NationStates Jolt Archive

A Holy Crusade (FT Open OOC Sign-up Thread)

07-09-2007, 06:32
Well you guessed it much like Chronosia's Black Crusade this is the Holy Crusade of the Imperium of Man sign-up here and such for those who want to be allies to the Imperium as it quests to reclaim the stars for humanity or the enemies which attempt to subvert it at every turn. The quest of which I speak is for orlds of the Old Imperium. So sign-up People it'll be fun!
07-09-2007, 14:01
"The False Emperor's lapdogs rally themselves to war? They call their quest holy? What do our fallen brothers know of divinity? What do they know of unending conflict?

Let us educate our wayward siblings..."

The Chronosian Imperium shall take an interest in this most 'holy' Crusade, and invites all who would stymie their efforts to join them.
07-09-2007, 14:30
I think I'll subvert the Imperium's attempt... Light side just isn't in shape yet to go off fighting crusades.

(PS: I'm sticking around a wee bit longer for another crusade which will be going around soon... A very important crusade.)
Incandescent Serenity
07-09-2007, 16:03
The Inhabitants of the Incandescent Nebula will burn any Imperial Human who dares desecrate the Holy Lands.

In short: Bring. It. On.
07-09-2007, 21:58
08-09-2007, 01:33
Sign me up for the good guys!

Be a great way for me to get back into FT.
08-09-2007, 01:46
As much as we disagree and are at odds with the Chronosian Imperium, we have to agree with their stance. The crazed, fanatic dogma of the Imperium must not be allowed to spread; too many lives are crushed under your harsh rule, too many are lost to feed your Emperor. It is madness the course your faith takes you and the Tau Empire will not sit idly be and see it happen.

Venture near our space or the space of our allies, and we will show you the might of the Greater Good.
Incandescent Serenity
08-09-2007, 17:34
So, do we begin? The peoples of the Incandescent Nebula thirst for the blood of puny humanity.
10-09-2007, 16:16
i will join this therad as a third independant party. for my views are very unique in this situation.
Amazonian Beasts
10-09-2007, 21:25
Humanity on its own is nothing but a stable of greed and anarchy. With the collection of knowledge and power, only then can humanity's best assets be drawn out. Such a "holy" quest will but only take the stars down the road to fire and hellish dreams.

In short, we will fight this quest.
Incandescent Serenity
10-09-2007, 21:42
Drath, whens this going to begin? Just hoping soon because I'm predicting this to be pretty time consuming, and so I've not started any other RPs.

Would appreciate any news, please.

10-09-2007, 21:45
patient patient my soon to be enemies and allies drath will start this wonderful fued soon, very soon i believe and dont worry it it is blood you wish for i will promise you blood. If it is the quest you look to i will promise you that as well. you are not the only ones who are only committed to this single conquest i garentee it will be worth the wait, i will see to that.
11-09-2007, 00:44
I'd probably end up joining the Imperium if I didn't become a third party, simply because we're Xenos, and Chronosia would very much like to have our heads.

However, I also seem to be ensconced with the Abh, at the moment, and they might have a few issues there.
11-09-2007, 01:04
I'd probably end up joining the Imperium if I didn't become a third party, simply because we're Xenos, and Chronosia would very much like to have our heads.

there is nothing wrong with third the way what xenos do ye be? we already have space marines, chaos space marines, tau and my own chaotic marines. What do you add to the mix?
11-09-2007, 01:15
I'm more tolerant. I'll accept you if you convert to the glory of Chaos. Drath'll just kill ya ;) And Reken's uncanonical. It's so very good.
11-09-2007, 01:18
hey that kinda hurts... and i require no conversion to be allies with xenos as long as you fight in destruction of all that follows the 4 chaos gods. We dont get along very well . . .

[OOC: just because it was the authors that owned the copyright to malal and not the company it doesnt mean that malal is not a true chaos god.and malal may not be in tabletop cannon but no one said we played by game cannon ethier am i right?your just mad because i thought of it]
Orthodox Gnosticism
11-09-2007, 01:21
tagging, I can not let Chrono have all the fun.
11-09-2007, 01:25
hey that kinda hurts... and i require no conversion to be allies with xenos as long as you fight in destruction of all that follows the 4 chaos gods. We dont get along very well . . .

