OOC: You and your nations...
23-09-2007, 04:55
There are a lot of roleplayers on this board, and thus it logically follows that there are a lot of nations here on NS Earth and beyond. Some of them are left, some of them are right, some of them are secular, some of them are theocratic, some of them are ultra-radical, some of them are moderate to the point of boredom, whilst others are completely and utterly insane (giant blender comes to mind there...).
So I was just wondering, how many of you, if any, share any ideals with your respective nations? Is the way you RP your nation based on your actual views in life, or are you just dabbling in alternative ideals? Does British Londinium really think that the giant blender concept is the way forward for executions...?
I'm not forwarding your answers to Homeworld Security or anything, I was just curious.
My countries policies are a pretty accurate representation of my own political views. I'm a big liberal and this is reflected. Try looking at my political pamphlet. That is almost my exact views of how society should work in a perfect world. This however might not work in the real world due to corruption.
The PeoplesFreedom
23-09-2007, 05:10
My nation has some of my basic views, but it is a lot more extreme than I would ever be.
British Londinium
23-09-2007, 05:12
Why am I the only example? :p
I don't actually believe in the giant blender. Other giant-sized kitchen appliances work for me, but the blender, IMO, should not be used. Now, giant egg beater...
I do, though, believe strongly in the democratic socialist ideals of BL and whatnot.
A lot of my basic belifes reside in my nation but it's more on an extrem level in the NSworld
Why am I the only example? :p
I don't actually believe in the giant blender. Other giant-sized kitchen appliances work for me, but the blender, IMO, should not be used. Now, giant egg beater...
I do, though, believe strongly in the democratic socialist ideals of BL and whatnot.
Yes you do! LIAR!!!
I have just recently discovered Nation States, and love it so far!
But in response to the original question, yes, I am crafting my nation into what my actual beliefs are.
23-09-2007, 05:45
Yes the Empire is very inline with many of my own political views.
23-09-2007, 05:52
No, absolutely not. Roleplaying isn't really "role"playing at all if you're just being yourself.
The Far Echo Islands
23-09-2007, 05:58
Well there are several things about my nation I believe in:
1) Eco-Friendliness
2) No Whaling/Dolphin fishing
3) Strong regulations on fishing of any kind
4) Governmental ability to shutdown business for doing something against 1, 2, or 3
5) A nation should be judged by how it treats its worst off citizens, (well, sort of, I could write pages on my Welfare reform debate)
6) Healthcare should be left to the private sector, but it should be a more competitive market
Now here's the one I'm sure you are waiting to hear:
Dolphin sentience. Do I truly believe in this or not? It is a question I have been asking my self for nearly a year (about a year ago I took up a sudden interest in dolphin research) I, oddly enough, have never swam with dolphins, really, I don't think I've ever even seen a dolphin in person (I mean not on TV/interwebs/pics) But oddly enough they fascinate me even from such a distance. Perhaps I will be able to confirm my view one way or another when I actually do swim with one (I have made it a priority to do so in the next decade or so) But as for now, I take a position that dolphins do have a heightened sense of intelligence (reason for number 2) but I don't believe that countries should go around giving dolphins citizenship at this time.
Although more extreme in living them due to being part of the fantasy world that is NationStates, nonetheless Wagdog is a fair approximation of my IRL political views as applied to a country. Naturally certain embellishments, such as the presence of fantasy races (elves, vampires, &c) in the population, or the vastly overcharged economic world that allows me to make both the PRC (Wagdog's political inspiration) and the USA (Wagdog's cultural inspiration) seem like sore losers by comparison now, distort things greatly; but overall it's a good "me" country insofar as that goes. But as always, the degree of representation varies depending on what aspects of the IC country are compared to what the OOC player chooses to reveal.
As food for thought, in foreign policy Wagdog is actually more representative of me than in its internal politics; even if both are generally accurate. Although I believe a certain degree of conflict and inequality are inevitable, and perhaps desirable if they lead to an improved long-term condition of the peoples affected, that doesn't excuse the supposedly 'superior' for failing to consider the interests of those they have bested; or failing to remember how they became so 'superior' in the first place. So like in this game, few things anger me more IRL than seeing people randomly dissed or hurt just because the one doing it can; and although I pick my battles as is only sensible, I do stand up for my standards when I see them offended right in front of me.
