Dinner in Turinas [Open]
Gutta paced the length of his office, thinking of ways to increase the reputation of Turinas, and more importantly, garner some allies. After surrendering in his first war as Grand Count (despite increasing Turinian territory in the process), he would not be popular with the TIF (Turinian Imperial Front), and even less popular with the KSA (Kogik Supremacist Army).
Something had to be done. Nothing he could think of, nor his advisors could think of, would top the other introductions from the various other countries across the world. He wanted somethign different, something amazing. He sighed. No, it would be best to stay simple, to stay true to Turinian identity. A dinner party, with invitations sent to world leaders.
Well, then, that was that, in a months time, Turinas would be hosting a dinner party. He sent a memo to one of his advisors to start preparations. It was up to him to think of who to invite. While he wanted everyone to attend, he scribbled down some names of countries he would particularly like to attend. The entire list was made up of the participants in the Bjorn-Hurzi War: The Royal Union, Solenial, Alfegos.
He sat down and began typing a message to the leaders of the world.
Dear [Insert Title+Name Here]
Turinas invites you to attend a dinner in the Turinian capital of Turranica. You will be treated to a three course meal served by the best chefs in Turinas, with a variety of options to suit all dietary needs, from the delicious fish of Esturia to the succulent mountain goat of Maskogul.
A bodyguard of five men may attend for your own protection, and you may utilise the airports and docks of Turinas for your travellign needs. At the dinner, a single bodyguard will be allowed per person inside the room, to avoid over crowding.
In the case that two representatives of warrign nations desire attendance, this will be permitted, under the proviso that the nations are not so childish as to take war to the dinner table.
Turinas awaits your reply,
Grand Count Gutta
Gutta turned off his computer, and sat back in his chair, secretly crossing his fingers.
16-09-2007, 19:54
Official Diplomatic Response:
I am pleased to announce that me, and my son and his wife are going to attend the dinner. We do not need any bodyguards, my son is a bodyguard enough at 6'5 and 250 pounds!
See you soon,
President Jack R.Arnold
Pan-Arab Barronia
16-09-2007, 20:00
I shall be delighted to attend this little soiree of yours. Accompanying me will be 5 members of the Imperial Guardsmen, and General Conrad Strom, Chair of the Barronian Council for Defence and Warfare.
We look forward to meeting you soon.
Gutta saw the two messages flash up on his inbox: so quick!
To the President of Calizorinstan,
I thank you for deciding to grace Turinas with your attendance. We have secured the 'Turranican Rose' Hotel for the dinner, and you are welcome to using two of the rooms for you and your son's family.
Grand Count Gutta
To the Chancelloress of Pan-Arab Barronia,
I thank you for deciding to grace Turinas with your attendance. We have secured the 'Turranican Rose' Hotel for the dinner, and you are welcome to using two of the rooms for you and the General. Your bodyguards may find rooms elsewhere in the city, in one of our barracks, or alternatively a room may be found in the hotel.
Grand Count Gutta
Gutta was pleased, it all seemed to be going well!
President Timothy Shives
We will be delighted to join your dinner im bring my son and wife and Chief of Staff General Booker. I will have 5 Members of The Republican Guard here for my protection
Ama Xhosa
16-09-2007, 20:08
To the Grand Count Gutta of The Free Land of Turinas, courteous greetings.
Her Sublime Wisdom, the Empress of Ama Xhosa regrets to announce that she is unwell and unable to leave the country at this time.
However, in the interest of building contacts and friends with other world leaders, she would hate to miss the opportunity to have Ama Xhosa represented at your fine affair. If you are agreeable, the Empress's younger sister and sole heir, Xechele Ama Xhosa will be most honoured to attend and greet you in Her Majesty's place. She will be accompanied by one companion, that being myself. We doubt that we will have need for any bodyguards, as we have no hostilities with anyone at this time.
Xhorani Ama Xhia
Grand Vizier of Ama Xhosa
And more! Gutta could hardly hold back his grin as he typed.
To President Shives, Angaor
Thank you for your promise of your attendance. We can provide you 2-3 rooms in the Turranican Rose Hotel (depending on the age of your son), and rooms elsewhere/ in the hotel for your bodyguard.
Grand Count Gutta
OOC- I'm signing off now, I'll be on at about 4PM GMT tommorow
OOC- I'm back, just posting to bump really, wondering if anyone else wants in
To the Grand Vizier of Ama Xhosa
I am pleased that you have chosen to attend with the Empress' daughter, I will send a luxury jet (OOC- Luxury for us...) to pick the two of you up and take you to the Turranican Rose, where the evening is being hosted.
Hoping the Empress feels better soon,
Grand Count Gutta
OOC: I might be if the conflict mentioned in the OP eventually turns in to an RP itself...we'll be plotting something,
OOC- The war has ended, so unless you want to gate crash Bill Ashley Jnr's funeral, or stir up trouble, I'm not sure what you can plot...
Consumer Technologies
17-09-2007, 18:00
To the Free Land of Turinas:
Although the Board of Consumer Technologies will not send one of their own to the dinner, they would like to send a representative to the event to act as their voice. The Board and the people of the Incorporated States of Consumer Technologies would every much like to use this oppertunity to open up relations with your country and discuss economic matters. Furthermore, you can expect two bodygaurds to accompany our representative.
-The Board
To the Board of Consumer Technologies:
We are pleased you will be sending a representative to the dinner. Would it be possible for you to supply the name of your representative, so that we may make the apropriate arrangements.
-The Free County of Turinas
To: Grand Count Gutta
The Experimental Communes of Mephras would love to attend the dinner in the interest of furthering relations with all nations of the world. I shall be in attendance, accompanied by one bodyguard. I hope much progress can be made between our two nations.
Best Wishes,
Persephone Clark
Mephrasian Foreign Minister
To Mr Clark, Mephrasian Foreign Minister
I thank you for deciding to attend this dinner at the Turranican Rose, we will contact you closer to the time to alert you of the exact dates.
Grand Count Gutta
Consumer Technologies
17-09-2007, 18:22
To the Board of Consumer Technologies:
We are pleased you will be sending a representative to the dinner. Would it be possible for you to supply the name of your representative, so that we may make the apropriate arrangements.
-The Free County of Turinas
To the Free Land of Turinas:
The Board will be sending Elliot Cromwell to serve as their representative. Mr Cromwell has been fully briefed about the matters the Board wishes to discuss and has full authority to negotiate on behalf of Consumer Technologies.
-The Board
The Charr
17-09-2007, 18:56
"Oh, wait!" Klarr Viletooth suddenly exclaimed as the Council of Clan's meeting drew to a close and everybody was preparing to leave. Various Clan Leaders, including the newly-appointed Vatlaaw Doomtooth, looked back at him and groaned, as if asking 'what now?' in unison. It had been a long, somewhat dull meeting this time around, with various important but oh-so-boring issues to be covered, and they just wanted to go. So they were understandably upset when it appeared as though Viletooth was about to raise something they had missed.
