A shot was fired... (MT, OPEN)
19-09-2007, 12:06
The sky was blue and clear with the sun shining brightly. President Vladimir Orlov of Drvarska and President Darel of Alfegos were watching from their stand a large military parade celebrating the new relationships between the two countries. Some 100,000 soldiers (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1188/1406299505_6f04e443c8.jpg?v=0) along with 50,000 vehicles (20,000 T-90 tanks) marched through the wide streets of Drvar (Nation's capital). Drvarska's top soldiers (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1201/1406299503_b8d3a7dd36.jpg?v=0) were taking part in the event as well.
A soldier came running up to Orlov and handed him a piece of paper noting that the tanks were going to be late due to some sort of hold up. Orlov nodded and handed it back but he knew there was something strange going on he can sense it.
A few blocks away Jovek Kilov an ex-soldier of the Drvarskan Army was sitting at his window watching the parade and the two presidents. Next to him he had a Dragunov SVD mounted on a tripod. Jovek was a member of the Sovreska Communist Party (SCP) which is a loyal group to the previous corrupt dictator of Sovreska (now known as Drvarska after a civil war which occured over 40 years ago), SCP was planning a massive take-over of the government for a long time and now was the chance.
Jovek stood up taking a puff of his cigarette and stamping it out on the floor. He aimed through the sight steadily breathing with his crosshair fixed on President Orlov. A gently squeezed the trigger but just before the weapon fired Orlov noticed a shining light coming from the reflection of his scope and quickly took cover along with President Darel. He fired hoping to hit him before he got to cover but it missed and hit a post behind them.
There were screams and the mass amount of soldiers broke ranks and scattered, some ran towards the presidents while others searched for the assassin.
General Kruschev was commander of the XI Army in the Drvarskan National Army. His Armoured divisions the 7th, 8th and 10th Armoured were part of the parade supplying 20,000 T-90S tanks. Secretly Kruschev was a very loyal member of the SCP and his army was to take over the capital of Drvar along with six other armies commanded by members of SCP to conquer the rest of Drvarska. His tanks halted at the edge of town to confuse the soldiers marching already in the main square in front of the presidents.
After he heard the reports that the shots were fired he sent forth the tanks to destroy all in their path including civillians who got in their way, the soldiers had no chance against these beasts. The nearby armies are more than 20km away with the closest armoured support.
The War is about to begin...
Map of Drvarska:
This is basically a huge civil war taking place and all are free to join. To join just post in the OOC thread and then make a joining post here. Please do not post any "Country xxx wishes to send two thousand soldiers for aid", this is a mass war with hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides! Any country is free to join any side they wish. Please post the details of your army (if you are sending one) and how they will get there (sea or air).
19-09-2007, 12:13
All OOC comments and info go into the OOC Thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=538679) please. Thank you.
The shot fired alerted the Praetorians at once. They had seen the location of the sniper, and brought their AF-07 rifles to bears, filling the building with lead.
An hour later, the president was being evacuated,w ith diplomatic personell from the embassy.
In their place would come teh 5 th Foreign Grouping: 250 000 men, 5 massive grand cruisers and 20 wings of the Alfegos air force.
The 2 nd division were coming in by helicopter. The rest were coming via massive container ships.
As the first regiment landed, the helicopters flew off, dropping the loaded IFVs. They immediately cleard the area outside the capital, before setting a perimeter for the forward command base to be built.
TO: Drvarska
We will support your nation against communist uprising by sending in a large military presence. We will desist from using WMDs unless absolutely necessary, and will only use CS gas and Napalm as unconventional weaponry.
We just need to know now where we are need.
19-09-2007, 14:54
Now with the sniper dead and the building cleared by Drvarskan soldiers and Alfegos guards the soldiers regrouped and awaited orders. President Orlov was sent back to the Palace where in the basement he discussed with his ministers what the situation was.
General Kruschevs T-90s came into view through the streets and took the whole army by surprise. All the infantry stared at them untill the machine guns blazed open and the turrets fired exploding the entire main square. The 20,000 T-90s surrounded the city and started to make their way towards the Palace that was guarded only by the Elite guards and a few anti-tank nests. President Orlov and his ministers were airlifted from the palace out by two UH-60 blackhawks and taken to the city of Krajina. After recieving the message from Alfegos he replied to them immediatly.
TO: Alfegos
FROM: Drvarska
We appreciate your help and you can land your forces anywhere along the coast, Krajina has a good dock that we can lend to you. Your forces would be appreciated if they fight along with our III Army commanded by Gen.Gorbachov, you can find the positions on the map.
Now with high casualties the 100,000 troops in Drvar retreat West to escape the city under terror. Now the SCP 9th & 12th Army has moved in. The battle rages on and the war is now in progress.
A news reporter caught a horrific picture (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1338/1407831962_02264ac9fc.jpg?v=0) of soldiers under heavy fire and soldiers (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1019/1407831964_f51dc6efc4.jpg?v=0) taking aim with their AK-74s.
19-09-2007, 15:53
Everything that interested the Bredfordian people in elections was the economy. the president that could increase the GDP the most, decrease unemployment, where private corporations flourished under his rule, increased the GDP per capita and increase the value of the BRD Credit was re-elected.
and Larry Trambs was fanatical in that issue. economy was anything. the Bredfordian people didn't support arms trade with terrorist organization, for example, but Larry Trambs did. that helped the economy.
anyway, hearing of the civil war in Drvarska, many citizens expected the president to be supportive of the legal goverment, who was also their deep ally. however..
To: SCP (Communist Drvarskan Rebels)
From: President Larry Trambs
We would like to offer you a deal, selling weapons to you. we would loan you money so you could buy arms with us. the loan shall be up to the sum of $70 billion NS$, and could only be used to buy weapons from us.
we would sell you anything you want, Aircraft, Rifles, Tanks, Ammo..
Answer me soon,
President Larry Trambs of Bredford.
Yaroslavi was a hive of activity as the Mechanised Infantry prepared for war. Soon, they would be followed by the armour and artillery,
The 2 nd regiment of the division were travelling along the road and maximum cruising speed, throwing up massive clouds of dust.
NATO systems were not followed by Alfegos, so a regiment in Alfegos had about 12 500 men in it. Unwieldy, maybe, but it superior commanders and rigid doctrine made sure that that was counteracted.
Along the road to the city trailed 1000 IFVs, ready for battle. Among them were 200 Mounted-Gun Systems, 50 Mortor Systems and a command hub, with accompanying Comm's and Sensor Hub.
The first battle of Drvar was about to be fought. And experience showed that Alfegos troops would excel in city fighting, even without tanks.
Halfway along, the formation split into a wide band a platoon deep, that steadily changed shape into a crescent, that corresponded with the city shape coming up.
Behind them, the 3 rd regiment were rumbling along, as a reserve. This would be one hell of a battle.
"This is Volcano 1. We are inbound, and requesting all friendlies take cover."
A long line of 10 heavy bombers streaked low over Drvarskan countryside, towards where the UAVs had reported Kalashnik group.
Each one was the Volcano varient of the AAFB-H5, carrying in its internal payload each 3000 litres of Naplam. On the external pylons, each had 3 Wounded-Eagle AAMs, taht would take down any enemy fighter.
As they came towards the enemy group, they split into two groups of five, and drew a circle of fire around the rebels.
Ring Of Fire. Napalm Tactic 22. If the enemy knew what was about to happen, they would begin parying. For once the bombers trapped them with a 5 metre sheet of flame, they would begin dumping remaining napalm inside the circle, slowly filling it in with fire, immolating enemys, and causing tanks to fill with rivers of molten metal.
Offshore, 5 grand cruisers of the APN were heading the ocvoy of massive container ships and obese transports, filled with troops. They and their machines were headed for Yaroslavi, where they would set up operatiosn, and begin to push back the rebels.
20-09-2007, 11:44
The T-90s crushed their way towards the palace in Drvar. It has now been taken and General Kruschev has taken the office. A notice was brought to him about a weapons trade with Bredford. Kruschev smiled and agreed to the letter, he responded.
FROM: Sovreska Communist Party
TO: President Larry Trambs
We smile upon your generous offer and we do accept. I do hope we both make better relationships in future. If you want to support us we would be greatful if you could send us troops to build a new XVI Army. Thank you once again and money has been wired to you.
Long live Sovreska!
Only 40,000 troops from the 100,000 made it out of the city alive. Some 20,000 were captured and sent to work in a Labour camp near Koprovnika.
General Sokolov recieved reports from Alfegos forces that they were sending in air support armed with napalm. He was shocked and quickly responeded.
TO: Alfegos Air force
FROM: General Sokolov
Stand down on your fighter attack on Kalashnik army. There are civillian buildings with inhabitants in enemy locations and we can not fire upon civillian people. Please withdraw fighters and use tactical missles for armoured targets in open terrain. Sorry for the incovenience.
General Sokolov
Now with Drvar under SCP control reports came in of Alfegos troops advancing. With the VIV Army deployed along with the XII Army supporting East they were ready. West of Drvar was the 4th Drvarskan Military Airfield raided recently with pilots of the SCP.
SCP Forces in/near Drvar:
VIV Army:
46,000 Soldiers
20,000 T-90 Tanks
30,000 Armoured Vehicles (10,000 BMP-2)
XII Army:
67,000 Soldiers
10,000 T-90 Tanks
40,000 Armoured Vehicles (20,000 BMP-2)
II Air Fighter Wing:
1,000 SU-37 Fighters
500 UH-60 Blackhawks
200 Mi-24 Hind
5,000 Air force armed troops
A message was sent to Alfegos.
TO: Alfegos High Command
FROM: Drvarskan National Army
We have recieved reports of your forces counter attacking Drvar and we would like to send with you two Infantry and one armoured division of the II Army commanded by General Sokolov.
30,000 Troops
5,000 T-90 Tanks
New map (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1394/1412434882_9d360316a3.jpg?v=0)
20-09-2007, 12:04
To: Drvarska
From: BHR
We are sending 230 K2 Black Panther tanks as well as two Arleigh Burke class destroyers. Thank you, that is all.
President Ravioli
20-09-2007, 12:13
ooc: Bull_horns_rule, I appreciate your participation in this but please next time post in the ooc thread before posting any "aid" posts and please give more information on how they get there and who controls them etc. I have said in the first post please do not make any posts such as "country xxx sends 2000 troops, that is all." Thank you.
The planes received the meassge, but did not stand down. They finsihed the ring, and filled it in with the accompanying screams and hissing of burning metal and flesh.
The planes flew back to the small landing strip, their show of terror finished.
The regiment slowed down. There were reports of enemy prescence outnumbering them hugely.
They stopped a mile from the city, and then moved back, to where 5 other regiments were approaching: 1 Mechanised (the 7 th), 2 Armoured (3rd and 5th) and 2 Artilley regiements (1st and 3rd).
The mechanised infantry fell back, to be replaced by 400 LY4 main battle tanks. Their smooth-bore cannons rose, and fired, locked onto the near-infared spotlights of enemy metal vehicles. Similateously, the Stryker Mortars of the Mech. Infantry and 350 LY300 MLRSs let loose. The sky over the city was filled with explosions, as cluster bombs showered the city with ordinance.
From 10 of the MLRS units, Cruise missiles rose and shot across the field, each with a 100 lb warhead, to take out the enemy groups of tanks.
Air-support was coming in: in particular 300 AAFFB-5s, Figher Bombers armed with a mix of Wounded-eagle AAMs, Screaming Death ASMs and each one
200lb smart bomb.
They began to circle the area over the capital, before diving in at mach 2 over the enemy city, releasing bombs onto roadblocks and movement and missile onto the tanks.
The missiles shot down, before a siren in the exhaust activated, filling the air with the distinctive scream of AAF death, before explosing in a blue-red cloud of heat.
The 1st battle of Drvar had begun.
The navy had control of the sea, and the tranporst had landed, in the north and south.
Similateously, the 6th and 8th Armoured regiments, in the north, began to advance on the frontline there. They would flatten all resistance. Literally.
Ahead of the LY4s rode AMT-9s and Scimitar Recon tanks,t aht picked out suspected eneies, for the LY4s to pummel.
21-09-2007, 01:24
An Aztec Intelligence Agent (AIA) named John Locke, and aging man with a bald head and a scar along his eye, dressed only in civilian cloths but with Kevlar underneath it and a semi auto pistol in his jacket pocket, watched from the window of an apartment as the sniper fired from across the street, narrowly missing the presidents.
The agent quickly ran to his radio, hoping to reach it before the inevitable attack of rebels. They had for weeks suspected communist involvement, but this confirmed it, along with reports of tanks outside the city limits. Reaching the radio, he sent out this encrypted message.
"This is EAGLEEYE, calling STRIKER, over." He waited, then the voice came through.
"Roger EAGLE, what is your status?"
"We have a ROUGE SPEAR fried at the president, requesting permission to evacuate." Silence on the other end.
"Is SWORDSMAN okay?" Asked the radio operative. Locke heard gunfire from the street. Shit, he thought, gunfire already.
"I repeat, ROUGE SPEAR, SWORDSMAN is confirmed. But we got hostiles in the area, probably those damned rebels we've got word about."
"Roger that, EAGLE. We are giving a go to Operation KILLSQUAD. Now I recommend you get the hell outta doge."
"Roger, pulling out." Locke grabbed the radio and put it in his backpack. Taking off the safety on his semi, he stepped out into the street and walked into an alley, hoping that it wasn't too late.
Message to Drvarska
TO: Drvarska High Command
FROM: NeoAztec Armed Forces
We have been informed of your civil war and are ready to send one of our marine companies to assist you. We ask for your confirmation.
21-09-2007, 12:28
To: Drvarska
From: The BHR "Dewy"
We welcome all officials to the "Dewy" to become the headquarters for anti-terror operations. We are sending 9 Ohio Class submarines to blockade rebel cargo ships. The Black Panther tanks should be arriving at a local airport soon. We have also mobilized Two Thousand Merkava tanks to help. Thank You!
21-09-2007, 14:36
Drvar now in rebel hands prepared for defence against the attack of Alfegos and Drvarskan troops. General Kruschev, Polkov and Chechev sat in a room discussing the defence of the SCP troops.
"I shall order the troops to dig in immediatly and put the tanks in defence positions." Polkov said.
"Very well, set up the AA guns as well. We cant have any bombers annoying us at the moment. Chechev, I want you to support our Eastern flank against any attack from Sokolov's troops." Kruschev responded.
"Right away sir." Chechev said and made the order.
Troops in Drvar immediatly began to dig in while tanks provided cover for the attack of Alfegos units. With Alfegos artillery pouring in only a few tanks were knocked out as many buildings provided cover. In response Kruschev ordered an air attack onto Alfegos artillery positions. At Drvar miliatary airport 50 SU-37 Flanker F took off armed with air-ground missles and LGB smart bombs. As the targets approached they dived down in attack formation.
287 soldiers killed
193 tanks destroyed
The Bombers that Alfegos sent to drop napalm on Kalashnik troops had a devastating effect on both soldiers and civillians. During the bomb run many buildings caught some of the napalm and killing many civillians who were hiding in them.
President Orlov made a message to Alfegos.
TO: Alfegos High Command
FROM: Drvarska High Command
Greetings noble ally! We wish to request that napalm and chemical/biological weapons be taken from combat and replaced with Smart bombs or missles. We have many civillians in enemy areas that are trapped and we wish to save as many as possible. Sorry for the incovenience.
President Vladimir Orlov
Enemy troops:
379 dead
51 missing
235 T-90 destroyed
178 dead
32 missing
At Krajina President Orlov recieved a message from NeoAztec and responded quickly.
TO: NeoAztec Armed Forces
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We appreciate your help and we can allow your troops to land and mobilize in Sarajevo or Yaroslavi along side the Alfegos troops. We thank you for your co-operation.
President Vladimir Orlov
Within Drvar SCP troops patrolled the streets looking for anyone associated with Drvarska Military. Many survivors who belonged to the 100,000 soldiers during the parade were found and shot if they were dieing but sent to labour camps if lightly wounded.
The NeoAztec agent would have to be careful....
More reports came in of the BHR Tanks arriving. Orlov sent a message out.
TO: BHL "Dewy"
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We appreciate your co-operation and help during this conflict. You may post your tanks anywhere along the coast between Sarajevo and Yaroslavi and that we wish to request the details of your tank army such as the number and under whos command it belongs to. We wish to request that you do not send any submarines as that we have ships already in process of blockading any SCP shipping. Thank you again for the help.
President Vladimir Orlov
After sending the message, Orlov sent another to the nation of Bredford.
TO: Bredford
FROM: Drvarska High Command
Greetings. We wish to inform you that any shipping from your country or airdrops that is sent to SCP troops in Drvarska will be intercepted and blocked. We do not want you to make anymore dealings to SCP in future and if it does proceed we will make necessary measures. Thank you for your co-operation.
President Vladimir Orlov
21-09-2007, 15:01
The T-90s crushed their way towards the palace in Drvar. It has now been taken and General Kruschev has taken the office. A notice was brought to him about a weapons trade with Bredford. Kruschev smiled and agreed to the letter, he responded.
FROM: Sovreska Communist Party
TO: President Larry Trambs
We smile upon your generous offer and we do accept. I do hope we both make better relationships in future. If you want to support us we would be greatful if you could send us troops to build a new XVI Army. Thank you once again and money has been wired to you.
Long live Sovreska!
To: Sovreska Communist Party
From: President Larry Trambs
I can't possibly send troops to you to build new army. however, i do inform that five cargo aircraft carrying sixty thousand AK-103 rifles, ammo, explosives and big number of grenades are doing their way to you.
also, $4 billion have been sent to you, secretly.
President Larry Trambs.
21-09-2007, 15:49
A Airbase near Krajina spotted five large aircraft on their radar. The contacts were reported as Bredford cargo planes on their way to Sovreska troops. After receiving the report, president Orlov ordered that they were to be intercepted.
25 SU-37 Aircraft lifted from the airbase shortly after the order was issued and they made their way towards the contacts trailing up behind them as they entered Drvarska airspace. A message was sent out.
"This is Drvarska Air force. Turn around immediatly or else we will shoot you down. I repeat, you are entering unauthorised Drvarska airspace. Turn around immediatly."
They now waited for a reply.
The fighters were intercepted on radar, and action began to be taken immediately. The fighters in the area began to intercept the enemy, diving from on high and filling thier flanks with cannon fire.
Similtaneously, the SHEPHERD and SkySinger missile systems came into play, launching volley after volley of missiles at the enemy fighters.
The UAV reported only minor casualties. The artillery kept firing to keep their heads down, while 2 and 4 Basttakion moved in in IFVs. They took the first block with no casualties, and hunkered down in the buildings, exchanging fire with the enemy.
The Other brigades of the 2nd Regiment helped to expand the spread, until the entirity of the southern forn tof the city, 2 blocks in, was occupied.
31 dead
53 wounded
1 Missing
3 IFVs destroyed
1 IFV out of action
1 Manticore destroyed
7 out of action
Email to Drvarska
We heard about Rebel activity in your region. We would be willing to dispatch the 12th helicopter Regiment, a total of 34 Mil-Mi 24s 12 Ka-50s and 56 Mil-Mi 16 with about 400 troops to aid you in battle. They will be shipped via sea, and escorted by 2 warships of our Navy. We hope this force we are sending would ease the situtaion. They will be under Drvarskan command, and would be ready for action to the spot you want them to in 2 days time.
President Attontov,
President of Kansiov.
Buddha C
21-09-2007, 15:58
One full division of Cnian Holy Marines were crammed into the underwater transport-delivery system of the stripped down Seawolf-Class submarine. Sixty of these submarines sailed towards their target, the Central Southern part of Dravaka.
{{OOC: Sorry for the short post couldn't think of much to say. :(}}
Port Edward
21-09-2007, 16:09
A Airbase near Krajina spotted five large aircraft on their radar. The contacts were reported as Bredford cargo planes on their way to Sovreska troops. After receiving the report, president Orlov ordered that they were to be intercepted.
25 SU-37 Aircraft lifted from the airbase shortly after the order was issued and they made their way towards the contacts trailing up behind them as they entered Drvarska airspace. A message was sent out.
"This is Drvarska Air force. Turn around immediatly or else we will shoot you down. I repeat, you are entering unauthorised Drvarska airspace. Turn around immediatly."
They now waited for a reply.
"Requesting permission to land in Drvarskan airfield."
21-09-2007, 16:14
The battle of Drvar started and the Alfegos troops blazed in through the first couple blocks of the city with deadly force. Major Volkov led a unit of 5,000 men and 1,000 tanks which were posted in this area. With the Alfegos troops now fighting building-building he stormed through the 2nd block with a column of T-90s. Despite the heavy casualties he stormed in retaking the second block but still fighting in the first.
387 soldiers dead
163 wounded
20 missing
76 T-90 destroyed
34 T-90 damaged
The fighters recieved contacts of Alfegos aircraft closing in. They let out a hail of cluster bombs and LGB HE bombs onto the Alfegos positions. In doing so they recieved a high toll of casualties. The remaining aircraft broke off to face the Alfegos aircraft.
27 SU-37 Destroyed
23 remaining
President Orlov sat at his desk recieving more reports of aid for his army. First from Kansiov which he replied.
TO: Kansiov High Command
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We appreciate your help and that your troops will be great help to our army. If you would like to post them with the III Army under the command of General Gorbachov it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your help.
President Vladimir Orlov
A second message was recieved by Buddha C, it was replied.
TO: Buddha C
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We are greatful for your aid and that we wish you luck in these waters that they are inhabited by the SCP II Fleet. We will send air support for your submarines if needed. Thanks again for the help.
President Vladimir Orlov
21-09-2007, 16:19
"Requesting permission to land in Drvarskan airfield."
ooc: Please post in the OOC (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=13071648&posted=1#post13071648) thread for joining and also we need more details and why you are here.
Buddha C
21-09-2007, 16:22
{{OOC: Well I didn't actually tell you I was there, but eh whatever.}}
The troops will land in your Southern flank and launch an offensive into the western flank of the enemy (South on the compass) we will hop over large cities and will focus more on controlling small villages and wheat crops, strangling the rebel supporter's food supply while enriching our own. We also request that we use your trucks for logistical support as we brought none of our own.
The submarines landed on the Southern beaches, the Cnian Holy Marine Division spread out making a two square mile area around the beach head, the submarines were swimming back to port at Buddha C.
21-09-2007, 16:31
ooc: Sorry I missed out a thing in the message. I was meant to say when you get there but lets go with this.
Orlov recieved a reply back from Buddha C and responded.
TO: Buddha C Forces
FROM: Drvarska High Command
A convoy of 100 trucks has been sent to your troop positions along with an escort of 50 T-90 tanks. We hope this is enough for you and we wish you luck in battle. On the map the brown paches represent farmlands, the dark green represent forrests.
President Vladimir Orlov
Email to Drvarska
We heard about Rebel activity in your region. We would be willing to dispatch the 12th helicopter Regiment, a total of 34 Mil-Mi 24s 12 Ka-50s and 56 Mil-Mi 16 with about 400 troops to aid you in battle. They will be shipped via sea, and escorted by 2 warships of our Navy. We hope this force we are sending would ease the situtaion. They will be under Drvarskan command, and would be ready for action to the spot you want them to in 2 days time.
President Attontov,
President of Kansiov.
OCC:ahem.... Guess you missed out mine. :p
21-09-2007, 16:38
Posted before:
TO: Kansiov High Command
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We appreciate your help and that your troops will be great help to our army. If you would like to post them with the III Army under the command of General Gorbachov it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your help.
President Vladimir Orlov
Posted before:
TO: Kansiov High Command
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We appreciate your help and that your troops will be great help to our army. If you would like to post them with the III Army under the command of General Gorbachov it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your help.
President Vladimir Orlov
Offical Reply
The Order is accepted, our troops are on their way. Expect further Kansiovian troops to be shipped in if the war develops.
President Atontov.
Buddha C
21-09-2007, 16:41
Left General Walter Mainard saw the reply he was given, quickly writing up a letter it was sent to the Drvarska military. It stated a following. "That will be good for now, but we require terrain maps with city listings and such."
{{OOC: Basically a map with mountains, marshes, and forests in Southern Communist-controlled region.}}
21-09-2007, 16:46
ooc: Buddha C, a map has been posted before and a new one is in development. I have forgotten to put a legend on it so basically the fully black provinces are cities and the black circle provinces are towns. Lines are roads, dark green areas are forrests and brown are farmlands. Map (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1394/1412434882_9d360316a3.jpg?v=0)
The manticores took heavy pummeling, yet most still were repairable. The fire ceased, with onlky the rythmic pounding of the mortars, moving forward, as theemergancy repair teams began quick repair jobs.
IN the city, the enmy began counter-attacking. Battallion 8 were the first to encounter the T-90 tanks, that were duly dispatched with AAT-06 teams hidden among the damaged ruins and rooftops.
The second block was starting to fall. Batallion 6, 7 and 9 started to push, with the sudden increase in fire from the ASSW - 9 s as the IFVs carrened through the streets, into the 3rd and 4th blocks.
Behind them, the LY4s had finally arrived. They took the direct approach of taking streets, by driving straght through buildings. They commenced fire on the enemy vehciles, their weapons leaving flaming wrecks, or turning buildings into piles of rubble.
The 6 th Helicopter wing Attack Squadrons, 5 groups of 10 in all, bore down on the capital, realeasing volleys of missiles onto the uncovered tops of tanks, and gunning down the infantry who dared venture out into the streets.
In the air, there was the characteristic wail of the wounded eagle missiles that were shooting across the sky into the enemy, from the Alfegos Fighter-Bombers. In all, 40 missiles were loosed into the array of enemy planes, each homing in on the target plane with un-erring accuracy.
121 dead
72 wounded
1 LY4 disabled
1 IFV destroyed
4 IFVs disabled
9 Manticores destroyed
To the north, the fighting had begun. 5 Batallion, Armour, were busy engaging an enemy group up by the frontline, the LY4s booming, with accompanying cracks of assorted Autocannons.
To aid them, 5 Strategic bombers were coming in at Mach 2, afterburners roaring. Each was armed with a payload of 10 100lb bombs, each laser designated built into the Recon tanks.
1 LY4 disabled
2 Scimitars disabled
The enemy were about to have the heat raised on them: from the Grand Cruiser "Redeemer" came red fire as 20 Tomahawk missiles flew off the deck and towards Drvar. Each was tipped with a 1000lb warhead, and each was aimed at the roads and routes out the north of the city. The enmy would not eascape.
21-09-2007, 17:01
The SCP troops were now full on in the fighting. General Kruschev sent forth 5,000 T-90 tanks and 15,000 Infantry to Alfegos Battalions 6,7 and 9 to try and stop the attack and push them back. Another 7,000 T-90s with 20,000 Infantry were sent north to meet the Alfegos 5th Armoured battalion. Many AT teams were sent in as well equipped with heavy RPG-7s and some LAW AT launchers who were trained to fire mainly from roof tops or in buildings. The battle was truly commencing.
Casualties West Drvar:
567 soldiers dead
213 soldiers wounded
119 T-90 destroyed
41 T-90 damaged
Casualties North Drvar:
216 soldiers dead
54 soldiers wounded
76 T-90 destroyed
24 T-90 damaged
The air was starting to get hot in Drvar as Alfegos sent in air support. General Krushchev respondedd by sending in the entire attack helicopter fleet of 200 Mi-24 Hinds to intercept them and also nail some Alfegos troops on the ground.
Along some streets many AA guns were set up with a powerful AA missle system that blazed the air destroying quite a few Alfegos choppers.
In central Drvar an assault started by 7th & 5th Armies commanded by Generals Volkov & Kelvekov onto the III Army commanded by General Gorbachov. The heat really started and the dug in Drvarskan troops awaited the attack.
Buddha C
21-09-2007, 17:18
Without the reply Left General Mainard prepped a regiment for observation and scouting duty. The 45th Cnian Holy Marine Regiment moved forward. Their contingent held a thousand troops, two hundred Monk-medics, and five Drvakan T-90 tanks. This regiment was one of the few unmodernized units of the entire Cnian Armed Forces, thier equipment included only SKS semi-automatic rifles with bayonets, shovels, supply of food, water, and camping kit, knives, and RPG-7's in some cases. They would be a prime target for SCPs attack as they moved towards Kalashnik's army, just six miles south of him.
The artilelry began to raor again, repaired. Above them soared the interceptor, designed specially to take out the planes and chopper in the area.
