungs as he severed the spine. His death should have been quick and painless, not this torture the Lord of this vile castle brought on him.
Ordo Drakul
03-01-2008, 03:30
I believe we've really discovered all we can here without interrogation of the prisoners. Muritan responded. Let me edit the minds of the guards we attacked, and we can retire to consider what tack to best pin our diplomacy to the King on.
03-01-2008, 03:43
Should I head back before you then? After all, If a guard goes in and sees both of us gone, it'll be bad. If a guard comes in and sees me asleep and didn't know you were gone, it'll be less disastrous.
Ordo Drakul
03-01-2008, 04:43
Unless the illusion's been disturbed, I should be sleeping at the foot of your bed. I shall perform the adjustments, and meet you at the chambers.
03-01-2008, 04:47
Joshua headed up the stairs. That's what I'm worried about. There may be wizards here capable of breaking my spells without me knowing and I don't want that to happen. And IF it happened and the illusion's been disturbed, we're in trouble.
Ordo Drakul
03-01-2008, 04:59
How delightful. And fortuitous to think of it now.
03-01-2008, 05:05
Joshua chuckled nervously. Well, I don't sense anything being broken, but it never hurts to be more safe than sorry. And I should probably let you know now that I tend to do this a lot. I'm usually writing notes like mad because I'm quite forgetful. A ringing started in his ears. Um, Muritan, I don't know how to say this, but someone trying to break one of my spells as we speak.
Ordo Drakul
03-01-2008, 14:59
Muritan thought rather gruesome curses as he moved with all possible speed to the bedroom he shared with Joshua, going just slow enough as not to spoil his unnoticability. Interfere not in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger, he reminded himself. However subtle the wizard, though, biting his head off will seriously cramp his style.
03-01-2008, 23:30
Joshua lost all care for not being noticed and bolted up the stairs, through the door, and out the main gate without noticing anyone to notice him. Once out the castle, he realized he would need to get to the other side of the grounds, and the quickest way was up and over. Leaping to the top of the castle wasn't the hard part, it was getting across without the guards atop noticing, something easily accomplished by tossing a small black ball to his right set off an explosion that brought every guard running, allowing him passage to the house he was staying in.
Upon arrival he noticed two things. One, there were guards posted everywhere and two, there was no less than one wizard working to break his spell before entering. "Oh crap."
04-01-2008, 05:35
The ''wizard'' as they called it was not really a wizard. The creature they spoke of was half elf, half man, thus giving the ability to perform magic. It was a very rare creature sought after by humans. They believed they could trust the creature better due to its human qualities. The wizard stood at the door. In his hand he held a large oak staff. He could feel the dark magic inside the room and knew something was up. He ordered the guards to get back and dropped his staff. Looking at the door he extended his hands, forming a yellow orb of light within his hands. He was about to break the door down.

OOC: In Orbath, humans are not capable of magic. Half breeds are a rare exception and it is even rarer to find one capable of performing magic well, if at all. Often these creatures have physical or mental deformities.
04-01-2008, 07:33
OOC: We'll keep that in mind.

IC: Joshua was stunned. On one hand, he could expose everything. On the other... He grabbed the last of the black powder ball and began a transmutation with his right hand, creating roughly fifty little balls, perfect for creating a very large smoke screen that would allow him into the house through the window on the far side. He started a delayed spell and scattered the balls around the house after leaping above it. Right on cue the whole area was covered in smoke, even blocking the view of the light from what he believed to be a wizard.
Joshua landed on the far side, tapped a small circle on the window to allow him passage, and climbed through. Destroying the double of him in the bed, he climbed under the covers and put on his best acting of the day: acting as if he'd been asleep even though he's just been through a mild workout. The open window was beginning to let some of the smoke in the room, a perfect cover for why he was awake at such an hour.
Ordo Drakul
04-01-2008, 15:47
Damnation! Now there would be questions, and answers had best be forthcoming. Muritan had to wait-they blocked the doorway, and he could not shoulder past them. However, at this range, he could manipulate his doppleganger, and perhaps pour a bit more into it, if needed. Not much-a touch here and there without dissipating, taking a kick certainly. As soon as they moved, he would take it's place, but they had to move first...
05-01-2008, 02:23
The half breed and the soldiers found themselves engulfed in a cloud of thick, black smoke. The Elf could sense that dark magic was being used. Once again he formed a ball of light in his hand but this time it didn't stop growing. It was a very faint yellow color and continued to grow and grow, pushing the thick smoke back and encasing the half breed and most of the soldiers in it. This allowed him the ability to see the door. He stopped forming the bubble and it remained, while he formed another orb in his hand. This orb glowed a bright golden almost white color. He threw the orb at the door, blasting it off its hinges. The soldiers rushed into the room.
Ordo Drakul
05-01-2008, 03:10
Muritan closed his eyes to avoid being blinded, and waited until the group had charged in, sweeping in after and making his way towards the illusion that leaped up in a defensive posture. He tried to casually slip into it's place, hoping the bright flash and smoke filling the room would cover his movements.
05-01-2008, 03:27
"What is the meaning of this!?" Joshua demanded, seeing the door blown across the room. "What have I and my servant done to warrant this assault?!" Muritan, they're through the door, hurry in.
05-01-2008, 06:24
The half breed and the guards swarmed in, quickly clearing the building. The half breed responded.

