Operation: Wired Mercenaries (Closed RP)
Hurtful Thoughts
05-10-2007, 19:07
OOC Disclaimer:
Before anyone posts anything OOC, I'd like to direct those poeple to the OOC section (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=539130).
Has legend, lacks detail (http://www.meatballs.terminator.org.uk/crookfur/images/KTmap.jpg)
Detailed, but lacks legend (http://www.meatballs.terminator.org.uk/crookfur/images/ktmpa2.png)
Description of map (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11822031&postcount=181)
This is also a closed thread, people had plenty of time to get involved (about a week) so please, no hopping directly into the IC just because you saw this and think it would be neat.
There are many people already lined up for this, and they started lining up back when they thought this was going to be the dullest RP ever.
It may seem like a hassle to post a pure OOC and a pure IC, but think of it this way, it'll raise your postecount faster. I also tend to like long IC posts that restate previous events.
6 months ago: The Former Khornate Tribes, Bosco's Bar and Grill
AKA: The FPM headquarters in the Hurtian district of The Khornate Tribes
AKA: The last place you'd ever want to be on earth
A man in a business suit walked through the crowded bar. Nobody was ever here because they wanted to be here, rather, only because they either had to go here, or because it was the only place suitable to conduct 'business' you don't want others to see.
One could clearly see large bore automatic weapons slung onto the backs of the Bar's many patrons, an indiginous weapon well suited for urban conflicts, and became pretty well known within some circles as the "SHAW" which fired slugs nearly 20 mm in diameter at a rate of 5 slug per second, or, roughly 40 pellets of .30 caliber buckshot per second. These crude weapons served the self raised militia of poorly trained 'city people' and blood-lusty followers of khorn quite well.
The very out of place business-man pressed onward into the bar, intentionally avoiding any direct eye contact, and clutching his briefcase very tightly, even though it was handcuffed to his arm. He eventiually found an equally out of place, but considerably less concerned man at the deep corner of the bar, leaning his back on the table and watching the funny looking man with th briefcase picking his way through the crowd.
"General Grant I presume?" Said the concerned looking out of place man to the calm out of place man.
"You know, you are either very desprate, or very stupid to have come here, we don't really care for your kinda around here." Said the calm man to the frustrated, out of place, concerned man.
"Do you want the jobs or not Mr Grant?"
'Mr Grant' as he was called, sighed, and wved him into a back-room of the bar.
The place was dingy, poorly lit, and the only peice of advanced hardware inside was a laptop and an aging computer that appeared to be downloading something of a politically sensitive nature. The laptop was also on, and was apparently scanning E-mails for viruses and connected to a remote server in Leafanistan.
"So, what brings you here today? You want us to acquire more black market info for you? Act as your expendable shock troops? What now?"
"Not quite, our government is in a rather... delicate position..."
"No kidding, your government has screwed up royally ever since the GASN started to crumble. I suppose you want to recature the 'glory days' but can't because of political resaons"
"Yes, pretty much exactly that, but also, a few of our mutual old friends, and some former enemies, would like us to do something, but doing so like we did in the old days would most likely spark another world war."
"And we know how bad those can get..."
"So, essentially, we're turning you loose, you'll freelance for us. After completing these misions, you may accept or turn down whatever missions you want, and we'll stop persecuting your men for mutiny."
"And what about the Kultist?"
"We'll pardon them of all war crimes, past present, and future"
"May I see what it is you want us to do?"
The agent slides the briefcase across the poker table, Grant opens it and pulls out one yellow envelop after another, he then speed reads a few of them. " So how do you expect us to do all this in 12 months?"
"I'll be acting as liason, assisting your operations however I can, I will also try and use my clout to sway the others. This is, as usual, an under the table deal, nobody, besides a few of us at the near-top, are to ever know about these deals."
Grant opens the last envelop, which contains roughly $500 billion in every currency, all in sealed bags.
"We made sure that each of those were handled by the leaders of their respective institutions, essentailly allowing you to form a paper trail and incriminate any government you wish for any given operation."
"How thoughtful, you have a deal"
The agent walks out of the bar, a few moments later, Grant goes back to check his E-mails, 100 new messages, and a new server was given to him, apparently, all new jobs for HOI were either carbon-copied to or re-routed his server. It also carried 'junk' corrispondance from non-customers on his normal server, leaving a traceable link between them and the Mafia. Now, no matter what the Five Pointers did, they could scapegoat the blame to almost any other nation, while, in turn, covering up who their real employers were.
He then checked the news, the Corprate Alliance was about to get into another war, a CAer was joining the ranks of ADAN, Undershi was selling prime real estate, in the E-mails and mission profiles he figured thateverything he had to do was interconnected, and was best done in one single operation.
So he went seaking backers and investors, procuring nuclear and conventional weapons, plus advanced equpment to better defend his new gains. The 12 ga CFR-7 knock-off was soon replaced by sleek assault rifles, grenade launchers, mortars, gunships, and tanks.
FPM, in a bizzare twist, managed to buy the Undershi territory for $200 billion, and acquired the Undershi trained slaves/workforce they left behind, which wer promtly put to use and cared for with their newfound black-market funds.
By the time the IRBMs arrived on their Slims class boat, they had already built missile silos. the single linear action CC-35As were converted to double barrel Gast gun mounts and fitted to the nose of the Mi-8s purchased from the Leafanistani Mafia.
All this time, Grant plotted how to best line up all his targets at once and kill them all with a single stone with the least risk....
2 Months Ago:
Diplomatic Message
To:The Tyranical Mandalorian Empire of Maldorians
Encryption: class 4
Dear Mandalore:
Just a little favor to ask.
Our past 'combat excercise' "Operation: Able Maple" which was a simulated invasion of an island outpost of New Roanoke Island Proving ground and a simulation of our Rapid response readines.
Turnout wasn't that great, and was, what, in part, led to my decision to eject the majority of ADAN.
And, since ADAN still isn't willing to go to war with anyone, plus many people may still think there are latent hostilities between myself and the Corprate Alliance.
I decided to 'kill two birds with one stone', in a sense.
The idea is simple, All of Leafansi's unemployed goons and and my HOI-R are to be 'put through their paces' by the HMR (Hurtian Marine Resserve) 3rd Division.
At the end of the excersise, all of Leafansi's goons will be re-shelved for sale as elite soldiers, my HOI mercs will have dispelled their rumurs of being closet Blood Kultists, and all relations between ADAN, CA, HOI, yourself, and Griffencrest shall be patched up.
It would also encourage more members into both ranks, plus get the attention of the CA to bring them 'on par' with more organized alliances.
Plus, it would 'show off your diplomacy skillz' to the Griffencrest Corporation, maybe get you a promotion or something when they go out for a weekend.
Oh, and since your nation is the 'bridge' between CA and ADAN, I thought it most fitting that you host the operation in The Khornate Tribes.
Right now, you are on fairly thin ice with ADAN, so a show of solidarity about this time would be nice.
96 hours ago:
Military Communiqu'e
To: The World Soviet Party Special Forces
From: PROHT Marine Raiders/HOI
Encryption: class 09
Dear commandant:
We regret to inform you, that most of our Hurtian Marine Raider drill instructors are either dead or wounded, and incapable of continuing the program, however, we recall that we managd to train your forces quite well before the project was canceled. We will provide whatever qualified instructors we have as well.
The Operation will start in the next 96 hours in The Khornate Tribes
Attached file*
*Encoding: level 15
<For Charlie Brigade's eyes only>
The above file was only partially true, we are actually calling back the favor of training your troops. We suggest you carry large quantities of live ammunition and present yourselves 48 hours early.
Other messages were also sent.
Infoming Leafanisatin on their intent to train their slaves
Giving Antigr and Crookfur a heads up.
and inviting members of ADAN, CA, SL, and NATO to watch
Now: Maldorian Sector, The Khornate Tribes
An elderly looking man in a business suit could be seen by the coast, occassionally checking his watch.
Everything was running late...
Yo. (You know, I'm still partially confused what this is all about. It's a relations-patcher/training program, right?)
The World Soviet Party
05-10-2007, 21:55
95 Hours ago:
Military Communique
To: ROHT Marine Raiders/HOI
From: Headquarters
Understood, we shall comply with your request, you can expect our trainees to arrive in due time.
I still dont know where am I expected to "land", nor what to do once I get there, care to clarify that for me?
08-10-2007, 04:13
Official Mandalorian Message
We accept with open arms. We hope that this operation helps our endeveours in the present and in the future. The Mandalorian Empire is honored to host the operation.
~The Mandalore.
