Disposing of Nuclear Waste [Open]
Virticon City, Antartika - Convention on Nuclear Waste
"We cannot have this shit sitting on our continent! It's an outrage! I don't care if it's frozen solid under fifty feet of ice... it's presence is a disgrace to our country... it must be removed. I don't care where it goes... just get it out of here! Can't the army use it in their... weapons?", Senator Marlon shouted, irrate over the latest report of nuclear dumping sites being filled. "At this rate, the damn radioactive goo will be piling up right outside our own walls... get it out of here!"
Kroando's Mega-Cities required massive amounts of power to opperate. From heating, to agriculture, to every other use imaginable... there was simply so much nuclear energy beign used... Kroando might have very well been the single largest producer of nuclear waste in the world. With hundreds upon hundreds of nuclear power plants in each city, the amount of uranium used... and the amount of waste produced was outrageous.
Initially the Kroandons used it in weapons, storing the waste inside cruise missiles and other such weapons. Though not technically nuclear weapons, the side effects from the radioactive waste certainly were deadly. However the military's need... and more importantly, capacity to contain, nuclear waste had long been exceeded. After filling millions upon millions of artillery shells, ballistic missiles and rockets with the nuclear biproduct, mass quantities were still existant. Lots of it... and so it was buried and sealed in 'Ice Coffins' far below the surface in the center of Antartika...
But now it was to be moved. Where? Well that was not of the concern of Kroando. They paid the sum of 17 Billion USD's to Junkers Inc. to dispose of over 478 Million Tonnes of Nuclear Waste... or a year or so worth of domestic accumulation. So the work began. First by digging up the massive coffins so far in the ice deserts of Kroando. Working under horrid conditions, taking over four months just to transport the waste from the dumping sites to the edges of the glacier sheets. From where they were loaded onto several massive converted oil tankers.
Over 28,000 Miles Away... A Far, Far Off Ocean In the Middle of Nowhere
The fleet of ships, some nine oil tankers, and twelve destroyers, continued forward after several refueling stops. They had traveled for months, seemingly moving for no purpose. Why, why would they travel so far? What in gods name was the point of this? Several dozen crew men had already fallen ill and have had to leave the voyage due to radiation sickness... as many of the containers are less than perfect. In reality... they were simply iron sea crates filled with barrels of radioactive waste... many of those barrels had been cracked, broken or dented open... the sea crates were only little better.
However once they had hit the 28,000 mile mark, it was time for them to finally unload their cargo... and so they did. The cranes onboard the ships picked up the sea crates, one by one, and placed them in the ocean. Hundreds... thousands of sea crates were being dumped, each with holes drilled in the sides to make sure the bastards sank, and didn't float up on someones shoreline. Within thirty six hours of non-stop work, the last of the crates were in the water, and bubbling up radioactive goo. One of the various sea crates of course was dropped to close to the ship, causing the door to swing open, dumping open barrels of waste into the water... of course all of the waste would eventually reach it's way there... but it just became visible in this one instance.
As soon as the task was completed, the vessels turned east, preparing for the 20,000 mile trip home.
[If you RP a condemnation, please include some RP on how you found out what exactly was happening. It should begin with more of a 'There is radioactivity in the ocean! Why?', not a 'KILLZ KroAndDo!']
Candy Kids
30-09-2007, 06:01
Candy Kids News Network
News Anchor: Good Evening I am Ayumi Case, and thank you for joining us for National News Hour.
First, in our top story, We have some unusual news to report from the northern shores. It appears vast numbers of dead sea creatures have been washing up in the past few days, centered on the coastline around hives 6-20. Local beach goers were the first to notice the large number of animals both in the surf and on the beach. Most shocking was the corpse of a mature humpback whale that washed up near hive 13. The corpses have continued to pile up on the beaches, and a local health crisis is feared. For a better view of the situation, we will now go to field reporter Tyler Forrest.
Field Reporter: Thanks Ayumi. The scene on the northern shores is definitely one of chaos and disgust. Many of these carcasses have been rotting in the sun for a few days now, and the smell is overwhelming. Even a kilometer away, I can still smell the faint stench of decaying sea life. Many locals have been admitted to hospitals after coming near the affected beaches. Clean up crews arrived yesterday from all around the nation, trying to dispose of the mess. All beaches on the northern coasts have been closed, and there have been talks discussing the evacuation of some of the coastal hives. More and more life continues to wash up, and marine researchers have been called in to test the dead animals to attempt to find the cause of this epidemic of marine life death. I must say, Ayumi, this is one of the most disgusting things I have ever witnessed in my 20 years as field reporter, and this appears to be developing into a serious threat to national health, and is a problem that needs immediate action. Back to you Ayumi.
News Anchor Ayumi Case: Thank you, Tyler, for that report, and stay safe out there. Has Candy Kids gone to the dogs? We'll show you some hive residents who can't get enough of man's best friend. After this quick break....
[Come on people... I'm dumping friggin' Nuclear Waste in the ocean! What do I have to do to get a response, dump it in your Head of States front yard?
BTW, nice post Candy Kids.]
30-09-2007, 19:22
"Look, I found another one!"
A private of Burlovian destroyer Somonov 15 carried a small kind of dolphin to the captain of the ship.
"Strange, we have found dead dolphins over 50 during the last mile," the captain´s personal assistant looked at the dolphin with a strange look on his face.
"Some of our crew have become sick, too, sir," the private said.
"This really is strange. Is this possibly an attack?", the captain asked.
"Possibly, but a strange one. This may be because of some kind of disease. What are the symptons of the crew men?", the assistant said.
"Puking, some have got abscess," the private replied.
"Sounds like radiation illness. Have the fishes checked, we will inform the HQ about a possible nuclear strike."
"But sir, dolphins are not fishes but mammals..."
"I don´t give a shit what they are! Someone is trying to nuke us through some freaking dolphins and my crew men are already sick! And if a nuke explodes we don´t even know where we should retaliate! So if a single of those fishes pops you tell me and we will descend to DEFCON 1 in an instant, is that clear?"
"Y-yes, sir."