The fighting was now getting ridiculous. 7400 men and machines in the city, against a massive overwhelming force.
Time to pull out all the stops.
The battalions atarted to afall back to the 1 st block, taking minor casualties as they did so. Meanwhile a massive black swarm was descending on the city: 100 heavy bombers, each with a massive payload of bombs. They began to lay a thick carpet across the city: buildings crumbled as the hundreds of bombs flattened everything in tehir path.
In their wake was flattened rubble. No buildings were left standing. A strip a mile wide and 6 miles long had been demolished ocmpetely.
The counter-attack began in earnest.
2 entire regiments, about 25 000 men, crashed like waves onto the city, quickly taking the glowing rubble.
9 bombers
210 dead
90 wounded
1 missing
5 LY4s destroyed
1 disabled
9 IFVs destroyed.
"So, you've finally decided to help?"
President Pierce's Defence Secretary looked at him thoughtfully.
"Obviously, John. What do we have in the way of available forces?"
"Most of the entire Armed Forces"
"Okay then. We'd best send them a telegram."
"Are you sure, sir? You haven't put that much thought into this"
"Let me re-phrase that. We'd best send them a telegram"
John gave up. "Yes, sir"
We, the Antigran Government, are appalled by the actions of the SCP against your government, and, at long last, have decided to intervene.
We propose to send military aid to your country, as listed here:
II Corps, comprising 15 divisions;1 Airborne, 11Armoured, 1 Air Cavalry, and 2Infantry.
We require an airstrip, for frequent use. We wish to set up some defences around it so we can keep supplies, aid, and reinforcements running.
As well as this, we need frequent information as to where to go next and any objectives.
We thank you for your time. Bear in mind that we need the name and precise location of the airstrip, and would prefer one about 45 miles from the action.
We hope you see reason and let us in to help defend your country and it's civilians.
President Pierce of Antigr
22-09-2007, 00:00
Capitan Percy Jackson sat in the osprey, waiting for the landing to take place. He was a veteran of the Civil War in PPP and was praying to the gods that it wasn't like that. As they came into a landing at the Drvarska airfield, he hoped that he would survive this encounter too...
Somewhere in the Capital city...
John was ducking through allyways like a cat. When he heard screams and shots, he pulled out his pistol. He saw several Drvarska soldiers lying on the ground with the apparent rebels about to kill them. John pointed his pistol and fired twice, the silencer removing the sound. Dead hit, both soldiers went down. Grabbing one of the guns from them, Locke checked the 4 Drvarska soldiers. 3 of them were dead but the other one was pretty banged up. John almost left, mistaking the man for dead when he heard "Please, help me." Turning around he saw the soldier looking up at him, terror in his eyes. "They will kill me if I stay!" John looked at the soldier and asked. "Can you walk?" The man tried to get up, but fell down. "One of my legs is busted," He said. "I think I can make it if I had a crutch." John walked over and helped the man up, giving him his rifle. He than picked up another. 16 mags. He looked at the soldier. "Here's the deal," He explained. "I got a car outside the city that will take us to safety, but we need to get to my safe house near the outside, there will be soldiers patrolling it, but we built a small tunnel to get us out. First off, we need to get you civilian cloths. Come on, lets go." He headed for the alley wall, hoping this kid won't slow him down...
22-09-2007, 01:24
To: Drvarska
From: The "BHR Dewy"
The 2000 Merkavas have been posted on road between Sarajevo and Yaroslavi. The 230 K2 Black Panther tanks have been sent Mostar to push back the rebels. After securing Mostar all of our tanks under the command of General Carl Greenwich will push to Zenica and flank the rebels. Troops have been mobilized, Operation Drvarski Freedom is underway.
Greggory Yarknowzki
OOC: Yes I ripped off Iraqi Freedom.
22-09-2007, 01:34
The roar of tanks was almost deafaning, their mission was to secure Mostar. They got within 15 miles of the town and the lead tank hit an anti-tank mine, destroying one track and injuring the gunner. At that moment rebels sprung from the woods RPG-7 rounds hitting tanks, finally two tanks swung the turrets spraying the rebels with machine gun fire and HEAT rounds. One man grabbed a radio and said, "We need reinforcements... NOW! Situation desperate! Close to Mostar! Hurry... *Groans*" He was cut of short by a rebel sniper...
Buddha C
22-09-2007, 03:29
22-09-2007, 04:00
Kruschev smiled as the Alfegos troops pulled back but as he ordered the soldiers to press on in a mass amount of artillery hit the city throwing him off his chair. A large strip of buildings were destroyed measuring 6 miles long. He got on the radio for status reports. Heavy casualties took place but still his large army still roamed the city. They all were dug in real good and they awaited the counter attack of Alfegos forces.
The air attacks were heavy but alot of SCP AA guns were still operational and managed to fire a deadly hail of missles into the attacking aircraft shooting down a couple.
1683 Soldiers dead
517 Soldiers wounded
57 Soldiers missing
1,879 T-90 tanks destroyed
341 T-90 tanks damaged
Forces remaining:
17,500 T-90 tanks
41,000 Soldiers
21,000 Armoured Vehicles (8,000 BMP-2)
Corporal Jan Ishkevek was one of the survivors of the 100,000 from the parade. He managed to hide in some rubble along with 3 other soldiers and wait out the attack, he was only 18. It was untill after the 40,000 escaped that they were found by two SCP soldiers armed with AK-74s. They were ordered to come out and stand in a line, they saw many bodies of their comrades on the ground around them. Knowing that this was the end they were all shot but Jan was hit in the leg and managed to fall over and act dead. Instantly he saw the two soldiers approach him when they both groaned in pain and fell to the ground. He watched as a man came out of a dark alley and look at them, he then picked up one of the AK-74s and started to walk away.
"Please help me." Jan called out to him.
The man turned around and explained why he could not help him but helped him anyway. Jan managed to get up using the other AK-74 as a crutch, he drew out his M9 Beretta in one hand.
"Thank you, I am greatful for what you are doing." he said to the man.
President Orlov recieved a message from Antigr a message of help. He responded quickly.
TO: Antigr Government
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We are most greatful for your help and that we will provide an airbase that is two miles west of Sarajevo. Your troops will be great help if they can be posted with the IIIrd army that is commanded by General Gorbachov. At the moment he is under attack by two SCP armies. Thank you again for the help.
President Vladimir Orlov
Orlov smiled as he knew a great amount of help was coming.
Kalashnik's 10th Army in Mostar recieved a small attack from BHR forces. The group only comprised of 240 tanks. He smiled and made a radio call to the SCP troops in Mostar.
"This is General Kalashnik. Send forth 2,000 T-90 tanks and 5,000 Infantry to meet these new enemies. Be sure to use RPG-7s."
"Right away sir."
He watched from his window in the distance explosions and the sound of gunfire.
245 Soldiers dead
55 Soldiers wounded
87 T-90 tanks destroyed
13 T-90 tanks damaged
Sokolov's IInd army was taking heavy casualties as Chechev's 12th army and a couple divisions of Kalashnik's 10th army hit them. Taking heavy casualties and lacking armoured support they were forced to pull back quite a distance to rearm and regroup.
To the North Zeitzev's 8th Army was taking the town of kursk with alot of air support and pushing back Ivanov's army some distance. The DNA army is now in alot of heat and are fighting hard to defend their homeland of Drvarska from these communist rebels.
22-09-2007, 05:43
OOC: Terra Nationale please post on how your troops got there. At the moment they just came out of nowhere and ambushed SCP forces. Please post in the OOC (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=13073208&posted=1#post13073208) thread that you are entering this conflict and more details of your forces. For now this post of yours has been ignored. Thank you for participating.
REMINDER: POST IN OOC (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=13073208&posted=1#post13073208) THREAD IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CONFLICT. THANK YOU.
22-09-2007, 05:50
NEW MAP (http://img300.imageshack.us/my.php?image=drvarskacivilwar3uc4.jpg)
The Alfegos forces were met by ridiculous resistance as the two regiments advanced. Soon, the squad memebers who had under-barrel laser designators payed off: 10 seconds after designation, a bomb or shell would go screaming through the sky into the enemy.
A Company of 9 batallion were at the fore of the advance: their roof gunner letting off volleys of bullets into the enemy position as the sped over the damaged roads far ahead of the slowly advancing force.
The AA guns were up ahead and fair game. A combination of machine-gun hail and KEMs flew out of the 25 IFVs into the enemy gun. They were soon silenced.
On the ground, the 2nd regiment were advancing round to the left, while the fourth were moving round to the right. The amour was still attracting most of their attention, punding tank after tank, over the incessant hail of artillery.
112 dead
11 wounded
7 IFVs destroyed
4 Gunships destroyed
1 LY4 disabled.
Kursk didn't know what was about to hit it: the 3rd armour regiment was roaring at full speed into the advancing armies, with the same effect as a bulldozer on a city: block after block fell to the armoured beasts, whiel overhead soared 8 X - 5 fighters, being tested for combat effectivness. They were swing wings, and at the moment had moved so that their speed had increased to mach 5.
Each one was armed with an internal payload of 5 Screaming Oblivion ASMs and 3 Lightray AAMs. And each one was armed with a lethal nose-mounted cannon, showering the enemy vehicles with explosive rounds each time the planes came into a ridiculously fast dive.
The main MBTs were all split to attack the centre, while two batallions each of TDs and LBTs circled the city, before plunging in from the other side to attack the enym on all sides.
Squadron Volcano had a new target. This time, napalm would not be used.
Onboard, each was equipped with two massive cluster bombs, each with 1200 bomblets, filled with phosphurous and petrol. These were the original volcano bombs.
As they crossed the heavy fighting between the Bull's Horn rule force against the much larger enemy force, each bomb fell, and exploded, a silent shower of bomblets that set the area on fire.
The BHR forces were safe. It was the other forces who were in the middle of a firestrom.
5 Stealth bombers soared in the stratosphere, invisible to nearly all eyes. Each was arme dwith a payload of 10 250lb smart bombs, and all were headed to the Communist airfields.
As they came in range, the payloads opened, 5 bombs in total falling in syncrony from the sky, onto the airstrip, control tower and fuel dump.
They turned, and headed onto the next airfield. They would stop the commies having air superiority.
22-09-2007, 08:28
SCP News Report
Vasilli Drogorovich a war correspondant for the SCP was all over Drvarska today. Capturing images of terrifying battles in Drvar, Mostar and Kursk.
This photo was taken after SCP troops pushed back Alfegos forces in the first couple blocks of Drvar. Here you can see reinforcements moving up to the front line.
In Mostar we see BHR troops retreating after a small attack onto the town. In this photo we see our T-90s advancing along side infantry.
Here another horrific photo has been shot during an assault onto the Gorbachov army. Here we see our brave SCP soldiers charging into the hot zone.
In kursk we see our brave SCP comrades moving through the mountains onto Ivanov army positions.
That is all for now but support our brave comrades in combat by joining the SCP today! Long live Sovreska!
22-09-2007, 08:52
Not knowing how the Alfegos troops did not get pushed back by such an overwhelming force in Drvar, the battle raged on. Kruschev sent forth more infantry to attack the Alfegos troops now with the newly equipped Streykr rocket launcher that had a devastating AT missle that can blow a T-90 into bits. Hopefully this new weapon will help destroy the Alfegos armour.
With the help of many Mi-24 hinds the enemy armour would recieve a pounding from the AT-6 Spiral missles. Also the enemy infantry advancing in the open would be cut up by the twin barreled GSh-23L cannon.
Casualties were still high but a further 10,000 troops were sent in to fight the advancing Alfegos soldiers.
876 soldiers killed
434 soldiers wounded
175 T-90 destroyed
45 T-90 damaged
The Army in Kursk recieved a suprise attack from Alfegos armour but they quickly responded facing the armour. The 55,000 troops in Kursk faced the attackers and prepared to use the newly equipped stryker launcher. They had some armour support but their main support was a squadron of attack helicopters and a fleet of fighter jets.
With a patrol of 50 Su-37s they recieved the contact report on armour and dived down in attack formation to let loose a hail of cluster bombs and LGB (2 x 150lb) bombs.
1,237 soldiers killed
403 soldiers wounded
286 T-90 destroyed
104 T-90 damaged
53,360 Soldiers
4,610 T-90 tanks
100 Mi-24 Hind
200 Su-37 Flanker F
General Kalashnik watched from his window the deadly firestorm the Alfegos aircraft released. He called in air support.
At a nearby SCP airbase 30 SU-37 lifted each with a payload of 4 x 150lb LGB bombs. Their target was BHR forces. As they reached their target they let loose the bombs with a devastating blast and quickly returned to base.
Shortly after lift off a deadly hail hit the airfield with a devastating effect, nearly all aircraft were destroyed. The remaining aircraft managed to lift through the openings in the field and to move to another airbase for further orders.
180 SU-37 destroyed
70 SU-37 out of action
676 Personnel dead
124 Personnel wounded
1 x Airbase out of action
22-09-2007, 09:12
ooc: Please post in the OOC (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=13071648&posted=1#post13071648) thread for joining and also we need more details and why you are here.
Sorry. its me.
22-09-2007, 09:41
Sorry. its me.
OOC: Ok. Please next time post in OOC.
22-09-2007, 09:46
"Requesting permission to land in Drvarskan airfield."
"Permission aproved please follow the SU-37s back to base."
The Su-37s escorted the cargo planes back to base for questioning. They were taken to an airbase just west of Krajina.
22-09-2007, 09:59
"Permission aproved please follow the SU-37s back to base."
The Su-37s escorted the cargo planes back to base for questioning. They were taken to an airbase just west of Krajina.
As the Antonov plane landed, the pilot immediantly exited the aircraft.
22-09-2007, 10:06
50 Drvarskan soldiers came running from the barracks and surrounded the aircraft. An officer walked forward towards the pilot.
"You are surrounded. Do not try to escape."
22-09-2007, 10:11
50 Drvarskan soldiers came running from the barracks and surrounded the aircraft. An officer walked forward towards the pilot.
"You are surrounded. Do not try to escape."
The pilots looked very scared. they sat on the floor, and barely could move.
22-09-2007, 10:18
The pilots were cuffed and taken to a building where they were put into a room to await interrogation. The officer walked over to the pilots.
"There is no need to worry. We just need to clarify who you are and why you are here." he said.
A few minutes passed and another officer came out with two escort guards and took the lead pilot into the interrogation room. He was sat down at a desk, the officer sat opposite him.
"My name is Lieutenant Georg Yolvek. What is your name?" he said.
22-09-2007, 10:26
The pilots were cuffed and taken to a building where they were put into a room to await interrogation. The officer walked over to the pilots.
"There is no need to worry. We just need to clarify who you are and why you are here." he said.
A few minutes passed and another officer came out with two escort guards and took the lead pilot into the interrogation room. He was sat down at a desk, the officer sat opposite him.
"My name is Lieutenant Georg Yolvek. What is your name?" he said.
"I a.. am captain John Leeds."
22-09-2007, 11:20
"Good...No need to worry comrade, we are not going to harm you. We are here just asking you questions because you were bringing shipments of cargo to our enemy of the Sovreska Comunist party. Who is it that sent you?" he said while a soldier began to write down on a clipboard.
22-09-2007, 12:18
"Good...No need to worry comrade, we are not going to harm you. We are here just asking you questions because you were bringing shipments of cargo to our enemy of the Sovreska Comunist party. Who is it that sent you?" he said while a soldier began to write down on a clipboard.
"I swear, i don't know anything.. it was secret order, and we were told not to ask questions. we don't even know what's in the cargo."
22-09-2007, 12:34
The soldiers around the cargo planes searched through the cargo uncovering thousands of AK-101 assault rifles and ammunition. An officer quickly ran back telling his commanding general. Who then contacted the president.
Orlov sat at his desk talking to some military generals on defence plans when he recieved the report.
"Good god, has the Bredfordians betrayed us!?" he said.
"Looks like your cargo turns out to be a massive stash of guns and ammo. I say again, who sent you?" the officer said to the shaken pilot.
22-09-2007, 12:46
The soldiers around the cargo planes searched through the cargo uncovering thousands of AK-101 assault rifles and ammunition. An officer quickly ran back telling his commanding general. Who then contacted the president.
Orlov sat at his desk talking to some military generals on defence plans when he recieved the report.
"Good god, has the Bredfordians betrayed us!?" he said.
"Looks like your cargo turns out to be a massive stash of guns and ammo. I say again, who sent you?" the officer said to the shaken pilot.
"I don't know... it was order from above." the young pilot was almost about to cry.
OOC: those are AK-103, not 101.
22-09-2007, 15:18
"Very well." the officer said as he looked at the shaken pilot. He ordered the guards to escort the pilots to a prisoner block in the airfield where they will stay for the next couple days.
The pilots were kept in cells (2 in each) and a 24 hour guard patrol.
After Military discussions with generals, Orlov sent a transmission to the president of Bredford.
TO: President of Bredford
FROM: President of Drvarska
We have intercepted five cargo planes belonging to Bredfordian air force containing a large amount of AK-103 assault rifles with ammunition. Your pilots have been captured and contained in prisoner cells. These planes were being sent to the Sovreska Communist Party rebels, we demand to know if you are going to continue these trades without a good reason or else we will use force upon you and your country. You have 48 hours to comply.
President Vladimir Orlov
The message was sent.
The first planes began to land. General Sandrez was in a helicopter, touching down with the lead troops.
First thing to do, was roll out and help their allies. However, that would take 4 or 5 hours. (Sorry for crap post, but time presses)
The Alfegos forces knew they would loose soon. A LY4 tank had just been completely destroyed. There was no other option.
The Alfegos tanks and infantry fdrew back to about a mile from the city, leaving hundred of mechanical traps as they went, artillery covering them. Once back, they retreated again to 10 miles from the city, firing continously, HOTZONE Warheads fliiing the retreated ground with mines.
218 dead
121 wounded
1 LY4 tank destroyed
4 disabled
9 IFVs destroyed
2 HGs shot down.
The single tactical bomber overshadowed the forces. As it passed over, it let loose eight missiles from its payload. Each was painted blue, and each was armed with a warhead that had strength inconceivable to the enemy.
As the missiles slowly passed directly over the enemy forces, they exploding, showering the enemy forces with CR gas.
A thick fog slowly rolled down, before touching the ground. The results were quick: the gas was similar to CN gas (Mace spray), but was ten times stronger. If the enemy didn't put gas masks on quickly, they would be unable to see until the substance was broken down.
The troops began to advance again.
The tank battle raged on. Some helicopters had been detected by the command tank, and as a result 3 self-propelled SkySingers had moved into strategic locations. Their missiles, with a range of over 20 miles, would home in on the enemy choppers, before exploding into a hail of bomblets that would completely shred an enemy formation.
In the meantime, the LY4s began to crush the remaining pocket of resistance in the centre of the city, while the LBTs cut off thier escape, and fended off any other enemies.
1 LY4 disabled
2 Scimitars disabled
12 men killed
The firestorm that had been caused over the enemy obviously did not vex them: even though most of thier equipment was in flames.
The volcano squadron would be back. Next time, they would bring even deadlier fire.
22-09-2007, 19:01
"Very well." the officer said as he looked at the shaken pilot. He ordered the guards to escort the pilots to a prisoner block in the airfield where they will stay for the next couple days.
The pilots were kept in cells (2 in each) and a 24 hour guard patrol.
After Military discussions with generals, Orlov sent a transmission to the president of Bredford.
TO: President of Bredford
FROM: President of Drvarska
We have intercepted five cargo planes belonging to Bredfordian air force containing a large amount of AK-103 assault rifles with ammunition. Your pilots have been captured and contained in prisoner cells. These planes were being sent to the Sovreska Communist Party rebels, we demand to know if you are going to continue these trades without a good reason or else we will use force upon you and your country. You have 48 hours to comply.
President Vladimir Orlov
The message was sent.
"Oh crap" thought Larry.
To: President Vladimir Orlov of Drvarska
From: President Larry Trambs of Bredford
I do not know what you are talking about. we have sent no cargo shipments containing weaponary from any kind to the Communist rebels on your country.
23-09-2007, 04:34
The battle of Drvar raged on as the SCP infantry stormed the streets. With the cover of some T-90s they managed to advance to the outskirts only to be stopped by a few traps set my Alfegos soldeirs. They reached the edge of the city and managed to shoot some retreating Alfegos with their sharpshooters. The soldiers regrouped and prepared to dig in deep.
389 soldiers dead
181 soldiers wounded
154 T-90 destroyed
46 T-90 damaged
Orlov recieved word back from Bredford, he looked at the response but he knew that there was something fishy. He called his orderly.
"I want you to tell Major Raikov to get his team of experts and search the aircraft and pilots again."
"Yes sir."
He sent out another message to President Larry Trambs.
TO: President Larry Trambs
FROM: President Vladimir Orlov
We have not mistaken that these aircraft and pilots belong to Bredfordian air force and were given orders to supply arms to militia. We demand an explanation and in return we can give back your cargo and pilots, if not they will be sent to a political prisoner camp and your cargo will be conviscated.
President Vladimir Orlov
Major Raikov was an expert on forensic investigation, he and his team made their way to the aircraft in search for any documents or more clues on to who issued the orders for the planes to come.
The interrogations officer came walking down the hallway of the prisoner cells. He opened a hatch and spoke to them.
"It seems your president is refusing to say that he sent you here. We want to know for sure if you might know exactly who sent you?"
Buddha C
23-09-2007, 05:03
The command heard radio reports of the battle encompassing the BHR forces, they were ordered to attack the Southern flank of the attacking forces...
Private Jake Yi held his Tokarev SVT close to his body, the bayonet was pointed towards the sky, as the barrel of the gun was, and his fellow troops moved threw the woods besides him. As there was a break in the woods all Yi could see was a flatland with two opposing group of hills. In the middle of the valley were assaulting SCP troops and on the hill to his left was a small contingent of BHR troops firing their weapons at the advancing enemy.
Yi's squad commander, Sergeant Jay Bai patted him on the shoulder, "Open fire!" Yi put the stock of his gun to his shoulder, training his sights on an advancing group of SCP troops. His semi-automatic high-powered rifle let a bullet fly from the chamber as he tapped the trigger. It was deaf for a moment as he did that, but his round was soon followed by his comrade's blue tracers as they flew threw the air.
Yi heard orders commanding the aged DPM's up to the front of the tree line, and following this a group of two men ran up beside him, one with SVT like himself, put with a large satchel on his left side, the other with a DPM gun, laying it down on it's bi-pod and opened fire threw it's curved muzzle. The blue tracers ripped towards the large enemy formation. Along with this, to Yi's far right a man with a slender rectangle object with a triangle protruding out of the end fired a grenade that propelled toward one of the tanks.
Along with the nine hundred troops moved up to the tree line facing the battle, the hundred fifty Monk-medics, a contingent of fifty troops along with five T-90's and fifty Monk-medics are moving to the edge of the forest, which is down eastern, and will be moving up to the rear of the SCP flanks.
{{OOC: Last post of the night.}}
23-09-2007, 05:59
General Kalashnik recieved reports of an ambush and decided to take action.
"Send forth 2nd heavy armoured." he called to his orderly who was making the tansmissions on a radio.
The 2nd heavy armoured division is a newly formed division with rookie crews but they were equipped with a new weapon. The Leopard II tank was on of the most effective weapons on the battlefield. 5,000 of the tanks belonged to the 2nd heavy armoured and today was their first battle to proove their effectiveness.
The 5,000 stormed down the hills onto BHL & BC forces with a deadly effect. This will most certainly be a hot battle...
478 soldiers dead
222 soldiers wounded
17 T-90 destroyed
3 T-90 damaged
The battle up north was almost over: only a few units of enemy remained in the centre of the city, and were quickly being mopped up. The LBTs had started to move out, to scout ahead the area for enemies.
2 Scimitars damaged
1 LY4 Damaged
23-09-2007, 06:48
OOC: Alfegos, it is not your decision if the forces of the enemy is completly dead or not. You are fighting with a small regiment to an entire army corps. Please change this electromagnetic pulse thingy as I have asked kindly in the ooc thread. So far the posts have been ignored im afraid. Thank you.
(OOC: I changed it to CR gas missiles...hope you have gas masks)
23-09-2007, 11:02
ooc: Thats good but beware of many civillian casualties.
The town of kursk was waiting as the attack of Alfegos troops continued. With the sight of missles from an enemy fighter was devastating with a huge gas attack. The soldiers had to act fast by using their standard issue gas masks they put them on waiting for the gas to settle down, unfortuantly some soldiers were not quick enough or their gas masks were broken in the process of putting them on. Kursk was highly inhabited by farmers and fisherman, the effect was terrible. Nearly all civillians in the main part of Kursk suffered from the powerful gas, the children and the elderly especially. There was massive sight where all civillians start to run from the town but many failed as the gas slowed them down and blinded them. Many civillians were now in the open, the soldiers watched as the Alfegos troops advanced towards them.
With many PKM machine gun nests set up there was a large spray of gun fire into the enemy soldiers who dared advance out in the open fields around Kursk. The tanks also provided alot of support along with the help of the new AT Streykr rocket launcher.
The battle raged on.
187 Soldiers killed
567 Soldiers wounded
56 T-90 crews out of action
1076 Civillians killed
2544 Civillians wounded
23-09-2007, 11:17
President Orlov recieved the report of the gas attack on SCP troops in Kursk but with a high casualty list on civillians. He banged his hand on his desk in outrage.
"Orderly! Send this message to Alfegos at once!"
TO: Alfegos High Command
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We have informed you before not to use any nuclear/chemical/biological weapons. Your recent gas attack in Kursk was not needed and in return killed many civillians. This is our final warning not to use any gas whatsoever or any other nuclear/chemical/biological weapons. The hotzones are too heavy populated with civillians.
Thank you
President Vladimir Orlov
23-09-2007, 12:19
Finnally the tanks were making headway. Dead terrorists lay scattered on the ground. Explosion craters looked like a sophisticated painting, trees lay everywhere. Destroyed and disabled tanks blocked the way.
457 Men
29 K2 Black Panthers (49 more diabled)
1 Duce and a half truck
Lots of pride.
23-09-2007, 13:02
Finnally the tanks were making headway. Dead terrorists lay scattered on the ground. Explosion craters looked like a sophisticated painting, trees lay everywhere. Destroyed and disabled tanks blocked the way.
457 Men
29 K2 Black Panthers (49 more diabled)
1 Duce and a half truck
Lots of pride.
ooc: What happened to the Heavy tank division with the Leopard IIs? Read back on the post made earlier on this page.
23-09-2007, 14:22
OOC: You can decide.
23-09-2007, 14:58
The Leopard IIs made their way across the battlefield storming towards BHR & BC troops advancing onto their position. The shells caused a large effect blowing mass craters around the infantry and exploding the T-90s into bits. The machine guns also prooved effective but as the tanks moved forwards some got caught in bogs and had to be abondoned.
251 Soldiers killed
49 Soldiers wounded
12 Leopard IIs destroyed
48 Leopard IIs out of action
(Sorry for infrequent posting)
About two divisions were ready now. Sandrez decided it was enough.
He started towards his command vehicle, and got inside once he had reached it.
He popped up through a hatch and loaded the V60 Heavy Machine Gun with a belt of .50 cal. He cocked it and ducked back inside.
Twenty minutes later. Everything had been assembled. No more time to waste now.
"Roll 'em!" Sandrez yelled. Hopefully, the Drvarskan forces would still need them, and they would be too late. The vehicles moved out in a fast column toward Drvarskan positions.
The gas clopuds lingered. The CR gas was not fatal, and was only temporary. But it had been shown in some cases to be powerful if deployed in erractic methods, like in missiles...
The machine gun hail hit the Alfegos soldiers, who were gasmasked and looked a terrifying sight.
Most bullets ricocheted of the remaing armour on the IFVs, while they let loose with hails of return fire, grenades and smoke bombs.
Soon, they were joined by 190 LY4s, that rushed forward, careless of any enemy in their way. They were on their way ot the palace, and didn't care what was in their way: buildings exploded in tehir paths and any soldiers attempting a stand in forn to f them would be flatten.
Grenades and missiles ricocheted off the armour. The AT missiles exploded, shaking the tank as the Chobham armour, or were harmlessly neutered by the blocks of ERA across the tanks outer body.
They were a mile from the palace as they screeched ahead, the area behind them showered with munitions and bodies. The mechanised infantry would come behind them, all in selaed environments free of the gas. That was their advantage.
