Journey to that unknown star. (FT Open)
Gaian Ascendancy
29-09-2007, 02:12
((OC- For all nations that participated in A Diamond in the Void. (, though not limited to them, depending on how all this goes.))
*Three days later*
A Draconic Order based fleet yard, or something the guest vessel wondered as 'if' it was such, held within a special 'guest', one that probably made the technicians working the repair yards, drool out their scaly mouths.
Anyone else of other nations allowed to inspect, weren't probably doing any less, since it wasn't every day, a vessel, even as damaged as this one was, arrived that was Eons in advance of anything else of it's mere kind in the rest of this Galaxy.
Probably in the Virgo Supercluster to, but we digress.
And yet, it was probably less of much the Draconic technicians could actually do, other than follow Deania's explicit orders, since only 'she' knew how to repair her own systems, and essentially only have the Draconics bring raw materials the wide scan material reconverters could reformat into some basic form of the original hull and internal system material makeup.
The Droid and Palladium units onboard handled most of the work beyond simply arrival of material substances. (Not even components, just raw material, ores even.)
The payment in kind was a set of food and industrial grade replicators of mainly Confederacy Sphere Guardianship origin, though even these paled current series replicators by light-years, since they could create anything of up to medium sized generators, and basic ship grade components, with better energy and atomic reconfiguration efficiency.
Even some foods that had 'allergic' properties when replicated, were not a problem for these replicators. And the replication type units, as long as the database understood what the Draconics needed and understood themselves, could replicate anything, including usually sensitive components that usually made replication difficult. (Atomic substances, units that can handle high grade energy formats, including singularity and biological functions, and even computers that could hold biological memory between body exchanges.)
A proper 'down payment', especially since the replicators were made by the onboard versions themselves.
But this stuff didn't concern Imaldris, having to deal with a different matter, even more sensitive, prior to his departure.
He pulled the cloth cover over I`pa`thru's face. Having looked at the still facade, the skin smooth with a light silver sheen to the normally pale human like skin, a degree to the ascended exposure he had enjoyed for a good three thousand years.
All until now. Imaldris gulped and looked over at the cover for the other crew members he had found, and had the droids taken to the Infirmary. Imaldris sighed even more. "All our vaunted miracles and technology, and we can't even get one stinking Gen-Refab unit to work."
Which lent to one problem the Gaian craft did have. The Fold unit, and the Refab unit, of primary note, could be regenerated, not here. The FTL backup worked fine, but was no faster than anyone elses fastest FTL drives. (Even the Gaians had to follow certain rules, go figure.)
The problem of note, was imparted on how lonely Imaldris felt right now. Worse, there was a time limit on how long a body could remain dead, without permanent memory gram damage being sustained from decay. Imladris knew, if they weren't begotten to a Refab unit of his current origin, the bodies would be lost.
And not just 'any' Refab unit could be used. The Gaian knew such units existed in this era. The ones of his former era, a billion years from now, had certain systems that the bodies were attuned to. A cost of losing backward compatibility, for more efficient Refab processing.
Imladris sighed again, (did that alot,) and stepped back the med-bed his friend was 'sleeping' on.
"Deania, initiate cryo-stasis. And........ pray."
":: Acknowledged. ::" ..the computer replied, before glowing blue fields encapsulate the remaining crew Techs, and then 'froze' them within, the energy fields highly nitrogenic in nature. A safety field of 'trans-energy' glass-field formed over this freezing aura, to prevent all too easy to lose appendages. (This as the bodies were frozen to over -350 degrees Celsius. Don't want to come into contact with such, such displayed on a holographic warning label on the sheen surface as each forms.)
Imaldris just gave them all a last look, and then he prayed. A rather deep looking one, as standing versions go.
"I'll come back, we'll be as family again. This I promise."
Imladris looked again, and then turned to hope find a way to deliver on his promise.
Imaldris was on the bridge, as he waited on a ship that could help him get to the beacon signal. He hated waiting, doing things was what he liked.
Getting them done meant results, and Gaians loved getting results.
And he wasn't doing that, so he was impatient.
Deania just mocked at the knight. ":: You bioorganic ascendants never have manners. ::"
Imladris just nipped back.. "You bio-sentient pieces of metal scrap talk too much."
The two hust huffed at each other, not that it got Imladris anywhere.
Gaian Ascendancy
29-09-2007, 22:27
That beacon meanwhile just kept flickering on and off. The authors knew the Comm-Orb network was operating as the same prior to the times before Antara. They knew since it was activated by something only another Gaian based signal could cause.
The authors didn't know if the signal was a blurb, or a deliberate form of a distress signal. All they knew, was that 'someone' of Gaian origin was out there.
They just couldn't go out themselves and check. Reasons were as myriad as they were 'rough'.
So, two parties knew someone was out there, and both were impotent at the moment to see whom was whom.
You can sigh now. =--=;;;
The Humankind Abh
01-10-2007, 04:23
Gaian Ascendancy
01-10-2007, 05:34
A knight sat down in his command seat, looked around at the very empty bridge deck interior, and felt a shudder swim down his clammy skin. He felt most uncomfortable.
He realized as much as ever, how much something that can be taken for granted, when taken away, could cause fears never considered before. Deania was busy with the Draconics, so he had little auspice to interrupt her, just to alleviate his lonely chills.
He had another way to deal with that, as he reached to his belt 'pockets', essentially cases of crystalline armor casing, that had myriad of uses from ammo pack containers, to ration holding.
Or in this case, to extract a small necklace, a silvery chain that he dangled to see at the end, a small blue and silver holo-chip. He saw it, and knew what was contained within it. He silently held close to his glowing network node, and allowed the images to download into it.
Deania took a 'look see', and saw this, and held her comments, knowing also what was contained in that chip. She did however think to herself.. Wish he'd be more forward in 'that' department. Biologicals...
Course, Imladirs didn't hear, and saw only what he needed to give himself some hope.
Or, he wondered suddenly... I hope she's... okay. Somewhere. ..this as he stopped looking at the holo-images in his mind. He drops his hand, the chain clattering against the seat material.
"I hope.................." ..he drops off with....
Draconic Order
01-10-2007, 06:59
The DO shipyard was only recently established as the forward base for the fleet in this sector of space. As such it was capable of most repair duties, but was not as set up as shipyards in the main sphere of the Dominion, lacking credible defenses or shipbuilding facilities. The thing that it did have was a large fleet guarding it. More than six Verthichas and their support fleets rested in the system, only about half on active duty at any time. Unlike some of the other fleets, this one had yet to begin the expansion plans, which was delayed even more due to the valuable cargo they now had docked at their station. And the increased patrols due to those races that followed.
The Draconic engineers were delighted with the chance to repair an Ascendancy vessel centuries ahead of their time. Notes were taken during the process as they were ordered around by the AI system of the ship, for later research. The consolation prize of advanced replicating technology was also a great leap forward for the Draconic Order.
The knight had yet to leave his ship, even though he said he would travel with another race to find the source of some transmission. The DO commanders were ordered to wait until that happened and to let all the others go when he left. Then to seal the system off from everyone until the knight returned.
The Humankind Abh
01-10-2007, 16:34
Ashram along with the Silver Noah had arrived with the Gaian to help in what ways they could. Arc and Ashram had discussed at lengths on what should be done. There were aspects of Abh technology that did tinker with space and time but nothing that either one of them knew that could send a person back in itme. However, that did not mean they were without options. The Gaian race did not simply cease to exist and then materialize again on a whim. Perhaps something in the galaxy could unlock this mystery for all of them
The dark knight travelled through the ship's halls as he made his way back to the bridge where the Gaian knight was reported to have remained. Ashram didn't personally care about the knight but moping wasn't exactly constructive either.
He stopped outside the door to the bridge and banged his black gauntlet against the door. His gruff voice covered through the inanimate barrier. "It's me."
Gaian Ascendancy
01-10-2007, 18:56
Imladris jumped at the loud rap to the bulkhead. He rose with the necklace still dangling in his hand. "Enter." ..he simply put it, straightening more than just his posture.
Deania just opened the door for Ashram all the same.
The Humankind Abh
02-10-2007, 03:25
Ashram entered the threshold of the bridge while quietly scanning the bridge. It looked as if his entry had startled the Gaian knight bringing a small smirk to the man's face.
"Sorry to startle you. The Silver Noah has recorded the signature of that signal that was detected earlier and placed it within the data crystal's memory banks. The entire crew has agreed to harbor you as a guest and embark upon a quest to help you find some way back home or at leat find a way of getting back to your own people.
If that is acceptible to you, we can leave whenever you are ready. The choice is yours, but do not keep us waiting. I do not like the feeling of this place."
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2007, 18:39
Imladris nodded. "For once, I actually don't either."
":: Well excuse me good Sir. ::"
Imladris just smirked back at the 'ceiling'. "Hold down the fort good friend. Hopefully I'll return with good tidings." ..this as he looks at his necklace and then wordlessly places it around his neck. He then strides to Ashram.. "Shalt we?" ..and walks past to head towards the hangar deck.
A white long haired Palladium bow-nodded a salute, as her jumpsuit fabric caressed her features rather nicely. (Who said Gaian technology was for only mere miracles.) ": Yes Commander. Deania insisted I accompany you as an escort. :"
Imaldris rolled his eyes in annoyance, as he then barked.. "I don't need a chaperone for this affair lady!!"
":: And you tend to go overboard in the heat of battle. Preen will stem this problematic aspect of your character, Commander. ::"
Imaldris rolled his eyes again, as Preen giggled, before adding. ": I assure you Commander, I would burden you past saving your hide, required. :"
Imladris nodded, as he looked around at the small contingent of Palladiums currently online. (Seeing five.. which was enough to overpower a current era Battleship.) Imaldris looked back then at the Commander of those Palladiums. He knew better than to upset this one, since it seemed to not only been programmed with a fully sentient tactical personality protocol, but also traits of the Celestia-Valkyries.
That demure giggle held real terror within, if pushed.
The knight just sighed. "Well, we'd both better be on proper behavior. We have a Guardianship to represent. No matter what." ..this Preen nodded stiffly. Imaldris just shook his head in added annoyance, as he turns to Ashram. "Guess we'll be a two soul party good sir."
The Humankind Abh
02-10-2007, 19:39
Ashram merely grunted at the exchanges. His demon sword was sentient in its own way but hardly to the degree of annoyance as much of the Gaian technology seemed to be. Thankfully, despite the Abh's involvement with the Ascendancy, they had not tried to adopt any of their technology. Ashram thought he might have to kill a few people to get it removed if they had.
"That's fine. Arc and Kukururu will most likely be aware of its pressence but do try to keep the double chatter to a minimum. It can be disconcerting at times."
Ashram lead the way to the Silver Noah which was birthed simply be an umbilical cord to the Draconic station. It was a short elevator ride to the ship keep small talk down to a minimum. The bridge was plainly white except for a wooden wheel at the helm that looked strangely like the wheel of an old english caravel, which was receiving the loving touch of an odd looking man who was polishing the wood, and the dark grey of the chair on its small dias. Arc and Kukurru ( were there to greet the Gaian knight and Lord Ashram once they were aboard.
Arc had a gentle heir about him reflected in his small smile while Kukurru stood by his side with an arm wrapped around his. "Welcome to the Silver Noah. I understand that this will be your home away from home for a time until we can find a way to send you back. Please, you may remain on the bridge if you like but we shall depart as soon as you are ready."
Gaian Ascendancy
02-10-2007, 20:13
Imladris and Preen returned the greeting with their own practiced bows, in the ancient Oriental tradition. (Very much so by their standards.) Imaldris just kept it plain, not knowing if there 'was' a way to send himself back.
"I have nowhere else to go, whenever you souls are ready." ..this as Preen stood nearby, eying everything warily, as any bodyguard would.
Imaldris however was interested to say the least. He'd heard rumors, and read history-holos of the Ahb, but this was a virgin experience to say the least for him. And his face showed it, never the poker face to begin with.
He however did remember. "Please give my compliments to the Draconic yard master. My vessel couldn't be in better hands." ..he noted for more generality than anything.
03-10-2007, 17:07
"Statement: Master, I don't quite see why you must help the Gaian meatbag. It seems to me that he is well enough with the Abh and Draconic meatbags." Amphibos grumbled.
"Well, we started to help Imaldris. Might as well finish it. Besides, it's the right thing to do to help a person in need, even if he is from a billion years from now." Jacen smiled.
"Resigned comment: Very well, Master, but promise me we'll get to shoot some meatbags!" Amphibos whined.
"Can't promise anything on that regard, but we'll see what we can do." Jacen said and keyed the comlink. "This is Jacen Masaki to everyone else. Everything all set?"
Gaian Ascendancy
04-10-2007, 00:17
Imladris heard the comlink Jacen and openly wondered. "Guess up to ye all here. I'm ready."
The Humankind Abh
04-10-2007, 19:14
The crew of the Silver Noah was well prepared for their departure. Toshu found his usual spot along the wall off to the side of where Arc and Kukurru typically sat. Pocco walked out onto the bridge and took his seat to the right of the helm, next to Changala.
Arc smiled and walked up short steps to his own commanding chair. "Please take a seat wherever you like. Jumps in and out of hyperspace can cause a slight jolt. Pocco, inform the Coredians that we are preparing to leave. We have a few stops to make before we get underway if you don't mind. There are a few people that would like to meet you Imladris"
Kukurru took a seat next to her love. "D'Hara first then Lakfakallae, right?"
Arc nodded. "That's right. Pocco, give them the Coredians our destinations and prepare to make the jump."
"Right away Arc."
"Changala, take the Silver Noah out."
A wily eyed and gold-toothed man smiled and hammered down on the throttle. The ship sailed out into the darkness prepared to make the first jump on a long journey.
Gaian Ascendancy
04-10-2007, 19:48
Imladris blinked at the news others were interested in seeing him, this as he and Preen took seats amid the bridge crew. Preen did whisper over their node-link.. ": Are we sure we can trust this crew's motives with a 'detour'? :"
Imaldris just 'whispered' back.. ": I'm curious enough to go with it. The more we know where and when the Heaven we are, the better. One way or another. :"
Preen still was uncertain, but kept her calm.
As the Ahb ship began to lurch forth, Imladris wondered where this journey would take him, when all was said and done.
He also wondered how the Coredians would react to this 'tourist' escapade, since Imaldris certainly didn't know the relationship between the two vessels.
05-10-2007, 01:54
"Annoyed statement: We are not tourists!!" Amphibos snapped.
"Shut it, you." Tim, one of the Jedi's apprentices replied exasperatedly.
"Yeah. I've never seen Abh space before! So shut it!" His friend, who might as well be brother, Jim retorted.
"Heh." Jacen chuckled as the threesome argued and he punched in the coordinates. The Nautical Nausea made for hyperspace as soon as possible.
The Humankind Abh
05-10-2007, 02:34
Throughout the trip in hyperspace, a soft melody drifted through the bridge of the ship. Pocco's harp sent a soothing tune to ease the minds of all crew members on board. He kept on playing right up to the edge of D'Haran space. There the ship stopped due to an FTLi field protecting the system.
"This is the Silver Noah requesting that the inhibitor field be lowered." Arc waited patiently as their military codes were transmitted to prove they were saying who they claimed to be. Finally a voice came back confirming that the field was lowered. Smiling, Arc nodded for Changala to go ahead and jump back into normal space.
A single flash appeared in the darkness of space as normal space pulled in on itself opening a tear into hyperspace. Out glided the Silver Noah into a sea of warships. No wonder the system was on tight security lock down. Nearly every single make of war ship that Star Forces possessed was gathered here obviously protecting something. They appeared almost as numerous as the stars in the background were, envelopping the planet behind them.
Unfortunatly, Arc or Kukurru were not exactly thrilled at the site. "So many ships..."
Arc simply nodded not wanting to take the conversation any further for now. The lone flagship made its way through the traffic and constant checks. It would be hell for a Coredian ship to get through this jumble of war vessels. But in the end the Silver Noah carried its cargo passed the last of the warships and made its way through the atmosphere and down to the surface of the planet.
Gaian Ascendancy
05-10-2007, 03:44
Imaldris was impressed, at least as so far the efficiency of a slower method of FTL travel. To think drives haven't changed all 'that' much in a few Eons. Interesting.
Through the trip though, the harp was after effect to the Gaian, as he usually was in a deep trance that didn't seem to notice much interruption. Any that did approach however, saw at least one of the angel wings sprout out from behind the knight, as a leery warning. (Someone was still watching out for the knight always.)
Preen meanwhile just asked a few minor questions, and recorded how the ship was run. Doubtful it would be useful, but she knew better given history.
That seemed partially justified when they finally arrived, the knight, well awake for the arrival witnessed the sight of such a large fleet on apparent guard.
"Expecting a war it seems? Or is this parade practice?" ..he commented rather plainly, hardly joking given details of his old memories he didn't espouse upon.
A Gaian 'parade' was a sight he wished he could relish upon again.
Still, even this was paled as the Ahb vessel began it's approach and descent to the surface. It was strange for such a knight of war to have that kind of facade of wonderment.
Just tain't right man.
The Humankind Abh
05-10-2007, 16:31
Arc looked slightly troubled at the Gaian's questioning. "No...this is not for war. D'Hara has its own secrets and requires a rather strong guard but this is far more than anything I've ever seen before..."
The ship touched down out in the middle of a field. Out the windows, their guests could see a rather large palace sitting atop the edge of the plateau that they were currently on. Walls lined the ancient medieval looking city. Arc and Kukurru walked down the stairs towards where Ashram was standing off to the side of the Gaian knight. "Welcome to D'Hara. There should be some horses waiting for us to ride into the city. That is, if you can ride. Along the way, I can tell you a story about this planet that I imagine few Gaians in your time would know but one that Lord Aleaic should be familiar with."
Gaian Ascendancy
05-10-2007, 18:54
Imaldris at first replied to Arc.. "Actually I've seen far more of such numbers. Must have spent over ten thousand years at war. Not sure of the precise date, but a lot of that seemed more at peace when one got away from the fronts.
The staging areas alone had numbers of vessels that out numbered the stars it seemed, in each system and CoreBase. Most of that was Droidic Command Arm but still." ..he eyed around at this.. "...hope I don't scare anyone."
Preen just shook her head.
When they got to the surface, and received their first chance to look around, Imaldris did so, with a deep breath that seemed like he was tasting the air, as one does for a very fine wine.
"The air merits my compliments." ...and then of note to Lord Ashram. "Oh of course, what self respecting knight doesn't ride one. Or a dragon.... griffin, etc etc.."
It was the last part of this that really caught Imaldris at the tongue.
"His Excellency? Of certainment? I.... would be relished to learn of such." ..with a offering nod. He then looked around at first to see what becameth of the Coredians. He had a slight suspicion, if he had reason to worry.
05-10-2007, 20:57
Jacen Masaki and crew suffered through the D'Hara traffic control system, the apprentices moaning and groaning about the tough incursions they had to go through. Finally, though, the Nautical Nausea was allowed to land and they were able to exit. Amphibos was ordered to stay behind, which resulted in many threats of violent deaths until the young boys threatened him with their patented "Pacifist Protocol" program. Freaked out, the HK unit complied with the instruction and shut the ship up.
The threesome found the others with relative ease.
"You know me. These are my apprentices. Tim and Jim. Tim, Jim, meet Imaldris, the Gaian I told you about."
"Yo." "Hey."
Gaian Ascendancy
06-10-2007, 01:52
Imladris just blinked.. "Uh.. hey. How the light for ya both?" ...for a strange Gaianesc like greeting.
The Humankind Abh
06-10-2007, 02:19
OOC: To keep this from getting too terribly boring, I'm going to speed things up a little bit.
The team of horses were standing by for the group as promised by Arc who quickly picked out a brown mustang for himself. The captain of the Silver Noah helped Kukurru up falling in behind him in the saddle and wrapping her arms around his waist. For Ashram, his own personal warhorse was standing by complete with its full battle armor. The dark knight mounted his black charger which reared up under his pressure, ready to charge. Smiling, the dark knight eased the horse down. There was no battle today.
The rest had their choice of painted steads to bear the burden into the city. As they thundered down the plains and up to the main city gates, Arc gave a call out for the D'Harans to open the citadel gates. Iron chains groaned with the effort of swinging the heavy gate open.
Slowing the group to a quick trot, they clopped around the stone streets through the nobles district with the finest stone houses lining the roads. Great towers lined the walls shielding the light inner populace from attacks. Up ahead was a narrow path leading up to a great oaken door carved with writing pictographs. Arc deemed it was a good time to tell the story.
"The story goes that when the alliance between the Abh and Gaians was still young, Lord Dusanyu was given a boon as a show of friendship. Being the Abriel he was, he lead the Gaians back to an old herth of war. Back where the original Abh Empire ruled the vast majority of mankind, before they fell to the remnant that is now left. There he showed them starting place of the great United Mankind war that brought the last dominions of humans under Abh rule. This place was where a lone vessel of Star Forces was ambushed and destroyed. For their friendship, Lord Dusanyu asked that the Gaians bring the crew and its cargo back to life of patorl ship Gosroth. Lord Aleaic agreed to this and while family members of the deceased stood by waiting for them to return.
There were many happy tears when the first members of the crew emerged from the tanks. Among them was captain Lexshue who was mother of the current Admiral Abriel Lafiel and lover of the current Emperor Debeusec. While they caught up on their history, another more peculiar figure emerged. Something that was in the ship's manifest but unknown to most. A beautiful woman with long brown hair walked out in a full white dress. She was the start of this war oddly enough. This one woman struck so much fear into the United Mankind that they believed the Abh would use her and what she would bring as a weapon against them. Unfortunatly the attack was to be their downfall as the Abh made quick work of them.
Now the story goes that the Information Bureau had stumbled upon tombs speaking of world that was completely destroyed by an ancient war that plagued it. To prevent the spread of evil that had risen in its time, a man and a woman who loved each other, closed off this world from existance sealing it away for eternity. The Abh found the woman."
Arc tilted his head up towards the palace that was quickly rising. "She lives here now and we now walk that once destroyed world. They also found the key to awakening the rest of the world as well as her husband. An old sword that had the word 'TRUTH' etched in gold into its hilt. A relic that belonged to her long dead lover. Now I don't the exact details of how it all happened but with the help of the Abh, Mother Confessor Kahlan Amnell was able to revive her husband bringing him back to this universe. From there, the War Wizard Richard Rahl was able to bring back his people and his world. Now together, they rule this planet. Or at least they did once."
Arc stopped outside near the narrow earthen bridge. After helping Kukurru down, he tossed the reigns over to a stable boy. Ashram dismounted as well but had one of the soldiers tend to his own horse. "A fancy tale you tell. Story telling was not why I signed on for this mission though."
Gaian Ascendancy
06-10-2007, 03:20
Imladris picked his own mount out of random, his riding ability coming back to him like riding a bike. His mind was on keeping up more with the story Arc told. Preen kept up rather, by floating along her repulsion-field aura generated from two angle-vector 'jets' that sprouted literally from her shoulders.
As they approached the palace, Imaldris couldn't help he was at a cross roads of more than one era type of history here. As they arrived, he pointed this out in a fashion even, towards Lord Ashram.
"Sign on more than you think you should. Stories become history and legend 'the same'. Enough of such move even civilizations to war and greatness, or ruin them into the void.
Gaians take stories very seriously therefore. We usually have a drink with them though at least." ..said as he dismounted.
Gaian Ascendancy
09-10-2007, 03:38
((OC- Bump.))
The Humankind Abh
09-10-2007, 19:19
"Well there should be food and drink inside the palace along with a few comfortable chairs to recline it."
Ashram grunted as he lead the way over the narrow earthen bridge. "Good. Enough time with this group and I could use a drink."
The door up ahead was a massive oaken door carved with intricate designs and pictures. A sturdy barricade to be sure in the olden days. The oddness of the palace was crafted for the Rahl family which had a wondrous effect on other beings with special abilities like the Force. In a sense it boosted the Rahl's own power and made it everyone elses almost useless.
Wood groaned as guards pulled the door open into a maze of hallways leading to numerous gardens and sanctuaries. People filled the halls going about their business or simply enjoying the day in one of the many gardens. Ashram lead them all expertly through the chaos and eventually into a wide open chamber where a woman clothed in white was attending to business with a few diplomats from outlying provinces. An old man was standing near her side while two women clad in red leather were flanking her for protection.
Arc nudged Imladris and made sure the Coredians could hear. "That is the Mother Confessor, Kahlan Amnell."
Gaian Ascendancy
10-10-2007, 00:57
Imladris was captivated by the tour, up to the point where Lord Arc's nudge garnered all of the knight's attention. Preen looked on, taking cue off whatever the knight did.
This resulted in the knight presenting himself by name, and of his Palladium escort, while in addition.. " apology for disturbing your business this day Milady Mother Confessor. Your world here is quite beautiful." ..hardly put in a courteous tone, rather far more than that than required.
Gaian Ascendancy
12-10-2007, 00:16
((OC- Okay, this bump has 'miffed' all over it. =--= ))
The Humankind Abh
12-10-2007, 03:46
OOC: CW, I know you're out there.
With Imladris's announcement, Kahlan looked up over the local nobles. Every head turned to look at the voice that dare interrupt their meeting. If the Gaian knight had hoped to not draw a spectacle, he had just blown it horribly as more than one wealthy noble shot the foreigner a glare.
However Kahlan saw him for who he was and could easily forgive breaches in protocol. The Mother Confessor rose from her seat in full splendor while smoothing out her white dress. She looked to the nobles gathered around her. "Leave us."
There were a few protests, especially since it took considerable planning and waiting to get an audience with the elusive woman. In the end they obeyed no small thanks to the two grim women flanking Kahlan and Lord Ashram gripping the hilt of his demon sword. Nobles shuffled out leaving the new arrivals with the Mother Confessor's attention.
A small group of Rangers had filled the wooden benches off to the right as the large chamber was a natural audience room with rising levels. They were all clad differently with varying colors and weapons adorning their armored bodies. Only the old man and the two red leather women remained with Kahlan now.
She descended the slight stairwell as she walked out to greet her guests. "Good to have you back Arc and Kukurru. Glad to see he lets you leave the ship once and a while."
Kukurru smiled and rested her head on Arc's shoulder. "Thank you. You looking better today Mother Confessor."
Kahlan nodded her thanks then looked at the rest. "Ah, Coredians. And those of you I have not seen before. You are welcome here for the time."
The Mother Confessor finally turned to look at Imladris. "And this must be the Gaian. I must say I am a little disappointed. I had expected that your ship would be carrying Lord Aleaic which is why I had a ship dispatched to your known location. Regardless you are welcomed here. How is Lord Aleaic?"
Ashram stepped forward to cut off the woman briefly. "Sorry Kahlan but there is a slight complication with this one."
The two women flanking Kahlan bristled with Ashram's approach and familiarity. Kahlan simply put them at ease by patting the air with her hands. "I see, and what sort of complication is that?"
The dark knight looked from the Gaian to the Mother Confessor. "I believe it best for him to explain all this."
Gaian Ascendancy
12-10-2007, 06:32
Imladris noted the glares he begotten when he made his introduction. This in turn a slight annoyed version of his own at Arc for not warning him properly. The Lord Knight just shrugged it off, seeing it enough even in his Age, amongst more than one civilization that took what it had for granted, or just were pompous all the same.
And most usually not realizing (at the time,) how dang good they had it, as well as how insignificant their cog was in the grandest scheme.
Preen meanwhile just kept her wary eye on 'all' things her sight and sensors could detect, as Imladris listened to the greetings given, he nodding when seemed proper. (And keeping his clam shut until noted.)
This as Lord Ashram brought up the 'complication' part. Imaldris just sighed like a dying cow at this.. "Complication would be a 'nice' way to put my situation." such, he explained it...
Imaldris was a decent storyteller, a good trait for a burgeoning diplomatic ability that he didn't know was to have a major need to grow more in the soon time to come. As it was, the story was centered at first on his brutal arrival, and the discovery of the time-space Era he'd been shunted into, before telling of the history he knew of his life, this only a few thousand years of several Eras within a billion years of history.
All now gone for all Imladris knew. He told as part of his immediate history, the vast span of a Dimensional Ascendancy that had all but won the war against their dark mirrors of the Dark Ascendancy, over the same course of this billion year span of time. The course burgeoning trillions of billions of new citizen souls in countless alliances that made up the majority of the Guardianship. Fleets that patrolled everywhere, all of this while forming that same history, one Imladris was only a blink of an eye a part of in all reality. (Even ten thousand (or so,) years is a blink compared to the full history told.)
And all of that, as said... possibly gone.
"The last thing I remember was a entropic wave never seen before. The last sensor logs Deania took, (my vessel core sentience that be,) indicated Dark Matter 'and' Dark Energy somehow combined to tear spatial fabric reality apart. Given comparison of natural growth rate of Dark Matter alone, the explosion of this wave apparently was artificially expanded somehow."