Hurtful Thoughts
08-10-2007, 20:03
My SIC section between HOI and FPM to be posted here when it is no longer 90 degrees over here...
Wisconsin heatwaves in late fall/earlywinter suck....
The seasons over here are generally off by a month or two for the past 3 years...
(with winter lasting into March/April rather than February, anyone want a snowball fight during spring break? Come to Wisconsin...)
Especially whern you planned on hunting a deer without getting eaten alive by mosquitoes...
I want my snow NOW!!!!
Which helps me with the following:
Deer are brown, snow is mostly white with some yellow and red.
Makes findoing stuff easier.
Keeps meat from spoiling.
Allows you to drag stuff through woods and across rivers easier.
Kills mosquitoes.
Allows you to 'camo up' without worrying about sweating.
You can throw snowballs at guys hanging around your stand without getting charged with assault and battery.
It hurts less when you fall out of your stand.
Generally harder to get lost.
Creates ready-made ground blinds when you fall into a snow drift up to your neck...*
"rain" is dryer and is generally called either 'snow' or 'hail'...
*May need to lay down.
K, this will go back and forth through time, mostly just to mess with people, and in an attempt to keep everyone guessing as to what goes on (even though, if they wanted to stay in the dark, they'd want to skip this)
Now: Outside Maldorian Base
The man at the shore was watching for any incoming flights, most likely to be from TWSP, so far none had arrived.
Things were a bit behind schedual, and the agent didn't want to blame his help, he may have wanted to inform them sooner, or provide better details, but still, it wouldn't be a proper Hurtian Marine Raider intro if nobody was surprised and/or scared to death within 24 hours arrival.
He grinned when he remembered the Soviets when a platoon of them, tried hauling a full 10 ton crate by hand.
And the slight surprise they recieved when they actually managed to move the crates several inches before they were mowed down by automatic weapons.
At least that time it was only paintballs, now they would be dealing with more lethal training aids.
It started to rain...
90 minutes ago: Outside Maldorian Base
The sound of the helicopters wer still whirring loudlyas a man in civillian clothes with an assault rifle stepped out, and walked up to the man he met ealier in the bar.
The three helicopters lifted off as they spoke.
"I see Mendez no longer makes house calls these days?"
"At lest he hasn't betrayed his country like you did"
"Don't get your facts mixed up in the propoganda, your too old to believe that garbbage. My country betrayed ME and my men. Not the other way around"
"Either way, did you tell your men what to do?"
"So long as you and your associates hold up your end"
It was the pronounciation of "associates" that disturbed him, as it reminded him of an early Hurtian propoganda announcement that was tied in with a declaration of war, he didn't remember what it was about, but he did remember that the people who served during that time felt quite strongly about the issue. Though he dared not to ask 'Mr. Grant' to try and remind him.
Either way, he knew this 'Grant' Charachter regarded the government as the real traitor, and not the other way around. Which was why he didn't much like talking to him, and tried to keep cantact to a minimum.
"All right, would you like help setting up?"
"No thank you, my men are well enough trained to wipe their own, they don't need your help, as from where I stand, it appears to be the other way around... Goodnight Commisionar Gorbechev"
"Chief Warrant Officer..."
"Political officer Gorby"
To that, Mr. Grant walked up to the gate of the Maldorian base and entered with Gorbechev as escort, mostly to make sure he wasn't shot on accident.
After making sure Grant was safe, he went out to the coast.
3 hours ago: Basco's Bar and Grill/Grant's office
The weatther was warm, being the middle of spring, though a bit damp, it was expected to rain at night and the morning after. Gran't men had hunkered down in their safehouses for the night, staying warm and dry through what would be expected to be a cold and wet night.
Grant, wondering what was going on in the world outside this ruined former empire, checked his E-mail for updates.
Dear respected Sir,
Due to a few reasons that I'm not allowed to discuss over non-secure channels, we'll be needing your services for the night. Think your group can welcome our guests? They are expected in 3 hours.
Oh, and try not to hurt them too much this time. K?
Looks like they wouldn't get that much needed sleep after all, He made a few phone calls to a fewimprovised "airbases" each housing a single Mi-17 and Y-5 and a pair of RQ-10 Archangel UCAVs, he called up every single one of them...
He then went into the bar, and requested Squads H40 P17 P35 P54 SN2 and squad 'G', with the letter corrisponding to their group type, and number to each specific squad, this made knowing what knd of weapons to expect on the mission easier.
He then asked these men ready themselves for combat immediately, and be ready to move out in the 30 minutes it would take for the choppers to arrive, and to fetch a trio of their technicals armed with 82 mm automatic mortars.
Outside he saw storm clouds brewing, flying in this weather with open doors and underslung loads would be difficult, so he ordered that the transit flight would be made doors closed and with sling loads double secured and winched in close.
In total, they would have a trio of fully loaded Mi-17 gunships carrying trucks armed with light cannons, automatic mortars, 5" artilery rockets, Stinger missiles, and heavy machine guns, while carrying a near full load of over 70 men armed with Assault rifles, SHAWs, grenade launchers and more heavy machine guns, plus plenty of ammo.
1 hour 40 minutes ago: Outside Maldorian Base
The base was promptly surveyed from the air by Grant, as he decided how to set up for the mission.
The base had some woods to the south and a ridge running along the west, opposite the entrance, the placement of the door made sense considering the location of the Crookfur border roughly to the southeast, thus defenses to the west would be lax.
They dropped off the techs behind the treeline, and promptly manned them, and let off the infantry there, Grant gave them a quick rundown on the mission and setup of forces then and there, and then left the helicopters to speed some troops with HMGs over to the ridge as the others would stalk their way through the woods and set themselves up as an FO and OP for the mortars, the helicopters would go behind the rige, should the HMGs ever be flanked.
Grant then went out to meet Gorby.
60 minutes ago:
Helicopter drops off 6 men with Kord 12.7 mm HMGs at ridge, then takes cover behind, still holding a 'security force' of 15 men armed with 12 ga SHAWs and 40 mm AG-36 UGLs in resserve.
30 minutes ago:
30 men with Assualt rifles and underbarrel repeating shotguns make it through the forest, and set up positions.
One man carries a GPS, a compass, protractor and a rangefinder, and starts zeroing in the mortars without firing a shot.
Though the constant conflicts force GPS to only allow 'wartime' GPS accuracy of about 40 meters on civvy recievers, the FPM found a way around all this by merely relying on the relative positions of the target and the artillery, allowed something back within 15 meters due to wind and rounding decimals on trigometric functions. It also allowed him to turn off and secure his GPS moments before it started raining, though the trees afforded him an extra 5 minutes to get in a foxhole constructed by his comrads and under a comoflaged tarp covered with comoflauge netting. Others climbed trees and wrapped themselves in ponchos, making sure to keep their rifles dry.
Hurtful Thoughts
09-10-2007, 07:23
Teh Edit is above.
I think 'indian summer' is finally over.
(Normally a resault of wind shift causing hot air from Texas to reach Wisconsin while Arizona gets a nice preheated Wisconsin-esque breeze.)
09-10-2007, 19:36
a breif bit of action from the Crookfur side of the country:
Crookfur/Neutral zone border area
Sarnon was enjoying himself as he and his other war band members trekked through the ever steeping hills. The raid had been a particularly successful one, with the city people farm offering exceptionally rich pickings including Women! Sarnon did regret leaving them behind but Kharnoc, the band’s champion, had made it clear he wanted no burdens that were not strictly necessary and that the women’s’ deaths would please the blood god the same no matter when they happened.
Flexing his fingers around the grip of his AK, Sarnon began to relax, after all none of the scouts had made any report of indications of either the city people, or worse yet the Christians, being in pursuit so he assumed they had gotten away scot free. That was until Kharnoc’s head exploded into a red mist accompanied by the doom laden crack of a high velocity bullet...
Calmly chambering another round, Staff Sergeant Henry Gregorson, began lining up on another target as his spotter sub vocalised a situation update to the rest of the team through his throat mike. With another target lined up Gregorson gently squeezed the trigger feeling the comforting heave of recoil as the 8mm bullet ripped its way to the target.
Sarnon hunkered down behind a large boulder and desperately tried to locate the firing position of the sniper while about him his less experienced or more panicky brothers began spraying automatic fire every which way. As yet another sniper shot granted another brother his glorious battle death Sarnon was up and moving towards where he was now sure the firing was coming from, his eyes desperately seeking a covered approach. He didn’t know whom it was who was engaging them, at the moment it could be anybody, even a rival war band and he hoped beyond hope that wasn’t the Christians, whom for all their talk of peace and forgiveness were very good at killing people who pissed them off. As he scampered from cover to cover his hopes were dashed as he heard a new noise join the ragged rattle of his band’s fire, this new noise was the disciplined ripping bursts of a Christian light machine gun being used with the usual skill and accuracy. He now knew that the war band were doomed, even if he could deal with the sniper and his best chance was to make good his escape.
