Little Haywood (Open & Classic Zombie RP)
The Island of Little Haywood was one of the smallest nations within the Nationstates World occupying a space the size of Cuba it stayed out of international affairs and where most contempt with simply getting drunk and enjoying life. Ruled by a democratically elected council of 12 the most the Council ever did was ensure the local hospital was receiving funds. Little Haywood was located in Lazaurs and was approximately 325 Miles north of the Vetakan Dominion.
Vetaka had made no official claim to Little Haywood and little interest within the Island however; both Wagdog and Vetaka had agreed that if Little Haywood were ever threatened the nations would respond to protect the small island. The nation’s main income was tourism that came to simply relax and enjoy the hospitality of the people. Little Haywood had no military force the nearest thing was a 50 Man Strong SWAT Team that supported the Police Forces. In a sense, the nation was centred around the City of Little Haywood which was like any US City.
Although the nations only city dominated life on the island their was the odd Villiage and Isolated Dwelling scattered across the nation so their was a always a place to escape to which was a big hit with the tourists. Life was perfect in this small piece of paradise. Yet alas this piece of Paradise was about to become a very dark, evil and scary nightmare. It all started 2 months ago when the Vetakan Company Bank of Victoria arrived and opened a branch within the Capital, the Bank began to purchase a lot of business within the nation with all this money, came a lot of foreigners whom still brought more money. The Bank purchased a lot of land outside of the City and constructed a Mansion like house which was to house the Banks Chief of Operations within Little Haywood that’s when things became weird large amounts of Laboratory Equipment arrived and where taken to the Mansion large numbers of people began to arrive enter the Mansion and where never seemed to leave. The Mansion began to demand power that literally caused the Power Station within the City to die a problem solved by the Mansion installing its own Generators. The Council of 12 and Police became suspicious and launched an investigation yet it was too late. 2 Days into the Investigation it started horrible murders began to occur reports began to circulate of Rats attacking small animals even small children all of a sudden hordes of people where appearing and attacking people when the Council realised something was wrong it was to late the nation was overrun with the Living Dead whom stalked and attacked the living.
The Council attempted to contact the Vetakan and Wagdogian Governments yet for some strange reason all Communication was cut. The Power Station was sabotaged and suddenly and mysteriously gutted with fire. The Bank of Victoria with all its contacts failed to call for help and simply abandoned Little Haywood to its horror. People tried to evacuate the Island in boats and planes yet they where attacked by unknown and mysterious Submarines and Fighter aircraft the people of Little Haywood where trapped most had been claimed by the Living Dead those whom had survived barricaded themselves in the walled complex of the Council of 12. It was endgame the Hordes of Zombies approached the Gates the Police led by the SWAT Team decided to make one Last Stand.
The Weak Gates of the Complex opened and led the Three SWAT Vans, Police Vehicles and even Civilian Citizens charged out Sirens blazing speeding to halt some 100 Meters from the Horde 45 Vehicles now blockaded the Street taking up positions on the Vehicle Roofs and Doors they readied their Weapons and waited Police Officers, Postman, Bakers, Office Workers, anybody whom could hold a weapon stood ready. The horde past the 10-meter range and the SWAT Commander Roared:
The Living Blockade roared to Machine Guns, Snipers, Pistols and Grenades opened fire. Thousands of Rounds where fired into the Horde the Zombies collapsed yet they just kept coming the Resistance kept up its barrage of Gunfire but the Zombies eventually overrun them fighting to the end inspired by the Vetakan & Wagdogian Resistance Style of Fighting they kept fighting but the day was lost eventually the Battle fell silent the eerie silence only pieced by the grown of Zombies. Little Haywood had fallen most where dead or had become Zombies yet across the nation survivors still lived trapped upon an island of Living Dead. They where all United in two desires to Live and to Escape.
OOC Thread & Sign Up (
Aurum Domus
06-10-2007, 16:54
Silens Nex had always established themselves in any emerging markets and Little Haywood was no different. It was easily accessible as it was near 2 other UFAN nations and to top it off it was a tourist town, it was easier to get into then an unlocked door.
Silens Nex followed certain protocol when moving into a new area. First a small squad of dumb muscle was dispatched to kill any possible competition and then a larger force would come into establish a base of operations. The dumb muscle had only arrived several days before and now they were about to fight something that they had only dreamt of. Zombies.
Streets of Little Haywood
The three Silens Nex members, the dumb muscle, joined the charge against the zombies and began opening fire, hopefully they could find a way to beat back this horde and try to escape.