(Yes, my defence forces ARE a little paranoid. Luckily only 70% of my government are military officers :p )
30-09-2007, 19:27
[OOC: Burlovia, I don't think OOC means what you think it means.]
ANN 1 - 8 O'Clock News
"Good evening: I am Tho'mai soi'so..."
"...And I'm Dai'li Dea'poi"
"And this is the News at 8."
"Our Top story today: There have been reports of nuclear waste cylinders washed up on the outer Los'vi islands by the weather station staff. It is not beleived to be Alfegosian due to the lack of Alfegos hazard markings, and appears to be coming from an unknown source.
From the island of Los'vi'quili, our reporter Erron Err'o'pi. So, what has the government done about this finds?"
"Well, the government currently is on the island: behind me, you can see the biochem suited men conducting a sweep of the seaward beach, where the barrels were found at 5 O'clock this afternoon.
It is suspected that they are Kroando in origin, due to recognition codes on their badly corroded lids, though this is hard to tell due to their poor condition.
The government has sent us this warning: If you find a cylinder, concrete case or odd metal on the beach DO NOT APPROACH. Step back quickly, evacuate the area and call the emergancy services. If you find any dead creatures washed up on the beach, the same care is to be taken.
Back to you in the studio..."
To: Kroando
Subject: Nuclear Waste dumping
We wish to point out to you that what appears to be 8 medium-grade nuclear waste containers have been washe dup on the beaches of the outer rim of our nation.
We are not 100% sure they are yours yet, but if they are confirmed, wish to enquire what made you dump the waste in an area known to have currents travelling towards the ocean rim, and not dumping it in proper conrete containers.
If you are found out to have been the source of these, we believe that harsh action will appropriately be taken.
[Come on people... I'm dumping friggin' Nuclear Waste in the ocean! What do I have to do to get a response, dump it in your Head of States front yard?
Just flush the stuff down the toilet, like everyone else.
Response from the Department of Environmental Containment [DEC]
The DEC denies any knowledge of any sort of nuclear waste dumping whatsoever in any ocean regions. This unfounded nonsense is an insult to our people and our way of life. Our nuclear waste is stored en masse in subsurface coffins hundreds of meters below ground, in the middle of great ice deserts in the nation. We ask for any proof you may have, as we most certainly would not permit such unlawful and unorthodox dumping practices. Tell me, what in God's name would Kroandon waste be doing over 28,000 miles from our shores?
And of course, which the raising of these rumors came the cover up. The Kroandon Nuclear Databases were scrubbed clean of any record of those specific units being ever created, transported or dumped. The millions of barrels of radioactive waste, each one previously tagged, logged and accounted for, were now officially, never made. Their serial numbers and ID codes were erased from memory, and all computer data bases. Hard copies, such as paper files and cd's, were burned en masse, never would Kroando admit to this, never would they allow the truth to come out.
New Brittonia
30-09-2007, 21:49
Michael St. Paul ran to the bow of the Brittonian-flagged crab boat The Swift.
"Come on, we need to get these last pots!", the foreman yelled on the intercom, safely away from the torential rain outside.
Michael ran up to the gunnel and began to pull pot 62 up.
(OOC: Sorry to all ou crab fisherman, I only saw The Deadliest Catch thrice)
As it cam uo, several of his crewmates began to sort lega from small, crab from fish. There was something there that caught Michael's eye, something that, definately unknowingly, will alter the course of geopolitics.
30-09-2007, 22:19
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: Kroando
From: The Democratic Empire of Great Vantania
Our satellite images have noted a variety of ships with Kroandan markings some 28,000 miles from Kroando dumping barrels into the seas. Days later, the areas around the dumpings zone started showing odd effects, like those of nuclear waste. We have concluded the these Kroandan ships dumped nuclear waste into the oceans. We condemn this wholeheartedly, and have already sent ships with nanobots to clean up this mess.
We have the high detailed images ready for releasing to the nations of the world. However, we'd be willing to not release them, for a price: Ten Billion USDs per annum for ten years. Also, we'd be willing to sell you the nanobot technology to properly dispose of the waste and make a tidy profit off the recycled material.
P.S. There are better ways to get energy for your nation, such as: Unrecyclable Waste, Coal, Solar, Wind, Dams, Tidal, etc.
-Erika Redmark; Empress of the Democratic Empire, Queen of Great Vantania, Liberator of the Workers, Lady of Redmark, President of the Sovereign Commonwealth, Holder of Titles
[Quite the coincidence that you just happen to have a spy satellite watching oil tankers in the middle of the ocean eh? But I'll let it go for the RP. The vessels are those of Junkers Inc., thus they bear no Kroandon markings, nor any markings whatsoever. Additionally, I'm not PMT, which is what would be required for nanobots (especially nanobots that turn radioactive waste into thin air). I do give a bit of leeway on tech, but nanobots are right up there with machine gun lasers.]
To. The Democratic Empire of Great Vantania
While we deny the existance of any such video evidence, as we are in no way responsible for this incident, we would appreciate it if you would keep this documentation to yourself... or better yet, burn it. We will not pay you any amount of money, but will consider it an act of friendship, and will therefor refrain from any sort of hostilities against your nation.
Logan and Ky
30-09-2007, 23:42
A Secretary steps into the office of Erikk Svalbard.
"Sir, Nickolai Mickolov is on line 1"
"Ok, Thank You"
He picks up the phone.
"Hello, sir we are facing an economic disaster"
"What?! How So?"
"The fishing industry, sir. Thousands of Cod and Crabs have turned up dead, upon examination it was determined to be radiation poisoning"
"Do we have any leads on who might be responsible"
"Only one, two days ago Fisherman spotted unmarked ships just outside of our waters."
"We have to find those ships! Send out planes, helicopters, whatever you can."