Thankfully, IRL that usually just means a staring contest and some macho words exchanged as far as I go; and it's rare enough. IC, well... we've seen how readily the jumpier nations resort to nuking and or worse over the slightest 'defiance' to their IC will. Hence, Wagdog is a more 'extreme' version of me because, true to the stage on which it's role is played, it has to be if it's to be played well and survive. Now some might say complete detachment helps, and it might in their case; but for my particular part it would simply lead to apathy and possibly shoddy RP, so as long as those I play with keep me careful I'll use my "me" nation for RP and then branch out once I'm surer of my acting skills handling a different nation type.
Yes, it is, but it also isn't. The nation of Vetalia really does reflect my personal views and a lot of my personality goes with it. It shows what a nation under my control would be like; it has its flaws, definitely and undoubtedly, but those flaws are really the extrapolation of my ideas on to a national scale. However, this country has also taken on a "mind of its own", in a way. By RPing the realistic consequences of our actions rather than necessarily what I want to happen, my country changes on its own in an unpredictable fashion.
And, at the same time, my country is a mix of the good and the bad of our set of circumstances. We're opportunistic, free-market capitalists with a strong tendency towards semi-authoritarian rule, but also a strong loyalty towards their nation and doing the right thing for it, even if it undercuts the leadership in power. Our people are also quite hard working, unequivocally meritocratic, and orderly, but also willing to breach ethical rules if they can get away with it and to use the meritocratic system for nepotist and corrupt aims.
My country is a mix of my political beliefs, the evolution of a culture based on those beliefs, and good old human nature in all its triumphs and follies. Culturally, it's a mixed bag as well, reflecting a friendly and open culture that can turn very hostile quickly if it feels threatened.
Axis Nova
23-09-2007, 11:35
My nation isn't really meant to represent my beliefs.
23-09-2007, 12:46
Cookesland is very in line with my political beliefs
Originally, I planned for Romanar to reflect my ideals. However, as often happens IRL, the ideals got corrupted, and all the things that bothered me about my RL country ended up in Romanar, magnified by what I call "the NS effect".
23-09-2007, 13:10
Shenyang started out as a complete polar opposite of my personal standing. In short, it was oppressive, dictatorial, war-like, and didn't give a rat's @$$ about the citizens.
Then I started changing it, now its closer to my personal politics, not quite there. My people now have political and civil rights, and live under much better circumstances.
23-09-2007, 13:51
Yes, I am in fact a violent, sexually deranged and megalomaniacal being who worships Chaos. :D
Lord Sumguy
23-09-2007, 14:00
My nation is in line with my political ideal: a libertarian capitalist democracy. Overall, it's all slight exaggerations of my ideals and beleifs.
23-09-2007, 14:04
Good topic.
Zwangzug is me on a slightly more extreme scale: for example, in real life I wouldn't be as quick to do away with private enterprise as I am in a game scenario. Part of the fun is the silly options.
But in general, it aligns to what I believe-just more so.
23-09-2007, 14:05
I´m no where near a communist. Philosofically it is the only true form of government, but in real life it is one of the biggest screw-ups in history. Though I think it is fascinating that I ended up with a nation that is full of megacorporations run by the corrupt government (15 percent of my annual budget goes to administration :rolleyes:). Still nothing beats the old good capitalism :).
No connection whatsoever.
23-09-2007, 14:28
The Dominion of Kleomenes was originally meant to reflect my beliefs to a certain extent. But it became a little... extreme. Partially, I think it is because of the exaggerated effects of most of the options.
23-09-2007, 14:34
Starblaydia is probably what would happen if my personal and political beliefs ran completely wild, yes.
23-09-2007, 14:37
Burn them all alive..
American Storm
23-09-2007, 14:44
I try to be right-wing
For the most part my nation reflects my own views, however I also like to RP the political opposition from time to time since my nation does operate a working democracy.
