Waldenburg 2
29-09-2007, 01:10
Open Message From:
The Minister of Foreign Affairs The Rt. Honorable Sir Rupert Fry, (OIH)
His Imminence George Patrin Canoarch of the Holy Waldenburger Church
In the interests of international development of the age-old traditions and practices of the Most Divine and Illustrious Empire of Waldenburgers, we, the as Senior Ministers of oversees wish to create contacts between foreign nations and ourselves. Until very recently the Waldenburgers have been an isolationist people, looking to their Holy Church to the answers of life, the Divine plans set forth for them by the Great God to be illuminated and built upon by the Cardinals of Church. While this is still the vastly held belief we wish to expand upon our small world with contact to those who have more experience in the matters of foreign intercourse, and construction of a modern country.
To that extent we have opened our doors to foreign embassies, consulates and corporations who are willing to take advantage of what we are offering. All those operating under diplomatic immunity shall not be punishable for Spiritual crimes, and are again exempt from our laws while inside their national territory, unless of course a Waldenburger citizen is injured or exploited, in which case you shall feel the force of the law. All embassies shall be opened in the Imperial Capital of Streinlikstern. The following Application must be filled out and presented in correct form to apply. We shall place no limits of personnel except those offered by space, but would be most gratified if applicant states take common sense into account while applying.
Nation Full Name:
Government Style:
State Religion (If none Please State.*):
Head of State:
Head of Government:
Ambassador Name (With Degree and University):
Personal Accompaniments:
Number of Ambassadorial Personnel:
Number of Guards\Armed Personnel:
Number and Designation of Land Vehicles:
Special Requests or Notes:
Please respond to following questions with Approve, Disapprove, and Neutral. Any or all response can additionally be modified with Moderately, Heavily, or Mildly:
Position on Christianity:
Position on Democracy:
Position on Monarchy:
Position on Alliances (General):
Position on Free Market Economies:
Position on Expansionism:
(Short Answer or Above Ranking System For Following Question)
Position on the Waldenburg Empire:
{All Applicants Please Apply 12, Dluxon Lane, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Strienlikestern, Waldenburg}
Thank You For Your Time.
The Rt. Honorable Sir Rupert Fry (OIH) Minister of Foreign Affairs Waldenburg
I also wish to offer that any corporation that wishes to set up shop in Waldenburg, will be free to do so. Or taxes are generally low and our natural resources vast. A list of Imports and exports can be found below which represents the Waldenburg Empire:
Natural Resources: Silver, Tin, Iron, Coal, Oil, Precious Gems, Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Bauxite, Potassium, Lead, Aluminum, Solar Power, Uranium, Phosphates, Fish, Potash, Natural Gas, Gypsum, Tungsten, Rubber (In small amounts), Cobalt, Cash Crops (Poppy, Cotton, Sugar ECT), Granite, Lime Stone Sand\Gravel.
Exports: Silver, Iron, Coal, Oil, Cash Crops, Machinery, Uranium, Tungsten, Commercial Goods (Shoes, Boxes, Desks, Plastics ECT.) Religious Goods
Imports: Food, Technology, Military Equipment, Water (On Occasion), Mining Equipment, Luxury Goods (For those who can afford them) Timber, Industrial Gases, Aeronautics, Gold.
Most of these items are merely sufficient to fit our own needs, however our fossil fuel and mineral reserves are proven to be quite massive. All those who apply for an Arm of the Waldenburg Church (See below) or import food, or water on a regular and large scale, shall be given free import visas.
Any Corporation Wishing to Begin Premises In Waldenburg Should Apply with the Following Application:
Corporation Name:
Governing Body:
CEO Name:
Visa and Licensing Form (Internal\Import\Export\Mercantile Exchange):
Field of Interest and Specialty:
Gross Profit:
Stock Market Designation (If Applicable):
Capable of Internal Security (Yes\No)
The Rt. Honorable Sir Rupert Fry (OIH) Minister of Foreign Affairs Waldenburg
* The Most Divine Empire is currently not excepting applications from any nation who accepts Islam, or any of its derivatives, as it’s state religion.
Absolutum Dominium
Serving as the Canoarch of the Holy Church it is my duty to reciprocate the offer of the Rt. Hon. Rupert Fry to the advantage of the spiritual arm of the Waldenburg Empire. Within the duties of my office comes the conversion and construction of foreign Churches, Cathedral and other buildings and support that may become vital to the Holy Church it time. In the spirit of the offer The Holy Church wishes to offer it services to all those countries willing to host it. Most outsiders have never heard of the Holy Church, and it’s teaching but they vastly reflect those of Catholicism with a very few alterations. Including the following tenants that have either been added or been given additional importance:
-Respect For Authority: Be it Spiritual or Temporal, and to obey it’s command is the greatest service anyone may do his God. By working with those placed over you will create a harmonious and prosperous society.