1 LY4 Destroyed
2 Disabled
94 dead
12 wounded
3 gas-related injuries
23-09-2007, 19:05
The Merkavas worked on clearing the small battlefield. They pulled disabled tanks to the side. The advance was inching further. They continued carefully, with men searching the woods for terrorists and snipers. They inched closer to Mostar(SP?).
Mostar(SP?) was in sight. Snipers took positions and opened fire at important positions. Artillery was illogical in this situation because of lack of accuracy. Two hours till invasion.
3 Marines
1 Merkava disabled
23-09-2007, 20:01
Corporal Jan Ishkevek was one of the survivors of the 100,000 from the parade. He managed to hide in some rubble along with 3 other soldiers and wait out the attack, he was only 18. It was untill after the 40,000 escaped that they were found by two SCP soldiers armed with AK-74s. They were ordered to come out and stand in a line, they saw many bodies of their comrades on the ground around them. Knowing that this was the end they were all shot but Jan was hit in the leg and managed to fall over and act dead. Instantly he saw the two soldiers approach him when they both groaned in pain and fell to the ground. He watched as a man came out of a dark alley and look at them, he then picked up one of the AK-74s and started to walk away.
"Please help me." Jan called out to him.
The man turned around and explained why he could not help him but helped him anyway. Jan managed to get up using the other AK-74 as a crutch, he drew out his M9 Beretta in one hand.
"Thank you, I am greatful for what you are doing." he said to the man.
John looked around. "Huh, oh yeah. Well, I can't just leave a kid to die, eh?" He laughed. "Just stay close and you'll be fine." Locke went to the end of the alley way and saw that 5 troops were patrolling the safe house. "Damn." He muttered. He knew he just couldn't shoot them, but he needed to get through. He looked around and saw a sewer lid. Looking around, he removed his crowbar from the backpack and pried it open as quietly as he could. Seeing that it didn't alert the patrol, he put the crowbar in his backpack and spoke. "Here," Locke said to the soldier. "I'll help you down, and we will try to get to the other side and escape, 'k?"
29-09-2007, 04:46
ooc: Sorry, Ive been busy. Heres the latest:
The SCP forces watched as the Alfegos troops approached them. Elements of the 1st/2nd Airborne Division was stationed in the sector where the Alfegos armour advanced. With the special forces training of satchel bombing the Alfegos armour had a very hard fight ahead of them. A AT Airborne team of 4 men would hide amongst the rubble ready for the armour approaching and plant C4s right under them along with other assorted explosives. Alongside the Alfegos regiment was a division of Drvarskan Infantry of 15,000 men. These soldiers were fresh recruits out of the barracks and they are attacking for their first time. Their attack prooved a heavy infliction of casualties.
The commander of the SCP army in Kursk General Zeitzev watched the battle from his command post. He got on the radio for reinforcements.
"I want the 5th and 6th Infantry divisions in there now!" he called.
"Right away sir."
The 5th and 6th Infantry divisions is part of the SCP 8th Army in Kursk just posted East. Each division comprised of 17,000 men and some 2,000 T-90 tanks. They rolled into the city charging through the rubble towards the attacking Alfegos troops. Just like their ancestors as they charged into battle each wave had one flag bearer who would plant it on the ground if the battle was won.
2,896 Soldiers dead
1,102 Soldiers wounded
502 Soldiers Missing
2,756 T-90 tanks destroyed
104 T-90 tanks damaged
28 Mi-24 Hind destroyed
4,720 Civillians killed
Troops remaining:
57,500 Soldiers
32,000 Re-inforcement Soldiers
6,800 T-90 tanks
4,000 Re-inforcement T-90 tanks
358 Mi-24 Hind
ooc: Alfegos, what exactly is a LY4?
ooc: Sorry BHR but I do not think only 4 casualties would result from a heavy firefight with a division of tanks and infantry. Look earlier on the previous page.
Corporal Ishkevek was once a part time construction worker who once worked in the sewer system repairing pipelines.
"I know a way to the North of town from here, follow me." he said to the man who was helping him down the sewer.
For the next half hour they walked through the thick water towards a small opening where a hatch stood right above them. Little that they know there was a large patrol setting up a checkpoint above them. They will have to be careful unless they want to get caught...
29-09-2007, 04:50
NEW MAP (http://img340.imageshack.us/my.php?image=drvarskacivilwar3jt5.jpg)
The Alfegos forces in Kursk were about to a little help.
Droning in, with a large tailwind, was a Consul class Air Cruiser. It was armed and ready to kill.
As the Alfegos troops advanced trhough the city of Kursk, the land of them was lit up as the 2000 tonne payload of the airship was disgorged in the form of 50 kg bombs all over the enemy building, levelling the large par tof the city.
Having done that, it began raking the ground iwth fire from minguns mounted in the forward gondola, firing many explosive rounds into the enemy builkdings ahead of the Alfegos advance.
The Alfegosians continued to advancee, and now had the cover of a hail of bomblets from artillery at the back, dispersing more smoke and CR gas.
The front soldiers were wearing Infa-red intensifier goggles, os they could easily see amongst the gloom the warm enemy bodies, and so shoot them.
(occ: LY4 is the Lyran main battle tank - extremely durable, very heavy armour)
29-09-2007, 07:18
ooc: Ok, thats cool. Just as long as they are in the time zone between 1990s - 2000s.
With an enemy airstrike inbound, 3 Su-37 Flanker F were on a nearby patrol equipped with 4 AA missles each. They made their way towards the enemy bomber and locked onto target. Each fired off their missles as the bomber lifted up from its run, the chances of anyone surviving was slim.
Below a column of SCP T-90 tanks were making their way towards Alfegos troops. With the enemy bomber inbound they scattered but it was too late as the bombs destroyed everything around them. The town of Kursk was now in complete ruins and now a large scrapyard, all roads are littered with remains of armour. The SCP re-inforcements reached their targets, now in a massive firefight the Alfegos are in for it. The SCP soldiers were barbaric as they charged in waves of hundreds with a flag bearer charging in front. It would be a horrific sight for Alfegos soldiers as the cry of hundreds of men charged towards them.
General Zeitzev continued to watch and was frustrated at how strong the Alfegos armour was. With the AT teams in process of satchel bombing he ordered in a large air strike which will hopefully change the tide of battle.
At a nearby SCP airbase (what is left of it), a large air force group of 30 Su-37s lifted each equipped with 4 100lb LGB bombs. Their target was the advancing Alfegos troops in Kursk.
The airship detected the incoming missiles, and at once decoy launchers along the cold length of it fired off small rockets, each projecting a realistic image of a fighter, electronically.
One missile hit the rear of the airship, the explosion penetrating the 10 mm armour. 2 cells began to leak, but apart from that, the ship was still OK. For now.
The inbound fighters were detected, and from the underside of the airship the rear port missile battery began to launch longrange AMRAAMS at hefighters.
OOC: No time for an IC, so what do we do now?
29-09-2007, 16:38
Corporal Ishkevek was once a part time construction worker who once worked in the sewer system repairing pipelines.
"I know a way to the North of town from here, follow me." he said to the man who was helping him down the sewer.
For the next half hour they walked through the thick water towards a small opening where a hatch stood right above them. Little that they know there was a large patrol setting up a checkpoint above them. They will have to be careful unless they want to get caught...
John stopped. "Shh, listen." They heard muffled voices, probably soldiers. "Shit," John said. "what the hell are we going to do?" Then an idea hit him. He set down his back pack and began searching for a little present for the boys on top...
30-09-2007, 01:25
ooc: Alfegos! Please keep time zone. Unless im wrong but the counter measure thingy. Has that been invented? Ill let it pass for now but please next time be aware.
The Alfegos bomber fired off counter measures at the attacking SU-37 but these pilots were well trained and managed to avoid them but half their missles did not. Now closing in on the bomber they each let loose their strong 20mm cannon loaded with AT & HE rounds. A deadly blaze of fire went towards the bomber.
The attack group of 30 SU-37s picked up incoming missles, they broke formation to avoid them. Only four SU-37 got hit who were piloted by rookies that just came fresh out of the hanger. The blew up in a deadly blast as their payload exploded with them. Now full of anger the 26 remaining planes regrouped and went on attack run towards the Alfegos troops in Kursk. One by one they released their deadly payload onto Alfegos armour and infantry. After that they headed at max speed towards their airbase.
Corporal Ishkevek opened the hatch by a slightest crack to see how many soldiers there is. He counted 15 SCP infantry.
"Theres alot of soldiers there, we cant get past." he whispered to the agent.
30-09-2007, 05:05
ooc: Alfegos! Please keep time zone. Unless im wrong but the counter measure thingy. Has that been invented? Ill let it pass for now but please next time be aware.
The Alfegos bomber fired off counter measures at the attacking SU-37 but these pilots were well trained and managed to avoid them but half their missles did not. Now closing in on the bomber they each let loose their strong 20mm cannon loaded with AT & HE rounds. A deadly blaze of fire went towards the bomber.
The attack group of 30 SU-37s picked up incoming missles, they broke formation to avoid them. Only four SU-37 got hit who were piloted by rookies that just came fresh out of the hanger. The blew up in a deadly blast as their payload exploded with them. Now full of anger the 26 remaining planes regrouped and went on attack run towards the Alfegos troops in Kursk. One by one they released their deadly payload onto Alfegos armour and infantry. After that they headed at max speed towards their airbase.
Corporal Ishkevek opened the hatch by a slightest crack to see how many soldiers there is. He counted 15 SCP infantry.
"Theres alot of soldiers there, we cant get past." he whispered to the agent.
"Normally," Said Locke, as he continued to dig through his bag. "that would be a problem. However," He pulled out a small grenade-like object. "we have this. You probably don't know what this is, so it is a K-L45 Thermal Detonator, imported from outside the planet. This thing will blow the living crap outta anything in a 7 meter area. So..." He held the grenade in one hand and his rifle in another. "should we risk it?"
30-09-2007, 05:33
Corporal Ishkevek stared at the grenade for a second.
"Im not sure, I was not trained in urban warfare. From what I know theres about six other divisions of troops in this city. It would alert them all." he said.
30-09-2007, 15:20
Field Marshall Yuri Kruschev commander of SCP forces stood in his office staring out the window while smoking one of his cigars. It was raining and he watched as the sky grew darker as night approached. He called over the intercom for his second in command general to come in.
General Alec Dopolov walked in and exchanged salutes with Kruschev.
"Sir?" he said in a low voice.
"I want to put Plan B in effect now. I want to see the DNA run for the hills." Kruschev ordered.
Dopolov looked at him for a moment.
"What is it Dopolov?"
"Sir, many innocent people would die.."
"It is for the good of Sovreska Dopolov, you know that."
"Yes sir, I understand."
He walked out of the office and sent a radio signal.
East of Koprovnika
The 1st Missle Division was deployed in the forrest east of Koprovnika camoflaged well by radar jamming signals and a 24 hour heavy guard watch. A battery located in the south region was camoflaged by trees and shrubs. Captain Jeshvek commanded the battery when he recieved the order from Kruschev and Dopolov to activate the missles. In the battery there are four silos each with a deadly weapon. Shortly after the call, Jeshvek ordered the first silo to open. A RT-2 Topol nuclear ICBM rose slowly out of the ground with a deadly warhead of 550 Kilotons of Enriched Uranium. The missle reached launch height and was armed. The order to fire was all they needed to release this weapon.
Kruschev sat at his desk and called his orderly to send out a message to DNA forces and their allies.
This is a message to all DNA forces and their allies. We have been aware of your efforts to try and destroy our glorious SCP forces but you have given us no choice but to use our military's ultimate power. Right now a Nuclear ICBM is being deployed to target your positions. If you do not withdraw your troops from our homeland we will be forced to use this weapon and many others upon you.
You have 12 hours to comply.
Field Marshall Yuri Kruschev
Sovreska Communist Party
30-09-2007, 16:16
Corporal Ishkevek stared at the grenade for a second.
"Im not sure, I was not trained in urban warfare. From what I know theres about six other divisions of troops in this city. It would alert them all." he said.
"Yeah I don't like it either, but from the looks of this situation," Locke said grimly. "we don't have any other choice. Unless you have a better plan."
30-09-2007, 16:19
"Ok, we will need to run fast to safety afterwards. I saw a old building on the other side of the street. We could probably hide in there and perhaps someone could help us."
30-09-2007, 16:34
John put the grenade softly between the lid to topside. Holding it there, he looked back and said to the kid.
"You got 15 seconds to get fairly far away, before I set this thing."
After the kid got fairly far away, John started the 15 second countdown, put it slowly over the lid, and ran like hell.
5...4...3...2...1..... BBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!
Half of the street came down into the sewer, but they were safely away from the explosion.
Pulling up his rifle, John yelled "Covering fire!!!" He yelled as he inched up the newly designed ramp, firing bursts into the smoke. "GO!!!"
30-09-2007, 16:38
Corporal Ishkevek fired his AK-74 while limping towards cover with the agent. He opened a door into a building and motioned the agent to come who was making sure there were no more troops in the area.
In the building there was a abondoned apartment room and they took cover in there untill things cooled down outside.
Seargant Tchevek lead an assault group of 30 men. After recieving report of an attack he set off on two trucks and one jeep with a mounted PKM machine gun. They searched the area for survivors and the killers.
30-09-2007, 16:55
Corporal Ishkevek fired his AK-74 while limping towards cover with the agent. He opened a door into a building and motioned the agent to come who was making sure there were no more troops in the area.
In the building there was a abondoned apartment room and they took cover in there untill things cooled down outside.
Seargant Tchevek lead an assault group of 30 men. After recieving report of an attack he set off on two trucks and one jeep with a mounted PKM machine gun. They searched the area for survivors and the killers.
Sitting down in a couch, Locke took out his map of the city. They were close to the exit, about 2-3 streets away. But John knew that the soldiers would be scouring the city for them after that masquerade. Looking out of the back window of the apartment, he saw a small woodland area bordering the city that they could probably use to hide while walking to the car. It looked like the only safe guard was a fence, and that didn't have any electric warning signs on it. He already had the clippers for it.
Quickly, he removed his bag and began searching.
"Come on," He muttered. "It has to be here!"
Finally he found it. Pulling out of the bag, he had a rope in his hand.
"We used my last detonator," Locke said quickly. "but we can probably rappel down the window closest to the woodland and make a break for it. I got clippers for the fence. What do you say cause,"
He peeked out of the window. He could see soldiers closing in from two streets across. "I sure as hell don't feel like dying."
The airship began to shudder as the rounds hit the flanks of the airship. Many of the rounds did not penetrate the 10 mm steel armour around the entire 800 metre long airship, but some did, letting gas escape from some cells. The airship began to lose altitude slightly.
At the fighters coming in, the machine guns in the gondola started up, spraying blue tracer through the sky after the fighters.
The tanks began to take damage from the bombs in the streets: some were seatroyed, others disabled.
Then came the order for the tanks to destroy the buildings either side of the streets, killing any potential bombers.
They were starting ot get low on ammo, so escorted byLBTs came 5 Half-track trucks, each with a machine gun mounted near the front, carrying ammo for the MBTs near the front line.
"EMERGANCY!!! - Level A Nuclear alert!"
The siren balzed in the nuclear control centre on mainland Alfegos as the controllers scuttled to their desks. Once all seated, the Chief of Nuclear Warfare breifed them.
"We have intel suggesting that Nuclear warfare may be imminent: a threat by the SCP to nuke us.
I need to make this clear: find it, and we will destroy it. You have 12 hours. Good luck."
A smaller blimp floated along 40 000 feet in the air, above the clouds. It was unarmoured, unmanned, and made of minimal amounts of plastic frame.
On a small capsule on the underside, a battery of telescopic cameras stared through the cloud in the near-infared at the ground, picking out everything and sending it back to command. Hopefully, the massive map it would produce would lead to the discovery of the site.
TO - The SCP
We do not take to your probably empty threat, but make the following statemant: the use of nuclear weapons will lead to the use of other mass-destructive devices on you. If you are not clear on what that means, we will give you an example:
When we were attacked recently by a christian extremist group, we made sure that their headquarters, and most of their nation, was destroyed with a few small nuclear warheads.
If we are attacked with a nuclear warhead, we will respond with a similar device launched at your headquarters.
Do you understand?
General Sandrez ordered the column to stop.
He called up the next highest-ranking officer, a Colonel Maddox.
"You called me, sir?"
"Yes. Come here"
"You want to speak to me?"
"Obviously. Now sit down and listen.
Our situation isn't that good. Our forces still aren't entirely offloaded, we have no orders from anyone, the enemy is making threats, we're vulnerable, and...I don't really know where we are"
"Where's a decent set of orders when you need them, huh?"
"Precisely. Now, I want you to get on the horn to the DNA high command, and see if they have any orders for us. If not...well, then tell the men to set up defensive positions and we'll camp here"
01-10-2007, 03:20
Kruschev recieved the report from the Alfegos. He chuckled as he read the message and drank some more of his private collection of vodka. He knew that once the missles were fired he could take cover in the deep underground bunkers that were made in 1992 that was big enough to house a couple army regiments as well.
During the Nuclear crisis in 1994 between the nations of Fennyli and Drvarska, nuclear shelters were compulsary in all areas throughout eastern Drvarska.
Kruschev called to his orderly to send out another message...
We are aware of your actions against us and we are prepared for that. This is our final warning to you, withdraw your forces at once or be destroyed. We are also aware that you are trying to find our batteries, if this continues we will fire without warning.
Field Marshall Yuri Kruschev
Sovreska Communist Party
The message was sent.
Drvarska High Command
President Orlov assembled his war ministers in front of him.
"Gentlemen, it seems we have a nuclear crisis on our hands. I want all submarines out of port and ready to retaliate against this threat." he said
The ministers agreed and the orders were made.
After recieving reports from Antigr forces, president Orlov sent a message to them.
TO: Antigr Armed forces
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We would deeply appreciate your asisstance on the central flank with General Gorbachov's 3rd Army. He deeply requires help for he is under attack by two SCP armies. May we win this war together.
President Vladimir Orlov
Along the line the SCP propagandists had a plan in process. Artillery barges were set up all along the line each loaded with shells containing messages when once over the enemy positions they release hundreds of pieces of paper with this message on them.
Our noble brothers! We send these messages to you in a sign of friendship. At the moment the two governments between us will release soon a deadly hail of nuclear ICBM missles. Throw down your arms and join us! We can provide the nuclear shelters that will keep you and your comrades safe. Join the mighty SCP army and we will guarantee full respect and safety!
Field Marshall Yuri Kruschev
Sovreska Communist Party
The barrage started and all across the line the messages were delivered and read by the DNA and allied soldiers.
The blimp footage was analysed back at base, and 5 minutes later, one of the men yelled
"I think I've got it! Sector 22, GA 23."
That sector shot onscreen, showing the missile in its bunker.
"Good! Now we can destroy it!"
A cruise missile launched from a grand cruiser around the Drvaskan nation. Its warhead was a non-nuclear bunker-buster, that would take out the ICBM.
As an emergancy backup, Patriot missile batteries were established around the entire island, to take down this threat.
01-10-2007, 10:42
A Communications center outside Koprovnika.
"Sir!" called out a radar operator.
"What is it?" and officer called back.
"Incoming cruise missle, estimate time of arrival 10 minutes!"
"Alert the AA batteries, take it down!"
Outside of Koprovnika
Two battalions of the 5th Anti Aircraft Division picked up the Alfegos missle on radar. Immediatly all batteries were alerted and shortly after five S-500 surface-air Anti missile missiles were launched towards the Alfegos missile.
The SCP commander Field marshall Kruschev recieved the report of the attack. He called over the radio to the missile battery.
"I want that missle launched now. The code is CRT750, have the launch ready in five minutes."
Another message was sent to the DNA and allies.
We have warned you. It is now time for us to take action, you have only but a few minutes if you wish to abort and withdraw before we unleash a deadly weapon and many more later upon you.
May god have mercy on your soul.
Field Marshal Yuri Kruschev
Sovreska Communist Party
Somewhere of the Drvarskan Coast.
Commander Nikita stood in the command room on board D-19, a typhoon class submarine.
"Status report." he said
"All systems ready, sir." said a operator.
"Have all missles ready for fire."
"Yes sir."
On board D-19 was 20 RSM-52 SLBMs each with a payload of 550kt of Enriched Uranium. One by one the missiles rose out of their hatches as the submarine remained stationary at launch depth.
"Sir, the orders are set. All we need is the go from the boss."
"Right then, we wait."
Corporal Ishkevek climbed out of the window, his leg stopped bleeding but was still wounded bad.
"Theres a safe house we can go to thats North from here." he said to the agent as they crept past the guards.
The SCP soldiers still scanned the area, two men just missed Ishkevek and the agent as they walked by an alleyway. If it wasnt for the cover of some boxes they wouldve got it.
01-10-2007, 11:50
"What the...?"
"A nuclear threat!"
"Who gave them nukes??"
"Who gives a damn?"
"Get the troops out of there!"
A nuclear threat has been issued, retreat at once.
01-10-2007, 15:24
ooc: I will just assume BHR that the tanks I lost did not happen as you did not accept a fair toll of casuaulties from the previous battles earlier in Mostar.
OOC: The word for a citizen/possesion/object of Antigr is 'Antigran'
General Sandrez received the orders and slipped inside his command vehicle. He had another message, from beachhead, that he was to be joined by a further two divisions. However, he also had a copy of the threat message.
Edging over to one of the compartments, he picked up a radio mouthpiece and switched to the loudspeaker connection.
"All personnel! General Alert! Nuclear situation, danger level alpha! Get you asses inside an armoured vehicle, masks on, NBC systems go! We roll out in thrity minutes"
He switched over to the connection that allowed him to speak solely to the Air-Defence personnel.
"Weapons at the ready, lads"
He rose out of the hatch again. Soldiers were shoving their masks on, and the ones that had were packing up with a sense of urgency and terror.
These men were mostly from northern Antigr, and they were tough people.
To see them panicking like this, was not good for morale. His and everyone else's. He decided to cheer them up by talking over the loudspeaker again.
"Oh, and if you're feeling worried..."
He tuned the radio to the Antigran Network World Service, and found some happy music. He played it on the loudspeaker. Desperate times...
The nuclear missile threat was still a worry. The kind that plays with your backbone for twenty minutes. The air-defence long-range anti-missile systems were good and dependable as dawn, and the soldiers he commanded brave as heck, but they'd never faced this before. Neither had he. Unknown to him, on the shorelines, Jets were being scrambled, equipped with a few AAMS but mostly countermeasures and missile interception systems. On the beachhead, emergency air-defence systems were being set up, and more rolled out to General Sandrez's lead column. Luck is what they needed now.
Outside the city of Drvar, amongst the cratered landscape, the Alfegosians were celebrating: they had been delivered more food and they were re-enforced by another 4 regiments.
Then the nuclear sirens began to sound. A harsh scream co-incided with the frantic scramble to put on gas-masks, beofre the rush to their vehicles, the locking down of the vehicles to the ground by massive metal bolts and the quick digging of nuclear shelters by those unlucky enough not to have vehicles.
Further up, the intense fighting in Kursk continued, under the shadow of the Consul-class aircruiser, a comforting prescnece to defend against the aircraft above. However, the problem was on the ground: satchel bombers had made tehir mark, and now only half of the LY4 s were still in working condition. They were slowly losing.
However, the siren shad started too, and the men had gone intot ehir vehicles, and locked down the hatchs, sealing themselves in airtight chambers, with air pumped in to allow for normal respiration.
They sat and waited.
44 LY4 Tanks
312 men
The cruise missile came under fire from the AA batterys. It repelled four with the electronic jammers and chaff launcher, but the fifth brought it down, blowing a massive hole in the landscape.
The was only one thing for it. They could fire off all the missiles they had, but that would not stop the ICBM.
But there was something that they could do.
The airship had floated over to above the bunker. Now, a small fire started in the rear of the ship. The fires quickly spread through the ship, as the hyrdogen ignited.
The airship creaked, then came falling from the sky, speeding up as it moved ever quickly to the bunker.
From the low clouds came a giant flaming ship, now the bottom half engulfed in flames. As it hit the ground, the final forward air cells burst, the massive explosions as over 10 000 cubic metres of hydrogen exploded at once sending a massive shockwave across the area.
The bunker was now covered in flaming pieces of plastic, the gro9und above set on fire by the massive explosion.
Rogue Protoss
01-10-2007, 18:02
we would like to support the legal goverment with our Immortal Corps It Is an elite portion of our military consisting of:
400 M1A1 Tanks
6000 Humvees
12000 Marines
800 Valkery bombers
500 Wraith APCS
700 Banshee Strykers
however we will require the use of a mid sized base to accomadate my men
Prelate Zeratul/Shakurasan Nomads
02-10-2007, 15:01
Warren walked in the streets of Drvar. even though some the houses were still burning, it was quiet.
he and his group of Bredfordian covert agents were planning to repay a unrepayed debt...
long ago, the Drvarskan goverment borrowed a sum of $65 billion USD from the Bredford goverment, and because of several reasons he couldn't be repayed. the final date was scheduled, but then the civil war started, and the goverment just couldn't wait anymore.
a team of covert agents were sent to perform the biggest bank robbery in the history.
02-10-2007, 15:14
In the ruined city of Drvar, amongst the heavy rubble, the Alfegosians were celebrating: they had taken the 6 th block and had made progress as they were re-enforced by another 4 regiments.
Then the nuclear sirens began to sound. A harsh scream co-incided with the frantic scramble to put on gas-masks, beofre the rush to their vehicles, the locking down of the vehicles to the ground by massive metal bolts and the quick digging of nuclear shelters by those unlucky enough not to have vehicles.
Further up, the intense fighting in Kursk had died down, and the men had driven back any left in the city, under the shadow of the Consul-class aircruiser, a comforting prescnece to defend against the aircraft above.
However, the siren shad started too, and the men had gone intot ehir vehicles, and locked down the hatchs, sealing themselves in airtight chambers, with air pumped in to allow for normal respiration.
They sat and waited.
The cruise missile came under fire from the AA batterys. It repelled four with the electronic jammers and chaff launcher, but the fifth brought it down, blowing a massive hole in the landscape.
The was only one thing for it. They could fire off all the missiles they had, but that would not stop the ICBM.
But there was something that they could do.
The airship had floated over to above the bunker. Now, a small fire started in the rear of the ship. The fires quickly spread through the ship, as the hyrdogen ignited.
The airship creaked, then came falling from the sky, speeding up as it moved ever quickly to the bunker.
From the low clouds came a giant flaming ship, now the bottom half engulfed in flames. As it hit the ground, the final forward air cells burst, the massive explosions as over 10 000 cubic metres of hydrogen exploded at once sending a massive shockwave across the area.
The bunker was now covered in flaming pieces of plastic, the gro9und above set on fire by the massive explosion.
Alfegos, your actions are simply unlogical sorry to say. Heres why:
1. When did Alfegos troops re-enter Drvar and suddenly take 6 blocks with no casualties. May I still remind you there is an army present of over 100,000 troops and some 20,000 tanks. I do not think they could just be sleeping on the job.
2. When did SCP troops just walk away from Kursk where they were just fighting a regiment of tanks when they as well had a large army with outnumbering forces. I do understand that your troops have better equipment but SCP forces are not like any unorganised military forces with pitchforks in their hands.
3. I have not heard of a missile that had chaff launchers and electric counter measures before. I will have to quote myself from before that this is between 1990s-early 2000s (not passing 2007). But I could go with that.
4. A suicidial blimp? Im sure there is definetly another way of destroying a ICBM. I must say the blimp itself is a little strange because I still do not know of any telescopic camaras that can see like this. Perhaps next time use a couple UAVs.
5. Apart from the attacks I have not seen any casualty reports for quite a while so that is why I stopped. I do not think that soldiers can just walk into massive defended grounds and just push the guy out. As well as casualty reports I really am in desperate need of knowing what forces you really have in Drvarska, I am just getting all these messages of guys popping out of nowhere and all these anti missle systems just appearing on warships and such that were not mentioned before.
Im sorry I have to be strict about this but I am tired of this happening. So please for now can we keep time zone and proper military fighting? For now the posts have been ignored because I can not tolerate any of these attacks. This is not war games, this is a civil war and that each side should have a fair go at this game.
General Kruschev sat at his desk waiting for a reply from the batteries, he hoped the missle was knocked out. Suddenly the phone rang and he picked it up.
