NC wash's her hands
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 03:55
Today, the state commitee has declared the banning of of the following political partys.
Republican Party
Democrat Party
Independent Party
Liberal Party
Confederate Party
Green Party
These partys will be required to immediatly cease actions. The party members are required to go to re-education camps, and require background screeing. Premier Peirce declares it " Washing North Calaveras's hands"
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 04:06
Official Londinian Communiqué
Open Declaration:
The silencing of dissenting voices within North Calaveras is alarming to the Londinian Commonwealth. Indeed, the establishment of a seemingly one-party state and suspension of basic civil liberties such as the freedoms of thought, expression, assembly, and political representation threaten to create a horrific rogue state capable of destablizing the greater geopolitical area.
At this time, the Londinian Commonwealth reminds North Calaveras of the price of disobedience to the Commonwealth, and concurrently orders the restoration of all political parties and dissolution of "re-education camps" within the next seventy-two hours. Failure to comply will result in the creation of a more liberal, tolerant government at the hands of the Londinian Armed Forces, which are already preparing to march on Davidsongrad.
Ex corona, æquitas.
The Rt. Hon. Flavia Davidson, MP
Consul of the Londinian Commonwealth
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:11
Since when did we belong to your commonwealth?
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 04:18
OOC: I, er, never said you were.
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:21
These partys had such little members, and low poll rankings, the last poll showed a 90% communist and 10% other.
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 04:24
Official Londinian Communiqué
To the North Calaveran government:
Does a lack of popularity justify shutting out the voices of those who wish to be heard? It certainly does not. Even if only one Calaveran supports a party, the party deserves the right to exist; its members deserve the right to express their views. Our ultimatum still stands, and your deadline approaches rapidly.
The Rt. Hon. Flavia Davidson, MP
Consul of the Londinian Commonwealth
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:26
We never said they cant believe in thos political beliefs, they just wont have partys that run for office. I would like to remind you, that we do have other partys that run, these are the one that are being band, there is still others that will continue.
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 04:28
Official Reply to the North Calaveran Government
Clearly, you are incapable of reading your own communiqués. It was stated that the parties listed were "ordered to immediately cease actions" and that their members "are required to go to reeducation camps". Comply with the ultimatium forthwith, or face destruction.
Ministry of State
By the terms of the treaty between Vetalia and TPF, the city of Melnikova and the areas administered by the Joint Security Force are exempt from this ban, both due to the fact that the territory of Melnikova is a sovereign enclave of Vetalia and also that all citizens of the former Vetalian Calaveras are dual citizens of both nations. As a result, they are protected by the laws of the Vetalian Constitution, which prohibits the government from interfering in the right of people to assemble and form organizations.
If your government goes ahead with this, we will warn you that many citizens of the area will flee to the Vetalian enclave of Melnikova or emigrate from the country in its entirety. Our people cherish their right to form organizations and political parties and do not take kindly to such rights being taken away.
Proconsul Eveginy Alabayev
The PeoplesFreedom
21-09-2007, 04:32
State Department Communication
We thought you would change after being nuked. We thought you would be become nicer and more liberal. We thought you would become more democratic. After the gift we gave you, after the blood we would have shed for you, we see that you have not changed. If these parties are not allowed to exist, then we will stand by BL and also we will resort to military action.
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:33
That area that we both share will not be affected, it is only pure NC territory that will undergoe this.
21-09-2007, 04:40
The Democratic Empire shall be accepting refugees of the foolish, facist, and tyrannical state of North Calaveras into our Calaveran colony, Hellhole.
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:42
The Democratic Empire shall be accepting refugees of the foolish, facist, and tyrannical state of North Calaveras into our Calaveran colony, Hellhole.
We are not a fascist, nor foolish, and most deffinatly not tyranical.
Ministry of State
Then we have no further reason to be involved here. However, any North Calaveran citizens that decide to flee in to our territories will not be repatriated and will be granted asylum. We urge you to reconsider this decision, but respect that it is your choice and will not pressure you on the matter any further.
Proconsul Eveginy Alabayev
21-09-2007, 04:45
We are not a fascist, nor foolish, and most deffinatly not tyranical.
Foolish: Tempting British Londinium
Facist: Creating a One Party State
Tyrannical: Banning other Political Parties
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:47
im not a one party state, i never tempted him.
Fordock grants all parties who wish to come to Fordock. If they come they will be granted citizenship after 2 years to prove their loyalty. We also Strongly protest this action but recognize the rights of a sovereign state.
