PI Parliament (Closed ATTN PI & PIDF)
23-09-2007, 14:20
welcome to the HGI, where today's Parliamentary Meeting will take place. It will start once everyone arrives...
23-09-2007, 15:11
hello solenial is there anything i should know about this meeting now? i am sorry fellow council members but i will not be able to attend to todays meeting.
23-09-2007, 16:16
Azzura Delmare walked into to the coucil room, assembled the papers in her brief case and took a sip of her water
she waited for the other delegates to arrive
A mail message was delivered to the meeting, it read:
TO: PI Parliament Meeting Building
FROM: The Uir Government
We regret to inform you that
We are unable to send an Uir Blue Party Representative
To today's meeting
Feel free to send a copy of the minutes of the meeting
It will be looked over by the Uir Blue Party
And comments will be returned with it
Uir Blue Party
((OOC: I am leaving in half an hour for RL reasons and will be back 6 hours thereafter and will read the topic when I get back.
EZR: I have no idea. I don't even pay attention to the CFL nvm the NFL))
Zhonghua Renguo
23-09-2007, 16:27
((This is how I like to put my Out-Of-Game comments. I may not be able to attend for long because I have tickets to an American football game. Any other Americans out there, who do you think'll win, Houston Texans or Minneapolis Colts?))
The most prestigous strategist and the Chancellor of Zhonghua Renguo, Zhuge Ming entered the halls of the Pacific Islands Parliament. Dressed in white and green Chinese robes and guarded on either side by two Zhonghua Renguo Imperial Legionaires provided by the Emperor himself, he took a seat at a desk with his nation's flag standing on a small pole on the corner of the desk.