Characters and weapons
Ebix Zevad, Group Leader
DR-89 Assault Rifle
TDX .40
Shanie Nix
Dual Recoil series revolvers in .500 Magnum
Staz Funke
AVA Blasa flamethrower with several extra fuel tanks
"Keep Firing"
Roared the SWAT Commander as he let off a further two rounds from his Combat Shotgun. The Police, Civilians and Tourists kept firing the shell casing from the weapons was now mounting up yet the horde of Zombies kept approaching the Police Lines. Eventually they reached and soon breached them as the various men and women slowly retreated the other person was latched upon, dragged into the horde and bang they disappeared.
The Zombies where never ending eventually their was nothing to back into except wall the SWAT Commander seeing most of his men either dead, dying or becoming Zombies turned and roared:
"Retreat, All Units Scatter. Re-Group at the Station in 12 Hours"
With this he brought a Kampferian S-25 Submachine Gun to bear he switched the weapon to Full Automatic charged forward and began to fire. The other units some what panicked and scattered charging down streets and alley ways into the city. The SWAT Commander soon emptied his weapon and drew a E-57 Service Pistol from a holster and proceeded to empty the Clip upon the last bullet he stopped and spoke softly:
"I Regret Nothing"
He brought the pistol to his temple and fired the bullet ripped through his brain and killed him instantly.
The SWAT Commander assumed he died alone yet he was wrong zooming in upon the dying man's face a Man resting upon a nearby roof top proceeded to take photographs of the affair in rapid succession. He stopped replaced the Camera in his bag and sighed. Taking out a small Thin leather case he opened it and took out a ready loaded syringe gazing at it for a second he jabbed it in his arm and emptied the Syringe moaning in pain for a few seconds he replaced the case within the bag and threw the Syringe. Picking up and slinging his Dual M16 Rifles with attached M203 Grenade Launcher over his shoulder he turned and re-entered the building some might say he hadn't a care in the world.
07-10-2007, 16:03
As part of a military exchange program between the nations of Epsomovia and Vetaka, a section from the highly decorated 19th Airborne cadre had been deployed to the island of Little Haywood. After two weeks on rations in the wilderness the troops were happy to get back inside buildings. In accodarnce with their training 'weapons, kit, self' they had been at the final phase of that. All of them were asleep in their barracks when shots rang through the air. As one they sat up reaching for their weapons, then looked to their commander for instuctions.
"Body armour, webbing and weapons. Two minutes ready to move."
Cpl Vok readied his own kit as his men scuttled around gettin their kit ready. He looked at his watch and frowned. They were supposed to be going back to the fatherland tommorow.
"Zed, get on the radio find out whats going on."
A private soldier nodded and strapped on his headset and began broadcasting an open frequency radio check with any receiver.
Thought I'd just post here my signup to save time. The section is made up of 8 men. They arn't elite just really good at what they do. This comes from the difficultie and legnth of their training as well as their combat experiance.
They all have a selection of hand grenades and personal role radios
Cpl Vok "Boss"
9 years service
G-70 Assualt rifle
L.Cpl Shinga "Sam"
6 years service
G-70 Assualt rifle
Underslung Greande launcher
Pvt Kibbs
4 years service
GE-34 Medium machine gun
Pte Zedaskir "Zed"
3 years service
G-70 AR
Radio Kit
Pte Louer
3 years service
G-75 Sniper rifle
GE-12 Sub machine gun
Pte Raksom "Doc"
2 Years Service
GE-28 Light Machine gun
Medical Kit
Pte Goartl "Kid"
1 year service
G-70 AR
"What a fine day for sailing," said Maxwell O'Conner as he lowered his craft into the water. "Great wind, and what could be a prettier backdrop than this fine island?"
He was sailing alone in a 17 ft. dinghy slightly offshore when he heard the loud thumping sound behind him.
"What kind of plane is THAT?," he wondered as the mysterious jet flew straight toward him... and then it opened fire.
The bullets ripped apart his small boat, but he was able to jump off before injured himself. Quite angrily and scared for his life, he collected what he could from his boat: a flare gun, lots of rope, an old combat knife he used to cut said rope, and SCUBA gear that he had along to explore the coral reefs of the area.
He thought about shooting off a flare to signal for help, but figured that would alert the fighter to his presence. He went for his radio, but it had taken a bullet right through the transmitter. He began to swim.
He was terrified at what he saw when he reached the shoreline. Bodies in the streets. Shell casings everywhere. Burning rubble. And a strange smell that he had never felt before. He was cold and needed to collect himself, so he made for his hotel.