"Good, now continue with launch." he said.
"Sir, due to a leak in the fuel tanks we need to repair the missle." a officer replied back.
"Dammit, well just use the second missile. I cant have any more delays." he said and slammed the phone on the desk.
Steadily the leak that occured is under repair that has delayed the launch of the first missile. But in the battery the 2nd missile was armed and opened from the ground preparing for launch. It would take another half hour to prepare.
02-10-2007, 15:18
Nearby the robbers two SCP soldiers walked down the side path of the street. As the saw the men walking past they walked over to them.
"Gentlemen, I need see your papers. It is past cufue." one soldier asked as he looked at one of the robbers. The other soldier was only aged 16 but was quite tall for his age and stood there shaking a bit from the cold.
02-10-2007, 15:29
Nearby the robbers two SCP soldiers walked down the side path of the street. As the saw the men walking past they walked over to them.
"Gentlemen, I need see your papers. It is past cufue." one soldier asked as he looked at one of the robbers. The other soldier was only aged 16 but was quite tall for his age and stood there shaking a bit from the cold.
Warren wasn't nervous, at all.
he handed the two guards completly valid papers, that were gained though mass bribes to the communist elite.
"Here you go. "
02-10-2007, 15:49
The guards smiled and spoke excitedly in russian with eachother.
"Very well. You may continue." he said.
The two walked off towards the guards tavern where they will spend a long night...
The National Bank of Drvar was a large complex in the center of the city near the main square. Around it still scattered the remains of tanks and soldiers from the first day of the war.
Outside the bank main door were two SCP Spetznatz guards, the SCP special forces. Each armed with a XM-8 they were ready for any attack. Inside lay a large hall where the front desks lined up along the sides each occupied by SCP personnel who have been working on converting the $1,500,000,000,000 Drvarskan dollars to SCP Rubels over computers. The money was secured some five stories underneath them in a system of bunkers each with patrolling Spetznatz guards and ordinary infantrymen. The bank is large valuable of the SCP and all their funds was secured here. It was heavily protected but still under construction of new electronic security systems due to the previous Drvarskan owners.
Only $50,000,000,000 was put into electronic computers but the remaining $1,450,000,000,000 is sorted out in a large array of cash, gold, paper certificates and many other forms of currancy. The standard Drvarskan dollar is equal to USD. All the money was secured behind vaults, safes and electrified cells. This will be a tough job for the robbers.
The column edged on in eerie silence, the only sound being the engines, wheels, and squeaking of tracks.
They had been joined by the other two divisions, but Sandrez had ordered to find alternate routes.
Once again, he ordered the column to stop. General Robert Sandrez was a brave man, but he couldn't take this. He could hear his pulse throbbing in his head, going at a speed it hadn't achieved since 1974. He was a man who answered his own phone, and as such he picled up a radio mouthpiece and tried to get the Drvarskan command on the radio. They were not going to move until they knew everything and what to do. An example of what a nuclear threat can do to people.
OOC: Basic call of what to do and we need to know. Remember the ICBM?
Firstly, a cruise missile would be shot down, and as there would be no time before the missile launch, the airship was the only one.
Secondly, the comments I have made about Drvar and Kursk will be edited, so that there are no indescrepancys.
Will that be OK?
02-10-2007, 22:09
Warren and John approached the two guards near the door.
the two guards, both with big bodies and equiped with XM8 rifles, were standing the door, as preventing a big attack on the bank.
however, Warren and John were smarter.
on the moment the two guards approached them to check their papers, they injected them a very small of mind drug. they would still look normal, but they would be unable to.. think, for the next few hours.
Warren and John entered the big hall, and saw many SCP people working on their computers, and approached two man working near one computer
John quickly pooled a small pistol, and "escorted" them to the bathroom. they changed cloths and tags, and the two people were locked inside the maintenace room.
after exchanging uniform and tag with the two men, John and Warren returned to the men's desk.
there was no need to hacking of any sort, as they were already inside the bank's networth.
after few seconds of processing, the computer finally began displaying Warren and John's success:
$8,000,000 Drvarskan Dollars transfered to account TDA1.
suddenly, money began to disappear from the bank. however, only Drvarskan Dollars were stolen, and this was normal, as all the man were busy transfering the Drvarskan Dollars to SCP Rubles.
03-10-2007, 07:13
Firstly, a cruise missile would be shot down, and as there would be no time before the missile launch, the airship was the only one.
Secondly, the comments I have made about Drvar and Kursk will be edited, so that there are no indescrepancys.
Will that be OK?
OOC: Thank you this is much better.
The reports came in of the Alfegos troops reinforcing their troops. However Field Marshal Kruschev did not want any destruction on or around Drvar as he loved the city and the inhabitants.
Kruschev was in his office lighting up another cigar when the phone rang from the Missle battery.
"Sir, the missle is ready. We require authentication code and your permission to fire."
"Good. The code is CCCP557, you have my permission."
"Yes sir." and the phone hung up.
Forrest East of Koprovnika
The RT-2 Topol ICBM stood up from its silo, the trees around it were on fire from a blimp that crashed and damaged the first ICBM. However it was safe to launch.
An officer enetered the code into the control panel and opened up a glass cover to reveal a large red button. He stared at it for a moment, the personnel around him watched as he reached forward and pressed it.
Immediatly the ICBM with its 550kt payload rose slowly off the ground and into the sky. The silo was closed.
The co-ordinates set on the missile was aimed towards Krajina where the DNA 6th Army was posted nearby with the Antigr II Army. It was a matter of time till the missile reached its target.
Another call was made by Kruschev to activate the rest of the battery's missiles. Slowly the battery prepared two more ICBMs with the same payload. Another battery with 4 ICBMs of the Regiment was activated.
The alarms sounded and all the DNA forces struggled towards their insufficient amount of nuclear shelters. Some 140,000 troops are in the path of the ICBM.
The civillian population of Krajina is 64,000,000. As the alarms sounded everyone was crammed into every possible source of shelter that could at least protect them from the shockwave blast. Subways & basements were a main source of shelter but the civillians within the blast radius of the ICBM would be killed as the ground above them would collaspe onto them.
President Orlov's Headquaters was stationed in Krajina. He and his board of ministers and military generals moved to their underground bunker which was nuclear proof but only big enough for him and his staff along with personnel of 240 men.
Before retreating to the bunkers they recieved a final message from Antigr forces. They made a fast reply.
TO: Antigr Troops
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We advise you take cover immediatly in shelters or trenches as a ICBM is inbound onto our positions and near yours. May god help us all.
Long live Drvarska.
President Vladimir Orlov
The battle raged on with Alfegos troops and SCP rebels. General Zeitzev commander of the SCP 8th army smiled as his forces pushed back the Alfegos troops. The satchel teams were very effective indeed but they did recieve a large toll of casualties as his troops struggled to find cover among the ruins of the city.
Lieutenant Rachev led a platoon of 32 men forward onto a Alfegos machine gun pit occupied by a group of 5 soldiers. Sneaking around the back of some ruins they surrounded them.
"Hands up Alfegos!" he shouted at them before they turned around and saw them. The SCP was in need of prisoners to know their new enemy of Alfegos.
The Alfegos bomber continued to fly and the SU-37s still followed. The fighter leader Sgt.Yirov called over the radio to his wingmates.
"This kill is mine." he said
"Yes sir. Good luck." replied the wingmates and they proceeded to watch.
Sgt.Yirov activated two reserve R-73 AA missiles. He waited untill he had a strong lock on the bomber. Once he did he fired both of them straight into the Alfegos bomber. He watched as the missiles soared towards their target.
Casualty report:
1057 Soldiers killed
443 Soldiers wounded
270 T-90 Tanks destroyed
30 T-90 Tanks destroyed
The money that was stolen was not even noticed as all the confusion of nuclear war was going on. A patrol of six SCP guards walked forwards to the SCP personnel for an inspection. The walked over to the Bredfordian on the computer and asked for ID as they did not recognise him before. The six guards were regular infantry equipped with AK-47s and two with a RPK-74.
The airship was hit by the two missiles: this time not in the main envelope.
One hit a missile pod, blasting a massive hole in the underside. The second hit the forward gondola, blasting the crew out into the air, and smashing another hole into the underside.
Slowly, the 800 metre long air-cruiser began to collapse. It was made from helium, but that didn't stop fires breaking out across the internal plastic structure as the monster came careening downwards onto the buildings, flattening a large area with the sheer impact, bits of metal and plastic flying off as deadly shrapnel.
1 ly4 tank
15 men
1 Consul Class Air-Cruiser
03-10-2007, 07:32
The SCP forces watched the aircraft explode in the air and crash towards them. Some SCP soldiers were killed from the deadly blast but they still fought on.
Lt.Rachev got his 32 men platoon completly in position around an Alfegos machine gun nest. He immediatly rushed forward behind them holding his M9 pistol in the back of one of five Alfegos soldiers and shouted "Stop Firing. Stand up.". He was happy because his task was to capture some soldiers for intelligence gathering and information on their new enemy.
Above Sgt.Yirov cried out in joy as he made his first kill in his career. He called over the radio to his wingmates.
"Well done men. Back to base." he said and they broke off and head at mach 2 towards an SCP airbase.
Casualty Report:
126 Soldiers killed
74 Soldiers wounded
3 T-90 tanks destroyed
2 T-90 tanks damaged
The four man fire team were not that pleased. Especially the lance-corporal in charge. As he slid his hands up into the air he brushed the silent alarm catch on his radio, strapped to his waist. That would call in one hell-of-a-lot of fire on his position.
"It seems you have got us. So, what next? You gonna shoot us? Throw us in a chokie? Bliiiiiiiind Us with pepper spary?"
03-10-2007, 09:30
Lt.Rachev did not like the Alfegos soldier one bit as he threw insults in his face. He punched the lance-corporal in the face really hard with his fist. He called over to a squad of soldiers in russian.
"Take these men back to base." he said.
The soldiers walked over and strapped the Alfegos soldiers hands behind their backs and stripping them of their equipment including weapons and the radios. The SCP rebels also took their valuables such as their watches but just the money from their wallets.
"You! Go this way!" a soldier spoke in the little english he knew.
The Alfegos soldiers were escorted to a truck carrying some more soldiers and taken to a SCP camp some 15km East of Kursk.
As Lt.Rachov rounded up his men a large artillery barrage hit their position and they all immediatly took cover. He lost a quite a few men including being wounded himself.
After Action Report:
15 Soldiers dead
5 Soldiers wounded
2 T-90 tanks damaged
5 Alfegos Soldiers captured
03-10-2007, 09:40
"sure, here are our tags and all the papers. we are new workers here." Warren said, handing them the papers gained though the elite of the SCP. its appeared that even in communist regime, money could always do wonders.
John started pulling two small grenades from his pants, secretly, for any trouble that might come.
03-10-2007, 09:43
The lead soldier looked at the tags for a moment comparing the picture to the men at the desk.
"Intruders!" he cried out in russian.
The soldiers were not ready for any alert and they took a while to get their weapons loaded before they can be pointed at the robbers.
The SCP staff all looked in their direction terryfied.
03-10-2007, 09:51
The lead soldier looked at the tags for a moment comparing the picture to the men at the desk.
"Intruders!" he cried out in russian.
The soldiers were not ready for any alert and they took a while to get their weapons loaded before they can be pointed at the robbers.
The SCP staff all looked in their direction terryfied.
John took one of the grenades that were in his hand, and both of them jumped on the floor and covered their eyes. the flash grenade gave them great cover, and they immediantly began running towards one of "safe-rooms" that was storing paper-certificates in large sums.
on the mini under-sea air-carrier near the sea of Drvarska, there were two aircraft.
03-10-2007, 10:43
All the soldiers were lifted off their feet and fell over knocked out. One soldier let out a burst of his RPK-74 which shattered a few windows.
All the SCP personnel confused at what was going on all tried to make their way to the doors where they tried to escape the panic.
The alarm was not installed yet so the guards had no idea what was going on, some guards posted nearby heard the screams and cries coming from the hall. Four soldiers made their way to the hall with their AK-47s armed and searched for the cause of the havoc.
03-10-2007, 10:47
While the entire hall was in havoc, John and Warren destroyed eight doors that led to certain vaults within the bank.
John threw another flash grenade, and they runned into one of the doors..
03-10-2007, 12:29
The soldiers rushed in just as the flash bang went off but some were still able to see as they were covered by some tables from the blinding flash. Two soldiers spotted the robbers dash for room 12 where only $2,000,000 were kept in Drvarskan dollars behind a cage but beyond that was a passageway leading down three stories to the underground bunkers where the all the large amounts of money was kept but behind safes and electrified bars.
The two soldiers opened fire at the robbers, the bullets that zoomed passed knocked up all the loose papers on the tables making the room full of flying documents. It was hard to see where exactly everyone was...
Two more soldiers rushed in and began to set up a PKM machine gun on a table.
The fire team themselves were injured in the strike: one badly. The rest were dragged along with the SCP soldiers to whatever their fate was.
"We had a radio emergancy beacon: taht can only mean one thing" said Captain Joan.
"Send a platoon of paratroopers after their beacons. We can't risk them blabbing." replied his 1st Lieutenant
"I've already done that. Any moent soon."
"The missile has been launched! Activate all patriot batteries pronto!"
The message was relayed from the General in charge of this conflict directly to the batteries, which soon started to sweep for it.
There were 15 batteries, all loacted around major Alfegos-held areas. They each were filled with 8 Patriot II missiles, that would be fired once they had found the elusive target.
03-10-2007, 14:28
The fire team started crawling away in the ensuing carnage: only 1 had been killed, and the rest began to conceal themselves amongst rubble, and wait for them to go away.
ooc: I thought they were taken out of there by some guards before the artillery fell and killed sime of the SCP soldiers?
General Sandrez was with the column, in the command vehicle. Suddenly, a corporal sounded the general alarm, before picking up a radio handset and talking to the missile defence batteries.
"Nuclear missile inbound, type ICBM, level 2. Emergency, emergency, ready all defences, emergency"
This told Sandrez what was going on. He yelled for the column to spread out and deploy anything they could to stop the missile.
He saw S5A missile defence systems rise into thee air and fire off salvos of twenty missiles.
The column had been joined by some emergency defence systems, which were a last-ditch resort, firing chaff high into the air to fool any on-board radar.
The alarm still sounding, Sandrez closed the hatch and crouched inside. he got on the radio to beachead and told them what was happening.
He prayed as hundreds of air-defence missiles streaked into the air.
Please, let it not all have been for nothing...
03-10-2007, 23:10
Finnally the tanks were making headway. Dead terrorists lay scattered on the ground. Explosion craters looked like a sophisticated painting, trees lay everywhere. Destroyed and disabled tanks blocked the way.
457 Men
29 K2 Black Panthers (49 more disabled)
1 Duce and a half truck
Lots of pride.
Hmm... Not fair losses? Drvarska?
04-10-2007, 02:12
Hmm... Not fair losses? Drvarska?
OOC: I understand you have edited this post. I have not realised and I thank you.
04-10-2007, 02:24
The prisoners were taken onboard a truck where it will take them East of Kursk to a base where they will be kept in a cell. The truck was escorted by 4 jeeps with mounted PKM machine guns.
The wounded prisoner was taken a seperate way to a field hospital North of Kursk.
As a transport plane was spotted on radar, the SCP knew they would be paras. Immediatly over the radio an officer called in support. Out of some barracks a couple platoons of men were rushed on board trucks and followed the cargo plane, along with the trucks were more jeeps with PKM machine guns and they would let out a blaze of fire onto anything that came out of the plane.
The ICBM soared through the sky towards Krajina where there were no Alfegos troops posted, the target was the DNA headquarters. With the destruction of this city could knock out the DNA high command and confuse the DNA armies making it easier to attack them.
The blast radius was close to Antigr positions, hopefully it can be stopped.
The Antigr missiles were fired towards the ICBM with one hitting the rear engine and blasting the fuel tank outwards. All the remained was a piece of the body and the deadly warhead still activated falling slowly towards the earth...
Three hundred and fourty missiles, heat-seeking and guided? And only one happens to hit an engine? And considering that there's more on the way?
04-10-2007, 16:50
General Sandrez was with the column, in the command vehicle. Suddenly, a corporal sounded the general alarm, before picking up a radio handset and talking to the missile defence batteries.
"Nuclear missile inbound, type ICBM, level 2. Emergency, emergency, ready all defences, emergency"
This told Sandrez what was going on. He yelled for the column to spread out and deploy anything they could to stop the missile.
He saw S5A missile defence systems rise into thee air and fire off salvos of twenty missiles.
The column had been joined by some emergency defence systems, which were a last-ditch resort, firing chaff high into the air to fool any on-board radar.
The alarm still sounding, Sandrez closed the hatch and crouched inside. he got on the radio to beachead and told them what was happening.
He prayed as hundreds of air-defence missiles streaked into the air.
Please, let it not all have been for nothing...
OOC: I do not see the words heat-seaking and guided in there. Just salvos of missiles fired towards the ICBM. But alright if it is better for you ill change it. Is this OK for you?
The ICBM took a direct hit from a Antigr AA missile. Completly blowing the entire structure apart, another missile hit the warhead which detonated on impact. 1.5km up in the air a large explosion erupted that could be seen all over Drvarska.
President Orlov got onto the phone to Naval command and instructed Typhoon class submarine D-19 to fire the four R-27 SLBMs with a payload of 550kt of Enriched Uranium towards the city of Koprovnika.
One by one each missile was fired into the sky, it will be 20min untill impact...
Kruschev was aware that his missile would fail because the enemy had far more advanced equipment that his army. But he knew the actions of the DNA armed forces, he got the message from radar command of four SLBMs heading straight towards them.
Beforehand he had his men and the city of Koprovnika in shelter and full awareness of a nuclear explosion an hour in advance. He sat up from his desk and looked out the window to have one last glance at the city before it is fully destroyed.
He walked out the office and down to an underground nuclear shelter where he will resume giving orders to armies from a war room.
Even though everyone in the city are in shelters still many lurk to find cover as the shelters were full. The nuclear blast will have a devastating effect...
General Yakovlevs 1st army of the DNA armed forces were crippling as the heavy tanks of the SCP armed forces stormed them.
A heavy battle was interrupted as the nuclear explosion was set off, in full panic the DNA armed forces threw down their weapons and surrendered knowing that they still had a chance to seek shelter with the SCP.
The propaganda leaflets worked well and on that day General Yakovlev announced the surrender of the 1st Army. The battles in the south ceased and the SCP 10th Army advanced capturing a mass amount of land.
As soon as the nuclear bomb went off, the Alfegops troops raced into action in Kursk. They began to let loose more explosions, and hails of lead, blowing people apart as they charged towards the tanks.
One of the supply trucks, having finished unloading ammo. and fuel to the second line vehicles, drove off and over a SCP mine. The fuel and remaining ammo exploded, flattening part of a street and filling the air with lead bullets
1 Supply Truck
7 men
(OOC: Where are my men and yours in the city? If poss. a map plz)
There were now 4 regiments, in total 19000 men, ready for the second battle of Drvar. There were 2 armoured regiments, an artillery regiment and a mech. infantry regiment.
The artillery again began to rain destruction onto what remained of the city, that would keep the enemy heads down as 5 battalions of mech.infantry with a regiment of armour began to drive across no-mans-land to retake the city.
The missile launches were detected on the SEANET RADAR system aboard the Grand Cruiser Zevkhos.
At once, it turned, and began to hunt down the submarine that had launched the 4 missiles, accompanied by 2 destroyers. They were to find and destroy the sub.
As the assault began in Drvar, the AAF received their orders for the support of their troops.
10 squadrons of Tactical Bombers launched, with 2 accompanying squadrons of fighters. They were to bomb the hell out of the SCP in Drvar.
An identical group set out for Kursk, with more cluster munitions to take out the infantry.
OOC: I do not see the words heat-seaking and guided in there. Just salvos of missiles fired towards the ICBM. But alright if it is better for you ill change it. Is this OK for you?
The ICBM took a direct hit from a Antigr AA missile. Completly blowing the entire structure apart, another missile hit the warhead which detonated on impact. 1.5km up in the air a large explosion erupted that could be seen all over Drvarska.
President Orlov got onto the phone to Naval command and instructed Typhoon class submarine D-19 to fire the four R-27 SLBMs with a payload of 550kt of Enriched Uranium towards the city of Koprovnika.
One by one each missile was fired into the sky, it will be 20min untill impact...
Kruschev was aware that his missile would fail because the enemy had far more advanced equipment that his army. But he knew the actions of the DNA armed forces, he got the message from radar command of four SLBMs heading straight towards them.
Beforehand he had his men and the city of Koprovnika in shelter and full awareness of a nuclear explosion an hour in advance. He sat up from his desk and looked out the window to have one last glance at the city before it is fully destroyed.
He walked out the office and down to an underground nuclear shelter where he will resume giving orders to armies from a war room.
Even though everyone in the city are in shelters still many lurk to find cover as the shelters were full. The nuclear blast will have a devastating effect...
General Yakovlevs 1st army of the DNA armed forces were crippling as the heavy tanks of the SCP armed forces stormed them.
A heavy battle was interrupted as the nuclear explosion was set off, in full panic the DNA armed forces threw down their weapons and surrendered knowing that they still had a chance to seek shelter with the SCP.
The propaganda leaflets worked well and on that day General Yakovlev announced the surrender of the 1st Army. The battles in the south ceased and the SCP 10th Army advanced capturing a mass amount of land.
OOC: So I geuss I should have mentioned that. Sorry. :rolleyes:
IC: General Sandrez had yet another crisis on their hands - the DNA were surrendering in hordes. In the south, anyway. Time, Sandrez thought, for action. He sent out his forces to tackle the nearest SCP. Their advance was on.
05-10-2007, 03:58
Corporal Ishkevek climbed out of the window, his leg stopped bleeding but was still wounded bad.
"Theres a safe house we can go to thats North from here." he said to the agent as they crept past the guards.
The SCP soldiers still scanned the area, two men just missed Ishkevek and the agent as they walked by an alleyway. If it wasnt for the cover of some boxes they wouldve got it.
"No," He whispered urgently. "we can get to my car in less than 30 minutes, if we take the forest. We cannot risk compromising a safe house. We just blew up the bloody street! You can go your way and likely die, soldier boy, or follow someone who has been doing covert missions for 30 years. Chose."
05-10-2007, 06:43
The SCP forces had a few days to dig in before the Alfegos troops counter attacked. Now in trenches and sand bagged pits they waited for the Alfegos soldiers approaching. A heavy battle was about to begin...
General Sokolov ordered forward four divisions that he could spare from his 2nd army but he had to fight the forces down south that were pouring in through Mostar.
NEW MAP (http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=battleofdrvarur8.png)
Order of Battle:
SCP Forces:
-5th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-6th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-7th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-10th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-12th Reserve Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
-16th Reserve Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
-20th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-25th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-2nd Airborne Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-1st Armoured Corps (18,000 T-90 Tanks , 5,000 Soldiers)
-1st Artillery Regiment (2,500 Soldiers , 50 D-30 Howitzer)
-2nd Artillery Regiment (2,500 Soldiers , 50 D-30 Howitzer)
-5th Anti-Aircraft Regiment (2,500 Soldiers , 250 ZU-23)
-6th Anti-Aircraft Regiment (2,500 Soldiers , 250 ZU-23)
140,000 Soldiers
18,000 T-90 Tanks
100 D-30 Howitzer
500 ZU-23 AA gun
DNA Forces:
-30th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-32nd Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-7th Mechanized Division (5,000 T-90 Tanks , 10,000 Soldiers)
-8th Mechanized Division (5,000 T-90 Tanks , 10,000 Soldiers)
50,000 Soldiers
10,000 T-90 tanks
OOC: I would appreciate an order of battle just for map info plz Alfegos. Also I need to know where exactly your 5 battalions of troops are advancing.
As the Alfegos artillery rained down upon the city the SCP soldiers kept their heads low in their pits and trenches. They took this opputunity to load their weapons.
As the battalions of Alfegos soldiers advanced the SCP soldiers immediatly opened fire with a hail of PKM machine gun fire shooting down anyone who stood in the open. Around Drvar it is mainly open fields.
OOC: That Submarine is DNA armed forces, Alfegos.
Admiral Farinyev commanded the IIIrd Submarine fleet of the Drvarskan National Navy but he aswell was a loyal member of the SCP. Recieving reports of DNA navy launching missiles towards SCP troops he decided to take action and send forth the entire submarine fleet.
Nearby the coast of Drvarska 2 Typhoon class submarines and 5 Kilo class submarines set off in seperate directions to hunt down any enemy shipping.
III Fleet:
SS "Kurland" Typhoon class Submarine (D-25)
SS "Govorov" Typhoon class Submarine (D-57)
SS "Popov" Kilo class Submarine (D-16)
SS "Kruschev" Kilo class Submarine (D-20)
SS "Sokolovsky" Kilo class Submarine (D-32)
SS "Zakharov" Kilo class Submarine (D-37)
SS "Voroshilov" Kilo class Submarine (D-47)
OOC: Antigr, where exactly are you sending your forces? Indicate on map that was posted here (http://img340.imageshack.us/my.php?image=drvarskacivilwar3jt5.jpg).
"I am sorry my friend. I must go and return to my family. Good luck and my god be with you." Ishkevek said to the agent, and he got his AK-74 and used it for support as he started to limp away into the darkness.
Themechanise infantry and rmour moved forward, rapidly gaining speed as overhead 100 modified A-10s shot overhead. Once over the city, the armour was raked with heavy cannon fire, while hundreds of cluster bombs were dropped on the trenches.
Once they had completed 3 runs, they gained altitude and circled, while the fighter squadrons dived down and let off their Mayhem Air-Surface missiles at any armour spotted on the near-infared HUD.
480 IFVs, with 20 MGS were directly behind 40 LY4s and 20 WarHound Main Battle Tanks that formed the spearhead.
Behind, the artillery let rip: the mortors firing incendiary shells that lit up the city with pinpricks of light, and the LY300 manticores letting loose with an Alfegos custom missile: the longbow IV. Each was equipped with an 80 kg cluster warhead, filled with 320 x 250g bomblets.
The tanks hit the first line of buildings, and began to climb over the ruins.
In Kursk, the tanks kept pressing on, despite their many losses. They knew that they were probably outnumbered, but...what the hell. They had a chance while they kept fighting, and were cheered up yb the 100 A-10s that streaked over, targeting the tanks, before clearing out their other enemy: the satchel bombers.
05-10-2007, 09:13
OOC: I need map info! Which forces are you attacking in Drvar? For example: 16th Infantry Division or 2nd Airborne Division by 1st, 2nd & 3rd battalions of the ?st Regiment. I also need more info on these custom units of yours such as the WarHound tank, if it is in the time period.
Apart from that I am sorry but I do not think Alfegos tanks could have reached the city yet as it is protected in front by an armoured corps and a couple infantry divisions. Sorry again but please look at the map. I also asked nicely if you please post an order of battle for your troops. I have no idea how to identify them on the map and how many units are in each, all the info I have is 19,000 soldiers.
05-10-2007, 09:23
With the surrender of the 1st army, Kalashnik took this opputunity to move forward and advance.
In the town of Mostar there was a late surrender of the 156th Infantry Division of the DNA armed forces. General Kalashnik angry with the delay, ordered the immediate execution of 20,000 Soldiers.
The soldiers were rounded up and taken onto trucks bound for labour camps in Eastern Drvarska. A convoy went a different route and stopped to allow soldiers to "stretch their legs". Tricked by this they were all slaughtered as jeeps with mounted PKM machine guns shot them and chased down any who escaped. This will be the largest war crime commited throughout the Drvarskan Civil war...
The remaining 80,000 soldiers were forced to work in labour camps.
05-10-2007, 09:36
NEW MAP (http://img522.imageshack.us/my.php?image=drvarskacivilwar4sb3.jpg)
OOC: Antigr, where exactly are you sending your forces? Indicate on map that was posted here (http://img340.imageshack.us/my.php?image=drvarskacivilwar3jt5.jpg).
I have re-made your map to show where I am. I am the orange blobs.
See here:http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc40/NS_Antigr/drvarskacivilwarpostion1.jpg
05-10-2007, 16:44
OOC: Alright cool. I will start making a battlemap for that sector. Can you please post an order of battle for your units please? I need to know what divisions of forces you have and what types they are.