''We've had a breach in the castle, we've come to ensure your safe and move you to a safer location until we can figure out what is going on. You must come, quickly.''

The half breed of course, was lying. He could sense the dark magic but wanted to save face. It would be up to the Lord to decide what to do.
Ordo Drakul
05-01-2008, 15:16
Muritan rose up in the middle of the guards, looking to Joshua and grunting in such a fashion as to send hands to weapons. Apparently placated, he resumed subservience.
05-01-2008, 18:28
Damnit. Whoever that is, he's a magic user and I'll bet he's the one who sensed my alarms. It would be entirely possible to have simply walked right in, there was no need to blow down the door!
"Before we go, I have one more question. Is that how you treat ALL unlocked doors? Because really, I was completely trusting everything here to not NEED a lock for the simple reason that there was none on there. And another thing, is this black powder smoke from that break in in the castle?"
06-01-2008, 05:51
''I'm not sure, I've never seen anything like this before. As for the door, I felt I needed to take action, I could sense magic, I believed your lives to be in danger. Now please, hurry, come!''
Ordo Drakul
06-01-2008, 15:27
He's lying-should I bite off his head for it? Muritan's expression was a study in pure innocence. Be on guard-your play with the circles has not gone unnoted.
07-01-2008, 00:37
I noticed too. Being half human like myself means he gives off many of the telltale signs of lying. And besides that, I'll wager your little illusion didn't go unnoticed either. "Alright, we're coming. But still, next time, just knock. Come, Muritan."
Ordo Drakul
07-01-2008, 02:26
Hardly-he's harping about dark magic-illusions are Lunar magic. Muritan observed ironically. Which of the telltale signs did you notice? His lips moving?
07-01-2008, 02:31
He also mentioned simply magic before you asked about biting his head off. As for signs, I noticed his sweating, pheromones, and his constant looking to the left while he lies.
Ordo Drakul
07-01-2008, 04:31
He's a Light Elf-look at his complexion. He's also not terribly adept-why they rely on natural ability without honing and training... Muritan shrugged. The gods grant us all such enemies.
07-01-2008, 06:20
The half breed and a guard of no less than twenty guards rushed Muritan and Joshua towards the throne room. Along the way, guards rushed frantically to their posts while other combed the castle, searching for any sign of an intruder. In the throne room they were met by the Lord and around forty guards, including another half breed. They were led down into the passage that had been explored before, however, rather than heading down towards the dungeon, they traveled down the corridor that had been once dark, but was now brightly lit. At the end of the corridor was a large, heavy steel down, propped open by a large wooden stake. The Lord, Muritan and Joshua were ushered inside, followed by 10 or so guards and one of the half breeds. The remaining guards shut the door, and prepared to defend it if need be.

Inside the room was rather well furnished. A large table with a 3d situational map of the castle was built. THe Lord motioned for the two to sit.

''I'm deeply sorry about this. ''We've had an intrusion upon the castle and valuing my life as well of ours, I've had them bring us here. It is the safest place in the castle.''
07-01-2008, 07:16
Joshua replied with a practiced calm. "Do you have any idea who could have done this or why? Also, my sleeping quarters seem to have been assaulted with some kind of smoke, and magic was used near there. Do we know why?" I've noticed. But what do you expect trying to do an elf's job with just half that talent?
Ordo Drakul
07-01-2008, 16:29
I should expect to train-but I'm a perfectionist. Muritan squatted where the Lord indicated he should, and made a show of watching his "master", his Darksense probing outwards. Bowmen in the curtains above-nothing aimed at us though-probably a standard guard, protecting His Lordship.
07-01-2008, 20:07
You and me both as far as perfection goes. And yes, standard guard to be ready at a moment's notice should the Lord's life be threatened. His fear is genuine though, it's impossible to recreate the pheromones from that.
07-01-2008, 23:13
''I'm sorry, I don't know at the moment but we will find out.''

They would sit, making small talk for an hour or so, when one of the half breeds returned, telling them they had found no sign of an intruder and that the coast was clear. The Lord addressed Muritan and Joshua.

''You may return to your quarters and gather your things, I'll have you moved into the main chambers, I assure you, there will be no more disturbances. Though it is early. If you wish, I can have breakfast prepared earlier and we can eat now?''
08-01-2008, 03:53
Joshua withdrew the silver pocket watch of the military alchemists of Sylvonia and opened it. "It's a mere quarter to five, but I suppose that would be a good idea. Would it be alright if Muritan and I moved things after breakfast though? We don't have much, but I'm sure he's at least as hungry as I after the excitement this morning."
08-01-2008, 05:26
'' That would be fine. Please, follow me to the dining hall.''