"Free food!" he explained after a long, uncomfortable pause. The Charr all looked at each other in confusion, whilst the human representative simply sighed and left. "Look!" Viletooth said forcefully, hoisting up his tablet computer and pointing at the message he was reading. Sure enough some nation they had absolutely no relations with whatsoever was hosting a dinner. The Clan Leaders looked at the screen for a few moments, and then at him, still confused.
"You work for the government, Klarr," Bonfaaz sighed, interrupting the silence at last. "You get free food everyday!"
"Fine, well I'm going," Viletooth grumbled. If a Charr could pout, he'd probably be doing so right now. Weary and uninterested, the various Clan Leaders simply grumbled something under their breaths and continued to leave.
It seemed as though 'oh, free food!' was all it took for this powerful national government to make important decisions on international diplomacy.
God help their people...
"I, Klarr Viletooth, Clan Leader of Thraktok, second-strongest clan of the land, with my honour intact and...
Ah, to be damned with all that formal nonsense, eh? I'm coming! To represent the United Clans of the Charr! You'd better have lots of strong ale ready...!"
Klarr Viletooth
Clan Leader
The United Clans of the Charr
Lower Bottom
17-09-2007, 19:01
To: Grand Count Gutta, Turinas
Re: Dinner Invitation
Supreme Military Commander Frost, his wife Jackie and the esteemed Book Publisher Citizen Smith would be delighted to attend dinner in Turinas. A modest escort of 4 armed guards will be present with the party.
As a token of our gratitude we bring 6 cases of the finest Lower Bottom wine. In spite of critics' comments we guarantee that you will find the flavor most interesting.
Kindest regards,
Citizen Khan, on behalf of the Supreme Military Commander
PS Could you please shorten the legs on the chair for the Supreme Commander's wife as it is imperative that she is in a lower physical position to the Commander at all times.
Greetings Grand Count Gutta,
Your offer seems most delectable, I shall atend your proposed dinner. It should be a great way to build relations, not only between ourselves but perhaps any other nations that attends.
I shall be acommanied by 5 bodyguards.
Chairman Loony
Gutta was pleased, although slightly worried about the attendance of Klarr Viletooth. But, better to be friendly with war-like nations than to let them crush you. Still, he wrote a note to his assistant to bring a contigent of 10 Halberdiers for the other visitor's protection.
To Clan Leader Klarr Viletooth,
While we are pleased that you have decided to attend the dinner, we would ask that you have some manners, as otherwise we will be forced to have you removed for public safety. However, we trust that this will not be the case, and I have just ordered a barrel of strongest Kogik Ale.
Grand Count Gutta
To Citizen Khan,
We thank you for your attendance and your gift of wine. While we do not agree with the blatant sexism on behalf of your Supreme Military Commander, we will follow your customs for the good of international relations.
Grand Count Gutta
To Chairman Loony,
We agree with your opinion that it will be a highly important dinner dipomatically for all those involved, and I hope you will enjoy your evening at the Turranican Rose
Grand Count Gutta
People attending so far:
-Pan-Arab Barronia
-Ama Xhosa
-Consumer Technologies
-The Charr
-Lower Bottom
Lower Bottom
17-09-2007, 19:27
Opening his reply the Supreme Military Commander sat muttering in a disgruntled fashion, "That oaf Viletooth is going to be there as well. Didn't he spill blood on the palace furnishings when he paid us a diplomatic visit? Took ages to get that out..."
He spat out his Lower Bottom wine, took his feet off the peasant and went outside to watch the sun setting over the mudflats.
The Charr
17-09-2007, 19:31
"Excellent news! I shall see you there, my friend. Make no special preparations - aside from the ale, of course! - for it is just I, myself and me that shall be in attendance. Bodyguards are signs of bad faith, and that is not a dishonour I intend to commit, whilst aides just leave less food and drink for yours truly!"
Klarr Viletooth
Clan Leader
The United Clans of the Charr
Gutta was much happier, Klarr seemed much more civilised now.
Perhaps it would be best to seperate the SMC and Klarr, it seemed there was emnity between them.
OOC- I'm gonna allow one more nation, to prevent overcrowding. I'd really like a nation with similiar views to mine, so consider that before you apply. That means:
-civil rights
-not too war-like
To: Grand Count Gutta
RE: Dinner Invitation
The peaceful and democratic nation of Felltch would be honoured to attend. The representatives of our leading company Steak and Cheese Baby Food incorporated would be glad to attend. In recognition of your hospitality they will be bringing a selection of the finest animal loins and blue veined cheese for other delegates to sample.
Kindest Regards
Supervisor J. Burton
Dear sir,
When you receive this letter I will be underway maybe already there. I'm Chief of the island of Corna in the AHCA Chain. Our Grand leader is unable to attend because she is now pregnant and can't travel. So I am coming in her place.
Ayla Turell
Ama Xhosa
17-09-2007, 20:13
Xechele Ama Xhosa, heir to the throne of the Xhosan Empire ran into her quarters, laughing. She'd just come from running through the palace gardens with several friends and was breathless and bright-eyed until she was brought up short by the serious face of the Grand Vizier who was standing by the window and spoke before she could catch her breath.
"I have news, your Highness. Unfortunately, your elder sister, the Empress is too unwell at this time to attend a state function being held in Turinas. However, She has entrusted you with representing Her. This will be your first foray into the world of diplomacy. Your sister tells me that She has every confidence that you will be the height of dignity and grace, and will present the glory of Ama Xhosa to the world. I'll leave you to begin preparing to make the trip."
With a barely noticeable smile, the Grand Vizier swept gracefully from the room.
The fourteen-year-old princess scowled.
Supervisor J. Burton tapped impatiently on his desk until his comm unit lit up and emitted the familiar warning buzz.
"Are they here?" He questioned into the small economically designed microphone he had installed in his large leather clad chair.
"Yes Sire. Should I send them in now?" came the sweet, yet fearful, voice of the fourteenth personal assistant the Supervisor had had this month.
"Of course." Lazy and stupid. Just like her predecessor.
As the door opened the two representatives of "Steak and Cheese Baby Food Incorporated" hurried into the room and presented themselves to the Supervisor.
"Good evening Sire; I'm Norman B. Cashmister, Head of Propaganda and Marketing at Steak and Cheese." Lisped the tall, slightly balding man in a plaid suit. To his right stood Ernest Bogermil whose unflattering neck tie blew up onto his face in time with the near-by rotating desk fan.
"You have the canopies I requested for the dinner?" Asked the Supervisor. Cashmister nodded sternly. "Good. Then it is set. This will be a great moment for our Nation. I will see to it you have our best guards with you. We don't want these to fall into the wrong hands now, do we?" The Supervisor let out a wry laugh and the two executives followed suit with muffled chuckles.