Sgt Gregorson looked on as the rest of his team moved in to deal with the remainder of the blood cultist raiding party. His spotter nudged his elbow and gestured to the direction he had noticed one of the raider heading and sure enough Gregorson could make out the brief flashes of the raider as he made exceptional use of cover. The raider was good but was moving at a almost constant rate now that he sought to escape the area, which gave Gregorson just the chance he needed as he snuggled in to his rifle and gave the trigger one final squeeze...
The World Soviet Party
11-10-2007, 02:24
Maldorians's Sector,
The Khornate Tribes
To the a normal airport employee, everything would look okay, after all, what could be suspected of eleven different men arriving in different flights and different schedules and dates, heck, even their "public" excuses ranged from tourism to gathering material for an espionage novel.
These men had even reserved rooms in seven different hotels, not really a counter-espionage agent's dream, that is, if any of them suspected anything at all, since no one could really suspect from your every-day tourist.
Truth was they all belonged to the same organization, same squad and same base, they were Spec. Ops. sent by the Soviet Goverment at the request of one of their allies, and former masters of the Special Forces, the People's Republic of Hurtful Thoughts.
Their equipment was to be brought by diplomatical luggage, which was always left unchecked, and even if someone dared take a peek, they'd see nothing more than documents and cameras, maybe the ocasional pirated DVD, but nothing else.
Now Charlie Squad had to rest and wait for the rendevouz, meanwhile, they'd be able to relax and enjoy the wonders of civilized life.
Hurtful Thoughts
11-10-2007, 03:17
Ambush: Day 2: Maldorian base
The rain briefly subsided, nobody really moved from their positions, and one would be tempted that the blood kultists had fallen asleep, as they were excercising an unheard of amount of restraint, while the former city people who would follow a dollar to their graves simply shivered in their damp and now muddy spider-holes.
The Mi-17s behind the ridge had long since revved down and been camoflaged as clumps of brush, while the technicals hid just within the treeline. Those who were with vehicles were afforded a little bit of pretection from last night's weather, but it was very little consolation.
They had been sent out, expecting to find an unlucky convoy of soldeirs marching up to the gates within minutes of setting up, perhaps even while doing so, but had yet to see any 'enemy' troops takethe road.
CWO Gorbechev was returning from his position along the coast, which he stood at the entire night, he didn't seem to notice the inclement weather.
Grant was within the Maldorian base, cozy as can be, and was enuiring about where the Maldorian volunteers for Operation Wired Mercenaries were bunked so that he could set them to work.
Meanwhile... Northern Khornate coastline
A massive fleet of ships arrived, mostly troops transports carrying HOI militiamen and Leafanistani slave warriors. They disembarked from their ships, formed up into three columns and 2 lines, and proceeded to march the long trail to the remote Maldorian base. HOI armor and air assets were to be delivered later in the day and meet up at the entrance.
The World Soviet Party
12-10-2007, 23:41
Meh, I'll join. Send a bunch of Marines or sumfin'
Hurtful Thoughts
31-10-2007, 20:01
*Kills Mal for letting thread die
It wasn't as if he couldn't send a battalion of his deathwatch squads...
Adding retcon info:
Gorbechev had a puppet company send a simple E-mail was sent to an 'old friend' in TWSP...
"Dear Respectable Mr. Andrew J. Harris,
It is our pleasure to inform you that you have won an instant getaway package for you and your friends to The Khornate Tribes! Luggage, baggage and claims shall be conducted by your guide and travel agent, Gordy.
Attached is a .zip file .pdfs of travel brochures.
See you in sunny Khornate Tribes!"
The attached file was actually an encrypted map to the Rendezous point, plus a short list of forces known to be in the area, and info that a Five Points Mafia strike is expected somewhere along the Southwest as a diversion -thus you enter via the East doors with Gorbechev (which was poorly hidden with 'Gordy').
Gorby hoped they checked their E-mails...
01-11-2007, 02:09
Maldorian Base
Maldorian infantrymen groggily exited the barracks, awaiting new orders. The volunteers were lazy soldiers who had spent months doing nothing but basic patrol and scouting. They hadn't been involved in any battles or wars and the men were 'dough boys'. Having no experience in weaponry and the like, these soldiers were some of the worst in the Mandalorian Empire.
Hurtful Thoughts
01-11-2007, 02:48
OOC: about time...
Day 2, Morning Inside Maldorian base:
Grant lumbered into the communications hut of the base, showed his papers declareing him an official instructor for the operation, and then asked to use the PA.
After waiting/forcing for the radioman to comply with his simple request, he took the microphone and bellowed loud:
"Rise and shine sleepyheads! Report for roll call and combat patrol at west base entrance on the double! I have been given permission to shoot people not following these instructions for deserting their posts and disobeying an order from a supirior officer. Move!"
Upon finishing, he produced a HAP-655 carbine from his shoulder holster and motioned the radioman to also line up at the entrance. To make his point further, he fired a burst between the man's legs. "Move!"
Warrant Officer Gorbechev was just entering the gates as he heard Grant's "orders", he then shrugged, picked up an assault rifle and two clips from the armory, and went out the east entrance and began to circle around to the west along the south side.
He also made sure Grant didn't see him 'disobeying' his orders.
In his pack from last nigh, Gorby had roughly 6 HOI uniforms and 4 forgeries of uniforms for Maldorian enlisted personel. Beyond all else, he was still a case handler for covert perations within the People's Republic Of Hurtful Thoughts.
Both Grant and Gorby were disgusted by the lax training given to these Maldorian soldiers, this would be a loooooooong month...
Road to Maldorian base
A long column of HOI militiamen, some as young as 14, could be seen marching with full packloads, behind each section was an HT-101 moving just fast enough to threaten the tired soldiers to keep marching, or else be crushed. On the horizon they could see the Maldorian base, safety at last!
As they arrived at the west gate, the HT-101s peeled off and a tight circle, the exhaused infantry shuffled into neat rows as a young Chitzi boy, appearing no older than 16, inspected the troops of his section, and reported to his platoon commander, along with the other 3 section leaders, and each of the platoon commanders reported to the company COs, and finally to the battalion, division, and temporary task force COs.
These men had marched nonstop for the past 18 hours in the rain, they were near the end of their endurance. At least nobody was using them as target practice this time.
Upon hearing Grant, the FPM helicopters revved up their engines and slunk away into the distance, making sure to use the trees/hills as cover.
Now all that remained was to wait for the Antigrinans to arrive. The Soviets weren't to be expected until later, but Gorbechev was already planning on handling that. As the southern sector of the base was to be the rally point for Charlie.
OOC: I see that you finally see the advantages in advanced training of your men, particularily when dealing with RBI's mercenaries, nevermind that there's always a Catch-22.
OOC: What exactly will I do? Straight answer, please.
A group of SSD special forces moved forward fast. The SSD were like the SAS, doing the same job as them, just a little less secret. They had a lot of guns to make up for it. Three TY-70 Transport/Attack helicopters contained them, going at a reasonably sober speed of 110mph.
There were two 'squadrons' of 16 men each. 32 men.
15 Sabre Assault Rifles
3 Sabre II Assault Rifles
4 PT-3 SMGs
1 DE-9 Sniper Rifle
1 Sabre SSG DMR
4 Sabre SFR LMGs
16 IGL-125 Underbarrel Grenade Launchers
2 Miera LAWs
2 Miera III ATGMs
Helluva Lot of C4 and Grenades
4 Ranger Nova III Revolvers
26 KKS-45 Pistols
A lot of silencers
2 NERA-Equipped MVA Armoured Personnel Carriers mounting 1 Miera III, 1 SkyRanger SAM, 2 KGM GPMGs, 1 V60 HMG, 30mm MiniCannon
1 GPL Jeep sporting 1 KGM, a V60 and a Miera III
1 NERA-Equipped MVW APC/Weapons Carrier mounting a 105mm Light Gun, 3 KGMs, a V60 and a Miera III
They had a lot to carry.
Hurtful Thoughts
03-11-2007, 03:49
Edit, changed a few details on my previous post
Okay, so I protect Mal and help in training. Where do I land? Who do I report to? What happens next?
So I have to land at the Maldorian base, then...?
The lead TY-90 helicopter slowed to a hover and began the landing process on an empty patch of ground.
The side door was open already, and the SSD were slumped against the interior walls, weapons on their backs, roof, walls, or strewn across the floor.
