The Bloody 6 sided Civil war
Zoingo ,Canalive City, Parliament, House of Commons.....Long Title
President Massaquine had made his way to the Inner Chamber, apparently there had been a big argument that had swept the building, and he had come to stop the squabbling. He approached the Chamber only to find representatives yelling at each-other, throwing things, and going compleatly out of control, so he advanced to his prime minister to consult the problem.
"What the hell happened hear?" the president asked.
"Well sir, while going over some important issues that really don't matter right now," Roland Fespute the prime minister explaned as he ducked a flying peace of china,
"The Lower Counties in Sunnyshore Bay and in Shorington Hights complained and said that their should be a monarchy so things could be less cluttered and things could run more smoothly so that most of the pressure wouldn't be on them. But then the Eastern Counties of Racklonfield and San Salcador went a step further and suggested a dictatorship."
Already the president was dumbfounded...and thought this 2 sided problem would be solved easily by saying the power is in the people, but their was more...
"Then the representaives In the Upper/Island Chain Counties of Port Royal and Corpus Christi wanted city states so that we could go back to simpler times. Next, the Western Counties of Jublife City and Venzialio went with the communist theory. And finnaly, the Middle Counties of Villezoingonia and Mt. Clydeld argued with socalism."
"Uhh, is their anyone who still belives in this government we have?" the president asked.
"Actually yes, the soil in which you stand on still believes in Democracy, Canalive City, and they have stated their case."
"Well I can say that we can use diplomacy in a last ditch effort," he said in a brighter tone. So he approched the podium, but before making his speach, a few sentences would change everything.
"Monarchy is the best!"
"No, city states!"
"Dictatorship! Dictatorship!"
"People please, Democracy, let the people.........."
"No Socialism, and If you dont like it, then go set up your own governments in your region!"
A series of Yeah's and 'alrights" flooded the room, and all of the representatives left, compleatly ignoring the president. All of them, except the Canalive City representaives.
"What's going to happen Mr. President?" one of them asked.
"Im afraid that this will not go well, and this has become a six sided war, one that will corrupt the central power of our nation. This will not be easy or short, this state must prevail.
The headlines of Next days paper........
Government Dissolved!
But recruitment adds were also in the paper.......
Communist: Level the playing field, let the government handle everything for you.
Socalism: The good side, come join it.
Monarchy: The ruler should know best, so let him do it!
Democracy: Our nations' free and true government, because it always should be the people that decide.
The list went on and on....and so would this war, stirrings of mayham and chaos were taking roots in the pride democracy that was a beacon of hope for its region (sort of, I added the beacon part for dramatic effect ;)), the nation was dying.
Democracy: Capital region (Canalive City) Lord Sumguy, Cali
Monarchy: Lower region (Sunnyshore Bay, Shorington Heights)
Dictatorship: East region (Racklonfield, San Salcador) Greal
City States: Upper/Island region (Port Royal, Corpus Christi) Rogue Protoss
Socalism: Middle region (Villezoingonia, Mt. Clydeld)
Communism: West region (Jublife City, Venzialio) North Calaveres, BHR
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 05:59
Peirce heard of the news of one of the SOL goverments dissolving, and finding out that a communist faction had actually taken hold of a piece of land.
Pierce strode into the party meeting room. Smiles filled the room with the news.
Pierce let a grin slide then became serious " Gentlemen, we have a oppurtonity. Ive talked to some of our generals and they say they can get into the country with there forces. I believe what my generals say to be true.
General Kane walked into the room.: I already orderd 3 H-6 bombers to fly over the communist controlled sector, 2 of these bombers will be dropping small arms weopons. The second will be dropping leaflets to the communist goverment, adverstising our support.
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 06:12
General Ivan was in command of ground deployments, he had orderd an armord division to begin rolling towards Zoingo through Highway 7. Here is the list of troops being deployed.
20,000 The Peoples army
10,000 Revolutionary Guard
300 Redops
these men were being carried by BMP-2's being followed by:
200 SOL T-62
70 Iron Curtain MBT
50 Tunguska AA systems.
General Kane's first defense Airforce were to clear the sky so that any invaders threatning the red colony would be blown out of the sky.
200 MiG-21
50 MiG-29
30 Hing gunships.
Communist Telegram
We of the Communist based regime in Zoingo would like to thank North Calveres for seing things our way and helping us in eliminating the opposing governments. If this happens, we will be added as a new communist country woven on the map of the world. Down with democracy, for communism!
Counsel in Jublife City
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 06:49
The two H-6 bombers that carried weopons dropped a payload of:
1,000 AK-47's
500 RPG's
and extra ammuntion, instructions on how to use.
The armored patrol contuned non stop towards there destination.
Rogue Protoss
30-09-2007, 14:23
The Nomadic Templars of Shakuras Hereby throw full support to the city states faction, we are sending 1100 PPSH 43's and 4000 Moisen-Nagant rifles and 600 T-72 tanks, as well as a battalion to train your milita
30-09-2007, 14:38
We of BHR will support communism by striking down Rouge Protoss. Our troops shall be deployed. Fight for the Motherland!
The Nomadic Templars of Shakuras Hereby throw full support to the city states faction, we are sending 1100 PPSH 43's and 4000 Moisen-Nagant rifles and 600 T-72 tanks, as well as a battalion to train your milita
Official Telegram
We of the Fuedralsitic City States of Zoingo thank Rogue Protoss and its efforts to aid us in this civil war that can be won by Us. Please feel free to dock in Port Royal, but keep this in mind, its in the water (like Venice). Rise of the City States!
Another message went out the same day.....
Communist Telegram
The communist regieme opens its arms to BHR, and our regieme is starting to take full support. We thank you and our struggle against the other warring powers.
30-09-2007, 17:16
Ooc:I know I havn't been invited but I really wanna be in this, just say if you want me to leave.
Secret I.C
Chairman Boke The second adressed his board of defence. "Comrades. He announced. I may not have agreed with my father's big brother doctrines, but let us not forget that, at heart, we are communists. In a small country, not far from us geographicly, there is a civil war taking place. It is of my belief that if we secretly, but *he winked* spread rumours in other communist nations, we give millitary and financial aid to the communist guerilla fighters, to boost the image of our might within our freindly neighbours. Who is with me? There was a murmur of agreement around the table. So, are we agreed? There was a resounding cry of "Here Here". Then we are decided, he said, sitting down. Jenkins! He called to a young general "yes sir?" Break into the weapons stores.
The 9th Expeditionary Force
Known to their opponents as 'The Black Death', they have a history of unneeded violence and destruction in order to achieve the most basic of goals. They are known for their participation in the Hexonian Genocide, in which hundreds of thousands of civilians were massacred by their number. General Horn, or the 'Butcher of Bar'Don', already half crazy, was driven more so by his time on Hexon, and now the only objective in his mind was death... and if he had to fulfill the orders of the Lord Protector to obtain his wants, then so be it. The 9th Expeditionary was heading straight for the city of New Songdo, in reportedly Monarch Controlled Territory. And if there was anything hated more than Communism in Kroando, it was Monarchy... royalty... the idea that a person was greater than another simply by birth. By no means did Kroandons support mass equality, no, this would lead to their hatred of communism... but their ideals of superiority came through effort, perseverance and determination, not blood. The 9th Expeditionary sat 300 miles outside of Zoingon Waters... continuing forward.
