The Fedral Union
08-10-2007, 00:56
The Lexington Class Heavy cruiser:
Description: The Lexington class Heavy cruiser, Is the work horse of the Federation fleet, the ship itself is over 1.718 km in length, its beam is 1.2 km, and its height is 70 meters. The Cruiser itself is post colonial design; utilizing the latest technology the Lexington class has proven so far to be an effective Design. It has been in service for less than 15 years. Its goal is to facilitate and execute the duties of a main stay capital craft.
Systems: The systems of the Lexington class are Unique, Containing several centralized AI control centers through the ship, as well as sub centers for back up.
Power reactor: The reactor on Federation ships utilize total energy conversion matrixes, utilizing anti matter and exotic matter to crate energy, the total energy reactor of the ship is highly efficient and produces more than enough power as long as it’s fed with fuel. The ship contains One UD-100 Generation Four total conversion reactor and Generation five Union Dynamics Plasma reactors.
Sensors: The Sensors of the Lexington class are some of the most advanced in the fleet, utilizing twenty four Different auxiliary and main control sensors per arc. Each sensor array is tied in to a back up and central AI that’s able to think light years ahead a human, the device is tied in to the Eye of Providence system, which can track millions of targets at the same time and automatically choose with in a split seconds notice what to target.
Sub light: The Sub light engines of the Lexington are Merlin 2 Ultra Plasma injected gravimetric hybrid drives; these drives are capable of accelerating the cruiser up to .99 c in a straight line with acceleration rate of .05 C’s per second. The Drives use Proto matter/ plasma injectors to provide, massive quantities of thrust. The proto matter Is injected in to the plasma fusion chamber, the proto matter Instantly fuses to a point with the plasma then reacts, if the chamber lacked focusers the stream of super hot exotic particles would burn the engines out, the stream of force producing particles is projected in back of the ship. The Second aspect of this Drive is the Gravimetric one, several gravity well arrays are placed around the vessel, to project gravity wells and to pull the ship forward in to them. There are two aft, two forward one port, one starboard, on dorsal and one ventral. It is tied in to the Merlin engines central control center.
Faster than light: The Faster than Light drives of the Lexington Class, are Union dynamics CSD Class 4’s , they are fourth generation sub space folding drives, the Coaxial Sub space Drive works with a two in one method of travel. The first is that it opens up a rift in to sub space, the ship is then jumped in to the dimension using energy conversion, allowing it to be accelerated beyond the speed of light. It is then recompiled on the other end in sub space, after this process, the drives begin to fold sub space around the jump, while it is already traveling at satisfactory speeds, folding of sub space allows the ship to be lunged at ultra fast speeds towards its destination. The System is tied in to the sensors via AI and interlinks.
Fighter bays: The Lexington class contains multiple launch bays; the entire ship has a complement of 60 Thunderbolt Viper fighter craft, each of the craft are kept in parking spots inside of the bay, the Lexington contains 6 launch bays, these bays can launch 10 fighters each per Minuit. The complements of fighters also include 4 tactical bombers, and 15 Super ferret Fighter bombers. Transports include 45 STA-106 Super dolphins. The fighter bays may also contain SF-22 Saber Tooth fighters but they are usually assigned depending on mission.
Shielding and defense systems: The Shielding and defensive systems of the Lexington class are equally impressive, the Lexington utilizes 4 layers of shielding, the first consist of a hardened Force field (or hard shields) these are extremely resilient to all forms of damage . The second layer of shielding is the standard multi dimensional shield witch filters out the initial damage of the weapon even more, it teleports most of the shot and spreads it across the multiverse , be it kinetic or energy, the next layer of shielding is a standard heavy deflector it absorbs and takes the damage of whatever remains of the shot however the energy of the hit is transferred to the strongest points of the shield reducing the impact upon the hull armor considerably more. The Final layer of shielding is a hull hugging ultra high captivity deflector system using the same methods as the third to reduce damage.