Inside was a heavily armed GPL Jeep among the soldiers, most of the detachment.
The other helicopters had a modified APC slung underneath, with the third being in pieces inside the 'copters.
The well-trained SSD would need half an hour approximately to put the parts together - the turret of one of them was intact, and the rest of the vehicle was esentially split in three from a side view, first the driver compartment/engine bay, then the forward troop compartment/weapons mount area (these were heavily modified APCs for the assault role) and then the rear.
The intact vehicles would need to be unhitched from the bottom of the 'chopper before the helicopter landed several metres away. To do this, a soldier would strap a small safety harness to a mooring point in the doorframe, before swinging underneath and releasing the vehicle.
They wouldn't drop, as the helicopters would be hovering only 10 metres above ground. The straps attaching the vehicle to the helicopter were nine meters anyway, and the vehicle height was another couple of meters.
As the lead helicopter finally hit terra firma, the detachment's guest commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkam, stepped outside, grasping a PT-3 SMG's magazine in one hand, with the butt resting on his broad shoulders.
Hey, maybe we'll get a welcome party from someone, he thought.
Hurtful Thoughts
04-11-2007, 23:27
OOC: K, I'm just going to assume that Mal's troops had the sense to get out of their barracks and to the rally point
Grant continued marching the radio operator towards the western gate, and noticed the Antigrians unloading, without a security detail. Very risky, and very exposed.
He motioned for the radio operator to keep moving as he broke off towards the Antigrians.
He walked within inches the person who he assumed was in charge by the fact he was doing the least physical work, he merely looked straight through the man, not even bothering to make actual eye contact as he bellowed out orders as if addressing the whole unit:
"Please report to the West gate enterance for orientation immediatly!"
He then turned around and walked away, while listening carefully to see what their reaction was.
OOC note/reminder: Grant isn't wearing a military uniform, and is openly carrying a pistol-carbine...
I'm also not sure if your CO is taller or shorter than 6'5", but in short, he just gave you the 1,000 yard stare. [1] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_yard_stare), [2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_stress_reaction),[3] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soldier%27s_heart), [4] (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/heart/themes/shellshock.html)
(Jeez, HT, you can't even spell Antigran yet? :) No second letter 'i')
Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkam stared at the man as he walked away.
A Lieutenant, McCartney, whispered in Kirkam's ear, so quiet that he could hardly hear it himself.
"Bloody brass. Think they're so superior. If a private in my squadron did that to me, they'd end up with ten .45s in their head"
Kirkam spoke just as quietly.
"While you are a crazy reckless fool who is bordering on the edge of pyschopathism, for once I agree with you"
McCartney grinned and gave him a light slap on the helmet. Military-institution-like order wasn't really present in the SSD, and anything went as long as they got the job done.
Meanwhile, the rest of the detachment hadn't taken much of a first impression of the man either.
While none said anything out loud, four stuck up their middle fingers at him and one whispered "Up yours!". One contemplated cocking his weapon loudly so the man could hear it, then pointing it in his direction threateningly. He didn't.
Kirkam decided to speak up for his men. It'd get him in the man's bad books, but screw it.
"We'll go, but then we're coming straight back here to unpack and unload, whether you like it or not, bub"
The lieutenant whispered in his ear.
"You will live dangerously. I hear he's a general"
"Well, what can he do to us? Drown us in a sea of brass?"
"Hey, what's a General doing in civvy clothes anyway?"
"I don't know, Dave. Now shut up and unpack while I watch you do it"
"Ah, the benifits of being CO, Dave"
Hurtful Thoughts
05-11-2007, 23:11
Grant just kept walking, recollecting a mental picture of where their stuff was in the field as he pulled out a handheld radio and whispered out their locations to a mortar team.
He also grinned as he released the transmit button, not being strictly on the Government payroll had its perks, including adding fictional rank titles...
"Oh, and bring your combat gear, you wouldn't want any of it stolen by bandits out here in these wilds. The base may be Maldorian, but the Khornate tribesem own the land, and most of them aren't too friendly...."
06-11-2007, 17:06
The lumbering troop ships had taken weeks to cross the seas. Each of them ran either an ancient Soviet reactor/engine or a newly made but highly polluting Griffencrest made engine. The skies were blotted out with dark smoke for miles. These ancient ships were going to be fazed out eventually. High Command had plans for them.
Their massive hulls opened up, dozens of BTR-60s hit the water, at the same time smoke rockets roared into the skies. The beaches were covered in smoke as the first vehicles hit the shoreline. Then dozens of Mi-2, Mi-4, UH-1s, and even Bell 212 helicopters hit the skies. A few AH-04 'Spire' light attack helicopters joined them. These outdated Leafanistani attack helicopters had been fitted with a new laser rangefinder, antitank missiles and rocket pods. They guided in the armored personnel carriers as they dispensed people.
A young Colonel Anthony Opitov got out of the vehicle. A AK-165 in his hand, and a brand new M12 'Venom' strapped to his side, and his security detail milling about. Large barges move forward to build a temporary dock. As he watched his troops lazily marches into formation he was upset at them. "I always got these newbies." he thought.
A few BMP-1s and BMP-2s roared onto the beach now. They were slower, a few had floundered in the high seas and rescue boats were out getting the drowning idiots.
"All of it is our combat gear, sir. In fact, we're taking the intact armoured vehicles with us. As for the other one, we'll come back to it. None of it is not combat gear"
HT, someone, post. I have no new material until you do.
Hurtful Thoughts
09-11-2007, 22:22
No, those're my mortars, and I have my own plans for how/when to use them.
Just because I got your stuff zeroed doesn't mean I'm going to actually shoot it, yet.
I'd also wonder why you'd assume immediately that Grant was the cause.
May I assume everyone who's going to show up made it to their rally points?
Yep, suppose we're where grant told us to be.
09-11-2007, 23:14
May I assume everyone who's going to show up made it to their rally points?
Republican Rally Point
Massive 8x8 trucks pulled into a level part of rally point. Flanked by dozens of HT-101s and their related variants, and hundreds of trucks and jeeps, it was a sight to behold. The men leapt off their trucks, grabbed dozens of hoses and plugged them into the 8x8 trucks. They waited as another group of 8x8s were unloaded with squeaky, crunchy Styrofoam.
They gritted their teeth as technicians forced each Styrofoam piece together. The sound was maddening. But soon enough there were dozens of Styrofoam huts and barracks set up. Machine gun nests, hardened hangers, an entire infrastructure, made out of Styrofoam. Then the hoses came to life and hundreds of gallons of Quickcrete began flowing onto the Styrofoam pieces. They were shaped and smoothed out and within 24 hours, there would be a full concrete base created out of Styrofoam and a liquid solution.
Engineers began working on an airstrip as HT-101-23s SPAAGs and HT-101-72 SPAAGs assembled near the airstrip.
Hurtful Thoughts
10-11-2007, 02:09
OOC: Leaf, you do know the rally point is only about 20 meters outside a Maldorian fortress, right?
Grant was impressed by the Leafanstani proffessionalism, though it was a bit difficult to address everyone with the styrofoam buildings getting in the way, so he had the entire group assembly postponed for 2 hours and shifted to a new location 200 meters to the west. This delay also allowed the Five Points to shuft their positions accordingly unobserved.
The World Soviet Party
10-11-2007, 05:08
Meanwhile, the Soviets were enjoying their stay, though always alert for a Hurtian sign.
OOC: Glorified BUMP for PROHT.
The Antigrans had decided to set up camp - like the others, no-one had booked a hotel or hut for them.
Also in the 'copters were pieces of tent - lots of them. Enough to make a low 'hut', with a capacity for 30 men, in less than two hours. It would look like one huge long tent, because it is.
Lieutenant McCartney was tasked with ferrying the materials two and fro on the two assault APCs, and a little trailer that they'd brought along.
Sergeant Kale, as his first move, set up a little Antigran flag, that fell over twice before he nailed the pole to a tree.
A few machine-gun and missile nests were set up in case of mutant aliens or other undesirables.
*waits eagerly for mal to post*
The World Soviet Party
11-11-2007, 21:19
Captain Sebastian decided it would be wiser for him to attend the rendezvouz while the rest of the team stayed behind, just in case it was a trap. If everything went well, he'd call in the rest of Charlie Squad and things would work on from there.
Hurtful Thoughts
12-11-2007, 22:12
OOC: I'd give mal some time to catch up on reading, but I'm still going to respond to the rallied troops and TWSP's guys.
220 meters west of Maldorian base
Grant addressng the trainees
Grant walked to roughly the front and center of the group, and faced them as a whole before speaking.
