A Funny Thing at the Restaurant (attn. Nova Bazalonia)
New Dornalia
05-10-2007, 05:06
"Hey Sharon!"
The waitress was hanging up her apron, ready to go home after a long day on the job. Cradling a shining object in her hands, she looked at it oddly, examining it as she had been doing for the past hour.
"What is it, Alice? I got customers waiting on me, make it quick."
This was said by a waitress running up to Alice, presumably Sharon. Alice then held up the shining bundle, and said, "A customer gave me this."
Frowning, Sharon said, "What is it?" in a somewhat impaitent voice. Alice uwrapped the package, revealing a gleaming stone inside that made the room somewhat brighter. With a smile and eagerness, Alice said, "It's what they call a Sunstone. It's from the planet of Nova, or something like that. Customer said it emits energies of all sorts."
Sharon shrugged, and said with a dissmissive harumph, "Sounds like some cult shit to me. I gotta run."
Sharon ran off, to serve her customers.
Alice shrugged; Sharon wasn't one to accept the magical easily. But no matter what she said, Alice couldn't stop staring at the stone. It had to have some kind of power to it. "I mean, it glows, for God's sake!" she thought. She then broke herself away from it, and pocketed it again, this time in her polo shirt's breast pocket.
Clocking out, she left the restaurant, and began to walk down the street to the nearest LA Metro stop.
However, she wouldn't make it there.
The hoodlum was driving like mad, driving like Satan himself was following him to collect his soul. He could only remember stealing the auto from the lot, and he would have gotten away too. But no, that damn necker shopkeeper--curse their sixth sense!--pulled out that shotgun and opened fire. Damn her!
Now, he had the cops on his tail. Great. Fucking great. Hell of a joyride, Bernie! Hell of a joyride!
He swerved, entering the wrong side of the road and nearly missing a bus. Getting back into the right side, he saw a roadblock. Well! A roadblock! Complete with armed LAPD officers, a line of squad cars and nano-tech spike strips to ensure he didn't flee.
This was grand. So, he decided to beat the odds. With a mighty turn of the wheel and a kick of the throttle, he swerved once more. This time, he went onto the sidewalk. People fled in front of him, and he zoomed by the block, provoking a round of gunfire from the officers and their lasguns.
He turned to them and gave the cops the finger. But as he did so, he didn't pay attention to the waitress in front of him, who was just going home....
The inevitable occurred. Flown to the side, hit by the errant auto, she flew smack-dab into the ground. For a moment, she felt a fleeting pain jabbing her chest, and then--
The auto didn't stop, but kept going, leading to LAPD taking off after it in a desperate chase. Meanwhile, passersby and officers on the scene gathered around the poor woman, and one officer kept the passersby away in an attempt to keep things calm.
The doctor that arrived on the scene soon turned the poor woman over, as they were prepping her for placement onto the stretcher to take her to the hospital. He quickly noticed a glowing object, jabbed into the left side of her chest fairly deeply, presumably into her heart and presumably due to the forces involved in being slammed into the ground. Sighing at the absurdity of it all, he checked her jugular for any sign of life, and then said, "Nothing...not a damn thing....."
Nova Bazalonia
05-10-2007, 07:06
The sunstone, is perhaps the most powerful and yet most mysterious of all energy sources known. As the size of the Sunstone crystal grows it's power output grows exponetially, the largest and most rarest sunstones causes permanent eye damage to those that have more than a fleeting glance at it. It powers all of the Novaens technology from personal transportation to inter-stellar ship, It emits a wide range of energies that never seem to fade.
It is most of all a paradox and mystery, the energies it emits never seem to fade, a constant and dependable power source that is never used up and requires no fuel, the makeup of the Sunstone is just as much of a mystery with all attempts at scanning the crystal blocked by it'd energy output or as if it doesn't exist. However you don't have to understand how something works when it is so easy to use, all it needs is a mount and then let the energy be absorbed.
The shard of Sunstone that Alice had in her possession was just like any other that size, however it would be one to instigate dramatic change. Who knows how long it had been, but Alice suddenly woke up, despite having the un-mistakable handicap of being dead. She, however would not find herself where she was run over, in hospital, at home in bed nor infact anywhere at all. She was floating in an an environment devoid of everything and everything, her skin had an unnatural glow to it, all she could see was the brilliant white that surrounded her, and yet it came from no where.
There were no walls, no floors, no roof, nothing and yet just to her side there seemed to be a group of people she could just make out that there were three of them. They made no hint that they even noticed that she was there, nor was their any logical way for Alice to get to them, or them get to her. She just floated in place as if she didn't weigh a thing.
New Dornalia
05-10-2007, 19:02
Alice looked around this unfamiliar envrionment. The swirling empyrean flowing and coursing around her, the shiny new glow her skin took on, and the figures in front of her....it was all so much to take in at once. Looking down, she noticed she was floating as well. Gasping, she quickly looked back up, but noticed she was not falling.
Alice looked about confusedly. However, as much as she would like to get any sense of a landmark, any sense of butter side up or butter side down...nothing. Everything here seemed effused with a heavenly feeling. Yet if this was Heaven, as Pastor Charlene had promised, then why was she feeling trepidation?
Alice then tried to call out to the figures. Maybe they would have some answers. With a mighty cry, she yelled, "Hello!? Hello? Do you know where I am?"
Nova Bazalonia
06-10-2007, 02:00
The sound had seemingly no-effect, they didn't seem to move, or acknowledge her existance at all. Though surely she spoke loud enough to be heard.
That only leaves one option, moving herself to where they are, but how?
Without having anything solid to push against it's logically impossible for her to move. But then again logic could very well be over-rated here.
New Dornalia
06-10-2007, 02:13
Alice's brain racked with ideas as to how to approach these people. "Goddamn.....I can't think with all of this light! How the hell am I supposed to do this?" she thought frantically.
It was beginning to look like her college problem-solving class, racking her brain over seemingly impossible problems. Only this time, it wasn't anything as innocent as finding out what marbles went in what properly labeled box. No, this was something VERY different indeed.
An idea then popped up. Perhaps she could try swimming to the objective? Granted there was no water around, and certainly nothing to push off of. But then again, there was nothing to push on in a swimming pool, either, usually. Extending her arms out, she attempted a crude breaststroke, to see if she could get to the figures that way.
Nova Bazalonia
08-10-2007, 03:33
As Alice started to swim it was only as her mind actually started to believe she was swimming that did she start to move in time with the strokes, just as you would imagine breaststroke would with the frog like movement, as she got closer, she would start to feel resistance, as if there was really water where it would be expected be and not much further in, it seemed that water came into existance, it kept coming into existance and then fading out as she left it behind, it was like a personal and yet infinte pool, that was as large as a bathtub, but also stretched out to infinity, and perhaps beyond.
As see got even closer nearly there now, not even requiring to breath at all, things started to get even weirder, he clothes upto this had remained dry, as if the water wasn't there at all, which it was and wasn't there at the same time, however for the last 10 metres or so (33/34 feet) he clothes became drenched with the water slowing her progress down even further. When Finally she stopped, she would find herself completely dry again and with all the water disappeared.
"Welcome Alice Daltrey, You have learnt your first lesson. Welcome to the place that doesn't exist, You will have great powers but first you will need to know how to use them. I'm sure you have many questions."
The man that was one of three that were there, their faces and clothing never seemed to stay the same, there was always some slight variation how they looked and how they dressed, but always enough of a likeness to a single fundamental being
New Dornalia
08-10-2007, 04:47
Alice had a lot of questions. A lot of them. Like how the hell did she get dry, then suddenly wet, then dry again? And why did they all look the same? And what was this place? What lesson? And what about my pet cat, Snuggles?
She nodded and then said, "Yes, I do. I have many questions. Like, what powers, and what lesson did I just learn?"
She ventured a guess, something esoteric: "That I can manipulate this reality?"
Nova Bazalonia
08-10-2007, 05:26
"That will be for a bit later, and to your question, yes, and yet no." a different one answered. "An explanation is needed firs.We are in the place that doesn't exist it's here that everything that just can't happen happens, you were dry, then wet and then dry... and it is only that you are dead that you can be here, you don't exist and yet, you do. Like us. It may be a bit of a shock but we really do need to continue on quickly..."