Armor: The hull armor of the ship consists of a multi layer composite alloy, the first layer is 2 meter thick Boruim alloy specially fused and atomically welded with Tri-storntoruim alloy , the second layer is Tritanuim-5 Atomically fused with Crystalline carbonate alloy, this layer is 2 meters thick. The third and final layer is separated from the others via crystalline reactive foam to absorb KE impacts. The third layer consists of another two meter plate of ablative Anti plasma/ fire Proof Boruim composite.
Armament The armament of the Lexington is extensive. Its main guns are 8 twin turrets with 5 meter GAC cannons; they utilize the Gene core, 5 X 4 Type 22 Gravimetric Acceleration Cannons these guns while not as powerful as the new York classes 10 x 8 GAC’s are still formidable weapons, they can fire , rocket assist or normal slugs that can travel up to .94 C.
The Lexington also contains 14 Dual barreled Neutron particle impact laser cannons (NPIL), these cannons fired hardened and ultra focused beams of neutrons at a target, the impact releases kinetic as well as energy damage upon the targets hull and shield, the particles are moved at .99c or when phased it can go C Towards its target.
The ship is not limited to these two types of energy weapons, a Mainstay of the fleet has been the Neutron blaster, the Lexington class contains 24 MWH-151 Series Medium Neutron blasters, the ship also contains 18 MWH-151H series Dual Heavy Blasters. The Neutron blaster has two modes, Pulsed and beamed, the Pulse mode sends out streams of onioned packets of neutron energy at its target. The beam mode sends out a solid unbroken neutron beam laser.
The ship also contains several quad Ion pulse / beam cannons, that produce high energy beams of Ions able to slash through most enemies shielding and carve through armor, the cannons sacrifice speed when they switch to beam mode, all four guns fire a continuous stream of Ion beams for several moments then they need to cool off for twice as long, while in pulse mode the cannons fire up to fifteen pulses in rapid succession per barrel.
The Lexington also contains 18 Position beam cannons, these cannons fire positron particles in a stream going at .99c, they are deadly to unshielded targets but also wield a grate force against shielded ships, the cannons are mainly an anti capital ship role, each positron cannon is a dual emplacement.
Energy weapons are not the only thing this cruiser carries; Missiles are another armament that is prevalent. The first class of missile is the SM-12 Manta; the SM-12 manta is a 13.5 Teraton yield missile with an anti matter warhead, its guidance consists of quantum painting, sensors and anti radiation guidance. The missile itself is powered extensively by a union dynamics PFR-120 plasma fusion rocket. The SM-12 Also has ECM and ECCM packets Installed, as well as a 2 stage Vectoring fusion turbo charger .The Lexington class can carry 2500 VLS Cells, with 4 SM-12 each.
Another class of missile equipped on to the Lexington is the LTAMM-5 Puffin (the Long range Theatre Anti missile, missile) these Missiles are equipped with a two stage Fusion rocket Gene Core -2 kinetic warhead, meant for slamming in to fighters and missiles, it is equipped with quantum painting sensor guidance, and vectoring thrust.
Point defense- key to any defense against missiles or fighters, point defense is the most important aspect of capital ship effectiveness. The main stay of most Federation capital ships point defense, are normal run of the mill point defense lasers. These lasers are mounted in dual and single beam mounts Using AI to track targets. More advanced forms include smart drones, that can deploy smart chaff, contain ECM and ECCM packets, as well as have a 30 mm Neturon pulse cannon and HTK Micro missiles. The next Step in point defense for federation ship is the employment of an interceptor energy web, the Interceptor Grid links many Energy pulse/beam point defense turrets to a central and back up super AI, this system is rated at 100% Effective against missiles and C frac’s but continuous use degrades this effectiveness, range is also a factor, the technology also employs emitters that can project an energy web close to the ship to prevent missiles from entering.
The Lexington class has a crew of 1500 personnel and officers however it can also carry an additional 25,000 marines, an entire division As well as equipment and tanks and other ground assault vehicles.
All and all the entire cruiser project has cost the Federation more than 8.9 trillion, and each ship is estimated to cost 500 billion to 1.2 trillion F$
OOC: I’m looking for opinions on this I spent 3 days thinking up something for this ship, anything I can add guys?