Land Forces
Legionnaires 350,000
The Kroandon Guard 25,000 [Elites]
MBT - Kraken II 6,000
MBT - ID-57 Decimator 4,000
Artillery Support - 155mm Towed Guns 3,000
Artillery Support - 120mm Towed Guns 3,000
Artillery Support - 105mm Towed Guns 5,000
Artillery Support - N-LOS Mobile Artillery Support 1,000
Artillery Support - C-24 Big Gun 2,000
Artillery Support - VL-7 Demolisher 500
Artillery Support - LY300 Manticore Multiple Rocket System ( 1,000
Light Artillery - 88mm Mortars 10,000
Light Artillery - 122mm Mortars 10,000
AA Artillery - Bofors 40 mm gun L/70 2,000
AA Artillery - ZSU-23-4 2,000
Towed AA Weaponry - ZU-23-2 2,000
Mobile RADAR-LADAR Units 100
Mobile Missile Strike Unit - G-24 Striker 12,000
Logisitic and Infantry Support - HMMWV 50,000
Logisitic and Infantry Support - Large Supply/Transport Truck 50,000
Infantry Support - Puma IFV 10,000
Infantry Support - The Monteluci-VLTC M6: Military 4x4 ( 10,000
Amphibious Assault - Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle 5,000
Amphibious Assault - MHAV-24 Horn 10,000
Naval Forces
Naval Forces - Visari Class Destroyer 200
Naval Forces - Visby class corvette 50
Naval Forces - Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier 5
Naval Forces - Negotiator Class Cruiser 35
Naval Forces - Montana Class Battle Ships 1
Naval Forces - RADAR/SONAR/LADAR Detection Ships 4
Naval Forces - Tenerife SSBN 25
Naval Forces - Cadiz SSN's 9
Naval Forces - Fire Support Ships 20
Naval Forces - Large Invasionary Transports 85
Naval Forces - Wasp class amphibious assault ship 300
Naval Forces - SDC-4 Overlord Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaught ( 2
Naval Forces - Tanker Class Missile Carrier 2
Aerial Forces
Aerial Forces - Halcon Stealth Fighter 300
Aerial Forces - A-10 Warthog 200
Aerial Forces - UH-60 Blackhawk 1,000
Aerial Forces - Apache Assault Helicopter 250
[I plan on helping one side, but not untill I attack the Monarch Forces... do the Monarchs' have a navy of any sort? If so... you might want to send it against me.]
Rogue Protoss
30-09-2007, 19:33
The Nomadic Templars Of Shakuras hereby mobilize their entire mercenary force and deploy them to the area, be warned we have many biological and chemical weapons that we can use we also deploy our Engineer CORPS to help improve the economy of this land, ADUN TORIDAS! EN Taro Tassadar
The Mercanary FORCES consist of:
8000 riflemen
soory but im new so i dont know the rules
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 20:25
The Armored column rolled into the communist controlled territory, raising red flags along the way. This would further with a constant buildup of troops and vehicles.
A continues dropping of weopons were being done by 20 H-6 bombers. The red airforce had already secured the communist airspace and began landing at airfeilds.
Lord Sumguy
30-09-2007, 22:45
Official Hegemonic Statement:
The Hegemon Lord Sumguy hereby gives his complete support to the democratic government of Ziongo, and advises all other factions to stand down immediately so that bloodshed may be avoided. The Hegemony International Defense Force will be deployed to enforce the authority of the Ziongian government if deemed neccesary.
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 22:48
We support you defense of the goverment, but we support the communist regime, the communist party of NC recognises you are doing this for the best intentions. We will help the communist block and the democratic block, we will support both regimes with weopons and supplies.
The Nomadic Templars Of Shakuras hereby mobilize their entire mobile force and deploy them to the area, be warned we have many biological and chemical weapons that we can use we also deploy our Engineer CORPS to help improve the economy of this land, ADUN TORIDAS! EN Taro Tassadar
The Mobile FORCES consist of:
1100 Valkeryie Tanks
1200 Thor APC
8000 riflemen and grenadiers
1200 T-90'S
OOC - This is impossible for a nation your size specifically for just a small mobile force.
1100 Valkeryie Tanks - Each requires at least 3 men (Gunner Commander Driver) So 3300 men AT LEAST.
1200 Thor APC - Same as the tank. Another 3600 men.
8000 riflemen and grenadiers- 8000 men straight out
600 M1A1 ABRAHAM TANKS - Same as all tanks 1800 men AT LEAST.
1200 T-90'S - Same with all other tanks 3600 men at LEAST
4000 HALF TRACKS - At least 2 men one Driver and one gunner 8000 Men
10000 TECHNICALS FOR SKIRMISHING - At least 2 one driver 1 gunner 20000 men
500 A-GRADE MORTAR PIECES - 2 Men a spotter and a loader 1000 men
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST 1000 AA BATTERIES - If mobile a gunner and a driver 2000 Men.
This Equals 51,300 Combat troops. Especially for a op away from home this would require at least the same amount of Supply troops for just infantry and for the vehicles they would be 1/4 of the force. So this means conservatively speaking (Times 3 instead of 4 which is again conservative) you need 153,900 men. Plus your navy and air force to transport all of this would increase it. 153,900 is 1.25 % of your entire population without including military and navy. Assuming this is huge and only half your army that would mean your army is 2.5 % of your nation. However more likely a mobile force would be about maybe a 1/10 or a 1/5.
I'll post the numbers
If Mobile Force is Then Percentage of your nation in army
1/2 2.5%
1/3 3.75%
1/4 5.00% (This is about the maximum an army could be without your economy dieing. )
Realistically speaking if it was 1/5 Which is what it should be then it would be 6.25 % of your population. So you wouldn't have enough of an economy to equip your soldiers or your citizens would revolt because they were starving.
Looking at this this is clearly a population wank or you are NK. That or you lack an equally large air force and navy to transport all of this.
And again this is all without an army or navy factored in making it even more unlikely.
My suggestion is to re-think your post and edit it.
The Fordockian government stipulates that if the socialist and Democratic factions merge it would be happy to support the new government. Social Democracy is not a bad thing.
30-09-2007, 23:06
We support you defense of the goverment, but we support the communist regime, the communist party of NC recognises you are doing this for the best intentions. We will help the communist block and the democratic block, we will support both regimes with weopons and supplies.
Official Message to North Calaveras
You cannot support both the communists and the democrats, for you will despise the other and like the other more, choose the side you are on, and stay on it! We are aiding the democratic forces in this fight, and we hope that you'd be at least be kind enough to stay out of it!