New Dornalia
08-10-2007, 05:31
"That will be for a bit later, and to your question, yes, and yet no." a different one answered. "An explanation is needed firs.We are in the place that doesn't exist it's here that everything that just can't happen happens, you were dry, then wet and then dry... and it is only that you are dead that you can be here, you don't exist and yet, you do. Like us. It may be a bit of a shock but we really do need to continue on quickly..."
Alice could only nod her head, and eagerly wait for the strange beings to lead her on. Where would they go? What mysteries about this place would be revealed? She didn't know, but she was eager to find out as fast as possible. If she was dead, she'd like to know where she was dead in......
Nova Bazalonia
08-10-2007, 07:03
"Let us walk..." said the third one, and the only one who hadn't yet spoken, their voices once again, similiar but with slight changes and variations. "This place and everything in it, shouldn't exist and yet it does, it's outside of everything and yet inside of it at the same time, it contains everything, and yet contains nothing, paradox of paradox." As the three men started to walk a bitumen path came into existance, much like the water for Alice's swimming it was very localised and seemingly could go on for ever.
"The reason you can be here is that existential quandry, You are dead and so in certain ways you both exist and then you don't, but enough, this is where we need to get serious. You won't be here long, The Sunstone that was given to you by the Novaens was destined for you and you alone. When you died it started working, it melded into your body and now it is only a matter of time till you are revived but it will mean many changes, your skin will lightly glow, and you will be able to direct and control the energies of the sunstone. As time's running short we can't go into detail but goto Nova, there you will find someone that can help you, but beware never, ever come in-contact with another sun stone, You must remeber that always. It may be hard to understand now, but you will over time,don't forget about going to Nova and about the Sunstones. We still have some time you enough for a couple of questions... though not much so you need to make them count."
New Dornalia
13-10-2007, 07:34
As time's running short we can't go into detail but goto Nova, there you will find someone that can help you, but beware never, ever come in-contact with another sun stone, You must remeber that always. It may be hard to understand now, but you will over time,don't forget about going to Nova and about the Sunstones. We still have some time you enough for a couple of questions... though not much so you need to make them count."
Alice then thought for a few moments, to see what questions she was going to ask. It couldn't be redundant, and it had to be something big. After all, time was short, and judging by the tone of these people, they meant that.
She thought long and hard, until she eventually said, "I would like to ask two things. One is, what kind of energies are we talking about here with the sunstone? And two, what is the person that I seek on Nova?"
Nova Bazalonia
13-10-2007, 12:25
"Everything, every conceivable energy will flow through veins, once your blood flows again. You need to understand the source of the Sunstones power. As we said before, it and now you are a paradox, the energy of everything that exists and doesn't exist, all the energy of the universes... just everything is inside the Sunstone, though the energy has tremendous for good it also has tremendous power for evil. That is why you must never touch a sunstone, a paradox cannot exist in a paradox, the chaos of such a situation would cause massive breakdown, destroying, energy without direction is just.... just... We can't even fathom."
"Your other question is much easier to answer.... They will find you, They will be the first one to know your name without asking... Time is upon us.. We must part... remember .... "
As the last of the words came out of one of their mouths they faded into nothingness, for a moment it was all white before suddenly turned back, Alice would find a sudden need for oxygen. Her sense where bombarded with tactile sensations, her sense of smell was far more sensitive than it had ever been, she could hear muffled noises, however she could barely see anything, the only thing she could make out was the zipper.
She was inside a bag, a body bag... She must be in the morgue, she would also find that any injury she might have sustained was gone. She was in perfect health.... What was she doing in a body bag then? Surely that all this couldn't have been real?
New Dornalia
26-10-2007, 04:52
Alice then said, "Hello! HELLO!?" hearing wheels clacking. She wanted to get some attention, and if possible, get herself out of the body bag she was now in. As she poked around, she began to ponder the question that came into her mind. What was that experience?
There was another man in the room where Alice's bag was. A medical student assigned to take out Alice's body and prep it for the exam, was suddenly taken aback by the noise Alice made, looked around. No, it couldn't have been the bag....could it?
Just in case, he called out, "Who's there!? I know that's not Doctor Branigan!"
The voice called back, saying, "I'm in this body bag! Get me out!" Aggressive shuffling could be heard and the student turned back to it. Going, "Jesus Christ!" he quickly unzipped it, opening it up and letting Alice spring out, breathing heavily and trying to get her bearings.
The student stepped back, and said, "Lady, are you alright? You scared me half to death!"
Alice rubbed her forehead, sat on the edge of the gurney, took a deep breath, and examined the room. Yup, it was the morgue all right. The Coroner's tools were in one corner, the examination beds in another, and an open cabinet for her body to go in was behind her. She recoiled with the chills--that was meant for her.
The student then said, waving his hand in her face: "Can you hear me?"
Alice looked at him, and said, "Where the hell am I?"
The night watchman said, "LA County Coroner's Office."
Alice then shot back, "I know that much. Where in the Coroner's Office am I?"
The student then replied, still overwhelmed, "Section B. Examination Room. I was just about to get you ready for the scalpel. You know, like on Cop Drama."
Alice then said, "Figures." She looked around. Her clothes were still on, so that was a good thing. They hadn't cut her open yet.
The student then broke in, saying with a skeptical tone in his voice: "Lady....you should be dead! When we brought you in here, you had this massive chunk of....whatever in your chest! And now, not only is it gone, you're walking about like fucking Lazarus! This is either our mistake, or yours!"
Getting off the gurney and standing up, she then stretched out, saying, "Well, I don't believe living is a mistake, so the problem must be with you." She then did some stretches, touched her toes...and noticed an odd glow coming from under her shirt. Looking under it, she would soon realize it was from inside of her. Amazed at this, she said, "Something tells me you may have to revise your thesis with the whole Lazarus thing. I may have something more divine going on, if you get what I mean."
The student then said, "Well, I haven't seen any powers yet. So I can't make that assumption." He did so with a shrug, and a laugh that had seen it all.
She then said, "Where are my personal effects? I'm going to get them, and to go home."
The student then said, "Wait, lady! You're officially listed as dead! They're not going to believe--"
But by that time, Alice was gone, and he wasn't able to finish. She then casually made her way to the personal effects area, and walked up to the lady at the desk.
Nova Bazalonia
26-10-2007, 14:30
Whether or not it was real or not... the words and instructions of her time in the place that couldn't logically exist kept floating through her mind, the instructions... Was she going to follow them?
New Dornalia
24-11-2007, 07:30
After some cajoling the very skeptical lady at the front desk--it was a bit of a process to do get her stuff back--she was able to recover her handbag, uniform, personal possessions, and the approximately USD$500 in cash in said handbag. She also got her debit card back, and her driver's license as well.
16-12-2007, 08:18
bump for ND
New Dornalia
19-12-2007, 05:18
OOC: Apologies for the late post, Bazalonia. A little thing called Finals, and Akira Kurosawa got in the way.
And yes, LA County Coroner's does have a gift shop. :)
As she wandered about the LA County Coroner's Office, Alice stopped into the small gift shop they had. She had to chuckle just a little at the fact an otherwise grim government functionary had a gift shop. What kind of clientele were they expecting?
The clerk managing the shop looked at Alice, and went, "Oh, wow.....you looking for the Zombie Walk, lady?"
Alice then shrugged her shoulders, realizing the man at the counter had just invoked more irony than he intended, and asked, "Not really. Why?"
The clerk then pointed at Alice, and said, "Well, for starters, your shirt's a damn mess."
Alice looked down. She realized then what the clerk was talking about; her body may have been perfectly rebuilt, but her clothing did have a huge hole in it and some residual blood spatter from the unfortunate collision with the sidewalk. She then stepped back and said, "Oh," with a slight tinge of nervousness.
Quickly, she picked up a hoodie and a new t-shirt, and then put them on the counter. Counting off several bills, she plopped them down on the counter and said, sighing, "I suppose its time for me to get changed then."