New Brittonia
23-09-2007, 16:03
Why am I the only example? :p
I don't actually believe in the giant blender. Other giant-sized kitchen appliances work for me, but the blender, IMO, should not be used. Now, giant egg beater...
I do, though, believe strongly in the democratic socialist ideals of BL and whatnot.
will it blend? prisoners of war edition
And . . . kind of. New Brittonia is a bit of democratic socialist non-interventionist peacenick to the extreme
23-09-2007, 16:04
Some interesting responses so far. I have to say, of all the nations I have created, I don't think that any of them have accurately reflected my views. I tend to get more enjoyment out of roleplaying different viewpoints, cultures (either based on reality, or entirely original) and policies. I also find that it helps me to remain impartial when the chocolate hits the fan...
Why am I the only example? :p
BL, listen, if you're going to put people into enormous blenders, you're going to raise a few eyebrows and get singled out from time to time! :p
Yes, I am in fact a violent, sexually deranged and megalomaniacal being who worships Chaos. :D
I *knew* it!
23-09-2007, 16:06
:D I hope it doesn't put people off getting close to me...
Ehhh...not really.... I mean.... I publicly execute people all the time in my country, where in life I am a pacifist, LEFT-wing hippie.
Whoopse. I wrote right instead of left. How did I do that?
Noveta most definitely reflects my views; a real Communist society (although I am in the process of building Noveta as it is from scratch, as a underdeveloped country in a real Socialist transition period, as so that I can show those who are watching its process of development take place how a country, in real life and, in the situation that Noveta is in, can develop fully into the kind of reality that fully approximates the kind of thinking that I have, socially, culturally, economically and politically-speaking) with bottom-up and directly-democratic structures that ensure that everyone directly controls the means of production and, their lives, socially, culturally and politically, in a direct matter as well...
23-09-2007, 17:24
Not at all
Well... at first I tried making Akronis like your typical monarchy, with the ruler in absolute power. But then I changed my mind and tried to make it more liberal, like my own views. And so now Akronis is "Democratic Socialist". I don't know if those are my views or just the strange combination.
The Warmaster
23-09-2007, 17:34
Obviously I'm not a pagan plotting to become despotic ruler of the world. But in a sense, I would be. Back in 2005 when I designed my nation, it took on a few forms. Mainly I wanted it to be what I considered the perfect nation. It would be united by a single religion, so there would be no civil strife. A vigilant Inquisition would suppress heresy and the over-active police force would crush crime. The government would be ruled by a single absolute monarch, but to avoid him being overwhelmed, a council of Ministers would make most of the day-to-day decisions and inform him of them. The military could overthrow a poor ruler, but they would replace him with someone they respected and could take orders from. The soldiers themselves would be motivated in war by fierce patriotism, xenophobia, and religious fervor. It was airtight, I thought.
It was probably early 2006 when I realized this was ridiculous. I had designed a country that was internally unified, externally powerful, and with a streamlined bureaucracy, but at the cost of making it a terrible place to actually live. Yes, there are comforts and such like you would find in RL America. But I realized that the indoctrination of the Imperium and its ability to slaughter thousands of its own citizens as needed would seriously fuck with one's head. So superficially, it's still my perfect nation. But over the years I've also played with the dystopic elements to give it depth.
I should also point out that both the Sacred Emperors so far, Lucifer and Ishamael, end up with the same characteristics. They're basically an idealized version of me. Except for Lucifer's insanity, they're my Tyler Durdens, if you will (Fight Club? Anyone?). I might make Ishamael insane too; that part is just fun to write.
Francopolis Prime
23-09-2007, 21:03
My nation is a corporate police state run by a profit-hungry technocracy. Not only does my nation not represent my beliefs, but I wouldn't want to live there under almost any circumstances.
...on the other hand corporate police states are cool. It's why cyberpunk is so awesome. :P
...on the other hand corporate police states are cool. It's why cyberpunk is so awesome. :P
Yeah, mine could be summed up as the bastard child of Blade Runner and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, combined with a dash of Gilliam's Brazil, modern-day Russia and ancient Rome.