President Jack R.Arnold
The forces that we are sending out:
Naval Forces
2 Champion Class Supercarriers
6 Agamemnon Class Battleships
10 Ticonderoga or Arsenal Class Missile Cruisers
15 Zumwalt Class Stealth Missile Destroyers
15 Daring Class Air Defense Destroyers
15 Brandenburg Class Stealth ASW Frigates
15 Sachsen Class Stealth Air Defense Frigates
8 Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Submarines
10 Allegro, Virginia, or Seawolf Class Attack Submarines
10 Safeguard Class Damage Control Ships
6 Supply Class Fast Combat Support Ships
10 Osprey Class Mine Hunters
100 SH-60 Seahawk Helicopters (Blackhawk naval variant)
65 AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopters
50 CH-46 Sea Knight Helicopters
50 CH-53 Super Stallion Helicopters
350 F/A 401 Birds of Prey
250 F-36 Gladius
100 F-18E Super Hornets
80 F-35 Lightning II
5 E-2C Hawkeyes
Air Force:
350 F/B-22 Strike Raptors
150 F-22A Raptor
200 F-15E Strike Eagle
30 KC-135R Stratotankers
40 KC-767 Super Stratotankers
4 E-8 JSTARs
7 E-3 Sentry AWAC
24 C-5 Galaxies
35 C-141 Starlifters
5th Infantry Division
6th Infantry Division
15th Air Cargo Wing (CJ-19 Atlas)
16th Air Cargo Wing (CJ-19 Atlas)
15th Armored Division (M-3 Arbiter)
16th Armored Division (M-3 Arbiter)
12th Infantry Brigade
15th Infantry Brigade
104 F/A-18F Super Hornets
95 F-14D Super Tomcats
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 23:08
We will leave, if we allowed to have some military bases and airfields and a communist freindly goverment in position, it may be democratic as well.
Rogue Protoss
30-09-2007, 23:13
the mercenary force bought by the Nomadic Templars of Shakuras(who dont feel like losing their own people!) has moved into the citystate controlled area, and began training a proxy milita from the military members of that area, as well as launching heavy airstrikes at the communist faction
OOC:what about an alliance between the democrats,socialists and the citystates, i mean you could have a confedartion of democartic socialist citystates couldnt you?
Open Statement
It seems clear the best course of action is a Democratic-Socialist Government. It has elements of Democracy, and Communism. This would unite Calizorinstan and North Calveras and the incumbent government.
OOC - A a joke you could have an alliance of Democratic socialist City States with a few communist city states united by a monarchist government if you really want to include them all. Also Rouge Protoss did you see my post on the end of the last page?
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 23:15
STATE Message to Fordock
That is a very wise choice, the communist party of NC is behind you 100%.
30-09-2007, 23:19
We will leave, if we allowed to have some military bases and airfields and a communist freindly goverment in position, it may be democratic as well.
We will not let that happen, a communist friendly democratic government could very well easily become a communist government in a span of 2 years from now if it was a government like you suggested and described. Military bases maybe, but airfields is an entirely different matter!
President Jack R.Arnold
The 6th Fleet departed San Diego harbor, a force of well over 100 ships, that would depart for the waters off of Zoingo to assist the democratic forces in their civil war. They would fight against all sorts of foes, hopefully in the end the democratic forces would be victorious. The ships slowly made their way to out of the harbor, the citizens cheered at the military might of their nation as the ships left the harbor and out onto the ocean.
The Air Force's new CJ-19 Atlas's were going to be put to the test to see how well they did in this new area of conflict, if they did well, more would be built of them. This was also one of the first wars the newly overhauled Calizorinstanian Armed Forces was going to participate in, they had been training for several months on several war scenarios, that included luckily for them, foreign civil wars and for the Army and the Marines, urban fighting.
The 5th and 6th Infantry divisions were loaded onto C-141's, C-5's and in some cases the new out of factory CJ-19 Atlas transport planes, and they would head for Canalive City.
Telegram to the Democratic Forces in Canalive City
We are sending units to assist you, the naval forces have just departed San Diego Harbor and will arrive in 2 weeks, the Marines and the Army are headed for Canalive City, so if you have a drop zone or an airport we could land at, we'd be much thankful for it. We are sending about roughly 20-35,000 troops to you, to assist your cause.
President Jack R.Arnold
North Calaveras
30-09-2007, 23:21
We support you as well., we have to remove the unfreildny dictatorship, monarchy factions.
Rogue Protoss
30-09-2007, 23:22
a skirmish took place between the monarchists and the the Templars of Shakuras has resulted in a mnor victory to the Templars, what this portend for any of the isdes is as of yet unknown, updates coming in daily
30-09-2007, 23:23
Open Statement
It seems clear the best course of action is a Democratic-Socialist Government. It has elements of Democracy, and Communism. This would unite Calizorinstan and North Calveras and the incumbent government.
We agree with that idea, and as such welcome North Calaveras and Fordockian assistance in our cause.
President Jack R. Arnold
Official Greal Statement
The Greal government supports the Dictatorship government, however we cannot send troops due to the fact that our allies are supporting other sides, we will however send the following weapons to the Dictatorship:
100 Nakil tanks
100 Eurotyphoon fighters
200 Shark fighters
600 SOL T-62s
1000 Greal light support weapons
10,000 M16 rifles
10,000 FAMAS rifles
100,000 Glocks
lots of ammunition
Greal Minister of Defence
Jason Park
North Calaveras
01-10-2007, 08:45
I advise you to stand down Greal, there is no point in losing equipment, especialy SOL equipment.
Official Greal Statement
Since North Calaveras is mad by the actions of the Greal Defence Ministry, Greal will leave out the SOl T-62 tanks, but we will send the other weapons.
Greal Defence Minister,
Jason Park
01-10-2007, 09:20
The Microstani bomber flew high over the communist base. It dropped crates, filled with 8000 Microkovljerakistan AFC nylon football shirts, 4000 che guevara tee shirts, 12 000 pairs of fake armani jeans, 12000 pairs of fake nike trainers, 8000 green berets and 4000 maroon berets. And 12000 AKMs.
Greal Transports dropped the following items on the Dictatorship base.
100 Nakil tanks
100 Eurotyphoon fighters (The fighters were flown there.)
1000 Greal light support weapons
10,000 M16 rifles
10,000 FAMAS rifles
100,000 Glocks
lots of ammunition
Rogue Protoss
01-10-2007, 09:41
Greal Transports dropped the following items on the Dictatorship base.
100 Nakil tanks
100 Eurotyphoon fighters (The fighters were flown there.)
1000 Greal light support weapons
10,000 M16 rifles
10,000 FAMAS rifles
100,000 Glocks
lots of ammunition
the nomadic temmplar herby delivar 9000 LMGS to all no commies down to communist domination!
01-10-2007, 11:53
The next sortie contained 1000000 round of ammo, 15 training instructors, 2 polikarpov 1-15 biplanes from the millitary stocks marked 'obsolete' and 250 60pdr guns Mk1.
"This should prepare them" Thought the general.