[OOC: just because it was the authors that owned the copyright to malal and not the company it doesnt mean that malal is not a true chaos god.and malal may not be in tabletop cannon but no one said we played by game cannon ethier am i right?your just mad because i thought of it]

No, I'm not mad at all. It's just a stupid idea given that theres no fluff for you to work off of, and no basis for Malal in 40k. Just barely in fantasy, before all the copyright issues. For example, you have no idea as to Malal's daemons or worshippers, outside of dodgy fan ramblings.

I simply don't enjoy seeing something I love and put effort into emulating being bastardised ;)
11-09-2007, 01:27
The United Socialist States of Duneria are ready to embark on the crusade.
The Soul Hunters are ready.
11-09-2007, 01:35
you have no idea as to Malal's daemons or worshippers

i understand where you are comming from but as a nation returning to this world of ns i plan on making some changes to the way i do things. if you will allow this thread to carry on you will be most intrested in the future i hve planned.
11-09-2007, 01:40
I doubt it. You and all your ilk are but pretenders. I shall see to it that your efforts and stymied, and you will keep your distance from me.

None can interfere when the great endeavor draws so near...And none shall stop me.
11-09-2007, 01:45
i shall put a stop to your plans once more as i have done so in the past. the dark wolves shall allways prevail!
11-09-2007, 01:49
I don't think you've ever actually managed to thwart me. In this case, my grand schemes don't concern you and your detestable brethern. Far bigger fish to fry.
11-09-2007, 10:18
I think I'll fight for humanity and justice.
11-09-2007, 10:38
I think I'll fight for humanity and justice.

That leaves it fairly ambiguous as to who you're fighting with :P
The Isle of Pandaria
11-09-2007, 11:51
Are non-humans also welcome to join the fight for justice? In that case, my Pandaren nation will be happy to send some support... (I think it's about time someone did something about the GE, how about we blow up Chronosias homeplanet at our first stop? I'll donate a Hyperion-bomb... lol)
11-09-2007, 11:58
having played a bit of dawn of war this interests me...

presumably this'll be mostly ground battles? I'm not sure how space stuff would be handled, and if memory serves not everyone uses 'normal' space flight to get around anyway.

anywho, if possible i think i shall be a pragmatic, anti-imperium, pro-humanity type.

in other words: humans not completely screwed by a God-emperor or chaos demon type things.

heck, you could even stick the Crusade in my 'backyard' to give me a reason to fight...

I'm thinking a tendency towards highly mobile units with high attack [and generally poor innate defense], fortifications, and sneakery. [probably not stealth, as such, but nastiness such as digging tunnels to get past defenses, and so on]

lack of armour, stealth, or 'jump' capable units being downsides.

i can come up with some reason for my existence, I'm sure :D

sound good?

edit: 'pro-humanity' doesn't really mean 'aliens are bad, boo' so much as "the empire is better than the race's extinction" meaning friendly aliens are all good :D
11-09-2007, 11:59
Do you really have that much of a death wish, Pandaria?

Besides, Dratheria and his brood despise aliens more than I do. I at least offer enlightenment to alien filth
The Isle of Pandaria
11-09-2007, 12:17
Do you really have that much of a death wish, Pandaria?

Besides, Dratheria and his brood despise aliens more than I do. I at least offer enlightenment to alien filth

Ah, well... looks like I'll have to look out for myself...

Death wish... hahaha... you're funny...
11-09-2007, 12:33
So are you, for a May 07 nation that thinks it can take me :P Then again, I should expect as much for a nation based on an April Fools joke :P

Besides, we're getting off topic. This is Drath's thread, not my opportunity to run a creche.
11-09-2007, 16:12
Don't worry about chrono. He's all evil, chaotic, and mean on the outside while he's completely harmless and lovable on the inside :P *cough*. Really, you aren't asking for a death wish... *cough*
The Ctan
11-09-2007, 16:15
I'm sure I can lend you a few companies of Space Marines (with Great Crusade era equipment, too, a massive surplus of equipment, in fact... Hover-rhinos, jetbikes, Land Raiders by the score...) as part of my ongoing effort to catalogue and file psyker-development. Just don't look too closely at their beliefs, or their secret agendas or you might find something unpleasant. They're also likely to be recruiting, and will even take adults (what's that you say, surplus of gene-seed to waste in operations with a negligable success chance? Yes!) from the likes of guard units that demonstrate... potential to join their shiny Iron Hands successor chapter.

It'll be like having the Dark Angels around!

Soo, Chro, what's this great project of yours? Also, see the post I just made in your other thread. I'd like to talk to you about the Starnell thing and such.
11-09-2007, 16:21
I'm sure I can lend you a few companies of Space Marines, as part of my ongoing effort to catalogue and file psyker-development. Just don't look too closely at their beliefs, or their secret agendas or you might find something unpleasant.