Ordo Drakul
23-09-2007, 21:38
Ordo Drakul was originally intended to reflect my views, the NS system doesn't really allow for the sort of give-and-take that real politics has present, plus I've noticed no abandoning of old systems when new ones are adopted. Once I hit a population of 500 million, that may change, but until then a race of Gloranthan trolls has bubbled up from the Underdark and eaten everyone else. Once I get the hang of online RP-I'm currently keeping up with one thread, and have five others that have eluded me-I'll continue to play Gloranthan trolls who are Reagan-style conservatives, and pretend my nation is the way it should be instead of the synopses on my homepage.
Buddha C
23-09-2007, 21:47
I personally believe that there should always be three default for nations, and that these should be able to be divided by region. SIMPLIFIED EXAMPLE:
Facism/Autocracy: In a period of extreme danger (IE War, Plague, Famine, etc...) were harsh decisions need to be made that will not be supported by the majority of the people and need to be made quickly. Also, when a nation was just been constructed.
Socialism: When there is a natural disaster or a serious problem in a region or nation that is internal and everyone or the majority of the people are in extreme danger of dieing. (IE Market Crash, Natural Disaster, etc...)
Democracy: When a nation is established in a war overseas or in an otherwise calm situation.
Providence Break Down: (These are all at the same time.
Providence 1 is hit by a tsunami.
Status: Socialist
Providence 2 is normal, and is an established state.
Status: Democratic and sending aid to Providence 1
Providence 3 is normal, and is an established state.
Status: Democratic and sending aid to Providence 1
The only time (or most-likely) when a nation is in a Fascist/Autocratic form of government is when the entire nation is under major pressures and need a QUICK reaction.
Socialism would be ALMOST always for a single providence and not a country-wide government.
And to actually answer your nation, I believe, with a largely orthodox and believing Buddhist state, (which mine is practically 100% strict Buddhist) socialism/communism could work, as long as the figurehead is someone that all the Buddhists in the nation would follow.
My nation is more or less an accurate reflection on my political views. Namely, a (secular) democratic republic with a few socialist elements thrown in and a society heavily influenced by culture and moderate religion. I could say more but that's it in a nutshell.
Dostanuot Loj
23-09-2007, 23:24
I built The Dictorial Republic of Sumer on the foundation of my own political ideals, with a long dead civilization as a framework. So in some ways yes my nation does represent my beliefs, but you have to take the context as a whole to understand where that applies. The culture, religion, how the characters are, all are individual and I create them as I would like to see them interact with eachother and the world, but the core to the system is derrived from my own beliefs.
South Lizasauria
23-09-2007, 23:27
There are a lot of roleplayers on this board, and thus it logically follows that there are a lot of nations here on NS Earth and beyond. Some of them are left, some of them are right, some of them are secular, some of them are theocratic, some of them are ultra-radical, some of them are moderate to the point of boredom, whilst others are completely and utterly insane (giant blender comes to mind there...).
So I was just wondering, how many of you, if any, share any ideals with your respective nations? Is the way you RP your nation based on your actual views in life, or are you just dabbling in alternative ideals? Does British Londinium really think that the giant blender concept is the way forward for executions...?
I'm not forwarding your answers to Homeworld Security or anything, I was just curious.
OOC: My giant toaster was better. ;)
23-09-2007, 23:28
I'm a complete opposite, for me it's fun to play the bad guy after a life of attempted good, in a way it stops my life from being rotten to the core, though in other ways I tend to suffer from the dreaded Character Hangover, when, after having played a bad guy, you find yourself being a bad guy.
|My Ideology|Thus Kirav is:|
I support no political party in particular|Thus, Kirav is Nonpartisan
I don't believe America to be the 'Melting Pot'|Thus, Kirav has immigration restrictions
I believe that colonies, when managed properly and respctfully, can be good for both settlers and natives| Thus, Kirav is Imperialist
I am an intellectual|Thus, Kirav is a scientific society, with many universities.