Ooc P.S does anyone like my choices?
Rogue Protoss
01-10-2007, 14:20
The next sortie contained 1000000 round of ammo, 15 training instructors, 2 polikarpov 1-15 biplanes from the millitary stocks marked 'obsolete' and 250 60pdr guns Mk1.
"This should prepare them" Thought the general.
Ooc P.S does anyone like my choices?
The nexy set of delivery by the Templars were as follows:
3 tank divisons
5 infinry divisons
1 bomber squadron
1st fleet
60000 AK 47
18900000 grenades
North Calaveras
01-10-2007, 19:30
The armored column had now reached the (communist)capital, they began securing the city, they began parading down the citys main street waving to the inhabitants.
Tunguskas set up light AA perimeters.
the MiGs landed at communist controlled airbases.
North Calaveras
01-10-2007, 19:42
The second re-enforcements were preparing to come to aid:
200,000 the people's army
100,000 Revolutionary Guard
200 SOL T-62
100 "iron curtains"
100 Tunguska AA
50 TOS-1 MLR
100 130 mm towed field gun M1954 (M-46)
Lord Sumguy
01-10-2007, 19:49
Official Hegemonic Statement:
The nation of North Calaveras and the Templars of Shakuras are advised to withdraw from Ziongo, lest their forces come into conflict with and be destroyed by those of the Hegemony. The nation of Ziongo is once again offered the use of the Hegemony International Defense Force to assist in reunifying the country.
North Calaveras
01-10-2007, 19:51
We are apart of the Hegemony, believe us, we only want what's best for Zoingo, and after all, he is apart of the Sons of Lenin.
Lord Sumguy
01-10-2007, 20:16
We are a part of the Hegemony
OOC: no you aren't, you were expelled two weeks ago by majority vote along with Cazelia.
North Calaveras
01-10-2007, 20:58
OCC: why was i expelled?!
Lord Sumguy
01-10-2007, 21:01
note: the council voted on it, and the decision was upheld.
sorry you had to find out now, it wasnt something I enjoyed doing.
Rogue Protoss
01-10-2007, 21:09
Official Hegemonic Statement:
The nation of North Calaveras and the Templars of Shakuras are advised to withdraw from Ziongo, lest their forces come into conflict with and be destroyed by those of the Hegemony. The nation of Ziongo is once again offered the use of the Hegemony International Defense Force to assist in reunifying the country.
Only if we are allowed friendly goverment and a payment of 600 Argus crystal shall we leave, we also offer an non agression pact to interested states
We agree with that idea, and as such welcome North Calaveras and Fordockian assistance in our cause.
President Jack R. Arnold
As much as Fordock would like to help it would require us to not be currently fighting in our largest Port and having to fight a domestic war against Red Tide.
Greal has sent 3 Divisions of elite Greal troops to the Dictatorship city state, for now, they will gaurd the city.
Racklonfield, San Salcador, Zoingo
Greal transports dropped off Greal elite troops for duty, their commander was General Dorn. 1 Division was kept in reserve while the other 2 split up to each of the Dictatorship cities.
02-10-2007, 01:48
The CJ-19's dropped the troops over Canalive City, and the troops parachuted slowly onto a point in the city, and began moves to regroup with members of their unit to make perimeter defenses of the city, while the F/A-18E Super Hornets of the recently arrived 5th and 6th Fleet flew CAP for the units below, and the Seabee units began to construct an rough airfield for the C-17's to unload their troops and supplies.
The FB-22's arrived on scene and the 163rd Fighter Squadron happen to be the first to arrive at Canalive Airfield, with the maintenance crews having already prepared suitable revetments for the jets on the existing airfield.
40 Miles off the Coast of New Songdo - Monarch Controlled Territory
"Royalist bastards...", grumbled Marshall Horn as he trudged up the steps of the Massive SuperDreadnought, the T.S.S. Malthus, cursing one of the most indoctrinated enemies of the Coalition. Royalty. The very thought that by birth one man was greater than another enraged the Kroandon mind so fiercely that it was a shock the sailors didn't jump off the boat and swim at their enemies. This was not to say that Kroandons promoted equality, they did not believe in this concept in the least... they did however, believe that inequality was created through the laziness of the weak, and the determination of the strong.
"Admiral! Are all preparations complete!?", shouted Horn as he stomped into the massive control room, two black folders packed with military information under his arm, a cup of coffee in his hand. "Yes Marshall... we only await your command.", replied the naval officer, standing to attention. Horn nodded, sipping his black coffee, yet another benefit of the military. In Antartika, there was no coffee... caffine tablets yes, there were multitudes of those, but no actual coffee.
The Marshall walked over to the massive foot thick glass window, peering out over the ocean. Contemplating the chaos that was about to come down upon the Royalist Forces in New Songdo. Surely the people there would drop their Monarchist ways soon after the bombardment... no people could be so loyal to an ideology to stand up to what was coming... "Commence Fire."
And in a unanimous roar, hundreds upon hundreds of massive guns opened up, 32inch guns, 18inch guns, 14inch guns, scores of each opened up, firing shells which on average, weighed some 400lbs of high explosive. These massive shells would rain down on the city, seeking simply to wreak havoc and sew destruction. The massive guns shook the mile long vessels, sending small waves off of the massive SuperDreadnoughts. Then came the real threat, over 1,700 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, packed with high explosive, sent flying into New Songdo at supersonic speeds, each destined for one of many targets.
And then the first sortie took off, two Halcon Stealth Fighters heading towards the city, their stealth expected to protect them... especially during the immense bombardment already underway.
Land Forces
Legionnaires 350,000
The Kroandon Guard 25,000 [Elites]
MBT - Kraken II 6,000
MBT - ID-57 Decimator 4,000
Artillery Support - 155mm Towed Guns 3,000
Artillery Support - 120mm Towed Guns 3,000
Artillery Support - 105mm Towed Guns 5,000
Artillery Support - N-LOS Mobile Artillery Support 1,000
Artillery Support - C-24 Big Gun 2,000
Artillery Support - VL-7 Demolisher 500
Artillery Support - LY300 Manticore Multiple Rocket System ( 1,000
Light Artillery - 88mm Mortars 10,000
Light Artillery - 122mm Mortars 10,000
AA Artillery - Bofors 40 mm gun L/70 2,000
AA Artillery - ZSU-23-4 2,000
Towed AA Weaponry - ZU-23-2 2,000
Mobile RADAR-LADAR Units 100
Mobile Missile Strike Unit - G-24 Striker 12,000
Logisitic and Infantry Support - HMMWV 50,000
Logisitic and Infantry Support - Large Supply/Transport Truck 50,000
Infantry Support - Puma IFV 10,000
Infantry Support - The Monteluci-VLTC M6: Military 4x4 ( 10,000
Amphibious Assault - Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle 5,000
Amphibious Assault - MHAV-24 Horn 10,000
Naval Forces
Naval Forces - Visari Class Destroyer 200
Naval Forces - Visby class corvette 50
Naval Forces - Nimitz Class Aircraft Carrier 5
Naval Forces - Negotiator Class Cruiser 35
Naval Forces - Montana Class Battle Ships 1
Naval Forces - RADAR/SONAR/LADAR Detection Ships 4
Naval Forces - Tenerife SSBN 25
Naval Forces - Cadiz SSN's 9
Naval Forces - Fire Support Ships 20
Naval Forces - Large Invasionary Transports 85
Naval Forces - Wasp class amphibious assault ship 300
Naval Forces - SDC-4 Overlord Class Trimaran Super Dreadnaught ( 2
Naval Forces - Tanker Class Missile Carrier 2
Aerial Forces
Aerial Forces - Halcon Stealth Fighter 300
Aerial Forces - A-10 Warthog 200
Aerial Forces - UH-60 Blackhawk 1,000
Aerial Forces - Apache Assault Helicopter 250[/QUOTE]
occ: my god, i leave for a day because of internet acess problems, and all these posts appear! breath, breath....okay, can someone help me recap, and who is on who's side?