The Alfegos diplomat Helen Lo'sil will visit this dinner. She is not concerned about security.
To: Felltch, AHSCA, and Alfegos
From: Grand Count Gutta
Thank you for choosing to send representatives to this dinner. We cannot wait to have the pleasure of meeting you.
To: the World
From: Turinas
All applications have now been accepted, and no more nations may attend, unless they choose to personally telegram Gutta with explicit reasons as to why they should be allowed to.
To: All Guests
From: Turinas
Subject: Dinner Date
We have decided to host the dinner in a weeks time (OOC- Tomorrow). Please arrive during the afternoon to check into the Turranican Rose, place your orders, and so on.
OOC- Okay, I would now like everyone to RP a bit about them preparing to leave, or something, and then when everyone is done, I will post up some info about seatign arrangements, menus, etc
18-09-2007, 19:01
Official reply
Our exalted leader, defender of the Microstani faith, Microstani hero first class, Microstani hero second class chairman to the people, big brother to the nation, captain at the prow etc etc, regrets that as he is tied up in a war at the moment, he can't attend. However, on his behalf he shall send his son, minister for law and order in Microkovljerakistan, plus four non uniform Microstani stormtroopers, acting as body guards.
Please forward a telegram to him at shortest time possible to inform us if we have been accepted.
To: Microkovljerakistan
From: Turinas
Subject: My regrets
Grand Count Gutta is sorry to say that we already have a larger amount of attendants that we first wanted to allow, and judging by your current international pursuits, not to mention Turinian desire to have some democratic visitors, we cannot therefore allow you to attend.
My regrets.
Consumer Technologies
18-09-2007, 19:09
Elliot Cromwell, a tall man in a grey suit, approached the jet on the airfield. The pilot and the rest of the flightcrew were already on board and were waiting for Cromwell and the body guards waiting outside to board the aircraft.
"Greetings, sir." One of the bodyguards replied.
With a simple nod Cromwell walked right past them and up the stairs, followed closely by the bodyguards. His mission was standard: to expand the Board's influence by expanding their corporate assets, trade and gathering allies.
Imperial isa
18-09-2007, 19:09
OOC only two older nations going to this dinner ,all other are 07 ones mm
Pan-Arab Barronia
18-09-2007, 19:23
"You rang ma'am?"
"Yes...this dress - or this one?"
"They both look fantastic on you ma'am."
"Erm...the red and white one (http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc61/LordBelacqua/NationStates/Chancelloress.png), ma'am."
"Good. I was thinking of that one. How long until the car is ready?"
"It'll be another hour or so ma'am. I'll be back when it arrives, unless you request me before then."
"Wonderful. Is Conrad ready?"
"Not as far as I know ma'am. Would you like me to check?"
"If you would."
Santina (the Chancelloress) was packing, ready to head to Turinas. She did so love these young-nation balls. A chance to ease the leaders into proper politics...not that Santina had dealt with that in a while. Left it to her aides and ministers, relaxed a little.
"Hmm?" Santina put another dress into the 'maybe' pile.
"Con- General Strom, is ready ma'am. And the car should be here shortly."
"Excellent. In that case..." she pointed to one of the dresses she had laid out. "Have that packed and ready on the plane please. Conrad will be waiting, and I'd like a glass or two of the 1854 before I go."
"Yes ma'am."
A small boat navigated through the waves of ocean. Onboard was Ayla Turell. She hummed a sea tune merrily to her self. Sometimes she thought she saw Kino at the helm. But she didn't. She wish she even had a child. A son or even a daughter. Oh well. As the hours drew on the sky began to overcast with clouds and the sea began to grow rough and choppy. Pretty soon lighting bolted down from the clouds and the boat was being tossed by the waves. Ayla fearlessly kept the boat stable. Before she knew it the storm had cleared and she had arrived.
"Miss Granger get this down," Stated Supervisor Burton into his chair microphone. "Dear Grand Count Gutta, The Nation State of Felltch will be honoured to introduce to you Misters Cashmister and Bogermil, along with their three escorts. If it would suit you, they would like pre dinner access to your kitchen staff in order to deliver a case of fine canopies produced to celebrate this momentous occasion....How does that sound?"
"Excellent Sire, should I send this immediately?" Asked the coy assistant.
"Of course." How long do I have to put up with her constant questioning??
J. Burton frowned as he opened his draw and as he removed the "Constructive Dismissal form", his grimace became a crooked smile.
"We're ready sir" reported the voice in Loony's ear.
"Good, leave when everyone is ready" replied Loony
Loony stroled over to the window, and gazed out. Watching the final preparations for departure.
I hope Blackings doesn't ruin the country while i'm gone...
Lower Bottom
18-09-2007, 21:28
The Supreme Military Commander rubbed his hands together, "Fine food, fine wines, fine women. It's a shame you have to come along" he turned to his wife and growled at her as she tried to press his collar down.
"But dear, it's slightly crooked and I'm worried that your medals don't go with my dress."
The Supreme Military Commander made a mental note to try and find himself a new wife at some point. This one had a brain like a sponge. He needed someone who thought more like him: a beautiful female with the mindset of a jackal.
"We'd better be seated together - I don't want Smith's mouth running off with him again, I need to be able to stick a fork in his ribs if necessary. Last time he had a few beers at an official dinner we had hell to pay." The Commander admired himself in the mirror, declared himself done and strolled out on to the balcony to let the peons adulate him awhile.
Presently an aide joined him and saluted, "The aircraft is ready sir, Citizen Smith is onboard, your guards are ready and your wife awaits."
Commander Frost turned on his heel, gave a final wave over his shoulder and headed out to dinner.
Ama Xhosa
19-09-2007, 14:36
Xhorani Ama Xhia adjusted her simple green gown and eyed the Heir critically. Ignoring the girl's sullen expression for the moment, she nodded with satisfaction at her white dress and the spray of plum blossoms in her dark hair.
"Remember to speak clearly - and please be polite," the Vizier instructed. "A crate of our signature Xhosan plum wine is being packed up as a gift for the Count and the other guests. You will present it with a gracious nod, not a curtsey - please remember that you are Royalty - and convey the Empress's good wishes for long life and good health. At all other times, stay close to me, listen more than you talk, and when you do speak, please be polite. I mean it."
The Vizier raised her eyebrow in what she hoped was a sufficiently stern expression. "... your Highness." she added.
Her Highness, the Imperial Heir of Ama Xhosa, Xhechele Ama Xhosa looked up into the face of her escort.
"Whatever," she said.
With a sigh, the Grand Vizier led the way out the door.
