The Royal Union [Factbook]
The Royal-Union
13-09-2007, 23:27
The Consitutional Monarchy of The Royal-Union
Motto: Munit haec et altera vincit
Official Languages: English, Spanish, French
Area: 244,820 km² (94,526 sq mi)
National Tree: The Oak Tree (Quernus)
National Flower: The Rose (Rosa L.)
National Animal: White Wolf (Canis lupus arctos)
National Colours: Red, Blue, and White
Currency: 1 Falcor = 2 USD
Table of Contents
1. Geography
2. Govenment
- Parliament
- Courts
- Monarch
- Oath of Citizenship
3. Economy
4. People and Population
5. Culture
6. Currency
7. History
8. Military
9. Communication
10. Transport
*Still working on it.
The Royal-Union
13-09-2007, 23:57
Climate: Very low climate in the north with temperatures ranging from 5 to -3 degrees Celcius. Template climate on the south with varying temperatures from 10 to 16 degrees Celcius. Oak Tree forests cover bothe the Easter and Western coasts with cold temperatures that vary from 7 to 2 degrees Celcius. On summer, the temperatures rise about 4 degrees Celcius on every region.
Elevation Extremes:
- Highest Point: Mt. Luther - 9,376,7 m
- Lowest Point: Ocean Level - 0 m
Natural Resources:
Hydropower, wine, zinc, natural gas, copper, aluminium, coal, petroleum, iron ore, lead, salt, limestone, clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, arable land.
Natural Hazards:
Winter windstorms, floods and forest fires.
The Royal-Union
16-09-2007, 17:40
Two elements compose the Royal Union Parliament: The House of Knights, and the Senate.
The Senate:
There are only 150 seats in the lower chamber of the Parliament due to its population; The members of the Parliament (MP's) are elected by the people.
As the population will grow, more seats will be added to the Senate. The Conservative holds 76 seats, The Union's Labour Party holds 35 seats, The Liberal Democratic Party hold 20 seats, The Union Party hold 14 seats, and The Socialist Democratic Party hold 5 seats.
The Chamber of Representatives:
The upper house of the Parliament, The House of Knights, is appointed by the Monarch. There are only 20 seats in thee House of Knights due to its size. As the population will grow, more seats will be added to the House of Knights. The House of Knights is the body that offers the "second look" and decides whether to veto or approve the bills.
The victorious party, the party who wins more seats in the parliament receives the power to form a new government. As part of forming a new government, they receive the power to nominate a candidate for the job of Prime Minister, who then is ceremonially approved by the Monarch. The current Prime Minister is Anthony Spencer, a member from the Consevative Party.
The Cabinet
Prime Minister of The Royal-Union: The Right Honourable Anthony Spencer
Deputy Prime Minister: The Right Honourable David Harman
Chancellor of the Exchequer: The Right Honourable John Straw
Minister of Foreign Affairs: The Right Honourable Angela Jowell
Minister of State Security: The Right Honourable Jonathan Natin
Minister of Home Department: The Right Honourable Harriet Smith
Minister of the War Departent: The Right Honourable Hans Sibmit
Minister of Justice: The Right Honourable Marcus Kelly
Minister of Trade and Business: The Right Honourable David Brown
Minister of Culture, Media and Sport: The Right Honourable James Wilson
Minister of Health: The Right Honourable Doctor William Hawthorn
Minister of Transport: The Right Honourable Olivia Seymour
Minister of Environmental, Food and Rural Affairs: The Right Honourable Douglas Johnson
Minister of Work and Pensions: The Right Honourable Patrick McLean
Minister of Education: The Right Honourable Steven Woodward
Minister of Provincial and Colonial Affairs: The Right Honourable Andy Howards
The Royal-Union
18-09-2007, 23:11
The Union Supreme Court:
The Supreme Court of the Royal-Union is the final court of appeal in all matters under the Union law. The main role of the Union Supreme Court will be to hear appeals from courts in the Royal-Union. The Union Supreme Court also evaluates the constitutionality of legislation passed by the Parliament - legislation must be found constitutional before it may come into effect.
Court of Appeal:
Beneath the Supreme Court there is the Court of Appeal which is divided into two sections, the Civil Section and the Criminal Section
The High Court:
It deals at first instance with all the most high value and high importance cases, and also has a supervisory jurisdiction over all subordinate courts and tribunals. The High Court is split into three main divisions: the King's Bench Division, the Chancery Division and the Family Division.
The Crown Court:
It is the higher court of first instance in criminal cases, and is equal in stature to the High Court, which hears civil cases as well as criminal appeals from the Magistrates' Courts. The Crown Court carries out four principal types of activity: appeals from decisions of magistrates; sentencing of defendants committed from magistrates’ courts, jury trials, and the sentencing of those who are convicted in the Crown Court, either after trial or on pleading guilty.
The Magistrate's Court:
is the lowest level of court in England and Wales and many other common law jurisdictions. A magistrates' court is presided over by a tribunal consisting of two or more Justices of the Peace or by a District Judge, and dispenses summary justice, under powers usually limited by statute.
The Royal-Union
18-09-2007, 23:27
Current Sovereign: King Charles II, Married to Catherine of Ansbach
The Royal-Union
18-09-2007, 23:28
I, [name], swear by Almighty God, do solemnly, sincerely and truly affirm and declare that, on becoming a Royal-Union citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles, his heirs, and successors, according to law.