OOC Thread For Little Haywood (Zombie/Open)
A Classic Zombie Thread with a Twist. This thread will have a major impact upon my nation and its immediate history. I have a story line planned for the thread that will have impact upon any potential characters. For now please feel free to get involved and sign up for now like any thread enjoy developing your characters and Killing Zombies. Please Sign Up your characters here and get posting no need to wait for approval.
Happy RP'ing, Have Fun
1) Nothing Over the Top.
2) Weapons are legal on island just nothing stupid like Grenade Launchers and Tanks. Nothing bigger than an Assualt Rifle.
3)Communication and Power across the island is cut so no outside comms is avaliable. Escape from Island is off limits due to engagements from unknown Subs and Fighters.
4) Outside Special Force Insertions is welcome as long as its played realistically.
5) No Super Troops, Robots, or anything above mid range PMT.
6) Realistic RP is complusory.
07-10-2007, 15:19
Tag for interest.
Lol, jumping me in eh?:p Not a problem man, this actually lets me use a character whom I've been needing to bring back for a while. Also, about the weapons rules, the Grenade Launchers bit is unclear since you have them in the IC posts now. I'd advise a clarification there, like if it's a underbarrel or suchlike personal weapon (old M-79 independent GL's from Vietnam for instance) it's legal, and maybe even light antitank stuff like RPGs; but if it's a darn artillery piece or missile then no. Your thread, your rules though of course. I'll edit my characters in detail once I start posting IC, I know it's going to be a six-man Marine Commando team and who's going to head it; but IDK much else beyond that off the top, and need to look that all up first since the data's in a couple of old threads. See you in the thread soon.:cool:
my apologies I was refering to Shoulder Mounted Rocket Propelled Grenade Launchers and Generally that sort of weaponary. Really as long as its realistic and not "Dude grabs Anti Tank Launcher and Fires" im ok with what happens. Also Wagdog glad your ok with me including you seen as Little Haywood is very close to us both.
A bump for yer thread V.:D and also, me getting my characters in for the record before I post 'em in ICly. Though all Marines, these guys are operating as Special Forces seconded to the State Security Agency for the duration of this RP. I'll figure out their insertion and then post in.
Special Team Haywood-1
Lt. Col. Sheila Terathrang, USSW Red Banner Marine Corps
Age: 67/47 (Chronological/Biological; Wagdog having a 20 year delay at least due to being in a time warp ICly from 1976-1996, hence a gap in age as registered from birthdate as opposed to bodily growth.)
Species: Human
Specialty: Team Commander
Weapons: E-21 Pistol, S-25 Submachine Gun, and ABK Mk.1 Allanean Bayonet Knife.
MGSgt. Ronald Darkfang, USSW RBMC
Age: 65/45
Species: Were-jackal, after passing through the Event's time warp due to metaphysically-induced mutation. Full-moon transformation period will occur durng the course of this RP.;)
Specialty: Team Senior Non-Commissioned Officer (SNCO)
Weapons: Urobov-12K 12ga. Shotgun, ABK Mk.1 Bayonet.
GSgt. Jeremy Divens, USSW RBMC
Age: 59/39
Species: Human
Specialty: Team Machine Gunner
Weapons: E-19 Squad Automatic Weapon variant, ABK Mk.1 Bayonet.
SSgt. Vidreu Morelestea, USSW RBMC
Age: 59/39
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Specialty: Team Grenadier
Weapons: E-19A4 Assault Rifle, GP-30 Underbarrel Grenade Launcher, ABK Mk.1 Bayonet.
Sgt. Ellen Vethers
Age: 55/35
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Specialty: Team Comms Specialist
Weapons: E-19C1 Carbine, ABK Mk.1 Bayonet, OBSAT PDA, portable radio (will edit model in later).
Sgt. Vincent Derrids
Age: 57/37
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Specialty: Team Medic
Weapons: E-19C1 Carbine, ABK Mk.1 Bayonet, Medical Kit.
Tanya Menzies
Age: 45/25
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Specialty: Travel Correspondent to the Port Butsky Herald Tribune, a local newspaper in Wagdog; covering Little Haywood for the travel scene and present at the time of the zombie outbreak.
Weapons: none (initially anyway).