OOC: To be honest, I don't know how many things are in an Antigran division. Armoured anyway. It'll take a while, but basically an Armoured division has 20,000 personnel of all sorts and a higher people-to-tank ratio than an american armoured division. Sorry. You're more organised than me!
(Sorry to spoil the occasion, but that's no big feat)
As for divisions, force commanded by General Sandrez,
we have:
15 divisions; 1 Airborne, 11 Armoured, 1 Air Cavalry, and 2 Marine Infantry.
05-10-2007, 17:04
OOC: Ok, but I need the info soon if you want to fight the SCP forces. I need to know how many and what kind of divisions you have in the army attacking SCP. If you can manage I will also appreciate numbered divisions and how many men in each.
This is required because it is much easier to track on the map and know what you are up against with the enemy.
Drvar ORBAT:
2 Mech Infantry Regiments:
One with 4000 men, one with 5000
9000 men
750 IFVs
148 MGSs
2 Command Vehicles (all Strykers)
1 Armoured Regiment:
5000 men
200 Lyran Main Battle Tanks (LY4s)
200 Warhound Main Battle Tank (Smaller, less heavily armoured, lighter armament)
100 Scimitar Light Battle Tanks (Very fast, small, armed with 60 mm gun and machine gun)
10 LY471 Long-Range AA Missiles
50 Shepherd AA Systems (Stryker mounted)
50 Maintenance Vehicles (unarmoured)
10 Maintenance Vehicles (armoured)
50 Ammo Trucks (armoured)
20 Tankers (armoured)
1 Artillery Regiment
5000 men
200 LY300 Manitcore MLRS units
200 Stryker Mortors
50 RADAR/Comms Hubs
1 command stryker
20 tankers
50 ammo trucks
50 maintenance vehicles (unarmoured)
Sorry, this is all I can provide.
The following personnel details listed are approximated values.
17856 Personnel
Made of 2 Brigades (8000 men each) plus army air corps support
Brigades comprise 4 Regiments (2000 men each)
Regiments comprise 4 Battalions (500 men each)
Battalions comprise 5 Companies (100 men Each)
Companies comprise 4 Platoons (25 men each)
17550 Personnel
Made of 3 Brigades (5850 men each)
Brigades comprise 2 Regiments (2900 men each)
Regiments comprise 5 Battalions (580 men each)
Battalions comprise 5 Companies (5x 100 men, 1x 80 men each)
Companies (100-man) comprise 4 Platoons (25 men each)
15100 Personnel
Made of 2 Brigades (7550 men each)
Brigades comprise 2 Regiments (3775 men each)
Regiments comprise 4 Battalions (940 men each)
Battalions comprise 5 Squadrons (188 men each)
18000 (Approx.) Personnel
Made of 2 Brigades (9000 men each)
Brigades comprise 3 Regiments (3000 men each)
Regiments comprise 5 Battalions (600 men each)
Battalions comprise 5 Companies (120 men each)
Tanks you can expect to find are MT-85 Marauder MBTs and MT-501 Maverick Light Tanks
05-10-2007, 23:43
"I am sorry my friend. I must go and return to my family. Good luck and my god be with you." Ishkevek said to the agent, and he got his AK-74 and used it for support as he started to limp away into the darkness.
John looked sadly into the darkness. "Blessing of Uriel, kid." He muttered to himself as he began to cut the fence leading to the forest quietly.
06-10-2007, 04:54
OOC: Alfegos, I am sorry but from earlier I asked where exactly each regiment is attacking on the map. Also with the attack on the city, I cannot allow your troops to reach the actual city just yet because it is guarded by an armoured corps and two infantry divisions. I will start altering the map, but please observe the map as the positions the divisions are in is fixed. Thanks for providing details of your regiments.
OOC: Thats great Antigr, just what I needed. I will start making a map.
Corporal Ishkevek was now out of sight. The darkness was filling the sky quickly which will provide the agent cover.
Nearby a patrol of 12 soldiers armed with AK-47s and RPK-74s were approaching the position of the agent. They have orders to shoot anyone who is out after curfue...
06-10-2007, 08:07
NEW MAP (http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/6718/antigrbattleui0.png)
(Antigr forces are orange)
The battle between the Antigr, DNA and SCP forces were about to begin...
Order of Battle:
SCP Forces:
(7th Army, Elements of 5th Army)
35th Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
61st Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
62nd Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
72nd Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
81st Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
116th Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
125th Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
363rd Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
6th Airborne Division (15,000 Soldiers)
2nd Cavalry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
9th Armoured Division (2,000 T-90 Tanks)
12th Armoured Division (2,000 T-90 Tanks)
16th Armoured Division (2,000 T-90 Tanks)
21st Armoured Division (2,000 T-90 Tanks)
8th Artillery Division (5,000 Soldiers , 250 D-30 Howitzer)
12th Artillery Division (5,000 Soldiers , 250 D-30 Howitzer)
20th Anti-Aircraft Division (10,000 Soldiers , 1,000 ZU-23)
50th Infantry Reserve Division (10,000 Soldiers)
15th Mechanized Division (5,000 Soldiers , 1,000 T-90 Tanks)
17th Mechanized Division (5,000 Soldiers , 1,000 T-90 Tanks)
150,000 Soldiers
10,000 T-90 Tanks
500 D-30 Howitzer
1,000 ZU-23
DNA Forces
(3rd Army)
51st Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
53rd Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
57th Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
63rd Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
66th Infantry Division (10,000 Soldiers)
500th Airborne Commando Division (15,000 Soldiers)
4th Mechanized Division (5,000 Soldiers , 1,000 T-90 Tanks)
45th Armoured Division (2,000 T-90 Tanks)
50th Infantry Reserve Division (10,000 Soldiers)
60th Infantry Reserve Division (10,000 Soldiers)
90,000 Soldiers
3,000 T-90 Tanks
BTW, the infantry contingent of an Antigran Armoured Division is 6000 men, all mechanized.
Marine Infantry, 11200.
Airborne, about 15000 (There is no set 'infantry' in the Airborne. The soldiers do logistics for themselves [At Battalion level], pretty much)
And for the air cav, abut 9000 would be infantry.
All Antigran foot soldiers, nomatter what role they play, are mechanized in the sense that there is a vehicle for everyone, all the time. We have no artillery or air-defence divisions, but these are inclusive in all divisions as are logistics.
The forces are attacking straight into the centre: half the infantry and a regiment of armour.
The rest are acting as a strategic reserve, along with the artillery.
06-10-2007, 18:38
Corporal Ishkevek was now out of sight. The darkness was filling the sky quickly which will provide the agent cover.
Nearby a patrol of 12 soldiers armed with AK-47s and RPK-74s were approaching the position of the agent. They have orders to shoot anyone who is out after curfue...
Quickly moving through the hole the cut, John swiftly moves towards the forest, on the lookout for any soldiers.
07-10-2007, 06:17
The dug in SCP soldiers watched the Alfegos infantry approach. The SCP were dug in about 5km from the city. The 3rd Armoured corps were stationed there and supplied alot of support. Along with the armour was the 5th & 25th Infantry divisions.
As the Alfegos soldiers came into range the SCP let loose a hail of machine gun fire and tank fire. Hopefully it will slow them down or push them back.
The Alfegos artillery was a problem, some soldiers who got caught in the open were not that lucky and those who tried to rescue them.
275 Soldiers dead
115 Soldiers wounded
45 T-90 Tanks destroyed
55 T-90 Tanks damaged
Central Drvar
A lone soldier walked out into the woods to relieve himself. He walked over to a pile of bushes when he realised a lone figure running silently through the trees ahead of him. He pulled up and loaded his AK-47 and called out.
"Who goes there?"
OOC: Antigr where on the map will your forces attack?
The tanks and infantry were seen, and the results were spectacular: the massed artillery let loose thousands of special munitions,which impacted onto the ground around the defensive line and immeidately ignited.
This was followed, to add to the confusion, by multiple laser-designated AT-missiles from the AT-POD equipped Manticores.
The explosions suddenly ceased as the Alfegos armoured cavalry impacted like a wave on the defensive line of men and machines. The men weren't the problem though: it was the vehicles.
Some of the IFVs exploded before the men could get out, wheels spinning through the air. The rest however made it though, and were quickly supported by the resounding booms of the LY4 and Warhound tanks, each taking out a tank with either their main cannon or the mounted missile pods on the turrets.
8 IFVs
76 Men
The scimitar tanks broke off of the main formation and moved around to the side flank of the enemy while he was still engaged, before letting off repetitive shots with their small main armament.
They continued to travel round, before coming in from the rear at the enemy and letting loose machine gun hail as they drove at the exposed infantry.
1 Scimitar disabled (pending repair)
07-10-2007, 08:10
OOC: What is a scimitar? A tank?
The SCP were shocked as the enemy charged at their exposed flank, it prooved a devastating effect. A Lieutenant redioed in the co-ordinates of Alfegos infantry and armour.
Nearby a company of the 1st Artillery Regiment fired at the Alfegos positions. 10 D-30 Howitzers fired salvos of shells towards the enemy. Hoping it will slow them down.
The soldiers fought on, with the 5th Infantry division a company of AT squads was brought up to the line armed with Kornet-E anti-armour missile systems, a new weapon of the SCP. One by one they fired Kornet missiles at the Alfegos armour, hoping for an effective result.
237 Soldiers killed
163 Soldiers wounded
50 Soldiers missing
71 T-90 tanks Destroyed
29 T-90 tanks Damaged
OOC: Scimitar is a light tank.
The artillery hit the stragglers as they came into the combat zone. Some were disabled, the rest either destroyed or just getting trhough with superficial damage. That artillery was a problem though.
At the Alfegos airstrip, 2 Squadrons of A-10s laucnhed, with a massive payload of cluster bombs, the nose gun ready for deadly attack on the infantry.
On the battlefront, the fighting became intense as missiles began to hit the IFVs, To alleviate further damage, the squads disembarked, firing off massive volleys from a mix of AF-07s, AF-07Ps and ALSW - 05s, rending the sky with blue tracer.
The enemy AT gunners were first: the screams of bullets slamming into them a definate result. Then they turned their attention to the rest of the infantry, ready to gun them down in highly trained ways that they were told to do.
1 Scimitar Destroyed
2 Warhounds Disabled (pending repair)
4 IFVs Disabled
16 IFVs Detroyed
221 men killed
31 wounded
In Kursk, the fighting was still dragging on. Tanks continued to empty their lessening reserves into the enemy, while above the 2 squads of A-10s deployed much earlier occasionally dived onto any tanks that came out into the open.
There were few tanks now. It was the infantry that was a pain.
3 Warhounds destroyed
12 Men KIA
07-10-2007, 10:47
The AT gunners prooved effective along with the artillery but they recieved many casualties as the enemy fire was concentrated on them. The SCP kept sending in more battalions of men to try and push back the Alfegos, they prooved to be some help but in return recieved alot of casualites.
The D-30 howitzers kept on firing more salvos of shells as the SCP officers radioed in the co-ordinates.
With incoming contacts on radar, both Anti-Aircraft regiments (5th & 6th) were activated and given the contact bearings. Immediatly crews manned their ZU-23s and waited for the A-10s to dive in.
At a nearby airfield a wing of fighters took off. 12 SU-37 Flanker Fs armed with AA and AT missiles rose of the ground and started to make their way towards Drvar.
1,578 Soldiers killed
422 Soldiers wounded
25 Soldiers missing
270 T-90 Tanks destroyed
130 T-90 Tanks damaged
6 Kornet-E squads out of action
The Alfegos soldiers kept pushing forwards, the SCP were still fighting savagely even though they recieved a large number of casualties.
With the A-10s incoming some squads managed to use their ZU-23 AA guns which prooved quite effective.
Safely behind SCP lines the 5 Alfegos soldiers were taken to an abandoned prison which they turned into a POW camp. The 5 soldiers were lined up against a wall hand cuffed.
A SCP officer walked in with a M9 pistol in one hand. He approached the lance corporal and spoke to him.
"Where is the position of your Alfegos Base?" he asked.
206 Soldiers killed
54 Soldiers wounded
87 T-90 Tanks destroyed
13 T-90 Tanks damaged
OOC: Antigr where on the map will your forces attack?
I'll concentrate on he north and try to flank the top. (I didn't say that, by the way)
The soldiers near Drvar wereall decided to be activated.
Another regiment of armour rolled into the massive battle, firing round after round into the enemy vehicles and squads. Along with them were 5 batallions of Mech. Infatnry. There was no reserve now.
He 2 A-10 squadrons banked off as enemy fire filled the sky. They banked around, before making a very low run at the enemy artillery. Once they had strafed the artillery, they flew at the massed AA fire, letting drop plurious numbers of cluster bombs, with massive explosions racking the sky.
The fighting continued, the number of AT missiles flying around slowly decreasing.
In the artillery, the LY470 missile platforms were readied for incoming hostiles. They fired, and massive missiles threw themselves into the sky, in pursuit of the enemy fighters. Each had a massive range, and could theoretically defend most of the friendly area from aircraft.
2 LY4s disabled (repairable)
1 Warhound destroyed
5 IFVs destroyed
56 men KIA
4 A-10s shot down
In Jursj, AA fire started up, an A-10 fell out of the sky, leaving a massive trench as it hit the ground and skidded along. But the AA fire gave away the enemy positions, allowing for the tanks on the ground to fire off many shells into the general area, gouging out craters in the destroyed road.
1 A-10
2 Warhounds
1 LY4 disabled
Remaing Forces (including ones disabled)
142 LY4s
122 Warhounds
23 Scimitars
7 Ammo trucks
3 Fuel tankers
31 Repair Vehicles (armoured)
17 A - 10s
7620 men
07-10-2007, 14:06
The SCP watched as a entire new regiment of armour poured in, they needed to call in support.
Nearby the 12th & 16th Reserve Infantry divisions were sent in to aid the defending SCP troops along with two battalions of the 2nd Artillery Regiment. The 12th Reserve Infantry division charged forward with a force of 10,000 men and 5,000 T-90 tanks of the 3rd Armoured corps at the enemy pushing them back a fair distance but at the same time recieving casualties. The 16th Reserve Infantry division filled in the trenches of those who had fallen and brought up more Kornet-E AT teams. They were ready and prepared.
At the same time the two artillery battalions set up 30 D-30 Howitzers and fired salvos of shells at the enemy before the 16th moved forward.
Overhead the ZU-23s prooved to be effective but as the cluster bombs and strafing runs on artillery positions caused a fair amount of casualties.
The SU-37s broke off after one was shot down by a LY470 Missile. After regrouping the wing flew in attack formation towards the advancing Alfegos armoured regiment that was moving forward through the open fields. The SU-37s let off many AT missiles and a few LGB 100lb bombs. After strafing the armour they moved towards the attacking A-10s, as they approached they let out a couple hails of GSh-30 cannon fire.
The Alfegos was falling slowly but the SCP still had a alot of fighting to do. Recieving a few casualties during one armoured battle General Zeitzev ordered forward his reserves of the 157th and 172nd Reserve Infantry division and the 12th Airborne Division. The 12th Airborne division used the Kornet-E missile systems to knock out the Alfegos armour and support the attacking divisions forward with the help of the 157th and 172nd.
The ZU-23 AA guns were spotted by enemy aircraft and took a heavy toll of casualties but those who were lucky to survive fired back as each A-10 closed in on them.
At the POW camp, the officer drew up his pistol and pointed it at the Alfegan soldier's head.
"I say again. Where is your base?"
1,572 Soldiers killed
428 Soldiers wounded
150 Soldiers missing
156 T-90 destroyed
44 T-90 damaged
23 ZU-23 destroyed
60,750 Soldiers (including reserves)
3,256 T-90 Tanks
57 ZU-23
The Antigr forces moved forward onto the SCP positions, before they reached them they called in artillery strikes to slow them down. Some 100 D-30 Howitzers fired shells into the air and rained down upon the advancing Antigr.
The battle was about to begin...
07-10-2007, 16:27
Central Drvar
A lone soldier walked out into the woods to relieve himself. He walked over to a pile of bushes when he realised a lone figure running silently through the trees ahead of him. He pulled up and loaded his AK-47 and called out.
"Who goes there?"
John knew the gig was up, so he unloaded the silenced pistol in his hand at the target, while trying to get to the woods. Only 5 more feet...
07-10-2007, 16:42
The soldier was hit by the silenced pistol, as the first bullet teared through his chest he cried out in pain. Two nearby soldiers who were sitting around a camp fire heard the cry and quickly stood up grabbing their AK-47s and rushed towards the noise. One of the soldiers reported in the contact on his hand held radio, if HQ did not get a status report in the next 15 minutes they would send in a team of 12 soldiers.
In Dravar, the situation looked bad: the enemy planes were killing men left right and centre who weren't under the shelter of a IFV. And they had re-enforcements.
"Call in the volcano wing and the steamroller wing. They might help."
3 squadrons of fighters lifted off, accompanying 2 squadrons of bombers. One squadron was filled with napalm, the other with cluster bombs.
As they came over, napalm was used to stop the re-enforcements from reaching the battle, before the sledgehammer squadrons let loose from their gorged belly hundereds of tons of munitions, all spread so that the maximum casulaties were caused.
Alongside them, the fighters arched and whipped around, launching volleys of CQD missiles at the enemy fighters, before letting loose from their internal payload a single 500lb bomb onto the enemy forces clustered below.
On the ground, the explosions signalled the start of another push: Kornet launching soldiers were ponuced upon by disembarked infantry, or shot at with heavy machinegun fire. The tanks were not suffering as bad as the IFVs, and were making more headway. In the backround, a curtain of fire marked where the back of the enemy group were: no re-enforcements could expect to get through that.
9 IFVs destroyed
112 men KIA
1 Fighter shot down
1 Warhound destroyed
In Kursk, more of the enemy were pouring into the city. The city had to be taken, to stop the ceaseless enemy advance.
From the tanks in front, there were repetitive hisses as hundreds of smokescreen grenades were deployed. These were designed to block only Visual light.
As the tanks rolled forward under the deep haze, with visibility reduced to about a metre, the men slipped on their IF goggles and dorve onwards, the enemies lit up around them like advertising boards.
The guns fired again, through the haze that seemed almost like a chemical weapon.
1 Warhound KIA.
"Why should we tell you? Can't you even deploy UAVs?"
Sandrez watched the shells raining dwon.
"Aw, bugger. Colonel, have that artillery disabled - permanently. Some friendly 8 inch howitzers and a couple of SLRS missiles (Two can flatten a whole acre)"
"Yes, sir"
At the same time, nine of the eleven Antigran armoured divisions were streaming onto the battlefield at full speed, firing all manner of guns.
Air Cavalry streamed overhead, dropping off soldiers and firing rockets.
A 415mm RMVHA howitzer had been towed to a point 30 miles clear of the battlefield by it's 3,560 horsepower prime mover and set up. A siren sounded as the gun was elevated. A napalm shell was loaded and aimed at SCP forces. 30 seconds later, it would be folowed by another. And another.
Losses (Thanks to the fact that everyone was still under armour, and this was widely spread out)
30 dead
14 wounded and shipping to MASH unit
3 MSV-30 Raider MICVs disabled and a further two destroyed
2 MTP-40 Multipurpose vehicles destroyed
1 155mm Field gun damaged
1 MT-85A Marauder MBT damaged, minor
By the way, are the SCP the kind of people who fire on buildings with red crosses on the roof?
07-10-2007, 21:39
The soldier was hit by the silenced pistol, as the first bullet teared through his chest he cried out in pain. Two nearby soldiers who were sitting around a camp fire heard the cry and quickly stood up grabbing their AK-47s and rushed towards the noise. One of the soldiers reported in the contact on his hand held radio, if HQ did not get a status report in the next 15 minutes they would send in a team of 12 soldiers.
John knew that there were soldiers behind him, but if had cared about that he might have paused. But instead he just ran towards the area where his vehicle was parked. 1.5 miles away.However, while running, he had wondered about what had happened to the kid...
08-10-2007, 14:51
The SCP were confused at how no casualties were inflicted on the enemy after the artillery barrages. The napalm was a problem as it slowed down the advancing re-inforcements, luckily they managed to avoid many casualties from the fire. It was quickly put out as the ground was very damp from previous rainfall but still caused many tanks and infantry to slow down.
Along with the re-inforcements was the 5th Sharpshooters Battalion, a specialised battalion wholy made up of teams armed with the 50 cal. M82 Barrett rifle as well as the SVD Dragunov. The skilled sharpshooters took up positions in the rubble and in buildings picking off Alfegos infantry one by one as well as the LY4 tanks with the M82.
The artillery barrages continued after the air attacks that knocked out a 1/3 of their equipment. Now loading shells with HE rounds and heavier AP rounds packed with armour piercing charges.
As the enemy aircraft approached, the AA regiments armed their ZU-23s as well as brought in squads equipped with 9K38 Igla launchers. A group of ZSU-23-4 Shilkas were brought in as well.
765 Soldiers killed
435 Soldiers wounded
56 T-90 Destroyed
44 T-90 Damaged
10 ZU-23 Destroyed
7 D-30 Out of action
The casualties seemed few with the Alfegos that shocked the SCP troops who sacrificed 500 men in a desperate battle to hold a block in the town. Support was called in to help aid the fighting troops in battle.
Nearby 20 Mi-24 hind took off from the airfield equipped with AT-6 AT missiles and 20mm rockets.
The 12th Airborne division and the reserve Infantry divisions were now at the front lines. The Kornet teams were set up around the town with the cover of rubble and in some buildings that were still standing which gave them a good view of Alfegos armour.
The AA teams armed with ZU-23s opened up fire on the closing in A-10s and let loose a hail of fire ripping holes into their wings, but in doing so came a toll of casualties.
164 Soldiers killed
36 Soldiers wounded
12 T-90 Destroyed
8 T-90 Damaged
6 ZU-23 Out of action
POW Camp
"Well, maybe our equipment is not as advanced as yours to buy some crap UAV which brakes down all the time. Now I will give you one more chance, tell me where your Alfegos base is or else I will shoot your comrade." the officer said angrily as he pointed his M9 at the soldier standing next to the Lance-Corporal.
Central Drvarska (Antigr & SCP battle)
The artillery ceased fire to reload the shell stockpile when Antigr fired missiles towards their positions. The soldiers scattered as the artillery strike knocked out half of their position, thankfully some artillery pieces were well camoflaged.
As the soldiers regrouped they armed the remaining D-30s with HE shells and heavy AP rounds which was shortly fired afterwards at the Antigr armour that was approaching.
The SCP infantry was prepared as the napalm rained down on them, the cover of BMP-2s and other armoured vehicles provided shelter as the fire rose up in front of them. Retreating behind it they moved into a defensive position which was constructed before the battle, now in trenches the SCP had cover from artillery strikes and fire. Once in cover they opened fire at the Antigr forces with Kornet missiles and PKM machine gun fire.
154 Soldiers killed
46 Soldiers wounded
15 T-90 Destroyed
5 T-90 Damaged
OOC: Sorry I made a mistake on the map for this battle, I thought that there was one Armoured division called the 11th. I will fix this, thats alot of troops you got there. The SCP are rebels who would probably fire on roofs with red crosses as they are soldiers driven by mad communist officers, but there are times when they might not.
Forrest Near Drvar
Little did the agent know that he ran directly into a trap. Ahead of him as he ran out onto a road a patrol of four soldiers waited. Armed with RPK-74s and AK-47s they were ready for anything.
The agent was not the only threat to them...
OOC: I want to make a really good captive thing if youre interested NeoAztec?
OOC: I that case, expect to be shot going near the MASH unit. And yes, 11 armoured divisions would equate to about 196,000 persnnel of all kinds.
Remeber, I have lower casualties because everyone is in a vehicle, and still firing their weapons from inside.
PFC Daiyersson ducked down as 7.62x54mm PKM rounds whizzed past him. He needn't have worried - he just closed the hatch in the infantry compartment of his MICV, and went inside, bringing his Sabre SFR Light Machine-Gun with him. The only casualties would be those who were standing on the turrets or something. All the vehicles on the battlefield were APCs, MICVs, Armoured Support, or Tanks, and all were equipped with laser dazzlers and counter-measure systems.
These were deployed under orders straight after the first rocket hit an MICV and detonated, killing a marine and wounding two others, one badly and
The 415mm gun was been loaded with a VX gas shell - every other shot would be one. After this, gas masks would probably have been put on - but this would be no use if so much as a bit touched your skin, as it would be equally fatal. (The Antigrans would switch NBC filtration systems on a minute beforehand. The gas could not penetrate these) and HE fired instead.
20 Dead
14 Wounded and shipping to MASH unit
1 MCV-30 Raider MICV disabled
1 APC damaged from fuel tank explosion caused by a machine-gun
The Alfegos military command now had made its decision. It should have been done earlier, but had not.
From the massive reserve, doing absolutely nothing, came the re-enforcements. They would take an hour to reach the enemy, but would show them the meaning of pain.
This reserve consisted of an entire mechanised division, 5 armoured regiments and 4 artillery regiments. They were ready to do serious damage. They would be necessary: the battle was turning into a meat grinder.
ORBAT - Reserves
Mech. infantry
50 000 Men
4000 IFVs
400 LY220 Shepherds
580 MGS
25 000 men
800 LY4s
600 Warhounds
400 Scimitar Light Tanks
20 Phoenix Napalm Tanks
20 Lead Rain Machine-gun tanks
150 Repair Vehicles (armoured)
20 Assorted supply vehicles
20 Command Vehciles
20 000 men
1200 LY300 Manticores
600 Stryker Mortars
30 AFG - 3 Field Guns (not self propelled)
20 SKYSINGER AA Launchers
80 Assorted Repair and Logistics Vehicles
The enemy fire was taking its toll in Drvar area. Snipers had been seen, and confirmed by the sudden loss of a head by some of the less experienced privates. Meanwhile, the reserves continued coming.
They would soon all be destroyed if not relieved, and the artillery would be exposed. That had been set to fire at the city ruins, flooding an area with bomblets to keep the enemy heads down. This was followed by non-lethal CR gas, designed to blind the snipers without giving them warning.
The soldiers all put their gasmasks on, including tank crews, as the CR gas fog drifted across the battlefield, blinding anyone who couldn't put on the gas masks, and making the AA gunners less effective
The bombers let looose their munitions, before one was blown to pieces in midair. Another dived out the sky, the pilot ejecting before the plane hit the ground, leaving a gouge 300 metres long straight through the enemy ranks.
The pilot drifted down into the woodland, got out his small P90, and made his way towards the Alfegos lines.
2 Type-4 Heavy Bombers
1 Type-1 A10
21 Lyran Tanks Disabled (pending repair)
4 Tanks Destroyed
38 IFVs destroyed
2 MGS destroyed
521 Men KIA
"What makes us think that we will reveal the base to you? Go on, shoot all of us. You will learn nothing, and we will live again glorious in the halls of the Aur'egos."
08-10-2007, 23:52
Forrest Near Drvar
Little did the agent know that he ran directly into a trap. Ahead of him as he ran out onto a road a patrol of four soldiers waited. Armed with RPK-74s and AK-47s they were ready for anything.
The agent was not the only threat to them...
OOC: I want to make a really good captive thing if youre interested NeoAztec?
OOC: That all depends, what else is a threat besides the agent?
09-10-2007, 03:18
The gas approached the city but there was time to quickly put on gas masks, nearly every soldier had a standard issue gas mask but the stockpile was low for AA gunners.
The snipers were experienced enough to expect this sort of gas attack and was prepared when it would happen. They managed to get gas masks on but unfortuantly some did not make it in time.
Reports came in of the enemy send a mass amount of re-inforcements, General Polkov (commander of 9th Army in Drvar) called out for re-inforcements from nearby armies. The closest army (12th), was able to spare some reserve infantry divisions but it would not be enough to stop the Alfegos. To the North-East of Drvar, Rostov's Mechanized 16th Army was now fully operational and waiting orders. After Field Marshal Kruschev recieved the report he ordered Rostov forward to deploy in Drvar and drive back the Alfegos. It would take 1 hour to reach the city. The Alfegos was in for it now...
54 Soldiers killed
106 Soldiers wounded (gas)
5 T-90 Destroyed
10 T-90 Damaged
Deployed Reserves from 12th Army:
-100th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
-96th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
POW Camp
The officer looked at the soldier in disgust for a moment and then punched him in the face hard, a guard pulled the soldier back up again.
"Dont screw around with me. Where is your base?" he yelled at him.
OOC: Well when you are in captivity at a Prison there will be help busting you out. Just gotta survive the first round of interrogation.