The Charr
19-09-2007, 16:31
Lion's Arch International. It was a model of Charrian architecture really - all of the buildings were brand-spanking new, built out of modern materials and incorporating all of the fittings necessary for a modern high-tech facility, and yet, everything had been covered-up in old wooden fascias to make it look ancient. In the darkness of night, one could see old-fashioned flaming torches burning inside to illuminate the dim rooms, although computer panels seemed to provide even more light.
Klarr Viletooth was outside, however, stampeding across the concrete with a human and several Charr in tow, skidding to a halt near the small (for a Charr) private jet plane. Slung over his back was a large brown sack, the contents of which were unclear, although the bottom of the sack appeared to be damp. He wore no special clothing, just his normal tribal garb, and quickly tossed the sack up into the plane before turning around to face his perusers.
"Sir, I really think you should take a couple of guardians with you," one of the Charr growled. "I do not trust these humans - or any humans for that matter!"
"Quiet! I do not need a guard, I can take care of myself," Viletooth snapped. "What is that human doing here?!"
The human woman, dwarfed by the Charr around her, stepped forwards defiantly. She wore a brown wrap-around tunic and flared trousers, not to mention copious amounts of jewellery. "This 'human' is your translator," she said. Her growl at the end wasn't exactly as intimidating as those of the Charr, but in Charrian custom the sound wasn't the issue - just the willingness to do so at all.
"Gah! Very well!" Viletooth said, somehow crossing a sigh with a bellow.
"What is that bag for?" the woman asked him, pointing up at the plane where he had just tossed it.
"There is a Devourer in there!" Viletooth said proudly.
"They give me some of their food, I give them some of ours!" he said jovially. "Call it... a cultural exchange. It is dead and de-stung, do not fret."
"It's not the danger that bothered me..." she said, holding her nose symbolically.
"I think it smells delicious," Viletooth argued. "Now hurry up and get up there, I grow hungry by the second!"
The unlikely pair clambered aboard the plane, and it wasn't long before it jetted down the runway and up into the air, commencing its journey.
~Official Imperial Democracy message~
The Imperial Democracy will be sending Commisar Thomas Knight, rank Field Commander to the ball. By the time you get this message he will already be at the dinner
Ingram J Hasley
The loud footsteps of a Commisar's boots echoed in the building, as a tall man in a ceremonial black trench coat adorned with medals and ribbons stepped into the building, a sword at his side. He was accompanied by two Kal'Har warriors, each one about eight feet tall. K=The Commisar was a grisly sight. One of his eyes was mechanical anong with an arm and a leg missing, replaced by fake immitations of what used to be...
Gutta sent off a letter to Felltch, requesting they arrive early so as to supply their gifts, for they had been added to the menu.
Now, her eis a description of the Hotel, for when your guys arrive, and some stuff that will happen as you do so:
The first thing you notice about the TR is its mix of old and new. The first 2 floors appear to be of an older style, with brick walls and ornate woodwork, it looks like something torn from the annals of history. But from the third floor up, it is a modern skyscraper, towering up to its 20th floor, with large glass windows.
The front gardens of the hotel are covered in arrangemements of roses, including one of the Turinian flag, composed of red and white roses.
As you enter, a man in a red and white suit walks forwards. He hands you a small pile of papers, and smiles. The papers, it appears, contain maps, timetables, etc, for the dinner.
SLR1-4 are on the 20th Floor. LR1-8 are on the 19th Floor. R1-8 are on the 18th Floor.
SLR1= Gutta and Emily
SLR2= President Jack R.Arnold
SLR3= ""'s Son and his Wife
SLR4= Chancelloress Santina
LR1= Gen. Conrad Stern
LR2= President Timothy Shives w/ Wife
LR3= ""'s Son
LR4= Cos, General Booker
LR5= Grand Vizier
LR6= Xechele Ama Xhosa
LR7= Persephone Clark
LR8= Elliot Cromwell
R1= Klarr Viletooth
R2= SMC Frost and Jackie
R3= Citizen Smith
R4= Chairman Loony
R5= Norman B. Cashmister
R6= Ernest Bogermill
R7= Helen Lo'sil
R8= Chief Ayla Turell
Please send your order for the dinner down to the kitchen as soon as possible.
Prawn Cocktail
Tomato Soup (V)
Cheese Selection (Kogik Goat, Felltch Blue Vein)
Fillet Mignon
Vegetarian Lasagne (V)
Mixed Grill (Court. Felltch)
Tofu w/Pasta (V)
Esturian Cod
Chocolate Souffle
Strawberry Cheesecake
Apple Pie
Chocolate Trifle
Lemon Meringue Pie
Time Table
From 2-7PM in the Entertainement Hall is an open mic. section, please feel free to adress other guests
Dinner is at 7PM
From 7PM in the Entertainement Hall is a selection of Turinian Musics
Bar Opens at 8PM
Additional Information
We offer childcare as required, and can cater for any class of child
Please tell guest services about allergies ASAP
The ground floor is marble-floored, and the walls are perfectly white, dotted with the occasional red rose. You can see several halberdiers, obviously brought in to protect the guests.
There is a set of sofas and a cofee table opposit the door, and on the other end of the hall is a collection of desks; "Guest Services", "Check In", etc.
In the centre is a large open door, showing a room full of chairs, and a stage. A little further along is a closed door reading 'Conference Room', followed bya sign stating thta it is to be used for the International Dinner. Closer to the doors is a lift.
SLR- Super Luxury Rooms
These rooms contain a large en suite, severla seperate rooms, and a full entertainment system. It is extremely well made, and almost as good as what you have at home (unless you are really really good ;))
LR- Luxury Rooms
These have an en suite with a bath and a shower, and a small entertainement system. It is the sort of room you would expect for a lower upper class/ upper middle class family.
R- Standard Rooms
These have a bath-shower combo in their small ensuite, and a rather out of date decor. While not terrible, it is not somethign you would normally be used to stayign in. It has a small television.
OOC- Please Rp what you want to do during your stay, I would encourage you to take advantage of the open mic., but it is really up to you. Just don't forget the menu!
Consumer Technologies
19-09-2007, 17:56
"Thanks." Cromwell said to the man in the red and white suit as he took the papers and walked past him. He looked through the papers in the lobby, checked in and then went right for the elevator to check out his room. He remained there for a while and concluded the accomodations were adequate. After resting for some time, he returned to the ground floor, carrying a grey metal suitcase holding documents in his right hand. As he passed by one of the servants on his way to the entertainment hall, hoping to meet some of the other guests there, he gave him his order for the menu.
Menu order:
Starter: Tomato soup
Main: Mixed grill
Desert: Lemon Meringue pie
Helen Lo'sil sat in the bridge of her private yaught, currently sailing with a strong wind behind it. She would soon reach the port in Turinas that she would dock in: in about 5 hours.
She tapped a message into the touch screen console to her left.