The clerk then said, shaking his head as he made change and bagged the merchandise, "Well, this is a morgue. Lots of blood and stuff goes on here, I'm not fazed at all. You sure you didn't kill anybody though?"
Alice then said, waving her hand, "No, no. Let's just say your Zombie Walk assessment was closer to the truth than you might think. Ask the orderly in Section B's Examination Room for more details." She then smiled, and walked out.
Going to the bathroom, she then changed into the new shirt and hoodie. One thing she noticed about the process though was the fact she couldn't stop glowing. It was painfully apparent in the mirror, and she almost had to turn the other way--then the glowing subsided to a lower level.
She then thought for a moment, and willed the glowing to go back to normal. Then, she thought for a moment again, and willed it to go down again, to a more tolerable level. After several goes at this, she then said, "Hmm. So I can control this. This is going to be more interesting than I thought."
Keeping the glow at a reasonable level to avoid suspicion and putting the hoodie on, it made her look sufficiently normal after a quick wash up. She then put her old uniform in the bag, and walked out of the Coroner's Office, whistling.
Looking about, she caught the next bus to Gardena. It was time for her to make her family admittedly a little less worried.
Nova Bazalonia
20-12-2007, 03:16
As she got on the bus it seemed that normal every day things on the bus and else where took on new meaning, advertisements and other media took on an appearance as if they were all somehow referencing her.
"Release your inner shine."
"A Heart of stone? Melt it with ..."
"Get your Dentures Shining like new with NovaDent"
There were many more than that all with their various spin and variations of that theme, it was if the universe had a message... just for her.
New Dornalia
21-12-2007, 06:57
The signs produced an eerie resonance indeed with Alice, who could only giggle a little at their newfound significance. She didn't need knickknacks to fulfill all those things in the commercials. As it was, she not only glowed, but she had even done the Lazarus act. And that was more than the admen could promise.
A kid on the bus asked Alice, "Why are you laughing, lady?"
Alice turned and said to the kid, smiling, "Son, let's just say its been a really good day for me."
Arriving home at her parents' modest suburban house in Gardena, she stopped in front of the door. Knocking, she heard hushed voices and scurrying about. Then, the door opened. It was her younger brother, Andrew.
Andrew took one look at Alice, and landed the biggest bear hug Alice ever recieved in her life. Surprising, since Andrew was kinda scrawny. He then cried out, "I told you she wasn't dead, MOM! I told you she wasn't dead!"
A voice cried out, "No! That's impossible! You saw the goddamn news! Alice is dead!" It was filled with tears, anguish, and sadness--and Alice knew that it wasn't the kind of sad you got for those mundane things. No, it was the kind of sadness fostered by those BIG things, like oh say, the death of a loved one.
Andrew dragged Alice into the house and thrust her in front of her mother, a wreck sitting on the couch weeping, boxes of kleenex strewn about, empty, half-empty and barely used. A tall man was sitting next to her, trying to comfort her to no discernible effect.
Andrew then tugged at his mother's sleeve, and said, "LOOK!"
Alice's mother then looked at Alice. Getting up, she skeptically looked over the woman in the room who was her daughter. She couldn't believe it. Was this woman really her daughter? She looked like her daughter, but she couldn't tell. Her rational mind was too busy trying to find a way to explain the obvious. The man then looked at Alice as well, and said, "Alice?"
Alice replied, "Um...hi, Dad. Mom. I'm alive."
Alice's mom then said, "No. It's impossible. People can't come back to life, can they?" She shook her head, almost refusing to believe the sight. Alice then decided to try out an old proof of life tactic; she then said to her mother, "Okay, mom. Ask me something your daughter would know."
Alice's mom was sat down, stunned by this offer. Did she really expect her to play this game, this woman? She didn't have time to play 20 fucking Questions! She glared at the woman, and said, "Fuck that Hollywood shit. I won'--"
The man next to her said, "Look. Irma. Please be reasonable."
She then shoved the man away. The man then grabbed her and said, "Jesus christ, Irma. I mean look. She is your goddamn daughter! Alice Daltrey! None of her friends look like her! Nobody else I know looks like her! And she's just trying to prove her existence to you! I know you really don't believe in resurrection, but bear with her!"
Irma then glared at the man and then sighed, going, "I'll play your game. But only to prove my daughter really is dead."
She then thought for a moment and said, "Okay. What is her favorite food? What is her FULL name!? What are the names of her BEST friends? What is her favorite television show, and is she in fact dating Stanley Koenwitz!?"
Alice thought for a moment and said,
"1. My favorite food is chicken fried steak.
2. My full name is Alice Eiko Daltrey. My birth name is nominally Toyama but I changed it to follow my mother's maiden name.
3. My best friends are Janice Liang, Charlie Benson, and Linda Katz.
4. And no, I dumped Stanley Koenwitz, because he was a creep who was too into his damn girly figures to take me on a decent date.
5. And my favorite TV show is the Comrade Zero, the bishonen superhero!
There! Now do you fucking know I'm Alice!?"
Alice's mom then sat back for a moment, and then thought long and hard. She then got a look of shock on her face, and fainted, realizing that her daughter was alive....
The man then said, "Um, welcome home, Alice."
Alice then said, giggling nervously, "Um, should we get her into the bedroom?"
Her dad then said, "Yeah."
They then took her mom to the bedroom for some rest.
Nova Bazalonia
23-12-2007, 07:06
As they were getting Alice's mother into the bed room, Alice was unsure exactly how it happened but she must of obviously knocked into the bookcase or something as a single book slid and fell off, landing on it's spine on the ground infront of her. The book was a travel book, giving information about various cultures and people, and how to get there. The page it was opened to was the first page of the books entry about Nova and the Novaeans that inhabited it.
New Dornalia
09-01-2008, 07:23
Alice picked up the book, and thumbed through it. She then pocketed it, and then wandered back to her room, eager to look up some good, cheap flights to Nova. In the meantime, her dad and her brother were frantically calling people, assuring them that in fact, Alice was not dead, and it was a mistake.
OOC: Something to keep this going.
Nova Bazalonia
09-01-2008, 11:08
Everything finally just seemed to fall into place, there was a flight ready not that far away, it was in her price range, and most importantly she could book it there and then.
The only thing left now was actually getting there.
OOC: Not really much I can do for the moment until she gets there....
New Dornalia
16-01-2008, 01:21
Alice looked about, until she finally found a flight to Nova. Conditions were rough owing to the present state of hostilities New Dornalia was involved in, although Nova Bazalonia was a friend. As such, it made the journey somewhat easier.
As her mother had fainted from the shock, Mr. Toyama quietly ordered out for some Chinese food and some cake to celebrate Alice's "resurrection," so to speak. He wasn't the best of cooks. His attempt to make the Thanksgiving turkey resulted in the intervention of the Fire Department to put out the grease fire. Alice went with her dad to pick up the food, and along the way, they struck up a conversation of sorts.
"Well, Alice. I can say this much. You just punched a hole in the definition of death and took a dump in it."
"Ah. Well, dad, it wasn't easy. I had to swim through a netherworld and talk to some robed figures."
"Ah. I see. Well, Heaven must have been something special."
When they came home, and when Alice's mother had awoken and they all had gone to dinner, Alice announced her decision to go to Nova. She was told in her dream that she had to go there, as part of her terms of being put back to life. Something about how she would meet someone there....
And with that, her mom said, "Leaving so soon? But.....you just came back! Who knows what would happen to you!?"
Alice then said, "Relax, mom. I can take care of myself." To that, her mother fumed, "Well, you didn't do that well enough to keep from dying."
And thus, the argument went on, until Alice was allowed to go to Nova. Rather grudgingly, as her mother fainted once more at the idea of her daughter leaving her sight to a distant fate once more.
And with that, she boarded the next possible Blue Eagle flight......
Nova Bazalonia
16-01-2008, 02:34
"Blue Eagle flight 287, This is Novaen Flight control ,you are cleared to land. Approach Vectors attached."
And so the flight touched down on Novaen soil. Once disembarking she'd be directed to Customs. The line wasn't that long and soon Alice Toyama, was facing 2 individuals, a human and a Sauron. They seemed to be on the same wave length about just about everything. So much so the distinction between the two was perhaps purely physical and even then sometimes that distinction seemed a bit blury.