The hotel was empty, save for the dead bellman behind the front desk. Whatever was going on here, he didn't want to be a part of it. He tried the phone. Dead. Computer? Dead. Cell phone? Dead. He searched the hotel, and upon finding nobody, went to the kitchen to get something to eat. He then set up a defensive perimeter (which he remebered how to do from his days in the Gernish Amphibious Assault Force 12 years ago) in the lobby and waited.
OOC: Gernish, hope you don't mind. The hotel's as good a place as any to start methinks. If you need any edits, just let me know and we can work something out by TG.
Hotel, Little Haywood City.
Tanya Menzies shuddered deep in the shadows under a staircase, cringing desperately in a fetal position on the floor as the ravening... things kept carrying on outside; doubtless soon to return, find and kill her in any number of ways that didn't even bear thinking about just like they had the bellman. Why... WHY!? She was supposed to come here, do a brief report on the fall tourist season for her hometown paper the Port Butsky Herald Tribune, and then go back to Wagdog at the end of the month. And yet now, for some reason, she was stuck on an island besieged by... things that even a woman who worked with actual Vampires on a daily basis still had some trouble crediting the existence of. Rocking to herself like she dimly thought the stereotype of a crazy person in their own little world must look like, her mind narrowed to the little ball of fear and anticipation for it all to be violently and painfully ended that she was curled into physically already.
That was when the sound of footsteps shook her from her self-imposed pit of terror, but she didn't cry out for help. Oh no, she curled in even tighter and waited for them to make the first discovery. At this point, her nerves were completely shot to Hell; just like the whole God-forsaken island as far as she knew. J--James? Thoughts of the live-in boyfriend she'd brought along, and had the time of her life before things went south and she'd seen him... ripped apart before her very eyes by the demons, entered her mind reflexively. His touch... his strong and young voice to match a sandy-haired and wiry appearance; the memories were a poison she could only wish would kill her first. D-, D-... Daddy? thoughts of her widower father also spilled in now as the last of her mental dams broke, the full horror of her apparent damnation consuming her.
"Ohhhhhhh......" The reflexive moan of a woman convinced she was about to die, alone and horribly in the closest place to Hell she figured existed in the mortal world, echoed from her long-chapped lips. At this point, she was past even the thought of caring for her own survival; what survival was there to care for even? If the zombies found her, it would only make the difference of at least ending it all already and putting her out of her misery. If only she'd known, Fate had nothing half so convenient in mind for her.
UWS Kolokol', 5NM Off the Coast of Little Haywood...
Securing herself into the Sirena class human torpedo along with Sgt. Vincent Derrids the team medic, Lt.Col. Sheila Terathrang couldn't help but wonder what was up. First I'm getting ready with my battalion within First Marine Raider Brigade to take care of some Ennuisians, should this little stare-down we have finally turn into a beat-down at last, and then State Security hauls me off to be their spook for some Special Forces mission in a little island far north of the main event? She was familiar with the whole 'hers not to question why' routine, and indeed would see to it. But in thought, she had to wonder what was going down; was an Ennuisian presence on Little Haywood to be investigated and, if found, preemptively neutralized? Some other threat? As always, of course, they never tell you why; lucky I was even allowed to pick my team. For that small blessing she would hold her tongue, so as not to offend against the great Murphy who watched over all matters in war; and much in peace too for that matter.
Soon, the three human torpedoes carrying the half-strength SOF team to the shores of Little Haywood launched towards the coast from the Kilo-class diesel submarine tasked with this insertion. As the team made their way ashore, removing their respirators and goggles while stowing the torpedoes and their diving gear under a convenient outcropping, itself soon covered over by strategically-placed thatch made from local foliage, they kept their weapons trained for any potential hostile activity. Removed from the bags meant to keep them dry, even if all of these guns had fair reliability after being submerged, the armaments available spanned the full spectrum appropriate to the mission; even Gunnery Sergeant Divens' light machine gun variant on the E-19 assault weapon family, or Staff Sergeant Morelestea's GP-30 grenade launcher mated underbarrel to his rifle variant.
As Divens' took point, Terathrang looked on even what devastation could be seen so far, and wondered aloud just what she was getting into. "What the Hell? It looks like somebody took the local horror movie festival just a bit too seriously here!" The tone was hushed, per operational security protocols of course, but all the same she couldn't resist the comment. While she and her team marched on, she had a feeling she'd be needing the team's OBSAT PDA to call in resupply quite often here; if the scale of what looked like the fighting here was any indication. Air support was out of the question; "could draw undue interest from unwelcome parties," said the unctuous State Security bureaucrat who'd briefed them aboard the sub. Well buddy, fine; but looks like 'undue interest' has already been drawn. Let's see you survive as long as we will if this gets as bad as it could just looking at the place...