It'll be like having the Dark Angels around!

... I hate the DA... (Blame my brother) You shall be my target of intrest then :D
11-09-2007, 18:51
Hover-rhinos, jetbikes, Land Raiders by the score...)
It'll be like having the Dark Angels around!

hover rinos? wtf? is that what happens when eldar meet spacemarine? and who said the DA were not already around. i need to improve my manners. i am the leader of the dark wolves, a sucessor/superrior legion that was founded from the geneseeds of the pre primarchial geeneseeds of the dark angels and the space wolves.

hey chron please dont try to scare these other nations away. dont forget i wasnt all that big the first time i took you on. i didnt fair out that bad in fact i thought i did rather well considering the diffrence in size of our nations.
11-09-2007, 18:57
You had my pity back then, and the hope that one of the two of you might actually amount to something. Thankfully theres alot less wank being bandied about now, so I don't have to hold back and roll my eyes.

The Imperium used to have all sorts of Hovery things, just look at the HH: Artbooks, some wonderful stuff.

Easy on the "Superior" by the way, doesn't your geneseed tear itself apart? ;)
The Ctan
11-09-2007, 19:20
hover rinos? wtf? is that what happens when eldar meet spacemarine?
The Great Crusade era Imperium of Man had hovering Rhinos. Though they appear to be only really deployed with the Adeptus Custodes (which suggests they might still be around somewhere) in any great number. I can probably dig up the pictures of them if you like. And all the legions appear to have used various models of jetbike (indeed, jetcycles were part of Space Marine kit in the cheesy yet fun days of Rogue Trader).

As for the actual origin of this equipment, well, it's a defector chapter (not that they were initially) of Iron Hands (they're just enigmatic and space based, that's about where the DA resemblance ends) loyal to the C'tan. Consequently, they have lots of shiny machinery, but no psykers of any sort.
11-09-2007, 19:33
Seeing as nobody asked :P

I play a mixed Custom/Impy Guard army, TBH, I base a lot of my FT nation around my PMT nation, as good as FT is there's still a lot of techs in PMT which if further explored in FT create a unique and powerful army.

I've also had previous experience concerning Chronosia, but not much, it was more sort of the shells lodged in the side of my nations flagship had experience with Chron :P
11-09-2007, 19:34
Damn the shiny temptation of the quiescent perils...:P
11-09-2007, 20:36
chron its not nice to claim your shortcommings on you pitying me. besides just because i didnt become chaos didnt mean i didnt amount to anything it just says i didnt become your lil lap dog. by the way the geene seed wouldnt tearitsself apart necessiarly because it was before the primarchs they were much more alike and more compatiable.

hey toop everyone that has an encounter with chron (friendly or not) seem to end up having one like that.
11-09-2007, 22:22
chron its not nice to claim your shortcommings on you pitying me. besides just because i didnt become chaos didnt mean i didnt amount to anything it just says i didnt become your lil lap dog. by the way the geene seed wouldnt tearitsself apart necessiarly because it was before the primarchs they were much more alike and more compatiable.

hey toop everyone that has an encounter with chron (friendly or not) seem to end up having one like that.

No....It's more he choose not to unleash his full might, one you couldn't possibly defeat with your forces at the time, and crush you under his heel. Not take over, but just ensure your nation goes back to the stone age. Chron still has that power, being around as long as he has and having the rp skills with Chaos as he does, he can and will destroy almost anyone who is not of equal size.

Only if you anger him though.
11-09-2007, 22:46
No....It's more he choose not to unleash his full might, one you couldn't possibly defeat with your forces at the time, and crush you under his heel. Not take over, but just ensure your nation goes back to the stone age. Chron still has that power, being around as long as he has and having the rp skills with Chaos as he does, he can and will destroy almost anyone who is not of equal size.

Only if you anger him though.

It really is hard to anger chrono to get him to do that. I don't recall him going berserk on anyone in recent years... Unless he cares to refresh my memory. We might get that result in this RP though...
11-09-2007, 23:40
*laughs manically about the futility of launching a crusade when Drath is about to get clobbered by the Republic*

By the way, Drath, that will start soon, I just need HT to get his ass in gear and pick an entry point.
12-09-2007, 00:23
chron its not nice to claim your shortcommings on you pitying me. besides just because i didnt become chaos didnt mean i didnt amount to anything it just says i didnt become your lil lap dog. by the way the geene seed wouldnt tearitsself apart necessiarly because it was before the primarchs they were much more alike and more compatiable.

hey toop everyone that has an encounter with chron (friendly or not) seem to end up having one like that.