"Due to previous obligations, Warrant Officer Gorbechev will not be able to introduce you. Thus, he has asked me to do so in his place. He has also hired me and my men to give a brief demonstration at the conclussion of this speech."
He then unslung his carbine, and holds it at a combat ready position.
"Each of you, will be paired with people from other units, most of these people will be from different countries and specialized in different things. However, thiscannot be a one-to-one ratio, since everyone sent different amounts. At some times, you will be operating entirely with just your unit, at others, with every unit."
He then plugs a bayonet onto the muzzle of his carbine.
"I was also told to remind you, that this is a actively contested combat zone, these are the front lines of a low intensity conflict, so don't just assume that the muzzle flashes you see are blanks, always treat incoming fire as enemy fire. But we stress that you do not return fire unless you have positively identified said fire to be from a real enemy or from your fellow trainees. This is for the safety of all participants. The recognized trainee identification is to raise an orange flag on a pole if you come under incoming live fire, the correct response is to raise another red flag, followed by a blue if you had recently fired any live ammo by accident. I repeat that this is for your safety while being the least invasive of your standard operating procedures."
He then sticks the bayonet into the ground and sets a garrison cap from his pocket at the stoc of his gun, making it appear almost like a flag.
"To further drive the point that this territory is hostile, I am to instruct you to fix bayonets, stab the dirt, and place a hat or helmet on top, then follow me to the anti-tank ditch to the east."
He finally salutes the men [or the cap, kinda difficult to tell], does a 3/4 turn [3 lefts to equal a single right], giving a brief nod and salute in every direction, and marches off to the ditch.
Nearby hill
One of the heavy machine gunners casually watched Grant as he spoke to the troops. Taking note of when he gave a salute in their direction, he informed the other members of his group it was time via a few quick and simple hand gestures.
On the lee side of the hill, a man with a flagpole was wagging and twirling it in a morse code fashoin to a group of Mi-17s on the near west horizon, most of them behind a hilly treeline. Upon seeing them climb over and start their approah, the meseger then ran up to the hillcrest to join his fellow machinegunners.
Neaby treeline to south
Five Point elite khornate snipers armed with automatic 6.5 mm rifles took aim upon the heads of various officers in the lineup, as they already had pre-arranged fires set up with each man taking a platoon at a time.
The knew that exactly 120 seconds after Grant started moving to open fire. In this time, the men in the field were expected to have placed their caps and walked 20 meters, but due to the shift, they would now have to cover 220 meters in the same amount of time before the mortars would start firing.*
True, the mortar shells would take an additional 30 seconds, plus the noise they would give away would prompt them to run, it would be a very close affair. But the goal of this demonstration was utmost surprise, violence, effectiveness, and brutality.
100 meters South-east of Maldorian base
Meeting with TWSP Charlie squad
Gorbechev leaned against a large mangrove, blending into the neaby surrounding to a degree, although a good eye would maybe spot him.
He stood there waiting for the Soviets to arrive.
He wasn't too surprised when he only saw one approach him. They had learned well from their last experiances with traps and ambushes.
Except Gorby thought that the other Soviets were simply really well hidden, and not still waiting around a hotel lobby.
As the Soviet approached, he recognized him. They sent one of their toughest to act as the 'diplomat', a wise decision.
Not moving, Gorby spoke: "You lost?"
Mortars are aimed at barracks of Maldorian trainees and rear areas of other units in training to ensure nobody disobeys wake up calls. Sorry Leaf, but a few of your concrete/foam buildings are gonna get flattened, just be glad those'll be inert training rounds (solid shot), WP, chemical payload (blood red painball), and smoke bombs, everything else get HE-frag though...
The World Soviet Party
12-11-2007, 23:10
100 meters South-east of Maldorian base
Meeting with TWSP Charlie squad
Gorbechev leaned against a large mangrove, blending into the neaby surrounding to a degree, although a good eye would maybe spot him.
He stood there waiting for the Soviets to arrive.
He wasn't too surprised when he only saw one approach him. They had learned well from their last experiances with traps and ambushes.
Except Gorby thought that the other Soviets were simply really well hidden, and not still waiting around a hotel lobby.
As the Soviet approached, he recognized him. They sent one of their toughest to act as the 'diplomat', a wise decision.
Not moving, Gorby spoke: "You lost?"
Johann was really surprised to see Gorbachev, but one of the finer points of his training had included hiding emotions, thus, when he turned around to face his old friend, his faced showed nothing, it was blank.
"Not really, though I'm afraid I was supposed to meet someone here, I'm Mr. Harris, and you are?"
Obviously, Johann knew Gorbachev but he had been instructed to avoid contanct until the Hurtian started, after all, it could be a trap.
Hurtful Thoughts
13-11-2007, 01:32
"I'm your new case handler and tour guide in Khornate Tribes, I suppose you want to show up at the party properly dressed..."
Gorby tosses the pack of uniforms onto the ground in front of Captain Johann Sebastian.
"Grant has a Maldorian radio operator commandeered, you could maybe intercept, capture, interogate, and then pose as him, which would place one of your men in their pivitol C3 cornerstones."
Afterwards, he took a few steps forwards, and asked:
"So, where's the rest of your men?"
The World Soviet Party
13-11-2007, 01:55
"I'm your new case handler and tour guide in Khornate Tribes, I suppose you want to show up at the party properly dressed..."
Gorby tosses the pack of uniforms onto the ground in front of the captian.
"Grant has a Maldorian radio operator commandeered, you could maybe intercept, capture, interogate, and then pose as him, which would place one of your men in their pivitol C3 cornerstones."
Afterwards, he took a few steps forwards, and asked:
"So, where's the rest of your men?"
Johann opened the case and checked the uniforms, they were fairly standard, double-sided clothes (Woodland and Urban camo), the pack also contained several pieces of personal body armour.
He raised his head, and pointed back at the city.
"The rest of the men are waiting for me there, give me twenty minutes and they will be here, as for this"- he signaled the clothing -"We might need to replace some of these with our own, but I guess that will be okay.
Now, where is this radio operator you speak of?"
Hurtful Thoughts
13-11-2007, 03:30
Gorbechev was a tad perturbed to hear he risked going alone, but nevertheless...
"The radio operator is out at the west gate about to experiance a severe mortar sheling and firsthand how effective shock tactics can be during a surprise raid. Except Grant's men like using live ammo instead of paintballs."
He let the refferance sink in before continuing.
"Don't worry, they won't kill him. They'll just unerve him, send him to the on-base bar, and then you'll just have to drink him under the table like back in basic."*
*And Wanderjar laughed at that, who's laughing now?
So, am I supposed to do something at this moment or is the story still being told? I can't tell.
13-11-2007, 22:57
OOC: I hope I know what I am doing.
Just Outside the Base
"Damn! I hate all of this!"complained one of the recruits. A few of the soldiers hated the whole idea of this joint-training, but others really didn't care. "What's the point? This is better then hunting down some crazy tribesmen," was the usual response.
In the Base
A few of the higher ranked officers, who refused to attend these 'training' exercises, stayed in the Maldorian citadel. Them and a few rebellious soldiers disliked the idea of a 'training operation'. Maldorians didn't need training!, many of them thought. So, instead of marching outside, they were relaxing among their peers, drinking and carousing.
HT/Me are going to roast the guys who aren't doing anything.
HT, I'll not post until the shells start falling, as I'm slightly confused.
The World Soviet Party
14-11-2007, 22:19
Gorbechev was a tad perturbed to hear he risked going alone, but nevertheless...
"The radio operator is out at the west gate about to experiance a severe mortar sheling and firsthand how effective shock tactics can be during a surprise raid. Except Grant's men like using live ammo instead of paintballs."
He let the refferance sink in before continuing.
"Don't worry, they won't kill him. They'll just unerve him, send him to the on-base bar, and then you'll just have to drink him under the table like back in basic."*
*And Wanderjar laughed at that, who's laughing now?
Johann laughed when faced with his complete failure to pass a test he now regarded as simple, picking up a girl and getting her personal information, he had progressed since then, as he was now captain of his own squad.
"Anyways, I'll call the rest of the guys and have them enter the base while wearing these uniforms, then I'll meet the operator in the bar.
One thing though, I suppose I can try some of these 'goodies' that the people back in TWSP gave me to test, right? Nothing big, just a couple of pills and the likes."
Hurtful Thoughts
16-11-2007, 21:57
OOC: *rereads post 5 to try and remember what the ambush plan was...*
Squads P17 and P35 ('P' designates the CO, 'Pick', an assasination specialist unit) were in the treeline, 6.5 mm autnatic rifles still at ready, sme of their scopes had fogged up (due to yesterday's rain), and thus they would have to rely upon their iron sights and remember the ranges. At least the spirit level on the scope rim still worked, which would allow them to check torquing the rifle left or right at long range.