With that thought also stowed, the team moved for their first objective: Make contact with the City Council and ascertain the reasons for their distress call, shared to both the Wagdian and Vetakan governments. They had no clue just how obsolete that objective was already...
The SWAT Van screeched to a halt in the centre of the street it was out of gas. They had come to a halt within the large Tourist District of Cannock the area was alot like the rest of the city which was wrecked and full of Zombies the SWAT Van was out of power. Within the Van the 8 men or so waited nervously their Commander a large man whom was known as Triston Blake turned on the radio which had been inactive to save power he and his team had escpaed the Council building Massacre as he and his intial 20 man team had been dispatched to the Industrial Sector to free a total of 20 Police Officers whom where hold up in a Weapons Factory however upon arrival they discovered the trapped men had all been killed not by Zombies but by bullets needless to say this had caused fear amongst the men whom where then attacked by the Zombies loosing some 12 men in the battle. However they had restocked and rearmed themselves and loaded the Van with as much as they could carry it was a shame they would now have to leave the Van Commander Blake nervously looked around the Zombies whom where thicker than any enemy where just stood around Blake began to speak into the radio:
"Council Control Copy?"
A static silence was all he was met with he spoke again:
"Council Control this is SWAT Team 6 Respond?"
Blake was now somewhat panic stricken had the only Garrison left been overun and its people dead, dying or Zombies. He contained his fear and spoke:
"SWAT Team 6 to any unit does anybody copy? Can anybody here me?"
It was only then that a voice answered:
"SWAT 6 this is Unit 21 PC Dave Howler. Commander Blake its good to hear your still alive. Sir the Council Garrison was overun the Chief and the Council are either dead or MIA they ordered an offensive on the main access road it failed and we fell apart I and around 10 men where able to escape we are currently held up south on Krugar Street in the Hunting Shop. A further 6 men we know headed north however we have tried contacting them to no response so they are MIA. Commander you are most senior officer left alive as such on as per chain of command its your call?"
Blake and his team where horrified they where now alone well besides the men whom had escaped the massacre he gathered himself and spoke again:
"Did they mangaed to get that damn OBSAT Distress Beacon online?"
"No Sir well not that I know of Sir. Ordes Sir?" came Daves Reply.
"Head for the Station when we left for the Council building it was locked up and left secured a small Armoury was also installed for any civilians whom came across it. Hopefully its still intact proceed their and we will regroup their. If you come across other surviours get them armed and take them along to the station secure as much Ammo and Supplies as possible. Check in every hour understood?" spoke Blake
"Yes Sir, Good Luck. Unit 21 out" spoke Howler
Blake switched from the Secure Police Channel to the Open Broadcast Channel any Radio or Communications Device capable of picking up the message would now be receving this message:
"Attention anybody listerning to this message. This is Commander Triston Blake of Little Haywood SWAT the last Human Garrison at the Council of 12 building has collapsed and has been overun by Zombies with unknown Casualties and Fatalities. I am now the most Senior Officer of the LHPD as a result I have ordered that all Surviors and any Human proceed to LHPD Headquarters to regroup and resupply. Good Luck. Keep Radio Communication to a minimum to conserve power check every hour. SWAT 6 Out"
With this he turned the radio and turned to his men:
"Take what you can and nothing more don't weigh yourself down. We will move through the Resort and avoid open space. Keep together, stay quiet and follow my orders. I i am bitten or die continue on you are to regroup and escape the island. Lets Move"
The Rear Doors opened and they charged out of the Vehicle covering eachother they entered the nearest hotel and began to move through covering eachother as they went every now and again they would call out:
"LHPD Anybody Here?"
Continuing on they came to a hallway with a lone old Zombie just standing their it was the body of an elderly pensioner somebody who shouldnt be able to do anything yet they where stood up swaying from side to side Blake rose his P90 Assualt Rifle the Red Dot met the Zombie between the eyes he fired and the Zombie flew back dead the hallway fell silent and the men where about to proceed when they heard a Whimper from the Staircase a few Rifles where trained upon it. Blake Spoke:
"Little Haywood Police anybody their?"
Silence, Blake Slung his P90 to the side and drew his E-57 Service Pistol taking it off safety he reached for the Staircase Door his men readied to fire he swung open fast and Rifle Lights shot into the darkness a women lay their crying in the fetal Blake spoke calmly:
"LHPD we wont hurt you"