I have no need of lapdogs, fawning worshippers are of little value. What I value are those who stand with me as brothers and embrace enlightenment. The others have the truth of it, I never unleashed my full might because I enjoy playing nice, and not going instantly for overwhelming superiority.

Also, all this with "pre-Primarch geneseed", I think we should just stop you and Drath reading BL books, you get too many ideas that you instantly plagiarise instead of copying slowly ;)
12-09-2007, 05:41
Pay heed to the waiting legions of steel that bear the flag of Thrashia. While my Emperor does not cow-tow to the fanatical beliefs of the Chronosian Empire, he is its ally. It has been too long since last I let Thrawn out to play...
Hyperspatial Travel
12-09-2007, 06:05
*laughs manically about the futility of launching a crusade when Drath is about to get clobbered by the Republic*

By the way, Drath, that will start soon, I just need HT to get his ass in gear and pick an entry point.

Incidentally, I'm off the 'net for ages. Probably a week and a half from today. So, yeah. Involvement will be loooow.
12-09-2007, 17:57
Also, all this with "pre-Primarch geneseed", I think we should just stop you and Drath reading BL books, you get too many ideas that you instantly plagiarise instead of copying slowly ;)

its not that i mean to 'plagiarise' it is just that i see that to the easiest way of refering to the times before the primarchs were created and instigated in their positions of authority. Back to the times when all of the astartes were terran born.
The Ctan
12-09-2007, 18:19
The gene seed was still derived from the primarchs, it was duplicated from them before their loss. Terran marines were in no way superior (save possibly being saner) to later ones.
12-09-2007, 18:35
The gene seed was still derived from the primarchs, it was duplicated from them before their loss. Terran marines were in no way superior (save possibly being saner) to later ones.

Sanity is a relative term. God forbid we had a Legion entirely of Garro's
12-09-2007, 19:56
Sanity is a relative term. God forbid we had a Legion entirely of Garro's

12-09-2007, 20:16
whats wrong with that?
The Ctan
12-09-2007, 22:03
Sort-of (though not if you've read the art books) spoilers for the Horus Heresy books follow. Including events not published to date.

Captain Nathaniel Garro was a Death Guard who remained loyal to the Emperor, and escaped with a contingent of similar warriors, including Iacton Qruze, another terran born space marine, of the Luna Wolves, to bring warning of the Heresy to Rogal Dorn. They were presumably amonst those appointed by the Emperor to be the first Grey Knights in one of his last acts.

As such, there actually is a chapter of Nathaniel Garros, and one can see why Chronosia might not approve...
12-09-2007, 23:55
hey granted an ENTIRE legion of garo's would be very bad. not all of the terran born astartes were like him. besides many of the non terran born astartes were very much blind followers, and that is why i allways specify like i do i perfer my men to be indivuals.
13-09-2007, 00:41
That doesn't make them all Garros! :P There were others selected, like Qruze. So half of them are starch-arsed and the other half are forgetful :P

I like my men to follow orders, but to be individual in how they praise their gods. Thats why one of my many Slaaneshi captains is merely a sadist, and the other is a Noise Marine :D
13-09-2007, 00:54
there are many other examples of terran born marines and if i were to base my thoughts off of only two marines i would consider myself close minded.
13-09-2007, 01:04
Talking about those who Malcador chose, do try and keep up.
13-09-2007, 01:16
did the original poster go missing or something?

i'd sorta like to know if i'm in or not...

it'd seem i know less than i thought [and i didn't think i knew all that much :D]

edit: yay timewarps
13-09-2007, 01:17
and when did we ever specify?
13-09-2007, 07:47
Ill be posting soon my utmost apologies to you all Ive been busy preparing briefings for this unit Im working with temporarily and it has been a pain in my ass hardcore. They want me to do some Intel prep work for them to go to fucking Japan. So yeah but within the next two or three days I should have the first post ready. Remember that this is a campaign for the IoM to reclaim worlds in the Imperium and I guess for the rest of you to do so if you wish. There will be plenty of ground battles as well as spatial battles. There will also hopefully be chances to regain old technologies or something. I invite anyone to join. And no we aren't going to destroy Chron because even if I did have the power to do so why would I? Everyone needs a good adversary and Chron makes a perfect one. And Chron I haven't taken any ideas from BL books yet well I guess with the exception of this Crusade to a degree but then the same could be said of your Black Crusades muahahahaha. Regardless the first post is soon to come.
13-09-2007, 13:36
AHEM! Rafen? The Spear of Telesto? Need I go on?
13-09-2007, 16:55
Sanity is a relative term. God forbid we had a Legion entirely of Garro's