"Sir, they could be anywhere"
"I dont care! Ask those fishermen if they saw what direction they headed in. Just get it done"
"Yes Sir"
The Order of America
30-09-2007, 23:43
My Nation has obtained satellite Images of your dumping fields in your Tundra desert. We have taken note that although, at this point frozen over, slight indentions were we beleive the waste was located before the supposed dumping. Our nation based on this evidence and other statements by other nations believes that your nation is responsible. We condemn you for your actions, and demand that this waste is removed by the sweat of the Kroandoan people. We also beleive you are responsible for a Huge rise in pollution in Bogatra bay. This pollution has caused a crisis in our nation because much of the City's drinking water is obtained from sea based sources. Fishes are floating up on the shores of the Harbor, and Hospitals are overflowing with patients breaking out in serious cases of Acne, food Poisoning, and a stomach Virus. Over 3,500 citizens have been killed and these rates are rising every day. We demand that Kroando pay our nation a sum of 10 Billion USD to pay damges.
Jefferson Davis
Supreme Emperor of The OoA
High Chairman of The Supreme Governing Council
Candy Kids
30-09-2007, 23:46
Katie was waiting for her friends in the middle of the mall food court, when suddenly the televisions which had been streaming pop music videos suddenly flashed to a breaking news alert. A disheveled looking reporter began to speak.
"What started as an environmental crisis has turned to tragedy as several beach goers and rescue workers have fallen victim to what appears to be radiation sickness. There have been 34 confirmed cases, and all who have had contact with the dead marine life or the affected beaches are asked to check into the nearest hospital. Investigators have confirmed that all dead sea life had been exposed to radioactive material in some manner. Hives 13 and 20, near some of the worst affected beaches have begun evacuation with more evacuations though to be imminent.
Meanwhile investigators have been tracking ocean currents and have traced the source of the radiation to an area approximately 900 kilometers east north east of Hive 47 on the northern coast. While the exact location of the contamination is not known, researches are utilizing robotic submersibles at this time to pinpoint the source, and from there, they will take the best course of action to stop this environmental disaster.
Recents reports from Alfegos new sources have accused the nation of Kroando in perpetrating this irresponsible act, although Candy Kids media has yet to verify these claims. While justice must be served, the first priority is containing the disaster, and protecting the people of Candy Kids.
Again, to repeat, any and all people who visited the northern beaches last week are urged to report to the nearest medical center immediately."
With that, the screens changed back to the syrupy sweet sounds and images of Candy Kids pop music. Katie saw her best friend June approaching with the usual flock of hangers on. Katie greeted June. "Hey, what's up? Did you hear about this like beach fishy thingy going on?"
"Yea," responded June "Beaches are like so totally lame. I mean like, isn't that what tanning beds are for?" With that June flashed her credit card, and squealed. Katie squealed, and the girls, followed by their flock, were off on their way.
Response from the Department of Environmental Containment [DEC]
We shall answer all accusations once and for all. Kroando is in no way responsible for this natural phenominon. We also deny the ability of American satellites to detect differentials in our radioactive waste dumping sites, as they are kept in subsurface bunkers and warehouses... the removal of waste from these bunkers would not result in land depressions, for the structures are man made, and will remain the same regardless of how much waste is inside. We shall not pay any amount of money to any nation, for we are not responsible and ask that all nations stop these unfounded accusations.
30-09-2007, 23:57
OOC: I have satellites watching tons of places. For now, if it makes you feel better, we'll call it a bluff, that you accepted.
The only response was one of a video, with the satellite tapes being burned.
Logan and Ky
01-10-2007, 00:14
The day after he got the phone call, Erikk Svalbard is once again sitting in his office, contemplating what hes going to do next. The phone rings.
*click* "Hello?"
"Sir, it's Nickolai"
"Do you have any news regarding what we discussed earlier?"
"well, we havent found the ships yet, but we have recieved reports from neighboring nations that they too suffered from this tragedy, and that the finger is pointed to Kroando, despite their denial."
"Is that all?"
"Y- wait a minute im getting a message from the admiral... several crew members on one of his ships are reporting a ship matching the fishermans description in the distance. They are preparing to intercept."
"This is good news, but i'm leaving for a press conference regarding the situation, so we will have to finish this conversation later."
"Yes sir, goodbye"
Bright neon light filtered in to the wall-to-wall windows of the Vetalian Chamber of Commerce conference room, which overlooked the City Center (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Image:CityCenter.jpg) of Vetalia City in all its nighttime opulence. A group of officials sat there, all dressed impeccably in hand-tailored business suits and fine silk ties. In the middle of the rich mahogany table was a holographic projector displaying a map of the radioactive contamination.
"As you can see, the contamination is distant, thousands of miles out in the middle of nowhere. Freezing cold, and no plausible natural explanation for the source. That can mean only one thing...illegal dumping."
"But by who? We haven't the slightest idea of who would be shipping things out that far..."
"My guess is someone from Kroando or another northern nation. Not that it matters, though, the point is that we have signs of illegal dumping and we can use them to our advantage. Finding out that something like this happened could give us leverage to launch a flurry of lawsuits against the company."
"And if lawsuits are filed, their stock will tank..."
"And if the stock tanks, your company will be able to buy them without much difficulty. Another competitor down the drain. I imagine we could more than take care of the legal aspects with show trials and such. Actually, Xilare Integrated Atomics has a cleanup division, am I correct?"
"Yes, it's brand new...we could make a fortune off of a project like this."
"Then I think you know what is going to happen. The Chamber will pull strings in the government to approve your expedition to the site, and from there you can get to work finding out who is behind this. I'm sure it'll make good PR, too, for all those people whining about dead animals or whatever is in vogue these days."
"Great, let me send word back to the office so that my lawyer can finalize the agreements."
"I'll wait for your return."
With that, the Xilare Integrated Atomics corporation prepared for its voyage out to the distant dump site to investigate the origins of the waste. It would set sail in a few days, equipped to the teeth with anti-radiation shielding and equipment. Hopefully, by year's end, whoever was behind this would be safely assimilated in to the company.
Junkers Fleet - 2,000 Miles From Dump Zone
The nine oil tankers continued through international waters, moving as quickly as they could (which was rather slow), in the direction of Tora Gora Island. The nine oil tankers however were not traveling alone... they were escorted by nine destroyers, which would engage any hostiles. A transmission was sent to the Logan and Ky aircraft closing in on their position.