President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:50
Fordock, you may receive all party members, please send transportation.
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 04:51
Official Communiqué to North Calaveras
This will be your final warning before military action. Comply with our ultimatium and restore the rights we demand, or face the (re)destruction of your government.
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:52
We are giving our party members to Fordock, peacefully.
If you have coast line Transports will be sent by sea escorted by FFJM-01.
President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:53
Yes, preparations are being made at this moment.
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 04:54
We are giving our party members to Fordock, peacefully.
Official Communiqué
This does not comply with our ultimatium. Our ultimatium stipulates the repeal of the laws recently passed regarding political parties, not the deportation of party members. Another communiqué will be issued if you fail to comply - a Londinian Army soldier will nail the paper to your leader's forehead. Comply or die.
Transports are sent.
Lt. Col Satmin
The Principality of Fordock
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 04:58
We comply with your message.
We declare the last message as a mistake by the party, party's will still continue forward.
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 05:02
Official Londinian Communiqué
To the North Calaveran Government:
Damn straight, bitches.
With utmost contempt,
The Rt. Hon. Flavia Davidson, MP
Consul of the Londinian Commonwealth
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 05:05
The party members were put onto buses and sent towards the harbor to get into transports.
The communist party of NC, has decided your goverment phsychotic and disregards the last message.
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 05:07
Official Londinian Communiqué
Open Declaration:
Very well. You shall (re)learn the penalty for disobedience. As of now, six legions, three air wings, and twenty naval fleets are being dispatched to North Calaveras. You have three hours to unconditonally surrender and be spared a war which will claim the lives of millions of Calaverans.
The Rt. Hon. Flavia Davidson, MP
Consul of the Londinian Commonwealth
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 05:08
STATE message
You have killed more in the past, were guessing you wish to rape and pillage this time?
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 05:10
Official Reply to North Calaveras
More like subjugate every man, woman, and child and use them as a source of forced labour for centuries to come, while, at the same time, transforming their world into an unending cacophony of screams. Surrender now if you wish to spare your people this fate.
British Londinium
21-09-2007, 05:19
OOC: I thought NC nullified his statement saying he would re-legalize the parties. If that isn't the case, then please ignore my invasion threats.
The PeoplesFreedom
21-09-2007, 05:19
State Department Communication
NC has given us what we want BL. A sharp diplomatic message, especially in response to yours, hardly warrants an invasion. We ask you to kindly back down as a favor to us. Do we really need to phone Damien?
North Calaveras
21-09-2007, 05:23
The party members arrived at the harbor, and awaited transportation.
Official Londinian Communiqué
To the North Calaveran Government:
Damn straight, bitches.
With utmost contempt,
The Rt. Hon. Flavia Davidson, MP
Consul of the Londinian Commonwealth
~Official Imperial Democracy Message~
To Londinian Government:
Ms. Davidson, you make me laugh. Thank you for existing
Ingram J Hasley
~Presidential Secretary~
State Department Communication
NC has given us what we want BL. A sharp diplomatic message, especially in response to yours, hardly warrants an invasion. We ask you to kindly back down as a favor to us. Do we really need to phone Damien?
International Affairs Department
Though we arn't trying to be suck-ups, we agree with The PeoplesFreedom on this issue, and British Londinium should back down. Their is no need to send an invasion force if this is the governments and the peoples choosing. If not, then any other nation shouldn't have the right to interfere with other nation's politics. They should just let that country learn for itself and "sink its own ship".
Official Greal Statement
Greal agrees with The PeoplesFreedom and Zoingo. North Calaveras has already done what you wanted, but North Calaveras has the right to run its own country without inference from foreign nations.
The Charr
21-09-2007, 10:25
"'Tis amusing at best to bear witness to the antics of British Londinium and their vaunted global campaign for freedom, democracy and justice recently. For, did not the Londinians recently take a similarly backward step ( towards tyranny little over a week ago? And, should it be entirely necessary for me to run off a list of the dishonourable atrocities committed by the Londinians against warriors and innocents alike in recent years, comparable in scope and severity to the most contemptible dictators of history? Would I even have the time or will to do so? Acts which you appear intent on repeating in the future, given your threat to enslave the population of North Calaveras.
And for that matter... is not Damien Dreadfire himself keeping an eye on you ( as a result of your last bout of rampant imperialism?
I make the recommendation that you show at least a little more tact than a rancid Devourer and learn the meaning of the word 'diplomacy', lest you run your economy into the ground completely by randomly making declarations of war against anybody who looks at you in a displeasing manner (though, how you have any economy left after events of recent years plays havoc with my mind). I would suggest that your citizens might ultimately elect to have your government removed from office in protest, though I am certain that your hereditary and unelected monarch would put a stop to that soon enough.