-Premeditative Penance: Those who must, in the course of service to God, or his appointed Hierarchy must commit a sinful crime, may be prepared Premeditative Penance. The Penance may only be dispensed from a member of the senior Church clergy, and will reflect the crime in strictness. Though the Cardinals stress that this shall not protect one from official punishment it may save the soul.
-The Rights of Man: No man shall ever starve, no man shall be out of work provided he can perform the most menial or seemingly unimportant task. The lowest of society shall be made useful, and shall provide for their family. If there is ever an unsolvable need the Church will intersect on behalf of the practitioner.
-The Divinity of God: All of Man’s actions are preplanned to the Great word of God. The specific ends and beginnings of certain actions are to be useful, and beneficial to God and his Church, the path taken while on the journey is singly at your feet.
-Prophetic Divinity: Any one person who has been proven to hear the word of God shall become the Cenobiarch of the Holy Church. The very words he utters shall be law, his whims the workings of nations.
There are more but they are trivial things, of little concern on the vast scale. However should a nation consent to the hosting of a Waldenburger Church we will in no way indoctrinate any parishioners with the beliefs of the Cenobiarch as head of government or that they owe any allegiance to Waldenburg itself.
As it is in our nature to offer ourselves to serve it is only correct that we serve any applicant government with our appearance. Any nation willing to host at least 75 Churches and one Cathedral will be given 1.0 Billion USD every decade that we remain in service of God within your borders.
Though we may not build that many we would ask for full building privileges in any nation. In addition to that we will pay any taxes that apply to our Churches, however as a concession we wish that a Church never be foreclosed upon for failure to pay said taxes, unless fraudulent charges be brought against it’s record and tax keeping.
Should your government add The Waldenburger Holy Church as the state religion, the Divine Empire will pay said applicant state 1.0 Trillion USD for such a conversion in a three-year period. This may be forwarded in trade goods, most notably silver, oil, coal, and steel. They shall be also granted a mutual protection pact and patronship of the Divine Empire. In forms of government they shall be represented on the Council of Bishops, and have a say in Canonical Law. We are an Empire under God, and Empire of God, and we wish to spread this belief, the happiness and firmness of our people should support our claims more then any amount of money. From the cradle to the grave God will protect us, any nation that converts will blossom and grow.
God Save His Imminence the Cenobiarch
OOC I hope that covers it. And just out of interest is there perhaps a better word then 'visa' it seems wrong.
Open Message From:
The Minister of Foreign Affairs The Rt. Honorable Sir Rupert Fry, (OIH)
His Imminence George Patrin Canoarch of the Holy Waldenburger Church
In the interests of international development of the age-old traditions and practices of the Most Divine and Illustrious Empire of Waldenburgers, we, the as Senior Ministers of oversees wish to create contacts between foreign nations and ourselves. Until very recently the Waldenburgers have been an isolationist people, looking to their Holy Church to the answers of life, the Divine plans set forth for them by the Great God to be illuminated and built upon by the Cardinals of Church. While this is still the vastly held belief we wish to expand upon our small world with contact to those who have more experience in the matters of foreign intercourse, and construction of a modern country.
To that extent we have opened our doors to foreign embassies, consulates and corporations who are willing to take advantage of what we are offering. All those operating under diplomatic immunity shall not be punishable for Spiritual crimes, and are again exempt from our laws while inside their national territory, unless of course a Waldenburger citizen is injured or exploited, in which case you shall feel the force of the law. All embassies shall be opened in the Imperial Capital of Streinlikstern. The following Application must be filled out and presented in correct form to apply. We shall place no limits of personnel except those offered by space, but would be most gratified if applicant states take common sense into account while applying.
Nation Full Name:
Government Style:
State Religion (If none Please State.*):
Head of State:
Head of Government:
Ambassador Name (With Degree and University):
Personal Accompaniments:
Number of Ambassadorial Personnel:
Number of Guards\Armed Personnel:
Number and Designation of Land Vehicles:
Special Requests or Notes:
Please respond to following questions with Approve, Disapprove, and Neutral. Any or all response can additionally be modified with Moderately, Heavily, or Mildly:
Position on Christianity:
Position on Democracy:
Position on Monarchy:
Position on Alliances (General):
Position on Free Market Economies:
Position on Expansionism:
(Short Answer or Above Ranking System For Following Question)
Position on the Waldenburg Empire:
{All Applicants Please Apply 12, Dluxon Lane, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Strienlikestern, Waldenburg}
Thank You For Your Time.