...This is TradeCommand 7, state your intentions, as you are closing on our position. According to the Anti-Piracy Doctrine, we are permitted to engage all unidentified aircraft... we repeat, state your intentions and nation of origin...
The XIA exploration ship drew closer and closer to the radioactive dumping site, carefully recording its entire journey and relaying it back to Vetalia City for analysis. Nothing was visible for the time being, as they were still nearly ten thousand miles from the dumping site, but several private surveillance satellites were sweeping the areas in the northern ocean for activity.
One one evening, about a week in to the voyage, it happened. The satellites observed a group of ships moving in close proximity to the dumping site, no more than a thousand miles or so. Judging from their heavy armament, it was someone important. The satellites took a large number of high-resolution photographs for analysis and continued to monitor their position carefully, noting the direction of the ships. In a few days, additional satellites would examine the ships for radiation, if it was leaking from the ships, although the CoC was not confident of such a find...they couldn't be that stupid.
Logan and Ky
01-10-2007, 01:09
The reply sent to the junkers fleet went as follows...
We are from the Democratic Republic of Logan and Ky. Several of our citizens spotted your ships near our waters, dumping barrels into the ocean. Several days later our fishing industry collapsed as a result of what was found to be radiation poisoning. We want to know who's responsible. Tell us what we need to know, you will be paid for the information. If you do not comply you will be engaged by the 41st expeditionary fleet (OOC: which consists of 1 invincible class aircraft carrier and 3 FREMM class frigates).
OOC: Seeing how its been a half hour since i posted this and you havent responded, plus its getting late here, ill be continuing this tommorow.
[Sorry I was off for a bit. Anways, it is still not possible for anyone to know whose ships those are, they bear no markings and have not stated their origin.]
Transmission to Logan and Ky Aerial Forces
We shall not allow any foriegn forces to board our vessels. Should any attempt to do so, we shall resist with extreme prejudice. Additionally, and unwarranted attack upon this TradeGroup will be taken as piracy, and thus, an act of war.
As expected, the satellite images revealed little about the ships. However, the encounter between a group of foreign planes and the convoy, interrupted by the company as it monitored the area did produce a small amount of evidence, however slight it was: the term "TradeGroup".
The XIA staff monitoring the satellites immediately set to work uncovering any and all references to such a method of organization, but given the literally thousands of companies operating military-grade ships and convoys, it would take a long time before anything definite could be discovered
For now, all they could do is keep moving towards the dump site and monitor the situation carefully.
New Brittonia
01-10-2007, 03:09
"Holy shit!" St. Paul said.
"What is it this time, St. Paul?", a blond man said
"Look at this fish"
Michael St. Paul picked up the fish and showed it to the man. Right where one of its eyes woulld have been was a large pink tumor.
So people heard about it, and throughout the fishing area, it was seen too: fish or crustacean, the tumors were everywhere. All of the fishing boats' radios were ablaze about the news. What was just one anomaly was later found to be a sea of tumored fish. News will reach the mainland sooner rather than later.
The Order of America
01-10-2007, 03:19
This is no Natural Phenomena as the Kroandoan Government has stated. Waters in The Bogatra bay have been tested for Nuclear Pollution and these test result have returned Positive. Your Nation is responsible for the deaths of millions of people on an International basis, and Your nation must be willing to Pay the nations suffering from this catastrophe.
Jefferson Davis
Emperor of the OoA
High Chairman of The Supreme Governing Council
200 Miles off The OoA Coastline
Yes Captain?
The Fleet is in course to the dumping site of The Nuclear Waste.
Very Good Captain. Continue in our heading, I want to arrive by the end of The week undetected. If there is any sign of Kroandoan Ships to not open fire and approach them in a Peaceful manner. If they shoot you have my permission to kill 'um. Inform the rest of the fleet. Also inform the fleet to maintain radio silence until we arrive at our destination.
Aye Sir.
Rear Admiral Buckingham sat back down at his desk as the Captain left his office. He smiled to himself as he knew that within a week he would finally discover who did this.
2x Empire Class Carrier(1 is Admiral Buckingham's Flagship)
-------180x F-19 Knight
-------40x F-44 Interceptor
-------50x F-88 Ghost
-------60x AH-23 Black Panther
2x Valkyrie Class Helicopter Assault Carrier
-------30x MHX-20 Zenith
-------30x MH-47 Chinook
-------30x AH-2G Ranger
-------30x AH-23 Black Panther
4x Hunter Class Submarine
2x Dolphin Class Submarine
3x Thunder Class Cruiser
6x Search Class Destroyer
15x LC-2 Intruder Class Landing Craft
-------100x F-19 Knight
-------50x MH-47 Chinook
-------50x AH-26 Ranger
-------50x MHX-20 Zenith
-------50x V-22 Osprey
-------50x AH-23 Black Panther
-------20x LCAC Landing Craft, Air Cushion
-------20x LCM-8 Landing Craft, Mechanized
-------140x AAV Amphibious Assault Vehicle
2x Lord Class Battleship
1x Chieftain Class Pocket Battleship
2x Shadow Class Stealth Ship
3x Sprint Class Powerboat
Virticon City, Antartika
As during so many Kroandon summers, thick snow fell from the sky, covering Grand Marshall Velspar, whom had apperantly been shouldered with this nuclear debacle. "Marshall Velspar! Mr. Velspar!", shouted one of the many reporters in the crowd before the Capital Building, the Grand Marshall standing at the head of the large marble podium, tightening his large black leather trench coat. "What is the official Kroandon response to the mounting accusations that we are responsible for this waste dumping?!"
"The Imperial Coalition of Kroando is in no way shape or form responsible for what is most likely, some Pacific algea bloom. These dramatizers and lunatics in the Order of America would have you believe that there is nuclear waste in the water... now this is highly unlikely, but if it is the case, they have offered no proof as to why we of all peoples would be responsible. They claim that they have satellite imagery of our 'depleted dump sites'. However as is public knowledge, our dump sites are subsurface bunkers, which would retain their form even if they were emptied. This fact right here shows that the Order of America is attempting to frame us with false documentation... and that they are, in all likelihood, responsible themselves for the catastrophe."
