06-09-2007, 20:03
http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/142/spqraa1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
Grand Britannia
Political Information
(largest city) Londres
Formation - Established as Britannia by Roman Empire in 67 AD
- Independence from the Roman Empire 90 AD
- Unity Act Passed 1453, Creating Grand Britannia
Languages Latin (47% Fluent), Anglo-French (95% Fluent)
- Latin is the foremost official language of Britannia, though due to its immense popularity in 1802 Emperor Romano II was pressured by the Senate into passing law citing Anglo-French, a mixture of British and French that began widespread use in the 17th Century. As a result, Latin’s use has fallen to only the well educated, middle class and rulers, whilst Anglo-French is the language of the working classes, though still spoken by most in the country.
Religion Roman Catholic (89%), Agnostic (4%), Islam (2%), Judaism (4%), Other (3%)
Population [UK & Ireland] / 1895 UK Census 35,273,700 / 1895 Ireland Census 4,590,000
Government Senate Ruled Country with Ceremonial Emperor
Emperor / Claudius Benedict IV
Chief Senator / Hadrian Martius
Political System
Ruled by Senate, ceremonial power of Emperor. Highly similar to Roman Republic in ways. More info later.
Economy – 5
Military – 4
Technology – 5
Grand Britannia
Political Information
(largest city) Londres
Formation - Established as Britannia by Roman Empire in 67 AD
- Independence from the Roman Empire 90 AD
- Unity Act Passed 1453, Creating Grand Britannia
Languages Latin (47% Fluent), Anglo-French (95% Fluent)
- Latin is the foremost official language of Britannia, though due to its immense popularity in 1802 Emperor Romano II was pressured by the Senate into passing law citing Anglo-French, a mixture of British and French that began widespread use in the 17th Century. As a result, Latin’s use has fallen to only the well educated, middle class and rulers, whilst Anglo-French is the language of the working classes, though still spoken by most in the country.
Religion Roman Catholic (89%), Agnostic (4%), Islam (2%), Judaism (4%), Other (3%)
Population [UK & Ireland] / 1895 UK Census 35,273,700 / 1895 Ireland Census 4,590,000
Government Senate Ruled Country with Ceremonial Emperor
Emperor / Claudius Benedict IV
Chief Senator / Hadrian Martius
Political System
Ruled by Senate, ceremonial power of Emperor. Highly similar to Roman Republic in ways. More info later.
Economy – 5
Military – 4
Technology – 5