NationStates Jolt Archive

News Flash

Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 01:28
The Country of Skylar Ferguson just announced that they will start a colony in... Antartica!!!!!! The country of Skylar Ferguson will devote 5 billion dollars out of their defense budget. It will be aproxemetly 5 years(5 days real) to get this set up.The country of Skylar Ferguson is setting up a small town of 5 sqaure miles. Putting in a fuel powerplant and small military operation of3000 troops 30 apache helicopters 40 arjun tanks. We will also allow the U.N. to put an embassy there.Before we do this we did something unlike the government of Skylar Ferguson. We held a vote inside our country and this is how our citizens responded.

63% yes
37% no

Some interviews
Citizen1: I think this will be great for the good of the nation and the world. If we start inhabiting Antartica it can be harvested for resources and it will increase the amount of jobs avalible imensely and help the world economy.
Citezen2: My family has been starving and homeless. Ive tried to look for a job but just couldn't find one. Then they annouced they were starting a colony on Antartica. And that there was high pay for anyone who decided to go. My family gets a free ride over and a house to live in with heat and electricity. We really would like this to be accepted by the World. It will help Thousands of people in Skylar Ferguson and maybe the world.
Citizen3: I don't think they should make this colony. can't we leave one continent alone and not inhabit it. Think of all the animals that will be put out of their homes once more country's start coming.

Well the citizens of my country have spoken. Its time to get approval from you please post your votes. Remember to think of the people. Voting will end on sept. 30th 2007.

If You read this please vote.


Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:02
British Londinium
29-09-2007, 03:05

Official Londinian Communiqué

Open Declaration:

Let it be known that any attempt by Skylar Ferguson to colonize Antarctica will be deemed an act of war. That will be all.

The Rt. Hon. Flavia Davidson, MP, PhD
Consul of the Londinian Commonwealth
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:08

Official Londinian Communiqué

Open Declaration:

Let it be known that any attempt by Skylar Ferguson to colonize Antarctica will be deemed an act of war. That will be all.

The Rt. Hon. Flavia Davidson, MP, PhD
Consul of the Londinian Commonwealth

but im letting the un have an embassy
British Londinium
29-09-2007, 03:16
but im letting the un have an embassy

Official Communiqué

Congratulations. We don't care. Any colonists from Skylar Ferguson landing in Antarctica will be promptly thrown into a giant blender and liquified.
29-09-2007, 03:29
We would be pleased to offer to sell Skylar Ferguson's colonists blender-resistant suits, capable of resisting a 5,000 RPM blender's blades. No more, no less. Each suit costs only G99.99.99 and comes with its own certificate of authenticity.
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere
British Londinium
29-09-2007, 03:30
Official Communiqué

Because we can. Besides, it would be a travesty if our blenders went unused.
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:32
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:37
come on let me colonize anartica
British Londinium
29-09-2007, 03:38
come on let me colonize anartica

Official Communiqué

29-09-2007, 03:38
guy who is selling blender suits is a yes

Oh? Really? Uh...great! many do you want? We've got a ton!
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:39
guy who is selling blender suits is a yes
British Londinium
29-09-2007, 03:40

Official Communiqué

Nein. That's German
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:42
29-09-2007, 03:46
Official Statement of The Socialist Republic of Deurem

It makes us sad that the Country of Skylar Ferguson wishes to colonize one of the last places virtually untouched by man. It is also sad that you will try to colonize such a barren and cold land which is disputed by many nations. Such a thing will certainly mark the firey death of your nation and people.
British Londinium
29-09-2007, 03:47
The Londinian Commonwealth reiterates that any colonization of Antarctica by Skylar Ferguson will be deemed an act of war, and all colonists will be slaughtered or turned into sex slaves in Tasmania.
29-09-2007, 03:47
Official Statement of The Socialist Republic of Deurem

It makes us sad that the Country of Skylar Ferguson wishes to colonize one of the last places virtually untouched by man. It is also sad that you will try to colonize such a barren and cold land which is disputed by many nations. Such a thing will certainly mark the firey death of your nation and people.

