Triva in need
I'm the leader of Triva
This new land have been born from the ashes of the four extremly small states that have been fighting for a time. Now after the war and the birth of Triva we are in need of food. We are willing to offer medecin, wood or building material in exchange for food supplies.
The medecin are made of plants from our own swamps
The wood are taken from our beautiful forests
The building material that we produses are high quality. But we can't give you much of the building material since we might be needing some to repair our citys.
We will gladly welcome free supplies.
Please! my people are in need! :(
(I'm new so don't be so nasty if I'm doing something wrong
PS: Beware my English sucks)
On loan, the Alfgeos government wishes to supply your nation with food and prefabbed accomadation to support your country. Just specify the amount yuor equire. We will not expect you to immediately repay us, and we will charge minimal interest.
(OOC: Welcome to the game!)
27-09-2007, 17:05
We will also send food you require, as a donation. How much do you need?
Daniel Epsilon, President of
the Allied States of Burgundians.
Soulforge Cathedral
27-09-2007, 17:29
The DRC: Supporting humanitarian goals worldwide. A recent war has culminated in the birth of a new nation, which now calls upon the international community for aid. The DRC encourages the growth and support of lesser nations, and so is willing to send in the needed food supplies, along with any other materials that might be needed. All we ask in exchange for this aid is freshly-harvested wood from your forests. In addition, the pharmeceutical branch of our corporation would like to acquire samples of the biological material from your swamps, in order to synthesize chemicals that can help similar humanitarian efforts worldwide. We look forward to establishing a trading partnership with the Trivian goverment in the future.
Dyparaxa Research Corporation, PR Division
The Black Agents
27-09-2007, 18:26
From: Rogue Inc.
To: Triva Government
subject: Becoming Productive
We have heard of your struggle with trade and resources. we are ppleased to offer you the chance to become a grower nation. As well as sign up for our commission program. With these two programs you will be compenstated for the land useage, and with our commission program you become a distribution center and a percentage of your sells you keep for yourself.
Think it over ... we will bw in touch.
Aegies- CEO of Rogue Inc.
27-09-2007, 18:30
The Government of Burlovia wishes to rent some work force to your nation. They will help you with rebuilding, supplying your population and growing a new crop for the year. We would also send some scientists of our own to study your geology. If you are interested, please reply.
Murder City Jabbers
27-09-2007, 19:52
:mp5: The Murder City Jabbers have a large surplus of 54 X 7.62R rounds should your nation require them.
Hell Rouges
27-09-2007, 20:27
From: Vladimir Kain, Grand General of the Armed Republic of Hell Rouges
To: Trivan Government
Re:Rebuilding our Nation
On behalf of all of the nation of Hell Rouges, I would like to extend our deepest sympathy's for your situation. We are willing to offer our services in two ways.
First: We are willing to dispatch a large Air Force Squadron to help protect you from potential attackers while you are rebuilding. We specialize in Fighter Jets and such. This offer is extended for 3 years, or until you have a standing Army, Navy and Air Force with the combined strength of 30,000, which ever comes first.
Second: We would like to supply you with some new, innovative systems we have developed for growing natural foods. The details are all very complicated and over my head, so I'll just have the tech's send you the plans.
In return for these services we ask only two things. The first is that once your nation is back on its own two feet, you repay us 4.8 million dollars. This is but a fraction of the money you will save from our new system, as well as being defended for a period of time. We also ask that any new weapons technology you develop within the next 20 years be shared with us, we will do the same. If this is acceptable, please reply within 20 days. Thank you.
Vladimir Kain
27-09-2007, 20:37
The Mokastana Confederacy wishes to Garuentee the Independence of your nation until it can get unto its feet. We offer you any aide and supplies you may need
27-09-2007, 20:47
To: Whom it may concern, Triva government HQ
From: James Robertson, Secretary for international developement, the Kingdom of Crookfur
subject: aid
My Dear Sirs/Madams
It is with distress that the people of Crookfur learn of the shortages facign your population. As such we are currently providing a very generous aid package with which we aim not just to supply you food but the means of distrubuting it, initally using our equipment and personnel before workign with you to develope a rhobust national infrastructure. During the initial stages of our proposed package the use of military assets such as assault ships and tactical transport aircraft would be of a nessicary nature. We understand the concerns you must have about allowing the armed forces of a nation unknown to you into your waters and onto your shores but I cna assure you we mean no harm and are more than willign to coordinate with your military to ensure everything goes smoothly and safely.
I look forward to hearing from you and urge you to please accept our offer of help.
Yours Sincerly,
On behalf of the Poeple and Kingdom of Crookfur,
James Robertson.
OOC: i.e. what ever food you need plus all the trucks, planes, helicopters and boats you need to shift it around, no payment involved just the desire you might look upon Crookfur industry and commerce in a favourable l;ight in the future.
Vanek Drury Brieres
27-09-2007, 20:48
Dear Triva,
We here in the VDB wish to give you aid-food and shelter. We will also contact our alliance, the Hegemony, to see if they may help you. The Hegemony is a humitarian alliance.
The Princes of the VDB
OOC: Nice first post!
We thanks you all for your answers.
Thoes who have offers free food, we thank you all for your generousity.
We will only take a small amount from you all (that offered it for free) you won't even notice it.
I will send a telegram soon to the others that have answerd different.
Thanks again my people will now make it through the hard time they had.
(Bewere my English sucks)
02-10-2007, 22:15
we can send you food, water, and weapons, as well as the 5th and 17th Engineering corp to rebuild your nation.
TO: Triva Government
FROM: Montana Industries
We would like to set up a operation in your nation, not only would it create jobs and boost your industry but we can garuntee a prosperous future for you.
BTW what is your climate like
Antonio Montana
CEO Montana Industries