To North Calaveras I say, the move you have made here is backward and despicable, and history has shown us that people will not tolerate their freedoms being curtailed for long. For the sake of honour and decency, I recommend that you avoid taking this path, and give your honourable citizens what they deserve, lest they demonstrate the principle of strength in numbers and take it from you."
Clan Leader Bonfaaz Burntfur
United Clans of the Charr
*Communiqué to the Diplomatic Offices of North Calaveras*
The Foreign Affairs Board (FABPACUN)
Dear Governmental Officials of North Calaveras,
The Foreign Affairs Board of the Popular Assembly of the Communal Union of Noveta (FABPACUN) wishes to state that even though your government's method of establishing a real Communist society is a method that the majority of the Novetan population believes is flawed, this board, the representative of the various communes, communal districts, workplace assemblies and neighborhood assemblies that make up the Communal Union of Noveta on the interregional stage, both respects and supports the right of North Calaveras to be a sovereign nation that makes its own decisions without external pressure.
Furthermore, we are against British Londinium's attempts to build a "Greater Londinian Empire" that spreads both "democracy" and "freedom" to all regions of the world - and - its intention of using your land as the basis for this barbaric and abhorrent level of imperialistic expansionism and annexationist irrationality.
We do wish that we were industrialized and had the capability to help North Calaveras to defend itself, but since we are not, we have no choice but to reduce our support to a simple communiqué.
In Solidarity,
The Members of the Foreign Affairs Board (FABPACUN)
Port-de-Révolution, Communal Union of Noveta
21-09-2007, 13:10
OOC: Well, I might as well jump on the band wagon...
Official Faxanavian Communique
TO: The People's Communist State of North Calaveras
FROM: The Allied States of Faxanavia
Message: The Allied States wishes to send it's support to the people of North Calaveras, as we respect a country's right to establish any such regime as it so chooses. Though our relative newness warrants an inability to step in should it disseminate into conflict, we will happily offer any and all ambassadorials services needed to stem this conflict, as well as open our arms to any NC refugees.
Repsectfully yours,
Ivansky Bochick
Prime Minister
21-09-2007, 15:40
It always strikes me as rather odd how it seems the only voice of sanity in the international community these days comes from a nation of sentient, bloodthirsty cows.
21-09-2007, 22:10
OOC: I thought NC nullified his statement saying he would re-legalize the parties. If that isn't the case, then please ignore my invasion threats.
Someone answer this. It looked like NC turned back on his word, so yeah.
The Binarian Empire demands that North Calaveras un-ban all politican parties.
*Communiqué to the Diplomatic Offices of the Binarian Empire*
The Foreign Affairs Board (FABPACUN)
Dear Governmental Officials of the Binarian Empire,
This board, the representative of the various communes, communal districts, workplace assemblies and neighborhood assemblies that make up the Communal Union of Noveta, takes offense to countries such as yourself, whose obvious imperialistic and Capitalistic desires have led it down the path of attempting to verbally violate the sovereignty of the People's Communist State of North Calaveras.
We have a question to ask you and that is this; What if you were in the same position of North Calaveras and instead of banning various anti-Communist parties, you were banning a real Communist movement and/or a Leninist "Communist" party? Would you want another country that is Communist to tell you what to do? I think not.
So we implore you; even though there are differences, please respect the sovereignty of the People's Communist State of North Calaveras. It is the only adequate path to maintaining peaceful affairs between all countries.
The Members of the Foreign Affairs Board (FABPACUN)
Port-de-Révolution, Communal Union of Noveta
North Calaveras
22-09-2007, 20:43
We have done what you wanted, but the members of the partys are being put out of the country.
Diplomatic Communiqué to the Communal Union of Noveta:
We will do as we wish. The Binarians are a warrior people. With the execption of the last 100 years, we have had several thousand years of selective breeding, to create the perfect warrior culture. Any nation that bends themselves to the will of another desevres whatever results from crumbling under pressure.
We have done what you wanted, but the members of the partys are being put out of the country.
For what reasons are they being deported? If those laws have been repealed, why smake them leave?
North Calaveras
22-09-2007, 21:10
STATE message
That is the states business not yours.
STATE message
That is the states business not yours.
so you allow the parties but deport any members? That is worse than banning them.
North Calaveras
22-09-2007, 21:16
STATE message
We are done with this.