Fourtunatly our blender-happy friends in British Londiunium have quite taken care of the problem. If you dont mind, the people of Dontgonearthere would be pleased if you would stay out of this while we profiteer off of this persons situation. It wont take a moment.
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere

i caNT AFFORD ANY IT would take up my budget for moving there
Oh, dont worry. We have a fine system of credits and incrimental payments, perfect for your situation. Of course interest rates would be rather high considering the imminent probability of a significant portion of your population being set to 'puree'
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:47
Oh? Really? Uh...great! many do you want? We've got a ton!
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere
i caNT AFFORD ANY IT would take up my budget for moving there:rolleyes:
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:49
Official Statement of The Socialist Republic of Deurem

It makes us sad that the Country of Skylar Ferguson wishes to colonize one of the last places virtually untouched by man. It is also sad that you will try to colonize such a barren and cold land which is disputed by many nations. Such a thing will certainly mark the firey death of your nation and people.

so thats a yes:D
29-09-2007, 03:51
so ur a no

I dont speak 'ur', Im afraid. I'm afraid my Ancient Klatchistani is a bit rusty. Could you clarify, please? In English.
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere
29-09-2007, 03:51
so thats a yes:D

Official Statement of The Socialist Republic of Deurem

Reconsider before you actually start the colonization process. It will cause valuable money that could be better spent in other affairs.

OOC: You will be screwed over if you try to colonize Antartica. Many people including me will do bad things if you do. :sniper:
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:53
Fourtunatly our blender-happy friends in British Londiunium have quite taken care of the problem. If you dont mind, the people of Dontgonearthere would be pleased if you would stay out of this while we profiteer off of this persons situation. It wont take a moment.
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere

Oh, dont worry. We have a fine system of credits and incrimental payments, perfect for your situation. Of course interest rates would be rather high considering the imminent probability of a significant portion of your population being set to 'puree'
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere

so ur a no
29-09-2007, 03:53
Man, the timewarp in this thread is REALLY bad. Which one of you is running an unauthorized chronaton emitter? Huh? Starfleet is gonna fuck you up.)
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:54
Official Statement of The Socialist Republic of Deurem

Reconsider before you actually start the colonization process. It will cause valuable money that could be better spent in other affairs.

OOC: You will be screwed over if you try to colonize Antartica. Many people including me will do bad things if you do. :sniper:

29-09-2007, 03:54
How about i set up orbital missile stations intead:upyours:

We'd be happy to sell you some. Cheap too. Only G500,000 for each. Certainly the best you could find on any market anywhere.
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere
29-09-2007, 03:56
heheh lol... right:(

Was that directed at us? Its hard to tell with the whole misdirected messages and all.
Anyway, if youre interested, how many units would you like? We can set you up with a couple hundred satilites right off the bat. If youre willing to pay extra we'll even put them in orbit for you.
Tsar Pavel VI of Dontgonearthere
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:56
How about i set up orbital missile stations intead:upyours:
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 03:57
heheh lol... right:(
29-09-2007, 04:01
Official Statement of The Socialist Republic of Deurem

The best of luck to your nation and people. May you live long or in till you are wiped off the face of the earth.
29-09-2007, 04:45
OOC: OH GOD the smilies! Let me be the first one to say, read the stickies.
29-09-2007, 05:42
1. Read the damned Stickies. PLEASE!

2. Learn how to post IC/OOC and make it clear which one you are in.

3. Spell the damned words out, this isnt AIM/MSN/IRC everyone here can read whole words...please use them.

4. Read the stickies...PLEASE.

This is the worst crap I have ever read.
29-09-2007, 05:48
1. Read the damned Stickies. PLEASE!

2. Learn how to post IC/OOC and make it clear which one you are in.

3. Spell the damned words out, this isnt AIM/MSN/IRC everyone here can read whole words...please use them.

4. Read the stickies...PLEASE.

This is the worst crap I have ever read.

Oh please. You obviously havent been on the forums very long if thats the case. This is by far a better attempt at an intro-RP than, say, declaring war on a nation that has never posted on the forum before. Which is what half of the n00b intros are anyway.)
29-09-2007, 06:01
Oh please. You obviously havent been on the forums very long if thats the case. This is by far a better attempt at an intro-RP than, say, declaring war on a nation that has never posted on the forum before. Which is what half of the n00b intros are anyway.)

I didnt mean from the n00b.
29-09-2007, 06:04
I didnt mean from the n00b.

Oh, it was a bit confusing, since I dont think anybody else here is having trouble with using AIMspeke or getting IC/OOC confused. What, pray, were thou referencing to...'st?)
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 14:15
This joke fest has been brought to you by skylar ferguson. making the world crappier for everyone
Vanek Drury Brieres
29-09-2007, 14:27
This joke fest has been brought to you by skylar ferguson. making the world crappier for everyone

29-09-2007, 16:00
I have an idea!!!!!! Why don't we all set up colonies in Antartica! Then we can all share the land fairly. I think British Londium is just being a bully. If this involves a war, then let it be. I have many allies that would be willing to go to war....I'm not saying we should go to war but if it is needed, then let it be.....
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 16:39
i agree
Skylar Ferguson
29-09-2007, 16:44
ill start colonizing later when i have time