"Can we please see your ID?" They asked in a polite and friendly tone.
New Dornalia
16-01-2008, 04:11
"Blue Eagle flight 287, This is Novaen Flight control ,you are cleared to land. Approach Vectors attached."
And so the flight touched down on Novaen soil. Once disembarking she'd be directed to Customs. The line wasn't that long and soon Alice Toyama, was facing 2 individuals, a human and a Sauron. They seemed to be on the same wave length about just about everything. So much so the distinction between the two was perhaps purely physical and even then sometimes that distinction seemed a bit blury.
"Can we please see your ID?" They asked in a polite and friendly tone.
Alice then pulled out her California Driver's license, and then her Dornalian Civil ID, handing them both to the Customs men as she submitted her bags for search. She was used to this, as Dornalian bureaucracy was keen on ensuring people had ID.
Nova Bazalonia
16-01-2008, 05:05
A quick verification of the data and she'd be on her way... That was going to happen, until a check of Dornalian Systems revealed that she was Dead. However if it wasn;t for the mark that she was dead, everything else was in order. The Dornalian information backed up the information that was provided on the means of identification. The identification itself proved Authentic. There was just the fact that she was dead.
2 other Novaens, they looked like some sort of security, approached, "Alice Toyama?" "There seems to be a discrepancy, your listed as dead. IF you would please come with us and we're sure we can deal with this quickly."
New Dornalia
16-01-2008, 05:36
A quick verification of the data and she'd be on her way... That was going to happen, until a check of Dornalian Systems revealed that she was Dead. However if it wasn;t for the mark that she was dead, everything else was in order. The Dornalian information backed up the information that was provided on the means of identification. The identification itself proved Authentic. There was just the fact that she was dead.
2 other Novaens, they looked like some sort of security, approached, "Alice Toyama?" "There seems to be a discrepancy, your listed as dead. IF you would please come with us and we're sure we can deal with this quickly."
Alice looked around, and followed the men. There was obviously something up. Didn't the man at the Coroner's get the memo? Obviously not, or else she wouldn't be listed as dead right now. Still, she knew this would happen. After all, it was pretty hard to believe, but she had just reincarnated and that would throw a lot of people off.
Alice said to the officers, "There's something wrong here. I'm clearly alive. See?" She pointed to herself, smiling and saying, "Not dead. Not dead."
16-01-2008, 05:59
"Yes, you are. It's probably just a clerical error but still we have to make sure."
"sorry for the inconvenience but it should be resolved fairly quickly."
The human and Sauron pairing of the security accompanied Alive through a door and down a corridor before entering an interview room.
"Can you tell us what you know, how you might become classified as dead, despite obviously being fully alive?"
New Dornalia
16-01-2008, 06:23
"Yes, you are. It's probably just a clerical error but still we have to make sure."
"sorry for the inconvenience but it should be resolved fairly quickly."
The human and Sauron pairing of the security accompanied Alive through a door and down a corridor before entering an interview room.
"Can you tell us what you know, how you might become classified as dead, despite obviously being fully alive?"
Alice knew they were not going to believe this. No matter how much she insisted. Or complained. Or made herself perfectly clear. But it was her only choice in the matter. Or else, it would be permanent detention at the airport.
Alice then breathed in and explained to the men, "You won't believe this. But that may be because I resurrected, and didn't bother telling anybody. Or rather, they didn't believe me.
It all started like this. I recieved a sunstone from a Novaen pair during my shift at my job back home. I then tried to go home after I put the stone in my breast pocket, but then I get hit by a car and slammed into the sidewalk, where the stone slams into my heart. Next thing you know, I have some sort of spiritual journey where I'm told I have to go to Nova, and then wake up at LA County Coroner's where I get up, get cleaned up, go home to the shock and relief of my parents, and then book a ticket here. That's what happened."
She then capped with, "Seriously. I am not making this up."
Nova Bazalonia
16-01-2008, 07:01
The reaction on the faces of the Novaens where difficult to read. They looked at each other and had a deep body language conversation. A tilt of the head an expression in the face.
"We'll be back in a moment."
They left Alice alone and uncertain of what was happening, it was about 10 minutes but the door eventually opened to reveal someone else carrying a black velvet bag. The two Novaen's obvious life partners sat down... "We've heard a rather interesting story, Do you mind describing everything from the accident?"
New Dornalia
16-01-2008, 18:15
The reaction on the faces of the Novaens where difficult to read. They looked at each other and had a deep body language conversation. A tilt of the head an expression in the face.
"We'll be back in a moment."
They left Alice alone and uncertain of what was happening, it was about 10 minutes but the door eventually opened to reveal someone else carrying a black velvet bag. The two Novaen's obvious life partners sat down... "We've heard a rather interesting story, Do you mind describing everything from the accident?"
Alice noticed the expressions on the faces of the Novaens, and sensed something was up. It would be up to Alice to answer their questions and set the record striaight.
"Well, I placed the sunstone in my breast pocket, which is located above my heart. Like I said. However, I was walking home, and then before you know it, some joyrider slams into me from behind, and sends me flying into the air, slamming into the sidewalk and presumably slamming the thing into my heart, rendering me dead. Or at least dead into the normal sense. I then go into this netherworld. Full of light. It was a sensation hard to describe, only that I floated for a while in it, and I was eventually able to take some sort of control by focusing my abilities and willing out a breaststroke towards a group of three robed figures whose figures changed, and yet didn't change. It's hard to describe. They told me to go to Nova and not come into contact with another Sunstone, and they also said I would be able to channel the energies of the stone and that it was destined for me. And me alone. That's as much as I can remember."
Nova Bazalonia
17-01-2008, 03:28
"So, you wouldn't touch this then..." they spoke emptying the contents of the Velvet bag, It was a small sunstone itself, about the same size that was given to her that started all this mess.
However that wasn't all that happened, it was as if the light that was inside her couldn't be contained, the sunstone itself and her shone brightly, and she could feel that there were other things inside her waiting to be discovered.
As soon as the two of them could see the reaction that Alice's body had to the presence of the sunstone, they immediately put it away.
"Alight, it's true. First course of action is to get you somewhere else, it's just not safe here for you. But first, we have to take you to meet the Novaen Council. With a situation like this it'll be at 9 tonight. We've got a place you can rest until the meeting tonight. We'll take you there now, please follow."
New Dornalia
17-01-2008, 05:50
"So, you wouldn't touch this then..." they spoke emptying the contents of the Velvet bag, It was a small sunstone itself, about the same size that was given to her that started all this mess.
However that wasn't all that happened, it was as if the light that was inside her couldn't be contained, the sunstone itself and her shone brightly, and she could feel that there were other things inside her waiting to be discovered.
As soon as the two of them could see the reaction that Alice's body had to the presence of the sunstone, they immediately put it away.
"Alight, it's true. First course of action is to get you somewhere else, it's just not safe here for you. But first, we have to take you to meet the Novaen Council. With a situation like this it'll be at 9 tonight. We've got a place you can rest until the meeting tonight. We'll take you there now, please follow."
Alice knew that the fuss was about the Sunstones coming into contact. After all, her body couldn't take the sudden contact with the other stone. It was as if power was flowing into her body, albeit in an uncontrollable, blinding manner as he body shone brightly. And, she could sense that indeed, there were other things she could do. What exactly those things were were unclear, as the Novaens removed the stone from her presence as fast as possible. All she knew was that those powers were something fierce.
"Right," Alice went, as she followed the Novaen customs men to the safehouse. The nature of the operation, though justified, struck her oddly though. Just what kind of powers would be unleashed if she was kept too long in contact? And how would she be able to get around, if the Sunstones were the primary source of power these guys used!?
Nova Bazalonia
19-01-2008, 12:23
They would lead her to a furnished room, there weren't many electrical or some such technologies, but what waas there was very old, from a long time, before the Sunstones became integrated into society. The furnishings where quite comfortable but there was little in entertainment available, whatever they had was either powered by Sunstones or could not accept modern formats.
It would be a long wait until the secret meeting of the Novaen council, but there was a shower, bed, a deck of cards and a table with chairs so at least there was things that she could occupy at least some of the time with.