To: The organisisers of the meal
I thankyou for your hospitality. I have read the menu, and wish to say that I will be having:
Prawn Cocktail
Fillet Mignon
Lemon Merangue pie
She then sent the message, and resumed her game of freecell.
Lower Bottom
19-09-2007, 18:25
Dressed in his starched military uniform Supreme Military Commander Frost walked aggressively in through the front entrance, his trademark beret parked at a jaunty angle and his escort behind him.
The man in the red and white suit looks astonished as he greets Frost and bends down on one knee so that he can address him eye-to-eye, "Commander, I have maps, menus and guides here for you, if you would like to make yourselves comfortable then the other guests will be here shortly."
Frost glared at the aide, who blushed at the mistake, flicked through the papers and wandered into the entertainment lounge.
"Smith get up on that stage and entertain me, I can't believe there's no miserable entertainment here already." Frost placed a cushion on one of the seats then perched his diminutive frame upon it, his entourage seating themselves around him.
"Erm, I'm not really sure I can entertain sire, I'm a publisher, not a story teller." Smith was a nervous man: meek and timid, completely at odds with the lunatic Frost.
"I didn't ask you to tell me stories you moron, it's not bedtime. Get up there and entertain"
Smith knew better than to argue twice. He'd heard rumours about arguing with the Commander and he'd had a first-hand tour of the 'Chamber of Former Aides' in the palace once which had helped him to keep on the right side of the Commander.
He stepped up to the microphone ****SQUUEEERRRREEEEEEEE***** "Ummm testing testing, 1, 2, 3"
"Get on with it, I'm getting hungry" bellowed Frost. His wife, Jackie, sat fiddling with her hair and flicking through the menu.
Smith began a song that was reminiscent of the Lower Bottom national anthem, if it were being sung by a group of half dead cows at the bottom of a swimming pool. Frost smiled. He clearly approved.
Lower Bottom
19-09-2007, 20:39
As Smith launched into the 18th verse of the national anthem and the bodyguards sat back, wishing they were somewhere else, Frost busied himself with the menus:
All. 1 of everything and make any meat rare.
Prawn cocktail (double portion)
Cod (with chips and tomato sauce)
Apple Pie with cream
Smith is a strict vegetarian so give him Prawn Cocktail (and put some sausages in it or something), mixed grill and for pudding could you give him the filet mignon. He won't kick up a fuss - he's with me.
Frost handed the order to a bodyguard, who with a grateful look disappeared off to make sure that the order would be fulfilled. Another bodyguard was despatched to ensure that the bags were delivered to the rooms.
On finishing the 24th verse Smith paused for breath before moving into the national poem, a bloody work of lies and half-truths praising the Supreme Military Commander's victories over his enemies and success as a leader.
Ama Xhosa
19-09-2007, 20:56
The Grand Vizier raised an eyebrow as she surveyed the quarters given to herself and the princess. She wondered idly whether the accommodations were suitable for an Imperial Heir, but she was too new at her job to question anything.
Xhorani tipped the escort generously as he put down their bags, and she gave him further instructions. "Please take these bottles of plum wine to the kitchens; we will offer them to the guests during dinner. For myself, I will have the Tomato Soup, Vegetarian Lasagne, and Strawberry Cheesecake for dinner. The Heir will have the Tomato Soup as well, with the Mixed Grill and the Chocolate Souffle. Ask the chef to please take care not to mix up the desserts, as the Heir is allergic to strawberries."
Giving the escort leave to go, Xhorani began to inspect the Heir's room carefully, then moved on to inspect her own. Satisfied, she returned to give the princess some last-minute instructions on her behaviour for dinner, and stopped in horror.
Her bag lay open on the bed, next to Xechele's pristine white party dress. Her own casual clothing that she'd brought to wear the next day were missing, and the princess was nowhere to be seen.
Loony sprawled over his bed, it was quite comfortable. Yet the decor of the room seemed out dated.
Does Gutta know what year it is
He helped himself to the complimentary chocolate mint, on his pillow.
"Oi! Grants get in here!" yelled Loony
"Sir?" droned Grants
"Tell who needs to know that'll have the Prawn Cocktail, Fillet Mignon and Strawberry Cheesecake".
With that Loony sprang from the bed and entered the bathroom for a shower and shave.
Ama Xhosa
19-09-2007, 21:42
Trying desperately to hurry without looking panicked, Xhorani ran out of the princess's room and headed down the corridor in the most likely direction. As she passed the door leading to the grand ballroom, she paused, startled by an awful warbling noise coming from the direction of the microphone. It sounded as if three strangled monkeys were attempting to gargle pudding while sobbing uncontrollably. The Grand Vizier blinked for one horrible, confusing moment as the noise washed over her, then collected herself and continued searching for the her missing charge.
Xhechele Ama Xhosa, Heir to the Xhosan Imperial Throne peeked her head from behind a corner and watched Xhorani hurry away. With a grin, she turned and headed in the opposite direction, determined to lose herself in the crowd of dignitaries.
The Charr
19-09-2007, 21:58
Klarr Viletooth stomped into the hotel after a long, somewhat irritable journey, in which his human translator had spent an inordinate amount of time trying to convince him to adopt a 'diplomatic' approach to his behaviour. After threatening to toss her out of the plane she had been somewhat more quiet on the subject, but nevertheless was a bit of a nag. As he reached the doors, he lifted the sack he carried off of his broad, spiked shoulders and slammed it down on the floor just as a human in red and white approached him. The porter stopped in his tracks and looked down at the sack for a few moments, and then back at Viletooth.
The Charr spoke to the porter, but his words made no sense - a complex assortment of growling, guttural phrases using sounds that a human couldn't replicate. It was only until the woman standing next to him, whose name was Elaris Resa'al, began to speak over him, translating his words into English - with a somewhat strong, exotic accent reminiscent of latin - that they made any sense.
"It is a Devourer!" Viletooth explained. He reached down and tugged the sack open with one of his clawed hands. Inside was a large, light-green insect that was almost four feet long. It looked like a claw-less scorpion with two tails, though the stings on the end of the tails had been cut off. "A Charrian delicacy! Break open the shell, cut out the meat, and roast on an open flame for an hour. Delicious! A gift from the United Clans of the Charr."
He shut the sack up again, and took the pack that the porter was offering and tossed it at his translator. Leaving the porter in silence, presumably wondering what to do with the sack, Viletooth slammed the doors open with all his might and ducked to get through the doors, muttering something about foreign doors being too small. Eventually they found the room they had been allocated, and Viletooth managed to fit through the door.
"What is this?!" Viletooth bellowed. "I know not whether to be insulted, or complimented!"
"What is it now?" Resa'al sighed as she stepped into the room. "Oh..."
"Are not diplomatic quarters meant to be more... extravagant?" Viletooth said, looking around the small room.
"I must admit that I have witnessed better," Resa'al shrugged. "Perhaps it is all they can afford."
