NationStates Jolt Archive

The Han Empire [1750 NS Earth]

03-10-2007, 22:05
The Han Empire

The Han Empire the ruling dynasty of China . ruled by ethnic Hans, The Han Empire, founded by Zhu Yuanzhang, ruled over the Empire of the Great Han as China was then known.

China: 255,500,000
Ryūkyū islands: 120,230
Capital: Beijing
Government type: Imperial monarchy
Full name: The Han Empire
Current Emperor: Zhou Fei
03-10-2007, 22:07

Governmental institutions in China conformed to a similar pattern for some two thousand years, but each dynasty installed special offices and bureaus for certain purposes. The Ming administration too followed this pattern: the Grand Secretariat assisted the emperor. Alongside this office were the Six Ministries for Personnel Revenue , Rightes, War, Justice and Public Works (工部 Gongbu), under the Department of State Affairs (尚書省 Shangshu Sheng). The Censorate (都察院 Duchayuan; earlier: surveiling the work of imperial officials was also an old institution with a new name comprising The Three Dukes ( Sangong: the Grand Mentor Taifu, the Grand Preceptor Taishi and the Grand Guardian Taibao) and the Three Minor Solitaries
03-10-2007, 22:32

Imperial Army

In the Imperial Army, infantry units were organized 50 men to a platoon, two platoons to a company, and those into batallions of 500 men each. , and in peacetime were used as means to maintain local security.[78] , it did provide some valuable strengths to the empire through effective organization. During the Song era, military drills and training were studied as a science, while elite soldiers were allocated different responsibilities based on examinations of their skills in weaponry and athletic ability.[79] In their training, soldiers and officers were prepared for battle by following signal standards for troop movement, advancing when a flag or banner was raised, halting when the blaring sound of bells and drums rang out.[70]
08-10-2007, 21:22