Finally half-an-hour before the scheduled meeting was to place she was lead down a path, under the earth. "Novaen ground is seemingly the best thing at shielding the Sunstones energies, just for precaution's sake. Don't worry, but you'll have to be ready to have it out verbally with the council, they don't like change and, well, the fact that your here with the abilities is enough change to get them worried but as long as you stand up to them and are open and honest, everything should work out."
New Dornalia
20-01-2008, 06:14
Finally half-an-hour before the scheduled meeting was to place she was lead down a path, under the earth. "Novaen ground is seemingly the best thing at shielding the Sunstones energies, just for precaution's sake. Don't worry, but you'll have to be ready to have it out verbally with the council, they don't like change and, well, the fact that your here with the abilities is enough change to get them worried but as long as you stand up to them and are open and honest, everything should work out."
"So wait." Alice held her hands up in a cupping motion, as if trying to compartmentalize the information coming into her mind. Turning to the Novaen escorts, she immediately took on a somewhat surprised tone and said, "So you're telling me, I have to deal with people who hate change. And, that to them, I'm one of the biggest changes they've faced in a while."
Putting her hands on her hips, she sighed, declaring, "Well. This is news to me."
Nova Bazalonia
20-01-2008, 10:44
"Don't worry... It is obvious to us that you were chosen for a reason. You just focus on answering the question they pose honestly and openly and we'll deal with them. We will get this done even If we have to take you ourself."
They were making the final approach to the chamber where the meeting would be held.
"We're nearly there, just be calm and be yourself... everything will go fine, We'll make sure of that. Oh, and stand up when the council comes in."
Moments later they came to the door, "Are you ready?"
New Dornalia
21-01-2008, 04:58
Alice then replied, "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this." She then folded her arms, and took a breath as she entered the room. "Let's hope they're not too bad," she thought to herself....
Nova Bazalonia
21-01-2008, 05:46
And so the Sauron of the pair opened the door, the chamber that would hold this meeting was a bit cold, the rock and stone that made up the chamber was cold and lifeless. The seats however had cushions though there was not many of them for Alice or the Novaens to choose.
The chairs that were available faced something that looked like it could have been a jury box back in New Dornalia but it's raised elevation and other ornaments hinted at it's true purpose. To hold the judiciary of the planetry government.
Alice and her escort where the only ones there for now.
"They'll be here shortly, we should find a place to sit." The Novaens entered first looking around. "How about there?" pointing to the first row, to the right of the chamber. "That will be a good place." confirmed the other as they started to head in that direction.
New Dornalia
21-01-2008, 06:31
"They'll be here shortly, we should find a place to sit." The Novaens entered first looking around. "How about there?" pointing to the first row, to the right of the chamber. "That will be a good place." confirmed the other as they started to head in that direction.
Alice nodded, as she moved to where she was pointed to and sat in the designated spot.
Nova Bazalonia
21-01-2008, 14:08
As they went over and sat down there about 3 or 4 other pairs came in they all sat together and where whispering amung themselves, most likely about Alice as stolen glances and quick looks gave them away.
But what limited hushed talk there was soon disappeared when a pair of Novean's entered, "Please stand for the Novaen Council, all in attendance may speak in proper order."
Everyone rose, the Novaens next to Alice looked at her to make sure she had gotten the message, if she didn't stand up right then it would be too late as almost immediately the Novean Council started to file in. Once everyone was in their place they all sat down together. "You may be seated" a single pair of Novaens said in the front middle.
"They're the Chief Councillors, they basically control how the meeting is run." Was whispered to Alice discretely by her escorts.
"We have before a visitor who is claimed to be the fulfilling of a prophecy etched in stone long before any known settlement on Nova. First of all Alice welcome to the planet. Next, why do you think you are the one to fulfil this prophecy?"
New Dornalia
27-01-2008, 02:42
"We have before a visitor who is claimed to be the fulfilling of a prophecy etched in stone long before any known settlement on Nova. First of all Alice welcome to the planet. Next, why do you think you are the one to fulfil this prophecy?"
Alice stood up when asked, and followed the rituals as requested. Now charged to answer the tough questions, Alice was confronted with a question she didn't know how to answer. What prophecy? Where? She looked about, and replied, "Well, sir....I was told the Sunstone I had recieved in that little Japanese restaurant on Earth was destined for me. But otherwise, I wasn't aware of any larger prophecy, sir."
Nova Bazalonia
28-01-2008, 00:40
The council members scribbled notes...
"Since the accident do you have any... abnormal abilities, what are they and what do you plan to do with them?"
New Dornalia
28-01-2008, 02:03
The council members scribbled notes...
"Since the accident do you have any... abnormal abilities, what are they and what do you plan to do with them?"
Alice merely replied, trying to come up with a good answer, "Well, your honor, I do have the ability to glow, and I can control the luminescence of my body. Not sure how much I can put that to use though. As for any abilities per se.....nothing comes to mind right now."
Nova Bazalonia
28-01-2008, 12:45
"Here it is, we have heard it from her own mouth, her powers are obviously not what the prophecy she describes she can barely even glow. This is a waste of the council's precious time." They spoke gruffly and harshly...
It was at this time that it was Alice's Novaen escort stood up and addressed councilors.
"Councillors, We are Frt'yd Kennedy, request access to the floor?"
"Permission granted you have the floor."
"Councillors it is true, that we only know that her abilities extends to luminousity, something that we have taken her word for with no evidence of, then shouldn't we also take her word on other aspects? The accident happened as she was walking home from her waitressing job, We have the New Dornalian Police Report here, which we would like to submit to the council."
"You may submit"
The documents were passed up and spread around,
"As you can see there was hardly any time till the incident and comming here. She got run over, woke up, went home to re-assure her family and then came straight here. Her actions verify her words, she was sent here. With barely enough time to fully discover abilities it's a wonder she was even to discover her Luminous abilities, who knows what powers she has until we have given her the opportunity to test them.
We have a prophecy here and we have a chance to determine whether it is coming true right before our very eyes or whether to dismiss. We have the prophecy for a reason, We can't pretend to know why, or what she has before her but we can't just pretend that nothing happened, we can't stick our head in the sand this needs to be dealt with now."
They had finished their presentation and waited for the council...
"What do you have to say Miss Alice?"
New Dornalia
06-02-2008, 04:41
We have a prophecy here and we have a chance to determine whether it is coming true right before our very eyes or whether to dismiss. We have the prophecy for a reason, We can't pretend to know why, or what she has before her but we can't just pretend that nothing happened, we can't stick our head in the sand this needs to be dealt with now."
They had finished their presentation and waited for the council...
"What do you have to say Miss Alice?"
Alice was quaking in her boots now. She had powers, and for that she was at the crux of a prophecy that was long in the making. But, at the same time, the short time span she had experienced them made others skeptical she even had them. It was even getting to the point where her own mind was offering suggestions that could go either way. Though the police report from her handlers were working in her favor.
Alice trembled as she held up her finger and said, "Well, your honor, I did glow when exposed to a Sunstone. In fact, let me demonstrate my luminescence now." She then took off her sweatshirt, and then closed her eyes. Thinking for a moment, she concentrated as she glowed brightly for a moment, and then held it for several seconds before tuning it down some. Putting the sweatshirt back on, Alice continued with a simple, "I've got the ability to glow well enough. Especially when exposed to other Sunstones, my handlers here did a sort of litmus test involving that."
She then continued, "And when this occurred, it was as if all this power was flowing into me. I couldn't control it well, no scratch that, I couldn't control it period. And during that time, I could sense all these abilities....these things I could do. Now, before I go on, I'll tell you what I told these men."
She then could be heard saying "Like that report said, I had my sunstone in my breast pocket. However, I was needless to say rearended by an errant driver, rendering me dead. Or at least dead into the normal sense. I then go into this place of light. Like I told Mr. Kennedy, it was hard to describe, only that I floated for a while in it, and I was eventually able to take some sort of control by focusing my abilities and willing out a breaststroke towards a group of three robed figures whose figures changed, and yet didn't change. These figures told me to go to your world and not come into contact with another Sunstone, and they also said I would be able to channel the energies of the stone and that it was destined for me.