"It is perfect," Viletooth said, prompting a confused stare. "I hate luxury! You can still have that bed though. It looks too soft."
"Oh, thanks..." Resa'al grumbled. She promptly shoved past him - not that he was moved by her shove - and dumped her small suitcase on the end of the bed. Meanwhile, Viletooth dug around through all of the papers, growling as he found himself unable to read the writings. "Give them here, let me read them... ah, this looks to be a timetable... this is a map... and this seems to be a menu. I do not recognise any of the dishes, however."
"Use that telephone, tell them I will sample everything on it," Viletooth said with a note of finality. He promptly tried to sit himself down in a small chair that creaked unnervingly beneath his weight.
"Everything?" Resa'al asked after pause.
"Yes, everything," Viletooth growled. "You are not much of a linguist if you cannot understand a simple word!"
"Very well..." She walked across to the telephone and called reception, explaining to them that the United Clans of the Charr representative would like to try every item on the menu at dinner.
"Well this is very acceptable" Stated Norman B. Cashmister as he approached the man in the red and white suit. Ernest Bogermill nodded in agreement. Cashmister took the pile of papers and began leafing his way through them, studying each in turn with meticulous detail. Bogermill stood idly by, taking in the ambiance of the hallway, safe in the knowledge that the food they had brought with them was currently being prepared in the kitchens.
"Let your superiors know we will be having The Cheese selection, The Mixed Grill, and the Strawberry Cheesecake." He said as he made his way towards the entertainment lounge.
Persephone Clark felt a slight tap on her shoulder. She opened her eyes, removed her headphones, and looked at the tall, bald man who had awoken her from her nap. "Ma'am, we have arrived in Turinas. You have also been asked to select your meal from the menu."
Persephone got up, adjusted her hair, applied some makeup, and stepped out onto the helipad. She was on the roof of the hotel, which afforded an excellent view of the capital. She hurried down the steps to her room, for she hadn't even dressed for the meal yet. "Alex! Hurry up with my luggage!"
Alex groaned and carried the two massive suitcases down to her room. "Who brings two full suitcases for one diplomatic dinner?"
Persephone shot him a dirty glance. "Just open the door." "Gammas" she thought, "what should i expect?" She began too look at the menu. "BAR OPENS AT 8!! Ugh! At least I brought a little pick me up." She reached for the flask in her purse. She selected her dinner, Prawn Cocktail, Esturian Cod, and Chocolate Trifle. She sent down her selections, and began to dress for the party.
Consumer Technologies
20-09-2007, 22:39
Cromwell tried to ignore the horrors of the background music Smith produced, but still could not push it out of his mind entirely. Very well then, if this is how I must do business. He stepped towards Frost, his right hand extended for a hand shake.
"Supreme Military Commander Frost of the Dictatorship of Lower Bottom, a nation declared by the UN to be a.... 'corporate police state', yes? I am Elliot Cromwell, representative of the megacorporation and nation Consumer Technologies, classified as a.... 'compulsory consumerist state'. I believe our nations have quite a few things in common, as we both understand the importance and value of private enterprise. On behalf of the Board, I would very much like to discuss closer ties between our nations."
Lower Bottom
20-09-2007, 23:50
The Commander rose to his full height then climbed onto the chair so he could shake hands properly with Cromwell.
"Ah hello there Cromwell, it's nice to meet a man from a state where they understand the value of money and make sure that the peasants don't get their grubby hand on it. We'd be happy to foster closer ties with your nation. Perhaps you'd like to take one of these bottles of Lower Bottom wine back home with you as a present for your wife. It's renowned as the only wine that you can either drink or chew. This is my wife, Jackie, some of our young military boys and the chap making a fool of himself on the stage there is one of our most astute businessmen, Citizen Smith. Would you care to retire to the bar? I'm sure Smith won't notice our absence."
With that said, Frost led Cromwell out in the direction of the bar. All of the guards jumped to their feet and followed, desperate to get away from Smith's caterwauling. Jackie followed at a sedate pace, filing her nails and looking bored.
Cashmister and Bogermill entered the room and immediately spotted the bar.
"I'll have the strongest alcoholic beverage available please and my college, Mr Bogermill, will have a pint of olive oil if you have any." Bogermill smiled politely and nodded his head in the direction of the animated conversation at the other end of the bar.
Cashmister moved over to the men talking at the end of the bar and interrupted their conversation.
"Good evening sir," He stated to Elliot Cromwell, "I am glad to make your acquaintance. I am Norman B. Cashmister, this is my assistance Ernest Bogermill. I must say your wife is very attractive, but could you not get a babysitter for your son this evening?" He questioned, jestering towards Supreme Military Commander Frost.
Ama Xhosa
21-09-2007, 19:10
Xhechele Ama Xhosa passed by at that moment and snickered under her breath at Cashmister's comment towards the diminutive Commander Frost. She made her way through the crowd, carrying a tray of wine glasses and dressed in a waitress's uniform that she filched from a supply closet near the kitchens.
The princess made an effort to remain nearby as different conversations of interest took place between the visiting dignitaries. Offering drinks and napkins, she knew she was virtually invisible to the well-dressed guests, and she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at the adorable little menacing glare on the face of the tiny Supreme Military Commander.
Just as she was about to burst into giggles, she spotted the Grand Vizier across the room and moved away into the crowd before she could be seen.
Consumer Technologies
21-09-2007, 19:33
"Mr. Cashmister. Mr. Bogermill." Cromwell said as he shaked their hands.
"We were just about to discuss economic matters. And I would very much like to take some of the wine home, but I regret to tell you I have not brought any such gifts of my own. I do hope it doesn't damage relations between our nations, Commander Frost, as I think we will both benefit highly from trading with each other. Say, what is the relationship between your nation's government and its corporations like exactly? I understand your government sees the wisdom of a pro-business approach as well, but I'm curious as to how much influence your corporations really have in your government."
Lower Bottom
21-09-2007, 21:09
Jackie Frost smiled at the compliment from Cashmeister, put her head to one side and fluttered her eyelashes in what she thought was an attractive fashion. The look was somewhat spoilt by the fact that she had recently singed her eyelashes in a freak tanning accident, giving the impression that she was merely blinking furiously.
Frost scowled at Cashmeister and drew himself up to his full height. Realising that this had no impact he climbed a bar stool and pointed his finger, "I'm Frost, Supreme Military Commander of Lower Bottom. Our glorious nation has, of course, heard of Felltch. Didn't you recently discover the wheel? Or was it only recently that you realised that it would be better if it was round? Let us toast our nations, here, have a drink on me."
Frost clicked his fingers and one of the bodyguards came forth with a package. Gingerly the bodyguard opened the papers and produced a steel flask. Cold to the touch but shimmering slightly as the air around it evaporated, Frost put on a welding glove and opened the flask. A pungent aroma hit the nostrils of the men and Frost took a long swig from the bottle, gulped heartily then exhaled noisily, his breath drying the atmosphere around them. A few drops splashed onto the wooden bar and the group watched with concern as the varnish began to peel.