Imladris took a deep sigh. "Given the lengths the Dark Ascendancy went in atrocities, during the combined First War, it's likely, if not confirmed, the source of the wave was of their make.
How I cannot fathom, nor try too at this time." this point he tried to make eye contact, and kept looking away, a great deal of pain growing on his facade.
"Unless the Lord Excellency himself saw this coming, I do not know if there was a counter to a weapon attack of this magnitude. I doubt the entire Dimension would have survived this. I don't even 'know' at what scale of time the wave would have progressed with.
All I know, is somehow because of it, I'm stuck here, and my vessel is laid up for the time being. I also............ *gulp* ....might be the last of my civilization.
So you can say 'complication' is indeed a kind word to use." ...he started to shake badly with. Preen saw this and tried a calming hand on his shoulder.. "Commander, your calm is needed..."
"CALM is not of my mind at the moment!" ..Imaldris snapped. Preen backed up a 'bit', as Imaldris vented... "When I stop feeling so Unheavenly helpless, I'll feel 'calm'!!
A direction for my life added would help as well!"
Preen just sighed.. "Forget ye not the beacon?"
"Of whatever it actually is." ..Imaldris just pressed that iota into the unknown. Preen held comment back for a moment, just as Imladris realized he was becoming too emotional.
Despite reasons, he contracted himself back into a neutral gaze. He just generally says, not even looking at anyone at the moment. "Sorry."
12-10-2007, 18:46
Jacen and the two apprentices looked slightly bored as they waited for the Abh to finish off their trip here and head back on the route for the beacon.
The Humankind Abh
12-10-2007, 19:36
Kahlan was lost in the mumbo jumbo of technological babble but she listened to the man's story as he relayed every detail of his journey, occassionally offering a nod to show she was still paying attention. When Imladris burst out with his emotions, the two Mord-Sith stiffened ready to pounce should he direct his anger at the Mother Confessor. Again Kahlan calmed them both and allowed the man to continue.
Instead, Kahlan offered her arm for Imladris to take and walk with her. There was a secluded garden nearby that she thought would do the knight some good. "Less my foresight has deluded me, you are not the last of your race though this tale of yours is a disturbing one. Your fate and that of your civilization may well echoe that of other sentient races in this universe. Unless the Dark Ascendancy has had a change of heart in the future, they will use this weapon on others. I do not know what will become of the Abh or my own people in that distant future, but I do know where we are now. You have a quest before you now it seems but you are not alone in it. It seems to me that you have already aquired friends that are willing and able to help you. Hold true to that and it will see you to the end. Now, while you are here in this time and realm, you are welcomed here on D'Hara to call home for a time. It might do well for you to be among people again should you ever feel alone. Walk with me Imladris and tell me of your plan."
Gaian Ascendancy
12-10-2007, 23:00
Preen in turn stiffened when Lady Kahlan offered Imaldris to walk with her. Imaldris in turn calmed all sides and demonstrated renewed composure, so demonstrated as he did take her arm, if in a conservative fashion fit for a Austrian royal court or such.
Imladris heard her words as they walked in the calming garden, and instilled his own. "I do not worry yet if the Enemy will come here with the exact same weapon. Remember my Age was far removed apparently from this one. Such an advanced weapon, and the advanced understanding is beyond this current technological level.
As long as such is kept under lid." ..he put for obvious suggestive reasons. he looked more reserved for the rest. "I thank you for your hospitality, though I suspect others here will have reservation for my remaining here. Such I noted from my apparent mistake from earlier."
He does also put with a lighter tone. "At least I got to hitch a ride this far."
The Humankind Abh
13-10-2007, 00:10
Kahlan smiled lightly to ease the knight's worries. "Do not worry about them. They are minor nobles in outlying lands of this planet that are upset because I have been neglecting duties and in turn their trading privileges. You simply interrupted their long wait. They will be back in the morning and all will be forgotten. In truth, I have been neglecting my duties for personal reasons. Funny how petty nobles with their constant complaints can make you see the truth sometimes."
The garden was adorned with a few trees that reached up into the open sky where the roof of the palace peeled back for its prized gardens. Ponds supported a few small golden fish as they ate lazily and there were any number of flowers lining a few well worn paths. "As for your trip, you shall have a ride if you need it for as along as you need it. The crew of the Silver Noah do not report to any battle groups here or with Star Forces so they are free to go as they please. It is a rare luxury here so I would suggest taking it when possible."
Kahlan stopped them under the shade of one tall pine. "Are you anxious to get back into space and search out what destiny has befallen you?"
Gaian Ascendancy
13-10-2007, 07:37
Imladris had to think about that one. "Anxious isn't the word I'd use. Heck, if there is one to use at all, it's........ lost."
He stepped away from Kahlan to think further. He went up to look at a random flower on those same paths, as his mind wondered who was sending that beacon or such. The fact it was an Sphere frequency to begin with, didn't mean what he might think. The current era supposedly had no active Sphere assets left within it.
"Maybe a Welcome stoop, maybe a Trojan horse..." ..he wondered mainly to himself. He then decided as he felt a bit weary. He looked back at... "I think I will hold up a day here at most, if to only ensure what my course is to be.
If your hospitality will have of me that is." ..he said, despite the offers already given. Ever the overly cautious bloke at least.
The Humankind Abh
15-10-2007, 22:07
Kahlan watched as Imladris walked the small path of the garden. She smiled when he finally turned around to address her. "Of course you are welcomed to stay. I will have a room prepared for you along with servants assigned to provide you with anything you need. You'll be free to walk about the palace and the city for your own adventure. Don't worry about the nobles, I know how to handle them."
Gaian Ascendancy
16-10-2007, 02:08
Imladris nodded back. "Then we have an accord. I better inform my escort Preen of this development." ..before he allowed himself to head back to the grand chamber, and inform a less than appeased Palladium of his intentions.
"What of the beacon Commander?" ..Preen stressed the last with annoyance.
Imaldris responded more simply. "Without further detail of what it is, rushing is pointless.
Could be a world, could be a Comm-Orb.
Could be worse. We don't know yet."
Preen just sighed. "Not while we wait here at least."
Imaldris just sighed a bit too. "I also have a fear..." ..he did not finish with Preen just blinked at that, the sentient AI just a bit behind mortal emotions beyond the unknowns."
At that, Imladris just allowed his hosts to guide his next steps for the day of rest to come.
The Humankind Abh
16-10-2007, 20:07
Imladris was granted a relative freedom during his stay at the People's Palace. A rather large room had been appointed to him affording him a magnficently soft bed to rest in. Servants were assigned to the Gaian knight to provide anything he might need such as food, drink, or information about his new surroundings.
While given his freedom, he was not entirely left alone as Kahlan would stop by to check on him or Arc would as well to speak of their mission and departure. It was a balance between giving him room to roam but not leave him stranded.
Eventually Imladris would be able to wander the palace and view the many gardens or read from the detailed libraries. Outside, soldiers patrolled their charges and guard changes were frequent within the labrynth like halls of the People's Palace. Occassionally, one of the strange women in red leather would walk by with a group of soldiers never really saying anything but simply with a glare on her face speaking volumes.
Perhaps an interesting feature of the palace's layout was that it was positioned high on plateau over looking the vast plains outside its walls. Within the walls sat the noble district as well as the homes of the wealthier merchants. The homes of the commoners however was located down in the valley which could only be reached by a long stairwell built within the rock face. It might have seemed odd to some that the wealthier homes were located in a sector that was vulnerable to attack while the peasants were safely nestled within the valley.
Gaian Ascendancy
17-10-2007, 02:41
"At least it's a comfortable place." Preen put simply when they first arrived.
From there, it was actually a plain affair, as the knight mostly sat on the floor, legs folded in meditation, as he kept considering a great deal of issues confronting him.
Preen didn't interrupt as the few times Imaldris got up, was to either ask for a drink from the waiting staff, to look at the changing of the guard, the red clad woman acting a lot like a Celestia-Valkyrie, such that 0only made the knight more reminiscent in fact.
The viewscape he was also granted, gave more cause for mental mullings, less for placement of strategery of the placement of the community below, but the fact the last world he had been on.....
And it did seem almost yesterday...
....a beautiful, partly cloudy day amid a vast carpet of silver-green rolling grass lands, dotted by small forests of cherry blossom trees, a favorite of the parent civilization that saw purity in such a mere plant. A tree shadowed hill ledge with an unseen drop off, that gave a majestic view of this landscape, and the unique pink-silver colored sky, soft as not gaudy to the eye, almost warm to look at on it's own, as puffy white clouds floated across, casting shadows that made the grasses below seem more 'blue' in silver, when so shadowed sparsely.
All capped with a dominating view afar of a vast Palace Tree, the tree canopy echoing the cherry blossom forests around it. Even moreso dominating, the trunk of the Palace so much smaller than the canopy.
All of this a capped scene for two souls that finished another.. well.. date... of beating each other senseless in another sparring session from Wrath. The two sitting side by side, the last day before duty called each back to a truly endless war.
Not that either complained, their shadowed backs hiding all features besides possible obvious, before words exchanged, and then more than that to the surprise of the....
Preen looked over during a chat with Arc, and saw something familiar dangling from the knight's hand (again.) The Palladium just sighed and whispered... "How lonely memories can be." ..more than realizing due to experience.
17-10-2007, 03:19
*Is still around. Assume Jacen and his young charges have booked a room and gone to bed. Will wake up when it's time to go to the beacon.*
The Humankind Abh
17-10-2007, 16:06
Before Arc rose to see to his friends and the Silver Noah, he spotted something on a chain dangling from Imladris's hand. "If you don't mind me asking, what is that in your hand?"
Gaian Ascendancy
17-10-2007, 18:37
Imladris, unfortunately when Arc decided to ask his question, didn't realize how deep in though the knight was. He reacted with more of a start than he should have. "Eh!? Ah.. ACK!" the knight almost bumbles and drops his prized and cherished iota, bobbling it twice before nabbing it on the third.
"Ah... haha..." ...and held it chest high... "Close one." ...before something large, black and feathered suddenly swooped in and nabbed the necklace like lighting! "Eh? Ah.. ACK!!!"
He looked over swiftly as a large black like bird flaps away. "HEY!!!" ..before he suddenly sees a hawk of all things shot in and nab the black bird. Imaldris then in quick succession sees the Hawk end up low with the black bird, before a mountain lion like thing or all things jumps from nowhere, and jumps the birds all tot he ground just before a large gray bear roars in from the far down left and take all 'three' down! Some deer down there at the time, just scatter, before second mountain lion reactively leaps at the escaping deer, and crash into the afore mentioned chaos.
And such is nature, all ripping and tearing at each other.
Imladris looks with pipped eyes down low, as Preen, and (presumably) Arc watch on. Preen just quips rather 'plainly'... "Wow... the odds of this occurring must be 3,620,000 to 1."
Imladris... "You and your odds. Wait... where did.." he suddenly sees a sun reflected gleam fall down 'much' father away then expected, as the necklace can be noted falling 'all' the w-a-a-a-a-a-y down towards the commoner sections of the city below.
Imlade just blinks, even despite the tearing and screaming of animals below. His own just barely rises above this Chronosian fit chaos, with his hands at his head!! "MY NECKLACE!!"
Preen just comments off cue.. "So that is an alien bear?"
"Enough Universal Geographic already!" ..and said knight looks helpless looking to Arc. "How do I get down there, please?!"
The Humankind Abh
17-10-2007, 22:36
Arc watched from the open window as the strange turn of events unfolded. He had to nodd at Preen's expression of the oddity of something like this ever occurring. Not only was it next to impossible, but just down right weird altogether.
The young man was shaken from his muted shock when Imladris asked for a way down into the valley. "There is only one way. Follow me."
Arc through open the door, surprising the servants, and guided Imladris through more halls within the palace. Guards, messengers, and Mord-Siths passed them all as the Captain hurried them through the palace. Eventually they came upon a series of stone stairs winding down beneath the palace in some strange side panel in the wall. Torches lined the way down, hissing as the fire consumed the pitch.
It would be a long walk down that would lead them into a larger set of stairs that were cut into the cliff face itself. There they would pass various shops of commoners that were lucky enough to set up shop so close to the palace. It was a coveted area that typically lent great earnings for whoever took a spot. Stone stairs wound down and down towards the growing light of the outside peasant commons district.
Gaian Ascendancy
19-10-2007, 03:10
Imaldris just stuck to Arc, like a Celestia-Kitten to a child goddess. Preen followed close behind, as Imaldris kept muttering out annoyingly.. "By the Light, if she knew I lost that necklace, it... it.... it'd be the breaking of my world!"
Preen just rolled her eyes. "She'd be taking it easy on you if that were the case."
Imlade... "EEP! Tis right! Must move faster!!" ...this Preen just put in her bio-memory for possible future hazing.
As they reached past the long stairway, to the lower entrance area framed by markets and arcades, the knight blinked... "Quaint and economically proficient." ..noted generally.
Preen meanwhile started using her sensor suites to try and locate a diamond needle in a very large civilized haystack.
The Humankind Abh
19-10-2007, 16:51
"It is an area of much debate among merchants. The spot they all want and save up for." Arc replied to the knight's remarks about the small shops.
Outside the cliff face gave way to a wider world of homes crowded together. Families were everywhere while children played in the streets. It appeared to be the common sight of an early civilization urban area.
Arc looked to the knight. "Which way?"
Gaian Ascendancy
19-10-2007, 17:42
Imladris handed that query off to Preen, as she had her eyes barely half open, streaks of light shooting like horizontal rain across them from right to left, as she worked her sensors.
Rather hard in fact.. "I can only find a trace aura of the necklace, moving it may still, to the south eat of us." this, Preen started off, Imladris following with Arc expectantly. Imladris meanwhile called back, asking.. "Anything I should be aware of around here, besides being hit up for shopping discount cards?" the sights around went by decently fast.
The necklace meanwhile had already been picked up, but by whom?
The Humankind Abh
19-10-2007, 20:06
Arc smiled. "Well you won't have to worry about that. Just watch out for children playing and soldiers patrolling. Otherwise I think people will most likely stay out of our way."
It was true. Most of the people were stepping aside for Arc and his strange companions. Children stopped their games of J'a la to watch as they ran by or women stopped the laundry to watch the chase of some unknown object. A mix of dirt of stone crunched under their feet as Arc kept up the dash.
The more and more they ran, the more he had to wonder how this was going to end up. "On second thought, if this gets out of the city we may need a bit of an escort to help with the search."
Gaian Ascendancy
19-10-2007, 20:22
Imladris just looked back.. "The light does that mean?"
Preen seems to accentuate this. "If the signal doesn't stop moving, it may be Commander."
The Humankind Abh
20-10-2007, 00:57
"Well this is a planet afterall. It might be prudent to get some help in hunting down your necklace unless you think two people will be enough. Not to mention there is no way out of this valley. We'll need a transport of some kind to get us up and out."
Gaian Ascendancy
21-10-2007, 07:10
Imaldris just looked back... "Uh.. if you mean such on my end.." ..thumbing Preen of probable note.. "...she can transport us, but I doubt the sight of a morphic cruiser would go well with your local forces."
Preen just shrugs. "Not that they could stop me."
Imaldris just coughed roughly at that one. Preen didn't miss the tone of this, but then seemingly on cue, announced.. "The signal has halted. I.... um..." ..trying to sense detail from this distance... "...there was a delineation between social classes by geography, correct?"
Imaldris didn't know of the separation of the commoner and royal sections of the city, and asked Arc.. "The heaven does that mean?"
The Humankind Abh
22-10-2007, 04:56
Arc shrugged, not really sure if he was following Preen either. "I believe you are mistaken by judging hierarchy of this planet. The people living in this valley are not here because they are poor or unwanted, they are down here because it is the most secure area to be in the event of an attack. The only way down here is the stair path we came and this valley has enough water running through it to sustain a population regardless of seiges on the surface. It was an idea one of the early Lord Rahls had to better preserve the true people of his nation."
The young armor clad man looked around. "So where did you lock it down at?"
Gaian Ascendancy
22-10-2007, 05:14
Preen just kept to the focus at hand. "About... two kilometers from here. Close to one of those water channels you mentioned."
Imladris just nods. "Let's get going." ..and just started off. Preen just followed with little fuss.
The Humankind Abh
22-10-2007, 17:03
Arc just followed suit without much to say. There were only three water valves into the valley itself. Two were waterfalls and one was a hole in the cliff face that gushed water during the wet seasons.
Everything else funneled into one stream.
Gaian Ascendancy
24-10-2007, 19:11
The group kept zipping along until they reached near the the free falling waterfall. Imlade just gawked out.. "Whereisit?Wherewhere?Huhhuh?"
Preen just bonked him on the noggin. "Calm please, we're close. I... location fix in 'that' direction!" ..she suddenly pointed towards where the water was funneling off towards the large stream.
Imlade just bolted in that direction, Preen rolling her eyes and following, until they reach an open glade admist the channel, with several structures of a decent well kempt nature, interspersed about.
Imlade all but screeched to a stop here, and looked around.. "Where is... I don't see it, just a couple of girls with.... ut oh."
His eyes lay on two young girls, around eight or nine equivalent years old, apparently all chatty and looking at something intently. Imalde has a 'bad' feeling, as Preen comes up with Arc, the former indicating after a moment. "Uh... oh.. those bioorganic offspring must have it."
"Crud." Imaldris groans out, before the two note the presence of the small group and gasp.
Gaian Ascendancy
25-10-2007, 02:39
((OC- A sake for continued interest bump. =^^= ))
Floating along between puffy clouds that towered as if they were mountains, a figure seen appearing and vanishing within those cumulus canyons, a time during thoughts that were as mysterious as the figure that was difficult to find sight of.
A near habit these days, since landfall, looking up as she always does at the sight of that should be far more. The massive silver-gray in white overshadowed mammoth that long since went dormant.
A stillness that reflected her heart.
She realized she had stopped again, and continued on with her flimsy excuse of a patrol.
That was before she suddenly stopped a moment, and a kilometer later, and felt something upon her chest. A look upon something she thought never to reverberate ever again, she pulled out a recognizable dangle, and gasped as much as her stoic manner allowed..
...but that's impossible!
She didn't move from that spot for hours thereafter. Not even the stars or twin moons both full, changed this posture.
The Humankind Abh
25-10-2007, 19:47
Arc looked down at the two girls then guessed what had happened. Now the only trick was to try and get Imladris's trinket back for him. Girls always liked shiny things and they most likely wouldn't part with the baubble so easily unless he gave them something in return. Unfortunately Arc didn't have anything on him save his clothing and sword. Not exactly what the little girls go for. He didn't have food with him to trade.
Where's Kukurru when I need her...?
Arc knelt down near where the little girls were playing. "Hey there. Can I see what you have?"
One of the girls turned around and hid her hands behind her back and shook her head. Sighing, Arc rested a forearm on his knee. "But it belongs to my friend here and he wants it back. Can he have it?"
The same girl shook her head. "No. I found it and it's mine now."
It seemed hopeless especially when women were so unflinching at times. "How about a trade? I'll trade you something pretty and shiny for that in your hand. Would that work?"
The girl seemed a bit more intrigued by it but not completely committing to the proposition. Snatching on that sliver of hope, Arc looked up to Imaldris and Preen. "Any of you got anything we can trade here?"
Gaian Ascendancy
26-10-2007, 02:51
Imladris was glad Arc was the one who was trying to get his necklace back. The girls had apparently regarded him as any other stranger in brute looking, if elegant in chiseled, armor would be.
Preen just turned around and was giggling at the scenario she was recording for possible future posterity.
The knight blinked, listening to the less than heartening exchange, and knowing just trying to nab the necklace back now would only garner less than diplomatic results. (Usually at the end of a broom, harsh word or even between the ol jewels. He's been at the end of many such 'results'.)
It was when Arc asked for a trade, that Imaldris's at first offered.. "How bout Preen?" ..this with a thumb back.. "HEY!!" ..said in response. Imlade just chuckled that one off, before considering what he 'could' do.
He then thought of something a bit lavish, as he reached into a diamond encased bellt enclosure, and also asked Preen at the same time. "Some Bio-mass if you would please."
Preen somewhat a bit too readily complied, but pulling a 'finger nail', as if one of those ancient press on nails or such, as Imlade then pulls out a small bit of pearlescent crystal, shaped like a small ball-star. He then takes the nail, and then scraps them both against his own skin, enough to draw a bit of blood.
"Alrighty, lets try this." ..and then compressed an actual energy aura into his hands.. ":: Where my hands form the light of life, a cradle no less magic than understanding given unto, I use thee to bring anew life, from the Era removed, and old the same.
A life made from memory. ::"
A good blue glow covers the area, as Preen sees a compressed life force intra-code command used for once, the purpose soon made clear, as something actually begins to stir from these supposedly inanimate objects.
Imladris then offers to the two girls. "I'll need both your help, and your touch to finish this creation." ..this as small 'wings' start flapping within the receding blue glow.
As he does this, no one notes the necklace is glowing now in 'tune' with the intra-code command.
Or where it ends up on another end....
The Humankind Abh
26-10-2007, 17:40
The two girls smiled and looked on in awe at Imladris's little trick. Both were eager to help finish whatever he was crafting though one held back a little timid of what would happen. To them, it was magic afterall and not many in D'Hara were open about it. It was something reserved for the Lord Rahl or the Mord-Sith to handle.
Still they would not be held back by something so foreign to them and they waited with anticipation of what would happen next. Arc looked on with a puzzled look on his face as he tried to sort it out.
Gaian Ascendancy
26-10-2007, 18:10
The two girls looked awed as Imladris just softly gestured.. "Please, touch this so it can become yours." ..this as he puts forth his cupped hands.
Preen watched, no confusion of what was occurring whatsoever.
The Humankind Abh
29-10-2007, 16:05
The two girls blindly obeyed, wondering what was to happen next. Arc looked on in just as much curiosity though from a much more critical view than one of wanting a new toy.
As their fingers touched the glow, they stepped back to see what happened next.
Gaian Ascendancy
30-10-2007, 01:27
A few seconds after the glow was touched, a small white bird's head pokes out from Imlade's cupped hands. The glow fades completely, revealing a small white in white bird, no larger than a cute finch. This one however sports twin 'antennae' extensions that float behind the bird, feet made as if from soft velvet and pure white claws.
But most of all, feathers 'of' angelic quality, which spread out quickly as the bird float-shoots out to fly between, and around the girls, happily chirping as the Angelbird 'orbits' them. (Over and over endlessly at that.)
Imladris just regains full posture, and smiles as much as Preen does, at the innocent sight.
"Nice use for a mere tool Commander." Preen compliments quite openly.
Gaian Ascendancy
31-10-2007, 07:17
((OC- Ahb oriented bump. ))
The Humankind Abh
31-10-2007, 16:20
OOC: Thanks for the bump. Subscripts ain't workin' again.
The two girls laughed and ran with the bird though Arc was quick to stop them. It was all well and good that they were enjoying themselves but there was still the matter of the trade to conclude. The girl holding onto the necklace looked at it then the bird. Finally she handed it over to Arc and smiled at Imladris.
"Thanks for the bird!"
The two girls ran off with their new found companion, likely to show it off to their parents and friends.
Arc inspected the necklace for a moment to ensure there was no damage and that it was in fact the right one. Satisfied with what he saw, Arc handed the necklace back to Imladris.
"I believe this belongs to you."
Gaian Ascendancy
31-10-2007, 19:39
Imlade was glad Arc remembered to conclude the trade, as the knight commander was actually caught up in seeing the children play. The knight nodded gratefully as the necklace was offered back to him. "My replete thanks."
As he took it back however, the knight had no doubt the necklace was genuine. "Eh? Why is it glowing.......?" he 'feels' something different from the nominal glow it was giving off.
He cradled the necklace suddenly, shaking a bit. Preen saw this.. "Commander?"
"Could it really be...?"
...which is cut off as he suddenly holds his head, eyes boggling from a sudden split migraine!! for why.. ":: COMMANDER!!! COMMANDER BY EXCELLENCY'S AURA!!! ::"
To answer for a probably confused Arc by this point, Preen just announces 'needlessly' for the knight. "Deania is calling."
"Calling like a Star cougar in heat!" ..this as the Palladium raises her right palm, and 'forms' a holoprojector from some silvery liquid that forms into her offered hand. From this, a blue-green holo-projection of a girls face with long hair is shown, this... "Deania, lower the volume on the collect call already!"
Deania just huffs.. ":: Sure, and not tell you about the device the Draconic technicians found in a shielded section. ::"
Imladris blinked at that. "What shielded section?" ..with even Preen blinking in surprise. Deania just smirked back.. ":: One that had a Core Council command sequence locking even me out from sensing it. That and the device itself. ::"
Imaldris just blinked thrice fold, and then looked at Arc. "We might want to take this somewhere private."
The female finally landed within the Palace Tree, still small by nominal standards, the corridors were still being tended, so distance to the chamber she seeked was thankfully short.
This as the steel blue haired Valkyrian strode faster than her norms, and turned a hard right into the noted chamber, there finding three equal Valkyrians, discussing with two others, one of whom she all but outright imparted on seeing, and then seen.. "How did you know?"
Four of the five listening just blinked... of long honey brown hair, did not....
She just smiled her kind and confident smile, and responded back, 'knowing' somehow of the subject... "You must have faith, such I also said then.
Such has shown to you now, has it not?"
The Valkyrian Commander nodded, shakily enough to unnerve the others, used to seeing all but outright iron in this one, facade and all else. Slowly they too, the four others, three Valkyrian Commanders, and one husband of the one that seemed to know more than she should, realized the probably subject as well.
The Steeled one just imparts, in a soft tone that answers a 'lot' to the rest.. "Yes he has."
The kind one just smiles.. "Then we must begin preparations."
The husband just moans. "Man, not another party like the 'last' one for something like this. I'm still hung over." ..this a red spiky haired Valkyrian eggs.. "Yeah, your Sister in Law never holds back."
"Nor this time either I would suspect." ..the kind being adds. For one, in a long while it seems, there's reason to laugh openly.
For Imladris, there's only confusion, back in the palace.....
The Humankind Abh
01-11-2007, 00:49
Arc hurries to lead them back into the palace by the same route that they followed earlier. Crowds had gathered earlier to see what the commotion was with the two little girls and then Imladris' emmence pain. The dash back to the palace was short except for the hike back up the winding stairwell.
Once back inside Imladris' room, Arc had some pain reliever brought for the knight and poured him a glass of water. "Alright, now what was all that about?"
Gaian Ascendancy
01-11-2007, 06:53
(OC- FYI for future reference.. immense.. not emmence.. =^^= )
Once back to his guest room, Imladris at first looked at Preen. "I presume we have a Alpha Security Protocol on the signal-link?"
"Of course, Deania's information deemed such."
At that, Imaldris turned to Arc and commented.. "Let's find out." ...and asks the same of Deania. What he heard in return, just made the knight cold of blood in his feet.
":: See for yourself Master. :::" ..and offered up an image that made the knight cock a completely confused eye. "Uh.... I.... it's gray... lots of inert hyper-spatial conduit tubing, some high energon transformer shunts, a....... a.......? No way. Impossible."
":: A single use temporal energy effectual drive unit. It's been used, apparent the only time it was capable. ::"
Imaldris was feeling that 'cold' by now growing... "W... where..."
"Beneath my main Drive Cores. Section 27, Deck 44, in a sensory deprivation compartment. One sealed from all my sensors, and no logged in my datafiles ever."
"We don't have a Deck 44. And what the Heaven do you mean 'ever'? You've..."
":: I've been in service for 24,517 Standard Guardianship year cycles, not counting seven months and twenty one days. I have 'not' detected this in all this time. No servicing or maintainance function ever done on my body of person, ever shown this on datalogs.
I do not know if it was originally installed, this is a secret function in all DGAS warships, or a modification outside of my volition. ::"
Imaldris just stressed a second time. "Impossible."
Preen offered.. "You mentioned the section was only discovered past a Council protocol? How did that come about then?"
":: A Draconic crew possibly not under specific protocol orders, came across this on a routine scan for additional stress damages to my hull. Remember, all DGAS personnel can have their memories altered by Council commands, if there is reason for it. A sacrifice of the high dataload traffic our minds can be alloted normally. ::"
Imaldris explained for Arc.. "This thing.." ..he points to his data node on the side of his head. "....for us is a living internetwork that allows us to share thinking and data load capacities, in all functions as if we were mindlinked. Normally we don't worry about mind control, since that's simply not our way. But when..... 'this'.... is apparent...
...another galaxy or thought there." ...he sighed, before then noting. "Fine, we didn't know.
Still............ that unit is too divine small for a proper temporal jump! How the Light did it even work!?!?"
