A production from Phoenix Labs: A vaccine for the T7Strain
Phoenix Labs of Caprios has created a vaccine for the deadly T7Strain it only has a 12% chance of working because the T7Strain is so potent and its RNA compisition is so unstable thatits constantly mutating. The Vaccine is only available for the citizens of Caprios
Official Greal Statement
Greal would like to send some Scientists to help your nation build a better vaccine.
Greal Minister of Foreign Affairs
Will Riddle
I dont think you understand this virus is so unstable that 12% is pushing the envolope.
Signed:Emperor Dustin
I dont think you understand this virus is so unstable that 12% is pushing the envolope.
Signed:Emperor Dustin
Official Greal Statement
Greal will send the Scientists anyway, as long as it can save your people.
Greal Foreign Minister
Will Riddle
your scientist wont be allowed to tell your goverment any thing that they see here.
your scientist wont be allowed to tell your goverment any thing that they see here.
Official Greal Statement
Greal Foreign Minister
Will Riddle