Frost thrust the flask towards Cashmeister and gestured towards a spare glove.
A halberdier stepped forward, contemplating splitting the fight up. Best not. He was paid for their protection, not to be a nanny.
A bell began chiming, signalling that dinner would soon be served.
Pan-Arab Barronia
23-09-2007, 18:43
The Turranican Rose, Front Entrance
The VLT L8 glided to a halt outside the front of the hotel. A man, presumably the chauffer, in a peaked cap, white velvet gloves, and - of all things - a cape, walks to the the pavement, before pulling open a door. Stepping out of the vehicle, the Chancelloress steps out of the vehicle, taking the man's hand as she does so.
She looks up at the hotel, obviously impressed, if a little confused about the clash of styles. Looking behind her, a gentleman is exiting the car, also wearing a cape, with gold trimming. General Strom, one of the most decorated war heros in The Arab League - and immediately recognisable by being one of the few with an eyepatch.
He nods to the driver, who tips his cap before shutting the door - gently - and driving away. General Strom then offers his arm to the Chancelloress, before allowing the doorman to open the door.
Stepping into the foyer, they marvel at the expanse - almost as exquisite as their homes in Barronia. The halbardiers, they feel, add a rustic touch, despite their deadliness. Behind them, their 5 guards walk in - Imperial Guardsmen, armed with either a halbard or longsword - in this case, the longsword, hidden away beneath their capes. These men, however, are deadly - submachine guns lie hidden on their back, and they are among Barronia's best in VIP protection. For now, however, they are content to stand around and be admired.
Taking the papers, the Chancelloress sends off one of the guards with a scribbled response - the Cheese Selection for appetisers, Esturian Cod for the main, with a chocolate souffle for dessert. A request is also sent for the list of wines, to be delivered to the Chancelloress's room.
For now, however, they decide to keep themselves to themselves, and begin making their way to their rooms.
Hearing the bell for dinner, and luckily being ready, they began making their way downstairs. Having essentially ignored everybody during the afternoon, the least they could do is make conversation with the leader of Turinas.
Cashmeister donned the glove and took a hefty gulp from the smoking vial. He choked uncontrollably as the thick liqueur coursed down his gullet. He immediately began to feel a little uncomfortable and needed his colleague to lead him away towards the dinning room.
As he was being guided forwards Cashmeister stumbled forwards and put his hands out in front of him to steady himself. Suddenly the air of nausea lifted and he found himself stood leaning forward with his hands and face touching Jackie frosts chest.
Bogermill quickly pulled Cashmister back and hurried him towards the seating area.
Lower Bottom
24-09-2007, 19:45
Frost smiled at Cashmeister's inability to handle the drink, and turned to Cromwell, "He thinks he's recovered now - wait until that lot works a little further down his system. It's renowned for forcing a path through the intestines, usually pushing everything else out on its way. I'd make sure you're not sitting too near him when that happens - explosive, flammable diarrhoea is a thoroughly unpleasant thing to behold."
Unnoticed by Frost, Jackie was smiling for different reasons. She made a mental note to track Cashmeister down after the drink had cleared his system and he'd had a chance to hose himself down maybe.
Frost snapped out of his revelry, "Well, dinner is about to be served. Shall we?" He took Jackie by the arm, forcing her to stoop, and led his party through towards the hall.
As he left the bar he jerked a thumb over his shoulder to the guards, "Oh one of you guys go and get Smith."
Pan-Arab Barronia
24-09-2007, 19:51
Entering the bar on their way to the seating, the Chancelloress and Conrad could only gape as they witnessed what appeared to be a lewd act underway - a man with his face - heaven forbid - on a woman's breasts - and in public!
Whilst the Chancelloress turned a rather dashing shade of red to match her dress, Strom took her by the arm and led her back out the way they came.
"What a nerve! Such a thing in a civilised nation!"
R8= Chief Ayla Turell
Tomato Soup (V)
Esturian Cod
Apple Pie
Thank you.
Ayla entered the area where the guests seem to gather, she loved to have fun, and she was highly sociable. Of course Ayla's manner of dress drew some odd looks from the crowd.
She sat down. "So what'll it be madam?"
"Water please."
She was given a glass of ice water.
The boat glided in the dusk into the harbour. As two boat-hands tied up the magnificant boat, a ramp fell across onto the harbour, and a motorbike roared out inot the night.
Helen was annoyed with herself for getting lost in the computer game, and frmo now on would ration it for more boring times.
She had spent half an hour dressing into her clothes that she would wear to the event: a silken stola in rich purple colours, embroidered with golden thread of scenes of the forest of Alfegos.
Half an hour later, she roared into the reception area, and showed the bemused doormen her pass.
She then wlaked in, and went straight to the toilet. Here, she changed out of her bikers clothes, revealing the rich silk below. She quickly wahsed her face and hands, put on a bit of makeup from her compact, then walked out into the bar.
Lower Bottom
24-09-2007, 20:56
Frost set eyes on Ayla from a distance and his jaw hit the floor. Admittedly it didn't have far to fall but his mouth fell agape. Given Frost's height he was the only guest that could almost see up her skirt while still standing. He furtively looked around to make sure that Jackie wasn't watching his reaction but she seemed miles away in a world of her own.
Frost wandered over to Ayla, "Hello there, Supreme Military Commander Frost, of Lower Bottom, at your service." He took her hand and pecked a kiss on the back, lingered the hold and gazed at her. Although she was seated they were face to face.
Jackie noticed his attentions on another woman and called out loudly, "Darling, we're going next door, come along, you know how you get impatient if you aren't one of the first to the table.", she took him by the hand and led him away quickly.
Helen went to the bar, and ordered a drink
"A Tequila Sunset please."
She then went to observe the men aroudn the bar. Not that many were overtly attractive.
Consumer Technologies
24-09-2007, 21:03
Cromwell stood where he was as Frost left for the dinner, staring in horror at the wine on the table in front of in. Cashmeister's digestion system did not agree well with the vile beverage and Cromwell didn't think he himself would be able to tolerate it any better.
Best to throw that stuff out with the garbage when I get back home.
Cromwell pulled himself away from the wine and tried to forget what Frost had said about its effects. He made his way to the conference room, where the dinner would be, and took note of all the other guests he saw on his way there. Once there he took his seat and ordered a beer rather than wine to make sure he would not be served Frost's "gift". The thought of the foul liquid was as much as his appetite could survive and he reckoned the sensation of Frost's wine itself gliding down his throat would be more than enough to make him vomit.
Vanek Drury Brieres
24-09-2007, 21:21
Dear Turinas,
We here in the VDB wish to send our Prince Thomas Vanek to your interesting dinner.