He led them out of the tunnels to a building adjacent to the throne room. Inside it was well decorated, like the throne room with a large wood table and chairs which seemed to sparkle.
08-01-2008, 05:43
Joshua took a seat he hoped would be appropriate and awaited further input from the lord before continuing.
Ordo Drakul
08-01-2008, 16:15
Muritan grunted and stood behind Joshua's chair and to his left. He stood mutely, scanning the room for any threats.
08-01-2008, 23:13
The Lord asked them to wait while he left. When he returned he looked rather grim.

''I've just spoken with the Guard Commander. He has informed me of a breach in our security. It is believed that a small group of people, likely Dark Elves somehow gained access to the castle. Our suspicions are that they mistook the diplomats quarters for my chambers and attempted to gain access to your room. It is even possible that they accessed your room but did not find me, thus left. In the confusion, some sort of magical fire killed two guards. I'm truly sorry for what has occurred. I am willing offer $2000 worth of gold bricks to make up for any damages caused to you.''

As he finished, a lavish breakfast was brought in on many different trays. The table was covered in anything they could imagine, though they would notice, quite a bit of it was fish related.
08-01-2008, 23:30
Dear lord! I like fish but not that much! And what do you say to the gold, it may help later with the king.
Ordo Drakul
09-01-2008, 05:30
I know you killed the prisoner, but TWO guards? Muritan prodded Joshua to toss him some fish, which he ate with relish. You've been very busy. As far as the gold, it would be polite to accept, but tell him these things happen, you understand, etc., then ask it be passed to the families of fallen guards-they were protecting our lives as well. It's only fitting, and I'd love to see his expression when he hears it. I believe his King would know the difference between our gold and his own lord's mint. We brew ours pure alchemically, giving it a pale orange color, and do not mark it in the event it needs to be used for services we do not wish tracked to us. God only knows the impurities they add to make that metal useful...
09-01-2008, 05:44
Joshua handed him what looked to be an interestingly prepared fish before speaking to Muritan. Ha ha ha. I didn't kill them. Magical fire did and I just used brute force. My smoke pellets are also flameless so that couldn't have done it. We weren't the only intruders last night. And although I'm an alchemist and a few quick taps would easily allow me to create gold identical to yours, I'll take your advice and offer it to the families. Joshua directed his attention to the Lord and stated simply. "The guards died in the line of duty, which at the time also included myself and Muritan. For that we are grateful and would love to accept your gold, however, it would be more appropriate to give it to the families of the two brave men who died this night. Right Muritan?" He looked to the troll. Please agree and make my life easy. God knows it's been anything but lately.
Ordo Drakul
09-01-2008, 07:07
Muritan shook his head up and down furiously, goggling, "Uh-huh,Uh-huh, Uh-huh!"
09-01-2008, 21:43
With that act, you may have just helped him to think that we don't have anything but our wares. Course, my luck is never that good.
Ordo Drakul
10-01-2008, 06:12
Semper ubi sub ubi, Muritan piously thought. If it was magic, that implies either Light or Fire Elves, since the humans here aren't magicians. Perhaps questioning him may help us determine their whereabouts, and we can establish a messenger service with Eldar and his lot.
10-01-2008, 06:20
Muritan, you are officially brilliant. Joshua found a pitcher of orange juice and some coffee cake and helped himself to both. "I don't suppose you know how they get in do you? Or where they might have come from? They're obviously not human, humans here can't use magic."
10-01-2008, 06:46
'' I haven't the slightest idea how they got in, though I do have suspicions on who may have carried out the attack. We've had problems with a rebel group, actually a couple. That's partly why I suggest not traveling at night.''
10-01-2008, 06:53
I suppose this is good. They can't send anyone after them. But bad, because we can't either. "Shame." Said Joshua, taking a bit of the coffee cake. Oh this is good. I haven't had coffee cake in ages. It's like an addiction for me. "It would be great if we could find them and eliminate the problem."
10-01-2008, 07:00
'' We know the locations of their strongholds but they are just way too well defended. They are skilled in magic and they use this to their advantage.''

The Lord bit into an Elken fish, chewed and went on.

''One such group is located just north of here. They've hidden in the forests, built some sort of fortress and utilize their magics. Its primarly Light and Earth Elves. Another group is located in the mountains many miles from here. A third resides deep in the dark lands, where we do not travel.''
10-01-2008, 07:03
"I see. So this is quite a problem for you. What would happen if you brought one of their own with you when you attempted to get in? Would it be possible to gain entrance, and thus a victory, if you did so?" Joshua took a sip of orange juice and continued with his coffee cake.We have the locations, now we just need to go there after we visit the king. This could be interesting.
Ordo Drakul
10-01-2008, 08:13
We should head out, but appearances should be maintained-we should seem to be avoiding these strongholds en route to His Majesty. Reality is a different matter, of course, but I hardly intend to tell this one about that. Muritan was slurping down Elkenfish heartily, licking the berry sauce off the fish before he'd gulp it down.