Preen stiffened under the hard tone, Deania however 'logically' responded. ":: From my scans I was able to conduct, it's no more than a unit made to channel a tremendous amount of energy to conduct a one way trip.
What more, the unit was preprogrammed Commander, as if.... ::"
"Oh dear eternity. In anticipation.... divine, that gift of Foresight the Council has....................... had."
":: Aye... had. Probably the reason the device was discovered... the old Council edicts are all but null now.
I've begun a scan of 'all' systems and memory cores for anything else I am unaware, I will contact when I have anything further. ::"
Imladris by now had those feet so cold, he had to sit on the nearby bed from a dizzy spell. For a moment he ignored everything, and tried very hard not to think of all this as an engineered event upon him.
Something this awesome and self-absorbed at the same time, was an anorexic thing to even dare consider.
He commented on this not too long after sitting on the bed.
"I need something around four hundred proof here."
The Humankind Abh
02-11-2007, 02:07
ooc: blasted typos
Arc smiled and sent a servant to fetch some strong liquor. It wasn't long before she returned with a full bottle and two glasses. Arc thanked the woman and began pouring the glasses. Finished, he handed a full stiff glass to Imladris to down.
The Silver Noah captain grabbed a wooden chair from across the room and placed before Imladris before taking a seat. While he was relatively lost in all of the babbling of drives and divine technology, Arc was able to catch a few bits of what was going on here and there. "It may sound impossible but at least this is helping you on your journey. It is one more option that you did not have before. Perhaps we can move closer to the mystery of how to get you back home. How long will it take for Deania to get back to us with her information?"
Gaian Ascendancy
02-11-2007, 03:37
"What, that I happened to be on a vessel that had some secret destiny attached to it? I doubt the energy wave that sent me here was coincidence at all, which means 'that' may have been anticipated as well.
The only way I could perform any form of a jump like Deania made, would require the energy that almost killed us in the first place, along with all the Fleet Legions and Groups I was commanding.
It scares me dude." ...and downs the drink in one shot. His face told the results of the acid the liquor did to his throat and stomach. He just gulps at this and sighs..
"..but beyond that might be something else. Deania will contact when she is thoroughly ready. I suspect she may not find much though. Not sure why compared to what was shed upon already."
..he then looks at a neutral Preen, and then down to the trinket he raced heaven and high water to retrieve. It was still 'glowing' to him.
"I may have something far more immediate to look into first."
The Humankind Abh
02-11-2007, 17:23
"Then it seems we've only found another dead end."
Arc takes his time drinking the brown liquor more slowly. After a moment of silence between the two, Arc pointed at the necklace. "What is that really? It must be something of importance to be so special to you."
Gaian Ascendancy
02-11-2007, 23:06
Imaldris froze a tic before answering, something he realized to himself once again, that he needed to shed of...
""It's a isolinear memory-gram storage device, capable of holding thirty thousand terra-bytes of data. Enough for memories and other such these usually are used for.
From someone I really should have confessed my feelings to formally when I really had the chance. Her name is..... was.................... is.. Lind. She's one of the Celestia-Valkyrians, a goddess offshoot from the ancient Angel God genetics program, a change over that eludes my memory at the moment.
I first noticed her some... what... fifteen thousand years or so ago? During my original training sessions during my first hundred years or so of life. Somehow we kept noticing each other during that time, and then well after when my Sibiko class age entered the War.
We must have seen countless battles, together and apart over our lifespans, though I think Lind was at least a thousand years older than I was. The War must have kept us apart more than anything else, though as with most Valkyrians, dealing with them is like playing football with a rabid porcupine. Not the easiest of relationships."
The knight chuckled as he took another drink.. "I think it was because of that kind of relationship, and probably a lot of signals other Valkyrians that Lind knew best, that I missed, as well as Lind own apparent interest that we even had a relationship." ..he downed his second drink a bit fast as well and sighed past his gulping.. "I caught on a few thousand years ago, but again between the War, kept getting in the way."
He sighed real thick then.. "I got this thing, a good year or so before the battle that sent me here.
I wonder whatever happened to her.... them...."
He then realized himself, and stroked the small glowing unit within the necklace type setting.
"....or maybe......." ..he looked up at Arc. "Can we get going again tomorrow? I think I really need to know what that beacon is.
I have a growing hunch."
He then blinked.. "Oh, and might want to inform the Coredians as well. if they still intend to come." ..keeping to form of trying to remember all attached parties to this affair.
The Humankind Abh
02-11-2007, 23:49
Arc smiled sadly at the Gaian knight's tale having his own troubles with troubled times that kept he and Kukurru apart for far too long. "I can sympathize with your feelings. Love can be one of the greatest joys in life or one of the greatest sorrows."
The human stood and stretched his back slightly then placed a hand on Imladris' shoulder. "We'll get you back home on one condition."
He let the statement hang in the air for a moment. "You tell her you love her."
Finished, Arc turned to head back towards the door. "I'll let the Cordians know we will be leaving tomorrow. Meet us in the main hall once you are ready to depart."
Gaian Ascendancy
03-11-2007, 05:15
Imaldris just smirks at that as Arc leaves, imparting more generally than anything else. "Probably will get punched off the planet when I attempt it too. Dang lady's punch can knock moons out of orbit. (And done at least once already even.) Still....."
...he a bit too quickly falls into a mental muse, one Preen recognizes, and decides to give her Master alone time with.
She stepped out, wondering from what she'd noted, to her voiced same... "I think times may be changing.
To the better might be pushing it though." ..this as she looked around and started to wander to kill time.
Gaian Ascendancy
06-11-2007, 02:40
*That night..*
Imaldris didn't intend to suddenly turn his thoughts wholly on the sake of a love he hadn't the backbone in centuries to carry through upon, even if endless war made for an excuse. (Course one can find better cause to look past even this, if really pushed for.)
At this, he attended a nightly dinner with his honored guests, kept the conversation as much Ahb oriented as possible, avoiding the recent news of his apparent time leap cause. (Lot of technical jargon the knight at least didn't want to think about.)
That night however, as he slept in a slumber, rather than a meditation state, was when his attempt at otherwise, flung back into his sleeping face.
Swimming through clouds, the sky swapping glowing day, and starry night, with soft, yet rapid transitions. The flight through them was as good as any drug induced version, except as he felt himself going through this, he felt far too alert in so doing.
Enough that he realized his REM state was awake and aware in this dream.
By the time he realized this... "Where is this?
Wait... I know this... eh?" ...a stuttered comment broken by a feeling that makes him look back whence he supposedly came, one with a light more of holy than of solar, causes a figure of slender note, shadowed over under this bright light behind..
..and he realizes there is more than one form.. a central form with two others astride each shoulder, a wing to each of their left and right a side, as shimmering material flowed about the waist area of the parent form.
One reaching for him he can clearly see...
"But this is...."
":: Hope long gone, is instead restored...
...this dream only delays our reunion. ::"
He was just bad about waking up simply, as Imaldris bolts upwards in bed. His breath at least was calm...
..and his heart he realized was warmer...
"Li.... inked... a link....."
He angles his head over at the outlook opening, and the coming of morning already.
The dream was too short for this...
At this he quickly rose from his bed.. "PREEN!!"
A hastily stumbling bio-unit appears, half asleep. "What.. What now?! A Darky attack!??"
Imaldris just grunted and put.. "We're leaving after first breakfast. It's time."
Preen just looks dryly, all disheveled and all in a half bed gown. "What? Only one day is enough? Don't you types need months or something?"
Imaldris just smiled. "Nay, I have sense the wait has been long enough. Even longer than our own, that time jump included."
Preen just sighed and yawned.. "Great, and I was counting on some sight seeing instead today. Oh well... *yaaaawwwwnn* .." ..and heads back in to 'dress' more appropriately.
Imaldris meanwhile walked to the overlook, and up at the fading stars.
One of them didn't feel so alien to him at that moment.
The Humankind Abh
12-11-2007, 00:05
Summons were sent out to the Coredian rooms as well as Imladris' asking them to report to the main chamber. The Silver Noah had been made ready to leave and Arc along with his crew were waiting for their guests to return.
Kahlan had come as well to bid farewell to her visitors. Everything else had been prepared for their next voyage.
12-11-2007, 00:32
*Ah, finally!*
It was a bright cheery morning when Jacen Masaki and his two students awoke to the summons. They probably missed a lot happening last night, but hey, they were tired! Anyway, they hopped to the main chambers as quickly as they could.
Gaian Ascendancy
12-11-2007, 03:32
Imaldris and Preen were waiting patiently for everyone to prepare themselves as they saw fit. The knight commander was trustful that this era wasn't going to enter a Void Rip event anytime soon, so no rush imposed as a result.
When they were all gathered, Lady Khalan's well wishes were regarded just as warmly. This was returned with.. "The hospitality won't be forgotten. This I mean in truth."
Preen then added. "Shalt we get going then?"
Imaldris.. "We already 'have'."
The rest was a whirlwind, ending back on their respective ships, for what was hoped would be the end of this journey.
If they all only knew......
The Humankind Abh
14-11-2007, 05:45
Arc found himself back in his seat on the bridge of the Silver Noah. Not much had changed since they departed for the surface of D'Hara. Multitudes of Star Forces vessels still patrolled the planet's space and layers of FTLi encompassed the entire system in all of its varying forms. The only way in or out was through the D'Haran sord gate which was restricted to only one other nation besides that of the Abh. And the other nation tried to stay as far away as possible from the Abh Empire.
Changala walked up to the wooden wheel and eased a grip as the crew readied for launch. Everyone on the bridge took their traditional seats with Gogen and Poco up front with Changala while Kukuru and Toshu were in the back around Arc. Imladris still had his seat as well near Inga who stood off to the side with his burly arms crossed across his thick chest.
"Hey Arc, it looks like everyone is ready to move out."
"Alright Chanagal. Our destination is the source of Gaian beacon. We will be using Third Space to make a calculated jump." The commander looked over to Imladris to help explain what this new form of travel was. "This is the closest thing that the Abh have to instantaneous travel but it is still in the perfecting phase. There are a few setbacks but it is the quickest way they know of to travel other than plane space."
The Silver Noah pulled away from the Abh forces and headed for the great artifact in the distance. It was on the other side of the planet away from the regular hyperspace gate as a precaution and its great size would have dwarfed the small pylon based gate.
As they approached, the artifact pulsated with enormous amounts of power as pillars slid out of the artifact and locked into place. Light began pulsing from its surface as a vortex was formed between the two great pillars.
"Gate looks stable Arc. We're ready to go whenever you are."
"Have the Coredians follow us in and-" A strange force hit the commander like a brick wall. The reaction from his lover was similar as she closed her eyes to get a better sense of source.
Arc rose from his seat and walked to the front of the bridge to better see out the window. Being a regular human, Arc wasn't gifted with the Abh's senses in space. Through the window, Arc could see the vortex growing in size and intensity. Changala looked at his old friend. "What do you think that is?"
Arc shook his head for a moment then ran back to his seat. "Alert the Abh! We're under attack. Inform the Coredians as well to fall back."
Changala did as instructed without questioning as his eyes froze on the scene ahead. War vessels began pouring out of Third Space and taking up position around the artifact.
"Third Race. Third Space vessels coming through."
Arc nodded at the sight. "Raise the EA field Changala. Hold on knight Imladris, this promises to be an eventful day."
These should help
14-11-2007, 16:54
The Nautical Nausea had just reentered realspace when something came out of a vortex around the artifact.
Jacen frowned and commed Arc as he had the ship fall back. "What the hell? What are these ships?"
Gaian Ascendancy
14-11-2007, 19:34
For his part, Imaldris was mainly concentrated on his own thoughts, leaving the others to their nominal tasks. Preen kept station close behind, next to where Inga stood, keeping plain watch.
Imladris might have sensed the incoming occurance, if he'd not been so concentrated on something else at the time, but this quickly changed in acumen, as Preen jostled Imaldris's shoulder. "Uh.. Commander.." ..this as Arc rose from his seat.
It obviously didn't take long for Imaldris to notice the threat incoming, as it was being sent out via distress signal.
He just replied back to Arc simply... "You call this an escort service?" ..and looked back at another set of unknown alien ships unto his eye. "Swear do I this Dimension is as replete in soul types, as my original own."
For a moment, the two Gaians watched what would (probably) happen next.
((OC- Query, did we pass through the Gate, or are we still in D'Haran local space? Just making sure and all.))
The Humankind Abh
15-11-2007, 03:12
ooc: Yeah, we're still in normal space.
Arc ignored Imladris' remark. A communication uplink was powered up around the bridge, patching Arc through to the rest of the ship and the Coredians and Abh vessels around. "Elk, I need you and the rest of the fighters to launch and prepare to engage the smaller craft."
The reply came without any image only a simple, "Sure thing Arc."
Fighters began pouring outside of the Silver Noah, a different breed than those seen among Star Forces. Elk and his fighters moved to the front of the pack as more and more of the Abh vessels fell into formation.
"Well it seems we got a little lucky that the Abh are keeping a closer eye on D'Hara."
Arc wasn't exactly as thrilled by the notion as Toshu was. "Yeah but we haven't had such a strong encounter like this since it original days of building the Third Space network."
Toshu looked skeptical. "You think they might be trying to assert territory here and finish us off once and for all?"
"It looks that way but either way, I don't think the Abh have any intention of letting this race survive."
Attack vessels from the Third Space aliens started their attack, trying to secure a solid line of defense around the artifact. Elk lead his squadron in hard and fast not letting up on the aliens and he sure as heck didn't want any of their heavy destroyers getting a foot hold in space. Shields glistened as Arc's fighters opened up but did only superficial damage. Even for light craft, Third Space vessels were tough and unwilling to go down. It wasn't until the Gunstars from Star Forces making their pass did they even begin to see some results with damage. It was taking four or five direct hits before they even managed to get through the shielding.
Unfortuanately for the Abh fighters attacking, the damage done wasn't good enough. Plasma projectiles being the weapon of choice here, Third Space craft managed to take out a wing of fighters in a glance.
"Messaging coming through from the Coredians."
Jacen frowned and commed Arc as he had the ship fall back. "What the hell? What are these ships?"
Arc sighed. "It's a long story, one I do not have time to tell. I'll leave it at they are hostile and don't like any race living other than their own. They are conquerors moving from star system to star system. Eventually they deemed this plane of existance beneath them and ascended to Third Space. It seems with the Abh tapping into that power, they have come to test the mettle of the races now living in the universe. They were eventually beaten back once, but it wasn't pretty. Prepare for battle. You have their fighters coming in high at eleven o'clock."
Third Space fighters had pushed through the initial fighter screen and were now making their attack run on the two ships, Silver Noah and Nautical Nausea. At the same time, Whitestars screamed forward into the fray fairing slightly better than the Abh fighters.
Arc looked over to Imladris. "It's your call now. We can stand and fight or find an alternate route to your beacon. But if you got something planned, I need to know now."
15-11-2007, 04:14
"Right. Weapons free!" Jacen ordered as he pulled the ship into a tight roll to avoid the enemy fire.
"With pleasure, Master!" Amphibos' photoreceptors glowed with vicious glee as the turbolasers and laser cannons of the Nautical Nausea lit up the night sky straight at the Third Space aliens.
Gaian Ascendancy
15-11-2007, 19:51
Imaldris listened to the tale regarding this unknown foe, as the battle began with a situation that wasn't immediately favoring the Ahb defending forces. He mentioned generally.. "Sounds like those Tenth Phase Archons in a way, divine testing bastards."
The Ahb sure wouldn't want to be caught of with 'that' version of this apparent enemy.
Preen however commented after Arc offered the choice of battle or flight. "It would seem prudent not to intervene in a conflict not our own.
But of course..." ..she then angled her words, anticipating what Imaldris was going to say anyway. (Been together too long not to know.) "...of course we're intervening, since we're stuck here for all future lifetime we know of now.
Our potential...... wait.... our allies enemies must be our own. We'll need all such help 'when' we find our own Souls once again. The future of itself amongst will determine our own survival in this wild era and all.
We can at least go out together and conduct intel for them."
Preen smiled. "Plus we can't miss out on a good fight." ..this the lil Valkyrian in them both smirking out. At this Imaldris looked over at Arc and his crew. "Can we be directed to your docking bay. A fighter will not be required." ..this last probably making others amongst the crew blink.
The Humankind Abh
15-11-2007, 21:38
A few plasma bolts struck the hardened hull of the ship sending slight vibrations throughout the vessel. Arc braced himself against his chair briefly. "Changala, fire on approaching fighters."
The golden toothed pilot grinned and yanked down on the lever at his side. "Yarrr!!"
Outside of the Silver Noah, a rotating turret situated at the bow of the ship opened fire with a blinding energy blast as it turned the fire from the Third Space aliens back on them. The result was that the three or four darting around were no more. It was a momentary reprieve as ships turned their attention to a vessel that was actually doing some serious damage while the rest of the aliens chased after the Whitestars.
"It appears that the Abh have begun a full scale attack now. Their assistance should greatly help turn this battle to our favor."
The entire bridge looked at Gogen for a moment until explosions starting ripping through the fighters of the Third Space vessels. Mobile mines flooded from the Sord gate a few wesdaj away. Changala smiled as the Silver Noah's sensors finally picked up the action. "Yeah, it looks like the Sord's defense squadron has opened up with a volley."
"Transmission coming through."
An image of an Abh commander flashed up on the screen at the head of the bridge. "Silver Noah, pull your craft back behind the front lines and allow these aliens to gain space."
Arc and the crew looked shocked. "Commander? What? Why?"
The Abh was calm and collected as they all seemed to be. "Head Quarters wants these aliens eliminated for good. They are interfering with our expansion in Third Space and they prove a hostile force to the universe. Probes have caught glimpses of what is believed to be a fortress of theirs. If we can draw it out into normal space and then destroy it, we may have a chance of keeping these aliens from ever showing up again. Fall into formation Silver Noah."
The image flashed closed leaving the crew alone. Changala moved the Silver Noah back behind the advancing Roth-class ships advancing with their long EM rifles. Laser fire and heavy kinetics pummeled the advance of the Third Space fighters but the ships would not press any further.
Fighter still darted down towards the Coredian craft as well with their shields sucking up laser fire five, ten shots at a time. They launched a return of fiery orbs into the ship.
Preen smiled. "Plus we can't miss out on a good fight." ..this the lil Valkyrian in them both smirking out. At this Imaldris looked over at Arc and his crew. "Can we be directed to your docking bay. A fighter will not be required."
A light went off in the back of the bridge at Arc's command. "Take the turbo lift down five levels and back three. It'll drop you off at the docking bay. Shu will be down there running things for now, hopefully. Just tell him what you want to do and he'll help."
Arc had spent time with the Gaians, so knew better than to ask questions or be surprised for that matter. Whatever Imladris and Preen wanted to do, Arc wasn't going to hold them back.
Up ahead the artifact's vortex began to grow in size. Pylons stretched to their full capacity. Finally the nose of some mammoth vessel began to inch its way out into normal space. The crew of the Silver Noah stopped for a moment as did everything else seem to across the field. Only a few of those ships had been spotted when Third Space was first activated and their godlike energy weaponry was enough to make most commanders nervous. From the signs of the artifact's energy level, there were hundreds coming through. The first Third Space destroyers were not wasting much time as their gravimetric drives glowed with intensity, preparing an attack.
Toshu stood in mute shock for a while. "Oh, hell. This is gonna hurt."
Gaian Ascendancy
16-11-2007, 07:32
The Gaians didn't stay long once Arc gave the go ahead. The two shot down to the indicated deck as fast as the turbolift took them. As soon as they got there, Imaldris looked around for this Shu, but was already ordering Preen. "Head on out and act as a quick diversion while I get reformatted myself." ..this as he then starts tapping into his right arm gauntlet set.
Preen nods. "I'll leave an opening for you Commander." ..this as Imaldris asks quickly.. "Are we cleared for departure?!!" his armor starts to look anything but pure form fitting in advancing progression.
((OC- Not good to presume, but is there a hard shield over the docking port, or just an energy field covering the opening? Don't want Preen to run out, and hit a bulkhead in so doing. =^^= ))
16-11-2007, 16:55
Fighter still darted down towards the Coredian craft as well with their shields sucking up laser fire five, ten shots at a time. They launched a return of fiery orbs into the ship.
"Man, they're tough." Jacen muttered as he rolled and juked like a madman, barely avoiding the orbs. The point-defense cannons locked onto the orbs, thinking them missiles of some kind and let loose a stream of nonstop laserfire. Then Jacen had an idea. As the laserfire continued to pump into the enemy, Jacen shouted to his droid. "Amphibos, Release the Shattermissiles!"
"Gleeful statement: Very good, Master!"
Glowing yellow squidlike missiles flew out of the missile tubes in a small swarm. Each missile was extremely agile and the glowing part allowed them to 'shatter' their way through enemy shields, then dig into the hull and detonate with a radius of around 20 meters.
Up ahead the artifact's vortex began to grow in size. Pylons stretched to their full capacity. Finally the nose of some mammoth vessel began to inch its way out into normal space. The crew of the Silver Noah stopped for a moment as did everything else seem to across the field. Only a few of those ships had been spotted when Third Space was first activated and their godlike energy weaponry was enough to make most commanders nervous. From the signs of the artifact's energy level, there were hundreds coming through. The first Third Space destroyers were not wasting much time as their gravimetric drives glowed with intensity, preparing an attack.
Toshu stood in mute shock for a while. "Oh, hell. This is gonna hurt."
"Sensei, there's more of those ships coming, complete with a massive dreadnought-sized ship!" Tim yelled.
"There's dozens, no hundreds of them. What are we gonna do?" Jim panicked.
Jacen called up the Silver Noah. "Unless you have a plan for this, we should retreat."
The Humankind Abh
21-11-2007, 18:56
Preen nods. "I'll leave an opening for you Commander." ..this as Imaldris asks quickly.. "Are we cleared for departure?!!" his armor starts to look anything but pure form fitting in advancing progression.
"Not quite." Shu stepped out from the shadows as the two Gaians were preparing for something.
"If you plan on going anywhere, I'll have to remove the protective bulkhead."
Shu walked up the catwalk to enclosed facility and began working the controls. Eventually the armor plating covering the exit was pulled back. Pressure didn't drop immediately like it should have due to the energy field preserving the atmosphere for the time being.
"Now, do you want one fighter or two?"
Third Space fighters began falling in more appropriate numbers as the Coredians used their shatter missles to some effectiveness and Abh forces began launching volley after volley of mobile anti-matter mines. The combined effort had forged a solid defensive line and kept the fighters at bay. Now the fun was really about to begin as the attacks had to be precise to inflict enough damage to keep the aliens hurting but not too much so that they retreated back into the artifact. The goal here was to get that blasted fortress out in the open to destroy it. Before the last probes were destroyed, the Abh forces caught a glimpse of it. It was here, but not in normal space yet.
Jacen called up the Silver Noah. "Unless you have a plan for this, we should retreat."
Instead of Arc answering the message, the transmission was intercepted by the Abh commander in charge of the operation.
"Ah Coredians. You're advice is appreciated but this is our fight afterall. You may fall back behind our lines for protection, but this is a battle long in coming. We inted to eradicate these aliens once and for all. So please, do not interfere unless you intend to help."
With the transmission ended, the Abh began their next round of attacks which included removing some of those destroyers the aliens were sporting. Victory Class Destroyers ran through their normal routines of powering up main energy cannons. Yellow light pulsated from prongs located at key positions on the ship as energy continued to build towards the bow of the ship. In one brilliant flash, the energy screamed out for the Third Space destroyers taking them in unison.
Energy depleted, they fell back and allowed others to take their place and commence attacks. After a number of them were destroyed, the attacks stopped on the destroyers and focused back on the fighters methodically culling the herd.
Attacks on the aliens did not go unanswered as fighters were incinerated and Whitestars were reduced to charred husks of their former vessels. Third Space destroyers locked on with their massive energy weaponry and unleashed a brilliance of gravitonic energy on nearby vessels causing them to close in on each other.
Gaian Ascendancy
21-11-2007, 20:46
Imladris just replied.. "None. All we need is targets." ..this as Preen nodded and shot forward, exiting the energy barrier, and Mass reformatting of her body into the size of an actual small cruiser. One that began circling around the Silver Noah while she waited for her Commander to exit.
This was answered when Imaldris mentally commanded his own armor to begin expanding size fo twice it's former size in shape, as crystalline gel and spiderglass gel seals began filling in crevices between armor pieces. The cape and robes changed as well, stiffening into atomic reformatted spiderglass fiberwork, which began taking shape into two main rear vanes, and a number of auxiliary vanes, ones that produced tiny slits along most of their lengths, for momentum and thrust control.
The main thrusters were set at the back and feet, where armor sections reformatted in to appropriate equipment, including high pressure atmosphere tanks, ones that influxed enough air from the docking bay to lower air pressure for a short moment. Imaldris made light of this looking over to Shu.. "Sorry for the ear popping, usually have a hard port to charge with on my own vessel before conducting combat-EVA. Like we have anything of time for such detail work." ..before a large crystalline helm-dome fliptop swung over and closed over his head, forming an oversized version of his normal head armor, ones that now glistened with electronic trace lines, as did much of the new form looking battle armor he was adorned with.
At that, he just commented, regardless of what looks he got by now. "Keep a seat warm for us when we get back." ..and shot out the docking bay with little apparent thrust effect shown. As soon as he emerged, he saw full 360 the battle that was now developing.
His first act.. "Preen, keep a basic screen, and test what our weapons can do to these things. I'll get orders." ..he then scanned quickly the battle command friequencies and called out on ones Preen had already collected during the previous journey so far. "This is Knight Command 1, localize and scramble this frequency for incoming orders." he swing his suit about in a tight arc to keep clear of direct fire for the moment.
Not an easy task as at least one plasma beam shot close by. Imaldris just commented.. "And meanwhile, another dimension, another warfield."
The Humankind Abh
25-11-2007, 23:40
Shu wasn't exactly sure what the Gaians were up to but he wasn't one to argue. He quickly sealed the door and watched from afar. The spectacle of the transformation was intriguing to say the least but bells and whistles would only go so far in a fight. And it was time for the Gaians to put all their fancy talk to use.
Alien fighters fell upon Imladris with wild abandon. Their first goal was to pick off Imladris from the rest of the group, then overwhelm him with fire and numbers. It had worked before on far more advanced races than the Abh in the alien's history, there was no reason for it to not work again. Fighters routinely would wade into the middle of a storm and take on ships twice their size and in far greater numbers only to come out of the fight with minor scratches. If that was the case of the fighters, then the destroyers would be a much tougher foe by far. Especially since it was taking Abh destroyers to drain all power into the main cannon before one could be destroyed.
Elsewhere on the battlefield, the mine attacks had stopped while Abriel Missle cruisers prepared for their massive missle attacks. For the time being, it was ship to ship and the expertise of each commander keeping their units alive and in the fight. At the moment, the original battle strategy was being maintained. All reports showed that the alien fortress was on its way out to gain a foothold in the universe once more. Exactly what the Abh wanted.
Gaian Ascendancy
27-11-2007, 05:38
Shu wasn't exactly sure what the Gaians were up to but he wasn't one to argue. He quickly sealed the door and watched from afar. The spectacle of the transformation was intriguing to say the least but bells and whistles would only go so far in a fight. And it was time for the Gaians to put all their fancy talk to use.
Alien fighters fell upon Imladris with wild abandon. Their first goal was to pick off Imladris from the rest of the group, then overwhelm him with fire and numbers. It had worked before on far more advanced races than the Abh in the alien's history, there was no reason for it to not work again. Fighters routinely would wade into the middle of a storm and take on ships twice their size and in far greater numbers only to come out of the fight with minor scratches. If that was the case of the fighters, then the destroyers would be a much tougher foe by far. Especially since it was taking Abh destroyers to drain all power into the main cannon before one could be destroyed.
"I think they like us."
Preen just kept jinking as if guided by the Force or something, the two last Gaians, all thye did for a short while was jink and avoid fire. They did it while also attracting as much attention from this 'fighter group' as they could.
They didn't even try to fire at first. Imaldris just kept annoying Preen instead with an over and over.. "You done yet?"
"I'll 'tell' you when I'm gloriously ready!! These nanites need to be properly programmed Commander!"
"Don't forget mine milady."
"I'll fire on ya myself, I swear it!!"
Imaldris just chuckled, seemingly not phased by how 'much' fire he was receiving right now. Like he'd not seen this tactic by Dark Ascendancy and similar allied forces for several mellenium by now.
And it was just one gate, one planet, within one system. Imaldris just calmly remarked in tactics to Preen. "We'll begin with by locally jamming their psywave frequencies and focus on group leaders.
Just keep alive will ya?"