I like having friends|THus Kirav is always in the market for allies
I speak British English|Thus, Kirav speaks some wierd mix of Latin and Gaelic
Very interesting way of putting it. We could use that like a form letter to figure out quick comparisons between people and their nations.
Lolz! Indeed.
Francopolis Prime
24-09-2007, 00:34
Yeah, mine could be summed up as the bastard child of Blade Runner and Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, combined with a dash of Gilliam's Brazil, modern-day Russia and ancient Rome.
I went with more 'warhammer 40k' meets 'half life 2' meets 'shadowrun' meets 'the fifth element' with a bit lower tech. :D
|My Ideology|Thus Kirav is:|
I support no political party in particular|Thus, Kirav is Nonpartisan
I don't believe America to be the 'Melting Pot'|Thus, Kirav has immigration restrictions
I believe that colonies, when managed properly and respectfully, can be good for both settlers and natives| Thus, Kirav is Imperialist
I am an intellectual|Thus, Kirav is a scientific society, with many universities.
I like having friends|Thus Kirav is always in the market for allies
I speak British English|Thus, Kirav speaks some weird mix of Latin and Gaelic
Very interesting way of putting it. We could use that like a form letter to figure out quick comparisons between people and their nations.
My nation is nothing like me. Ecolle is a reactionary, absolutist kingdom. It pretty much cracks down on anything not in line with the main view, and many things are simply banned because the religious establishment or economic establishment disagrees with it. Ecolle claims a strong government, but really must juggle the demands of the Clergy and CEOs of the various companies.
I myself am far more liberal, I believe in democracy, even if it's sometimes stupid, and I'd like to think myself secular and believe that religion has no place in politics. I like to mix things up--why should I RP as myself? I admit I haven't started RPing on NS yet, but I'd like too in the near future.
24-09-2007, 03:09
I started my nation to roleplay through some fairly radical and highly impractical ideals. I started off with the idea of how do you create a nation that can run on a green economy? What kind of ideals do you create, incorporating things like natural capitalism and stewardship. What kind of economy will it have if it is a strong green and imperialistic economy? How do you create an economy based on direct ownership of the means of production, not capitalism or socialism, but where the majority of people who work in a company are partners or stakeholders in the economy. Is it possible to give a basic guarantee to all citizens without excessive taxation? Can Aristotles ideal of automatons that run themselves be implemented in a way that eliminates most menial labor and still provide meaningful work and leisure for all of its citizens? How would you implement R.I.C.H.-- Rising Income Through Cybernetic Homeostasis-- Robert Anton Wilson's Ideal. What if you succeeded in creating the libertarian ideal of free floating city states on the ocean? What if certain technologies were actually adopted like the turbine engines for cars, the rocket float plane? Would it be possible to build a space blimp? How would you build an electronic democracy? Thoroughly silly and sometimes out there things.
South Lorenya
24-09-2007, 03:14
South Lorenya matches up fairly well with what I would do if I was ruling a nation IRL.
Pfft, heck no. I'm slightly on the conservative end of the political spectrum.
Alacea is very libertarian, it allows maximum political freedoms while at the same time having phobias of certain groups.
I'm personally an evolutionist, and most Alaceans are too, in addition to being theists. Alacean theology is a very f-ed up thing.
Soulforge Cathedral
24-09-2007, 14:40
My nation reflects my views in some aspects, while it's pretty much completely the opposite in others. For example, I believe that democracy is a good thing, but my nation isn't even close to a democracy (although I'm attempting to acquire more political freedoms for my nation, I want it to have some at least). However, I'm all about civil rights and my nations is too.
I base my Nation off what i feel is best for a Nation. Yup, that is a Federal system. :D!
my nation doesn't reflect any of my actual political beliefs...I just combined a bunch of different political, social, and economic views together from different rl nations
24-09-2007, 15:08
Bazalonia is a bit of extreme version of me...
But I hae many puppets that are just my imagination run wild including...
Atheistic Terrorist Weirdos
An extra-national rubbish and sanitation corprorate entity with mages
Dinotopia on drugs
And Outback Australia given the Monty Python treatment