The Lexington Class Heavy cruiser:
Description: The Lexington class Heavy cruiser, Is the work horse of the Federation fleet, the ship itself is over 1.718 km in length, its beam is 1.2 km, and its height is 70 meters. The Cruiser itself is post colonial design; utilizing the latest technology the Lexington class has proven so far to be an effective Design. It has been in service for less than 15 years. Its goal is to facilitate and execute the duties of a main stay capital craft.
Systems: The systems of the Lexington class are Unique, Containing several centralized AI control centers through the ship, as well as sub centers for back up.
Power reactor: The reactor on Federation ships utilize total energy conversion matrixes, utilizing anti matter and exotic matter to crate energy, the total energy reactor of the ship is highly efficient and produces more than enough power as long as it’s fed with fuel. The ship contains One UD-100 Generation Four total conversion reactor and Generation five Union Dynamics Plasma reactors.
Sensors: The Sensors of the Lexington class are some of the most advanced in the fleet, utilizing twenty four Different auxiliary and main control sensors per arc. Each sensor array is tied in to a back up and central AI that’s able to think light years ahead a human, the device is tied in to the Eye of Providence system, which can track millions of targets at the same time and automatically choose with in a split seconds notice what to target.
Sub light: The Sub light engines of the Lexington are Merlin 2 Ultra Plasma injected gravimetric hybrid drives; these drives are capable of accelerating the cruiser up to .99 c in a straight line with acceleration rate of .05 C’s per second. The Drives use Proto matter/ plasma injectors to provide, massive quantities of thrust. The proto matter Is injected in to the plasma fusion chamber, the proto matter Instantly fuses to a point with the plasma then reacts, if the chamber lacked focusers the stream of super hot exotic particles would burn the engines out, the stream of force producing particles is projected in back of the ship. The Second aspect of this Drive is the Gravimetric one, several gravity well arrays are placed around the vessel, to project gravity wells and to pull the ship forward in to them. There are two aft, two forward one port, one starboard, on dorsal and one ventral. It is tied in to the Merlin engines central control center.
Faster than light: The Faster than Light drives of the Lexington Class, are Union dynamics CSD Class 4’s , they are fourth generation sub space folding drives, the Coaxial Sub space Drive works with a two in one method of travel. The first is that it opens up a rift in to sub space, the ship is then jumped in to the dimension using energy conversion, allowing it to be accelerated beyond the speed of light. It is then recompiled on the other end in sub space, after this process, the drives begin to fold sub space around the jump, while it is already traveling at satisfactory speeds, folding of sub space allows the ship to be lunged at ultra fast speeds towards its destination. The System is tied in to the sensors via AI and interlinks.
Fighter bays: The Lexington class contains multiple launch bays; the entire ship has a complement of 60 Thunderbolt Viper fighter craft, each of the craft are kept in parking spots inside of the bay, the Lexington contains 6 launch bays, these bays can launch 10 fighters each per Minuit. The complements of fighters also include 4 tactical bombers, and 15 Super ferret Fighter bombers. Transports include 45 STA-106 Super dolphins. The fighter bays may also contain SF-22 Saber Tooth fighters but they are usually assigned depending on mission.
Shielding and defense systems: The Shielding and defensive systems of the Lexington class are equally impressive, the Lexington utilizes 4 layers of shielding, the first consist of a hardened Force field (or hard shields) these are extremely resilient to all forms of damage . The second layer of shielding is the standard multi dimensional shield witch filters out the initial damage of the weapon even more, it teleports most of the shot and spreads it across the multiverse , be it kinetic or energy, the next layer of shielding is a standard heavy deflector it absorbs and takes the damage of whatever remains of the shot however the energy of the hit is transferred to the strongest points of the shield reducing the impact upon the hull armor considerably more. The Final layer of shielding is a hull hugging ultra high captivity deflector system using the same methods as the third to reduce damage.