Squad P54 was a 'heavy weapons' squad, armed with SHAW-12 auto shotguns and 40 mm grenade launchers, these men still remained with the helicopter unit of H40 (H denoting 'Hans' or Logistics specialty).
Grant's elite unit, his personal bodygaurds, comprised of unit 'G', manning the technicals and mortars.
A unit of men deployed from SN2 -their espianoge unit, specialised in concealment and still quite capable at killing- manned a trio of Kord heay machineguns upon the crest of a hill.
After word was given, and the 120 second delay had passed
See earlier post
TOT was assigned upon multiple targets. 15 shells total
3 HE mortar shells would land in the cadet barracks
(2 chemical payload shells were assigned to the officer's lounge blood red paint)
5 HE upon the open field and various rally points (Antigr's LZ, HOI and Leafansi motor pools, etc, with 1 shell devoted to Antigr, 1 for HOI, 2 for Leaf's motor pool, and one for his airfield.)
5 Chemical payload upon Leafansi concrete pre-fabbed base, through which some of the soldiers would have inevitably taken cover.
The Kords manned by SN2 gave suppressive fire upon the cadets trying to counter-attack, hopefully driving them back into the trenches.
These shells were all fired within 40 seconds, and none would land more than 2 seconds after the one before. About 2 seconds later, these technicals started moving forward and the Mi-17s jumped the crest of the hill, laying down a light barrage of HE-frag and smoke rockets (about half their load) upon the open field, followed by a quck strafe with their fixed 35 mm gast autocannons, using the cover they gained by firing smoke, they landed P54 nearby, at which point 40 mm grenades would be fired upon the RP.
The three Mi-17s of H40 then focused their attention on circling the HOI and Leafansi motor pools, firing 35 mm shells into them, laying down the rest of their rockets for addd efect. However, their ammo supply wouldn't last forever, and having primarily been loaded with cargo rather than munitions on this sortie, they soon had to withdrw before doing any significant damage.
It was around this time that the three technical trucks broke through the treeline, and men from P17 hopped on the rear box as it sped through the field and past P54. The technicals fired off 12.7x107 mm heavy MGs while the men of P17 emptied ther rifle mags of 6.5 mm, at some point they hit the dirt and started firing 12 ga from their underbarrel grenade launchers, scattering the empty field with FRAG-12 HE shells. at this point the membe rs of P54 advanced and switched to using their SHAW-12s to full effect, using their guns like assault rifles on steroids at a range of 75 meters and rapidly closing.
then they went 'hand to hand' against the dummy targets (the rifles witrh helmets set on top, even though by now most helmets were ridlled full of holes or were blown around be explosions) one simply toook his now empty SHAW-12 and swung it like a baseball bat, throwing one helmet a considerable distance. A few of the men from P54 towards the rear focused their attention on the live targets by loading a 40 mm 'paintball' and firing upon any 'enemy' troops in the open.
At some point, the Kord HMGs stopped firing, and P17 and P54 ran out of targets to mutilate in CQB. So they hopped back on their technicals and rode off towards the hills. SN2 was still providing overwatch for G, P17, and P54. Thus, they were happy to oblige when a rather foolish HOI sgt tried to return fire with his HAP-655 sidearm (in pistol configuration, these things are pretty inaccurate pieces of junk), in response, a Kord from unit SN2 barked a short burst, mowing him down.
After a pause
Grant re-addressed the troops, never forget, you are in Khornate tribes, that over there *points to the base* may be owned by the Maldorians, but everything else belongs to the people of Khornate tribes.
He then walk out into the empty field and retireves his HAP-655 and garrison cap, and notes a bullet hole.
He then faces his men, and ralies them back to his position. The helos recover the men from SN2, and they line up along the field at attention.
At this point, the degree of how motly these men were becomes apparent, everyone wore different uniforms and camo except for a common identication patch, P17 and P54 members could readily be told apart simply by the theme of their camo, with P17 better suited for woodland opeations
P54 seemed to wear urban combat gear and what was obviously a class IV body armor with plate mail thrown on top for good measure, few men from P54 had any real cam at all, and this consisted of a set of coveralls or jumpsuit, worn more so for the multitude of pockets than for concealment.
P17 had everything trimmed to remain snag-free in the woods, and their helmets were often festooned with freshly cut local foliage to blend in.
Units of 'G' were the only ones to wear what could actually be called a proper uniform, consisting mostly of a grey greatcoat and a fur lined hat.
The logistics troops from H40 simply wore whatever was warm (or cool for tropics operation) and serviceable when operating or repairing vehicles, oil stains were common.
SN2 members wore ghillie suits. Underneath these were relatively clean looking civillian attire.
Gorby and Johann Awhile ago
"Sure, sure, just don't get caught, I can't bail you out this time, and if you do get caught, they won't be using blanks during interogation. We can't really be officially linked with your forces in any way, so this meeting never happened, and if you must give a story, claim you are aiding the Khornate resistance movements, it may save your life."
A number of mortars could be heard firing about 850 meters south-southwest of their position.
"Oh, care to stay and watch the fireworks"
A short while later, explosions were heard about 100 to 500 meters north of them.
The engines of the helicopters were already running, the air force pilots had checked nothing was left onboard.
They were just rising above the ground, at a hover of 50m ready to fly off, when a whining sound was heard, and a mortar shell landed beneath them.
Shell fragments tore through one of the 'chopper's three engines. It's pilot, Captian Yohan, was quick to react. His left hand flew to the fire extinguisher systems, which poured halon replacement substance over the engine.
At the same time, his right hand hit the emergency computer override, that would disengage computer management of the other two engines.
His co-pilot knew what to do, without the computer - it's sensors for the third engine had been destroyed, making the central computer think that there was still three engines running fine - he managed to steady the plane.
Yohan kept it steady while his co checked for leakages of anything. Luckily, there were none.
Lieutenant McCartney heard the mortar shells landing at various places - he saw the LZ, about 100 metres away, and a shell landing there. The SSD were cautious people, and McCartney brandished a LMG and went outside, followed by seven men, heavily armed. One jumped on top of one of the vehicles and engaged the missile system. No more shells landed.
The un-intact vehicle had been damaged - it had been offloaded and was lying 20 metres away from the shell. Some of the electrics were shot. Luckily, one of the detachment's NCOs had been an electrician in his previous life.
The detachment's other Lieutenant, Dexter, rounded up four men and got in the GPL jeep to investigate. Three grabbed their weapons and jumped on, while the other man picked up two Miera III reloads and two two-hundred-round 12.7x103mm belt-boxes and walked towards the vehicle.
(HT, I'm not sure if it was just one shell that landed at our LZ, or whether there was more aimed at us - I don't know whether I may have misuderstood, or whether my men should be running around screaming instead, or maybe this post's actually fine, let me know)
The World Soviet Party
17-11-2007, 17:25
Gorby and Johann Awhile ago
"Sure, sure, just don't get caught, I can't bail you out this time, and if you do get caught, they won't be using blanks during interogation. We can't really be officially linked with your forces in any way, so this meeting never happened, and if you must give a story, claim you are aiding the Khornate resistance movements, it may save your life."
A number of mortars could be heard firing about 850 meters south-southwest of their position.
"Oh, care to stay and watch the fireworks"
A short while later, explosions were heard about 100 to 500 meters north of them.
Johann watched the explosions, but just for a couple of seconds, while he finished putting on his uniform, and, of course, calling his squad-mates.
"Okay now, I must go, that Maldorian wont stay in that bar forever, any last minute tip, objective or assignment you'd like to give me?"
Hurtful Thoughts
17-11-2007, 23:02
Ant, your post is fine, just expect the HMGs from the Kords and technical or the 35 mm from the helis to pop your tires. Is the GPL in the LZ or the RP?
Johann watched the explosions, but just for a couple of seconds, while he finished putting on his uniform, and, of course, calling his squad-mates.
"Okay now, I must go, that Maldorian wont stay in that bar forever, any last minute tip, objective or assignment you'd like to give me?"
"Hmmm, Grant might be doing a quick inspection of the base shooting a few Maldorians at random, I'd also assume a few Khornate tribesmen would join in. Just stay away from red paint and shell holes."
OOC: Leaf, they a mix of both, see note on post 48, 8 HE and 7 paintball or smoke (or paint that emits smoke (adhesive smoke)
18-11-2007, 00:26
OOC: Placeholder post, are these actual HE mortars or just paintball filled ones? Because you are bound to kill a few people, and that means a response.