It'd be even worse if we had a legion entirely of Lucius'
13-09-2007, 17:16
It'd be even worse if we had a legion entirely of Lucius'

Why do I fail to see why that would be a tragedy? An entire Legion of incredibly arrogant bastards WHO WON'T DIE! :D
13-09-2007, 22:12
ofcorse you would like that an entire legion of arrogant bastards led by the biggest. . . .

just kidding chron your not the biggest
14-09-2007, 00:11
Er... Think of the Xenos I represent, the Lithijir, as six legged furry bear-like cheetahs. Then add in a caste system like ants. They all are about the same shape, but they vary in size tremendously, which is determined by a gene that 'stops' growth at a certain point. Basically, we've got Dog to Rhino sized Lithijir. Oh, and you won't find one of them without their fur cut in elaborate patterns. They like art..

And they happen to not know what 'total war' is, because they view ALL war as 'total' war. If you're trying to beat the bastard into the ground, you want to beat them ALL the way into the ground. Civilians don't exist(Not to say that all of them know how to use a weapon). I had a factbook somewhere around here...

I can remove the Hyperspace missiles if needed, but each one of them is about the same size as a fighter ship.
14-09-2007, 00:49
they sound intresting. what type of weaponry do they weild i mean on their...person?... would that be the right word?
14-09-2007, 01:51
ofcorse you would like that an entire legion of arrogant bastards led by the biggest. . . .

just kidding chron your not the biggest

I do aspire to mass levels of bastardishness, mostly because I make everything I do brutal and costly ;) As many have found out :P
14-09-2007, 02:16
Personal armaments? Mostly short-ranged weapons mounted on the head/torso, triggered by specific mouth movements. Body armor is a big thing with them, and they've managed to get liquid-solid body armor, so it doesn't impede movement. Claws often are covered in basically gauntlets as well, which basically ends up meaning that if they get within five feet of you, you're screwed. And Cheetah sprinting speed...

Getting to use alien top-predator physiology opens up a lot of tactics and such that just wouldn't be available otherwise. Mind, it means that they pretty much don't eat 'food.' They eat blocks of material designed to give the optimum in taste and vitamins and such. Be too expensive to feed a large number of them, otherwise. Lots of bonuses, but lots of cons as well. They NEED lots of exercise every day. Several hours a day pretty much HAS to be spent in hard physical labor, which takes the place of recreational activities.
14-09-2007, 06:09
Lol well yes Chron you have a point with that particular piece but I havent done anything else of the like since then have I? And I'm still working on the first post it shall be about shortly sorry women have been distracting me.
15-09-2007, 01:17
God The Emperors Children Are So Stupid!
15-09-2007, 01:25
The Emperor's Children are inspired! They're not satisfied with the mundane and the ordinary, they have to push the limits, ever in search of perfection! :D
15-09-2007, 01:35
Lol well yes Chron you have a point with that particular piece but I havent done anything else of the like since then have I? And I'm still working on the first post it shall be about shortly sorry women have been distracting me.

You make it sound like you've been locked in the Brothel the gods themselves would frequent :P
15-09-2007, 07:44
Lol no worse they distract me by teasing and doing nothing but it seems everytime I spend the nite at their houses I get one step closer. Plus who doesn't like hot naked women running around naked in front of them Lol. And Reken you would know the main girl by the nickname 'I Want Wood' Remember the red head who came from Radcliffe to hang with us and tried to get Kigers pants from him lol
15-09-2007, 12:07
Thats lovely and all, but the task at hand?

We can hear about your failed sexual exploits after I've crushed your tawdry attempt at compensating for your inadequacies ;)
15-09-2007, 15:30
Is it too late to sign up?
15-09-2007, 15:42
BRING IT ON :sniper::mp5::gundge::headbang::headbang::upyours::gundge:
15-09-2007, 17:14
no it is not too late to sign up and red who are you with? the iom or the opposition or a third party?
15-09-2007, 20:52
Why do I fail to see why that would be a tragedy? An entire Legion of incredibly arrogant bastards WHO WON'T DIE! :D

Well..... Yes. That's why it's a tragedy. Imagine you a commander trying to lead them?
Commandant (you): All right boy's I want you to take this area according to my plan.
1st lucius: ummmmmm.... No, You do it according to me.
2nd lucius: No me..
1st Lucius: You son of a.....