Official Response to the Order of America
We have not dumped any nuclear waste in any ocean. We will not pay any amount of money for a crime we have not committed. This is the end of the story.
New Brittonia
01-10-2007, 03:39
The tall Middle-Eastern women wearing a black hijab and a navy buiness suit stood over a podium that read "Ministry of the Fisheries: United Socialist States of New Brittonia"
She said,
"Attention, we have been reported that there have been fish and crustaceans with cancerous tumors in foreignn waters. Due to foreign allegations of ill will by Korando, the New Brittonian Ministry of the Fisheries is sending radiation tests in and around the areas of the fish. We are recalling any and all fish and seafood from that region indefinately. Any questions?"
[You consider 28,000 miles away near Kroandon waters? The nuclear waste was dumped 28,000 miles to the east of Kroando... IE... not anywhere near me. Ah, and we don't have a fishing industry.]
New Brittonia
01-10-2007, 03:59
[You consider 28,000 miles away near Kroandon waters? The nuclear waste was dumped 28,000 miles to the east of Kroando... IE... not anywhere near me. Ah, and we don't have a fishing industry.]
OOC: Now i don't need to ask for permission to come
The Order of America
01-10-2007, 04:07
OOC: Please Take Note of My EDIT
New Brittonia
01-10-2007, 04:16
The Navy of New Brittonia, as a scientific mission, wishes to send to the "radioactive area":
15 Browning-class frigates (RL Lafayette Class)
10 Bell 206 helicopters
5 Chinook Heleicopters
New Brittonia
01-10-2007, 04:19
[Correct. These are international waters, no where near Kroando. Additionally, my fleet has been hightailing it out of the area since the dumping, which is over a week or so ago. So you'll have some trouble catching them.]
(OOC; We are a neutral nation, this is purely scientific)
[Correct. These are international waters, no where near Kroando. Additionally, my fleet has been hightailing it out of the area since the dumping, which is over a week or so ago. So you'll have some trouble catching them.]
01-10-2007, 04:31
International Announcment from the Democratic Empire
It has come to our attention that the Black Hand, an international terrorist organization, has used a dirty bomb of sorts in international waters. We are not sure where these scum got the materials for the dumping, but it is under heavy investigation. We are however sure that these monstrostities have done this to disrupt various maritime industries to set up a base in the area for piracy. They are the scum of the world, creating anarchy to reap profits from the situation.
01-10-2007, 07:13
Commander Derren Patricks had been serving with the Asgarnian Naval Forces since 1983. He'd seen many things in his life; nuclear war, chemical attacks, and the like, but he'd never seen anything like this.
The crew of the A.N.S. Roundnose, an Adobe-class supercarrier, had been pulling up dead fish and sea mammals for days. Now some of his crew members were showing classic signs of radiation sickness.
Patricks had seen radiation sickness before. He treated civilians exposed to the core of an RTG that was ejected from a satellite when it crashed into a town in the south of Asgarnieu. Vomiting, petechia, fatigue, and bleeding were all common, and now they were showing up on his ship.
Over twenty crewmembers were on lockdown, and the ship's water supply was being filtered through anti-radiation filters, not usually used. Many of the sick, being close to death, requested to be put out of their misery, and their wishes were granted. They were placed in the ship's brig's Nitrogen gas chamber, allowing them a painless death at their own will.
Druid-class intelligence vessels confirmed the presence of radiation in the water, but it would be up to CCC and the President to do somthing...
01-10-2007, 10:19
[I know what OOC is, but I think that my only possible real character is as the government of Burlovia, so I am OOC when talking about single citizens.]
In Burlovia´s Ministry of Defence:
"Sir, we have confirmed that the dolphins are radioactive."
"Oh no. Is there any sign for it to be an attack?", the Minister of Defence asked.
"Foreign journals have informed it to be a dirty bomb of a terrorist group."
"Do we know where they operate?"
"We know the location where they are supposed to have their main base. Attacking the area will probably cause in destroying their base."
"We have to ask the government if we can nuke the location, the retaliation must happen fast."
"Yes, sir."
Later that night the Government of Burlovia accepted with votes 700 to 300 that an ICBM was launched to a mountain area where the terrorists main base was located by satellites.
Logan and Ky
01-10-2007, 11:12
The following is a response to the message sent from the tradegroup fleet:
We do not wish to go to war. However we cannot allow you too leave without some sort of admission of guilt, or alternatively, telling us who is responsiple. Our largest source of economic gain is destroyed as a result of your actions. We demand compensation for this highly illegal act of waste dumping.
The Garbage Men
01-10-2007, 12:42
It took much longer for the news about the "radioactive area" to reach the TGM HQ than they would have liked but the news had come. Someone would be held responsible for this lack of intel but the question was now what to do, An emergency board meeting was being held.
"We've got a potential dumping of nuclear waste, and no we didn't do it." (CEO, Trevor Desorté)
"Do we know who did?" (Chief Security Officer, name classified)
"Not really, people are blaming Junkers Inc, I wouldn't be surprised if the did but there is just no hard evidence. The only possible lead is at the bottom of the ocean." (CEO)
"PR could be hell for this, it was obvious that professionals did this, which means us getting involved could back fire but the potential winfall from the job could be tremendous." (Chief Marketing Officer, Robert Jones)
"We need to take this opportunity and do so now." (CFO)
"I agree that is why I'm going to personally handle, I know this is usually your job Robert but it's better if I do that way they will know that we take this seriously."
"An Open Letter in regards to the Radioactive incident in International waters.
Dear reader, I write this letter to you as a concerned individual over whatever happened to release radioactive radiation into the oceans doing untold damage to the marine ecology. Whether it was a freak natural earthquake that released and exposed rare naturally concentrated radioactive isotopes, an irresponsible accident in the handling of radioactive waste or the unmistakeable idiocy of dumping radioactive waste.