Armor: The hull armor of the ship consists of a multi layer composite alloy, the first layer is 2 meter thick Boruim alloy specially fused and atomically welded with Tri-storntoruim alloy , the second layer is Tritanuim-5 Atomically fused with Crystalline carbonate alloy, this layer is 2 meters thick. The third and final layer is separated from the others via crystalline reactive foam to absorb KE impacts. The third layer consists of another two meter plate of ablative Anti plasma/ fire Proof Boruim composite.
Armament The armament of the Lexington is extensive. Its main guns are 8 twin turrets with 5 meter GAC cannons; they utilize the Gene core, 5 X 4 Type 22 Gravimetric Acceleration Cannons these guns while not as powerful as the new York classes 10 x 8 GAC’s are still formidable weapons, they can fire , rocket assist or normal slugs that can travel up to .94 C.
The Lexington also contains 14 Dual barreled Neutron particle impact laser cannons (NPIL), these cannons fired hardened and ultra focused beams of neutrons at a target, the impact releases kinetic as well as energy damage upon the targets hull and shield, the particles are moved at .99c or when phased it can go C Towards its target.
The ship is not limited to these two types of energy weapons, a Mainstay of the fleet has been the Neutron blaster, the Lexington class contains 24 MWH-151 Series Medium Neutron blasters, the ship also contains 18 MWH-151H series Dual Heavy Blasters. The Neutron blaster has two modes, Pulsed and beamed, the Pulse mode sends out streams of onioned packets of neutron energy at its target. The beam mode sends out a solid unbroken neutron beam laser.
The ship also contains several quad Ion pulse / beam cannons, that produce high energy beams of Ions able to slash through most enemies shielding and carve through armor, the cannons sacrifice speed when they switch to beam mode, all four guns fire a continuous stream of Ion beams for several moments then they need to cool off for twice as long, while in pulse mode the cannons fire up to fifteen pulses in rapid succession per barrel.
The Lexington also contains 18 Position beam cannons, these cannons fire positron particles in a stream going at .99c, they are deadly to unshielded targets but also wield a grate force against shielded ships, the cannons are mainly an anti capital ship role, each positron cannon is a dual emplacement.
Energy weapons are not the only thing this cruiser carries; Missiles are another armament that is prevalent. The first class of missile is the SM-12 Manta; the SM-12 manta is a 13.5 Teraton yield missile with an anti matter warhead, its guidance consists of quantum painting, sensors and anti radiation guidance. The missile itself is powered extensively by a union dynamics PFR-120 plasma fusion rocket. The SM-12 Also has ECM and ECCM packets Installed, as well as a 2 stage Vectoring fusion turbo charger .The Lexington class can carry 2500 VLS Cells, with 4 SM-12 each.
Another class of missile equipped on to the Lexington is the LTAMM-5 Puffin (the Long range Theatre Anti missile, missile) these Missiles are equipped with a two stage Fusion rocket Gene Core -2 kinetic warhead, meant for slamming in to fighters and missiles, it is equipped with quantum painting sensor guidance, and vectoring thrust.
Point defense- key to any defense against missiles or fighters, point defense is the most important aspect of capital ship effectiveness. The main stay of most Federation capital ships point defense, are normal run of the mill point defense lasers. These lasers are mounted in dual and single beam mounts Using AI to track targets. More advanced forms include smart drones, that can deploy smart chaff, contain ECM and ECCM packets, as well as have a 30 mm Neturon pulse cannon and HTK Micro missiles. The next Step in point defense for federation ship is the employment of an interceptor energy web, the Interceptor Grid links many Energy pulse/beam point defense turrets to a central and back up super AI, this system is rated at 100% Effective against missiles and C frac’s but continuous use degrades this effectiveness, range is also a factor, the technology also employs emitters that can project an energy web close to the ship to prevent missiles from entering.
The Lexington class has a crew of 1500 personnel and officers however it can also carry an additional 25,000 marines, an entire division As well as equipment and tanks and other ground assault vehicles.
All and all the entire cruiser project has cost the Federation more than 8.9 trillion, and each ship is estimated to cost 500 billion to 1.2 trillion F$
OOC: I’m looking for opinions on this I spent 3 days thinking up something for this ship, anything I can add guys?