THe Princes of the VDB
A Bugatti Veyron (http://www.dezinerfolio.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/bugatti_veyron_hires.jpg) sped along at it's top speed of 250mph. (400kph) Police cars did not appear to see it, it was going so fast. It would soon pull up to the event in Turinas.
The representatives of Steak and Cheese Baby Food took their places at the dinner table. Bogermill had finished his pint of olive oil and placed the empty glass in the centre of the table, directly in front of him hoping for a refill.
Cashmister was feeling more than uncomfortable now. As he sat on the chair and drew it towards the table a high pitched squeak, almost like an ant's trumpet, could be heard throughout the room. Heads turned but due to the frequency of the sound, it was almost impossible to detect the direction from which it came. Cashmister turned an odd shade of red and he could see out of the corner of his eye that Jackie Frost had noticed this. He turned to Bogermill,
"I hope they bring out the starters soon. If I don't get that cheese I feel I will explode." His voice dropped to almost a whisper, "I think that drink has accelerated the desire process. Perhaps we should look at incorporating it into the recipe."
Lower Bottom
24-09-2007, 22:55
Taking his seat Frost made a show of smiling and waving in Cashmeister's direction. He leaned over to Smith and whispered in his ear, "I'll bet you five hundred winnets that he'll actually defecate in his trousers."
As a nation known for its gambling Smith smiled, "I'll take you up on that, I think he's bright enough to realise what's happening, he looks fairly fit so I think he'll make it to the bathroom in time." The two men shook on the wager - the bet was on.
Meanwhile, Jackie was smiling her own smile at Cashmeister. He'd be needing some sympathy pretty soon. She sprayed another dash of perfume on and winked lasciviously at Cashmeister with her good eye.
The bodyguards sensed something was going on but were impotent to act.
Frost set eyes on Ayla from a distance and his jaw hit the floor. Admittedly it didn't have far to fall but his mouth fell agape. Given Frost's height he was the only guest that could almost see up her skirt while still standing. He furtively looked around to make sure that Jackie wasn't watching his reaction but she seemed miles away in a world of her own.
Frost wandered over to Ayla, "Hello there, Supreme Military Commander Frost, of Lower Bottom, at your service." He took her hand and pecked a kiss on the back, lingered the hold and gazed at her. Although she was seated they were face to face.
Jackie noticed his attentions on another woman and called out loudly, "Darling, we're going next door, come along, you know how you get impatient if you aren't one of the first to the table.", she took him by the hand and led him away quickly.
"Pleasure. Cheif Ayla of the State of Corona of the AHSCA Chain."
Ama Xhosa
25-09-2007, 17:34
The Grand Vizier of Ama Xhosa glumly made her way into the dining hall and towards the seats assigned to herself and the Heir. Eyes glued to the floor, she pretended to adjust her skirts while she tried to think of some way to explain the princess's absence to the Host. At this moment, she couldn't even let herself contemplate trying to explain this to the Empress.
A peal of girlish laughter echoed around the hall. Xhorani gaped as she looked up and saw Xhechele standing near her own assigned seat for dinner. Dressed once more in her pristine white dress, she was in animated conversation with some of the guests from Lower Bottom and Felltch. She held herself proudly and was clearly making a favourable impression upon the other guests with her abundance of intelligence and charm.
Xhorani was flabbergasted. Flopping inelegantly into her chair, she reached for the nearest glass of wine and begin searching for someone to converse with. The trials of escorting an Imperial Heir (the brat) to diplomatic functions were more than she felt like thinking about at the moment.
Consumer Technologies
27-09-2007, 18:22
Xhorani was flabbergasted. Flopping inelegantly into her chair, she reached for the nearest glass of wine and begin searching for someone to converse with. The trials of escorting an Imperial Heir (the brat) to diplomatic functions were more than she felt like thinking about at the moment.
Cromwell looked towards his left and saw Xhorani's eyes drifting over the room.
"Greetings, I am Elliot Cromwell, the representative from Consumer Technologies. I hope you will enjoy the dinner. You are a part of the delegation from Ama Xhosa, right? Delighted to meet you, miss....?"
He extended his right hand towards the other guest, waiting for her to finish his sentence and supply him with her name.
Ama Xhosa
28-09-2007, 17:03
Xhorani blinked at the outstretched hand for a few seconds, then bowed slightly from the waist toward the gentleman speaking to her.
"On behalf of the Most Glorious Empress and the citizens of Ama Xhosa, greetings, Mr. Cromwell. I am Xhorani Ama Xia, the Grand Vizier and tonight's escort for the Imperial Heir."
She spoke with a strangely clipped accent, making her words sound like "xhitizens" and "xhreetings," and her expression tightened slightly as she nodded in the princess's direction.
"Are you here for the pleasure of the dinner, or do you have a particular interest in Turinas or the other guests?" she inquired of Cromwell.
Consumer Technologies
28-09-2007, 17:55
"Are you here for the pleasure of the dinner, or do you have a particular interest in Turinas or the other guests?" she inquired of Cromwell.
Cromwell retracted his hand and bowed slightly towards Xhorani the same way she bowed to him. Respecting and adopting the customs of other nations could often make conducting business much easier. Cromwell answered with a smile after he completed his bow.
"I think all the guests are here for business rather than pleasure in one way or the other. But I'm not only here to forge diplomatic ties with other nations, but also looking for business oppertunities. My corporation is always willing to expand and I'm hoping to find a few nations willing welcome CT into their lands or at least nations willing to trade."
Lower Bottom
01-10-2007, 15:38
Frost began to grow impatient. It felt like he'd been sitting at the table for an age. He cast another approving eye in the direction of the princess then realised that the Grand Vizier was giving him an icy cold stare. She reminded him a little too much of his old schoolmistress, he reddened and looked away.
"I'm starting to get peckish here? When does the first course arrive? Anyone else getting hungry?" He loooked around for service, but all the waiters appeared to be standing politely, ignoring the guests.
Lower Bottom
04-10-2007, 11:51
With a loudly rumbling stomach Frost stood up, "Well, it seems to me that there's no intention of service here. I'll have to eat on the plane on the way home. Come along dear, let's go." He motioned for Jackie to get up. Smith and the bodyguards stood and followed.
Before leaving the room Frost turned to address the other dignitaries, realised that most of them couldn't see him so stood on a chair "Lower Bottom would like to invite you all to experience true hospitality, Lower Bottom style. We shall arrange a dinner, of the quality that you shall never again experience. Good company, cultured discussion, fine wines and I personally guarantee that food will be served at our dinner, from the backs of servants if that is your particular fancy. I shall get Smith to send invites upon my return."
With that, Frost was helped down from the chair and along with his entourage swept from the building, Jackie ruining the image slightly by brushing some dandruff flakes from his shoulderpads.