NationStates Jolt Archive

Suspension of Civil Rights of Kayikistan

07-09-2007, 16:47
It was cloudy and freezing morning in the Kayikistanian Capital of Moldow, the members of the fear black shirt squads marched in lock step carrying X45 Rifles towards Royal Palace. A squad of 20 tanks followed them with a couple of personal carriers and more Black shirt squads carrying X-65 Rifles. Near the Royal Palace, the Secret Police of Kayikistan stood at guard arresting any dissenting or anybody that try to protest or even make remark against monarch. KSTV, the national Television of Kayikistan was filming and was going show every word of the monarch.

Around 11:00 am Kayikistanian time, Emperor Ivan "The Great" Mikorovich stood out of the balcony and read statement to the nation.
"Citizens of Kayikistan,time has come to choose civil liberties or national peace, I decided that national peace is more important civil liberties that are lined up by Kayikistanian constitution. A group of communist on the mountainous region of Ryka are causing uproar and they will be put down. But until they do,all civil liberties of citizens of Kayikistan are suspended and the major cities are going under martial law and curfew of 9pm. All students in Kayikistan public and private schools will remain in the schools for the time being. It's time to act and destroy our enemies! Long Live Kayikistan!!Veni,Vedi,Vici!
And he stepped back into his office.

The soldiers just surrounded the palace and looked around.
07-09-2007, 17:11
Civil rights suspension was rather an alarming step for a country to take for peace.
That was why the Alfegos government decided on a little bit of action


TO: Kayikistan

We recently heard that you have suspended all civil liberties in your nation. While this cannot be tolerated, the governemnt has decided to be lenient.

We therefore ask you to re-enstate them within 3 hours, and find another way to sort out your problem. We would be willing to help.

If you do not, then we will cause your infrastructure to collapse, until you beg for forgivness, without military intervention.

Is this understood?
07-09-2007, 17:40

FROM: 8753Z - Royal Palace of Angelstadt
TO: XXXXX - Royal Palace of Kayikistan
RE: Civil Liberties Suspension

Altough your internal affairs are none of our business, we must ask you that you reinstate your civil liberties, if not for the freedom of your people, for their safety. Be warned that within a matter of days, or even hours, you will have dozens of "freedom crusader nations" rushing to your borders to take over your government. I must also say that depriving your people of their civil liberties will, most undoubtely, cause even more unrest in your nation.

I hope that you will reconsider your decision, and pray that Gaia enlight your toughts on the matter.

Princess Ludmilla, the fourth of Bergelland
Seng Han
07-09-2007, 17:59
To : Kayikistan (Whom-it-may-concern)
Subject : Your suspension of your citizens' civil rights and liberties
From : The Prime Minister of The Democratic Republic of Seng Han

The Democratic Republic of Seng Han, being a Moralistic Democracy, as classified by the United Nations body of international governance, is most utterly disappointed in the actions taken by Kayikistan.
We are long-term advocates of Democracy and Moralistic Civil-rights, but at the same time, do not support using violence to achieve what we believe is right. As such, we will not take sides in this issue.

As a result, we would like to announce that if Kayikistan does not revert its status and resume its citizens' civil rights and liberties, we shall suspend all possible economic or diplomatic ties.

As Founding Nation of the IPPT (International Peace Protectorate Treaty), we believe that all other Nations in the IPPT share a similar view on this situation.

If all else fails, we will , sadly, have to take drastic action and support the protesters with either funding or military support.

You have 12 hours to issue a reply either via telegram, or International statement.

The Democratic Republic of Seng Han continues its Democratic morals and this matter will not affect our political standing internationally.

(This press statement was issued with the support of The Parliament of The Democratic Republic of Seng Han)

-------------------------End of Statement---------------------------

OOC : Does a Monarchy Nation have civil rights in the first place?
07-09-2007, 18:17
To: Kayikistan
From: Mephras

The People of Mephras express concern at this recent suspension of civil rights. As a fellow monarchical state, we know it is difficult to balance civil liberties and monarchical control. However it is important to find a balance, as even our power only comes through the people. While we will not resort to intervention, we will ban trade and interaction between our peoples if not at least a moderate level of civil rights are restored. Please rethink this decision.

Donovan Brooks
Mephrasian Foreign Minister
07-09-2007, 18:19
A general dress in black military parade uniform flanked by rows of XR-35 Intercontinental Missiles mounted on trucks, adressed the international media gather at main military base in Moldow,
"The statement issue by our Monarch it's final and we believe it's right step towards having a constitutional reform, once the constitutional reform it's done,all rights giving to our citizens by our Creator will be restored. But for now,it's best that country remains in martial law and curfew. Military Force it's our last option,right now we have team military and governor negotitators trying to talk with communist rebels and trying resolve this conflict."
A reporter asked him,"General,what is this rumor that new constitution will include a section about Divine Rights?"
He looked at the reporter,"All Kayikistanians believe that our Emperor is appointed by our Creator and that He is ultimately the one that chooses who is going govern our land. Our Emperor is infalable, even though he is appointed by Our Creator, he is still subject to rules of Kayikistanian Parliament."
Another reporter asked him,
"General,what is rumor that Black Shirts and NDKV Secret Police are rounding members of Communist rebels and sending them to work prisons in the mountain."
He looked at her,"Those are unfounded rumors,we do not persecuate people for different beliefs, we persecuate them for trying to start revolt against government or violationg our rules. That's lie, we respect our citizens."