Preen.. "Shut it and let me finish!!" ..this as the Palladium cruiser kept jinking, taking only minimal fire in so doing. (Mainly heat blister scorching on the hull.)
Imladris just hoped the Ahb and Coredians would keep alive on their end of things.
The Humankind Abh
28-11-2007, 18:37
With some of the alien smaller craft distracted by the pressence of the Gaians, Abh forces were able to take on fighter craft at their leisure. Fighter numbers began to steadily dwindle but it was their destroyers that were the main concern who had kept a solid presence in the system since their arrival.
Now seeing a new enemy that was a little more resiliant to the attacks by the Third Space fighters, destroyers began targeting the Gaians with their forward cannon. Energy and dimensional instability ripped out from the Third Space destroyers ripping apart everything apart in its path.
"You alright Elk?!"
"I'm alright. Plasma bolt got a little close, that's all."
"Come on back to the hangar to rearm. The aliens in this sector have all been destroyed or are pulling back."
"Roger that."
Gaian Ascendancy
29-11-2007, 05:09
"It's ready Comma... WATCH IT COMMANDER!!!"
Imaldris gleeped just as much as both Gaian 'vessels' dives and turn-jinked in every way they could to avoid the massive incoming volleys!
Preen just screamed across frequencies... "Sir! You're port vector vane!"
"It's just a regenerative burn, cut it out!" ..before he calmly ordered.. "Target some of the closest pursuers to contain them, and then follow me. those Destroyers suddenly became useful too."
Preen 'complied' by screaming in close and closing in.. well.. close enough, to then initiate a transfer beam between them for a split moment. Imaldris then receives new tactical HUD data on his helm cover holo-overlay. "Okay, time to play."
Both then jinked HARD left from an approach about 2 km from the Silver Noah's position, to it's Nadir zone, and then double turned to head towards a large group of incoming Third Space swarm craft. "Short bursts. Don't want them to find out till it's too late.
And throw in destabilizer pulses to throw them off as well."
Both came in at what seemed an approach that wasn't avoiding incoming fire much. Small jinks kept from being hit, save for more blister burns. When they get within 500 meters, both Double-S jink wide, and suddenly shoot strange multi-colored laser pulses, stitching their fire into the closest enemy fighters.
Which does not seem to have any effect.
"Okay, pull around for a second pass."
"Acknowledged." ..both jink suddenly again, as much as they need to do this same approach a second time upon the more rear ward and surrounding vectors of the 'enemy' advance.
Gaian Ascendancy
30-11-2007, 22:27
((OC- Bump. Come on Ahb 'and' CW, I'm waiting too long between posts here. Holidays and all that aside. I'm trying 'not' to lose interest here again. =oo= ))
The Humankind Abh
01-12-2007, 01:24
OOC: You've been gone from NS for a long time GA. Most people don't reply to a post in a day. If you are so concerned about keeping interest with RPs, then it would be prudent to get involved in more than one.
Third Space gunboat craft were all but ignoring the Gaian vessels now as their attacks were doing little in the way of any damage. Most of the effort was going into the Star Forces vessels as they were doing the majority of damage and causing the most destruction.
Abh ships began pulling back as orders went out to prepare for the missle volley by the Abriel cruisers. They came in droves of thousands crushing against the shielding of the smaller alien craft and driving them back in the depths of the dimension from wence they came. Numbers of the little buggers decreased dramatically presenting the rest of the Abh fleet with a clear vantage to the destroyers looming in the back drop.
It would appear that the missle attack couldn't have come any sooner. The artifact began to grow in size and power. Something rather large was making its way into the universe. At first there was just a gnarled spire then it slowly gave way to a large saucer shape attached to the spire at the base. Together they grew to a great fortress floating through an impossibly large jump gate into this dimension. Laces of energy arced from the spire down towards the base of the fortress. Birthed along its rim rested a whole fleet of ships.
A simple message came out from the Abh flagship of the commander overseeing this mission to all other commanders of the fleet. "The enemy has finally come out of hiding in his hole. Our mission is to make sure that fortress does not escape our grasp and retreat to the safety of Thirdspace. We will have failed in our mission if that fortress escapes. Ignore all other enemy vessels for now. Fleet target is that fortress."
"Tear it to shreds."
Gaian Ascendancy
04-12-2007, 02:28
((OC- I can't do any other threads until the plot gets to where I've been intending all along. I'm not doing any other threads for a dang good reason. ))
"They're ignoring us Commander." Preen announced, regenerating her scorched hull. Imladris just listened to the combat chatter and saw the massive citadel emerging to ease of sight. (Hardly of mind though.)
The Knight just ordered. "Just do our part. Which should be about..."
Without warning, the remaining Third Space craft the Gaians originally engaged, many of whom suddenly exploded into bright balls of light, a good number of them spread along the enemy path of advance! Preen just announced. "Atomic molecular discharge in progress.
I have seven craft under control as well."
Imaldris smirked. "Let us move onto the larger craft, same process. We need more samples."
At this, both Gaian 'craft' made two double turns, as seven Third Space craft emerged from the exploding balls of light, their former kin, and seemed all willing to form up to either side of the two Gaian craft. From here they began a larger assault upon whatever larger craft they came across.
Within three minutes of these attacks, the Gaians added four more larger Third Space Capital vessels, and their smaller kin were tearing into other Third Space vessels. The confusion in one partial sector of the Third Space advance was turning into a confused morass.
And the advance was taking it well into main stream fire of the Ahb fleet!
The Humankind Abh
04-12-2007, 20:38
Uh GA....what are you doing?
You suddenly took control of ships? How?
The Humankind Abh
10-12-2007, 15:52
OOC: Squared away over TGs
Seeing Third Space vessels simply changing sides in the middle of a fight was a bit surprising to some of the closer Abh vessels but the battle was still heated with the outcome uncertain and they were simply too busy to pay much attention. Everywhere ships were going down in flames and the body count steadily rose for this battle in D'Haran space. More and more of the alien crafts were starting to give the Gaians some attention focusing a large quantity of fire on their two vessels.
Flames a dimensional distortions reached out for their vessels in a resounding furry. Now the Abh had a bit more breathing room to finish their manuevers. Abh ships broke formation and began circling wide to surround the artifact and the Third Space aliens. Only the fastest ships were selected for the manuever leaving the Whitestars and attack vessels to the job. Fire from the Abh fleet continued to punish the aliens from afar as another missle volley was readied and sent screaming into their ranks.
They continued to steadily pick away the Third Space vessels until their would only be the fortress left.
Gaian Ascendancy
12-12-2007, 02:36
Overall: As far as the Gaians saw it on their holo-scanners, the situation looked as such. The Third Space enemy trying to advance out from the Gate, were steadily being pummeled by the Ahb, as the Ahb began a flanking maneuver towards the Gate, as the Gaian insurgency Nanite-Program began creating a 'front' where native and captured Third Space vessels kept trading shots, making a mess of the 'south-east' quadrant of the enemy Gate advance.
The Gaians for their part were not stopping there.
"Just keep up the pressure. I want to drive a wedge into their line with their own ships. Kamikaze them if we have to!"
Preen just yelled back over Comms. "The nanites are not 'that' fast! This is still unknown technology parameters were dealing with. If not for the expedite adaption bio-tech in them, we'd not be in this far."
"Like the Ahb are willing to wait. Just keep close with me, were going after those heavies."
Preen groaned as she tasked the slaved Third Space vessels to focus their beams on a small area of advance, the Gaians using 'them' as blunt shielding to advance further, poking out just long enough to fire another nanite salvo, as well as atomic disruption beams that left 'small' balls of light soon after in their way. The Gaian advance could be tracked by the strange sight of balls of light, and the wreckage that the traded back and forth Third Space fire was shown. This now also included some heavier capitals. But the Gaian Knightly Commander had even larger prey in mind.
At about thirty thousand kilometers, Imaldris started charging his arm based weaponry, and as he allowed three Third Space slaved vessels to take all the fire for him, he aimed with a large band pulse in mind. When the charge reached critical levels, the nanite fill nearly overwhelming his own firing systems, he took the shot.
"This will cause plenty of chaos."
All of a sudden through a broken Third Space destroyer hull, Imaldris shot a heavy shot pulse, the beam looking more like a trail of silver haze sparkles, moving at severe speed. The beam also throws out a number of spreading 'rings', in the same 'colored' manner, which begins to shower the immediate area with nanites. Some are cooked by passing enemy beam shots, but more than enough spread both in the immediate area, as well as towards one of the largest capitals the Gaian commander noticed. And all of this despite beginning to enter the main Ahb missile fire lanes.
Imaldris notes this much, yet orders. "Keep pushing through it Preen! Trying to pull back now would just expose us and lose momentum. I'd rather die facing my enemy!!"
Preen just complains. "Living is preferable. Mind THAT much?!!"
Imaldris just smirks to himself under the suit helm-cover and then energizes a large mecha grade beam saber from his left non shot aim arm. The next part of the battle was going to get up close and personal now.
Gaian Ascendancy
13-12-2007, 07:34
"Confirm those coordinates."
":: Confirmed Commander. The signature correlates to previous confirmed scans of the Lord Knight. He is in conflict scenario as I speak. ::"
The Valkyrian just clenched her hands. "Did she have to be 'right'?" ..this as a sudden early morning 'wake up call' by a bursting in Goddess-Seer just told her to get her literal butt in gear fast.
The gift of foresight seemed all of a curse now. The Valkyrian just seethed.. "Why does that idiot get into needless fight!? How's the Fold drive coming!?"
"Five minutes Ma`am!"
Too slow.. she immediately though.
People died in far less time. Especially where premonitions were concerned. She just rose her face and growled. "Five is too slow. Short charge if needed."
The crew about her don't argue. They have something to lose too.
Their world still has no formal leader.
The Humankind Abh
14-12-2007, 04:31
By now, Third Space vessels had learned to avoid the nanite attack at all costs. At the moment they had not found a way to circumvent the infection but being powerful telepaths, it was a good a bet that they were using all their mental powers to purge infected ships and strike out against their attackers. More plasma bolts and dimensional rips continued to sail from the dwindling alien vessels at the advancing Abh and Gaian force.
"Advance squadrons in position now commander. Destroyers are moving to their placement as we speak."
The Abh commander watched as his battle plan was unfolding brilliantly. Soon the aliens would be completely cut off from their escape and Star Forces could move in to remove the pressence of that pesky fortress. Then they would be free to map the depths of Third Space and extend their reach of influence. Travel would now be practically instantaneous and the protection of the Empire's realms would be that much stronger.
"It would seem that the Gaians have proven quite beneficial in this case. Let's not waste the support. Hault all missle and mine attacks. Begin third phase with destroyer assaults."
"Aye commander."
Abh ships behind the artifact were charged with the duty of harassing any alien craft that looked like it would attempt to flee the battlefield. All alien craft were to be herded close in for more effecient destruction. At about the same time, destroyer class vessels began opening up with their heaviest weaponry available to the Abh. Hyperspace-tap beams glowed an eerie violet as they streaked across space and tore into Third Space hulls. Victory Class Destroyers went to the highest level of firing power possible. A level of attack that typically took a standard Star Destroyer down in one blow. One of the Third Space destroyers took a direct hit from a Victory straight in the alien's gravimetric type reactor causing it to explode violently taking more than a few of the alien fighters with it.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-12-2007, 05:40
Preen caught wind of the countermeasures that she could readily sense through her control of the number of Third Space vessels, a steady 'constant' number maintained to about thirty TS fighters, ten TS destroyers, and one large capital TS vessel, added and subtracted as attrition alloted.
"Commander, they're using biologic-psy measures to try and defeat my networking control protocols."
"Localize the biological frequency spectrum and give them a headache in return." Imaldris said as he jinked away from more fire before slicing an uncontrolled TS vessel along a slant angle of it's mid-section. "And keep recordings of what kind of psy waves are being used. Or whatever such."
"So you 'are' planning to survive all this eh?"
Imaldris just rolls his eyes, before he barrel rolls and dispatches another TS offender. Preen meanwhile took appropriate steps, as another layer of battle ensues along a cyber-network-psychic set of lines. She also began changing around access codes and frequencies for the nanites fired from her own vessel, rather capably of multi-tasking while firing volley after volley.
Probably one reason why the Ascendancy was winning the First War as they were, before events turned otherwise in such a genocidal way.
Such was not a problem here.
The Scandinvans
14-12-2007, 05:43
OOC: I might get active in this thread as the return of the Eternals is immentient and the universe shall know again the might of those of the ancient universe.:p
Regarding The Humankind Abh's comment he is correct as more of us are either getting more active in college or in college level classes.
The Humankind Abh
17-12-2007, 17:38
With the loss of more and more of its vessels and its escape route effectively cut off, it was time for the fortress to shelling out some of damage. An Abh Guardship was pushing the advantage of having Third Space figthers on the run when energy erupted from the center tower of the fortress. Fingers of energy wrapped around the vessel and tore it to shreds.
More energy streaked out from the Third Space alien craft bouncing from ship to ship, exploding them in turn. Abh vessels effectively haulted their advance with the battle apparently drawing to a stalemate for the moment.
"Commander! Forward lines have been destroyed by alien fortress. Second wave commanders waiting for further orders."
The Abh in charge looked at the tactical map as the battle began to take a new turn here. "Hold current positions. That thing isn't going to let us get close. Prepare for full missle volley. How long until all missle cruisers and frontline ships are ready?"
"Five minutes commander."
The Abh sunk his head into the palm of his hands. "Swell. That means we have to hold out until then."
Gaian Ascendancy
19-12-2007, 02:12
"What the frack are those!?!" ..was the very first thing out of Imaldris's mouth, as the 'Gaian' pressure began to take them closer to the same problem area, as all of a sudden, these 'fingers' shot out and decided to take out some of the Gaian's 'shields', three separate TS craft dying just as quickly as the Ahb vessels did.
Imaldris almost got caught by another finger, when Preen shot in and 'shoved' him... "Get clear sir!!" ..and said Commander's Battlesuit clear! "What are you... PREEN!!"
It all happened very quickly as from one second it had gone from a steady pincer advance, to suddenly Preen being enveloped by the same 'finger' that almost caught Imaldris!
The next second after that, becomes wrenching to watch, as much as avoiding TS incoming fire allows. This causes a jumbled sight out of Imaldris's dome helm vision of zone, where part of it looks all such of a Palladium cruiser becoming a small fireball!! "PREEN!!!!!!!!!"
The 'next' second after that, shows the depth of a Knight's anger, when several incoming TS plasma ball shots suddenly 'bend' around Imaldris's spot, as a nearly visible ball of 'energy' of some kind causes the plasma to warp around it. The translucent 'ball' follows where Imladris, where the fingers are 'shoved aside' as the Knight reaches.. "Preen! Dammit speak to me!!"
When he gets there, what he sees nearly breaks him.
The Humankind Abh
19-12-2007, 21:51
Abh ships haulted their constant attacks on the invading alien forces with the fortress now fully awaken. Very few Abh ships could go toe-to-toe with such awesome power and walk away still intact. Unfortunately none of those ships were here. They could only hope to bomb this thing into submission from the constant missle attacks from afar.
The Silver Noah had faired moderatly through the battle taking down its fair share of alien vessels but also taking some pretty serious damage. Repairs were ont he way but it was going to take more than nanites breaking down material and fixing the hull to bring the ship back up to par. They would need a dock to make the necessary repairs if they lived through the battle.
Arc sat in his seat on the bridge of his vessel looking over the destruction wrought by one alien power. It was a rather staggering sight. Even worse, Arc knew that they would lose many more ships before the fortress was taken down.
Across the battlefield, a new energy signature was detected. This one being from the fortress itself. Energy bubbled up from the fortress and surrounded it in a protective cacoon. "Great. With a shield up of that magnitude, we'll never finish this fight."
It would seem that the Abh had bit off more than they could chew. With the fortress going silent all of a sudden, a number of ships decided to renew their attack. Electromagnetic rifles threw out massive nuclear slugs at speeds near light into the fortress' shields. Those sluggs crashed against the shield with their metal heads collapsing and detonating. Once the light show was over, the shield appeared to be uneffected.
Not to be outdone, the missle cruisers and Frontlineships opened up with a massive coordinated volley. The stream appeared to be unending as missles and mobile mines continually crashed against the fortress' shields.
Gaian Ascendancy
20-12-2007, 02:58
The battle meanwhile took a stark of moment back seat as Imaldris reached the badly damaged form of the Palladium cruiser, as over a third of the 'vessel-being' had been sheared and annihalated from apparent contact with the 'finger' weapon.
Imaldris just cried out on sight.. "Preen! Light of eternity..." he reached the vessel, a good thrice the size of his Battlesuit, he grew even more emotionally focused. (And lent to how of ease the TS fire beams kept warping around his 'shield'.) Imladris then connected network nodes through his hand gauntlets, and heard Preen crying in dear pain.
"Light preserve. If you try to revert back to humanoid form now, you'll die from blood and synthe-fluid loss, never mind bodily shock. High functions all damaged..."
":: Commander.. ::"
Imladris gulped, the mind link replacing normal voice was itself weak enough, without it also sounding terminal in tone alone. "Quiet. We need to merge to keep you in stasis. Like we have any other choice."
":: The information... is in my banks. My core ones... ::"
Imaldris gulped even more. No Gaian assets for recovery methods, and no other way out it seemed. A Knight Commander nodded and input network commands through the gauntlets again. He was such an emotional state, nothing even got close through his all too actually forgotten shield, as he watches his friend shrink down to all of the size of a small blocky rectangle, this the default inert state of Palladium units, the Mass and biomatter contained all needed to normally recover a unit from heavy combat damage.
As if 'this' was a normal situation. Imaldris knew for all intents now, he 'was' alone.
"I'm sorry. I got us carried away." ..he admitted, thinking that his vaunted technology of centuries yet to come, allowed a measure of immortality.
This seemed to fly in the face of this admission, as his own shield kept warping shots away with ease, but that was due to something entirely else. Something Imaldris then remembers as he presses the 'block of Mass' into his armor chest, the material then freely flowing and merging with his Battlesuit. As it does, everything capable of being recorded by Preen was transfered to Imaldris's suit inter-network. It didn't take long to learn what Preen did in those last ALL too short moments.
And he knew what to do with that sanctified data, as he turned back and saw the manner the battle was turning into. He also grew furious in the mere looking.
"Thine is my enemy before my ancient eyes. Lest they learn the pain of this now!!"
Suddenly, the battle manner of this last Gaian turns from a technological flair, to something outside the realm of nominal logic! The 'shield' he uses, then expands furiously under Imaldris's own intense wrath, and in so, shreds several remaining TS vessels, into nothing but crushed hulls of matter!!
For a moment, the spot Imaldris occupies, out to about five kilometers, is an intense gravitational node that seems to defy conventional rules of such. Depending on one meter to the next within, gravity pushes and/or pulls at any matter nearby, causing intense warping, up to the five kilometer mark. There, the effect stops, but nothing either gets through all 'that'!
And meanwhile, a 'soul' begins to emerge upon this vaunted anger.
..and a vessel Folds...........
The Humankind Abh
22-12-2007, 23:54
Missle after missle impacted against the shields of the alien fortress. Explosions engulfed the entire structure hiding it from view a long time. When the dust finally settled, much the dismay of many, the fortess looked unaffected. Not a single missle had gotten through and the shield system looked to be still in tact.
"Did not one of our missles make it through?"
Changala shook his head. "Sorry Arc but we didn't even make a dent in it. We probably just pissed it off."
Arc shook his head as he walked over to a console. "There has to be some way through that. Play back the readings for the missle attack. It has to have a weakness."
Commander Arc watched energy readings escalate from the shield as it more than compensated for the missles impacting against it. There was nothing really strange about it all other than it being one tough shield. "Hold on a second. Here."
The reading was isolated for the rest of the crew to see. "Look here. See how power is reinforced where the missles are impacting against the shields? Notice how the power levels drop elsewhere. It's compensating for the attacks but since the missle attacks were all forward, it lowered the shields in a small section at the rear of the fortress."
Changala scratched at his beard for a moment. "Hmm, got a plan then Arc?"
"Send the file to the Abh commander. We might be able to put a strike team down on the Fortress. With a little luck we can locate its power source and blow it."
"Alright. I'll send the information."
Gaian Ascendancy
25-12-2007, 03:42
His universe turned a bit conceited during this moment of wrath. It was a failing that he hadn't yet been able to rid himself of, one of tunnel vision when wrath became clouding of 'all' judgment. It was something that was intended to be dealt with by his as yet unknown family, when the time came.
But that time now was extinct. (So he has full reason to believe.)
What's left is the failing that is rendered into a anger that has zilch to stop it now. Preen was the last tendril he had left to an age that had voice to restrain him by.
Lacking that, and the exposure of his Winged Soul, an angel of war for all sight to those that could note, there was no halt to what happened next.
As the Ahb missile onslaught ebbed and abated, The gravity based 'shield' he been using to prep himself in his 'buildup', then is shunted into a single outpoured mass of gravity, all 'aimed' outwards, with only one sight of massive note, in two sets of eyes of the same soul.
Both sets that burned of that same soul of embers.
..which all of this made for missing something arriving all too easy to overlook....
Almost as soon as the missile barrage toned down, though hardly intentional to be honest, the author of the gravity orb then EXPLODES at the same oversized target!! Words are pointless here, and voice is only heard without heed in his own technological dome of a helm.
All Imaldris sees or feels, in that self felt instantaneous moment of brazen anger, is the multicolored shimmer of his 'orb' then smacking up upon the Fortress's shield array.
Upon impact, the wrath is poured even further into the gravity orb, warping base physics as the gravity does all 'sorts' of nigh impossible actions, as much dragging, tearing, warping, screeching, sucking, and all manner of multiple effects over a short term intended period, meant to run the Fortress dead through, and himself along with it into final oblivion!!!
A suicidal course that occurs over an indefinite period of time for the knight, that seems as much seconds, as it is eons into that same oblivion.
It's halted somewhere in the midst of this, (and who 'knows' how long this lasts,) with...
:: I thought you were stronger.... ::
A knight just blinks....
The Humankind Abh
28-12-2007, 02:29
Indeed the Gaian's rage was powerful and it took just about every ounce of energy the fortress could muster to support the shielding systems. Hold they did though, even with the massive twisting of phyics, with one powerful mind controlling the tower. Instead of fighting gravity fluxes and the distortions, the shields twisted with it until the controlling mind had formed an energized tunnel which allowed Imladris to pass straight through.
Once the Gaian was through, the shields closed down around him hard. Separating him from the outside forces. Through all his rage and constant turmoil of emotions, a little door was created for the One mind of the fortress to speak with Imladris in a way that would cut to his marrow.
Ah sentient. I see you carry the rage of a dead race. Yes I see it in your mind. The memories you have of battles won . . . and lost still float around. You have much pain in you Gaian and much anger but you are strong because of it. I sense it within you.
Become my vessel and I shall make you more than a knight. Your strength and power will be so that none can stand before you. Those that sought to destroy you, take your precious loved ones will burn before your onslaught. Submit to my will and you shall become lord over galaxies and dimensions unphathomable by your kind.
Arc watched as Imladris tore through the shielding and was now somehow oddly on the other side of the shielding wall. He didn't know how that happened or what Imladris was doing, but he knew that the Gaian wouldn't last alone against a fortress that by all reports had taken down one Gaian war machine with relative ease.
"Toshu, Elc, I need you two down in the hangar and ready to move."
Toshu's voice came back over the comm. "Sure Arc but why?"
"Just be ready."
Arc rose from her chair and reached for the comm switch to reach the Abh commander. "Commander. The Gaian is on the other side of the shields and is going to need some support."
"We are aware of the situation commander Arc but we cannot lend assistance at this time. We are still mobilizing men from D'Hara to assault the Fortress."
Arc shook his head. "Imladris doesn't have that long. We need to strike now and end this."
"We do not have the man power to strike an effective blow against that installation and I will not take crew from our ships to fight a battle they are unprepared for."
"They won't have to. My team and I will go in alone to head the strike. You can send in General Meiffert's men when they are assembled to support us or to finish the job if we fail. I just need you to order to the next missle wave."
There was a pause on the other end for a moment as the Abh thought over his options. Worse case scenario, he would only be wasting a few thousand missles on a failed attack. "Alright. The missle attack will commence as soon as possible. Make sure you are in position to strike. Your window of opportunity will not stay open long."
"Thank you commander." Arc ended the transmission.
"Alright Changala, get us in close to that thing."
"Ye got it Arc."
The Silver Noah pushed through the battlefield and made head way towards the Fortress. Across the battlefield, Abh ships began pressing the attack against the remaining Third Space vessels to give the Silver Noah some room to manuever.
Gaian Ascendancy
28-12-2007, 03:47
Indeed the Gaian's rage was powerful and it took just about every ounce of energy the fortress could muster to support the shielding systems. Hold they did though, even with the massive twisting of physics, with one powerful mind controlling the tower. Instead of fighting gravity fluxes and the distortions, the shields twisted with it until the controlling mind had formed an energized tunnel which allowed Imladris to pass straight through.
Once the Gaian was through, the shields closed down around him hard. Separating him from the outside forces. Through all his rage and constant turmoil of emotions, a little door was created for the One mind of the fortress to speak with Imladris in a way that would cut to his marrow.
Ah sentient. I see you carry the rage of a dead race. Yes I see it in your mind. The memories you have of battles won . . . and lost still float around. You have much pain in you Gaian and much anger but you are strong because of it. I sense it within you.
Become my vessel and I shall make you more than a knight. Your strength and power will be so that none can stand before you. Those that sought to destroy you, take your precious loved ones will burn before your onslaught. Submit to my will and you shall become lord over galaxies and dimensions unfathomable by your kind.
The 'powerful mind' Imaldris heard, wasn't the first to abate his wrath. The fact he became trapped put him off guard. The speech he heard of such an 'enticing offering' however only made him remember 'one' thing about himself.
And unlike the shadowy voice coursing through his mind, his own voice was openly loud and honorable to a hilt.
":: What kind of a fool do you take me for! One such former offering I already have begotten, and I say here to you the same I did to Lord Caceroth! REJECTED!!!
And my civilization is 'not' dead, not as long as I hold memory of it, and the Dream it beheld as real! Lord over galaxies and dimensions!? PLEASE!! I've served at the head of armies that defended Universes and souls beyond counting reproach!! You could never offer in imagination, where my former reality outstripped all such woeful imaginings couldn't ever understand!!
And you mistake my anger in a poor light! Wrath is my holy flame, and it's anger eyes another that is nothing less than a coward with a contraption to HIDE behind!!! ::"
Imaldris then reproduced a gleaming white energy sword of thrice his arm length, his very hand and arm mecha joints the pommel and hilt! All the same, his Soul Partner Evolution forms a gleaming white and shining War Scythe to mirror his Master's deep wrath. The light of both weapons shine off the Battlesuit armor and the Angel's copper-bronze colored wings of Sin seen wars reflected!
":: And as for unfathomable of definition, comprehend this!! I was the creation of ideals and forces melded in sciences, war and the Light of Heavens, as an Avatar to deal with moments and beings such as YOU!!
I Bane unto the Darkness as the Servant of Light!! And you will be Chaff before it!!!!! ::"
":: Nicely said, if a bit loud. ::"
Imaldris gasps and looks away in a random, general direction. "It 'is' you my love! But....... h.... ho....?"
":: Do you need me to finish your task for you, of are you 'knight' enough to correct moi. ::"
If there was a physical component to such things as hope, love, and endearing, the effect would be a flash flood in his very soul, as even Evolution glows a slight pinkish-red in response.
Whatever the dark mind that assailed him does next, it's upon one that has everything suddenly to fight for now. "Will do Valkyrian." ..and a knight turns to react to 'whatever' the Fortress throws at him next.
The Humankind Abh
03-01-2008, 05:52
There was silence as the looming structure listened to the Gaian's speech. Once Imladris finished, there was only laughter.
HA HA HA! You FOOL! I am this "contraption", I am the Universe! It's power flows freely through me and it is mine to command. Your pathetic ideals theology means nothing here and nothing before me. Not you or your friends can stop me. If you will not serve, then you will DIE!
A similar build up of power that had claimed Preen only moments ago was now preparing to unleash its furry in Imladris' direction. That was until it sensed another pressence entering its sphere.
"Look! It's Imladris. How'd he get in here?"
"It doesn't matter. We've punched through the shields so let's get ready to touch down on the surface. Changala, make us an entrance."
The old golden toothed pilot smiled. "You got it Arc."
A brilliant beam of energy ripped from the Silver Noah to strike out at the fortress. The beam tore into the base ot main spire creating a small hole at its base. That hole also seemed to be the destination of the ship.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-01-2008, 06:55
Imaldris actually rolled his eyes at this. "Great, and I thought that was wonderful pointless monologuing there. What a waste of two posts. Anywho..'s not like it's YOUR Universe either!!!!!!"