Everything's at the RP except for the bits of un-put-together armoured vehicle which are kinda lying 20 metres away from our RP.
Helicopters, one wounded, are flying away to file a report on how they were mortared, and the guys in the GPL aren't that stupid. Where there's gunfire, they won't go.
The five men in the Jeep were heading out to investigate. The 223 horses under the bonnet propelled them forward at increasingly higher speeds.
Then they saw a muzzle flash from a helicopter - that hadn't yet seen them - firing at someone else. The Jeep sped round to behind the remains of a small ruined wall, then slid to a halt.
Dexter got on the radio.
"Base, this is Dexter. We got one hell of a gun-play out here - some helicopters toting cannons, and what sound like Kord heavy MGs. Probably the hurtians having a play, but I'd like the MVC here, over"
He told them of his positions. Two minutes later, a wheeled APC sporting heavy NERA armour and a lot of MGs and missiles rounded the corner and joined them.
Then a helicopter saw them. It swung it's cannon around and let off a burst - the shells thudded into the ground beside them.
Dexter leapt into the driver's seat of the Jeep and hit the accelerator. The 3-litre V6 223hp wasn't very powerful in a big vehicle, but the GPL, even in heavily armed format, weighed little more than a Willys Jeep and lurched up to speed with stunning amounts of torque.
Dexter yelled to one of his men, just as more shells hit the place where their left tyres had been two seconds ago.
"Douglas! Get the KGM (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13168548&postcount=52) and let them know we don't like them"
Corporal Johnny Douglas knew what this meant. He got the KGM (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13168548&postcount=52) and swung it around to fire off a warning burst. Not easy at 50mph, but with a 1200rpm rate of fire, the pilots would get the message. "Quit it".
His finger squeezed the trigger and the trigger stayed squeezed for only a second. However, in that time he had fired off 20 rounds. Going at 60mph over not very smooth terrain presented no trouble for the GPL, but it did for Douglas and he couldn't aim accurately - rather than all the tracer whizzing above the helicopter, only some had done and the rest was embedded in it's tail. Ooops.
Meanwhile, on the MVC, much the same was being done. Except with missiles.
Rather than fire them, the Sergeant commanding decided to simply lock on to them - if they were modern helicopters they would have an alert showing that a missile was locked on. Intimidating could have a huge effect, and the SSD men were the ones to exploit it.
The two vehicles split up - the MVC headed back to the RP while the Jeep took a detour away from the choppers and MGs to try and get to the other scenes of the mortar attacks - Dexter had seen a shell land on the Leafansi base and motor pool and he was going to see if they knew what was going on.
Hurtful Thoughts
18-11-2007, 17:53
Because at the conclusion of me last post I jumped the gun and said they all landed safely
One of the Mafia's Mi-17s was taking automatic weapons-fire, and in response, swung around to present it specially armored nose*. A few bullets still managed to tear into the tail-boom, causing no noticeable damage, but the pilot was traned to be more careful, and be ready to initiate a dead stick (unpowered) landing if the boom went (cutting the engine would eliminate torquing of heli allowing it to autorotate to ground in a straight line) this howver, meant the chopper had to be moving at a good clip at all times.
But rather than choose to go straigh forward, it sideslipped and circled the Antigrinan vehicles, making sure the only thig they could see was a noseload of 35 and 70 mm rockets.
Then the co-pilot rang out:
"Sir they've got us lit!"
"Then light them back, and deploy onboard visual countermeasures"
Further countermeasures were supplied by dumping chaf, flares, and deploying smoke by spraying some jet fuel onto the hot engine parts, causing a thick plume of grey smoke to emit from the engines and get stirred all round by prop wash.
Not all of the helicopter's rockets were unguided smokelayers, some of the 70 mm were rather fresh laser guided jobs equiped with HEDP, a simple laser designator was manually aimed at the MVC.
"Bang, you're dead. Weapons locked, firing a hoffman charge."
The 'Hoffman' being a dummy, child's model Estestm rocket
*The heli is mounting a pair of fixed forward firing 35 mm cannons, if I wanted to use it as a viable CAS gunship, armoring that part would come very much in handy.
The helicopter has seen circling the vehicles. Although a missile could be fired off from the MVC or Jeep at any moment - and might not be fooled by countermeasures at this close range - the pirpose was to intimidate. Most of the men had heard of the Hurtain MILES gear and the other stunts they pulled, and they doubted it was an enemy attack.
Dexter saw the countermeasures being deployed. Oooh, they're scared. He thought.
Suddenly, a 70mm rocket began to accelerate away from the helicopter towards the MVC. In a fraction of a second, it's laser aiming was detected by onboard computers and a laser dazzler was activated as a countermeasure.
By now, the V6 had accelerated the GPL to 75mph but they were on smoother ground. This gave Corporal Douglas a better chance with the KGM.
He aimed carefully while flicking the ROF controller to 750rpm, then further lowering it by adjusting the gas regulators. 500rpm would conserve ammo.
He fired a 50-round burst of tracer just over the rotor blades. Meanwhile, Private Daiyerson was aiming the twin .50 V60s. They fired at only 300rpm each, but each round was classified as a magnum. Dangerous.
He fired a burst too, but made the same accident Douglas made as the jeep hit a bump at 82mph. .50 rounds accidentally hit the boom again. Well, you can't be accurate at 80mph off-road.
Dexter took a brief look at the same time he did this.
"You idiot! You trying to start a war?"
"Well, they are, sir"
"Oh, yeah. Keep firing"
19-11-2007, 18:15
After word was given, and the 120 second delay had passed
See earlier post
TOT was assigned upon multiple targets. 15 shells total
3 HE mortar shells would land in the cadet barracks
(2 chemical payload shells were assigned to the officer's lounge blood red paint)
5 HE upon the open field and various rally points (Antigr's LZ, HOI and Leafansi motor pools, etc, with 1 shell devoted to Antigr, 1 for HOI, 2 for Leaf's motor pool, and one for his airfield.)
5 Chemical payload upon Leafansi concrete pre-fabbed base, through which some of the soldiers would have inevitably taken cover.
The Kords manned by SN2 gave suppressive fire upon the cadets trying to counter-attack, hopefully driving them back into the trenches.
These shells were all fired within 40 seconds, and none would land more than 2 seconds after the one before. About 2 seconds later, these technicals started moving forward and the Mi-17s jumped the crest of the hill, laying down a light barrage of HE-frag and smoke rockets (about half their load) upon the open field, followed by a quck strafe with their fixed 35 mm gast autocannons, using the cover they gained by firing smoke, they landed P54 nearby, at which point 40 mm grenades would be fired upon the RP.
The three Mi-17s of H40 then focused their attention on circling the HOI and Leafansi motor pools, firing 35 mm shells into them, laying down the rest of their rockets for addd efect. However, their ammo supply wouldn't last forever, and having primarily been loaded with cargo rather than munitions on this sortie, they soon had to withdrw before doing any significant damage.
It was around this time that the three technical trucks broke through the treeline, and men from P17 hopped on the rear box as it sped through the field and past P54. The technicals fired off 12.7x107 mm heavy MGs while the men of P17 emptied ther rifle mags of 6.5 mm, at some point they hit the dirt and started firing 12 ga from their underbarrel grenade launchers, scattering the empty field with FRAG-12 HE shells. at this point the membe rs of P54 advanced and switched to using their SHAW-12s to full effect, using their guns like assault rifles on steroids at a range of 75 meters and rapidly closing.
The response was swift and brutal. BM-21 units set up in firebases immediately responded with a wave of 50 122mm smoke rockets. High Explosive and Tear Gas rockets were available, but not fired as the prevailing thought was this was an exercise.
The chemicals were more irritating. But the Mafia was experienced with dealing with chemical weapons they constantly used them. They rapidly donned their ponchos and gas masks. The few incapacitated ones threw up their hands and medical units quickly reached them.
The Quickcrete huts were usually airtight and the hatch like doors created a nearly airtight shelter.
The Helicopters had a few seconds of immunity, then 3 rockets roared out of the smoke cloud and moved straight toward them. Each one heatseeking and their microprocessors demanded they impact.
Hurtful Thoughts
20-11-2007, 01:05
OOC: Dang... heatseking missiles fired...
Lucky me the Mi-17s standard rate of protection was .30 caliber to the rotor blades eh? Too bad you fired .50s.
You do know 'chemical payload' in this case means red paint/smoke (or smoke emiting paint), right? (pretty sure a design of this made it to the old draftroom, hard, sticky, smokey, and stiff?) (http://z13.invisionfree.com/The_NS_Draftroom/index.php?showtopic=3274)
*Mix 44 RED, Kudus to ZMI for the original idea, I just found a new use for it...