To the Nations of Lord Sumguy and Cali
We are in desperate times here, and request your help, previous corruption like this happened 400 years ago, and apparently the image is still stuck in their minds. We have tried diplomacy, but every time, it has ended with the murder of several ambassadors. I wish their was another way, but were all out of ideas.
Hopefully to continue being president,
Roland J. Massaquine
Canalive City
Port Royal Navy Blockades Canalive City, thousands are starting to starve!
not related to the newspaper....
Skirmishes had started appearing around the Communist/Socalist border, and at least 5,000 were killed.
Greal trooops contnued to pour into the Dictatorship city, it was clear that the city wasn't going to fall with Greal troops in it.
40 Miles off the Coast of New Songdo - Monarch Controlled Territory
"Royalist bastards...", grumbled Marshall Horn as he trudged up the steps of the Massive SuperDreadnought, the T.S.S. Malthus, cursing one of the most indoctrinated enemies of the Coalition. Royalty. The very thought that by birth one man was greater than another enraged the Kroandon mind so fiercely that it was a shock the sailors didn't jump off the boat and swim at their enemies. This was not to say that Kroandons promoted equality, they did not believe in this concept in the least... they did however, believe that inequality was created through the laziness of the weak, and the determination of the strong.
"Admiral! Are all preparations complete!?", shouted Horn as he stomped into the massive control room, two black folders packed with military information under his arm, a cup of coffee in his hand. "Yes Marshall... we only await your command.", replied the naval officer, standing to attention. Horn nodded, sipping his black coffee, yet another benefit of the military. In Antartika, there was no coffee... caffine tablets yes, there were multitudes of those, but no actual coffee.
The Marshall walked over to the massive foot thick glass window, peering out over the ocean. Contemplating the chaos that was about to come down upon the Royalist Forces in New Songdo. Surely the people there would drop their Monarchist ways soon after the bombardment... no people could be so loyal to an ideology to stand up to what was coming... "Commence Fire."
And in a unanimous roar, hundreds upon hundreds of massive guns opened up, 32inch guns, 18inch guns, 14inch guns, scores of each opened up, firing shells which on average, weighed some 400lbs of high explosive. These massive shells would rain down on the city, seeking simply to wreak havoc and sew destruction. The massive guns shook the mile long vessels, sending small waves off of the massive SuperDreadnoughts. Then came the real threat, over 1,700 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, packed with high explosive, sent flying into New Songdo at supersonic speeds, each destined for one of many targets.
Um..a bit over kill much......and If I didn't tell you, New Songdo is the science capital of my nation, it looks something like this....
just doing that is a signal for the loyalists of the monarchy to stand against you, and my cause more extreme nationalism
Lord Sumguy
02-10-2007, 03:28
occ: my god, i leave for a day because of internet acess problems, and all these posts appear! breath, breath....okay, can someone help me recap, and who is on who's side?
To the Nations of Lord Sumguy and Cali
We are in desperate times here, and request your help, previous corruption like this happened 400 years ago, and apparently the image is still stuck in their minds. We have tried diplomacy, but every time, it has ended with the murder of several ambassadors. I wish their was another way, but were all out of ideas.
Hopefully to continue being president,
Roland J. Massaquine
Canalive City
Port Royal Navy Blockades Canalive City, thousands are starting to starve!
not related to the newspaper....
Skirmishes had started appearing around the Communist/Socalist border, and at least 5,000 were killed.
OOC: Ill let Cali handle the Hegemony forces, since he is Polemarch.
North Calaveras
02-10-2007, 03:42
The second re-enforcements had come into the communist faction, artillery and rocket artillery set up on the borders, these were guarded by SOL T-62's and Iron Curtain MBT's.
200 Shark fighters flow over the Dictatorship cities to keep watch for any enemy.
Um..a bit over kill much......and If I didn't tell you, New Songdo is the science capital of my nation, it looks something like this....
just doing that is a signal for the loyalists of the monarchy to stand against you, and my cause more extreme nationalism
[Well, the General that I sent to conduct this operation is a sadistic, blood thirsty, ruthless maniac who seeks to do nothing but spill blood and cause havoc... so overkill would be the only thing that really makes sense for him. Either way, makes for some interesting RP don't ya think?]
Rogue Protoss
02-10-2007, 09:40
The Templars of Shakuras have hired over an armoured cavalry corps on the market deploy to this divided nation as well as some extra eqiupment:
6000 Abrahams
2000 Vulture tanks
1000 fireebat apcs
9000 glocks v
but we are willing to discuss peace
The Templars of Shakuras having bought up half the mercenaries on the market deploy the this divided nation as well as some extra eqiupment:
6000 Abrahams
2000 Vulture tanks
1000 fireebat apcs
100000 glocks v
but we are willing to discuss peace
Again impossible. You lack the money to buy them as you would have to pay for all their costs in the entry fee. Don't make me do more math it is 6 in the morning here. Just reduce
"My god what idiots. Apparently they think to tip the balance with these actions. Which they might. They would just collapse later due to the economical strain. God damn idiots."
"Well what would you like us to do sir? If you don't give us orders we can't do shit for you and you know it. ....... sir."
"Stop bitching at me Private. I can't even make these orders but they did just come down from legion command."
"Thank god."
"Just take the second SF unit and get on the assignment. We expect resaults and we want them soon. Besides you should be happy to have this. You've been pushing for the same mission forever.
"Sir what is the mission?"
"Oh come on you know. Still I have to tell you. Damn military. Well anyhow you do know it."
"Just tell it could have changed or something ....... sir."
"Of course it is but to assassinate the commander of the Rouge Protoss and facilitate the withdrawal of all his troops.
Rogue Protoss
02-10-2007, 15:20
The Templars of Shakuras having bought up half the mercenaries on the market deploy the this divided nation as well as some extra eqiupment:
6000 Abrahams
2000 Vulture tanks
1000 fireebat apcs
100000 glocks v
but we are willing to discuss peace
I raid other countries armories almost daily
Rogue Protoss
02-10-2007, 15:29
"My god what idiots. Apparently they think to tip the balance with these actions. Which they might. They would just collapse later due to the economical strain. God damn idiots."
