NationStates Jolt Archive

The Caprios Civil War

04-10-2007, 01:05
It was 01/01/08 new years , it was 4A.M. at the Imperium the capital building of Caprios. Inside were many troubled senaters very troubled about the Caprios Communist Party and the Corporate party both of which wanted to gain more control in the goverment. The communist wanting total control of the goverment and the corporations wanting the communist to cease their efforts. Unknown to the senaters inside he Imperium something was about to go down in an hour. The communist had accumulated an arsenal of weapons and made plans to march into the Imperium.

The first shots were heard the sun had just began to come up the sky was a hot pink from the over cast. The corporations wernt going to stand for this they armed their employes, and told them to defend their jobs or they were fired molotoves were thrown into Mc Donalds it was set ablaze the communist rebals were turning the capital city into anarchy citizens began to revolt aginst the communists.

Emperor Dustin was informed about the communist and corporate uprising he gave control over to his two generals, General Klitchco and General Ross. They immeidiatly got the C.S.A.F. or (Caprios Superior Armed Forces) to help pacify the situation but it was to no avail the 1000 Army personel were having trouble keeping peace. But it wasnt all in vein they were succesful in keeping the peace in some sectors.

Conditions in the city were spiraling into madness people were baricaded in there houses, Wal*Mart had turned into a fort the communist had it surrounded and began to lobe rockets into the people inside wal mart fought back in a brutal blood bath.

General Klitchco ordered 20 Cricket T3 light tanks to go into the city and try to reinstall stability, the Tanks were fast and proved them selfs they were ordered to protect the Phoenix Labs building if rebals got a hold of the
T7Strain it would prove catastrophic the tanks were greeted with RPGs luckily none of the tanks were disabled. 200 soldeirs were also sent to defend the Lab.

20 more tanks were sent to the Imperium to defend it and 500 more soldeirs to defend the Imperium they were on high alert for good reason.

Within the imperium the senate was already making arrangements to restrict the power the communist party and were contimplating on even going as far as to kick the communist party out.The end of the day was quite the gunshots ceased tourd the evening every thing had come to a stand still Caprios clean up crews were now cleaning up the rubble ,the Fire Dpt. was busy putting out the fire. the Hospitals were dealing with the injured and the morgues were busy as well. The C.S.A.F. were detaining communist supporters for questioning and maybe deportation, the police were going door to door making sure everthing was ok.

Emperor Dustin was hoping this ordeal was over.
04-10-2007, 05:49
Official Greal Statement

Since Caprios is a member of SOL, Greal will send military aid or troops to your nation to stop this rebellion.

Greal Foreign Minister
Will Riddle