Now, back to my original point. I was temporarily exposed to the other Sunstone, and I felt this energy. Now, as I felt it, I felt like I couldn't command it all. But I also felt within it, powers. Lots of powers. Potential and actual abilities I don't know about yet but will probably have to start figuring out damn quickly. So when you doubt my abilities, my validity as the person who meets the needs of your prophecy--no matter how incredulous it seems, even to me--bear all this in mind."
Nova Bazalonia
08-02-2008, 02:25
There was some hushed tones, in discussion between the members of the council. "We shall hear from the Customs and those that performed this litmus test, come forward."
And so they did, they easily recognisable to Alice...
"What drew your attention to this young lady as she entered the country?"
"The information that was brought up on our systems indicated that she was dead,apart from that everything seemed to mesh perfectly. We originally thought that it was some kind of clerical error, but of course we had to check her identity, to show... and then of course she told us about being dead and well, coming back alive with the sunstone. We knew this was over our head and so we got in-touch with our higher ups who sent someone else, and now we're here in this underground secret council meeting."
"Thank you, that will be all." Another of the councilors said, it was hard to keep track of who was going to speak next, and it was very disconcerting.
"What can you confirm about her statements?"
"Everything your honours, After we were instructed of what's happening we took a small sunstone, covered it up in a cloth and after we arrived, we exposed the stone and, as she said she couldn't control her reaction she shone brightly, This was exactly what we expected, by all means the sunstone has melded into her, exactly what the prophecy predicts. We of course covered the stone back up immediately and here we are." They spoke, merely re-counting what had happened.
"You may return to your seat as well." a council member replied
"Your Honours, it is clear from the evidence, there can be no alternative, from the display we have seen, to the testimonies provided for us, she is the one as explained in the prophecy. We should go ahead and help her discover and use her abilities."
"There is still one more thing that we are concerned about, control, Alice had freely admit that she lost control of her powers, why should we help her discover her powers if she looses control, who knows what might happen? Do you reckon you would be able control your powers if you were exposed to another Sunstone?"
New Dornalia
08-02-2008, 02:31
"There is still one more thing that we are concerned about, control, Alice had freely admit that she lost control of her powers, why should we help her discover her powers if she looses control, who knows what might happen? Do you reckon you would be able control your powers if you were exposed to another Sunstone?"
Alice shrugged again, saying, "Well, I must admit, the first time that happened, I was taken by surprise. However, I think I know what to expect now if it happens again, and attempt to adjust my level of control accordingly."
New Dornalia
08-02-2008, 05:44
"Then it seems there is one last question, who will train you." The councillor spoke.. "Who will be your trainer?"
"Your Honours... We will, if Alice will have us." her 'handler' spoke
"Alice will you accept Trk'gyr Genderson as your trainer? Will you follow his instructions, will you be loyal and obey his instructions?
Alice looked at the duo they called as one, "Trk'gyr." Novaens had this odd way of pairing up people. It was a custom mentioned in that travel guide....and she had seen with those tourists in the restaurant. Still, they seemed to know what they were doing. She then said, "I do."
Nova Bazalonia
08-02-2008, 05:46
"Then it seems there is one last question, who will train you." The councillor spoke.. "Who will be your trainer?"
"Your Honours... We will, if Alice will have us." her 'handler' spoke
"Alice will you accept Trk'gyr Genderson as your trainer? Will you follow his instructions, will you be loyal and obey his instructions?
Nova Bazalonia
08-02-2008, 12:52
Alice looked at the duo they called as one, "Trk'gyr." Novaens had this odd way of pairing up people. It was a custom mentioned in that travel guide....and she had seen with those tourists in the restaurant. Still, they seemed to know what they were doing. She then said, "I do."
"With a response in the Positive, we are hereby declaring the issue to be resolved, Alice you are to be apprenticed in the care of Trk'gyr Genderson. Further more as the mere presence of sunstones had caused a reaction as discribed, this apprenticeship will occur on the world of Gnots. At a time when Trk'gyr Genderson believes that Alice's apprenticeship should be over, you al will return here for a confirmation hearing. Alice, please remember, that while you are apprenticed your actions will reflect onto Trk'gyr Genderson, if you commit a crime, it will be like they have crimitted a crime. So it is under law, and so it shall be. This meeting is ajourned."
And with that the Novaen councillors stood up, all the novaens in the room, the ones that have given statements and the others that where there all stood up.
The council members filed out and so finally it was over... "Well, that wasn't too bad, you where perfect there, you gave them exactly what they were looking for.""now we've got some options, you can stay in that room where you were. We've got alot of preperations to make if we are going to take you to Gnots, or you can come with us... though that could be dangerous considering, you know."
"Anything you want to ask before we go?"
New Dornalia
12-02-2008, 03:54
Alice then took the time to ask the two that made up Trk'gyr a question about this new planet she was to be shuttled to. Or moon. Or somewhere. It was all rather confusing, and though Alice understood she was in the middle of some sort of big prophecy and she passed a litmus test of some kind, it remained to be seen what would happen now.
"Yeah. What's on Gnots?"
Nova Bazalonia
13-02-2008, 00:22
"Nothing really, It's a garden world nearby that we keep as a sort of National Park. Large areas of swamps and deserts and lots of sea... a few mountain ranges and a few shacks and facilities, but for the most part it is as we found it. There are no Sunstones there and it will be a good place to begin our training with no other distractions."
They both alternated words or phrases, or spoke them at the same time, it seemed to be common when being adressed or addressing a single group on Nova. They had an obvious unspoken bond, it wasn't anything magical, they simply knew each other so well, and so intimately that they'd just know.
New Dornalia
13-02-2008, 02:26
"Nothing really, It's a garden world nearby that we keep as a sort of National Park. Large areas of swamps and deserts and lots of sea... a few mountain ranges and a few shacks and facilities, but for the most part it is as we found it. There are no Sunstones there and it will be a good place to begin our training with no other distractions."
They both alternated words or phrases, or spoke them at the same time, it seemed to be common when being adressed or addressing a single group on Nova. They had an obvious unspoken bond, it wasn't anything magical, they simply knew each other so well, and so intimately that they'd just know.
Alice had been here only a short while, but she had a feeling Novaen speech patterns, with that uncanny ability to finish one another's sentences and even broadcast them in stereo, would take getting used to. Dornalians, being plain, simple human beings, were naturally unnerved by this sort of speech pattern. Some would find it psychotic, others annoying. However, Alice reserved her judgments. After all, she didn't really mind that at the moment so much. Bigger things, like how to control her powers, were of concern.
She shrugged and replied, "Alright. Let's do this."
Nova Bazalonia
14-02-2008, 01:13
They both nodded, in sync...
"Follow us." they spoke together before heading through a different entrance than the one they came in, it was in the back of the 'council chamber'.
They walked pretty much horizontally a couple of minutes following the path before doing a left turn. After a few more minutes they arrived at what looked like a dead end. They each drew a complex pattern on the door of which it reckognised and opened. It opened up into a cave.. a real natural cave. It wasn't one of the closed confined hard to navigate caves it was wide open and inviting... Looking further deeper into the cave you could see what looked like natural light coming down from above... a massive chamber.
But they didn't go that way, they headed up and out of the cave, it was bright, really bright.
"Stay close to us, you don't want to stray too close to a Sunstone."
They headed right to a space port... it wasn't that busy, Novaen's weren't really that active outside of their own planet but still there was a ship there that they were looking for.
"Ah here we go, the old NBS Arrow... Hawdon Mk II Starship with both TFME and Hyperspace Bubble Generator. This is our ride... The crew should be coming shortly. We just need to grab a few things before we all go. Stay on the ship... do not leave the ship."
New Dornalia
01-03-2008, 06:08
Alice nodded and said, "Gotcha." Entering the starship, she found its environment to be something else. It was somewhat old-fashioned, and it definetly lacked a lot of the bells and whistles Dornalian vessels had. She sat down on a chair inside, and sighed. She wondered what were those guys doing....
Alice then got up and began wandering about the vessel. She was rather curious as to its contents.