"Well what would you like us to do sir? If you don't give us orders we can't do shit for you and you know it. ....... sir."
"Stop bitching at me Private. I can't even make these orders but they did just come down from legion command."
"Thank god."
"Just take the second SF unit and get on the assignment. We expect resaults and we want them soon. Besides you should be happy to have this. You've been pushing for the same mission forever.
"Sir what is the mission?"
"Oh come on you know. Still I have to tell you. Damn military. Well anyhow you do know it."
"Just tell it could have changed or something ....... sir."
"Of course it is but to assassinate the commander of the Rouge Protoss and facilitate the withdrawal of all his troops.
you wouldnt dare!
IC: as repeated before i express a desire for peace on the condition of a friendly goverment and reparations. I WILL PULL OUT ONLY THESE DEMANDS
Prelate Zeatul of Shakuras
02-10-2007, 17:41
Ooc can I RP the guerilla fighters who ive supplied?
Lord Sumguy
02-10-2007, 20:01
you wouldnt dare!
IC: as repeated before i express a desire for peace on the condition of a friendly goverment and reparations. I WILL PULL OUT ONLY THESE DEMANDS
Prelate Zeatul of Shakuras
OOC: alright,
1. You cannot RP enemy losses, so raiding other countries and stealing equipment is nothing less than godmoding.
2. That was SIC, which means your nation doesnt know about it. really should not type in all caps
4. you are overwhelmingly outnumbered and outgunned, and you would lose far more money from military losses by staying than you would receive from your "ransom"
North Calaveras
02-10-2007, 20:44
We suggest creating Gurrilla units, they will be supplyed by us, and used to infiltrate and attack nearby enemys.
The Armed Republic of Toori is sending a supply shipment to the pro-democracy faction. Two trade freighters are inbound and loaded to the brim, and then some with weapons, munitions, building materials, medical supplies, food, water, and necesities.
Rogue Protoss
03-10-2007, 07:59
OOC: alright,
1. You cannot RP enemy losses, so raiding other countries and stealing equipment is nothing less than godmoding.
2. That was SIC, which means your nation doesnt know about it. really should not type in all caps
4. you are overwhelmingly outnumbered and outgunned, and you would lose far more money from military losses by staying than you would receive from your "ransom"
ok fine ill buy it instead
im saying that thas low to kill my leader
and as ive said i have a population who doesnot like losing so ill scale down to friendly goverment and democratic aid, can i use ibcms?
ok fine ill buy it instead
im saying that thas low to kill my leader
and as ive said i have a population who doesnot like losing so ill scale down to friendly goverment and democratic aid, can i use ibcms?
OOC; Your nation is too small to have ICBMs
Rogue Protoss
03-10-2007, 10:07
OOC; Your nation is too small to have ICBMs
OO: so just to be sure what cant i have
can i use ibcms?
occ: First off, you can't since your too small a nation, and second, you wouln't even dare to blow up even a milimeter of my soil.
Okay, this is starting to really pick up speed.
Microkovljerakistan, I really don't mind.
And to Torri, I have a blockade around the democratic area, so you'll have to break it first.
Ic in Monarchy held area:
Residents of New Songdo were in panic and were fleeing the city, the main navy from Sunnyshore Bay was coming to renforce positions in and around the area, while the fleet currently in the harbor fired back on the attackers....
In other news....
Tensions between the Socalist Middle area and the Upper City state area started to break, and several towns and villages along the border's were destroyed by boming, razing, and capturing. Thousands of civillians died in the outbreak of attacks.
[What vessels are in the fleets?]
The World Soviet Party
04-10-2007, 01:58
OOC: What the hell is an "ABRAHAM" tank?
Rogue Protoss
04-10-2007, 07:55
OOC: What the hell is an "ABRAHAM" tank?
i dunno heard it was a tank the US used to invade Iraq thought it be good
i dunno heard it was a tank the US used to invade Iraq thought it be good
OOC: You use OOC when you talk about other things.
Rogue Protoss
04-10-2007, 14:19
OOC:sorry lapse of jugdement,
IC: we have repeated our demands many time, we will not be repeating any more demands understand this my men are not afraid to die, for to die in battle is the way to the KHALA'S END, our heaven and our greatest dream
Cantr III
04-10-2007, 15:43
i dunno heard it was a tank the US used to invade Iraq thought it be good
(OOC: I believe you're thinking of the M-1 Abram. And no, I'm not actually a part of this thread (yet).)
[What vessels are in the fleets?]
Rogue Protoss
06-10-2007, 09:28
i am now deploying a 100 more mecanry tank battalions as well as 4 infintary divisons
Prelate Zeratul
07-10-2007, 13:29
Ooc: Dudes seen as how no ones answered me about how I can/ cant RP my guerillas, I will send in some microstani troops in the same outfit that I gave to the guerillas (football tops/green berets for ordinary ranks, che tees/maroon berets for NCOs, ok? And Ive changed my mind, only NCOs get AKMs the rest use 8mm lebel rifles.
I.C The Microstani paratroopers stripped into thier new civillian (ish) clothes. The only thing to indicate that they were millitary were their berets, weapons and their parachutes. the plane rumbled through some turbulanc.
A voice came over the intercom. "OK men, this is it. one we land we are to secure a hidden camp outside the capitol, reinforced with our hotchkisses." There was a groan among the troops. No-one was looking forward to useing obsolete weapons, least of all the ancient Hotchkiss MGs. "we will commence regular night time raids into the city, targeting petrol stations, power plants, harbours airports and police centres. we will plant propagander as we withdraw." The hatch rumbled open, and, collectively, they all Jumped. 20 men fell into the night, 20 parachtes opened.
occ: Microkovljerakistan, actually I remember saying that it was okay, so yes, its okay...
ic: The long and dreary battles were now being felt on all sides, and the utter colapse of a central government made the country at its weakest point.
Several battles between the monarchist and communist regions had left the economies both on the verge of being bankrupt. Further west, the communists had finnaly been able to capture Racklonfield, and the dictatorship was falling appart. Further north, the President and his current supporters were on the verge of capturing the port of Corpus Christi, thus it would become one step closer for the democracy to come back to a ravaged land......
[I can't respond to your fleets counter attack untill you tell me what those fleets contain.]
08-10-2007, 17:52
Ooc oh, and thanks for saying yes.
ic. The paratroopers, under the cover of darkness moved swiftly to the capitols main police staiton. They would gain acces via the sewers and plant bombs in the basement, hopefully blowing the whole thing down. as soon as detonation occoured, the polikarpov biplanes would, using the flames as a beacon, swoop in and machine - gun down the enemy forces running from the blast.
occ: Microkovljerakistan, actually I remember saying that it was okay, so yes, its okay...
ic: The long and dreary battles were now being felt on all sides, and the utter colapse of a central government made the country at its weakest point.