This incident emphasises the need for responsible handling not for toxic and dangerous wastes such as radioactive, biological and chemical but also generic household wastes, so that there could never be a preventable one of these events ever again, the tumours and other symptoms of radioactive poisoning.
However there is something that we can do, employ workers that take waste and the environment seriously, such as the TGM sanitation and garbage collection services available around the world, prevention is by far better than dealing with the situation after the fact but there is something that dedicated corporations
We also perform restoration and reclamation services and believe that with an appropriate expenditure of effort time and other resources that we should be able to remove the source of this problem, but also in the team time mitigate if not prevent any further damage from happening. However this will not be a short effort it will take a long time and alot of resources to return the marine environment to an inhabitable and at least workable state. However there will be remnants and traces of the contamination that could be dangerous for at least 50 years.
After discussion with my board and looking at estimates of hjow much radioactive material would be required to achieve such devastating damage, we will not be able to meet the costs and manpower without contributions from the nations affected and nations that wish to see this cleaned up, The total cost will be 10 Trillion dollars. With contributions to a Clean Oceans Fund that we have set up we will be able to clean up and restore the natural ecological balance.
Yours in disgust, Trevor Desorté
CEO of The Garbage Men, Your friendly sanitation provider
01-10-2007, 14:49
OOC: For interest of openness and disclosure TGM and Aquantantis are controlled by the same person. Though they both havbe different agendas and totally different. One shouldn't benefit each other but still just so everyone knows.
The transportation ships floated on the water above them as 2 mermaids from the underwater city state of Aquantantis, they looked up partly in amazement as the ships external ports opened, they had known about the ports but opening them up in the middle of sea-faring meant only one thing, they were dumping cargo, clear and simple, the mermaids where just standing their gaping in shock and disgust as radioactive material started to fall down before them. Though of course they didn't know it.
The material fell as like rain down upon them first as a sprinkle and then as a tropical downpour, they couldn't escape it's grasp as the radioactive wreacked havok on their bodies. They were buried under innumerable tons of radioactive waste never to be heard of nor seen again.
Weeks passed until what happened to the two mermaids where discovered by the rest of the community, it was a heinous crime, it was like whoever dumped the waste had killed not only the mermaids but stabbed mother earth with a knife.
It took another week, but on the shore of an unreleased friendly nation a naked man, very human, stood, He had what looked like a white tiara-type crown, perhaps a circlet would be a better description, those that eagle eyes or could zoom in and look at minute details could identify the circlet as fashioned from pearls. It was to be recorded and broadcasted freely around the nations.
"2 weeks ago a dispicable being was responsible for commiting one of the worst crimes against mother earth dumping radio-active material, material that changes and infects and destroys. But who am I, I am one of a long line of Kings that have ruled the underwater city state of Aquantantis, Two of my citizens where under the dump when it occured, they died. I urge all nations to help bring those that did this to justice. My citizens will be monitoring the crimescene and if you wish to engage in conversation with me please arrive there and attach a blue flag to a line and suspend the flag in the water. I will be arriving soon. Thank you."
01-10-2007, 16:07
Admiral Banovits looked as a missile flew over his ship.
"We confirm, the ICBM flew just over us. It will reach it´s destination."
When the decision of launching a nuke was made, Supreme class battleship 3 was ordered to confirm the missile flying to it´s destination. The missile was only 10 minutes away from destroying a deserted mountain valley, wich by many sources was a base of terrorist group black hand.
After those long 10 minutes, an explosion equivalent to 1 megaton of TNT exploded 200 meters above ground in that nameless valley, and cleared completely an area of 3 kilometers from anything. No one knows how many died, but that terrorist group really suffered badly. As the mushroom cloud rised, dark clouds came together, raining down a radioactive rain. Local breeze caused the clouds to move towards the ocean, wich got most of the rain. The already radioactive water, if possible, got even more radioactive.
The Order of America
01-10-2007, 21:35
Yes Captain?
We have arrived at the Dumping sight.
Very Good, Order our Destroyers to begin scanning the Sea floor, If they find anything inform me immediately.
Yes Sir.
Also send out an aircraft group to begin searching for any sign of The Kroandoans. I doubt they are in the area, but if they are I want them found.
Aye Sir, I will give you a Progress report in 2 Hours.
Logan and Ky
01-10-2007, 21:57
The Following is a message to The order of America:
It has come to our attention that your fleet is searching the dump zone outside of our waters. We are currently 2 thousand miles or so in the direction of Tora Gora island, and we have contacted the fleet of ships that committed the tragedy. We are trying to settle this diplomatically but it looks like the situation will slip into open warfare between our fleet and their destroyers. They are calling it piracy, but I assure you this is a retaliatory strike for what we are regarding as economic sabotage. Their actions destroyed our fishing industry. We need the aid of your considerably larger fleet so we can force them to surrender rather than having to go through the whole messy process of a battle which would take hundreds of lives on both sides. We have not identified them as Kroandan or otherwise, but evidently theyre some sort of tradegroup. If you will help us please get here as quickly as possible, as this situation could degrade very quickly. Once they are captured or otherwise we can find out who is responsible.
The Order of America
01-10-2007, 22:15
OOC:I will discuss further in TG later on.....
01-10-2007, 22:30
International Announcment from the Democratic Empire
It has come to our attention that the Black Hand, an international terrorist organization, has used a dirty bomb of sorts in international waters. We are not sure where these scum got the materials for the dumping, but it is under heavy investigation. We are however sure that these monstrostities have done this to disrupt various maritime industries to set up a base in the area for piracy. They are the scum of the world, creating anarchy to reap profits from the situation.
The Order of America
01-10-2007, 22:33
While we understand your Concern that it could not have been Kroando is Viable, I beleive that if this organization is responsible they would have claimed responsibility at this point. I also have reason to beleive that the Blackhand would not have the resources to carry out such a large operation.
[Any justification that any of you had in attacking my group of ships is pretty much shot. Vontanas has RP'd a terrorist organization taking false responsibility for the incident, thus, you are going to be hard pressed to convince anyone that I am responsible.]
