Skylar Ferguson
21-09-2007, 12:17
can someone please tell me the rules or war and how to figure out how much i can spend in the stores.:sniper::mp5:
First, welcome to the International Incidents forum; you picked the right one if war is what you're into RPing. Essentially, what you do is either start a provocative thread, like say "(your nation) Arrests and Executes All (insert group to kill here)!" and mark it as an Open RP; or else telegram a specific player you're interested in fighting on the forums and seeing if they're interested in a war, and if so talking out with them how to go about it. The second is the best, in roleplay-etiquette terms, and the thread can still be marked open. The more you cooperate OOC (out-of-character) with players, even if they're your worst national enemy IC (in-character), the better played-out your war story will be; and thus the more people will read it, and the more will want to play with you afterward.
For actual fighting, you write it out; just like a story. You can also do diplomacy, or your people's thoughts on the war, or anything really so long as it's not against site rules or so. So long as you don't try to control what the other guy's characters do (godmodding) or other such things, it can get going easily enough; and here's where TGing or chatting with the person somehow (MSN, AIM, &c) is very helpful since you can coordinate your moves better and talk where you both want the story to go. That way, win or lose (someone must of course, unless your nations make peace beforehand that is), nobody's too insulted OOC or anything.
For figuring out your military budgets, there are several ways to go; the NSDossier calculator in my signature is currently the most common, but there are others which can be easily found if you look or ask. Also, many advanced players just create their own national statistics and budget for RP, though this takes a lot of time and is usually only done by several-billions-huge nations who are veterans at the game. Do note, however, that you already start with the production capability for all Real Life (RL) weapons (be they tanks or battleships or fighters or w/e; if it's RL or was thought up RL, you can use it so long as you don't go overboard with the numbers relative to your country's size), so if you'd like you can just figure out your forces' number of divisions/wings/naval groups and "fill in the blanks" with the weapons you want. Regarding military size, there are several standards but usually 1% active/offensive and 2% reserve/defensive forces are good peacetime fractions of the population to have in the armed forces; in wartime, these can swell to 5% actives and 2% reserves theoretically, though too much higher and your nation's economy will get progressively worse (or should anyway) with each new draft called up. Hence, troop and weapon numbers can (as always) be deceptive.
Did you see the stickied threads? Read those above all; they have all this advice, and in far more detail too. Still, looks like you're the first step to doing well by asking; so here's to your joining II.:cool: Also, the gun smilies are generally considered rude if used beyond your first ten posts or so, so make sure you really want to use them when you do; just a hint.;)