Several battles between the monarchist and communist regions had left the economies both on the verge of being bankrupt. Further west, the communists had finnaly been able to capture Racklonfield, and the dictatorship was falling appart. Further north, the President and his current supporters were on the verge of capturing the port of Corpus Christi, thus it would become one step closer for the democracy to come back to a ravaged land......
Greal gave 30 billion to the Dictatorship's economy to keep it running.
Rogue Protoss
09-10-2007, 10:02
Rogue Protoss gives 12 billion dollars, and 13 tank divisons to the City States
Rogue Protoss gives 12 billion dollars, and 13 tank divisons to the City States
How many is 13 tank divisions?
12-10-2007, 19:40
Dudes, since ive met with no resistance i will now assume i control the police station. my next target will be the banks. adeiu!
12-10-2007, 19:43
OOC: Anyone who is not allied with my faction can claim these 5 MIG-21's. Sorry for not posting I've been busy lately
The 5 F-22 Hornets picked up 5 enemy MIG-21 Fishbeds inbound and launched 5 AMRAAMS at the MIG-21's, which the MIG's wouldn't detect until it was way to late...
Rogue Protoss
13-10-2007, 14:07
OOC: Anyone who is not allied with my faction can claim these 5 MIG-21's. Sorry for not posting I've been busy lately
The 5 F-22 Hornets picked up 5 enemy MIG-21 Fishbeds inbound and launched 5 AMRAAMS at the MIG-21's, which the MIG's wouldn't detect until it was way to late...
OOC: i'll claim them. can i take down 3?
IC: as the 5 MIG-21 Fishbeds launched their attack on the enemy position unseuspecting...
they had been attacked by the enemy 5 AMRAAMS, attempting to fight back desperatly they they focused their assult on one of the fighters allowing the four other fighters to concetrate on them, while the 1st fighter had been taken out, they had lost 2 of their own , turning on the other four they had manged to take out 2 more before going down in flames:sniper:
13-10-2007, 15:40
General Jenkins sat at the former police commisioners desk in the Capitol. More paratrropers had been dropped and now everyone was using the building as a base. In an astonishing feat of improvisation, as no sentry boxes could be air - dropped, the soildiers were using the phone boxes of the city as watch posts. All seemed to be well. Jenkins looked out of his window and sighed as he saw a WW1 era german tank roll by. He wished that the Chairman hadn't decided to use obsolete weapons systems. However, decide to use obsolete weapons he did, so use obsolete weapons they must! Another tank rolled by, on its way to the countrys central bank. The polikarpovs swooped overhead, eager to join the fray, and several squads of guerillas ran past, too... Jenkins sat back down, and got back to his join - the dots puzzle. Why couldn't the army afford codewords?
Lord Sumguy
13-10-2007, 16:52
OOC: i'll claim them. can i take down 3?
IC: as the 5 MIG-21 Fishbeds launched their attack on the enemy position unseuspecting...
they had been attacked by the enemy 5 AMRAAMS, attempting to fight back desperatly they they focused their assult on one of the fighters allowing the four other fighters to concetrate on them, while the 1st fighter had been taken out, they had lost 2 of their own , turning on the other four they had manged to take out 2 more before going down in flames:sniper:
OOC: you cannot RP enemy losses.
General Alexander Mcalpin of the Hegemony International Defense Force smiled as he looked upon the thousands of Sumguaian troops exiting transport ships near the capitol city of Ziongo. These were the first of four million soldiers that the Hegemon had sent to aid the democratic Ziongian faction, and would be supplemented by another 600,000 men under the control of the Abrahamic League.
"How long will it take to get a sizable force organized to move to the front lines?" He asked an aide standing next to him.
"We should be able to get about 50,000 ready for action by tommorow, sir."
"Good, then at noon tommorow we send a force of 50,000 to reinforce the Ziongians at the pooints of greatest conflict."
OOC: sorry about the crappy post, i am ill and cant think very well. I am taking control of the Hegemony ground forces due to Cali's inactivity. I can edit any part of my post if you should wish it.
13-10-2007, 17:39
OOC: i'll claim them. can i take down 3?
IC: as the 5 MIG-21 Fishbeds launched their attack on the enemy position unseuspecting...
they had been attacked by the enemy 5 AMRAAMS, attempting to fight back desperatly they they focused their assult on one of the fighters allowing the four other fighters to concetrate on them, while the 1st fighter had been taken out, they had lost 2 of their own , turning on the other four they had manged to take out 2 more before going down in flames:sniper:
OOC: They are F-22's, which would make it extremly hard to get down..
The F-22's shot bursts of lethal cannon fire, which would destroy the remaning MIG-21's..
13-10-2007, 17:40
OOC: you cannot RP enemy losses.
OOC: sorry about the crappy post, i am ill and cant think very well. I am taking control of the Hegemony ground forces due to Cali's inactivity. I can edit any part of my post if you should wish it.
OOC: I apologize for my inactivity, I'll be back on later today, or worst case tomorrow afternoon.
Lord Sumguy
13-10-2007, 17:46
OOC: I apologize for my inactivity, I'll be back on later today, or worst case tomorrow afternoon.
OOC: you can do the non-Sumguaian troop movements then.
15-10-2007, 19:56
Is no one defending the capitol? Guys, i now control approximately half of the city, and the percentage will rise if I do not meet resistance! Is this a war or not?
Lord Sumguy
15-10-2007, 20:43
Is no one defending the capitol? Guys, i now control approximately half of the city, and the percentage will rise if I do not meet resistance! Is this a war or not?
OOC: wait for Ziongo to post, this RP moves at his pace, not yours.
occ: again, computer goes like a snail, sorry for no posting but this thing just keeps breaking down
ic: for real....
Canalive City, Capitol Police Station
Several Guards patrolled along the quite night streets of the city in the central plaza. All were aware and on the alert however, because earlier on in the day, a radar station detected movement in the area from the sky, and possibly, paratroopers.
"I don't see why they put us on the alert, their is nothing out here today," complained one of the guards.
"The area radar station dectected movement, so we need to keep on our toes for anything suspicious or dangerous." replied an officer.
"I guess your right, because its quiet......too quiet."
The Vassal State of Ifmaka
The vassal Ifmaka, after taking interest in this affair, was granted permission from its master state, Isate, to assist the City States Faction in a peaceful way. We pledge our support, three medical helicopters, four pilots, one transport helicopter, three medical personnel, two riverboats, and 20,000 Reus (pounds) . Throughout the war, if we have permission to use your waters we shall periodically send a supply ship of food rations. We would ask all participants to not fire upon our resources, which cannot do much to support the war effort. Due to the limited size of Ifmaka, this is the maximum peaceful support we can offer. We would lobby all warring factions to resolve the matter peacefully and it is our advice the country is split into several new, independent territories. Our communication channels are open to all sections, though Ifmaka officially endorses the City States. Isate is yet to develop a position and is unlikey to do so in the future.
