NationStates Jolt Archive

The Axiom - Alliance Bloc

23-09-2007, 06:08

"It was fear that drove man to suceed. It was fear that forced man to fail. And it was fear that created the Axiom."

ax·i·om /ˈæksiəm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ak-see-uhm]
Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a self-evident truth that requires no proof.
2. a universally accepted principle or rule.
3. Logic, Mathematics. a proposition that is assumed without proof for the sake of studying the consequences that follow.

We the nations of the Axiom have rallied around this cause with the knowledge that without our brothers we are doomed to fail, and only through a unified, common effort can we hope to suceed. A unified economic, military and political front is what we shall offer those who are not among our number, and though we shall seek no unwarranted aggression against our neighbors, we shall not shy away from conflict when it is forced upon us. We shall accept a utilitarian perspective on all matters, doing whatever is necessary for not only the greatest benefit of our own people, but for the Glory of the Axiom as a whole. Let none divide us, and let none oppose us. We are the Axiom.

Purpose. The Purpose of the Axiom is to create a militiristic, economic and political front for which member nations can seek aid and refuge in their quest to maintain and expand. It is meant first and foremost to expand the prosperity of the member nations, and of course, to defend them from outward aggression. It is to be the primary multilateral agreement all members are a part of.

Section I. The Axiom Economic Bloc.
The Axiom is an alliance of nations not only in times of war, but in times of peace. One of the greatest economists the world has ever known once said, "A strong, unified economic bloc can defeat all the militaries of the world...", and so we must make it our goal to create an Economic Bloc which can withstand the assaults of every depression the world can muster. Excessively Socialistic Nations will not be accepted due to their inherint stance against economic prosperity. (Excessively Socialistic will be defined on a case by case basis)

Part A. Equitable Trade. As free trade is a notion shunned by many, and is still widely debated as an acceptable economic practice throughout the world, it will not be a mandated practice inside of the Axiom. However no nation may have a tariff upon a fellow Axiom nation's product greater than the smallest tariff that nation possesses. [For example, if Nation A has a tariff of 10% on Nation B's goods, it may not levy a tariff of 20% on Nation C's goods if Nation C is an Axiom member.]

Part B. Economic Preference. If a nation of the Axiom is in urgent need of resources or materials, other Axiom nations are expected to satisfy this need to the best of their ability. They are not expected to make their own population suffer, but should not trade away surplus goods to Non-Axiom nations when one of their brothers is in need.

Part C. Economic Stability Clause. All nations of the Axiom are expected to do their upmost to maintain the economic stability of every other Axiomic nation. Should a member nation suffer a depression, or lack of employment, other member nations should export surplus work to said nation. If a nation should have no market for it's products, member nations of the Axiom should promote said products in their domestic markets to help their brother nation. Should inflation become a problem, the suffering nation must first take measures on it's own to stop said inflation, and then fellow Axiomic nations should invest in the country's worth, to increase their purchasing parity.

Part D. Blacklisted Nations. Nations which have been deemed 'Enemies of the Axiom' are to be placed on an blacklist. This blacklist will prohibit trade with said nation in an economic effort to solve whatever qualm it may be we have with this nation. Nations are blacklisted once a vote is taken in the Council.

Section II. Multilateral Security Agreement.
The MSA is arguably the most important clause of the Axiom, as it establishes the necessary military measures needed to defend and protect all of it's assets, members and investments. The Term Mutual Defense Pact was intentionally left out of the Multilateral Security Agreement, for this is much more than a defense pact. The term 'Mutual Defense Pact' indicates that enemies are only procured once they infring upon the territorial property of a nation. That in order for a nation to be considered hostile, it must have already inflicted great harm upon a member of the Axiom. However this is, in the utilitarian perspective, foolish thought. Eniems present themselves constantly. Threaten and endanger on a regular basis. There is no reason that an aggressive nation should be allowed to put itself into a position in which it could threaten the Axiom before it is considered an enemy to the Axiom. The following clauses should serve as clarification.

Part A. MDP. The first portion of the MSA is a Mutual Defense Pact. Should any member nation be attacked by an aggressor nation, it shall be the responsibility of every other nation of the Axiom to attack that aggressor as if it were attacked itself. The term aggression does not limit itself at territorial invasion, but extends to piracy, terrorism, orbital conflicts and all other manner of hostile action.

Part B. Pre-Emptive Action. Should any member nation be deemed in a position of 'Immanent Destruction', and presents this case to the Council of the Axiom, all member nations are expected to act in whatever means necessary to destroy the capability of the would-be aggressor. The degree of military action shall be decided on a case by case basis. [In some circumstances it may require full scale war. In others, it may be limited to air strikes or naval blockade.]

Part C. Axiom Kore. An indepent Axiom Sponsered Army shall be created under the joint command of all nations of the Axiom. This Army should be highly mobile, and capable of moving to whatever location necessary at the blink of an eye. It shall be made up of donations from all members, no requirements shall be made of any nation.

Section III. The Axiom Council.
The Axiom Council shall be made up of One (1) Representative from each Council-Nation. A Council Nation is one that contributes as much, or more than it recieves from the alliance. Now it is difficult to judge which nations contribute what percentage, but as a rule of thumb, nations with a population of 2.0 Billion or more, and a economic standing of Frightening or above, are considered Council Nations. Council Nations hold a seat in all matters of Axiom existance, from changing the charter, to declaring war, to accepting and expelling nations. [Certain nations may be denied Council status, even if they have reached the above requirements. IE, RP ability required.]

Non-Council Nations are those whom are full members of the Axiom, but are not of sufficient strength and influence to hold a seat in the Council. They are endowed to all of the privledges and benefits of being inside the Axiom, but may not dictate the Axiom's movement nor actions. Non-Council Nations may advance to council positions once they meet the power requirements.

Section IV. Additional Rules and Clauses.
Part A. Inter-Axiom Conflict.
1 - At the first sign of conflict, both nations are to immidiately report to the Axiom Council. The Council will vote and solve the issue. There is to be no armed, economic or active political confrontation between nations. The aggressor nation shall be expelled regardless of the circumstances upon examination of the Council.

2- When two Axiom Nations enter an issue on opposite sides, both nations shall immdiately halt all action on their behalf and report to the Axiom Council. Once the Axiom Council rules, to either support one side or the other, or to prohbit entering the conflict altogether, the ruling is final, any violation of this ruling shall result in suspension or expullsion.

Part B. Penalizations. The Axiom Council may 'punish' member nations in one of several ways for whatever trespass they may offend with. The first and least severe is the placement of a fine. The Council may levy a fine against the offending nation of whatever amount they deem necessary, as long as it is not excessive. The next punishment is the revoking of Council Powers, should said nation be a Council Member. The third punishment is that of suspension, in which all benefits and privledges of being a Axiom Nation are placed on temporary suspension for a specific amount of time. The last and most severe punishment is expulsion, which removes the nation from the Axiom indefinitely.

Member Nation List

The Imperial Coalition of Kroando

Nation Name.
Nation Size.
Link to Factbook.
Other Alliances/Agreements.
Example of Sucessful Economic/Political/Military Work (Link Please).
Economic Views. (Socialist/Capitalist)
Political Views. (Authoritarian/Democratic)
Misc. Other important information.
[IC Post required. Admission not guaranteed.]