Nova Bazalonia
01-03-2008, 16:11
The ship was fairly utilitarian, it looked like there wasn't any real thought for being "pretty", perhaps the people that designed it needed to conserve resources.
Having a closer look at some of the handles of the doors and other equipment in the ship, it looked like they'd all be retro-fitted with new handles... The ship had been designed by humans for humans and so had to be altered to make Sauron's being able to use it.
Should Alice know anything about Novaen history which would be totally unlikely, she would probably be able to accurately guess this was a ship created after the Humans had first collonised this planet, before they even knew about the Saurons.
As she wondered around she met a pair of Novaens, themselves in a pair of overalls. A set of spanners and various speciallised tools dangling from belts around their waist. They didn't seem to be doing anything, just like Alice absorbing all that was around her.
New Dornalia
23-05-2008, 03:02
As she wondered around she met a pair of Novaens, themselves in a pair of overalls. A set of spanners and various speciallised tools dangling from belts around their waist. They didn't seem to be doing anything, just like Alice absorbing all that was around her.
Alice then got up and looked at the tools. The environment was spartan, but then again the kitchen at her restaurant was much like it. She began whistiling, and fidgeting. She even picked up one of the tools, looking it over.
Nova Bazalonia
23-05-2008, 04:43
As Alice grabbed one of the tools, the Sauron she grabbed the tool from responded. "Hey, what you doing there?" and steped back from the Dornalian, as he did, 2 humans walked in. One of them walked right up to Alice and demanded that the tool be returned, there were the four of them, 2 human's 2 Sauron's and then Alice.
"Didn't anyone teach you manners?" the man was quite very upset "Come on hand it over." His palm was stretched out waiting for the tool to be returned.
What she was was quite a standard tool, apart from the handle which was quite odd.
There was a tense moment, until the two Novaens that had essentially been her lawyers. "Ah, Alice... there you are."
New Dornalia
23-05-2008, 05:03
As Alice grabbed one of the tools, the Sauron she grabbed the tool from responded. "Hey, what you doing there?" and steped back from the Dornalian, as he did, 2 humans walked in. One of them walked right up to Alice and demanded that the tool be returned, there were the four of them, 2 human's 2 Sauron's and then Alice.
"Didn't anyone teach you manners?" the man was quite very upset "Come on hand it over." His palm was stretched out waiting for the tool to be returned.
What she was was quite a standard tool, apart from the handle which was quite odd.
There was a tense moment, until the two Novaens that had essentially been her lawyers. "Ah, Alice... there you are."
Alice grew agitated at the hostile reception, knowing that while it was probably a bad idea in retrospect, she didn't expect them to be this nasty. She then said, sighing, "Okay, okay. Sorry." She then surrendered the tool to the man, and then turned to her minders.
"Yeah, sorry. Curiosity got the better of me. Are we ready?"
Nova Bazalonia
23-05-2008, 16:46
The anger faded almost as fast as it came with the tool now back in hand. "Just ask next time will you?" the Sauron responded taking the tool from his life-partner as if he had a sixth sense of exactly where it was going to be.
"Yeah, it's all retro-fitted now. Our jobs done, though why you'd want one of these old contraptions no idea. It doesn't even have a sunstone to power it." The other pair split this up between them as they started to leave. The first pair left too, shaking their heads.
"Sorry about that, workman are quite tetchy about their tools. They see them as an extension of themselves. Which is quite understandable especially here on Nova.
Anyway,yes, were ready we were just waiting on the re-fit for the crew to do their stuff. Come along and I'll introduce the crew."
New Dornalia
23-05-2008, 17:53
Anyway,yes, were ready we were just waiting on the re-fit for the crew to do their stuff. Come along and I'll introduce the crew."
Alice nodded and followed her minders. Regarding the last part, where the workers proved sensitive of their tools....it wasn't unfamiliar to her that that was the case. Try messing with your dad's power drill when he was working on a project.
"Retro-fitted, huh. Normally, I'd ask, but knowing what happened so far, something tells me I'm gonna be grateful for that. Thanks," she said to the minders.
Nova Bazalonia
25-05-2008, 06:04
They headed on their way to the bridge, as they walked through the ship they saw a fair number of some of the low ranking crew double checking and running pre-flight diagnostics as standard.
"We'll probably be ready for take-off in a couple of hours and after that another couple of hours till we arrive at Gnots, spend whatever time you can getting to know the bridge and another area of the ship really well."
After another couple of minutes they'd arrive at the bridge, it was decorated minmally but there were touches of humanity/sauronity and it seemed reasonably nice. On the bridge of course was the captains, the executive officers (or XO) as well as helmsmen and communication officers, each role was filled by a life partnership, a human and a Sauron.
"So this is our special guest""welcome onboard, Alice."
"we'll be your captain this evening""heading for Gnots at which we will" leave the Arrow in Orbit before""returning home to Nova. Trk'gyr?"
"Yes, that is correct Gt'rck."
"Alice you are welcome to stay on""the bridge, watch and even""ask annoying questions. Speaking of""which do you have any now?"
New Dornalia
30-05-2008, 00:27
"Alice you are welcome to stay on""the bridge, watch and even""ask annoying questions. Speaking of""which do you have any now?"
Alice looked about, not bothering anyone as she realized the crew and their jobs were disseminated on the traditional Novaen method. Even her old uncle's shuttle wasn't like this. Then again, she hadn't been on it in a while.
When prompted to ask any further questions, Alice raised her hand and said, "Umm.....each member of the life partnership has their own console, yes? And how does the system work?"
Nova Bazalonia
30-05-2008, 02:35
"As you may know, each life partnership is an indivisible union, Sauron, Human doesn't matter they are in essence the same, so it is one console even though that one console is manned by two bodies."
"practically, the communications officers are the only ones that have unique consoles, allowing different communications to be sent by them at the same time, making use of the additional personage. However there is a mode which basically links the 2 so they can combine together on a single item."
"As for the rest, it is in essence one console with the life partners working in unity to achieve their goal. We've never had a problem that could be traced back to a life partnership working contrary to itself. Would you like to sit in the communication chair for a while?"
New Dornalia
30-05-2008, 05:12
"As you may know, each life partnership is an indivisible union, Sauron, Human doesn't matter they are in essence the same, so it is one console even though that one console is manned by two bodies."
"practically, the communications officers are the only ones that have unique consoles, allowing different communications to be sent by them at the same time, making use of the additional personage. However there is a mode which basically links the 2 so they can combine together on a single item."
"As for the rest, it is in essence one console with the life partners working in unity to achieve their goal. We've never had a problem that could be traced back to a life partnership working contrary to itself. Would you like to sit in the communication chair for a while?"
Alice nodded, and listened to the explanation of how things worked. "So that's how it goes," she said, stroking her chin. Only the comms got a unique console, which was fine. She wondered how the two partners shared the space, but as the minders noted, Novaen partners acted as one being, so...there wouldn't be much.
Alice then said, "Sure," to the last question.
Nova Bazalonia
01-06-2008, 03:09
Both of the partner's got up and offered Alice a seat down, they would take up positions flanking her as they started to explain the operations of the console. Sometimes in perfect stereo, but also sometimes with the alternation of speaking. For some reason these two like to keep things different.
The demonstration was not just verbal it was physical as well, they showed and demonstrated to her how the console worked and how to use it.
New Dornalia
05-06-2008, 03:54
Both of the partner's got up and offered Alice a seat down, they would take up positions flanking her as they started to explain the operations of the console. Sometimes in perfect stereo, but also sometimes with the alternation of speaking. For some reason these two like to keep things different.
The demonstration was not just verbal it was physical as well, they showed and demonstrated to her how the console worked and how to use it.
Alice was interested, and captivated by the stereophonic musings of the Novaens around him. She then mumbled, seeming to understand now, "I see, I see..."
Nova Bazalonia
05-06-2008, 06:37
"We should get going" Trk'gyr Genderson told the captains who both nodded.
"Alice you might find that this is going to be a bit rough..." the captains spoke, indicating a number of essentially seat-belt like devices along the walls. Which once all connected properly around her would immediately tighten up and hold her firmly against the wall, which had a padded head rest.
"Final pre-ignition checks?"