09-10-2007, 03:43
OOC: Well when you are in captivity at a Prison there will be help busting you out. Just gotta survive the first round of interrogation.
OOC: 'K just let me finish my surrender.
As John ran into the forest, he came upon a road block with 4 soldiers guarding it. "Aw," Said John. "this is bullshit." He put up his hands and dropped his bag and semi. "Don't shoot! I surrender." He yelled.
09-10-2007, 06:29
The soldiers yelled at him in russian and took his weapons, One soldier came forth and punched him. Afterwards they tied his hands together and pushed him into the back of a truck with four guards watching him.
The truck then drove into the heart of the city where a prison was kept. They pulled him out of the truck and took him to a prisoner cell. The prison was guarded by a company of SCP guards who were equipped with AK-47s, RPK-74s and PKM machine guns.
In a nearby room an officer prepared to interrogate the prisoner.
"Hah! You want to know where the ALfegos base is? Guess."
In Kursk, the battle was turning to Alfegos's favour. The AA guns that hadn't been shelled or bombed were now inoperable, as a massive smokescreen descended on the city, reducing visibility thorughout. If the enmy did not have IF goggles, they would be unable to see anything. But the tanks crews did...
Any red shapes in buildings were quickly fired upon, until they stopped moving. Any bright blue objects were metal vehicles, which were also shot at.
The helicopters as well showed up as blue targets, which were soon locked on by numerous AA systems, including a SkySinger battery of 4 Missile-Laucnhers.
Each fired, and loosed a missile with a special warhead: once within the enmy formation, it shattered into hundreds of bomblets, that ripped enemy planes apart.
2 A - 10s
20 Men
2 Warhounds
The re-enforcements were in range now for use as artillery. The artillery regiments spilt off to set up and start bombardment, while the rest continued unerringly towards the enemy.
On the battlefield, any movement was shot at thorugh the haze. In the city, the continual rain of fire continued (unsurprisingly), and there was hardly any part of the outer city that was now standing upright.
The sniper weres till taking their toll, but slowly the vehicles were advancing to the edge of the city. They were about a milesa way now,a dn one push would land them in the ruins, amongst the snipers, who soon would be taken out.
7 IFVs
1 Warhound
112 men
09-10-2007, 10:34
The battle seemed grim as the Alfegos artillery cleared out every building killing most of the sniper teams although some still remained amongst the rubble with good cover and their M82 Barett at the ready. The SCP re-inforcements were now 2km away from the city which they will pass through. Along with the re-inforcements was a Artillery division that moved north of the city and deployed with a good range of Alfegos armour re-inforcements. Firing a suprise artillery barrage the Alfegos did not expect they managed a successful hit, salvos of AP & HE shells rained down on top of the Alfegos armour.
The battle raged on as the SCP fired hails of RPK-74 and PKM fire at Alfegos infantry while the Kornet teams hunted down the Alfegos armour.
1,640 Soldiers killed
560 Soldiers Wounded
306 T-90 Destroyed
94 T-90 Damaged
16 ZU-23 Out of action
4 D-30 Out of action
The battle was turning tides as the Alfegos took a large amount of land in the town but still the SCP fought savagely defending their homeland from foreigners. The 12th Airborne division deployed their 5th Tank hunter Battalion which consisted of well trained Kornet teams, satchel teams and a few 50 cal. sniper teams. The Alfegos armour was hunted down in groups as the squads worked together. Throughout the town there were many mines and traps set out by engineers to slow down the infantry and armour.
A large firefight broke out in the middle of the town as re-inforcements charged towards the Alfegos infantry positions gaining some ground but with many wounded or killed.
The A-10s were a problem as most of the SCP AA was knocked out, they now had to rely on good cover and jeeps firing PKM machine gun fire into the air which did proove effective but had a devastating toll of casualties.
2,560 Soldiers Killed
1,340 Soldiers Wounded
204 T-90 Destroyed
96 T-90 Damaged
20 ZU-23 Out of action
POW Camp
The officer did not tolerate smart remarks and he drew out his pistol pointing it to a soldier standing next to the Lance-Corporal and fired off one round into his head. The Alfegan soldier fell to the ground.
"I said dont screw around. Where is it!?" he yelled as he pointed the pistol at the soldier's head.
A guard came by and dragged the dead Alfegan away.
"See? Shoot the rest of us, and you will have no result. Torture me, and I will die. Plain and simple. We had training in interrogation, and will not be bowed by this. So go on. Make me tell you. There is nothing you can do."
Secretly, he was worried that there was something...
In Kursk, more of the AT enemy came in, firing off Kornet missiles at the armour. MOst missed in the dense fog, but the few hit, and some penetrated the Chobham armoured hulls.
The AA fire was annoying, as the A-10s were starting to look a bit tatty with so many bullet holes, and a few other had had to fly back for emergancy repairs. But still the circled, and still they launched vicious dives onto the enemy.
The infantry suddenly experienced heavy fire, and as a result were pinned down. But thorugh the fog, they could see in the infared the enemy, as clear as day, and were able to return fire with slow but deadly accuracy.
Overall, the armour was still advancing. Hopefully, the city would soon be theirs.
7 Warhound Tanks
1 LY4 tank
132 Men
In Drvar, a long-range spotter pointed out approaching artillery.
"Lets see what range they have"
The artillery in Alfegos lines changed direction, until explosions started landing over the enemy artillery.
The city came up to greet the fore-guard of the Alfegos advance. 2 Batallions of IFVs, with a battalion of armour, entered the destroyed streets and began to clear the rubble, while similtaneously gaining ground.
235 Men
12 IFVs
3 Warhounds
1 A-10
There were many wings stationed in the captured land that were unused: in total, 10 wings, totalling 250 squadrons of 750 Multirole FIghters, 900 Ground-Attack fighters and 850 Bombers.
Of these, 600 bombers were launched for a deadly attack strategem: all were to bomb any enemy groups or installations, with 200 attacking the south, 200 the centre and 200 the north.
This would hopefully turn the tide of the war by killing any resevres and airpower.
09-10-2007, 18:07
OOC: Sorry Antigr, did not see that post..
Central Drvarska
The battle between Antigr forces and SCP was now in full force. The armour was a problem though, a Major called into division HQ for support. Five battalions from the 6th Airborne Division was moved up to the line armed with more Kornet launchers and 50 cal M82 Barett rifles which could penetrate thick armour as well as satchel teams which set up deadly traps for the tanks. The paratroopers were well trained and always aimed for the weak parts of vehicles (eg. gas tanks, engines, crew spots).
Nearby more battalions of artillery were brought up and opened immediate fire onto Antigr armour including heavy AP rounds and HE.
The battle as the SCP general knew it would most likely be lost but he continued to fight and sent forth three reserve divisions to fight the Antigr. The 15th & 17th Mechanized divisions were brought up with the 50th Infantry reserve division to help aid the SCP in the north. A total of 20,000 Soldiers and 2,000 T-90 tanks were brought up to the lines.
156 Soldiers Killed
84 Soldiers Wounded
76 T-90 Destroyed
24 T-90 Damaged
7 D-30 out of action
OOC: Alfegos, did the SCP suprise artillery barrage do anything? The SCP wasted about 2,000 men and 400 tanks to get there.
The battle was looking bad as the Alfegos armour reached the city. Amongst the rubble of the city engineers worked hard beforehand to plant as many mines and traps as they could before retreating to defensive positions. This will hopefully slow down or stop the Alfegos armour.
Rostov's 16th Army was now in Drvar and deployed throughout the lines.
16th Army:
300th Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
301st Infantry Division (15,000 Soldiers)
*302nd Home Guard Division (20,000 Soldiers)
*303rd Home Guard Division (20,000 Soldiers)
**71st Jäger Division (15,000 Soldiers)
**82nd Jäger Division (15,000 Soldiers)
1st Marine Division (15,000 Soldiers)
2nd Marine Division (15,000 Soldiers)
1st Heavy Armoured Division (5,000 Leopard II tanks)
2nd Heavy Armoured Division (5,000 Leopard II tanks)
3rd Heavy Armoured Division (5,000 Leopard II tanks)
5th Artillery Division (500 D-30, 5,000 Soldiers)
6th Anti Aircraft Division (700 ZU-23, 5,000 Soldiers)
140,000 Soldiers
15,000 Leopard II tanks
500 D-30
700 ZU-23
* Equal to the german Volksgrenadier who are civillians given very basic training and poor weaponry.
** A "Trooper" is a well trained infantryman who has been specialised in all terrain of combat. In this case Urban fighting.
The battle looked grim and the SCP were taking a large amount of casualties, the Alfegos now had control over half the town. General Zeitzev ordered one last counter attack to push back the Alfegos soldiers. Some 7,000 soldiers rose out of their trenches and charged forward along with 500 T-90s and an assortment of armoured vehicles such as BMP-2s and jeeps with PKMs. The lead soldier charged forward with the SCP flag in his hand and the through the clearing up smoke the sight of the charging and yelling soldiers would make Alfegan soldiers nervous. This was the SCP's last hope...
1,578 Soldiers Killed
322 Soldiers Wounded
76 T-90 Destroyed
24 T-90 Damaged
POW Camp
"Enough! Would you rather see your comrades die!? That man who died couldve lived if you had to say one little piece of information." the officer yelled into the Lance-Corporal's face.
The officer Captain Voroshilov is on the most wanted list in Drvarska for commiting war crimes. The Alfegans were unlucky to have him...
ooc: sorry, but your artillery just had an even greater effect... and did you see my post about the airstrikes about to start?
There was a roar as thousands of men charged across the front towards the Alfegan line. As soon as men got out of cover, they were hit with a hail of gun fire. But still they came. They let rip with heavy machine guns, flamethrowers and grenades. Still they came.
The tanks were not too much of a problem: the remaining 5 A-10s let rip, before flying for a quick reload and overhaul.
The tanks continued to roll, and fired off shots at the enemy vehicles that stood out starkly against the backround. They however were hit badly in return, with a sudden surge of firepower.
624 men
14 Warhounds
2 LY4s
1 Supply Truck
"I'm sorry, but he knows that many more would have died than him. All Alfegans are bred like that. That is why we wre crippled so badly by our civil wars.
So go on, shoot the other 3. They are willing to give their lives to die."
In Drvar, the armour continued to roll into the city, now in combat with more soldiers. Bu this time, they were able to set up quasi-defences, against whcih the enemy broke like water.
But then, hell borke loose. The artllery barrage came out of nowhere, and hit the artillery lines. Missile pods exploded as the barrage set them off, and it was lucky that only part of the line was hit.
But with many MLRS and mortor units out of action, artillery was going to be a precious resource from now on.
84 LY300s destroyed
13 LY300s damaged
31 Mortars destroyed
3 Supply trucks destroyed
OOC: Sorry Antigr, did not see that post..
Central Drvarska
The battle between Antigr forces and SCP was now in full force. The armour was a problem though, a Major called into division HQ for support. Five battalions from the 6th Airborne Division was moved up to the line armed with more Kornet launchers and 50 cal M82 Barett rifles which could penetrate thick armour as well as satchel teams which set up deadly traps for the tanks. The paratroopers were well trained and always aimed for the weak parts of vehicles (eg. gas tanks, engines, crew spots).
Nearby more battalions of artillery were brought up and opened immediate fire onto Antigr armour including heavy AP rounds and HE.
The battle as the SCP general knew it would most likely be lost but he continued to fight and sent forth three reserve divisions to fight the Antigr. The 15th & 17th Mechanized divisions were brought up with the 50th Infantry reserve division to help aid the SCP in the north. A total of 20,000 Soldiers and 2,000 T-90 tanks were brought up to the lines.
156 Soldiers Killed
84 Soldiers Wounded
76 T-90 Destroyed
24 T-90 Damaged
7 D-30 out of action
This is including the VX gas attacks? Every other 415mm shell to land would be a gas shell.
VX gas is a substance that can kill through skin contact as well as inhalation.
The Antigran Ranks would not be affected as everyone is inside an NBC-protected vehicle.
Also, that would be 'Antigran' forces.
09-10-2007, 20:03
The soldiers yelled at him in russian and took his weapons, One soldier came forth and punched him. Afterwards they tied his hands together and pushed him into the back of a truck with four guards watching him.
The truck then drove into the heart of the city where a prison was kept. They pulled him out of the truck and took him to a prisoner cell. The prison was guarded by a company of SCP guards who were equipped with AK-47s, RPK-74s and PKM machine guns.
In a nearby room an officer prepared to interrogate the prisoner.
John never spoke while they went to the prison. He did not think about escaping. No, he would have time for that later. Rather, he wondered if the interrigator was a good as the NIA one was...
10-10-2007, 15:29
OOC: Antigr, I will now add deaths to this post if it is better for you. I had little time to make that post and I had to read quickly through your post.
Central Drvarska
The gas attacks were a problem as soldiers who did not have any NBC suits but there was always shelter inside BMPs and armoured trucks. The soldiers unfortuante enough to make it to any shelter suffered from the gas and due to the shortage of medics they had to be shot if still alive...
The artillery barrages resumed with 24 D-30s now targeting infantry carrier vehicles firing heavy HE shells onto light armoured APCs was a devastating effect.
The re-inforcements were now in the front lines and began to fight the Antigran forces. Battalions of the 50th Infantry reserve division brought up more Kornet teams along with M82 Barret 50 cal. sniper teams.
2,560 Soldiers killed
1,440 Soldiers wounded
54 T-90 Tanks destroyed
16 T-90 Tanks damaged
The Alfegos armour began to push ahead still but has been slowed down by Rostov's army. The Leopard II A6 tanks prooved to be a strong effect as they have 3rd generation armour and equipped with the 120mm L55 cannon.
The SCP engineers still continued to plant mines and Anti-tank traps in the path of the Alfegos armour as well as the sniper and Kornet teams providing cover.
1,548 Soldiers killed
452 Soldiers wounded
150 T-90 Destroyed
24 T-90 Damaged
3 Leopard II damaged
The counterattack still raged on but with heavy losses which the SCP could not replace. After a pause in the battle a SCP walked forward holding a white flag and accompanied by two soldiers. They approached the Alfegos soldiers.
"We wish to talk with your commanding officer." the officer said.
4,578 Soldiers Killed
1,422 Soldiers Wounded
457 T-90 Destroyed
143 T-90 Damaged
POW Camp
"Very well if thats the way you like it." the officer told the Alfegan.
He ordered some guards to take three prisoners to the cells. Each will have their own.
The one wounded Alfegan on the stretcher did not seem to be able to walk and the officer walked over to him. The Alfegan looked young and scared.
"Would you like to live? We have doctors who can look after you.." he said as he knelt down beside him.
Central Drvar
The agent was brought into the interrogation room and sat down at a desk. The officer walked over and sat opposite him.
"Looks like you caused some trouble tonight..." the officer said.
"Tell me, why are you here?" he continued.
The shells continued to rain down.
Lieutenant-Colonel Maddox was in a MT-85A Marauder Main Battle Tank, firing the co-axial .30 cal.
A 'Ping, ping, ping' sound came from the onboard computer, telling him to let the gun cool down. He had watched training videos of guns exploding in people's faces, so he let the cannon rest. Looking through a Class D3 Periscope, he saw that countless vehicles were been immobilised.
Most Antigran vehicles were fitted with highly advanced interior survivability systems, but turret crews of medium-armoured vehicles such as MICVs were being killed. And some older APCs, of which about one in fifteen were, were being destroyed outright.
He leaned back and put on a headset for the radio, before looking though the periscope again.
"Command, command! Come in, command. This is Colonel Maddox"
"We've come in"
"We're having a hard time with this artillery shit. Not many, no more than 30, says the spotter, but we could really do with some help. Suggest we target the source of the shelling"
"Obviously. We've already got about 50 helicopters, all armed with AGMs, rounded up. We're organising counter-battery fire, we got a hundred an' three 155 millemeters, about to fire...now"
"I can hear them"
"Good. Now, we have word of reinforcements, bearing .50 cals and Kornets.
Anything should be able to defeat the bullets, and the Kornets should be taken care of with countermeasures.
What? Oh, good.
Colonel, we just got word. We've got some long-range bombers coming in from the carriers off beachhead. And, some cruise missiles. Also, we've got something slightly smaller. The final Division of armoured has arrived, the 40th, mainly artillery regiments. Expect a heck of a lot of 8-inches and SLRS missiles to join you in several hours"
"SLRS missiles. Oh, them! One can destroy a whole hectare, can't it?"
"Yes, them. We're gonna crush those losers into the dirt. And, if I had my way, shoot the survivors"
"Hey, I don't like the geneva convention any more than you do" The colonel joked.
(OOC: What kind of ranges are we firing at? And what's the terrain like?)
343 Killed
297 Wounded
29 APCs destroyed
109 APCs and MICVs immobilised/damaged
9 Tanks destroyed
15 Tanks immobilised/damaged
1 AirRanger mounted SAM system immobilised
10-10-2007, 17:26
OOC: It is open fields in the central Drvarskan mainland.
Central Drvarska
The battle seemed lost for the SCP but they continue to fight savagly to defend their homeland and slow down the Antigran forces as much as possible.
The artillery rained down onto the D-30s whos crews scattered to take shelter but many of whom died while running. As the artillery strike ceased they ran back to find any working D-30 still standing, luckily only half of the D-30s were destroyed. The crews ran back and started to fire more salvos of shells containing heavy HE onto Antigran forces.
Lieutenant Dopolov sat in his trench along with his squad of 18 men, he knew the battle was lost but as he was given orders to fight.
"Okay men we got two APCs on our right and five on the left. Rosovsky! I want you to take two men and satchel the first on the left. Kiravich! I want you to take the PKM and one loader to provide cover for Rosovsky. Get in there and blow the crap out of that APC and find cover! Orlov! set the Kornet up with Sokovich on our right flank and try to nail some of those APCs. The rest of you stay here and keep firing at the advancing infantry ahead of us. Use the grenades once they reach within 15 metres of us." he ordered.
The team split up for their given objectives, hopefully they will succeed.
The colonel in charge of this group walked from a command vehicle, dressed in urban camoflauge.
"I am the officer in charge. I see you are here to talk the terms of a surrender."
"Yes, I don't want to die..."
He was shaking, the infection from the wound caused by a massive piece of shrapnel taking hold o fhim.
"They have heavy tanks! I repeat, we need some fire on them NOW!!!"
The call did not cmoe in vain. Any remaining artillery began to shower down on the tanks arriving, while the IFVs let loose KEM into the flanks of the vehicles around the area"
821 Men
67 IFVs
12 Warhounds
2 LY4s
1 SkySinger
10-10-2007, 18:08
The Leopard IIs prooved to be effective as they destroyed many Alfegan armour as well as gunning down troops. Although there was a toll on infantry who took the opputunity to dash forward in an attack to meet prepared Alfegan troops hiding amongst the rubble.
The remaining Alfegan artillery started to rain down on SCP armour but luckily with the cover of some buildings they managed minimal casualties but the road blocks were a problem..
The KEM missiles did damage the Leopard II but not to those that deployed explosive countermeasures.
1,456 Soldiers killed
544 Soldiers wounded
56 T-90 Destroyed
44 T-90 Damaged
8 Leopard II destroyed
20 Leopard II damaged
"Indeed Colonel, I am Colonel Gorbachiska. We wish to accept terms of surrender if our wounded is given aid and that our men recieve proper care. Most of our men realise that the Communists are wrong but we want to defend our homeland." the officer explained.
POW Camp
"Very well." the officer said.
He signalled over a doctor who started to mend his wound and gave him a small dose of morphine.
"You know I want to have something in return. All I ask is where is your division HQ located?" the officer continued.
"My division HQ is in Alfegos"
The Leopold tanks needed to be removed quickly.
The LY4 tanks still operational continued to pelt the armour with shells, slowly wearing them down.
They had at now arrived at the thrid block, and had set up prefabbed tank traps, to stop any of the enemy from quickly retaking land.
The infantry were embedded in the ruins and let forth on teh tanks with their AT weapon of choice: the AAT-07 Anti-tank missile launcher, with IF scope and Fire-Forget missiles. They let rip specially designed Tandem HEAT warheads, that could go through ERA with ease, without completely being destroyed.
"We will help you remove wounded and will hold all of you as prisoners of war. We understand your views, and hope to explain we are not permanently taking land, only clearing communists from the land."
The men had been signalled, and already they were loading surrendered men into APCs, for transport back to the ALfegos base.
10-10-2007, 22:26
Central Drvar
The agent was brought into the interrogation room and sat down at a desk. The officer walked over and sat opposite him.
"Looks like you caused some trouble tonight..." the officer said.
"Tell me, why are you here?" he continued.
John scoffed. "That wasn't trouble. When I get busted out of here by 500 marines, thats trouble."
He than shrugged and said nonchalantly. "I was sent here to place a dirty nuke in Dvar. Any questions?"
OOC: Yes, that is sarcasm.
11-10-2007, 06:39
OOC: No casualties in Drvar?
The Leopard IIs took many hits from the LY4s but many still remained pushing forward. With a tank exploding from a trap the Alfegans set they needed to call in support to clear the way. The engineers had to clear the path while the Leopard IIs provided cover along with the help of PKM machine gun fire and 50 cal. sniper teams taking up positions amongst the rubble.
457 Soldiers killed
43 Soldiers wounded
84 T-90 destroyed
16 T-90 damaged
12 Leopard II destroyed
6 Leopard II damaged (Under repair)
"It is settled then Colonel." Colonel Gorbachiska said and he saluted the Alfegan colonel.
He signalled his soldiers to come out and surrender. His two guards dropped their AK-47s as well as all the other soldiers. The town was now littered with weapons as SCP troops emereged with their hands in the air.
After Action Report:
25,670 Soldiers Surrendered
5,230 Soldiers Wounded
POW Camp
"OK we have a start. Tell me, where in Drvarska would your command set up a base?" the officer continued.
The doctor was about done dressing the wound.
Central Drvarska
The officer stood up and punched the agent in the face.
"You screw around with me, there will be trouble. Who sent you?" he said.
The engineers that came to defuse the tank were soon picked off by assault rifle fire, or grenades from one of the squad's greande launcher, firing rounds off over the buildings and blowing random holes in the enemy.
The tanks were the greatest problem. What woudl they do?
Tehn, 20 more A-10s came over, all this time armed exculsivly with AT weapons. They dived down nearly vertically on the tanks, letting off missiles and cannon fire.
523 Men
1 LY4
2 Warhounds
"Could you please get your men to gather here to be put into trucks and APCs? We are taking them to a temporary prison camp near the forward command. You will all be treated well."
Alfegos Command
Many buildings and defences were built around the massive city of buildings for the Alfegosian army. As well as a concrete and plastic wall, there were traps, mines, razor wire and underground shelters.
Outside this, many other buildings had popped up. These were the prison camp buildings: one hut for every 12 men. They would be fed with only spartan rations, until the war ended, but would not be abused. The most they would do would be helping to build or extend defences.
"It is were we landed probably: in the south west"
11-10-2007, 08:12
The LY4 tanks still operational continued to pelt the armour with shells, slowly wearing them down.
[ You know, I don't usually comment like this (or I try not to), but armoured warfare does not run on hit points, as I think you're suggesting. Your sabot either hits and penetrates or it doesn't; wearing down armour does not happen. ]
11-10-2007, 08:12
The A-10s ripped quite a few Leopard II tanks in the streets of Drvar but nearby two companies of the 6th AA Regiment let loose deadly hails of ZU-23 fire onto the A-10s which prooved helpful.
The engineers took many casualties but still they moved forward disarming AT mines and traps. Once cleared a small pocket the Leopard II tanks advanced along with infantry.
1,524 Soldiers Killed
476 Soldiers Wounded
140 T-90 Destroyed
60 T-90 Damaged
26 Leopard II Destroyed
14 Leopard II Damaged
"Very well." the Colonel responded and he ordered the troops to go to the designated areas and mount into trucks. The SCP soldiers were relieved after a long period of fighting, they took the opputunity to sleep on the trucks while they are taken to the Alfegan POW camp.
POW Camp
"Good, can you show me on this map? Then you can be taken to a cell to rest." the officer asked and he displayed a map in front of the soldier.
The doctor finished dressing the wound and set up a plasma bottle as the Alfegan lost alot of blood.
"Machine gun on the right!" A sergeant yelled. Corporal Yoshevey, manning the APC's machine-gun turret, swung his turret round and pelted .30 cal lead in the enemy machine-gunner's direction at 1200rpm as they squeezed off a first burst. Luckily, all the soldiers had not yet dismounted and were safe inside.
Yoshevey stopped firing at the fairly dead-looking MG crew, glancing round and spotting the MICV twenty metres away.
He saw some men with satchels, near the front-left corner. he swung the turret round and opened up with the .50 and .30. The other vehicle's artillery corps infantry load had dismounted to do some spotting for the guns, and they quickly reacted with their SMGs.
One survived and tried to attach the satchel charge on another side, but the officer went round and put seven .45 Mikhara rounds in the man's body, the Jacketed Hollow Point bullets leaving hideous wounds. They went on to seek out the rest of that platoon with the MICV and it's 30mm cannon.
Meanwhile, other commanders, about 700m away, had become victims of an attack by 17 D-30 guns.
One artillery commander was hanging back about a mile away and watching the developments through a sniper-rifle 'scope.
He decided to sort it out, and gave orders. He used GPS and a nearby scout helicopter to pinpoint the exact co-ordinates of the artillery, and let loose with five SLRS missiles and two 8-inch guns, all loaded with napalm, although one SLRS would have been enough to completely flatten a hectare. Those gunners were in for it now. If the missile's pure impact force didn't get them, which they would, the napalm would. Bad time to be on an exposed towed gun.
149 Dead
180 Wounded
3 APCs destroyed
2 MICVs destroyed
6 APCs disabled
1 MICV disabled
1 MICV damaged
The A - 10s were hit by the AA fire, and 2 went down, crashing and mowing down any vehicles that they hit. The rest continued dives on the Drvar tanks, continuing their runs to try and stem the advance.
The engineers had started advancing against the alfegosians. They had a quick solution to the engineers and vehicles: as soon as they passed teh second street, the many tanks that had been quiet there let loose along with bursts from the infantry, mowing the engineers down and destroying the tanks moving through.
The tanks concealed in this street began to move out, stemming the flow of enemies and holding back the flow of troops wherever possible.
The artillery was nearly back online. The missile pods had been changed to utilise CROSSBOW missiles. As the frontline squads pointed their powerful laser-designators strapped under-barrel, the missile launched. They arched upwards, before hitting the tops of the enemy tanks, lit up like christmas trees by the infared designators.
4 LY4s
1 Warhound
121 men
The map was shown to the injured Alfegan. He pointed his finger at the southwest area. "We landed there,s o there would be a base there."
In Kursk, now that the enemy had been removed, they quickly searched the city to amke sure there was noone else there, before securing and advancing. 5 batalllions were left in the city, while 5 advanced into the countryside around. looking for the supposed POW camp in the area.
OOC - What happened to the multiple airstrikes deep inland???
11-10-2007, 17:17
Central Drvarska
The Antigr forces advanced rapidly but their soldiers still remained in APCs. The SCP retreated back to a second line of defensive positions. Now in terrain of muddy fields. This would probably slow down and bog the APCs as the thick mud trapped many vehicles before, even a few SCP T-90s were abondoned.
The satchel team did not make it to the APC and both soldiers were killed. A Liutenant and two of his soldiers sprinted to the dead SCP soldier and picked up the satchel charge. Arming it he threw it as hard as he could towards the APC while its turret was firing in a different direction. The satchel landed right next to it and exploded. The Lieutenant and his men started to run back to their trench with the cover of RPK-74 fire.
The SCP artillery became under attack again with heavy losses this time but still a few D-30s that were spread out remained and the crews regrouped firing the last of their stockpile at the enemy with APHE shells this time. The scout helicopter was spotted near the artillery, immediatly two ZU-23 opened fire onto the helicopter ripping AP rounds into it along with soldiers firing PKMs and AK-47s at it.
240 Soldiers killed
160 Soldiers wounded
54 T-90 destroyed
46 T-90 damaged
10 D-30 out of action
The Engineers took heavy fire and resulted with many casualties but it was not all for nothing as they disarmed many mines and cleared a path for the Leopard IIs to advance.
The A-10s continued to target the Leopard IIs with strong effect but still the AA batteries opened fire as the A-10s dived downwards making an easy target for ZU-23s.