The Rt. Honorable Sir Rupert Fry (OIH) Minister of Foreign Affairs Waldenburg
I also wish to offer that any corporation that wishes to set up shop in Waldenburg, will be free to do so. Or taxes are generally low and our natural resources vast. A list of Imports and exports can be found below which represents the Waldenburg Empire:
Natural Resources: Silver, Tin, Iron, Coal, Oil, Precious Gems, Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Bauxite, Potassium, Lead, Aluminum, Solar Power, Uranium, Phosphates, Fish, Potash, Natural Gas, Gypsum, Tungsten, Rubber (In small amounts), Cobalt, Cash Crops (Poppy, Cotton, Sugar ECT), Granite, Lime Stone Sand\Gravel.
Exports: Silver, Iron, Coal, Oil, Cash Crops, Machinery, Uranium, Tungsten, Commercial Goods (Shoes, Boxes, Desks, Plastics ECT.) Religious Goods
Imports: Food, Technology, Military Equipment, Water (On Occasion), Mining Equipment, Luxury Goods (For those who can afford them) Timber, Industrial Gases, Aeronautics, Gold.
Most of these items are merely sufficient to fit our own needs, however our fossil fuel and mineral reserves are proven to be quite massive. All those who apply for an Arm of the Waldenburg Church (See below) or import food, or water on a regular and large scale, shall be given free import visas.
Any Corporation Wishing to Begin Premises In Waldenburg Should Apply with the Following Application:
Corporation Name:
Governing Body:
CEO Name:
Visa and Licensing Form (Internal\Import\Export\Mercantile Exchange):
Field of Interest and Specialty:
Gross Profit:
Stock Market Designation (If Applicable):
Capable of Internal Security (Yes\No)
The Rt. Honorable Sir Rupert Fry (OIH) Minister of Foreign Affairs Waldenburg
* The Most Divine Empire is currently not excepting applications from any nation who accepts Islam, or any of its derivatives, as it’s state religion.
Absolutum Dominium
Serving as the Canoarch of the Holy Church it is my duty to reciprocate the offer of the Rt. Hon. Rupert Fry to the advantage of the spiritual arm of the Waldenburg Empire. Within the duties of my office comes the conversion and construction of foreign Churches, Cathedral and other buildings and support that may become vital to the Holy Church it time. In the spirit of the offer The Holy Church wishes to offer it services to all those countries willing to host it. Most outsiders have never heard of the Holy Church, and it’s teaching but they vastly reflect those of Catholicism with a very few alterations. Including the following tenants that have either been added or been given additional importance:
-Respect For Authority: Be it Spiritual or Temporal, and to obey it’s command is the greatest service anyone may do his God. By working with those placed over you will create a harmonious and prosperous society.
-Premeditative Penance: Those who must, in the course of service to God, or his appointed Hierarchy must commit a sinful crime, may be prepared Premeditative Penance. The Penance may only be dispensed from a member of the senior Church clergy, and will reflect the crime in strictness. Though the Cardinals stress that this shall not protect one from official punishment it may save the soul.
-The Rights of Man: No man shall ever starve, no man shall be out of work provided he can perform the most menial or seemingly unimportant task. The lowest of society shall be made useful, and shall provide for their family. If there is ever an unsolvable need the Church will intersect on behalf of the practitioner.
-The Divinity of God: All of Man’s actions are preplanned to the Great word of God. The specific ends and beginnings of certain actions are to be useful, and beneficial to God and his Church, the path taken while on the journey is singly at your feet.
-Prophetic Divinity: Any one person who has been proven to hear the word of God shall become the Cenobiarch of the Holy Church. The very words he utters shall be law, his whims the workings of nations.
There are more but they are trivial things, of little concern on the vast scale. However should a nation consent to the hosting of a Waldenburger Church we will in no way indoctrinate any parishioners with the beliefs of the Cenobiarch as head of government or that they owe any allegiance to Waldenburg itself.
As it is in our nature to offer ourselves to serve it is only correct that we serve any applicant government with our appearance. Any nation willing to host at least 75 Churches and one Cathedral will be given 1.0 Billion USD every decade that we remain in service of God within your borders.
Though we may not build that many we would ask for full building privileges in any nation. In addition to that we will pay any taxes that apply to our Churches, however as a concession we wish that a Church never be foreclosed upon for failure to pay said taxes, unless fraudulent charges be brought against it’s record and tax keeping.
Should your government add The Waldenburger Holy Church as the state religion, the Divine Empire will pay said applicant state 1.0 Trillion USD for such a conversion in a three-year period. This may be forwarded in trade goods, most notably silver, oil, coal, and steel. They shall be also granted a mutual protection pact and patronship of the Divine Empire. In forms of government they shall be represented on the Council of Bishops, and have a say in Canonical Law. We are an Empire under God, and Empire of God, and we wish to spread this belief, the happiness and firmness of our people should support our claims more then any amount of money. From the cradle to the grave God will protect us, any nation that converts will blossom and grow.
God Save His Imminence the Cenobiarch
OOC I hope that covers it. And just out of interest is there perhaps a better word then 'visa' it seems wrong.