Taking full advantage of sensing just as equally as the Fortress-mind was, the Knight Lord explodes at the massive bulk before him, and RAMS his gravitational 'orb' with great impact upon the lower sections he can connect with.
And in turn the Fortress is assailed by a third assault when a uber-brilliantly bright uberbright ball of plasmatic light SLAMS into the starboard Fortress shield array, despite the shot being dwarfed by the size of the target. (Anyone for hitting a big fat barn on it's side here?!) The impact however is mainly from the same destabilization weaponry effect the Gaian Knight used earlier, this time scaled on the Capital Grade scale, which by effect quickly produces a LARGE ball of atomically destabilized fusion wave effects, which do zilch good for this Fortress's shield array, with a large section going through a chain reaction.
The mix of effects, the one from Port end angle from the Ahb fleet point of view, it's author not showing itself yet, (which gives frightening detail to the unknown Gaian vessels long distance marksmanship capability. Aye, it's a Gaian ship, though still not formally yet on Ahb sensor screens.) All this is likely a nasty combination for the Third Space Fortress to endure!
The Humankind Abh
11-01-2008, 01:49
A bit overdue but babysitting a bunch of high schoolers can be time consuming...
The Fortress's shields react with the onslaught of the plasmic orb crackling towards it. Dimensional distortions form all around the sector of space which capture the unseen focused attack and attempt to send it back in the direction from wence it came. Meanwhile the hole in the fortress hull began to grow with the second attack by Imladris which also managed to trigger a world of hurt in terms of defenses
Spindly arms reached out for both the Silver Noah and Imladris while at the same time minor defensive fire started lighting up the area within the shield's perimeter. Now fully infuriated, the fortress focused its build-up of energy on Imladris and unleashed a similar bolt that had taken Preen.
The Silver Noah rocked back and forth as they shrugged off tentacles trying to grab ahold of the ship. Bolts from the fortress rocked off the shields and hull as they flew at a break neck pace for the hole within the hull of the fortress.
"Just a little more Changala!"
Hold fast to the steering column, the pilot cranked hard on the wheel to send the ship in a nose dive. "Hang on everyone. This thing isn't gonna let me set it down nice and easy."
Fire and flailing arms were everywhere tracking the ship until it disappeared behind a cloud of smoke and debris as it crashed through the hole of the giant fortress.
Gaian Ascendancy
11-01-2008, 05:57
((OC- Dang, you are one busy bud then. =oo= This is turning into a once a week serial thang. =^^= ))
Imaldris's note of Silver Noah's disposition didn't last long as the Fortress's assaults took all of the Knight's concentration. At first, his jinking around was to not give his battlesuit profile an easy target to the tentacles of energy. However he found quickly his gravity orb and base shields, thanks to the sacrifice Preen incurred, gave his Shield effective frequency spectrum to disrupt the attacks by.
The energy tentacles on contact, shredded apart, as Imladris kept jinking upwards like some dancing 'balloon' of glowing light. The smaller hail of fire just warp bounded around the shield as the knight moves around.
Meanwhile the plasmatic assault that was 'trying' to be rebounded back whence it came, came into conflict with basic Gaian understanding, set Ages hence yet to come.
The Gaians long ago (their timeframe,) unlocked the secret of the Creation Event, (I.e. The Big Bang.) To them it wasn't theory to what made up space time and the quantum elements at the moment. Electromagnetism, Strong and Weak Nuclear forces, and Gravity, found in a state where all four primordial elements were 'not' in dominance, and were in a balanced state.
This was discovered during the Dimensional Grand Sphere's War that in the process, was also an abject lesson in Universal Reconstruction. (The scale of the war was brutal on far too many galaxies, and at least two Universes in Antara Dimension.) Some time late in the 346,781st century of the War, the Universal creation Theory became Fact when at least two Universal Core Nodes were discovered in the process of readying for Universal Creation Events. Through exhastive study by GNASI Techs over a thousand year period, the elements, and their primordial bonds were discerned and learned from.
This came in handy when the Gaians 'Reconstructed' one new Universe to both learn from, and actually begin other factors that would accelerate the Creation process, by a factor of one hundred, up from only ten the first century of tinkering (or tampering what have ye.) The process expedited galaxy growth, where base star formation and destruction lent to expedited galaxy system growth and internal system composition, aided by Eternal and Ascendant understanding. Given the scale of refugees on this, the scale of the War, the practicality for new homes for 'that' many citizen souls made for argument against nominal Universal Creation processes. (Plus replacing what the Dark Ascendancy managed to destroy on this scale, was justifiable as the War continued on.)
One could go into semantics of religions and gods given the progenitors of these events, but then one could go to the old technology as magic argument, for over an Age or ten, and still not get anywhere. Philosophers and Clerics had the luxury of not worrying about trillions of souls to literally shelter and feed, such the Holy Council had at those times.
And so Creationism became common fact after the 347th Age, since creating a universe was no worse than creating and terraforming planets. Creating and constructing by scale meant only time and effort in the end. The reward was new lives for the displaced, and new bases on all scales and levels to punish the Dark Ascendancy with.
On the related scale and matter at hand here, that same quantum understanding was applied no less to Sphere weaponry. Energy efficiency, and physics defeating compliments meant even fancy tricks of gravity 'against' Sphere capabilities the same, was a core advantage the Sphere maintained their stability and victories by.
It also meant their weapons, projectile or energon, didn't behave normally. Already shown to destabilize atomic structures in a chain reactive capability, the quantum stabilization of the weapon itself based on those same 'stable' waveguides, didn't allow them to react to post reactive domination sources of energy or gravity, save for base level interactivity, such as colliding with 'solid' energy barriers. And given the gravitational trickery was trying to react to this myriad soup of quantum effects, the result just made the final result 'worse' for the Fortress's shield array so struck!!
As the plasmatic weaponry waveguide destabilized the atomic barrier interaction at the quantum level, space-time and quantum subspace tore as a poked fabric, with the 'rips' being tiny singularity pockets that momentarily disobeyed standing physics. The gravity warping the Fortress caused just exacerbated the reaction like horrid sandpaper to a wound!
The next thing anyone sees, is a immense energy shear burst, with a ring of bright light shredding out and away from the shield at a vertical ring angle of rupture! The blast is immense, but does not collapse the shield. Instead, the Gaian weapon causes the energy of the shield to overcompensate and protect 'that' portion of the shield array, almost yanking all available shield array energy from all other sectors! So intense the effect, the Fortress shield almost glows too brightly from sudden light spectrum warping, light itself sheared along the spectrum, with blue colors RACING to the impact point!
The sight is interrupted then, as a message comes over Ahb Fleet Comm frequencies, all at 'once'! (The unseen Gaian vessel and the Battlesuit's C10I tactical network. The Battlesuit already had Ahb frequencies stored within, so ye know.)
":: Aim for this point with 'all' available Ahb weaponry, and 'only' this point. Anything more than a ten degree variance will not work. ::"
..this as tactical holocomms are then fed a strange blue-gray tactical image of the Fortress, with a cone 'funnel' aim point set about thirty-seven degrees south of the Fortress's shield array 'equator'. The aim point was set well away from the still intense impact point.
A second comm feed then imparts..
":: Please comply in one point five minutes coordinated time. We will be ready if on time and accuracy is confirmed to specific parameters. ::"
The messages, to be certain, were 'quite' business like in tone, from even just 'reading' them.
Meanwhile, Imaldris began aiming towards each tentacle weapon array port, and started slicing them through as he reached each one, dragging the intense anti-vessel fire with him to rake across the Fortress superstructure with, so intent the weapon fire was to make contact with him.
Not that Imaldris paid much heed. The face of the knight was a rage of wrathful intent!!
The Humankind Abh
12-01-2008, 02:11
Despite the fanciness of the Gaian weaponry and its ability to alter physics on such a grand scale, the mind behind the fortress was hardly concerned as it could replenish its energy source just as quickly as it was drained from constant source of energy riding the dimensional waves. Its concern now fell to the intruders and the one pesky gnat that was dancing around in front of its face.
The tentacles that reached up for Imladris looked to be a cross between organic matter and a sort of crystalline structure. Energy had stopped coming from the tower's pinnacle but that was merely a means to an ends as it bided its time.
There was a communal groan throughout the ship as everyone did their best to recover after the impact. "Changala, what's our status?"
"We hit something. That's the best I can do for you at the moment."
Arc rubbed at a sore on his back. "Can we fly I guess is the most important part."
The old wily pilot was silent for a moment then shook his head. "I don't know. I'll have to get some of the crew outside and check it out."
The news was grimm but Arc and his crew had come to do a job. "Alright. Toshu, Elc, and Igan you come with me. The rest of you stay here and defend the Silver Noah. We'll be back when we've completed the mission."
Kukurru didn't look happy at all about being left out. "I'm coming with you Arc. There are more than enough here to protect Changala and Gogen can take the place of an army if the need arises."
Arc smiled at the woman then nodded his consent. Minutes later, they were heading out of the Silver Noah with a number of anti-matter warheads on hover carts as they searched for the energy source of the fortress.
The Abh commander hardly needed the communicatio to inform him about a coordinated strike on the fortress. It simply went without saying that they would be taking down the structure and all that it represented holding the Abh back from furthering their reach. In five minutes, they would unleash hell and furry at the prescribed coordinants.
Gaian Ascendancy
12-01-2008, 06:01
"Do you think they'll thank us later? They 'are Ahb after all."
A Valkyrian Commander just shrugged. "Who cares. Winning is paramount here. Hiding in seclusion must be maintained as well in the end. As well as that what is important most of all."
"Uh-huh." ..another Valkyrian Commander remarked. Lind just sighed. "I'll try not to be too obvious then."
A Valkyrian-CommTech then spoke up. "We're receiving secure telemetry of Ahb fleet indicates they are complying in some accord."
Lind nodded. Looking out from their hidden position, the shadow of a nearby moon giving them base obscurity to starlight, as well as magnetic pole and solar flux variances to disrupt sensors. A cloak was not not used. The energy was being directed to something more direct instead.
Just as her own thoughts were.
Imaldris was biding his own time. He knew darn well who's victory this was all about to be, and he would by the Ahb time with all he had.
At that, he then turned on random choice, and headed straight for the same pinnacle tower, bringing whatever the Fortress was chase-firing at him with.
Things were coming to a brutal head!
The Humankind Abh
14-01-2008, 19:51
Toshu and Iga carried out the warheads into the strange structure. They had brought along a few gravity lifts to help carry the nukes but there was hardly any gravity to speak of in the first place, or oxygen for that matter. Instead, the two carried a number of warheads each on their shoulders as if they were carrying potatoes in a sack.
"Hey Arc, where are we taking these things?"
The inside of the Fortress was daunting. If they had breached the hull somewhere else, they could have spent days crawling through the structure looking for the power source and never find it. Luckily though, they had crashed at the base of the tower where the energy was being funnelled up from below. Lights and energy streaked over head and along the walls in every direction off to unseen destinations. It was truly mind blowing that something this immense had been created.
"If I had to take a guess Toshu, I'd say down the central shaft. That appears to be the source of all the energy."
"You mean we have to climb all the way down there?"
Arc smiled at the red haired swordsman. "Oh no, not climb..."
Toshu took a moment to think about what Arc was saying. "You've got to be kidding."
Arc simply took off and leaped down towards the bottom of the shaft. The rest of his party followed suit as they journeyed to the center of the power source.
Outside, the Fortress was aware that someone was inside and heading for its energy source. It lost focus in the battle for a moment to awaken minions within to deal with the potential threat.
That lapse allowed its defenses to slip a little.
Gaian Ascendancy
15-01-2008, 04:26
That 'lapse' didn't fully register to Imaldris, until he ran the pinnacle tower like a molten knife through flash paper covered butter! "Whao!! That was too easy!" he spun around at the gaping hole he made.
He then shot down into the lower bulk superstructure and made a new 'hole' of his own!!
"Main pulse two minutes and minus counting!"
Lind just eyed the Weapon Valkyrian-Tech dryly. "Shouting is pointless warrior."
"Sorry." ..the warrior fem teardropped.
"Don't be bland. It's our nature to be like this in battle."
Lind just sighed and replied back.. "Sister, all we're doing is a stage one Gravitron Siphon pulse. Not like it's anything uncommon for our stratagem."
The white haired Valkyrian just folds her arms. "Uncommon huh? Guess we should just leave him behind then."
The 'crack' through the austere 'emo-armor' just made Lind turn an anime devil eye on her Sister. "You never cease do you Ras?"
"Not in this or any Age." Ras just quipped back.
Lind ignored her. Whatever else, this stratagem would help resolve this matter, for another to come. Lind just quipped with a grit tone of sandpaper. "Let us end this pointless waiting then."
Imaldris meanwhile jinked and blasted through interior sections, looking for anything... "What comprises a Computer Core around here?" said. And so brazenly searched through, one ruptured compartment or chamber at a time through the upper sections of the Fortress.
The Humankind Abh
17-01-2008, 04:41
The near zero-g dive down towards the central power core of the fortress did not take long as the companions from the Silver Noah hit something that looked like rock. By Arc's guess, this ship appeared to be partly organic in nature. A fascinating feature that did not have time to be explored.
"Toshu, Iga get going on the charges. I wanna be out of here before this thing even realizes we're inside it."
The two big men began setting their nuclear warheads at the base of what appeared to be a massive power converter that was funneling all energy to the top spire of the Fortress. Kukurru had taken a moment to step back and look at the enormity of the structure. Arc was startled when she gasped.
"What is it?"
Kukurru waved him forward. "Do you realize what this is? It's a dimensional tap."
"Wha? This is too big to be a dimensional tap." Arc took a moment to appreciate. His jaw hung open when he saw it. "Is it a thirdspace tap? Is that even possible?"
Kukurru shook her head. "I don't know."
"Arc! We're good to go. Charges set at 5-HEY LOOK OUT!"
A large...something shimmered out of the darkness as a monster appeared hovering on its tentacles. Arc grabbed Kukurru by the waist and leaped back as he drew his sword and took a tentacle off as it tried to swat them.
"Everyone back to the ship!"
The monster didn't seem to share their sentiment. And he wasn't alone.
Gaian Ascendancy
17-01-2008, 06:25
More 'monsters' lain in the path of a knight on a crashing rampage! As his search continued, he kept crashing into more closed off and compartmentalized sections that were seemingly chalk full of these freaks of alien tech (and who knows what else.)
Imladris and Evolution kept slashing and gutting several of these things as they tried to blindside them at several points.
"Fun times." ..he barely managed out, before they both got blindsided by a good whack of a tentacle, smashing them through into a seemingly common compartment.
They lain prone for a moment as some of the 'beasts' began to cloister.
"It never changes." Imalde moans out.
A pulse of gravity just ejects the lot of them back at severe velocity, ending with words of.. "Nope, never changes."
They got back up, but as Imalde was about to shoot forth again, Evolution 'motions' their Linkmind to cause Imaldris to look behind him. He sees... "Ah! Good eye!"
Without warning, Imladris whips around and shoots some chrome, glowing canister of some sort from a right arm ejection port, which buries and then melts into a purple-blue and yellow energy port.
"Nanites injected. Lets find more of these trans-matrix ports." ..and BLASTS out, crushing several more 'monsters' from gravity envelope pressure alone. The objective seems to have been met.
For one part of many intended as this battle continues.
"One minute."
Lind didn't object this time. Ras just ordered. "Send the Abh a graviton ring displacement abstinence circle of zone impact! Anything in .025 light-seconds of this won't like the shear effects alone!"
The Tactical-Valkyrian asks back. "What about them inside!?"
"They'll be fine." ...Lind remarks, as a tactical base overlay of data patterns from Imaldris's battlesuit and Linkmind was relayed to the vessel's own real time array. A blinking blue dot was almost on top of where an Ahb signature was detected upon it's crash entry.
Lind just added. "If he wants to live past my dour if he should fail, that is."
Ras just sighed. "Just believe in him like a normal lover should."
"My love isn't normal."
Ras blinked at that.
"Forty seconds!"
The Humankind Abh
18-01-2008, 05:01
Toshu's great sword crashed down on the hard outter shell of some squid looking alien. Blood and gore oozed up as the edge of his blade finished cutting the monster in half. Arc waved his sword frantically about taking arms and tentacles at every turn while holding Kukurru in the other arm.
The party had been forced to use their jetpacks to head back up to the platform where they took the long plunge. It looked like it was going to be pure fighting all the way back up. Arc and Toshu knew that they alone wouldn't be able to keep hordes of alien monsters tackling at their feet. There was always Iga but he had no weapon with him and this wasn't the time for wrestling matches.
"How much time left on the detonators?"
"Looks like we got a minute thirty left Arc. We need to hurry this up and get the hell out of here."
Arc nodded and his point was accentuated with every slash of his sword. "I know! But we can't get out until these monsters are all gone."
Their feet finally reached the upper platform but they were still a good sprint from the Silver Noah.
"Imladris! If you're anywhere close by, get out of here. We've got this place set to blow."
Gaian Ascendancy
18-01-2008, 07:56
'Anywhere close by', came down to a sudden less than fifteen meters at that, as the 'area' above Arc's and his crew's heads, suddenly exploded, as the mayhem brawl Imaldris kept having shot by, and managed to jink overhead HARD at a ninety degree angle to avoid crashing into the same allied crew, but managing to take a good score of the 'squidys' with him as he crashed somewhere out of far sight!
And more explosions soon sound further whence the Ahb came.
And then more..
..and more...
..aye, a few more after...
"Thirty seconds."
The Humankind Abh
19-01-2008, 04:17
It was an awkward moment as Imladris seemed to go flying by with aliens wrapped around him and pursuing him down into some unseen unknown. There were a few open mouths and wide eyes as that particular scene pass. It took Arc shouting over the comm system to get them all moving.
"What about Imladris?"
"He can take care of himself. The Gaians have ways of getting out of these circumstances. Right now we need to get back to the Silver Noah."
The group made its way back up the earthen path to where the bow of the ship was still lodged in the side of the fortress. A ramp lowered as Arc and his crew got closer.
Panting as they hit fresh oxygen and metalic flooring, Arc and his group took off their space suits and headed back up to the bridge.
"Changala, let's get out of here."
The old wily pilot looked disheartened at the request. "No can do Arc. We're stuck here for now until I can fix the probelms in the powre core. The impact shorted a few fuses out it seems."
Toshu crossed his arms and leaned over against a side window. "Oh great. How about we all get out and push."
Gaian Ascendancy
19-01-2008, 05:59
Gleaming blades slashed through enough offending TS squidys that a hard push blasted Imaldris and his soul ally clear of the battle for a moment. A short pulse of a moment at least, before several more squidys tried to engage battle anew.
That died a quick death, as Imaldris pulsed gravity hard and ejected the enemy at untold velocity.
"Annoying bastards." ..he started for 'himself', before he then added. "One would think Third Space technology would impress me.
I'm actually insulted so far." ..he half lied, actually respecting it all enough to prod like this. A reaction didn't mean squat to him.
His head 'turned' at note of his Soul Partner towards something 'did' mean squat to him. "Wut oh."
They found the same power core, and the little gifts placed upon it, as if of Startica's little joys. (Ones 'full' of joy at that.) Swell.. ..simply thought.
":: You are about to feel tremors. ::"
The voice jerked his head. He then remembered something and looked at his arm gauntlet.
"Open Trans-Freq 372.383.348 at level three Subspace scramble code under Alpha protocol. Download all link info on dump now!"
He didn't want for responses, he turned next and gave the Comms a shout. ":: Ahb boarding party respond! ::"
Lind didn't respond either.
"Trans-data packets and Preen biomatter being received. Fifteen seconds!"
Ras just looked on as the weapon core was shimmering intensely now. Neither Valkyrian Commander however budged now. Their battle Zen was on nigh.
The Humankind Abh
21-01-2008, 22:25
Imladris's shout came across the Silver Noah's intercomm system. "Abh boarding party respond!"
Arc pressed the comm button that would open the channel fully and allow them to converse. "Imladris this is Arc aboard the Silver Noah. Our charges were successfully planted in the power core but we've run into a little snag with getting out. You have one minute before they blow. Get as far as you can from this place."
Toshu was as gruff as ever. "Alright, you gave angel boy his warning. Now what about else?"
Arc turned from the bridge and started heading back. Changala spun around in his seat. "Hey Arc, where you goin'"
"I'm getting us all off this forsaken station. We haven't been fighting for this long together now to simply die out here in the cold depths of space."
Toshu didn't like where this was all heading in the least. "And how do you plan on doing that? There isn't enough air and life out there for you to use your elemental powers."
Arc turned a little smile as he left the bridge. "There is always a way."
Some short moments later, Arc was outside in his space suit once more standing in front of the lodged ship. He took a tube that lead from his oxygen pack to his helmet and cut it. Immediatly oxygen began pouring out but that was exactly what he wanted. Arc turned the open tube on his hand and let the oxygen blow into his palm. Eventually there was enough air moving that Arc could build up a wind vortex. He would need more though if he wanted to get the ship free. The danger was he could run out of oxygen and suffocate before he even got the ship free.
Gaian Ascendancy
22-01-2008, 02:48
Imaldris heard the warning. Under nominal circumstances he'd heed without question.
Where he was now, and 'whom' he was within deterred that lay of logic.
The knight took one look at the soon to evaporate core, packed with appropriate explosives, and knew one minute was 'way' too long for them to wait, as the will of mind of the Fortress was nowhere near as dimwitted as seemingly hoped.
And simply 'blowing up' the power core might not even be enough. Imaldris had seen how tenacious these kinds of beings can be, when they wish to live to eradicate others all too easily. And those squidys shown were easily capable of removing the bombs and simply teleport them away, the Fortress had enough capability for such self preservation skills. The nanite garnered data from the probes he's shot into several major data nodes up to this point, gave enough of an idea to what simply running would mean.
The Ahb fleet would pay the price for this transgression of haste.
And as since of such, Imaldris wasn't aware of the capabilities of the Silver Noah crew at present, he had to conduct his own decision. "Bud, I need you to help turn it up and do this right."
Just as he feels a nod from his Linkmind, his 'universe' shatters into an existence of vibration! "YIPE!!!"
"~ FIRE!! ~"
The viewport before the Valkyrians just goes white as their attack pulse finally fires, both giving away their position, as well as their intent.
In fractions of mere seconds, a binding pulse of light, seemingly equal to the first original attack pulse, screams in and SLAMS into the Fortress shield array! On contact however, the fanciness of previous Gaian weaponry laws instead turn inwards on a wrenching level!
The ball of light on impact, implodes, and warps space all around it, to such effect that space actually shreds and tears right into the formed pure subspace singularity tear. As if watching space made of cellophane being warped and stretched into the singularity, space and the 'attached' Fortress shield array envelope is sucked into the tear, along with all energy and matter attached, as a visible bulb of plasma builds along the shield array area being so affected, as an 'invisible' aura bubble of gravity spreads out along the circle radii the Valkyrians warned the Ahb to expect.
And along with, a devastating amount of energy pulled to the impact point, leaving areas bare for the Ahb to concentrate their own attack to victorious benefit, or so suggested..
Lind meanwhile just snaps. "DEFENSES!"
Ras snaps back in kind to the crew. "Angelhawk Wings! Full spread!!"
As soon as Imaldris felt the new pulse of gravity envelop even down to his pores and hair follicles, he knew endgame was at hand.
He acted on that wordlessly, and SLAMMED his full force and gravity globe, into the Power Core superstructure, and connected his own battlesuit form into it!
"Like I said, do it RIGHT!!"
He then started the quick process of frequency divination, conversion adjustment, and siphoning apparatuses, to start draining all that energy and dumping it in raw form into his gravity shield!
"This........... hurts....!!!" ..said woefully under toned, to compare to the raw pain his body, and his Soul Partner's was enduring, as the transfer of the raw power from his suit, through 'him', and his Angelic, into the Shields, was not a nominal practice in the first part or right!
The effects meant to expand the power of his Gravity Shield, and cut off the enemy from access to the bombs, began to buckle the interior of the Power Core chamber, just as the energy being drained was being diverted away from helping the Shields sustain under it's own attack!
The effect also seemed ready to trap the Knight where he pinned himself.
As Arc began to 'infuse' oxygen into the area he targeted, he then 'feels' renewed oxygen expand into his own suit!
Before Arc can react.. "(~ They will need you alive to survive the coming Trial.
Your end is not of this day. ~)"
A voice of the past that had 'not' left as the rest of her kin already had done so. One that dominated Arc's senses down to the shake of jitter.
The Humankind Abh
23-01-2008, 02:13
Arc had just about enough air moving into his hands to create a suitable wind pressure to get the Silver Noah dislodged. The only problem was that it was beginning to weigh heavily on the young man. His vision started going blurry from the lack of oxygen and he was having trouble breathing. Regardless, his friends depended on what he could do so he ignored the signs of oxygen deprivation.
Eventually enough pressure had begun to build up forcing the Silver Noah to budge from its lodged position. Gaining distance from the rock face, minor ship navigation features started taking over and stabilized the ship. A rope shot down from the docking bay to help Arc out of the Fortress.
Arc reached out for the rope but exposure to extreme conditions as he was putting himself through caused him to stumble when he reached out for it. His face hit the ground and he lay their panting for air.
As Arc began to 'infuse' oxygen into the area he targeted, he then 'feels' renewed oxygen expand into his own suit!
Before Arc can react.. "(~ They will need you alive to survive the coming Trial.
Your end is not of this day. ~)"
A voice of the past that had 'not' left as the rest of her kin already had done so. One that dominated Arc's senses down to the shake of jitter.
It was something that was reminescent of the past but Arc couldn't quite put a finger on it. Instead of worrying about the riddle though, he grabbed onto to the line and held tight.
Seeing that all was well, Changala hit the accelerators and shot the Silver Noah off in the opposite direction while Arc dangled at the edge like a worm on a hook.
Seeing the opening provided by the long range Gaian onslaught, Abh were not ones to waste an opportunity. Concentrated fire was ordered immediately at a focused point. Attacks came in a furry of hellfire from anti-matter mobile mines to big energy attacks.
It looked like a grand light show with all sorts of matter being thrown every which way. They were not ones to err on the side of modesty.
Gaian Ascendancy
23-01-2008, 04:35
One result was well and good, she then turned unto another.
Imaldris held his stance and energon stream, as did the Gravity bubble. Evolution held steady with his end of the matter, as everything shook around them.
He did wonder.. Where did all the cocky alien domination talk go to? Someone is suddenly too busy to even talk.
He'd have another matter in a short bit to 'think' about though.
Lind watched the attack in progress, and tried damned hard to keep calm.
Ras just asked instead. "Now what?"
"We see how this all ends."
Ras just cocked her eye. "Wait? Valkyrians don't wait for squat."
Lind stiffened. she actually didn't know what to do next. The only things in her mind at the moment, literally, was those from her old friend of the Council Emeritus.
Do all you can to being your true love home to us.
She wasn't sure she was ready to look 'that' deep within herself for that answer.
(~ You sound weaker than you are. ~)
Such omnipresence in a few words that conveyed universes of the mind, shook Lind's back to proper.
The next order was quite unexpected. "Reconfigure the Angelhawk Wings for containment."
"Pardon?!" Ras struck back, but a 'calm' look from Lind changed Ras's mind, from anything conflicting. The Commander then just snapped. "You heard her!"
":: Understood. ::" ..came the physical voice of the Tree onboard. Lind just turned to take a seat. "Envelop within fifteen seconds, or I'll be pissed."
Ras turned and snapped a second time. "That'll make me pissed too! Move it Souls!!!"
Imladris noted the timer.. :: 00.00.43 ::
"Well... I only have myself to blame for being stuck like this."
It was simple, he thought. Let the explosives explode, amplify the chain reaction with a reactive chain burst by collapsing the siphoned energy from the gravity envelope into the explosion bottle just as it hit the critical point, and let the whole thing ramp up from there. That much primal mass becoming plasma, would likely have gravitationally attractive elements to both explode and implode the whole critical core sections, and gut the rest of the Fortress into oblivion.
All that in split seconds to escape by, 'while' keeping the Fortress from somehow reactively preventing this disastrous chain reaction. Like the Gaian Knight hadn't seen anything weirder in his time. Simple..
"Yeaup. Only myself to blame."
"(~ Worry not, your time has not come. ~)"
Imladris froze. He felt his mind turn at the voice that knew him so well. And he knew it somehow, despite such an impossibility. Nice to know.
"(~ Nay, your end has already been preordained in another way. For such to come, for the goal seeked, this trail must be bypassed.
Others that come, will merit your final time to come, when all must end for that one goal. Know the words, as if I was telling them to your own past of Truth. ~)"
Nothing came back.