Another reporter asked him, "Sir do you think that students will be let out of their schools anytime soon?"
The General looked at him,"It's all up to communist rebels. We are ready to lift martial law as soon as they lay down their arms and subject themselves to People Royal Tribunals."
He looked at them,"Thank you for your questions."And he walked awayu
Seng Han
07-09-2007, 18:59
To : Kayikistan (Whom-it-may-concern)
Subject : Not subjecting to the requests from other Nations

This is a drastic measure that we had no choice but to do.
From THIS POINT ONWARDS, The Democratic Republic of Seng Han shall not acknowledge the existence of Kayikistan until it becomes a Democracy with full civil rights.

-------------------------End of Statement-------------------
07-09-2007, 19:03
To:Seng Han
Subject:Our Politics

Democracy isn't our style of governor,it has never been. Since the creation of our glorious nation,we are Monarchy with some democratic aspects. But our Monarch have moral and constitutional rights over our people, as dictated by our national constitution. We have decided to take steps we have to preserve our Crown and our Royal House which source of national pride. But as soon as the stand off ends,the Kayikistanian Constitution will be restored our great Monarch will call for an inmediate Constitutional Assembly to re-work the National Constitutition.
Thank you for your concern,
Sir Kirov Miknorov, Minister of Press and Information
07-09-2007, 19:12
A hacker, undetectable, and in international waters, was viewing the monitor with interest. He had been dropped of all charges of fraud in the nation, if he carried out a simple task: a warning shot to Kayikistan.

He hit the enter key, and the program that had been entered into the intranet of the power distributors of Kayikistan activated, shutting down all the power to the nation for 10 minutes.
07-09-2007, 19:17
A hacker, undetectable, and in international waters, was viewing the monitor with interest. He had been dropped of all charges of fraud in the nation, if he carried out a simple task: a warning shot to Kayikistan.

He hit the enter key, and the program that had been entered into the intranet of the power distributors of Kayikistan activated, shutting down all the power to the nation for 10 minutes.

[OOC: Ummm... yeah. You need to get his permission before you do that, otherwise you might as well have just said "I bomb all of your power stations and you can't do anything about it."]

Official Message

The Democratic State of Naasha is concerned over the suspension of civil freedoms in Kayikistan. While we respect the right of a monarchy to enforce such a gesture, actions such as the holding children in schools will achieve nothing but blacken the government's reputation.
Red Tide2
07-09-2007, 21:32
He hit the enter key, and the program that had been entered into the intranet of the power distributors of Kayikistan activated, shutting down all the power to the nation for 10 minutes.

OOC: I also call godmod on this.

"The Totalitarian State applauds the actions of the Imperial House of Kayikistan, so-called civil rights is a abhorrent disease. It allows terrorists and rebels too much freedom to take away precious lives. Instead, everything must be subordinated to the State, whatever State that may be."

"Any nation that attempts to undermine the sovereign government of Kayikistan shall face the full wrath of the Red Tidean armed forces."
End Statement
07-09-2007, 22:36
To: All involved in the current situation
From: The Errikan Empire

The Empire has taken note of the current situation in Kayikistan, and must comment. Though the Empire is fully supportive of the civil rights of our people, and would like for said rights to be extended to the peoples of other nations, and thus cannot support the actions taken by the Kayikistani Government, we also recognize the sacrosanct right of sovereignty, which this matter clearly falls under. Thus, while we hope that Kayikistan shall reverse their current policy, we stand up for their right to maintain it.
08-09-2007, 00:25
Dear International Press and Governments:
It's has been decision of the Kayikistanian Monarchy to get rid of constitution until constitutional assembly can be called upon to draft new constitution. The civil governors in every single provinces of the Empire will be replaced with military governors for time being. All majors provinces in the Empire will under Royal and Martial Law, an a curfew will be impose at 9pm for major cities of the Empire. The authority of our Monarch will not be undermine, for he is appointed by Our Creator, who has given him the wisdom to rule our Empire. And for that our Emperor knowns what is best for our government and our people.Right known,we are sending the black and orange shirts to major cities of Kayikistan alongside NDKV to enforce new rules of our government. Also we sending our armored cavalary to patrol major cities of Kayikistan and Para-troopers to protect airports and major roadways of the Empire. Until a constitution assembly it's call upon, the Empire will remained under Royal and Martial Law. It's our national decree to uphold the will of our Emperor, who has a Divine Right. As our Creator choose him and appointed him to rule our Empire,for that he is infalable. Long Live Kayikistan!Veni,Vidi,Vici!Carpa Diem!
Thank you,
Sir Kirov Miknorov, Minister of Press and Information
Member of the Royal Court of Kayikistan
Member of the Council of Dukes&Ministers&Earls
Member of National Security State Cabinet