A battalion of 1,000 SCP soldiers rose out of the rubble and charged forwards with the Leopard IIs retaking two blocks but took heavy casualties. Otherwise the cover behind the Leopard IIs protected many soldiers from machine gun fire.
958 Soldiers killed
342 Soldiers wounded
42 T-90 destroyed
18 T-90 damaged
12 Leopard II destroyed
8 Leopard II damaged
POW Camp
"Good, you will now be taken to a cell where you can rest. Thank you for your co-operation." the officer said writing down the co-ordinates of the area the soldier indicated. He radioed in the report to the air force command.
A guard came rushing in to the officer who was sitting in his office.
"Sir! The SCP troops have surrendered in Kursk! What should we do?" the soldier panted.
"We shall make a stand here! Gather the men and get out the weapons! Keep five guards patrolling the prisoner cells." he replied.
"Ye...Yes sir!" the soldier responded feeling shocked.
The POW camp was under the control of SCP guards who were most loyal soldiers of the SCP. Only a company held the POW camp, 200 well trained soldiers equipped with AK-74s, RPK-74s, PKMs, RPG-7s and a squad of 12 armed with M82 Barret snipers and SVDs. The soldiers took up positions throughout the prison.
The POW camp contained both the four Alfegan soldiers and 500 Drvarskan soldiers.
OOC: Can you give me more information about these strikes? I cannot find where you posted about them. Where is their target?
(The airstrikes were all aimed to sweep the country far back to find any targets of military value - in total, 600 bombers)
The men continued loosing ground. The artilelry was starting to hit home, but the enemy was relentless. What could they do?
The men at the front line fell back, replaced with men operating napalm flamethrowers. These set fire to the ground, slowing down the advance, and then setting the tanks on fire.
The y fell back, replaced now by fresh infantry, who continued the fighting.
The Drvarska POW camp
"Sir, we have received UAV footage of a camp. There are about 500 men guarding it."
"We will have to attack them. We will have to be careful as they have our prisoners. Send in a paratrooper platoon to take them on."
A cargo plane hummed inbound, carrying onboard 20 men. Behind, two other planes were doing the same.
As they passed over the camp, the men lept out, deploying paragliding equipment as they sped up, and gliding downwards towards the centre of the compound.
11-10-2007, 23:46
Central Drvarska
The officer stood up and punched the agent in the face.
"You screw around with me, there will be trouble. Who sent you?" he said.
John's head went down from the punch. He slowly lifted it, looking at the officer and spat the blood out onto the man's shoe. "You wanna piece of me boy? Too bad, I've met drunks that throw better punches than you."
12-10-2007, 12:31
OOC: Antigr, I am sorry to say but this has gone too far. I understand your will to win by just walking through but a mass missile strike is just out of hand. I know earlier I should have posted rules and limits but sorry this is unfair to SCP forces, they have no allies whatsoever and limited resources whereas the Antigran forces have alot of support from DNA as well as Alfegos fighting in Drvar and Kursk.
I cannot post unless you change this because the SCP are not militia who run around in the open hoping to get their head blown off. As well as that I do not appreciate such remarks you keep making about how a missile can FLATTEN a hectre, instead you should describe how this missile fits the time period of 1990s and proof that it does exist or have the ability to exist. I also understand that you have not even mentioned earlier or at any time you had the ability to launch such a strike, I cannot see how a couple hundred launch vehicles popped out of nowhere and fired missiles so instead you should really post all the available forces you have and what equipment they carry. I cannot let you decide what happens to the SCP forces because it does not make sense to say "600 Missiles destroyed your troops and I win. Antigr wins!". Also one last thing I might add is blowing the mud up!? How does this make sense when a missile could create a large crater filled with mud...
Once again I am sorry but this had to be said.
The fire was not much of a problem as the soldiers mounted on top of the Leopard IIs and drove forward. The Leopard II tank is fire resistant although sometimes it can damage the tracks, in this case many were slowed down but still they fought heavily firing HE shells at troops and machine gunning the flame throwers.
(OOC: Casualties?)
POW Camp
The guards spotted the planes overhead and immediatly opened fire onto the planes and the soldiers who came jumping out of it. Many PKM and RPK-74 machine guns opened up firing heavily.
The officer walked over to his weapon locker and picked up his AK-74, he armed it and took a couple of mags with him.
Drvar Prison
The officer was not pleased and he punched the agent yet again harder this time. He scraped the blood of his shoe and ordered his guards to take him back to the cell.
"We shall see how tough you are. Enjoy a nice cold sleep." he said.
The fire obviously had not slowed them down. A call was made on the radio as the troops held their position, firing off continous volleys from their guns, to call for some special fire teams.
Out to the front line came the flamethrower teams. this time, they had a more dangerous weapons.
As the fire aroudn them intensified, they began to spray from their back-pack mounted devices pressurised Nitric acid, that began to burn everything it touched, except the platinum-coated barrels.
213 Men
5 IFVs
6 Special Weapons Teams
POW camp
The AA fire did not catch the retreating planes, but did hit some of the falling troopers.
8 men were killed, hanging limp as they slowly descended. Another had his parachute shredded, and fell screaming into the compund, making a loud crunch as he dented the vehicle roof he hit.
The others landed, and soon took cover, letting off heavy rounds with their assuault rifles. They regrouped and mercilessly began to mow down the enemy.
9 men
12-10-2007, 17:01
The new Alfegan weapon did in fact damage the Leopard II but they still continued to fight. The SCP sharpshooters now took up positions targeting the Alfegan special weapon teams, this prooved to be effective but still lost many Leopard IIs in the process. The armour of the Leopard II included 3rd Generation composite; including high-hardness steel, tungsten and plastic filler with ceramic component (source: Wikipedia).
The SCP infantry continued to advance onto the Alfegan positions storming through the streets in BMP-2s. The BMP-2 had a good AP & HE automatic 20mm gun attached to the turret which provided good cover for any advancing infantry running along side the vehicle.
512 Soldiers Killed
188 Soldiers Wounded
32 Leopard II destroyed
18 Leopard II damaged (under rapairs)
POW camp
The paratroopers landed inside the compound. The SCP fired mass waves of gun fire at the paras while the sniper team started pick them off one at a time.
The DNA prisoners in the barracks ran out yelling like mad rushing towards the gates and overpowering some of the guards. Now taking their weapons and some of the dead para's guns they fought along side the paras.
27 Soldiers Killed
13 Soldiers Wounded
12 Prisoners Killed
8 Wounded
OOC: Sorry, got over-excited. Post deleted. However, I deleted that because of my technical errors. You can't not accept that post just because the SCP has no allies. That's like the Anglo-American allies giving up after the D-Day landings because Germany's ally, Italy, had surrendered, and they felt sorry for the Germans. Also, 680 SLRS missiles would require only 34 launch vehicles. The system is modelled on the American MLRS system, which has similar capabilities.
"Oh, the clever buggers" General Sandrez said. "Mud. We can't wait 'til it's dry. And artillery will not work well due to the soft terrain. I'll get them for this..."
Another General, Martox, was also in the command vehicle, and was a combat-proven General, like Sandrez. He was in charge of both Marine divisions. He had an idea.
"We could gas them. VX gas, that stuff that can kill you on contact with skin"
"Yes, we'll do that. But we need something else. It seems our only option is to advance as far as we safely can - I mean, to the point where we can still pull out quickly - and do what we can from there"
"What about the enemy artillery, Sir?"
"Ah, missile them. One SLRS to an individual gun will do it. We can get their positions from our sattelites. We've got at least three, haven't we?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'll see that the SLRS batteries are given orders..."
Martox had a bright idea.
"We have air support from beachead, right? We found that disused field and made it into a mini-airstrip, didn't we? So, the fighters can operate in our sector, and...we can shoot them to death from a mile away. Also, we can scramble our attack helicopters. Their missiles, fired from up to three miles away, would be more accurate than artillery fired from ten miles away, thus hittting the target not the mud, and having good effect. So simple, why didn't I think..."
"I get the point. See that it's done"
(OOC: That better? No casualties list, sorry, because I have about five minutes for this post. VX gas does kill on contact with skin. I still get my mass killing, and it's feasible. Ground-Attack Fighters number about 300)
12-10-2007, 17:44
OOC: Ok thats good, thank you Antigr. Not to worry you will kill many SCP ;). Although many still have the ability to get cover within armoured vehicles from the gas, Not all though. You can add the casualties to your next list, its good. Also you have done a previous gas attack and have explained, do not worry I understand the effects of gas so you dont need to explain repeatedly.
Central Drvarska
The Antigran forces seemed to stop near the mud, the SCP now opened fire with Anti-tank missiles and large amounts of gun fire.
The VX gas attacks resumed to fire again onto the SCP positions, this time the SCP soldiers were ready and they moved into any armoured protected vehicle they could find as well as their standard issue gas masks. Although some struggled from finding cover or getting their gas mask on in time became victims from the deadly attack.
The 300 fighters were spotted on radar and immediatly reported in to the troops on the front. The SCP were low stocked on NBC suits numbering around 2,000 they used them while the gas was still around. Every soldier fitted in one was given a partner who was armed with a 9K38 Igla or a 9K34 Strela-3 AA launcher with a couple long range guided AA missiles. The soldiers teams took up defensive positions along the Antigran front and waited till the aircraft came in range.
The artillery took a massive strike from the missiles and was knocked out, only a few scattered crews made it out alive. (OOC: Happy? ;) )
2,756 Soldiers Killed
1,244 Soldiers Wounded
81 T-90 Destroyed
19 T-90 Damaged
The APCs came in, and were at once made targets for the recticules of the AAT-07 batteries. Once seen, the missiles were fired from the units, each guided by the inbuilt laser-designator onto the vehicles, that were blown to pieces by the Tandem HEAT warheads.
The snipers were a problem now. One hit the acid tank of a team, spraying a clear stream of acid 50 metres into the air, burning 5 men nearby and splashing like rain over the enemy lines, hissing as it ate into the concrete and the ceramic armour plating.
7 Special Teams
91 Men
1 Warhound
POW camp
The paratroopers came under a hail of fire, and a few were killed by the bullets flying around.
In reply to their volley came the paratrooper volley of special munitions: from each gun underbarrel came a greande. They rolled over to the enemies before exploding and covering them wiht stickyfoam that rapidly began to set like concrete.
Along with that came a few stun grenades and more of the heavy 6.22 mm AFR rounds.
6 men
OOC: YAAAAAY! Thank you. Don't mean to annoy you, but gas masks would make no difference if a tiny millimetre of their skin was uncovered. I.e. A gas mask wouldn't help if you were wearing a regular helmet because the gas would go in through the gaps and touch skin. Dead ducky.
Several Tanks were disabled by AT missiles but their NERA armour ensured it did not penetrate. Depleted Uranium and Chobham armour were on hand if it did. Anyway, most tanks had switched on their laser dazzlers within ten seconds, as this would no doubt fool the missiles.
Missiles continued to wear down enemy defences, as almost all struck targets rather than mud. The artillery-ing had stopped, and this took considerable strain off all vehicle commanders.
Up in the air, however, the planes were feeling the effect of the AA missiles. Not much was known to the pilots about these missiles, so they deployed chaff, while specialist countermeasure planes fired HARM missiles in case the threat would be effected by this. It may not be, but never take chances, was what the pilots said.
104 Dead
203 Injured
5 APCs destroyed
2 APCs disabled
1 MICV disabled
7 Tanks Disabled
1 Tank Damaged
13-10-2007, 00:34
Drvar Prison
The officer was not pleased and he punched the agent yet again harder this time. He scraped the blood of his shoe and ordered his guards to take him back to the cell.
"We shall see how tough you are. Enjoy a nice cold sleep." he said.
"Wouldn't want anything else kid!" Yelled John as he was dragged out the door. None of the guards spoke as they dragged him to his cell. Than, when the cell door was opened, John looked at the guards and said. "Sorry guys, you'll understand if I don't give you a tip." One of the guards pushed him into the cell, slamming the door behind him. Locke looked around his cell. Only a small cushion that barely counted as a bed. "Ah well." Sighed John, settling in for a nights sleep.
OOC: Is the prison near the POW camp? Just wondering.
13-10-2007, 05:42
OOC: Alfegos, I understand the use of this nitric acid weapon but I do beleive it does not have the ability to burn holes in tanks. I played along as I found it interesting but I do think this is needed to be said. Nitric acid can be as concentrated as much as you want but with a Leopard II tank it is made up of layers of protective material, one of those layers is plastic which is resistant to Nitric acid. As well as the metal since it is high hardness steel, this can be effected but takes a long period of time to do any serious damage if you know what I mean. Also how would a soldier contain the nitric acid in a tank strapped to his back if its so concentrated would it burn a whole through it if it had the ability to burn a hole in a tank? I will keep going along with this but just as a reminder in future.
The special weapon teams of the Alfegans were still being picked off by sharpshooters. The nitric acid did seem to splatter all over the Leopard IIs but this was taken care of when soldiers manned public fire hydrants and sprayed off the acid on the tanks. Although many infantry did get wounded as the acid did come in touch with their skin but most soldiers had thick layers of clothing.
The armour pushed forward yet again with the infantry regaining another block but the Alfegans fought hard and the SCP lost alot of infantry along the way.
The Leopard IIs did take some casualties from the AAT-07 batteries but now they were being targeted by soldiers with long range AT weapons which exploded heavily bringing fire high into the air.
786 Soldiers killed
114 Soldiers wounded
32 T-90 destroyed
18 T-90 damaged
21 Leopard II destroyed
19 Leopard II damaged (under rapair)
POW Camp
The paratroopers in the main compound fought heavily but so did the SCP guards who were well trained in combat. With the sharpshooters in place it was easy for them to take out each paratrooper one by one who were hiding behind cover, the 50. cal M82 Barett did proove deadly as it can rip body parts off at close range.
The DNA prisoners still continued to assist the Alfegan paratroopers trying to gather all the weapons they could find.
16 Soldiers killed
14 Soldiers wounded
14 Prisoners killed
6 Prisoners wounded
OOC: Many soldiers did die because of the gas Antigr, the ones armed with AAs are in NBC suits. Also where did I mention AT missiles?
Central Drvarska
The SCP soldiers emerged after the gas settled and dissolved away, soldiers came running out of APCs with their weapons loaded and with more energy after they had a rest.
The soldiers returned to their trenches and defensive positions, more Kornet teams were brought up with the re-inforcements to destroy the armour and APCs. All they needed to do was make the Antigran infantry disembark their APCs and meet the deadly hail of PKM and small arms fire.
Another new weapon was brought up along with the kornet teams was the new modified 9K121 Vikhr ATGM which could be fired with a Kornet launcher. It prooved deadly as it ripped through the APCs.
The AA launcher teams still continued to fight the aircraft that attacked them, luckily with the help of some cover they suffered minimal losses. They kept firing Igla and Strela-3 AA missiles this time manual guided by a remote control system so the chaff counter measures did not stir the missile off course.
Central Drvar
(OOC: This prison is not near the POW camp, the POW camp is somewhere East of Kursk.)
The agent was pushed back into his cell. It was a very cold night and there was no blankets.
Outside a large force prepared for a massive firefight to bust out the prisoners including the agent. It was a matter of time till it started.
The acid spraying teams were being picked off rapidly, so they retreated back to safety, their gaps filled by men armed with assaullt rifles. They knew they might soon loose.
"Calling in air support NOW!!!"
30 A -10s roared down the runway at the Alfegos base, took off, and banked sharply towards the battlezone. They were going to try and take out the enemy vehicles once and for all.
7 Weapons Teams
91 Men
1 Warhound
2 AAT-07s
The same decision had been taken at the POW camp.
"Bring us some support quickly!"
From outside the camp, it could just be seen in the distance a batallion of armoured vehicles. They would take 5 minutes to arrive, but when they did, all hell would break loose.
Already, some of the longest ranged vehicles were taking pot shots at the camp, with one impacting directly in the centre of the parade ground.
The paratroopers had now mostly moved into buildings,t o escape sniper fire.
12 Men
Central Drvarska
The Antigran forces seemed to stop near the mud, the SCP now opened fire with Anti-tank missiles and large amounts of gun fire.
That is where you mentioned it. Anyway, wouldn't the laser dazzlers on the vehicles fool the missiles?
14-10-2007, 08:54
(OOC: 900 men died with 100 tanks disabled for 101 kills? These are not untrained militia.)
The incoming contacts were approaching on the radar. An SCP officer called out to his CO.
"Sir! We have 30 incoming contacts on radar." he said.
"Alright, send forth the interceptors." the CO replied.
"Right away sir!"
At a SCP airbase what was left of the air force prepared for combat. The III Intereceptor fleet was one fleet among few that did not suffer many casualties from Alfegan bombings.
Along the runway 40 SU-37 Flanker F armed with Novator KS-172 AAM-L air-air missiles and armed with the deadly 30mm GSh-30 cannon with AP rounds took off and headed towards Drvar to interecept the 30 A-10s, heading at a speed of 2000 km/h. These pilots were trained well in air-air combat and bomb runs.
On the ground in Drvar the 14,500 Leopard II tanks were spread out along the lines in the city. The AA regiments were notified of the incoming A-10s, the ZU-23 crews immediatly dismounted their ZU-23s and mounted them onto jeeps and trucks which were then taken to the Leopard II positions. Along with the ZU-23s, 1 battalion of the 12th Infantry Division were equipped with 9K34 Strela-3 AA launchers and long range missiles. They took up positions among buildings and rubble and prepared for the A-10s as they closed in.
The Leopard IIs continued to advance with the Alfegan infantry firing assault rifle rounds deflecting off their thick armour. The SCP regained a couple more blocks of the city pushing the Alfegans to the border. More and more infantry continued to advance along side the Leopard IIs blasting the Alfegans with the tank cannons or firing deadly hails of machine gun fire.
1,567 Soldiers killed
433 Soldiers wounded
54 T-90 destroyed
26 T-90 damaged
6 Leopard II destroyed
14 Leopard II damaged (under repair)
OOC: Ah sorry I mustve forgotten about that post, I shall alter the casualties in the next post I make about that battle. The Kornet missile system uses a manual remote control guidance system that is used by a member of a Kornet squad. It can not steer off to any form of heat seaking or laser guided counter measures unless the operator wants to do so.
The 40 Interceptors showed up as large blips on the forward-command vehicle's extensive RADAR link.
"We have inbound. Prepare and fire the LY471s, then let loose with the SKYSINGERs"
8 missiles were raised on massive platforms, before being fired. The massive projectiles had a range of over 100 miles, so would not be stretched to get hits.
Once the fighters were in 20 miles, 20 Skysingers ripped off launching rails on top of converted Katuysha rocket trucks, firing as part of a battery. Once the missiles were off, they used an advanced computer system based on the ground to predict the best course for its warhead: a cluster warhead that was designed to spray an enemy squadron with hundreds of bomblets, ripping it to shreds.
The A-10s dived on the Lepard tanks, loosing missile after missile, each locking onto the illuminated Leapards, then blasting massive holes in ithem with TANDAM HEAT warheads, bursting through the ERA before expolding on the metal armourplating.
The infantry continued firing, trying to keep ground by holing out in trapped buildings, and from there taking out the enemy with volleys of fire. Some of the infanrty had switched magazines to hastily supplied AP rounds: a copper jacketed bullet with a depleted uranium penetrator.
These proved useful ripping thorugh any enemies that happened to be wearing bodyarmour.
224 men
2 A-10s
1 Warhound
14-10-2007, 10:48
The 40 Interceptors showed up as large blips on the forward-command vehicle's extensive RADAR link.
"We have inbound. Prepare and fire the LY471s, then let loose with the SKYSINGERs"
8 missiles were raised on massive platforms, before being fired. The massive projectiles had a range of over 100 miles, so would not be stretched to get hits.
Once the fighters were in 20 miles, 20 Skysingers ripped off launching rails on top of converted Katuysha rocket trucks, firing as part of a battery. Once the missiles were off, they used an advanced computer system based on the ground to predict the best course for its warhead: a cluster warhead that was designed to spray an enemy squadron with hundreds of bomblets, ripping it to shreds.
The A-10s dived on the Lepard tanks, loosing missile after missile, each locking onto the illuminated Leapards, then blasting massive holes in ithem with TANDAM HEAT warheads, bursting through the ERA before expolding on the metal armourplating.
The infantry continued firing, trying to keep ground by holing out in trapped buildings, and from there taking out the enemy with volleys of fire. Some of the infanrty had switched magazines to hastily supplied AP rounds: a copper jacketed bullet with a depleted uranium penetrator.
These proved useful ripping thorugh any enemies that happened to be wearing bodyarmour.
224 men
2 A-10s
1 Warhound
OOC: I am sorry Alfegos, but some weapons you describe really do not fit the time zone of 1990s.
1. This SKYSINGER missile you describe seems to be a bit strange as it is a air-air cluster bomb? I do not beleive such a weapon has even been invented or thought about yet. Not to offend you but if you can provide some proof of the ability to develop this type of weapon would be appreciated and I will allow it to go into play.
2. The infantry ammunition you speak of with depleted uranium rounds? It would be hard for soldiers to fire such heavy ammunition which is %70 more dense than lead. I would allow this sort of ammunition in large AA guns (such as the Phalanx CIWS) or heavy mounted projectiles (tank gun ammunition) but in small arms it is not that accurate.
3. Once again I wish to state that the casualy list seems to be inaccurate as I stated before these are not militia who run around with no shirts and firing AK-47s into the air. The infantry here have been wholly made up of ex-members of the Drvarskan National Army which has trained units equal to Russian military. Such as my last post I have lost 2,000 men who only killed 200, this is 10 men for every one kill.
I would appreaciate a OOC response from you this time. Thank you.
OOC: Sorry, but there are and were AP bullets like that. It won't make the bullet overly heavy. Would you prefer tungsten instead?
Also, the idea of an aircluster bomb, while slightly radical, is not completely unheard of.
I' sorry about the casualties, but the Alfegos forces are also extremely well trained.
I will update the casualties next time round
As the missiles continued to strike, the Colonel in charge of his regiment finally ordered all but the vehicles with NERA armour to pull back.
An advantage of NERA armour is it's re-usability, so these tanks could continue fighting the battle.
It would be a ling haul, picking out the missile teams on by one, but attack helicopters were arrving, managing to aviod some of the missiles, and killed the missile teams from two miles away. Yay.
Up in the air, the missiles were still coming in. That was it.
A Captain gave orders to his wing.
"Alpha-Kilo, this is Alpha Head, listen up. We got bombs on our racks, and we're gonna use them. Out of ever three, one is VX gas, one is Incendiary phosphorus, and one is High Exlposive. Go low at full speed and let your second crewmember aim beforehand to ensure hits. We can't drop these bombs on mud, be careful and good luck"
No doubt, the enemy defences would not be prepared for a low-flying attack at high speed. The bombs would be dropped on ammunition piles and such solid targets, especially with soldiers around them. The Incendiary-Phosphorus rounds would spread their contents over a large area, doing hideous damage to any in their way.
23 APCs Destroyed
197 Killed
164 Wounded
19 APCs Disabled
4 MICVs Disabled
1 Tank Destroyed
8 Tanks Damaged
Correction: Incendiary-Phosphorus bombs.
14-10-2007, 23:46
Central Drvar
(OOC: This prison is not near the POW camp, the POW camp is somewhere East of Kursk.)
The agent was pushed back into his cell. It was a very cold night and there was no blankets.
Outside a large force prepared for a massive firefight to bust out the prisoners including the agent. It was a matter of time till it started.
John sat on the bed, deciding that he wouldn't get to much sleep anyhow. Looking out for guards, he removed his fake tooth from his mouth and unscrewed the cap. Inside was a pill and a note, very small and folded. He removed the note and read:
This is a suicide pill. You may opt to use it in the even of capture. We thank you for your service to your country if you opt to use it.
Sincerely, John Montezuma, President of NeoAztec
Putting the note down and staring at the pill, John thought. Than he got up and went to the window. Glancing at the pill he said "I'm sorry." He flicked the suicide pill out of the window, since he was a devout Catholic...
15-10-2007, 08:34
OOC: Ok, I will allow the DU bullets but just a reminder in future is to post some statistics about custom weapons and how they fit the time period. For the air-cluster bomb I shall allow it. Sorry for being so strict about this but I am just trying to make it a fair go for all factions.
The cluster bombs sprayed at the SU-37s in all directions but luckily all SU-37s were spread out into groups of five, but unfortuantly one group caught the most of it and was completly destroyed. Using counter measures the SU-37s managed to avoid the SkySingers but some pilots were late deploying them and some were destroyed or damaged and returned to base.
On the ground the Leopard IIs continued to pound the Alfegan soldiers although alot of SCP infantry took hits from the DU ammunition they remained behind the Leopards that moved forward to take care of the infantry first.
One large problem the SCP had was gas, the Leopard II tanks used up too much of the gas supplies to be sent to Drvar all the way from Koprovnika and their fuel seems to be limited. The stockpile slowly wears down but large fuel convoys have been sent from Mostar to Drvar which are guided by a large force of Mi-24 hinds and truck loads of infantry. Although they were short of truck drivers they had forced civillians to drive fuel trucks.
1,124 Soldiers killed
876 Soldiers wounded
24 T-90 destroyed
16 T-90 damaged
6 Leopard II destroyed
14 Leopard II damaged (under repair)
OOC: The main part of the Prison camp is a large concrete building where most prisoners are kept (including the Alfegans) and where most of the guards are.
POW Camp
The SCP guards watched as the Alfegan tanks came into view, they quickly went to the armoury and grabbed every available AT weapon. Two squads of 4 were given RPG-7s and three other squads of 5 were given a variety of 50. Cal snipers, AT grenades and two RPG-27s.
The camp officer (interrogator from before) stood there with his AK-74 in hand, he was yelling out orders to his soldiers taking up positions at windows. He spotted two Alfegan paratrooper hiding behind a prisoner hut, he slowly aimed with his AK-74 that had a scope attached and fired bursts of gun fire at them and watched the impact.
OOC: Who said the SCP were not ready for a air attack? There are also hundreds of teams with the Igla AA launcher as a whole battalion was equipped with them to defend the troops from aircraft, I do not think they would all be killed that easily. Next time please edit your post instead of making a new one for corrections, thank you.
Remarkably some of the Antigran helicopters made it through but they were met as two groups of ZSU-23-4 Shilkas ripped AP rounds into them using the AZP-23 Autocannon.
The gas had started up again but yet again the soldiers quickly reacted putting on available NBC suits and soldiers returning to the protection of BMP-2s. A new stockpile of NBC suits were brought up after the second gas attack so now they have more forces attacking during gas attacks.
The bombs were let loose from low flying aircraft with a hard effect but they were soon met as teams armed with Igla AA launchers fired hails of missiles at them as well as shilkas engaging closing in targets which was easier to destroy.
1,431 Soldiers killed
569 Soldiers wounded
107 T-90 destroyed
43 T-90 damaged
Central Drvar
The prison was very silent and all you could hear was the echo of gunfire in the distance of Alfegan and SCP troops fighting.
Boris Antonov was a leader of the Drvarskan Resistance stationed in Drvar. A planned assault was set to bust out prisoners who have been captured by SCP. Slowly 700 men armed with M16s, AK-47s, FN SLRs began to approach the prison. After a moment silence they fired a RPG-7 round at the main door blowing two SCP guards out of the way. Shortly afterwards they charged forwards screaming which terrorized the guards who were startled by the explosion. They reached the door and the alarm sounded off, a large firefight began in the halls of the prison.
The Leopold tanks kept advancing. They had now no other option.
"Fall back to the artillery line! This city has no prospect for us."
The remaining troops in the city fell back to the artillery lines. Following their reatreat was a climax in the artillery, which silenced, ebing replaced by the quiet gas missiles flying in. Each was filled with Sarin nerve gas, and each was designed to disperse the weapon cleanly and effectivly over the battlefront.
812 Men
49 IFVs
3 Warhound tanks
5 LY4s
OOC: Who said the SCP were not ready for a air attack? There are also hundreds of teams with the Igla AA launcher as a whole battalion was equipped with them to defend the troops from aircraft, I do not think they would all be killed that easily. Next time please edit your post instead of making a new one for corrections, thank you.
Remarkably some of the Antigran helicopters made it through but they were met as two groups of ZSU-23-4 Shilkas ripped AP rounds into them using the AZP-23 Autocannon.