:: 00.00.25 ::
..and the countdown timer didn't stop either. Imaldris just wondered how all this 'would' end for him. Because here it comes! =oO=;;;;
The Humankind Abh
24-01-2008, 03:23
Arc dangled around at the end of the wire until he was finally dragged into the docking bay and the pressure was stabilized. Swimming through a vacuum was never fun and quite tiring when a starship was dragging you along as well.
The young man hit the floor panting. Shu was there in a minute to check on him to make sure everything was alright. Oxygen and everything seemed to be normal. "That's odd. You're oxygen line is cut but your pressure suit reads like it has a full tank of air."
Arc managed a weak smile and shrugged. "How are we doing for time?"
Time seemed to stand still for Imladris inside the Fortress as the surrounding walls began to come alive with more of the alien like creatures that appeared to be the guardians and keepers of the massive structure. They continued to crowd and in and encircle the knight. Eventually they came to a halt at some unknown bidding.
And then there was the annoying voice again...
Your friends have deserted you and left you for dead. Can you not see now that I above these irrational little creatures that plague this universe am the logical choice to oversee their development. I, not they, shall inherit this universe all dimensions it touches. All you must do is remove these devices to show your loyalty and I shall make you lord over armies that even exceed your own, Gaian.
Every second that ticked by on the warheads seemed like an eternity as time slowed.
Gaian Ascendancy
24-01-2008, 05:30
Lind heard from another Valkyrian-Tech at a Tactica station. "Ahb boarding vessel is away."
"Now please."
At that, She and Ras mentally 'ordered' their onboard Hikari Tree to expand the Angelhawk envelope.
As far as anyone else of Ahb saw, they saw a bright sparkle suddenly expand from somewhere off parallel to where the Gaian shot in progress came from, and with it, several translucent bands of ethereal blue-white, expand and wrap around the Fortress, and given the size of the object being enveloped, it was not something to be witnessed lightly.
Go give an egregious sight crude simplicity, the summarized effect was once the 'globe' was formed, a hexagonal lattice engaged that trapped the Fortress within it.
That C10 Network and all relevant information from the last transfer download, would have it's allied mark in...
:: 00.00.19 ::
Imladris noted the intent this all was going.
He appreciated the irony of having only a one way link with an alien entity. As much as the ones he was having with his own refound kin and love.
And he knew dying now would just get him throttled by Lind in the end, so acquiescing to this blowhard's immense ego (ala Fortress to be sure,) so the choice of response was simple enough.
But what kind? There were so many. He already used up his chivalrous speech for the day, so a twice over was just stupid. And he didn't have the time. Amazing what one could think in only a few microseconds, the wonders of an ascended mind network, with assisted nanite network mindwork processing. He even had time to remember where he put his toothbrush this morning. A cheeseburger on a soughdough-onion bun and marble cheese would sound good, and... wait... oh yeah.
Guess he had to say something to end this battle with. (He already felt a 'hand' envelop him anyway. No getting away from Lind in a plasma induced gravity well node, as an excuse.)
All those creatures of trans dimensional make. too bad he already had seen equivalent technology up to this point, and the telling of leading armies was actually annoying to him. Has anyone that greeds for such ever 'led' an army? Talk about datawork loads and red tape to deal with. At least he could choose his commanders, and spend dinners and tri moonlit walks and...
Oh yeah.
"Dude." ..he spoke without caring for the mind games anymore. Not with :: 00.00.10 :: left. "I'd tell you to shove your offer up your dimensional pipehole, but... well...
One: I've already died at least once, so I know what it's like to feel what you're about to endure into oblivion, cause... Two:
You've lost."
:: 00.00.01 ::
The Humankind Abh
30-01-2008, 03:59
Aboard the Silver Noah, Arc finally made his way back up to the bridge and the sight that was waiting for him was rather surprising. There was an enormous glowing globe surrounding the fortress for some odd reason. At first he thought it was the warheads going off, but nothing was happening except off the chart energy readings.
"How much time have we got until the warheads go?"
Changala looked at the timer at his panel. "It's only a matter of seconds Arc."
They couldn't figure what was taking the warheads so long to go off unless they were duds. No one wanted to think about that possibility because no one wanted to go back and plant more explosives.
"Wait, where's Imladris."
Changala worked for a few moments to search for his signature. "No detection in the vacinity of space. I can only assume he's still inside."
Arc looked crestfallen at the news. "Oh no... Can we get him out?"
"Sorry Arc, time is up..."
Inside the fortress, the mind that controlled all workings and creatures in it suddenly took a quick exit as the time reached its end. Creatures fell dead and the fortress went defensless all in one brief moment as the core was engulfed in a blinding white light...
Gaian Ascendancy
30-01-2008, 05:23
Boy that light was sure bright.
The bright globe raced inwards suddenly, as the Hikari Power Angelhawk Globe shot to meet the detonation event horizon. So much dimensional energy erupted out, subspace shredded for a few instants, as sentient physics and primordial physics fought each other, as the internal explosion was forced to be contained, while amplified as designed.
The Core rupture was cascaded off Imaldris's gravity shield, as he literally dumped an emotional explosion of his own, to exacerbate an event that would take less than twenty seconds to complete. The effects went off as advertised from there. The power also helped the Ahb have a good front row seat to something they likely wanted no actual part of anyway.
Outside, the entire thing brightened severely, and gave off two separate burst rings from the sheer release of pressure energon. They became harmless almost on post release.
Hardly it seemed on the inside, as the Angelhawk Globe collapsed like some star going supernova.
It seemed the strangest of moments for a Gaian to even think of the word 'religion', given such had been nonexistent against pure spiritualism. Having lives as nigh gods, and amongst Ascendants and more for Ages, it was hard to find true in truthful reasons to believe in something that couldn't be explained, in a realm of time where few things were 'not' understood anymore.
Imaldris discovered that bit of eureka, as he felt all sensation become cut off on an instant, and replaced by just One essence.
Tens of thousands of years did not prepare him for this.
Words did not exist here, so were not said.
Not even the written ones made sense.
Even Ras gasped, as Lind felt her ancient link cut off. The last time she felt it so done, when he dissapeared.
And now again, barely days after learning something that gave even her ice as steel heart hope, it felt as if it went extinct, this time for good! Everyone on the bridge deck looked stunned, as Lind slumped onto a forward railing.
"Please not again! Please I can't......" ..and then she gasped... ""
"Sis?" she did not directly know.
Not until...
He was surprised he could blink, ala see anything in doing so. Such was a white morass that just defeated normal sight altogether, the kind blindness ran into.
He and Evolution just watched the end of a battle the Ahb probably, hoped for forever would come, though the manner was not a preferred kind for the knight to witness.
(~ Just as uncertain as he was in such moments. Your genome runs too parallel to his. ~)
(~ Just as blind unto before the learning of harshness cometh. This too supposed most will be answered in short enough order.
As this ends, learn one thing I wish for you to tell them. You know of whom I speak, when you see then once again.
Tell them of my desire for them to return home, your progenitors of the old way you grew from. I know now what Grandfather wanted for me all along, such I cannot do with them absent.
Such I cannot do in their dimension. Their's must return here. tell them.
Tell them forever until your day is Judged. ~)
By the time his mind raced along with the collapse of all that energy into his very Gravity Shield, shunted through into alternate subspace that even Third Space essence would find acidic and alien, it was all already ending.
And Lind felt what stopped her heart.
She was like that for long enough for Ras to poke her. "Uh.... Sis? Sis you're strange worlding me out. Hey... blade girl with a knight crush."
"Shut it, I'm sensing." ..said hollow, if stone enough, to make Ras smirk and teardrop. "No prob."
"Gravity envelope to energy ration shrinking."
Ras nodded and took over for a bit. "Very well, begin searching for..."
"Retract Wing Field on completion. Prepare to Fold home. Now." ..for all of a microsecond. Ras blinked. "Pardon?"
And 'then'... "Secondary Fold source influxing into spatial area zone."
Lind rose her head. She still had her orders. "Uplink and inform of Homeguard parameters. Prepare to abandon him for the moment."
Ras cocked her eyes, and wondered at that, until Lind then added. "He needs to find the last steps on his own. Such are his reward, as I was told."
Then Ras smiled, just as Deania folded her Knightwing into sensor view.
Such a knight if oblivious of. His mind is just floating there, alone. The rest of it was an Ahb oriented problem to be blunt.
The Humankind Abh
31-01-2008, 04:05
The fortress was gone now along with Third Space vessel that had survived the combined assaults. All that remained was the debris left behind of Abh and alien alike. It would take a great while before it was all collected, classified, and analyzed but it would be worth the time and effort. Not only would it help the Abh in studying this strange enemy, but it could lead to new break throughs in their own continued research.
In the mean time, the Silver Noah limped through the wrekage searching for someone that had been left behind. They pounded away with sensors and hails for the lost Gaian knight to answer them.
"Anything yet?"
Changala shook his head. "There is so much debris from fallen ships that even with the vaporized sections of the fortress there is too much for the sensors."
Arc thumped his head against the front glass panels as they continued moving through. "Elc, Toshu, head down to the hangar and search for Imladris in the fighters."
"Sure Arc."
The two fighters headed down to the belly of the Silver Noah and headed out in search of the knight. Kukurru walked up easily behind Arc and rested a hand on his shoulders. "Have you tried reaching out for him?"
Arc shook his head. "Since we've gotten into the area of the destroyed fortress, the voice of the spirits has been fuzzy. I can barely even sense them. We'll have to rely on the Elc, Toshu, and the Silver Noah to find him. If he's alive."
Kukurru smiled and rested her head against him. "He is..."
Gaian Ascendancy
31-01-2008, 05:10
The Ahb, if they aimed their sensors outside the Fortress remains debris, would have found two large alien vessels of a high energon nature, waveguides and all that jazz. For only barely a minute as it turns out
What is heard over open Comms says why soon enough.
He floated there for a moment, as it all came to an end. Alive, the feeing was too certain and all, given what he could feel over the Link he searched for. As soon as he knew he was indeed alike, that is.
:: Never changes for us huh? ::
:: ............ ::
:: Lind, you there milady? ::
:: ............ ::
:: I know you're 'there'. I can feel your austere scorn. ::
Imalde feels a nice 'shove' back over the Link, which he both chuckles at, and has an instant migraine from.
":: Commander!!! ::"
Imaldris blinked, floating upside down or such. "Deania? Is that you?"
":: As quickly as I could get here. Only got your situation half an hour ago. ::"
Imalde just sighs. "Gee, leave me hanging LONGER next time why don't you!!"
":: Aye miCommander, whatever you... eh? Wait one. ::"
Imlade blinks and hears a familiar trans-spatial frequency codestring 'chime' in the background of the Comm frequency. "Eh? Is that Lind? What does.."
":: Uh... S... sorry Commander. My AI just got rescinded by High Command protocol. Sorry. ::"
Imalde blinks kooky like. "Say wha? Uh.. you're going to pick me up right?"
":: Um... like I said. Sorry, I can't ignore this order. ::"
Imaldris really blinks now, and tries to conduct a Command override access codestring from mindLink, and ends up hitting a TOTAL communications blackout wall! "WHA!?? Hey! My Codes! What's going..."
":: Sorry Commander. I really am. There... there's an Ahb craft heading towards your locator beacon. I'm really sorry. ::" Imalde realizes his locator beacon has been turned on 'for' him! He's ever calm about it.
"Sorry for WHAT!?! Don't tell me you're..." ..he then realizes, and blares over open comm for.. "LIND!! HEY! I know you're there! What are you doing to Deania!!!"
"Hey! Don't act like I'm in a Void! Answer me already!!"
He had no idea how much he was being giggled at at that point. And 'then' Imalde hears. ":: Folding to coordinates now. Sorry again Commander! ::"
"*SPUTTER* WHAT!?! Where you going!?!? *MUTTER* What do you mean!? I don't have coordinates!!!"
And then on cue, a small blue holo cube box blinks on in his HUD visor screen. And then he sees power signatures for Gaian Fold envelopes. "ACK!!! HEY! Come on al-frickin-ready! Hey! HEY!!!"
And then the two Fold off. Imlade just goes celestial APE at this! "Don't DITCH me like this!!! I didn't just go through a blasted Singularity Implosion to get ditch in the middle of space like this! Hey!! I said HEY ALREADY!!! AUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH!!"
Hard to believe he led the Corspian Supercluster Liberation Army.
"*Bouncing up and down like antsy pants!* Oh you did NOT just ditch me in this foreign Dimension with not even TALKING to me!! I'll know where you live in a minute here, and when I do, I'll... I'll....
I'm lonely."
Awww.... (Whata shmuck.)
Either the locator beacon or sobby open Comm crying will find the bloke now, btw.. =--=;;;
The Humankind Abh
01-02-2008, 16:32
"Hang on a sec, Elc. I'm picking up something with my scanners." The two fighters continued weaving in and out of the debris looking for the lost knight. Each one had set out a few minutes ago leaving the Silver Noah behind.
"There's something up ahead."
It wasn't long before the debris began to clear and something came up on their screens. Floating in space was what remained of Imladris along with a spewing of communication waves.
"Elc, radio back to the Silver Noah. I think we found him."
Arc had Changala bring the Silver Noah up fast. Elc and Toshu on the meantime positioned their fighters on each side of Imladris to grapple on and tow him into the hangar bay. Imladris soon found himself back in the hangar of the Silver Noah as Elc and Toshu's fighters settled in for dock.
Gaian Ascendancy
01-02-2008, 19:42
Imladris's Battlesuit for the most part was actually in swell condition. (One lower left vane, a couple of scar holes, spatial and particle scrapes and all from nominal combat and solar wind/high velocity particles in common space. Etc..)
Course seeing Evolution fully out and all, large as all life, might have been more unsettling and all.
After Imaldris was retrieved unto the Silver Noah hangar bay, Evolution helped stand him up, as the suit automatically 'shrank' down to his normal format suit of armor. Replication nanites began repairing all the damage, as the scars were 'grown' back in place, the vanes damaged returned to portions of his cape and meshed robes were also replicated back into place, and even battle scars and grime was cleansed off. (Even sanitation sonic scrubber nanites did their freshening job.)
Course all that couldn't help one wittle iota Imalde was stuck with. Literally. "I can't believe I got ditched."
Evolution just patted his head, which meant a decently heavy gauntlet was bonking him some there. "Ow. That don't help bud. Ow."
He then looked to his Ahb saviors. "Thanks for the assist there, good friends."
The Humankind Abh
07-02-2008, 03:39
Elc and Toshu popped out of the cockpits of their fighters and headed over to Imladris. Both of them started peeling off their flight gear and helmets for no other reason than to be free of the restrictions.
When they saw Evolution patting him on the head, they both relaxed a little. Toshu grinned slightly. "I think he'll be just fine. That is if we can get this tin can to stop pounding him on the head."
Elc wiped a bit of sweat from his brow. "No problem Imladris. Did you create that bright light?"
Gaian Ascendancy
07-02-2008, 06:11
Imaldris looked as did Evolution, the owner just sighed and rose. "I had help. More than one kind in fact." ..he then asked. "Mind if we do this on the bridge? I need to sit down before explaining." Evolution had to help Imaldris keep stead on his feet.
Two vessels flare into view over their still considered refugee homeworld. The Mass scale terraforming was starting to turn the originally base mars like world into one nearly fit for celestial races. (Turning a world into a nigh Heaven like world, is pretty standard for these types.)
Soon after it does, a comm holoscreen pops up, Lind remarks to a familiar Council facade. "Contact has been made. All the information has been gathered, plus we have returned with biomatter of Palladium Preen codename and the Knightwing class starship with Deania's sentience AI."
":: Well done. The preparations will be ready by the time he comes on wing of a needed ally. One of many we will need, from what I remember from our ancient days here. Ones that seem as familiar as they well should.
I will be glad to be relieved of the duty I am honestly not fit for. ::"
Lind gulped at that. "Lady Belldandy. I know it has been hard, but your leadership has allowed us to survive." Ras and the rest of the Valkyrian crew listened intently. Belldandy however remarked back. ":: Yes. But knowing better now with objective insight, it was probably 'this' was why Lord Imaldris was created.
The time is coming I must listen fully to the portents of a second chance expected all along, possibly as much as it was intended as continued history for us all the same.
I will not be strong enough to make the decisions for what is to come. I know who is. ::"
Lind looked down.
":: You will need to finally decide too. ::"
Lind reactively blushed, and the giggles plied towards her in a cascade made her stiffen her facade and look away. "I still rule that option."
Belldandy just made a giggle across the holoscreen. Lind swore she heard a few others over the channel. The Council Ascended then remarked. ":: Rule is the wrong word to choose. ::"
The holoscreen blanked off. Lind just turned and started walking to the bridge hatch. Ras cocked an eye. "Where you going Sis?"
"Practice." ..and a hard door shuts. Ras just sighs and folds her arms over her jumpsuit fabric. "Wish that bloke would get here. The practice Synthetics are complaining anymore. The holoshed processors too."
The crew knew the 'thumps' they felt as they did their post mission checks, weren't simple love taps.
The energy core systems Tech Valkyrian made a log complain about the power grid to inertia stabilizers mesh being overtaxed again.
Good to be home. =^^=
Imaldris wondered a myriad such as this, as he was escorted back to the Noah's bridge deck.
The Humankind Abh
08-02-2008, 00:35
When Imladris finally reached the bridge of the Silver Noah, Arc was sitting in his usual throne like command chair while Kukurru was ever at his side. Changala had finally navigated the ship out of the debris field surrounding the explosion site while automated maintance bots controlled by the Abh Empire went about clearing away the mess.
It would most likely take days to sift through it all and catagorize it. Long after the Silver Noah and her crew were gone. Arc smiled as Imladris made his way onto the bridge on shaky legs.
Iga and Gogen got up from their seats to give Imladris a place to rest. Arc stood from his seat then took a moment to look out over the debris. "I'm glad to see you made it. I suppose you had a hand in all this?"
Gaian Ascendancy
08-02-2008, 04:09
Imaldris just moaned as his base biological form was still ever the slower to heal up from combat stress, unlike his armor. The nanites in his biological systems would be as expedite as always, but time was a luxury to be used now anyway.
As he took random seating unto Iga's seat, he quipped with the look of a nice moaning strain. "I see your handiwork as well in there at the Core. The warheads did their job.
However I had assistance with those Angelhawk Wings that trapped the Fortress within the subspace funnel that was created. The implosion factor along many gravimetric wavelengths took care of the rest." ..he sighed and quipped... "My kin were out there.
I am not alone." ..said as he'd lived an entire lifetime without that knowledge, and not just barely over a week. Evolution gave a nod down on reflex. Imaldris realized and broke summon as the Soul Partner swirled back to within his armored back.
The knight commander then looked up. "What of things on your end? I presume all is victorious as hoped for. I also hope that Fortress Mind was eradicated as well. Problematic blow hard it twas." ..and lowered a weary head.
The Humankind Abh
13-02-2008, 01:03
This was news to Arc that there were more of the Ascendancy still hovering around out there somewhere. Surely this would mean that Imladris could go home as soon as possible and be reunited with his kind.
"There were casualties on the battlefield but the last remaining Third Space vessels are destroyed or being rounded up. Right now I imagine the Abh are sifting through the wreckage to see what they can salvage from the aliens and study. Our own ship will need to make some minor repairs."
Maintenance bots from the Silver Noah were already working on the hull trying to make some last minute repairs before the ship set off again. The real intensive work was being conducted in engineering as most of the crew was working on getting engines back up to snuff.
In the mean time, something did confuse Arc. "If there are still more of your kind alive in this era, and they know you are here with us, then why are you still here? Why do they simply not come out and fetch you?"
Gaian Ascendancy
13-02-2008, 02:33
"Because I know who led that attack you all saw. I felt her." ..this said in a strange mix of strained annoyance, as well as enough echoing 'wanting'.
Imaldris stopped and looked up at Arc and Kukurru. The Gaian was not a mind reader, since his mental synapses were slated more for military tactics and stratagem. In a way, that made the knight surprised he felt how he did in aspects 'other' than war. He half expected, and debated the fact with some of his closest friends, that his genetic 'arrangement' would have made him stoic and nigh unapproachable. Patton of old earth war lore, would have been more accessible, if the logical course of things played out, as Imaldris considered himself without certain added inputs.
He was surprised more his current mind held fast, given his first Death to save her. The thought crested his softened brow, over one that was not soft on him. The words therefore he suspected only those of the crew that knew love in deep measure, would know where these next words went.
"They are of my era, close enough as it is. The power you saw was common of our smaller cruisers, a byproduct of having to fight against ten times your number in dark enemy.
And more, I felt 'her'.
She of my cascaded love is of this timeframe. Lind is here. And as I've had to fight for each scrap of a centimeter for her acknowledgment, willingly so done despite all sane logic. The process is no less trying now.
Someone, by her or through her, wants me to earn my last steps. Somehow I feel that, even if it makes no divine sense!"
He focused back on his hosts, his eyes wandering off on the words. He looked over, his weariness now fading in favor of nominal focuses. He looked at the stars beyond the viewport, and knew one was....
...that shifted focus as he brought his right arm gauntlet up, the gleaming crystal dynamically bringing up a small holo display. A few touches brought a larger one from a projection crystal set in his chest armor, a twin set of thin, dark holo panels that was in all essence a holotop. "That data cube I got..." ..and brought up a few more small screens on some touches that displayed control buttons that were just as dynamic, changing layout as the display screens did, essentially a keyboard input control that had it's own interface tree with the data it was working with.
The whole showy point was of two things.. "Good, Preen was downloaded from my suit matrix successfully. Very good." ..and another display of commands that then brought up...
"Oh my goddess...." ..he shot a look at Arc and Kukurru. "Can I access your stellar cartography database? Or something equivalent? Something with the full galactic map scale of this galaxy, in fact." ..asking, trying to keep a handle on his emotions. And since he was a 'bad' poker player to boot...
The Humankind Abh
16-02-2008, 03:06
The crew on the bridge listened to Imladris as he poured more of his history concerning a love he had before wounding up in this era. When the request for a star chart came from Imladris, Changala didn't even have to wait for Arc to give the word.
In the center of the bridge popped up a holographic image simply this particular solar system. The map was completely interactive allowing Imladris to freely take different angles or view different systems at his leisure. A good aspect of the Silver Noah was that its maps were uplinked with the capital at Lakfakallae so that meant that the galactic map was as complete as any star chart the Abh had. So needless to say, the universe looked pretty well filled in.
Gaian Ascendancy
16-02-2008, 08:31
Imaldris noted the Ahb-complete galactic cartography map, and whom was controlling them. As soon as the map produced itself, he tapped his 'holotop', and created a 'anchoring' beam with a blue 'beam' stopping about three meters from the right side of the black haze holotop, and a second anchor with the other end of the beam projecting, just above a generic Ahb input device port. Configuration is swift, as is the result.
In seconds a 'second' Milky Way Core Galaxy map is overlain the original, as data detail at the very least, doubles in effective detail, including dozens of strange data nodes: subspace rift points, all sorts unique dimensionalized data of all sorts, detailed 'heavy' spots of star formation, dark matter and dark energy zones, and more. There were also the overlay of ancient and advanced language data set in high 3rd - 10th translation matrix code that allowed the data to be processed much faster than at third dimensional base speeds. This meant the galaxy data shown was frighteningly detailed.
Imaldris's voice turns into an incomprehensible tenth level based language 'code' to match. The old sound of a CD-ROM player in a plain player is still adept, which isn't easy on the ears for a few seconds. Doing this 'catches' up both ends of the historical and cartography matrix, to allow the present Ahb data to mesh with data over a billion years old, from the last data the ancient Gaians took of their old Alpha Dimension.
The long story arrives to a screeching short halt, as the galactic map is 'focused' three times to a section of the galaxy, about 1,100 light-years away. Several blue rings with archaic language icons frame a patchy nebulae with heavy screens of sensor debilitating dust zones that are 'peeled' away to show an interior system schema of four worlds, one gas giant, two airless barrens, and one Terran at the second orbit. The AU of this world was 'not' within a habitable zone from data shown. sixteen major moons, and seventy-two minor large microplanets and smaller moons. A planetoid belt that data shown was not natural. Real time display of three comets on various orbits of approach or departure. There was two major radiation 'ablative' zones ahead of a furiously burning blue-white star that was easily a young newborn type.
Imaldris blinks and blurts.. "They've been busy. This... just one year? what the livid blazes?" ..and more taps of his holotop, and 'very' focused zoom scans of the primary planet showed some strange results. "An A-SSD Ascendancy Class... they're making new foundry docks and a basic spacedock frame around it. Seems most of it is a hibernation ship. How did they manage over six billion souls?
Wait.. four major cities... ah, terraform acclimators at the poles and opposing equatorial zone 'poles'. A Palace Tree, they have been busy.
Sibiko Gene-replication facilities. Basic planetary shields and weapon nodes. Basic tech support facilities. Some underground seismic data, are they...?
Wait a minute, is this a simple cartography? I'm seeing...." tiny plasma contrails of white trail after small vessels of red, other's plain white. Some 'very' tiny 'lines' of nascent star traffic of some sort.
Imladris realized and punched a few more holokeys. The galaxy map fully returns, and a intricate set of golden 'lines' appear. "The Comm-Orb network is still active?! Bloody light!"
He has to sit silent for a moment to assimilate the data he just collected. It's long enough for the Ahb to probably grow curiously annoyed or such to ask...
The Humankind Abh
20-02-2008, 04:19
Arc was able to follow Imladris's babble for the most part despite his constant choppy sentences. From what he could tell, there were a number of signs pointing to Gaian activity in a far off sector of space. He did remember well what an A-SSD was as well as a Palace Tree.
It would seem a planet was being molded to be more hospitable to life. Even the Comm-Orb network was known to Arc given his time with the Ascendants. "Then I take you are still linked in with the Comm-Orb network?"
Gaian Ascendancy
20-02-2008, 08:33
Imladris looked over, as if 'remembering' he was around other souls. (When a Gaian thinks, it's another universe at times to them.) "Oh.. ah.. yeah, the Comm-Orbs of my time were 'the' taken for granted tech. They were so mass produced, we had communication 'bridges' built through the Universal Superstrings that Pan-Galactic Groups of galaxies were strung along by. We even had managed direct beam lines between thirteen of the primary Universes in Antara Dimension, before the... well... end."
He held up his fist, clenched. "An Orb of my time was smaller than a.... what.... food item.. ah... Terran origin... ah... orange-tangelo.. yeah. About the size of something akin to that. The common Orbs anyway. They could handle the same processing power of a common ancient star system's communication load, as they derived communication at the Tenth Dimensional level of datastream bandwidth. Doing so in superpacked datapulses from our HPG-10/AZZ Units from most worlds, and only usually altered at larger Orbs or Security Screen stations for special needs."
He stopped and realized his guests probably didn't have enough of a clue of what he meant. He simplified... " imagine all your data needs being transmitted, transfered and repeated, about once per minute, scaled to all relevant timescales to each day, over 'each' Orb in a network that spanned Galactic to Universal scale distances 'regularly'. We threw in Dimensional Communication Gate-Nodes to expedite messages between inter-galactic Governings, and Universal Advisories, to get around lag time. Speed below such scales were nonexistent to time needed between communication parties.
And all of that, from these." ..a wave at the golden spiderweb floating in a holographic 'sea'. "So it was true, the entire Exodus into the War. It was so fast, and vastly done, they left behind the Network.
I wonder how far they had begotten in 'this' age, before the War." ..a word of wondering on how large the 'ancient' Gaian Guardianship was, on the scale of the 'now'. That 'now' compared to what would be....
The wondering stopped there. "And the War that scoured us...."
The lesson ended and he stood up. "This is no static communication packet. This is a real-time data image. The basic Comm orb technology gap of a few Eras seems not to be lagging behind to my Current Era standards. The old Comm-Orbs are compatible.
Which means we here on this ship are the only ones seeing a civilization at a teetering point." ..which Imaldris drew a depressurizing breath by. He added.. "I'd like such information kempt confidential for now. Doesn't look like we could hold off a determined assault of any measure, without gutting us to the End of Certain."
He however stopped and looked at his Ahb comrades. "Still, this is a nice datachit card to send for an invitation. I'd hate to disappoint. How soon can we beget this technological carpet ride there?"
Yup, that sounded dumb.
Or disappoint those on the other end listening. (They just moan at that last bit too.) Very much so.... (Good luck detecting it either without a trans-dimensional communication converter. Seven level trans-dimensional scrambling is a !!*****!! without one.)
The Humankind Abh
21-02-2008, 15:12
While Imladris made his speel about the differences of technology that the Gaians had, Arc had the look on his face of asking Imladris to stop pretending he was an idiot and get to the point. As he continuously went on about it, it reminded some of the crew of an excitable scientist that had just cracked a rather extensive mathematical formula.