Upon seeing the Leafthinistani missiles, the weapons officer cried out:
"SAMs fired, SAMs fired! Move!"
More flares [and chaff] were fired as the choper went into a descending/ascending sideslip, trying to face the Antigras, Leafanistanis, and the Maldorians at once.
With the greater distances involved, they had some time to react, however the one nearest the Leafanistani base was critically hit in the tail boom, and would autorotate down to the ground sideways. This manuver would never be fun, as it had a good likelyhood of tipping over upon landing unless the pilot flaired enough, but flairing out too high and you crush the landing gear into the fusealage.
Upon landing, the pilot immediately jumped out and kissed terra firma, which he noted tasted like wet concrete, and was rather flat and hard. The left strut was also missing.
Another helicopter avoided getting hit by the missile, but due to previous damage to the boom, was starting to loose control. Therefore, the pilot was forced to abort further attacks as he went for a final high speed strafe straight over the Maldorian base, knocking the roof off of a gaurd tower in the process.
The last pilot of the chain of choppers looked at his fallen comrad, and did what seemed right, going in to pick up the downed crew and provide covering fire with a side mounted PKM loaded purely with tracers. They had some FOD due to ingesting copious amounts of spent chaff.
The smoke was making it difficult for the technicals to manuver through the woods with great speed, a few thermal imagers helped, but only marginally as they drove through the smoke laced woods and into the smoke laced fields.
It made bigger complications when they had to stop for the "Pick" detachments to onload in the smoke. They knew that if this was a real raid, they'd be dead. This was making them somewhat demoralized.
He had not taken into consideration that the Leafanistani mafia was not only well versed, but was already set up with its own military base and AA for the pilots to worry about. This was going to cost him, and in turn, he expected to bill Gorbechev double hazard pay for this.
Effective "painting" of target visualy with neon coloured paint
Effective "painting" by UV radiation returned when exposed to specific RF bands
Effective counter to stealthed units and massive increase in radar return when applied to most non stealth units
Effective system denial of multiple optics
Effectyve system denail radar systems via being directly obscured via copper particulates.
Effective slicking of surfaces
Semi Effective sealing or fouling of hatches shut
Semi Effective fouling of servo mounts
Semi Effective barrel fouling of gunnery
Effective global tracking via radium particulates
Mix 44 is flame resistant thus a decrease in vulnerability to incendaries occurs when applied.
Mix 44 is effectivly immune to all conventional cleaning products and conventional paint strippers and "thinners".
Mix 44 is effectively semi immune to most naval high pressure water and steam cleaners requiring in most applications days of painstakeing removal.
20-11-2007, 06:28
OOC: The Huts are styrofoam covered with Quickcrete on the outside. The internals are all styrofoam.
IC: The men and women cut themselves out of sealed and fouled Mud-huts as they called them by slicing through the styrofoam living hinge. It wasn't very hard.
The helicopter men would find themselves dazzled by lasers, a small attachment on the side of their AK-165s shaped like a small spotlight did a similar job. They could be arrested.
Meanwhile Colonel Anthony Opitov was shocked. This wasn't like any exercise he had seen, even live fire exercises. He quickly demanded an explanation for the incident.
Message to Hurtian Forces
No seriously, what the damn was that?
The Mafia had had enough, it was time to bring out the big guns. Large cargo ships opened up and Quickcrete and Steel hangers disguised Mafia intentions as they hid their vehicles underneath them.
Suddenly the dozens of landing craft came to life again and began churning out a thick black smoke. The sky was acrid but the smoke didn't descend except in the form of ash. It was a special Griffencrest mixture into the already dirty boilers. Light particulates that hung in the air for days.
Soon a snow of ash would fall over the entire island, as the Mafia prepared for combat that they were all too familiar with.
Rock-based ash? Then the following will happen:
If someone breathes a tiny weeny bit of that in, it liquidates their lungs and they die. No survivors. :rolleyes:
Just hope it's regular ash.
Ok, leaf, level with us OOC'ly. What the f----ing hell do you think you're doing?
If you're trying to start a full-scale nbc war with us, you're kinda surpassing what I call stage 1. The inital aggresion stage.
So, what's going to happen next? I have no new material, and leaf needs to explain a bit more.
Hurtful Thoughts
26-11-2007, 19:31
OOC: The Huts are styrofoam covered with Quickcrete on the outside. The internals are all styrofoam.
IC: The men and women cut themselves out of sealed and fouled Mud-huts as they called them by slicing through the styrofoam living hinge. It wasn't very hard.
The helicopter men would find themselves dazzled by lasers, a small attachment on the side of their AK-165s shaped like a small spotlight did a similar job. They could be arrested.
Meanwhile Colonel Anthony Opitov was shocked. This wasn't like any exercise he had seen, even live fire exercises. He quickly demanded an explanation for the incident.
Message to Hurtian Forces*
No seriously, what the damn was that?
*Assuming ou are talking to the 'arrested' pilots
The pilot, having landed on a mud hut and now with a large number of laser-sights and spotlights on him, was rather calm even though he knew these people were recently firing upon his chopper with the intent to kill...
"A simple live fire excercise and demo, if you can't see that then you need to get out of your huts more often..."
The Mafia had had enough, it was time to bring out the big guns. Large cargo ships opened up and Quickcrete and Steel hangers disguised Mafia intentions as they hid their vehicles underneath them.
Suddenly the dozens of landing craft came to life again and began churning out a thick black smoke. The sky was acrid but the smoke didn't descend except in the form of ash. It was a special Griffencrest mixture into the already dirty boilers. Light particulates that hung in the air for days.
Soon a snow of ash would fall over the entire island, as the Mafia prepared for combat that they were all too familiar with.
The sky quicly grew dark.
HOI mercs simply assumed it was another huge load of Leafanistani mercs.
The HMR instructors simply re-checked theirrosters for any new arrivals and prepared for low visability operations.
The guys of the FPM demo were hardly noticing the gradual but noticeable shift in lighting conditions. They just wanted to be done and head home with this seemingly pointless endevor.**
Gorbechev walked into the base through the east gate, checked his gun, and proceeded to the bar.
**FPM was simply contracted for the intro demo while Gorby was 'out back' gathering TWSPs guys.
The ash started to come down. Unfortunately for the SSD, they didn't know this at first.
Dexter decided to turn back to the RP camp with all haste. He swung the GPL Jeep (http://www.forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13228816&postcount=109)'s steering wheel hard to the right - almost flicking the thing over - and accelerated up to the maximum restricted speed of 112mph.
Meanwhile, at Lieutenant Dexter's destination, things had already gone nuts. Ash though it was, the SSD were cautious people and immediately put on gas masks, while the Lieutenant-Colonel flung his arm over to the General Alarm. Immediately, a loud ringing sound was heard. Several men got inside the tents, and General panic arose, until the men realised it was pretty much harmless. Being too cautious had it's bad points.
Dexter seemed to realise this too. He went out again to investigate.
29-11-2007, 19:02
*Assuming ou are talking to the 'arrested' pilots
The pilot, having landed on a mud hut and now with a large number of laser-sights and spotlights on him, was rather calm even though he knew these people were recently firing upon his chopper with the intent to kill...
"A simple live fire excercise and demo, if you can't see that then you need to get out of your huts more often..."
An officer came up, a large scar along the side of his head ending at the remnants of his ear was his most prominent feature. The scar was pink and hairless and no attempt was made to hide it.
The officer looked at the pilots in pity and raised his arm. He then lowered it and shouted "FIRE!"
A shotgun blast knocked the pilot over, he was dazed and the soldiers surrounding him smiled. He looked down to discover a fluorescent blue stain covering his BDU and the officer offering a hand to the man.
"If we had wanted to kill you, we'd have used live warheads in those Stingers, not solid dummy slugs."
I will have to post a note here to say that this thread is dman near dead. Where the hell is Mal?
09-12-2007, 19:35
TOT was assigned upon multiple targets. 15 shells total
3 HE mortar shells would land in the cadet barracks
(2 chemical payload shells were assigned to the officer's lounge blood red paint)
As the first of the shells tore into the Maldorian base, the officers were appalled. "What the hell was that!?" Another shell, this one being a chemical-tipped one, landed in the exact center of the officer's lounge, killing every single inhabitant of the room.
OOC: WTF is going on?
Actually, we've got way past that bit.
I suppose we have to get on - the ash has aready fallen, so let's get on with the training. So are we just going down to the firing ranges now?
So this thread is dead too...