The gas had started up again but yet again the soldiers quickly reacted putting on available NBC suits and soldiers returning to the protection of BMP-2s. A new stockpile of NBC suits were brought up after the second gas attack so now they have more forces attacking during gas attacks.
The bombs were let loose from low flying aircraft with a hard effect but they were soon met as teams armed with Igla AA launchers fired hails of missiles at them as well as shilkas engaging closing in targets which was easier to destroy.
1,431 Soldiers killed
569 Soldiers wounded
107 T-90 destroyed
43 T-90 damaged
OOC: Well I would be a bit shocked to have a Jet fly ten meters over your head at Mach 2.6, that alone would do damage.
Anyway, the 'copters would be two and a half miles away.
15-10-2007, 20:07
Central Drvar
The prison was very silent and all you could hear was the echo of gunfire in the distance of Alfegan and SCP troops fighting.
Boris Antonov was a leader of the Drvarskan Resistance stationed in Drvar. A planned assault was set to bust out prisoners who have been captured by SCP. Slowly 700 men armed with M16s, AK-47s, FN SLRs began to approach the prison. After a moment silence they fired a RPG-7 round at the main door blowing two SCP guards out of the way. Shortly afterwards they charged forwards screaming which terrorized the guards who were startled by the explosion. They reached the door and the alarm sounded off, a large firefight began in the halls of the prison.
John sat upright from his light sleep, recognizing the sound of a firing RPG. "Oh shi-!!!" He yelled but was cut off by a unmistakable sound of a explosion far away. Backing up against the wall, he prayed that those fighting these prison guards don't accidently get him killed.
18-10-2007, 01:23
19-10-2007, 15:18
OOC: Yes, I am sorry but this week was very busy for me.
The battle of Drvar was won for now. That night soldiers celebrated in their trenches but it was not quiet as the gas attacks started. Immediatly soldiers bagan to put on their standard issue gasmasks. There were few casualties but soldiers still rearmed and took time to prepare for another possible attack of Alfegos.
The fuel convoy was now 40km east away from Drvar with enough fuel and supplies to make the Leopard tanks advance. The convoy stretched two kilometers escorted by Mi-24 Hinds and trucks full of infantry with a few armour and AA escorts.
1,542 Soldiers killed
1,458 Soldiers wounded
26 T-90 Destroyed
34 T-90 Damaged
18 Leopard II destroyed
22 Leopard II damaged (pending repairs)
OOC: Antigr, I understand that these helicopters are a couple miles away but the 9K38 Igla launcher has a range of 5.2 km (over 3.1 miles), you can see for yourself on wikipedia. Also I do think youre doing heaps of damage anyway to SCP forces, this is a tactical battle not an extermination. With the jets, the shilka is a tank equipped a radar to navigate where enemy contacts are bearing so the turret can be ranged in on the closing jet, its not like they didnt see them coming.
Drvar Prison
The RPG shattered through the door and exploded. As the resistance fighters rushed in shooting down guards in their path. Once the prison was cleared they would have to bust out and fight a couple trucks loaded with SCP infantry.
The prisoners were all released, among the resistance fighters was a familiar person to the agent. Corporal Ishkevek walked up to the cell where the agent was held and opened it.
"Greetings comrade! Guess we are even eh?" he joked happily.
He handed the agent an AK-47 with a couple clips and they made their way to the front of the building.
There seemed only one way to win this: Alfegos did not have superior numbers or tactics, but they had a superior weapons choice and superior ammunition from the base to the south.
The artillery barrage commenced, a continous thud of the mortors underlying the roar and hiss of the rocket artillery batteries. They hoped to use the artillery fire to clear out the city. That, combined with continual harassment of their supply trains, might turn the war.
Kursk POW camp
The few paratroopers left had now taken cover behind the heaviest things they could find in the compund, firing occasional shots as the enemy continued firing upon them.
Coming closer though were tanks of the Alfegos Army, looking a bit worse for wear. Any tanks in range had ceased fire with the cannons, but had started up with their machine guns, strafing the enemy base with fire.
The occasional RPG or HE round whizzed past the tanks, a few getting hits enough to disable the tanks until the repair vehicles arrived.
They would soon arrive
21 men KIA
3 Warhounds disabled
1 LY4 disabled
1 IFV disabled
19-10-2007, 16:16
The artillery barrages never ceased to stop but still soldiers lay down deep in their trenches waiting. The supply convoy is now 25km East of the city, with reports of heavy artillery strikes they stopped to wait it out. Hopefully when there is a cease of fire in the artillery they can manage to quickly drive in and fuel the tanks.
POW Camp
The Soldiers began taking mass amounts of casualties, the fire fight took a brief silence as a soldier walked out of the large concrete prison holding a tathered white flag and he was soon followed by the rest. The commandant of his camp could not bear the defeat and the criminal charges that might await him, he drew his pistol on himself and fired.
31 Guards dead
19 Guards wounded
12 Prisoners dead
8 Prisoners wounded
POW camp
The paratroopers quickly rose and rounded up the enemy men who had surrendered, while the first arriving wave of armour had started to mop up the injured and dead, depositing them in the field ambulances or the grave dug to the east of the camp.
They quickly found the prisoners who had been taken, and immediately called in a chopper to fly them back to the field base for debriefing.
The rest consolidated their position, before looking east to their next target Vukovar.
The artillery continued to fire, accomapnied by the occasional hiss as a flare was fired high over the enemy positions, illuminating everything in the area.
They had orders to fire until they were out of ammunition from the current train, which would be in about an hour: the next arriving ammunition train, coming in about an hour, contained much more ammo, and the rations and fuel needed for the men.
A squad of men had started moving across the nomans land. They were all from the 28 th Regiment - The Sharpshooters.
Once in range, they spread out across the batlefront, all in contact with each other by their bluetooth units digitally linked to the small radios in their belts.
They looked throught their night-scopes for enemy soldiers, and soon found a few. They fired, and stayed stock still, in case they should come and try to hunt them down.
19-10-2007, 16:49
With two thirds of the northern army surrendered, General Zeitzev had to round up any capable man or male child who could carry a rifle. Forming two divisions to hold the city and re-inforced with one infantry division and one tank battalion. The civillian divisions (mostly old men and children) were equipped with old weaponry such as Kar98 mauser rifles and a large array of AK-47s, SLRs, M16s and a few RPG-7s.
The soldiers began to entrench in the town of Vukovar.
Order of Battle:
165th Infantry Division
10,000 Soldiers
1st Volksgrenadier Division
10,000 Soldiers
2nd Volksgrenadier Division
10,000 Soldiers
701st Armoured Battalion
100 T-90 Tanks
The squad of sharpshooters took out a few soldiers but they were met by a deadly hail of gunfire fired blindly into the darkness followed by many grenades being hurled into the air in the direction of the enemy.
11 Soldiers dead
9 Soldiers wounded
Still, going at mach 2.6, even if they were shot to hell they would still continue and either crash and blow up, casting their bomb-load everywhere, or continue to stay level for a bit, causing damage due to their sheer speed, not alone load.
19-10-2007, 17:14
OOC: Are you going to make a post for your next action of battle or must we continue debating about this. Sorry but I am too tired to discuss so much detail about military equipment. I do think enough damage has been done for that post, if you want to post your casualty list in your next post and include this crashing and blowing up spraying bombs everywhere then please do but just dont make such a thing in the OOC.
The Alfegos forces came to within 10 miles of the city, and stopped. They had only a few mortars for artillery bombardment, and many of the vehicles were quite battered. All had been told to follow Battle Order 2907 - They refromed, and joined togerther as new squads, allowing equipment to stay at a good ration for man:machine.
The enemy guerillas, as usual, would be the main difficulty. The number of tanks the enemy seemed to posess was small, so would not pose a difficulty.
The mortars began to fire, the explosions lighting the sky a few seconds later.
After an hour, one of the armour regiments advanced, tailed by mech. infantry regiment, attacking from the west side of the city.
2 armour regiments moced to attack from the north side of the city, while the other armour and mech.infantry regiment moved to attack from the south.
4 Armour Regiments
14 803 men
710 Warhounds
31 Scimitars
541 LY4s
2 Mech. Infantry Regiments
8 723 men
842 IFVs
19 Mortars
81 MGS
The sharpshooters stayed still as the bullets and grenades came flying out, taking more precision shots at the enemy.
Three men were hit, still staying completely still. The rest stayed stationary, taking off a few more shots at anyone who looked vaguely like an NCO or officer.
3 men
19-10-2007, 23:31
Drvar Prison
The RPG shattered through the door and exploded. As the resistance fighters rushed in shooting down guards in their path. Once the prison was cleared they would have to bust out and fight a couple trucks loaded with SCP infantry.
The prisoners were all released, among the resistance fighters was a familiar person to the agent. Corporal Ishkevek walked up to the cell where the agent was held and opened it.
"Greetings comrade! Guess we are even eh?" he joked happily.
He handed the agent an AK-47 with a couple clips and they made their way to the front of the building.
John laughed. "It's good to see you kid and I see you've been busy. After this is over, I'll get you a beer." Locke checked his AK over, making sure it will work, than walked with Ishkevek to the front of the prison.
20-10-2007, 04:00
The SCP completed entrenching in and waited, they were dug in deep with a large amount of supplies of sand bags, anti-tank barriers and barbed wire which surrounded the town.
Jovek Farinyev, a 14 year old boy sat in his trench next to his friend Alex Dopolov. Jovek clutched onto his kar98 shaking as he heard the Alfegan armour sound all around him and the echo of artillery bombardments on the edge of town.
56 Soldiers killed
44 Soldiers wounded
2 T-90 destroyed
3 T-90 damaged (under repair)
The sharpshooters became a large problem as many NCOs were killed and Colonel Gorbachisk had to send out countless field promotions. He sent in a company from the 1st Artillery regiment that were equipped with HE mortars. Twelve mortars were set up behind a building out of reach of enemy gun fire and fired salvos of shells up into the air and rained down on the enemy positions. The gunfire did not cease and continued firing deadly hails of PKM, RPK-74, AK-47 fire into the darkness.
16 Soldiers killed
4 Soldiers wounded
Drvar Prison
"That would be good." Ishkevek said.
They made it to the front of the prison and it was quiet, very quiet. Then the sound of trucks rushing around the corners of buildings came loaded with SCP guard infantry. Some six trucks loaded with 20 soldiers each came to a halt and soldiers came rushing out firing off hails of gunfire at the resistance fighters. Along with the trucks were four jeeps equipped with PKM machine guns.
Ishkevek ducked down behind a pile of crates with the agent.
"We should go over and get on one of those PKMs." he said as he pulled out a grenade.
The first wave saw the many barriers in their wat: tanktraps, wire, sand bags, trenches.
The LY4s heading the wave began to fire off their cannons, blasting chunks of defence into scrap. Similtaneously, the top gunners opened fire, the repetitive chatter of the 7.62mm machine guns contrasting with the crumping of the mortar shells and the blasts of the tank guns.
They were about half a mile from the city, and closing in rapidly from three side of the city.
(NB - Casualties aren't included as you haven't begun attack back yet)
The mortor shells did it for the sharpshooters. They began moving back out of the area, not before one of them used their laser designator to mark out the mortor teams they had found.
As they moved from the area, a few missiles exploded above the area, showering the enemy with bomblets.
The snipers returned to the Alfegos lines, to get some rest for the next attack.
3 men killed
1 wounded
20-10-2007, 10:47
The Alfegans began to advance and they were met by hails of machine gun fire and AT fire. Some kornet teams were brought up to the front and took up positions behind some sandbags, they let loose deadly AT missiles onto the Alfegan armour while groups of Infantry and Volksgrenadier opened fire onto the Alfegan soldiers.
Jovek Farinyev was at the front of the line where he watched in terror with his friends the armour approach, along side were some infantry which he saw. He slowly aimed with his Kar98 shaking, he fired off a round missing the soldier hitting the tank which did nothing. He fired off another round and it ripped through the Alfegan and he watched in terror the man fall down dead.
"My god I killed someone!" he said to Alex.
Alex stared at him and did not say a word, the roar of Alfegan explosions around them was deafening.
"Fall back!" a soldier yelled out.
The two boys rose out of their trench and started to sprint towards the next line of trenches. Suddenly Jovek's friend Alex was struck by a 7.62mm round from Alfegan armour and he fell to the ground. Jovek was shocked and he went to see if he was still alive but the bullet went straight through his neck. Getting up again he jumped into the nearest trench he could find while shedding a tear.
1,124 Soldiers Killed
1,273 Soldiers Wounded
16 T-90 Destroyed
9 T-90 Damaged
The artillery bombardment hammered on the mortar teams destroying 4 mortars but the other teams were well spread out they found cover before the artillery rained on their position.
The supply convoy was now 12km East of the city, soon the Leopard II tanks will have fuel and the soldiers will have more ammunition. They just hoped there was not going to be an ambush, but the DNA had a plan.
South Drvar
Major Bachov led a battalion of well trained paratroopers in the Drvarskan National Army, this was going to be the hottest mission he would ever undergo. He sat inside the Be-26K transport plane along with 70 of his men, there were over a dozen planes forming around them, soon near the SCP supply convoy near Drvar they would parajump onto their position and take out the supply trucks. Some 1,000 paratroopers were about to meet a large convoy escorted by truckloads of 700 infantry and some armoured vehicles including Shilkas and T-90s.
The tanks met the hail of AT fire, but continued onwards, laying down heavy fire against the enemy forces in their way.
Engineer IFVs sped in and stopped in front of the outer defences, and the men onboard blew holes in the outer defences to allow the tanks to stream in.
The driver of a Warhound tank, Colour Sergeant Lea Dei'dai, saw the body of her roof gunner fall forwards in front of her, and at once gunned the engine towards the retreatiing kids who had shot him.
Her co-driver let rip with the hull 7.62 mm gun, while the main gunner hit the fire button, propelling a 120mm shell down the barrel towards the retreating kids.
192 men
3 IFVs destroyed
1 Immobilised
4 Warhounds disabled
3 Destroyed
1 Scimitar disabled
The artillery ceased while it restocked. A silence crept over the battlefield with the dawn fogs, almost peaceful.
Only 20 minutes later thoguh, the artillery continued firing.
20-10-2007, 18:13
Drvar Prison
"That would be good." Ishkevek said.
They made it to the front of the prison and it was quiet, very quiet. Then the sound of trucks rushing around the corners of buildings came loaded with SCP guard infantry. Some six trucks loaded with 20 soldiers each came to a halt and soldiers came rushing out firing off hails of gunfire at the resistance fighters. Along with the trucks were four jeeps equipped with PKM machine guns.
Ishkevek ducked down behind a pile of crates with the agent.
"We should go over and get on one of those PKMs." he said as he pulled out a grenade.
John nodded. "Yeah, then I recommend that we give covering fire to your pals." He readied his AK. "Ready when you are."
21-10-2007, 01:52
The Alfegans advanced further and still the SCP soldiers remained in their trenches fighting for every inch of land. The Engineering IFVs were their main target as Kornet teams awaited as they got close to fire a large AT missile into their engines and vulnerable parts. Along the trenchlines there was also a mass amount of AT mines set up which detonate as they sense a nearby vehicle in which they spring up into the air a explode with deadly shrapnel.
Jovek watched as the tank in front of him mowed down other kids, most of which were his classmates. He had never felt so dreaded in all his life watching the battle turn into extermination. In his trench were four others who brought out a box of AT grenades, one by one they started to throw the grenades at the nearest tank and then watch them detonate right next to it.
1,566 Soldiers killed
434 Soldiers wounded
12 T-90 destroyed
8 T-90 damaged
Still the soldiers remained in trenches waiting out the artillery, during the 20 min pause a couple soldiers crept out of their trench to gather food and water who most of which made it back but some were unfortuante as the artillery started up again.
East Drvar
The DNA paras stood up in their planes hooking their static lines and then as they got the green light they each started to jump out the door one by one. Slowly the 1,000 paratroopers reached the ground with minimal casualties from AA fire. They regrouped and started to attack the convoy which stopped on the sight of the planes. The SCP infantry started to pile out of trucks but some were destroyed by RPG-7s.
16 Paras killed
4 Paras wounded
32 Soldiers killed
8 Soldiers wounded
Drvar Prison
"OK......Go!!!" Ishkevek yelled as he tossed the grenade straight at a truck which soon detonated and killed a few SCP soldiers.
Ishkevek opened fire with his AK-47 and ran with the agent to the nearest jeep.
21-10-2007, 05:58
Drvar Prison
"OK......Go!!!" Ishkevek yelled as he tossed the grenade straight at a truck which soon detonated and killed a few SCP soldiers.
Ishkevek opened fire with his AK-47 and ran with the agent to the nearest jeep.
John runs to the jeep and gets on the PK. Aiming it at the other jeeps and soldiers, he shouts. "Say hello to my little friend!!!" and begins to fire at the hostiles.
21-10-2007, 06:18
Ishkevek rushed into the drivers seat of the jeep and started to drive towards the enemy who were startled by the sudden fire coming from behind.
He started to toss a grenades out of the jeep at some trucks where some SCP guards were firing from. Suddenly an SCP soldier rushed out holding an RPG-7 and locked onto the jeep, he released the rocket and whizzed passed the front and exploded at a wall a few meters away. The jeep leaned to one side and Ishkevek tried as hard as he could to keep control of it.
"Hold on!" he yelled.
The convoy attack was heard on the radio tap in the communications hub vehicle, and at once the command was relayed back to the Forward command base.
10 A-10s, armed exclusivly with anti-tank missiles and AT cannons shot off towards the convoy,with 8 fighters in escort above them.
They came down towards the convoy, and let loose. Fire streamed across the sky, followed by the eerie purple tracer of the Alfegos air force. Explosions ripped the gound as the A10s banked sharply for a second run.
The engineers started taking heavy casualties,a nd fell back. In their place came the Heavy warhound tanks, armoured with slat armour, 2nd generation Chobham, ERA and Electric reactive armour. There were only 20 of these in the attack force, and they were put to use in taking out the heavy AT fire, many missiles not even damaging the paintwork on them.
However, the AT mines made it difficult for the advance, but soon the tanks had advanced over the first line of trenches, followed by the normal tanks.
The kornet missile teams were tragetted quickly: a missile of rapid burst of machine gun fire. The infantry in the trenches were dealt with by the rapidly arriving IFVs.
An AT grenade bounced past the tank and exploded. The tank shook as the massive shock was absorbed thorugh the thin plate of chobham on the exterior. Tht was all there was between them and oplivion. No elextric reactive armour, no ERA.
The second one landed on the roof, and ripped a hole in the back. Molten metal ripped the gunner and his observer to shreds.
The third missed completely. The fourth one howerver hit the armoured fuel tanks right at the rear.
The driver and co-driver lept out of the tank, grabbing their AF-07Cs as they lept for cover as the ammunitiona nd petrol caught fire.
Once the ringing stopped in their ears, they looked thorugh their sights at the boy who had taken out their tank, and began firing on full automatic.
439 men
14 IFVs destroyed
3 Warhounds disabled
1 Heavy Warhound disabled
2 LY4s disabled
21-10-2007, 10:29
The convoy recieved a vast amount of casualties from both the Alfegan A-10s and the Drvarskan paratroopers. Nearly half the convoy was destroyed as the fuel ignited and spread towards the ammo trucks which blew up violently in the air. Shortly after the SCP troops came running from the burning convoy to escape being burnt alive, they ran towards the paratroopers dropping their guns and raising their hands.
425 SCP soldiers were captured and many others were killed in the mass firefight. Although the shilka AA tanks managed to open up onto the Alfegan aircraft they were soon destroyed as an RPG round crashed into their back exploding the fuel tank.
201 Soldiers Killed
36 Soldiers Wounded
425 Soldiers Captured
107 Soldiers killed
53 Soldiers wounded
The forces in Drvar were now being starved of ammunition and fuel, they would soon face surrender...
The Alfegan tanks managed to break through and the civillian soldiers took a large amount of casualties due to their inexperience and no military training.
Jovek watched as the soldiers fired their guns straight at him, he dropped his kar98 and sat down in his trench shaking and holding onto his helmet with both his hands screaming out in terror. His friends were still firing their guns but most of them were killed as Alfegan armour slaughtered them with their machine guns.
2,567 Soldiers killed
1,433 Soldiers wounded
46 T-90 tanks destroyed
34 T-90 tanks damaged
One of the retreating A10s was hit by AA fire. As the fuel escaped from the ruptured tank, and the hydraulics fused, the pilot could only scream in terror as the plane went flying downwards at a shallow angle towards the city. It hit the ground, and continued going for 200 metres, before exploding in a massive fireball taht lit up the sky.
The artillery fire continued. They ahd orders to continue until 8 00am, when something new would be enacted.
1 A10 Destroyed
The tanks advanced against the civilians fighting, with nearly no effort. Against the more trained troops however, they took many more casualties.
The mortars had stopped firing for a few minutes as they moved in much closer, giving the enemy a chance to run around without fear of random death. They just had to mind the fast advancing tanks and the now disembarked infantry.
A heavy warhound hit 3 mines at the same time, exploding spectacularly
The two soldiers advanced on the trench, once there was a lull in the fighting. They lept down into the trench, and gunned down the whole length killing all standing with their rounds.
They saw the boy sitting down, and grabbed him by the neck.
"Where is your HQ?"
419 men
7 IFVs
1 Heavy Warhound
3 Warhounds
1 LY4
21-10-2007, 11:53
The troops now started to take a large amount of casualties as the supplies were running very low and many began to starve to death. The tanks were useless as the fuel supply was completly dry and the crews disembarked with their AKS-47s and took cover in trenches from the deafening artillery barrage. The soldiers still held in there bravely standing for their homeland.
A message was sent from DNA high command to the Alfegan allies:
TO: Alfegos High Command
FROM: Drvarska High Command
We appreciate your help in Drvar but we have a minor request that any Leopard II tank captured in tact would be returned to us as it was once DNA property. We appreciate once again for your help and we are sending food ration supplies to your troops at the front.
Vladimir Orlov
President of Drvarska
The Republic of Drvarska
2,567 Soldiers killed
2,433 Soldiers wounded
10,345 Leopard IIs abandoned
4,211 T-90s abandoned
The civillians were useless but still they fought bravely for their homeland, still retreating to the center of the town where a stronger last trench line held the main square they dug in to machine gun pits and kornet missile stations. In front of this last trench was another large line of AT and anti-personnel mines that were set up by engineers.
The angry Alfegan grabbed Jovek by the neck.
"Dont kill me!!" he cried.
3,254 Soldiers killed
2,746 Soldiers wounded
At 8 00 am, the artillery ceased fire for half an hour. During that time, an IFV bearing the Alfegan flag and the White flag drove across the battlefield.
It arrived at the front lines, and 5 men disembarked from the IFV. They all had a white flag coming from their backpacks.
They went up to one of the soldiers and said
"Where is your command? We have come to talk with them about your surrender."
The day dawned harshly over the city, witht he Alfegans fighting hard to try to get to the centre. The heavy machinegune nests and Kornet nests were a tricky combination, posing difficulties to event the heavy warhounds that slowly rumbled tot he centre, grenades bouncing off the vehicle's body.
However, the Alfegans continued to gain ground, as more and more armour flowed into the city.
"I will kill you if you dont help us. Now, where is your command post?"
The two soldiers had been overtaken by the rest of the armour, and now only had the occasional tank or IFV rumble over their heads.
The more senoir of the two, colour sergeant Lea, was getting tired. She unsheathed her knife, and tested the edge.
543 men
19 Warhounds
9 LY4s
12 IFVs
21-10-2007, 17:55
Ishkevek rushed into the drivers seat of the jeep and started to drive towards the enemy who were startled by the sudden fire coming from behind.
He started to toss a grenades out of the jeep at some trucks where some SCP guards were firing from. Suddenly an SCP soldier rushed out holding an RPG-7 and locked onto the jeep, he released the rocket and whizzed passed the front and exploded at a wall a few meters away. The jeep leaned to one side and Ishkevek tried as hard as he could to keep control of it.
"Hold on!" he yelled.
John swung the gun at the soldier who fired the RPG. He unloaded several rounds into the mans chest. The soldier fell down. "Wooo! Thats how we do it in my town you bit-" John was cut short by the jeep leaning to one side. "Oh snap!" Yelled John, trying to get the jeep to go back down.
Sorry for inactivity. Computer trouble.
"Oh, hell" Sandrez said.
He was with his command staff.
"What can we do, sir?"
"Ah, screw it. It seems we have no option but to continue wearing them down. It'll take awhile, but we'll win and they know it"
"Isn't that and we know it?"
"Quiet, John. See that it's done. Also, air support is taking heavy losses. Pull them out. We'll stick with sattelite observation and artillery, should be accurate enough. See that it's done, all of it. Again"
84 Dead
102 Wounded
15 Tanks Damaged
17 Tanks Immobilised
32 APCs Immobilised
9 APCs Damaged
2 APCs Destroyed
4 MICVs Immobilised
7 CrossArrow III fighter-bombers destroyed, shot down
6 Pilots MIA, possibly captured
1 Pilot dead
23-10-2007, 14:02
OOC: Antigr, may I advise you to let me do the bumping. I have been inactive due to work. Also did no infantry die during the attack?
The SCP soldiers sat in the trenches starving and rationing their last sources of food and water. They watched the Alfegan IFV approach, they gave bad looks at the soldiers who emerged from it.
An SCP officer walked forward and talked to the one who asked where there HQ was.
"I think you blew it up." he said.
He signalled for two soldiers to walk forward and blindfold only two of the five Alfegans.
"Only two can come, the rest stay here." the officer said.
With all the SCP armour knocked out the soldiers had to fight hard for their land but took severe casualties. As a result at the end of the day the citizen soldiers rushed forward dropping their guns and raising their hands yelling out "Surrender! Surrender!".
Many others soon followed and within an hour the entire three divisions surrendered almost loosing half their men during the bloody battle of Vukovar.
Jovek raised his hand slowly and pointed in the general direction where he thought the HQ was. He prayed not to die.
1,245 Soldiers killed
1,455 Soldiers wounded
Drvar Prison
The jeep stirred frantically as it hit a crate and soon tipped over to one side sliding towards the edge of the street. Ishkevek caught a cut on his arm as it slid across the ground, he drew out his Glock 17 and started crawling from under the jeep where he fired a round off into a SCP guard who was running towards them and soon dropped dead.
"You alright?" he yelled over the gunfire.
Central Drvarska
The Antigran forces continued their artillery barrage along the SCP defensive entrenched line. Many armoured vehicles were knocked out but soon others responded by letting loose many AP & HE rounds towards the Antigran advancing troops, their main target now was the troop carriers.
712 Soldiers killed
538 Soldiers wounded
74 T-90 destroyed
26 T-90 damaged
An advantage of NERA armour was it's re-usability. The MICVs and few APCs on the battlefield were of 1990s design era and were equipped with them. AP and HE rounds fired at these vehicles were defeated easily by the armour, except where rounds struck in unprotected places.
348 Dead
503 wounded
30 MICVs damaged
10 MICV disabled
25 APCs disabled
2 APCs destroyed
5 MBTs disabled
The men were blindfolded, and led off. The other three men waited in their IFV, boiling some water and making hot chocolate, which they passed to the men who had greeted them, before making some for themselves.
"Please do not trick us." said the Alfegosian reps. "If we are not back wihtin 2 hours, the artillery bombardment will recommence, and you will continue starving."
Soon, the men were surrendering around them, and were diverted towards the reserve lines, where they were lined up, searched, and listed by the Commisars.
Any remaining resistance was soon crushed, and the troops fortified the city, in case of the eventuality of there being a counter-attack.
The co-driver hit the tank driver/commander.
"There's no point in killing the lad, or asking for where their HQ is. The battle appears to be over already. There's been enough killing for today."
They stood up, and led the boy to the remains of their tank.
"Oh, look. You didn't blowup the storage lockers on the back."
They opened one of the battered and charred steel boxes which had previously been bolted on the outside armour, on the back. Inside were 4 x 24 hour ration packs.
"Here, you have one. You can eat the stuff inside warm or cold: its precooked." They chucked one of the packs to the kid, then assembled a hexamine stove on the ground.
"We don't have to report in for about" he looked at his watch "half an hour. Lets at least have someting warm to drink."
They lit a crushed block of white hexamine, and waited for the water in the mess tin to boil.
541 men
9 IFVs destroyed
7 Warhounds destroyed
7 LY4s destroyed