Now they were coming to it. Arc looked to Changala who made a quick scan of his instruments to see how the repairs were going. "It looks like those little robots gadgets we had put on board have just about repairing the outter hull. We can retry the jump through Third Space which would get us there in the blink of an eye as long as you have the exact coordinants for us. The ship still has some internal problems that we're working on but the Silver Noah can move. Just hope we don't get in anymore battles."
Arc smiled and nodded his thanks. "Then it looks like we can leave whenever you are prepared."
Gaian Ascendancy
22-02-2008, 02:05
Imladris just typed the holo commands to give the final, actual coordinates for the Ahb Navigators to localize upon. As he did this, he asked his Noah compatriots of enough worry.. "Are you certain you wish to depart as yet? Begetting to my own people should not risk yours. It's not like those citizen-souls will extinguish 'as' of the next day or so.
If you need more time for rest and repair, I am willing." ...given he knew as well as any, the exhaustion large scale battles can have. And the 'welcome' Imladris expected.. "Besides, our arrival may be a terse one. A common guardian ship encountered will likely be the same effect and kind as was present earlier this day. Rest may be warranted."
He 'swore' he felt a 'humph' in the back of his mind, but he shrugged it off.
The Humankind Abh
28-02-2008, 04:13
OOC: Hmm, notifications aren't working for this thread.
Arc simply shrugged as he returned to his seat. "I doubt it will make much of a difference how well rested we are in this case. If your kind greets us in similar manner with as much force as these aliens did here today, then it won't matter if this ship is as good as new. It took a large Abh fleet, your assistance, and the assistance of an unknown number of Gaian ships to help bring them down. Not to mention a suicide mission that was barely successful.
So you'll have to forgive me if I don't care either way how rested we are or what shape the ship is in. The Silver Noah is a solid ship and its crew is some of the best. I have every confidence that we will be successful in this next leg of the journey. Repairs are complete on the outter hull, all weapon and defense systems are operational. Only the engines require some minor adjustments. Right Changala?"
"Aye Arc. It looks like we're ready to move out whenever you are."
Arc turned his attention to Imladris. "Well?"
Gaian Ascendancy
28-02-2008, 06:24
((OOC - I use the Search function myself. I don't trust Jolt otherwise.))
The Knight Commander nodded and bade with his right hand. "By your command then." He then laid back and let the Ahb crew conduct the rest. Until they arrived, it was all out of his hands.
His armor clinked as he stood to allow Iga to return proper seating. He then professed. "Pardon my excuse, while I find a place of solitude to think upon reflections." he turned.. "Would there be a observation deck to be had nearby?"
The Humankind Abh
01-03-2008, 04:08
"The observation deck is on the main floor of the ship. You should be able to access an information panel from there to help you navigate and find it."
Later, the crew of the Silver Noah prepared for another attempt on Third Space travel being the fastest means available to them other than plane space. The great artifact powered up once more. Pylons folded open as energy arced from end to end. Eventually a vortex was formed like lightning swirling in on itself as the energy reached its pique and stabilized.
"How does it look Changala?"
"All readings appear to be normal."
"No signs of alien contacts."
Arc sighed with a smile. "Very good. Inform the Abh that we are departing for our destination. Calculate jump coordinants and take us in."
Changala yanked hard on the wooden wheel sending the ship into gate. "Sure thing Arc."
Once the Silver Noah entered the Third Space gate, they would be there at the destination within the blink of an eye.
OOC: Rest is up to you.
Gaian Ascendancy
03-03-2008, 00:48
*Observation deck*
It didn't take Imaldris long to lose all sense of time, as he delved into the basic meanings of what had happened in the span of nearly a week and a half. Too many images to sum up into words, and those that delved back to the same selfish thoughts. The ones that went far past the week and a half he'd been in the Alpha Dimension.
The pendant glowed fiercely in his right hand, as he concentrated on feeling the mind he wanted most in all of Existence. Hitting a literal wall of mental force gave some measure of solace. That part of her probably wouldn't change.
"(Austere wench.)"
The sound of warning overcomms, and the sight of the Third Space gate being closed in upon, made Imaldris snap out of his delirium. The sight of trans-spatial plasma storming about as subspace was breached on several levels, had a certain beauty to it.
"Like a Dimensional Gate. Most impressive." ..just before they entered it.
The shift through Third Space had a weird effect on Imaldris, the Gaian mind having become sensitive to the 'sound' of echoing voices in the spatial voids of many makes. This he 'swore' he heard of something far more ominous in the Third Space 'background' noise, as the Ahb craft made it's way through.
Which was fortunate to have lasted for barely three seconds, as the trip conducted it's course. Arrival was welcome enough, as the knight held his head. "Ughn... that one... woo.. weird there." ..which snap-faded away to the sight that greeted the whole Silver Noah crew. "Is.... is this where....?"
Before them, a bare fraction of the viewable nebulae, that with a few turns of the head, dominated all viewports in every available direction. Glowing of many newborn stars in a nursery of glowing red, green, and blue gases, mixed in of pigments of each. still, the twinkling of stars of the galaxy spoked through in enough places to then give the nebulae area depth of perception. The thick nebulae gas clouds made several shelf and crag formations, telling of just how much stellar activity had taken place over billions of years.
Which made for a place that seemed impossible for a habitable system to be found.
"Perfect place for hiding one's self." ..not mentioning of how, just yet.
And still Imaldris knew. At that, he turned and began making his way back to the bridge. He didn't even notice the necklace had began to glow pink.
The Humankind Abh
04-03-2008, 17:40
The crew of the Silver Noah heaved a sigh of relief as they came out the other end of their Third Space jump. It was pretty darn fast by their judgement which was exactly what the Abh had hoped for when starting in on this new expedition. With the success of a calculated jump on the records, they could now begin to expand their network further in the universe with Third Space. Though that was something for another time.
Arc and his crew looked out at the stellar scenery. There was no real point in scanning the area with all of the cosmic interferrence that would be emitted by the nebula and gas clouds.
"Take us in Changala. I doubt our scanners will be able to pierce all that so we might as well investigate ourselves."
"Sure thing Arc."
Changala cranked on the wheel and moved the Silver Noah towards the mess of cosmic debris.
Gaian Ascendancy
05-03-2008, 07:23
The Silver Noah was already noticed, as no less than seven Comm-Orb sentries fixated on the exotic gravity and particle wake of the Third Space jump. Which meant....
Imaldris entered the bridge deck and commented for the first.. "Congratulations on a successful Jump." ..before he stopped to an open spot to the left of Arc's seat.
As the vessel moved in closer, his double checked his own navigational data, still real-time as they moved closer. As a result, he also noticed.. "Don't worry about having surprised them any. Comm-Orbs are screening most of the Nebulae expanse. Damn.. 2.3 Parsecs might be overkill for that though..." ..he mumbled to himself at the last.
The veil of interstellar gases began to peel away, as they advanced. However the trip from here wasn't short. Depending on the Ahb sublight stardrive efficiency of the Silver Noah, the trip took about two hours to manage through the gaseous screens, to begin reaching signs of an Oort Cloud boundary, as a initial scatterings of icy lumps are barely seen through the deep blue gas field they reach.
But it's not all they find, as metallic readings are also found here, literally stumbled upon as well. "Bloody light is that?" Imaldris notes, his suit functions still tapped into the Ahb sensor array, reading through his holotop, summoned again as the vessel delved deeper in. The tone in Imaldris's voice as edgy at this point.
The Humankind Abh
08-03-2008, 05:26
Arc gave Imladris a nod as he returned to the bridge, more focused on navigating the gaseous clouds than giving thanks. Changala was steady at the helm as he kept the Silver Noah moving.
New readings came up on the sensors that lead the Silver Noah deeper in as the crew waited for what they would find. It was a mix on the scanners but something odd on the screen was what drew them in further.
"Do we have a clear image of it yet Changala?"
"Nope. Can't get through this cloud just yet. Give me a few seconds and I'll get us close enough to take a better reading."
Arc eased back into his chair then. "Alright. Take it slow though. I don't want any surprises in this case."
Gaian Ascendancy
08-03-2008, 06:48
Imladris kept a keen eye on his holotop, as the Silver Noah approached a jumble of floating 'leftovers' from some form of planetary formation processes, as within those seconds, it became apparent that they approached a debris field. As soon as his eye recognized this.. "Oh dear. Someone had a 'very' bad day."
Ten minutes of study after that. "Three distinct hulls. Not sure who they belonged to, but they got hit hard by more than these space boulders, I can tell you that."
As soon as Imaldris said that, the Silver Noah's proximity klaxon went off. Imaldris just stepped on whoever was the Tactical Officer with.. "Here comes company folks." ..said a bit too calm for his good.
"One vessel. Matches sensor logs from Commander Lind's holo-report."
"Prepare to acquire lock. We're still under Security Cordon Protocol one. We don't know if they were followed. Charge the weapons array! Now!!"
At that, two vicious looking starcraft began approach at combat speed, even despite the Oort Cloud debris field!! =@@=!!
((OC- Sorry for the long pic DL, Been waiting to show this off for some time here. =^^= ))
The Humankind Abh
12-03-2008, 02:52
Arc squinted in the distance to try and see what was coming at the Silver Noah. "What are we picking up on the sensors?"
There was a bit of difficulty trying to flip through all the interference of the Nebula but Changal was finally able to lock down on it all. "Uh...not good. Arc, I think we have a problem. I'm reading energy levels spiking. It looks like they are prepared to fire."
Arc hurriedly rose out of his seat and headed over to Changala. "What? Hold current course and do not raise shields or power up weapons."
The young commander turned to Imladris. "If you have something planned, no would be a good time to do it."
Gaian Ascendancy
12-03-2008, 06:14
Imaldris, jittering at the display he was seeing just, as much as Changala was noting from sensors, just gulped to Arc. "Indubitably." ..he however added quickly. "If they'll listen. the Valkyrian Order as a whole will 'never' be diplomatic in their methods. I'll probably rezz us just in saying hello." ..and opened a broadband frequency and spoke.. "This is..."
..and promptly, as expected, a ironclad female voice just blares the frequencies to death.. ":: This is DGAS Valkyrium screen patrol 107-3/L. Halt your advance within the Security Cordon of our auspice! Comply or die curs! ::"
Imaldris alone just sweated. That was no bluff. "Um.. Arc... halt the ship please. Purty please?"
Meanwhile the first officer of the lead Valkyrium class gunship angled her opal colored mane and facade at the Commander, a stark white haired commander of thousands of battles. One whom just clenched her armrests like she would strangle them. "You don't have to kill everything that enters the Cordon you know. I doubt the Commander-Emeritus would care for that, this time."
"Then they better respond 'perfectly' from here on out. I haven't killed anything today."
The first officer just rolled her lavender eyes. "This is 'not' the battlefield gal. Lady Belldandy is expecting this one! We'll spar later and let the plasma-vapor out, kay?"
The vessel Commander just huffed. "Bring a friend then." ..before snapping over open Comm. "And we're waiting!!!"
A whiny voice just snaps back. ":: We're stopping! We're stopping already! Love of Light, you can't stop physics on a total dime in this Dimension you know! Now like ol Antara or such anyway! ::"
At least most of both Valkyrium crews found their muffled snickers.
Imaldris meanwhile just sighed. "Maybe I should rethink my national loyalty here." ..and looks at Arc.. "Can I indenture myself to the Ahb if forced here?"
The Humankind Abh
12-03-2008, 23:35
"I've already had the engines come powered down." Arc wasn't sure how far the ship would be allowed to float before the two opposing ships would find it necessary to open fire from the sake of seeing something burn. The crew mostly just waited for whatever orders would be given by these semi-hostile beings.
Arc sort of smirked at Imladris's remark. "I imagine the Empire would be happy to accept your services though you might not need to go that far. You could always join the Silver Noah and be an explorer. Travel the distant cosmos and all that."
The Silver Noah finally came to a hault a few wesdaj away from the Gaian gunships and simmered in silence. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves?"
Gaian Ascendancy
13-03-2008, 02:22
Imladris agreed to Arc's suggestion. "Aye." ..and a look at the Valkyrium vessels. .. "Valkyrium Commanders, this is the Ahb starship Silver Noah, the commanding operating crew that is escorting my auspice of the Gaian Knight's Order, Commander...."
Before he could finish, his holotop literally exploded out, as an image of beautiful young woman, with long honeydew brown hair and skin as goddess like as her joyous smile, thrust out from the black holotop 'padd' and squealed quite literally.. ":: Imladris Kerenska! You've finally come back to us at long last!! ::"
Course doing that, one: probably freaked out the Ahb bridge crew looking on, like they had a choice in that moment, and two: pasted Imlade to his butt.
The female's lithe image quickly looked down.. ":: Oh my, my joy becometh the better of me again. Apologies? ::"
Imalde just raises a thumbs up from his sore back. "Oh.. no problem."
The image then 'looked' behind her, and at the Silver Noah image screen of the two Valkyrium gunships. ":: Sayeth this now. Escort this vessel to the homeworld at once. They are our guests of ancient old and will be treated as honored do. Do this please now. ::"
Two Valkyrium Commander voices snapped back.. ":: At once Lady Belldandy! / Yes Lady Excellency! ::"
The proscribed Belldandy then looks first to the Ahb crew she wishes to meet. ":: Please accept my apologies, our time here for the past year has been a terrible struggle. I assure you all absolute of proper treatment upon your arrival. Your own struggles of late have not been remissed. This I say in thank yous of, more upon arrival. ::"
Imaldris by now was up to one knee. "A year? Wait... wha..?"
Belldandy's image looks back down, and caresses a holographic hand most demure and caring upon Imaldris's cheek, one he 'feels' no less than if real. ":: Indeed. A story most lengthy awaits ye when you arrive. We here listening and watching anticipate with abated breath. One reserved all the same. ::"
Imaldris understood the proprietary involved. "Ah... yes... understood milady Belldandy."
The nigh goddess then puts her right forefinger to her lips. ":: One other listening as of now, also awaits. ::" ...which is the last image before it fades much more serenely than the initial reception had been. One that knowingly leaves Imladris a bit longing. His face shows it.
"Did she have to add that? Ladies and Lords preserve." he cradles his forehead in his left hand.
For the Ahb crew's part, the same Valkyrium Commander remarks in a 'far' more amicable tone. ":: Please follow us through the Oort Cloud Shield barrier into intra-System space please. ::"
The Humankind Abh
19-03-2008, 04:33
Arc and his crew were somewhat surprised by the sudden change in demeanor towards their presence. They weren't exactly sure if they could move now or if the situation would change once more and they would simply be shot down for inching. "Are you sure it's safe?"
When the second response came back asking them to follow, Arc simply shrugged and ordered the Silver Noah ahead. The ship moved through the cloud following the Gaian escorts.
"Is there something we should know about. . .?"
Gaian Ascendancy
22-03-2008, 05:29
Imladris just sighed and shrugged, looking at Arc and Changala. "I too will be seeing things revealed here, soon enough. Confused is not a meek word I use here." he looks back as the Valkyrium escorts lead the Ahb starvessel out of the Oort cloud soon enough.
When they do, the vessels expedite at sublight formal, and into the formal colors of the Nebulae pocket core. The colors of blue and pink mesh and meld in sort of 'sunset' colors, as they push deeper into the rather vacant area of space that comprises the new Gaian Homeworld.
This does not change much as they pass by one gas giant world, of green, blue and purple hues. One that looks strange to Imaldris, to his eye at least. "That world looks like it's just settling down. Where are the moons?"
The chance to look passes by too fast, as they begin to pass by a planetoid belt, in equally short order.
And more detail to Imaldris seems out of place. The lack of other vessels, or much else in fact. It seemed empty of too many things.
And 'then'... ":: Ahb vessel, prepare to shield sensor array for final entry vector. ::"
Imaldris blinked himself! "Pardon us?"
The Humankind Abh
24-03-2008, 04:18
Arc wasn't far from Imladris's own mindset. He wasn't actually sure of the reasoning behind all this or why he would need to have the sensor arrays shielded. But he knew better than to simply ask questions.
"It seems you are indeed in the dark as much as we are."
Arc turned his attention back to the helmsman. "Changala, turn the sensors off. We'll go in manually."
"Alright Arc. Whatever you say."
The Silver Noah followed the Valkyrium escorts as the crew waited for what they were about to see.
Gaian Ascendancy
24-03-2008, 06:31
And back to Imaldris wondering what to expect next. Something 'else' in the back of his mind, now took it's place in line with too many other thoughts that kept nagging at him. The tank on such things was well past full here, and something needed to breach the tank.
That happened, first, as they passed the inner zone of the System, as they passed the planetoid belt. Within seconds of leaving behind the leftover chunks of planetary formation the waiting ended.
":: Now entering phasic optimal zone. Gate opening fore... ::"
Before the Silver Noah and it's escorts, a shimmering field appears. Going through it occurs as if breathing. One needs that, since as soon as the three vessels emerge into the other side, it's like things were 'rewound'.
Imladris drops his jaw, as the sight of blazing stars is joined by things Imaldris has 'come' to expect of a Gaian Star-System. A series of large Platform bases, a number of cruiser and corvette sized warships of several Dimensions and Orders in guardian formations, as small streams of inter-planet transport craft flew in orderly patterns. A small flash of a Fold jump as one Transport class vessel disappears from formation of others. Even the twinkle strobes of Sentry-Orbs.
":: Welcome to Sphere Dimensional space Ahb honored crew. Welcome home Knight Commander. ::"
The voice is acknowledging of specific parties, though probably lost in gazing as they begin to move away from... wait.. what?
Imaldris had to check his own holotop sensors. "Eh? We're at the edge of the Oort Cloud?" ..and pieced together from his own accustomed, if rarely used technology. "A duck blind. For the entire system? No small feat."
From here, the journey moved deeper inSystem, as familiar sights made their mark to the mind. Many were repetitive, though others such as larger battlecruisers of the Summoner Classes, (Bahamut, Ifrit, Shiva, Leviathan, etc..) plied along in tight formations, further in, large Sector Starttraffic Control bases and support facilities were guarded by Warship, High-Mobile and Star Destroyer classes, a few Federation vessel types filling in speed gaps. The sight of some other Knightwing and Valkyrium versions speeding along with starfighter classes of 'their' own.
All of them tense enough by look. This shone the areas lacking, as in more sparse numbers, were the civilian and support traffic, as even shuttles were not seen much.
Which lead to their first sight of an 'actual' planet. Imaldris looking to his high to viewport level left, saw the glowing, crisping skin of a planet in turmoil. "Whoa, high power terraforming. Even the environmental standards are on hiatus here."
And just as they all notice this, a hologram 'again' jumps out of Imaldris's holotop, one with a long pink mane to it! (At least the Valkyrium jumpsuit is nice and pressed.) The sapphire blue eyes just glisten rather happily (and disturbingly at that,) at a flat on his butt (again,) Knight Commander.
And so in a giddy voice that just does 'not' belong on an Ahb vessel.. ":: IT'S REALLY YOU!! WAIT TILL I TELL THE OTHERS AT CORE BASE!! ::"
Thankfully the holo snaps off to everyone's sake of hearing, as Imaldris just moans. "Aye, nice to hear you too Commander Kurumi. I think..." ..trying to wring his ears out (again.)
Homecoming was going to be interesting.
As if the news wasn't spreading like a Type-V Plasma Storm by now...
The Humankind Abh
25-03-2008, 04:22
Arc and Kukurru shared a laugh as Imladris looked like a kid lost in wharehouse sized candystore. His eyes were darting everywhere taking in all the new sights that had become as familiar to him as home. It was an impressive sight to the Silver Noah crew as well. Few of them had witnessed Sphere Dimensional space but the likes of it were known to the Abh and theorized among their scientific circles. The Abh just had no real use for it.
"Try not to drool on the windows. Changala just had them cleaned."
The wily pilot stuck a thumb a grinned a golden tooth grin. "Aye and if you get your grubby finger prints on the glass, you'll be wiping the whole ship down."
The ship continued its travel amidst the traffic following its escort and not disrupting any of the surroundings. They had travelled on for some time before another interruption jumped out of the walls. It was a painful voice to be sure which had most of them cringing. The sound was worst than a Dornalian anime show about japanese school girls with crushes over the star athlete.
Toshu bent down to help Imladris back up on his feet. "Damn. This is starting to get old quick. Am I going to have to beat this entire race off of you with a stick?"
The stick happened to be the rather long katanna strapped to his back which Toshu was often fond of using.
Gaian Ascendancy
25-03-2008, 04:52
Imaldris after his hiney stops hurting, just sighs. "Gaians of my age stopped holding much back, what with all the death the Dark Ascendancy wrought during the War. The discipline comes in our military, where it's supposed to count anyway." ..this with a look back out the viewports and sight to a slowly receding SDF-X Command Warship, off to the rear, a sign they were making a final approach.
Which then imprinted a solemn mote on his facade. Given example of both his eyes, and his hearing of late told him, the greetings so far had a core purpose to them.
"How long...." ..he wondered, suspecting something he kempt to himself for a moment. It would not remain long, he suspected, as a their journey came to a sudden end. (Sublight does that..)
He looked up on instinct, as a heavenly hazed over blue orb of a world began to come into focus. Without giving note of the other details, he knew the long journey was finally over.
Imaldris just smiled. "What a week and a half it has been."
"(For you apparently.)" ..came back in a cold, hurt voice in his mind. It made Imaldris shiver a bit visibly all of a sudden, reason missed easily to anyone else. The smile went with it.
The Humankind Abh
26-03-2008, 03:57
The logic behind it all made sense to Arc though Toshu wasn't necessarily appreciative of it all. Arc got up from his seat and hooked an arm around Kukurru's waist as they walked over to the many windows on the bridge of the Silver Noah. Together they looked down at the blue planet that had come into their view.
It was a pleasant little system by their estimation and nicely isolated to. "It is beautiful here but what is the move now? Last you remember, you were in the middle of a long war which you barely escaped from. To the wrong time though."
Gaian Ascendancy
26-03-2008, 05:44
Imaldris was pondering that, just before his holotop popped up a third image, this of a 'very' familiar blue haired woman, a kindly youthful face that beheld an entire ancient war behind it. Imladirs gasped as...
":: To answer your question, honored Ahb Commander, is to take a shuttle down to these coordinates. (which pop up on the Navi, Comm and Tactical consoles, all at once.) The answers 'are' waiting. ::"
Imaldris finishes blurting out on hind of.. "Advisor Tenkawa?!" ..adding an impressed, if misplaced tone.. "So she survived." ... with the Grand Admiral winking and phasing out of sight. Imaldris just looked at his holotop first on hind mind of.. "I think my mindlink is on open-VOX. Ugh." ..before he dumps that.
The Knight Commander then just quipped tortly.. "Forgive, but I'm off to the Hanger deck now. Follow with whom you wish." ..and makes an abrupt about-face to commence forth! His cape even snaps sharply in motion along with.
The Humankind Abh
28-03-2008, 03:49
Arc watched as the new holographic image popped up in the middle of their ship once more. Only now the image was of a different women. To Toshu's relief, it wasn't another annoying fangirl by someone with a little more self control.
It appeared that the answers to all of Arc's concerns were waiting for them on the planet below which was a relief to the vagabond captain. He was getting tired of running around anyways. His only decision came down to who he would take to the planet with him.
"Pocco, Iga, and Elc; you stay here on the ship with Changala. Make what repairs you can and be ready to move out when we return. Toshu and Gorgen, come with Kukurru and myself. Never know what to expect so I prefer to have all of my basics covered."
The four companions headed down to the hangar bay, not far behind Imladris, and grabbed one of the shuttles. The rest of the crew remained on board to help out with making what repairs they could to the navigation systems. Shortly after, Arc's shuttle departed from the Silver Noah and headed down to the prescribed coordinants.
Gaian Ascendancy
29-03-2008, 00:34
"Thanks for coming.." ..Imaldris said as the shuttle made it's way down. "I'm actually too nervous for my own good here." ..said as the sight of the Ascendancy Class A-SSD hovered defunct, sending shivers down his own spine. An entire A-SSD as a hibernation ship, still even now, just drove home how 'small' everything was of a once great empire-republic, that could measure their Universes by the exacting light-year.
This as sight became obscured as they passed into the upper atmospheric layers. A few orbital platforms and sentry stations with the same archetype startraffic heading in every which way, defused by numbers the Knight Commander was used to. This shone as a sparse feel as they entered the inital cloud layers, a partial overcast late even, as they passed into the suffused terminator of an ending day, where they were going.
As such, they began seeing sparse, but noticeable 'circles' of advanced technological habitation, of whites, blues and greens, of hololight note. Movement of other small vessels, showed the world was not at a mere stage of pure beginning anymore. Enough entrenchment was noticable, this this too was still far below the 'level' of population density the Commander was used to.
Imaldris looking as best he could out the viewport, from his seat without obstructing the other Ahb's vision, remarked to all this.. "How far we've fallen, for a reformat, this far along."
There seemed to be no escort for their approach, Imaldris just kept an eye on his still activated holotop, giving adjustments where needed, though Imladris as much as the rest, was distracted much by the sights he thought at one point, to never see again.
Which both quotients led to a focused sight, as they entered formal dusk, past the sunset of the world. The focus being a much brighter 'light' than any other area the shuttle passed over. It didn't take long to realize, for the Commander anyway, what this was.
"A young Palace Tree that is. That is your final course good friends." Imaldris finished and leaned back. The others would note a somewhat 'young' Tree, only a kilometer wide and tall on the full square of every growth direction. If however was well on the way of being fully finalized for cohabitation, as the living Unit spread it's limbs, trunk of great girth, and roots, in increasing spans, most lost in the night shadows the light did not touch. Despite, the light was more than technological in feel of it's own, to show the white diamond surfaces of the structures 'sewn' into the branches. As such, also seen soon, was the starport, twinkling landing lights of blue beckoning final approach.
The Humankind Abh
02-04-2008, 03:09
Arc and the rest of his companions took in the views of the Ascended world as they made their way down to the surface. Each one of them got the distinct impression of a scarce collection of people down on the planet though it could be written off as a difference in living styles. Still there were no real cities to speak of for the most part that looked like large population centers.
"You have nothing to worry about Imladris. We are here to stand by you and give you strength when you need it."
The shuttle navigated further down when Imladris pointed out the Palace Tree nearby. It didn't take them long to figure out that was their destination. Steered towards the landing lights, the shuttle took the crew down to hopefully where the last leg of their journey would be found.
Gaian Ascendancy
04-04-2008, 06:57
Upon landing, just before they exited, Imaldris heard himself reply to the late response... "Time to use some of that vaunted Ahb strength." the shuttle hatch was opened.
A soft warm wind of a well Climatized evening. Too calm for Imladris's nerves, as he eventually stepped out along with his Ahb compatriots, unto the smooth plassteel white spaceport floordeck. A few blue strobing lights, a number of upper and lowered tier landing decks with walks ways, and to the left past a sight of a large Palace Tree branch, was gleaming feminine angelic being with 'quite' the decent sized wings.... ah...
Imaldris met two sets of eyes actually, just that the Angelic Commander in a glowing gown of nigh Grecian-like note, in fact all the stereotypical look with golden hair, was an obvious eye-anchor catcher.
Which is a miracle considering the Ascendant Griffon in whit and blue feathers and matching robes, next to her.
Imaldris recovers a split moment of heart hollowing glee, with a step forward of his Ahb escorts, and bowing. "Greetings."
"~ Welcome. ~ / :: Greetings Commander. ::"
Imaldris then felt his mindlink network 'spread', as if his mind was plugging into the existent web of living minds all about him. He sighed a tic of comfort to himself. I missed this feeling. ..before he looks to note to his greeters. "Commander Ral`erdth. Arch-Commander Serene."
Serene nods. ":: Her Lady Excellency in Lieu awaits. Please follow us. ::
Imladris follows suit quickly, as he expects fully the Ahb to do no less. Walking towards a immense arch, carved from the formed trunk of the Palace Tree living surface, into the within of alight halls of still forming white diamond and marbleized surfaces, up a set of adjoining walkway stairs, that lent to a grand view of much of the forested and mountainous landscape to the west and south, and a glimmering view of an ocean to the south east.
Imaldris alone was focused on peering towards a snowcap mountain to the approximate south, when Ral`erdth remarked.. "~ You have been anticipated, greatly at that. ~"
Imladris shoots a blinking look, just as Serene makes a stark shushing sound to her companion. This Imalde just blurts.. "Huh?"
Serene just looks back and beams ignorance.. :: Oh, nothing, nothing Commander. ::"
Imaldris gulped, and was thinking of taking up Arc on his earlier offer of exploration.