What happens after is a 3 hour blood bath where no one dies.
You: :eek:
15-09-2007, 21:57
Well..... Yes. That's why it's a tragedy. Imagine you a commander trying to lead them?
Commandant (you): All right boy's I want you to take this area according to my plan.
1st lucius: ummmmmm.... No, You do it according to me.
2nd lucius: No me..
1st Lucius: You son of a.....

What happens after is a 3 hour blood bath where no one dies.
You: :eek:

oyu forgot one thing, the fact that each one of them will turn on you to follow his squad leader only to turn on him halfway thrugh the battle you have a legion of double backstabbers
16-09-2007, 07:35
Ok lets fight these bastards.:gundge::mp5::sniper::upyours::headbang::mp5::sniper::gundge:
18-09-2007, 00:08
oyu forgot one thing, the fact that each one of them will turn on you to follow his squad leader only to turn on him halfway thrugh the battle you have a legion of double backstabbers

Yep..... Lucius is a bastard ain't he?
18-09-2007, 00:51
Yep..... Lucius is a bastard ain't he?

But I love him! More than Eidolon and about equal with Marius and Julius, who rock so much XD
18-09-2007, 01:21
Sadly this must be held up for roughly a week bc of a family emergency where I will have little if any internet. Sorry guys :(
18-09-2007, 05:12
But I love him! More than Eidolon and about equal with Marius and Julius, who rock so much XD

Well.... he was nice at first, but then he turned evil. Personally, I liked Torgeddon. He was the only guy with the balls to stand up to Eidolon, plus he kicked ass
18-09-2007, 16:14
and if it wasnt for the f ing emperor's children then horus would have never turned from the emperor it was them who brought the anthame and them who brought the lodges.
18-09-2007, 16:25
That would be Word Bearers who did that. Blessed Lorgar sent the hallowed Erebus, and it was he who brought the brotherhoods to the Legions, he who stole the Anatheme from the accursed Interex, and guided Horus to his destiny.

Fulgrim was simply...Misled into divinity ;)
18-09-2007, 20:00
He is right Reken well I'm off see yall in a week or so
21-09-2007, 19:26
i stand corrected but it still doesn't mean i have to like them ethier
21-09-2007, 19:55
The Clans of Nicholas Kerensky shall take it upon themselves to assist the Imperium of Man in their endeavour to reunify their mighty empire. Our 'Mechs shall crush their enemies.

Glory to the Imperium.


((In short, what Incandescent said: Bring. It. On.))
23-09-2007, 23:41
i stand corrected but it still doesn't mean i have to like them ethier

Oh, but you know you want to. Marius and Julius are just too awesome to ignore :P
27-09-2007, 17:57
i never really liked the world bearers but at that time i have not looked into them much, but i do find intrest in the poison drinking death guard or the dusk raiders as they were origionally known i find it amusing how they can drink what they do and not be harmed.
27-09-2007, 18:17
Most Astartes can drink poison, it's no biggy
27-09-2007, 18:43
i never really liked the world bearers but at that time i have not looked into them much, but i do find intrest in the poison drinking death guard or the dusk raiders as they were origionally known i find it amusing how they can drink what they do and not be harmed.

Did you just mix the Word Bearers with the World Eaters???

Or were it just a typo, bearing in mind the first is funnier :P
27-09-2007, 19:07
oops typo though that is kinda a funny thought thw world eaters and the word bearers being combined, and to chron i do understand that most astartes can drink poison but i didnt think that ir was on the same level of the death guard
27-09-2007, 19:09
Which is ultimately a symptom of Mortarion's upbringing :P

Mortarion does it for fun (which is fun in itself), but the Death Guard are altogether doomed, excepting those few simpering fools who aligned with Garro, never to know immortality or immunity :P
22-10-2007, 00:21
so i take it this whole thing just died huh? surprise
22-10-2007, 04:07
that would seem to be the case, yes.

never even got a response as to whither or not i was accepted/my idea for my nation was any good or not
19-12-2007, 19:22
Sorry folks what with the Republic assailing myself and the Imperium it has become rather difficult to crusade.
28-12-2007, 16:35
Sorry folks what with the Republic assailing myself and the Imperium it has become rather difficult to crusade.

It'll probably be more difficult afterwards too ;)