"All systems are ready and standing by."
"3... 2... 1..."
The ship shuddered and shook, everyone had put on similiar restraining devices that held them in their seats.
"We're off the ground... Air speed 20knots and rising."
Alice started to experience a G-Force of 6Gs as the ship climbed. The shuddering and the shaking soon started to reduce in ferocity though she was still pinned to the wall by both the restraining devices at the g-forces.
It took only about 30 seconds but soon they were up in space. There was no artificial gravity, but the restraints stopped her from floating away.
"Engage Gravity Generator." a soft whirring started, soon the other novaens would release their restraints, Trk'gyr Genderson, themself was only a few restraints up.
"Follow us." they spoke as they started leaving the Bridge, "thank you captain." he continued.
"Our pleasure."
He lead her to down a cooridoor and into what appeared to be a cafeteria. There were no chairs, but plenty of tables and a long counter.
New Dornalia
01-07-2008, 03:20
"Follow us." they spoke as they started leaving the Bridge, "thank you captain." he continued.
"Our pleasure."
He lead her to down a cooridoor and into what appeared to be a cafeteria. There were no chairs, but plenty of tables and a long counter.
Alice followed them into the cafeteria, seeming surprisingly unfazed at the sudden acceleration and manipulation of gravitational forces that occurred. Ship travel being ship travel, the force of six g's was not an uncommon experience for a Dornalian civvie like Alice. But it was still a sensation to get used to. Especially with the "getting-pinned-against-the-wall" part. That usually didn't happen on Dornalian vessels.
Sitting at one of the tables, she took the opportunity to ask, "So, what now?"
Nova Bazalonia
01-07-2008, 04:12
"Meditation, get up on one of these tables and sit down in as comfortable manner as you can. We will take you through the process."
Should she do as requested they continued "Close your eyes, and control your breathing" Both Trk'gyr's calmed smoothly and relaxingly spoke "Breath in,""Breath Out"
Instructing her on her breathing about another 5 minutes later, "block all noise, everything else around you apart from our voices"
They continued with the breathing in and breathing out, occasionally testing her state with an occasional click of the fingers, or other generic noises that they could create to see how she reacted to those.
New Dornalia
01-07-2008, 05:15
"Meditation, get up on one of these tables and sit down in as comfortable manner as you can. We will take you through the process."
Should she do as requested they continued "Close your eyes, and control your breathing" Both Trk'gyr's calmed smoothly and relaxingly spoke "Breath in,""Breath Out"
Instructing her on her breathing about another 5 minutes later, "block all noise, everything else around you apart from our voices"
They continued with the breathing in and breathing out, occasionally testing her state with an occasional click of the fingers, or other generic noises that they could create to see how she reacted to those.
Alice looked at them oddly; she wasn't quite expecting this. Looking at them rather skeptically, she did as they told, sitting Indian-style as she folded her hands in her lap and began doing the breathing.
In and out, like her mom's old yoga instruction tapes told her to. It was basic stuff, but then there was the reaction to the order to shut off noise. That would take some getting used to.
As such, when she was confronted iwth their sound test, she performed it somewhat imperfectly. Most sounds were blocked out, but the louder ones made her take notice.
Nova Bazalonia
04-07-2008, 08:23
Things were progressing nicely, they stopped testing assured that everything was going as it should. After another few minutes they believed she was ready for the next step.
"Look inside you, go deep down inside yourself, go as far as you can."
To begin with there was nothing, as if everything was just black, but that changed there was a pin-prick of light that she could see as she headed down inside herself. The pin-prick got bigger and bigger, it wasn't just any light it was that fragment of sunstone that she was given.
Keeping going and it was almost like she passed through into the stone. Then everything changed. She saw where she was in exact detail, she knew exactly what was going on from the unseen level to everything around. Even things that she couldn't of visually seen.
In the pocket of the clothes that human wore there was a silver pendant attached to a necklace. The outside of the pendant was pure silver, but there was pure gold inside silver pendant, she could see the truth, see everything and anything that was happening around her including biologically.
New Dornalia
09-07-2008, 04:16
Things were progressing nicely, they stopped testing assured that everything was going as it should. After another few minutes they believed she was ready for the next step.
"Look inside you, go deep down inside yourself, go as far as you can."
To begin with there was nothing, as if everything was just black, but that changed there was a pin-prick of light that she could see as she headed down inside herself. The pin-prick got bigger and bigger, it wasn't just any light it was that fragment of sunstone that she was given.
Keeping going and it was almost like she passed through into the stone. Then everything changed. She saw where she was in exact detail, she knew exactly what was going on from the unseen level to everything around. Even things that she couldn't of visually seen.
In the pocket of the clothes that human wore there was a silver pendant attached to a necklace. The outside of the pendant was pure silver, but there was pure gold inside silver pendant, she could see the truth, see everything and anything that was happening around her including biologically.
Going deeper, deeper, and deeper, it became painfully obvious that Alice's little accident with the sunstone had led her to something greater than just a glowing shard in her chest. It somehow conferred her power normally ascribed to gurus and gods. The power to see into forever.
She then noticed several things. One was the man's pendant. Two, the fact she had somewhat high cholestrol. Three, was the metals the ship was built out of, right to their condition. She then merely uttered, "Woah. I can see everything...."
She then decided to test her powers. Alice then asked the human Trk'gyr, "Trk'gyr, do you have a pendant?"
Nova Bazalonia
10-07-2008, 14:38
When she finally conciously spoke to Trk'gyr, the effect broke, she was looking once again through her eyes, it was the same point of view yet totally different from what she had seen, where she was able to see through and into anything around her she saw only the reflected light from the surface of the objects.
The Sauron reached into the pocket of his Human partner and they both smiled at Alice as the pendant dangled in front of them both. "This would be the pendant that you mentioned, It's yours." they both approached her and from each side started to put it over her head. "You Alice, you were chosen to become apart of the universe itself, we don't know why, but today is just the start of something marvelous."
Having said that they took a few steps back as they took in this momentous occasion, well for them anyway.
New Dornalia
11-07-2008, 14:25
When she finally conciously spoke to Trk'gyr, the effect broke, she was looking once again through her eyes, it was the same point of view yet totally different from what she had seen, where she was able to see through and into anything around her she saw only the reflected light from the surface of the objects.
The Sauron reached into the pocket of his Human partner and they both smiled at Alice as the pendant dangled in front of them both. "This would be the pendant that you mentioned, It's yours." they both approached her and from each side started to put it over her head. "You Alice, you were chosen to become apart of the universe itself, we don't know why, but today is just the start of something marvelous."
Having said that they took a few steps back as they took in this momentous occasion, well for them anyway.
"Not a bad feeling, I might say so myself." Outwardly she was nonchalant about it, seemingly more focused on the pendant than the significance of what just occurred. Inwardly, she was somewhat suprised and astonished. These guys certainly were right. People normally didn't have the abilty to literally become one with the universe and see everything and not go insane, but wouldn'tcha know it, she did have that ability. And that was the big thing.
"So, I take it this is an ability that needs some sort of focus in order to use?" she asked the two.
Nova Bazalonia
13-07-2008, 07:48
"It will take mental focus for most things, though the more and more you do it the easier it should become. This won't be easy it will require work on your part. You will need to approach everything from a different angle and point of view. Everything that happens will have an effect of you, your fate and the fate of the universe are tied together. In a sense you have become the guardian of everything."
New Dornalia
25-08-2008, 04:06
"It will take mental focus for most things, though the more and more you do it the easier it should become. This won't be easy it will require work on your part. You will need to approach everything from a different angle and point of view. Everything that happens will have an effect of you, your fate and the fate of the universe are tied together. In a sense you have become the guardian of everything."
The last part caused Alice to be floored. The Guardian of Everything? Now she had heard it all. Outwardly, she skeptically looked at them with a deer in the headlights look. Inwardly, she was beginning to understand it all. She could see everything, the bits and pieces....and it made sense she was inexorably linked to these things.
It remained to be seen however, how she would apply these things. And in fact, she asked just that.
"Well, it seems that much is true. But how is that the case, whatcha just said? I mean, its still a little fuzzy to me."