The Humankind Abh
04-04-2008, 14:02
It had been some time since Arc and Kukurru had been on a Palace Tree so it took them a moment to get their bearings in the immense structure. Once the aura of angellicness finally settled in, they were off with Imladris.
All of Arc's companions bowed as they greeted each Gaian in turn then continued on their path. None of them were more than a step away from Imladris though as they marched on.
Gaian Ascendancy
05-04-2008, 05:09
To Imaldris's eye, it was like walking into a Palace Tree upon an expansion or administrative world, in an underdeveloped galactic zone. The hallways were still large enough to hold a three story structure of ancient note, but still only a third as large as he remembered the Capital Palace Trees. The walls were too bare, bereft of art and scenery holographics that gave the Palace Trees their character, as much as the living companion itself.
"I imagine the Hikari Trees here are not fully formed yet either. Would explain other things." ..his thought trained his eyes on the few souls that passed by the enterouge, as while at least more than a few citizen souls of the replete allied civilizations were representative, even down to Ascendant Angelics, Griffons, and Krysallians, the Core Races of the old Sphere Republic. But these were sparse to equate to the word 'many' aforementioned. The Palace Tree seemed more an ethereal-ghost structure if anything, as they walked a much shorter distance than Imaldris expected to...
"Eh?" they passed, and he thumbed... "Not to the usual Council Advisory?"
That made both escorts turn a good deal somber, without a hint of breath added. Imladris gulped and realized better. He just rubbed his scalp, avoiding gouging his nails into it.
As they approached an area that Imaldris remembered instead, was adjoining Offices and Support sections, Ral`erdth imparted finally. "~ Her Excellency in Lieu will explain, it's too much for my tongue to bear priorhand. ~""
Imaldris did not spare eye for the Ahb following, his mind was too filled now with impossible scenarios, to realize all too soon after..
":: Within, Commander. ::"
The Knight Commander looked up with a start, and peered within, where Commander Serene parted a gesturing hand of agleam. Imladris noted shadows within a cast light within, a number waiting. Imaldris took a steely breath and stepped within.
His eyes quickly adjusted to the chambered light from a number of holoemitters, as his eye lain upon recognition, of... "Ah.... Lady Belldandy." ..behind a large office desk, the size of a small room. About it from his left of sight, to right.. "Lady Urd and Skuld? Lord Morisato. Grand Admiral and Advisor Tenkawa.
Um... Lady Washu too?"
"Well excuse me." ..a put off spiky redheaded genius quips back. Most the rest just find a 'very' needed giggle.
Imaldris just blushes nervously, as Belldandy looks to.. "And to you, honored Ahb, for all your assistance. Everything we learned from our returned Knightwing vessel's memory core told us all. It is a debt we will repay, this for bringing my son back to our fold."
Imladris was noting a certain Valkyrian's absence, when... "Wha.. huh? Son? But we aren't..."
Bell's absolute beaming smile just informed otherwise. "Yes... we've been all this time."
Nice way to start a return home, no? =@@=!!
The Humankind Abh
07-04-2008, 04:43
Arc and Kukurru were both aware of the strange absence of the standard Gaian materials that had often decorated their halls. Now it seemed a standard Abh war vessel carried more artistic flare than these massive halls. Still there was enough to see from the long vacation from the Gaian realm and it kept them interested for most of the time. Except for Toshu who was just tired of walking everywhere.
Finally they entered into another room which seemed to be of an office of some sort. A number of figures sat around a rather large wooden desk watching the group as they entered. None of the faces were familiar to Arc as Aleaic was not among them and was not expected to be. Still, he felt he should at least recall some of their faces.
Arc was surprised at the exclamation that Imladris was this woman's son. None of which had been brought up in conversation. "We are simply wanderers that help out when we can and we also hold a special relation with the Gaians as do many of the Abh. Unfortunately I must admit, I do not recognize any of those before me. The last contact any of us had with the Gaians was from Lord Aleaic during the Dark Ascendancy Wars. A fine companion during those times.
We seem to be out of the loop in all that has happened. It seems as much as Imladris is as well."
Gaian Ascendancy
05-05-2008, 04:43
Belldandy looked away from a bewildered Imaldris, and the Ahb speaking, for a moment to trade a look with her husband Keiichi. Something passed between them in Mindlink speak, before Belldandy looked back.
"I believe we all would be better served with a formal meeting in the early hours of morn. All will be explained there, including everything we learned from Deania's holo-archive.
As it is, the Ahb may be better served joining me and my husband for dinner this evening. We can explain enough there, with my son in absence."
Imaldris blinked and struck his head forward. "Pardon? I fear my patience is not of 'such' restraint here Milady. I..."
Imladris stops his voice cold, when that feel stabs in his mind again, this time with a form for him to instinctively shoot his head towards the overlook behind the Gaian leaders, as that one missing form is seen, the white in blue lined jumpsuit indelibly crisp, as is the steel blue, asymmetrical mane, one with a new braid of length Imaldris never had seen before, as...
...and then the lithe form of war vanishes from sight, causing Imaldris to stumble forth, quite visibly to everyone. "But..."
Yurika seems to uptake Bell's tone, and informs. "I believe Lady Belldandy has wisdom in her words."
Imladris gulps, all clarity to word into mind presented. Off this, Imladris turns and reflexively bows to his Ahb escorts. "Myapologies,butImustgo!Sorry!!" one blurt that then sees Skuld have to scamper aside to avoid being flatted when Imaldris burst flies out the same palace overlook. Skuld just stabs her arm out. "Watch it buddy!!"
Belldandy leads a bit off good natured giggling amongst the Gaian fems, as Keiichi just sighs. "Man, and we just got this planet terraformed just right. The Ascendant architects are going to be miffed."
Commander Serene just shrugs. ":: Love is a battlefield. Moreso with those too. ::"
Belldandy then looks over at Arc, Kukurru, Toshu and Gorgen, as one.
"Shalt we to refreshments and queries then?"
Below, more than one Gaian of the still nascent Hikari Link, could feel even this empowered display, as one form began chasing another down..
...not that Lind looked happy about it... =oO=;;;
The Humankind Abh
07-05-2008, 16:11
The Silver Noah group stared at Imladris awkwardly as he hurried out of the room, wondering where he was off to in such a hurry. With the invitation to dinner out in the open, the group could hardly refuse.
"You are very hospitable m'Lady"
Arc, Kukurru, Toshu, Gogen walked along with the rest of the Gaians. Out of the four, Toshu looked forward to the food the most. He could only hope that there was some booze to go along with it. The warrior looked around momentarily at his other three companions then thought better of it. There would be no one to drink with him. There were few things worse than drinking alone.
As they walked, Arc wondered about bringing up something that would help put his mind to rest but was concerned about being rude. "Excuse me. I do not mean to take advantage of your hospitality but our ship was damaged on the way here. We have made many repairs already but there is just some damage that requires supplies to fix. Would it be possible to get some assistance in fixing the Silver Noah?"
Gaian Ascendancy
12-05-2008, 02:23
The way Belldandy responded, it was like she had little inkling of how to be put off by anyone. She just beamed openly as she and Keiichi walked along with their guests. "It will be little problem to attend to your vessel."
"I got it." Keiichi leapt responded upon, as he activated a comm unit set in his ear, and talked low key to the fleet dockmaster section, as Belldandy continued. "From the reports take from Deania's archives, as well as from Preen's recovered memory. Lord Imladris will be gladdened that she was recovered from his armor. Lady Preen was imprinted with how much he felt alone in the moment of her incapacitation.
As such, I hope your trial met your objectives well." ..she put with honest concern for her Ahb guests. This as they approached a set of titanic wood carved doors.
He'd get close, and then he'd get an elbow in the face. he'd recover from the hole in the ground, to give chase again, only to soon get gut checked from heck, into another body shaped imprint in the recently terraformed soil.
It went like this at least three more times, before the sixth.. or seventh.. time, before Imalde popped his head up over the edge of another shapely hole, his head just seen at the neckline, at 'ground' level.
"Ah, just like the ancient days."
"I fear you 'are' one of those souls." ..Imaldris hears above him, as he looks up at the stiff, lithe form, looking down at him with piercing eyes. The folded arms didn't look inviting either. The Knight Commander just sighed, rubbed at his bruised left eye, and quipped. "I fear such has been the endearment I ever expect to receive milady Valkyrian. I'd hate to know what actual affection would engender."
Lind slit her eyes.
"Tempt me not."
Imaldris didn't care.
"Tempt away."
They just stared at each other, a cool breeze and calm partly cloudy night sky, more than one moon light glint cast a muted pall over them.
The silence lasts not, as the screech of metal and crystal SLAMS it's tone over the landscape, Such as Lind flip forms her Staff Axe in hand so fast, it takes ALL of Imaldris's speed to conjure his own blade. The initial contact made the ground vibrate, as Lind vent her rage unto her target.
"You made me wait. Too long to wait. Ten thousand, four hundred and seventy three years to BLASTED LONG!!"
Lind flips her Axe over and spin thrusts her displeasure into Imaldris's waiting blade, one held less staunchly than supposed to have, making his hands hurt CRAZY like!
And through the said pain of gritted teeth. "Tempt indeed."
That just made Lind fly into a flurrying rage of thrust parries and varying flip and spin attacks, many of which Imaldris blocks halfheartedly, causing more than a number of cuts and bruises. One rather nasty cut to his right cheek hits near to the bone, and even nearly knocks Imaldris out in the so doing.
Lind checks her rage at this point and almost screams too 'high-pitched' in admonishing. "You call 'that' a proper spar?"
Imaldris ends up landing, all of a kilometer away from where they started. "I call... it... penitence. Continue on as long as you.. YARGH!!!"
Lind shove thrusts her blunt end of her weapon into Imaldris's gut, and spin elbows further to his hiney end. Imaldris instantly then feels Lind atop him, straddled with her Staff-Axe across his neck. It's be romantic, if not for the sneer she gives.
"Have I said not to be so weak before me?"
Imaldris doesn't respond, which causes the staff to be pressed harder into his neck. Some of this Imaldris feels a good deal of trembling from. Lind facade even threatens to crack, something that happens as often as a galaxy collision.
"Gee, you two look cozy."
Lind and Imaldris (mostly Lind,) look up suddenly, as Ras floats nearby. Lind just groans. "You mind Sister? We're catching up."
"So I see." Ras notes, before both note gurgling sounds. Ras just shrugs. "Well, at least he'll go into a Gen-Refab unit happy. About two weeks worth at this rate."
Lind just sighs. "That'd be too easy on him." ..before she rises from Imaldris's busted arse form.
"Nice... *cough* be... *coughx3* ...home."
The Humankind Abh
13-05-2008, 03:35
Arc smiled, appreciative of their concern. "There were a few bumps along the way but everything managed to go according to plan. Imladris has been brought home and the Abh have once again established contact with the Gaians. It cost a few lives in the process but we managed to pull through and now have a chance to catch out breath before we move on."
As they continued walking. Arc wondered how well Changala would take to others poking around the Silver Noah. Sure he would be grateful for the help but he always had to be in charge when it came to taking care of his baby.
Kukurru shook him from his momentary humor. "Where is Imladris anyways?"
Gaian Ascendancy
13-05-2008, 04:54
Belldandy just remarked, a good giggle in so doing. "Oh, he's catching up with a private affair."
About this time, they all might have felt one of those ground tremors, depending. Keiichi then responds from taking over Comms, looking at the Ahb. "Okay, you guys can have your ship enter any dock you choose. We have a lot of berths open right now, since we're low on operating personnel for our ships."
Belldandy remarks to this, as they turn a bend to the right.. "Save for Valkyrian vessels, and what citizen souls we've brought out of stasis, most of our fleet is Synthetic operated, such as Lady Preen, whom you've met.
We'd appreciate helping keep our secrecy for the time being, until our terraforming of this System at a basic level is complete. After that, we can bring more souls out of hibernation. Something hard enough to deal with as it is." ..her voice trails off into a somber tone. Keiichi catches this quickly and grasps her hand. This alone quickly brightens Belldandy's mood.
They all then are lead past those wood doors, carved in a motif of large armies of light marching towards seemingly larger numbers of an enemy the Ahb here probably can guesstimate unto. Course this is probably focuses away from, as they approach a Glassian attendant.
"Greetings." The literal glass shaped humanoid remarks. Belldandy bows. "In return the same. I believe our guests are famished." ...and she looks back at the Ahb as the attendant enters to conduct orders. "Meal and more converse await, if you are ready."
"I know I am." Keiichi quips, a good belly rub that makes Bell lose a laugh for a moment.
Lind had to jitter an eye, as Imladris, after he recovered, stood in front of Ras and imparts.. "Okay, a good full nelson hold should help give Lind clear shots."
Ras blinks and responds off kilter, and looks at her Sister. "While I'd like to, it'd be misconstrued for my part."
Lind groans and looks away. "I thought you said you were remiss of him in heart." ..this Ras remarks dryly. "More than you should be. I thought your heart.."
"My. Heart. Is. Despondent."
Imladris just sighs and rubs his welted scalp. "Guess I deserve all this."
"Of what part." Ras put in a plain tone. Lind spins back and wants to stab something in, but sees instead a formal bow from the Knight Commander waiting for her. Quite deliberately at that.
"I'm sorry. I have no right to feel of loss, compared to what you feel now. I already see what a damnable crime temporal travel already is. What is my barely not even two weeks, compared to what you've all felt and endured for longer than I can imagine.
I don't know what to say, I just wanted... I.. really wanted to..."
Imalde suddenly feels his cape yanked, forcing him upwards upright. He then sees and feels a reaction sure not anticipated, but blush he begets from the loving full glom Lind emboldens upon him, shows it's well received.
Ras smirks softly, as Lind finally relents. "Loss is not for this moment here."
Imaldris is a bit stiff in conduct, which is 'also' helped along, as Ras 'orients' his arms around Lind's back. In the end, Ras just remarks. "Okay, relax into it. Have fun. I need to check in with Command. I have trackers on both of ya if you ditch early. Ciao."
The two are left like that, which for the both of them, only edgy and POed a few moments before, just makes this moment more awkward.
Lind quips to this effect. "Sister will be pulling a five shift pull patrol for this."
"Sounds good." ..a good deep chuckle, that suddenly loosens Lind into Imlade's chest. This in turn allows him to let his hug have merit. The two remain like that, for some undetermined length, as some form of resolution seems to have closed.
Lind however, ever to form. "Be not ever used to this, so you know."
Imalde smirks, his cheek on her hair. "Wana bet?"
Lind had her own response next.
The Humankind Abh
13-05-2008, 23:41
One of the few things that Arc on his body that resembled that of belonging to the Abh Empire was a small clyuno wrapped around his wrist and hand. The communication device flashed to life as he brought it close to his mouth. "Changala, the Gaians have agreed to help repair the ship. Just follow their command and they'll show you to an open dock."
There was a slight pause for a moment then Changala's voice came back over the line. "Alright Arc but I don't know how much good it's going to do. I mean I need parts for a claudia drive, new armor plating, anti-matter gravity stabilizers, reactor..."
"Changala. Just do the best you can. I leave it in your capable hands."
Arc let his hand fall to his side which only lit up once more. "You got it Arc."
The glass looking attendat caught them all by surprised. Not only was it foreign to them but glass just didn't seem all that practical. The mention of food was the only thing that brought them out of their distraction. Well at least one of them anyways.
Toshu smiled as he rubbed his stomach. "Thank the spirits. No more of Changala's rations. Real food this time."
Kukurru giggled for a moment. "Just don't let him hear you say that."
Gaian Ascendancy
14-05-2008, 00:19
Belldandy just smiled and led her guests into the formal dining room. One that seemed carved quite fresh, from the living wood of the massive branch they were in. In fact the look of the chamber felt as if it had only been 'very' recently constructed. Keiichi made light of that... "Just missing the ancient paint smell of old Earth."
Bell nods. "Yes, those were quite the happy times. Even after an Age, I still remember them."
The memory however fades on view of a large dining table, naturally grown and carved from a 'raised' lump of branch wood, looking as if it was solid oak, with Redwood mixed within. The smell Keiichi referred, was more like being in a pine forest, if ever the slightest hint of so, hardly overpowering.
Such was why the smells of food waifing around them, yet unseen, made for growling stomachs.
"Sorry." Keiichi quips, seemingly trying to match Toshu in hunger pangs. He however recovers enough to easily make movement to seat Belldandy at the head of the 'very' long table, the seat also helping, by dynamically moving in Keiichi's grip.
As she is so assisted gentlemanly, she then calls out. "Drinks please."
A number of glowing circle ports suddenly form above the smooth table, and then spread zenith and nadir, into two circles that form more than a replete number of standard drinks. A few in quite the well sized decanters and bottles.
Most of which in languages that never had graced the Alpha Dimension before, but their contents and smells more than readily recognizable.
These all forming invitations to begin dinner.
The same, in a form, was in conduct for the Silver Noah, as pretty much as soon as the transmission ended, a second automated voice popped up over Comms.
":: Please follow these navigational beacons to the Combat Repairs Yards. ::" ..this a number of Orb blue beacon units form to the fore of the Ahb vessel, acting all like a standard beacon road, towards a rather large dock yards complex, one almost too complex to describe even at this distance.
A face muffled in the soft soil.
"Nice... German suplex."
Lind smirks, in said position of victory.
"Is it not?"
Imaldris just huffed (with a dusting of soil with,) and impressed his response.
The Humankind Abh
16-05-2008, 02:35
Arc's group looked around at the spread that was waiting for them with much satisfaction. It had been a long time since they had a meal like this. Even Toshu smiled as a bottle of booze floated pass his head. "Alright!"
Kukurru and Arc took something rather less alcoholic to suit their desires while Gorgen took a drink that tasted fruity which made his overly exaggerated bushy eyebrows puff out even more. The old man laid his walking staff against his shoulder. "Ahh."
Arc rose his glass after Kukurru had filled it for him. "Perhaps these times are little troubling for something like this, but I think it would be alright if we put all that behind us for now. A toast, to old friends reunited."
Changala pulled on the wooden wheel to steer the Silver Noah between the glowing lines. While the repairs had kept the ship together through the travel through Third Space, it was listing badly now. The dock yard growed largely through the glass as the ship made a final approach. Large enough to rival even Vobayrunay.
The wily pilot let out a whistle. " there a valee to park this thing or should I do it myself?"
Gaian Ascendancy
16-05-2008, 05:04
Changala's query is soon answered, as parts of the approached dockyard detach, and head for the damaged vessel. a small pair tractor beam units lock onto the Ahb vessel with a pair of blue station keeping beams, even as the vessel is kept moving by them.
":: Deactivate engines and deactivate most systems, save for life support and backup computer power systems. Scans will not harm living tissue. Upon docking, recreational zones and choices will be made available.
Have a good day in our Yards. ::" ..which by now has three larger scanning droid apparatuses surrounding the vessel along all three major axises. Meanwhile, a large Fold signature brings an on spot droid controlled supply vessel, with base atomic material, gathered from the Red Galaxy Zone of the Alpha Universe. It connects to a molecular processor section of the same dock section the Silver Noah approaches.
Bell and Keiichi raise their glasses in turn.
"To ancient friends. Ones most honorable."
At this, the actual spread is brought out, as a six course dinner surrounding a beef tenderloin is slowly consumed over a long dinner. Keiichi however remarks, mainly on ancient memory of another kind.
"Wish you had more time to make your own meals again. I miss those."
Belldandy nods. "Of course dear. After tomorrow, I imagine I will have more time to devote to you again."
Lind stopped spinning furiously, as Imalde reset his dropped weapon from earlier.
"Shalt we try again, better around this time?"
Lind smirks and somehow flicks her own Staff Axe into hand of right again. "Are you sure? That cheek cut hasn't finished healing."
Imaldris shrugged. "Eh, like that's stopped you before. Besides, I see feeling sorry for a span of time untold, won't solve our issue at the moment.
And I want to feel your anger upon me this night."
Lind's heart skipped a beat. What since the tone of the words given, was rather seductive, despite the intent. The response aimed the business end of her weapon at him, with.. "If your sword can stay upright, that is."
Ras sighed, as a flare of clashing metal sparked the lower air. This time no holds barred.
"I'd hate to see their kith one day, brutal such may be."
The Humankind Abh
21-05-2008, 03:17
Practically the entire crew still aboard the Silver Noah erupted in cheers when they heard recreational zones and choices. While they didn't know what that meant, it had to be better than being stuck on a star ship with little more to do than repair the old girl. Almost all sections of the ships were vacated leaving an unlucky select few that had to remain behind and make repairs along with Changala, Igan, Pocco, Elc, and Shu.
Changala was the grimmest of them all, though not because he couldn't go ashore. "Hey, voice box. What are you gonna do to my ship?"
The main spread looked remarkable to the wayward crew as their stomachs began to rumble. Kukurru blushed at the bodily noise and said "excuse me."
Still minding their manners, they waited for their hosts to eat then they followed suit. It felt good to have a meal that didn't taste like it came out of the replicators. Between mouthfuls, Arc managed to get out, "If you don't mind, I have a few questions. First, what are your plans now that have established a hold in this sector of space?"
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2008, 02:35
The Staff Axe slammed (hard) into the oriented blade, parried and thrust deftly unto and off each other, skillfully echoing each other's movements, as if they were their own. All but in fact...
Belldandy looked into her wine, and took a sip, before answering.... "That, is not my intent. I have been in charge of spiriting our citizens to a new safeworld. To be honest, having to be the leader of what we have left, has been a extraordinary drain upon me.
Now that we are here and reestablished, your question, Lord Arc, lies with the one you have brought back to us.
Such is the word of my old friend, as is His Order."
Keiichi, already taking a bite of savory beef, stopped in mid chew. His own face was contorted in the unknowns, things Gaians were 'quite' hardly used to.
Belldandy gently prodded of her own accord. "Please eat."
The holographic voice responded just as curtly. ":: This dockyard is a Combat Stage One repair facility. All combat warships from the front lines of the War, come to one of these for expedite repairs, via beam replicator node unit emitters. As via Standard Technology Level restraint guidelines, scans are not stored in holographic archives, without consent, and only used on a singular basis, for structural repairs.
Lower level technology bases will not receive more than their own technology level requires, without prior approval of the Holy Council. As such, vessel repairs with molecular repair assistance, will only take thirty-seven point two five hours, with no payment requirement enforced. The level seven technology base does not require payment parameters, as little is to be gained from our stance of technology level.
You may however cancel the repair request, at any time, if so felt of need. ::"
...nevermind the yard is essentially all about them now.
With a form watching them arrive from a viewport.
Spinning lift kick, pushing her prey back a good ten meters, as he reactively roll bounds with the brute momentum, and reaches a stance to defend against the follow up downward slash, parrying it off before push blocking with his left hand, Lind's right back moving elbow.
...which spins to slap up against his helmed temple.
All this time keeping him on his heels, unrelenting, unforgiving.
Imalde slides backwards, with Lind ON his heels, as she shifts behind him, and slams her back into his, catching him off balance, before her legs wrap low and trip him up onto his stomach.
The next he sees, is the Axe blade dug brutally into the ground, off his left eyebrow.
Wordlessly, he pushes off the ground with his hands, and lets Lind flip them both around. This time his own brute strength kicks her off. But not far enough, as she somehow grabs the same kicking leg, and SINGS him overhead and back HARD down onto his face!
Lind then spins viciously like a top and makes to level her elbow again. Imalde avoids this, leaving a good sized hole that isn't body shaped this time. Lind orients and chases after Imalde again, as he grabs his blade again. He turns in time and sees Lind leveling her Axe again!
"Dang magnetic gloves!" Imalde manages, before he feels his body ACHE again!
The Humankind Abh
23-05-2008, 04:26
Arc wasn't exactly sure he understood everything but basically got the gist of it all. "I see. Then I suppose that will truly have to wait to be answered at another time. My last question before I stop interupting the meal. Do you happen to know the whereabouts of Lord Aleaic?"
Changala grumbled on but had no real arguments. "Alright Tinker-Bell, you may proceed with the repairs but don't anything to hurt my ship. I'll be watching you to make sure every nut and bolt is in the right place."
Gaian Ascendancy
23-05-2008, 05:15
Belldandy visibly slumped back in her seat.
"The last time I saw him, was just before the Dark Rip consumed Homeworld.
He's.... gone."
Given Changala's response, the dock detaches a massive gleaming withe ring, as the scanning units, then activate added tractor beams, and the whole Ahb vessel enters formally. As soon as it does so, the large ring, well over twice the size of the Ahb vessel, splits into seven sections, and extends a multitude of mechanical arms. A red beam field then activates and funnels raw atomic matter streams, all around from the main connection dock, to the repair sections.
These then take the raw matter, and compress it all into the needed, fabricated material component stock, which forms as teal blue beams that project from the first arms to engage the Ahb vessel. They then begin point replication of the first deck plates and refurbish the first internal sections, starting a long process.
Meanwhile, a separate ring unit docks with the starboard docking port, and activates a Stargate like teleport field, save for the dramatic activation effect. This is complimented with... ":: A teleport field will take you to the Recreational Zone. A ring unit has been activated on your starboard side, at your convenience. ::"
Boy, he got hit 'that' far into the mountains? =@@=!!!
The Humankind Abh
27-05-2008, 01:30
The atmosphere virtually slumped to the floor at the news. No one said a word for the longest moment or ate anymore of their meal. Hearing that Aleaic was gone, was a serious blow to their spirits.
"I am sorry." Arc managed after a while.
Changala plopped down in the pilot chair and crossed his arms. "Thanks but no thanks. I'll wait right here until the repairs are all finished. Pretty sure I know the ins and outs of this ship better than anyone else."
Gaian Ascendancy
09-06-2008, 21:18
A cloister villa of Ascendants gathered around the hole that interrupted their calm evening of night singing and otherwise simple enjoyment. One black and green feathered number towered over the body shaped hole. "~ Tis a shame for all that work done to shape this living rock. ~"
The hole just moaned some shade of pain from within.
The Avians looked up, when a stoic voice shimmered her steel next. "Going to show poor form in there milord?" ...tis how Lind's concern was. The hole just grumbled something that made the younger Avians cringe.
The form in the hole then promptly blasted clean out, nary a whiff of dust even, as Lind is immediately body grasped, spun hard and shot off towards space. The miffed then spoke back in blaring tone. "Poor form my tushie!!" ..and then blared himself up towards a quickly recovering Valkyrian.
She just reoriented herself, pointed her Axe, and smiled.
The computer voice just 'shrugged' back. ":: Tis your choice. replicator beams will attempt to avoid body contact as much as possible, while you remain onboard. Note molecular contact with superstructure composites, upon bioorganic tissue, is not recommended. ::"
Another voice then pops in, just as the vessel is formally docked with the yard. Replicator beam arms are going high hog with operations now. The voice remarks. ":: Greetings, mind if we meet? This is Advisor Yurika, I thought we could talk. ::"
Belldandy had lost her appetite. Such was how Keiichi always managed to help spirits, as he explained. "He probably isn't dead though. The last we saw, was our ship escaping as the Rip reached Homeworld. Most of our remaining civilization by then, has escaped to as many separate dimensions and realities, we could afford to so do. We wanted to send them all back here, but we couldn't know how much temporal contamination we would cause, by conducting so many jumps.
And... we were panicking some then too. But all the same, the last I saw of Aleaic, he was seeing the last survivors off, us in particular apparently, when we were ordered to find Lord Imaldris. I think The Excellency's plan for him might be the key to all this.
For Aleaic, knowing all that Power stuff he hated, he probably found a way to survive even the Rip. Tsunami wouldn't let him die, knowing her." Keiichi just glanced up longingly. Belldandy took hope off this, as Keiichi remarked. "Yes, he's alive. He has to be."
Belldandy just echoed with a wiped tear. "Yes."
For a moment, the two just gathered their thoughts, before Belldandy then regained her voice. "P.. Please. Our food deserves more attention that we've been honoring such." whit, Kei just nabbed his fork and hogged away. "Yum. Food good. Good yum yum." ...which made Bell laugh easily again.
The Humankind Abh
11-06-2008, 03:10
Changala relaxed aboard the ship for a moment oblivious to any concern about replicator beams. He simply went about his favorite task on the bridge, polishing every little piece of equipment until it shined.
A voice coming over the comm line shook him from his happy hour. "Ah, what do you want? Ack, fine. Where do ye want to meet at?"
With the uncomfortable silence and everyone's downcast mood, Arc felt self-concious about bringing up a sore subject with the gathering. Unfortunately his own curiosity and concerned had demanded he find out what had happened to an old friend. Still, he no longer felt like eating his food or that the deserved to be in their company for the time.
Kukurru picked up on her lover's agitation and helped switch subjects. "Once you have settled in, you will have to come back to the Empire for a visit. It has been a while and much has changed. I am sure you could all do with a vacation sometime to relax."