TradeGroup 7 - Enroute to Tora Gora
This is a negative. Cease and desist your pursuit of us immidiately, or we shall assume illegal international piracy and defend ourselves accordingly. We are transporting oil to Antartika with the expressed permission and protection of the Kroandon Government. We have informed them of your intentions, and have strict assurance that should we be harmed, retribution will be swift, deadly and excessive. We have nothing to do with any waste dumping, and know of no such actions. Leave us be. Should Logan and Ky, the Order of America, or any other interfere with our shipping operations, it will be taken as a direct act of war against Kroando.
A single Tenerife SSBN in the area was redirected to the route of the TradeGroup...
01-10-2007, 22:53
Order of America, they have announced that they have perpetrated the crime by sending a video announcment to us in a most stereotypical way, by hurling it at the window. Stupid vandals. Anyways, they have done other monstrous things, and it would not be so difficult to steal nuclear waste from a poor country and dump them somewhere quickly.
Logan and Ky
01-10-2007, 22:56
The following is a direct message from Nickolai Mickolov, Commander In Chief of the Logan and Ky military.
This is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard! Dozens of crew members on our fishing boats saw your ships dumping near our waters! Vontanas is clearly allied with you, they are now even accusing the order of america, even after they struck the black hand! To even suggest that you are not responsible for this act is absurd! We likely have the order of americas fleet and we do have B-52 bombers on route! I only regret that you are not within range of our ballistic missiles! Stand Down! This is not piracy! It is a retaliatory strike for economic sabotage! Or you could still admit Kroandos guilt, they cannot harm you. Also, our offer still stands on the payment for your information.
01-10-2007, 23:08
OOC: One problem LandK, I didn't accuse OoA. Read more carefully next time.
TradeGroup 7 - Enroute to Tora Gora
-No Response-
Logan and Ky
02-10-2007, 02:47
OOC: Oh I see, youre explaining the black hand thing, sorry about the mistake.
The Garbage Men
02-10-2007, 03:32
OOC: Anyone going to respond to TGM or Aquantantis?
Secret Communique to the Democratic Empire of Vontanas
The Imperial Coalition would like to thank you for the burning of the misleading evidence, as well as for unveiling the evidence indicating the true perpetrators of this heinous act. The Black Hand is certainly a horrid organization, and we mark ourselves fortunate to have friends such as you that would discover them so quickly.
Lord Protector Malthus
02-10-2007, 14:10
OOC: People, it was me who nuked black hand! Not OoA. Now let´s get through with black hand, it is a dead organization now.
The People´s Republic of Burlovia sees no reason why any nation could accuse Kroando for dumping nuclear waste. This was clearly an act of a terrorist organization. We should move on from accusing innocent nations to think what we can do for the polluted sea. If we don´t act fast, even more animals will die. Some races have maybe already become extinct, and more in very short time. Even humans aren´t safe anywhere, because the currents will eventually take the radioactive water to everywhere.
Logan and Ky
02-10-2007, 20:29
Nickolai Mickolov sat in his office, fuming. He couldnt believe that everyone, save a nation or two, was siding with Kroando. The phone rings.
"Hello sir, this is Admiral Casby, awaiting your orders to attack the tradegroup fleet."
"Negative Admiral, did you not hear? If we attack that tradegroup we might as well be attacking Kroando, not to mention his various alliances."
"but, sir! Kroando has committed a more heinous act than most could even imagine! We must defend our honor and our country! My soldiers are locked and loaded, they must pay!"
"and then what Admiral?! Fight a nation dozens of times our size and wealth, use your head!"
"but, sir!"
"No, there will be no more discussion. For now you will return to New Hilingrad. We cant have your fleet sitting around in the middle of the ocean. One day we will have our revenge, but today is not that day."
"Yes sir, I understand."
The Order of America
02-10-2007, 21:53
I sincerely doubt The BlackHand could possibly produce enough of a Bi product to produce this large amount of Nueclear waste. Also based on messages by other nations it is simply impossible for this organization to cause a world wide disaster coming off of devastating attacks by other nations. I expect a full report from our forces over the dumping site within the week.
Jefferson Davis
Supreme Emperor of The OoA
High Chairman of The Supreme Governing Council
The Southwind Highlanders were celebrating on the Aircraft Carrier "Tarantula" with the crew celebrating. As the successful blackout campaign left the WLA to die. They were just celebrating and preparing to return to the RR. As they return though, several scouts in space detects a high radioactive readout... "So, I guess the Kroandoans have decided to throw their radioactive waste somewhere else eh? Well it will make decent weapon materials once we send it back to RR processing colonies where they will convert the waste into ammo and armor. Men prepare full speed into the Artick ocean, we got a salvage run!" exclaims the captain as the Tarantula begins to set sail for the pile of nuclear waste.
02-10-2007, 22:25
Official Diplomatic Telegram:
To: Order of America
From: Great Vantania
I also doubt that the Black Hand created this nuclear waste on their own. As stated before, I believe they used mafia connections in some poverty driven country to get the waste. You're statements are foolish, and as such further the image of Americans being gun-ho, xenophobic fools.
-Erika Redmark; Empress of the Democratic Empire, Queen of Great Vantania, Liberator of the Workers, Lady of Redmark, President of the Sovereign Commonwealth, Holder of Titles
02-10-2007, 23:21
[ I suggest turning it into NUCLEAR RAIN. ]
Logan and Ky
03-10-2007, 00:51
The following is a message broadcasted from Logan and Ky to all affected countries:
Dear Friends and Neighbors, we have all been affected by this terrible tragedy commited by none other than the horror known as Kroando. The evidence against them is staggering. First of all, it is well known that Kroando is a huge nation that relies almost entirely on nuclear power. They claim their waste is all buried in ice coffins, but I dont buy this story. Briefly before the disaster occured, dozens of crew members on a commercial fishing boat spotted unmarked ships dumping barrels into the ocean. One of these fell open and left some sort of greenish goo, which we believe to be nuclear waste, floating at the dump zone. Soon after our fishing industry, which is a huge part of our economy, was virtually destroyed after huge numbers of Cod and Crabs turned up dead from radiation poisoning. We then proceeded to send a fleet after those ships that dumped the waste. We could not get them to admit what they had done but we did learn that they were part of a tradegroup closely tied with Kroando. All of these things lead us to believe that Kroando is solely responsible for this act, not imagined terrorist threats or dirty bombs. We hope you will take this statement into consideration.