Emporer Pudu
16-10-2007, 02:26
Airspace outside Ziongo, Imperial Auxiliaries-Peregrini Collumn Zero-Eight, A New Dawn
Roughly fifteen thousand meters above the choppy ocean waves of this foreign shore, thousands of aircraft slipped quietly through the troposphere, cutting a path through the air at six-hundred miles an hour. In the early morning light, there was nothing to give away the presence of these black-painted war hawks; sweeping down onto an unsuspecting shore...
For weeks, the situation in the fractured nation of Ziongo had been monitored, each detail was followed with increasing attention. However, it was not the Imperial government following the actions of these foreigners, it was but a single man, a man with many eyes...
Mr. Grey was the foreign relations officer inside the Dominion's government, and was the primary physical example of Pudite diplomacy in the rare case that it was offered. He was only one man of his rank and title - that being; Mr. Grey - but he was the first of the many. First among equals, and now he was working to maintain that. For, in addition to being a diplomat, he was the effective governor of the Pudite colonies abroad, and the network of espionage, the Frumentarii, that spanned the globe on the Emperor's beckoning.
For months, though, his counterpart, Mr. White, of the foreign affairs office - the man in charge of diplomatic ties with nations, and all-around impersonal contact with the non-Pudite - had been expanding his power base. Covertly, he had established a nearly personal army, beyond the call of the Emperor and the power of the Dominion, and vast tracts of foreign land had been subdued or purchased with this new authority. In short, he had a nation, and an army.
Rather than report these facts to his Emperor, Grey was envious. He knew that reporting it could only spark civil war, a war in which he would have no power, and one which may see a victory for Mr. White, and the destruction of Grey and his network of colonies and agents - something he could not allow. Therefore, he too had begun work on his own private force, to counter the actions of the Janissary Corps of White. Thus was born the Auxiliaries-Peregrini, soldiers illegally recruited from Pudite colonies, outside of the Imperial Auxilia employed there by the Emperor.
And now, they would test their mettle...
General Nestor Rabynov was recruited and pressed into service, and now served as the commander of the Eighth Auxiliaries-Peregrini Column, a force thirty-five thousand strong. And now, he was with his troops, riding in the belly of a small VTOL transport - a Coba class-class aircraft - only one of one-thousand like craft around him...
Beyond this mass of small transports, a wide sphere of interceptor protection was present, with two full Air Superiority Divisions of the Imperial Air Force present, having been secretly removed from bases in the colonies, and pressed into service here. Mr. Grey could make sure that his actions were never discovered, and was safer for it.
Along with these planes, a force of electronics-aircraft flew in this advance formation, operating unceasingly to jam and otherwise confuse and disable the radar emplacements along the southern coast of Ziongo. Specifically, the coastline beside the city of New Songdo, where this Column and its constituent air support were headed...
Behind them, were another four-hundred larger transport-aircraft, bearing the rest of the formation, as well as the armored vehicles and supplies to provide for the operation of the Column. They too, were escorted, here by a single division of interceptors, that is, one thousand Strakhen Sokol air superiority fighters - some of the most advanced in the world...
Their mission, as would be stated, was to take the city of New Songdo by surprise attack from whatever force may be holding it, and establish a beachhead where a full force of Auxiliaries-Peregrini could be brought in by ship. From there, they would march to Sunnyshore Bay, and proclaim a new Monarchy in Ziongo.
The following message was dispatched to all parties involved in the Ziongo conflict at the moment;
To: All whom it concerns,
From: Mr. Grey, Imperial Auxiliaries-Peregrini
From this day forward, the Auxiliaries-Peregrini of the Dominion of Emperor Pudu and the Frumentarii are hereby committed to the establishment of a peaceful Monarchy in Ziongo.
Any parties currently involved in the fighting here are offered pardon, should they depart or lay down arms and surrender immediately - otherwise, your fate will be sealed. We offer no further deal, no allegiance or mercy – save to those domestics who too offer their lives to the Monarchy.
Ziongo will have a King.
Good day,
Mr. Grey.
OOC: Well, this looks fun… Mind you, nobody will know where my air forces are or are headed, unless you detect them through the blanket jamming that pervades the air about them. I intend to strike from the dark, and strike overwhelmingly. Also, sorry for the limited post, I am in a hurry.
(O.O.C - I think you ended the war. There's been no movement since you outlined your intensions.)
Emporer Pudu
17-10-2007, 01:44
(O.O.C - I think you ended the war. There's been no movement since you outlined your intensions.)
OOC: I... win... ? :rolleyes:
(O.O.C - I think you probably have won, actually :D .)
19-10-2007, 15:32
It aint over till its over, by atch!
Emporer Pudu
19-10-2007, 15:33
It aint over till its over, by atch!
OOC: So let's end it then.
[I was actually attacking New Songdo a while back, but after weeks of getting no response, I pretty much left the thread.]
occ: Yeah I understand, I replied for the fleet, but you never counter responded....
FYI fleet info in the harbour
20 subs
15 destroyers
2 aircraft carriers
10 battleships
3 Royal Cruisers (mega battleships)
Emporer Pudu
19-10-2007, 20:09
occ: Yeah I understand, I replied for the fleet, but you never counter responded....
FYI fleet info in the harbour
20 subs
15 destroyers
2 aircraft carriers
10 battleships
3 Royal Cruisers (mega battleships)
OOC: So... you cool with me going forward with the air-drop?
20-10-2007, 14:51
The tanks rolled up to the wary sentries and opened up with their ancient MGs, whilst the large calibre guns shelled the crap out of the surrounding buildings. A squad of Microstani spetznaz dropped onto the police station, working their way from the top down, whilst the polikarpovs shot at retreating men and vehicles. Two FT-17 light tanks rolled over a bunch of bodies, their weapons going like the clappers. Squads of paratroopers ran through the street, while bombers flew overhead, carpet bombing and dropping more troops, while heavy artillery fired from across the boarder.
20-10-2007, 14:54
The microstani submarine fleet decimated the harbour. this conflict has nothing to do with civil war, microkovljerakistan was officially trying to extend its boarders. New men, using obsolete kit no longer, aimed to capture the harbour, while back at home more troops redied themselves for the trouble ahead.
03-11-2007, 12:03
*waits for response*
OOC: So... you cool with me going forward with the air-drop?
occ: shure, I guess
Microkovljerakistan, I doubt that you have nukes....but if you use them, fine by me.....
In case you haven't noticed, half of your miliary should be on the other side of the world, and they couldn't possible get through my countries defenses so easily.
your response
The guards were suddenly alarmed by the commotion, and fired uppon the mass of paratroopers and ground infantry. Rocket launchers fired upon the tanks, but they crushed some of the guard before their missles were able to lock onto the tanks. The patroling fighters in the air alerted the ground, and the rest of the air force was scrambled along with the AA guns.
04-11-2007, 11:07
cool. sorry. i'm still not that good an RP er, anyhoos.
Ic:The troopers took swift cover and returned fire, and the commander called for reinforcements. The one microstani nuke unfortunately had had its propulsion unit taken out and sold a long, long time ago, so that idea was out!