Imperial Response to Statement from Logan and Ky
Staggering amounts of evidence? The fact that Kroando is primarily fueled by nuclear energy is evidence to a waste dumping incident how? There are hundreds of nations across the world which produce nuclear waste in similar amounts, why is this not evidence that they are guilty? There were fishermen who saw unmarked boats? Really? You are now basing your accusations off of the stories of old sea men? These insults are nothing more than that. Low, degrading, foolish insults. If these vessels were unmarked, how were they determined Kroandon? Drop this insolent attack immidiately, we are guilty of nothing, and it is high time this be recognized.
~Lord Protector Malthus
03-10-2007, 16:10
OOC: Just a thought... Is this going to end up in a war, or are you just arguing pointlessly? Unless someone really makes up a good twist in the story, the only way to continue this rp is war.
Logan and Ky
03-10-2007, 20:16
OOC: Yeah, um somebody should probably come up with some twist because this is going nowhere.
[Well... you guys could try to screw with me if you really want to. I'm not saying war necessarily, but there are other things you could do short of it. As of now I just dumped nearly 500tonnes of nuclear waste in the water, and nobody has done anything other than threaten me.]
Logan and Ky
03-10-2007, 23:07
Nickolai Mickolov smiled, he was happy, very happy. Kroando wanted to poison or waters and our nation did they? Well, I guess we'll just return the favor. Currently a huge commercial fishing boat was being altered to haul up and accomidate the barrels of nuclear waste, the fisherman believe that the barrels are to be disposed of in deep vaults underneath antartica. 5 completely unmarked B-52 bombers would take off from a remote island in the arctic ocean, they would then proceed too Kroando, and would drop the barrels wherever they could do the most harm to kroandos economy. Nickolai did not want to kill innocent civilians, at least not too many anyways. If the planes were shot down, it would not matter, the barrels would still be dropped. Either way the pilots all carried cyanide capsules, and were to aim the plane into major nuclear plants before taking the capsule to make sure they perished. He didnt have too much trouble finding extremists willing to carry this out, the scattered surviving members of the black hand were seething with anger towards the nation that used them as a scapegoat. This was to be of top-level confidentiality, Nickolai was sure he had covered all the possibilities, but still he was uneasy.
Logan and Ky
03-10-2007, 23:38
OOC: Take note that the strike will only be traceable back to Nickolai Mickolov (My commander in chief) and Vince Herrick, who is a colonel who had the B-52s under his command and found the terrorist pilots with surveillance efforts in known black hand areas. The president of Logan and Ky was not informed so he could not be held responsible. Kroando you can RP the attacks whenever you like, as the terrorists will be working without radio contact from my nation, so I wont know what happens until after it happens. You can of course roleplay some flaw in the plan taking place, but be fair, the attack should be at least partially succesful.
03-10-2007, 23:44
OOC: Oh no you don't, the Black Hand are mine and no one elses.
Logan and Ky
03-10-2007, 23:50
OOC: How are they "yours?". You rped them into existence now they exist.
[True, but he also RP'd his entire country into existance, and you most certainly cannot RP them. Anyways, Kroando is a massive island surrounded by 12,000miles of nothing. Your B-52's would run out of gas and crash in the ocean long before they came within any range of Kroando... now if you send aircraft carriers... that is different. Is that what you are doing?]
04-10-2007, 01:57
///Day 1- International waters///
"How far untill we reach the destination?" Captain Eucliades stood on the bridge of the KS Odyssey. The ship was loaded with old explosives, chemicals and warheads from the Civil War days. The Government had decided that it was dangerous to keep such materials on home soil, and had ordered seven cargo vessels, and one light corvette, into International waters to dump it. "At this speed, we should be there momentarily, sir. Wait... what the... Sir! A small fleet of ships are there already! There... Jesus, they've beat us to it! They're dumping something into the water!" Helmsman Kaster was peering through his binoculars, until the captain grabbed them from his hands. After observing the ships actions for a few moments, he grabbed his radio. "Base, this is Captain Eucliades of the KS Odyssey. We have spotted a group of ships near the destination. They are dumping materials into the water, probably toxic. Wait... they seem to be leaving. Permission to follow?" A voice crackled back. "Proceed... dumping pro... dure. Permiss... follow with corvette granted." The captain turned to his helmsman. "Kaster, match their speed, we're going to do some investigating."
OOC: Yes, yes I do realize how exceptionally unrealistic this is. But this thread really wasn't going anywhere, and someone needed proof.
04-10-2007, 03:04
[Well... you guys could try to screw with me if you really want to. I'm not saying war necessarily, but there are other things you could do short of it. As of now I just dumped nearly 500tonnes of nuclear waste in the water, and nobody has done anything other than threaten me.]
Please note:
The Garbage Men have offered to clean up the waste for fees and would be happy for multiple nations to pay it. Also there is a potential diplomatic thing with Aquantantis but no... It seems no one is interested in that despite the original posts and a reminder. And yes this is the same person that controls those nations trying hard to not be too sarcastic.
Logan and Ky
04-10-2007, 11:14
OOC: Dunno, I dont really want to send aircraft carriers, I actually had realized that B-52s only have an operationial range of 4-5 thousand miles or so, I just sort of ignored it. Um just pretend that last plan doesnt exist, ill come up with something new later today. Oh and 12,000 miles of nothing? Thats fairly unrealistic but ill let it go.
Logan and Ky
04-10-2007, 11:17
OOC: Kleomenes earlier in this thread I already tried following that fleet of ships that was dumping, long story short it didnt work.
[I meant km's, which would equate to 7,500 miles, which is only ~3,000 more than the pacific ocean. Not really unrealistic when you consider how huge NS Earth is.]